



阿姆瑞特AQ2000万兆流控设备技术及配套要求1. 技术部分要求1.1.技术建议书应至少包括:卖方应提供设备详细技术书一份(包括提供设备的功能、设备实际配置和扩展能力说明)。









2. 设备总体技术要求2.1.设备的设计寿命应大于10年;2.2.卖方提供的室内设备应支持19英寸机架的安装。

2.3.设备部件应采用可插拔方式,故障部件或单元的替换、检查和修理应能够容易进行;2.4 设备应提供220V供电及多风扇的散热设计。

3. 设备功能及技术管理指标4. 设备的环境要求流控设备应在以下环境中正常工作工作温度:(-10~+60)℃存储温度:(-20~+60)℃工作湿度:(10~90)%(室温)5. 设备供电5.1.功耗说明卖方应说明所提供各种设备所需电源种类及功耗5.2.正常工作电压DC:-48V +20%/-15%AC:电压范围:176~264V,50~60Hz5.3.过压、过流保护设备应安装过压、过流保护器。

6. 技术服务6.1.卖方对其提供的设备提供不少于3年的保修。






Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 110kV and 15kV DigitalMegohmmetersModels 6550 & 6555► Insulation measurementup to 30T Ω► Test voltages up to 15,000V► Step, ramp & fixed voltagetesting► Multiple test modes: voltageramp and step with “Burn-In”, “Early-Break” and “I-Limit” modes► 3 filter choices to optimize measurement stability► Selectable voltage from40V to 10,000 / 15,000V ► Storage of up to 80,000 measurements► Optically-isolated USBcommunication for data transfer to PC and report generation using DataView ® softwareExpert tools for testing insulation safely & accuratelyIP 54Our products are backed by over 130 years of experience in test and measurement equipment, and encompass the latest international standards for quality and safety.Technical Hotline: (800) 343-13912 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391Models 6550 & 6555HIGH-END & PORTABLEThe Megohmmeter Models 6550 and 6555 are high-end portable instruments intended for measuring a wide variety of electrical insulation resistance values oncables and devices operating at high voltage. They are packaged in a rugged case that is IP54 rated (cover closed). Test results and configuration information is provided on a graphical LCD screen, as well as exportable throughthe use of the DataView ® software provided. TheMegohmmeters can operate on battery or AC power while testing.These Megohmmeters contribute to the safety ofelectrical installations and equipment. Their operation is managed by microprocessors that acquire, process, display and store the measurements.The Model 6550 makes insulation measurements at voltages up to 10,000 V , the Model 6555 up to 15,000 V .Main Functions:• Detection and measurement of input voltage, frequency, and current prior to running a test.• Quantitative and qualitative insulation measurements.• Measurements at a fixed test voltage of 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10,000 or 15,000 V dc .• Measurements at an adjustable test voltagebetween 40 and 15,000 V dc preselected by the user prior to the test. Three preselected test voltages can be stored in the instrument and can be modified as needed prior to starting a test.IP 54• Ramp voltage measurements with a ramp from 40 to 10,000 V or 15,000 V , model dependent. Three ramp profiles can be stored in the instrument. Each ramp profile includes the starting and ending test voltage and the ramp time between the two.• Step voltage measurements with steps from 40 to 10,000 V or 15,000 V , model dependent.Three step voltage profiles can be stored in the instrument. Each contains up to 10 steps that include test voltage and duration.• Three test current choices: Burn-In, Early-Break and I-Limit provide qualitative analysis tools for detection breaks in insulation.• Quality ratio calculations for DAR, PI, and DD are calculated and displayed.• Temperature correction of the measured resistance to a reference temperature.• Capacitance measurement of the device tested.• Residual current measurement.Model 6555 checking insulation resistance on feed cables to a three-phase motor.Technical Assistance (800) 3►► SELECTABLE VOLTAGE FROM 40V TO 10kV / 15kV MODELSINSULATION TESTSTest VoltageAPPLICATIONS► Acceptance testing and preventive maintenance ► Test motors, cables, switchgears and wiring installations4 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391CONTROL FEATURESFront Panel Features for Models 6550 & 6555Socket for connection to the ACpower and recharging of thebuilt-in batteriesmeasurementbuttonsUSB connector forcommunicationto a PC Seven position access to the fixed voltage, adjustable voltage,ramp and stepLarge, digital, backlit, Models 6550 and 6555 have the same front panel with differences in the display only .5Measurement Results Display AreaDisplay ofResultsTechnical Assistance (800) 5FUNCTIONSModels 6550 & 65556 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391bargraphterminalsExample of display during measurement.resistanceresistance referred to the reference temperature.cursor Resistance versus time graph.This curve is useful primarily in the case of a measurement in V-RAMP mode.When Timed Run (test with programmed duration) or Timed Run + DD is selected, the duration of the measurement (m:s) can be set.The number of measurements that can be recorded depends on the number of samples stored for each measurement.quality ofof memory white).indicated.T est with programmed durationExample of display before measurement.FUNCTIONAL DISPLAYSSOFTWARE & ANALYSIS SCREENSEasy identification of all stored test results.Real-time display of measurement results.Step voltage set up screen.Technical Assistance (800) 7ORDERING INFORMATION M egohmmeter Model 6550 Ramp, StepV , Variable, Auto DAR/PI/DD, USB w/DataView Megohmmeter Model 6555 Ramp, StepV , Variable, Auto DAR/PI/DD, USB w/DataView AEMC ® Instruments • 15 Faraday Dr. • Dover, NH 03820 USA • (800) 343-1391•Fax(603)742-2346•E-mail:**************Export Department: +1 (603) 749-6434 x520 • Fax +1(603)742-2346•E-mail:***************© Chauvin Arnoux ®, Inc. d.b.a. AEMC ®Instruments Call the AEMC ® Instruments Technical Assistance Hotline for immediate consultation with an applications engineer: (800) 343-1391950.BR-6550-6555_0323 • Printed in the USA M u lt i-p u r p o s e C la m p -O n M e t e r s ca o tl in M E G O H MM E T E R SFo r a ll of y ou r I ns ul at io n Te st in g ne ed s...ch ni ca l H o tl in e: (800) 343-1391.a em c.co mP O W E R Q U A L I T Y Fo rA ll Y ou r Po w er Q ua li ty N ee ds ...Te 43-1391w w w ( Fo r a ll of yo ur G ro un d In te gr ity T es tin g ne ed s...G R O U N D R E S IS TA N C E T E S TE R S Te ch ni ca l H ot lin e: (800) 343-1391w w w .a em c.co mTEST & MEA SUREM ENT INSTR UMEN TSVOLUM E 23WWW.AEM TECHNICA L HOTLINE : (800) 343-1391Family of ProductsTo learn more, visit 。



阿姆瑞特AS-F500&F5500 V4系列━━AS-F500Ltd-EI阿姆瑞特(亚洲)网络有限公司Amaranten(ASIA) Network Co., Ltd.产品介绍AS-F500Ltd-EI阿姆瑞特AS-F500Ltd-EI安全网关专门服务于大中小型企业,该产品具有1U标准机架、功能强大、接入灵活、性能卓越和极佳的性价比的特点。

这款产品具有是6个10/100/1000M 接口,并且接口都是实行对称式设计,可以作多个内网,多个外网或者多个DMZ区域。




系统性能AS-F500Ltd-EI吞吐量(Mbps)400VPN吞吐量(Mbps)120并发连接数512,000接口6× 10/100/1000 Base-Tx技术参数接入模式路由yes 透明接入yes 静态路由yes 路由接入yes 基于策略的路由(PBR)yes 混合接入yes 虚拟路由yes 同一接口下的透明+NAT yes 浮动静态路由yes 源地址转换yes 组播yes NAT POOLS yes OSPF yes 目标地址转换yes OSPF over VPN yes 源地址和目标地址同时转换yes 802.1Q yes 服务器负载均衡(SLB)yes GRE yes 网络接口对称式设计yes IP地址分配防火墙特性静态yes全状态检测yes DHCP客户端、服务器和中继yes基于IP、接口、服务、时间的过滤yesDHCP客户端绑定MAC地址yes基于文件类型的过滤yes ARP代理yes IP地址和MAC地址绑定yes PPPoE yes 网络攻击防护yes 日志/监控DoS与DDoS攻击防护yes 阿姆瑞特日志格式yes 智能攻击源黑名单列表yes Syslog日志格式yes VPN特性实时日志显示yes算法AES、3DES、DES、Blowfish、CAST-128可连接日志服务器数量8认证SHA-1、MD5 日志分析器yesIKE模式Main、Aggressive 命令行方式的日志查询工具Windows、LinuxDH Group 1,2,5 NetIQ / WebTrends日志分析yesX.509证书,共享密钥yes Amaranten Insign图形化分析yesPKI认证请求PKCS#7,PKCS#11 实时性能监控器yes自签名证书yes 管理方式星形拓扑yes 本地串口管理RS232动态地址VPN接入yes 基于命令行的远程管理Windows、Linux VPN 链路备份yes 图形界面的远程管理全系列产品IPSec NAT穿越yes 多人管理yesVPN访问控制yes 管理员数量无限制VPN通道保活yes 可管理网络无限制L2TP客户端/服务器yes 远程管理失败恢复yesPPTP客户端/服务器yes 配置修改记录保存完整配置应用层网关集中式管理yes FTP yes 远程固件升级yes SMTP yes SNMP轮询yes POP3 yes SNMP Trap yes HTTP yes 实时监控警告yes 实时主动/被动FTP传输yes 用户认证H.323 yes 本地数据库yesSIP yes 基于用户名和口令的访问控制yesH.323/SIP地址转换yes 基于用户名和口令的设置带宽yesActiveX/JAVA过滤yes 外部Radius数据库yes JAVAScript/VBScript过滤yes Radius统计yes URL过滤yes CHAP,PAP yes 带宽管理基于WEB页面认证yes 上传和下载数据分别进行带宽管理yes XAuth VPN认证yes 带宽管理设置可以BPS或者PPSyes 微软活动目录yes 设置精度为1Kbps或者1ppsyes 深度检测基于接口、用户、VLAN、IP地址、服务、时间设定带宽管理yes IDS安全检测yes动态对网络中每一个用户进行带宽管理yes IPS安全防护yes基于IP/网络的并发控制yes P2P控制yes 基于IP/网络的每秒新建连接控制yes 应用层控制yes高可用性HTTP防病毒yes 防火墙和VPN状态同步yes SMTP防病毒yes 设备故障检测yes POP3防病毒yes链路、网关和接口检测yes 预定义的应用层攻击信息库yes接口备份yes 动态IPS/IDS/应用控制配置界面yes路由备份yes 反垃圾邮件功能yes 平均切换时间<800ms 动态网页过滤yes技术特点最灵活的接入模式阿姆瑞特安全网关设备提供世界上类似产品最灵活的接入模式,无论安全网关工作在任何模式下,都支持该产品的所有功能。

