ABSTRACT POSTER PAPER Solving Linear and One-Way Constraints for Web Document Layout
论文类别papertype论文类别|paper type上一层主页上一层评价基础|Indicators basic研究人员评价|Indicate researcher 学生评价|Indicate student实验室评价|Indicate labs学校评价|Indicate University 项目评价|Indicate project论文评价|Indicate paper论文类别|paper type 1论文类别1.1大论文,就是毕业论文1.1.1硕士论文,50%是自己的成果,博士论文,70%是自己的成果1.1.2将会在网络上提供下载1.1.3可以作为参考文献1.2小论文,包括期刊论文、会议论文,属于公开发表2会议论文2.1计算机领域最好论文发表地,有最快的时效性,且可以参会交流2.2一般认为是没有经过严格审稿过程,顶级会议好一些,主要评审你的原创观点、数据分析,不关心结构、措辞等2.3烂会论文没人看2.4好会论文可以被选送到期刊上发表,即使发表在期刊上,后继者也引用原发在会议上的文章,显示出会议级别比期刊强2.5会议论文的类别2.5.1一些会议将论文分为Research paper或industry paper两类,前者为学术论文,后者为项目性质2.5.2或者全部为research paper2.6会议论文性质2.6.1Full paper全文(或称Regular paper 、oralpaper)好的会议要求10或12页以上,越好的会议一般要求较长,也有特例2.6.2Short paper短文2.6.2.1一般6-8页=====以上一定算论文,以下就可不算论文=====2.6.3Extended Abstract扩展摘要2.6.3.1般1-2页2.6.4Poster墙报2.6.4.1一页,需要作者设计一个A1幅面的墙报,带到会场张贴,站在边上等人来看,并回答问题=====以上一定能算论文,以下就一定不算论文=====2.6.5Demo演示2.6.5.1在会场给一个工作台,演示自己设计的系统2.6.6学术规范:要求学者标注出论文类别,尤其是后3种3期刊论文3.1经过严格审稿过程的3.1.1审稿周期长3.1.1.1审稿3.1.1.2第一次修订3.1.1.3再审3.1.1.4再修订3.1.1.5定稿3.1.1.6等待发表3.1.2初审一般是小同行3.1.3最后的几次再审就是编辑,对标点都严格要求3.1.4一般投稿到录用为半年,录用到定稿要半年,发表要半年3.2国内的制度是录用即可答辩,发表检索才拿学位3.3期刊论文写作要更为严谨3.4顶级期刊论文来源3.4.1作者在顶级会议论文基础上,整合形成阶段性成果3.4.2或者顶级期刊当作review用3.4.3或者约稿3.5国际期刊名称3.5.1transaction:学报,或者会刊3.5.1.1一个组织下属的学术期刊,如ACM的sig组织的学报,IEEE CS的TC的学报,或者CCF组织的计算机学报等。
Paper Title (use style: paper title) Subtitle as needed (paper subtitle)Authors Name/s per 1st Affiliation (Author) FirstName Surname line 1 (of Affiliation): dept. name of organization line 2: name of organization, acronyms acceptableline 3: City, Countryline 4: e-mail address if desiredAuthors Name/s per 3rd Affiliation (Author)* FirstName Surname line 1 (of Affiliation): dept. name of organization line 2: name of organization, acronyms acceptableline 3: City, Country* Corresponding author: e-mail address if desired Authors Name/s per 2nd Affiliation (Author) FirstName Surname line 1 (of Affiliation): dept. name of organization line 2: name of organization, acronyms acceptableline 3: City, Countryline 4: e-mail address if desiredAuthors Name/s per 4th Affiliation (Author) FirstName Surname line 1 (of Affiliation): dept. name of organization line 2: name of organization, acronyms acceptableline 3: City, Countryline 4: e-mail address if desiredAbstract—This electronic document is a “live” t emplate. The various components of your paper [title, text, heads, etc.] are already defined on the style sheet, as illustrated by the portions given in this document. (Abstract)Keywords-component; formatting; style; styling; insert (key words)I.I NTRODUCTION (H EADING 1)This template, modified in MS Word 2003 and saved as “Word 97-2003 & 6.0/95 –RTF” for the PC, provides authors with most of the formatting specifications needed for preparing electronic versions of their papers. All standard paper components have been specified for three reasons: (1) ease of use when formatting individual papers, (2) automatic compliance to electronic requirements that facilitate the concurrent or later production of electronic products, and (3) conformity of style throughout a conference proceedings. Margins, column widths, line spacing, and type styles are built-in; examples of the type styles are provided throughout this document and are identified in italic type, within parentheses, following the example. Some components, such as multi-leveled equations, graphics, and tables are not prescribed, although the various table text styles are provided. The formatter will need to create these components, incorporating the applicable criteria that follow.II.E ASE OF U SEA.Selecting a Template (Heading 2)First, confirm that you have the correct template for your paper size. This template has been tailored for output on the US-letter paper size. If you are using A4-sized paper, please close this file and download the file for “MSW_A4_format”.B.Maintaining the Integrity of the SpecificationsThe template is used to format your paper and style the text. All margins, column widths, line spaces, and text fonts are prescribed; please do not alter them. You may note peculiarities. For example, the head margin in this template measures proportionately more than is customary. This measurement and others are deliberate, using specifications that anticipate your paper as one part of the entire proceedings, and not as an independent document. Please do not revise any of the current designations.III.P REPARE Y OUR P APER B EFORE S TYLING Before you begin to format your paper, first write and save the content as a separate text file. Keep your text and graphic files separate until after the text has been formatted and styled. Do not use hard tabs, and limit use of hard returns to only one return at the end of a paragraph. Do not add any kind of pagination anywhere in the paper. Do not number text heads-the template will do that for you.Finally, complete content and organizational editing before formatting. Please take note of the following items when proofreading spelling and grammar:A.Abbreviations and AcronymsDefine abbreviations and acronyms the first time they are used in the text, even after they have been defined in the abstract. Abbreviations such as IEEE, SI, MKS, CGS, sc, dc, and rms do not have to be defined. Do not use abbreviations in the title or heads unless they are unavoidable.B.Units•Use either SI (MKS) or CGS as primary units. (SI units are encouraged.) English units may be used assecondary units (in parentheses). An exception wouldbe the use of English units as identifiers in trade, suchas “3.5-inch disk drive”.•Avoid combining SI and CGS units, such as current in amperes and magnetic field in oersteds. This oftenleads to confusion because equations do not balancedimensionally. If you must use mixed units, clearlyIdentify applicable sponsor/s here. (sponsors)state the units for each quantity that you use in anequation.•Do not mix complete spellings and abbreviations of units: “Wb/m2” or “webers per square meter”, not“webers/m2”. Spell out units when they appear in text:“. . . a few henries”, not “. . . a few H”.•Use a zero before decimal points: “0.25”, not “.25”.Use “cm3”, not “cc”. (bullet list)C.EquationsThe equations are an exception to the prescribed specifications of this template. You will need to determine whether or not your equation should be typed using either the Times New Roman or the Symbol font (please no other font). To create multileveled equations, it may be necessary to treat the equation as a graphic and insert it into the text after your paper is styled.Number equations consecutively. Equation numbers, within parentheses, are to position flush right, as in (1), using a right tab stop. To make your equations more compact, you may use the solidus ( / ), the exp function, or appropriate exponents. Italicize Roman symbols for quantities and variables, but not Greek symbols. Use a long dash rather than a hyphen for a minus sign. Punctuate equations with commas or periods when they are part of a sentence, as inα + β = χ. (1)Note that the equation is centered using a center tab stop. Be sure that the symbols in your equation have been defined before or immediately follow ing the equation. Use “(1)”, not “Eq. (1)” or “equation (1)”, except at the beginning of a sentence: “Equation (1) is . . .”D.Some Common Mistakes•The word “data” is plural, not singular.•The subscript for the permeability of vacuum μ0, and other common scientific constants, is zero withsubscript formatting, not a lowercase letter “o”.•In American English, commas, semi-/colons, periods, question and exclamation marks are located withinquotation marks only when a complete thought orname is cited, such as a title or full quotation. Whenquotation marks are used, instead of a bold or italictypeface, to highlight a word or phrase, punctuationshould appear outside of the quotation marks. Aparenthetical phrase or statement at the end of asentence is punctuated outside of the closingparenthesis (like this). (A parenthetical sentence ispunctuated within the parentheses.)• A graph within a graph is an “inset”, not an “insert”.The word alternatively is preferred to the word“alternately” (unless you really mean something thatalternates).•Do not use the word “essentially” to mean “approximately” or “effectively”.•In your paper title, if the words “that uses” can accurately replace the word “using”, capitalize the “u”;if not, keep using lower-cased.•Be aware of the different meanings of the homophones “affect” and “effect”, “complement” and “compliment”,“discreet” and “discrete”, “principal” and “principle”.•Do not confuse “imply” and “infer”.•The prefix “non” is not a word; it should be joined to the word it modifies, usually without a hyphen.•There is no period after the “et” in the Latin abbreviation “et al.”.•The abbreviation “i.e.” means “that is”, and the abbreviation “e.g.” means “for example”.An excellent style manual for science writers is [7].IV.U SING THE T EMPLATEAfter the text edit has been completed, the paper is ready for the template. Duplicate the template file by using the Save As command, and use the naming convention prescribed by your conference for the name of your paper. In this newly created file, highlight all of the contents and import your prepared text file. You are now ready to style your paper; use the scroll down window on the left of the MS Word Formatting toolbar.A.Authors and AffiliationsThe template is designed so that author affiliations are not repeated each time for multiple authors of the same affiliation. Please keep your affiliations as succinct as possible (for example, do not differentiate among departments of the same organization). This template was designed for two affiliations.1)For author/s of only one affiliation (Heading 3): To change the default, adjust the template as follows.a)Selection (Heading 4): Highlight all author and affiliation lines.b)Change number of columns: Select the Columns icon from the MS Word Standard t oolbar and then select “1 Column” from the selection palette.c)Deletion: Delete the author and affiliation lines for the second affiliation.d)For author/s of more than two affiliations: To change the default, adjust the template as follows.e)Selection: Highlight all author and affiliation lines.f)Change number of columns: Select the “Columns” icon from the MS Word Standard toolbar and then select “1 Column” from the selection palette.g)Highlight author and affiliation lines of affiliation 1 and copy this selection.h)Formatting: Insert one hard return immediately after the last character of the last affiliation line. Then paste down the copy of affiliation 1. Repeat as necessary for each additional affiliation.i)Reassign number of columns: Place your cursor to the right of the last character of the last affiliation line of an even numbered affiliation (e.g., if there are five affiliations, place your cursor at end of fourth affiliation). Drag the cursor up to highlight all of the above author and