1.原则上用英文半角及大写(除个别两位单位易造成混淆外,如mF, mm,mR等)
6. 电压V,默认为DC,如为交流必须写出如:275V AC,不写为AC275V,温度用C表示如85C或125C等,长
7. 客户处购买物料视同制造商物料,不重复加码。
10000 - Pi o皮奥1001000 - S ilver赛尔文1001001- Na tash a娜塔莎1001100-Mi na米娜1002000- Phi l比尔1002001 - T eo特奥1002002-Pa son佩森1002003 - Mr. G ol ds tein智慧爷爷1002004- VI PCa b明珠港星级出租车1002005- M r.K im金先生1002006 - Ch ef吉夫1002100 -Jane简1002101-O laf坤1010100- Rin a丽娜1011000 - K arl卡尔1011001-S am山姆1011100- Lun a卢娜1012000 - R egula r Cab射手村中巴1012001 - Dr.Squin t差不多医生1012002- Vic ious比休斯1012003- Ch ief S tan长老斯坦1012004- Do ofus科尔1012005-Cloy科洛伊1012006 -Tra in er Bar tos巴特斯1012007 -Tr ai nerFrod巴罗德1012008 -C as ey凯茜1012009- Mr. Le e李先生1012100 - At henaPie rc e赫丽娜1012101 -Maya玛亚1012102- Pia皮亚1012103 -Na ta lie娜塔丽1012104 -B rit ta ny伯丽特1012105 - Ms.Tan沃美妮1012106- Mrs. Min g M in g明明女士1012107 - Utah尤塔1012108- Ca mila卡米拉1012109- Jay亚华1012110 -A nne桉1012111 -Bruce布鲁斯1012112- To ry达尔利1012113- T om my达尔米1012114 - Grow lie兴儿1020000 - Blac kbull酋长1021000- Ri ver利伯1021001-H arry慧丽1021100 -A rtu ro格里高利1022000 -Dance s w it hBalr og武术教练1022001 -Re gu larCab勇士部落中巴1022002-M anji麦吉1022003 -M r.Th un der辛德1022004 - Mr. S mi th斯密斯1022005 - Mr.Wan g王先生1022006 - Wi nston芳博士1022007 - A yan伊安1022008-B urnt Swo rd灰渣里的剑1022100- Sop hia索非亚1022101 -Ro on ey露妮1022102- The Ex ca va torBoar d遗迹发掘队布告栏1031000 -F lora theFairy妖精佛罗拉1031001- Ser abit heFa ir y妖精舍拉比1031100 -Lent he Fai ry妖精莲1032000 -Re gu larCab魔法林中巴1032001-Gr ende l th e Rea llyO ld汉斯1032002 -Franc ois易德1032003 -Shan e赛恩1032004 -L ou is路易斯1032005 - VI P C ab魔法林星级出租车1032006 -M r.Pa rk朴先生1032007- Joe l售票员1032008 -Cherr y检票员1032009 -P urin船员普林1032100-A rwen the Fair y妖精艾温1032101- Row en th e Fai ry妖精罗雯1032102 - Ma r the Fa ir y妖精玛丽1032103- ElMot h阿尔莫斯1032104 - B etty巴缇1032105- Est elle胡小姐1032106- Win g th e Fai ry妖精维英1040000- Luk e鲁克1040001 -M ik e麦克1040002 - Fanz y潘喜1043000 - a pile off low er s花簇1043001 - a pile ofh er bs草药丛1051000 - Cu tth ro at Man ny曼斯塔1051001- D onH wang玛帕1051002 -D r.Fa ym us铭仁1052000- Ale x阿勒斯1052001 -DarkLord达克鲁1052002- JM From thaStr ee tz后街吉姆1052003- Chr is克利思1052004 - Denm a the Ow ne r黛玛院长1052005 - Dr.Fee bl e差不多医生1052006- Jak e冬青1052007 - T he Ti cketGat e检票口1052008 - Tr easur e C he st宝箱1052009 -Treas ureC he st宝箱1052010- Tre asu reC hest宝箱1052011 -E xit出口1052012 - Mong from Ko ng马龙1052013 - Co mpute r电脑1052014 - V endin g Mac hin e自动售货机1052015 -Billy比利1052016- Re gular Cab废都中巴1052017 - M r. Ho ng洪先生1052100 -DonGiova nni钱老板1052101- And re安德里亚1052102-Shum i休咪1052103 -Nel la内拉1052104 - Tu lcus图里卡斯1052105 - J ane D oe不认识的女人1052106 - I carus伊卡路斯1061000 -C hris hrama克利斯拉玛1061001 -24 H r 禁止词语leS tor e24小时排档1061002- Mr. Sw ea tb otto m豪素夫1061003- Mr.We tbot tom泰素夫1061004 -Ro nn ie洛尼1061005- Sab itr am a萨比特拉玛1061006- Mys ter io us Sta tue奇怪的石像1061007-Cr umbl ingStatu e坍塌的石像1061008- Mr. Oh吴先生1061009-Door ofDimen sion异界之门1061010 - S parkl ingC rys ta l闪耀的水晶1061011- The Re me mb erer记忆者1061012 -Ins ig ni fica nt B eing无意义存在者1061013 -Gwin葛温1061100 -Ho te l Re cept ionis t宾馆服务员1063000- a p ile o f pin k f lo we rs粉红色花簇1063001 -a p il eofb lueflowe rs蓝花簇1063002- a p ile o f whi tefl ow ers白花簇1063003 -W ant ed: G.Mush room绿蘑菇通缉牌1063004 -Want ed :Curse Ey e风独眼兽通缉牌1063005- Wan ted:E vilEye火独眼兽通缉牌1063006-Want ed : Cold Eye冰独眼兽通缉牌1063007- Wan ted: Z.M us hroo m僵尸蘑菇通缉牌1063008-Wa nted : H. Mus hroom刺蘑菇通缉牌1063009- Wan ted: Jr.Bo ogie幼魔精灵通缉牌1063010 -W an ted: Dr ake青龙通缉牌1072000- Wa rrio r Job Inst ruc to r战士转职教官1072001 - Ma gic ia nJobInst ructo r魔法师转职教官1072002 - B owman JobIns tr uc tor弓箭手转职教官1072003 -Th ie f Jo b In struc tor飞侠转职教官1072004 -Warri or Jo b I ns tr ucto r战士转职教官1072005 -M ag icia n Jo b Ins truct or魔法师转职教官1072006 -Bowma n J obI nstr ucto r弓箭手转职教官1072007- Th iefJob I nstru cto r飞侠转职教官1081000 - Vale n拜伦1081001 - P ison派申1081100-Riel丽尔1081101 -R oel露尔1081102 - Rael拉尔11000-S id赛德11100 -Lucy露茜12000 -L ucas路卡斯12100- M ai麦加12101 - Rain瑞恩2000-Ro ger罗杰20000 - John约翰20001 -Bari白瑞德20002- B ig gs比格斯2001 - Se n珊2001000- Cli ff克里夫2001001- B ra nc h Sn owma n树枝雪人2001002-M etal Buc ket S nowma n罐头雪人2001003 - Stra w Hat Sn ow ma n草帽雪人2001004 - Sc arfS no wman围巾雪人2001005- Ru pe rt珞巴特2002 - Pe ter彼特2002000 -Rupi鲁皮2002001 -R ud i 鲁迪2002002- Tor r 头羊2003- Rob in罗宾2004 -To dd透德2005- Sam叁20100-Yo ona尤娜2010000 - St affS er gean t Ch arlie查里中士2010001 -M inothe O wner米努2010002- Fra nz th e Own er弗兰克2010003 - Neve奈巴2010004- Cor pora l Wil son瑞撒上等兵2010005 - S huri贵英2010006-Trin a小刘2010007 -Her ac le哈拉克2010008 - Lea蕾雅2012000- Aga tha桑艺2012001-R ini田菲2012002 - Er in阿霖2012003 -NeritheF air y妖精娜丽2012004 -NuritheF ai ry妖精诺丽2012005 -Ede lth e Fa iry妖精易多2012006-Pl atfo rm U sher艺斯2012007-Rinz the Assi stant利纳斯2012008 - R omi罗米2012009-R izatheAssis tant利嘉2012010- Elm a the Hous eke ep er保姆珥玛2012011 - Kr ielt he Fai ry妖精珂丽尔2012012-Li sa莉萨2012013- Sun ny斯娜2012014 -Orbis Magi c S po t天空之城魔法石2012015 -E l N at hMagi c Sp ot冰封雪域魔法石2012016 -A ilee n莎米2012017 -H ug hestheFuse秀兹2012018-Eric sson艾利逊2012019 -M op pie波达2012020 - Al fon seG reen阿尔冯丝小绿2012021 -Ra mi ni娜米2012022- Pel ace帕拉斯2012023- Map le Le afMa rb le枫叶霜2012024 - Eg net温莉2012025 - Gera s帮佣易克2013000 -Wonk y the Fair y雅典娜女神2013001- Cha mberl ainE ak伯坚2013002 -Miner vath eGodd ess斯考特2020000 -Vo ge n伯坚2020001 - Scot t斯考特2020002 -Gordo n高登2020003- Ma ster Serg eantFox珀斯上尉2020004 - Mr. Moh amm ed武先生2020005 - A lcast er阿尔卡斯特2020006 - Ja de杰德2020007 -S cadu r斯卡德2020008-Ty lus泰勒斯2020009 -R obe ir a鲁碧2020010 - R ene蕾妮2020011 -Arec艾瑞克2022000 -R um i卢米2022001 - Hana哈娜2022002- Ba run巴兰2022003-S hamm os邪摩斯2022004- T yl us泰勒斯2030000 - Jeff杰夫2030001- Se rgean t Bra vo巴伯下士2030002- Cor poral Ea sy伊吉上等兵2030003 - Rock Co ve re d in Sno w雪岩2030004 -S ma llT omb小墓地2030005 -St at ue雕像2030006- Hol y S to ne神圣的石头2030007 - Pi eceo fStat ue石像的碎片2030008 -A do bis阿杜比斯2030009 -Gli bb er格里巴2030010 - Amon阿们2030011- Al i阿尔利2030012-H uckl e何克2030013 -Ado bi s阿杜比斯2030014 - Anci entI cy Sto ne上古冰2032000- ????助手2032001 - S pirun a斯皮罗纳2032002 - Aura奥拉2032003- Lir a利拉2032004 -Sus pi ci ousLava熔岩2040000 -Me l美尔2040001 - D elvt heTo ySold ier玩具兵得利巴2040002-O lson the ToySoldi er玩具兵哦尔萨恩2040003 -Assis tan tCh eng助教尚2040004 -Rol y-Po ly1玩具工人12040005- R ol y-Poly 2玩具工人22040006 -R ol y-Po ly 3玩具工人32040007-R oly-Poly 4玩具工人42040008- Rol y-Po ly 5玩具工人52040009 -R oly-Poly6玩具工人62040010- Rol y-Pol y 7玩具工人72040011 - R oly-P oly8玩具工人82040012 - Roly-Poly 9玩具工人92040013 - Ro ly-Po ly10玩具工人102040014- Chi co奇可2040015 -Manag er Ka rl厂长卡胡2040016- Pi派2040017-G reen Mes orang er冒险勇者绿虎2040018 -Black Meso ran ge r冒险勇者熊猫2040019 -E ver to n埃巴2040020 - S arah吉乐肯2040021- Ta ra珮2040022 -R yd ole莱德里2040023 -L ostS ol dier迷路的士兵2040024- F ir st Eos Roc k第一个玩具塔石2040025- Se cond EosRock第二个玩具塔石2040026- Thi rd Eo s R oc k第三个玩具塔石2040027 -F our thE osR ock第四个玩具塔石2040028-Mark the ToySoldi er玩具兵马可2040029 - Gr andpa Cl oc k挂钟2040030 - W isp威舍2040031 -Docu mentRoll文件包2040032- We aver威巴2040033-Neru奈勒2040034 -R edSi gn警示2040035 -Artur o阿里特2040036 -Red B alloo n红色气球2040037 - Oran ge Ba llo on橙色气球2040038 -Yello w B al lo on黄色气球2040039 -L imeB al loon绿黄气球2040040- Gr ee nBall oon绿色气球2040041 -A qu a Ba lloo n海蓝气球2040042-S ky-B lueBallo on天蓝气球2040043- Blu e Bal loon蓝色气球2040044 - V iolet Ball oon紫色气球2040045 - Pi nk Ba llo on粉红气球2040046 -Rober t H ol ly哈尔里2040047 - Sgt. An de rs on士兵爱那得斯2040048- N ar a爱丽2040049 - G umbal l M ac hi ne糖果机器2040050 -E ure kth e Al chem ist流浪炼金术士2040051 -T oly小泰2040052- W izt heL ibra rian威兹2041000-Tian田安2041001 -R ose y俄林2041002- Hid和答2041003- Mir u米鲁2041004 -Mar ce l马勒萨里2041005 - Nemi乃米2041006- Mi sky米舍凯2041007-Miyu米约2041008 -S epp y舍琵2041009- Min i咪咪2041010- El lie爱丽2041011- Y el lo w Me sora nger冒险勇者黄雄2041012- Pin k Mes orang er冒险勇者粉狼2041013 -Gina吉纳2041014- Pat ricia帕特里沙2041015 -K orin克林2041016 -Ve ga弥勒吉尔2041017- Ace ofH ea rts库克斯2041018 -H anst he Ass embl er工程师汉斯2041019- Ro ckythe R epair man修理工镂刻2041020 -Mact heMe ch anic机械工麦戈2041021 -Mr.Bouf fon闵先生2041022 -Ti gu n th e Ad visor士官提甘2041023 -Flo炮娄2041024- T om bs tone造型物2041025 -Mac hi ne App arat us机械装置2041026-Ghos thun ter B ob幽灵猎人巴柏2041027 -Mason theCol le ct or搜集狂麦森2041028 -Unk no wn Thi ef飞侠转职教官2042000-Sp iege lman n休彼德蔓2042001-S pieg elma nn休彼德蔓2042002-Spie gelm ann休彼德蔓2042003- Ass ista nt Re d红队助手2042004 -Assi stant Blue蓝队助手2050000 -Dr. S an大山2050001 -D r. K im金博士2050002-A lien Gra y外星人哥雷2050003- Spa cen斯派斯尼2050004 -K ub o th e St orage man具宝2050005 -Chur y阿哲2050006 -H oo ny阿海2050007- Gun ny阿亮2050008 -Gener al Ma est ro马斯特将军2050009- Jr. Of fi ce r Me din参谋美得恩2050010-R icetheMedic卫生员莱斯2050011- Kev in th e Sol die r士兵克斌2050012 -Agent Ma rc o工作员M2050013- Por ter波特2050014 - Mete orite 1陨石12050015 -Meteo rit e2陨石22050016 -Meteo rit e3陨石32050017 -Meteo rit e4陨石42050018 -Meteo rit e5陨石52050019 -Meteo rit e6陨石62050020 -Drops hip载运船2051000- Dr. Pepp er珮珀2051001 -Kay卡伊2060000-N anuk e纳努科2060001- Ro bi ns on鲁宾逊2060002 - Ta e G on g太公2060003 - M elias艾里亚斯2060004 -Oanne s安纳斯2060005 -K enta坎特2060006 -Mu se妙斯2060007 -Calyp so卡利2060008 -Gerra rd杰拉德2060009 -Dolp hin海豚2060100-C arta卡勒塔2060101 -Tae ngt heE xplo rer探险队长坦克2060102 -Door to t he Wa rpe dDi mens ion次元空间入口2070000-M r.N oh鲁先生2070001- B un g's Ma ma芭德阿姨2070002 -Mo ki墨铁2070003 -Dori石铁2071000- Chu mji朴大爷2071001-Hong bu兴夫2071002- No lb u乐夫2071003 - C hilN am七南2071004 -KongJi小荳2071005 -C hilSung七诚2071006-Swal low燕子2071007- G ra nd maY eon莲婆婆2071008 -Ha en im小日2071009- Mr. Sh im沈师铭2071010 - G od of Mo un ta ins山神2071011 - Tr eeCu tt er樵夫2072000- Chi l S un g's Ri ce S tacks七诚家的稻穗2072001- Chi l Nam's Ri ceSt ac ks七南家的稻穗2073000- Pa rkC humJi2080000 -M os摩斯2080001 -Sly史莱2080002-M ax马克斯2080003 - No rma n诺蔓2080004- Moo die马蒂2080005 -Kosc u寇斯库2080006-Do lphi n海豚出租车2081000 -Ch ie f Ta tamo村长塔塔曼2081001-K umo库摩2081002 - It o依托2081003 - Y aku亚可2081004-P am潘姆2081005- Ker obe n可罗宾2081006 - Mo ira摩伊拉2081007- Rau l the Knig ht骑士拉乌尔2081008 - Ni ne Sp iri t'sBaby Dra gon九灵龙宝宝2081009- Mo ose姆斯2081010- M oo se姆斯2081100 -Harmo nia哈尔模尼亚2081200 - G ritto格里特2081300 - L egor列高罗2081400- Hel lin哈林2082000- M ue纽曼2082001 - To mmie塔咪2082002- Har ry哈利2083000-En cryp tedSlate oft heSq ua d敢死队的暗号石板2083001- H or nt ail's Sc hedul e暗黑龙王的里程碑2083002 -Cryst al of Ro ot s树根水晶2083003 - Stum p a tth e Ro om o f Maz e迷宫碎片2083004 -Mark of t he Sq uad远征队的标识2083005 -Fount aino fLife生命之泉2090000- Mr.Pa n老盼2090001 - Gong Go ng功功2090002 - Bi diwon防防2090003- Da lsuk达淑2090004-Mr.Do陈道人2090005- H ak鹤2090006- Lay a拉丫头2090100 -G rand pa Lu o老爹爹2090101 -L ilis hu丽秀秀2090102-N aran纳兰2090103 -Pat a巴塔2090104- Nom a诺马2091000- No Gon g诺功2091001 -D oGong道功2091002 -T aeSa ng太上2091003 -TaeS oo韩太守2091004 - Mast er Go bli n2092000 -Mr. K u邱老头2092001 -C apta in Hw ang黄船长2093000- MuTan武旦2093001-S o Wo n小防防2093002- La nMi ng兰明2093003- Mr. Go ng宫相公2093004 - D olphi n海豚2094000 - G uon久翁2094001-W u Ya ng无恙2094002- Gu on久翁2100 -Sera莎丽21000-Pa n潘2100000 -Ahmad阿赫马德2100001 -Muham ad莫哈莫德2100002- Zai d寨尔德2100003-Ja smin雅思敏2100004 -Sag aT萨哥特2100005 - S hati夏特2100006- Maz ra玛兹拉2100007-L ila拉尔拉2100008 -V ard八德乐2100009- Ald in阿尔丁2101- Hee na希娜2101000- Si ri n西琳2101001 - J iyoul e智由拉2101002 -Elesk a呃拉斯卡2101003 -Ardi n阿丁2101004 -T gu n提干2101005 - Byro n巴一岚2101006 -Le Pe titP rin ce小王子2101007 - A reda阿烈达2101008- Sc heger azade世赫拉2101009 - A bdull ah VI II阿得拉8世2101010 - Ja no扎诺2101011 -S ejan携詹2101012 -St ra ngeGuy可疑的男子2101013-Ka rcas a卡乐卡萨2102 -N ina妮娜2102000 - Ases son阿世顺2102001- Sly n斯林2102002 -S yr as西拉斯2103 -Maria玛丽亚2103000 - P alace Oasi s宫廷绿洲2103001 - Secr et wa ll秘密之墙2103002- Que en'scab in et王妃的装饰柜2103003 -A ria ntp riva te h ouse1阿里安特民宅12103004- Ar iantpriva teho us e2阿里安特民宅22103005- A ri an t pr ivat e hou se4阿里安特民宅42103006 - Aria nt pr iva teh ouse6阿里安特民宅62103007-Tr easu re B ox宝物箱2103008-M yste riou s voi ce奇妙的声音2103009- Ar iantpriva teho us e1C upbo ard阿里安特民宅1橱柜2103010- Ar iantpriva teho us e2C upbo ard阿里安特民宅2橱柜2103011- Ar iantpriva teho us e4C upbo ard阿里安特民宅4橱柜2103012- Ar iantpriva teho us e6C upbo ard阿里安特民宅6橱柜2110000- Ro sen罗森2110001-J erry哲里2110002 -K yol吉欧2110003 - Rama in拉玛人2110004 -Mere n威尔斯2110005-Ca melTaxi骆驼中巴2111000-Ca rson卡森2111001 -M aed麦麦德2111002- Delang德朗博2111003- Hu manoi d A人造人A2111004 - P hilia琵丽雅2111005- Ki ny琦尼2111006- Pa we n疯老头2111007 -Broke r H an.后街小贩2111008 - Bedi n.贝丁2111009 -Russe llon罗赛伦2111010- Al chede no'sCab in et.卡帕莱特的书页2111011- Wa ll墙2111012- Cab inet书页2111013- Pic tureframe镜框2111014- De sk桌子2111015-Ru ssel lon's Des k罗赛伦的桌子2111016- De Lang's Se cre tbo ok德朗博士秘密书2111017- 1stP ipehand le第一个拐杖2111018- 2nd Pip e han dle第二个拐杖2111019 - 3rd Pi pe ha ndl e第三个拐杖2111020 -1stM agi ca larra y.第一个魔法阵2111021-2n d Ma gica l arr ay第二个魔法阵2111022 - 3rd Ma gical ar ra y第三个魔法阵2111023 - Ma gic ala rray cen ter.魔法阵中央2111024 -S ecre t pas sege秘密通道2112000 - Y ulete犹泰2112001- Yul ete犹泰2112002- Y ul et e犹泰2112003 - Brit tan y朱丽叶2112004 - Br ady罗密欧2112005- Bri ttany朱丽叶2112006- Br ady罗密欧2112007 -In ve stig atio n Res ult.调查结果2112008 - B ritta ny朱丽叶2112009 -Brad y罗密欧2112010-Yu lete犹泰2112011 -Y ule te犹泰2112012 - Yu lete犹泰2112013- Inv estig ation Re su lt.调查结果22000 - Shan ks桑克斯9000000 - Paul珀尔9000001- Jea n江9000002 -P iet ro比特罗9000003 - V ikan贝坎9000004- Vik on贝根9000005-Vi kone贝肯9000006 -V iko on贝昆9000007 - Ch un Ji千吉9000008- Mr. Pic kall权达开9000009- Vi kin贝干9000010-P ietr a比特拉9000011- Ma rt in马丁9000012 -Harry亨利9000013- To ny透尼9000014-Ge anie基尼9000015 -T ami s塔密斯9000017 - Co co可可9000018 -M atil da9000019 -Ro ck, Pa per, Scis sorA dmi n9000020 -Spine l导游妮妮9010000 -Mapl e Adm inist rat or冒险岛运营员9010001- Tia可乐小姐9010002 - Mia9010003-Ri a9010004 - M ia9010005- Dia ne9010006 -S all y北极熊蒲企9010007 -Josh9010008 -P etti te9010009 -Du ey杜宜9010010 -Cassa ndr a卡珊德拉9010011 - O range Mu sh ro om花蘑菇9010012 - St arPi xi e星光精灵9010013 - He ngk i变种侏儒怪9010014 -Arami a阿乐米9020000 -Lakel is拉克里斯9020001- Clo to克鲁特9020002-N ella内拉9030000 -F red ri ck弗兰德里9030100- Scr oog e斯克鲁吉9040000 -Shuan g修安9040001 - N uris努里斯9040002- Sha wn杉峰9040003- Sh ar en III's S oul锡安列三世的灵魂9040004- Hon orabl e Roc k荣耀之石9040005 - Retu rning Ro ck回传之石9040006 -Guard St at ue人象之石9040007- Sha renI II'sW ill锡安列三世的遗书9040008- Gui ld R ank B oard公会排行布告栏9040009- Gat ekeep er城门守门人9040010 - Ti gerS tat ue飞虎石像9040011 -Bulle tinB oa rd留言板9040012 - Kn igh tAr mor骑士铠甲9050000 -Pig mit heS ummo ner9050001 -P ig mit he S ummon er9050002- Pig mi t he Su mmone r9050003- Pig mi th e Sum mon er9050004 - Pigm i the Su mm on er9050005 -Pigmi th eSu mmon er9050006 -P igm ith e Su mmon er9050007 -Pi gm i th e Su mmone r9050008-Pigm i an d Etr an9050009- Etr an's Info rmati onBo ar d9060000 - K enta肯塔9060001- Ken ta9100000 -Ke rn ingCity Mane kinek o9100001- Hen esysManek ine ko9100002 - Elli niaM ane ki ne ko9100003 -Perio n M an ek inek o9100004 - Sl eep yw oo d Ma neki neko9100100-Ga chap on9100101 -G ach ap on9100102 - Ga chapo n9100103- Gac hapon9100104-G acha pon9100105 -Gac ha po n9100106 - G achap on9100107- Ga chapo n9100108-Gach apon9100109- Ga ch ap on9100110 -Gacha pon119100111 - 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深灰色 Gray Ral7037
静态 弯曲 半径 Stat.r
13 20 35 40 45 55 65 90 100 13 20 45 50 50
动态 弯曲 半径 Dyn.r
包装 Packing
35 100M 45 100M 55 100M 65 100M 75 100M 100 50M 120 50M 150 50M 190 25M 25 100M 45 100M 75 100M 85 50M 110 50M
3/8" 14.3 18.5 40 1/2" 17.0 21.2 45
65 100M 75 100M
用 途:可保护电线电缆不受外力磨损 and wires
Loading ability:uneasy to change shape,reshape speedly without hurt
25.5 31.5 50 110 50M
RCCN 日成PAV0尼龙阻燃及剖开波纹管 Polyethylene Corrugated Tubing
龙 波
Murata LQW03AW_00系列芯片电容器(芯片导纳)参考规格书说明书
