



Mehran Sahami CS 106A Handout #1 September 24, 2007 CS 106A — General Information Based on a handout by Eric Roberts Professor: Mehran SahamiHead TA: Ben NewmanIn addition to lecture, you must also sign up for a weekly 50-minute section. In order to take CS 106A, you must sign up for a section between 5:00 P .M . Thursday, September Special note on discussion sections for SCPD studentsIf you are an SCPD student, you are automatically enrolled in the SCPD discussion section which meets on Fridays from 1:15-2:05 P .M . in Skilling Auditorium (if you would like to come to campus) and is bro adcast live on SITN channel E2 (for remote viewing). Section leaders and course helpersCS106A provides extensive assistance for students. Section Leaders and Course Helpers are available from Sunday through Thursday evenings each week in Tresidder LaIR to/ and click onthe "Helper Schedule" link for the latest schedule of LaIR Helper Hours.If you are an undergraduate, you are required to take CS 106A for 5 units of credit. If you are a graduate student, you may enroll in CS 106A for 3 units if it is necessary for you to reduce your units for administrative reasons. Taking the course for reduced units does not imply any change in the course requirements.Texts and handoutsThere are two required texts for this class, both of which are available from the Stanford Bookstore. The first is a course reader entitled Karel the Robot Learns Java—a 35-page tutorial that introduces the major concepts in programming in the context of an extremelysimple robot world. The second is the textbook The Art and Science of Java by EricRoberts. In addition to these texts, we will also distribute additional material in the form of class handouts. After class, any extra copies of the handouts will be placed in thehandout bins in the entryway to the Gates B-wing. The handouts are also available inPDF® format on the CS 106 web site. If you miss a handout in class, you can print yourown copy from the web.Having an email account is a requirement for this course. E-mail accounts are availableto all students at Stanford through LaIR. Information on obtaining an account is availableat the Tresidder computer cluster, from your Resident Computer Consultant, or via theweb att /.Programming assignmentsAs you can see from the syllabus, there will be seven assignments (Assignment 1 –Assignment 7). The assignments will become slightly more difficult and require moretime as the quarter progresses. Thus, the later assignments will be weighed slightly morethan the earlier ones. Except for Assignment #7 (which is due at the very end of thequarter), each assignment is graded during an interactive, one-on-one session with your section leader, who rates it according to the following scale:++++––––An absolutely fantastic submission of the sort that will only come along a few timesduring the quarter. To ensure that this score is given only rarely, any grade of ++ must be approved by the instructor and TA. Since your section leader would almost certainlywant to show off any assignment worthy of a ++, this review process should not be too cumbersome.A submission that exceeds our standard expectation for the assignment. The programmust reflect additional work beyond the requirements or get the job done in a particularly elegant way.A submission that satisfies all the requirements for the assignment—a job well done.A submission that meets the requirements for the assignment, possibly with a few smallproblems.A submission that has problems serious enough to fall short of the requirements for theassignment.A submission that has extremely serious problems, but nonetheless shows some effortand understanding.A submission that shows little effort and does not represent passing work.From past experience, we expect most grades to be + and . Dividing the grades intocategories means that your section leader can spend more time talking about what youneed to learn from the assignment and not have to worry about justifying each point. The overall goal is to maximize the learning experience in doing the assignments, and wehave found the "bucket" grading system to work much better for programmingassignments than assigning numeric grades from a pedagogical perspective over manyquarters of experience.For each assignment, you must make an appointment with your section leader for an interactive-grading session. Your section leader will explain in section how to schedule these sessions and go over the grading process in more detail.Late policyEach of the assignments is due at the start of class on the dates specified in the syllabus. Most assignments require both electronic and printed submissions. The printed copies may be handed in during class or turned in to the box outside Ben’s office (Gates 160); the corresponding program code must be submitted electronically as described in a separate handout. All assignments are due at 3:15P.M. sharp on the dates indicated on the assignment handout. Anything that comes in after 3:15P.M. will be considered late. Because each of you will probably come upon some time during the quarter where somuch work piles up that you need a little extra time, every student begins the quarter withtwo free "late days." "Late days" are class days, not actual days (i.e. from Monday to Wednesday is one late day). After the late days are exhausted, programs that come in late(up to a maximum of three class days) will be assessed a late penalty of one grade“bucket” per day (e.g., a + turns into a , and so forth). Assignments received later thanthree class days following the due date will not be graded. The interactive-gradingsession with your section leader must be scheduled within two weeks of the due date.Note that late days may not be used on the last assignment (#7) and no assignments willbe accepted after the last day of classes (December 7th).You should think of these free "late days" as extensions you have been granted ahead oftime, and use them when you might have otherwise tried to ask for an extension. As aresult, getting an extension beyond the two free "late days" will generally not be granted.In very special circumstances (primarily extended medical problems or other emergencies), extensions may be granted beyond the late days. All extension requestsmust be directed to the head TA, Ben Newman, no later than 24 hours before the programis due. Only Ben will be able to approve extensions. In particular, do not ask yoursection leader .ExaminationsThe midterm examination will be will be a ninety-minute test administered outside ofclass from 7:00-8:30pm on Tuesday, October 30th. If you have a conflict with thisrequest by electronic mail to me by 5:00pm on Monday, October 22nd to arrange analternate exam time. The final examination is scheduled forThursday, December 13th from 12:15-3:15pm.All examinations are open-book (class course reader and testbook only), and you may use any notes, handouts, or materials from the class, but you cannot use electronic devices of any type (i.e. portable computers, PDAs, etc).GradingFinal grades for the course will be determined using the following weights:45% 30% 15% 10% Programming assignments (weighted toward the later assignments) Final examinationMidterm examinationSection participationComputer facilitiesAs in any programming course, the assignments in CS 106A require extensive hands-on use of a computer. The preferred platform for doing the work is the Eclipse development environment which runs under both Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows (Vista and XP). Instructions on obtaining and using the Eclipse environment—which is an open-source software project and therefore free to download—will be distributed in a separate class handout.。



Mehran Sahami斯坦福大学开放课程:编程方法CS 106A 讲义#5如何下载Eclipse 开发环境由人人影视《斯坦福开放课程:编程方法》专译组奶昔译制这门课,我们推荐使用斯坦福大学量身定制的Eclipse 软件。

Eclipse 是业内广泛使用的Java 开发环境,功能众多,同时也是开源程序——任何人都可以免费对其定制修改。

利用这个优势,我们在专版Eclipse 中加入了斯坦福的特色功能,配套CS106A 课程(编程方法)使用。

这份讲义将指导你如何下载安装Eclipse 并使用我们的特色功能。

安装Eclipse在写Java 或卡雷尔程序之前,你需要从CS106A 课程网站上下载Eclipse 软件。



如果您使用Windows 平台,请按照方法二下载。

方法一:如何在苹果机上下载Eclipse 开发环境我们的Eclipse 只能在Mac OS X 10.4及更高平台上运行。


1.从CS 106A 网站上获取Eclipse Eclipse。

在写Java 或卡雷尔程序之前,你需要点击如下地址下载Eclipse 环境/materials/icspmcs106a/stanford_eclipse32_mac.zip2.安装Eclipse Eclipse。

