15 C301018-0200 空滤芯
15 S101014-0400 空滤芯
15 S201016-0400 空滤芯
15 C201014-0101 空滤芯
15 C201014-0101 空滤芯
11 B501017-0203 空滤芯
空滤器滤芯 (H15)
15 M201017-0300 空滤芯
汽油滤清器带支架 总成
D20T012- 66
H16100-0002 发动机机油(中石化长城3.5L) 162
CV6121-0007 长城(3.5)
H16100-0003 发动机机油(中石化长城4.0L) 230
H16100-0006 黄壳(4.0)
A301132- 汽油滤清器带支架 0200 总成
价格 80 80 80 80 80
80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
车型 CS95 CS75
CS15 凌轩 DT 睿骋 睿骋CC CS35 CS55 逸动 XT V3 V5 V7 奔奔 奔奔MINI
IFRS 3 Revised No
Insurance Contracts
Non-current Assets Held for Sale and IFRS 5 Discontinued Operations Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources Financial Instruments: Disclosures Operating Segments Financial Instruments IFRS 6
HKAS No. Title IAS No.
Differences in Transitional Provisions
Differences in Other Textual Differences Effective Dates
No Minor textual differences – explanation of legal requirements which do not give rise to differences. No
Comparison between HK Financial Reporting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards as at 31 December 2011
HKAS No. Title IAS No.
Differences in Transitional Provisions
HKAS No. Title IAS No.
Differences in Transitional Provisions
2024年辽宁省中考数学真题第一部分选择题(共30分)一、选择题(本题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分.在每小题给出的四个选项中;有一项是符合题目要求的)1.如图是由5个相同的小立方块搭成的几何体,这个几何体的俯视图是()2.亚洲、欧洲、非洲和南美洲的最低海拔如下表:大洲亚洲欧洲非洲南美洲最低海拔/m -415-28-156-40其中最低海拔最小的大洲是()A.亚洲B.欧洲C.非洲D.南美洲3.越山向海,一路花开.在5月24日举行的2024辽宁省高品质文体旅融合发展大型产业招商推介活动中,全省30个重大文体旅项目进行集中签约,总金额达532亿元.将53200000000用科学记数法表示为()A. 532xl08B. 53.2X109C. 5.32xlO 10D. 5.32X10114.如图,在矩形A8C 。
中,点E 在AQ 上,当一EBC 是等边三角形时,ZAEB 为()B. 45°5.下列计算正确的是()A. a 2 + a 3 = 2a 5 C. 60° D. 120°C.(疽)3=/D. = a 2 a B. q 2 .次二 /6. 一个不透明袋子中装有4个白球,3个红球,2个绿球,1个黑球,每个球除颜色外都相同.从中随机摸3出一个球,则下列事件发生的概率为一的是()10A.摸出白球B.摸出红球C.摸出绿球D.摸出黑球7.纹样是我国古代艺术中 瑰宝.下列四幅纹样图形既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是()' " °^°C D 8.我国古代数学著作《孙子算经》中有“雉兔同笼”问题:“今有雉兔同笼,上有三十五头,下有九十四足,问雉兔各几何? ”其大意:鸡兔同笼,共有35个头,94条腿,问鸡兔各多少只?设鸡有尤只,兔有》只,根据题意可列方程组为()x+y = 94A. <4% + 2y = 35x+y = 94B. <2x + 4y = 35x+ y = 35x+ y = 35D. <4x + 2y = 94 [2x + 4y = 949.如图,YABCD 的对角线 AC, BQ 相交于点。
10Economic & TradE UpdaTE经济观察一、河南省对外贸易现状分析(一)河南省对外贸易的趋势据河南省郑州海关统计局统计历年数据表明,在2016年河南省的进出口总额为 4714.7亿元,其中进出口总数分别为1879.4亿元、2835.3亿元,对外贸易增速高出全国平均对外贸易水平3.5个百分点,全国排列第10,是改革开放以来河南省对外贸易首次跨入全国前十名。
表1.1 河南省2012年和2016年出口居前十位的商品2、市场结构表1.2显示河南省的出口市场主要相聚在发达国家,说明河南省已拥有自身的竞争优势产品,形成了出口市场多元化的格局。
2012 年河南省国有企业所占份额71.50% 到2016年占比8.60%,缩小8.31倍2012年外商企业和民营企业占比18.6%、9.90%到2016年外商和民营企业占比22%、69.6%,民营企业市场份额扩大了7.03倍。
2013年 台湾广播电台数量 统计
FM 98.3
FM 91.3 FM 88.9 FM 91.7 FM 97.1
(037)471495 (037)860777 (037)363171 (037)667971
500萬元 1,000萬元 500萬元 3,500萬元
第 5 頁,共 12 頁
56 57 58 59 60 61
製表日期:102.3.14 主要收聽頻率
FM 90.5 FM 102.3 FM 90.9 FM 106.1 FM 100.7 FM 98.7
奇峰廣播電臺股份有限公司 愛苗廣播股份有限公司 貓貍廣播電台股份有限公司 全國廣播股份有限公司
郵遞 區號
351 360 360 407 403 403
苗栗縣頭份鎮中華路922號10樓之 3 苗栗縣竹南鎮照南里華東街78號1 樓 苗栗縣苗栗市南勢里19鄰大坪營 88號 臺中市台中港路2段1-18號10樓 之1 臺中市西區台中港路1段345號21 樓 臺中市西區五權路1-67號7樓之1
邱創輝 丁元偉 劉秀梅 沈韋良 劉專真 黃壽如 久泰投資股 份有限公司 指定代表人 賴靜嫻 臨時管理人 賈俊益 段鐘泗
天南廣播股份有限公司 臺北廣播電臺 財團法人台北國際社區文化基 金會 財團法人中央廣播電台 華聲廣播股份有限公司
郵遞 區號
106 104 242 104 111
臺北市杭州南路2段29之1號 臺北市中山北路3段62-2號4樓 新北市新莊區中山路1段107號19 樓之5 臺北市北安路55號 臺北市士林區華聲街18號
FM 107.7
河海⼤学通信原理期末考试试题(1)通信原理课程考试试卷标准答案及评分标准2006~2007学年第⼆学期通信原理试卷A⼀、填空题(每空0.5分,共10分)1. 在⼋进制中(M=8),已知码元速率为1200B,则信息速率为3600b/s 。
2. 各态历经性就是统计特性可由随机过程的任⼀实现的时间平均来代替。
3. 起伏噪声包括热噪声、散弹噪声和宇宙噪声。
4. 恒参信道⽆失真传输要求振幅-频率特性曲线是⼀条⽔平直线,相位特性是⼀条过原点的直线。
5. 幅度调制⼜称为线性调制,调制信号的频谱完全是基带信号频谱在频域内的简单搬移。
6. 在同等条件下,正常⼯作时,模拟调制系统,FM系统抗噪声性能最好,AM系统抗噪声性能最差。
7. 单极性RZ信号中有定时分量,双极性等概信号没有离散谱。
8. MSK信号是包络恒定、相位连续、带宽最⼩并且严格正交的2FSK信号。
9. 当DPCM系统中量化器的量化电平数取为2 时,此DPCM系统就成为增量调制系统。
⼆、简答题(每题8分,共40分)1.窄带随机过程的频谱与时间波形有什么特点?答:窄带随机过程的的谱密度集中在中⼼频率f c附近相对窄的频带范围Δf内,且Δf<缓变的正弦波。
Patek Phillipe175 (8): In-house manuelt. Variant cal. 177215 (9): In-house manuelt. Variant cal. 215PS, 215/45 (small sec.), 215 PS FUS (2. timezone) 240 (9): In-house automatic. Div. Komplikationsvarianter 240 xxx.315 SC (8): In house automatic. Identisk med 330 SC p?n?r datohjulets diameter.315 xxx (8): In-house automatic. Div. komplikationsvariationer med 315 SC som basisv?rk330 SC (8): In House automatic. Tidligere versioner: 310 SC efterfulgt af 335 SC. Discontinued.330 SC xx (8): In-house automatic. Div. Komplikationsvarianter med 330 SC som basisv?rkR27 PS (9): In-house automatic minute repeater. R27 xxx (9): In-house automatic div. komplikationer med R 27 som basisv?rkRTO 27 PS (10): In-house manuelt tourbillon minute repeater. Findes i andre varianter.109 RTO 27 QR SID LUCL (10): In-house grand complication, Sky moonCH 27-70 (8): Lemania 2310 manuelt kronograf CH 27-70 /150 (8): Lemania CH 27 manuelt split-sekund kronograf m. complete calendarCHR 27-70 Q (9): Lemania 2310 manuelt split-sekund kronograf og perpetual calendar CHR 27-525 PS (9): In-house manuelt split-second kolonnehjulskronograf28-20 (9): In-house manuelt tonneau-formet. Variant 28-20/222 (tourbillon)28-255 (9): JLC 920 automatic. Discontinued.28-520 (8): In-house automatic kolonnehjul chrono og complete calendar16.250 (8): In-house manuelt. Variant 16.250 PS (small sec.), 16.250 PS/LU (moonphase) Vacheron Constantin1003 (7): JLC 8491120 (9): Tidligere JLC 920, nu Audemars P. 2120. Variant VC1121 (dato)1124 (7): JLC 889/2 automatic1125(7): JLC891 automatic calendar baseret p?JLC 889 1127 (7): JLC 928 automatic powerreserve baseret p? JLC 889 1137 (8): FP 1185 automatic kronograf1126 (7): JLC 889/2 automatic date1141 (8): Lemania 2320 manuelt kronograf1190 (7): FP 9.51. Var 11301206 (7): FP 11.50 automatic. Var 12041222 (7): JLC 889 automatic1311(7): Girard Perregaux 3100 automatic.Variant 1312 1400 (8): In-house manuelt1755 (9): in-house manuelt minute repeater1790 (9): In-house manuelt tourbillon2475 (8): in-house automatic. Varianter 24xx2750(10): In-house manuelt. Verdens mest komplicerede armb?ndsur-v?rk.Ulysse NardinUN 01 (8): In-house model FreakUN 10 (8): Lemania 389 manual minute repeaterUN 13 (4-5): ETA 2892UN16 (6): Frederic Piguet automatic complete calendar UN 20 (4-5): ETA 2892UN 22 (4-5): ETA 2892UN 26 (4-5): ETA 2892UN 32 (7): Lemania 8815. Perpetual calendarUN 33 (7): Lemania 8815. Perpetual calendarUN 44 (8): Venus 179 manuelt split-sekund kronograf UN 51 (5): Dubois-Depraz 4900UN 57 (5): ETA/V aljoux 7750 split-sekund kronograf UN 60 (4-5): ETA 2892UN 78 (9): Christoph Clarét minute repeater tourbillon UN 80 (8): ???? automatic pertetual calendarUN 97 (4-5): ETA 2892MU-RW (9): Frederic Piguet jumping hour tourbillon UN-79 (9): In-house ? manuelt tourbillonTag HeuerCal. 5-6 (2): ETA 2824Cal. 7 (3): ETA 2892Cal. 11 (3): ETA 2894 samt DD-chronomodulCal. 