affiliation lines. Go to Column icon and select “2 Columns”. If you have an odd number of affiliations, the final affiliation will be centered on the page; all previous will be in two columns.B.Identify the HeadingsHeadings, or heads, are organizational devices that guide the reader through your paper. There are two types: component heads and text heads.Component heads identify the different components of your paper and are not topically subordinate to each other. Examples include Acknowledgments and References and, for these, the correct style to use is “Heading 5”. Use “figure caption” foryour Figure captions, and “table head” for your table title. Run-in heads, such as “Abstract”, will require you to apply a style (in this case, italic) in addition to the style provided by the drop down menu to differentiate the head from the text.Text heads organize the topics on a relational, hierarchical basis. For example, the paper title is the primary text head because all subsequent material relates and elaborates on this one topic. If there are two or more sub-topics, the next level head (uppercase Roman numerals) should be used and, conversely, if there are not at least two sub-topics, then no subheads should be introduced. Styles named “Heading 1”, “Heading 2”, “Heading 3”, and “Heading 4” are prescribed.C.Figures and Tables1)Positioning Figures and Tables: Place figures and tables at the top and bottom of columns. Avoid placing them in the middle of columns. Large figures and tables may span across both columns. Figure captions should be below the figures; table heads should appear above the tables. Insert figures and tables after they are cited in the text. Use the abbreviation “Fig. 1”, even at the beginning of a sentence.TABLE I. T ABLE T YPE S TYLESa. Sample of a Table footnote. (Table footnote)Figure 1. Example of a figure caption. (figure caption) Figure Labels: Use 8 point Times New Roman for Figure labels. Use words rather than symbols or abbreviations when writing Figure axis labels to avoid confusing the reader. As anexample, write the quantity “Magnetization”, or “Magnetization, M”, not just “M”. If including units in the label, present them within parentheses. Do not label axes only with units. In the example, write “Magnetization (A/m)” or “Magnetization {A[m(1)]}”, not just “A/m”. Do not label axes with a ratio of quantities and units. For example, write “Temperature (K)”, not “Temperature/K”.V. Conclusions(Heading 5)A CKNOWLEDGMENTThe pre ferred spelling of the word “acknowledgment” in America is without an “e” after the “g”. Avoid the stilted expression, “One of us (R. B. G.) thanks . . .” Instead, try “R.B. G. thanks”. Put sponsor acknowledgments in the unnum-bered footnote on the first page.R EFERENCES(Note: ①The authors of the references cited in the article should not be of one nationality only. They should be from three or more; ②It is not possible to have less than five references.) The template will number citations consecutively within brackets [1]. The sentence punctuation follows the bracket [2]. Refer simply to the reference number, as in [3]—do not use “Ref. [3]” or “reference [3]” except at the beginning of a sentence: “Reference [3] was the first . . .”Number footnotes separately in superscripts. Place the actual footnote at the bottom of the column in which it was cited. Do not put footnotes in the reference list. Use letters for table footnotes.Unless there are six authors or more give all authors' names; do not use “et al.”. Papers that ha ve not been published, even if they have been submitted for publication, should be cited as “unpublished” [4]. Papers that have been accepted for publication should be cited as “in press” [5]. Capitalize only the first word in a paper title, except for proper nouns and element symbols.For papers published in translation journals, please give the English citation first, followed by the original foreign-language citation [6].[1]G. Eason, B. Noble, and I. N. Sneddon, “On certain integrals ofLipschitz-Hankel t ype involving products of Bessel functions,” Phil.Trans. Roy. Soc. London, vol. A247, pp. 529–551, April 1955.(references)[2]J. Clerk Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd ed., vol.2. Oxford: Clarendon, 1892, pp.68–73.[3]I. S. Jacobs and C. P. Bean, “Fine particles, thin films and exchangeanisotropy,” in Magnetism, vol. III, G. T. Rado and H. Suhl, Eds. New York: Academic, 1963, pp. 271–350.[4]K. Elissa, “Title of paper if known,” unpublished.[5]R. Nicole, “Title of paper with only first word capitalized,” J. NameStand. Abbrev., in press. [6]Y. Yorozu, M. Hirano, K. Oka, and Y. Tagawa, “Electron spectroscopystudies on magneto-optical media and plastic substrate interface,” IEEE Transl. J. Magn. Japan, vol. 2, pp. 740–741, August 1987 [Digests 9th Annual Conf. Magnetics Japan, p. 301, 1982].[7]M. Young, The Technical Writer's Handbook. Mill Valley, CA:University Science, 1989.。
海报格式英语作文模板Crafting an Engaging English Essay in Poster FormatIn the realm of academic writing, the traditional essay format has long been the standard approach. However, as the educational landscape evolves, innovative methods of presenting information have emerged, one of which is the poster format. This dynamic and visually captivating medium allows students to showcase their knowledge, critical thinking, and creativity in a concise yet impactful way. Constructing an English essay in poster format presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities that can elevate the learning experience for both the writer and the audience.The foundation of a successful poster essay lies in the careful planning and organization of the content. Unlike a traditional essay, where the flow of ideas is primarily linear, a poster essay demands a more strategic layout that guides the reader through the key points in a visually engaging manner. The writer must consider the hierarchy of information, the placement of text and visuals, and the overall aesthetic appeal of the poster.One of the primary advantages of the poster format is its ability to showcase complex ideas in a concise and accessible manner. By prioritizing the most salient points and presenting them in a clear and concise way, the writer can effectively convey the essence of their argument or analysis. This format encourages the writer to distill their thoughts into the most essential elements, resulting in a powerful and impactful communication of the central message.Moreover, the poster format allows for the seamless integration of visual elements, such as graphs, diagrams, and images, to complement the written content. These visual aids not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the poster but also serve to clarify and reinforce the key concepts being presented. The strategic placement of these visuals can guide the reader through the essay, making the information more digestible and memorable.One of the unique challenges in crafting a poster essay lies in the need to balance the visual and textual components. The writer must carefully consider the optimal use of space, ensuring that the text is legible and the visuals are appropriately sized and positioned to complement the overall design. This delicate balance requires a keen eye for layout and a deep understanding of the principles of visual communication.Another crucial aspect of the poster essay is the attention-grabbing introduction. Unlike a traditional essay, where the introduction may span several paragraphs, the poster format demands a concise and captivating opening that immediately engages the reader. This could take the form of a thought-provoking question, a striking statistic, or a compelling anecdote that sets the stage for the rest of the essay.Furthermore, the poster essay format encourages the writer to adopt a more conversational and accessible tone, as the audience is likely to be diverse and may not have the same level of familiarity with the subject matter. This shift in tone can make the essay more relatable and approachable, fostering a stronger connection between the writer and the reader.One of the key benefits of the poster essay format is its ability to promote active engagement and discussion. The compact and visually striking nature of the poster invites the audience to interact with the content, ask questions, and engage in meaningful dialogue. This interactive element can lead to deeper understanding, critical thinking, and the exchange of diverse perspectives, ultimately enhancing the learning experience for all involved.In the context of English language learning, the poster essay format can be a particularly valuable tool. By requiring students to convey their ideas in a clear and concise manner, while also incorporatingvisual elements, the poster essay format encourages the development of essential communication skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and the effective use of language.Moreover, the poster essay format can be a powerful tool for fostering collaboration and peer learning. Students can work together to brainstorm ideas, design the layout, and refine the content, thereby honing their teamwork and communication skills. This collaborative approach can lead to a richer and more diverse understanding of the topic, as students learn from one another's perspectives and insights.In conclusion, the poster essay format presents a dynamic and engaging approach to academic writing in the English language. By leveraging the power of visual communication, strategic organization, and concise expression, writers can create compelling and impactful essays that captivate their audience. As the educational landscape continues to evolve, the poster essay format stands as a testament to the versatility and adaptability of the written word, offering a unique opportunity for students to showcase their knowledge, creativity, and communication skills in a visually striking and engaging manner.。
0 引言岸边集装箱起重机(以下简称岸桥)作为安装在港口、码头前沿,又是船舶集装箱装卸的主要设备,对其提出了越来越高的要求,特别是大型集装箱船舶的发展。
通过对岸桥臂架俯仰机构参数化的研究,逐步扩展到对岸桥金属机构,起升机构,运行基于知识工程的岸边集装箱起重机臂架俯仰机构参数化研究黄进前 郭珍吉 周振江河南卫华重型机械股份有限公司 长垣 453400摘 要:提出了一种岸边集装箱起重机臂架俯仰机构的参数化设计方法,该方法以知识工程为理论依据,以Pro/E 为参数化平台,以知识工程库和机构模型库为支撑,采用VB系统开发软件,SQL Server 2012数据库存储,针对目前CAD技术在起重机设计过程中的应用现状,设计开发了基于知识工程的岸边集装箱起重机臂架俯仰机构参数化设计系统,给出了系统结构设计、实现功能和实现方法。
• When you prepare an abstract for a paper to be presented at a conference, you should also follow the rules for writing a journal paper abstract. You should state the purpose of the study, describe the methods, summarize the results in sufficient details to support the conclusions, and give the conclusions reached. 无忧PPT整理发布
Unit 3
• Papers • Abstracts • Posters • Proposals
• Papers submitted to a conference are required to follow certain rules and styles similar to those required for a journal paper. If you fail to meet the requirements, your paper may be rejected simply for the matter of format before it is presented to your peers for reviewing.
