三端稳压电源及LDO线性电源测试方法作者:李雷一、 器件介绍三端稳压器电路(简称三端电源)是模拟集成电路中较大的一个系列,也是各种电子系统中不可缺少的电源供电电路,它广泛的应用于各种电子整机和电源系统之中。
随着集成电路技术的快速发展,许多电源芯片公司推出了Low Dropout Regulator,即:低压差线形稳压器,简称LDO。
2.三端电源的典型测试系统简介A LTX公司的SAI600测试包作为模拟器件测试系统著名生产厂家之一的LTX公司采用SAI600测试包对线性三端稳压器件进行测试。
SAI600测试包是基于大规模线性集成电路测试系统LTX-77 的一个通用测试包。
三端稳压电源及LDO线性电源测试方法作者:李雷一、 器件介绍三端稳压器电路(简称三端电源)是模拟集成电路中较大的一个系列,也是各种电子系统中不可缺少的电源供电电路,它广泛的应用于各种电子整机和电源系统之中。
随着集成电路技术的快速发展,许多电源芯片公司推出了Low Dropout Regulator,即:低压差线形稳压器,简称LDO。
2.三端电源的典型测试系统简介A LTX公司的SAI600测试包作为模拟器件测试系统著名生产厂家之一的LTX公司采用SAI600测试包对线性三端稳压器件进行测试。
SAI600测试包是基于大规模线性集成电路测试系统LTX-77 的一个通用测试包。
图1 直流稳压电源框图3.单元电路设计3.1 变压器降压和整流电路220V交流电首先要降压,以得到合适的电压值,其降压和整流电路如图2所示。
根据设计任务,需要降压电路具有2路输出,电源变压器可选一次输入220V AC,二次输出2个绕组均为20V,其A点仿真波形如图3所示,图中两条曲线分别为输入交流电压波形和降压后的波形,A点相位与输入相同,B点相位与输入相反。
设计题目:集成直流稳压电源的设计集成直流稳压电源的设计1 设计目的及性能指标要求:掌握集成直流稳压电源的实验方法。
输出电压Uo = ±12V ,最大输出电流Iomax = 1A 。
输出纹波电压ΔUop-p ≤5mV , 稳压系数SU ≤5×10-3 。
电路图2-1所示图2-1 LM317与LM337组装电路方案二: 采用LM7812和LM7912组装成稳压电路固定式三端稳压器LM7812和LM7819组装电路可对称输出±12v,其电路图如图2-2所示.图2-2 LM7812和LM7912组装方案的最终选择方案一的电路由三端可调式稳压器LM317和LM337组装而成,可输出范围为±1.25 -±12连续可调,通过对Rw的调整可输出+5V, ±12,(3-9)V连续可调.其电路组装比较简单,但输出所需电压时需要调整可变电阻,不能直接输出,因此使用时不方便.方案二由三端固定式稳压器组成,所用器件较少,并且电路组装简单,不会增添麻烦,在方案二中可直接得到+5v和±12的输出电压.使用式比较方便,综上所述,方案二比方案一合理,因此选择方案二。
电子工艺实习 直流稳压源的焊接 实验报告
线性三端集成稳压器的分类1.三端固定正输出,国标型号为CW78--/CW78M--/CW78L--2.三端固定负输出,国标型号为CW79--/CW79M--/CW79L--3.三端可调正输出,国标型号为CW117--/CW117M--/CW117L-CW217--/CW217M--/CW217L--CW317--/CW317M--/CW 317L--4.三端可调负输出,国标型号为CW137--/CW137M--/CW137L-CW237--/CW237M--CW237L--CW337--/CW337M--/CW337L--5.三端低压差 1.5A 0.5A 0.1A6.大电流三端以上1---为军品级;2---为工业品级;3---为民品级。
一般最小输入、输出电压差约为2V,否则不能输出稳定的电压,一般应使电压差保持在4-5V 。
基于 的直流稳压电源设计
基于7805的直流稳压电源设计目录1.直流稳压器的发展------------------------------------------------------------------- ------1多端可调式集成稳压器--------------------------------------------------------------- --------1三端固定式集成稳压器------------------------------------------ -----1三端可调式集成稳压器------------------------------------------ -----1跟踪集成稳压器------------------------------------------------- ----12.芯片电路原理图、外形及使用要求----------------------------------------------13.稳压电路的质量指标---------------------------------------------------------2稳压系数Sr--------------------------------------------------------2负载调整特性SI------------------------------------------------- --2输出电阻RO--------------------------------------------------------2纹波抑制比SR------------------------------------------------------34. 设计题目及要求-------------------------------------------------------------45. 元器件选型-----------------------------------------------------------------4确定稳压器型号,输入电压和输入电流---------------------------- ----4桥式整流二极管参数要求--------------------------------------- -----4滤波电容---------------------------------------------------- ------4电源变压器容量--------------------------------------------- -------4发光二极管指示灯的参数------------------------------------- -------4 6. 测量与调试-----------------------------------------------------------------4 原理图- --------------------------------------------------------------58.元器件列表------------------------------------------------------------------5 结论---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 参考文献---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 致谢---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8一.直流稳压器的发展所谓集成稳压器,就是用半导体工艺和薄膜工艺将稳压电路中的二极管、三极管、电阻、电容等元件制作在同一半导体或绝缘基片上,形成具有稳压功能的固体电路.集成稳压器在近十多年内发展很快.按电路的结构方式分,有单片式集成稳压器和组合式集成稳压器.按电路的工作方式分,有线性集成稳压器和开关式集成稳压器.按管脚的连接方式分,有三端式集成稳压器和多端式集成稳压器.按制造工艺分,有半导体集成稳压器,薄膜混合集成稳压器和厚膜混合集成稳压器.集成稳压器是在半导体硅片上使用外延、氧化、光刻、扩散和金属蒸发等工艺制作而成的稳压电路.这种集成稳压器的各种元件在同一工序中制成.常用的集成稳压器有下列几种.1.多端可调式集成稳压器这种稳压器取样电阻和保护电路的元件需要外接,它的外接端比较多,便于适应不同的用法。
课程设计任务书题目: 多路输出直流稳压电源的设计仿真与实现初始条件:可选元件:变压器/15W/±12V;整流二极管或整流桥若干,电容、电阻、电位器若干;根据需要选择若干三端集成稳压器;交流电源220V,或自选元器件。
时间安排:1、2011 年1月3日至2011年1月7日,完成仿真设计、制作与调试;撰写课程设计报告。
2、2011 年1月8日提交课程设计报告,进行课程设计验收和答辩。
指导教师签名:年月日系主任(或责任教师)签名:年月日目录2 课程设计内容及要求 (6)2.1设计的初始条件及主要任务 (6)2.1.1设计的初始条件 (6)2.1.2设计任务要求 (6)2.2设计思路 (6)3设计原理 (7)3.1电源变压器 (7)3.2整流电路 (7)3.3滤波电路 (9)3.4稳压电路 (11)3.5电源指示 (13)4电路元件选择 (14)4.1集成稳压器的选择: (14)4.1.1输出电压固定的集成稳压器的选择 (14)4.1.2输出电压可调的集成稳压器的选择 (14)4.2电源变压器的选择 (14)4.3集成整流桥及滤波电容的选择 (14)5 整体电路图 (16)6.选用仪器清单及其型号 (17)7. 电路模拟与仿真 (18)7.1P ROTEUS简介 (18)7.1.1Proteus软件简介 (18)7.1.2基本操作步骤 (18)7.2P ROTEUS ISIS原理图设计 (19)7.3仿真过程及记录 (19)7.4.1参数测试分析 (24)7.4.2波形分析 (24)8.电路实物的安装与调试 (25)8.1电路安装 (25)8.2电路调试 (26)8.3参数测量 (26)9. 设计小结 (28)9.1各参数分析 (28)9.2误差分析 (28)附录 (31)电子技术课程设计进度要求 (31)电子技术课程设计说明书与图纸要求 (31)引言当今社会人们极大的享受着电子设备带来的便利,但是任何电子设备都有一个共同的电路--电源电路。
