原文翻译感受一波吧I am fan of many things,i love tons of things我喜欢很多东西。
I love going to the theater.i love operas or a love film.of course,and i...我喜欢去剧院,我喜欢歌剧或者爱情电影,当然,我......my biggest passion in life is obviously what i do for a living.我生活中最大的激情很明显就是我的谋生之道。
i think performing is autually what really drives me.我认为表演才是真正驱动我的for example when i sing,i actually visualize myself as,i do not know,a character in a movie,you know ,in a story,and i am just telling my story,but i sing out in my story.比如我唱歌的时候,我把自己想象成,我不知道,电影里的一个角色,或是一个故事,我只是通过演唱来讲述我的故事。
the most amazing thing is when the music that you do actually touches people's hearts.最神奇的就是,你做的音乐触动了人们的内心。
i listen to a whole spectrum of things.我听各种各样的东西。
子怡与梁朝伟 , 请他们 比较王家卫和张艺谋的不同。 原 面埋伏》 在多伦多国际电影节上举
本 应 该 由章 子怡 先 回答 , 她 主动 让梁 朝伟 先 回答 , 但 似 行 的北 美首 映典 礼 。 现场 记者 大多
乎要酝酿一番。等梁朝伟讲完 , 该她回答时 , 她一张 E l 以英文提问, 大会特别为章子怡安 就 紧张 :Itik我想 )Y uk o ( 知 道)I nw我 知 排 了翻译 , “ hn ( ,o nw你 ,ko( 不过 此前 因为 没有 翻译 道), 却 一直说 不 出个 所 以然来 。后 来她 干 脆改 用汉 而 在戛 纳遭 遇尴 尬 的章子 怡 , ”但 坚持
圣 诞 之 际 祝 你 心 中有首 怏 乐 的歌 新年 快 乐
. .
她 才 发觉
坦 言 她 现 在 经 常 听 诺拉 琼 斯 和 柯 里 诺 贝 的歌
e m
的 歌 词 原 来 很 粗俗
章子 怡
边 读 歌 词 去 了解 歌 曲 内容
国外 的 时候 也 会 经 常 听 广告 词 学 习 英 语 简
单 快速 实 用 第 二 早 晚不 间 断学 英 语 每 天 早 上 2 小 时 睡 前 2 小 时英 语 训 练 章 子 怡 对 此 颇 有 体
章 子 怡 的英 语 学 习 方 法
看 英 文 广 告 听英 文 歌 曲 章 子 怡说 她 爱 听 歌 和 看 电视 广 告 学 英 文 但起 初 她 的 第
【英语口语演讲】我喜欢的明星(约翰尼德普johnny depp)
• 【美国西部演艺组织】 1990 获美国西部演艺组织奖-明日男星 【青少年选择奖】 2009 获青少年选择奖提名-青少年选择暑期档影星为:公众之敌 (2009) 2008 获青少 年选择奖-青少年选择反派为:理发师陶德 (2007) 2007 获青少年选择奖-青少年选择 动作冒险类电影男星为:加勒比海盗3:世界尽头 (2007) 2006 获青少年选择奖-青少 年选择喜剧类电影男演员为:查理和巧克力工厂 (2005),青少年选择剧情/动作冒险类 电影男演员为:加勒比海盗2:亡灵宝藏 (2006) 2005 获青少年选择奖提名-青少年选 择剧情类电影男演员为:寻找梦幻岛 (2004) 2004 获青少年选择奖-青少年选择动作类 电影搭档为:加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒 (2003)(与Orlando Bloom 同获),青少 年选择说谎家为:加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅咒 (2003) 【星光大道】 1999 获颁星 光大道之星-电影类(在1999年11月16日授予,好莱坞大道 7020) 【华盛顿影评人 协会】 2003 获华盛顿影评人协会奖提名-最佳男演员为:加勒比海盗:黑珍珠号的诅 咒 (2003) 【巴哈马电影节】 2009获巴哈马电影节终身成就奖 【格莱美】 2009 获52届格莱美最佳专辑注解(Best Album Notes)提名-《Gonzo: The Life And Work Of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson — Music From The Film》 - Douglas Brinkley & Johnny Depp, album notes writers (Various Artists) 【库斯滕多夫国际电影节】 2010 获第 三届库斯滕多夫国际电影节未来电影奖
Johnny Depp
你的国家的名人雅思口语(以中国为例)1. 李小龙 (Bruce Lee) - 他是中国武术巨星, 在全球影响广泛。
2. 王菲 (Faye Wong) - 她是华语最著名、最具影响力的女歌手之一。
3. 郭德纲 (Guo Degang) - 他是中国的相声表演艺术大师,被誉为“相声界的泰斗”。
4. 吴京 (Wu Jing) - 他是一位中国电影明星和导演,尤其以动作电影为主。
5. 韩红 (Han Hong) - 她是中国著名的女歌手之一,以其出色的音乐才华和对社会问题的深刻关注而闻名。
6. 邓文迪 (Wendi Deng) - 她是一位中国女企业家,拥有广泛的商业和媒体关系。
她是著名的传媒大亨默多克(Rupert Murdoch)的前妻,具有国际影响力。
7. 郎朗(Lang Lang) - 他是中国最著名的钢琴演奏家之一,享有全球声誉。
8. 梅艳芳 (Anita Mui) - 她是已故的香港女艺人,是华语流行乐坛的代表人物。
9. 高圆圆 (Gao Yuanyuan) - 她是一位中国电影和电视演员,代表作品包括《赵氏孤儿》和《爱情公寓》。
10. 杨振宁 (Chen-Ning Yang) - 他是一位中国裔物理学家,为“杨-米尔斯理论”(Yang-Mills theory)的发现而获得了诺贝尔物理学奖。
1. Taylor Swift:一位知名的美国歌手和词曲作者,以其流行音乐和感人的歌词而闻名。
2. Barack Obama:美国第44 任总统,他是第一位非裔美国人当选为美国总统。
3. Elon Musk:一位著名的企业家和技术创新者,他是特斯拉汽车和SpaceX 公司的创始人。
4. Lionel Messi:一位来自阿根廷的著名足球运动员,被认为是有史以来最伟大的足球运动员之一。
5. Stephen Hawking:一位著名的理论物理学家和宇宙学家,他对黑洞和宇宙起源的研究做出了重要贡献。
6. Audrey Hepburn:一位已故的好莱坞女演员,以其优雅和美丽而闻名,是好莱坞黄金时代的代表人物之一。
7. Bill Gates:一位著名的企业家和慈善家,他是微软公司的创始人之一,致力于改善全球健康和消除贫困。
8. Oprah Gail Winfrey:一位著名的电视主持人、演员和制片人,她的节目《奥普拉·温弗里秀》在全球范围内广受欢迎。
9. Malala Yousafzai:一位年轻的巴基斯坦活动家,她为争取女孩的教育权利而奋斗,并获得了诺贝尔和平奖。
10. Michael Jordan:一位著名的篮球运动员,被誉为有史以来最伟大的篮球运动员之一,他在职业生涯中赢得了众多冠军和荣誉。
奥黛丽·赫本(Audrey Hepburn):赫本出生于比利时布鲁塞尔,她的英语带有轻微的欧洲大陆口音,这种口音为她增添了一种独特的魅力。
伊恩·麦克莱恩(Ian McKellen):这位英国演员以其多变的角色和演技著称,他的英语发音带有浓厚的伦敦音(Cockney accent),这也是他表演风格的一部分。
汤姆·汉克斯(Tom Hanks):虽然汉克斯出生在美国加利福尼亚州,但他的英语发音带有一种中西部地区的鼻音特色,这种口音在他的一些电影角色中也有所体现。
安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie):朱莉出生在美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶,她的英语发音带有一种轻松、自然的语调,同时她的口音也随着她在不同国家和文化中的生活经历而有所变化。
艾玛·沃特森(Emma Watson):沃特森出生在英国巴黎,她的英语发音带有一种清晰、标准的英式口音,这也是她在《哈利·波特》系列电影中扮演赫敏·格兰杰这一角色的特点之一。