AZ AQUATAR家族产品系列介绍说明书

AZ AQUATAR家族产品系列介绍说明书

C8 Telomer
AZ Electronic Materials Confidential
AQUATAR-3S (1.42/1.44/1.49)
AQUATAR-6 (1.40/1.43/1.45)
Fluoro Polymer
AQUATAR-8A (1.41/1.45/1.52)
for KrF “N” resist
AZ, the AZ logo, BARLi, Aquatar, nLOF, Kwik Strip, Klebosol, and S5pinfil are
registered trademarks and AX, DX, HERB, HiR, MiR, NCD, PLP, Signiflow,
SWG, and TARP are trademarks of AZ Electronic Materials.
SWG, and TARP are trademarks of AZ Electronic Materials.
2.4 Resist swing reduction effect in 365nm application
Substrate TARC Develop
: Silicon with HMDS(90C/60s) : 64nm FT, NO PAB : AZ 300MIF(2.38%) , puddle 60s



上海华依科技发展有限公司XKC3318220071230华依防火墙 HY-F2000北京天融信科技有限公司XKC3323020080404网络卫士防火墙NGFWARES中网信息技术有限公司XKC3329620080210中网IP防火墙(黑客愁TM)神州数码(中国)有限公司XKC3329920080411神州数码防火墙 DCFW-1800S/E V4.1北京天融信科技有限公司XKC3331320080310网络卫士防火墙 NGFW4000武汉佳特科技发展有限公司XKC3347420071209佳特防火墙JUST738北京盛港世纪科技有限公司上海分公司XKC3347620071213代理北京盛泰时代科技有限公司生产的I-Security防火墙SP3040睿智高用(杭州)科技有限公司XKC3347720071223Resi1ience高可用防火墙Resi1ience Ndurant广州众达天网技术有限公司XKC3347820071227天网防火墙个人版Athena 2006 V3.0.0维尔软件(北京)有限公司XKC3347920071227Symantec Sygate Secure Enterprise 4.1联想网御科技(北京)有限公司XKC3348020080104网御防火墙Power V联想网御科技(北京)有限公司XKC3348120080104网御安全网关Smart V联想网御科技(北京)有限公司XKC3348220080104网御防火墙Super V华为技术有限公司XKC3348320080104防火墙Qudway SecPath 500F数据通信科学技术研究所XKC3348420080116路神防火墙SG-1000数据通信科学技术研究所XKC3348520080116路神防火墙SG-2000数据通信科学技术研究所XKC3348620080116路神防火墙SG-3000上海俊泳信息科技有限公司XKC3348720080116代理WatchGuard Technologies Inc.生产的WatchGuard Firebox SSLCore苏州首创科技发展有限公司XKC3348820080119代理中国惠普有限公司生产的灵动防火墙SMBWa11 4.0北京安博士信息安全技术有限公司XKC3348920080119代理韩国infnis公司生产的So1igate防火墙NG200安氏互联网安全系统(中国)有限公司XKC3349020080119领信防火墙LinkTrust Cyberwa11 V4无锡天骄科技有限公司XKC3349120080228卓冠防火墙NAXGate 3.0深圳市恒扬科技有限公司XKC3349220080228硬件防火墙恒御-2000(V2.0)北京赛门铁克信息技术有限公司XKC3349320080321Symantec Gateway Security 5620/5640/5660上海华堂网络有限公司上海市外高桥保税区网络发展有限公司XKC3349420080331华堂千兆网络安全防御系统-防火墙V4.3北京天融信科技有限公司XKC3349520080404网络卫士防火墙NGFWARES-H北京理工先河科技发展有限公司XKC3349620080414ThinkSEC 防火墙 V2.0北京赛门铁克信息技术有限公司XKC3349720080414Symantec Sygate Enterprise Protection SEP V5.1广州市连线科技有限公司XKC3349820080411连线策略系统V3.63安信智业国际网络安全(北京)有限公司XKC3349920080407代理Internet Security Systems生产的ISS Proventia 安全套件Desktop End-Point Security7.0安信智业国际网络安全(北京)有限公司XKC3350020080407代理Internet Security Systems生产的ISS Proventia 安全套件Network Multi-Function Security Series 50天津华勤通信设备有限公司XKC3350120080425代理台湾合勤科技股份有限公司生产的ZyWALL防火墙ZyWALL2天津华勤通信设备有限公司XKC3350220080425代理台湾合勤科技股份有限公司生产的ZyWALL防火墙ZyWALL5天津华勤通信设备有限公司XKC3350320080425代理台湾合勤科技股份有限公司生产的ZyWALL防火墙ZyWALL35天津华勤通信设备有限公司XKC3350420080425代理台湾合勤科技股份有限公司生产的ZyWALL防火墙ZyWALL70安网(上海)软件有限公司XKC3350520080427代理McAfee Inc生产的McAfee Personal Firewall Plus 7.0北京曙光天演信息技术有限公司XKC3350620080530曙光天罗防火墙(千兆)TLFW1000北京曙光天演信息技术有限公司XKC3350720080530曙光天罗防火墙TLFW100北京海信数码科技有限公司XKC3350820080607海信防火墙FW3010PF北京兴硅谷电子科技有限责任公司XKC3350920080607兴硅谷防火墙SV-E400北京三星通信技术研究有限公司XKC3351020080613代理韩国三星电子株式会社生产的安全网关Ubigate iBG3026北京金山软件有限公司XKC3351120080607金山防火墙KF神州数码(中国)有限公司XKC3351220080613代理美国Juniper网络公司生产的Juniper-SSG防火墙Juniper-SSG20神州数码(中国)有限公司XKC3351320080613代理美国Juniper网络公司生产的Juniper-SSG防火墙Juniper-SSG5神州数码(中国)有限公司XKC3351420080613代理美国Juniper网络公司生产的Juniper-SSG防火墙Juniper-SSG520神州数码(中国)有限公司XKC3351520080613代理美国Juniper网络公司生产的Juniper-SSG防火墙Juniper-SSG550重庆禾兴江源科技发展有限公司XKC3351620080623禾兴江源结构型网络安全系统-网关防火墙3S V1.0重庆禾兴江源科技发展有限公司XKC3351720080623禾兴江源结构型网络安全系统-服务器防火墙3S V1.0驰崴科技(科技)有限公司深圳分公司XKC3351820080630AG网络安全策略控制网关AG5000华为技术有限公司XKC3351920080630防火墙Quidway Eudemon 200网泰金安信息技术有限公司XKC3352020080704统御安全网关统御M-7.0网泰金安信息技术有限公司XKC3352120080704统御安全网关统御X-7.0北京天融信科技有限公司XKC3352420080707网络卫士安全网关系统TopGate上海俊泳信息科技有限公司XKC3352520080721代理WatchGuard Technologies Inc.生产的WatchGuard Firebox X550e 上海俊泳信息科技有限公司XKC3352620080721代理WatchGuard Technologies Inc.生产的WatchGuard Firebox X750e 上海俊泳信息科技有限公司XKC3352720080721代理WatchGuard Technologies Inc.生产的WatchGuard Firebox X1250e 上海俊泳信息科技有限公司XKC3352820080721代理WatchGuard Technologies Inc.生产的WatchGuard Firebox X5500e 上海俊泳信息科技有限公司XKC3352920080721代理WatchGuard Technologies Inc.生产的WatchGuard Firebox X6500e 上海俊泳信息科技有限公司XKC3353020080721代理WatchGuard Technologies Inc.生产的WatchGuard Firebox X8500e上海俊泳信息科技有限公司XKC3353120080721代理WatchGuard Technologies Inc.生产的WatchGuard Firebox X8500e-f广东天海威数码技术有限公司XKC3353220080721蓝盾防火墙V2.0政务5000友讯电子设备(上海)有限公司XKC3353320080804代理D-Link生产的防火墙DFL-210友讯电子设备(上海)有限公司XKC3353420080804代理D-Link生产的防火墙DFL-800友讯电子设备(上海)有限公司XKC3353520080804代理D-Link生产的防火墙DFL-1600友讯电子设备(上海)有限公司XKC3353620080804代理D-Link生产的防火墙DFL-2500四川省电子技术研究所XKC3353720080811基于LINUX/BSD系统的防火墙Firebox-TC-520广州知维度科技有限公司XKC3353820080825LanGate“亮铠”防火墙2040思科系统(中国)网络技术有限公司XKC3353920080825防火墙CISCO PIX535思科系统(中国)网络技术有限公司XKC3354020080825防火墙CISCO PIX525思科系统(中国)网络技术有限公司XKC3354120080825防火墙CISCO PIX515E思科系统(中国)网络技术有限公司XKC3354220080825防火墙CISCO PIX506E思科系统(中国)网络技术有限公司XKC3354320080825防火墙CISCO PIX501亿阳安全技术有限公司XKC3354420080825亿阳网警防火墙BOCO.SFW-3000沈阳东软软件股份有限公司XKC3354520080825NetEye防火墙V3.2睿智高用(杭州)科技有限公司XKC3354620080825睿智高用SecuRES防火墙Version 1.0北京首信科技有限公司XKC3354720080901首信防火墙CF2000百兆型北京首信科技有限公司XKC3354820080901首信防火墙CF2000千兆型北京首信科技有限公司XKC3354720080901首信防火墙CF2000百兆型北京首信科技有限公司XKC3354820080901首信防火墙CF2000千兆型浪潮集团有限公司XKC3354920080908浪潮网泰防火墙NS-110 V2.0北京清网数安科技有限公司XKC3355020080908清网防火墙TsingGate V5成都卫士通信息产业股份有限公司XKC3355120080908中华卫士百兆防火墙WFW-FW-B深圳市腾铭科技有限公司XKC3355220080915Tamin安全网关VS6.0北京华凯兴网络科技有限公司XKC3355320080929xScreen防火墙 xScreen 5.0北京瑞星科技股份有限公司XKC33554200809292007瑞星个人防火墙2007版北京天融信网络安全技术有限公司XKC3355520080922TOPSEC网络卫士防火墙TopGuard北京赛门铁克信息技术有限公司XKC3355620080922Symantec Gateway Security 5440/5441/5460/5461思科系统(中国)网络技术有限公司XKC3355720081027防火墙CISCO ASA 5550北京赛门铁克信息技术有限公司XKC3355820081027Symantec Gateway Security1620/1660飞塔信息科技(北京)有限公司XKC3355920081027代理Fortinet Inc生产的安全产品(硬件)防火墙FortiGate 60飞塔信息科技(北京)有限公司XKC3356020081027代理Fortinet Inc生产的安全产品(硬件)防火墙FortiGate 800飞塔信息科技(北京)有限公司XKC3356120081027代理Fortinet Inc生产的安全产品(硬件)防火墙FortiGate 