德州仪器半导体技术有限公司Sensata Technologies, Inc. 全球总部德州仪器传感器和控制器事业部转让给贝恩投资有限公司的事宜已于4月28日完成。
我们将以森萨塔科技(Sensata Technologies)的名称开始我们的业务。
Sensata Technologies 的品质核心是来源于我们的员工和全球各地的业务中心为用户和供应商提供的优质产品、技术创新和竭诚服务。
纵观全球,很少有公司能像Sensata Technologies一样具有如此的全球覆盖性,我们在传感器和控制器上90年的努力耕耘,让我们可以同时拥有传感器和控制器这样广泛的产品组合,使我们在专业技术领域的深度达到世界领先地位。
作为一家独立的新公司,“Sensata Technologies”将为我们全球的客户,供应商和全体员工开启新的契机。
商务和技术中心z 客户服务z销售/ 市场z 设计z新产品研发z过程研发最具成本竞争力产地z 生产z生产计划z制作z质量z采购专业中心•全球市场•全球化设计•产品专门化•全球化协作•专门化管理最具成本竞争力生产地商务&技术中心荷兰,AlmeloAttleboro, USA墨西哥,Aguascalientes中国常州Sensata Technologies, Inc.Campinas Aguascalientesn F应丆忢廈拞崙Chinchon 韩崙Kuala Lumpur 马棃惣亚我们是顾客的全球合作伙伴ALMELO 兰Freising,ATTLEBORO美国OYAMA Dallas, TX Tokyo C Novi, MI Seoul 韩崙汽车传感器产品研发中心及业务中心汽车传感器产品生产工厂技术研发中心实验室¾计量实验室符合ISO10012-1要求¾表面分析实验室-SEM-EDAX -Auger microscopy ¾金相实验室¾环境测试实验室-振动-湿度-机械冲击-腐蚀-海拔-热冲击-热循环-寿命循环¾化学实验室-原子能辐射及吸收光谱法-傅立叶变换红外光谱分析符合ISO/IEC 指南第25款“检定及测试实验室必备条件”¾寿命测试实验室-多种产品品质检测仪器-液压、气压压力循环设备-热循环和热冲击测试箱¾传感器原型实验室-玻璃焊接-厚膜工艺-导线的焊接¾电磁兼容性测试实验室-带状线测试200V/m, 500kHz -1GHz -大电流测试-ESD调宯统嬻调宯统·压力传感器·双态压力开关·相对湿度和温度传感器·空气质量传感器变懍敔宯统•PSM组合压力开关·档位传感器·压力传感器·压力/温度式传感器发动婘宯统•MAP 歧管绝对压力传感器•T-MAP传感器•缸内直喷压力传感器•共轨压力传感器•MAF空气流量传感器•DPS压差传感器•排气背压传感器•缸压传感器•机油压力传感器掙盘峊惂宯统·压力传感器及压力开关-动力转向-制动系统·真空助力器压力传感器·踏板压力传感器·弱加速度传感器•OWS座椅承重传感器传感器市场及应用(汽车行业)提供全球最具竞争力的全系列汽车压力传感器压力范围应用测量型式产品技术1 Bar微粒捕捉器(柴油机)压差式微机电结构(MEMS)1 Bar EGR压差式陶瓷电容(APT)1 Bar歧管压力(MAP)绝对压力陶瓷电容(APT)3 Bar增压压力(Boost)绝对压力陶瓷电容(APT)5 Bar排气背压相对压力陶瓷电容(APT)6 Bar氢燃料电池相对压力陶瓷电容(APT)7 Bar电子油泵控制(GDI系统)相对压力陶瓷电容(APT)8 Bar机油压力相对压力陶瓷电容(APT)10 Bar CNG/LPG相对压力硅应变片技术(MSG)12 Bar自动变速箱相对压力陶瓷电容(APT)20 Bar双离合器变速箱.绝对压力陶瓷电容(APT)70 Bar CVT, AMT相对压力陶瓷电容(APT)100 Bar四轮驱动相对压力陶瓷电容(APT)100 –200 Bar汽油直喷(GDI)相对压力硅应变片技术(MSG)200 Bar缸压传感器相对压力硅应变片技术(MSG)400 Bar储氢罐相对压力特殊的硅应变片技术(MSG)1800-2600 Bar共轨压力相对压力硅应变片技术(MSG)N/A OWS座椅承重传感轴向力硅应变片技术(MSG)MEMS 技术APT 技术MSG 技术公认的供货能力及产品可靠性¾1988年起从事汽车传感器业务已有超过16年的历史。
Guidant 已经向Starion公司购买技术用于心脏外科手术。 “镜下摘取大隐静脉和桡动脉切口小,创伤小。” Maria Degois-Sainz, president Cardiac Surgery Guidant Corporation “我相信我们的先进技术将被成千上万的医生用于心脏外科手术。” J.C. Kirtland, President and CEO Starion Instruments
谢 谢!
可封闭10mm以下的血管 可以封闭压力高达1500mm汞柱的血管 聚焦热切割,热传导小于0.8mm 术中出血少,切割的同时可以封闭小血管 腔镜手术中视野清晰,无雾滴
参考文献:Examination of Seal Strength and Thermal Spread from the New-TLS3 White Paper.pdf
Michael R. Treat* MD Associate Professor of Clinical Surgery, Department of Surgery, Columbia University, New York, NY
即可切割又可凝血。 切割速度快,大大缩短手术时间。 操作灵活,可做精细解剖。
4、术后恢复快,感染风险小。 5、器械多样化,开放式手术、窥镜下均可使 用,应用科室广泛。 6、操作简便易掌握。 7、设备无需维护。
1 一种扁桃体切除术的改良方法--热焊接技术
一种扁桃体切除术的改良方法--采用热焊接技术Bernard I. Weinstock,博士加利福尼亚, 隆波克临床背景扁桃体切除术是由耳鼻喉科医师实施的最常见的手术之一。
技术背景斯塔龙灼烧钳(Starion Instruments,Corp.,加州,萨拉托加)采用了一种叫做热焊接的新技术,它是结合热和压力以使组织同时凝聚和分离。
TA INSTRUMENTS ARES-G2 和 AR 2000ex 流动性仪器说明书
•New Castle, DE USA +1-302-427-4000•Lindon, UT USA+1-801-763-1500•Hialeah, FL USA+1-305-828-4700•Crawley, United Kingdom +44-1293-658900•Shanghai, China +86-21-64956999•Taipei, Taiwan +88-62-25638880•Tokyo, Japan +81-3-5759-8500•Seoul, Korea +82-2-3415-1500•Bangalore, India +91-80-2319-4177-79•Paris, France +33-1-30-48-94-60•Eschborn, Germany +49-6196-400-600•Brussels, Belgium +32-2-706-0080•Etten-Leur, Netherlands +31-76-508-7270•Sollentuna, Sweden +46-8-555-11-521•Milano, Italy +39-02-265-0983•Barcelona, Spain +34-93-600-93-32•Melbourne, Australia +61-3-9553-0813•Mexico City, Mexico +52-55-52-00-18-60L OCAL O FFICES0000ARES-G 21235711143541AR R HEOMETERS15161718192021TM 27354115(1) Patent # 7,017,393 (2) Patent # 6,798,099 (3) Patent # 6,952,950Minimum Torque Oscillation CR 0.003 μN.mMinimum Torque Oscillation CS 0.003 μN.mMinimum Torque Steady CR 0.01 μN.mMinimum Torque Steady CS 0.01 μN.mMaximum Torque 200 mN.mTorque Resolution 0.1 nN.m [1]Motor Inertia 18 μN.m.sAngular Velocity Range CS 0 to 300 rad/sAngular Velocity Range CR 1.4E -9to 300 rad/sFrequency Range 7.5E -7to 628 rad/sDisplacement Resolution 25 nradStep Change in Velocity 7 msStep Change in Strain 30 msDirect Strain Control Standard [2]Thrust Bearing MagneticNormal/Axial Force Range 0.005 to 50 NSmart Swap™StandardSmart Swap Geometry StandardPeltier Plate -40 to 200 °C [3]Environmental Test Chamber (ETC)-160 to 600 °CETC Camera Viewer OptionalConcentric Cylinder -20 to 150 °C [3]Peltier ControlUpper Heated Plate -30 to 150 °C [3]Electrically Heated Plate (EHP)-70 to 400 °C Camera Option with StreamingVideo and Image Capture OptionalT ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONS16CR - Controlled Rate Mode CS - Controlled Stress Mode [1] Internal Resolution for D to A converter at torque of 0.1 µN.m [2] Direct Strain Control provides single cycle oscillation and continuous oscillations during experiments.[3] Lower temperature limits require use of a suitable fluid in an external circulator.1718Minimum Torque Oscillation CR 0.03 μN.mMinimum Torque Oscillation CS 0.1 μN.mMinimum Torque Steady CR 0.05 μN.mMinimum Torque Steady CS 0.1 μN.mMaximum Torque 200 mN.mTorque Resolution 1 nN.m [1]Motor Inertia 15 μN.m.sAngular Velocity Range CS 0 to 300 rad/sAngular Velocity Range CR 1E -8to 300 rad/sFrequency Range 7.5E -7to 628 rad/sDisplacement Resolution 40 nradStep Change in Velocity 25 msStep Change in Strain 60 msDirect Strain Control Standard [2]Thrust Bearing Porous Carbon AirNormal/Axial Force Range 0.005 to 50 NSmart Swap™StandardPeltier Plate -40 to 200 °C [3]Environmental Test Chamber (ETC)-160 to 600 °CConcentric Cylinder -20 to 150 °C [3]Peltier ControlUpper Heated Plate -30 to 150 °C [3]Electrically Heated Plate (EHP)-70 to 400 °CT ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONSCR - Controlled Rate Mode CS - Controlled Stress Mode [1] Internal Resolution for D to A converter at torque of 0.1 µN.m [2] Direct Strain Control provides single cycle oscillation and continuous oscillations during experiments.[3] Lower temperature limits require use of a suitable fluid in an external circulator.19Minimum Torque 0.1 μN.m Maximum Torque 150 mN.m Torque Resolution 1 nN.m [1]Motor Inertia15 μN.m.s Angular Velocity Range CS 0 to 300 rad/s Angular Velocity Range CR 1.00E -7to 300 rad/s Frequency Range 7.50E -7to 628 rad/sDisplacement Resolution 40 nrad Step Change in Velocity 25ms Step Change in Strain 6 0ms Thrust Air Bearing Porous Carbon Smart Swap TM Standard Peltier Plate -40 to 200 °C [2]Peltier Plate Camera Optional Peltier Concentric Cylinder -20 to 150 °C [2]Upper Heated Plate -30 to 150 °C [2]Electrical Heated Plates-70 to 400 °C[1] Internal Resolution for D to A converter at torque of 1 µN.m[2] Lower temperature limits require use of a suitable fluid in an external circulator.T ECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSAR T ECHNOLOGY The AR series represents a family of rheometers uniquely designed to deliver optimum system performance.6 R IGID O NE-P IECE A LUMINUM C ASTING& L INEAR B ALL S LIDEAR-G2 T ECHNOLOGYM AGNETIC T HRUST B EARINGWhy a magnetic bearing? Larger gaps in the absence of a continuous flow of pressurized air translates to unprecedented low levels of friction in the bearing. More importantly, the ability to control and measure torques in the nN.m range. No other rheometer can boast such low-end torque sensitivity. The larger gap in the thrust bearing is robust and not susceptible to contamination. The additional benefits of the magnetic bearing over traditional air bearing designs are the following:• Ultra low torques applied to the sample• Smaller sample volumes can be used• Ability to probe delicate material structures• Study of low viscosity materials over abroad range of conditionsP ATENTED D RAG C UP M OTOROur new patented advanced drag cup motor is designedto further reduce system friction by increasing the motor gap by 100%. Dramatic improvements in low end torque performance are realized without compromising high-end performance. The motor delivers enhanced transient response and an extended angular velocity control range. The motor incorporates a patented drag cup temperature sensor. For the first time in any rheometer design, the temperature of the drag cup is measured, ensuring the mostaccurate torque output.ACTIVE T EMPERATURE C ONTROL(ATC)The AR-G2 Electrically Heated Plate (EHP), Upper Heated Plate (UHP),and Dry Asphalt System all incorporate our new patented(1)non-con-tact temperature sensor for active measurement and control of theupper plate temperature, using a special draw rod. The draw rodhouses a micro PCB and Platinum Resistance Thermometer. AR-G2 T ECHNOLOGYICRO PCBP RIMARY CS ECONDARY C OIL HS SaS MART S WAP TM A CCESSORIESC ONCENTRIC C YLINDERConcentric Cylinders are commonly used for very low viscosity fluids,dispersions of limited stability, and applications where fluid/solventevaporation may be a problem. The Smart Swap Concentric Cylindersystem features Peltier temperature control and provides a temperaturerange of -20 to 150 °C with heating rates up to 15 °C/min.PPER H EATED P LATE(UHP)S MART S WAP TM A CCESSORIESE LECTRICALLY H EATED P LATES(EHP)The EHP is a Smart Swap TM temperature option that provides activeheating and cooling of parallel plate and cone and plategeometries. The EHP is perfect for rheological characterization ofpolymer melts up to a maximum temperature of 400 °C. Otherfeatures include an environmental cover and heated purge gasand an optional Gas Cooling Accessory for temperature controlto -70˚C. An optional clear purge cover is available for sampleviewing and integration with camera viewer. Additionally, for theAR-G2, the EHP offers patented Smart Swap G eometries andnewly patented Active Temperature Control, ATC. ATC makes theAR-G2 EHP the only electrically heated plate system capable ofdirect temperature control of both the upper and lower plates.30S MART S WAP TM A CCESSORIES3133D YNAMIC I NTERFACIAL S HEAR R HEOLOGY U SING THE AR-G2The dynamic interfacial shear moduli G’ and G” are used to monitor the network structure build-up, resulting from the adsorption of proteins at the interface. Proteins unfold at the interface and, therefore, are crucial to the stability of emulsions and foams. The measurement is done with a Du Noüy Ring, positioned at the interface of two liquids, or a liquid and air in a circular glass dish. The ultra-sensitive,nano-torque range of the AR-G2 rheometer is required to make these measurements. Figure 1 shows the dynamic storage modulus of this material continuously increases as the protein migrates to the surface and forms a network structure.0.030.0250.020.0150.010.0050 050100 150time (minutes)G ‘, G ’’ (N /m )34F LOW C URVE FOR D ISPERSIONS F LOW C URVE FOR P OLYMERSV ISCOELASTIC P ROPERTIES S TRAIN S WEEPD YNAMIC M ECHANICAL P ROPERTIES OF S OLIDS IN T ORSION T RANSIENT T ESTS(C REEP AND S TRESS R ELAXATION)D YNAMIC O SCILLATION ON L OW V ISCOSITY F LUIDS U SING ARES AR-G2 N ANO-T ORQUEM EASUREMENTS IN S TRESS& S TRAIN C ONTROL O SCILLATIONS TRESS AND S HEAR R ATE R AMPSE XTENSIONAL V ISCOSITYM EASUREMENTS ON ARESC REEP AND R ECOVERY OF A V ISCOELASTIC F LUIDS TRESS G ROWTH IN A T RANSIENT S TEP R ATE E XPERIMENT41© 2009 TA Instruments. All rights reserved.。
Specifications The Adept Cobra TM s800 robot is a high-performance SCARA robotThe Adept Cobra s800 robot comes with the high-performanceAdept SmartControllerthe Adept SmartServo architecture. It has a small footprint of329w x 187d x 86h mm.The Adept Cobra s800 system includes the following:• Adept Cobra s800 robot with AIB (Amplifiers In Base)• Adept SmartController motion controller • Front panel with E-Stop • Adept ACE software • User documentationOptions and Peripherals:•AdeptSight TM vision guidance and inspection system(requires a PC–Adept recommends using the Adept SmartVision TM EX)• T2 manual control pendant • Dual robot configuration option • Conveyor-tracking option • sMI6 SmartMotion TM interface• sDIO I/O expansion (32 digital input and 32 digital outputchannels)• IO Blox I/O module (8 digital input and output channels each) • High-resolution Joint 4 option • Solenoid valve kit• IP-65 + Cleanroom ISO4 (class 10) option • Adjustable Hardstop KitAdept Technology, Inc. 5960 Inglewood Drive, Pleasanton, CA 94588Tel:925-245-3400Fax:925-960-0452Email:**************Specifications subject to change without notice.©2013 Adept Technology, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The information provided in this communication or document is the property of Adept Technology, Inc. and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. In addition, any references to any Adept Technology, Inc. products are the marks and property of Adept Technology, Inc. [and may be registered trademarks]. All other trademarks or tradenames are the property of their respective holders.09366-010 Rev. D800Dimensions Adept Cobra s800Ø 41.15Ø 63Grounding M3 x 0.5 - 6HØ 6Dimensions: Flange (mm)Dimensions: Footprint (mm)Downloads:Download CAD files for the Adept Cobra s800 robot from /support/downloads/file-search using the following download ID: 500008Work Envelope: Radius 800 mm Inner Limit: Radius 164 mm Height: 210 mmRequired clearance to open AIB Chassis918894184210+/- 360°183+/- 360°160160200338。
