Grey School of Wizardry魔法学校




霍格沃茨法学校Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry学生须掌握的基本咒语及大事年表咒语名咒语用途飞来咒 Accio 把东西招来原形立现 Aparecium 让隐形墨水显现幻影移形 Apparate 让自己在瞬间移动到别的地方阿拉霍洞开 Alohomora 打开门或箱子、盒子之类的东西蝙蝠精魔咒 Bat-Bogey Hexes 使人倒地塔朗泰拉舞 Colloportus 使对手疯狂地跳起踢踏舞眼疾咒 Conjunctivtus Curse 损害视力消隐无踪 Deletrius 使东西消失门牙赛大棒 Densaugeo 使门牙失去控制地疯长四分五裂 Diffindo 使东西撕裂或分开左右分离 Dissendium 使东西打开快快苏醒 Enervate 使昏迷的生物苏醒消隐无踪 Evanesco 使某物体立刻不见踪影呼神护卫 Expecto Patronum 召唤出一个守护神,用于对付摄魂怪除你武器 Expelliarmus 使对手解除武装赤胆忠心魔咒 Fidelius Charm 将一桩秘密告诉另一个可信赖的人,只要保密人不说,秘密就永远不会被知道咒立停 Finite Incantatem 结束其他咒语障碍重重 Impedimenta 阻止某人或某物火焰熊熊 Incendio可以召唤出火焰摄神取念 Legilimens 进入别人大脑荧光闪烁 Lumos 使魔杖发出亮光一忘皆空 Obliviate 使人忘却某些记忆统统石化 Petrificus Totalus 使人被石化盔甲护身 Protegos 可使自己不受伤害速速禁锢 Incarcerous 从魔杖尖端射出一根粗绳子,把对方捆住永久粘贴咒 Permanent Sticking 把某东西永远粘在某个地方闪回前咒 Prior Incantate 再现魔杖施的前一个魔咒咧嘴呼啦啦 Rictusempra 挠人痒痒滑稽滑稽 Riddikulus 对付博格特时使用,能使博格特变得荒唐可笑粉身碎骨 Reducto 使对手粉身碎骨修复如初 Reparo 把东西修好无声无息(静音咒) Sliencio 使被施魔法的人无法发出声音昏昏倒地 Stupefy 使对手立刻昏倒清理一新 Scourgify 把某个地方清理干净羽加迪姆勒维奥萨(漂浮咒) Wingardium Leviosa 使东西飘飞清水如泉 Aguamenti 魔杖尖喷出水终极守护统统加护Protego Maxima Protego totalum (最高强的守护咒)可使被它包围的东西不受伤害燃烧咒Lacarnum Inflamarae 魔杖尖射出火焰全部定身Immobulus 使目标全部被定身变形咒Vera Verto 将动物变成高脚杯蛇蛇攻Serpensortia 魔杖尖射出一条蛇攻击对方手臂恢复Brackium Emendo 将受伤的手臂修复好黑魔标记Morsmordre 释放出黑魔标记速速变大 Engorgio 将物体变大缩小咒 Diminuendo 将物体变小倒挂金钟 Levicorpus 将对方倒着挂到天花板上强力爆破咒 Bombarda Maxima 对物体进行爆破愈合如初 Episkey 让伤口愈合速速混淆 Confundus 使对方分不清方向或看错东西万弹齐发Oppugno 让东西射向对方神锋无影 Sectumsempra让对方仿佛被利剑刺穿速速复原 Vulnera Sanentur 将被神锋无影刺穿的伤口修复爆爆炸 Expulso 让被击中的东西爆炸霹雳爆炸 Confringo 让目标周围爆炸不可饶恕咒:*钻心咒(钻心剜骨) Crucio 能给人带来极度痛苦*夺魂咒(魂魄出窍) Imperio 使受害者完全受巫师控制*阿瓦达索命咒(阿瓦达索命) Avada Kedavra 置一个人于死地任何巫师只要在另一个人身上施不可饶恕咒,就会被判在阿兹卡班终身监禁(巴蒂〃克劳奇批准傲罗追捕食死徒时除外)。


Hogwarts School
格兰芬多 斯莱特林 拉文克劳 赫奇帕奇
霍格沃茨魔法学校(Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry)是英 国作家乔安娜·凯瑟琳·罗琳(Joanne Kathleen Rowling)的著名魔幻小说 《哈利波特》系列中的魔法学校,是欧洲三大魔法学校之一。学校采用七 年学制,所有学生在霍格沃茨学习期间寄宿。圣诞节期间,学生可离校返 家,也可选择留校过节;三年级后经过监护人签字可以在周末的时候前往 霍格莫德(英国唯一一个纯巫师的村庄)。
创建人:萨拉查·斯莱特林( Salazar·Slytherin )
创办者:戈德里克·格兰芬多 ( Godric Gryffindor )

Harry Potter(ppt)

Harry Potter(ppt)

学院标志:鹰 创办者:罗伊纳·拉文克劳(Rowena Ravenclaw) 英文: Ravenclaw 代表颜色:蓝色和青铜色 学院院长:菲利乌斯·弗利维教授 幽灵:格雷女士,即灰夫人(生前为海 莲娜·拉文克劳,为罗伊纳·拉文克劳的女 儿) 拉文克劳入口:拉文克劳塔最顶端,一 块老的光光的木版,上面有提问的鹰状 青铜门环。 公共休息室:一间很大的空灵圆形屋子, 墙上开着雅致的拱形窗户,挂着蓝色和 青铜色丝质窗帘。天花板为一穹顶,上 面缀有星星,下面的深蓝色地毯上也缀 有星星。房间里有桌椅、书架,门对面 的壁龛中放有的罗伊纳·拉文克劳的半身 白色大理石像。塑像旁边的一扇门通往 上面的宿舍。 学院宗旨:睿智、公正、精明、博学、 聪明、有远见、好奇心也很强,喜欢钻 研事物。 创始人遗物:拉文克劳的冠冕
外貌:长长的被打断了的鹰钩鼻,戴着半月形 眼镜,一双湛蓝色的锐利的双眼,长长的银白 色胡须
毕业院校:霍格沃茨魔法学校 格兰芬多学院
宠物:福克斯(凤凰) 伴侣:盖勒特·格林德沃 (Gellert Grindelwald ) 专长:变形术
姓名:西弗勒斯·斯内普(Severus Snape), 性别:男 生日:1960年1月9日 魔杖:由精灵制造的蕴藏大海力量的黑魔 杖,魔杖材质是白桦木,杖芯没有说明材 料。 外貌:眼睛黑色,冰冷,深不可测 ;头 发黑色,油腻,平直,及肩;肤色蜡黄, 灰黄或苍白 毕业院校:霍格沃茨魔法学校 斯莱特林 学院 守护神:银色牝鹿 特长:魔药 血统:混血
姓名:伏地魔(Lord Voldemort) 原名:汤姆·马沃罗·里德尔(Tom Marvolo Riddle) 性别:男 生日:1926年12月31日 魔杖:十三又二分之一英寸,紫杉木,福克 斯的羽毛,极强大。 外貌:黑玉般的头发,欣长,消瘦,闪闪发 光的红眼睛。 毕业院校:霍格沃茨魔法学校 斯莱特林学院 血统:混血 宠物:纳吉妮(蛇) 特殊技能:蛇老腔 魂器:汤姆·里德尔的日记本,马沃罗·冈特的 戒指,斯莱特林的挂坠盒,赫奇帕奇的金杯, 纳吉妮,拉文克劳的冠冕,哈利波特。 宿敌:哈利波特


The characters in the novel
Perfect Dream Harry Potter
Do you know Harry Potter? If you don't, then you are out of date. Many people love Harry Potter, whether children or adults. I love Harry Potter, too. my favouirt movie is"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". It was a wonderful movie. In the movie, Harry is the same age as us and he is more handsome than me. Harry's best friends are Hermione and Ron. The movie tells the story of Harry's Fourth Year at Hogwarts. The Goblet of Five selects him to compete as one of four champions in the Throwizard Tournament, despite the fact that he didn't submit his name. The Tournament is very dangerous so his friends are all worried about him. Hermione and Ron try their best to help Harry to prepare for each task. I think their friendship is unbreakable. Cho Chang, who Harry likes, is a Chinese pretty girl. I liked her but I liked Hermione better because she is very clever. It's very magical! I love magic as much as Harry does. If I lived in a magic world, I could pick up gigantic things easily, I could go to wherever I liked and I could fly on a broom, I could change my hairstyle of any time, I could. It's a perfect world and it's a perfect dream.



格雷魔法学校(Grey School of Wizardry)世界上第一所注册巫师学校,也是唯一的一所巫师学校。













24岁那年,英国女作家J.K.罗琳在曼彻斯特前 往伦敦的火车旅途中,一个瘦弱、戴着眼镜的黑
发小巫师,一直在车窗外对着她微笑。他一下子 闯进了她的生命,使她萌生了创作哈利·波特的念 头。虽然当时手边没有纸和笔,但她开始天马行 空地想象,终于把这个哈利·波特的男孩故事推向 了世界。于是,哈利·波特诞生了——一个10岁小 男孩,瘦小的个子,黑色乱蓬蓬的头发,明亮的
“如果你头脑精明,或许会 进智慧的拉文克劳,那些睿 智博学的人,总会在那里遇 见他们的同道。” 创办者:
罗伊纳·拉文克劳 (Rowena Ravenclaw) 学院标志:鹰
“你也许属于赫奇帕奇,那 里的人正直忠诚,赫奇帕奇 的学子们坚忍诚实,不畏惧 艰辛的劳动。” 代表颜色:黄色和黑色(颜 色基本上属于泥土的颜色) 学院标志:獾(獾是挖洞的 啮齿动物。在风语河岸柳这 部童话中,就塑造了一个老 实、忠厚的獾的形象,而 J.K.罗琳女士在小时候对这 本书爱不释手。獾,也是一
姓名:乔安妮·凯瑟琳·罗琳(J.K. Rowling) 国籍:英国 出生地:英国格温特郡 生日: 1965年7月31日 毕业院校:埃克塞特大学( University Of Exeter) 专业:法语
古典文学 学历:文理学士学位 代表作: 哈利波特系列小说 其他作品:2001年 神奇的魁地奇球
霍格沃茨共分为四个学院,分别是格兰芬多 (Gryffindor)、赫奇帕奇(Hufflepuff)、拉文克劳 (Ravenclaw)和斯莱特林(Slytherin),四个学院皆有其代 表颜色与动物。新生入学第一件事情就是戴上分院帽 (Sorting Hat),分院帽会根据你的性格和品质来判断你该 属于哪一个学院。