纸业专业英语词汇翻译(N)n paper 等外品nacreous paper 青贝纸,珍珠母纸napkin paper 餐巾纸napkin tissues paper 餐巾薄纸natural browns 天然褐色纸natural colored paper 天然彩色纸natural tracing paper 天然描图仿羊皮纸ncr paper 压感复写纸needle paper 包针纸negative paper 底片纸negative heliographic paper 日光照相底版纸negative photographic paper 照相底版纸neutral kraft paper 中性牛皮纸neutralized paper 中性纸news paper 新闻纸news bogus paper 废新闻纸newspaper wraps 新闻包装纸newsposter 新闻广告纸newsprint(paper) 新闻纸newsprint sheets 平板新闻纸nickel paper 镍粉涂布纸nitrated paper 硝化纸nitrating paper 硝化原纸nitrating tissue 硝化原纸nitrogen free filter paper 无氟滤纸no carbon(required)(copying) paper 压感复写纸noiseless paper 无音纸noiseless program paper 无音节目单纸non-bibulous paper 非吸水性的纸张non-combustible paper 防火纸non-corrosive paper 防腐纸non-corrosive greaseproof paper 防腐耐脂纸non-curling paper 不卷曲的纸张non-fading paper 不褪色纸non-inflammablb paper 防火纸non-pasted blanks 未裱糊原纸non-rattle paper 无音纸non-tarnish paper 防锈纸not surface paper 无光泽纸张note paper 笔记纸notion bag paper 针线袋纸novel paper 小说印刷纸novel news 小说新闻纸nylon fiber paper 尼龙纤维纸news board 废报纸制成的纸板news lined board 废报纸芯层的纸板news vat-lined chip board 圆网纸机制废报纸芯层粗纸板nine point straw board 九点草纸板no test board 低耐破度纸板non-bending board 不弯曲纸板non-test board 低耐破度纸板neutral sulrfite cooking 中性亚硫酸盐法蒸煮naked dryer 裸烘缸妩帆布烘缸name plate 铭牌nap 毛绒,细毛naphtha (粗)挥发油,粗汽油,石脑油napthalene 萘nascent oxygen 初生(态)氧nascent state 初生态,`新生态nascent tissue 分生组织nash hytor 纳氏泵,水环式真空泵nash pump 纳氏泵,水环式真空泵native cellulose 天然纤维素native fiber 天然纤维native lignin 天然木素natron 氧化钠;无水苏打natural browns 本色牛皮包装纸natural cellulose 天然纤维素natural circulation 自然循环natural colored 天然色泽natural convection 自然对流natural cooking 常压蒸煮natural draft 自然通风natural dye (stuff) 天然染料natural fiber 天然纤维natural gas 天然气natural high polymer 天然高聚物natural mica 天然云母natural pulpstone 天然磨石natural reforestation 更新造林natural resin 天然树脂natural resources 天然资源natural sandstone 天然磨石natural seasoned timber 风干(木)材natural tannin 天然丹宁natural ventilation 自然通风naval stores 松脂类制品tex 丙烯腈、丁二烯共聚体乳胶needle bearing 带针叶的needle leave tree 针叶树needle leave wood 针叶木needle penetration 针入度needle press 针辊式毛毯挤水压榨needle tree 针叶树needle valve 针阀needle wood 针叶木neodled felt 针刺(植绒)毛毯,针刺(植绒)湿毯neoabietic acid 新松香酸neoprene 氯丁橡胶,氯丁二烯橡胶nephelometer 浊度计,比浊计nestable container 可连接的纸箱net efficiency 净效率net weight 净重net yield 实际得率,净得率nettle fiber 华麻纤维,刺麻纤维network 网络network control 电力网控制neuphor 预分散松香胶(商业名称)neutral kraft 中性牛皮浆neutral resin (size) 中性树脂(胶)neutral salt 中性盐neutral size 中性(松香)胶neutral sulfite liquor 中性亚硫酸盐蒸煮液neutralization 中和neutralizer 中和器;中和剂neutralizing bath 中和槽neutralizing tank 中和槽neutralizing tower 中和塔new england hemlock (tsuga canadensis) 加拿大铁杉new england pine (pinus strobus) 美国白松new zealand flax (linum monogynum) 新西兰麻new whites 白色新布news blanks 新闻纸空白纸边news grade 新闻纸类,报纸类news grade groundwood 新闻纸用磨木浆news grade sulfite pulp 新闻纸用亚硫酸盐木浆newsback 新闻纸废纸浆芯层newspaper 新闻纸,报纸news (paper)machine 新闻纸机newsposter 低级广告纸newsprint 新闻纸newsprint sheet 平板新闻纸newton 牛顿nicanee 包装纸规格(45"×28")nick 裂缝,裂口;间隙nicholson barker 剥皮机night shift superintendent 夜班值班长nine-point corrugating material 9号瓦楞纸,0.009英寸厚的瓦楞纸nip 压区nip action 压区作用nip guard 压区挡板,压区防护板nip pressure 压区(线)压力nip rolls 光泽辊nipco roll 可控中高辊nipple 螺纹接口niter cake 硝饼nitrate 硝酸盐nitrated cellulose 硝化纤维素nitration 硝化(作用)nitric acid 硝酸nitride 氮化物;硝化;渗氮nitrification (氮的)硝化作用nitrile 腈nitrite 亚硝酸盐nitrobenzene 硝基苯nitrobenzene oxidation 硝基苯氧化nitrocellulose 硝化纤维nitrocellulose lacquer 硝化纤维素喷漆nitrogen 氮nitro-lignin 硝化木素nitrous acid 亚硝酸no draw press 无牵引压榨no load current 空载电流no loop white water system 无循环白水系统no touch relay 无角点继电器noble-wood beater 打浆机(实验室用)nodes 节;结nodule 小结;小节noise 噪音noise abatement 噪音防治noise control 噪音控制noise meter 噪音量测器nominal 额定,公称,标称nominal capacity 额定容量,标称容量nominal circuit voltage 额定电路电压nominal diameter 公称直径,通称直径nominal power 额定功率nominal rating 额定值nominal size 公称规格nominal voltage 额定电压nominal weight 标称重量nomotron 开关电子管non-aqueous solvent 非水溶剂non-automatic tripping 非自动跳闸,非自动断开non-bender 不可折叠纸箱non-blocking coating 没有粘卷的涂布non-cellulosic constituent 非纤维素组分non-condensable gases 不可凝结气体non-condensing steam engine 背压式蒸汽机non-conducting material 绝缘材料,不导电(热)材料non-destructive test 材料非破坏性试验non-dimensional timber 等外材non-drying oil 非干性油non-fibrous component 非纤维成分non-fibrous matter 非纤维物质non-impact printing 非击打式印刷non-linear programming 非线性程序non-polar 非极性non-polluting bleachoing 无污染漂白non-pored timber 无孔材non-pored wood 无孔材non-porous wood 无孔材non-reducing end group 非还原性末端基non-regulated transformer 不可调变压器non-return valve 单向阀,正向阀non-rev ersible reaction 不可逆反应non-settling 未澄清的non-skid 防滑脱的non-skid varnish 防滑脱油漆non-stick 非粘的non-test chip 粗纸箱,粗纸板;低耐破度纸板non-tunable 不可调谐的non-uniform 不均匀的,非均一的non-uniformity 不均匀性,非均一性non-warping 非找曲的non-wettable 不可湿润的non-wood plant 非木本植物non-woven (fabric) 无纺布non-woven felt 无基毛布nonwovens 无纺布nordmann fir (abies nordmanniana) 高加索冷杉norm 标准;定额;规范normal axial intercellular canal (正)轴向胞间道normal conditions 标准条件,标准状态;常规情况normal distribrtion 正态分布,常规分布normal forest 正规林normal operating conditions 正常操作条件normal operation 常规操作normal pressure and temperature 标准温度和压力normal salt 中式盐normal yield 通常产率;正常采伐量normalization 规度化(作用),正常化normatron 模拟计算机normex 聚酰胺合成纸(美国du pont de nemours产品,商业名称)northern white ceder (thuja occidentalis l.) 香柏,西方金钟柏norton pulpstone 人造磨石norway fir (pinus sylvestris linn.) 欧洲赤松norway pine (pinus resinosa ait.) 挪威松,北美赤松norway spruce (picea abies karst.) 挪威云杉not 无光泽装饰(商业用词)nozzle 喷嘴nozzle cutter 切边水针nozzle fittings 喷嘴配件nozzle headbox 喷嘴式网前箱nozzle pressure 喷射压力nozzle (type) sliced 吸浆堰板nuclei (nucleus的复数)核;核心nucleus 核;核心null point 零点number average 数(量平)均number language 数字语言number ofwire 网号number rangwe 数值范围number storage 数字存储器number switch 数字开关,号控机numeration 读数法,计算法numerator 计数器;分子numerical control 数控numeroscope 示数器nusery 苗圊nut 螺帽nutrient 养料,营养剂nylon 尼龙,耐纶,酰胺纤维nylon fiber 尼龙纤维nylon felt 尼龙毛毯nylon wire 尼龙网n paper 等外品nacreous paper 青贝纸,珍珠母纸napkin paper 餐巾纸matural colored paper 天然彩色纸natural tracing paper 天然描图仿羊皮纸ncr paper 压感复写纸needle paper 包针纸negative paper 底片纸neutral kraft paper 中性牛皮纸neutralized paper 中性纸news paper 新闻纸news bogus paper 废新闻纸newsprint( paper) 新闻纸nickel paper 镍粉涂布纸nitrated paper 硝化纸nitrating paper 硝化原纸nitrogen free filter paper 无氮滤纸no carbon (required( )copying) paper 压感复写纸noiseless paper 无音纸non-bibulous paper 非吸水性的纸张non-combustible paper 防火纸non-corrosive paper 防腐纸non-corrosive greaseproof paper 防腐耐脂纸non-curling paper 不卷曲的纸张non-fading paper 不褪色纸non-inflammable paper 防火纸non-tarnish paper 防锈纸not surface paper 无光泽纸张note paper 笔记纸notion bag paper 针线袋纸novel paper 小说印刷纸nylon fiber paper 尼龙纤维纸mechanical process 机械法(制浆)new hall grinding process hall褐色磨木浆制备新法new matbeison process 改良matheison二氧化硫还原法制二氧化氯neutral sulfity process 中性(亚硫酸)盐法(制浆)neutral sulfite semi-chemical process 中性(亚硫酸盐)半化学法(制浆)nitrate pulping 硝酸盐法制浆mitric acid pulping 硝酸法制浆non-sulfur pulping 无硫制浆法neutral sulfite pulp 中性(亚硫酸)盐纸浆neutral sulfite semichemical (nssc) pulp 中性(亚硫酸)盐半化学浆nitric acid pulp 硝酸法纸浆noodle pulp 挤压浆nodular pulp 木节浆napkin tissue 餐巾纸nitrating tissue 硝化薄页纸ndc 美国dnc红外技术公司的缩写(在线检测及控制-浓度/厚度/定量/水份/涂层等)northwood 加拿大“北木”牌漂白硫酸盐针叶木浆nbsk 北方漂白针叶浆。
第39卷第4期探测与控制学报V+39N*4 2017年8月JournalofDetection&Contro丨A u g.2017基于小波的装甲声信号特征分析及滤波方法宋佳星&,雷祺2,方向&,张卫平&,曹伟3(1.解放军理工大学野战工程学院,江苏南京210007$.解放军理工大学电磁环境效应与电光工程国家级重点实验室,江苏南京210007$.陆军装甲兵装备技术研究所,北京100039)摘要:针对小波变换识别和提取装甲目标声信号特征,提出了基于小波变换的装甲声信号特征分析及滤波方法。
该方法在分析装甲声信号产生原因的基础上选取d b7小波6层分解,利用小波变换分解重构原始声信号,进行各频带相对能量分布分析,并结合低通滤波器进行对比实验。
实验表明,装甲声信号呈现明显的低频特征,频率特征主要集中在20@2、40@2和80H Z附近,其中20@2和40H Z处能量分布集中;低通滤波器不能对低频信号特征进行分析,而该方法可以准确全面地提取声信号的能量特征。
关键词:小波变换;装甲目标;声信号;特征提取中图分类号:TJ811 文献标识码:A文章编号=1008-1194(2017)04-0021-02Filtering Method Based on Wavelet Transform ofArmored Targets Sound Signa丨SONG Jiaxing1,LEIQi2,FANGXiang1,ZHANG Weiping1,CAO Wei3(1. College of Field E ngineering,PLA U niversity of Science ^T echn o lo g y,Nanjing 210007, C hina;2. N ation Key Laboratory on Electrom agnetic Environm ental Effects and Electro-optical E ngineering,PLA U niversity of Science ^T echn o lo g y,Nanjing 210007,China; 3. A rm y A rm ored Equipm ent TechndogyResearch In stitate,Beijing 100039,China)Abstract: This paper proposed a analysis method of characteristics of armor acoustic signal based on wavelet transform. According to the analysis of the cause of the acoustic signal,this method reconstructed the original sound signalchange by using 6 decompositions of db7 wavelet to analyze the energy distribution of pared with the low-pass filter. Experiment showed that armor target acoustic signal presented the obvious characteristics of low frequency,which were mainly concentrated in near 20 H z,40 Hz and 80 H z,especially the energy distribution of near 20 Hz and 40 Hz. Comparing with low-pass filter,the wavelet transform characteristics of the armor acoustic signal accurately and comprehensively.K e y w o r d s: wavelet transform; arm ored ta rg ets;sound signal;characteristics extraction0引言现代智能地雷主要借助声信号的探测来完成对 地面装甲目标的定位、识别和追踪。
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Paper Title3D Face Recognition based on Geodesic DistancesAuthorsShalini GuptaDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringThe University of Texas at Austin1University Station C0800Austin,TX78712+1.512.471.8660+1.512.471.0616(fax)shalinig@Mia K.MarkeyDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringThe University of Texas at Austin1University Station C0800Austin,TX78712+1.512.471.8660+1.512.471.0616(fax)mia.markey@Jake AggarwalDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringThe University of Texas at Austin1University Station C0803Austin,TX78712+1.512.471.1369+1.512.471.5532(fax)aggarwaljk@Alan C.BovikDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringThe University of Texas at Austin1University Station C0803Austin,TX78712+1.512.471.5370+1.512.471.1225(fax)bovik@Presentation PreferenceOral Presentation or Poster PresentationPrincipal Author’s BiographyShalini Gupta received a BE degree in Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering from Punjab Engineering College,India.She received a MS degree in Electrical and Computer Engi-neering from the University of Texas at Austin,where she is currently a PhD student.During her masters,she developed techniques for computer aided diagnosis of breast cancer.She is currently investigating techniques for3D human face recognition.KeywordsGeodesic distances,three-dimensional face recognition,range image,biometricsExtended AbstractProblem Statement:Automated human identification is required in applications such as access