spaceon classB 产品资料
AIS Class B 船舶自动识别系统船载设备
采用时分多址(TDMA)技术、自组织时分多址(SOTDMA) 技术和载波检测时分多址(CSTDMA)技术。
1 x 收发一体机;
1 x GPS天线;
1 x GPS天线电缆10米;
1 x VHF天线;
1 x VHF电缆10米含N头;
1 x CCS证书;
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TRICON System Overall Intro 概述
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
1.Tricon System Overall Intro 系统概述
•Over 7000 Tricon System in Worldwide 世界已应用了9000多套Tricon TMR系统
Tricon I/O 模块 ¾ 输出通道间光电隔离
¾ 抗干扰能力强 ¾ 在线更换
¾ 常用型号:3503E
Tricon系统组成 Tricon 控制器 Tricon I/O 模块 典型配置举例
Individual Point Field Termination
TRICON System HW Intro TRICON系统硬件简介
Content Intro内容简介
1. TRICON System Overall Intro 系统概述 2. TRICON Controller 控制器 3. TRICON MODULE 模块 4. TRICON SYSTEM 系统
Tricon I/O 模块
TRICON本地 远程扩展架
Tricon 控制器
通过三重化总线对数字量输入信号进行表决 在 DO 卡件内实现数字量输出表决 在 AO卡件内实现模拟量输出选择表决
硬件表决 和 比较电路
支持SOE 数据的采集
德国SPINNER公司主要机床简述一.SB型超精密车床1.SB/C型:12刀位圆刀盘,控制系统SIEMENS 840D或者FANUC 18i,主轴转速:8000转/分棒料直径32mm,5000转/分棒料直径42mm,X=250mm, Z=285mm; 最大车削直径150mm, 床面上回转直径300mm2.S B/C-MC型:12刀位圆刀盘,控制系统SIEMENS 840D或者FANUC 18i,主轴转速:8000转/分棒料直径32mm,5000转/分棒料直径42mm,主轴带C轴功能,其中动力刀位6个X=250mm, Z=285mm; 最大车削直径150mm, 床面上回转直径300mm3.S B/C-T型:12刀位圆刀盘,控制系统SIEMENS 840D或者FANUC 18i,主轴转速:8000转/分棒料直径32mm,5000转/分棒料直径42mm,带尾架X=250mm, Z=285mm; 最大车削直径150mm, 床面上回转直径300mm4.S B/C-TMC型:12刀位圆刀盘,控制系统SIEMENS 840D或者FANU C 18i,主轴转速:8000转/分棒料直径32mm,5000转/分棒料直径42mm,主轴带C轴功能,带尾架,其中动力刀位6个X=250mm, Z=285mm; 最大车削直径150mm, 床面上回转直径300mm5.主要附件:a) 弹簧夹头座b) 弹簧夹头c) 动力卡盘d) 刀座套装e) 轴向动力头f) 径向动力头6.特点:X/Z轴均配有直线光栅尺,全闭环测量系统。
主轴内冷设计;电器柜装有空调器;可配线性刀架;以上均为标准配置7.精度:根据德国VDI/DGQ 3441标准X/Z轴分辨率0,0001毫米Tp:X轴=2微米,Z轴=3微米Ps:X/Z轴=0,4微米C轴分辨率0,0001 ,Tp=6秒;Ps=2,5秒工件精车后的圆度< 0,4微米二.PD型超精密车床1.PD/C-T型:16刀位圆刀盘,控制系统SIEMENS 840D或者FANUC 18i,主轴转速:8000转/分棒料直径32mm,5000转/分棒料直径42mm带CNC功能的尾架X=400mm, Z=400mm; 最大车削直径150mm, 床面上回转直径300mm2.PD/C-TMC型:16刀位圆刀盘,控制系统SIEMENS 840D或者FANUC 18i,主轴转速:8000转/分棒料直径32mm,5000转/分棒料直径42mm,主轴带C轴功能,带CNC功能的尾架,其中动力刀位8个X=400mm, Z=400mm; 最大车削直径150mm, 床面上回转直径300mm3.PD/C-S型:16刀位圆刀盘,带副轴;主/ 副轴具有极高的同步精度控制系统SIEMENS 840D或者FANUC 18i,主轴转速:8000转/分棒料直径32mm,5000转/分棒料直径42mm副轴转速:8000转/分棒料直径32mmX=400mm, Z=400mm, Q=400mm 最大车削直径150mm, 床面上回转直径300mm4.PD/C-SMC型:16刀位圆刀盘,带副轴;主/ 副轴具有极高的同步精度控制系统SIEMENS 840D或者FANUC 18i,主轴转速:8000转/分棒料直径32mm,5000转/分棒料直径42mm,副轴转速:8000转/分棒料直径32mm主/ 副轴带C轴功能,其中动力刀位8个X=400mm, Z=400mm,Q=400mm 最大车削直径150mm, 床面上回转直径300mm5.主要附件:a) 弹簧夹头座b) 弹簧夹头c) 动力卡盘d) 刀座套装e) 轴向动力头f) 径向动力头6.特点:X/Z/Q轴配直线光栅尺,全闭环测量系统。
GE Industrial Solutions ASTAT XT 软启动器商品介绍说明书
imagination at workPowerful features Easy applicationASTAT XT Soft StartersGEIndustrial Solutions1ASTAT XT Soft StartersSmooth, reliable performancefor extended motor and component lifeRatingsCurrent ratings8A-1400A:8, 17, 31, 44, 58, 72, 85, 105, 145, 170, 210,310, 390, 460, 580, 820, 950*, 1100*, 1400*Line Voltage3ph, 230-500V 50/60Hz.(Type QT1x, 1400V PIV ratings )3ph, 460-600V 50/60Hz.(Type QT2x, 1600V PIV ratings )3ph, 690V 50/60Hz.(Type QT3x, 1800V PIV ratings )Frequency Range 45Hz-65Hz,auto-tracking frequency range Control Voltage230VAC, +10, -15%, 50/60Hz or 110VAC, +10, -15%, 50/60Hz*Non–ULAll ASTAT XT soft starter models from 950A and up must be operated with a bypass contactor.Environmental Conditions Operating -10ºC to 50ºC Temperature Altitude Up to 3300ft or 1000m Humidity 95% at 50ºC or 98% at 45ºC Protection DegreeOpen/IP20 up to 72A, Open/IP00 from85-1400AThe ASTAT XT soft starter delivers reliable performance and smooth acceleration for a range of standard AC motors, from 8A-1400A and from 230V-690V. By controlling motor acceleration and deceleration, it reduces mechanical wear and tear on motors better than across-the-line starting methods. This is particularly true in such applications as pumps, fans, compressors and conveyors.2Powerful featuresfor demanding applicationsMotor ProtectionIEC Class 10 or 20 and NEMA Class 10, 20 and 30 overload Built-in Bypass TerminalsExtra power terminals are standard to allow easy installation of an external bypass contactorAll ASTAT XT soft starter models from 950A and up must be operated with a bypass contactor.Pump ControlAvoids overpressure at the end of the acceleration phase and suppresses hammering at the stopping phase Communication NetworksModbus RTU is built in, factory-installed DeviceNet or Profibus DP are optionally availableLCD Display & Six-Button KeypadSaves time by setting up the ASTAT XT soft starter using full parameter descriptions instead of codesIn-Line or Inside-Delta OperationChoose either traditional Line or Inside Delta operation,which allows the ASTAT XT soft starter to easily replace Y/D starters and allows the unit’s rating to be reduced by as much as 1.5 timesTorque ControlControlled torque ramps produce results close to linear speed without tachometer feedbackGenerator SupplyHelps minimize the negative effects caused by the generator voltage fluctuations during startingA simple interface for fastset-up and operationIts backlit LCD screen, which delivers full descriptions of parameters, makes the ASTAT XT soft starter easy to use. In two rows of 16 characters each, it displays the function selected and the value of the setting and/or monitor.Selecting and changing parameters is simply done with the arrow keys. Via any one of four selectable user languages (English, German, Italian, Spanish), it delivers:• Data Readouts –e.g. Line Voltage, Motor Current, etc.• Fault Diagnostics –e.g. Overload, Overvoltage, Undercurrent • Statistical Data –e.g. Elapsed Run Time, Fault Recording, Trip Event, etc.• Parameter Settings –e.g. Acceleration Time, Starting Voltage,Motor FLANEMA and IEC RatingsRecommended Unit Type and Motor RatingsFor 230V Control Voltage - Change the “1” in digit place 9 to “2”. Example QT10031U11MS becomes QT10031U21MS.For 24V DC Digital I/O - Change the “1” in digit 10 to “2”. Example QT20072U11MS becomes QT20072U12MS.For Profibus DP Communications - Change the “M” in digit 11 to “P”. Example QT10390U11M S becomes QT10390U11P S.For DeviceNet Communications - Change the “M” in digit 11 to “D”. Example QT20085U11M S becomes QT20085U11D S.All ASTAT XT soft starter models from 950A and up must be operated with a bypass contactor.ASTAT XT soft starter remote keypad kit, product number QTAKPADKIT1, is for units from 8A to 72A. ASTAT XT soft starter remote keypad kit, product number QTAKPADKIT2, is for units from 85A to 1400A.3Product Number ConfigurationQT10008U21M SASTAT XT Soft Mains Voltage Current Ratings UL Certification Starter Range 1Control Voltage2Control Inputs3Communications Future1= 230-500V U= UL1= 110VAC1= 90-230VAC M= Standard Options2= 460-600V N= non-UL2= 230VAC2= 24VDC P= Profibus3= 690V N= DeviceNetNotes:cUL Certification1ASTAT XT soft starter up to 600V, and up to 170A (Product Numbers up to QT10170_ or QT2) are alwayscUL certified. Option “N” not availableUnits QT2, from QT20008_, up to QT20820_ are always cUL certified. Option “N” not available.Units QT1, or QT2 from QTx0950_ up to QTx1400 are not UL certified. Option “U” not available.Units QT3__, rated to 690V, are not UL certified. Option “U” not availableControl and Inputs Voltage2ASTAT XT soft starter standard Control Voltage configuration is option 2, Voltage 230VAC, +10%, -15%3ASTAT XT soft starter standard configuration for Inputs is option 1, Voltage 90-230VAC, +10%, -15%45DimensionsPower Terminal Sizes (mm 2), All UnitsUL Certified Units6Notes:• This unit must be operated with a bypass contactor• Add space for current transformers (supplied separately from the main unit) and bus bars for preparation for bypassApproximate current transformers dimensions: W=240mm, H=130mm, D=90mmNotes:• Units must be operated with a bypass contactor• Add space for current transformers (Supplied separately from main unit) and bus bars for preparation for bypassApproximate current transformers dimensions:W=240mm, H=130mm, D=90mm. (for 1100A unit, Product Numbers QTx1100N__ )W=270mm, H=155mm, D=90mm. (for 1400A unit, Product Numbers QTx1400N__)imagination at workGE41 Woodford Avenue Plainville, CT DEA-470C (03/13)Whether it’s on the web, on your own computer or on the phone, getting transactional answers, product information and technical support from GE is easy and sure.1-800-GE1-STOPBased in Richmond, Virginia, our dedicated OEM customer service team gives you easy access to specific technical support. Just call 1-800-GE1-STOP./oemAll of the technical documentation you need is available on our web site. The Publication Library delivers application guides, installation and maintenance instructions, brochures,layouts, dimensions and time current curves.GE Smart Catalogs ™Our BuyLog ®Catalog provides comprehensive data on all the products available from the Electrical Distribution business.Detailed ratings, catalog numbers, dimensions and weights,list prices and more. They automatically download updates as they become available.Order management the way you like itSpeedi, our leading configuration, estimating and ordering tool is available to identify the correct catalog number and price to ensure you receive the product you need. EliteNet ®, GE’s easy-to-use web-based application, allows you to price, order, track and process returns. Paperless Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is available to process purchase orders and invoices.Post sales supportCall 1-888-GE-RESOLve for in-warranty service, genuine spare parts and GE field support services.1,400 distributor locationsWhen local contact is the answer, GE’s authorized distributors meet your needs. With more than 500 different firms in over 1,400 locations, there’s a local distributor near you, and specialist distributors address the needs of your target market segment. Find your nearest distributor easily at .Real-time information Real-people supportBuyLog and EliteNet are registered trademarks and Smart Catalogs is a trademark of the General Electric Company.Information provided is subject to change without notice. Please verify all details with GE. All values are design or typical values when measured under laboratory conditions, and GE makes no warranty or guarantee, express or implied, that such performance will be obtained under end-use conditions.。