著名的明星英文作文1. Taylor Swift is a talented singer-songwriter who has won numerous awards for her music.2. Leonardo DiCaprio is a versatile actor who has starred in many successful films, such as Titanic and The Revenant.3. Beyoncé is a powerful performer known for her incredible vocals and energetic stage presence.4. Tom Hanks is a beloved actor who has portrayed a wide range of characters in his career, from a lovable toy cowboy in Toy Story to a stranded FedEx employee in Cast Away.5. Rihanna is a fashion icon who has launched successful beauty and fashion lines in addition to her music career.6. Will Smith is a charismatic actor known for hisroles in action-packed films like Men in Black and Bad Boys.7. Jennifer Lawrence is a talented actress who has won an Academy Award for her performance in Silver Linings Playbook.8. Justin Bieber is a pop sensation who gained fame ata young age and has continued to release hit songs throughout his career.9. Meryl Streep is a legendary actress known for her incredible range and ability to transform into anycharacter she plays.10. Brad Pitt is a handsome actor who has starred in a variety of successful films, from romantic comedies like Mr. & Mrs. Smith to dramatic roles in films like Fight Club.。
英语流利的五位明星作文Five Fluent English-Speaking Celebrities。
English is a global language that is spoken by millions of people around the world. It is a language that is usedin business, education, and entertainment. There are many celebrities who are fluent in English and use it as their primary language. In this essay, we will discuss five of these celebrities and their fluency in English.The first celebrity on our list is Priyanka Chopra. She is an Indian actress and singer who has made a name for herself in Hollywood. Chopra is known for her flawless English and has been featured in several American TV shows and movies. She has also hosted the Oscars and has been a guest on talk shows such as The Ellen Show and The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.Next on our list is Jackie Chan. He is a Hong Kong actor, martial artist, and filmmaker who has starred inover 150 films. Chan is fluent in English and has appeared in several Hollywood movies such as Rush Hour and Kung Fu Panda. He has also been a guest on The Late Show with David Letterman and The Ellen Show.The third celebrity on our list is Penelope Cruz. She is a Spanish actress and model who has won several awards for her work in Hollywood. Cruz is fluent in English and has starred in movies such as Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides and Vicky Cristina Barcelona. She has also been a guest on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon and The Late Late Show with James Corden.The fourth celebrity on our list is Ricky Martin. He isa Puerto Rican singer, actor, and author who has sold over70 million records worldwide. Martin is fluent in English and has released several albums in English. He has also been a guest on The Ellen Show and The Late Late Show with James Corden.Last but not least on our list is Emma Watson. She is an English actress, model, and activist who is best knownfor her role as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter film series. Watson is fluent in English and has also studied French and Spanish. She has also been a guest on The Ellen Show and The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.In conclusion, these five celebrities have proven that fluency in English is an important skill to have in the entertainment industry. They have used their languageskills to expand their careers and reach a wider audience. Their success serves as an inspiration to others who aspire to be fluent in English and make a name for themselves in Hollywood.。