16 (3): ETA/Valjoux 7750Cal. 17 (3): ETA 2894 samt DD-chronomodulCal 36 (7): Zenith El Primero cal. 400 automatic chrono. Variant: SLR McLaren (7)Cal.60(3): ETA/V aljoux 7750 eller ETA 2894 samt DD-chronomodulCal. 360 (5): ETA 2824 m. in-house 1/100 sec. chrono. Cal. V4 (7): In-house belt-driveRoger DubuisRD01 (9): In-house dobbelt tourbillon automaticRD02 (9): In-house tourbillon manuelt skeletonRD 03 (9): In-house tourbillonRD 08 (9): In-house tourbillon automaticRD14 (8): In-house automatic time-onlyRD27 (7): Tavannes Watch Co. of La Chaux de Fonds NOS cal. 507RD28(8):In-house manuelt 2-counter kolonnehjulskronografRD54 (8): In-house manuelt time-onlyRD56(8): Lemania 2320 manuelt 2-counter kolonnehjulskronograf. Variant RD 10RD57(8): Lemania8815 automatic.Variant RD39, RD40 RD82 (8): In-house manuelt time-onlyRD98 (8): In-house manuelt time-onlyRD 8230 (9): ??? Manuelt 8-days kronografPiaget600P (9): In-house tourbillon9P (6): In-house manuelt. Discontinued. Forg?nger for 430P12P (6): In-house automatic. Discontinued. Forg?nger for 500P25P (6): Lemania 2010500P –561P (6): In-house automatic. Div. varianter baseret p? cal. 500P400P - 430P (6): In-house manuelt. Div. varianter baseret p? cal. 400P. Efterf?lger at 9P.8532P (5): ETA 2892 automatic complete calendar 9512P (6): Frederic Piguet 9.51automaticLonginesL650 (3): Valjoux 7750L878 (4): Longines 550 manueltL678 (3): ETA 7751L693 (3): ETA A07-161L512 (2): ETA/Unitas 6498-2L600 (3): ETA 2892A2Maurice LacroixML05 (3): ETA 2892-A2 med fly-back chronograf modulML06 (4): AS 5008 automatic alarm, 2. timezoneML07 (2): ETA/Unitas 6498ML15 (3): ETA 2892-A2 med fly-back chronograf modulML16 (4): ETA/Unitas 6498 skeletonML19 (4): Unitas 1380 Regulateur ML20 (4): AS 5008 automatic alarmML22 (4): AS 5008 automatic alarmML27 (4): ETA 2836-2 calendarML28 (4): Peseux 7046 manuel jumping hourML29 (2): ETA 2836-2 automatic 2. timezoneML30 (3): ETA/V aljoux 7750ML35 (5): Fabrique d'Horlogerie Fontainemelon cal.29 tonneau manueltML36 (8): Venus 175 kolonnehjulskronografML37 (2): ETA 2824-2 automatic DD-calendar modul ML45 (4): AS 5008 automatic alarmML46 (3): Valjoux 7736 manuelt koblingskronografML50 (4): Unitas 6376 manuelt power-reserveML51 (3): ETA 2892-2 automatic power-reserveML53 (4): Unitas 6376 manuelt regulateurML54 (2): ETA2824-2 automaticML56 (3): Unitas 6376 manueltML57 (2): ETA 2000ML58 (3): ETA 2892-2 automatic big dateML61 (5): ETA/V aljoux 7750 automatic split-second ML63 (5): AS1931 manueltML66 (3-4): ETA/Valjoux 7751ML67 (3-4): ETA/Valjoux 7750ML70 (8): Valjoux 72c manuelt kolonnehjulskronograf m. kalenderML76 (5): ETA/Unitas 6498 manuelt retrogradeML77 (7): Venus 188 manuelt koblingskronografML83 (8): Valjoux 23 manuelt kolonnehjulskronograf ML88 (3): Valjoux 7750ML91 (3): ETA 2892-2 automatic power-reserveML93 (4): Peseux 7046ML99 (7): Venus 188 manuelt koblingskronografML100(5):ETA/Unitas6497-1manuelt dobbelt retrogradeML101 (4): Peseux 7046ML102 (3): ETA 2892-2ML103 (3): ETA 2892-2 automatic big dateML104 (4): ETA 6498-1 manuelt retrograde moonML105 (5): ETA/Unitas 6498-1 manuelt regulateurML107 (3): ETA 2824-2 automatic calendarML110 (9): In-house manuelt retrograde tourbillon Omega1120 (4): ETA 28921128 (4): ETA 2893 GMT1151 (4): ETA /Valjoux 77511152 (4): ETA/Valjoux 77501164 (4): ETA/Valjoux 77501866 (5): Lemania 18741861 (5): Lemania 18732200 (4): ETA 2892 small second2201 (4): ETA/Unitas 6498-22202 (5): ETA 2892 co-axial small second2401 (4): ETA 28922403 (5): ETA 2892 co-axial2500 (5): ETA 2892 co-axial2600 (8): In-house tourbillon2610 (5): ETA 2892 co-axial big date2627 (5): ETA 2892 co-axial power-reserve2628 (5): ETA 2892 co-axial GMT3220 (3): ETA 2892 m. DD-chronograf modul3301 (6): FP 1185 Chrono3303 (6): FP 1185 Chrono3313 (7): FP 1185 co-axial Chrono3601 (4): ETA 2892 m. countdown modul3602 (4): ETA 2892 m. countdown og kronograf modul 3612 (7): FP 1185 m. splitsekundFleurier Parmigiani (8-9)PF 110 (8): In-house manuelt tonneau 8-daysPF 252 (9): In-house manuelt perpetual kalender, minuterepeaterPF 350 (8): Lemania 389 manuelt minute repeaterPF 331(8): In-house automatic. Variant PF 332 m. perpetual calendarPF 370 (8): In-house 10-days. Bugatti-modellenPF5000(10): In-house manuelt 8-days, 30 sec tourbillon Basica (7): Frederic Piguet cal. ??Kronograf (8): Zenith El Primero 400 automatic chrono Audemars PiguetAP 2003 (8): Jaeger LeCoultre (JLC) 849 manuelt. Variant AP 2003/2805 m. perpetual cal.AP 2120 (9): In-house automatic, dog tidligere JLC 920. Variant AP 2120/2802 m. perpetual cal.AP 2121 (9): In-house automatic date (basis: AP 2120)AP 2125 (7): JLC 889/2 automaticAP 2124 –2129 (7): Alle JLC 889/2 automatic. Varianter AP 21xx/xxxx har komplikationsmodulAP 2140 (7): JLC 960 automaticAP 2224 –2229 (7): Alle JLC 889/2 automatic. Varianter AP 22xx/xxxx har komplikationsmodulAP 2225 (7): JLC 889/2 automaticAP 2385 (8): Frederic Piguet 11.85 automatic kolonnehjulskronografAP2866: (9): In-house manuelt minute rep. Variant AP 2865 m. star wheelAP2868 (9): In-house manuelt. Minute rep.AP2869 (10): In-house manuelt. Perp. cal, tourbillon, minute rep.AP2871 (10): In-house manuelt. Tourbillon tonneauAP2872 (10): In-house manuelt. Tourbillon minute rep. tonneauAP2873 (10): In-house manuelt. Minute rep.AP2875 (10): In-house manuelt. Tourbillon power reserveAP2880 (10): In-house automatic. Minute rep. Perp. cal. Chrono.AP2885 (10): In-house manuelt. Minute rep. Perp. cal. split-sec.AP2887 (10): In-house automatic. Minute rep. Perp. cal. split-sec.AP2890 (10): In-house manuelt. Minute rep. V ariabel AP2891AP2896(10): In-house manuelt tourbillon dynamograph AP28xx (9-10): In-house. Div. varianter udviklet og prod. hos Audemars Piguet (Renaud et Papi)AP3090 (9): In-house manuelt. Variant AP 3091 SQ skelletonAP3120 (9): In-house automatic.AP5026 (9): star wheel manuelt.BlancpainBP Fxxx (8): Frederic Piguet (FP) 11.85 automatic med div. komplikationerBP M185 (8): FP 11.85 automatic single bottom chronographBP 5A50 (7): FP 11.50 GMTBP 5Lxx, 56F9A (7): FP 11.50 automatic m. komplikationsmodulBP 11xx (7): FP 11.50 automatic og 11.00 manuelt, m. div. komplikationerBP 21 (7): FP 21 automaticBP 23 (9): FP manuelt tourbillon 8-days for BP only. Variant BP 25 (automatic)BP 33 (9): FP manuelt minute repeater for BP only. Variant BP 35 (automatic)BP 40F6 (8): FP 11.85 automatic med split-sec chrono og power reserveBP 56F9U (9): FP for BP only tourbillon, perp. calendar, chrono-split. Var: 23F9ABP 67A6 (7): FP 11.50 m. kalender modulBP 71 (7): FP 71P automaticBP118x (8): FP 11.85 (automatic) og 11.80 (manuel) kronograf, FP 11.86 auto split-secondBP1735(10): FP automatic grand complication