control,passenger screening,passport control,surveillance,criminal justice and human computer interaction.Face recognition is one of the most widely investigated biometric techniques for human identification. Face recognition systems require less user co-operation than systems based on other biometrics(e.g.fingerprints and iris).Although considerable progress has been made on face recognition systems based on two dimensional(2D)intensity images,they are inadequate for robust face recognition. Their performance is reported to decrease significantly with varying facial pose and illumination conditions[1].Three-dimensional face recognition systems are less sensitive to changes in ambient illumination conditions than2D systems[2].Three-dimensional face models can also be rigidly transformed to a canonical pose.Hence,considerable research attention is now being directed toward developing3D face recognition systems.Review of Previous Work:Techniques employed for3D face recognition include those based upon global appearance of face range images,surface matching,and local facial geometric features.Techniques based on global appearance of face range images are straight-forward extensions of statistical learning techniques that were successful to a degree with2D face images.They involve statistical learning of the3D face space through an ensemble of range images.A popular3D face recognition technique is based on principal component analysis(PCA)[3]and is often taken as the baseline for assessing the performance of other algorithms[4].While appearance based techniques have met with a degree of success,it is intuitively less obvious exactly what discriminatory information about faces they encode.Furthermore,since they employ information from large range image regions,their recog-nition performance is affected by changes in facial pose,expression,occlusions,and holes.Techniques based on surface matching use an iterative procedures to rigidly align two face surfaces as closely as possible[5].A metric quantifies the difference between the two face surfaces after alignment,and this is employed for recognition.The computational load of such techniques can be considerable,especially when searching large3D face databases.Their performance is also affected by changes in facial expression.For techniques based on local geometric facial features,characteristics of localized regions of the face surface,and their relationships to others,are quantified and employed as features.Some local geometric features that have been used previously for face recognition include surface curva-tures,Euclidean distances and angles betweenfiducial points on the face[6,7,8],point signatures [9],and shape variations of facial sub regions[10].Techniques based on local features require an additional step of localization and segmentation of specific regions of the face.A pragmatic issue affecting the success of these techniques is the choice of local regions andfiducial points.Ideally the choice of such regions should be based on an understanding of the variability of different parts of the face within and between individuals.Three dimensional face recognition techniques based on local feature have been shown to be robust to a degree to varying facial expression[9].Recently,methods for expression invariant3D face recognition have been proposed[11].They are based on the assumption that different facial expressions can be regarded as isometric deformations of the face surface.These deformations preserve intrinsic properties of the surface,one of which is the geodesic distance between a pair of points on the surface.Based on these ideas we present a preliminary study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of using geodesic distances between all pairs of25fiducial points on the face as features for face recognition.To the best of our knowledge,this is thefirst study of its kind.Another contribution of this study is that instead of choosing a random set of points on the face surface,we considered facial landmarks relevant to measuring anthropometric facial proportions employed widely in fa-cial plastic surgery and art[12].The performance of the proposed face recognition algorithm was compared against other established algorithms.Proposed Approach:Three dimensional face models for the study were acquired by an MU-2stereo imaging systemby3Q Technologies Ltd.(Atlanta,GA).The system simultaneously acquires both shape and tex-ture information.The data set contained1128head models of105subjects.It was partitioned intoa gallery set containing one image each of the105subjects with a neutral expression.The probeset contained another663images of the gallery subjects with a neutral or an arbitrary expression.The probe set had a variable number of images per subject(1-55).Models were rigidly aligned to frontal orientation and range images were constructed.Theywere medianfiltered and interpolated to remove holes.Twenty-fivefiducial points,as depicted inFigure1were manually located on each face.Three face recognition algorithms were implemented.Thefirst employed300geodesic distances(between all pairs offiducial points)as features for recog-nition.The fast marching algorithm for front propagation was employed to calculate the geodesicdistance between pairs of points[13].The second algorithm employed300Euclidean distancesbetween all pairs offiducial points as features.The normalized L1norm where each dimensionwas divided by its variance,was used as the metric for matching faces with both the Euclideandistance and geodesic distance features.The third3D face recognition algorithm implemented was based on PCA.For this algorithm,a subsection of each face range image of size354pixels,enclosing the main facial features wasemployed.The gallery and probe sets employed to test the performance of this algorithm were thesame as those used in thefirst and second algorithms.Additionally a separate set of360rangeimages of12subjects(30images per subjects),was used to train the PCA classifier.Face rangeimages were projected on to42eigen vectors accounting for99%of the variance in the data.Again,the L1norm was employed for matching faces in the42dimensional PCA sub space.Verification performance of all algorithms was evaluated using the receiver operating charac-teristic(ROC)methodology,from which the equal error rates(EER)were noted.Identificationperformance was evaluated by means of the cumulative match characteristic curves(CMC)andthe rank1recognition rates(RR)were observed.The performance of each technique for the entireprobe set,for neutral probes only and for expressive probes only were evaluated separately. Experimental Results:Table1presents the equal error rates for verification performance and the rank1recognitionrates for identification performance of the three face recognition algorithms.Figure2(a)presentsROC curves of the three systems for neutral expression probes only.Figure2(b)presents the CMCcurves for the three systems for neutral expression probes only.It is evident that the two algorithmsbased on Euclidean or geodesic distances between anthropometric facial landmarks(EER∼5%, RR∼89%)performed substantially better than the baseline PCA algorithm(EER=16.5%, RR=69.7%).The algorithms based on geodesic distance features performed on a par with the algorithm based on Euclidean distance features.Both were effective,to a degree,at recognizing3D faces.In this study the performance of the proposed algorithm based on geodesic distancesbetween anthropometric facial landmarks decreased when probes with arbitrary facial expressionswere matched against a gallery of neutral expression3D faces.This suggests that geodesic distancesbetween pairs of landmarks on a face may not be preserved when the facial expression changes.This was contradictory to Bronstein et al.’s assumption regarding facial expressions being isometricdeformations of facial surfaces[11].In conclusion,geodesic distances between anthropometric landmarks were observed to be ef-fective features for recognizing3D faces,however they were not more effective than Euclideandistances between the same landmarks.The3D face recognition algorithm based on geodesic dis-tance features was affected by changes in facial expression.In the future,we plan to investigatemethods for reducing the dimensionality of the proposed algorithm and to identify the more dis-criminatory geodesic distance features.Acknowledgments:The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge Advanced Digital Imaging Research,LLC(Houston,TX)for providing support in terms of funding and3D face data for the study. Figures and Tables:Figure1:Thefigures show the25anthropometric landmarks that were considered on a color and range image of a human face.(a)ROC(b)CMCFigure2:Thisfigure presents the2(a)verification performance in terms of an ROC curve;2(b) the cumulative match characteristic curves for the identification performance of the three face recognition algorithms with the neutral expression probes only.Method EER(%)Rank1RR(%)N-N N-E N-All N-N N-E N-AllGEODESIC2.78.55.693.181.489.9EUCLIDEAN2. and identification performance statistics for the face recognition systems based on PCA,Euclidean distances and geodesic distances.N-N represents performance of a system for the neutral probes only,N-E for the expressive probes only and N-All for all probes. References[1]P.J.Phillips,P.Grother,R.J.Micheals,D.M.Blackburn,E.Tabassi,and J.M.Bone.Frvt2002:Overview and summary.available at ,March2003.[2]E.P.Kukula,S.J.Elliott,R.Waupotitsch,and B.Pesenti.Effects of illumination changes onthe performance of geometrix facevision/spl reg/3d frs.In Security Technology,2004.38th Annual2004International Carnahan Conference on,pages331–337,2004.[3]K.I.Chang,K.W.Bowyer,and P.J.Flynn.An evaluation of multimodal2d+3d facebiometrics.Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,IEEE Transactions on,27(4):619–624,2005.[4]P.J.Phillips,P.J.Flynn,T.Scruggs,K.W.Bowyer,and W.Worek.Preliminary face recog-nition grand challenge results.In Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition,2006.FGR2006.7th International Conference on,pages15–24,2006.[5]Xiaoguang Lu,A.K.Jain,and D.Colbry.Matching2.5d face scans to3d models.PatternAnalysis and Machine Intelligence,IEEE Transactions on,28(1):31–43,2006.[6]G.G.Gordon.Face recognition based on depth and curvature features.In Computer Vi-sion and Pattern Recognition,1992.Proceedings CVPR’92.,1992IEEE Computer Society Conference on,pages808–810,1992.[7]A.B.Moreno,A.Sanchez,J.Fco,V.Fco,and J.Diaz.Face recognition using3d surface-extracted descriptors.In Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference(IMVIP 2003),Sepetember2003.[8]Y.Lee,H.Song,U.Yang,H.Shin,and K.Sohn.Local feature based3d face recognition.InAudio-and Video-based Biometric Person Authentication,2005International Conference on, LNCS,volume3546,pages909–918,2005.[9]Yingjie Wang,Chin-Seng Chua,and Yeong-Khing Ho.Facial feature detection and facerecognition from2d and3d images.Pattern Recognition Letters,23(10):1191–1202,2002. 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a poster英语作文