霍格沃茨魔法学校的一些资料霍格沃兹魔法学校,全名:Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry——一所专门培养巫师的魔法学校,是欧洲最著名的魔法学校之一。



霍格沃兹共分四个学院,分别是格兰芬多(Gryffindor),赫奇帕奇(Hufflepuff)拉文克劳(Ravenclaw),斯莱特林(Slytherin),一年级新生入学后第一件事情,就是戴上分院帽(Sorting Hat),分院帽会知道你该属于哪一个学院,霍格沃兹四个学院皆有其代表颜色与动物,霍格沃兹的校徽(Hogwarts school Crest)上有四个学院的代表动物。


学生在校有优异表现或贡献,除了会为自己的学院赢得分数外,更有可能获得”特殊贡献奖”(Special Awards for Services)。

相反,假如触犯校规,不但会被扣分,还要接受劳动服务(Detention);劳动服务有很多种形式(不过一定不会是抄书),例如不可以用魔法进行清洁工作,或者是协助海格到禁林巡逻等等.校徽:出现在顶端的学校座右铭是:“Dracodormiens nunquam titillandus”,意思是:“永远不要逗弄一条睡着的龙。




我一点都不知道她在说些什么,直到她提醒我,那一天我们去Kew Gardens,看到了那些百合花,它们的名字就是霍格沃兹。



”学校概况:- 校长:阿不思邓不利多- 教职员工:约有20人- 学生人数:约1000人(但根据书本的描述,学校大概有300名学生)- 校徽上的格言:Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus —千万不要去惹沉睡中的龙。



魔法学校作文英语模板英文回答:The Magic School。

In the heart of a secluded forest, where ancient trees whispered secrets and the air crackled with anticipation, there lies a hidden haven for aspiring young wizards and witches. Welcome to the Magic School, a place where dreams take flight and the impossible becomes possible.Upon arriving at the school's majestic gates, you will be greeted by a breathtaking sight. Soaring towers adorned with intricate carvings pierce the sky, their walls shimmering with an ethereal glow. As you step through the grand entrance, the scent of ancient knowledge and arcane power fills the air.The school is divided into four houses, each with its own unique character and values. The Gryffindors, brave andloyal, are known for their unwavering determination andthirst for adventure. The Ravenclaws, intelligent and witty, pride themselves on their sharp minds and exceptional problem-solving abilities. The Hufflepuffs, kind and hardworking, embody the virtues of patience, loyalty, and unwavering support. And finally, the Slytherins, cunningand ambitious, possess a keen intellect and a thirst for power.Within the castle's hallowed halls, you will find a labyrinth of classrooms, libraries, and secret chambers.The classrooms are filled with antique desks, dusty bookshelves, and magical artifacts that inspire a sense of wonder and limitless possibility. In the libraries, youwill discover volumes of ancient lore, forgotten spells,and whispered secrets that hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of the magical world.The faculty at the Magic School is a renowned assemblyof master wizards and witches who have dedicated theirlives to nurturing the potential of their students. Professor Dumbledore, the wise and venerable Headmaster,leads the school with a gentle hand and an unwaveringbelief in the goodness of his students. Professor Snape,the enigmatic Potions Master, may appear stern and unyielding, but beneath his gruff exterior lies a deep reservoir of hidden knowledge and a genuine concern for his charges.As a student at the Magic School, you will embark on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and magical prowess. You will learn to wield the power of spells and potions, navigate the intricacies of ancient runes, and unravel the mysteries of transfiguration. You will forge bonds of friendship and kinship with fellow students, forge memories that will last a lifetime, and shape the destiny of the magical world for generations to come.中文回答:魔法学校。




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中国版霍格沃兹魔法学校 你喜欢吗

中国版霍格沃兹魔法学校 你喜欢吗

中国版霍格沃兹魔法学校你喜欢吗?It's every Harry Potter fan's dream - a real-life Hogwarts is currently being built in China.这是所有哈利·波特粉丝的梦想——中国正在建造一座真实的霍格沃茨魔法学校。

The enormous new university building in Xinle City, Hebei Province, features a giant clock tower, castle walls and turrets.这座宏伟的高校新校舍位于河北省新乐市,是一座有着高耸的塔楼、石壁和塔楼的城堡建筑。

The 'magical' building bears an uncanny resemblance to Hogwarts, the school of witchcraft and wizardry from the hit Harry Potter films - actually Alnwick Castle in Northumberland, with a little CGI enhancement.这座“魔法城堡”外形酷肖魔法题材巨制《哈利·波特》中的魔法学校霍格沃茨——实际上,电影中的霍格沃茨是以英国诺森伯兰郡的阿尼克城堡为原型拍摄的,还加上了一点CGI 特效。

But designers say the university is modelled on the architecture of the castles of medieval Europe, rather than Harry Potter's school but the resemblance is startling.此建筑的设计师称,该校是仿照中世纪欧洲的城堡建筑来涉及这座校舍的,而不是效仿《哈利·波特》中的魔法城堡。



魔法学校读后感英文回答:Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a magical school that exists in a parallel universe to our own. It is a place where young witches and wizards are taught how to control their powers and learn about the magical world. I have always been fascinated by the world of Harry Potter, and I was thrilled to finally get to read about Hogwarts in detail.One of the things that I found most interesting about Hogwarts was the way that it was structured. The school is divided into four houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each house has its own unique values and traditions. Gryffindor is known for its bravery, Hufflepuff for its loyalty, Ravenclaw for its intelligence, and Slytherin for its ambition. Students are sorted into their houses based on their personality and abilities.I also found the classes at Hogwarts to be very interesting. Students learn a variety of subjects,including potions, transfiguration, charms, and defense against the dark arts. They also learn about the history of magic and the different creatures that inhabit the magical world.Of course, no school would be complete without its sports teams. Hogwarts has a Quidditch team that competes against other schools in the wizarding world. Quidditch is a fast-paced and exciting game that is played on flying broomsticks. The Hogwarts team is one of the best in the league, and they have won the Quidditch Cup several times.Overall, I found Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to be a fascinating and magical place. I would love to attend Hogwarts one day and experience the magicfor myself.中文回答:霍格沃茨魔法学校是一所在与我们世界平行的魔法学校。



罗琳阿姨又写了新故事,介绍的是北美版霍格沃茨J.K.罗琳为《哈利·波特》外传电影《神奇动物在哪里》(Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them)撰写的新故事“伊法魔尼魔法学校”于 28 日在网站Pottermore上发布,同时发布的还有一支伊法魔尼魔法学校的主题视频。

故事描绘了霍格沃茨的北美版——伊法魔尼魔法学校(Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry)的历史和现状。

伊法魔尼作为美国巫师和女巫学习魔法的地方,由一对夫妻和他们收养的一对兄弟于 17 世纪在马萨诸塞州共同创立,而且也有四所风格不同的学院。

有趣的是,四所学院的名字并不像霍格沃茨一样以四位创始人的名字命名,原因似乎是其中一位创始人对自己的名字感到不满,于是以四种魔法生物命名,分别是:“雷鸟”(Thunderbird)、“猫豹”(Wampus)、“长角水蛇”(Horned Serpent)和“地精”(Pukwudgie)。

影迷也可以在 Pottermore 网站上通过一套测试题来决定自己属于Ilvermorny 的哪个学院。


之前,J.K.罗琳也为《神奇动物在哪里》撰写了介绍北美魔法历史的系列文章《北美魔法世界》 。


电影将分为三部来拍,第一部将于 11 月 18 日在北美上映,内地也有望引进。




霍格沃茨用来为每年入学旳新生进行分院旳分院帽说:“可能你会进斯莱特林, 可能你在这里交上真诚旳朋友,但那些狡诈阴险之辈却会不惜一切手段,去到 达他们旳目旳。” 学院标志:蛇(snake) 创建人:萨拉查·斯莱特林( Salazar·Slytherin ) 英文:Slytherin 代表色;绿色、银色(Silver&Emerald) 学院院长:西弗勒斯·斯内普. 招生原则:精明旳斯莱特林,来自那一片泥潭,而渴望权力旳他最喜欢那些血 统纯粹、有野心旳少年。 学院宗旨:高贵、权势、理想 学院老式:学生要有纯粹旳血统以及精明与野心 幽灵;血人巴罗 创始人遗物:挂坠盒 公共休息室口令:纯种( Pureblood)
霍格沃茨用来为每年入学旳新生进行分院旳分院帽说:“你可能属于格兰芬多, 那里有埋藏在心底旳勇敢,他们旳胆识、气魄和豪爽,使格兰芬多出类拔萃”。
学院标志:狮子 开办者:戈德里克·格兰芬多 ( Godric Gryffindor ) 英文:Gryffindor 代表颜色:猩红色和金色 学院院长:米勒娃·麦格 幽灵:差点没头旳尼克爵士,皮皮鬼 格兰芬多城堡入口画像:胖夫人 公共休息室:格兰芬多塔8楼,入口画像墙洞后,为一种舒适旳圆形房间,摆满 了软绵绵旳扶手椅,有两条螺旋梯各通往男、女生宿舍。格兰芬多旳宿舍在塔楼里, 与大地和天空有关,格兰芬多Gryffindor旳名字起源于法语gryffin'dor,意为金色旳格 里芬(griffin)。格兰芬,即“狮鹫”,是希腊神话中一种半狮半鹰旳生物,基督教 后来常用它作耶稣旳象征,因为它代表对大地(狮子)和天空(鹰)旳控制。 宿舍(男生)陈列:五张带四根帷柱旳床,垂挂着深红色法兰绒幔帐。 招生原则:英勇无畏,奋不顾身。大胆无畏,喜爱冒险。