for BP onlyBP 558x (8): FP 11.80 (manuel) eller FP 11.85 (automatisk) med div. komplikationBP 6763 (7): FP 11.50 m. kalender modul. Var: BP 6850-6950 m. big-date, BP 5653 m. perp. cal.BP 7663 (7): FP 11.50 automatic retrograde sec. Var: BP4053 med powerreserveBreguetCal.502 (8): Frederic Piguet 71 P automatic. Modellen er nu overtaget af LemaniaCal.507 (7): In-house Lemania model ???Cal.51x automatic (8): Frederic Piguet 11.50. Div varianter med FP 1150 som basisv?rkCal.51x manuelt (8): Frederic Piguet 11.00. Div. varianter med FP11.00 som basisv?rkCal.530 (7): Jaeger LeCoultre 818 manueltCal.532 (7): In-house Lemania model ???Cal.533xx(8): In-house Lemania 2320 manuelt kolonnehjulskronograf. Variant cal. 535Cal.533NT(8): In-house Lemania 2393 manuelt split-sec chrono. Variant af cal. 2320Cal.537 (7): In-house Lemania model ??? (simpel automatic)Cal.549 (7): JLC 889/2 automaticCal.550 (7): In-house Lemania 1050Cal.552 (7): Frederic Piguet 95Cal.554 (9): In-house Lemania 2397 manuelt kronograf, tourbillonCal.558T (9): In-house Lemania 387 manuelt tourbillon. Varianter: cal. 577, cal. 587Cal.567 (9): In-house Lemania 389 manuelt minute repeaterCal.576 (8): Frederic Piguet 11.85 automaticCal.579 (7): In-house Lemania 980Cal.582 (6): In-house Lemania 1350 automatic koblingskronograf. Variant cal. 583Cal. 591 (8): In-house Lemania 8810. Variant cal. 563 CartierCal 021 (6): Frederic Piguet 21PCal 048 (4): ETA 2893Cal x49 (3): ETA 2892/A2 Cal 077 (3): ETA 2671Cal 078 (3): ETA 2512Cal 096 (5): Frederic Piguet 99PCal 191 (6): Girard Perregaux 3100Cal 200 & 220 (2): ETA 2000Cal 205 (7): Frederic Piguet 1185Cal 222P (6): Piaget 212Cal 430C (6): Piaget 430CCal 437 MC (6): Piaget 430 manueltCal 480 (6): Girard Perregaux 3100Cal 8000 MC (6): JLC automatic exclusive for Cartier onlyCal 8510 (4): ETA 2894Cal 9421MC (8): Girard Perregaux 3000 DD-perpetual calendar modulCal 9701 (6): Piaget 400P manueltCal VC200043 (6): Piaget 212Cal VC20049 (6): Piaget 9 PZChronoswissC.7xx (5): ETA/Valjoux 7750. Kronograf automatic modeller.C.12x (6): Enicar 165. Automatic Regulateur modeller C.111 (6): Marvin 700. Manuel time-onlyC.361 (8): Progress 6361.101 Manuel tourbillon (discontinued)C.672 (4): Unitas 6497C.9xx (4): ETA 2892C.1722 (6): Minerva 1722 manuelC.361 (8): STT manuelt tourbillon. Afl?ser for Progress 6361C. ??? (6): FEF 130 manuelt digital visning Kronograf manuel: Lemania 1873 (5)Daniel RothDR 052 (9): in-house tourbillonDR101(7):Girard Perregaux 3080 automatic kolonnehjulskronografDR113(7):GP3100automatic jumping hour retrograde DR 114 (7): GP 3100 automatic perpetual calendarDR 130 (8): Zenith El Primero 400 automatic chrono DR 190 (8): Zenith El Primero 400 automatic chrono DR300(8):Lemania8810 automatic perpetual calendar DR 307 (9): Lemania 2187 manuelt tourbillonDR 340 (7): Frederic Piguet 11.50DR 500 (8): Zenith El Primero 400 automatic chrono DR 600 (9): Genta 13000 minute repeaterDR 700 (x): ??DR 720 (9): In-house tourbillon. Variant DR 197.xDR 730 (9): Automatic tourbillonDR ??? (9): Lemania 389 minute repeaterDR 904 (8): Lemania 1908 manuelt power reserve EbelEbel 122 (3): ETA 2892Ebel 124 (3): ETA 2892Ebel 136 (7): Zenith El Primero 410 automaticEbel 137 (5): Lemania 1350 manuelt koblingschrono Ebel 139 (3): ETA 2892 ???Ebel Perpetual calendar (8): Zenith El Primero 400 EternaCal. 608 (3): ETA 2892Cal. 636 (2): ETA2836Cal. 1504 (6): In-house automaticFranck MullerFM 750 (7): FP 11.50 manuelt kronografFM1185 (8): Frederic Piguet 11.85 automatic kronograf FM 1870 (7): Lemania 1872FM 1751 (7):FM 2800 (5): ETA 2892FP 5000 (5): ETA/Valjoux 7750FM 7000 automatic(5): ETA/Valjoux 7750FM 7000 manuelt (8): Venus 179 manuelt split-sekund kronografFM 7500 (x):TFC 01 (8): In-house tourbillonRevo. 1 (9): In-house tourbillonRevo. 3 (10): In-house tourbillon 3-DFM 3210 (8): In-house automatic kolonnehjuls chrono FM???? (8): In-house manuelt kolonnehjulschrono RMF93 (x): ???TRM 95 (9): in-house tourbillonGDT4600 (5): ETA 2892QP4100 (9): In-house manuelt tourbillon perpetual calendarGirard-PerregauxGP 2201 (4): Peseux 7001. Manuel. Discontinued.GP220-2200(4): ETA 2892. Automatic. Discontinued. GP 2291 (5): AS 5008. Automatic. Produceres pt. af Jaquet SA.GP2280(4):ETA2892 med DD-chrono modul. Discontinued.GP 3080 (7): In-house automatic kolonnehjulschrono baseret p? GP 3000. Discontinued.GP 30CO (7): Ny version af GP 3080. GP 3100 (6): In-house Time onlyGP 3x00 (6): In-house. Benyttes ogs? som "motor" p? div. automatic komplikationerGP8381(6): Lemania 1872 manuelt 2-counter chrono GP 9780(8): In-house baseret p? manuelt Venus 179 split-second.GP 9892-070 (9): In-house. Haute Horlogerie manuelt minute repeaterGP 9981 (10): In-house three-bridge tourbillonGP V97 (9): In-house tourbillonIWC30110 (5): ETA 289230710 (5): ETA 2892 GMT33110 (5): ETA 289250900 (9): In-house automatic tourbillon 7-days 51010 (8): In-house automatic 7-days51110 (8): In-house automatic 7-days79091 (8): ETA/Valjoux 7760 Grand Complication 79230 (6): ETA/Valjoux 7750 Split-second79240 (5): ETA/Valjoux 775079261 (6): ETA/Valjoux 7750 perpetual calendar 79320 (5): ETA/Valjoux 775079350 (5): ETA/Valjoux 775079470 (6): ETA/Valjoux 7750 Split minute80110 (6): In-house. Automatic95290 (8): In-house minute repeater manuelt95611(8):In-houseperpetualcalendar 7-days automatic 98290(7):In-house. FA. Jones manuelt baseret p? lommeursv?rket IWC cal. 982887 (7): JLC 889/2. Benyttes ikke l?ngere。
《通信原理》试题库附答案目录通信原理试卷一...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
通信原理试卷一答案.................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
通信原理试卷二...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
通信原理试卷二答案.................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
通信原理试卷三...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
通信原理试卷三答案.................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
通信原理试卷四...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
通信原理试卷四答案.................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
通信原理试卷五..................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
通信原理试卷五答案.................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
通信原理试卷六...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
通信原理试卷六答案.................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
2012年深圳市中考数学试卷 (附答案)
2012年深圳市中考数学试卷一、选择题(本题共12题,每小题3分.共36分,每小题给出4个选项,其中只有一个是正确的)1.(3分)﹣3的倒数是()A.3 B.﹣3 C .D .2.(3分)第八届中国(深圳)文博会以总成交额143 300 000 000元再创新高,将数143 300 000 000用科学记数法表示为( )A.1。