LM137QML SNVS313C–DECEMBER2010–REVISED APRIL2013 LM137QML3-Terminal Adjustable Negative RegulatorsCheck for Samples:LM137QMLFEATURESDESCRIPTION•Output Voltage Adjustable from−37V to−1.2VThe LM137are adjustable3-terminal negative • 1.5A Output Current Guaranteed,−55°C tovoltage regulators capable of supplying in excess of +150°C−1.5A over an output voltage range of−37V to−1.2V.•Line Regulation Typically0.01%/V These regulators are exceptionally easy to apply,requiring only2external resistors to set the output •Load Regulation Typically0.3%voltage and1output capacitor for frequency •Excellent Thermal Regulation,0.002%/Wcompensation.The circuit design has been optimized •77dB Ripple Rejection for excellent regulation and low thermal transients.Further,the LM137series features internal current •Excellent Rejection of Thermal Transientslimiting,thermal shutdown and safe-area •50ppm/°C Temperature Coefficientcompensation,making them virtually blowout-proof •Temperature-independent Current Limit against overloads.•Internal Thermal Overload ProtectionThe LM137serve a wide variety of applications •Standard3-lead Transistor Package including local on-card regulation,programmable-output voltage regulation or precision current •Output is Short Circuit Protectedregulation.The LM137are ideal complements to theLM117adjustable positive regulators.Table1.LM137Series Packages and PowerCapabilityDevice Package Rated Power DesignDissipation LoadCurrentTO-3(K)20W 1.5ALM137TO-39(NDT)2W0.5A Connection DiagramNOTE:Case is InputFigure1.TO-3,Bottom ViewMetal Can PackagePlease be aware that an important notice concerning availability,standard warranty,and use in critical applications ofTexas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.Copyright©2010–2013,Texas Instruments Incorporated Products conform to specifications per the terms of the TexasInstruments standard warranty.Production processing does notnecessarily include testing of all parameters.LM137QMLSNVS313C–DECEMBER2010–REVISED NOTE:Case Is InputFigure2.TO-39,Bottom ViewMetal Can PackageTypical ApplicationsFull output current not available at high input-output voltages†C1=1μF solid tantalum or10μF aluminum electrolytic required for stability*C2=1μF solid tantalum is required only if regulator is more than4″from power-supply filter capacitorOutput capacitors in the range of1μF to1000μF of aluminum or tantalum electrolytic are commonly used to provideimproved output impedance and rejection of transientsFigure3.Adjustable Negative Voltage RegulatorThese devices have limited built-in ESD protection.The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates.2Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©2010–2013,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Links:LM137QMLLM137QML SNVS313C–DECEMBER2010–REVISED APRIL2013Absolute Maximum Ratings(1)Power Dissipation(2)Internally LimitedInput-Output Voltage Differential40VOperating Ambient Temperature Range−55°C≤T A≤+125°C Operating Junction Temperature Range−55°C≤T J≤+150°C Storage Temperature−65°C≤T A≤+150°C Maximum Junction Temperature150°CLead Temperature(Soldering,10sec.)300°CMinimum Input Voltage−41.25V Maximum Power Dissipation T0–328Watts(@25°C)T0–39 2.5WattsThermal ResistanceθJA T0–3Metal Can(Still Air)40°C/WT0–3Metal Can(500LF/Min Air Flow)14°C/WT0–39Metal Can(Still Air@0.5W)174°C/WT0–39Metal Can(500LF/Min Air Flow@0.5W)64°C/WθJC T0–34°C/WT0–39Metal Can(@1.0W)15°C/WPackage Weight(typical)T0–312,750mgT0–39Metal Can955mgESD Rating(3)4000V(1)Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur.Operating Ratings indicate conditions forwhich the device is functional,but do not guarantee specific performance limits.For ensured specifications and test conditions,see the Electrical Characteristics.The ensured specifications apply only for the test conditions listed.Some performance characteristics may degrade when the device is not operated under the listed test conditions.(2)The maximum power dissipation must be derated at elevated temperatures and is dictated by T Jmax(maximum junction temperature),θJA(package junction to ambient thermal resistance),and T A(ambient temperature).The maximum allowable power dissipation at any temperature is P Dmax=(T Jmax-T A)/θJA or the number given in the Absolute Maximum Ratings,whichever is lower.