3000飞塔信息科技(北京)有限公司XKC3356220081027代理Fortinet Inc生产的安全产品(硬件)防火墙FortiGate 5000飞塔信息科技(北京)有限公司XKC3356320081027代理Fortinet Inc生产的安全产品(硬件)防火墙FortiGate 50A 飞塔信息科技(北京)有限公司XKC3356420081027代理Fortinet Inc生产的安全产品(硬件)防火墙FortiGate 100A 飞塔信息科技(北京)有限公司XKC3356520081027代理Fortinet Inc生产的安全产品(硬件)防火墙FortiGate 200A 飞塔信息科技(北京)有限公司XKC3356620081027代理Fortinet Inc生产的安全产品(硬件)防火墙FortiGate 300A 飞塔信息科技(北京)有限公司XKC3356720081027代理Fortinet Inc生产的安全产品(硬件)防火墙FortiGate400A 飞塔信息科技(北京)有限公司XKC3356820081027代理Fortinet Inc生产的安全产品(硬件)防火墙FortiGate 500A 飞塔信息科技(北京)有限公司XKC3356920081027代理Fortinet Inc生产的安全产品(硬件)防火墙FortiGate 1000A 北京中科网威信息技术有限公司XKC3357020081110网威防火墙NPFW-100/200华为技术有限公司XKC3357120081110防火墙Quidway® Eudemon 1000华为技术有限公司XKC3357220081110防火墙Quidway® Eudemon 300华为技术有限公司XKC3357320081110防火墙Quidway® Eudemon 500珠海市鸿瑞软件技术有限公司XKC3357420081110电网卫士防火墙HR FW3000北京太极信息安全技术有限公司XKC3357520081117太极防火墙TJ-OS VER 2.0北京中电易蓝科技有限公司XKC3357620081117代理AEP Networks,Inc.生产的AEP安全网关SGA/NSP北京安氏领信科技发展有限公司XKC3357720081117安氏领信防火墙V4杭州华为三康技术有限公司XKC3357820081124防火墙H3C SecPath F100杭州华为三康技术有限公司XKC3357920081124防火墙H3C SecPath F1800杭州华为三康技术有限公司XKC3358020081124防火墙H3C SecPath F1000上海俊泳信息科技有限公司XKC3358120081124代理WatchGuard Technologies Inc.生产的WatchGuard Firebox X Edge X10eW上海俊泳信息科技有限公司XKC3358220081124代理WatchGuard Technologies Inc.生产的WatchGuard Firebox X Edge X20eW上海俊泳信息科技有限公司XKC3358320081124代理WatchGuard Technologies Inc.生产的WatchGuard Firebox X Edge X55eW上海俊泳信息科技有限公司XKC3358420081124代理WatchGuard Technologies Inc.生产的WatchGuard Firebox X Edge X10e上海俊泳信息科技有限公司XKC3358520081124代理WatchGuard Technologies Inc.生产的WatchGuard Firebox X Edge X20e上海俊泳信息科技有限公司XKC3358620081124代理WatchGuard Technologies Inc.生产的WatchGuard Firebox X Edge X55e广东天讯电信科技有限公司XKC3358720081124天网防火墙VER 3.0上海天邃信息技术有限公司XKC3358820081201天邃防火墙TST-SHIELD-X3微软(中国)有限公司XKC3358920081201Microsft® Internet Security and Acce1eration (ISA)Server 2006企业版北京赛门铁克信息技术有限公司XKC3359020081208Symantec Gateway Security 360R/360/320上海博达数据通信有限公司XKC3359120081208博御防火墙SecutorFirewa11 V3.0北京在信汇通科技有限公司XKC3359220081222代理Check Point Software Techno1ogies Ltd生产的Check Point 防火墙NGXR60阿姆瑞特(亚洲)网络有限公司XKC3359320090105阿姆瑞特F系统防火墙F/50/F100/F300阿姆瑞特(亚洲)网络有限公司XKC3359420090105阿姆瑞特F系统防火墙F/600/F1800/F3000/F5000众勤通信设备贸易(上海)有限公司XKC3359520090119代理合勤科技股份有限公司生产的ZyWALL防火墙ZyWALL 1050深圳市科汇网络技术发展有限公司XKC3359620090119代理Network Box Corporation Ltd.生产的Network Box SME 深圳市原动力电讯有限公司XKC3359720090119网者防火墙V2.10 WIZ-V2北京信通华安技术有限公司XKC3359820090119安全网关HUAAN SecChanne1 1000北京城院正达科技开发有限公司XKC3359920090119安全卫士SFG 680北京瑞星科技股份有限公司XKC3360020090126瑞星企业级防火墙RFW-100+北京瑞星科技股份有限公司XKC3360120090126瑞星企业级防火墙RFW-SME江西神舟网安技术有限公司XKC3360220090202代理江西宜春供电公司生产的网鑫防火墙WX_FW400C上海哲信科技贸易有限公司XKC3360320090202代理G1oba1 Techno1ogy Associates Inc.生产的GTA硬件防火墙GB-2000北京中科安胜信息技术有限公司XKC3360420090202安胜高保障防火墙V1.0深圳市宝讯达电子有限公司XKC3360520090202Check Point防火墙Safe@Office 500高尔思特(北京)技术有限公司XKC3360620090216Goa1sys防火墙 V2.1江苏同达科技有限责任公司XKC3361120090323同达防火墙TDFW-500武汉思为同飞网络技术有限公司XKC3361220090323思为同飞防火墙网关SW-IG-H1000思科系统(中国)网络技术有限公司XKC3361320090323防火墙CISCO ASA 5505北京三星通信技术研究有限公司XKC3361420090323代理韩国三星电子株式会社生产的安全网关Ubigate iBG2016网御神州科技(北京)有限公司XKC3361520090323SECGATE 3600防火墙 千兆网御神州科技(北京)有限公司XKC3361620090323SECGATE 3600防火墙 百兆赛门铁克软件(北京)有限公司XKC3361720090330Norton Internet Security 2007中怡数宽科技(苏州)有限公司XKC3361820090511中怡数宽防火墙SAFEcon防火墙中怡数宽科技(苏州)有限公司XKC3361920090511中怡数宽防火墙PROcon防火墙思科系统(中国)网络技术有限公司XKC3362020090518防火墙Cisco ASA 5510/ASA 5520/ASA 5540北京瑞星科技股份有限公司XKC3362120090518瑞星防毒墙RSW-2.0华为技术有限公司XKC3362220090525防火墙USG3030长沙博华科技有限公司XKC3324120090525博华网龙防火墙系统 YG-FWS-S广州市加安信息技术有限公司XKC3362420090601代理Stonesoft Corporation生产的Stonesoft StoneGate Firewall SG-FW-CN中科正阳信息安全技术有限公司XKC3362520090608代理中国科学院研究生院信息安全国家重点实验室生产的NERCIS安全网关NERCIS-SG-AD-100中科正阳信息安全技术有限公司XKC3362620090608代理中国科学院研究生院信息安全国家重点实验室生产的NERCIS安全网关NERCIS-SG-AD-1000中国电信集团系统集成有限责任公司XKC3362720090615e网安SOA1000防火墙 SOA1000珠海市红盟信息技术有限公司XKC3362820090622锦衣卫士多功能网络安全防火墙LG-9600华为技术有限公司XKC3362920090615防火墙Quidway® Eudemon 8040华为技术有限公司XKC3363020090615防火墙Quidway® Eudemon 8080华为技术有限公司XKC3363120090622防火墙Quidway® Eudemon 100冠群电脑(中国)有限公司XKC3363220090622CA安全管理套件CA HIPS r8华为技术有限公司XKC3363320090629综合安全网关Secoway® USG50华为技术有限公司XKC3363420090629防火墙USG3040北京海信数码科技有限公司XKC3324520090622海信FW3010千兆防火墙 5000成都卫士通信息产业股份有限公司XKC3363520090727中华卫士千兆防火墙WFW-FW-B北京东方京海电子科技有限公司XKC3321220090727东方防火墙DF-FW上海华依科技发展有限公司XKC3311020070722华依千兆防火墙HY-F2000K洛阳普天信息技术有限公司XKC3363620090810普天网安防火墙PT-WA1000/PT-WA3000思科系统(中国)网络技术有限公司XKC3363720090810防火墙服务模块FWSM 版本3.1太极计算机股份有限公司XKC3363820090810代理太极信息安全技术有限公司生产的太极统一威胁管理系统TJ-UTM杭州荣腾软件技术有限公司XKC3363920090810网核防火墙NetCheck V4.0北京江民新科技术有限公司XKC3364020090810江民黑客防火墙11.0.7北京北信源自动化技术有限公司XKC3364120090817北信源网络接入管理系统接入网关VRV-1000福建省海峡信息技术有限公司XKC3364220090817黑盾防火墙V3.5北京冠群金辰软件有限公司XKC3364320090824KILL防火墙KFW V1.5神州数码(中国)有限公司XKC3364420090824代理美国杰科网络有限公司生产的Juniper防火墙SSG140神州数码(中国)有限公司XKC3364520090824代理美国杰科网络有限公司生产的Juniper防火墙NS 5200/NS 5400山石网科通信技术(北京)有限公司XKC3364620090824防火墙Hillstone SA-2000山石网科通信技术(北京)有限公司XKC3364720090824防火墙Hillstone SA-5000深圳市永达电子有限公司XKC3364820091026永达可管控防火墙V3.0北京瑞星科技股份有限公司XKC3364920090831瑞星个人防火墙2008版 04.20北京同方信息安全技术股份有限公司XKC3365120091019防火墙NetST V3.0北京凹凸微系电子开发有限公司XKC336522009102602Micro防火墙系统 SifoWorks赛门铁克软件(北京)有限公司XKC3365320091026Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.X沈阳东软软件股份有限公司XKC3346120091019NetEye防火墙V3.2(千兆)联想网御科技(北京)有限公司XKC3348020091019联想网御防火墙 V3.0(百兆)联想网御科技(北京)有限公司XKC3348220091019联想网御防火墙 V3.0(千兆)信客网络咨询(上海)有限公司XKC3365420091116代理Secure Computing Corporation生产的SanpGear3.1信客网络咨询(上海)有限公司XKC3365520091116代理Secure Computing Corporation生产的SmartFilter 4.2深圳市普天宜通科技有限公司XKC3365620091123UTM多功能网关 PT-LT1000北京三星通信技术研究有限公司XKC3365720091130代理韩国三星电子株式会社生产的安全网关Ubigate iBG2006福建星网锐捷网络有限公司XKC3365820091130锐捷网络防火墙系统RG-WALL2000 V3.0北京中软华泰信息技术有限责任公司XKC3322620091102防火墙 HuaTech-2000 千兆型北京中软华泰信息技术有限责任公司XKC3337920091102防火墙HuaTech-2000 百兆型上海方正信息安全技术有限公司XKC3346720091116方正防火墙V3.0上海华堂网络有限公司XKC3346420091123华堂网络安全防御系统-防火墙 V4.0四川川大能士信息安全有限公司XKC3310620091130能士防火墙NESEC1102006年3月到期续办。