433×1012D.0.1433×10123.(3分)下列图形中,既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是( )A .B .C .D .4.(3分)下列运算正确的是()A.2a﹣3b=5ab B.a2•a3=a5C.(2a)3=6a3D.a6+a3=a95.(3分)体育课上,某班两名同学分别进行了5次短跑训练,要判断哪一名同学的成绩比较稳定,通常需要比较这两名学生成绩的( )A.平均数B.频数分布 C.中位数D.方差6.(3分)如图所示,一个60°角的三角形纸片,剪去这个60°角后,得到一个四边形,则∠1+∠2的度数为()A.120°B.180°C.240°D.300°7.(3分)端午节吃粽子是中华民族的传统习俗,妈妈买了2只红豆粽、3只碱水粽、5只干肉粽,粽子除内部馅料不同外其它均相同,小颖随意吃一个,吃到红豆粽的概率是()A .B .C .D .8.(3分)下列命题①方程x2=x的解是x=1;②4的平方根是2;③有两边和一角相等的两个三角形全等;④连接任意四边形各边中点的四边形是平行四边形;其中正确的个数有()A.4个B.3个C.2个D.1个9.(3分)如图,⊙C过原点,且与两坐标轴分别交于点A、点B,点A的坐标为(0,3),M 是第三象限内上一点,∠BMO=120°,则⊙C的半径长为()A.6 B.5 C.3 D.310.(3分)已知点P(a+1,2a﹣3)关于x轴的对称点在第一象限,则a的取值范围是( )A.a<﹣1 B.﹣1<a <C .﹣<a<1 D.a >11.(3分)小明想测量一棵树的高度,他发现树的影子恰好落在地面和一斜坡上,如图,此时测得地面上的影长为8米,坡面上的影长为4米.已知斜坡的坡角为30°,同一时刻,一根长为1米且垂直于地面放置的标杆在地面上的影长为2米,则树的高度为()A.(6+)米B.12米C.(4﹣2)米 D.10米12.(3分)如图,已知:∠MON=30°,点A1、A2、A3…在射线ON上,点B1、B2、B3…在射线OM上,△A1B1A2、△A2B2A3、△A3B3A4…均为等边三角形,若OA1=1,则△A6B6A7的边长为()A.6 B.12 C.32 D.64二、填空题(本题共4小题,每小题3分,共12分)13.(3分)因式分解:a3﹣ab2= .14.(3分)二次函数y=x2﹣2x+6的最小值是.15.(3分)如图,双曲线y=(k>0)与⊙O在第一象限内交于P、Q两点,分别过P、Q两点向x轴和y轴作垂线.已知点P坐标为(1,3),则图中阴影部分的面积为.16.(3分)如图,Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,以斜边AB为边向外作正方形ABDE,且正方形对角线交于点O,连接OC,已知AC=5,OC=6,则另一直角边BC的长为.三、解答题:(本题共7小题,其中第17题5分,第18题6分,第19题7分,第20题8分,第21题8分,第22题9分,第23题9分,)17.(5分)计算:|﹣4|+﹣﹣cos45°.18.(6分)已知a=﹣3,b=2,求代数式的值.19.(7分)为了了解2012年全国中学生创新能力大赛中竞赛项目“知识产权”笔试情况,随机抽查了部分参赛同学的成绩,整理并制作图表如下:分数段频数频率60≤x<70 30 0。
NO.: LC84E0081/99
6,CTNs/5',QTY./40' 6,每个 5 柜中的箱数和产品个数
7,Delivery time: 7,交货期
2012-02-10 截止
8,Others 8,其他条款
甲 方 ( 供 应 方 ): _________ 江 苏 楚 为 服 装 有 限 公 司 ___________ 合 同 编 号 : __12345_____ 乙方(加工方):_____新兴服装厂_______ 签定地点:____浙江宁波_________
CHUAWEI(ZHEJIANG)CLOTHES CO.,LTD. 1810, Ningbo International Trade Center 2201 Yan An Road(W), ningbo 200336
DATE 02,
货品号列 特别规 货品名称 2106.90.99.90-3EX 9 人参、茯苓、山药、山楂、薏苡仁、白芍、芡实、冬虫夏草萃取浓 缩液之调制品 2106.90.99.90-3EX 10 冷冻章鱼调制品(章鱼未逾20%) 2106.90.99.90-3EX 11 水溶珍珠粉 2106.90.99.90-3EX 12 赤藻糖醇、阿斯巴甜、D─木糖醇、D─山梨醇、醋磺内酯钾混合 甜味剂 2106.90.99.90-3EX 13 中药材及香辛料混合包 2106.90.99.90-3EX 14 其它未列名儿童营养素粉 2106.90.99.90-3EX 15 成人蛋白营养素粉 2106.90.99.90-3EX 16 零售包装蛋白粉,成分:分离大豆蛋白质、乳清蛋白浓缩粉、天然 香料、二氧化硅 2106.90.99.90-3EX 17 雪莲花汁液调制品 2106.90.99.90-3EX 18 Sipahh牛奶调味吸管 2106.90.99.90-3EX 19 液 2106.90.99.90-3EX 20 糖、调酸剂、矿物质、香料、食用胶、维生素C、食用色素及水之 调味饮料粉,重量18公斤以上 2202.90.29.00-0EX 1 其它未发酵果汁饮料(杨桃汁.番石榴汁.西瓜汁.木瓜汁.百香果汁. 柚子汁.柠檬汁除外) 2202.90.30.00-7EX 1 未发酵稀释蔬菜汁及饮料(胡萝卜汁除外) 2302.10.00.00-9EX 1 玉蜀黍梗之残渣粉 2302.10.00.00-9EX 2 玉米麸皮 2306.90.90.10-7EX 1 玉米胚芽油渣饼 2309.10.00.00-2EX 1 干狗粮﹝牛肉口味﹞ 2309.90.90.90-7EX 1 饲料用矿物质 2309.90.90.90-7EX 2 饲料用维生素 2309.90.90.90-7EX 3 饲料用氨基酸 2309.90.90.90-7EX 4 粉状动物饲料用中草药营养添加物(黄耆、当归及川芎之茎叶及须 根混合) 2309.90.90.90-7EX 5 饲料用玉米蛋白粉 M68 其它未列名矿物质(<1>蛇纹石<2>非单一结晶方解石<3> 2530.90.99.90-9EX 1 钟乳石等三项除外) 3002.10.90.00-1EX 1 粗制尿激脢 3002.30.10.00-4EX 1 猪O型口蹄疫不活化疫苗 3003.90.10.00-0EX 1 饲料用维生素B280% 3003.90.99.90-5EX 1 含氯化胆碱之医药制剂 3004.90.99.90-4EX 1 抗寄生虫制剂「普奎特」 3005.10.90.90-9EX 1 切开型开刀巾 3005.90.40.90-3EX 1 棉垫,零售包装(灭菌包装) 3005.90.90.00-1EX 1 石膏绷带 3206.49.90.00-0EX 1 复合氧化铁颜料 3206.49.90.00-0EX 2 云母金属系列珠光颜料 3206.49.90.00-0EX 3 合成氧化锌铁颜料,有效成分:三氧化二铁、氧化锌 3206.49.90.00-0EX 4 合成黑色氧化锰铁颜料,有效成分:三氧化二铁、氧化锰 3206.49.90.00-0EX 5 复合铁钛粉(防锈颜料),有效成分:四氧化三铁、二氧化钛
FM全球公司通过其所属的“FM认可”(FM Approvals)机构向全球的工业及商业产品提供检测及认证服务。
A、2008491101B、2007891101C、2006891101D、2001191101正确答案:B4、单选《铁路通信维护规则(专用无线通信)》规定,八字槽型-I6mm/23mm 漏泄同轴电缆使用频率在150MHZ频段时,当耦合损耗为85±5dB时,传输损耗不大于()。
Approval StandardforIndicating Valves (Butterfly or Ball Type)Class Number 1112August 2006©2006 FM Approvals LLC. All rights reserved.ForewordThe FM Approvals certification mark is intended to verify that the products and services described will meet FM Approvals’ stated conditions of performance, safety and quality useful to the ends of property conservation. The purpose of Approval Standards is to present the criteria for FM Approval of various types of products and services, as guidance for FM Approvals personnel, manufacturers, users and authorities having jurisdiction.Products submitted for certification by FM Approvals shall demonstrate that they meet the intent of the Approval Standard, and that quality control in manufacturing shall ensure a consistently uniform and reliable product. Approval Standards strive to be performance-oriented. They are intended to facilitate technological development.For examining equipment, materials and services, Approval Standards:a) must be useful to the ends of property conservation by preventing, limiting or notcausing damage under the conditions stated by the Approval listing; andb) must be readily identifiable.Continuance of Approval and listing depends on compliance with the Approval Agreement, satisfactory performance in the field, on successful re-examinations of equipment, materials, and services as appropriate, and on periodic follow-up audits of the manufacturing facility.FM Approvals LLC reserves the right in its sole judgment to change or revise its standards, criteria, methods, or procedures.TABLE OF CONTENTS1.INTRODUCTION (1)1.1Purpose (1)1.2Scope (1)1.3Basis for Requirements (1)1.4Basis for Approval (2)1.5Basis for Continued Approval (2)1.6Effective Date (2)1.7System of Units (2)1.8Applicable Documents (3)1.9Definitions (3)2.GENERAL INFORMATION (5)2.1Product Information (5)2.2Approval Application Requirements (5)2.3Requirements for Samples for Examination (6)3.GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (6)3.1Review of Documentation (6)3.2Physical or Structural Features - Valve (6)3.3Physical or Structural Features - Gear Operator (7)3.4Markings (7)3.5Manufacturer's Installation and Operation Instructions (8)3.6Materials (8)3.7Calibration (8)4.PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS (9)4.1Examination (9)4.2Ball or Disc Strength (9)4.3Seat Leakage (9)4.4Stem Seal (10)4.5Hydrostatic Strength (10)4.6Valve Assembly Strength (10)Figure 4.6.2 - Valve Operator Strength (11)4.7Ultimate Operator Torque (11)4.8Durability Test (12)Table 4.8.1. Operating Torques Required to Open (12)Table 4.8.2. Durability Flow Rates, 10 ft/sec (3.0 m/sec) (13)4.9Close Quarters Durability Test - Butterfly Type (13)Table 4.9.1A Dimensions for Grooved Elbow Connections (14)Table 4.9.1B Dimensions for Threaded Elbows (14)Figure 4.9.2 Close Quarter Durability Orientations (14)4.10Friction Loss Determination (15)Table 4.10.2. - Friction Loss Flows, 20 ft/sec (6.1 m/sec) (15)4.11Visibility (15)4.12Orientation (16)4.13Handwheel or Crank Strength (16)Figure 4.13.2 - Handwheel or Crank Strength (16)4.14Water Hammer (17)4.15Indicator Strength (17)4.16Water Absorption Test - Resilient Seated Valves Only (17)4.17Aging Test (18)4.18Corrosion Protection Coating (18)4.19Submerged Service (18)4.20Supervisory Switches - Activation (19)4.21Supervisory Switches - Cyclic (19)4.22Supervisory Switches - Environmental (19)Table 4.22.2a Indoor Service Only (19)Table 4.22.2b Indoor and Outdoor Service (20)4.23Supervisory Switches - Outdoor Service (20)4.24Supervisory Switches - Dielectric (20)Table 4.24.2 Dielectric Test (20)4.25Supervisory Switches - Vibration (21)4.26Supervisory Switches - Strain Relief (21)4.27Supervisory Switches - Bonding Resistance (21)4.28Additional Tests (21)5.OPERATIONS REQUIREMENTS (22)5.1Demonstrated Quality Control Program (22)5.2Facilities and Procedures Audit (F&PA) (24)5.3Manufacturer's Responsibilities (24)5.4Manufacturing and Production Tests (24)5.4.1Test Requirement No. 1 - Seat Leakage Test (24)5.4.2Test Requirement No. 2 - Hydrostatic Test (24)5.4.3Test Requirement No. 3 - Operation Test (24)APPENDIX A: Units of Measurement (25)APPENDIX B: FM Approvals Certification Marks (26)APPENDIX C: Sample Listing (28)APPENDIX D: Durability Test Adapter (29)APPENDIX E: Tolerances (30)August 20061112FM A PPROVALS 11. INTRODUCTION1.1 Purpose1.1.1 This standard states Approval criteria for manually operated indicating valves that control the watersupply to a fire protection system.1.1.2 Approval criteria include, but are not limited to, performance requirements, marking requirements,examination of manufacturing facility(ies), audit of quality assurance procedures, and a follow-up program.1.2 Scope1.2.1 This standard encompasses the design and performance requirements for indicating valves for theirintended application of long term water flow control. Indicating valves are usually installed above ground and indoors. They are constructed so that an informed observer can visually determine the position of the valve ball or disc indicating if the valve is open or closed.1.2.2 This standard encompasses the design and performance requirements for indicating valves in thefollowing sizes: 1, 1-1/4, 1-1/2, 2, 2-1/2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 in. nominal pipe sizes (NPS) and equivalent metric sizes. Other sizes will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.1.2.3 This standard defines the requirements for indicating valves in either butterfly or ball valveconfigurations. Typical end connections for butterfly valves are: grooved end, lug style, wafer style, flanged or threaded. Typical end connections for ball valves are: grooved end and threaded. Other styles of end connection shall be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.1.2.4 Approval Standards are intended to verify that the product described will meet stated conditions ofperformance, safety, and quality useful to the ends of property conservation.1.3 Basis for Requirements1.3.1 The requirements of this standard are based on experience, research and testing, and/or the standardsof other organizations. The advice of manufacturers, users, trade associations, jurisdictions and/or loss control specialists was also considered.1.3.2 The requirements of this standard reflect tests and practices used to examine characteristics ofindicating valves for the purpose of obtaining Approval. Indicating valves having characteristics not anticipated by this standard may be FM Approved if performance equal, or superior, to that required by this standard is demonstrated, or if the intent of the standard is met. Alternatively, indicating valves which meet all of the requirements identified in this standard may not be FM Approved if other conditions which adversely affect performance exist or if the intent of this standard is not met.1112 August 20062 FM A PPROVALS1.4 Basis for ApprovalApproval is based upon satisfactory evaluation of the product and the manufacturer in the following major areas:1.4.1 Examination and tests on production samples shall be performed to evaluate:• The suitability of the product;• The performance of the product as specified by the manufacturer and required by FM Approvals;and as far as practical,• The durability and reliability of the product.1.4.2 An initial facilities and procedures audit shall be conducted to evaluate the manufacturer's ability toconsistently produce the product which was examined and tested as part of the Approval project. The audit will review the facility and in-place quality control procedures used in the manufacturing of the product. Typically areas of review are: incoming inspection, work in progress, production testing, final quality control, marking, calibration of equipment, shipping procedures and drawing control. These examinations are repeated periodically as part of the FM Approvals’ product follow-up program, (Refer to Section 5.2, Facilities and Procedures Audits).1.5 Basis for Continued Approval1.5.1 Continued Approval is based upon:• Production or availability of the product as currently FM Approved;• The continued use of acceptable quality assurance procedures;• Satisfactory field experience;• Compliance with the terms stipulated in the Master Agreement; or Approval Agreement;• Satisfactory re-examination of production samples for continued conformity to requirements; and, • Satisfactory Facilities and Procedures Audits (F&PAs) conducted as part of the FM Approvals’product follow-up program.1.5.2 Also, as a condition of retaining Approval, manufacturers may not change an FM Approved product orservice without prior authorization by FM Approvals, (Refer to Section 5.1.3 Drawing and Change Control).1.6 Effective DateThe effective date of an Approval standard mandates that all products tested for Approval after the effective date shall satisfy the requirements of that standard. Products FM Approved under a previous edition shall comply with the new version by the effective date or forfeit Approval.The effective date of this standard is July 31, 2008 for compliance with all requirements.1.7 System of UnitsUnits of measurement used in this standard are United States (U.S.) customary units. These are followed by their arithmetic equivalents in International System (SI) units, enclosed in parentheses. The first value stated shall be regarded as the requirement. The converted equivalent value may be approximate. Appendix A lists the selected units and conversions to SI units for measures appearing in this standard. Conversion of U.S. customary units is in accordance with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)/American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) SI 10-2002, American National Standard for Use of theAugust 20061112FM A PPROVALS 3International System of Units (SI): The Modern Metric System. One unit of measurement (liters), outside of, but recognized by SI, is commonly