下载完成之后,你应该得到一个名为eclipse 的文件夹或名为eclipse.dmg 的文件a.如过你下载到的是eclipse.dmg 文件,这是一个虚拟磁盘文件,内有名为eclipse 的文件夹。

双击eclipse.dmg ,你会在Finder 中找到一个名为eclipse-mac-distribution 的磁盘。

内有名为eclipse 的文件夹。

如果你下载到的是名为eclipse 的文件夹,请跳过步骤b。

b.将eclipse 文件夹拖入Applications 文件夹。



机器学习——斯坦福大学讲义第一课机器学习的动机与应用定义(Arthur Samuel 1959):在不直接针对问题进行编程的情况下,赋予计算机学习能力的研究领域。


(感觉使用决策树思想)定义2(Tom Mitchell 1998):一个合理的学习问题应该这样定义:对一个计算机程序来说,给它一个任务T和一个性能测量方法P,如果在经验E的影响下,P对T的测量结果得到了改进,那么就说改程序从E中学习了。







Mehran Sahami CS 106A Handout #7 September 26, 2007Assignment #1: Email and Karel the RobotKarel problems due: 3:15pm on Friday, October 5thEmail due: 11:59pm on Sunday, October 7thBased on a handout by Eric RobertsPart II—The REAL Assignment: Karel problems (due 3:15pm on Friday, Oct. 5th) The real problem solving portion of this assignment consists of four Karel programs. There are starter projects for each of these problems on the CS 106 web site in the area for Assignment 1. When you want to work on one of these programs, you need to download that starter folder as described in Handout #6 (Using Karel in Eclipse). Fromth ere, you need to edit the program files so that the assignment actually does what it’s supposed to do, which will involve a cycle of coding, testing, and debugging until everything works. The final step is to submit your assignment using the Submit Project entry under the Stanford menu. Remember that you can submit your programs individually as you finish them and that you can submit more than one version. If you discover an error after you’ve submitted one of these problems, just fix your program and submit a new copy. Also, Please remember that your Karel programs must limit themselvesto the language features described in Karel the Robot Learns Java in the Karel and SuperKarel classes. You may not use other features of Java, even though theEclipse-based version of Karel accepts them.The four Karel problems to solve are described below.Your first task is to solve a simple story-problem in Karel’s world. Suppose that Karelhas settled into its house, which is the square area in the center of the following diagram:543211 2 3 4 5 6 7Karel starts off in the northwest corner of its house as shown in the diagram. The problem you need to get Karel to solve is to collect the newspaper—represented (as all objects in Karel’s world are) by a beeper—from outside the doorway and then to return to its initial position.This exercise is extremely simple and exists just to get you started. You can assume that every part of the world looks just as it does in the diagram. The house is exactly this size, the door is always in the position shown, and the beeper is just outside the door. Thus, all you have to do is write the sequence of commands necessary to have Karel1. Move to the newspaper,2. Pick it up, and3. Return to its starting point.Even though the program is only a few lines, it is still worth getting at least a little practice in decomposition. In your solution, include a private method for each of the steps shown in the outline.A Word of AdviceBefore you go on to the harder problems on this assignment, why don’tyou try submitting your project as soon as you are done with this firstproblem? Every year, a handful of students run into some kind of problemwith the electronic submission option provided in the Stanford version ofEclipse. If you wait until 4:45 P.M. on Friday before you submit any ofyour work, you may discover that there is some aspect of the submissionprocess that you didn’t quite understand only after it’s too late to get anyhelp. So right now, as soon as you’ve got this first program working, goahead and hit the submit button to make sure that you can ship things off.Once you’ve done so, you’ll know that you’ve got the submission processunder control. Remember, we only look at the last submission you makebefore the due date, so it doesn’t hurt to submit new versions of yoursolution as you finish them.Karel has been hired to repair the damage done to the Quad in the 1989 earthquake. In particular, Karel is to repair a set of arches where some of the stones (represented by beepers, of course) are missing from the columns supporting the arches, as follows:876543211 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13Your program should work on the world shown above, but it should be general enough to handle any world that meets certain basic conditions as outlined at the end of this problem. There are several example worlds in the starter folder, and your program should work correctly with all of them.When Karel is done, the missing stones in the columns should be replaced by beepers, so that the final picture resulting from the world shown above would look like this:876543211 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13Karel may count on the following facts about the world, list on the next page:· Karel starts at 1st Avenue and 1st Street, facing east, with an infinite number of beepers. · The columns are exactly four units apart, on 1st, 5th, 9th Avenue, and so forth. · The end of the columns is marked by a wall immediately after the final column. This wall section appears after 13th Avenue in the example, but your program should work for any number of columns. · The top of the column is marked by a wall, but Karel cannot assume that columns are always five units high, or even that all columns are the same height. · Some of the corners in the column may already contain beepers representing stones that are still in place. Your program should not put a second beeper on these corners.Problem 3In this exercise, your job is to get Karel to create a checkerboard pattern of beepers inside an empty rectangular world, as illustrated in the following before-and-after diagram:8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1BeforeAfter1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 This problem has a nice decomposition structure along with some interesting algorithmic issues. As you think about how you will solve the problem, you should make sure that your solution works with checkerboards that are different in size from the standard 8x 8 checkerboard shown in the example. Odd-sized checkerboards are tricky, and you should make sure that your program generates the following pattern in a 5x 3 world:Another special case you need to consider is that of a world which is only one column wide or one row high. The starter folder contains several sample worlds that test these special cases, and you should make sure that your program works for each of them.Problem 4As an exercise in solving algorithmic problems, program Karel to place a single beeper at the center of 1st Street. For example, if Karel starts in the world543211 2 3 4 5it should end with Karel standing on a beeper in the following position:543211 2 3 4 5Note that the final configuration of the world should have only a single beeper at the midpoint of 1st Street. Along the way, Karel is allowed to place additional beepers wherever it wants to, but must pick them all up again before it finishes.In solving this problem, you may count on the following facts about the world:· Karel starts at 1st Avenue and 1st Street, facing east, with an infinite number of beepers in its bag.· The initial state of the world includes no interior walls or beepers.· The world need not be square, but you may assume that it is at least as tall as it is wide. Your program, moreover, can assume the following simplifications:· If the width of the world is odd, Karel must put the beeper in the center square. If the width is even, Karel may drop the beeper on either of the two center squares.· It does not matter which direction Karel is facing at the end of the run.There are many different algorithms you can use to solve this problem. The interesting part of this assignment is to come up with a strategy that works.感谢您试用AnyBizSoft PDF to Word。



斯坦福大学公开课:编程方法学ASSIGNMENT1这个是根据Assignment #1: Email and Karel the RobotKarel problems due: 1:15pm on Friday, April 12th ,2013自己写的代码,没有做过优化,这次的作业中Problem3的代码有问题,只能实现在大多数的世界中使用,在1 X N这种会失效还没有修改,刚接触这门课程,还是挺有趣的,卡雷尔机器人程序。