这是个黑暗的时候这是不可否认的These are dark times, there is no denying.我们的世界不会面临比今天更大的威胁Our world has, perhaps,faced no greater threat than it does today.不过我会对我们公民说But I say this to our citizenry:我们是你们每一个人的公仆…We, ever your servants...…将继续捍卫你们的自由…...will continue to defend your liberty...…并且设法排除这股力量...and repel the forcesthat seek to take it from you.你们的魔法部仍然…Your Ministry remains...…很强大的...strong.(黑暗标记引发恐慌)(暴力蔓延麻瓜家庭遇害)(食尸人数目增加)赫敏茶好了亲爱的Hermione. Tea's ready, darling.来了妈妈Coming, Mom.快点达德利赶快Come on, Dudley, hurry up.我不明白干嘛非得离开这里?I still don't understandwhy we have to leave.因为继续住在这里很不安全Because, unh,it's not safe for us here anymore.荣恩告诉你父亲晚餐快好了Ron, tell your fathersupper's nearly ready.这是在澳大利亚吗?Is this in Australia?看起来好极了不是吗?Looks wonderful, doesn't it?离澳大利亚东海岸三千五百公里远Three and a half thousandkilometers along Australia's east coast.一忘皆空Obliviate.片名:《哈利波特与死神的圣物上卷》(字幕原创:David Chiu 双语制作:dahongying)赛佛勒斯Severus.我还担心你是不是迷路了…I was beginning to worryyou had lost your way.来吧我们给你留了座位Come, we've saved you a seat.我相信你肯定带来了什么消息吧?You bring news, I trust?时间订在下周六晚上It will happen Saturday next, at nightfall. 我听到的不一样我的主人I've heard differently, my Lord.多利士傲罗说漏了嘴…Dawlish, the Auror,has let slip that the Potter boy...说波特本月日前不会离开...will not be moveduntil the th of this month.要等到他过完岁生日The day before he turns .这是误导This is a false trail.傲罗办事处不再参与保护哈利波特的行动The Auror Office no longer plays any part in the protection of Harry Potter.哈利身边的人确信我们的人混入魔法部Those closest to him believewe have infiltrated the Ministry.好啊!还真的叫他们说中Well, they got that right, haven't they?你怎么说皮乌斯?What say you, Pius?消息倒是不少主人One hears many things, my Lord.可是哪条是真的还不明朗Whether the truth is among themis not clear.你讲话还真像个政客Heh. Spoken like a true politician.我认为你会发挥极大用处的皮乌斯You will, I think,prove most useful, Pius.- 他们要把那小子带到哪里? - 安全的地方- Where will he be taken, the boy?- To a safe house.可能是某位凤凰会成员家里Most likely the home of someonein the Order.听说已采取最全面的防护措施I'm told it's been givenevery manner of protection possible.一旦他到达那里将很难攻击他了Once there,it will be impractical to attack him.我的主人我自愿执行这个任务Ahem. My Lord.I'd like to volunteer myself for this task.我想杀了那小子I want to kill the boy.虫尾Wormtail!我没跟你说要让客人保持安静吗?Have I not spoken to youabout keeping our guest quiet?遵命我的主人Yes, my Lord.好的我马上去主人Right away, my Lord.你杀气很重表现让人兴奋贝拉特里克斯As inspiringas I find your bloodlust, Bellatrix...但我必须亲手杀死哈利·波特...I must be the one to kill Harry Potter. 不过我遇到一个棘手的难题But I face an unfortunate complication.我的魔杖跟波特的杖芯是相同的That my wand and Potter'sshare the same core.他们从某程度来讲是一对的They are, in some ways, twins.我们能伤害彼此但无法杀死对方We can wound,but not fatally harm one another.假如我要杀死他…If I am to kill him...必须使用其他魔杖...I must do it with another's wand.那好你们有谁想要这份荣耀?Come,surely one of you would like the honor?嗯?Mm?你怎样啊卢修斯?What about you, Lucius?我的主人?My Lord?“我的主人?”"My Lord?"我需要你的魔杖I require your wand.我看看是不是榆木的?Do I detect elm?是的主人Yes, my Lord.And the core?是龙阿门Dragon. Ahem.是龙的心主人Dragon heartstring, my Lord.龙的心- Dragon heartstring.- Mm.你们可能有人不认识…To those of you who do not know...我们今晚邀请的客人凯瑞迪布巴吉...we are joined tonightby Miss Charity Burbage...…以前她是个老师在霍格华兹魔法学校...who, until recently, taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.她的专业是研究麻瓜Her specialty was Muggle Studies.巴布吉小姐认为麻瓜与我们没什么不同It is Miss Burbage's beliefthat Muggles are not so different from us.她要用她的方式…She would, given her way...…让我们跟麻瓜通婚...have us mate with them.她认为巫师与麻瓜结婚并不可恶…To her, the mixture of magicaland Muggle blood is not an abomination...…还有些愉悦...but something to be encouraged.Severus.赛佛勒斯求求你Severus, please.我们是朋友We're friends.阿瓦达索命!Avada Kedavra!纳吉尼Nagini.吃晚餐了Dinner.- 你好哈利! - 好的嗨!- Hello, Harry.- All right. Wow.嗨Hello.- 你看起来好极了 - 耶他绝对看起很好…- You're looking fit.- Yeah, he's absolutely gorgeous.是说我们要赶在他们动手前悄悄行动吗?What say we get undercoverbefore someone murders him?晚上Evening.金斯莱我以为你保护首相了I thought you werelooking after the Prime Minister.你更重要You are more important.- 你好哈利比尔韦斯利 - 很高兴认识你- Hello, Harry. Bill Weasley.- Oh. Pleasure to meet you.- 他并不常这么帅气 - 真恐怖- He was never always this handsome.- Dead ugly.真的够了True enough.一个名叫格里贝克的狼人造成的Owe it all to a werewolf,name of Greyback.- 我想有一天会还给他的 - 在我眼里你还是那么帅威廉- Hope to repay the favor one day.- You're still beautiful to me, William.你要小心弗勒尔比尔现在喜欢上生牛排了Just remember, Fleur,Bill takes his steaks on the raw side now.我先生就喜欢开玩笑My husband, the joker.现在有件事还没来的及说雷姆斯和我…By the way, wait till you hear the news.Remus and I--好吧现在没时间闲话家常All right. We'll have timefor a cozy catch-up later.我们得离开这个鬼地方要快We've got to get the hell out of here.And soon.波特你还没成年身上还留有痕迹Potter, you're underage, which meansyou've still got the Trace on you.什么痕迹?What's the Trace?假如你打喷嚏魔法部会知道谁动了你的鼻子If you sneeze, the Ministry will know who wipes your nose.关于这点我们只能用线索追踪不到的运输工具We have to use those means of transport the Trace can't detect:扫帚和夜间飞行成双结队走Brooms, Thestrals and the like.We go in pairs.这方法就算有人埋伏等在那儿…That way, if anyone's out there waiting for us, and I reckon there will be...也搞不清楚哪一个是真正哈利波特...they won't know which Harry Potteris the real one.假扮我?The real one?我相信你对变形液一定不陌生I believe you're familiarwith this particular brew.不绝对不行No. Absolutely not.我告诉过你他一定不答应的I told you he'd take it well.不为了我怎能让每一个人去冒险…No, if you think I'm gonna let everyone risk their lives for me, I--- 我们以前没做过 - 不不这不一样- Never done that before, have we?- No. No. This is different.喝下就会变成我不行I mean, taking that, becoming me. No.我们也不想配合做Well, none of us really fancy it, mate.对啊万一有什么出错我们就得永远变成小笨蛋Imagine if something went wrong, andwe ended up a scrawny, specky git forever.每个人都已成年波特Everyone here is of age, Potter.他么都同意冒这个险They've all agreed to take the risk.严格来讲我是被迫的Technically, I've been coerced.蒙顿格斯·佛莱奇波特先生Mundungus Fletcher, Mr. Potter.- 我一直以来都很崇拜你 - 闭嘴蒙顿格斯- Always been a huge admirer.- Nip it, Mundungus.好了格兰杰依计行事All right, Granger, as discussed.- 哎呀赫敏! - 请放在这里- Blimey, Hermione.- Straight in here, if you please.你们当中以前没喝过变形液的请注意:For those of you who haven't taken Polyjuice Potion before, fair warning:尝起来像妖精的尿It tastes like goblin piss.你一定有喝很多的经验吧疯眼?Have a lot of experiences with that,do you, Mad-Eye?试着放轻松Just trying to diffuse the tension.Oh.Ugh.哇我们都一模一样了Wow, we're identical.还没完全Not yet, you're not.你就没有一件较运动型的?Haven't got anythinga bit more sporting, have you?这颜色没有我喜爱的I don't really fancy this color.好了喜不喜欢你已经不是你了快换上Well, fancy this, you're not you.So shut it and strip.好啦好啦All right, all right.你也要换波特You'll need to change too, Potter.比尔别看我这样很丑Bill, look away. I'm hideous.有纹身是她编出来的I knew she was lying about that tattoo.哈利你的视力真差Harry, your eyesight really is awful.好了我们成对离开每一位波特都有保护者Right, then. We'll be pairing off. Each Potter will have a protector.蒙顿格斯你跟着我我要看好你Mundungus, stick tight to me.I wanna keep an eye on you.- 至于哈利… - 是的?- As for Harry--- Yes?真正的哈利The real Harry.- 你到底在哪里? - 这里- Where the devil are you, anyway?- Here.你跟着海格You'll ride with Hagrid.十六年前我送你过来时你不到一个轮子大小I brought you here years ago whenyou were no bigger than a Bowtruckle.似乎注定我也该带你离开Seems only right that I should bethe one to take you away now.是的真是感人出发Yes, it's all very touching. Let's go.洞穴屋方向我们在那会合Head for the Burrows.We'll rendezvous there.我数到三On the count of three.坐好了哈利Hold tight, Harry.一One...二...two...三!...three!- 哪一个? - 你在哪里?- Which one?- Where are you?他就在你右边!He's on your right!他就在那儿!He's over there!趴下!Down!海格我们必须帮助其他人!Hagrid, we have to help the others!我不能去哈利疯眼有命令I can't do that, Harry. Mad-Eye's orders.抓紧Hang on.昏昏倒地!Stupefy!抓紧哈利Hang on, Harry.海格Hagrid.不不No. No.哈利Harry.哈利海格Harry. Hagrid.发生什么事?其他人在哪里?What happened? Where are the others?其他人没回来吗?Is no one else back?他们从一开始就追杀我们茉莉我们总算死里逃生They were on us right fromthe start, Molly. We didn't stand a chance.啊你们没事就好Well, thank goodnessyou two are all right.食尸人早就等在那攻击我们那是一场埋伏The Death Eaters werewaiting for us. It was an ambush.乔治和荣恩应该也要回来了Ron and Tonksshould've already been back.还有爹与弗雷德Dad and Fred as well.这里!Here!快点进到屋里Quick. Into the house.噢我的孩子Oh, my boy.Oh. Oh.- 卢平! - 你在做什么?- Lupin!- What are you doing?蹲在墙角是什么生物…What creature sat in the corner...…就在哈利·波特第一次去霍格华兹我办公室的时候...the first time Harry Pottervisited my office in Hogwarts?- 你疯了吗? - 是什么生物?!- Are you mad?- What creature?!一只格林迪洛A Grindylow.我们被出卖了We've been betrayed.伏地魔知道你今晚要离开Voldemort knewyou were being moved tonight.我要证明你不是假的I had to make sureyou weren't an impostor.等等!Wait.邓不利多对我们俩说的最后一句话是什么The last words Albus Dumbledore spoke to the pair of us?"哈利是我们最宝贵的希望相信他" "Harry is the best hope we have. Trust him."你的分身谁暴露?What gave you away?海德薇我想是她她想来保护我Hedwig, I think.She was trying to protect me.谢谢Thanks.值得抱一下他太了不起Deserves that. Brilliant, he was.- 要是没有他就没有我了 - 真的吗?- I wouldn't be standing here without him. - Really?总是如此大惊小怪Always the tone of surprise.我们是最后回来的吗?We the last back?乔治在哪里?Where's George?你感觉怎样乔治?How you feeling, Georgie?圣洁伟大Saint-like.再来?Come again?圣洁伟大我多了个洞Saint-like. I'm holy.我多个洞弗雷德带着他吧?I'm holey, Fred. Get it?耳朵有个洞在这世界会很风趣The whole wide world of ear-related humor and you go for "I'm holey."太可怜了That's pathetic.我还是比你更好看Reckon I'm still better-looking than you.疯眼已经死了Mad-Eye's dead.蒙顿格斯看了伏地魔一眼就消失了Mundungus took one look at Voldemortand Disapparated.洞穴屋方向Head for the Burrows.超越每个人的想象This is beyond anything I imagined.- 七个魂 - 七个魂…?集魂器- Seven?- Seven...? A Horcrux.他们可能隐藏在每个地方They could be hidden anywhere.流泪的灵魂分成七个部分…To rip the soul into seven pieces....- 假如我们摧毁每一个聚魂器… - 最后一次就能击败伏地魔- If you did destroy each Horcrux....- One destroys Voldemort.相信我Trust me.不要骗我不要骗我奥立凡德You lied to me. Lied to me, Ollivander.你要去哪里?Going somewhere?大家不该去送死为了我去死Nobody else is going to die. Not for me.为你?For you?你认为疯眼为你而死?You think Mad-Eye died for you?你认为乔治为了你受伤?You think George took that cursefor you?你可能是救世主这才是最重要You may be the Chosen One, mate,but this is a whole lot bigger than that.比什么都重要It's always been bigger than that.- 跟我来 - 留下赫敏吗?- Come with me.- What, and leave Hermione?你疯了吗?没有她我们活不过两天You mad?We wouldn't last two days without her.不要告诉她这是我说的Don't tell her I said that.除此之外你身上还有痕迹Besides,you've still got the Trace on you.- 我们还要参加婚礼… - 我不在乎一个婚礼- We've still got the wedding--- I don't care about a wedding.我很抱歉不管谁要结婚我必须开始找到聚魂器I'm sorry. No matter whose it is.I have to start finding these Horcruxes.那是我们唯一击败他的机会They're our only chance to beat him...我们停留在这里越久他就越强大...and the longer we stay here,the stronger he gets.但不是今晚这时候Tonight's not the night, mate.先放过他两天We'd only be doing him a favor.你认为他知道吗?Do you think he knows?那些是他的部分灵魂聚魂器是他的一部份I mean, they're bits of his soul,these Horcruxes. Bits of him.当邓不利多毁了那枚戒指你毁了汤姆·瑞多的日记…When Dumbledore destroyed the ring,you destroyed Tom Riddle's diary...他一部分已经被摧毁?...he must have felt something.再毁了发现的其他聚魂器就等于击败他To kill the other Horcruxes,we have to find them.他们在那里?Where are they?从哪里开始?Where do we start?当你准备好了Ready when you are.集中注意力!是你兄弟的婚礼振作点Please pay attention!It's your brother's wedding. Buck up.(邓不利多的黑色秘密丽塔·斯基特推出新书)(怀念邓不利多·埃菲亚斯多吉)帮我一下?Zip me up, will you?似乎很愚蠢我是说婚礼It seems silly, doesn't it, a wedding?考虑很多要怎么去做的事Given everything that's going on.可能它是最好的理由…Maybe that's the best reason to have it...一切还是要继续...because of everything that's going on.早Morning.来吧继续Come on, keep up.各就各位!All together now.一!二!三!One, two, three.你们那边怎样了?How's it looking at your end, boys?很好Brilliant.噢天啊魔法部长怎么来了?Bloody hell.What's the Minister of Magic doing here?部长来此有何贵事?To what do we owe the pleasure,Minister?我想这问题你比我更明白波特先生I think we both know the answerto that question, Mr. Potter.你这是And this is...?现在我来宣布…"Herein is set forththe last will and testament...…阿布思珀西瓦尔伍尔夫里克布莱恩邓不利多遗嘱...of Albus Percival WulfricBrian Dumbledore.首先荣恩比利斯韦斯利…First, to Ronald Bilius Weasley..."…我将熄灯器留给他"...I leave my Deluminator..."自己设计制作的…"...a device of my own making..."…我希望在最黑暗时候 " the hope that,when things seem most dark..."…能带给你光明" will show him the light."- 邓不利多把这留给我? - 是的- Dumbledore left this for me?- Yeah.太棒了Brilliant.这要做什用的?What is it?太帅了Wicked.“给赫敏珍格兰杰…”"To Hermione Jean Granger...“…我留下备份诗翁彼豆故事集…”...I leave my copy ofThe Tales of Beedle the Bard...“…希望能从书中得到乐趣与启发” the hope that she find it entertaining and instructive."妈咪曾读过给我听Mom used to read me those.“这个精灵与魔力壶”"The Wizard and the Hopping Pot."“芭比兔与多话的树桩”"Babbitty Rabbittyand the Cackling Stump."来吧芭比兔芭比兔Come on, Babbitty Rabbitty.不要?No?"给哈利詹姆斯波特…""To Harry James Potter..."…我留给他首次参加霍尔华兹魁地奇的金探子…...I leave the Snitch he caughtin his first Quidditch match at Hogwarts..."…以提醒他有努力就有收获…" a reminderof the rewards of perseverance..."…技艺才能精进"...and skill."- 就这些? - 还没完- Is that it, then?- Not quite.邓不利多还留给第二个遗物…Dumbledore left you a second bequest:戈浮德格兰芬多剑The sword of Godric Gryffindor.不过邓不利多把剑送给别人了Unfortunately, the sword of Gryffindorwas not Dumbledore's to give away.此剑是一件重要历史宝物它属于…As an important historical artifact,it belongs--哈利的To Harry.它属于哈利的It belongs to Harry.他在密室时最需要它时找到他It came to him when he needed itin the Chamber of Secrets.宝剑会为值得的格兰芬多学生出现格兰杰小姐…The sword may present itselfto any worthy Gryffindor.…并不表示就是属于那个人的That does not make itthat wizard's property.何况现今没人知道剑在哪里And, in any event, the current whereabouts of the sword are unknown.- 你说什么? - 这剑遗失了- Excuse me?- The sword is missing.我不知道接下你要怎么做波特先生…I don't know what you're up to,Mr. Potter...…但是你不能单打独斗...but you can't fight this waron your own.他太强大了He's too strong.你好哈利Hello, Harry.我打扰你想事情了吗?I've interrupted a deep thought, haven't I?I can see it growing smaller in your eyes.我从你眼睛看的出来当然没有你好卢娜Of course not. How are you, Luna?很好就是刚被地精咬一下…Very well. Got bitten by a garden gnome only moments ago.地精口水有益健康Gnome saliva is very beneficial.谢诺菲留斯·洛夫古德我们住在对面山上Xenophilius Lovegood.We live just over the hill.很高兴见到你先生Pleasure to meet you, sir.我想你知道波特先生我们这种雄辩家…I trust you know, Mr. Potter,that we at The Quibbler...不同于那些日报墙头草…...unlike those toadiesat The Daily Prophet...邓不利多在世时我们全力支持他…...fully supported Dumbledorein his lifetime...…他过世了我们就全力支持你...and, in his death,support you just as fully.谢谢你Thank you.好了爹地哈利现在没心思跟我们说话Come, Daddy.Harry doesn't want to talk to us right now.他不方便说停He's just too polite to say so.哈利·波特Harry Potter.抱歉先生我能坐下吗?Excuse me, sir? May I sit down?波特先生请便请坐Mr. Potter. By all means. Here.很感动Thanks.我发现你写在预言家日报的文章I found what you wrotein The Daily Prophet really moving.你一定很了解邓不利多You obviously knew Dumbledore well.是的我认识他时间最长Well, I certainly knew him the longest.就是说如果你不算他的弟弟阿博佛斯…That is, if you don't count his brother, Aberforth...…不知为何从来没人想起阿博佛斯...and somehow, people never doseem to count Aberforth.我不知道他还有个弟弟- I didn't even know he had a brother.- Ah.邓不利多有很多秘密当他是一个小孩时Well, Dumbledore was alwaysvery private, even as a boy.别绝望埃菲亚斯Don't despair, Elphias.我听说丽塔斯基特在书中爆料…I'm told he's been thoroughlyunriddled by Rita Skeeter...有多页 pages, no less.字里提到跟她说的某人Word has it that someone talked to her.对邓不利多家族知道甚多Someone who knewthe Dumbledore family well.相信你我都知道是谁埃菲亚斯Both you and I know who that is, Elphias.怪物的背叛行为A monstrous betrayal.你们说的是谁啊?Who are we talking about?巴希尔达巴格肖特Bathilda Bagshot.- 谁? - 噢小子…- Who?- My God, boy...…他是上世纪最有名的魔法史家...she's only the most celebrated magical historian of the last century.他跟邓不利多一家很亲密She was as closeto the Dumbledores as anyone.确信为此就值得去趟戈德里克山谷…Oh, I'm sure Rita Skeeter thoughtit well worth a trip to Godric's Hollow...…从老糊涂那听到些话来 take a peekinto that old bird's rattled cage.戈德里克山谷?Godric's Hollow?巴希尔达巴格肖特住在戈德里克山谷?Bathilda Bagshotlives at Godric's Hollow?你不会说他也住在那里吧在那里她第一次见到邓不利多Well, that's whereshe first met Dumbledore.他们搬到那…You don't mean to sayhe lived there too?…他的父亲杀了三个麻瓜The family moved thereafter his father killed those three Muggles.那时很轰动的丑闻Oh, it was quite the scandal.说实话小子你真的了解他吗?Honestly, my boy,are you sure you knew him at all?魔法部已经堕落The Ministry has fallen.魔法部长已死The Minister of Magic is dead.他们来了They are coming.他们来了They are coming.他们来了They are coming.他们来了!They're coming!很高兴看到你波特先生Nice meeting you, Mr. Potter.- 金妮! - 快走!- Ginny!- Harry! Go!快走!Go!就走了观光旅游吗?分钟后出发Here you go, sightseeing tour? Leaves in minutes.- 我们在哪里? - 史夫兹百瑞街上- Where are we?- Shaftesbury Avenue.我曾跟爸妈来这看歌剧I used to come to the theater here with Mom and Dad.我不知道怎么会从脑里想到这个地方I don't know why I thought of it. It just popped into my head.走这里This way.我们得换衣服We need to change.这个红的…?How the ruddy...?无痕伸展咒Undetectable Extension Charm.你太神了真神You're amazing, you are.你总是大惊小怪的Always the tone of surprise.书掉出去了Ah. That'll be the books.婚礼上的人怎么了?What about all the peopleat the wedding?- 我们该回去吗? - 他们追的是你- Do you think we should go back? - They were after you.要是回去我们每一个人更危险We'd put everyone in dangerby going back.- 荣恩说的对 - 阿门- Ron's right.- Ahem.咖啡?Coffee?- 一杯卡布奇诺 - 你呢?- A cappuccino, please.- You?- 和她一样 - 我也是- What she said.- Same.我们等会去哪儿?破斧酒吧吗?So where do we go from here? Leaky Cauldron?那太危险了It's too dangerous.要是伏地魔占领了魔法部那么连老地方都不安全了If Voldemort has taken over the Ministry, none of the old places are safe.婚礼上的每一个人都得藏身起来Everyone from the weddingwill have gone underground, into hiding.我的背包里有我所有的东西我都留在洞穴屋里了My rucksack with all my things,I've left it at the Burrow.你在开玩笑You're joking.我这几天一直在收拾东西预防万一I've had all the essentials packedfor days, just in case.可惜这不是我喜欢的那条牛仔裤By the way, these jeans, not my favorite.趴下!Down!昏昏倒地!Stupefy!爆爆炸!Expulso!统统石化Petrificus Totalus.走Go.离开这里Leave.锁上门把灯关掉Lock the door, get the lights.这人叫罗尔This one's name is Rowle.斯内普在天文台杀死邓不利多那晚他也在He was on the Astronomy Towerthe night Snape killed Dumbledore.我认为这是多洛霍夫我曾在通缉单见过他This is Dolohov. I recognize himfrom the wanted posters.我们要怎么处理你呢?So, what we gonna do with you, hey?等你们复原过来杀我们吗?Kill us if it was turned round,wouldn't you?杀了他们我们就会暴露If we kill them, they'll know we were here.荣恩Ron.想想他们怎么对付疯眼的你什么感觉?Suppose he did Mad-Eye.How would you feel then?我们最好抹去他们的记忆It's better we wipe their memories.你是领队You're the boss.赫敏…Hermione...…你是咒语高手're the best at spells.一切皆忘Obliviate.他们怎么知道我们在那?How is it they knew we were there?也许你还带着痕迹?Maybe you still have the Trace on you?不会魔法到了十七岁痕迹就会消失Can't be. Trace breaks at .It's wizarding law.什么?What?我们没办法为你庆生哈利We didn't celebrate your birthday, Harry.金妮和我准备好蛋糕Ginny and I, we prepared a cake.我们准备在婚礼后端上来We were going to bring it outat the end of the wedding.我感谢了但想想我们几乎被杀死的事实…I appreciate the thought, but given the fact that we were almost killed...…几分钟前食尸人还在追杀我们呢… a couple of Death Eatersa few minutes ago....没关系Right.透视术Perspective.我们离开这找安全地方We need to get off the streets,get somewhere safe.这是怎回事?What was that all about?可能是疯眼的意思防止斯内普来窥探Probably Mad-Eye's idea,in case Snape decided to come snooping.人形显身Homenum Revelio.只有我们了We're alone.别的魔杖也可以…I believed another wand--- 你骗我 - 这不可能- You lied to me.- It makes no sense.我相信换支魔杖也行我发誓I believed a different wand would work, I swear.肯定还有别支There must be another way.(天狼星)(巴西尔达巴沙特魔法史)哈利?赫敏你们在哪里?Harry? Hermione, where are you?我发现一样东西I think I've found something.真好看Lovely.雷古勒斯阿克图勒斯布莱克"Regulus Arcturus Black."R.A.B.你读到这封信时我已经死了"I know I will be deadlong before you read this.我偷走真正的聚魂器我要摧毁它I have stolen the real Horcruxand intend to destroy it."R A B 是天狼星的弟弟R.A.B. is Sirius's brother.是的Yes.问题是他到底有没有摧毁真的聚魂器?Question is,did he actually destroy the real Horcrux?你一直在偷听是吗?You've been spying on us, have you?克利切一直在值勤Kreacher has been watching.也许它知道真的挂盒在哪儿Maybe he knows where the real locket is.你见过这东西吗?Have you ever seen this before?克利切?Kreacher?那是雷古斯主人的挂盒!It's Master Regulus' locket.但有两个对吧?But there were two, weren't there?另一个在那里?Where's the other one?克利切不知道另一个挂盒在哪里Kreacher doesn't knowwhere the other locket is.是的但你曾经看过它吗?曾经在这屋子吗?Yes, but did you ever see it?Was it in this house?脏死了泥巴种Filthy Mudblood.- 食尸人要来了… - 荣恩- Death Eaters are coming--- Ron.- 叛徒韦斯利 - 回答她- Blood traitor, Weasley.- Answer her.是的Yes.在这房子里有过It was here in this house.最邪恶的对东西A most evil object.你是什么意思?How do you mean?在雷古勒斯主人死之前他下令克利切破坏盒子…Before Master Regulus died,he ordered Kreacher to destroy it...但无论怎样努力都毁不掉...but no matter how hard Kreacher tried, he could not do it.嗯现在它在那里?Well, where is it now?- 有人带走了吗? - 他那天晚上来了- Did someone take it?- He came in the night.他拿很多东西包括这个挂于项链的盒子He took many things,including the locket.谁?Who did?谁拿的克利切?Who was it, Kreacher?蒙顿格斯Mundungus.蒙顿格斯弗来奇Mundungus Fletcher.找到他Find him.我父亲会知道的My father will hear about this.嘿笨蛋Hey, losers.他不在这里He isn't here.(哈利波特不受欢迎的人物第位)作为魔法的新部长…As your new Minister for Magic...…我答应恢复这个杂牌组织…...I promise to restorethis temple of tolerance...…昔日的光彩 its former glory.因此今天开始…Therefore, beginning today...…每个职员个人填写…...each employeewill submit themselves...一张评估表...for evaluation.不过你们也不用害怕…You have nothing to fear...…只要你不隐藏什么...if you have nothing to hide.- 多少? - 两个金加隆- How much?- Two Galleons.快点时间就是金钱Come on, time is money. Cheers, pal.- 搜捕队来了! - 滚开- Snatchers!- Move out of the way.- 跟你说过 - 走开- I told you.- Get out.抓住他Squash him.(头号通辑犯哈利波特)要这样弹Be a bit gentler.他们有实体记忆They have flesh memories.斯克林杰首先给你的我想它可能会开启你的触觉When Scrimgeour first gave it to you,I thought it might open at your touch.邓不利多可能把某些事情隐藏在它里面That Dumbledore had hiddensomething inside it.你们也许会奇怪…Many of you are wondering...…为何伏地魔现在表现出他已经被制服了…...why Voldemort has yet to show himself now that he has vanquished...…反对他以及他的追随者的最强大的符号...the most powerful symbol of opposition to him and his followers.放开我Get off.哈利·波特好久不见Harry Potter, so long it's been.放开我Get off me.听从你的指示克利切把蒙顿格斯抓来了As requested,Kreacher has returned with the thief...- 除去武器 - 蒙顿格斯·弗莱奇- Expelliarmus.- ...Mundungus Fletcher.你在干嘛?派两个家奴精灵来抓我What you playing at? Setting a pairof bleeding house-elves after me.多比只是想帮忙Dobby was only trying to help.多比看见克利切去斜角巷那让多比感到奇怪Dobby saw Kreacher in Diagon Alley,。