CHIP COILS (CHIP INDUCTORS) LQW03AW□□□□00□ REFERENCE SPECIFICATION1. ScopeThis reference specification applies to chip coils (chip inductors) LQW03AW_00 series for general electronic equipment.2. Part Numbering(Ex.)LQ W 03 A W 5N4 J 0 0 DProductID Structure Dimension(L × W)ApplicationandcharacteristicCategory Inductance Tolerance Performance ElectrodespecificationPackagingD: taping*B: bulk*B: Bulk packing is also available (taping condition: however, products without reels are put in plastic bags).3. Part Number and RatingOperating temperature range -55°C to +125°C (including self-generated heat)Storage temperature range -55°C to +125°CCustomer Part numberMurataPart numberInductance Q(900 MHz)(Typicalvalue)DCresistance(Ω max.)Self-resonantfrequency(GHz min.)Ratedcurrent(mA) Nominalvalue(nH)ToleranceLQW03AW1N0C00D1.0C:±0.2nH 48 0.03 19.0 900 LQW03AW1N1C00D1.1C:±0.2nH 41 0.06 19.0 660 LQW03AW1N7C00D1.7C:±0.2nH 41 0.07 19.0 600 LQW03AW1N8C00D1.8C:±0.2nH 37 0.10 19.0 520 LQW03AW1N9C00D1.9C:±0.2nH 41 0.08 19.0 620 LQW03AW2N0C00D2.0C:±0.2nH 42 0.10 19.0 490 LQW03AW2N1C00D2.1C:±0.2nH 35 0.16 19.0 400 LQW03AW2N2C00D2.2C:±0.2nH 33 0.16 19.0 400 LQW03AW2N7C00D2.7C:±0.2nH 46 0.06 15.0 720 LQW03AW2N8C00D2.8C:±0.2nH 44 0.08 14.0 600 LQW03AW2N9C00D2.9C:±0.2nH 41 0.10 13.0 540 LQW03AW3N0C00D3.0C:±0.2nH 34 0.22 14.0 350 LQW03AW3N1C00D3.1C:±0.2nH 48 0.07 12.0 720 LQW03AW3N2C00D3.2C:±0.2nH 48 0.08 10.0 580 LQW03AW3N3C00D3.3C:±0.2nH 47 0.11 11.0 520 LQW03AW3N4C00D3.4C:±0.2nH 43 0.15 11.0 440 LQW03AW3N5C00D3.5C:±0.2nH 43 0.15 12.0 440 LQW03AW3N6C00D3.6C:±0.2nH 36 0.23 11.0 340 LQW03AW3N7C00D3.7C:±0.2nH 38 0.23 11.0 340 LQW03AW3N9C00D3.9C:±0.2nH 48 0.07 11.0 650 LQW03AW4N3J00D4.3 J:±5% 45 0.12 11.0 480 LQW03AW4N7J00D4.7 J:±5% 45 0.09 9.5 620 LQW03AW5N1J00D5.1 J:±5% 45 0.14 9.5 480 LQW03AW5N4J00D5.4 J:±5% 46 0.21 9.5 420 LQW03AW5N6J00D5.6 J:±5% 37 0.33 8.3 330 LQW03AW5N8J00D5.8 J:±5% 47 0.16 8.8 460 LQW03AW6N2J00D6.2 J:±5% 39 0.22 9.9 360 LQW03AW6N8J00D6.8 J:±5% 42 0.18 7.7 460 LQW03AW7N5J00D7.5 J:±5% 41 0.24 7.5 400 LQW03AW8N2J00D8.2 J:±5% 40 0.26 8.5 290Customer Part numberMurataPart numberInductance Q(900 MHz)(Typicalvalue)DCresistance(Ω max.)Self-resonantfrequency(GHz min.)Ratedcurrent(mA)Nominalvalue(nH)ToleranceLQW03AW8N7J00D8.7J:±5% 39 0.42 7.5 290 LQW03AW9N1J00D9.1J:±5% 46 0.22 6.4 460 LQW03AW10NJ00D10.0J:±5% 37 0.46 7.2 250 LQW03AW11NJ00D11.0J:±5% 37 0.47 7.0 260 LQW03AW12NJ00D12.5J:±5% 39 0.54 6.0 280 LQW03AW13NJ00D13.0J:±5% 39 0.54 5.9 280 LQW03AW14NJ00D13.5J:±5% 37 0.53 6.0 240 LQW03AW15NJ00D15.5J:±5% 38 0.60 5.7 230 4. Testing ConditionsUnless otherwise specified Temperature: ordinary temperature (15°C to 35°C)Humidity: ordinary humidity [25% to 85% (RH)]In case of doubt Temperature: 20°C±2°CHumidity: 60% to 70% (RH)Atmospheric pressure: 86 kPa to 106 kPa5. Appearance and DimensionsUnit mass (typical value): 0.23 mg6. MarkingNo marking.7. Electrical PerformanceNo.ItemSpecificationTest method7.1 InductanceMeet chapter 3 ratings.Measuring equipment: Keysight E4991A or the equivalentMeasuring frequency: Inductance 250 MHz 1.0 nH to 3.9 nH 100 MHz 4.3 nH to 15.5 nH Measuring conditions:Measurement signal level: Approx. 0 dBm Measurement terminal distance: 0.3 mm Electrical length: 10.0 mmMeasuring fixture: Keysight 16197APosition the chip coil under test as shown in the measuring example below and connect it to the electrode by applying weight. Measurement example:Measuring method: see "Electrical performance: Measuring method for inductance/Q" in the chapter"16. Appendix".7.2 QMeet chapter 3 ratings.7.3 DC resistance Meet chapter 3 ratings. Measuring equipment: digital multimeter 7.4 Self-resonantfrequency Meet chapter 3 ratings.Measuring equipment: Keysight N5230A or theequivalent7.5 Rated currentProduct temperature rise: 20°C max.Apply the rated current specified in chapter 3.8. Mechanical PerformanceNo.ItemSpecificationTest method8.1 Bending testNo significant mechanical damage or no sign of electrode peeling off shall be observed. Test substrate: glass-epoxy substrate (100 mm × 40 mm × 0.8 mm) Pressurizing speed: 1 mm/sDeflection: 2 mm Holding time: 5 s8.2 VibrationAppearance shall have no significant mechanical damage.Oscillation frequency: 10 Hz to 55 Hz to 10 Hz, for approx. 1 minTotal amplitude: 1.5 mmTest time: 3 directions perpendicular to each other, 2 h for each direction (6 h in total)No.ItemSpecificationTest method8.3 Solderability90% or more of the outer electrode shall be covered with new solder seamlessly. Flux: immersed in ethanol solution [including anactivator with a chlorine conversion value of 0.06(wt)%]with a rosin content of 25(wt)% for 5 s to 10 s. Solder: Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solderPre-heating: 150°C±10°C/60 s to 90 s Solder temperature: 240°C±5°C Immersion time: 4 s±1 s 8.4 Resistance tosoldering heatAppearance: No significant mechanical damage shall be observed.Inductance change rate: within ±5%Flux: immersed in ethanol solution [including anactivator with a chlorine conversion value of 0.06(wt)%] with a rosin content of 25(wt)% for 5 s to 10 s. Solder: Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solderPre-heating: 150°C±10°C/60 s to 90 s Solder temperature: 270°C±5°C Immersion time: 5 s±1 sPost-treatment: left at a room condition for 24 h±2 h9. Environmental PerformanceThe product is soldered on a substrate for test. No. Item Specification Test method9.1 Heat resistanceAppearance: No significant mechanicaldamage shall be observed.Inductance change rate: within ±5%Q change rate: within ±20%Temperature: 125°C±2°CTest time: 1000 h (+48 h, -0 h)Post-treatment: left at a room condition for 24 h±2 h 9.2 Cold resistanceAppearance: No significant mechanical damage shall be observed.Inductance change rate: within ±5% Q change rate: within ±20%Temperature: -55°C±2°CTest time: 1000 h (+48 h, -0 h)Post-treatment: left at a room condition for 24 h±2 h9.3 HumidityAppearance: No significant mechanical damage shall be observed.Inductance change rate: within ±5% Q change rate: within ±20%Temperature: 70°C±2°CHumidity: 90% (RH) to 95% (RH) Test time: 1000 h (+48 h, -0 h)Post-treatment: left at a room condition for 24 h±2 h 9.4 Temperature cycle Appearance: No significant mechanicaldamage shall be observed.Inductance change rate: within ±5% Q change rate: within ±20%Single cycle conditions:Step 1: -55°C±2°C/30 min±3 minStep 2: ordinary temperature/10 min to 15 min Step 3: +125°C±2°C/30 min±3 minStep 4: ordinary temperature/10 min to 15 min Number of testing: 10 cyclesPost-treatment: left at a room condition for 24 h±2 h10. Specification of Packaging10.1 Appearance and dimensions of tape (8 mm width/paper tape)A (0.52)B (0.65) t 0.75 max.(in mm)10.2 Taping specificationsPacking quantity (Standard quantity) 10000 pcs/reelPacking method The products are placed in embossed cavities of a base tape and sealed by a cover tape.Feed hole position The feed holes on the base tape are on the right side when the cover tape is pulled toward the user. JointThe base tape and the cover tape are seamless.Number of missing productsNumber of missing products within 0.025% of the number per reel or 1 pc., whichever is greater, and are not continuous. The specified quantity per reel is kept.10.3 Break down force of tapeBreak down force of cover tape5 N min.10.4 Peeling off force of cover tapeSpeed of peeling off 300 mm/minPeeling off force0.1 N to 0.6 N (The lower limit is for typical value.)10.5 Dimensions of leader section, trailer section and reelA vacant section is provided in the leader (start) section and trailer (end) section of the tape for the product. The leader section is further provided with an area consisting only of the cover tape (or top tape). (See the diagram below.)10.6 Marking for reelCustomer part number, Murata part number, inspection number (*1), RoHS marking (*2), quantity, etc. *1 Expression of inspection No.: □□ ○○○○(1) (2) (3)(1) Factory code(2) Date First digit: year/last digit of yearSecond digit: month/Jan. to Sep.→1 to 9, Oct. to Dec.→O, N, D Third, Fourth digit: day (3) Serial No.