我先声明了一个通用的类, 然后再做的作业.import stanford.karel.*;public class 通用extends SuperKarel{public void moveBackToWall(){turnAround();while(frontIsClear()){move();}}public void moveToWall(){while(frontIsClear()){move();}}public void moveBackward(){turnAround();move();turnAround();}public void turnBack(){turnLeft();turnLeft();}}problem1/** File: CollectNewspaperKarel.java* --------------------------------* At present, the CollectNewspaperKarel subclass does nothing. * Your job in the assignment is to add the necessary code to* instruct Karel to walk to the door of its house, pick up the* newspaper (represented by a beeper, of course), and then return * to its initial position in the upper left corner of the house.*/public class CollectNewspaperKarel extends 通用{public void run(){moveToWall();turnRight();move();turnLeft();move();pickBeeper();turnBack();move();turnRight();moveToWall();turnLeft();moveToWall();putBeeper();turnBack();}}problem2public class UnitedNationsKarel extends 通用{public void run(){while(frontIsClear()){if(beepersPresent()){pickBeeper();buildHouse();}if(frontIsClear()){move();}}}private void buildHouse(){getReady();build();finish();}private void getReady(){moveBackward();turnLeft();}private void finish(){turnLeft();}private void build(){buildPart();nextToWork();buildPart();getNext();buildPart();}private void buildPart(){putBeeper();move();putBeeper();move();putBeeper();}private void nextToWork(){move();turnRight();move();turnRight();}private void getNext(){turnAround();nextToWork();}}problem3/** File: CheckerboardKarel.java* ----------------------------* When you finish writing it, the CheckerboardKarel class should draw * a checkerboard using beepers, as described in Assignment 1. You * should make sure that your program works for all of the sample* worlds supplied in the starter folder.*/public class CheckerboardKarel extends 通用{public void run(){while(leftIsClear()){while(frontIsClear()){putRow();}moveToNextStreet();}while(frontIsClear()){putRow();}checkBeeper();}private void putRow(){putBeeper();if(frontIsClear()){move();}if(frontIsClear()){move();}}private void moveToNextStreet(){checkBeeper();moveBackToWall();moveForPutRow();}private void checkBeeper(){moveBackward();if(beepersPresent()){}else{move();putBeeper();}}private void moveForPutRow(){turnRight();if(beepersPresent()){move();turnRight();move();}else{move();turnRight();}}}problem4/** File: MidpointFindingKarel.java* -------------------------------* When you finish writing it, the MidpointFindingKarel class should * leave a beeper on the corner closest to the center of 1st Street * (or either of the two central corners if 1st Street has an even* number of corners). Karel can put down additional beepers as it * looks for the midpoint, but must pick them up again before it* stops. The world may be of any size, but you are allowed to* assume that it is at least as tall as it is wide.*/public class MidpointFindingKarel extends 通用{public void run(){fullOfBeepers();while(beepersPresent()){changeForTake();takeOneBeeper();}turnAround();move();}private void fullOfBeepers(){putBeeper();while(frontIsClear()){move();putBeeper();}}private void changeForTake(){moveToWall();turnAround();}private void takeOneBeeper(){for(int i=0;i<15;i++){if(beepersPresent()){}else{move();}}move();checkBeeper();}private void checkBeeper(){if(beepersPresent()){moveBackward();pickBeeper();move(); }}}。



清洁工卡雷尔(CleanupKarel)程序代码 /* * File: CleanupKarel.java * ----------------------* Karel starts at (1, 1) facing East and cleans up any * beepers scattered throughout his world. */ import stanford.karel.*; public class CleanupKarel extends SuperKarel { /* Cleans up a field of beepers, one row at a time */ public void run() { cleanRow(); while (leftIsClear()) { repositionForRowToWest(); cleanRow(); if (rightIsClear()) { repositionForRowToEast(); cleanRow(); } else { /* * In rows with an even number of streets, we want * Karel's left to be blocked after he cleans the last * row, so we turn him to the appropriate orientation. */ turnAround(); } } }
|《斯坦福大学开放课程:编程方法》专译组 5
private void repositionForRowToEast() { turnRight(); move(); turnRight(); } }



Mehran Sahami CS 106A Handout #44 November 30, 2007Packaging Your Program into a Distributable JAR FileBased on a handout by Eric Roberts and Brandon Burr Now that you’ve written all these wonderful programs, wouldn’t it be great if you couldpackage them up and send them to your mom, dad, friends, and pets so that she could see what you’ve done? Because we here in CS106A feel that no parent sho uld be spared the joy of sitting through a simplified version of a game he or she has undoubtedly played a million times before, here’s a short guide to making an executable JAR file in Eclipse!If your program uses no external JAR filesEclipse makes it easy to package your code up into a JAR file that you can double-click to run, especially for those programs that aren’t using other JAR files. In other words, ifyour program is using the ACM libraries (or some other non-standard Java libraries), you’ll have to do the slightly more complicated method that uses a manifest file. Both examples are described below.Using the ACM libraries, Step 1Our programs that have used the ACM libraries have started running via the publicvoid run() method. We changed Eclipse to allow this, to make things easier for you.But in reality, a Java program needs to start at a particular method in a class, the publicstatic void main(String[] args) method. If your program uses the ACM libraries,you’ll need to edit your code t o have a main(). You can do this easily by simply adding the following code to the class that has the public void run(), substituting the name of that class for…Yahtzee‟ below.public static void main(String[] args) {new Yahtzee().start(args);}If you remember at the beginning of the quarter, we said that you needed the special Stanford version of Eclipse to run your programs, this is because of the edit (mentioned above) that we made to Eclipse. But if you add this main() method your program should run fine in any Java compiler.Using the ACM libraries (or using any external JAR files), Step 2Now that we have a normal running Java program, let’s package it up into a JAR file. A JAR file is simple a J ava AR chive – a file that contains a set of Java class files as well as potentially other files that will be used by the program. One important issue to point out here is if we need to specify other libraries that our program will need to reference. The easiest way do this in Eclipse is by using a manifest file when creating your JAR file. The manifest file allows you to specify things like which is the main class to run when theJAR file is double-clicked, or what the external libraries are, or even security information about the JAR file. If you aren’t using other JAR files, you don’t need to use the manifest file. Eclipse provides a straightforward way of exporting your program. In either case,you can create a JAR file as follows.Go through the process of Exporting your project to a JAR file as shown below. In Eclipse, highlight (click on the name of) the project you wish to create a JAR file from:Go to the File menu and select the Export ... command. This should give you the following window:Click on Java to expand the list of options, and then click on the option JAR file . Hit the …Next >‟ button in the window.You will see the JAR Export window:Click on the name of your project (Assignment5, in this case) to make sure the (default package) is selected, and select the destination of the JAR file using the…Browse...”button. Then hit…Next‟.This screen isn’t too important for our purposes. Just hit the…Next >‟ button again.Okay, now here’s where the important stuff happens. First, near the bottom of the window, select the Main class using the…Browse...‟ button. The main class (Yahtzee, in this case) should show up in the list if you correctly added the main() method described above.If your program doesn’t reference other JAR files (i.e., it does not use the ACM libraries or any other libraries), that’s it. You’re done! You don’t need to worry about the manifest file stuff. Just hit the…Finish‟ button, and go double-click the JAR file you just created.Make sure you see the last section of this handout on data files and distribution, though.If you do need to reference other JAR files (i.e., like the ACM libraries), then you need to create a manifest file. To do this, we will go through this exporting process twice. The first time is to generate a manifest file, and the second time is to use that file when exporting our program. So, from here, make sure …Generate the manifest file ‟radio button near the top of the window is selected, and that check box for …Save the manifest in the workspace' is checked. Use the …Browse…‟ button associated with the …Manifest fi le ‟ text box to select the destination of the manifest file. Click the Assignment5 folder (or whatever your project is named), and then in the box type in the name “manifest”. This screen should look something like the image above when you’re done (i.e., the Manifest file will likely be '/Assignment5/manifest'). Now hit the 'Finish' button.You should see the manifest file show up in the package explorer:If you double click on the manifest file, you should see its contents. You need to edit the manifest file to add the line "Class-Path: " followed by the names of all the JAR files that this program uses, separated by spaces. In this case, that would include acm.jar and yahtzeelib.jar . When you’re done the manifest file will look something like this:Make sure to save the updated manifest file. Now that we have this manifest file, repeat the entire above process of exporting a JAR file (i.e., click on your project name, pick Export... from the file menu, select the JAR file option for exporting, etc.). However, this time you will do something different when you get to the last window (shown below): Array When you get here, make sure to click the radio button for“Use existing manifestfrom workspace”.You should then have a screen that looks like this:Now, hit“Finish” button. Eclipse will use the manifest file we just created previously to make our yahtzee.jar. If it asks you to overwrite the old yahtzee.jar, just say “Yes”.We’re almost there!Distributing your programNow you have your yahtzee.jar file, containing your Yahtzee code, but you can’t simply send the yahtzee.jar to your friends. This jar doesn’t contain the code in the other two JAR files (acm.jar and yahtzeelib.jar), nor does it contain any data filesyour program might use (text files with data, or even sounds or images). What you’ll want to do is create a new folder, place your yahtzee.jar file in it, along with any other JAR files your program uses (like acm.jar and any other the ones you added to the manifest file) and data files you use. Once you have all of these files in a single folder, you should be able to just double-click your yahtzee.jar file, and have it run your application. You will need to distribute this entire folder to anyone that you want to share your program with. Usually the easiest way is to just zip the folder up into a single file, and then email that – just make sure that your friends know how to unzip the file!。





