User's Guidee-mail: ************** GPIB HARDWARE MANUAL FOR USE WITHPCI-GPIB, ISA-GPIB142.6 CPCI-GPIB (12)2.5 PC104-GPIB (11)2.4.2 Windows 3.1 (11)2.4.1 Windows 95 (10)2.4 PCM-GPIB (8)2.3 ISA-GPIB/LC (6)2.2 ISA-GPIB (5)2.1 PCI-GPIB (5)CHAPTER TWO: INSTALLATION ...................31.2.3 Connection Configurations . (2)1.2.2 GPIB Electrical Signal Configuration (1)1.2.1 Talkers, Listeners, and Controllers (1)1.2 GPIB SYSTEM DESCRIPTION (1)1.1 HISTORY (1)CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ......................Chapter One: INTRODUCTION1.1 HISTORYThe GPIB (General Purpose Interface Bus) has become the worldwide standard for connecting instruments to computers. Invented in the 1960s by Hewlett Packard and originally designated as HPIB, the bus specification was eventually adopted by a wide variety of both instrument and computer manufacturers. The original specification was documented and sanctioned by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers as IEEE-488.The advent of the inexpensive and powerful personal computer has driven the GPIB market through explosive growth. As GPIB bus usage expanded, there arose the need for some additional capability and standardization, so in 1987, IEEE-488.2 was adopted. IEEE-488.2 was revised/ammended in 1992 and represents the current GPIB specification. The new specification provides some standardization among compliant instruments. These standardization greatly simplifies the job of the GPIB system designer since 488.2 compliant instruments share common programming conventions.1.2 GPIB SYSTEM DESCRIPTION1.2.1 Talker s, Listeners, and ControllersA GPIB device can be a Talker, Listener, and/or Controller. As the name implies a Talker sends data to one or more Listeners, A Listener accepts data from a Talker and a Controller manages the flow of information over the bus. A GPIB Digital Voltmeter is acting as a Listener as its input configurations and ranges are set, and then as a Talker when it actually sends its readings to the computer.The Controller is in charge of all communications over the bus. The Controller’s job is to make sure only one device tries to talk at a time, and make sure the correct Lis-teners are paying attention when the Talker talks. Each GPIB system has a single sys-tem controller. The system controller is ultimately in charge of the bus, and is in control as the bus is powered up. There can be more than one Controller on the bus and the System Controller can pass active control to another controller capable device, though only one can be Controller In Charge at a given time. TheGPIB board is usually designated as the System Controller.1.2.2 GPIB Electrical Signal Configuration1The GPIB is an 8-bit parallel data transfer bus. In addition to the 8 data bits, the bus carries three handshaking lines and five GPIB specific management and control lines. The remainder of the standard 24 pin GPIB cable is used for the cable shield, signal grounds and returns. The GPIB connector pin-out is shown in the diagram below:Standard GPIB Cable/ConnectorDATA LINESDIO1 through DIO8 are the data transfer bits. Most GPIB systems send 7-bit data and use the eight bit as a parity or disregard it entirely2HANDSHAKING LINESThere are three handshaking lines that control the data transfer between devices.NRFD (Not Ready For Data): this bit is used to indicate the readiness (or lack thereof) of a device to accept dataDAV (Data Valid): bit is used to indicate to receiving devices that data has been placed on the bus and is available to read.NDAC (Not Data Accepted): is asserted by the receiving device to indicate that data has been read and may now be removed from the bus.SYSTEM MANAGEMENT LINESATN (Attention): is used by the controller to specify how data on the DIO lines is interpreted and which devices must respond to the dataIFC (Interface Clear): is used by the system controller to place the entire system in a known quiescent (Cleared) state and to assert itself as Controller In Charge (CIC).SRQ (Service Request): is used by a device on the bus to indicate the need for atten-tion and requests an interrupt of the current event sequence.REN (Remote Enable): is used by the controller in conjunction with other messages to place a device on the bus into either remote or local modeEOI (End or Identify): Is used by Talkers to indicate the end of a message string, or is used by the Controller to command a polling sequence.1.2.3 Connection ConfigurationsThe GPIB specification is quite definitive regarding the number of devices and cable lengths allowed in a GPIB system. There can be no more than 15 devices on a single contiguous GPIB bus. Larger systems are possible by installing additional GPIB inter-face boards in your computerThe maximum, total length of all cables on a single GPIB system is 20 meters. In addition, cable length between consecutive devices may be no greater than 4 meters, and average cable length must be 2 meters or less. Stated another way, the total cable length (in meters) in the system may not be longer than 2 times the number of devices (up to 20 meters). Longer length systems are possible, but only with the use of a GPIB extender card.In addition to the above rules, at least two thirds of all devices on the bus should be powered on for proper operation.3Keeping the above constraints in mind, there is no limitation on the actual connection scheme used to connect the GPIB devices together. Star, Linear or any combination of both may be used. These are shown in the following diagrams.4,QVWUXPHQW &,QVWUXPHQW ',QVWUXPHQW $,QVWUXPHQW %Linear C onnectionC onfiguration ,QVWUXPHQW ',QVWUXPHQW &,QVWUXPHQW (,QVWUXPHQW $,QVWUXPHQW %S tar C onnectionC onfigurationChapter Two: INSTALLATION The following sections describe the hardware installation procedure for GPIB boards. After hardware installation, please refer to your GPIB software installation guide for additional setup and operation details.2.1 PCI-GPIBThe PCI-GPIB board is completely plug and play. To install this board into your sys-tem follow the simple steps shown below.1. Turn your computer off2. Open your computer case3. Insert the PCI-GPIB into any available PCI slot4. Put your computer’s case back on.5. Turn your computer back on, and follow the instructionsin the GPIB software manual you received with your board.52.2 ISA-GPIBThe only hardware configuration required prior to installing the ISA-GPIB/LC is set-ting the board’s Base Address switch. The location of the Base Address switch is shown in the photograph above, while the switch itself is shown in the diagram on the following page.Most computers will have Base Address 300 Hex (768 decimal) free and the default setting of the board is 300 Hex. If there is already a board in your system using address 300 HEX (768 Decimal), you will have to change the board’s base address prior to installing it in your computer. Other typically free addresses include 310 Hex and 330 Hex.6The following diagram shows the base address in its default 300 Hex setting.987 6 5 4S V65LThe address values corresponding to each of the switches are shown in the following table.Hex Dec.Switch Value Value Default9 200 512 up (200 Hex)8 100 256 up (100 Hex)7 80 128 down (0 Hex)6 40 64 down (0 Hex)5 20 32 down (0 Hex)4 10 16 down (0 Hex)-----------------total 300 HexNote: On this base address switch, Up is on, Down is off. This con-figuration is the opposite of most ISA baseddata acquisition boards.72.3 ISA-GPIB/LCThe following diagram shows the base address in its default 300 Hex setting.987654S V65LThe address values corresponding to each of the switches are shown in the following table.Hex Dec.Switch Value Value Default9200512up (200 Hex)8100256up (100 Hex)7 80128down (0 Hex)6 40 64down (0 Hex)5 20 32down (0 Hex)4 10 16down (0 Hex)-----------------total300 HexNote: On this base address switch, Up is on, Down is off. This con-figuration is the opposite of most ISA based data acquisitionboards.92.4 PCM-GPIBThe installation procedure is different for Windows 95 and DOS/Windows 3.1. These procedures are described below:10:LQGRZVThe PCM-GPIB board is completely plug and play. There are no switches or jumpers to set prior to installation in your computer. Simply follow the steps shown below to install you PCM-GPIB hardware. Once your hardware is installed, please refer to the GPIB-488.2 software manual.1. Start Windows 952. Insert the card into a free PC Card/PCMCIA slot. You do not have toturn the computer off. The system is designed for power on installation.3. Windows 95 will automatically detect the card and depending on theversion of Windows 95 you have, you will either see a New HardwareFound dialog box or a Update Device Driver Wizard box.4. Insert PCM-GPIB Disk 1 into your A drive and follow the instructionsprovided by the dialog box/wizard..If no New Hardware Found dialog box appears, check that you computer’s 32-bit PCMCIA drivers are enabled. This can be checked using the following Windows 95 sequence. Start>Settings>Control Panel>System and look in Performance section. It should read 32-bit. If not, enable 32-bit, shut down your computer and try the above procedure again.:LQGRZVMost users are now installing boards on systems with at least Windows 95 operating systems. However, if you wish to install the PCM-GPIB board in a machine running Windows 3.1 and/or DOS, you will need to use the DOS based Card & Socket serv-ices routine. This is included with most newer computers. However, if you need to purchase these routines, they are available as part number PCM-C&SS from Com-puterBoards for a nominal price. To run the C&SS installation routines, place the PCM-C&SS disk in drive a:, from your boot drive (usually C:) type A:Install and hit enter. Then simply follow the instructions on your screen.The PCM-GPIB hardware is completely plug and play. There are no switches or jumpers to set prior to installation in your computer. Once your hardware is installed, please refer to the GPIB-488.2 software manual.112.5 PC104-GPIBThe only hardware configuration required prior to installing the ISA-GPIB/LC is set-ting the board’s Base Address switch. The location of the Base Address switch is shown in the photograph above, while the switch itself is shown in the diagram on the following page.Most computers will have Base Address 300 Hex (768 decimal) free and the default setting of the board is 300 Hex. If there is already a board in your system using address 300 HEX (768 Decimal), you will have to change the board’s base address prior to installing it in your computer. Other typically free addresses include 310 Hex and 330 Hex.12The following diagram shows the base address in its default 300 Hex setting.987654S V65LThe address values corresponding to each of the switches are shown in the following table.Hex Dec.Switch Value Value Default9200512up (200 Hex)8100256up (100 Hex)7 80128down (0 Hex)6 40 64down (0 Hex)5 20 32down (0 Hex)4 10 16down (0 Hex)-----------------total300 HexNote: On this base address switch, Up is on, Down is off. This con-figuration is the opposite of most PC104 based data acquisitionboards.132.6 CPCI-GPIBThe CPCI-GPIB board is completely plug and play. To install this board install this board into you system follow the simple steps shown below.1. Turn your computer off2. Open your computer front panel (if enclosed)3. Insert the CPCI-GPIB into any available 3U CPCI slot4. Put your computer’s case back on (optional).5. Turn your computer back on, and follow the instructionsin the GPIB software manual you received with your board.14EC Declaration of ConformityDescriptionPart Number Computer to GPIB interface Computer to GPIB interface Computer to GPIB interface Computer to GPIB interface Computer to GPIB interface Computer to GPIB interface ISA-GPIBISA-GPIB/LCPCI-GPIBPC104-GPIBPCM-GPIB CPCI-GPIBto which this declaration relates, meets the essential requirements, is in conformitywith, and CE marking has been applied according to the relevant EC Directives listedbelow using the relevant section of the following EC standards and other normativedocuments:EU EMC Directive 89/336/EEC : Essential requirements relating to electromagneticcompatibility.EU 55022 Class B : Limits and methods of measurements of radio interferencecharacteristics of information technology equipment.EN 50082-1: EC generic immunity requirements.IEC 801-2: Electrostatic discharge requirements for industrial process measurementand control equipment.IEC 801-3: Radiated electromagnetic field requirements for industrial processmeasurements and control equipment.IEC 801-4: Electrically fast transients for industrial process measurement and controlequipment.Carl Haapaoja, Director of Quality Assurance。
THORNTON M300系列进程分析仪说明书