*2 Expression of RoHS marking: ROHS- Y ( ) (1) (2)(1) RoHS regulation conformity(2) Murata classification number10.7 Marking on outer box (corrugated box)Customer name, purchasing order number, customer part number, Murata part number, RoHS marking (*2), quantity, etc.FCover tapetape165°to 180゜10.8 Specification of outer boxDimensions of outer box(mm) Standard reel quantity in outer box (reel)WDH186 186 935* Above outer box size is typical. It depends on a quantity of an order.11. Caution11.1 Restricted applicationsPlease contact us before using our products for the applications listed below which require especially high reliability for the prevention of defects which might directly cause damage to the third party's life, body or property. (1) Aircraft equipment (2) Aerospace equipment (3) Undersea equipment (4) Power plant controlequipment(5) Medical equipment (6) Transportation equipment (vehicles, trains, ships, etc.) (7) Traffic signal equipment (8) Disaster/crimeprevention equipment(9) Data-processing equipment (10) Applications of similar complexity and/or reliability requirements to the applications listed in the above11.2 Precautions on ratingAvoid using in exceeded the rated temperature range, rated voltage, or rated current.Usage when the ratings are exceeded could lead to wire breakage, burning, or other serious fault.11.3 Inrush currentIf an inrush current (or pulse current or rush current) that significantly exceeds the rated current is applied to the product, overheating could occur, resulting in wire breakage, burning, or other serious fault.11.4 Corrosive gasPlease refrain from use since contact with environments with corrosive gases (sulfur gas [hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, etc.], chlorine, ammonia, etc.) or oils (cutting oil, silicone oil, etc.) that have come into contact with the previously stated corrosive gas environment will result in deterioration of product quality or an open from deterioration due to corrosion of product electrode, etc. We will not bear any responsibility for use under these environments.12. Precautions for UseThis product is for use only with reflow soldering. It is designed to be mounted by soldering. If you want to use other mounting method, for example, using a conductive adhesive, please consult us beforehand.Also, if repeatedly subjected to temperature cycles or other thermal stress, due to the difference in the coefficient of thermal expansion with the mounting substrate, the solder (solder fillet part) in the mounting part may crack.The occurrence of cracks due to thermal stress is affected by the size of the land where mounted, the solder volume, and the heat dissipation of the mounting substrate. Carefully design it when a large change in ambient temperature is assumed.12.1 Land dimensionsThe following diagram shows the recommended land dimensions for reflow soldering.The land dimensions are designed in consideration of electrical characteristics and mountability. Use of other landdimensions may preclude achievement of performance. In some cases, it may result in poor solderability, including positional shift. If you use other land pattern, consider it adequately.a 0.23b 0.65c 0.4(in mm)WDLabelH12.2 Flux and solder usedFlux• Use a rosin-based flux that includes an activator with a chlorine conversion value of 0.06(wt)% to 0.1(wt)%. • Do not use a highly acidic flux with a halide content exceeding 0.2(wt)% (chlorine conversion value). • Do not use a water-soluble flux.Solder• Use Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solder.• Standard thickness of solder paste: 80 μm to 100 μmIf you want to use a flux other than the above, please consult our technical department.12.3 Soldering conditions (reflow)• Pre-heating should be in such a way that the temperature difference between solder and product surface is limited to 150°C max.Cooling into solvent after soldering also should be in such a way that the temperature difference is limited to 100°C max. Insufficient pre-heating may cause cracks on the product, resulting in the deterioration of product quality. • Standard soldering profile and the limit soldering profile is as follows.The excessive limit soldering conditions may cause leaching of the electrode and/or resulting in the deterioration of product quality.Standard profile Limit profilePre-heating 150°C to 180°C/90 s±30 s 150°C to 180°C/90 s±30 s HeatingAbove 220°C/30 s to 60 sAbove 230°C/60 s max.Peak temperature 245°C±3°C 260°C/10 s Number of reflow cycles2 times2 times12.4 Reworking with soldering ironDo not perform reworking with a soldering iron on this product.12.5 Solder volumeSolder shall be used not to increase the volume too much.An increased solder volume increases mechanical stress on the product. Exceeding solder volume may cause the failure of mechanical or electrical performance.Limit ProfileStandard Profile90s±30s230℃260℃245℃±3℃220℃30s~60s60s max.180150Temp.(s)(℃)Time.12.6 Product's locationThe following shall be considered when designing and laying out PCBs.(1) PCB shall be designed so that products are not subject to mechanical stress due to warping the board. [Products direction]Products shall be located in the sideways direction (length: a < b) to the mechanical stress.(2) Components location on PCB separationIt is effective to implement the following measures, to reduce stress in separating the board.It is best to implement all of the following three measures; however, implement as many measures as possible to reduce stress.Contents of measures Stress level(1) Turn the mounting direction of the component parallel to theboard separation surface.A > D *1 (2) Add slits in the board separation part.A >B (3) Keep the mounting position of the component away from the board separation surface.A > C*1 A > D is valid when stress is added vertically to the perforation as with hand separation. If a cutting disc is used, stress will be diagonal to the PCB, therefore A > D is invalid.(3) Mounting components near screw holesWhen a component is mounted near a screw hole, it may be affected by the board deflection that occurs during the tightening of the screw.Mount the component in a position as far away from the screw holes as possible.12.7 Handling of substrateAfter mounting products on a substrate, do not apply any stress to the product caused by bending or twisting to the substrate when cropping the substrate, inserting and removing a connector from the substrate or tightening screw to the substrate. Excessive mechanical stress may cause cracking in the product.Bending Twisting〈Poor example 〉〈Good example〉ba12.8 CleaningThe product shall be cleaned under the following conditions.(1) The cleaning temperature shall be 60°C max. If isopropyl alcohol (IPA) is used, the cleaning temperature shall be 40°Cmax.(2) Perform ultrasonic cleaning under the following conditions. Exercise caution to prevent resonance phenomenon inmounted products and the PCB.Item RequirementPower 20 W/L max.Time 5 min max.Frequency 28 kHz to 40 kHz(3) CleanerAlcohol-based cleaner: IPAAqueous agent: PINE ALPHA ST-100S(4) There shall be no residual flux or residual cleaner. When using aqueous agent, rinse the product with deionized wateradequately and completely dry it so that no cleaner is left.* For other cleaning, consult our technical department.12.9 Storage and transportationStorage period Use the product within 12 months after delivery.If you do not use the product for more than 12 months, check solderability before using it.Storage conditions • The products shall be stored in a room not subject to rapid changes in temperature and humidity.The recommended temperature range is -10°C to +40°C. The recommended relative humidityrange is 15% to 85%.Keeping the product in corrosive gases, such as sulfur, chlorine gas or acid, oxidizes theelectrode, resulting in poor solderability or corrosion of the coil wire of the product.• Do not keep products in bulk packaging. Doing so may cause collision between the products orbetween the products and other products, resulting in core chipping or wire breakage.