a poster英语作文English Answer:Poster.A poster is a large printed paper that is designed to be displayed in a public place. Posters are often used to advertise products, promote events, or share information. Posters can be created using a variety of materials, including paper, cardboard, and fabric. They can be printed using a variety of methods, including offset printing, digital printing, and screen printing.Posters are often designed to be visually appealing and attention-grabbing. They typically feature bold colors, large fonts, and eye-catching images. The text on posters is often brief and to the point, as the goal is to convey a message quickly and effectively.Posters have been used for centuries to communicatemessages. In the early days, posters were often hand-painted and used to announce events or promote products. Today, posters are still widely used, but they are now typically created using digital printing technology.Posters can be used for a variety of purposes, including:Advertising: Posters can be used to advertise products or services. They can be placed in high-traffic areas, such as bus stops and shopping malls, to reach a large audience.Promoting events: Posters can be used to promote events, such as concerts, festivals, and sporting events. They can be placed in public places, such as community centers and libraries, to inform people about upcoming events.Sharing information: Posters can be used to share information about important issues, such as health, safety, and the environment. They can be placed in public places, such as schools and hospitals, to reach a wide audience.Posters are a versatile and effective way to communicate messages. They can be used for a variety of purposes, and they can be designed to reach a specific audience.中文回答:海报。
广告时间 time spot 广告预算 task budgeting (一种成本极底的)广告传单 throwaways (印有广告商品或广告信息的)小商品 specialities 广告口号、标语 slogan 车站广告牌 station poster 色彩
黑 black 白 white 黄 yellow 洋红(品红) magenta 青 cyan 绿 green 灰 gray 紫 purple 红 red 深红 crimson 朱红 vermilion 粉红 pink 猩红、鲜明 scarlet 玫瑰红 rose madder 胭脂 rouge 赭石 umber 橙黄 orange 古铜色、赤褐色 bronze 藤黄 rattan yellow / light bright yellow 柠檬黄 lemon yellow 土黄 yellow ochre 赭黄 sienna 翠绿 emerald 棕、褐 brown 淡绿 light green 深绿 dark green / intense green 石绿 mineral green 蓝 blue 天蓝 azure 淡蓝 light blue 深蓝 dark blue 靛青 indigo 花青 flower blue 钴蓝 cobalt blue
平面设计 graphic design 企业识别系统 corporate identity system 企业视觉形象计划 corporate visual identity program 标识 logo 标识图案 logo pattern 标准字体 logotype 商标 trademark 标准色彩 house color 独特风格 house style 提案及制定该机构视觉形象计划的*作标准手册 corporate design manual 视觉辨认力测试 legibility test 色彩样本条 colour swatch 提案 presentation 纸类 stationery 营业报告书 annual report 理念识别 Mind Identity 行为识别 Behaviour Identity 视觉识别 Visual Identity 商标、标志 trademark and signs 标志 logo (sign) 包装设计 packaging design 书籍装祯 book binding 商业美术 commercial arts 商业摄影 commercial photography 字体设计 literature design 橱窗设计 window display 容器造型 container modelling 插图 illustrations 广告 advertisement 美术字 artistic calligraphy 广告画、宣传画 poster 手提袋 hand bag 购物袋 shopping bag 美国广告协会AAAA the American Association of Advertising Agencies (在广告公司和广告客户之间起联系作用的)广告负责人 account executive 即兴广告 adlib 广告 advertising 广告代理人、广告公司 advertising agency 广告代理人 advertising agent
五年级英语绘画风格判断单选题40题1. We can see many beautiful pictures in the _____.A. art roomB. music roomC. computer roomD. gym答案:A。
“art room”表示美术室,能看到很多美丽的画;“music room”是音乐室;“computer room”是电脑室;“gym”是体育馆。
2. The painting is very colorful. It looks like a _____.A. photoB. cartoonC. landscapeD. portrait答案:B。
3. This painting shows a beautiful city. It's a _____.A. still lifeB. abstract paintingC. cityscapeD. figure painting答案:C。
“still life”是静物画;“abstract painting”是抽象画;“cityscape”是城市风景画;“figure painting”是人物画。
4. The artist used a lot of lines in this painting. It's a _____.A. pointillismB. linear paintingC. oil paintingD. watercolor painting答案:B。
“pointillism”是点彩画;“linear painting”是线条画;“oil painting”是油画;“watercolor painting”是水彩画。
The 6th International Symposium on Digital Earth(ISDE6)Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing, China9-12 September, 2009Abstract Submission------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract Submission Deadline: 30 April, 2009------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I.Author(s) Information (* item required)Primary AuthorTitle*: ☐ Prof. ☐ Dr. ☐ Mr. ☐Ms. (please tick the appropriate box)First Name (Given Name)*: __________________ Last Name (Family Name)*: _______________________ DOB: ____/____/____ (dd/mm/yy) (For the author to be invited to give presentation at Young Scientist Forum) Email*: _____________________________ Phone*: __________________ Fax:_____________________ Affiliation/ Company*: ______________________________________________________________________ Correspondence Address*: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Zip Code*: __________________ City*:______________________ Country*:_______________________This author is the contact person of the abstract.*☐ Yes ☐ NoResearch/Interest field *___________________________________________________________________Co-author 1 (if applicable)Title*: ☐ Prof. ☐ Dr. ☐ Mr. ☐Ms. (please tick the appropriate box)First Name (Given Name)*: __________________ Last Name (Family Name)*: _______________________ DOB: ____/____/____ (dd/mm/yy) (For the author to be invited to give presentation at Young Scientist Forum) Email*: _____________________________ Phone*: __________________ Fax:_____________________ Affiliation/ Company*: ______________________________________________________________________ Correspondence Address*: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Zip Code*: __________________ City*:______________________ Country*:_______________________ This author is the contact person of the abstract.*☐ Yes ☐ NoResearch/Interest field *___________________________________________________________________Co-author 2 (if applicable)Title*: ☐ Prof. ☐ Dr. ☐ Mr. ☐Ms. (please tick the appropriate box)First Name (Given Name)*: __________________ Last Name (Family Name)*: _______________________ DOB: ____/____/____ (dd/mm/yy) (For the author to be invited to give presentation at Young Scientist Forum) Email*: _____________________________ Phone*: __________________ Fax:_____________________ Affiliation/ Company*: ______________________________________________________________________ Correspondence Address*: ___________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Zip Code*: __________________ City*:______________________ Country*:_______________________This author is the contact person of the abstract.*☐ Yes ☐ NoResearch/Interest field *___________________________________________________________________Co-author 3 (if applicable)Title*: ☐ Prof. ☐ Dr. ☐ Mr. ☐Ms. (please tick the appropriate box)First Name (Given Name)*: __________________ Last Name (Family Name)*: _______________________ DOB: ____/____/____ (dd/mm/yy) (For the author to be invited to give presentation at Young Scientist Forum) Email*: _____________________________ Phone*: __________________ Fax:_____________________ Affiliation/ Company*: ______________________________________________________________________ Correspondence Address*: ___________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Zip Code*: __________________ City*:______________________ Country*:_______________________This author is the contact person of the abstract.*☐ Yes ☐ NoResearch/Interest field *___________________________________________________________________(If more co-authors, please add their information below)_________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________Please tick the appropriate theme of your abstract.Please type the abstract below and make sure that it does not exceed 1000 words.Title of the paper:_________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Abstracts:Would you like to give an oral presentation or have your submission considered as a poster paper if it accepted?☐ Oral ☐ PosterThanks for submitting abstract.An acknowledgement will be sent to your email address once abstract is received. Please notice that your submission will be given an ID number which is for both the abstractand the full paper of your submission.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------。
基于曲轴瞬时加速度分析的发动机启动过程着火判定与应用3杨福源 张京永 王晓光 周 明 欧阳明高( 清华大学 ,汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室 ,北京 100084)[ 摘要 ] 提出不同于失火判定的基于曲轴瞬时加速度分析的发动机启动过程着火判定方法 ,即通过两次启动过程的瞬时加速度对比寻找喷油启动过程的着火始点 。
理论分析和试验表明该方法不仅可以准确识别着火始点 ,而且识别精度也从循环级提高到角度级 。
试验在一台 6 缸电控共轨柴油机上进行 。
叙词 :电控发动机 ,启动过程 ,燃烧始点判定 ,曲轴瞬时加速度J udgeme nt and Applicatio n of Ignitio n Mo m e nt Duri n g Engi ne St art upPerio d Based o n Crankshaf t Transie nt Acceleratio n Anal ysisYang Fuyuan , Z hang Jingyong , Wang Xiaoguang , Z hou Ming & Ouyang MinggaoTsi n g h u a U ni versi t y , S t ate Key L aborat ory of A ut om o t i ve S af et y a n d Energy , Bei j i n g 100084Abstract This paper brings fo rward an igniti o n detecti o n met h o d based o n crankshaf t t r ansient accelera 2ti o n analysis 1 It co m pares t h e t r ansient accelerati o n of t w o start u p p r ocedures and t h en find o u t t h e igniti o n m o 2ment ( start of co mbusti o n ) during start up peri o d 1Crankshaf t dynamics analysis and real test show t hat t h is met ho d can identi f y t he igniti o n m o ment ,wit h t he accuracy imp roved f ro m cycle level to angle level 1 The test is carried o u t o n a 6 - cylinder co m m o n rail diesel engine 1K ey w ords :E lectron ically controlled engine , S tartup period , I gn i t i on mom ent , C ran k shaf t transient acceler 2at i on将可对柴油机启动过程的喷油量 、喷油正时 、喷射压力等参数进行优化 。