我最喜欢的名人并说出理由英文作文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1I really like Taylor Swift! She is my favorite celebrity because she is so talented and kind.First of all, Taylor Swift is an amazing singer. I love listening to her songs because they are so catchy and fun. My favorite song by her is "Shake It Off" because it always makes me want to dance. She has a beautiful voice and she writes her own songs, which is really cool.I also admire Taylor Swift because she is always helping others. She donates a lot of money to charity and she is always using her platform to speak out about important issues. She is a great role model for young people like me.Another reason why I like Taylor Swift is because she is so stylish. I love looking at pictures of her on the red carpet because she always looks so glamorous. I wish I could dress like her!In conclusion, Taylor Swift is my favorite celebrity because she is talented, kind, and stylish. I hope I can meet her someday and tell her how much I admire her.篇2Title: My Favorite CelebrityHey guys, today I want to talk about my favorite celebrity. Her name is Taylor Swift and she is just awesome! I love her so much because she is not only a great singer but also a talented songwriter.One of the reasons why I admire Taylor Swift is because of her amazing songs. Every time I listen to her music, I feel like she is speaking directly to me. Her lyrics are so relatable and they always make me feel better when I'm feeling down. My favorite songs by her are "Love Story" and "Shake It Off".Another reason why I love Taylor Swift is because she is always so kind to her fans. She takes the time to meet them and take pictures with them, and she even sends them gifts sometimes. I think that's really cool because not all celebrities care about their fans like she does.Lastly, I think Taylor Swift is a great role model for young girls like me. She is confident, strong, and not afraid to speak her mind. She shows us that it's okay to be ourselves and that we should never change who we are for anyone else.In conclusion, Taylor Swift is my favorite celebrity because she is a talented singer, a caring person, and a great role model. I hope I can meet her someday and tell her how much she means to me. Thank you for listening to me talk about my favorite celebrity!篇3My favorite celebrity is Ariana Grande because she sings so well and is also very kind to her fans. I love how she always takes time to talk to her fans on social media and even surprises them with gifts sometimes.Ariana's music always makes me feel happy and energized. I love dancing to her songs and singing along with her powerful voice. My favorite song of hers is "Thank U, Next" because it's so catchy and the lyrics are so relatable.I also admire Ariana for her fashion sense. She always looks so stylish and confident in whatever she wears. I love how sheexpresses herself through her outfits and isn't afraid to take risks with her fashion choices.Another reason why I love Ariana Grande is because she is a great role model. She is always spreading positivity and encouraging her fans to be themselves. She is also involved in charitable activities and uses her platform to raise awareness for important causes.In conclusion, Ariana Grande is my favorite celebrity because of her amazing singing talent, kind personality, fashionable style, and positive influence on her fans. I hope to meet her one day and tell her how much she inspires me.篇4Oh my gosh! I am super excited to talk about my favorite celebrity! My favorite celebrity is Taylor Swift. I love her so much because she is a talented singer, songwriter, and performer.First of all, Taylor Swift has the most amazing voice ever! When she sings, it feels like she is singing directly to me. Her songs are so catchy and they always make me feel happy. I love singing along to her music and pretending like I am performing on stage with her.Not only is Taylor Swift a great singer, but she is also an incredible songwriter. She writes all of her own songs and they are so relatable. I feel like she really understands what it's like to be a kid like me going through different emotions and experiences.Another reason why I love Taylor Swift is because she is so kind and caring. She is always giving back to her fans and she stands up for what she believes in. She is a great role model for me and I look up to her a lot.In conclusion, Taylor Swift is my favorite celebrity because she is talented, kind, and inspiring. I hope one day I can meet her and tell her how much she means to me. Taylor Swift, if you are reading this, I love you!