Measuring Amplifier Type 2525 产品说明书

Measuring Amplifier Type 2525 产品说明书

Product DataThe Measuring Amplifier Type 2525is a low-noise amplifier featuring both Charge and DeltaTron ® inputs, an ex-tended menu-based user-interface for local control and the option of remote,automated control from one of its two interfaces.The measuring amplifier is well-suit-ed to both product and prototype testing and includes automatic gain adjustment,level monitoring with alarm output and signal overload indication. In addition,the amplifier includes a mounted reso-nance measuring function for ensuring the best mounting of accelerometers.An integrator can convert accelera-tion signals to velocity and displace-ment and the gain adjustment features ensure rapid and accurate set-up and ease of interpretation.Up to eight amplifier set-ups can be stored and recalled, providing, with the interfaces, a platform for fully au-tomatic operation.In addition to the built-in filters, a 15-pin auxiliary connector is provided for external filter attachment. Addi-tional internal filters can be added upon request.Measuring Amplifier — Type 2525USES:r Manual and automated measurements of vibration levels r General R &D vibration measurements r T est cell monitoring r Production quality controlFEA TURES:r IEEE–488 and serial interfaces r Charge and DeltaT ron ® inputsr Signal integration for displacement and velocity r Selectable low- and high-pass filters r Possibility for user-defined filters r Connector for external filtersr RMS, +peak, –peak, peak-to-peak meter function with read-out in metric or imperial units r Autorange function on gainr Mounted resonance read-out for transducersr Level monitoring with alarm output r Detector DC outputr Wide dynamic range: 100dBGeneralThe Measuring Amplifier Type 2525is a 1-channel low-noise general-pur-pose measurement amplifier with both charge and DeltaTron ™ inputs.The amplifier has a built-in screen for viewing measurement data as well as for selecting set-up and meas-urement parameters (see Fig.1).Measurement data can be viewed in three different formats: full-screen featuring measurement values and a bar graph, large format digits alone,and a digits and select options allow-ing viewing of measurement resultssimultaneously with set-up and pa-rameter adjustment.The two interface connections on the amplifier’s rear panel (see Fig.2)are for connection via IEEE –488 or serial interface.Main FeaturesThe Measuring Amplifier Type 2525 includes a number of features which allow sophisticated and automatic measurement configuration as well as display set-up options which can be selected to best reflect the current application.Measurement Set-upThe measurement set-up consists of twelve menus which carry out (or lead to sub-menus which carry out) the following functions:r Measurement mode selection: ac-celeration, velocity displacement or forcer Transducer sensitivityr Input type: DeltaTron® or Charge (floating or grounded)r Input, output and fine gain select r Upper frequency limitr Lower frequency limitr Additional filter: internal or exter-nalr RMS averaging: exponential or lin-ear plus selectable averaging time r Peak hold timer Autorange (automatic gain adjust-ment)r Alarm On/Off, detector (RMS or peak), level, hold time and level exceed timer Detector DC outputDisplay Set-upMeasurement results can be dis-played in terms of RMS, positive or negative peak values, or peak-to-peak.Read-out value scales are selecta-ble as either absolute (with physical units shown) or dB. Bar graphs are shown with absolute values on a log-arithmic axis. Units can be specified as metric or imperial. Measurement values can be read-out in scientific notation (floating) or as fixed-point values (attenuator de-pendent).The Set-up Mode menu allows you to specify a full screen display which includes a bar graph of the current measurement as well as the instanta-neous measurement value, or the val-ues only. It is possible to make changes to the set-up while viewing their effect on the measurement values.General Set-up FeaturesIn addition to the measurement and display set-up features, a number of general options can be selected:r Select impulse frequency andread-out mounted resonance fre-quencyr Sine reference for sensitivity checkr Recall or store user-defined set-up,or recall factory set-upr Interface set-up: IEEE–488 ad-dress, serial baud rate, handshake,hardwired, modemr Back-lighting On/OffInterface ControlUnder the control of an external com-puting device via one of its two inter-faces, the amplifier’s extensivemeasurement and display featurescan be automated, allowing full inte-gration in a production line and au-tomated test environment.All features provided by the menusunder manual control (except thespecification of the interfaces them-selves) are also available via interface.In addition, interface control pro-vides some extra features with re-spect to resetting entire set-ups orindividual components, error hand-ling, and measurement and operationmonitoring and control.Fig.1 Measuring Amplifier Type 2525 front panel. The axes are not labelled as the displayis intended as a visual monitor onlyFig.2 Measuring Amplifier Type 2525 rear panel2Product and Prototype TestingAside from its sophisticated function-ality and possibilities for automated control, the Measuring Amplifier Type 2525 offers two main features which make it a must in the meas-urement chain of any automatedproduct test procedure:r Autorange (autogain)r Alarm monitoring functionThe autorange function makes set-ting up the amplifier easy in caseswhere you have little information re-garding the vibration levels themeasurement source can achieve.The alarm monitoring functionmakes it possible to select a monitor-ing level using RMS, positive or neg-ative peak values or peak-to-peak. Byspecifying a level exceed time, an ac-ceptable margin (e.g. noise margin)can be defined. The alarm hold timeensures that levels are held longenough to be discovered.CHARGE INPUT:Floating or grounded via TNC socket on front Max. Input 0 to 100kHz: 50nC peakMax. Common Mode Voltage on Floating Input: 5V peak at charge input level max. 10nC peak Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR): With input gain +20 to +60dB:100Hz CMRR >60dB10kHz CMRR >45dBWith input gain –20 to +10dB:100Hz CMRR >50dB10kHz CMRR >40dBTotal Sensitivity:0.1pC to 10nC in steps of 10dB for 1V on AC output0.03pC to 10nC in steps of 0.01dB step for 1V on AC output, with reduced frequency rangeGain:Input Gain (before filtering and integration): Selectable from –20dB to +60dB in steps of 10dBVariable Gain (before filtering and integration): Selectable from 0dB to 11dB in steps of 0.01dB Output Gain (after filtering and integration): Selectable 0dB, 10dB and 20dBInherent Noise 2Hz to 22kHzSingle-ended: <5fC (<7fC @ 90% RH) Floating: <10fCon AC output, referred to input with maximum sensitivity, Lower Frequency Limit = 1Hz, and 1nF transducer capacitanceGain Accuracy (from input to AC output at 1kHz):Acceleration and force: Better than 2% Velocity: Better than 2.5%Displacement: Better than 3.0% @ 100Hz DeltaTron® INPUT:Via BNC socket on frontSensitivity:100µV to 10V in steps of 10dB for 1V on AC output30µV to 10V in steps of 0.01dB for 1V on AC output, with reduced frequency range Gain:Input Gain (before filtering and integration): Selectable from –20dB to +60dB in steps of 10dBVariable Gain (before filtering and integration): Selectable from 0dB to 11dB in steps of 0.01dBOutput Gain (after filtering and integration): Selectable 0dB, 10dB, 20dBGain Accuracy:Acceleration and force: Better than 2% Velocity: Better than 2.5%Displacement: Better than 3.0%Inherent Noise 2Hz to 22kHz:<20µV referred to input with maximum sensi-tivity and transducer output impedance <1kΩInput Impedance: >100kΩPower Supply for DeltaTron® Accelerometer: Constant Current: 4mA.Max Voltage on DeltaTron® input: 27V Out-of-range detection on DeltaTron® supply voltage (<3V or >21V)PREAMP OUTPUT:BNC socket on rearAcceleration signal after 1st order high-pass fil-ter, input gain and variable gain Max. Output: 5V peak (5mA peak)Output Impedance: 50ΩDC Offset: –50 <offset <+50mVAC OUTPUT:Via BNC socket on rearFully conditioned signalMax. Output: 