Identifying an Event within a Sequence of Events
Paper 166-31Identifying an Event within a Sequence of EventsMarge Scerbo, CHPDM/UMBCAbstractThere are analyses that require the identification of an event within a series of events. Where does one event fall in the sequence? This poster will step through a process that was used in the study of teen pregnancies. A study was undertaken to trend teen pregnancies over a period of several years. Additionally, the analysis determined if the use of contraceptives occurred before, after, or around the delivery. The poster will include DATA step code including RETAIN, FIRST.var and LAST.var.IntroductionThe project described in this paper studied teenage girls to create percentages of those who had babies and those who had taken oral contraceptives. In addition, calculations included whether those teenage mothers had taken contraceptives before delivery, after delivery, or both. The goal was to show a trend towards decreasing teenage pregnancy and possible causes. To accomplish this goal, SAS was used to identify a series of populations from different datasets:•Female teens from the eligibility files•Teens who had delivered babies from the inpatient files•Teens who had oral contraceptive prescriptions from the pharmacy filesOnce each of these subsets was identified, one record per teen was stored and studied. This is the core of the paper and the poster.The task at hand may seem easy at first glance, but as always, the data lends complexity to the project. As with any other study, it is imperative to understand the layout and quirks of the datasets to be used.Manipulation of the data in SAS datasets is often needed before further analysis can take place. BASE SAS includes code that, if used properly, can make this process fairly easy. SAS DATA step code is large and varied, and so it is easy to miss some of the very useful statements, options, and temporary variables that are available. This project with its inherent complicated datasets was simplified by knowing how and when to use the correct SAS code.Data DefinitionsFor each year that is to be analyzed, there are three separate SAS datasets that are used. These three datasets are Eligibility, Inpatient, and Pharmacy. Each of these files is quite large and analysis should be approached with efficiency in mind. Note the sizes of the three 2004 files:File Observations Variables Variables Required for ProjectEligibility 758,190 160 idcode, gender, ageInpatient 39,923 131 idcode, primary_dx, enddatePharmacy 2,512,982 62 idcode, therapclass, rxdateThe code used includes WHERE, IF, and KEEP statements or options to limit the size of the datasets to be studied. Efficiency is important with the sizes of the files.Let's take a minute to further discuss each of these input datasets:•The eligibility files contain one record per recipient for the designated year.o Each recipient is identified by an id code (idcode) that is used to match across datasets.o Demographic data is attached to each enrollee.o With only one record per enrollee making selections from this file is fairly straightforward.•The inpatient files contain claims for each inpatient stay.o There are multiple diagnoses (up to 12) for each claim. The project team elected to query only the primary diagnosis (primary_dx) to search for the desired codes.•The pharmacy files are the largest files and contain one record per prescription. Therefore, in a year's time, one recipient can conceivably have up to 12 records for a single prescription drug.o Each drug is defined by a National Drug Code, and each drug code is assigned an industry-standard therapeutic class (therapclass).o For the purpose of this study, only one therapeutic class, 681200, will be selected.Output RequestedThe project request is short and appears easy to complete:'Of the teenage (12-19) girls enrolled for each year, how many had babies? How many teenage girls took oral contraceptives? How many of those that had babies took contraceptives beforeand/or after giving birth?'While this request appears quite straightforward, it does require in-depth knowledge of the datasets, how they are arranged, and how to use SAS code properly.Process Flow1. The first step in the process is to establish a population. This entails identifying all femaleenrollees between the ages of 12 and 19 from the eligibility file.•For efficiency, the SAS code stores only those fields needed in processing.•In SAS versions 8 and 9, IF and WHERE statements require similar computer resources, but using the WHERE statement allows use of the BETWEEN – AND operators.2. In the next step, PROC FORMAT is used to create a user-defined format for the variousdiagnosis codes that identify a delivery.3. The following step uses one DATA step to accomplish multiple tasks:•Using the recipient id code, the 'population' list containing teenage girls is merged with the inpatient file. This inpatient data is subset to include only those claims that contain one of thediagnoses codes identifying deliveries. This is accomplished using a WHERE statement witha PUT function and the user defined format.•Only recipients who occur in both files (teens with babies) are kept.• A flag is set to identify this group (baby = 1).•The date of service (enddate) is renamed as the date of birth (babydob) so in later steps it is clear that this date signifies the baby's date of birth.4. Identifying teenagers from the population who have received prescriptions for oral contraceptivesis accomplished in the next portion of the code.•The population file and the pharmacy file are merged by recipient id code.•Only those claims that have the correct therapeutic class are saved.•Only those recipients who occur in both files are stored.•Only the fields needed are used.•NOTE – it is possible that there are multiple claim lines for one person!5. Pharmacy claims are built into one record per person.•The drugs dataset created in the last step is read.• A BY statement with key variables idcode and rxdate is included in the DATA step.•If the observation is the only claim for this id code, both the first date of prescription (firstrx) and last date of prescription (lastrx) are set to equal to the rxdate, and this updatedobservation is output.•If this record is the first record and not the last record, the first date of prescription (firstrx) is equal to the rxdate.o This date must be RETAINed or it will be overwritten when the next claim line is read.o This record is not output as it is not complete. The last prescription date has not been created.•When the last record for that id code is encountered, the last date of prescription (lastrx) is set equal to the rxdate, and the completed record is output.6. The next step merges the final three datasets by id code resulting in one record per person.• A new variable called teen is set to 1. This allows a numeric variable for calculations in the next procedure.•This step will also determine how a person should be categorized:Category Baby Drug Baby DOB First Rx Last Rx No Baby, No Contraceptives 0 0 - - -No Baby, Contraceptives 0 1 - - -Baby, No Contraceptives 1 0 Birth Date - -Baby, Contraceptives Before & After 1 1 Birth Date Before DOB After DOB Baby, Contraceptives Before 1 1 Birth Date Before DOB Before DOB Baby, Contraceptives After 1 1 Birth Date After DOB After DOB7. The final two steps prepare the results for easier interpretation.•PROC MEANS is used to count the number of recipients in each category and create a summary dataset (result04). The top level of this output (_TYPE_ = 0) is equal to the totalcount of recipients and will be used as the denominator in the process.• A DATA step reads this output dataset and calculates percentages of each category of the entire population.Data TransformationThe paper specifically mentions the use of the DATA step code RETAIN, FIRST.var and LAST.var. This section discusses the whys and how's of their use.First, in order to use FIRST.var and/or LAST.var, the SET or MERGE statement must be followed by a BY statement. To use a BY statement, the dataset(s) must be sorted by the key variables identified. The BY statement will automatically create the SAS variables FIRST. and LAST. for each BY variable. If the first occurrence of the BY variable occurs, FIRST.byvariable is set to 1. So this code:data drugsall04 (drop = rxdate);set drugs04;by idcode rxdate;Causes these actions in the processing:idcode rxdate first.idcodelast.idcode00001 1/24/2004 1 100004 5/8/2004 1 000004 10/19/20040 100100 3/3/2004 1 000100 5/16/20040 000100 7/22/20040 000100 11/26/20040 1The next section of code:retain firstrx;if first.idcode and last.idcode then do;firstrx = rxdate;lastrx = rxdate;output;end;else if first.idcode then firstrx = rxdate;else if last.idcode then do;lastrx = rxdate;output;end;run;Will cause the following dataset modifications:idcode rxdatelast.idcode firstrx lastrx Output?first.idcode1/24/2004 yes 00001 1/24/2004 1 1 1/24/200400004 5/8/2004 1 0 5/8/2004 . no00004 10/19/2004 0 1 5/8/2004 10/19/2004 yes00100 3/3/2004 1 0 3/3/2004 . no00100 5/16/2004 0 0 3/3/2004 . no00100 7/22/2004 0 0 3/3/2004 . no00100 11/26/2004 0 1 3/3/2004 11/26/2004 yesWhy is a RETAIN statement used? When SAS reads a new observation, all values from the previousrecord are overwritten, whether or not the new value is missing. So, in order to carry the first prescriptiondate (firstrx) forward until the last observation for the recipient is encountered and output, RETAIN is usedto save that date value.If the RETAIN statement is omitted, the final dataset will have missing values for the firstrx variable:last.idcode firstrx lastrx Output?first.idcodeidcode rxdate1/24/2004 yes00001 1/24/2004 1 1 1/24/200400004 5/8/2004 1 0 5/8/2004 . no00004 10/19/2004 0 1 . 10/19/2004 yes00100 3/3/2004 1 0 3/3/2004 . no00100 5/16/2004 0 0 . . no00100 7/22/2004 0 0 . . no00100 11/26/2004 0 1 . 