篇5My Favorite CelebrityDo you know who my favorite celebrity is? It's none other than Taylor Swift! I love her so much because she is not only a talented singer but also a kind and caring person.First of all, Taylor Swift's music is amazing! I love all of her songs because they are so catchy and easy to sing along to.Whenever I'm feeling sad or upset, I just listen to her music and it always makes me feel better. One of my favorite songs by Taylor is "Shake It Off" because it's so fun and upbeat.Secondly, Taylor Swift is also a great role model. She is always standing up for what she believes in and she uses her platform to speak out about important issues. She is also very generous and donates a lot of money to charity. I think it's really cool that she uses her fame to make a positive impact on the world.Lastly, I love Taylor Swift because she is just so relatable. Even though she's a famous celebrity, she is always sodown-to-earth and genuine. I feel like I can really connect with her and that's why I admire her so much.In conclusion, Taylor Swift is my favorite celebrity because of her amazing music, her kindness, and her relatability. She is truly an inspiration to me and I hope to one day be as successful and as caring as she is.篇6My favorite celebrity is Taylor Swift because she's super talented and she writes all of her own songs. Taylor is also really pretty and she has amazing style. I love how she always staystrue to herself and doesn't care what other people think. She's a great role model for girls like me who want to follow their dreams. Taylor is also really kind and generous. She donates a lot of money to charity and she's always helping people in need. I love how she uses her fame for good. Taylor is also super funny and down-to-earth. She's always posting funny videos on Instagram and showing her silly side. I love how she doesn't take herself too seriously. Overall, Taylor Swift is my favorite celebrity because she's talented, beautiful, kind, funny, and a great role model. I hope I can be just like her when I grow up!篇7My favorite celebrity is Ariana Grande! She is super talented and she sings like an angel. I love her songs so much, they always make me feel happy and wanna dance. Her voice is just so beautiful and powerful.Ariana is also really kind and caring. She always stands up for what she believes in and she uses her platform to spread positivity and love. I admire how she is always supporting her fans and spreading messages of empowerment. She is a great role model for young girls like me.Not only is Ariana a great singer and a wonderful person, but she also has amazing style! I love her fashion sense and her iconic ponytail. She always looks so glamorous and put together, I wish I could raid her closet!In conclusion, Ariana Grande is my favorite celebrity because she is an incredibly talented singer, a kind-hearted person, and a fashion icon. I will always be a loyal fan and support her in everything she does. Thank you for being such an inspiration, Ariana!篇8Title: My Favorite CelebrityHey guys, today I want to talk about my favorite celebrity. Do you want to know who it is? Well, it’s none other than Taylor Swift! I just love her so much and I will tell you why.First of all, Taylor Swift is an amazing singer. Her songs are so catchy and I love listening to them all the time. I know all the lyrics to her songs and I love singing along with her. She is also a fantastic performer and I dream of going to one of her concerts one day.Secondly, I really admire Taylor Swift for her kindness and generosity. She always takes the time to connect with her fans and make them feel special. She donates a lot of money to charities and uses her platform to spread positivity and love. I think that is really cool.Lastly, I love how Taylor Swift is not afraid to be herself. She is confident and knows who she is, and that inspires me to be true to myself as well. She is a strong, independent woman and I look up to her for that.In conclusion, Taylor Swift is my favorite celebrity because of her incredible talent, kindness, and authenticity. I will always support her and I hope to meet her one day. Taylor Swift, if you are reading this, I love you!