• Do not place the products directly on the floor; they should be placed on a palette so that they arenot affected by humidity or dust.• Avoid keeping the products in a place exposed to direct sunlight, heat or vibration.Transportation Excessive vibration and impact reduces the reliability of the products. Exercise caution whenhandling the products.12.10 Resin coatingThe inductance value may change due to high cure-stress of resin to be used for coating/molding products.A wire breakage issue may occur by mechanical stress caused by the resin, amount/cured shape of resin, or operatingcondition etc. Some resin contains some impurities or chloride possible to generate chlorine by hydrolysis under some operating condition may cause corrosion of wire of coil, leading to wire breakage.So, please pay your careful attention when you select resin in case of coating/molding the products with the resin.Prior to use the coating resin, please make sure no reliability issue is observed by evaluating products mounted on your board.12.11 Handling of product• Sharp material such as a pair of tweezers or other material such as bristles of cleaning brush, shall not be touched to the winding portion to prevent the breaking of wire.• Mechanical shock should not be applied to the products mounted on the board to prevent the breaking of the core.12.12 Handling with mounting equipment• With some types of mounting equipment, a support pin pushes up the product from the bottom of the base (paper) tape when the product is sucked with the pick-up nozzle.When using this type of equipment, detach the support pin to prevent the breaking of wire on the product.• In some cases, the laser recognition function of the mounting equipment may not recognize this product correctly.Please contact us when using laser recognition. (There is no problem with the permeation and reflection type.)13. Note(1) Please make sure that your product has been evaluated in view of your specifications with our product being mounted toyour product.(2) You are requested not to use our product deviating from the reference specifications.(3) The contents of this reference specification are subject to change without advance notice. Please approve our productspecifications or transact the approval sheet for product specifications before ordering.14. AppendixElectrical performance: Measuring method for inductance/Q (Q measurement is applicable only when the Q value is included in the rating table.)Perform measurement using the method described below. (Perform correction for the error deriving from the measuring terminal.)(1) Residual elements and stray elements of the measuring terminal can be expressed by the F parameter for the 2-poleterminal as shown in the figure below.(2) The product's impedance value (Zx) and measured impedance value (Zm) can be expressed as shown below, by usingthe respective current and voltage for input/output.Zm=V1I1Zx=V2I2(3) Thus, the relationship between the product's impedance value (Zx) and measured impedance value (Zm) is as follows.Zx=αZm-β1-ZmΓHere,α=D/A=1β=B/D=Zsm - (1 - Yom Zsm) ZssΓ=C/A=YomZsm: measured impedance of short chipZss: residual impedance of short chip (0.480 nH)Yom: measured admittance when measuring terminal is open (4) Calculate inductance Lx and Qx using the equations shown below.Lx=Im (Zx)2πfLx: inductance of chip coilQx: Q of chip coilf: measuring frequencyQx=Im (Zx) Re (Zx)。
IF_CU.@DRIVE.PLA CONTZ_01.SU040.LU CONTZ_01.SU040.LL CONTZ_01.SU130.T CONTZ_01.SU080.L CONTZ_01.SU090.L CONTZ_01.SU100.L CONTZ_01.SU120.T IF_CU.SE030.I2 IF_CU.SE040.I2 IQ1Z_07.B207A.I CONTZ_07.C2736.X IF_PEER.Zusxanxswort.X IF_PEER.Istwert_W2.X IF_PEER.Istwert_W3.X IQ1Z_01.B10.I IQ1Z_01.B11.I IQ1Z_01.B12.I IQ1Z_01.B13.I IQ1Z_01.B14.I IQ1Z_01.B15.I IQ1Z_01.B16.I IQ1Z_01.B17.I IQ1Z_01.B20.I IQ1Z_01.B40.I IQ1Z_01.B30.I IQ1Z_01.B50.I IQ1Z_07.B60.I IQ1Z_07.B80.I IQ1Z_07.B70.I
输入,直径设定值 固定值,设定点,位置 输入,设定点,位置 输入,速度实际值 输入,转速计速度实际值 输入,外部带钢实际值 固定值设定点 A 输入,设定点 A 输入,压力实际值,助卷辊 模拟量输出 2 (直径实际值) term. 98/x9 模拟量输出 2, 偏差 模拟量输出 2, 标准化 模拟量输出 1, 偏差 模拟量输出 1, 标准化 模拟量输出 1 (转矩 设定点) term.97/99 输入,用于极限值监控1的输入值 输入,比较值 调节, 输入值 滤波, 输入值
0 1.20 -1.20 20000 ms 0.02 0.1 0.5 500 ms 16#0 16#0 B2634 10000 ms K4335 KR0310 KR0344 B2003 B2004 B2005 B2006 B2007 B2008 B2009 B2010 B2622 B2630 B2623 B2631 B2615 B2629 B2633
SANYO电器制造有限公司 AHX0952型号空调商品说明书
FILE NO. PAC-0479N O T I C EPLEASE ADD THIS NOTICE TO THE MANUALS LISTED BELOW. CATEGORY : Air Conditioner DATE : November.2006 MODEL: AHX0952REF.No. : PL 833828 DESTINATION : USA ISSUE No.: 1THE REASON OF CHANGE.. A : MisprintB : Quality ReliabilityC : StandardizationD : Design ChangeE : Addition of Missing PartsF : Parts CompatibilityParts ListAir Conditioner INDOOR UNITA HX0952Made in JapanR EFERENCE No.PL 833828-01KeyNo.Part No.Description Q'ty Reference No.* 1 623 189 4968 Heat Exch Ass'y 1 854-0-4124-559002 623 175 2213 Strainer Ass'y 1 854-0-4522-29100 * 3 623 175 2251 Solenoid Control Valve UKV-18D31 1 854-2-4548-202004 623 178 3767 Strainer Ass'y 1 854-0-4522-302005 623 189 4951 Capillary Tube 1 854-2-4237-485006 623 189 4944 Capillary Tube 1 854-2-4237-486007 623 189 4937 Capillary Tube 1 854-2-4237-487008 623 189 4920 Capillary Tube 1 854-2-4237-488009 623 201 6352 Cabinet Plate 1 854-2-1105-431H210 623 189 5026 Cabinet Plate 1 854-2-1105-4310111 623 201 6345 Insulation 1 854-2-1413-406H212 623 189 5002 Plate Partition Blower 1 854-2-2505-2690113 623 189 4999 Side Cover Ass'y, Left 1 854-2-1107-761H114 623 189 4982 Side Cover Ass'y, Right 1 854-2-1108-479H115 623 178 3958 Support Fan Motor 2 854-2-2516-3840116 623 189 4975 Support Fan Motor 1 854-2-2516-4060117 623 201 1791 Joint Drain 1 854-2-2334-2021018 623 189 5040 Mounting Plate 2 854-2-1136-2300119 623 000 0735 Eyelet 1 3-9041-0150020 623 171 4891 Hook Plate 4 854-2-1130-2610121 623 201 6369 Packing 4 854-2-1362-32110 * 22 623 175 2206 Magnetic Coil(PMV) UKV-U030E 1 1FA-4-L8A0-30500 * 23 623 171 4877 Thermistor Ass'y(E1) PBC-41E-AS4 1 854-0-5259-64600 * 24 623 176 0157 Thermistor Ass'y(E3) PBC-41E-AS12-1 1 854-0-5259-74100 * 25 623 178 5624 Thermistor(BL) KTEC-35-S103-2 1 1FA-4-V2E0-2700026 623 054 6073 Insulation Tube 1 852-2-4514-2860027 623 081 5254 Insulation, Thermostat 1 854-2-4312-1200028 623 160 8206 Insulation Special 1 854-2-2411-2411029 623 201 6376 Insulation Special 1 854-2-2411-5681030 623 090 0172 Mounting Rubber, Tube 1 854-2-4315-1610031 623 192 9929 Spacer SPRF-10 2 854-2-2349-2170032 623 132 0078 Mounting Thermostat 1 852-2-5303-1920133 623 201 1777 Elec. Wiring Diagram 1 8FA-2-5250-0560034 638 020 7220 Vibration Insulation 1 854-2-2475-1720035 623 189 5095 Mounting Plate,Evaporator 1 854-2-2303-39101 * 36 623 189 5088 Switch Ass'y FS-0218-103 1 8FA-0-5152-02000 * 37 623 201 6390 Motor Pump Ass'y 1 8FA-0-5264-0420038 638 004 9523 Cushion Rubber 3 854-2-2318-1380039 623 171 4778 Clip 1 854-2-2315-1070040 623 201 6383 Cover Plate 1 854-2-2342-857H2 NOTE:Metal and plastic parts will be supplied basicallywith necessary heat insulation pads or packing.Each key number with an asterisk (*) means therecommended service parts.KeyNo.Part No.Description Q'ty Reference No.41 623 189 5118 Elec Component Box Ass'y 1 854-0-5311-04401* 42 623 311 6990 Controller Ass'y CR-UMHX0762 1 854-9-9536-05711 * 43 623 179 0444 Fuse BET5A 1 1FJ-4-S3A0-00500 * 44 623 171 4884 Thermistor Ass'y(TA) KTEC-35-S98 1 854-0-5259-64500 * 45 623 177 7124 Terminal Base HP-T3041-C3E4-S 1 1FA-4-J3A0-2390046 623 192 9912 Spacer SPRH-10 4 854-2-2349-2160047 623 027 4990 Bushing 1 800-2-5337-1790048 623 160 1450 Blower Casing 1 854-2-2506-19210* 49 623 201 6413 Fan Motor DK8-63E280HB 1 1FA-4-M4A0-13400 * 50 623 160 1351 Fan Ass'y 1 854-0-2501-2273051 623 160 1474 Blower Casing 1 854-2-2506-1931052 623 189 5149 Cover Plate 1 854-2-2342-8560153 623 178 3880 Cover,ponent Box 1 854-0-5304-58401* 54 623 201 6406 Drain Pan Ass'y 1 854-0-2301-647H155 623 189 5125 Drain Hose 1 854-2-4297-2090056 623 171 4839 Clip 1 854-2-2315-1080157 623 171 4907 Packing 1 854-2-1362-19500* 58 623 179 1502 P.C.B. Ass'y FIL-XDR94GXH56 1 8FA-0-5178-1940059 623 097 1677 Spacer SPLSN-6 4 851-2-5366-0380060 623 201 6444 Mounting Plate 1 854-2-2362-1680161 623 201 6437 Packing 1 854-2-2370-0110062 623 201 6420 Cover Terminal 1 854-2-5305-21801* 63 638 010 7827 Fuse BET6.3A 1 1FJ-4-S3A0-00600 623 201 1050 Operation Manual 1 854-6-4189-83700 NOTE:Metal and plastic parts will be supplied basicallywith necessary heat insulation pads or packing.Each key number with an asterisk (*) means therecommended service parts.For Parts or Service Assistance please contact your local Sanyo HVAC Contractor or DistributorUnited States: SCS, HVAC Solutions Canada: Sanyo Canada Inc.Web: Web: Parts:********************.comParts/Service:**************.comService:**********************.comJan / '10 Printed in Japan。