11/26/2004 yesResultsThis process will create a dataset for each year studied. These datasets will contain counts andpercentages, all extremely useful in analysis of health care data. Here is an example of the results forone year:Final Count PercentageBaby, Contraceptives After 993 1.2%Baby, Contraceptives Before 450.0005%Baby, Contraceptives Before & After 270.0003%Baby, No Contraceptives 2,106 2.7%No Baby, Contraceptives 7,0319.0%No Baby, No Contraceptives 67,46886.8%This information can then be compared across years to assist in policy decisions.ConclusionSAS provides many tools to create datasets that meet the needs of a project. Learn to use the DATA stepand its statements and special temporary variables. Test new code on subsets of the data rather than onlarge datasets. Ask questions of other programmers. Access SAS online help and check the proceedingsof SAS User conferences.Contact InformationFor more information contact:Marge ScerboCHPDM/UMBC, 1000 Hilltop CircleSondheim Building, Room 309, Baltimore, MD 21250Email:scerbo@SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks ofSAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. ® indicates USA registration. Other brand and productnames are trademarks of their respective companies.SAS Codelibname elig "/data/mmis2/fiscal04/elig";*create population of teenage girls;data teens04;set elig.elig04 (keep = idcode age gender);where age between 12 and 19 and and gender = 'F';run;*format defining delivery diagnoses;proc format;value $matdiag '650'-'66999','V30'-'V3999', 'V27'-'V2799' = 'ok';run;libname claims "/data/fiscal04/claims";*select teenage girls who had babies;data babies04;merge teens04 (in = in1)claims.inpt04 (in = in2 where = (put(primary_dx,$matdiag.) = 'ok'));by idcode;if in1 and in2;baby = 1;babydob = enddate;format babydob mmddyy10.;keep idcode babydob baby;run;*select teenagers who have had oral contraceptive prescriptions;data drugs04;merge teens04 (in = in1)claims.pharm04 (in = in2keep = idcode therapclass rxdatewhere = (therapclass = '681200'));by idcode;if in1 and in2;drug = 1;keep idcode rxdate drug;run;data drugsall04 (drop = rxdate);set drugs04;by idcode rxdate;retain firstrx;format firstrx lastrx mmddyy10.;if first.idcode and last.idcode then do;firstrx = rxdate;lastrx = rxdate;output;end;else if first.idcode then firstrx = rxdate;else if last.idcode then do;lastrx = rxdate;output;end;run;*merge three analytic files, all one record per person;data allteens04;merge babies04drugsall04teens04;by idcode;teen = 1;length final $36;if baby = . and drug = . then final = 'No Baby, No Contraceptives';else if baby = . and drug = 1 then final = 'No Baby, Contraceptives';else if baby = 1 and drug = . then final = 'Baby, No Contraceptives';else if baby = 1 and drug = 1 then do;if firstrx lt babydob and lastrx gt babydob thenfinal = 'Baby, Contraceptives Before & After';else if firstrx gt babydob and lastrx gt babydob thenfinal = 'Baby, Contraceptives After';else if firstrx lt babydob and lastrx lt babydob thenfinal = 'Baby, Contraceptives Before';end;run;*summarize the results;proc means data = allteens04 noprint;teen;varfinal;classoutput out = result04 n = count;run;*format the results for final report.data result04 (keep = final count totalcount percent);setresult04;totalcount;retainif _type_ = 0 then totalcount = count;do;elsepercent = count/totalcount;output;end;run;。
设计专业英语常用单词汇编一、平面设计常用英语单词平面设计graphicdesign企业识别系统corporateidentitysystem企业视觉形象计划corporatevisualidentityprogram 标识logo标识图案logopattern标准字体logotype商标trademark标准色彩housecolor独特风格housestyle提案及制定该机构视觉形象计划的形象标准手册corporatedesignmanual视觉辨认力测试legibilitytest 色彩样本条colourswatch提案presentation纸类stationery营业报告书annualreport理念识别MindIdentity行为识别BehaviourIdentity视觉识别VisualIdentity商标、标志trademarkandsigns包装设计packagingdesign书籍装祯bookbinding商业美术commercialarts商业摄影commercialphotography 字体设计literaturedesign橱窗设计windowdisplay容器造型containermodelling插图illustrations广告advertisement美术字artisticcalligraphy广告画、宣传画poster手提袋handbag 购物袋shoppingbag美国广告协会AAAAtheAmericanAssociationofAdv ertisingAgencies在广告公司和广告客户之间起联系作用的广告负责人accountexecutive即兴广告adlib广告advertising广告代理人、广告公司advertisingagency广告代理人advertisingagent广告经纪人advertisingbroker广告记录表advertisingcalendar 广告周期advertisingcycle广告经理advertisingmanager广告调研advertisingresearch广告中间商agentmiddlemen销售分析anatomyofasale电视、广播广告的最后定稿answerprint美术指导artdirector广告中的非文字部分artofArtwork 字母的上半或下半出头部分ascender广告初稿的编排草稿asymmetricallayout广告妙语attentiongetter广告对象audience广告的有声部分audio广告正文bodycopy商品的品牌名称brandname广播广告broadcastadvertising小册子brochure产业出版物businesspublication购买动机buyingmotive月历设计calendar商品说明书catalogue分类广告classifiedadvertising 商业广告commercialadvertising 商业广告艺术家commercialartist 消费者广告consumeradvertising 消费者consumers合作广告cooperativeadvertising 广告撰稿负责人copychief广告文案撰稿员copywriter广告语句文案创作copywritting 公司广告部corporateadvertisingdepartment 广告创意大纲creativeplatform 工业广告industrialadvertising 广告插页insert封面内页insidefrontcover封底内页insidebackcover 封底backcover国际广告internationaladvertising广告布局版式layout广告时间timespot广告预算taskbudgeting一种成本极底的广告传单throwaways印有广告商品或广告信息的小商品specialities广告口号、标语slogan车站广告牌stationposter产品形象ProductImage形象策略ImageStrategy公共关系PublicRelations运筹学OperationsResearch设计策略DesignPolicy艺术总监ArtDirector二、色彩类常用英语单词黑black白white黄yellow洋红品红magenta青cyan绿green灰gray紫purple红red深红crimson朱红vermilion粉红pink猩红、鲜明scarlet玫瑰红rosemadder胭脂rouge赭石umber橙黄orange古铜色、赤褐色bronze 藤黄rattanyellow/lightbrightyellow 柠檬黄lemonyellow土黄yellowochre赭黄sienna翠绿emerald棕、褐brown淡绿lightgreen深绿darkgreen/intensegreen石绿mineralgreen蓝blue天蓝azure淡蓝lightblue深蓝darkblue靛青indigo花青flowerblue钴蓝cobaltblue群青ultramarineblue紫罗兰violet金色golden银色silver象牙色、乳白色ivory铅色、铅灰色leaden乳金milkgold铅白leadwhite色样coloursample色Color光谱Spectrum物体色ObjectColor固有色ProporColor色料ColoringMaterial色彩混合ColorMixing牛顿色环Newton'sColorCycle 色矢量ColorVector三原色ThreePrimaryColors 色度ChromaticityXYZ表色系XYZColorSystem实色与虚色RealColorandImaginaryColor 色温ColorTemperature色彩三属性ThreeAttribtesandColor色相Hue色相环ColorCycle明度Valve彩度纯度Chroma环境色EnvironmetalColor有彩色ChromaticColor无彩色AchromaticColors 明色LightColor暗色DarkColor清色ClearColor浊色DullColor补色ComplementaryColor类似色AnalogousColor一次色PrimaryColor二次色SecondaryColor色立体ColorSolid色彩工程ColorEngineering色彩管理ColorControl暖色与冷色WarmColorandColdColor 前进色与后退色AdvancingColorRecedingColor膨胀色与收缩色ExpansiveColorandContractileCol or重色与轻色HeavyColorandLightColor色调ColorTone暗调Shade明调Tint中间调Halftone色彩调和ColorHarmony配色ColorCombination色彩的感情FeelingofColor色彩的象征性ColorSymbolism色彩的嗜好ColorPreference流行色FashionColor色彩设计ColorDesign三、工业与建筑设计常用英语工艺美术设计CraftDesign工业设计IndustrialDesign 广义工业设计GenealizedIndustrialDesign 狭义工业设计NarrowIndustrialDesign 产品设计ProductDesign传播设计CommunicationDesign 环境设计EnvironmentalDesign 商业设计ComercialDesign建筑设计Architectural一维设计One-dimensionDesign二维设计Tow-dimensionDesign 三维设计Three-dimensionDesign 四维设计Four-dimensionDesign 装饰、装潢Decoration家具设计FurnitureDesign玩具设计ToyDesign室内设计InteriorDesign服装设计CostumeDesign包装设计ackagingDesign展示设计DisplayDesign城市规划UrbanDesgin生活环境LivingEnvironment都市景观Townscape田园都市GardonCity办公室风致OfficeLandscape设计方法论DesignMethodology 设计语言DesignLanguage设计条件DesignCondition结构设计StructureDesign形式设计FormDesign设计过程DesignProcess构思设计ConceptDesign量产设计,工艺设计TechnologicalDesign 改型设计ModelChange设计调查DesignSurvey袖珍型设计PocktableType便携型设计Protabletype收纳型设计SelfcontainningDesign 装配式设计KnockDownType集约化设计StackingType成套化设计SetDesign家族化设计FamilyDesign系列化设计SeriesDesign组合式设计UnitDesign仿生设计BionicsDesign功能Function独创性Originality创造力CreativePower创造性思维CreatingThinking集体创造性思维法BrainStorming 设计决策DesignDecisionMaking功能分析FunctionalAnalysis生命周期LifeCycle照明设计IlluminationDesign人类工程学HumanEngineering人机工程学Man-MachineEngineering四、设计美学常用英语美Beauty现实美ActureBeauty自然美NaturalBeauty社会美SocialBeauty艺术美ArtisitcBeauty内容与形式ContentandForm 形式美FormalBeauty形式原理PrinciplesandForm 技术美BeautyofTechnology 机械美BeautyofMachine功能美FunctionalBeauty材料美BeautyofMaterial美学Aesthetics 技术美学TechnologyAesthetics 设计美学DesignAesthetics生产美学PAroductionAesthetics 商品美学CommodityAedthetics 艺术Art造型艺术PlasticArts实用艺术PracticalArt时间艺术TimeArt空间艺术SpatialArt时空艺术TimeandSpatialArt一维艺术OneDimantional二维艺术twoDimantional三维艺术ThreeDimantional四维艺术FourDimantional舞台艺术Stagecraft影视艺术ArtsofMmovieandTelevision环境艺术EnvironmentalArt美术FineArts图案Pattern构思Conception构图Composition造型Formation再现Representation表现Expression构成Composition平面构成TowDimentionalComposition立体构成ThreeDimentionalComposition色彩构成ColorComposition空间构成CompositionofSpace多样与统一UnityofMultiplicity 平衡Balance对称Symmetry调和、和声Harmony对比Contrast类似Similarity比例Proportion黄金分割GoldenSection节奏Rhythm旋律Melody调子Tone纹样Pattern形态Form 有机形态OrganicForm抽象形态AbstractForm简化形态SimptifiedForm变形Deformation透视画法Perspective线透视LinearPerspective视点EyeonPicturePlane灭点VanishingPoint平行透视ParallelPerspective成角透视AngularPerspective斜透视ObliquePerspective单点透视SinglePaintPerspective 两点透视Tow-PointPerspective三点透视Three-PointPerspective 鸟瞰图Bird'sEyeView平面视图GroundPlain轴侧投影AxonometricProjection 设计素描DesignSketch模型Model石膏模型PlasterModel木制模型WoodenModel仿真模型FinishedModel计算机辅助设计computeraideddesign计算机辅助制造ComputerAidedManufacture计算机三维动画ComputerThreeDimentionalAnimati on计算机艺术ComputerArts计算机图象处理ComputerImageProcessing五、传媒设计常用英语单词传播Communication大众传播MassCommunication 媒体Media大众传播媒体MassMedia视觉传播VisualCommunication 听觉传播HearingCommunication 信息Information符号Sign视觉符号VisualSign图形符号GraphicSymbol符号论Semiotic象征Symbol象征标志SymbolMark图象设计VisualCommunicationDesign视觉设计VisualDesign视觉传播设计VisualCommunicationDesign图形设计GraphicDesign版面设计Layout字体设计Lettering广告代理业AdvertisingAgency广告媒体AdvertisingMedia广告目的AvertisingObjectives 广告伦理MoralityofAdvertising 广告法规LawofAdvertising广告效果AdvertisingEffect广告文案AdvertisingCopy广告摄影AdvertisingPhotography 说明广告InformativeAdvertising 招贴画海报Poster招牌Sign-board 小型宣传册Pamphlet大型宣传册Portfolio商品目录Catalogue企业商报HouseOrgan户外广告OutdoorAdvertising POP广告PointofPurchaseAdvertising 展示Display橱窗展示WindowDisplay展示柜Cabinet博览会Exposition万国博览会WorldExposition 工业包装IndustrialPacking 标签Label动画Animation插图Illustration书法Calligraphy印刷Initial设计费designfee标准standard注册商标registeredtrademark六、设计思潮与流派学院派Academicism理性主义Rationalism非理性主义Irrationalism古典主义Classicism浪漫主义Romanticism现实主义Realism印象主义Impressionism后印象主义Postimpressionism新印象主义Neo-Impressionisme法那比派TheNabject表现主义Expressionism象征主义Symbolism野兽主义Fauvism立体主义Cubism未来主义Futurism 奥弗斯主义Orphism达达主义Dadaisme法超现实主义Surrealism纯粹主义Purism抽象艺术AbstractArt绝对主义,至上主义Suprematism新造型主义Neo-plasticisme法风格派DeStiji青骑士DerBlausReiter抒情抽象主义LyricAbstractionism 抽象表现主义AbstractExpressionism行动绘画ActionPainting塔希主义Tachisme法视幻艺术OpArt活动艺术、机动艺术KineticArt 极少主义Minimalism概念主义Conceptualism波普艺术PopArt芬克艺术、恐怖艺术FunkArt超级写实主义SuperRealism人体艺术BodyArt芝加哥学派ChicagoSchool艺术与手工艺运动TheArts&CraftsMovement 新艺术运动ArtNouveau分离派Secession构成主义Constructivism现代主义Modernism包豪斯Bauhaus阿姆斯特丹学派AmsterdamSchool 功能主义Functionalism装饰艺术风格ArtDeco法国际风格InternationalStyle流线型风格StreamlinForms。
Captions to be set in Times or Times New Roman or equivalent, italic, 18 to 24 points, to the length of the column in case a figure takes more than 2/3 of column width.