篇9My favorite celebrity is Taylor Swift! She is super talented and her music always makes me happy. I love how she writes her own songs and puts so much emotion into them. Her songs have helped me through tough times and I always feel like she understands me.Taylor Swift is also really beautiful and stylish. I love her fashion sense and how confident she is in her own skin. She isalways so graceful and poised, both on and off the stage. I admire her for being so strong and independent in a world that can be really tough sometimes.One of the reasons why I love Taylor Swift so much is because she is always giving back to her fans and those in need. She supports many charities and uses her platform to raise awareness for important causes. She is a role model for me and I look up to her in so many ways.Overall, Taylor Swift is my favorite celebrity because she is talented, kind-hearted, and inspiring. I hope to meet her one day and tell her how much she means to me. I will always be a loyal Swiftie!篇10My favorite celebrity is Taylor Swift. She is a famous singer and songwriter and I love her music so much! Her songs are catchy and have meaningful lyrics that I can really relate to. I also admire Taylor because she is a talented performer and always puts on a great show.I also think Taylor is a great role model because she is always true to herself and stands up for what she believes in. She is notafraid to speak her mind and she uses her platform to advocate for important causes like equality and women's rights.Another reason I love Taylor is because she cares about her fans. She is always interacting with them on social media and doing special things for them like inviting them to her concerts or sending them presents. She makes her fans feel special and appreciated, which is really cool.Overall, Taylor Swift is my favorite celebrity because she is talented, inspiring, and caring. I love her music and I admire her as a person. I hope to be like her someday and make a positive impact on the world, just like she does.。
著名明星英语简介作文Tom Cruise is a well-known Hollywood actor. He has starred in many blockbuster films and is known for his action-packed roles. He is also famous for his good looks and charming personality.Angelina Jolie is a popular actress and humanitarian. She has appeared in numerous successful movies and is admired for her beauty and talent. In addition to her acting career, she is also known for her philanthropic work around the world.Leonardo DiCaprio is a highly acclaimed actor who has received numerous awards for his performances. He is known for his versatility and has starred in a wide range of films, from romantic dramas to intense thrillers. He is also an environmental activist and is passionate about raising awareness for climate change.Jennifer Aniston is a beloved actress who gained famefor her role in the hit TV show "Friends." She has since starred in many successful films and is known for her comedic timing and relatable characters. She continues to be a popular and influential figure in Hollywood.Brad Pitt is a well-respected actor and producer who has been in the industry for decades. He has starred in a wide variety of films and is known for his talent and charisma. In addition to his acting career, he is also involved in various humanitarian efforts and is dedicated to making a positive impact in the world.These are just a few examples of the many talented and influential celebrities in the entertainment industry. Their work continues to inspire and entertain audiences around the world.。