(3)Human body model,100pF discharged through1.5KΩRecommended Operating ConditionsT A−55°C≤T A≤+125°CInput Voltage Range−41.25V to−4.25VQuality Conformance Inspection-Std-883,Method5005—Group A(1)Subgroup Description Temp(°C) 1Static tests at+252Static tests at+1253Static tests at-554Dynamic tests at+255Dynamic tests at+1256Dynamic tests at-557Functional tests at+258A Functional tests at+1258B Functional tests at-559Switching tests at+2510Switching tests at+12511Switching tests at-55(1)Group“A”sample only,test at all temps.Copyright©2010–2013,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback3Product Folder Links:LM137QMLLM137QMLSNVS313C–DECEMBER2010–REVISED LM137H883Electrical Characteristics DC ParametersThe following conditions apply,unless otherwise specified.V IN=−4.25V,I L=8mA,V OUT=V Ref(1)(2)Sub-Symbol Parameter Conditions Notes Min Max Unitsgroups-1.275-1.225V1-1.3-1.2V2,3V Ref Reference VoltageV IN=-42V-1.275-1.225V1V IN=-41.3V-1.3-1.2V2,3V OUT=-1.7V 3.0mA1,2,3V OUT=-1.7V,V IN=-11.75V 3.0mA1,2,3I Q Minimum Load CurrentV OUT=-1.7V,V IN=-42V 5.0mA1V OUT=-1.7V,V IN=-41.3V 5.0mA2,3-42V≤V IN≤-4.25V-9.09.0mV1R Line Line Regulation-41.3V≤V IN≤-4.25V-2323mV2,35mA≤I L≤500mA,V IN=-6.25V-2525mV1,2,3R Load Load Regulation5mA≤I L≤500mA,V IN=-14.5V-2525mV15mA≤I L≤150mA,V IN=-40V-2525mV1,2,3I L=5mA100µA1,2,3I Adj Adjustment Pin Current V IN=-42V100µA1V IN=-41.3V100µA2,3-42V≤V IN≤-4.25V,I L=5mA-5.0 5.0µA1 Adjust Pin Current Change vs.ΔI Adj/V LineLine Voltage-41.3V≤V≤-4.25V,I L=5mA-5.0 5.0µA2,3INΔI Adj/I Load Adjust Pin Current Change vs.5mA≤I L≤500mA,V IN=-6.5V-5.0 5.0µA1,2,3 Load CurrentV IN=-14.5V,I L=500mA,-5.0 5.0mV1t=10mSθR Thermal RegulationV IN=-14.5V,I L=5mA,-5.0 5.0mV1t=10mSθJC Thermal Resistance(3)15°C/W1V IN=-5V-1.8-0.5A1,2,3I CL Current LimitV IN=-40V-0.65-0.15A1,2,3-1.28-1.22V1V O Output Voltage-1.3-1.2V2,3(1)V IN=−41.3V at+125°C and−55°C(2)−41.3V≤V IN≤−4.25V at+125°C and−55°C(3)Ensured parameter,not tested.LM137H883Electrical Characteristics AC ParametersV IN=-6.25V,V OUT=V Ref,R R Ripple Rejection Ratio I L=125mA,e I=1V RMS,(1)(2)(1)66dB4,5,6F=120Hz(1)Bench test,refer to(SG)RPI-3-362.(2)Test at+25°C,ensured but not tested at+125°C and−55°C4Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©2010–2013,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Links:LM137QMLLM137QML SNVS313C–DECEMBER2010–REVISED APRIL2013LM137K883Electrical Characteristics DC ParametersThe following conditions apply,unless otherwise specified.V IN=−4.25V,I L=8mA,V OUT=V Ref(1)(2)Sub-Symbol Parameter Conditions Notes Min Max Unitsgroups-1.275-1.225V1-1.3-1.2V2,3V Ref Reference VoltageV IN=-42V-1.275-1.225V1V IN=-41.3V-1.3-1.2V2,3V OUT=-1.7V 3.0mA1,2,3V OUT=-1.7V,V IN=-11.75V 3.0mA1,2,3I Q Minimum Load CurrentV OUT=-1.7V,V IN=-42V 5.0mA1V OUT=-1.7V,V IN=-41.3V 5.0mA2,3-42V≤V IN≤-4.25V-9.09.0mV1R Line Line Regulation-41.3V≤V IN≤-4.25V-2323mV2,3V IN=-6.25V,8mA≤I L≤1.5A-2525mV1,2,3V IN=-14.5V,8mA≤I L≤1.5A-2525mV1R Load Load RegulationV IN=-40V,8mA≤I L≤300mA-2525mV1V IN=-40V,8mA≤I L≤250mA-2525mV2,3100µA1,2,3I Adj Adjustment Pin Current V IN=-42V100µA1V IN=-41.3V100µA2,3ΔI Adj/V Line-42V≤V IN≤-4.25V-5.0 5.0µA1 Adjust Pin Current Change vs.Line Voltage-41.3V≤V≤-4.25V-5.0 5.0µA2,3INΔI Adj/I Load Adjust Pin Current Change vs.8mA≤I L≤1.5A,V IN=-6.25V-5.0 5.0µA1,2,3 Load CurrentV IN=-14.5V,I L=1.5mA,-5.0 5.0mV1t=10mSV Rth Thermal RegulationV IN=-14.5V,I L=8mA,t=10mS-5.0 5.0mV1θJC Thermal Resistance(3) 4.0°C/W1V IN=-5V-3.5-1.5A1,2,3I CL Current LimitV IN=-40V-1.2-0.24A1,2,3(1)V IN=−41.3V at+125°C and−55°C(2)−41.3V≤V IN≤−4.25V at+125°C and−55°C(3)Ensured parameter,not tested.LM137K883Electrical Characteristics AC ParametersSub-Symbol Parameter Conditions Notes Min Max UnitsgroupsV IN=-6.25V,V OUT=V Ref,R R Ripple Rejection Ratio f=120Hz,I L=0.5A,(1)(2)(1)66dB4,5,6e I=1V RMS(1)Bench test,refer to(SG)RPI-3-362.(2)Test at+25°C,ensured but not tested at+125°C and−55°CCopyright©2010–2013,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback5Product Folder Links:LM137QMLLM137QMLSNVS313C–DECEMBER2010–REVISED LM137H RH Electrical Characteristics DC ParametersThe following conditions apply,unless otherwise specified.