A n a l y t i c a l T r a n s m i t t e r sM300 Transmittersfor Comprehensive Liquid AnalysisTHORNTONLeading Pure Water AnalyticsM300 Transmitters Conductivity / Resistivity pH / ORPDissolved Oxygen Dissolved Ozone Flow / Total FlowM 300 T r a n s m i t t e r s2The METTLER TOLEDO THORNTON M300 series of process analytical instruments provide single-channel, multi-channel and multi-parameter models to measure conductivity/ resis-tivity, pH/ORP, dissolved oxygen, ozone and flowrate. Both ¼DIN and ½DIN enclosures are available for especially convenient panel, wall and pipe mounting.The standard for measurementin pure water treatmentConductivity / Resistivity 1 2 analog; 4 relays 3Conductivity / Resistivity 2 4 analog; 4 relays 3pH ORP1 2 analog; 4 relays 4Conductivity / Resistivity, pH / ORP Dissolved Oxygen, Ozone 2 4 analog; 6 relays 5 - 6Flow 1 2 analog; 4 relays 4Flow44 analog; 4 relays4*physical and electrical specifications on page 7, order numbers on page 10M o d e l s e l e c t i o nFeaturesLarge backlit 4-line displayCompact ¼DIN panel-mounting with NEMA 4X, IP65 panel seal Robust ½DIN wall-mounting with NEMA 4X, IP65 back cover User-selectable dual-level password protection On-line sensor diagnostics for pHInternal PID control with relay or analog output USB port for configuration and data acquisition Direct sensor inputs for all parameters Compatible with existing Thornton sensors Plug-in terminal connectors for easy wiring Universal AC/DC power supplyMultiple languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish CE compliant, UL Listing pending for US and Canadian standards ApplicationsPure and ultrapure water treatment for semiconductor rinsing, critical power/steam makeup and pharmaceutical waters.Semiconductor processing in rinsers and wet benches with precise resistivity measurement and temperature compensation.Power plant cycle chemistry and stator cooling monitoring with exceptionally accurate temperature compensation for specific and cation conductivity and pH and very low maintenance dissolved oxygen measurement.Pharmaceutical water monitoring to meet USP, EP, and JP conductivity requirements including built in tables of alarm limits.Reclaim, recycle and wastewater treatment for the above industry applications for contaminant detection,diversion and neutralization.3One & Two channel modelsHighest accuracy measurement & temperature compensation Wide range of measurement allows verification in ASTM standards even for pure water measurementsTwo- & four-electrode conductivity/resistivity measurementsReverse osmosis % rejection computation on two-channel models Direct acid & caustic concentration readout USP ‹645› & EP alarm setpointsMeasurement SpecificationsM300 Conductivity / Resistivity ModelsConductivity/Resistivity Ranges0.01 Constant Sensor 0.002 to 200 μS/cm (5000 ohm-cm to 500 Mohm-cm)0.1 Constant Sensor 0.02 to 2000 μS/cm (500 ohm-cm to 50 Mohm-cm)10 Constant Sensor 50 to 40,000 μS/cm (25 to 20 Kohm-cm)4-electrode Sensor0.01 mS/cm to 650 mS/cm (1.54 ohm-cm to 100 Kohm-cm) readout in equivalent S/m ranges is selectable Concentration Ranges of HCl, NaOH, H 2SO 40-20%, 0-15%, 0-20%TDS Ranges (CaCO 3and NaCl)cover equivalent conductivity rangesCalculated Paraameters (2-channel)% Rejection, power plant calculations of pH based on specific and cation conductivity, and C02based on cation and degassed conductivity Resolution four significant digits, auto-ranged Update ratedisplay and outputs, once per second Temperature Measurement Range -40 to 200°C (-40 to 392 °F), resolution 0.1°Temperature Sensor Input RTD, Pt1000 (Pt100 with adapter)Temperature Compensation selectable as: Std (standard high purity Thornton/Light), Light 84, Std referenced to 75°C,linear %/°C, 50% glycol, 100% glycol, cation, ammonia, isopropyl alcohol, none Sensor maximum distance 61 m (200 feet); 15 m (50 ft) with 4-electrode sensorsConductivity/Resistivity Accuracy ± 0.5% of reading or 0.5 ohm, whichever is greater, up to 18 Mohm-cm Repeatability± 0.1% of reading Temperature Relative Accuracy ± 0.25 °C (± 0.45 °F) Temperature Resolution 0.01 °Temperature Repeatability ± 0.13 °C (± 0.23 °F)Setpoints/Alarms 2 - high, low, outside, between, USP, EP 6 - high, low, outside, between, USP or EP Relays2 SPDT, 2 SPST reed 2 SPDT, 1 SPST NO, 1 SPST NC, 2 SPST reed Analog Output Signals 24Discrete Inputs12M 300 T r a n s m i t t e r s4M300 pH/ORP ModelspH, ORP Ranges -1.00 to 15.00 pH, -1500 to 1500 mV Temperature Range - 30 to + 130°C (-22 to 266 °F)Temperature Sensor RTD, Pt1000 (Pt100 with adapter)Temperature Compensation automatic / manual for electrode output, plus adjustable solution temperature coefficient for solution ionization effects Update rate display and outputs, once per second Calibration 1- or 2- point, with auto buffer recognitionDiagnosticsselectable continuous checking of membrane resistance and reference diaphragm/junction resistance (with solution ground sensors)Sensor Maximum Distance10 m (33 ft)pH, ORP Relative Accuracy ± 0.03 pH, ± 2 mV pH, ORP Resolution 0.01 pH, 1 mV Temperature Accuracy ± 0.25 °C (± 0.45 °F) Temperature Resolution0.1 °CSetpoints/Alarms 4 - high, low, outside, or between Relays2 SPDT, 2 SPST reed Analog Output Signals 2Discrete Inputs1Direct electrode inputOn-line sensor diagnostics for measuring and reference electrodeAuto buffer recognition with extensive buffer library Internal PID controlCombined high/low setpoint for alarming outside a band Solution temperature compensation for pure water ionization effects as well as conventional electrode temperature compensation Automatic sensor cleaningMeasurement Specifications5M300 Multiparameter Models0.01 Constant Sensor 0.002 to 200 μS/cm (5000 ohm-cm to 500 Mohm-cm)0.1 Constant Sensor 0.02 to 2000 μS/cm (500 ohm-cm to 50 Mohm-cm)10 Constant Sensor 50 to 40,000 μS/cm (25 to 20 Kohm-cm)4-electrode Sensor 0.01 mS/cm to 650 mS/cm (1.54 ohm-cm to 100 Kohm-cm)readout in equivalent S/m ranges is selectable Concentration Ranges of HCl, NaOH, H 2SO 40-20%, 0-15%, 0-20%TDS Ranges (CaCO 3and NaCl)cover equivalent conductivity ranges RO % Rejection0 -100% (computed from two conductivity measurements)Conductivity Resolution four significant digits, auto-rangedpH, ORP Ranges-1.00 to 15.00 pH, -1500 to 1500 mV; resolution 0.01 pH, 1 mVDissolved Oxygen Ranges 0-20,000 ppb or μg/L; 0-20 ppm or mg/L, 0-200% saturation; resolution 0.1 ppb or μg/L Dissolved Ozone Ranges0-5,000 ppb or μg/L, 0-5 ppm or mg/L; resolution 0.1 ppb or μg/L Temperature Measurement Range -40 to 200 °C (-40 to 392 °F); resolution 0.1 °Temperature Sensor Input RTD, Pt1000 (Pt100 with adapter)Update ratedisplay and outputs, once per secondTemperature CompensationConductivity/Resistivityselectable as: Std (standard high purity Thornton/Light), Light 84, Std referenced to 75°C, linear %/°C, 50% glycol, 100% glycol, cation, ammonia, isopropyl alcohol, nonepHautomatic / manual for electrode output, plus adjustable solution temperature coefficient for solution ionization effectsDissolved Oxygen automatic, for membrane permeability and oxygen solubility Dissolved Ozoneautomatic, for membrane permeability and ozone solubility Conductivity/Resistivity Calibration 1-point; 2-point for 4-E sensorspH Calibration 1- or 2-point, with auto buffer recognitionpH Diagnosticsselectable continuous checking of membrane resistance and reference diaphragm/junction resistance (with solution ground sensors)Dissolved Oxygen Calibration air/comparison, zero Dissolved Ozone Calibration comparison, zeroSensor maximum distance61 m (200 ft); 15 m (50 ft) with 4-electrode sensorsConductivity/Resistivity± 0.5% of reading or 0.5 ohm, whichever is greater, up to 18 Mohm-cm pH, ORP ± 0.03 pH, ± 2 mV Dissolved Oxygen ± 1% (± 2% with long life probe) of reading or ± 1 ppb, system accuracy Dissolved Ozone± 2 % of reading or ± 3 ppb, system accuracyRelays2 SPDT, 1 SPST NO, 1 SPST NC, 2 SPST reed Analog Output Signals 4Discrete Inputs2Two Field-configurable channels for any pair of parameters:Conductivity/resistivity, pH/ORP, dissolved oxygen and/or dissolved ozone Reduces number of instruments and amount of panel space Includes all features of single parameter instrumentsMeasurement SpecificationsM 300 T r a n s m i t t e r s6Available in one and four channel models Accept input from most pulse flow sensors Compute total flow with high resolution Configurable for batch controlCompute reverse osmosis % recovery on four channel modelMeasurement SpecificationsM300 Flow ModelsFlowrate Range 0 to 9999 GPM, L/min, m /hrTotal Flow Range 0 to 9,999,999 Gallons, 37,850,000 Liters, 37,850 m 3RO % Recovery Range 0 to 100%Flow Velocity Range equivalent ft/s, m/s Frequency Range1 to 4000 HzCalculated Parameters (4-channel)ratio, sum and difference of two flowratesResolution 4 significant digits, auto-ranged; up to 8 digits for total flow Update rate display and outputs, once per 2 seconds Input pulseslow <1.0 volt; high >1.4 volts (36 volts max)Accuracy ± 0.5 Hz Repeatability± 0.2 Hz Setpoints/Alarms 4 - high, low, outside, or between 8 - high, low, outside, or between Relays2 SPDT, 1 SPST NO, 1 SPST NC 2 SPDT, 1 SPST NO, 1 SPST NC Analog Output Signals24Discrete Inputs, for external totalizer reset127Operator interface4 line back-lit LCD; 5-tactile keys1/4 DIN Model Dimensions (H x W x D)4.01 x 4.01 x5.51 in (102 x 102 x 140 mm)Max. Depth,- panel mounted4.96 in (126 mm), excluding plug-in connectors 1/2 DIN Model Dimensions (H x W x D)5.90 x 5.90 x 4.57 in (150 x 150 x 116 mm) Max. Depth,- panel mounted3.46 in (88 mm)MaterialABS/polycarbonate Weight, 1/4 DIN Models 1.5 lb (0.7 kg)Weight, 1/2 DIN Models 2 lb (1 kg)UL Electrical Environment Installation (overvoltage) Category IIRatings/Approvals UL (pending, US & Canada), CE compliant; NEMA 4X, IP 65 - 1/2 DIN wall mount and 1/4 DIN panel seal EMC Emissions according to EN55011 Class APoweruniversal 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz or 20-30 VDC; 5 W(on power loss, all settings are retained in non-volatile memory without batteries)Storage temperature-40 to 70 °C (-40 to 158 °F)Ambient temperature operating range -10 to 50 °C (14 to 122 °F)Relative humidity0 to 95%Analog outputs (as specified for individual models)powered 0/4-20 mA, 22 mA alarm, 500 ohms maximum load; not for use with externally powered circuits Analog output accuracy ± 0.05 mAAnalog output scalinglinear, bi-linear, logarithmic (1,2,3 or 4 decades), auto-ranging Relays (as specified for individual models)all contacts are potential free, with adjustable hysteresis and time delay SPDT, SPST NO, SPST NC 250 VAC/30 VDC, 3 A, resistive SPST reed300 VDC, 0.5 A, 10 WDigital communicationsUSB, type B connector, for remote configuration and data acquisitionDiscrete input (as specified for individual models)accepts dry contact closure for remote flow totalizer reset or remote PID controlauto/manual selectionDisplay auto/manual status and % output on bottom line of displaySettings auto/manual, setpoint, deadband, non-linear corner points, control limits, proportional gain, integral reset time (min.), derivative rate time (min.)Manual Station controlled by up/down arrow keys in manual mode; remote auto/manual selection by discrete input Control Output Typesone or two analog signals, relays—pulse frequency, or relays—pulse length Physical & Electrical Specifications - all modelsM 300 T r a n s m i t t e r sDimensional informationDimensions for 1/4 DIN panel-mount modelsDimensions for 1/2 DIN wall/panel-mount modelsDimensions for 1/2 DIN pipe mount kit9M 300 T r a n s m i t t e r s101/4 DIN enclosure – panel mounting kit included M3001-channel Conductivity/Resistivity 58 002 301M3002-channel Conductivity/Resistivity 58 001 304M3001-channel pH/ORP 58 001 303M3002-channel Multiparameter 58 001 306M3001-channel Flow 58 004 302M3004-channel Flow58 001 3051/2 DIN enclosure – panel/wall/pipe mount*M3001-channel Conductivity/Resistivity 58 002 311M3002-channel Conductivity/Resistivity 58 001 314M3001-channel pH/ORP 58 001 313M3002-channel Multiparameter 58 001 316M3001-channel Flow 58 004 312M3004-channel Flow58 001 315* Panel and pipe mounting require kits, listed below, ordered separately.Panel Mount Kit for 1/2 DIN models 52 500 213Pipe Mount Kit for 1/2 DIN models 52 500 212Conductivity Calibration Module58 082 300Adapter, VP to Standard, for calibrating conductivity with VP Patch Cord 58 080 102Configuration Software & Data Logger Kit 58 077 300Adapter Panel - M300 to 200/2000 cutout58 083 305StandardVP*1 ft (0.3 m) 1001-67-5 ft (1.5 m) 