LL-10A、40系列过流继电器说明书1.1 产品用途LL-10A、40系列过流继电器(以下简称产品)应用在交流电力系统中,用于电机、变压器、输电线的过负荷和短路保护。
1.2产品规格1.2.1产品触点系统的形式列入表1表11.2.2产品额定参数及规格列入表2表22 结构LL-40结构形式有A32K、A32P、A32H、A32Q四种。
3 技术数据3.1 动作电流产品的最小动作电流,应等于动作电流整定值(见表2),其平均误差不大于±5%。
动作电流平均误差=×100%3.2速动电流3.2.1 产品的速动电流用动作电流整定值的倍数来表示(见表2),即:速动电流倍数=3.2.2 速动电流平均误差应符合表3规定,平均误差计算与3.1条相同。
表3速动整定电流倍数 2 4 6 8平均误差(%)±12±14±14+25 -153.3 返回系数3.3.1 产品的返回系数不小于0.85。
3.3.2 返回系数为任一整定点的返回电流与动作电流之比。
3.4 延时动作时间3.4.1 产品在10倍和4倍动作电流整定值时,各延时整定点的延时平均误差,不应超过表4规定值。
表4型号动作电流整定值倍数各整定点动作时间及延时平均误差LL-11A LL-41 10 0.5±0.11±0.12±0.2 3±0.24±0.25 4 0.75±0.2 1.5±0.25 2.9±0.3 4.4±0.5 5.9±0.5LL-12A LL-42 10 2±0.54±0.58±0.512±0.7516±1 4 29±0.559±0.511.8±0.7517.7±123.6±1.5LL-13A LL-43 10 2±0.23±0.24±0.25 4 2.9±0.3 4.4±0.5 5.9±0.53.5 延时一致性在基准条件下,继电器在1.5倍动作电流整定值时,继电器延时一致性不大于表5规定值。
DO-214AB (SMCJ) (Round Lead)
• • • • •
For Surface Mount Applications Extremely Low Thermal Resistance Easy Pick And Place High Temp Soldering: 250° for 10 Seconds At Terminals\ C High Current Capability With Low Forward Voltage
Electrical Characteristics @ 25° Unless Otherwise Specified C
Average Forward Current Peak Forward Surge Current Maximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage SK102-1045 SK105-1010 Maximum DC Reverse Current At Rated DC Blocking Voltage Typical Junction Capacitance IF(AV) IFSM 10.0A 250A TJ = 120° C 8.3ms, half sine
Junction Capacitance - pF versus Reverse Voltage - Volts
SK102 thru SK1010
Figure 4 Typical Reverse Characteristics 10 6 4 2 1 .6 .4 .2 25° C µAmps .1 0 .06 .04 .02 .01 .006 .004 .002 .001 20 40 60 80 Volts Instantaneous Reverse Leakage Current - MicroAmperes versus Percent Of Rated Peak Reverse Voltage - Volts 100 120 0 140 1 2 4 100 Amps 600 500 400 300 200
• Small size & light weight 短小轻薄• Reduction of assembly costs and matching with placement machine. 可降低装置成本及配合机器组装• Suitable for both wave & re-flow soldering. 适合波峰焊与回流焊• Applications: Navigator (GPS), Mobile Phone,Telecom, PDA, Setbox, Meter. 应用于GPS , 移动电话,PDA ,机顶盒,仪表Feature (特性)Figures (型状)Derating Curve & Specification降功率曲线及性能Thick Film Chip ResistorsP e r c e n t r a t e d l o a d (%)Ambient termperature 环境温度 (°C)厚膜晶片电阻器负载比率(%)UniOhm3r i g h s e rv ed .©UValue阻值Code 代码Value 阻值Code 代码Value 阻值Code 代码Value 阻值Code 代码Value 阻值Code 代码Value 阻值Code 代码100011471721533316494646568181102021501822134324504756669882105031541922635332514876771583107041582023236340524996873284110051622123737348535116975085113061652224338357545237076886115071692324939365555367178787118081742425540374565497280688121091782526141383575627382589124101822626742392585767484590127111872727443402595907586691130121912828044412606047688792133131962928745422616197790993137142003029446432626347893194140152053130147442636497995395143162103230948453646658097696Thick Film Chip Resistors• For 0201 & 0402 size, no marking on the body due to the small size of the resistor. 0201, 0402因电阻本体太小,故本体无标示字码• ±5% tolerance product: the marking is 3 digits, the first 2 digits are the significant of theresistance and the 3rd digit denotes number of zeros following.±5%公差产品字码是三位数,前二位是阻值的有效数,第三位表示有几个 0• 0805, 1206, 1210, 2010, 2512 ≤±1%: the marking is 4 digits, the first 3 digits are the significant of the resistance and the 4th digit denotes number of zeros following. 0805, 1206, 1210, 2010, 2512 ≤±1%公差产品字码有四位数,前三位是阻值的有效数,第四位表示有几个 0Marking on the Resistors Body (电阻本体字码标示)2372 = 23700Ω = 23.7KΩBelow 10Ω : 3R24 = 3.24Ω10Ω 以下标示: 3R24 = 3.24Ω153 = 15000Ω = 15KΩBelow 10Ω: 6R8 = 6.8Ω10Ω 以下标示: 6R8 = 6.8Ω• Standard E-96 series values of 0603 ≤±1%: due to the small size of the resistor’s body, 3 digits marking will be used to indicate the accurate resistance value by using the following Multiplier & Resistance Code.0603 ≤±1%公差 E-96系列标准阻值,因电阻本体太小,采用三位阻值代码(数字)及下列指数代码(字母)配合来指明标准的阻值。
Silvertel Ag103 试验板用户指南说明书
Silvertel1 Table of Contents1Table of Contents 1 2Table of Figures 1 3Introduction 2 4Board Description 2 4.1Input (2)4.2Output (3)4.3Capacity Selection (3)4.4Simulated Thermal Offset (4)4.5Status Output (4)4.5.1Mode 0 – Bulk Charge Operation 54.5.2Mode 1– Float Charge 54.5.3Mode 2 – Over Current 54.5.4Mode 3 – Over Temperature 54.5.5Mode 4 – Disconnected battery 54.5.6Mode 5 - Input Voltage Removed/ No Solar Power 6 5Using the Board 6 6EVALAg103 Evaluation Board Schematic 7 2 Table of FiguresFigure 1: Board Layout (2)Figure 2: Capacity selection link (3)Figure 3: Example set-up (6)Figure 4: EVALAg103 R1 Schematic (7)3 IntroductionThis manual is a guide to using the “EVALAg103” (Rev R1) evaluation board with our Ag103 Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) solar battery charger module. The EVALAg103 evaluation board can be powered by either a 21V open circuit solar panel, or a bench power supply with a range of 9V to 36V. This will charge SLA batteries with a capacity between 1.2Ah and 12Ah.4 Board Description4.1 InputThe input power is supplied to the board through connector J1 or J2 (see Figure 1). J1 is a standard 2.5mm DC10 connector with the centre pin of the connector being positive and the outer is negative. J2 is a screw terminal with pin 1 as the positive input. The input current can be measured by removing LK1 and connecting an ammeter across these pins.LED1 will be illuminated when the input supply is ON.Figure 1: Board Layout4.2 OutputThe output connections to the SLA battery are made through JP2 (positive) and JP3 (negative) with added protection of F1 as a 8A fuse and D1 as a 10A diode, to protect an over current or short for either the load or battery. The Load Output connections are available through JP1 (positive) and JP4 (negative).4.3 Capacity SelectionThe EVALAg103 evaluation board can set the Ag103 capacity from 1.2Ah to 12Ah bysetting the corresponding jumper link on J3 (see Figure 2 and Table 1).Figure 2: Capacity selection linkJ6 Resistor SelectionBattery Capacity(Ah)R CSResistance(Ohms)*Min InputVoltage (V)Bulk Charge Current Limit (A) ±10%R9 1.2 1K ±1% 9 0.3 R10 2 2K ±1% 9 0.5 R11 2.1 3K ±1% 9 0.525 R12 2.3 3K9 ±1% 9 0.575 R13 2.8 4K7 ±1% 9 0.7 R14 3.2 6K2 ±1% 12 0.8 R15 4 6K8 ±1% 12 1 R16 7 7K5 ±1% 12 1.2 R17 12 9K1 ±1%121.2Table 1: Output ConnectionsNote: to prevent damaging the battery it is important that the correct value of RCS is set. If the selector link is not fitted, then the Ag103 will default to 1.2Ah capacity.4.4 Simulated Thermal OffsetDuring Float charge SW1 can be used to demonstrate how the voltage changes to compensate for the change in battery temperature if an appropriate thermistor is fitted. With both switch positions open, the Ag103 will default to a 25ºC ambient charge voltage.When switch No. 1 is closed, placing R7 (20K) to ground, this will simulate a battery temperature higher than 25ºC and the output voltage will decrease (this response will be slow when the Ag103 is float charging).When switch No. 2 is closed, placing R8 (220K) to ground, this will simulate a battery temperature