参考文献[1]雷金育.高中物理教学中过程启发式教学的应用解析[J].试题与研究(教学论坛),2014(24):86[2]陈静.探析高中物理教学中过程启发式教学的应用[J].教育界,2014(26):141-141一、背景网易公开课中,有一门来自斯坦福大学的课程《编程方法》(Programming Methodologies ),这是斯坦福工程学院课程开放计划中的一门,免费提供他人观看,我因而得以收看学习。



Steve Cooper Handout #17CS 106A January 24, 2011Coding StyleWhen writing a paper, you can have well-crafted, correctly spelled sentences and create ―A‖ work. Or you can hack out the text in a hurry. It will not look as good, but it can convey your thoughts and get the job done; it’s worth maybe a ―B‖ or a ―C‖. Computer code is not like that. Code that is messy tends to have all sorts of bugs and other problems. Messy code attracts problems like a half-eaten lollipop attracts lint (and that's never pleasant). The problems and bugs in poorly written code tend to compound each other and pile up, so the code ends up being nearly worthless. It has bugs. Nobody knows how to fix them or add features without creating more bugs. Once code is in that state, it is hard to escape. In a sense, code tends to be more either ―A‖, or ―D‖ or ―F‖. Therefore, it is best to write code that is clean to start, and keep it clean as you add features. This is one of the lessons in CS for successfully building large projects. For that reason CS 106A emphasizes the habits of clean, well-engineered code right from the start, building the right habits for the future.One reason to write clean, well-structured code is that it works better and takes less time in the end. The other reason to write clean code is that it is just more satisfying to do a good job on something. Clear, elegant code feels right, just like any other engineering or artistic creation.The messy code trapIt is a basic fact of computer science that poorly designed, messy code is harder to build and debug than clean code. It is tempting to just type out a quick solution as it occurs to you to get started. It is better to take a little more time at the start to build the clean version, creating fewer headaches in the debugging phase. Once code gets messy, it’s hard to clean it up. It’s easier to start clean, and then keep it clean with each addition. The worst possible strategy is to build the messy version, do your debugging on that, and then clean it up before turning it in—all the work and little of the benefit! Do it the right way from the start, and you’ll be happier.DecompositionDecomposition does not mean taking a completed program and then breaking up large methods into smaller ones merely to appease your section leader. Decomposition is the most valuable tool you have for tackling complex problems. It is much easier to design, implement, and debug small functional units in isolation than to attempt to do so with a much larger chunk of code. Remember that writing a program first and decomposing after the fact is not only difficult, but prone to producing poor results. You should decompose the problem, and write the program from that already decomposed framework. In other words, you are aiming to decompose problems, not programs!The decomposition should be logical and readable. A reader shouldn't need to twist her head around to follow how the program works. Sensible breakdown into modular units and good naming conventions are essential. Methods should be short and to the point. Strive to design methods that are general enough for a variety of situations and achieve specifics through use of parameters. This will help you avoid redundant methods—sometimes the implementation of two or more methods can be sensibly unified into one general method, resulting in less code to develop, comment, maintain, and debug. Avoid repeated code. Even a handful of lines repeated is worth breaking out into a helper method called in both situations.Readable codeOne metric for good code is that it ―reads‖ nicely—that someone sweeping their eye over the code can see the algorithmic idea at hand. The original programmer had an idea inmind—a way to solve the problem. Does the code communicate that idea? Writingreadable code is important both because it will help any future reader and because it helpsyou avoid your own bugs. Bugs, after all, are simply where the code expresses an idea,but it is not the idea you had in mind. Readable code has fewer bugs.Variable namesThe first step in readable code is choosing good names for variables. Typically a variablegets a noun name that reflects what it stores—width or height or bankBalance. If youhave the number 2, but do not know anything about it, then the generic num is an okayname. If you know more specifically that it’s a weight or a number of pixels then thename should reflect that knowledge. In Java, the convention is to begin variables with the first word lowercase, and uppercase later words like this: bestScore, remainingCreamPuffs. This notation is often refered to as "Camel Case," since the capitalization of letters in the middle of the name is similar to humps on a camel. If youhave a pointer to an object but without any more specific word to use for its variablename, then you can use the name of the class in lowercase. So if code deals with a Circle or Person object, then obvious variable names are circle or person. If you know something more specific about the objects, then more specific names like leftCircle or mother are better. There are a few idiomatic one-letter names—i, j, k for int loop counters; x, y, z for coordinates. These are in such wide use that they make very readable code just by familiarity.Method namesIf variables names are the nouns, method names are the verbs. Method names shouldreflect the action they perform—removeAll(), drawLine(), getX(). The prefixes getand set have a typical role. A get method gets a piece of information from an object,either a value that the object stores or computes: getWidth(), getNumChildren().Likewise, set methods typically are used to pass a value in to an object for it to store oruse: setWidth(int width). Methods that return a boolean (i.e., predicate methods) areoften named starting with is or has.WhitespaceUse whitespace to help separate the logical parts of the code, in much the same way that paragraphs separate groups of sentenc es. Rather than write a block of 20 lines, it’s nice to put in blank lines to separate the code into its natural 6-line sections that accomplish logical sub-parts of the computation. Each little section of code might have a comment to describe what it accomplishes. Likewise, you can use whitespace to show the logical grouping of elements within a line. Do not run everything together with no spaces. Here are a few examples/* many terms with no spaces -- never do this */int i=2*i+12/i;/* spaces around every operator----okay */int i = 2 * i + 12 / i;/* could add parens for readability */int i = (2 * i) + (12 / i);/* here’s the same idea, but with boolean expressions... *//* spaces - ok */if (i * 12 < j) {/* could add parens for clarity */if ((i * 12) < j) {IndentationAll programming languages use indentation to show which parts of the code are owned or controlled by other parts. In CS 106A, whenever there is a {, the code on the next line should be indented—this applies to methods, classes, if-statements, loops, and so on. Eclipse will do this automatically. Hit the tab key to indent one level manually. You can also select a few lines and use tab to move them all right on level, and shift-tab to move them all left one level. At the end of the indented code the matching }should not be indented. In this way, the indented section is visually set-off from the outer {}that controls it, as shown:if (i > 10) {println("i too big");i = i % 10;someMethod(i);}CommentsComments add the human context to the raw lines of code. They explain the overall flow and strategy of what is going on. Comments point out assumptions or issues that affect a part of the program that are not obvious from the code itself.As you write larger and more complex pieces of code, comments help you keep track of your own assumptions and ideas as you are building and testing various parts of the code. There gets to be more than you can keep in your head at one time. The first step is good variable and method na mes. They make the code ―read‖ well on its own, so fewer comments are required.Class commentsEach class should have a comment summarizing what it does. Typically the class comment will mention what sort of data the class encapsulates and what sort of methods it implements. Professional quality documentation for a class or group of classes intended for use by others, such as the String class, will also have a few introductory paragraphs of discussion of what sort of problems the class solves and what typical client use of the class looks like. For a system of classes, there may be an architectural overview that summarizes the role of each class and how they all fit together to build the program. Variable commentsSometimes the meaning of an instance variable or local variable is completely clear just from its name. For a complex variable, there is often extra contextual information about the variable that the code must be consistent about. A comment where the instance variable is declared is the perfect place to document such side-issues for the variable: what are its units? Are there constraints on what values it is allowed to take on? For example, weight might be the perfect name for an instance variable indicating the weight of the object, but you still need to know, say for a car simulator, that it is in pounds, or that the weight is for the car but does not include the passengers or fuel. There is often ancillary information about an instance variable—its meaning, assumptions, and constraints—beyond what is captured in its name. The comment for an instance variable can capture this extra information about the variable in one place.Method commentsMethod comments should describe what the method accomplishes. Emphasize what the method does for the caller, not how it is implemented. The comment should describe what the method does to the receiver object, adding in the role of any parameters. In the standard comment style used with javadoc, the method comment begin with a verb in the third-person singular f orm (typically ending in ―s‖) describing what the method does. For a complex method, the comment can address the preconditions that should be true before the method is called, and the postconditions that will be true after it is done.An example of method commenting is shown on the next page.AttributionAll code copied from books, handouts or other sources, and any assistance received from other students, section leaders, fairy godmothers, etc. must be cited. We consider this an important tenet of academic integrity. For example,/*** isLeapYear is adapted from Eric Roberts' text,* The Art and Science of Java, p. 106.*/or/*** I received help designing the decomposition of Breakout, in* particular, the idea having a method to handle one ball in play, * from Jason Ma on Friday, Jan. 28, 2011.*/。