1005-6758 080 20110 ft (3 m) 1010-6758 080 20215 ft (4.5 m) 1015-6758 080 20325 ft (7.6 m) 1025-6758 080 20450 ft (15.2 m) 1050-6758 080 20575 ft (23 m) -58 080 206100 ft (30.5 m) 1110-6758 080 207200 ft (61 m)1120-6758 080 208* For VP Conductivity sensors only.Ordering InformationpH / ORP / Dissolved Oxygen / Ozone Sensor CablespH, Dissolved Oxygen**, Ozone3 ft (1 m) VP, -30 to 70 °C52 300 107 10 ft (3 m) VP, -30 to 70 °C52 300 108 16 ft (5 m) VP, -30 to 70 °C52 300 109 33 ft (10 m) VP, -30 to 70 °C52 300 110 High temp 3 ft (1 m) VP, -40 to 135 °C52 300 111 High temp 10 ft (3 m) VP, -40 to 135 °C52 300 112 High temp 16 ft (5 m) VP, -40 to 135 °C52 300 113 High temp 33 ft (10 m) VP, -40 to 135 °C52 300 114ORP3 ft (1 m) AS910 001 0102 10 ft (3 m) AS910 001 0302 16 ft (5 m) AS910 001 0502 33 ft (10 m) AS910 001 1002 ** For long life dissolved oxygen sensor 58 037 220 only, use standard conductivity cables in previous table.Calibration / Verification SolutionsConductivity Standard SolutionsConductivity standard, 25 μS/cm, 500 mL, HCl, ± 3%58 078 001 Conductivity standard, 100 μS/cm, 500 mL, KCl, ± 1%58 078 002 Conductivity standard, 1000 μS/cm, 500 mL, KCl, ± 1%58 078 003 Conductivity standard, 10,000 μS/cm, 500 mL, KCl, ± 1%58 078 004 Conductivity standard, 100,000 μS/cm, 500 mL, KCl, ± 1%58 078 005pH and ORP (Redox) Standard Buffer SolutionspH Buffer, 4.01, 250 mL51 340 057 pH Buffer, 7.00, 250 mL51 340 059 pH Buffer, 9.21, 250 mL51 300 193 pH Buffer, 10.00, 250 mL51 340 056 ORP Buffer, 468 mV, 6 x 30 mL51 319 058 ORP Buffer, 220 mV, 6 x 250 mL51 340 08111Mettler-Toledo Thornton, Inc.36 Middlesex Turnpike Bedford, MA 01730 USA Tel. +1-781-301-8600Fax +1-781-301-8701Toll Free +1-800-510-PURE ******************** Subject to technical changes © Mettler-Toledo Thornton, Inc. ML0122 Rev.B 02/07Visit for more information/thorntonQuality certificate.Development, production andtesting to ISO 9001.A certified ServiceXXL provider.M300 Conductivity Calibration Module 58 082 300•Includes resistances for all ranges of conductivity/resistivity and temperature •Used with 1- and 2- channel conductivity and multiparameter models •With NIST-traceable certificate of calibration•Enables efficient QA program•Includes standard patch cord connection; 58 080 102adapter available for use with VP patch cords。
TA I NSTRUMENTS•New Castle, DE USA +1-302-427-4000•Lindon, UT USA +1-801-763-1500•Hialeah, FL USA+1-305-828-4700•Crawley, United Kingdom +44-1293-658900•Shanghai, China +86-21-64956999•Taipei, Taiwan +88-62-25638880•Tokyo, Japan +81-3-5759-8500•Seoul, Korea +82-2-3415-1500•Bangalore, India +91-80-2319-4177-79•Paris, France +33-1-30-48-94-60•Eschborn, Germany +49-6196-400-600•Brussels, Belgium +32-2-706-0080•Etten-Leur, Netherlands+31-76-508-7270•Sollentuna, Sweden +46-8-555-11-521•Milano, Italy +39-02-265-0983•Barcelona, Spain +34-93-600-93-32•Melbourne, Australia +61-3-9553-0813•Mexico City, Mexico+52-55-52-00-18-60L OCAL OFFICESD IFFERENTIAL S CANNING C ALORIMETRY Q20003 Q2005 Q207 DSC Technology9 Accessories11 Temperature Control Options17 Tzero®Technology21 MDSC®Technology25 Applications27T HERMOGRAVIMETRIC A NALYSISQ5000IR35 Q50037 Q5039 Q5000IR Technology41 Q500 / Q50 Technology47 TGA Accessories & Options49 Applications55S IMULTANEOUS DSC/TGAQ60067 SDT Technology69 Applications71V APOR S ORPTION A NALYSISVTI-SA75 VTI-SA Technology77 VTI-SA3 Sorption Analyzer 82 Q5000SA83 Q5000SA Technology87 Applications91D YNAMIC M ECHANICAL A NALYSISQ80097 Deformation Modes & Sample Size99 Modes of Operation100 Q800 Technology101 Modes of Deformation103 Accessories105 DMA Theory106 Applications107T HERMOMECHANICAL A NALYSISQ400EM / Q400113 Q400 Technology115 Modes of Deformation117 TMA Theory / Modes of Operation119 Applications12376Balance Capacity 1.5 g / 5g Dynamic Range 150 mg / 500 mgWeighing Accuracy +/- 0.1% Weighing Precision +/- 0.01% Sensitivity 0.1 µg / 0.5 µg Signal Resolution 0.1 µg / 0.5 µg Temperature ControlPeltier Elements Experimental Temperature Range 5 to 60 ºC Maximum Drying Temperature 150 °C Isothermal Stability+/- 0.1 ºC Relative Humidity Control Range 2 to 98% RH Accuracy +/- 1% RHHumidity ControlClosed Loop, Dew Point AnalyzerOrganic Solvent CapabilityIncludedT ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONSVTI-SAThe Model VTI-SA Vapor Sorption Analyzer is a continuous vapor flow sorption instrument for obtaining precision water and organic vapor isotherms at temperatures ranging from 5ºC to 60ºC at ambient pressure. The VTI-SA Analyzer embodies the features of VTI’s original SGA design with almost two decades of field-proven performance: the isothermal aluminum block construction, the three isolated thermal zones and chilled-mirror dew point analyzer for primary humidity measurements… all to provide excellent temperature and RH stability.75S YMMETRICAL M ICROBALANCE D ESIGNThe VTI-SA Analyzer is a symmetrical vapor sorption instrument where both the sample and reference chambers are exposed to the sameconditions of temperature and humidity. In this field-proven design water or organic vapor sorption onto the hangdown wires andsample holders are differentially eliminated and the resultant data represents the uptake by the sample alone. This eliminates the needfor background subtraction experiments and associated uncertainty typical in competitive, asymmetrical systems.R ESOLUTION AND S TABILITY OF THE M ICROBALANCEThe VTI-SA balance boasts a 0.1 microgram sensitivity optimized for pharmaceutical applications. The system can also be configuredwith a 5g capacity balance for larger samples. Also, for more effective work in pharmaceutical studies, the design provides an enhancedstability by maintaining the balance compartment at a constant temperature, independent of the sample temperature. Becausethe balance is maintained at constant temperature, the user has the option of drying the sample at temperatures other than theexperimental temperature, or to run different temperature and RH profiles without removing the sample.777879Temperature Controlled Thermobalance Included Dynamic Range 100 mg Weighing Accuracy +/- 0.1% Weighing Precision +/- 0.01% Sensitivity < 0.1 µg Baseline Drift* < 5 µg Signal Resolution 0.01 µg Temperature Control Peltier Elements Temperature Range 5 to 85 ˚C Isothermal Stability+/- 0.1 ˚C Relative Humidity Control Range 0 to 98 %RH Accuracy+/- 1 % RH Autosampler – 10 samples**Included Platinum™ Software IncludedSample PansMetal Coated Quartz 180 µLPlatinum 50, 100 µL Aluminum Sealed Pan 20 µL*Over 24 hours at 25 ˚C and 20 % RH with empty metal coated quartz pans**Optional tray accommodates 25 samples for use with platinum and sealed aluminum pans84T ECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSMFC N2RH SensorH UMIDITY C ONTROL C HAMBERThe patented design features a pair of mass flow controllers (MFCs) that accurately meter and proportion gas to a symmetrical,well-insulated, aluminum block. The block contains a humidifier, gas transmission and mixing lines, plus easily accessible, identicallyarranged, sample and reference measurement chambers. Temperature regulation of the block interior from 5 °C to 85 °C is performedby four thermoelectric (Peltier) devices in conjunction with a thermistor in a closed-loop system. The mass flow controllers adjust theamounts of wet (saturated) and dry gas to obtain humidities from 0 to 98 %RH. Identical sensors are located adjacent to the sampleand reference crucibles, and provide a continuous indication of humidity. Benefits of the design include precise temperature control andhighly consistent atmosphere within the sample and reference chambers.8586T HERMOBALANCEThe heart of the Q5000 SA is our latest high performance thermobalance maintained at a constant 35.00 ˚C by three symmetrically arranged heaters in a well-insulated, gas-purged chamber. Isolated from the furnace by a water-cooled plate, the sensitive, null-balance design features the latest in precision weighing technology. A key feature of the design for sorption analysis operation is the perfect symmetry of the balance assembly. Customer benefits of the patented design include sensitive, reliable operation with superior baseline flatness and exceptional accuracy and precision in weight change detection; factors that are critical for proper gravi-metric sorption analysis performance and are totally free from any vapor condensation or electrostatic forces.The Q5000 SA is a compact, benchtop instrument that delivers the performance and reliability required in a leading sorption analyzer designed for the study of materials under controlled conditions of temperature and relative humidity. Its modern, user-friendly design features a high sensitivity, temperature-controlled thermobalance, an innovative humidity generation system, a 10-position autosampler, and our latest Advantage™ software with Platinum™ features.Q5000 SA T ECHNOLOGY87Vapor Sorption analysis is an established technique for determining the effect on materials of exposure to controlled conditions of temperature and humidity. Isotherm and Isohume™ experiments are the most commonly performed analyses.All TA Instruments sorption analyzers perform a range of essential sorption experiments, such as time-courses, isotherms (constant temperature, variable RH), and isohumidity (Isohume™) experiments (constant RH, variable temperature). Complex protocols with step changes in temperature and RH can be defined and saved for later use. Also, multiple experiments can be run sequentially without further operator assistance.In isotherm experiments, a weighed sample is “dried” externally, or preferably in the instrument, and exposed to a series of humidity step changes at constant temperature. The sample is staged at each humidity level until no further weight change is detected or a set time has elapsed. A data point is recorded, the humidity is changed in 5 or 10% controlled RH steps and the process repeated in an increasing or decreasing procedure. Isohume experiments involve a series of temperature step changes at constant humidity and result in similar plots. They are used to determine how sample exposure to a given humidity results in a physiochemical change, such as a change in the sample’s hydration state. The curve shape provides useful information to this end.TA Instruments analysis software offers Sorption Analysis, BET Analysis, and GAB programs. In addition, the full power and flexibility of our renowned Universal Analysis software provides for easy data manipulation, advanced reporting, plotting and file exporting capabilities. In addition, advanced data reduction of VTI-SA data can be performed using custom-designed data analyses packages.Analysis options include:•Kinetic analysis for the determination of rate constant of adsorption •Isosteric heat of adsorption using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation•Surface area calculation using the BET equation for either water or organic vaporsG RAVIMETRIC V APOR S ORPTION A NALYSIS – G ENERAL P RACTICEH YDRATE F ORMATION C HARACTERIZATION OFM ORPHOLOGICAL S TABILITYE VALUATION OFA MORPHOUS S TRUCTURE A NALYZING S MALL A MOUNTS OF P HARMACEUTICALSA PPLICATIONSS AMPLE T HROUGHPUT:VTI-SA3The VTI-SA3is designed to provide high sample throughput without sacrificing data quality,accuracy or reproducibility. The figure below contains the data from three polyvinylpyrroli-done(PVP)samples which were analyzed simultaneously on the VTI-SA3.The samples were initially dried at25°C and0% RH,and the data are initially normalized to0%weight change. The relative humidity was then increased initially to10%,then to60%and finally80%RH.The resultant data demonstrates the reproducibility of the simultaneous,continuous measurements. The inset table contains the quantified weight change at each equilibrium,and confirms the reproducibility of measured data.O RGANIC V APOR S ORPTION(VTI-SA) With the organic vapor sorption capability,the VTI-SA can obtain not only water sorption isotherms,but can also be used to generate organic vapor isotherms.The use of organic vapor increases the sensitivity of the sorption measurement for many pharmaceutical and polymer materials.The figure below contains the sorption isotherm forα-amylase with ethanol at 25°C.。