我的奇思妙想作文魔法学校英文回答:Magic School is a place where dreams come true and where students can learn to harness the power of magic. It is a fascinating and enchanting place, filled with wonder and excitement. In this school, students are taught various magical spells and potions, as well as the history and theory behind magic.One of the most amazing things about Magic School is the diverse range of subjects that are taught. From Transfiguration to Charms, from Potions to Defense Against the Dark Arts, there is something for every student. Each subject is taught by experienced and knowledgeable professors who are experts in their field.Not only do we learn about the practical aspects of magic, but we also study the history and origins of magic. We delve into ancient texts and learn about the greatwizards and witches of the past. It is truly fascinating to learn about the magical traditions and rituals that have been passed down through generations.Another unique aspect of Magic School is the sense of community. Students from all walks of life come together to learn and grow. We form friendships and bonds that willlast a lifetime. There is a strong sense of camaraderie and support among the students, and we often collaborate on projects and assignments.In addition to the academic curriculum, Magic School also offers a wide range of extracurricular activities. There are clubs and societies for every interest, whetherit be Quidditch, dueling, or even magical cooking. These activities provide a chance for students to explore their passions and develop their magical skills outside of the classroom.Overall, Magic School is a place of endless possibilities. It is a place where students can discover their true potential and learn to use magic for good. It isa place where dreams are nurtured and where friendships are forged. Magic School is truly a magical place.中文回答:魔法学校是一个梦想成真的地方,学生们可以在这里学习如何驾驭魔法的力量。