used in international fire protection and is used in this standard.1.8 Applicable DocumentsThe latest versions of the following standards, test methods, and practices are referenced in this standard:IEEE/ASTM SI 10-2002, American National Standard for Use of the International System of Units (SI):The Modern Metric SystemANSI/American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) B16.3 - 1998, Malleable Iron ThreadedFittingsANSI/ASME B16.5 - 1988, Pipe Flanges and Flanged FittingsASME/ANSI B1.20.1 - 2001, Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch) Revision and Redesignation ofASME/ANSI B2.1-1968 R(2001)ASME B36.10M - 2000, Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel PipeASTM D471 - 1997, Standard Test Method for Rubber Property - Effect of LiquidsASTM D572 - 1988 (Re-approved 1994), Standard Test Method for Rubber - Deterioration by Heat andOxygenASTM D2444 - 1999, Standard Test Method for Determination of the Impact Resistance of ThermoplasticPipe and Fittings By Means of A Tup (Falling Weight)American Water Works Association (AWWA) C606-2004, Joints, Grooved and Shouldered TypeApproval Standard Class 3810 - March 1989, Electrical and Electronic Test, Measuring, and Processcontrol EquipmentFM Global Property Loss Prevention Data SheetsNational Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) Standards Publication 250-1997, Enclosures forElectrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum)National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 72®, National Fire Alarm Code® 2002 Edition1.9 DefinitionsFor purposes of this standard, the following terms apply:AcceptedThis term refers to installations acceptable to the authority enforcing the applicable installation rules. When the authority is FM Global, such locations are termed “FM Global Accepted.” Acceptance is based upon an overall evaluation of the installation. Factors other than the use of FM Approved equipment impact upon the decision to accept, or not to accept. Acceptance is not a characteristic of a product. It is installation specific. A product accepted for one installation may not be acceptable elsewhere. (Contrast with FM Approved.)Corrosion ResistantHaving resistance to corrosion equal to or exceeding that of bronze alloy having a minimum copper content of 80 percent, or constructed of 300 or 400 Series Stainless Steel.Flanged End ValvesValves having flanged ends per the dimensional values shown in ANSI/ASME B16.5, Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings , as a default. Flanges to other national or international standards shall be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.FM Approved MarkThe FM Approved Mark is detailed in Appendix B. Its use is mandatory on all units of FM Approved indicating valves. These registered marks cannot be used except as authorized by FM Approvals via the granting of Approval to a specific product.1112August 2006 FM ApprovedThis term refers to products FM Approved by FM Approvals. Such products are listed in the Approval Guide, a publication of FM Approvals, issued annually, or one of the supplements. All products so listed have been successfully examined by FM Approvals, and their manufacturers have signed and returned a Master Agreement to FM Approvals. These forms obligate the manufacturer to allow re-examination of the product and audit of facilities and procedures at FM Approvals discretion. It further requires the manufacturer not to deviate from the as-FM Approved configuration of the product without review by and agreement of FM Approvals. Approval is product specific.Grooved End ValvesA grooved end valve is characterized by having grooved ends cast or subsequently machined on the inletand outlets of the valve body; such that the valve may be installed in the sprinkler system piping using FMApproved grooved end couplings. Manufacturers are allowed to define their own dimensional values in order to achieve higher performance for the assembled joint. However, most grooved end connections follow the dimensional values shown in AWWA C606, Joints, Grooved and Shouldered Type, for IPS Pipe.Indicating ValveAn indicating valve is a valve that indicates orientation of the ball or disc by visual observation. The position of the valve ball or disc may also be monitored by the use of supervisory switches.Lug Style ValvesThis valve type refers to a butterfly valve design wherein tapped holes are machined into “lugs” found around the circumference of the valve body. This allows for flange bolting to connect to each side of the valve during installation in the sprinkler system piping. For the purposes of this standard, lug style valves shall comply with the dimensional values shown in ANSI/ASME B16.5, Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings. Lug style valves manufactured to other national or international standards shall be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.Maximum Operating TorqueThe maximum torque required to either open or close a valve. The opening maximum operating torque is the maximum torque, measured at the handwheel shaft,necessary to translate a closed valve (against the valve stops) to the full open position. While closed, the valve will be subjected to an upstream pressure equal to the rated working pressure. The closing maximum operating torque is the maximum torque necessary to translate a full open valve to the full closed position. The torque shall be measured as the valve is closed against the flow rate developed by a fluid velocity of 20 ft/sec (6.1 m/sec) in Schedule 40 steel pipe.Rated Working PressureThis is the maximum sustained pressure at or below which the valve shall operate trouble free. This also sets the basis for the testing described in Section 4, Performance Requirements.Schedule 40 Steel PipeFor the purposes of this Approval Standard, references have been made to “Schedule 40" steel sprinkler pipe. In all cases, the reference is made to the pipe dimensions outlined in ASME B36.10, Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe. It is important to note that other national or international standards also make reference to “Schedule 40" pipe but may in fact have different dimensions for the same nominal pipe size.Threaded End ValvesA threaded end valve is characterized by having threads machined into the valve body and endplate suchthat the valve may be installed in a threaded pipe system. For the purposes of this standard, threaded end refers to ASME/ANSI B1.20.1, Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch) Revision and Redesignation of