(1)Sub-Symbol Parameter Conditions Notes Min Max Unitsgroups-1.275-1.225V1V IN=-4.25V,I L=5mA-1.3-1.2V2,3-1.275-1.225V1V IN=-4.25V,I L=500mA-1.3-1.2V2,3V OUT Output Voltage-1.275-1.225V1V IN=-41.25V,I L=5mA-1.3-1.2V2,3-1.275-1.225V1V IN=-41.25V,I L=50mA-1.3-1.2V2,3V IN=-41.25V to-4.25V,-9.09.0mV1V R Line Line Regulation I=5mA-2323mV2,3L-1212mV1V IN=-6.25V,I L=5mA to500mA-2424mV2,3-6.0 6.0mV1V R Load Load Regulation V IN=-41.25V,I L=5mA to50mA-1212mV2,3-6.0 6.0mV1V IN=-6.25V,I L=5mA to200mA-1212mV2,3V Rth Thermal Regulation V IN=-14.6V,I L=500mA-5.0 5.0mV1V IN=-4.25V,I L=5mA25100µA1,2,3I Adj Adjust Pin CurrentV IN=-41.25V,I L=5mA25100µA1,2,3ΔI Adj/V Line Adjust Pin Current Change vs.V IN=-41.25V to-4.25V,-5.0 5.0µA1,2,3 Line Voltage I L=5mAΔI Adj/I Load Adjust Pin Current Change vs.V IN=-6.25V,I L=5mA to500mA-5.0 5.0µA1,2,3 Load CurrentV IN=-4.25V0.5 1.8A1,2,3I OS Output Short Circuit CurrentV IN=-40V0.050.5A1,2,3-1.275-1.225V1V IN=-4.25V-1.3-1.2V2,3V OUT Output Voltage Recovery AfterRecovery Output Short Circuit Current-1.275-1.225V1V IN=-40V-1.3-1.2V2,3V IN=-4.25V0.2 3.0mA1,2,3I Q Minimum Load Current V IN=-14.25V0.2 3.0mA1,2,3V IN=-41.25V 1.0 5.0mA1,2,3-1.275-1.225V1V Start Voltage Start-up V IN=-4.25V,I L=500mA-1.3-1.2V2,3V OUT Output Voltage V IN=-6.25V,I L=5mA(2)-1.3-1.2V2 (1)Pre and post irradiation limits are identical to those listed under AC and DC electrical characteristics except as listed in the PostRadiation Limits Table.These parts may be dose rate sensitive in a space environment and demonstrate enhanced low dose rate effect.Radiation end point limits for the noted parameters are specified only for the conditions as specified in Mil-Std-883,Method1019.5, Condition A.(2)Tested at+125°C;correlated to+150°C6Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©2010–2013,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Links:LM137QMLLM137QML SNVS313C–DECEMBER2010–REVISED APRIL2013LM137H RH Electrical Characteristics AC ParametersThe following conditions apply,unless otherwise specified.(1)Sub-Symbol Parameter Conditions Notes Min Max UnitsgroupsΔV IN/V IN=-6.25V,I L=125mA,Ripple Rejection48dB9ΔV OUT e I=1V RMS at2400HzV NO Output Noise Voltage V IN=-6.25V,I L=50mA120µV RMS9ΔV OUT/V IN=-6.25V,V Pulse=-1V,Line Transient Response80mV/V9ΔV IN I L=50mAΔV O/ΔI L V IN=-6.25V,I L=50mA,Load Transient Response(2)60mV9ΔI L=200mA(1)Pre and post irradiation limits are identical to those listed under AC and DC electrical characteristics except as listed in the PostRadiation Limits Table.These parts may be dose rate sensitive in a space environment and demonstrate enhanced low dose rate effect.Radiation end point limits for the noted parameters are specified only for the conditions as specified in Mil-Std-883,Method1019.5, Condition A.(2)Limit of0.3mV/mA is equivalent to60mVLM137H RH Electrical Characteristics DC Parameters Drift ValuesThe following conditions apply,unless otherwise specified.(1)Delta calculations performed on QMLV devices at group B,subgroup5only.Sub-Symbol Parameter Conditions Notes Min Max UnitsgroupsV IN=-4.25V,I L=5mA-0.010.01V1V IN=-4.25V,I L=500mA-0.010.01V1V OUT Output VoltageV IN=-41.25V,I L=5mA-0.010.01V1V IN=-41.25V,I L=50mA-0.010.01V1V R Line Line Regulation V IN=-41.25V to-4.25V,I L=5mA-4.0 4.0mV1V IN=-4.25V,I L=5mA-1010µA1I Adj Adjust Pin CurrentV IN=-41.25V,I L=5mA-1010µA1 (1)Pre and post irradiation limits are identical to those listed under AC and DC electrical characteristics except as listed in the PostRadiation Limits Table.These parts may be dose rate sensitive in a space environment and demonstrate enhanced low dose rate effect.Radiation end point limits for the noted parameters are specified only for the conditions as specified in Mil-Std-883,Method1019.5, Condition A.LM137H RH Electrical Characteristics DC Parameters Post Radiation Limits+25°C5962P9951701VXA(1)The following conditions apply,unless otherwise specified.(2)Symbol Parameter Conditions Sub-Notes Min Max UnitsgroupsΔI Adj/V Line Adjust Pin Current Change vs.V IN=-41.25V to-4.25V,-2020µA1 Line Voltage I L=5mA(1)Pre Burn-In stress test per RPI-5-025.