Mehran Sahami斯坦福大学开放课程:编程方法CS 106A 讲义#6使用Eclipse 编写卡雷尔程序人人影视《斯坦福大学开放课程:编程方法》专译组奶昔译如果你已经按照讲义#5的步骤下载了Eclipse 开发环境,接下来你需要知道的就是如何利用Eclipse 编写卡雷尔程序。

虽然用Eclipse 建立新工程并不困难,但为了简化过程,我们提供了工程框架。



访问CS106A 的Assignment 页面(登录CS106A 课程网站,点击Assignment 链接)。


点击Assignment1.zip 链接,浏览器会下载本习题的工程框架。

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将工程导入工作区至此,你需要启动Eclipse 软件(具体方法讲义#5中已详述)。

在工具栏上找到这个图标:这是Import Project (导入工程)按钮,会自动将工程目录复制到工作区内以便使用。


Eclipse 会自动载入工程框架,并在Package Explorer中显示工程名,如下:点击文件夹名前的小三角可以展开第一层目录:注:你有可能看不到JRE System Library这项(或者后面的版本不是1.4.2)。


default package中存放着你需要编写的代码文件。







Mehran Sahami CS 106AHandout #23October 17, 2007 UFO Game ExampleBased on a handout by Patrick Young./** File: UfoGame.java* ------------------* This program plays a game where the user tries to * shoot a UFO before the UFO "lands".*/import import import import acm.program.*; acm.graphics.*; java.awt.*;java.awt.event.*;public class UfoGame extends GraphicsProgram {/** Size and speed of UFO */private static final int UFO_WIDTH = 40;private static final int UFO_HEIGHT = UFO_WIDTH / 2;private static final int UFO_SPEED = 5;/** Size and speed of bullets */private static final int BULLET_SPEED = 10;private static final int BULLET_DIAM = 5;/** Animation cycle delay */private static final int DELAY = 10;public void run() {setup();while (!gameOver()) {moveUFO();moveBullet();checkForCollisions();pause(DELAY);}}/** setup UFO and add mouse listeners */private void setup() {ufo = new GRect(UFO_WIDTH, UFO_HEIGHT);ufo.setFilled(true);add(ufo, getWidth(), 0); // UFO starts at top rightufoToLeft = true;addMouseListeners();}/** determines if game is over -- true if either* the UFO is destroyed or if the UFO lands */private boolean gameOver() {return (ufo == null) ||(ufo.getY() >= getHeight() - UFO_HEIGHT);}/** when mouse is clicked create bullet, unless a bullet * already exists.*/public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {if (bullet == null) {bullet = new GOval(BULLET_DIAM, BULLET_DIAM);bullet.setFilled(true);bullet.setColor(Color.RED);add(bullet, (getWidth() - BULLET_DIAM) / 2,getHeight() - BULLET_DIAM);}}/** moves UFO, if UFO has moved to edge of screen, moves * UFO down and changes UFO direction.*/private void moveUFO() {if (ufoToLeft) {ufo.move(-UFO_SPEED, 0);if (ufo.getX() <= 0) {ufoToLeft = false;ufo.move(0, UFO_HEIGHT);}} else {ufo.move(UFO_SPEED, 0);if (ufo.getX() >= getWidth() - UFO_WIDTH) {ufoToLeft = true;ufo.move(0, UFO_HEIGHT);}}}/** moves bullet */private void moveBullet() {if (bullet != null) {bullet.move(0, -BULLET_SPEED);}}/** checks for bullet interaction with the world* (either colliding with the UFO or moving offscreen*/private void checkForCollisions() {collideWithUFO();moveOffScreen();}/** checks to see if UFO and bullet collide, if so* bullet and UFO are removed and both variables are* set to null.*/private void collideWithUFO() {if (bullet != null) {GObject collObj = getElementAt(bullet.getX(), bullet.getY());if (collObj == ufo) {remove(ufo);remove(bullet);ufo = null;bullet = null;}}}/** determines if bullet has moved of screen,* if it has, removes bullet, sets variable to null*/private void moveOffScreen() {if (bullet != null) {if (bullet.getY() <= -BULLET_DIAM) {remove(bullet);bullet = null;}}}/* private instance variables */private GRect ufo;private GOval bullet;private boolean ufoToLeft; // when true, UFO is moving to left }。