七年级英语上册unit9作文名人全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hey guys, do you know who my favorite celebrity is? Let me tell you all about it! My favorite celebrity is Taylor Swift. She is a famous singer and songwriter. I really love her songs because they are so catchy and fun to sing along to.Taylor Swift is not only a talented musician, but she is also a kind and caring person. She often donates money to charity and helps those in need. I think that's really cool of her.One of my favorite songs by Taylor Swift is "Shake It Off". It's such a fun song and it always puts me in a good mood. I love dancing to it and singing along with the lyrics.I really admire Taylor Swift because she is not afraid to be herself and she always stays true to who she is. She is a great role model for young girls like me.I hope one day I can meet Taylor Swift in person and maybe even get her autograph. That would be the best day ever!So there you have it, Taylor Swift is my favorite celebrity. Who is your favorite celebrity? Let me know in the comments below!篇2Title: My Favorite CelebrityHi everyone! Today, I want to talk about my favorite celebrity. She's a famous singer and actress from America. Can you guess who she is? Yes, she is Taylor Swift!I love Taylor Swift because she is not only talented but also kind-hearted. She has won many awards for her music and acting skills. Her songs are so catchy and meaningful. I always listen to her music when I feel sad or happy. It's like she knows exactly what I'm going through.One of my favorite things about Taylor is how she treats her fans. She always takes time to meet them, take pictures, and even write personal notes to them. I dream of meeting her one day and telling her how much she has inspired me.Besides her talent and kindness, Taylor is also a great role model for young people. She is always true to herself and standsup for what she believes in. She is not afraid to speak her mind and fight for what is right. I admire her strength and bravery.In conclusion, Taylor Swift is my favorite celebrity because she is not only an amazing singer and actress but also a kind and inspiring person. I hope one day I can be as successful and as kind-hearted as her. Thank you for listening to my essay about my favorite celebrity!篇3Wow, in our English class, we learned about famous people in Unit 9! There are so many cool and inspiring celebrities out there. Let me tell you about some of my favorites.First up, we have Taylor Swift. She's a super talented singer-songwriter and has won so many awards for her music. I love listening to her songs because they're so catchy and relatable. Taylor is also known for being kind to her fans and standing up for what she believes in. She's a great role model for young people like us.Next, there's Malala Yousafzai. She's a brave activist who fights for girls' education around the world. Malala survived a terrible attack by the Taliban but didn't let it stop her from speaking out for what is right. She even won the Nobel PeacePrize for her efforts. Malala's story is really inspiring and shows us that we can make a difference no matter our age.And of course, we can't forget about Elon Musk. He's a billionaire entrepreneur who founded companies like Tesla and SpaceX. Elon is always pushing the boundaries of technology and innovation. I think it's so cool how he's working to make electric cars and space travel more accessible to everyone. He's definitely someone to look up to for his creativity and determination.In conclusion, these three celebrities are just a few of the amazing people we learned about in Unit 9. They each have their own unique talents and contributions to the world. It's important to remember that anyone can make a difference and achieve great things, no matter how young or old they are. Let's be inspired by these famous figures and strive to be the best versions of ourselves!篇4Title: My Favorite CelebrityHey guys, do you know who my favorite celebrity is? Well, let me tell you about him. His name is Cristiano Ronaldo. He is afamous soccer player from Portugal. I really admire him because he is super talented and works really hard.Cristiano Ronaldo is known for his amazing skills on the soccer field. He can dribble the ball like a pro and score goals with ease. I love watching him play because he is so fast and agile. He always gives his best in every game and never gives up, even if his team is losing.Besides being a great soccer player, Cristiano Ronaldo is also a good person. He helps out with charity work and donates money to help people in need. I think it's really