魔法学校450字作文英语Magic School。

Magic School is a place where young witches and wizards go to learn the art of magic. It is a place where they can hone their skills and become the best magic users they can be. The school is located in a remote and mysterious location, hidden from the eyes of ordinary people.The school is a grand and ancient building, with towering spires and magical defenses to keep it safe from harm. The classrooms are filled with all kinds of magical artifacts and tools, and the teachers are all powerful wizards and witches who have dedicated their lives to the study and practice of magic.The students at Magic School come from all over the world, and from all walks of life. Some are born with magical abilities, while others are Muggles who have discovered their magical talents later in life. They areall brought together by their love of magic, and theirdesire to learn and grow as wizards and witches.At Magic School, the students study a wide range of magical subjects, including potions, charms,transfiguration, and defense against the dark arts. Theyalso learn about the history of magic, and the greatwizards and witches who have shaped the world with their powers.But it's not all work and no play at Magic School. The students also have the opportunity to participate inmagical dueling tournaments, where they can test theirskills against their classmates in a friendly andcontrolled environment. There are also magical creatures to study and care for, and special events and celebrations to mark the changing of the seasons and the phases of the moon.One of the most important events at Magic School is the annual Triwizard Tournament, where students from three different magic schools compete in a series of magical challenges. It is a time of great excitement andanticipation, as the students cheer on their champions and show off their own magical abilities.But perhaps the most important thing that the students learn at Magic School is the value of friendship and teamwork. They come to understand that magic is not just about power and skill, but also about using those abilities to help and protect others. They learn that true magic comes from the heart, and that the greatest spells are those of love and kindness.In the end, the students of Magic School graduate as skilled and compassionate wizards and witches, ready to go out into the world and use their magic for the good of all. They carry with them the knowledge and wisdom they have gained, and the friendships they have made, and they know that they will always have a home at Magic School.。