ASME/ANSI B2.1-1968 R(2001), for tapered pipe threads. Other thread forms may be acceptable on a case-by-case basis.4FM A PPROVALSAugust 20061112FM A PPROVALS 5Ultimate Operator Torque (UOT)The ultimate operator torque (UOT) is defined as the input torque applied to the operator handwheel or crank, with the disc or ball blocked in the open position that causes a component inside the gear operator to fail.Wafer Style ValvesThis valve type refers to a butterfly valve design wherein the valve is placed between two pipe flanges and held in place by the flange bolting. In this style of valve, the flange bolts surround the valve but do not connect to the valve directly.2. GENERAL INFORMATION2.1 Product Information2.1.1 These valves usually have six major components: a body, valve operator, drive shaft, resilient or metalseat, disc or ball, and visual indicator.2.1.2 The valve operator is a gear box mechanism that is mounted on top of the valve body. A handwheel orcrank provides the input torque to the operator that rotates the disc or ball through the valve drive shaft. The gear box provides a torque multiplier ratio, such that the output torque to the disc is several multiples of the input (handwheel or crank) torque. This ratio also results in an incremental turn of the valve element for every full turn of the handwheel or crank. This prevents closing the disc or ball rapidly, and therefore precludes water hammer.2.1.3 The disc or ball is mounted in the waterway of the valve body and controls waterflow when it isrotated between 0E and 90E (fully opened to fully closed).2.1.4 The indicator is the top most component of the valve operator and is assembled directly to the driveshaft. It shows the position of the disc or ball in the waterway at all times, even after the determination of the Ultimate Operator Torque.2.1.5 In order to meet the intent of this standard, indicating valves must be examined on a model-by-model,type-by-type, manufacturer-by-manufacturer, and plant-by-plant basis. This is predicated on the basis that identical designs, fabricated in identical materials by different manufacturers or, even by different plants of the same manufacturer, have been seen to perform differently in testing. Sample indicating valves, selected in conformance to this criterion, shall satisfy all of the requirements of this standard.2.2 Approval Application Requirements2.2.1 To apply for an Approval examination the manufacturer, or its authorized representative, shouldsubmit a request to:Hydraulics Group ManagerFM Approvals SMHydraulics LaboratoryMember of the FM Global Group743A Reynolds RoadWest Glocester, RI 02814 U.S.A.1112August 20066 FM A PPROVALS 2.2.2The manufacturer shall provide, at a minimum, the following preliminary information with any request for Approval consideration:• A complete list of all models, types, sizes, and options for the products or services beingsubmitted for Approval consideration;• General assembly drawings, one complete set of manufacturing drawings, materials list(s) andphysical property specifications, anticipated marking format, brochures, sales literature, specification sheets, installation, operation and maintenance procedures; and,• The number and location of manufacturing facilities.2.2.3 All documents shall be controlled by the manufacturer’s Quality Assurance procedures and shallidentify the manufacturer's name, document number or other form of reference, title, date of last revision, and revision level. All foreign language documents shall be provided with English translation.2.3Requirements for Samples for ExaminationFollowing set-up and authorization of an Approval examination, the manufacturer shall prepare samples for examination and testing. Sample requirements are to be determined by FM Approvals following review of the preliminary information. Sample requirements may vary depending on design features, results of prior testing, and results of the foregoing tests. It is the manufacturer’s responsibility to submit samples representative of production. Any decision to use data generated utilizing prototypes is at the discretion of FM Approvals.3. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS3.1 Review of DocumentationDuring the initial investigation and prior to physical testing, the manufacturer's specifications, technical data sheets, and design details shall be reviewed to assess the ease and practicality of installation and use. The product shall be capable of being used within the limits of the Approval investigation.3.2 Physical or Structural Features - Valve3.2.1 Indicating valves shall be designed for a minimum rated working pressure of 175 psi (1205 kPa).3.2.2 Indicating valves shall have wafer, lug, flanged, grooved or threaded end connections. Other types ofend connections shall be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.3.2.3 The indicating valve shall provide either a single or double waterway when it is in the wide openposition. The total area of this waterway shall not be less than 60 percent of the internal cross-sectional area of the connecting pipe.3.2.4 The disc or ball assembly and disc or ball shaft shall be capable of withstanding a torque applied to thehandwheel or crank of at least three times the torque required to open the valve against a hydrostatic pressure differential equal to the rated working pressure.3.2.5 The valve shall have a stem seal which prevents water within the body from escaping to atmosphere.3.2.6 Valves submitted for testing shall be true production samples and shall be free of sharp edges, burrs orother imperfections liable to injure the installer or interfere with proper assembly of the unit.3.3 Physical or Structural Features - Gear Operator3.3.1 It shall be possible to lock or chain the valve or operator so that the valve disc or ball cannot be movedfrom the fully open position without use of bolt cutters. A chain or cable and padlock are anacceptable locking method. Once locked, the valve shall not travel more than 5 percent of its fulltravel.3.3.2 The valve operator, and associated body and operator support components, shall be capable ofwithstanding a torque applied to the handwheel or crank of at least three times the torque required toopen the valve against a hydrostatic pressure differential equal to the rated working pressure.3.3.3 If rotary motion is employed to operate the valve, the direction to open shall be counterclockwise.3.3.4 Stops shall be provided to ensure that the disc or ball is properly positioned in the waterway at fullyopen and closed positions. Externally adjustable