二、课程特点1. 深入浅出:斯坦福大学计算机科学课程讲义采用了简洁明了的语言和方法,对于复杂的概念进行了深入浅出的解释,使初学者也能够轻松理解。

2. 实践导向:讲义不仅仅是理论知识的堆砌,更注重实践和应用。


3. 最新研究成果:斯坦福大学计算机科学课程讲义及时更新,将最新的计算机科学研究成果和技术进展融入到教学内容中,使学生能够了解前沿的科学发展动态。

4. 教材资源丰富:讲义提供了丰富的教材资源,包括教学视频、练习题、实验指导等,辅助学生进行自主学习和巩固知识。


1. 课程概述:该课程以分层的方式介绍计算机网络,包括物理层、数据链路层、网络层、传输层和应用层。


2. 实践指导:课程讲义提供了一系列实验指导,引导学生利用模拟器进行网络实验,如构建简单的网络拓扑、配置路由协议等。


3. 案例研究:课程讲义引入了一些实际案例进行研究,如互联网的发展历程、网络安全问题等。




Mehran SahamiCS 106ASolutions to Midterm ExamProblem 1: Karel the Robot (15 points)/** File: TreasureHuntKarel.java* ----------------------------* This program has Karel run a treasure hunt.*/import stanford.karel.*;public class TreasureHuntKarel extends SuperKarel {public void run() { Handout #32 November 5, 2007/* Continue treasure hunt until we face wall (by treasure). We* are guaranteed not to encounter a wall until we reach treasure.*/while (frontIsClear()) {faceCorrectDirection();moveToNextPile();}}/* Turns Karel until he is facing East */private void faceEast() {while (notFacingEast()) {turnLeft();}}/* To face the correct direction based on a clue represented by a* pile of beepers, we first face East and then make one left turn* for each beeper in the pile.*/private void faceCorrectDirection() {faceEast();while (beepersPresent()) {pickBeeper();turnLeft();}}/* Move forward until you reach next clue or treasure (pile of beepers) */private void moveToNextPile() {while (noBeepersPresent()) {move();}}}Problem 2: Simple Java expressions, statements, and methods (15 points)(2a)7 / ('C' - 'A')4 >5 || 3 % 1 == 0 &&6 * 3 > 19('b' - 'a') + "a" 3false"1a" (2b) What output is printed by the following program:Problem 3: Simple Java program using the random number library (20 points)/** File: CoinToss.java* -------------------* Number of times to toss a coin until it comes up heads 3 times in a row.*/import acm.program.*;import acm.util.*;public class CoinToss extends ConsoleProgram {private static final int NUM_CONSECUTIVE = 3;public void run() {int count = 0;int totalFlips = 0;while (count < NUM_CONSECUTIVE ) {boolean isHeads = rgen.nextBoolean(); if (isHeads) {// value true means "heads"println("heads"); count++; } else { println("tails"); count = 0; } totalFlips++; // print result of coin flip// increment count of consecutive heads// print result of coin flip// reset count of consecutive heads// increment total number of flips}println("It took " + totalFlips + " flips to get "+ NUM_CONSECUTIVE+ " consecutive heads");}private RandomGenerator rgen = RandomGenerator.getInstance ();}Problem 4: Using the graphics libraries (25 points)Although there are a number of ways to solve this problem, there are two common approaches, the first of which would be considered stylistically nicer than the other. The stylistically nicer solution is to keep track of the selected object at all times. When an object is selected, the previous selected object is unselected and the new selection is recorded. This is shown below: /* File: RadioButtonsProgram.java */import import import import acm.graphics.*; acm.program.*; java.awt.*;java.awt.event.*;public class RadioButtonsProgram extends GraphicsProgram {private static final double DIAM = 100;private static final double SPACER = 120;public void run() {drawInitialCircles();addMouseListeners();}// Draw three circles centered in the graphics window.private void drawInitialCircles() {double cy = (getHeight() - DIAM) / 2;double startx = (getWidth() - ((DIAM * 3) + (SPACER * 2))) / 2;GOval oval1 = new GOval(startx, cy, DIAM, DIAM);oval1.setFilled(true);add(oval1);GOval oval2 = new GOval(startx + DIAM + SPACER, cy, DIAM, DIAM);oval2.setFilled(true);add(oval2);GOval oval3 = new GOval(startx + ((DIAM + SPACER) * 2), cy, DIAM,DIAM);oval3.setFilled(true);add(oval3);}// If use clicked on a object unselect current selection (if one exists) // and keep track of the new selection.public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {GObject obj = getElementAt(e.getX(), e.getY());if (obj != null) {if (selected != null) {selected.setColor(Color.BLACK);}selected = obj;selected.setColor(Color.RED);}}private GObject selected = null; // Used to keep track of selected circle }Another possible solution keeps track of all three circles as instance variables. Whenever a circle is clicked, it unselects all the circles and then selects the newly selected circle. This code is stylistically less nice than the previous example, and is much less efficient (imagine if the user could select among one of 20 or 100 circles), but it still works for the problem we gave you./* File: RadioButtonsProgram.java */import import import import acm.graphics.*; acm.program.*; java.awt.*;java.awt.event.*;public class AnotherCircleSelect extends GraphicsProgram {private static final double DIAM = 100;private static final double SPACER = 120;public void run() {drawInitialCircles();addMouseListeners();}// Draw three circles centered in the graphics window.private void drawInitialCircles() {double cy = (getHeight() - DIAM) / 2;double startx = (getWidth() - ((DIAM * 3) + (SPACER * 2))) / 2;oval1 = new GOval(startx, cy, DIAM, DIAM);oval1.setFilled(true);add(oval1);oval2 = new GOval(startx + DIAM + SPACER, cy, DIAM, DIAM);oval2.setFilled(true);add(oval2);oval3 = new GOval(startx + ((DIAM + SPACER) * 2), cy, DIAM, DIAM);oval3.setFilled(true);add(oval3);}// If user clicks a circle, then unselect all the circles and select// the newly clicked circle.public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {GObject obj = getElementAt(e.getX(), e.getY());if (obj != null) {oval1.setColor(Color.BLACK);oval2.setColor(Color.BLACK);oval3.setColor(Color.BLACK);obj.setColor(Color.RED);}}private GOval oval1; // Instance variables used to keep track of allprivate GOval oval2; // three circles that a user could select.private GOval oval3;}Problem 5: Strings and characters (15 points)// Returns true is ch is an end-of-sentence punctuation character private boolean isPunctuation(char ch) {return (ch == '.' || ch == '!' || ch == '?');}private String cleanUpPunctuation(String str) {String result = "";// Keep track of whether we are currently in a sequence of// punctuation marks.boolean droppingPunctuation = false;for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {char ch = str.charAt(i);// If we find punctuation, then keep the character is we are// // if not already in a punctuation sequence.are now in a punctuation sequence.(isPunctuation(ch)) {In any case, weif (!droppingPunctuation) {result += ch;droppingPunctuation = true;}} else {// If character is not punctuation, then we keep it and we cannot// be in a punctuation sequence.result += ch;droppingPunctuation = false;}}return result;}。