lower than 25ºC and the output voltage will increase.When both switches are closed this will simulate a battery temperature higher than 50ºC, the output will switch OFF and the Status LED (2) will flash in mode 3. Opening one or both switches will return the Ag103 to its normal charge mode.4.5 Status OutputThe Ag103 has a status indication output pin ‘STAT’; that can be either connected to a µ-controller input for full status monitoring, via connector J4, or can be used with an LED as an indicator by fitting a link on LK2.If LK2 is fitted then LED 2 will be illuminated with the sequences detailed below and shown in Table 2: -Mode Status Mode STAT Output0 Bulk Charge Operation Steady State ‘Logic 1’1 Float Charge 50% ‘Logic 1’ 50% ‘Logic 0’2 Over Current Error 1 Pulse3 Over Temperature Error 2 Pulses4 Disconnected Battery Error 3 Pulses5 Input Voltage Removed / No Solar Power Steady State ‘Logic 0’Table 2: STAT Output Conditions*For further information on the timing of the STAT output please see Figure 8 of the Ag103 datasheet.4.5.1 Mode 0 – Bulk Charge OperationOnce the Ag103 has checked the battery capacity and sees a 12V battery connected it will power up and the ‘STAT’ pin will output a steady state 'logic 1'.The Ag103 will continue to output this state until the battery has reached it's 80% charge before switching to float charge and enters Mode Mode 1– Float ChargeAfter the battery has reached it's 80% charge the Ag103 will change it's charging status to float charge by dropping it's terminal voltage down to ~13.65V. The 'STAT' pin will drop to a logic 0 for 1s and then back to a logic 1 for 1s. This cycle will repeat itself over the period of its float charge.4.5.3 Mode 2 – Over CurrentIf an output over current condition is detected, the Ag103 will shutdown its DC-DC converter and will go into Mode 2. The STAT pin will drop to a logic 0 for 100ms, followed by a logic 1 for 100ms before returning to a logic 0. The Ag103 will then reset and wait 2 seconds before re-attempting to power up. If the over current is still there when trying to power up, the Ag103 will immediately shut back down and repeat the process. Once the over current has been removed the Ag103 will return to Mode 0 (bulk charge operation).4.5.4 Mode 3 – Over TemperatureIf a battery over temperature condition occurs, the Ag103 will shutdown its DC-DC converter to protect the battery and enter Mode 3. The STAT pin will drop to a logic 0 for 100ms before generating two logic 1 pulses, with a 100ms mark and 100ms space. This will repeat over a 2s period until the battery temperature has dropped below 50˚C (the maximum operating temperature). Once the battery temperature has dropped below 50˚C the Ag103 will return to Mode 0 (bulk charge operation).4.5.5 Mode 4 – Disconnected batteryIf the battery is disconnected or there is no battery present at power up, the Ag103 will shutdown its DC-DC converter, go into Mode 4 and output three 100ms logic 1 pulses, with a 100ms mark and 100ms space. This will repeat over a 2s period until a 12V battery is connected. When a 12V battery is connected the Ag103 will go into Mode 0 (bulk charge operation).4.5.6 Mode 5 - Input Voltage Removed/ No Solar PowerWhen the input voltage is removed or the solar panel can no longer provide any power to the Ag103, the STAT pin will output a logic 0 until power has been reconnected or the panel can provide enough power to charge the connected battery.5 Using the BoardFigure 3 shows an example set-up using the Ag103 to charge a 12Ah SLA battery from a solar panel. For a 12Ah battery the J3 link is set to the R17 position.Figure 3: Example set-up6 EVALAg103 Evaluation Board SchematicFigure 4: EVALAg103 R1 Schematic。
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sta nd 站立195incre ase 增加196 earl y 早的197 c ourse课程198 ch ange更改199 hel p 帮助200 l ine 线202 put放置203 cl ose 关闭204 case案例205 fo rce 力206meet遇见207 onc e 一次208 w ater水209 upon经210 war战争211 bu ild 建造212 hear听到213 li ght 光214unite团结215 li ve 活的216every每个的217 c ountr y 国家218 b ring带来219 cen ter 中心220 let让221 side旁边222 tr y 尝试223 p rovid e 提供224 c ontin ue 继续225name名字226 cer tain确定的227 po wer 力量228 pay薪酬229 res ult 结果230 ques tion问题231 stu dy 研究232woman女人233 me mber成员234 unt il 直到235far 遥远的236 nig ht 晚上237alway s 总是238 s ervic e 服务239 a way 离去240 repo rt 报告241somet hing某事242 com pany公司243 wee k 周244 ch urch教堂245 tow ard 向246start开始247 so cial社会248 roo m 房间249 f igure数字250 na ture性质251 tho ugh 尽管252 youn g 年轻的253less较少254 eno ugh 足够的255 alm ost 几乎256 read阅读257 in clude包括:258 p resid ent 总裁259 noth ing 无260yet 然而261 bett er 较好的262 big大的263 boy男孩264 co st 成本265busin ess 商业266 valu e 值267 se cond第二268 why为什么269 c lear清楚的270 ex pect期待271 fam ily 家庭272 comp lete完成273 act行为274 se nse 感275mind思想276 exp 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本地358sure当然359 rec eive接收360 thu s 因而361 m oment时刻362 sp irit精神363 tra in 火车364colle ge 学院365relig ion 宗教366 perh aps 或许367 musi c 音乐368 g row 生长369 free自由的370 c ause原因371 ser ve 服务372age 年龄373 book书374 boa rd 木板375recen t 最近376 s ound声音377 off ice 办公室378 cut切割379 st ep 步380 c lass类381 TRUE真382 his tory历史383 pos ition位置384 ab ove 上面的385 str ong 强壮的386 fri end 朋友387 nece ssary必要388 ad d 添加389 c ourt法院390 dea l 交易391 t ax 税392 s uppor t 支持393 p arty聚会394 whe ther是否395 eit her 或者396 land陆地397 ma teria l 材料398 h appen发生399 ed ucati on 教育400death死亡402 ar m 臂403 mo ther母亲404 acr oss 横过405 quit e 相当406 a nythi ng 任何事407 town城镇408 pa st 过去409view查看410 soc iety社会411 man age 管理412 answ er 答案413break打断414 or ganiz e 组织415 h alf 一半416 fire火417 los e 失去418 m oney金钱419 sto p 停止420 a ctual实际421 al ready已经422 ef fort成就423 wai t 等待424 d epart ment部门425 abl e 能够的426polit ical政治427 lea rn 学习428*** ***429 air空气430 to gethe r 一起431 s hall将432 cove r 封面433 c ommon通用434 su bject题目435 dr aw 绘制436short短的437 wi 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ear th 地球590accor d 协议591 e lse 其他的592 mer e 单纯593 d ie 死亡594remar k 备注595 b asis基础596 exc ept 除597equal平等598 ea st 东部599event事件600 em ploy聘用601 def ense国防602 smi le 微笑603river河604 imp rove提高605 gam e 游戏606 d etail详细607 ac count帐户608 ce nt 百分之609 sort排序610 re duce减少611 clu b 俱乐部612buy 购买613 atte ntion注意614 sh ip 船615 d ecisi on 决定616wear穿617 insi de 内部618win 赢619suppo se 假设620ride骑621 oper ate 经营622 real ize 实现623 sale出售624 ch oose选择625 par k 公园626 s quare广场627 vo te 投票628price价格629 di stric t 区630 de ad 死的631forei gn 外国632windo w 窗口633 b eyond超过634 di recti on 方向635strik e 罢工636 i nstea d 代替637 t rial试验638 pra ctice实践639 ca tch 捕捉640 oppo rtuni ty 机会641likel y 可能642 r ecogn ize 承认643 perm it 许可证644 seri ous 严重645 atta ck 攻击646floor地面647 as socia tion协会648 spr ing 春天649 lot很多650 sto ck 股票651lack缺乏652 hai r 头发653 s cienc e 科学654 r elati on 关系655profe ssion专业656 pa ttern模式657 qu ick 快速658 medi cal 医疗659 infl uence影响力660 o ccasi on 场合661machi ne 机662 c ompar e 比较663 h usban d 丈夫664 b lue 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eat吃818 ele ction选举819 fa ith 信念820 wave波821 mur der 谋杀822 mode l 模型823 f orget忘记824 ex tend延长825 edg e 边缘826 d istan ce 距离827memor y 内存828 r ecomm end 建议829 divi sion师830 staf f 全体职员831 leg腿832 disc ussio n 讨论833 a ddres s 地址834 f ly 飞翔835depen dent依赖836 bal l 球837 sh ake 动摇838 fram e 结构839 e xtrem e 极端840 e ngine er 工程师841 thic k 厚的842 c omfor t 舒适843 l atter后者844 ca mp 营845 o il 油846 d iscov er 发现847exami ne 检查848diffi culty困难849 to oth 牙齿850 midd le 中间851choic e 选择852 r efer指853 enem y 敌人854 p racti cal 实际855 marr iage婚姻856 bri dge 桥857decla re 申报858lady女士859 cro ss 交叉860daily每日861 af terno on 下午862atten d 出席863 d irect or 主任864balan ce 平衡865wash洗866 capi tal 资本867 spee d 速度868 b lock块869 citi zen 公民870 mout h 嘴871 hi ll 山872 g reen绿色873 ple ase 请874motor马达875 ag ency机构876 enc ourag e 鼓励877 g overn or 省长878worry担心879 af fair事件880 sho ulder肩881 bri ght 明亮的882 mas s 大众883 s ample样品884 pr etty漂亮的885 re peat重复886 rol l 