5V peak (5mA peak)Output Impedance: 50ΩDC Offset: –10 <offset <+10mVFREQUENCY RANGE:Acceleration & Force:0.2Hz (better than –10% limit) to 100kHz (betterthan –20% limit)With variable gain selected: 0.2Hz to 40kHz(better than –10% limit)Velocity:1Hz to 10kHz (better than ±10% limits)Displacement:1Hz to 1kHz (better than ±10% limits)LOW–PASS FILTERS:2-pole Butterworth (maximally flat)Selectable –3dB limits of 1, 3, 10, 30kHz and OFFFilter Slope: 40dB/decadeAccuracy on –3dB Limit Freq.: ±5%, re 1kHzwithout filterHIGH-PASS FILTERS:3-pole Butterworth (maximally flat)Selectable –3dB limits of 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10, 30Hzand OFFFilter Slope: 60dB/decadeAccuracy on –3dB Limit Freq.: ±10% (3, 10,30Hz), +10/−15% (0.1, 0.3, 1Hz), re 1kHz with-out filterADDITIONAL FILTERS:External filter connection via 15-pole D-sub-con-nector on rear.Optional custom internal filtering available on re-quest.External filter serially connected to standard fil-tersDISTORTION:<0.12% to 10kHz, <1% to 100kHzTEST OSCILLATOR:159.2Hz (=1000 rad/s), 100pC sinusoidal, ±1%SIGNAL RMS DECTECTOR:3 digits read out on LCDAccuracy for crest factor <3:Averaging Time:Exponential: 125ms, 1s, 10sLinear: 1s or 60s based on 125ms exp. val-uesSIGNAL PEAK DETECTOR:3 digits read out on LCD+Peak, –Peak:Settling time for a level shift from 0 to 3V onAC output:56µs (to –10% of value)72µs (to –5% of value)94µs (to –2% of value)Read-out (at AC output) value for a 3V peakof a period of one half sine with a (full period)frequency as listed:Max Peak Hold Time:0.5s to 60s in steps of 0.5s or infiniteMax peak reset functionDynamic range:+30mV to 3V on AC output (40dB)Peak-to-Peak:The numerical sum of +peak and –peak withextra hold time as described aboveOVERLOADS:Signal Overload:Peak overloading internal circuitsUpper 20dB:Indicates that at least one internal circuit is op-erating less than 20dB from overloadCM Overload:Common mode peak voltage >5V at floatingcharge inputDeltaTron® Overload:DeltaTron® supply voltage <3.0V or >21.0VGAIN AUTORANGE:None (manual gain setting)On output gain onlyOn input and output gainOVERLOAD RECOVERY TIME: <200µsTime for output to recover to within 250mV ofthe original value after termination of a half sinepulse of 50µs duration at the baseline. Pulseamplitude is 4 times the full scale input, peakACCELEROMETER MOUNTED RESONANCEMEASURING (EP patent 715.722, US patent5,753,793):Done via pulse method measuring. Excitingpulse ±15V, 3kHz to 60kHzCan be used with a number of Brüel&KjærCharge AccelerometersEXTERNAL FILTER:Connected between the internal filters and theoutput gainALARM FUNCTION:Level monitoring with alarm outputAlarm Output:In the 15-pole D-Sub socket on rear of amplifier Freq. RangeDynamic rangereferred to 1Von AC outputAccuracyreferredto input**1Hz to 10kHz+10dB to –30dB*±5%1Hz to 30kHz+10dB to –30dB*±10%1Hz to 100kHz+10dB to –20dB+10%–25%1Hz to 100kHz+10dB to –10dB+5%–20%For 60s linear averaging:*the dynamic range is +10 to −20dB**10% must be subtracted from the negativeaccuracy value (e.g. +5%, −15%, etc.)Sine FrequencyRead-out(% of FS peak value)1.0kHz–2%2.5kHz–8%5.0kHz–20%10.0kHz–40%Specifications 25253BP 1483–1499/06HEADQUARTERS: DK-2850Nærum·Denmark·Telephone:+4545800500·Fax:+4545801405·http://www.bk.dk·e-mail:**********Australia (02)9450-2066 · Austria 0043-1-8657400 · Brazil (011)5182-8166 · Canada (514)695-8225 · China (86)1068029906Czech Republic 02-67021100 · Finland (0)9-755 950 · France (01)69906900 · Germany 06103/908-5 6 · Hong Kong 25487486 · Hungary (1)2158305Ireland (01)4504922 · Italy (02)57604141 · Japan 03-3779-8671 · Republic of Korea (02)3473-0605 · Netherlands (0)30 6039994 · Norway 66771155Poland (22)8409392 · Portugal (1)4711453 · Singapore (65) 377-4512 · Slovak Republic 421754430701 · Spain (91)3681000 · Sweden (08)4498600 Switzerland 01/9436070 · Taiwan (02)7139303 · United Kingdom (0181)954-2366 · USA 180******** Local representatives and service organisations worldwideBrüel&Kjær reserves the right to change specifications and accessories without noticeOrdering InformationType 2525Measuring Amplifier Includes the following accessories:JP 0162:TNC to Microdot Adaptor AN 0010:Mains Cable VF 0032:T 630mA Fuse VF 0042:T 315mA Fuse LK 0014:Ferrite Cable Clamp VP 7758:Type 2525 Communication DemoProgramOptional AccessoriesAO 1382: 1.2m Microdot Accelerometer Cable, double screened for extra EMC protectionJP 1501:15-pole Sub-D Connector DH 0647:Housing for JP 1501JP 0145:BNC to Microdot Adaptor JP 0226:TNC to BNC AdaptorAO 0265:IEEE Interface Cables KK 0047:Frame for 19″ rackWH 3103:ISO 5349 Hand-arm filterWH 3267:900Hz to 1100Hz band pass filter WH 3112:A-weighting filterWH 3172:Whole body vibration z-filterRelay: SPDT, Max. 48V, 0.5A Alarm On/Off:Selectable via LCD and Interface bus Level:Selectable over the entire dynamic range. Mon-itoring will de-select while the autorange is changing gain (missing time periods after gain shifts)Level Exceed Time:Adjustable from 0 to 60s in steps of 1s Alarm Hold Time:Adjustable from 1 to 60s or infinite Alarm Reset Function Detector Type:Selectable RMS, +Peak, –Peak, Peak-to-Peak.Averaging/Hold time is transferred from detector set-up. Detectors are sampled at 125ms inter-vals (same interval as LCD meter digit updating)DETECTOR DC OUTPUT:In 15-pole D-Sub socket on rear V/unit: equal to V/unit for AC output Max Output: 3.5V (5mA peak)Output Impedance: 50ΩDC Offset: <±5mV Detector Type:Selectable RMS, +Peak, –Peak, Peak-to-Peak.Averaging/Hold time is transferred from detector set-upSampling Frequency:Output is updated at 125ms intervals (same in-terval as LCD meter digit updating). No curve fitting on outputIEEE –488 INTERFACE:The functions implemented conform to IEEE –488.1 and IEC 625–1 standards. Any function shown on display can be transmitted to and from the apparatus Functions Implemented:Source Handshake SH1Acceptor Handshake AH1Talker T6Listener L4Device Clear DC1Remote Local RL1SERIAL INTERFACE:Conforms to EIA/TIA–574 (“RS–232”)Baud Rate: 2400, 4800, 9600Parity: None Data Bits: 8Stop Bits: 1Handshake:X-On/X-Off, hardwired RTS/CTS, Modem DCDPower SupplyMains: 90V–127V or 200V–240V; 24VADimensions and WeightHeight : 132.5mm (5.22″)Width : 139.5mm (5.49″)Depth : 320mm (12.6″)Weight: 3.6kg (5.8lb.)Note: All values are typical unless measurement uncertainty or tolerance field is specified.Specifications 2525 (cont.)COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS:CE-mark indicates compliance with: EMC Directive and Low Voltage Directive.SafetyEN 61010–1 and IEC 1010–1: Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use.EMC EmissionEN 50081–1: Generic emission standard. Part 1: Residential, commercial and light industry.EN 50081–2: Generic emission standard. Part 2: Industrial environment.CISPR 22: Radio disturbance characteristics of information technology equipment. Class B Limits.FCC Rules, Part 15: Complies with the limits for a Class B digital device.EMC ImmunityEN 50082–1: Generic immunity standard. Part 1: Residential, commercial and light industry.EN 50082–2: Generic immunity standard. Part 2: Industrial environment. Note 1: The above is guaranteed using accessories listed in this Product Data sheet only.Note 2: See “EMC”TemperatureIEC 68–2–1 & IEC 68–2–2: Environmental Testing. Cold and Dry Heat.Operating Temperature: 5 to 40°C (41 to 104°F)Storage Temperature: –25 to +70°C (–13 to +158°F)Humidity IEC 68–2–3: Damp Heat: 90% RH (non-condensing at 40°C (104°F))MechanicalNon-operating:IEC 68–2–6: Vibration: 0.3mm, 20m/s 2, 10–500Hz IEC 68–2–27: Shock: 1000m/s 2IEC 68–2–29: Bump: 1000 bumps at 250m/s 2EnclosureIEC 529: Protection provided by enclosures: IP 20EMCSUSCEPTIBILITY TO DISTURBANCES SPECIFIED IN EN 50082–2:Measured using Accelerometer Cable AO 1382.Charge floating measurements according to User Manual with Ferrite Cable Clamp LK 0014mounted on accelerometer cable.At magnetic field 80A/m charge input noise can increase to 25fCRADIATED RF: (3 to 10V/m, 80% AM, 1kHz)CONDUCTED RF: (3 to 10V, 80% AM, 1kHz)1Measured with max. gain and 50Ω AC termination 2Measured with max. gain and 1nF terminationInput Radiated Conducted DeltaTron ®1<0.6mV<20µV Charge, single ended 2<0.3pC <0.02pC Charge, floating2<0.3pC<6pC。