(2)Pre and post irradiation limits are identical to those listed under AC and DC electrical characteristics except as listed in the PostRadiation Limits Table.These parts may be dose rate sensitive in a space environment and demonstrate enhanced low dose rate effect.Radiation end point limits for the noted parameters are specified only for the conditions as specified in Mil-Std-883,Method1019.5, Condition A.Copyright©2010–2013,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback7Product Folder Links:LM137QMLLM137QMLSNVS313C–DECEMBER2010–REVISED LM137H RH Electrical Characteristics DC Parameters Post Radiation Limits+25°C5962P9951708VXA(1)The following conditions apply,unless otherwise specified.(2)Symbol Parameter Conditions Sub-Notes Min Max UnitsgroupsV IN=-41.25V,I L=5mA-1.30-1.225V1V OUT Output VoltageV IN=-41.25V,I L=50mA-1.30-1.225V1V IN=-41.25V to-4.25V,V R Line Line Regulation-9.0+50mV1I L=5mAI Adj Adjust Pin Current V IN=-41.25V,I L=5mA25140µA1ΔI Adj/Adjust Pin Current Change vs.V IN=-41.25V to-4.25V,-70+20µA1V Line Line Voltage I L=5mAV OUT Output Voltage Recovery After V IN=-4.25V-1.30-1.225V1 Recovery Output Short Circuit Current(1)Pre Burn-In stress test per RPI-5-025.(2)Pre and post irradiation limits are identical to those listed under AC and DC electrical characteristics except as listed in the PostRadiation Limits Table.These parts may be dose rate sensitive in a space environment and demonstrate enhanced low dose rate effect.Radiation end point limits for the noted parameters are specified only for the conditions as specified in Mil-Std-883,Method1019.5, Condition A.8Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©2010–2013,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Links:LM137QMLLM137QML SNVS313C–DECEMBER2010–REVISED APRIL2013APPLICATION INFORMATIONSchematic DiagramFigure4.Schematic DiagramThermal RegulationWhen power is dissipated in an IC,a temperature gradient occurs across the IC chip affecting the individual IC circuit components.With an IC regulator,this gradient can be especially severe since power dissipation is large. Thermal regulation is the effect of these temperature gradients on output voltage(in percentage output change) per Watt of power change in a specified time.Thermal regulation error is independent of electrical regulation or temperature coefficient,and occurs within5ms to50ms after a change in power dissipation.Thermal regulation depends on IC layout as well as electrical design.The thermal regulation of a voltage regulator is defined as the percentage change of V OUT,per Watt,within the first10ms after a step of power is applied.The LM137's specification is0.02%/W,max.Copyright©2010–2013,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback9Product Folder Links:LM137QMLLM137QMLSNVS313C–DECEMBER2010–REVISED LM137,V OUT=−10VV IN−V OUT=−40VI IL=0A→0.25A→0AVertical sensitivity,5mV/divFigure5.In Figure5,a typical LM137's output drifts only3mV(or0.03%of V OUT=−10V)when a10W pulse is applied for 10ms.This performance is thus well inside the specification limit of0.02%/W×10W=0.2%max.When the 10W pulse is ended,the thermal regulation again shows a3mV step as the LM137chip cools off.Note that the load regulation error of about8mV(0.08%)is additional to the thermal regulation error.In Figure6,when the 10W pulse is applied for100ms,the output drifts only slightly beyond the drift in the first10ms,and the thermal error stays well within0.1%(10mV).LM137,V OUT=−10VV IN−V OUT=−40VI L=0A→0.25A→0AHorizontal sensitivity,20ms/divFigure6.10Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©2010–2013,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Links:LM137QMLLM137QML SNVS313C–DECEMBER2010–REVISED APRIL2013 Typical ApplicationsFull output current not availableat high input-output voltages*The10μF capacitors are optional to improve ripple rejectionFigure7.Adjustable Lab Voltage RegulatorFigure8.Current Regulator*When C L is larger than20μF,D1protects the LM137in case the input supply is shorted**When C2is larger than10μF and−V OUT is larger than−25V,D2protects the LM137in case the output is shortedFigure9.Negative Regulator with Protection DiodesLM137QMLSNVS313C–DECEMBER2010–REVISED *Minimum output≃−1.3V when control input is lowFigure10.