这是个黑暗的时候这是不可否认的These are dark times, there is no denying.我们的世界不会面临比今天更大的威胁Our world has, perhaps,faced no greater threat than it does today.不过我会对我们公民说But I say this to our citizenry:我们是你们每一个人的公仆…We, ever your servants...…将继续捍卫你们的自由…...will continue to defend your liberty...…并且设法排除这股力量...and repel the forcesthat seek to take it from you.你们的魔法部仍然…Your Ministry remains...…很强大的...strong.(黑暗标记引发恐慌)(暴力蔓延麻瓜家庭遇害)(食尸人数目增加)赫敏茶好了亲爱的Hermione. Tea's ready, darling.来了妈妈Coming, Mom.快点达德利赶快Come on, Dudley, hurry up.我不明白干嘛非得离开这里?I still don't understandwhy we have to leave.因为继续住在这里很不安全Because, unh,it's not safe for us here anymore.荣恩告诉你父亲晚餐快好了Ron, tell your fathersupper's nearly ready.这是在澳大利亚吗?Is this in Australia?看起来好极了不是吗?Looks wonderful, doesn't it?离澳大利亚东海岸三千五百公里远Three and a half thousandkilometers along Australia's east coast.一忘皆空Obliviate.片名:《哈利波特与死神的圣物上卷》(字幕原创:David Chiu 双语制作:dahongying)赛佛勒斯Severus.我还担心你是不是迷路了…I was beginning to worryyou had lost your way.来吧我们给你留了座位Come, we've saved you a seat.我相信你肯定带来了什么消息吧?You bring news, I trust?时间订在下周六晚上It will happen Saturday next, at nightfall. 我听到的不一样我的主人I've heard differently, my Lord.多利士傲罗说漏了嘴…Dawlish, the Auror,has let slip that the Potter boy...说波特本月日前不会离开...will not be moveduntil the th of this month.要等到他过完岁生日The day before he turns .这是误导This is a false trail.傲罗办事处不再参与保护哈利波特的行动The Auror Office no longer plays any part in the protection of Harry Potter.哈利身边的人确信我们的人混入魔法部Those closest to him believewe have infiltrated the Ministry.好啊!还真的叫他们说中Well, they got that right, haven't they?你怎么说皮乌斯?What say you, Pius?消息倒是不少主人One hears many things, my Lord.可是哪条是真的还不明朗Whether the truth is among themis not clear.你讲话还真像个政客Heh. Spoken like a true politician.我认为你会发挥极大用处的皮乌斯You will, I think,prove most useful, Pius.- 他们要把那小子带到哪里? - 安全的地方- Where will he be taken, the boy?- To a safe house.可能是某位凤凰会成员家里Most likely the home of someonein the Order.听说已采取最全面的防护措施I'm told it's been givenevery manner of protection possible.一旦他到达那里将很难攻击他了Once there,it will be impractical to attack him.我的主人我自愿执行这个任务Ahem. My Lord.I'd like to volunteer myself for this task.我想杀了那小子I want to kill the boy.虫尾Wormtail!我没跟你说要让客人保持安静吗?Have I not spoken to youabout keeping our guest quiet?遵命我的主人Yes, my Lord.好的我马上去主人Right away, my Lord.你杀气很重表现让人兴奋贝拉特里克斯As inspiringas I find your bloodlust, Bellatrix...但我必须亲手杀死哈利·波特...I must be the one to kill Harry Potter. 不过我遇到一个棘手的难题But I face an unfortunate complication.我的魔杖跟波特的杖芯是相同的That my wand and Potter'sshare the same core.他们从某程度来讲是一对的They are, in some ways, twins.我们能伤害彼此但无法杀死对方We can wound,but not fatally harm one another.假如我要杀死他…If I am to kill him...必须使用其他魔杖...I must do it with another's wand.那好你们有谁想要这份荣耀?Come,surely one of you would like the honor?嗯?Mm?你怎样啊卢修斯?What about you, Lucius?我的主人?My Lord?“我的主人?”"My Lord?"我需要你的魔杖I require your wand.我看看是不是榆木的?Do I detect elm?是的主人Yes, my Lord.And the core?是龙阿门Dragon. Ahem.是龙的心主人Dragon heartstring, my Lord.龙的心- Dragon heartstring.- Mm.你们可能有人不认识…To those of you who do not know...我们今晚邀请的客人凯瑞迪布巴吉...we are joined tonightby Miss Charity Burbage...…以前她是个老师在霍格华兹魔法学校...who, until recently, taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.她的专业是研究麻瓜Her specialty was Muggle Studies.巴布吉小姐认为麻瓜与我们没什么不同It is Miss Burbage's beliefthat Muggles are not so different from us.她要用她的方式…She would, given her way...…让我们跟麻瓜通婚...have us mate with them.她认为巫师与麻瓜结婚并不可恶…To her, the mixture of magicaland Muggle blood is not an abomination...…还有些愉悦...but something to be encouraged.Severus.赛佛勒斯求求你Severus, please.我们是朋友We're friends.阿瓦达索命!Avada Kedavra!纳吉尼Nagini.吃晚餐了Dinner.- 你好哈利! - 好的嗨!- Hello, Harry.- All right. Wow.嗨Hello.- 你看起来好极了 - 耶他绝对看起很好…- You're looking fit.- Yeah, he's absolutely gorgeous.是说我们要赶在他们动手前悄悄行动吗?What say we get undercoverbefore someone murders him?晚上Evening.金斯莱我以为你保护首相了I thought you werelooking after the Prime Minister.你更重要You are more important.- 你好哈利比尔韦斯利 - 很高兴认识你- Hello, Harry. Bill Weasley.- Oh. Pleasure to meet you.- 他并不常这么帅气 - 真恐怖- He was never always this handsome.- Dead ugly.真的够了True enough.一个名叫格里贝克的狼人造成的Owe it all to a werewolf,name of Greyback.- 我想有一天会还给他的 - 在我眼里你还是那么帅威廉- Hope to repay the favor one day.- You're still beautiful to me, William.你要小心弗勒尔比尔现在喜欢上生牛排了Just remember, Fleur,Bill takes his steaks on the raw side now.我先生就喜欢开玩笑My husband, the joker.现在有件事还没来的及说雷姆斯和我…By the way, wait till you hear the news.Remus and I--好吧现在没时间闲话家常All right. We'll have timefor a cozy catch-up later.我们得离开这个鬼地方要快We've got to get the hell out of here.And soon.波特你还没成年身上还留有痕迹Potter, you're underage, which meansyou've still got the Trace on you.什么痕迹?What's the Trace?假如你打喷嚏魔法部会知道谁动了你的鼻子If you sneeze, the Ministry will know who wipes your nose.关于这点我们只能用线索追踪不到的运输工具We have to use those means of transport the Trace can't detect:扫帚和夜间飞行成双结队走Brooms, Thestrals and the like.We go in pairs.这方法就算有人埋伏等在那儿…That way, if anyone's out there waiting for us, and I reckon there will be...也搞不清楚哪一个是真正哈利波特...they won't know which Harry Potteris the real one.假扮我?The real one?我相信你对变形液一定不陌生I believe you're familiarwith this particular brew.不绝对不行No. Absolutely not.我告诉过你他一定不答应的I told you he'd take it well.不为了我怎能让每一个人去冒险…No, if you think I'm gonna let everyone risk their lives for me, I--- 我们以前没做过 - 不不这不一样- Never done that before, have we?- No. No. This is different.喝下就会变成我不行I mean, taking that, becoming me. No.我们也不想配合做Well, none of us really fancy it, mate.对啊万一有什么出错我们就得永远变成小笨蛋Imagine if something went wrong, andwe ended up a scrawny, specky git forever.每个人都已成年波特Everyone here is of age, Potter.他么都同意冒这个险They've all agreed to take the risk.严格来讲我是被迫的Technically, I've been coerced.蒙顿格斯·佛莱奇波特先生Mundungus Fletcher, Mr. Potter.- 我一直以来都很崇拜你 - 闭嘴蒙顿格斯- Always been a huge admirer.- Nip it, Mundungus.好了格兰杰依计行事All right, Granger, as discussed.- 哎呀赫敏! - 请放在这里- Blimey, Hermione.- Straight in here, if you please.你们当中以前没喝过变形液的请注意:For those of you who haven't taken Polyjuice Potion before, fair warning:尝起来像妖精的尿It tastes like goblin piss.你一定有喝很多的经验吧疯眼?Have a lot of experiences with that,do you, Mad-Eye?试着放轻松Just trying to diffuse the tension.Oh.Ugh.哇我们都一模一样了Wow, we're identical.还没完全Not yet, you're not.你就没有一件较运动型的?Haven't got anythinga bit more sporting, have you?这颜色没有我喜爱的I don't really fancy this color.好了喜不喜欢你已经不是你了快换上Well, fancy this, you're not you.So shut it and strip.好啦好啦All right, all right.你也要换波特You'll need to change too, Potter.比尔别看我这样很丑Bill, look away. I'm hideous.有纹身是她编出来的I knew she was lying about that tattoo.哈利你的视力真差Harry, your eyesight really is awful.好了我们成对离开每一位波特都有保护者Right, then. We'll be pairing off. Each Potter will have a protector.蒙顿格斯你跟着我我要看好你Mundungus, stick tight to me.I wanna keep an eye on you.- 至于哈利… - 是的?- As for Harry--- Yes?真正的哈利The real Harry.- 你到底在哪里? - 这里- Where the devil are you, anyway?- Here.你跟着海格You'll ride with Hagrid.十六年前我送你过来时你不到一个轮子大小I brought you here years ago whenyou were no bigger than a Bowtruckle.似乎注定我也该带你离开Seems only right that I should bethe one to take you away now.是的真是感人出发Yes, it's all very touching. Let's go.洞穴屋方向我们在那会合Head for the Burrows.We'll rendezvous there.我数到三On the count of three.坐好了哈利Hold tight, Harry.一One...二...two...三!...three!- 哪一个? - 你在哪里?- Which one?- Where are you?他就在你右边!He's on your right!他就在那儿!He's over there!趴下!Down!海格我们必须帮助其他人!Hagrid, we have to help the others!我不能去哈利疯眼有命令I can't do that, Harry. Mad-Eye's orders.抓紧Hang on.昏昏倒地!Stupefy!抓紧哈利Hang on, Harry.海格Hagrid.不不No. No.哈利Harry.哈利海格Harry. Hagrid.发生什么事?其他人在哪里?What happened? Where are the others?其他人没回来吗?Is no one else back?他们从一开始就追杀我们茉莉我们总算死里逃生They were on us right fromthe start, Molly. We didn't stand a chance.啊你们没事就好Well, thank goodnessyou two are all right.食尸人早就等在那攻击我们那是一场埋伏The Death Eaters werewaiting for us. It was an ambush.乔治和荣恩应该也要回来了Ron and Tonksshould've already been back.还有爹与弗雷德Dad and Fred as well.这里!Here!快点进到屋里Quick. Into the house.噢我的孩子Oh, my boy.Oh. Oh.- 卢平! - 你在做什么?- Lupin!- What are you doing?蹲在墙角是什么生物…What creature sat in the corner...…就在哈利·波特第一次去霍格华兹我办公室的时候...the first time Harry Pottervisited my office in Hogwarts?- 你疯了吗? - 是什么生物?!- Are you mad?- What creature?!一只格林迪洛A Grindylow.我们被出卖了We've been betrayed.伏地魔知道你今晚要离开Voldemort knewyou were being moved tonight.我要证明你不是假的I had to make sureyou weren't an impostor.等等!Wait.邓不利多对我们俩说的最后一句话是什么The last words Albus Dumbledore spoke to the pair of us?"哈利是我们最宝贵的希望相信他" "Harry is the best hope we have. Trust him."你的分身谁暴露?What gave you away?海德薇我想是她她想来保护我Hedwig, I think.She was trying to protect me.谢谢Thanks.值得抱一下他太了不起Deserves that. Brilliant, he was.- 要是没有他就没有我了 - 真的吗?- I wouldn't be standing here without him. - Really?总是如此大惊小怪Always the tone of surprise.我们是最后回来的吗?We the last back?乔治在哪里?Where's George?你感觉怎样乔治?How you feeling, Georgie?圣洁伟大Saint-like.再来?Come again?圣洁伟大我多了个洞Saint-like. I'm holy.我多个洞弗雷德带着他吧?I'm holey, Fred. Get it?耳朵有个洞在这世界会很风趣The whole wide world of ear-related humor and you go for "I'm holey."太可怜了That's pathetic.我还是比你更好看Reckon I'm still better-looking than you.疯眼已经死了Mad-Eye's dead.蒙顿格斯看了伏地魔一眼就消失了Mundungus took one look at Voldemortand Disapparated.洞穴屋方向Head for the Burrows.超越每个人的想象This is beyond anything I imagined.- 七个魂 - 七个魂…?集魂器- Seven?- Seven...? A Horcrux.他们可能隐藏在每个地方They could be hidden anywhere.流泪的灵魂分成七个部分…To rip the soul into seven pieces....- 假如我们摧毁每一个聚魂器… - 最后一次就能击败伏地魔- If you did destroy each Horcrux....- One destroys Voldemort.相信我Trust me.不要骗我不要骗我奥立凡德You lied to me. Lied to me, Ollivander.你要去哪里?Going somewhere?大家不该去送死为了我去死Nobody else is going to die. Not for me.为你?For you?你认为疯眼为你而死?You think Mad-Eye died for you?你认为乔治为了你受伤?You think George took that cursefor you?你可能是救世主这才是最重要You may be the Chosen One, mate,but this is a whole lot bigger than that.比什么都重要It's always been bigger than that.- 跟我来 - 留下赫敏吗?- Come with me.- What, and leave Hermione?你疯了吗?没有她我们活不过两天You mad?We wouldn't last two days without her.不要告诉她这是我说的Don't tell her I said that.除此之外你身上还有痕迹Besides,you've still got the Trace on you.- 我们还要参加婚礼… - 我不在乎一个婚礼- We've still got the wedding--- I don't care about a wedding.我很抱歉不管谁要结婚我必须开始找到聚魂器I'm sorry. No matter whose it is.I have to start finding these Horcruxes.那是我们唯一击败他的机会They're our only chance to beat him...我们停留在这里越久他就越强大...and the longer we stay here,the stronger he gets.但不是今晚这时候Tonight's not the night, mate.先放过他两天We'd only be doing him a favor.你认为他知道吗?Do you think he knows?那些是他的部分灵魂聚魂器是他的一部份I mean, they're bits of his soul,these Horcruxes. Bits of him.当邓不利多毁了那枚戒指你毁了汤姆·瑞多的日记…When Dumbledore destroyed the ring,you destroyed Tom Riddle's diary...他一部分已经被摧毁?...he must have felt something.再毁了发现的其他聚魂器就等于击败他To kill the other Horcruxes,we have to find them.他们在那里?Where are they?从哪里开始?Where do we start?