阿姆瑞特 QoS 用户手册说明书

阿姆瑞特 QoS 用户手册说明书

阿姆瑞特流量分析整形产品用户手册北京阿姆瑞特软件有限公司2018年11月版目录第一部分:前言 (4)声明 (4)产品应用差异说明 (4)意见反馈 (4)第二部分:网络规划 (5)产品亮点与应用 (5)产品规格 (6)第三部分:网络部署 (7)网桥接入 (7)基本配置 (7)流量控制配置 (10)连接数控制配置 (16)http管控配置 (18)网关接入 (20)基本配置 (21)接口设置 (23)策略路由设置 (25)负载均衡设置 (27)端口映射设置 (29)DNS管控配置 (30)DHCP配置 (33)PPPOE认证配置 (34)Web认证配置 (45)应用分流配置 (48)PPPOE代拨网关 (51)研发背景及应用场景 (51)正确理解PPPOE代拨 (51)PPPOE代拨的基本配置: (52)代拨路由策略 (52)代拨DNS重定向策略 (53)游戏快线 (53)基本配置 (54)旁路接入 (54)基本配置 (54)第四部分:应用商店 (56)DDNS服务 (57)共享检测 (58)第五部分:设备维护 (59)维护基本原则 (59)如何获取技术支持 (60)接口维护 (61)安全维护 (63)配置备份 (65)第一部分:前言声明版权:本文的内容是阿姆瑞特流量分析整形产品用户手册。





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AEMC 品牌的测试和检测设备产品介绍说明书

AEMC 品牌的测试和检测设备产品介绍说明书

Our products are backed by over 130 years of experience in test and measurementequipment, and encompass the latest international standards for quality and safety.An array ofMegohmmetersto choose fromAEMC® offers a full line ofm egohmmeters with testv oltages from 10V to 15kV,(model dependent), capableof measuring i nsulationresistances from 1000Ωto 29TΩ . These rugged,weather r esistant meters area ccurate, r eliable and built toperform. Battery, AC poweredand hand-cranked modelsa re available. MEGOHMMETERSFor all of your Insulation Testing needs...Technical Hotline: (800) 343-1391(2 Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391APPLICATIONS◆ M otors (AC and DC), transformers, cables,switchgears and electrical wiring installations◆ T est industrial commercial wiring andmotor control centers◆ A cceptance testing and preventive maintenance ◆ D omestic and industrial contracting ◆ D ielectric Absorption Ratio (DAR) andPolarization Index (PI) measurements◆ S pot reading tests◆ H igh resistance or absorption tests ◆ T imed resistance measurements ◆ L ow insulation test range for testing oldor flooded installations◆ D rying out conductors ◆ C ontinuity checks◆ C able testing (including telecom)◆ T est transformers◆ H eaters, relays, circuit breakersUnderstanding Insulation Resistance TestingWhy have an insulation testing program?A regular program of testing i nsulation resistance is strongly r ecommended to prevent electrical shocks, assure personal safety and to reduce or e liminate down time. It helps to detect deterioration of i nsulation in order to schedule repair work such as: vacuum c leaning, steamc leaning, drying and rewinding or testing newly installed conductors. It is also h elpful whene valuating the quality of the repairs before the equipment is put back into operation.What causes insulation failure?Some of the more c ommon causes of i nsulation failure include: overloading conductors, excessive heat or cold, moisture, dirt, corrosive vapors, o il, v ibration, aging and nicked wiring.What tests are used to detect insulation d eterioration?There are numerous maintenance tests for assessing i nsulation q uality. The three tests primarily used to test motors, generator and transformer insulation are: polarization index, spot reading and step voltage.What equipment is n ecessary for conducting insulation r esistance tests?◆ M egohmmeter with a timed test function ◆ Temperature indicator◆ H umidity meter (not n ecessary if equipmenttemperature is above the dew point)Four questions for selectingthe proper megohmmeterWhat is the proper v oltage range?Typically 2x equipment operating voltage up to 1000V and equal to the operating voltages above 1000V What is the desired power source? Battery, AC p owered, hand-cranked What is the resistance range of interest? M Ω, G Ω, T ΩWhat type of display is preferred?Analog (best for trend analysis), or Digital (eliminate g uesswork), or gives exact reading and shows trendModel 6555 performing an i nsulation test.Technical Assistance (800) 343-1391 Data Analysis & Reporting Software for MegohmmetersClear and easy setup from one dialog box for Model 5060.Model 5070 includes Step Function which allows programming of three different test profiles, each containing up to five voltage steps between 40 and 5100V and time per step of up to 10 hours.Four tabbed dialog boxes allow for clear and easy setup of all functions of the Model 5070, including setup for variable voltage and alarm set points, as well as step voltage tests and temperature compensation.• Print reports of all test results• Select test voltage and run tests from your computer with a simple click and execute process • Capture and display data in real-time• Retrieve data from the instrument’s memory:• Over 1500 insulation resistance measurements (model dependent)• Over 4000 resistance measurements • Display DAR and PI ratios• Plot graphs of manual and timed tests• Include your analysis comments section with the report • Store a library of setups for different a pplications • Certification of results through report generation• Free updates are available on our website Configure All Functions of: Models 1060, 5060, 5070, 6526, 6534, 6550 & 6555Run test and display text and graphical results from one dialog box.Model 5070 also displays step voltage.Test result s tatus box d isplayscomplete test results in real-timeTest voltage s election Insulation resistanced uring the test run Step voltage duringthe test runInsulation resistancewith temperature compensationTwo easy clicks(Instrument > Run Test) start test and graphs results {▲10V & 100V MegohmmetersAEMC ® offers low voltage insulation testersdesigned for both field and shop use. They are well suited for measuring the qualities of phone cables data cables and ESD Floor Testing. Measurement of AC and DC voltage, resistance, continuity, cable capacitance, cable length and AC c urrent can also be performed.MEGOHMMETER SELECTION GUIDEExpert tools for testing10kV & 15kVDigital MegohmmetersHigh-end portable instruments for measuring avariety of electrical insulation resistance values.The right tools for testing insulation safely and accurately, and are ideal for use on rotating equipment and machinery operating at 10kV or higher. They are fully automated 10,000V and 15,000V graphical insulation testers. They provide insulation measurements up to 29,000G model dependent Test results include DAR, PI, DD, Capacitance,Leakage Current, as well as programmable temperature correction of resistance readings.The 6555ability to program up to three step voltage profiles (from 40 to 10,000 or 15,000V,model dependent), eachcontaining up to ten steps. They also include three ramp profiles and three programmable test voltages in addition tothe standard fixed voltages of 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10,000 and 15,000V. These units have a USB interface and a data storage function, which permits storage of test results in files specific to the device under test. The included DataView software configures and runs tests directly from a PC and creates data analysis reports.IP534 (800) 343-1391Note: 1000V, 5000V, 10kV & 15kV megohmmeters offer memory storage and PC connection for report generation (model dependent).500V MegohmmetersAEMC ® offers a complete line of i nsulationtesters designed to test the quality of insulation on equipment powered from sources up to 240V using test voltages up to 500V. Both analog and digital meters are available. AC powered, b attery powered and hand-cranked models are available. Measurements can be in the M Ω, G Ω and T Ω range. Most m odels offer multi-function c apability, measuring AC/DC volts, resistance and continuity, as well as i nsulation resistance.1000V MegohmmetersAEMC ® offers a complete line of i nsulation testers designed to test the quality of insulation using 1000V test voltage (required for testing equipment powered from sources up to 480V ac ). Both a nalog and digital meters are available. AC powered,b attery powered and hand-cranked models are available. Many m odels can measure into the G Ω and T Ω range. Most m odels offer multi-function capability, m easuring AC/DC volts, r esistance andc ontinuity, as well as i nsulation resistance. Both hand-held instruments and rugged instruments built into portable cases are available.5000V MegohmmetersAEMC ® offers a complete line of i nsulation testers designed to test the quality of insulation using 5000V test voltages required for testing large motors, generators, transformers, cables andlarge rotating machinery. AC powered and battery powered models are a vailable. All models can measure into the G Ω and T Ω ranges. All models offer multifunction c apability, measuring AC/DC volts, resistance and continuity, as well as insulation resistance.10kV & 15kV MegohmmetersAEMC ® offers a complete line of safe and accuratei nsulation testers that are ideal for use on rotating equipment and machinery operating at 10kV or higher. They are the only fully automated 10,000V and 15,000V graphical insulation testers. They provide insulation measurements up to 29,000G Ω (29T Ω). Test results include DAR, PI, DD, ∆R, Capacitance, Leakage Current, as wellas programmable temperature correction of resistance readings.Models 6550 & 6555Safely & AccuratelyMODEL 6550Test Voltage 500V, 1000V, 2500V, 5000V, 10,000VInsulation Range 10kΩ to 25,000GΩOther Measurements Auto DAR, PI, DD, ∆R (ppm/V) ratiosLeakage Current 0 to 8mAVoltage Test 40 to 10kVOther Ramp and Voltage Test, Capacitance Measurement,Programmable Current Tests, Ramp & Step Test and Burn TestPower Source NiMH rechargeable batteriesDisplay Digital / AnalogCommunication DataView software/USB optically-isolated portDimensions 13.39 x 11.81 x 7.87"Weight Approx. 13.7lb (6.2kg)Catalog No. 2130.31MODEL 6555Test Voltage 500V, 1000V, 2500V, 5000V, 10,000V, 15,000VInsulation Range 10kΩ to 29,000GΩ (29TΩ)Other Measurements Auto DAR, PI, DD, ∆R (ppm/V) ratiosVoltage Step Test ModeLeakage Current 0 to 8mAVoltage Test 40 to 15kVOther Ramp and Voltage Test, Capacitance Measurement,Programmable Current Tests, Ramp & Step Test and Burn TestPower Source NiMH rechargeable batteriesDisplay Digital / AnalogCommunication DataView software / USB optically-isolated portDimensions 13.39 x 11.81 x 7.87"◆Voltage Ramp Test Mode6 Technical Assistance(800) 343-1391For Electrostatic Discharge TestingModel 65361000V Digital Model 65271000V Model 1015For Testing Motors,Pumps & TransformersModels 6522, 6524 & 6526500V & 1000V Hand-CrankedModel 6503Test Voltage 500, 1000V Insulation Range 100kΩ to 1000MΩResistance Range 1000ΩContinuity Range ±10ΩVoltage Measurement 600V Power Source Eight 1.5V AA batteries Analog Rubber housing Dimensions 6.6 x 4.2 x 2.2"1.45 lbs Catalog No. 1403.01Insulation Measurements for Electrical ComponentsModel 6534M O HET ETechnical Assistance (800) 75000V Digital/AnalogModel 50501000V Digital/Analog Models 1050 & 10605000V Digital/AnalogModel 50605000V Digital/AnalogModel 65055000V GraphicalModel 5070O HM ET ESince its creation in 1893, Chauvin Arnoux customer needs and applications. Over the years, Chauvin Arnoux product lines, i ncluding: c urrent probes, multimeters (the first multimeter patented in 1937!), ground testers, insulation testers, environmental testers and many others in the portable test instrument realm.One product line that stands out is Insulation Testers/Megohmmeters.Our megohmmeter line finds its roots in the early 1900s. Limited technology was available, so agalvanometer and a decade resistance box combined with a DC power source was used to make one of the first megohmmeters. Years later, hand-cranked technology, first using a generator, provided the test voltage. Today, similar technology is used in Model 6503 hand-cranked magnetizer, but a regulated alternator p rovides rectified test voltage and a sealed case protects the meter from the environment. Electronics set in the 1950s and 60s gave birth to e lectronic megohmmeters withelectronic amplifiers. Eventually, digital displays came to the scene, though analog meters remained due to customer habits and preference.Today, megohmmeters are digital and incorporate many intelligent features. Timers, alarms and variable test v oltages are becoming common. AEMC ® introduced a unique line of professional megohmmeters (Models 1050, 1060, 5050, 5060, 5070, 6505, 6527, 6522, 6524, 6526, 6534, 6536, 6550 & 6555) with added features, such as: memory; automated tests and results (internal c alculations of DAR, PI and other measurements); graphical displays; PC control; and, report compliant s oftware. Market feedback has been verypositive and the megohmmeters are setting new industry standards. All AEMC ® manufactured megohmmeters are designed to the latest international safety and testing standards, and are CE marked.Model 6555 Introduced in 2012First Megohmmeter AEMC ® Instruments • 15 Faraday Dr. • Dover, NH 03820 USA • (800) 343-1391•Fax(603)742-2346•E-mail:**************Export Department: +1 (603) 749-6434 x520 • Fax +1(603)742-2346•E-mail:***************© Chauvin Arnoux ®, Inc. d.b.a. AEMC ®I nstruments Call the AEMC ® Instruments Technical Assistance Hotline for immediate consultation with an applications engineer: (800) 343-1391950.BR-MEGOHM_0523 • Printed in the USA M u lt i-p u r p o s e C la m p -O n M e t e r s o tl in 00) 3-1 M E G O H M ME T E R SFor a ll of y ou r I ns ul at io n Te st in g ne ed s...ch ni l H o tl in e: (800) 343-1391.a em c.co mP O W E R Q U A L I T Y Fo r A ll Y ou r Po w er Q ua li ty N ee ds ...Te ca 0043391w w w ( Fo r a ll of yo ur G ro un d In te gr ity T es tin g ne ed s...G R O U N D R E S IS TA N C E T E S TE R S Te ch ni l H ot lin e: (8) 343-139w w w .a em c.co mTEST & MEA SUREM ENTINSTR UMEN TSVOLUM E 23WWW.AEM TECHNICA L HOTLINE : (800) 343-1391Family of ProductsTo learn more, visit 。