Eaton signal towers product trainingSignal towersofferingSL4 40mm seriesSL7 70mm seriesSignal towers -SL4 (40mm) and SL7 (70mm)Design•New slimmer 40mm size•Robust protection -IP66, UL Type 4/4x/13•Operating voltages -24V AC/DC, 120 & 240VAC Options•Steady, flashing, strobe, multi-strobe lighting modes • 6 bright LED colors •9 flexible mounting styles •Adjustable and selectable alarms Summary•Global certifications•Easy assembly and customization in the fieldSL4SL7Flexible, modular, configurable Easy assembly, reduced shipping and inventory costsStack up to 5modules onstandardbases or 10with dual-armbaseTwist -to-LockPole Heights •100mm •250mm Highly flexibleIP66, NEMA 4, 4X, 13•Adaptable to various mounting requirements •Easyinstallation in tight spacesTransportation cover protectscables and terminalsCut mounting time by 50%Efficient wiring and machine transportationQuick-disconnect system for fast mounting and dismantling •Ship signal tower separately from machine •Unpack machine and connect signal tower in seconds •Unique wiring with high reliabilitySlide to lock and unlock base•Dip Switch: change up to 8 different tones •Max Volume: 100dBMonotoneDual-tone, PLC-controlledMulti-toneLoud and adjustable alarms, robust protection, impervious to strong water jets•Potentiometer to adjust volume level •Continuous or pulsed tone •Max Volume: 100dB •Potentiometer to adjust volume level•Jumper for continuous or pulsed tone •Max Volume: 80dB (SL4) 100dB (SL7) @1m•Incandescent bulb options available •100,000hrs lifespan for standard LED•High-performance LEDs are 6x brighter, optimized for outdoor applicationsBright and efficient LEDs, impervious to strong water jets, design reduces carrying costIP66, NEMA 4/4X/13INDOORS OUTDOORSFUNCTIONSL7SL4Continuous Flashing Strobe Multi-strobeHigh-performance LEDContinuous Strobe Multi-strobeTarget applications and customers•Manufacturing lines •Conveyor systems •Automated warehouses •Packaging machines •Material handling •Parking structures •Baggage handling •Commercial buildings •Machinery OEMs •System integrators •Control panel shops •Commercial builders •Building maintenance •Facility managersApplications and installations Typical customers•Design engineers who influence spec •Facility/plant managers•Machine builders•Customers using legacy E26 signal towers•Customers already using other Eaton SmartWire-DT devices •Is reducing the amount of time that it takes to install or dismantle yoursignal tower important to you?•Are cost savings a factor in your decision making process?•Do you have any specific mounting needs?•Do you have space limitations for installation?•Do you have any environmental challenges that impact your abilityto see and hear your signaltowers?How to find new businessWho to target Important questions to askCompetitive differentiatorsEaton SL4/SL7: reliable, rugged, flexible, diverse product rangeFeatures/ Mechanical Ratings EatonSL7-SL4Allen-Bradley855T/854JSchneiderXVB, XVPPatliteLU7/LCEUEdwardsSignaling200classFederalSignalLSLBannerTL50ULType4/4x/13IP66 Rated Devices (alarms,lenses, bases)High Output LEDs6-LED colors (R,G,B,Y, W, A)LEDs integrated into lensSuited for indoor and outdoor usePre-assembled StacklightsFast-mount/Quick-disconnect BaseProduct Range (stacklights and beacons)Lean Automation Capability -SmartWire-DTBulb Lifespan (hrs)LED (standard)100,000100,000100,000100,000100,000-100,000 Incandescent3,0001,600--2,5007,000-Operating Temperatures (o F)-22 to+140-22 to+140-13 to+140-22 to+140-22 to+1400 to+140-4 to +122Competitive cross-reference Product aidWebpageTraining videoCAD filesSales tools and resourcesFor more information visit: /sl。
美国斯塔龙电热能手术系统(热能刀)产品简介一种新型使用热能和压力同时切割和封闭血管或其它组织的新型手术设备,由美国哥伦比亚大学手术系和美国starion instruments设备公司开发制造。
Starion可以减少热损伤 临床使用中相当于或优于超声刀 减少术后并发症 烟雾较少 设备小巧轻便 安全可靠的操作系统 消毒方便 在手术室里非常节省空间 便携
我已经在用结扎速,为什么要选择 热能刀
❖减少附带损伤 ❖用途广泛 ❖TLS3可用于精细解剖 ❖使用方便 ❖操作简单 ❖切割效果可靠
Starion设备的近观,热能镊色黑头 端是镍铬合金加热刀头,镊子白色 投头端覆盖着硅胶外套,
Starion设备钳口内产生的热剖 60℃ 面,切割区的最高温度足够完 全气化并切割组织,在消融区, 温度在60到100之间,
100℃ 60℃
参考文献:文献\A New Thermal Device for Sealing and Dividing.pdf
功率设置越低,切割速度越慢且止血效果越好 功率设置越高,切割速度越快且止血效果越差
❖ 电刀/射频或超声在切割过程中会对组织造成很大的热损伤, Starion的原理与其他设备不同,它是直接将电能转化为热能, 这样,就避免了在切割过程中热传导对组织的损伤,减少了 并发症,
2、功率指示灯 3、功率调节键
基本参数:电压9V—60W;重1.5KG;长30cm、 宽15cm、厚6cm,
Artisan Technology Group 设备说明书
OmniBER OTN J7230A 10G Communications Performance AnalyzerConfiguration GuideG.709 OTNSONET SDH2Item number1.OmniBER OTN base product OmniBER OTNThis MUST be orderedCommunications performance analyzerJ7230A2.Mainframe typeMainframe – side mounted connectors J7230A-004One option MUST be orderedMainframe – rear mounted connectorsJ7230A-0053.SONET/SDH 10 Gb/s 10 Gb/s optical interfaces NOT required J7230A-101optical interfacesNOTE: Must order option 111One option MUST be orderedSONET/SDH optical testing at 10 Gb/s – 1550 nm transmit wavelengthJ7230A-1084.SONET/SDH multirate test 52 to 2488 Mb/s interfaces not required J7230A-10052 to 2488 Mb/s optical plus 52 to 155 Mb/s electrical Multirate SONET/SDH testing from 52 to 2488 Mb/s One option MUST be ordered– 1310 nm transmit wavelength J7230A-104Multirate SONET/SDH test 52 to 2488 Mb/s – 1550 nm transmit wavelengthJ7230A-105Multirate SONET/SDH test 52 to 2488 Mb/s – 1310/1550nm transmit wavelengthJ7230A-1065.Optical transport network OTU1 testing at 2.66 Gb/sJ7230A-111test to ITU-T G.709NOTE: Must also order option 104 or 105 or 106OTU2 testing at 10.71 Gb/sJ7230A-112NOTE: Must also order option 1086.Enhanced mappingsAdd mixed mapping generation plusJ7230A-510STS-6c, 9c, 24c and AU-4-2c, 3c, 8c mappins7.Exchangeable optical FC/PC J7230A-609connectorsOne option MUST be orderedSC J7230A-610STJ7230A-6118.DSn/PDH testingAdds DSn/PDH framed/unframed testing J7230A-012plus DSn/PDH electrical interfacesConfiguration and orderingEvery OmniBER OTN is shipped with the following items as standard:q Certificate of calibration.q Printed quick reference guide.q Printed installation manual.q CD-ROM containing all manuals and UID software.q One optical patchcord and 15 dB attenuator.q One J7281A DCC port converter cable.q One J7269A trigger output cable. q Mains lead.The following additional items may be ordered as required Certificate of calibrationOption UK6:Calibration certificate with test data.Warranty and support plans1-year warranty supplied as standard.Warranty and calibration plan extensions to 3 and 5 years can be provided.Recommended accessoriesTransit CaseJ7266A: Transit case for OmniBEROTN J7230A with option 004 (sidemounted connectors).Additional cables and adaptersJ7281A: DCC port converter cable:9-pin micro D-type to 37-pin D-type(RS-449 female).J7269A: Trigger output cable:9-pin micro D-type to twin bnc male.J7283A: One FC/PC connector(exchangeable).J7284A: One SC connector(exchangeable).J7285A: One ST connector(exchangeable).15512A Option H03: One Bantam to3-pin Siemens adaptor.TheOmniBER OTN is aClass 1 laser productEN60825-1: (1994)IEC60825-1: (1993)Class 1 laser productFDA 23 CER CH.1 1040.10: (1994)Standards conformanceEMC complianceThe OmniBER OTN complies withEuropean directive 89/336/EEC, andcarries the CE mark* accordingly. Itmeets the following standards:q ESD/mains fast transients/radiated susceptibility: meetsEN50082-1 (1991)q Radiation/conduction emissions:meets EN55011 (1991) class Aq Complies with the Canadianstandards ICES/NMB-001q Complies with the AustralianEMC standards AS/NZS 2064.1-2(1992)Product safetyThe OmniBER OTN complies withthe requirements of the Europeandirective 73/23/EEC, and carries theCE* mark accordingly. It meets thefollowing safety standards:q EN61010/IEC61010-1q CSAC22.2#1010.1* All products sold in EEC and ETSIcountries must carry the CE mark3Agilent Technologies manufactures the OmniBER OTN under a quality system approved to the international standard ISO 9001 plus TickIT (BSI Registration Certificate No FM 10987).Product literatureYou'll find further details of the OmniBER OTN J7230A’s capability in the product specification publications no. 5988-3653EN or at /comms/otnAgilent Technologies’ Test and Measurement Support,Services, and AssistanceAgilent Technologies aims to maximize the value you receive, while minimizing your risk and problems. We strive to ensure that you get the test and measurement capabilities you paid for and obtain the support you need. Our extensive support resources and services can help you choose the right Agilent products for your applications and apply themsuccessfully. Every instrument and system we sell has a global warranty.Support is available for at least five years beyond the production life of the product. Two concepts underlie Agilent’s overall support policy: “Our Promise” and “Your Advantage.”Our PromiseOur Promise means your Agilent test and measurement equipment will meet its advertised performance and functionality. When you are choosing new equipment, we will help you with product information, including realistic performance specifications and practical recommendations from experienced test engineers. When you use Agilent equipment, we can verify that it works properly, help with product operation, and provide basic measurement assistance for the use of specified capabilities, at no extra cost upon request. Many self-help tools are available.Your AdvantageYour Advantage means that Agilent offers a wide range of additional expert test and measurement services, which you can purchase according to your unique technical and business needs. Solve problems efficiently and gain a competitive edge by contracting with us for calibration, extra-costupgrades, out-of-warranty repairs, and on-site education and training, as well as design, system integration, project management, and other professional engineering services. Experienced Agilent engineers and technicians worldwide can help you maximize your productivity, optimize the return on investment of your Agilent instruments and systems, and obtain dependable measurement accuracy for the life of those products.By internet, phone, or fax, get assistance with all your test & measurement needs Online assistance:/find/assistPhone or Fax United States:(tel)180****4844Canada:(tel)187****4414(fax) (905) 282 6495China:(tel) 800 810 0189(fax) 1 0800 650 0121Europe:(tel) (31 20) 547 2323(fax) (31 20) 547 2390Japan:(tel) (81) 426 56 7832(fax) (81) 426 56 7840Korea:(tel) (82 2) 2004 5004(fax) (82 2) 2004 5115Latin America:(tel) (305) 269 7500(fax) (305) 269 7599Taiwan:(tel) 080 004 7866(fax) (886 2) 2545 6723Other Asia Pacific Countries:(tel) (65) 375 8100(fax) (65) 836 0252Email:*******************Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2001, 2002, 2003Printed in USA, October 6, 20035988-3654ENAgilent Email Updates/find/emailupdates Get Free Email UpdatesKeep up to date with Agilent’s free Email Updates. As a subscriber, you will receive regular,customized email updates on the topics you select. Updates cover support, products and services, applications, promotions, events, and other areas. It is easy to unsubscribe or change your preferences. Subscribe today: /find/emailupdates.Agilent is committed to respecting and protecting your privacy.Our Privacy Statement at /go/privacy describes our commitment to you. Please direct any questions about Agilent’s privacy program to ****************************.Related products OmniBER OTN FamilyThe OmniBER OTN family is the industry's most comprehensive solution for testing ITU-T G.709 optical channel and SONET/SDH devices. Equipped with all standard telecom rates from 1.5 Mb/s to 10 Gb/s, 2.66 Gb/s (OTU-1), and 10.71 Gb/s (OTU-2) optical channel, the OmniBER OTN keeps you at the cutting-edge of next generation transport applications. For further information refer to publication no. 5988-6646EN.OmniBER XM Network SimulatorThe OmniBER XM network simulator offers fast and thorough system verification test (SVT) for next-generation SONET/SDH network equipment. With multi-channel, multi-port, multi-rate and multi-user capability, the OmniBER XM can generate realistic network signals using mixed payloads, with errors and alarms, on up to 192 channels simultaneously. The OmniBER XM also simultaneously measures each channel for errors, alarms, APS switch durations,and connectivity. For further information refer topublication no. 5988-6647EN。