当你准备好了Ready when you are.集中注意力!是你兄弟的婚礼振作点Please pay attention!It's your brother's wedding. Buck up.(邓不利多的黑色秘密丽塔·斯基特推出新书)(怀念邓不利多·埃菲亚斯多吉)帮我一下?Zip me up, will you?似乎很愚蠢我是说婚礼It seems silly, doesn't it, a wedding?考虑很多要怎么去做的事Given everything that's going on.可能它是最好的理由…Maybe that's the best reason to have it...一切还是要继续...because of everything that's going on.早Morning.来吧继续Come on, keep up.各就各位!All together now.一!二!三!One, two, three.你们那边怎样了?How's it looking at your end, boys?很好Brilliant.噢天啊魔法部长怎么来了?Bloody hell.What's the Minister of Magic doing here?部长来此有何贵事?To what do we owe the pleasure,Minister?我想这问题你比我更明白波特先生I think we both know the answerto that question, Mr. Potter.你这是And this is...?现在我来宣布…"Herein is set forththe last will and testament...…阿布思珀西瓦尔伍尔夫里克布莱恩邓不利多遗嘱...of Albus Percival WulfricBrian Dumbledore.首先荣恩比利斯韦斯利…First, to Ronald Bilius Weasley..."…我将熄灯器留给他"...I leave my Deluminator..."自己设计制作的…"...a device of my own making..."…我希望在最黑暗时候 " the hope that,when things seem most dark..."…能带给你光明" will show him the light."- 邓不利多把这留给我? - 是的- Dumbledore left this for me?- Yeah.太棒了Brilliant.这要做什用的?What is it?太帅了Wicked.“给赫敏珍格兰杰…”"To Hermione Jean Granger...“…我留下备份诗翁彼豆故事集…”...I leave my copy ofThe Tales of Beedle the Bard...“…希望能从书中得到乐趣与启发” the hope that she find it entertaining and instructive."妈咪曾读过给我听Mom used to read me those.“这个精灵与魔力壶”"The Wizard and the Hopping Pot."“芭比兔与多话的树桩”"Babbitty Rabbittyand the Cackling Stump."来吧芭比兔芭比兔Come on, Babbitty Rabbitty.不要?No?"给哈利詹姆斯波特…""To Harry James Potter..."…我留给他首次参加霍尔华兹魁地奇的金探子…...I leave the Snitch he caughtin his first Quidditch match at Hogwarts..."…以提醒他有努力就有收获…" a reminderof the rewards of perseverance..."…技艺才能精进"...and skill."- 就这些? - 还没完- Is that it, then?- Not quite.邓不利多还留给第二个遗物…Dumbledore left you a second bequest:戈浮德格兰芬多剑The sword of Godric Gryffindor.不过邓不利多把剑送给别人了Unfortunately, the sword of Gryffindorwas not Dumbledore's to give away.此剑是一件重要历史宝物它属于…As an important historical artifact,it belongs--哈利的To Harry.它属于哈利的It belongs to Harry.他在密室时最需要它时找到他It came to him when he needed itin the Chamber of Secrets.宝剑会为值得的格兰芬多学生出现格兰杰小姐…The sword may present itselfto any worthy Gryffindor.…并不表示就是属于那个人的That does not make itthat wizard's property.何况现今没人知道剑在哪里And, in any event, the current whereabouts of the sword are unknown.- 你说什么? - 这剑遗失了- Excuse me?- The sword is missing.我不知道接下你要怎么做波特先生…I don't know what you're up to,Mr. Potter...…但是你不能单打独斗...but you can't fight this waron your own.他太强大了He's too strong.你好哈利Hello, Harry.我打扰你想事情了吗?I've interrupted a deep thought, haven't I?I can see it growing smaller in your eyes.我从你眼睛看的出来当然没有你好卢娜Of course not. How are you, Luna?很好就是刚被地精咬一下…Very well. Got bitten by a garden gnome only moments ago.地精口水有益健康Gnome saliva is very beneficial.谢诺菲留斯·洛夫古德我们住在对面山上Xenophilius Lovegood.We live just over the hill.很高兴见到你先生Pleasure to meet you, sir.我想你知道波特先生我们这种雄辩家…I trust you know, Mr. Potter,that we at The Quibbler...不同于那些日报墙头草…...unlike those toadiesat The Daily Prophet...邓不利多在世时我们全力支持他…...fully supported Dumbledorein his lifetime...…他过世了我们就全力支持你...and, in his death,support you just as fully.谢谢你Thank you.好了爹地哈利现在没心思跟我们说话Come, Daddy.Harry doesn't want to talk to us right now.他不方便说停He's just too polite to say so.哈利·波特Harry Potter.抱歉先生我能坐下吗?Excuse me, sir? May I sit down?波特先生请便请坐Mr. Potter. By all means. Here.很感动Thanks.我发现你写在预言家日报的文章I found what you wrotein The Daily Prophet really moving.你一定很了解邓不利多You obviously knew Dumbledore well.是的我认识他时间最长Well, I certainly knew him the longest.就是说如果你不算他的弟弟阿博佛斯…That is, if you don't count his brother, Aberforth...…不知为何从来没人想起阿博佛斯...and somehow, people never doseem to count Aberforth.我不知道他还有个弟弟- I didn't even know he had a brother.- Ah.邓不利多有很多秘密当他是一个小孩时Well, Dumbledore was alwaysvery private, even as a boy.别绝望埃菲亚斯Don't despair, Elphias.我听说丽塔斯基特在书中爆料…I'm told he's been thoroughlyunriddled by Rita Skeeter...有多页 pages, no less.字里提到跟她说的某人Word has it that someone talked to her.对邓不利多家族知道甚多Someone who knewthe Dumbledore family well.相信你我都知道是谁埃菲亚斯Both you and I know who that is, Elphias.怪物的背叛行为A monstrous betrayal.你们说的是谁啊?Who are we talking about?巴希尔达巴格肖特Bathilda Bagshot.- 谁? - 噢小子…- Who?- My God, boy...…他是上世纪最有名的魔法史家...she's only the most celebrated magical historian of the last century.他跟邓不利多一家很亲密She was as closeto the Dumbledores as anyone.确信为此就值得去趟戈德里克山谷…Oh, I'm sure Rita Skeeter thoughtit well worth a trip to Godric's Hollow...…从老糊涂那听到些话来 take a peekinto that old bird's rattled cage.戈德里克山谷?Godric's Hollow?巴希尔达巴格肖特住在戈德里克山谷?Bathilda Bagshotlives at Godric's Hollow?你不会说他也住在那里吧在那里她第一次见到邓不利多Well, that's whereshe first met Dumbledore.他们搬到那…You don't mean to sayhe lived there too?…他的父亲杀了三个麻瓜The family moved thereafter his father killed those three Muggles.那时很轰动的丑闻Oh, it was quite the scandal.说实话小子你真的了解他吗?Honestly, my boy,are you sure you knew him at all?魔法部已经堕落The Ministry has fallen.魔法部长已死The Minister of Magic is dead.他们来了They are coming.他们来了They are coming.他们来了They are coming.他们来了!They're coming!很高兴看到你波特先生Nice meeting you, Mr. Potter.- 金妮! - 快走!- Ginny!- Harry! Go!快走!Go!就走了观光旅游吗?分钟后出发Here you go, sightseeing tour? Leaves in minutes.- 我们在哪里? - 史夫兹百瑞街上- Where are we?- Shaftesbury Avenue.我曾跟爸妈来这看歌剧I used to come to the theater here with Mom and Dad.我不知道怎么会从脑里想到这个地方I don't know why I thought of it. It just popped into my head.走这里This way.我们得换衣服We need to change.这个红的…?How the ruddy...?无痕伸展咒Undetectable Extension Charm.你太神了真神You're amazing, you are.你总是大惊小怪的Always the tone of surprise.书掉出去了Ah. That'll be the books.婚礼上的人怎么了?What about all the peopleat the wedding?- 我们该回去吗? - 他们追的是你- Do you think we should go back? - They were after you.要是回去我们每一个人更危险We'd put everyone in dangerby going back.- 荣恩说的对 - 阿门- Ron's right.- Ahem.咖啡?Coffee?- 一杯卡布奇诺 - 你呢?- A cappuccino, please.- You?- 和她一样 - 我也是- What she said.- Same.我们等会去哪儿?破斧酒吧吗?So where do we go from here? Leaky Cauldron?那太危险了It's too dangerous.要是伏地魔占领了魔法部那么连老地方都不安全了If Voldemort has taken over the Ministry, none of the old places are safe.婚礼上的每一个人都得藏身起来Everyone from the weddingwill have gone underground, into hiding.我的背包里有我所有的东西我都留在洞穴屋里了My rucksack with all my things,I've left it at the Burrow.你在开玩笑You're joking.我这几天一直在收拾东西预防万一I've had all the essentials packedfor days, just in case.可惜这不是我喜欢的那条牛仔裤By the way, these jeans, not my favorite.趴下!Down!昏昏倒地!Stupefy!爆爆炸!Expulso!统统石化Petrificus Totalus.走Go.离开这里Leave.锁上门把灯关掉Lock the door, get the lights.这人叫罗尔This one's name is Rowle.斯内普在天文台杀死邓不利多那晚他也在He was on the Astronomy Towerthe night Snape killed Dumbledore.我认为这是多洛霍夫我曾在通缉单见过他This is Dolohov. I recognize himfrom the wanted posters.我们要怎么处理你呢?So, what we gonna do with you, hey?等你们复原过来杀我们吗?Kill us if it was turned round,wouldn't you?杀了他们我们就会暴露If we kill them, they'll know we were here.荣恩Ron.想想他们怎么对付疯眼的你什么感觉?Suppose he did Mad-Eye.How would you feel then?我们最好抹去他们的记忆It's better we wipe their memories.你是领队You're the boss.赫敏…Hermione...…你是咒语高手're the best at spells.一切皆忘Obliviate.他们怎么知道我们在那?How is it they knew we were there?也许你还带着痕迹?Maybe you still have the Trace on you?不会魔法到了十七岁痕迹就会消失Can't be. Trace breaks at .It's wizarding law.什么?What?我们没办法为你庆生哈利We didn't celebrate your birthday, Harry.金妮和我准备好蛋糕Ginny and I, we prepared a cake.我们准备在婚礼后端上来We were going to bring it outat the end of the wedding.我感谢了但想想我们几乎被杀死的事实…I appreciate the thought, but given the fact that we were almost killed...…几分钟前食尸人还在追杀我们呢… a couple of Death Eatersa few minutes ago....没关系Right.透视术Perspective.我们离开这找安全地方We need to get off the streets,get somewhere safe.这是怎回事?What was that all about?可能是疯眼的意思防止斯内普来窥探Probably Mad-Eye's idea,in case Snape decided to come snooping.人形显身Homenum Revelio.只有我们了We're alone.别的魔杖也可以…I believed another wand--- 你骗我 - 这不可能- You lied to me.- It makes no sense.我相信换支魔杖也行我发誓I believed a different wand would work, I swear.肯定还有别支There must be another way.(天狼星)(巴西尔达巴沙特魔法史)哈利?赫敏你们在哪里?Harry? Hermione, where are you?我发现一样东西I think I've found something.真好看Lovely.雷古勒斯阿克图勒斯布莱克"Regulus Arcturus Black."R.A.B.你读到这封信时我已经死了"I know I will be deadlong before you read this.我偷走真正的聚魂器我要摧毁它I have stolen the real Horcruxand intend to destroy it."R A B 是天狼星的弟弟R.A.B. is Sirius's brother.是的Yes.问题是他到底有没有摧毁真的聚魂器?Question is,did he actually destroy the real Horcrux?你一直在偷听是吗?You've been spying on us, have you?克利切一直在值勤Kreacher has been watching.也许它知道真的挂盒在哪儿Maybe he knows where the real locket is.你见过这东西吗?Have you ever seen this before?克利切?Kreacher?那是雷古斯主人的挂盒!It's Master Regulus' locket.但有两个对吧?But there were two, weren't there?另一个在那里?Where's the other one?克利切不知道另一个挂盒在哪里Kreacher doesn't knowwhere the other locket is.是的但你曾经看过它吗?曾经在这屋子吗?Yes, but did you ever see it?Was it in this house?脏死了泥巴种Filthy Mudblood.- 食尸人要来了… - 荣恩- Death Eaters are coming--- Ron.- 叛徒韦斯利 - 回答她- Blood traitor, Weasley.- Answer her.是的Yes.在这房子里有过It was here in this house.最邪恶的对东西A most evil object.你是什么意思?How do you mean?在雷古勒斯主人死之前他下令克利切破坏盒子…Before Master Regulus died,he ordered Kreacher to destroy it...但无论怎样努力都毁不掉...but no matter how hard Kreacher tried, he could not do it.嗯现在它在那里?Well, where is it now?- 有人带走了吗? - 他那天晚上来了- Did someone take it?- He came in the night.他拿很多东西包括这个挂于项链的盒子He took many things,including the locket.谁?Who did?谁拿的克利切?Who was it, Kreacher?蒙顿格斯Mundungus.蒙顿格斯弗来奇Mundungus Fletcher.找到他Find him.我父亲会知道的My father will hear about this.嘿笨蛋Hey, losers.他不在这里He isn't here.(哈利波特不受欢迎的人物第位)作为魔法的新部长…As your new Minister for Magic...…我答应恢复这个杂牌组织…...I promise to restorethis temple of tolerance...…昔日的光彩 its former glory.因此今天开始…Therefore, beginning today...…每个职员个人填写…...each employeewill submit themselves...一张评估表...for evaluation.不过你们也不用害怕…You have nothing to fear...…只要你不隐藏什么...if you have nothing to hide.- 多少? - 两个金加隆- How much?- Two Galleons.快点时间就是金钱Come on, time is money. Cheers, pal.- 搜捕队来了! - 滚开- Snatchers!- Move out of the way.- 跟你说过 - 走开- I told you.- Get out.抓住他Squash him.(头号通辑犯哈利波特)要这样弹Be a bit gentler.他们有实体记忆They have flesh memories.斯克林杰首先给你的我想它可能会开启你的触觉When Scrimgeour first gave it to you,I thought it might open at your touch.邓不利多可能把某些事情隐藏在它里面That Dumbledore had hiddensomething inside it.你们也许会奇怪…Many of you are wondering...…为何伏地魔现在表现出他已经被制服了…...why Voldemort has yet to show himself now that he has vanquished...…反对他以及他的追随者的最强大的符号...the most powerful symbol of opposition to him and his followers.放开我Get off.哈利·波特好久不见Harry Potter, so long it's been.放开我Get off me.听从你的指示克利切把蒙顿格斯抓来了As requested,Kreacher has returned with the thief...- 除去武器 - 蒙顿格斯·弗莱奇- Expelliarmus.- ...Mundungus Fletcher.你在干嘛?派两个家奴精灵来抓我What you playing at? Setting a pairof bleeding house-elves after me.多比只是想帮忙Dobby was only trying to help.多比看见克利切去斜角巷那让多比感到奇怪Dobby saw Kreacher in Diagon Alley,。






