−5.2V Regulator with Electronic Shutdown*Figure11.Adjustable Current RegulatorFigure12.High Stability−10V RegulatorLM137QML SNVS313C–DECEMBER2010–REVISED APRIL2013Typical Performance Characteristics(NDT&K Packages)Load Regulation Current LimitFigure13.Figure14.Adjustment Current Dropout VoltageFigure15.Figure16.Temperature Stability Minimum Operating CurrentFigure17.Figure18.LM137QMLSNVS313C–DECEMBER2010–REVISED Typical Performance Characteristics(continued)(NDT&K Packages)Ripple Rejection Ripple RejectionFigure19.Figure20.Ripple Rejection Output ImpedanceFigure21.Figure22.Line Transient Response Load Transient ResponseFigure23.Figure24.LM137QML SNVS313C–DECEMBER2010–REVISED APRIL2013REVISION HISTORYDate Released Revision Section Changes3MDS data sheets converted into one Corp.datasheet format.MNLM137-X,Rev.0B1,MNLM137-K12/08/2010A New Release,Corporate formatRev.0A0,and MRLM137–X-RH Rev.2A0.MDS datasheets will be archived.Ordering Info—Added new LM137H1PQMLV.,ForOrdering Information,LM137K883Electrical the DC Parameters of LM137K883and LM137RH,Characteristics DC Parameters.,LM137H RH widened columns to accommodate correct limits.Electrical Characteristics DC Parameters.,Added to the HEADER of DC Parameters—Post03/16/2012BDC Parameters Post Radiation Limits+25Radiation Limits5962P9951701VXA.Added theDeg.C for701VXA.,DC Parameters Post HEADER and TABLE of DC Parameters—PostRadiation Limits+25Deg.C for708VXA Radiation Limits5962P9951708VXA.Rev A will bearchived.04/17/2013C Changed layout of National Data Sheet to TI format.PACKAGING INFORMATION(1) The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2) Eco Plan - The planned eco-friendly classification: Pb-Free (RoHS), Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt), or Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) - please check /productcontent for the latest availability information and additional product content details.TBD: The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined.Pb-Free (RoHS): TI's terms "Lead-Free" or "Pb-Free" mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all 6 substances, including the requirement that lead not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt): This component has a RoHS exemption for either 1) lead-based flip-chip solder bumps used between the die and package, or 2) lead-based die adhesive used between the die and leadframe. The component is otherwise considered Pb-Free (RoHS compatible) as defined above.Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br): TI defines "Green" to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible), and free of Bromine (Br) and Antimony (Sb) based flame retardants (Br or Sb do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous material)(3) MSL, Peak Temp. - The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications, and peak solder temperature.(4) There may be additional marking, which relates to the logo, the lot trace code information, or the environmental category on the device.(5) Multiple Device Markings will be inside parentheses. Only one Device Marking contained in parentheses and separated by a "~" will appear on a device. If a line is indented then it is a continuation of the previous line and the two combined represent the entire Device Marking for that device.Addendum-Page 1(6) Lead/Ball Finish - Orderable Devices may have multiple material finish options. Finish options are separated by a vertical ruled line. Lead/Ball Finish values may wrap to two lines if the finish value exceeds the maximum column width.Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided. TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties, and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information. Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties. TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals. TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary, and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release.In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s) at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis.OTHER QUALIFIED VERSIONS OF LM137QML, LM137QML-SP :•Military: LM137QML•Space: LM137QML-SPNOTE: Qualified Version Definitions:•Military - QML certified for Military and Defense Applications•Space - Radiation tolerant, ceramic packaging and qualified for use in Space-based applicationAddendum-Page 2K0002CNOTES:1. All linear dimensions are in millimeters. Dimensions in parenthesis are for reference only. Dimensioning and tolerancing per ASME Y14.5M.2. This