Agilent 8163A/B Lightwave Multimeter Agilent 8164A/B Lightwave Measurement System Agilent 8166A/B Lightwave Multichannel System Configuration GuideJune 2002This guide provides configuration details for the Agilent816x family of mainframes and modules, includingoptions and accessories.Lightwave Multimeter Modules 816xx A 816xx B 8156xA see Figure 281672B - 1300nm, + 9dBm page 381482B - 1400nm, + 8.5dBm page 381682B - 1550nm, + 8dBm page 381642B - 1600nm, + 8.5dBm page 381682A - 1550nm, +8dBm page 381642A - 1600nm, +7dBm page 381480B - 1400nm page 381680B - 1550nm page 381640B - 1600nm page 381480A - 1400nm page 381680A - 1550nm page 381640A - 1600nm page 3Tunable Lasers: Low SSE Modules Tunable Lasers: High Power Modules Compact tunable Laser Modules81689A page 481689B 81649A8163A/B Lightwave MultimeterLight Source Modules FP Standard Modules page 681650A - 1310nm 81651A - 1550nm81652A - 1550/1625nm 81654A - 1310/1550nm FP High Power Modules page 681655A -1310nm 81656A - 1550nm81657A - 1310/1550nm DFB Laser Sources page 581662A 81663ACompact Tunable Laser Sources81689A page 481689B 81649APower Sensors Modules page 781630B 81634 B 81635 AFast Power Sensor Modules Page 781636B 81637B8166 Lightwave Multichannel SystemLightwave Multimeter Modules 816xx A 816xx B 8156xA see Figure 2Agilent high performance tunable laser module- 1 per 8164A/B Use 81645A filler module if no tunable laser is installedAny 816x and 8156x compact modules, also 8153A modulesAny 816x and 8156x compact modules, also 8153A modulesAny 816x and 8156x compact modules(8153 modules not allowed)8164A/B Lightwave Measurement SystemFigure 2Figure 3Figure 1Return Loss Modules page 1081610A - no laser 81611A - 1310nm 81612A - 1550nm81613A - 1310/1550nm 81614A - 1550/1625nmInterface Modules page 8-981618A – single interface 81619A – dual interface High Power Optical Heads 81622B page 881626B page 881628B page 8Standard Optical Heads 81623B page 881624B page 881627B page 92Attenuator Modules page 1181560A 81561A 81566A 81567A 81570A 81571A 81573A 81576A 81577AOptical Switch Modules page 1281591A 81591S 81592A 81952S 81594A 81594S 81595A 81595SInformation about Agilent connectors and connector interfaces can be found at /comms/oct-accessoriesTunable Lasers: All-band Module81600B 1440-1640nm page 3Specifiy81645A FillerModule if nohighperformancetunable laser isinstalled Note: 81xxxB-072 is highly recommendedover 81xxxB-071 to reduce front-panelconnector reflections which will greatlyreduce interference noise and spectralripple in the test setup.3816xxxB-OC-ACCS8163B-OC-STRGHTConnectorInterfaces forstraightconnectors8163B-OC-ANGLEDConnectorInterfaces forangledconnectorsOPTIONALCompact Tunable Laser Modules8163B-OC-ANGLEDConnector Interfaces for angled connectors8163B-OC-STRGHT Connector Interfaces for straight connectors Note: 816xxA/B-022 or 816xxA/B-072 are highly recommended over 816xxA/B-021 and 816xxA/B-071 to reduce front-panel reflections which will greatly reduce interference noise and spectral ripple in the test setup .4OPTIONAL816xxA/B-OC-ACCSDFB Source Modules8163B-OC-ANGLEDConnector Interfaces for angled contact 5For Laser Safety see page 13OPTIONAL8166xA-OC-ACCS8163B-OC-STRGHTConnector Interfaces for straight Source Modules 0 dBm Source 6FP Standard Source 8165xA-OC-ACCS OPTIONALPower Sensor ModulesPower Sensors Economy Modules81632A/B +10 dBm to –80 dBm (single channel)81635A +10 dBm to –110 dBm (dual channel)81636B + 10 dBm to –80 dBm (Fast Power Sensor)Connector Interfaces81000AI Diamond HMS-1081000FI FC/PC/SPC 81000GI D481000JI SMA81000KI SC/PC/APC 81000PI E-200081000SI DIN 47256 / 4108.681000VI ST 81002LI LCPower SensorsHigh Performance Modules 81633A/B +10 dBm to –90 dBm 81634A/B +10 dBm to –110 dBm81637B + 10 dBm to 80 dBm (Fast Power Sensor)81630B +28 dBm to –70 dBm 81000AI Diamond HMS-1081000FI FC/PC/SPC 81000KI SC81000SI DIN 47256/4108.681000VI ST 81000PI E-2000Following singleCombination is available 81000BB Bare Fiber Kit 81000FI FC81000FB Bare Fiber AdapterNote: All sensor inputs are non-contact and accept both straight and angled connectors.(bare fiber)8163xA/B-OC-PWRSENConnector Interfaces which fit 81000BB/FB8163xA/B-OC-PWRSEN Connector InterfacesSensor Module Interface for both angled and straight connectorsBare Fiber Adapter78163xA/B-OC-ACCS8163xA/B-OC-BAREOPTIONALOptical Heads (5mm Sensor)InterfaceModuleConnectorAdaptersThreadedConnectorInterfacesIntegralD-ShapedAdapters8162xB-OC-INTMOD8163B-OC-5MMOPTIONAL8163B-OC-D5MMOptical Heads (3mm Sensor)Connector Adapters (with intergral D-Shape)81001BA Bare Fiber 125µm 81001FA FC/PC/SPC/APC 81001KA SC/PC/APC 81001LA LC 81001MA MU81001PA E-2000,APC81001SA DIN 47256 / 4108.681001ZA BLANK AdapterNA ≤ 0.22 (Multi mode fiber)Configuration forconnectorized fibers and bare fiber981622B-OC-INTMODInterface ModuleConnector Adapters with integral OPTIONAL81627B-OC-ACCS8163B-OC-D3MM81624CE 4m extension cable81624RM Half-rack Mount Kit for 2Heads 81625RM Rack Mount Kit for 4HeadsReturn Loss ModulesReturn Loss Module8161xA-OC-ANGLEDConnector Interfaces for angled contacts8161xA-OC-ANGLEDConnector Interfaces for angled contacts81000SI DIN 4108.681610CC Reference Cable – for calibration of all 8161xA Return Loss Modules Connectors - DIN 4108.6 (connectors to modules) and FC/PC supplied (w/calibrated return loss values)An 81000SI connector interface is required to connect this cable to the module.Reference Cable108161xA-OC-ANGLEDOPTIONALOptical Attenuator ModulesOptical Attenuator Angled Contact InterfaceOptical Attenuators for Angled Contact Interface 81561A (single slot)Optical Attenuator 81571A (single slot)Optical Attenuator for high power 81567A (dual slot)Optical Attenuator with Power Control 81577A (dual slot)Optical Attenuator with Power Control for high power Connector Interfaces 81000 HI E-2000 APC 81000 KI SC/APC 81000 NI FC/APC 81000 SI DIN 4108.6Optical Attenuators for Straight Contact Interface 81560A (single slot)Optical Attenuator 81570A (single slot)Optical Attenuator for high power 81566A (dual slot)Optical Attenuator with Power Control 81576A (dual slot)Optical Attenuator with Power Control for high powerConnector Interfaces 81000 AI HMS-1081000 FI FC/PC/SPC 81000 GI D481000 HI E-200081000 KI SC/PC/SPC 81000 SI DIN 4725681000 VI STOptical Attenuator Straight Contact Interface8163B-OC-STRGHTConnector Interface for straight connectors 8163B-OC-ANGLEDConnector Interface for angled connectors11815xxA-OC-ACCSOPTIONALOptical Attenuator with SMF pigtail 2m lengthFC/PCOptical Attenuator with SMF pigtail 81573A (single slot)Optical Attenuator for high powerOptical Switch ModulesOptical Switch for Angled Contact ConnectorsOptical Switch for Straight Contact Connectors8159xA/S-OC-CONIFCOptical Switches for Straight Contact Connectors81591S Optical switch 1x281592S Optical switches2 independent 1x2 in one module 81594S Optical switch, 2x2 non-blocking (crossover)81595S Optical switch, 1x4Optical Switches for Angled Contact Connectors81591A Optical switch 1x281592A Optical switches2 independent 1x2 in one module 81594A Optical switch, 2x2 non-blocking (crossover)81595A Optical switch, 1x48159xS-FCIFixed FC /PC / SPC connector interfaces 8159xS-SCIFixed SC /PC / SPC connector interfaces 8159xA-FCIFixed FC /APC connector interfaces 8159xA-SCIFixed SC /APC connector interfacesMANDATORY AND MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE12Laser Safety Information81611A 1310nm RL81612A 1550nm RL81613A 1310/1550nm FP81614A 1550/1625nm RL81650A 1310 nm FP81651A 1550 nm FP81652A 1550/1625 nm FP81654A 1310/1550 nmThe laser sources listed directly above are classified as Class 1 according to IEC 60825-1 (2001).All laser sources comply with 21 CFR 1040.10 except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice No. 50, dated 2001-July-26.CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT(IEC 60825-1 / 2001)81655A 1310nm FP81656A 1550 nm FP81657A 1310/1550 nm FP81662A C- and L-Band DFB81663A C-band DFB81600B All-band TLS81480B 1400nm TLS81680B 1550nm TLS81640B 1600nm TLS81672B 1300nm TLS81482B 1400nm TLS81682B 1550nm TLS81642B 1600nm TLS81480A 1400nm TLS81640A 1600nm TLS81642A 1600nm TLS81680A 1550nm TLS81682A 1550nm TLS81689A 1550nm TLS81689B 1550nm TLS81649A 1595nm TLSAll laser sources specified by this data sheet are classified as Class 1M according to IEC 60825-1 (2001).All laser sources comply with 21 CFR 1040.10 except for deviationspursuant to Laser Notice No. 50, dated 2001-July-26Further Information about Agilent connectors and connector interfaces can be found at /comms/oct-accessories13Agilent Technologies’Test and MeasurementSupport, Services, and AssistanceAgilent Technologies aims to maximize the value you receive, while minimizing your risk and problems. We strive to ensure that you get the test and measurement capabilities you paid for and obtain the support you need. Our extensive support resources and services can help you choose the right Agilent products for your applications and apply them successfully. Every instrument and system we sell has a global warranty. Support is available for at least five years beyond the production life of the product. Two concepts underlie Agilent's overall support policy: "Our Promise" and "Your Advantage."Our PromiseOur Promise means your Agilent test and measurement equipment will meet its advertised performance and functionality. When you are choosing new equipment, we will help you with product information, including realistic performance specifications and practical recommendations from experienced test engineers. When you use Agilent equipment, we can verify that it works properly, help with product operation, and provide basic measurement assistance for the use of specified capabilities, at no extra cost upon request. Many self-help tools are available.Your AdvantageYour Advantage means that Agilent offers a wide range of additional expert test and measurement services, which you can purchase according to your unique technical and business needs. Solve problems efficiently and gain a competitive edge by contracting with us for calibration, extra-cost upgrades, out-of-warranty repairs, and on-site education and training, as well as design, system integration, project management, and other professional engineering services. Experienced Agilent engineers and technicians worldwide can help you maximize your productivity, optimize the return on investment of your Agilent instruments and systems, and obtain dependable measurement accuracy for the life of those products.By internet, phone, or fax, get assistance with all your test & measurement needsOnline assistance:/comms/lightwavePhone or FaxUnited States:(tel)180****4844Canada:(tel)187****4414(fax) (905) 206 4120Europe:(tel) (31 20) 547 2323(fax) (31 20) 547 2390Japan:(tel) (81) 426 56 7832(fax) (81) 426 56 7840Latin America:(tel) (305) 269 7500(fax) (305) 269 7599Australia:(fax) (61 3) 9210 5947New Zealand:(tel) 0 800 738 378(fax) 64 4 495 8950Asia Pacific:(tel) (852) 3197 7777(fax) (852) 2506 9284Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice. Copyright © 2002 Agilent TechnologiesJune, 27 20025988-1571EN Related Literature:Agilent 8163B Lightwave MultimeterAgilent 8164B Lightwave Measurement SystemAgilent 8166B Lightwave Multichannel SystemTechnical Specificationsp/n 5988-3924ENAgilent 8163A Lightwave MultimeterAgilent 8164A Lightwave Measurement SystemAgilent 8166B Lightwave Multichannel SystemTechnical Specificationsp/n 5988-1568ENAgilent 81480/680/640BAgilent 81672/482/682/642BTunable Laser SourcesTechnical Specificationsp/n 5988-5508ENAgilent 81480/680/640A Tunable LasersAgilent 81682/642A Tunable LasersTechnical Specificationsp/n 5988-4027ENAgilent 81689A/81689B/81649ACompact Tunable Laser ModulesTechnical Specificationsp/n 5988-3675ENAgilent 81662A DFB LaserAgilent 81663A DFB LaserAgilent Fabry-Perot LaserTechnical Specificationsp/n 5988-1570ENAgilent Power Sensor ModulesAgilent Optical HeadsAgilent Return Loss ModulesTechnical Specificationsp/n 5988-1569ENAgilent 81560A/81561A Optical AttenuatorsAgilent 81566A/81567A Optical Attenuators with Power Control Technical Specificationsp/n 5988-2696EN。