stops are acceptable.3.3.5 The handwheel or crank shall be pinned or permanently assembled to the operator drive shaft.3.3.6 The indicator flag shall indicate the position of the disc/ball at all times, (See Section4.7.1).3.3.7 Valves submitted for evaluation with supervisory switches shall have a wiring diagram and electricalvoltage/ampere requirements labeled on the operator cover. The markings shall be cast or provided ona permanently-marked, legible, corrosion-resistant nameplate, permanently fastened to the operatorcover. Alternative markings shall be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.3.3.8 Indicating valves submitted for outdoor service shall be equipped with an enclosure that is resistant toincidental contact with the enclosed equipment, rain, external icing, and dust. The enclosure gasketsshall not be damaged when the enclosure is opened for servicing as needed.3.4 Markings3.4.1 The following minimum information shall be in cast characters on the valve and/or shown on apermanently-marked, legible, corrosion-resistant nameplate, permanently fastened to the valve.External adhesive labels are not permitted for use as valve markings.• Manufacturer’s name or trademark;size;• Valve• Manufacturers date code, (i.e. mm/yy);• Rated working pressure;designation;• Model• FM Approved Mark, (see Appendix B);• Manufacturing source code where necessary; and• Valves with supervisory switches shall have a wiring diagram and electrical voltage/ampere requirements labeled on the operator cover. (Please refer to Section 3.3.7 for more information onthis requirement.)3.4.2 The words “OPEN” and “CLOSED” (or “SHUT”) shall be in cast letters or stamped on the cover ofthe valve operator. The indicator shall point to these words when the valve is fully open or closed.Raised arrowheads or similar symbols may be placed near these words to show more precisely theextreme positions of the valve.3.4.3 An arrow showing the direction of opening shall be cast on the assembly, marked in a fixednameplate, or stamped on the handle or handwheel. All letters and symbols shall be large enough to beeasily read by a person standing 3 ft (0.9 m) from the valve.3.4.4 The model or type identification shall correspond with the manufacturer's catalog designation andshall uniquely identify the product as FM Approved. The manufacturer shall not place this model ortype identification on any other product unless covered by a separate agreement.3.4.5 The FM Approved Mark (see Appendix B) shall be displayed visibly and permanently on the product.The manufacturer shall not use this mark on any other product unless such product is covered byseparate Approval Report with FM Approvals.3.4.6 All markings shall be legible and durable.3.5 Manufacturer's Installation and Operation Instructions3.5.1 Maintenance, operation and installation instructions, including any special dimensional requirements,shall be furnished by the manufacturer with each valve.3.5.2 The instruction manual shall outline in detail the field procedures for repairing the valve assembly. Itshall conspicuously include the statement:“ALL REPLACEMENT PARTS MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE MANUFACTURER TOASSURE PROPER OPERATION OF THE VALVE, AND TO MAINTAIN APPROVAL OF THEDEVICE.”The manual shall be reviewed for completeness and ease of comprehension.3.6 MaterialsAll materials used in these indicating valves shall be suitable for the intended application. Particular consideration shall be given to the corrosion resistance of the materials used for the ball or disc, the stem, bushings and seals. Gear operator housings shall be made from materials with melting points greater than 1470 °F (800 °C) are not acceptable. Alternative materials may be considered, provided they meet the intended performance requirements. When unusual materials are used, special tests may be necessary to verify their suitability. All components shall withstand the normal abuse of shipping, handling and installation.3.7 CalibrationAll equipment used to verify the test parameters shall be calibrated within an interval determined on the basis of stability, purpose, and usage of the equipment. For testing conducted at locations other than FM Approvals, a copy of the calibration certificate for each piece of test equipment is required for FM Approvals’ records that indicate that the calibration was performed to standards traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or to other acceptable reference standards by an accredited ISO 17025 calibration laboratory. The test equipment must be clearly identified by label or sticker showing the last date of the calibration and the next due date. In addition, a copy of the ISO 17025 accreditation certificate for the calibration laboratory is required for FM Approvals records.The calibration of recently purchased new equipment is also required. Documentation indicating either the date of purchase or date of shipment, equipment description, model and serial number is required for identification.The period from the time the equipment was put into service to the date of testing must be within an interval that does not require the equipment to be calibrated as determined on the basis of the parameters mentioned above.。
London Metal Exchange - Membership Categories The LME has 7 categories of membership。
Categories 6 and 7 are reserved for individual and honorary members。
1、Ring Dealing(圈内交易会员12家)Amalgamated Metal Trading Limited Barclays Bank PlcED & F Man Commodity Advisers LimitedJ。
P.Morgan Securities LtdMAREX Financial LimitedMetdist Trading LtdMF Global UK LimitedNatixis Commodity Markets LimitedNewedge Group (UK Branch)Société GénéraleSucden Financial LimitedTriland Metals Ltd2. Associate Broker Clearing(准经纪清算会员26家)Associate broker clearing members have all the privileges of ring dealing members except that they may not trade in the ring。
They operate through the 24 hour inter—office market。
They are members of both the London Clearing House and the FSA,authorised under the 2000 Financial Services and Markets Act。
90° 弯头
90E(L) Φ26.9x2.9
2 6L-DV1-12-MVCR 等径三通 T(S)Φ26.9x2.9
1 6L-CH-12-MVCR
90° 弯头
90E(L) Φ26.9x2.9
1 6L-CV-RF-12-PN25
J41H-25P 90° 弯头 90E(L) Φ33.7x3.2
等径三通 T(S)Φ33.7x3.2
异径三通 T(R) Φ33.7x3.2xΦ26.9x2.9
异径弯头 90E(L)R Φ33.7x3.2xΦ26.9x2.9
S30408 S30408 S30408 S30408
数量 标准号或图号 名称
特殊件 材料 数量 标准号或图号
应力 清 坡口 检验 隔热 是否 消除 洗 形式 等级 代号 防腐
试压 介 所在管道 质 布置图图号
N1002a N1002b N1003a
隔膜阀 RF PN25 DN20
HG/T20613 30CrMo GB/T6175
5N氢气充装 排
无缝钢管 Φ26.9x2.9 S30408 8
GB/T 14976
WN-RF S30408
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