drawing is subject to change without notice.3. Leads not to be bent greater than 15ºNDT0003AIMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries(TI)reserve the right to make corrections,enhancements,improvements and other changes to its semiconductor products and services per JESD46,latest issue,and to discontinue any product or service per JESD48,latest issue.Buyers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.All semiconductor products(also referred to herein as“components”)are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its components to the specifications applicable at the time of sale,in accordance with the warranty in TI’s terms and conditions of sale of semiconductor products.Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty.Except where mandated by applicable law,testing of all parameters of each component is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or the design of Buyers’products.Buyers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components.To minimize the risks associated with Buyers’products and applications,Buyers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license,either express or implied,is granted under any patent right,copyright,mask work right,or other intellectual property right relating to any combination,machine,or process in which TI components or services are rmation published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement e of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party,or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of significant portions of TI information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties,conditions,limitations,and notices.TI is not responsible or liable for such altered rmation of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions.Resale of TI components or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that component or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI component or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements.Buyer acknowledges and agrees that it is solely responsible for compliance with all legal,regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning its products,and any use of TI components in its applications,notwithstanding any applications-related information or support that may be provided by TI.Buyer represents and agrees that it has all the necessary expertise to create and implement safeguards which anticipate dangerous consequences of failures,monitor failures and their consequences,lessen the likelihood of failures that might cause harm and take appropriate remedial actions.Buyer will fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of any TI components in safety-critical applications.In some cases,TI components may be promoted specifically to facilitate safety-related applications.With such components,TI’s goal is to help enable customers to design and create their own end-product solutions that meet applicable functional safety standards and requirements.Nonetheless,such components are subject to these terms.No TI components are authorized for use in FDA Class III(or similar life-critical medical equipment)unless authorized officers of the parties have executed a special agreement specifically governing such use.Only those TI components which TI has specifically designated as military grade or“enhanced plastic”are designed and intended for use in military/aerospace applications or environments.Buyer acknowledges and agrees that any military or aerospace use of TI components which have not been so designated is solely at the Buyer's risk,and that Buyer is solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such use.TI has specifically designated certain components as meeting ISO/TS16949requirements,mainly for automotive use.In any case of use of non-designated products,TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet ISO/TS16949.Products ApplicationsAudio /audio Automotive and Transportation /automotiveAmplifiers Communications and Telecom /communicationsData Converters Computers and Peripherals /computersDLP®Products Consumer Electronics /consumer-appsDSP Energy and Lighting /energyClocks and Timers /clocks Industrial /industrialInterface Medical /medicalLogic Security /securityPower Mgmt Space,Avionics and Defense /space-avionics-defense Microcontrollers Video and Imaging /videoRFID OMAP Applications Processors /omap TI E2E Community Wireless Connectivity /wirelessconnectivityMailing Address:Texas Instruments,Post Office Box655303,Dallas,Texas75265Copyright©2014,Texas Instruments Incorporated。