阿姆瑞特 产品介绍
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• 阿姆瑞特(亚洲)网络有限公司是专业从事网络安全 产品研发和服务的跨国IT企业,属于阿姆瑞特(国际) 集团在亚洲的分支机构。阿姆瑞特(国际)集团多年来 一直致力于网络安全与加密算法的研发,向欧洲市场 提供专业的网络安全产品,集团总部设在瑞典首都斯 德哥尔摩,拥有强大的公司实力及技术优势,在全球 范围设有多个研发机构和销售网络,为不同的客户提 供最先进的、特色化的安全产品和服务。 2002年阿姆瑞特进入中国市场,推出了适合中国市场 需求的阿姆瑞特F系列网络安全产品,灵活地为SOHO、 企业和电信级用户提供不通地产品和服务,凭借先进 的技术和在网络安全领域的丰富的经验, 为用户提供 专业安全服务。
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• 在《计算机世界》2004共有十家国内外厂商参加的千兆防火墙评测活动中, 测试工程师对阿 姆瑞特防火墙作出了高度评价: “阿姆瑞特F5000功能强大 、外观设计独到,是此次参加 阿姆瑞特F5000 F5000功能强大 外观设计独到, 评测的众多产品中唯一一款完全按照测试拓扑一次实现所有要求的防火墙, 评测的众多产品中唯一一款完全按照测试拓扑一次实现所有要求的防火墙,在整个测试过程 中表现了出色的稳定性,是为数不多的能够顺利通过各项测试的产品之一, 中表现了出色的稳定性,是为数不多的能够顺利通过各项测试的产品之一,也是测试中批量 导入规则最为顺利的一款产品,绝对称得上是精品的电信级防火墙。 导入规则最为顺利的一款产品,绝对称得上是精品的电信级防火墙。 ” 《网络通讯》的测试员曾这样高度评价阿姆瑞特防火墙:“今年的获奖者--瑞典阿姆瑞特公 “今年的获奖者--瑞典阿姆瑞特公 -送检的防火墙8.2甚至在恶劣的环境下都能表现出卓越,稳定性能, 8.2甚至在恶劣的环境下都能表现出卓越 司,送检的防火墙8.2甚至在恶劣的环境下都能表现出卓越,稳定性能,并且拥有简单易用 的界面。我们对其灵活的路由,硬件的灵活性和管理功能颇为喜爱, 的界面。我们对其灵活的路由,硬件的灵活性和管理功能颇为喜爱,因为无需网络安全专家 就能够进行高级设置。 就能够进行高级设置。” “它拥有许多可由用户进行精确调节的网络协议参数以及适用于任何网络结构的灵活路由都 给我们留下了深刻的印象。 给我们留下了深刻的印象。 ”


















那么,什么样的防火墙才是性能好的防火墙呢?让我们来关注一下防火墙品牌排行榜:1.思科CISCO防火墙(网络系统解决方案领导品牌,总部美国加利福尼亚州)思科系统公司(Cisco Systems, Inc.),是互联网解决方案的领先提供者,其设备和软件产品主要用于连接计算机网络系统。

1984年12月,思科系统公司在美国成立,创始人是斯坦福大学的一对教师夫妇,计算机系的计算机中心主任莱昂纳德·波萨克(Leonard Bosack)和商学院的计算机中心主任桑蒂·勒纳(Sandy Lerner),夫妇二人设计了叫做“多协议路由器”的联网设备,用于斯坦福校园网络(SUNet),将校园内不兼容的计算机局域网整合在一起,形成一个统一的网络。







3.东软Neusoft 防火墙(中国第一家上市的软件企业,医疗系统软研发领导品牌)东软是一家以软件技术为核心,提供解决方案、数字化产品和服务的公司,在软件与行业应用的结合、软件与数字化产品的结合、软件人才的培养和咨询服务方面形成了东软独特的经营模式。



Acquisition of AISL in Birm ingham/ England
E stablishing of A rm strong A cm ite Manufacturing Private L im ited (A A IMPL ) in 班加罗尔 B angalore/India
传感器位置 – 机房内 (二次变流量)
本地压差传感器 (机房内)
二次变速泵 进水
传感器位置 – 机房内
进水 回流
传感器位置 – 机房内
50% 负荷速度
带 DP 传感器