Mehran Sahami CS 106AHandout #14October 8, 2007 MethodsBased on a handout by Eric RobertsChapter 5 introduces the concept of methods in Java, which are analogous to those you created in Karel. In contrast to the topics of expressions and control statements, the material in Chapter 5 involves far fewer details. On the other hand, the ideas introduced in this chapter are far more important. If you plot overall importance on a scale of 1 to 10, the switch statement probably weighs in somewhere around 2 (and I'm being very generous here... poor old switch statement); methods are definitely a 10.The common idea that links methods in Karel and Java is that both provide a service to other, higher-level parts of the program and therefore act as tools. In both languages, therun method can call subsidiary methods to accomplish parts of the overall task. Those methods in turn call other methods that perform simpler operations, and so on. The caller views the method in terms of the effect it accomplishes. The method supplies all the details about how that operation is done. By hiding the details of complex operations, methods simplify the conceptual structure of a program considerably and allow you as a programmer to view it at varying levels of detail.The fundamental difference between methods in Karel and their counterparts in Java is that Java makes it possible for data to pass back and forth between the caller and the method. Callers supply information to the method by supplying arguments; methods give information back to their callers by returning results. The entire process of passing this data between the two levels is in many respects the most important issue for you to understand in Chapter 5. In particular, you should take note of the following:· Methods can be applied to other objects. In this case, the syntax of the call is (arguments)· Arguments in the calling method are assigned to the corresponding formal parameters in the callee according to their position in the argument list. Thus, the first argument is assigned to the first parameter name, the second to the second, and so on. The names of the variables are completely irrelevant to this process.· Arguments are copied rather than shared. If you change the value of a formal parameter, the corresponding actual argument—even if it is a variable with the same name—is unaffected.· The return statement causes a method to return immediately to its caller and also indicates the value to be returned as a result.Methods can return values of any of the types you have encountered so far. Most of you will have little trouble with methods that return numeric data because you are familiar with this concept from high-school algebra. For some reason, methods that return objects or Boolean data seem harder, although the basic idea is precisely the same. Methods that return Boolean values, which are usually called predicate methods, are extremely important to programming.。


将特征多项式f(λ)=0解出λ的值,即为 矩阵A的特征值。
对于每一个特征值λ,求解齐次方程组 (A−λE)x=0,得到非零解向量即为矩 阵A的属于特征值λ的特征向量。
如果一个矩阵的所有特征值都不相同,则该矩 阵可对角化。
如果两个矩阵的特征值和特征向量分别相等, 则这两个矩阵相似。
04 线性变换与矩阵
线性变换是向量空间中的一种变换, 它将一个向量映射到另一个向量,保 持向量的加法、数乘和标量积不变。
线性变换具有一些重要的性质,如线 性变换的加法性质、数乘性质和标量 积性质,这些性质有助于我们更好地 理解和应用线性变换。
矩阵是一个矩形阵列,由数字组成, 用于表示线性变换。矩阵的行数和列 数称为矩阵的维度。
03 特征值与特征向量
对于一个n阶方阵A,如果存在一个数λ和n维非零列向量x,使得Ax=λx成立,则称λ为矩阵A的特征值,x为矩阵 A的属于特征值λ的特征向量。

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Mehran Sahami CS 106A Handout #12 October 5, 2007Assignment #2: Simple Java ProgramsDue: 3:15pm on Monday, October 15thBased on a handout by Eric Roberts Your job in this assignment is to write programs to solve each of these six problems.1. Write a GraphicsProgram subclass that draws a pyramid consisting of bricksarranged in horizontal rows, so that the number of bricks in each row decreases by one as you move up the pyramid, as shown in the following sample run:The pyramid should be centered at the bottom of the window and should use constants for the following parameters:BRICK_WIDTH BRICK_HEIGHT BRICKS_IN_BASE The width of each brick (30 pixels) The height of each brick (12 pixels) The number of bricks in the base (14)The numbers in parentheses show the values for this diagram, but you must be able to change those values in your program.2. Suppose that you’ve been hired to produce a program that draws an image of an archery target —or, if you prefer commercial applications, a logo for a national department store chain —that looks like this:This figure is simply three GOval objects, two red and one white, drawn in the correct order. The outer circle should have a radius of one inch (72 pixels), the white circle has a radius of 0.65 inches, and the inner red circle has a radius of 0.3 inches. The figure should be centered in the window of a GraphicsProgram subclass.3. Write a GraphicsProgram subclass that draws a partial diagram of the acm.program class hierarchy, as follows: The only classes you need to create this picture are GRect , GLabel , and GLine . The major part of the problem is specifying the coordinates so that the different elementsa b of the picture are aligned properly. The aspects of the alignment for which you are responsible are:· The width and height of the class boxes should be specified as named constants so that they are easy to change.· The labels should be centered in their boxes. You can find the width of a label by calling label.getWidth() and the height it extends above the baseline by calling label.getAscent(). If you want to center a label, you need to shift its origin by half of these distances in each direction.· The connecting lines should start and end at the center of the appropriate edge of the box.· The entire figure should be centered in the window. 4. In high-school geometry, you learned the Pythagorean theorem for the relationship of the lengths of the three sides of a right triangle:a 2 +b 2 =c 2which can alternatively be written as:c = 2 2Most of this expression contains simple operators covered in Chapter 3. The one piece that’s missing is taking square roots, which you can do by calling the standard function Math.sqrt . For example, the statement double y = Math.sqrt(x);sets y to the square root of x .Write a ConsoleProgram that accepts values for a and b as int s and then calculates the solution of c as a double . Your program should be able to duplicate the following sample run:5. Write a ConsoleProgram that reads in a list of integers, one per line, until a sentinel value of 0 (which you should be able to change easily to some other value). When the sentinel is read, your program should display the smallest and largest values in the list, as illustrated in this sample run: Your program should handle the following special cases: · If the user enters only one value before the sentinel, the program should report that value as both the largest and smallest. · If the user enters the sentinel on the very first input line, then no values have been entered, and your program should display a message to that effect.6. Douglas Hofstadter’s Pulitzer -prize-winning book Gödel, Escher, Bach contains many interesting mathematical puzzles, many of which can be expressed in the form of computer programs. In Chapter XII, Hofstadter mentions a wonderful problem that is well within the scope of the control statements from Chapter 4. The problem can be expressed as follows:Pick some positive integer and call it n .If n is even, divide it by two. If n is odd, multiply it by three and add one. Continue this process until n is equal to one.On page 401 of the Vintage edition, Hofstadter illustrates this process with the following example, starting with the number 15:1546 23 70 35 106 53 is odd, so I make 3n + 1: is even, so I take half: is odd, so I make 3n + 1: is even, so I take half: is odd, so I make 3n + 1: is even, so I take half: is odd, so I make 3n + 1: 46 23 70 35 106 53 160160 80 40 20 10 5 16 8 4 2 is even, so I take half:is even, so I take half:is even, so I take half:is even, so I take half:is even, so I take half:is odd, so I make 3n + 1:is even, so I take half:is even, so I take half:is even, so I take half:is even, so I take half:804020105168421As you can see from this example, the numbers go up and down, but eventually—at least for all numbers that have ever been tried—comes down to end in 1. In some respects, this process is reminiscent of the formation of hailstones, which get carried upward by the winds over and over again before they finally descend to the ground. Because of this analogy, this sequence of numbers is usually called the Hailstone sequence, although it goes by many other names as well.Write a ConsoleProgram that reads in a number from the user and then displays the Hailstone sequence for that number, just as in Hofstadter’s book, followed by a line showing the number of steps taken to reach 1. For example, your program should be able to produce a sample run that looks like this:The fascinating thing about this problem is that no one has yet been able to prove that it always stops. The number of steps in the process can certainly get very large. How many steps, for example, does your program take when n is 27?。