Captions to be set in Times or Times New Roman or
equivalent, italic, between 18 and 24 points. Right aligned if it refers to a figure on its right. Caption starts right at the top
Captions to be set in Times or Times New Roman or
Techniques in Oral Presentation
1. Turning to a New Topic ( 启转话题 ) 先说一句使对方有精神准备的话,然后再把主 要事实说出来。
1) Ladies and Gentlemen, it would be very interesting to take a look at this curve, which tells us…
• 利用重读、语调、语气、手势等
5. Simplifying Longish Terms (长术语处理)
• 用等意词代 the solvent (该溶剂); the testing agent (该试剂); the compound (该化合物); the metal (该金属)
• 用符号代 … Here, Xm presents the … … Now let’s assume Xm to be constant, then …
2) Well, may I say boldly? It is common… 我可以冒昧地讲……
3) The interesting thing in this experiment is that… 4) It is not an exaggeration to say… 5) Another important fact…
• 冷场时间较长时, 要做必要的 “重复”填补。 “what I said just now was about…” “That is what we have done. Under condition, which is essential for …”
Methods of Ending a Speech (结束发言)
第1期(总279期)No. 1(Serial No. 279)2021 年 1 月Jan. 2021情报探索Information Research 网络谣言研究比较分析**收稿日期:2020-07-20*本文系国家社会科学基金重点项目“面向智慧服务的多源多维公共文化数据治理及政策保障研究”(项目编号:19ATQ001) 成果之一。
作者简介:齐美妮(1996—),女,2019级硕士研究生,研究方向为信息传播;钱鹏(1972—),男,博士,研究馆员,硕士生导师,研 究方向为信息资源管理。
——以图书情报学科与新闻传播学科为例 齐美妮1钱鹏2(1.东南大学经济管理学院江苏南京211189)(2.东南大学图书馆江苏南京211189)摘要:[目的/意义]探究图书情报学科与新闻传播学科在网络谣言研究中的发展现状与研究热点,比较分析两门学科在 网络谣言研究中的共性与差异性。
[方法/过程]采用文献计量与内容分析方法,对发表于图书情报学科与新闻传播学科的 CSSCI 与北大中文核心期刊中关于网络谣言研究的文献,从发文机构、核心作者以及关键词这三个方面进行了比较分析。
[结果/结论]两门学科关于网络谣言的研究有着网络谣言研究方法的差异性、谣言传播研究的不同方向、网络谣言研究对象的相 似性,同时也发现两门学科在论文发表方面存在着融合研究。
建议加强本学科的相互合作、加强两门学科间的融合研究、两门 学科间互相吸纳研究方法。
关键词:谣言;网络谣言;比较分析;文献计量中图分类号:G203 文献标识码:A doi :10.3969/j .issn.1005-8095.2021.01.013Comparative Analysis of Internet Rumor Research : Case Study of Library & Information Science and Journalism & CommunicationQi Meini 1 Qian Peng 2( 1. School of Economics and Management , Southeast University , Nanjing Jiangsu 211189)( 2. Southeast University Library , Nanjing Jiangsu 211189)Abstract : [ Purpose/significance ]The paper is to explore the development status and research hotspots of library and informationscience as well as journalism and communication science in the studies of internet rumor , and compares the similarities and differencesbetween the two disciplines in the studies of internet rumor. [ Method/process ] By using the methods of bibliometrics and content analy- sis , the paper makes a comparative analysis of the literatures on internet rumor published in journals of library and information science as well as journalism and communication included in CSSCI and Chinese Core Journals of Peking University from the three aspects of pub lishing organization , core authors and keywords. [ Result,/conclusion ] The researches of the two disciplines on internet rumor have differences in research methods , different directions of rumor propagation research , and similarities in the research objects. At the sametime , it is also found that there is a fusion research on paper publishing between the two disciplines. It is recommended to strengthen the mutual cooperation of the disciplines , strengthen the fusion research between the two disciplines , and absorb the research methods be tween the two disciplines.Keywords : rumor ; internet rumor ; comparative analysis ; bibliometrics0引言“没有事实根据的消息”。
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POSTER PAPERSolving Linear and One-Way Constraints for Web Document LayoutHiroshi HosobeNational Institute of Informatics2-1-2Hitotsubashi,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo101-8430,Japanhosobe@nii.ac.jpABSTRACTThe development of information systems such as Web browsers based on open standards is becoming more and more important.To clearly formalize and appropriately im-plement document layout methods for Web browsers,re-searchers have proposed an approach that uses constraint programming and solving.However,it is still difficult for existing standard constraint solving techniques to handle Web document layout methods.To tackle this problem,we propose a new algorithm called DuPlex that solves hybrid systems of linear constraints and one-way constraints. Keywordsconstraints,document layout,Web browsers,simplex method,Cassowary1.INTRODUCTIONThe development of information systems based on open standards is becoming more and more important.A typi-cal example is the development of Web browsers;they are based on standards such as Hypertext Markup Language and Cascading Style Sheets(CSS).In reality,however,dif-ferent implementations of Web browsers tend to exhibit dif-ferent behaviors,and therefore users often face a problem that a document normally displayed in one Web browser is abnormally displayed in another browser.A major cause of this problem is the difficulty in specifying behaviors of visual information systems as a standard due to their complexity. To solve the problem,researchers have proposed an ap-proach that uses constraint programming and solving to formalize and implement document layout methods for Web browsers[1,3,5].However,past studies have achieved only partial formalizations and implementations of actual Web document layout methods.CSS level2(CSS2)[4]plays a principal role as a document layout method for recent Web browsers.Its basic idea is Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on thefirst page.To copy otherwise,to republish,to post on servers or to redistribute to lists,requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.SAC’05March13-17,2005,Santa Fe,New Mexico,USACopyright2005ACM1-58113-964-0/05/0003...$5.00.(a)(b)Figure1:Text layout examples in a Web browser. to generate and lay out rectangular areas called boxes that correspond to elements in documents.For example,boxes for successive paragraphs are typically stacked vertically and placed inside the box corresponding to the document body. To handle such a Web document layout method is diffi-cult for existing standard constraint solving techniques.A typical problem is text layout as depicted in Figure1.Fig-ure1(a)shows a paragraph with a border displayed in a Web browser;in this case,the width of the box for the paragraph is determined based on the window width of the browser.By contrast,Figure1(b)illustrates a window with a narrowed width;in this case,in spite of the slight change of the width of the paragraph box,its height becomes completely differ-ent.Expressing and processing such a behavior is difficult for state-of-the-art linear constraint solvers.Also,to our knowledge,there are no standard constraint solvers of other kinds that appropriately treat such a behavior.To tackle this problem,we propose a new algorithm called DuPlex that solves hybrid systems of linear constraints and one-way constraints.Extending the linear constraint solv-ing algorithm Cassowary[2],DuPlex newly introduces one-way constraints.It handles one-way constraints with user-defined functions,and can cope with complex behaviors such as text layout described above.2.RELATED WORKThere have been attempts to use constraint programming and solving for document layout in Web browsers.Borning et al.proposed using constraints with hierarchical prefer-ences for Web document layout[3].In addition,they showed that this idea is also useful for specifying CSS[1].However,in the former research,they handled only document layout based on linear constraints,and,in the latter,they treated only a small part of document layout.Michalowski showed that box layout in CSS2can be speci-fied by constraint programming[5].However,his constraint-based specification introduced special functions for hiding features difficult to formalize with constraints,and there-fore it cannot be implemented as actual software.3.TARGET PROBLEMSThe DuPlex algorithm handles constraint hierarchies[2] that consist of linear constraints and one-way constraints. Itfinds a solution to such a constraint hierarchy,based on the criterion known as weighted-sum-better(WSB)[2].A constraint hierarchy associates each constraint with a hier-archical preference called a strength or a level.There are afinite number of strengths;the strongest strength is for required constraints that must always be satisfied,and the weaker strengths are for preferential constraints that can be relaxed if necessary.Intuitively,the WSB solution set of a constraint hierarchy consists of the solutions obtained by summing up the constraint errors at each level and then successively minimizing each sum from the strongest level. DuPlex handles variables over the real number domain. It processes linear and one-way constraints.A linear con-straint is linear equality,linear inequality,edit(for repeat-edly updating the value of the associated variable),or stay (for making the variable value constant).A one-way constraint refers to input variables x1,x2,..., x n and an output variable y.It obtains the value of the output variable from the values of the input variables by using a function f.Such a one-way constraint is written y←f(x1,x2,...,x n).An example of one-way constraints is the one on the width and height of an area for text layout as described in Section1.Typically,the height is computed from its width.Therefore,given the width w and height h, it can be represented as the one-way constraint h←f1(w).4.THE DUPLEX ALGORITHMThis section proposes the DuPlex algorithm,which solves problems described in the previous section.Incorporating one-way constraints,it extends the Cassowary algorithm[2], which solves hierarchies of linear constraints.(Cassowary itself is an extension of the simplex method,which solves linear optimization problems.)The DuPlex algorithm consists of the following three phases:(1)convert a constraint hierarchy into an optimiza-tion problem;(2)construct a tableau from the optimization problem;(3)minimize the objective function by repeatedly updating the tableau.In phase(1),DuPlex rewrites constraints in the same way as Cassowary;it converts each inequality constraint into an equation by introducing a nonnegative slack variable,and rewrites each preferential constraint by incorporating one or two nonnegative error variables to enable the relaxing of the constraint.Also,it constructs an objective function as the weighted sum of error variables,using vector-valued weights to represent hierarchical strengths in the constraint hierarchy.Thus the objective function returns vector values that are compared by the lexicographic order.In phase(2),DuPlex constructs a tableau.Basically,in the same way as Cassowary,it uses,as unrestricted vari-ables,external variables and,as basic variables,some slack and error variables,and obtains a set of equations,each of which has,on its left-hand side,an unrestricted or basic vari-able that does not appear in the other equations,and,on its right-hand side,variables that do not occur on the left-hand sides of any equations.In addition,as an extension to Cassowary,DuPlex handles functions of one-way constraints in the following way:itfirst evaluates the function of each one-way constraint by using temporary values of its input variables(all of which are unrestricted);then it places the function on the right-hand sides of equations by treating it like a part of constant terms.In phase(3),DuPlex repeatedly updates the tableau basi-cally in the same way as Cassowary.As an extension,after updating the tableau,it reevaluates functions of one-way constraints if ing the results,it checks that the value of the objective function does not increase,and also that each basic variable is nonnegative.If itfinds a viola-tion,it restores the previous tableau,and performs pivoting by using another pair of a basic and a nonbasic variable. DuPlex carries out incremental constraint satisfaction to add new constraints,remove existing constraints,and up-date variable values via edit constraints.It is done by ex-tending Cassowary in the same way as above.DuPlex has a limitation that,in certain cases,it does not find an optimal solution,which is caused by the existence of one-way constraints.One case is that the given constraint hierarchy is very difficult due to one-way constraints that can employ arbitrary real-valued functions.The other case is that DuPlex must quit its optimization process when it finds a cyclic dependency among variables related to one-way constraints,or when all attempts at pivoting fail in phase(3).However,in these cases,DuPlex can return an approximate solution that is obtained as a temporary solu-tion when it terminates or quits the optimization process.5.STATUS AND FUTURE WORKBased on the algorithm described in this paper,the Du-Plex constraint solver is being developed as a C++class library.The next step to the development is to theoreti-cally analyze the limitation of the DuPlex algorithm.Then, to further improve DuPlex,we will investigate other neces-sary features by actually formalizing and implementing the document layout method of CSS2.6.REFERENCES[1]G.Badros,A.Borning,K.Marriott,and P.Stuckey.Constraint cascading style sheets for the Web.InProc.ACM UIST,pages73–82,1999.[2]G.J.Badros,A.Borning,and P.J.Stuckey.TheCassowary linear arithmetic constraint solvingalgorithm.ACM put.-Human Interact.,8(4):267–306,2001.[3]A.Borning,R.K.-H.Lin,and K.Marriott.Constraint-based document layout for the Web.Multimedia Systems,8(3):177–189,2000.[4]B.Bos,H.W.Lie,C.Lilley,and I.Jacobs.Cascadingstyle sheets,level2,CSS2specification.W3CRecommendation,May1998.[5]B.Michalowski.A constraint-based specification forbox layout in CSS2.Tech.Rep.98-06-03,Dept.Comput.Sci.Eng.,Univ.Washington,1998.。