水泵运行在工作点1 水泵运行在工作点2
说明水泵当前的功率为P1 说明水泵当前的功率为P2
RPM 100% 90%
转速1 工作点1 n1 ; Q1 ; H1
80% 70%
56 25 6
60% 50% 25%
A R M S T R O N G 方案
Pipe 立式泵 SG D N 2 5 0 FTV 蝶阀 名称 数量 3 3 3 3 卧式泵 Y型过滤器 入口弯头 蝶阀 柔性连接器 吸入管段 出口止回阀 出口截止阀 水泵基座 立式泵 SG D N 2 0 0 FTV 蝶阀 2 2 2 2 卧式泵 Y型过滤器 入口弯头 蝶阀 柔性连接器 吸入管段 出口止回阀 出口截止阀 水泵基座 配件总数 安装费用 20 36% 名称

Uracron CY134 E-70产品数据表说明书

Uracron CY134 E-70产品数据表说明书

Page 1 of 1Product Data Sheet Uracron CY134 E-70The user is held to check the quality, safety and other properties of the product referred to herein. The information andrecommendations in this document are to the best of our knowledge, reliable. However, no rights whatsoever can be derived from this document or the information contained therein by any party, other than those expressly accepted by Synres in abinding sale and purchase agreement for product referred to herein. For the avoidance of doubt SYNRES MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE. Unless explicitly agreed to otherwise in writing by Synres, all offers, quotations, sales and deliveries of Synres products are subject to its General Conditions of Sale ()D a t e o f i s s u e : S e p t e m b e r 2016, V e r s i o n : 1.0High solid hydroxy acrylic resin for two component coatingsApplications- car refinish enamels- solid color/clear top coat - general industrial coatingsPrincipal properties - weathering resistance - good chemical resistance - good petrol resistanceDilutability Xylene complete Solvent naphtha 100 complete Ethylacetate complete n-Butyl acetate complete 1-Methoxy 2-propyl acetate complete Methyl ethyl ketone complete Ethoxy propylacetate complete Propylacetate complete MAK complete MIAK complete MIBK completeCompatibilityUracron CY430, CY472, CY499 complete Uralac SY941, SY946 1) completeDesmodur N3390, N3600 2)completeDesmodur XP 2410 2)completeTolonate HDT LV, HDT LV2 3)complete Tolonate HDT 90 3) complete 1)DSM 2)Covestro 3)VencorexDelivery form:70% in butyl acetateProperty Range Unit TMViscosity, 23°C, ISO 3219 4.0 - 6.0 Pa.s 2013 Color, APHA 0 - 100 - 2017 Solids content 69 - 71 % 2022 Appearance clear - 2265 Acid value, on solid 0 - 10 mg KOH/g 2401Property Value UnitTMDensity, 23°C ca. 1020 kg/m³ 2160 Flash point ca. 25 °C 2800 Hydroxyl content ca. 3.4 % 2432Storage guidelinesThe resin should be stored indoors in the original, unopened and undamaged containers in a dry place at storage temperatures between 5°C and 30°C. Exposure to direct sunlight should be avoided.Shelf lifeUnder the stipulated storage conditions, the anticipated shelf-life is 360 days from last quality control date, as stated in the Certificate of Analysis.Material safetyA material safety data sheet of the products is available on request.Test methodsTest methods (TM) referred to in the tables are available on request.Starting formulations are available on request。

澳大利亚Eaton Moeller系列xEffect - FRCmM-125型ARCCB产品说明书

澳大利亚Eaton Moeller系列xEffect - FRCmM-125型ARCCB产品说明书

Eaton 171169Eaton Moeller series xEffect - FRCmM-125 Type A RCCB.Residual current circuit breaker (RCCB), 125A, 2p, 100mA, type G/AGeneral specificationsEaton Moeller series xEffect - FRCmM-125 Type A RCCB171169FRCMM-125/2/01-G/A401508167653885 mm 75.5 mm 36 mm 0.28 kg RoHS conformIEC/EN 61008 ÖVE E 8601Product NameCatalog Number Model CodeEANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Compliances CertificationsTwo-poleShort time-delayed10 ms delayed125 A10 kA with back-up fuse 100 mAPulse-current sensitive3 kA (8/20 μs) surge-proof 240 V AC240 V440 V4 kV0.1 A0.1 A50 Hz125 A (max. admissible back-up fuse) A1250 A80 A gG/gL10 kA3 kA184 V AC - 250 V AC24000 operationsApplicationNumber of polesTripping timeAmperage RatingRated short-circuit strength Fault current rating Sensitivity typeImpulse withstand current Type Voltage rating (IEC/EN 60947-2)Rated operational voltage (Ue) - maxRated insulation voltage (Ui)Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Rated fault current - minRated fault current - maxFrequency ratingShort-circuit ratingLeakage current typeRated residual making and breaking capacity Admissible back-up fuse overload - max Rated short-time withstand current (Icw) Surge current capacityTest circuit rangePollution degreeLifespan, electricalSwitchgear for industrial and advanced commercial applicationsxEffect - Switchgear for industrial and advanced commercial applicationsFRCmM-125Residual current circuit breakersType G/A (ÖVE E 8601)45 mm235 mm (2 SU)70.5 mmDIN railQuick attachment for DIN-rail EN 50022As requiredIP20, IP40 with suitable enclosureIP20Toggle-center postitionTwin-purpose terminals1.5 mm² - 50 mm²1.5 mm² - 16 mm² (2x)1.5 mm²50 mm²1.5 mm² - 16 mm² (2x)1.5 mm² - 5 mm²1.5 mm²16 mm²Finger and hand touch safe, DGUV VS3, EN 50274 Red / green 125 A0 W18 W0 W0 W-25 °C60 °CMeets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to beFrameWidth in number of modular spacingsBuilt-in width (number of units)Built-in depthMounting MethodMounting positionDegree of protectionStatus indicationTerminals (top and bottom)Terminal capacity (solid wire)Connectable conductor cross section (solid-core) - min Connectable conductor cross section (solid-core) - max Terminal capacity (stranded cable)Connectable conductor cross section (multi-wired) - min Connectable conductor cross section (multi-wired) - max Terminal protectionContact position indicator color Rated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In) Heat dissipation per pole, current-dependentEquipment heat dissipation, current-dependentStatic heat dissipation, non-current-dependentHeat dissipation capacityAmbient operating temperature - minAmbient operating temperature - max10.2.2 Corrosion resistance10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat10.2.3.3 Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effects10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation10.2.5 Lifting10.2.6 Mechanical impact10.2.7 Inscriptions10.3 Degree of protection of assemblies0.8 mm - 2 mm 10000 operations-25 °C60 °C25-55 °C / 90-95% relative humidity according to IEC 60068-2evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.The panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.The device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.Additional equipment possible Residual current circuit breaker eaton-rcd-application-guide-br019003en-en-us.pdf eaton-xeffect-frcmm-125-rccb-catalog-ca003020en-en-us.pdfBusbar material thickness Lifespan, mechanical Permitted storage and transport temperature - min Permitted storage and transport temperature - max Climatic proofing10.4 Clearances and creepage distances 10.5 Protection against electric shock10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections 10.8 Connections for external conductors 10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strength 10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltage 10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating material 10.10 Temperature rise10.11 Short-circuit rating10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility10.13 Mechanical functionFeaturesFitted with:Application notesCataloguesEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All rights reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaInterlocking deviceShort-time delayed trippingResidual current circuit breakers FRCmM-125Type G/A (ÖVE E 8601)eaton-xeffect-industrial-switchgear-range-catalog-ca003002en-en-us.pdf DA-DC-03_FRCmMas_frcmmeaton-frcm-dimensions.jpgIL019140ZUdfs_2.dwgdfs_2.stpeaton-xeffect-frcmm-125-rccb-wiring-diagram-002.jpgFunctions Special featuresUsed with Certification reports DrawingsInstallation instructions mCAD modelWiring diagramsCurrent test marks as per inscriptionMaximum operating temperature is 60 °C: Starting at 40 °C, the max. permissible continuous current decreases by 2.2% for every 1 °C。



阿姆瑞特智能DNS管理系统技术白皮书阿姆瑞特(亚洲)网络有限公司目录序言 (3)一、产品介绍 (4)1.1.产品概况 (4)1.2.安全特性 (4)1.3.稳定特性 (5)1.4.易用特性 (5)1.5.可扩展性 (5)1.6.高可用性 (5)二、功能介绍 (6)2.1.智能解析功能 (6)2.2.广域负载均衡功能 (6)2.3.双机热备、负载均衡功能* (6)2.4.域名管理功能 (7)2.5.三级用户管理功能 (7)2.6.域名查询统计 (7)2.7.记录迁移 (7)2.8.批量设置域名转发 (7)2.9.批量设置域名转发 (8)2.10.解析结果排序 (8)2.11.网关检测 (8)2.12.防火墙功能 (8)2.13.策略路由功能 (8)2.14.操作日志 (8)2.15.状态监控功能 (9)2.16.系统管理与维护 (9)2.17.在线升级功能 (9)2.18.SSH远程终端功能 (9)2.19.线路IP库同步功能 (9)2.20.二次开发接口模块* (10)2.21.应急灾备解决方案* (10)2.22.DHCP功能* (10)2.23.链路聚合功能* (10)2.24.应用服务器健康监测 (10)三、移动规范1.0 (11)3.1.基本功能要求 (11)3.2.扩展功能测试 (11)3.3.安全测试 (12)3.4.性能测试 (12)四、技术架构 (13)4.1.系统架构 (13)4.2.部署结构 (13)4.2.1.主从部署结构 (14)4.2.2.多层次部署结构 (14)五、公司简介 (15)序言随着互联网飞速发展,互联网信息迅速膨胀。








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