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Unit 6 Topic 1重点短语和词组:

1. on the second floor 在第二层

( The building has four floors. I am on the first floor.)

2. go upstairs( adv.)上楼; go downstairs 下楼

3. a moment later 过了一会儿

4. play with sb 和某人一起玩 play with sth. 玩弄某物

5. in front of 和in the front of 区别:加the的词组表示物体内部的前面

6. on the wall 在墙上 in the wall

7. on the tree (苹果) in the tree (鸟)

8. a model plane 模型飞机

9. play on the computer 玩电脑 (比较play computer games 玩电脑游戏)

10.and so on 等等

11. put away 把……收拾好

put...here/there 把……放在这儿/那儿

12. look after照顾、照看

13.help sb. (to) do sth.帮……做……

14.at the back of 在……后面

15. in the center of 在……中央

16. on the left/right of在……的左/右边

17.How many people are there,,,?

18. How much water is there…?

19.write (a letter) to sb.给……写信

20. a new home 新家

an apple tree 一颗苹果树

Unit 6Topic 2重点短语和词组

1.under…yuan a month每个月低于…元

2.rent sth. to sb. 出租某物给某人;rent sth. from sb.从……租

3.a room for two people一间两个人住的房子

4.What kind of home do you live in?你住的是什么类型的房子?

5.live with和…住在一起

6.be kind to sb对某人友好

7.rent sth from sb向某人租某物 8.call sb at 打电话给某人

9.at the end of在…的尽头 10.bank河岸,银行

11.kind n.种类,adj.友好的 12.on the street corner在街道的拐角处

13.Would you like me to help you?你需要我帮忙吗?

14.It's very nice/kind of you你真是太好了

15.no=not a/not an/not any没有

16.by the end of 到…时间为止 in the end最终

17. For Rent出租 Room wanted房屋求租

18. There are twelve months in a year.一年有十二个月。

19.buy all kinds of things in the supermarket 在超市里买各种各样的东西 20.a new neighbor新邻居 21.railway station火车站

22.It's very friendly/nice/kind of you 你真是太好了

23.for example 举例说明(后+句子) 24.such as例如(后+单词或短语)25.be close to靠近 26.be far from远离

27.a lot of =lots of =many/much许多 28.a quiet community安静的社区

29.There be…doing有…在做

30.There are many families with young children living here.有许多有小孩的家庭住在这

31.There are all kind to each other.他们都非常友好

31.an apartment building一栋公寓楼 32.do sports做运动

33.a community service center社区服务中心 34.call sb for help打电话向某人寻求帮助 35.have a colorful life here过着五彩缤纷的生活

37.a townhouse with two floors一间两层楼带有的房子

38.Could you help me?你可以帮助我吗?

39.post office邮局-post letters寄信

40.a parking lot停车场-park bus/car停车

42. move from...to... 从......搬到...... 43. the cost of living生活成本 44.fresh air新鲜的空气 45.read books 看书

46.in the countryside在乡村

47.一套三居室的房子a house with three bedrooms

48. call sb. at +电话号码 ,拨打….与某人联系 49. keep money 存钱

50. see a doctor 看医生

51.月份 month 的复数 months;嘴mouth的复数mouths

52. community service center in our area 在我们这带的服务中心

53. 靠近 be close (adj.) to / close (adv.) to / near / next to (紧靠)

【反义词是be far from】


1.e xcuse me 打扰