Worthington Creyssensac ROLLAIR 螺旋式压缩器说明书
AIR ROLLAI R COMPRESSORS®The modern ROLLAIR is the result of the new construction philosophy based on several years of continuous product development.Assisted by advanced technologies and sophisticated equipment, engineering and technical staff work together closely on a daily basis to control the efficiency and quality of the products.Our aim is simply to produce a compressor that sets the standard for the compressed air industry.Our ambition at Worthington Creyssensac is to offer a compressed air solution that is guaranteed to meet customer satisfaction.Each product is built according to standards and is carefully controlled during every phase of the process by skilled staff to ensure that the specific quality and functional tests are passed.KEEPING UPWITH THE TIMES•Reliability production and testing techniques ensure product reliability.•Compact design small base for simple installation.•Ready to use simply connect it to the power mains and pneumatic line.•Easy maintenancequick access to essential components = reduced maintenance costs.ROLLAIR ®ROLLAIR T®ROLLAIR 270 I.®ROLLAIR 500 I.®ROLLAIR T 270 I.®ROLLAIR T 500 I.®A COMPLETE RANGERELIABILITY AND COMPACT DESIGN®Encapsulatedinternal air filter1One of the most important factors as far as performance and the service life of the air end are concerned is the inlet air treatment.For this purpose, the ROLLAIR 550 - 1500 range uses an inlet filter with particle removal down to 2 µm. A large element surface ensures a long service life and minimal pressure drop. To improve the quality of the inlet air, the following options are available:• High-efficiency external air intake filtration.• High-efficiency external pre-filtration panel.Integrated refrigerant dryer2In the integrated dryer version, the compressed air is perfectly and totally dehumidified thanks to a refrigerant dryerOil filter and air/oil separator3The oil separation system ensures that the compressed air contains less than 3 ppm of oil. Easy, quick and economical to maintain: only two panels need to be removed.Air/oil cooling7A combined air/air and air/oil oversized aluminum cooler with a large surface area for maximum cooling efficiency.This ensures low delivery air temperature and correct lubricating oil temperature, improving the service life and performance of the components.Soundproofed canopy5Soundproofed steel panels painted with epoxy powder paint.INFOLOGIC ®electronic controller6A simple and reliable control system.Fan0Low-noise fan with polypropylene airfoil profile blades.Fixed on the shaft motor, it conveys the air flow directly around the motor and through the cooler.Pulley and belt assembly+±The transmission has been built in a way that allows guided alignment of the belts and pulleys.Electric motor4High-efficiency motor (Eff. 1 for ROLLAIR 1000 – 1500), class F with IP 55 protection.8An innovative centrifugal system for mechanical pre-separation.Oil level is visible from the outside for rapid and immediate control .9Located before the dryer, the water separator provides initial water separation from the compressed air.This is added benefit to the dryer and eventually in the compressed air in your network.Vertical oil vesselW ater separator option(comes as standard onROLLAIR ®T)ROLLAIR 550 – 750 – 1000 – 1500:Simplicity and Reliability®AIR ROLLAI RCOMPRESSORS®®®A careful analysis of the air flow and the correct positioning of the main components ensure low internal temperature and an optimal temperature at the air outlet.All of this leads to:An integrated refrigerant dryer has been developed to supply dry compressed air for your production process, with minimum power requirement, low pressure drop,minimal installation cost and minimum floor space requirement. In the event of dryer failure, a by-pass (optional) allows compressed air production to continue.An intelligent, automatic condensate discharger is a standard component in the dryer.Advantages:- Only discharges water, NOT compressed air.- Silent operation, no acoustic impact.• A low working temperature.• An increase in performance.• Increased service life of the components.• Less maintenance.ROLLAIR ®T: INTEGRA TED REFRIGERANT DRYEROnly two panels need to be removed to access the standard maintenance components.The oil level is visible from the outside for rapid and immediate control.To replace or tension the belt, only the side panel needs to be removed.EASY MAINTENANCENEW COOLING EFFICIENCY55 %12 %22 %8 %3 %Inverter is an intelligent system that maintains the pressure constant at theoutlet by regulating the motor’s rotation speed according to the air demand.ROLLAIR ®V are EMC certified which guarantees no electromagnetic interference.Motors in Eff. 1 have constructive characteristics and materials that have been specially developed and help reduce energy consumption by up to 20%,increasing the service life of the motor.ROLLAIR ® V – HIGH TECHNOLOGYV benefits:• Energy consumption is based on air demand.• No waste energy during unload time.• Constant pressure within +/- 0.1 bar.• Ramped motor start-up avoids the electric motor peaking.ResultSoft startupENERGY SA VINGHIGH EFFICIENCY 1 MOTOR:INFOLOGIC®®The INFOLOGIC ®electronic controller is fitted as standard on all ROLLAIR ®550-1500 fixed-speed compressors. With its icon display and user friendly panel, you can obtain useful visual control and diagnostic information.A backlit 4-digit and 7-segment icon display for operational, safety and service information.3 LEDs• Auto Run.• Error or Warning.• Power on.Standard INFOLOGIC functions• Pressure display.• Temperature and dew point display.• High and low temperature default.• Motor start-up limit.• Remote default.• Remote stop/start.• Programmable auto-restart.• CAN communication port.•Slave in MULTILOGIC network.8006004002000024681012141618202224Seconds% Nominal Currentstar/delta DOL soft starter VAIR ROLLAI RCOMPRESSORS®InvestmentMaintenance InstallationSavingPower consumed®LOW NOISE LEVEL= ENVIRONMENT ALLY FRIENDLYWorthington Creyssensac cares about the environment, and has increased its research efforts to reduce noise level without compromising efficiency and reliability.The sound-absorbent panels, anti-vibration pads, deflectors, along with the correct positioning of the internal components, reduce noise levels considerably.This allows the units to be installed near the work place, thus reducing installation costs.COMPLEX INST ALLA TIONWith a complex installation:• More space is needed.• Installation costs are higher.The compact installation means:• Low installation costs (dryer and air receiver are factory mounted).• No leakage risk.• Smaller base.• Piping designed for minimal pressure drop.COMP ACT INST ALLA TIONOptions activated by service staff:• Remote load/unload: two free contacts in the cubicle.• Remote start/stop: two free contacts in the cubicle.• Remote general fault: two free contacts in the cubicle.• Auto restart: standard (to be activated).Factory-fitted options:• Water separator: standard on T and VT unit.• Automatic draining for machines with water separator.• Bypass dryer.• High-efficiency air intake filtration.• High-efficiency pre-filtration panel.• AIRLOGIC ®controller as a retrofit kit.OPTIONS45 db(A)70 db(A)85 db(A)100 db(A)125 db(A)60 db(A)61db(A)T echnical Data DimensionsCompressor air entryCompressor air autletDryer air entryDryer air autlet** as per CAGI PNEUROP PN8NCT2* as per ISO 1217 : 1996DimensioninmmAIR ROLLAI RCOMPRESSORS®ROLLAIR550-750-1000-1500®Ref. marksA with dryerBAir outletFGPower supplyVentilation:HIAir receiver500 litresJKC1215A without dryer 9656621029801051401935620270 litres153048610451234YOUR DISTRIBUTORUKWorthington Creyssensac Air Compressor Products Ltd.Unit 11, Ravenhurst Court Risley RoadBirchwood Warrington Cheshire WA3 6PN Phone: 01925 817803Fax: 01925 850186ExportWorthington CreyssensacZone Industrielle 4 rue Émile Zola B.P . 80419 60114 Méru France Tél: 33(0)3 44 52 67 31Fax: 33(0)3 44 52 67 35*******************PARTNERSHIPSClose working partnerships form the foundation of our corporate culture. This identity has grown from our strength in developing long term partnerships with our distribution and sales networks that have local knowledge and e x perience to provide a total compressed air solution service, tailored specifically to our customers’ requirements.Our business approach has earned us a reputation of trust and loyalty committed to achieving success through partnership.COMPETENCEPersonnel skill development is a vital part of our success: by a continuous improvement process we improve the ability of our personnel to maintain and improve the service to our customers.We carry this process through to our partner distributors to ensure that we create a motivated and enthusiastic team working together for the benefit of our customers.EVOLUTIONOur strategy in product and service development is based on continuous improvement of our products and services in order to meet the requirement of the market and our customers. Continued investment in the design of new products and the use of innovating technologies keep our compressed air solutions amongst the most competitive in the industry. This is our mission to guarantee the satisfaction and trust of our customers.SHARINGOUR VALUES505 145 0100 I n c o m p l i a n c e w i t h o u r p o l i c y o f c o n s t a n t i m p r o v e m e n t i n t h e q u a l i t y o f o u r p r o d u c t s , w e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o c h a n g e t h e t e c h n i c a l f e a t u r e s o f o u r e q u i p m e n t , w i t h o u t p r i o r n o t i c e . N o n -c o n t r a c t u a l d o c u m e n t. 1M - 08/07 - A L K A R I A。
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当刀头的温度在55°– 65ºC左右时,蛋白质会变性, 组织发生凝聚;当温度达到100 °C时,刀头接触的组织 就会迅速脱水气化,断开。
Tem p 100° c 8 4 2
60° c
Time / Coagulation Heating Sealing Sealing Time
血管闭合时间取决于组织的厚度、主机能 量设置、以及刀头型号(单侧或双侧阻丝)。 血管封闭,组织分离通常在10秒之内。
临床医生在使用其它技术的时候通常 都要再封闭血管一次,但是使用Starion 不用再次封闭血管。
starion 每次使用完毕,应及时清除器械钳前端部位污渍及 残留之物,用毛刷在0.5%921消毒液内刷洗血迹后,用清水 冲洗干净,在清洗过程中,轻拿轻放,避免碰撞,再用柔毛 巾擦去器械手柄的污垢(器械一律用柔软的全棉巾擦干), 涂上无硅石蜡油还原。套上保护套,整齐地放置于器械箱内, 防止器械碰撞、摩擦、挤压而损伤、变形或锈蚀。通过此种 方法清洗后能够将器械表面污垢彻底清除,保证器械清洁干 燥。 最后进行过氧化氢低温等离子消毒或环氧乙烷灭菌更能达到 灭菌效果。
电流通过组织时会产生热量 电流所产生的热量会在组织中扩散
进行加热 无需接地电极版,因为没有电流通过人 体
结扎速有一个提示音告诉你什么时候切割, 他们说这是为了更安全,为什么Starion 没有呢?
我们没有切割提示警报,因为Starion会自动切 断。结扎速是双极的装置,切割过程中有两个步 骤。电凝和切割。
局部热能+压力 蛋白质变性 蛋白凝集 血管闭合(止血) 持续热+压力切割组织、血管
硅胶外套 Starion设备的近观。热能镊色黑头 端是镍铬合金加热刀头,镊子白色 投头端覆盖着硅胶“外套”。 热切割刀头
Starion设备钳口内产生的热剖 面。切割区的最高温度足够完 全气化并切割组织。在消融区, 温度在60到100之间。
完全不同的技术 封闭效果与切割时间是成反比的
电刀/射频或超声在切割过程中会对组织造成很大的热损伤。 Starion的原理与其他设备不同,它是直接将电能转化为热 能,这样,就避免了在切割过程中热传导对组织的损伤, 减少了并发症。
什么是热焊接技术 热能刀构造及操作 热能刀的消毒与维护 热能刀常见问题及注意 事项
用器械尖端的热能和压力使组织内的蛋白质变性。 蛋白质变性后粘连在一起形成一种匀质的蛋白质结构, 使组织各层粘合在一起。 可以牢固地封闭血管断端及组织。
基本参数:电压9V—60W;重1.5KG;长30cm、 宽15cm、厚6cm。 1、将主机悬挂在吊钩或平放在固定位置。 2、将电源线连接插入电源插座。 3、将器械连接线插入主机器械插孔。 4、打开电源开关;电源指示灯和器械指示灯亮。 5、按功率大小进行调节到最佳位置(5);调节 声音大小到合适位置。
参考文献:文献\A New Thermal Device for Sealing and Dividing.pdf
3、功率调节键 5、声音大小调节键
10、脚踏插孔 6、器械指示灯 7、脚踏指示灯 9、器械插孔
在手术室里非常节省空间 便携
我已经在用结扎速,为什么要选 择热能刀?
减少附带损伤 用途广泛 TLS3可用于精细解剖 使用方便 操作简单 切割效果可靠
由于Starion采用独特设计的能量转换和 聚焦方式,其热传导范围很小,一般热 传到≤1mm;最大不超过2mm。 如果是在空气中,热能刀可以达到很高 的温度。但是如果是在人体内,当温度 达到100°C时组织将会汽化,完成切割 或止血,所以温度不会再上升。
备故障 不要将成本视为太大的障碍 Starion将会产生很好的经济效益
可旋转操作头 拇指触发活动柄
注:双当开关分为一档(凝血档)和二档(切割档) 两档,轻摁开关为一档,凝血功能,将开关摁到底, 听到“咔”的一声,说明为二档,启动切割功能。
1、将电源线连接到主机。 2、先夹紧组织时再按住功率开关进行对组织凝血和切 割 凝血操做:夹住血管组织并施加轻微压力,摁功率 开关至一档,。 切割操作:夹住待切割组织并施加压力,摁功率开 关至二档 心胸外科视频\设备介绍Starion Set-up v3.avi
(注意:斯塔龙主机系统附件严禁浸泡!附件如热结扎钳) 所有尖锐的器械不应碰撞; 所有的管状器械不应摔跌; 所有关节的器械不应强扳;
结扎束和射频可以封闭7mm以下的血管 超声刀可以封闭5mm以下的血管。 Starion热焊接技术最大可封闭直径10毫米, 压力高达1100mmHg的血管 (10x NBP)。