cool that he uses his fame to make a positive impact in the world.I hope one day I can meet Cristiano Ronaldo in person and maybe even get his autograph. He is my idol and I want to be just like him when I grow up. I will keep practicing soccer and working hard to achieve my dreams, just like he did.In conclusion, Cristiano Ronaldo is not just a celebrity to me, he is a role model. I look up to him and strive to be as successful and kind-hearted as he is. I hope one day I can follow in his footsteps and make a difference in the world, just like he does. Thank you for listening to my story about my favorite celebrity!篇5Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about some famous people in Unit 9 of our seventh-grade English textbook.The first person I want to talk about is William Shakespeare. He was a famous playwright and poet from England. He wrote a lot of famous plays like Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and Macbeth. His plays are still performed all over the world today!Next, let's talk about Marie Curie. She was a scientist from Poland and France. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the only person to win Nobel Prizes in two different scientific fields – physics and chemistry. She discovered two new elements – polonium and radium.Another famous person is Mahatma Gandhi. He was a leader from India who fought for India's independence from British rule through nonviolent civil disobedience. He inspired many people around the world with his message of peace and nonviolence.Finally, let's talk about Rosa Parks. She was an African American woman who refused to give up her seat on a segregated bus in Alabama, USA. Her act of defiance sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott and became a symbol of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States.These are just a few of the famous people we can learn about in Unit 9. I hope you enjoyed learning about them as much as I did! See you next time!篇6Hi everyone! Today I want to talk about famous people in Unit 9 of our English textbook. There are so many cool and amazing people in the world, and it's fun to learn about them!One of the famous people we learned about is Albert Einstein. He was a super smart scientist who came up with the theory of relativity. He was really good at math and physics, and he won a Nobel Prize for his work. He had crazy hair but he was a genius!Another cool person is William Shakespeare. He was a writer who wrote plays and poems a long, long time ago. He wrote famous plays like Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet. His words are still read and performed today, even though he lived hundreds of years ago!Then there's Mother Teresa. She was a nun who helped poor and sick people in India. She won a Nobel Peace Prize for her work and was a really kind and caring person. She showed us that we can all make a difference in the world by helping others.These famous people are all really inspiring and they teach us important things. They show us that we can achieve great things if we work hard and follow our passions. They also remind us to be kind and caring to others, and to always try to make the world a better place.I hope you enjoyed learning about these famous people as much as I did! See you next time!。
用英语介绍名人1、爱因斯坦Albert Einstein was a German-born physicist, although most people probably know him as the most intelligent person who ever lived. In 1999, ‘Time’ magazine named Einstein as the Person of the Century. He won the Nobel Prize for Physics. He went on to publish over 300 scientific papers.阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦是一名德国物理学家,尽管绝大部分人都认为他是世界上最聪明的人。
2、威廉·亨利·盖茨William Henry Gates III was born on October 28, 1955. He is one of the world's richest people and perhaps the most successful busines ... an ever. He co-founded the software giant Microsoft and turned it into the world’s largest software pany. ‘Time’ magazine voted Gates as one of the biggest influences of the 20th Century.威廉·亨利·盖茨三世出生于1955年10月28日。
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