用运放自制高稳定大电流直流可调稳压电源2015-01-01 10:58:48作者:钟荣钟雨姣278我要评论稳定度较高的大电流直流稳压电源,应有一个精密稳定的基准源。
基于CPLD的OMAP-L137与ADS1178数据通信设计发布时间:2010-1-14 20:55 发布者:李宽阅读次数:356引言串行外围设备接口(Serial Peripheral InteRFace,SPI)总线技术是Motorola公司推出的一种高速同步串行输入/输出接口,近年来广泛应用于外部移位寄存器、D/A转换器、 A/D转换器、串行EEPROM、LED显示器等外部设备的拓展。
1 硬件设计1.1 芯片概述ADS1178是TI公司于2008年9月推出的一款A/D控制芯片,它采用△-∑模/数转换器结构,可以达到16位的数据采集精度,并且拥有良好的交流特性。
其带宽达25 kHz,具有97 dB的信噪比和-105 dB的总谐波失真。
在正常工作时每通道的功耗只有31 mW,支持8路通道同时采样,并将数据依次连续地送上数据总线;在满足实时同步采样的同时,还具有52 ksps的转换速率。
图10.7 由两只三极管组成的四种类型的复合管
当由于电源电压上升引起输出电压上升时,稳压过程由下列式子给出: Ui↑→Uo↑→Ub2↑→Ic2↑→Uc2↓→Ub1↓→Ube1↓→Uce1↑→Uo↓。 其实这个稳压过程的实质,就是电路的负反馈电路在起作用。 三极管串联调整型稳压电路的优点是:稳压效果好,带负载能力大,输出电压在一定范围内可调。
图10.3 最简单的三极管串联调整型稳压电路
2. 三极管串联调整型稳压电路的稳压过程 三极管串联调整型稳压电路的稳压过程如下: 当负载不变、输入电压Ui升高时,会引起输出电压Uo变高。由于稳压二极管两端的电压基本不变,所以b点的电压也基本不变,Ube=Ub-Uo值变小,根据三极管得输出特性,基极电流Ib和集电极电流Ic都要减小,导致Uce变大,于是抵消了Uo的升高,保持输出电压值基本稳定。当负载不变、输入电压Ui降低时,稳压过程与上述相反。 当输入电压不变、负载电流变大时,电流在电源内祖上的压降增加,会引起输出电压Uo降低。由于Ub基本不变,则Ube=Ub-Uo值变大,导致Uce跟随着变小,于是抵消了Uo的降低,保持输出电压值基本稳定。当输入电压不变、负载电流变小时,稳压过程与上述相反。
输出电压由下式决定: 一个输入直流电压为UI=15V、输出直流稳定电压为8~12V、最大负载电流为I0max=3A的实际电路如图10.8所示
图10.8 实用的三极管串联调整型稳压电路
1.三端固定输出式集成稳压器系列 常用的三端固定输出式集成稳压器有输出为正电压的W78××[u1] 系列和输出为负电压的W79××系列。如图10.9所示,为W78××系列的外形、电路符号及基本接法。W78××系列三端稳压块的输出电压有5V、6V、9V、12V、15V、18V和24V共七种规格,型号的后两位数字表示其输出电压的稳压值。例如,型号为W7805和W7812的集成块,其输出电压分别为5V和12V。 同一种规格的三端稳压块,在输出电流的大小上也有所不同,例如标注为7805、78M05和78L05的三端稳压块,其输出稳压值都是5V,但输出电流分别为1.5A、0.5A和0.1A(这个电流值都是指在满足一定散热条件下的最大输出电流值)。 W79××系列的稳压块其输出电压的规格与W78××系列相同,但其管脚功能与W78××系列不同。79××系列稳压块的1脚是输入端,2脚为接地端,3脚为输出端。79××系列稳压块的1脚是接地端,2脚为输入端,3脚为输出端。在使用时要特别引起注意。 [u1]此处的“W78××和W79××”是否应改为“CW78××和CW79××”?也可以不该,带C的是中国产的。
1设计任务描述1.1设计题目:线性直流稳压电源1.2 设计要求1.2.1 设计目的(1)掌握线性直流构成原理与设计方法;(2)熟悉模拟元件的选择,使用方法。
1.2.2 基本要求(1)220V交流输入电压,12V直流输出电压;(2)使用集成三端稳压器进行稳压输出,输出纹波系数<1%;(3)输出功率>5%。
1.2.3 发挥部分(1)输出电压线性可调;(2)估算出线性电源高效率(>50%)的使用范围。
2 绪论根据小功率稳压电源的构成,它是由电源变压器、整流、滤波和稳压器等四部分组成的,其结构图和稳压过程如下所示:直流稳压电源的作用是将交流电网的电压转化为直流电压,为放大电路提供直流工作电源。
各部分的工作过程是:(1) 电源变压器将交流电网提供的电压V1=220V变为所需要的V2=12V的交流电压;(2)通过整流电路将交流为12V的电压转变为脉动的直流电压V R,其峰值仍然为12V;(3)由于脉动的直流电压V R中还含有较大的纹波,必须通过滤波电路加以滤除,所以此过程是用滤波电路将纹波滤除,从而得到平滑的直流电压V F;(4)因为得到的直流电压V F还会随着电网电压的波动、负载和温度的变化而变化,因而在进行了整流、滤波之后,还需要进行稳压处理。
Lm系列电源芯片布线指导1.Both the designer and the CAD person need to be aware that the design of a switching power converter is only as good as its layout设计者和CAD布局者都要明白:开关转换器的设计仅仅是布局良好的一方面。
2.The overall subject of PCB design is an extremely wide one,embracing several test/mechanical/production issues and also in some cases compliance/regulatory issues.There is also a certain amount of physics/electromagnetics involved,PCB设计的总体具体是一个非常广泛,包括几个测试/机械/生产问题,并在某些情况下遵守/管理问题。
3.we have provided recommended starting points for layout when using the popular LM267x,LM259x and LM257x families (Figure 2) The focus is on the step-down (Buck) Simple Switcher ICs from National, but the same principles hold for any topology and switching power application我们对布局提供建议的出发点是使用比较流行的LM267x、LM259x和LM257x系列,主要集中在降压(Buck)简单开关电源转换芯片,但是同样的原则在其它的任何拓补结构和开关电源应用中依然适用。
OMAP-L137 评估模块技术参考手册2008 DSP 开发系统 511345-0001 Rev. A 2009年2月15日第一章 OMAP-L137 EVM介绍第一章提供了omap-l137 EVM的描述,以及它的主要特点和电路框图1.1主要特点. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21.2 OMAP-L137功能性概述. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.3 基本操作. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.4 存储区映射. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.5 启动开关设置. . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.6 电源供应. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.1主要特点:OMAP-L137 EVM自成体系(独立)的开发平台,此开发平台能让用户评估和开发TI OMAP-L137处理器系列应用。
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3)在满载情况下选择滤波电容的大 小(取5倍工频半周期)
R L C (3 5) T 2
用LM137设计一个输出1A的恒 压源,输出电压为-3~-10V
题目 11
成员:高彦飞 冯超 郭靖
1)画出系统电路图,并画出变压器输出、滤波 电路输出及稳压输出的电压波形;画出变压器副边 电流的波形。 2)输入工频220V交流电的情况下,确定变压 器变比; 3)在满载情况下选择滤波电容的大小(取5 倍工频半周期); 4)求滤波电路的输出最大电压; 5)求电路中固定电阻阻值。
耐压值:U=1.414*U2*1.1=19.4V 故电容选3300uF/50V的电解电容
R1 R2
U O 1 .2 (1
R2 R1
1.2(1+R1/120)=3~10 R2=180~880Ω
旁路 电位 器两 端纹 波电 压 用来改 善负载 的瞬态 响应。
滤波电 容 用来抵消输入端接线 较长时的电感效应, 防止产生自激振荡。
稳压输出的电压波形电的情况下,确定 变压器变比