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Mehran Sahami CS 106AHandout #18 October 12, 2007Variables, variables, everywhere…Based on a handout by Patrick Young.Local VariablesLocal variables are created local to the method (or the block —see ―Block Scope‖ section below) in which they are defined. They are destroyed when execution of the method has been completed. Local variables can only be accessed from within the method in which they are declared. Because of their transient nature, local variables cannot store persistent information about an object between method calls.Local Variables ExampleConsider, for example, the following snippet of code.The variables a and b are local variables declared within different methods in the class AnExample . Because these variables are local variables, a can only be referred to within methodOne and variable b can only be accessed within methodTwo . Our attempt to initialize b using the value of a is illegal, as code in methodTwo cannot access local variables from methodOne or any other method.Because local variable values do not persist after their containing method has completed, the variable a will be destroyed when methodOne has completed execution. The next time methodOne is called, a new variable a will be created.Block ScopeWhile we typically think of local variables as local to a particular method, in Java local variables are actually local to a block of code. While a method defines a block of code (since the opening and closing braces of the method define a block), for and while loops, if -statements, and other constructs are also considered blocks of code. If we declare a local variable inside one of these constructs, the local variable will be created when it is declared in the block and destroyed when the block ends execution.Consider the following example:class AnExample extends ConsoleProgram {public void methodThree {int a = 4;for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {int b = a; // this is okayif (a > b) { // okay to access a and b hereint c = 3;println(i); // okay to access i hereprintln(b); // okay to access b hereprintln(c); // okay to access c here}println(c); // illegal: c is no longer in scope here }println(a); // okay to access a hereprintln(b); // illegal: b is only in scope in body of for loopprintln(i); // illegal: i is only in scope in body of for loop }}The variable a is local to methodThree, so accessing a within the for loop, or in the println is fine. The variables i and b are only in scope (i.e., "alive") within the confines of the for loop in which they are declared. They are no longer available by the time the last two println s try to access them. The variable c is only in scope within the confines of the if statement body in which it is declared. Note that a new copy of c will get created each time the if statement body is executed, therefore it cannot be used to store values across iterations of the for loop.Instance VariablesInstance variables (also known as "ivars") are defined as part of a class, but not within any particular method of the class. Each object of the class will have its own independent copy of all the instance variables defined in a class. Instance variables are created when an object is created. They are destroyed when their corresponding object is destroyed. Instance variables can be accessed from any method defined as part of the class in which the instance variable is defined. Access to instance variables from other classes is controlled by the variable’s visibility specifier (e.g., public or private). Instance variables that are public are accessible from methods in other classes while those that are private (which is by far the more common case) are not.class Thing {public Thing() {x = 0;}/* Public instance variable */public int x;}class MyProgram extends ConsoleProgram {public void run() {Thing th1 = new Thing();Thing th2 = new Thing();Thing th3 = new Thing();th1.x = 8; // Can access x here because it is publicth2.x = 17;th3.x = 18;println(th1.x);println(th2.x);println(th3.x);}}In this case we have a class Thing which has an instance variable x. Each instance of the class has its own independent copy of the variable. Our main program creates three instances (objects) of the Thing class. It then sets the value of each instance’s x variable. Because there are three different Thing objects, there are three different x variables—one x variable per instance. We can change the variable values independently from one another. When we print out the results we’ll see:Class VariablesAs with instance variables, class variables are defined as part of a class. However, in contrast to instance variables, with a class variable there is only one copy of the variable which is shared by all instances of the class. Similar to an instance variable, a class variable can be accessed by any method in the class in which the variable is declared. Access to class variables from other classes is controlled by the variable’s visibility specifier (e.g., public or private). Class variables that are public are accessible from methods in other classes while those that are private are not.Syntactically, class variable declarations are distinguished from instance variable declarations by using the keyword static before the variable type in the variable declaration. Because of this, class variables are sometimes referred to as static variables. Note that the constants you have seen so far were all in fact class variables, since they were defined using the keyword static, and it would make sense that all objects of a particular class would share the same value for some constant.class Thing {public Thing() {x = 0; }/* Public instance variable */ public int x/* Public class variable */ public static int y}class MainProgram extends ConsoleProgram {public void run() {Thing th1 = new Thing(); Thing th2 = new Thing(); Thing th3 = new Thing();// NOTE: we can access a public class variable directly via // the class name (see below). Thing.y = 7; // We // of th1.y th2.y th3.ycan also access a public class variable by any object that class. = 8; = 17; = 18;println(Thing.y); println(th1.y); println(th2.y); println(th3.y); } }In this case we have a class Thing which has a public instance variable x and a public class variable y . All instances (objects) of that class share the variable. Our main program creates three instances of the Thing class. When it changes the value of y , it is changing the value shared by all the instances. When we print the results, we’ll see:As seen in the example above, a public class variable can be accessed via the name of the class instead of through an instance of the class like this:This has an important advantage over accessing the variable via the name of an instance of the object: it emphasizes that y is really a property of the class, shared by all theinstances of a class, rather than a property of a particular instance of the class. Compare the following two code snippets:Looking at Example 1, we cannot tell whether y is an instance variable or a class variable. In order to know for sure which type of variable is in use, we need to search out thedeclaration for the y variable and see if it used the static keyword. In contrast, looking at Example 2, we see that y must be a class variable, because we cannot access aninstance variable using a class name. Because of this reason, using the name of the class (rather than the name of an instance) is the preferred method for accessing a class variable.ConstantsAs we discussed in class, we will sometimes find it useful to define a "variable" whose value does not change during the entire program. Such a variable is called a constant. In this case, the constant does not fulfill the traditional purpose of a variable (i.e., storing a temporary program value). To declare a variable as a constant, use the keyword final when declaring the variable. As mentioned above, virtually all constants are class variables. However, it is possible to also define constant instance variables or constant local variables.。