其中两所最有名的学校是阿肯祈祷院(Arken’s Invocatorium) 和密而斯克奇术学校(Miresk’s school of Thaumaturgy),这两所学校目前在新的魔法大学里也起着重要的作用。




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Oberon ZellRavenheart,68, has dedicated his life to studying the Dark Arts - even doing the shopping in his wizard costume and wand.
Like Hogwarts, the Grey School teaches 16 departments, including Alchemy, Beastmastery, Horsewhispering, wand-making and spell casting.
Grey School of Wizardry
The world's first wizard school
Do you still remember the little boy named Harry Potter?Do you envy him? Many people want to go to Hogwarts and become a student of witchcraft and wizardry,but it seems impossible.Hogwarts only exists in J.K. Rowling' books. However,now,you dream can come true.
This spells trouble! Real-life Dumbledore opens world's first wizard school
Grey School of Wizardry
Oberon Zell-Ravenheart is the real-life wizard headmaster giving Harry Potter’s Dumbledore a run for his money.Now the magic master has opened the world’s only registered wizard academy, the Grey School of Wizardry, as he prepares to make Hogwarts and the world of Harry Potter a reality.
The Grey School boasts 735 students, of which Oberon claims 100 are under-18 ‘trainee Harry Potters.’ For now, it is an online college with regular physical wizard camps, where muggles can study seven years to graduate with a journeyman degree in Wizardry.
Some pictures about the scho attend unique ‘conclave’ magic schools are split into four ancient houses - Winds, Undines, Gnomes and Salamanders, and like Potter, students study a defence against the deadly