卷887 pu sh 推888 t rip 旅行889 coun cil 理事会890 clo the 衣服891 pare nt 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码971ideal理想972 wa rm 暖和的973 miss想974 she lter住房975 sol dier士兵976 art icle文章977 cry哭978 cap tain队长979 fam iliar熟悉980 se at 座位981guest住客983 exci te 激发984king国王985 eve ryone每个人986 w ine 葡萄酒987 hol e 洞988 du ty 责任989beat击打990 per fect完善991 bot tom 底部992 comp ose 撰写993 batt le 战斗994expen se 费用995cattl e 牛996 fl ow 流动997kitch en 厨房998dust尘999 bott le 瓶1000admit承认1001 t ear 撕裂1002 tir e 轮胎1003expre ssion表达1004 e xcept ion 例外1005 app licat ion 应用程序1006 b elong属于1007 r ich 丰富1008 fai lure失败1009 st ruggl e 斗争1010instr ument文书1011 v ariet y 品种1012narro w 狭窄的1013 thea ter 影院1014 col lecti on 收集1015 rain雨1016 re view复习1017 pr eserv e 保存1018leade rship领导1019 c lay 粘土1020 dau ghter女儿1021 f ellow研究员1022swing摆动1024 li brary图书馆1025fat 肥胖1026 res erve储备1027 to ur 旅游1028 nice好的1029 w arn 警告1030 rin g 环1031 b itter苦1032 ch air 椅子1033 yes terda y 昨天1034scien tific科学1035 f lower花1036 wh eel 轮1037 solu tion解决方案1038aim 目标1039 gat her 收集1040 inv ite 邀请1041 mor eover而且1042 f resh新鲜1043 fo rest森林1044 wi 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wire电线1188 p ropos al 建议1189 ough t 应该1190victo ry 胜利餐室1191 qu arter季1192 en gine发动机1193 c ustom er 消费者1194 was te 浪费1195 fool傻瓜1196 i ntend打算1197 i ntent ion 意向1198 des k 办公桌1199 poli tics政治1200 pa ssage通过1202 r oot 根1203 clim b 攀登1204metal金属1205 g radua l 渐进1206hunt亨特1207 pr otect ion 保护1208 sat isfy满足1209 ro of 屋顶1210 bran ch 分支1211 plea sure高兴1212 wi tness证人1213 l oose松散1214 no se 鼻子1215 mine我的1216 b and 带1217 asid e 预留1218risk风险1219 to morro w 明天1220remin d 提醒1221ear 耳1222 fish鱼1223 sh ore 岸1224 oper ator经营者1225 c ivili ze 教化1226 bein g 存在1227silen t 沉默1228scree n 屏幕1229bind绑定1230 ea rn 赚取1231 pack包1232 co lony殖民地1233 b eside s 此外1234slip滑移1235 co usin表兄弟姊妹1236 scal e 规模1237relie f 救济1238explo re 探索1239 stem干1240 br ain 脑1241 musi cian音乐家1242 d efend捍卫1243 b end 弯曲1244 som ebody有人1245 s hadow阴影1246 m ix 混合1247 smok e 烟雾1248descr iptio n 描述1249fruit水果1250 g uilt内疚1251 yi eld 生产1252 sen sitiv e 敏感1253salt盐1254 pal e 苍白1255sweep扫描1256 c omple tion完成1257 th roat喉咙1258 ag ricul 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Belden FiberExpress 12核 OM3 OFNR 纤维光缆说明书
Page 1 of 3
Detailed Specifications & Technical Data
B9C042T Fiber - Indoor/Outdoor Distribution Cable - Riser
24* LSZH In/ Outdoor B9B107 B9A107 B9C107
Detailed Specifications & Technical Data
B9C042T Fiber - Indoor/Outdoor Distribution Cable - Riser
For more Information please call
Strength Member Material:
Black Aramidcteristics (Overall)
Storage Temperature Range: Installation Temperature Range: Operating Temperature Range: Bulk Cable Weight: Min. Bend Radius/Minor Axis: Min. Bend Radius for Long Term Application: Max. Load for Installation: Max. Load for Long Term Application:
B9B602 B9A602 B9C602 B9E602 .
Indoor / Outdoor B9B602T B9A602T B9C602T B9E602T .
AVGAS 100 LL 产品说明书
For the world
AVGscription and its features
AVGAS 100 LL is the principal grade of aviation gasoline. It is designed to use in turbocharged aircraft reciprocating piston engine .It can also be used in smaller, normally aspirated spark ignition engines. It is used by Indian Defense and flying schools across the country. In Aviation Gasoline 100 LL, 100 refers to 100 octane no. (Motor Octane Number) and LL stands for Low Level Tetra Ethyl Lead (TEL) which is doped in Aviation Gasoline to boost octane number.
For handling, personal protective equipment should be used to avoid any contact with skin, eyes and clothes. Contact with soil, surface or ground water is not allowed.
Max value
(-) 58 01.7005 49 0.05 0.56 Blue
LG ARUN LM3系列R410A双功能热泵机维护手册说明书
Internal Use Only CAUTIONBefore Servicing the unit, read the safety precautions in General SVC manual.Only for authorized service personnel.Outdoor Unit SERVICE MANUAL(Exploded View)MODEL : A RUN***LM3 SeriesR410A Solo - Heat Pump1. Specifications (3)2. Function (4)3. Dimensions (5)4. Piping Diagrams (6)5. Wiring Diagrams (17)6. Exploded View (22)1. SpecificationsSpecificationHeat Pump(50Hz/60Hz)Notes:1. Capacities are based on the following conditions:Cooling: - Indoor Temperature 27°C(80.6°F) DB/19°C(66.2°F) WB- Outdoor Temperature 35°C(95°F) DB/24°C(75.2°F) WB Heating: - Indoor Temperature 20°C(68°F) DB/15°C(59°F) WB- Outdoor Temperature 7°C(44.6°F) DB/6°C(42.8°F) WB Piping Length - Interconnecting Piping Length 7.5m 4. Wiring cable size must comply with the applicable local and national code.5. Due to our policy of innovation some specifications may be changed withoutprior notificationConversion FormulaRT = kW x 0.284kcal/h = kW x 860Functions2. FunctionsCategory Function Multi V III Solo – Heat pump Defrost/ Deicing O High pressure switch O Phase protection O Restart delay(3-minutes) OSelf diagnosis O Soft start O Trial operation O Auto operation(Artificial intelligence) OAuto restart operation O Network Solution(LGAP) O Power Distribution Indicator(PNU-D1S00) OReliabilityConvenienceCAC networkFunction O : Applied X : Not applied - : No reationOption : Model name & price are different according to options, and assembled in factory with main unitAccessory : Installed at field, ordered and purchased separately by the corresponding model name,supplied with separated package.O : Applied X : Not applied - : No reationOption : Model name & price are different according to options, and assembled in factory with main unitDeviceMulti V III Solo – Heat pumpCentral ControllerSimple Controller PQCSB101S0AC EzPQCSZ250S0Function controller PQCSB101S0 + PQCSC101S0Function SchedulerPQCSB101S0 + PQCSD130A0AC Smart ll PQCSW320A1E Expansion Kit PQCSE440U0Option Kit PQCSE341A0 / PQCSE342A0ACP PQCPA11A0E / PQCPB11A0E AC ManagerPQCSS520A0E BNU LONWORKS Gateway PQNFB16A1BACnet GatewayPQNFB17B0Do KitPQNFP00T0Power Distribution Indicator(PDI)PQNUD1S00Cool / Heat Selector PRDSBM ODU Dry Contact PQDSBCDVM0ProgramLG MV Option OtherY branchAccessory Header branch Accessory Air GuideAccessory Refrigerant Charging Kit PRAC1DimensionsO u t d o o r U n i tA R U N 80L M 33. DimensionsDimensionsO u t d o o r U n i tA R U N 100L M 3A R U N 120L M 3Piping Diagrams 4. Piping Diagrams4.1.1 8HP(UX2 1Comp.)Piping DiagramsPiping DiagramsPiping Diagrams4.1.2 10, 12HP(UX2 2Comp.)Piping DiagramsPiping DiagramsWiring Diagrams 5. Wiring Diagrams5.1.1 8HP(UX2 1Comp.)Wiring Diagrams5.1.2 10, 12HP(UX2 2Comp.)Wiring DiagramsnMain PCB220V Power output Terminal220V Power Output TerminalHeat Pumpn Noise FilterWiring Diagrams n Inverter PCB- 8Hp (UX2 1 Comp)- 10/12Hp (UX2 2 Comp)CN_T2_1R Phase Terminal CN_P1T Phase TerminalCN_L1(R)R Phase TerminalCN_N1N Phase Terminal CN13 15V OUTPUT DC 15V Output TerminalCN04 PFC LGMV PFC Onboarding Terminal CN12 DC LINK 700 V (700V DC LINK)CN06 AC 220V INPUT 220V Power Input TerminalCN_R2_1T Phase Terminal CN_L3(T)T Phase Terminal CN01 FANCommunication Terminal to Fan PCBCN02 MAINCommunication Terminal to Main PCBCN03 INV LGMV INV Onboarding TerminalCH14 U.V.W OUT UVW Output TerminalCN-T2CN-R2R Phase TerminalT Phase TerminalCN06 FANCommunication Terminal to Fan PCBCH07 MAINCommunication Terminal to Main PCB CN03 INV LGMVINV Onboarding TerminalCN04 15V OUTPUT DC 15V Output TerminalCN08 AC220 INPUT 220V Power Input TerminalCN01 COMP CON U.V.W Output TerminalCN-N1N Phase Terminal CN05 DC-LINK(700V)700V DC LinkCN-P1T Phase TerminalCN-L1_R R Phase TerminalCN-L3_T T Phase TerminalWiring DiagramsnFAN PCB(Reset button)Exploded view6. Exploded View6.1 Heat Pump ModelPart L/No. RemarkInv Comp. Heater 553000A Housing Color : BlueExploded view55211655211455211G352114552115552201A552201C552203B552203A148000D165010B552204B561410A263230B263230A552200A165010A561410D552202552117W52240BW52240C661400566000Inv. PCB Grease(Inv. Heat Sink)RAC31217901(Fan Heat Sink)268711AW0DSW6200268711B261704263230EW6640135500D435511W49200BW49200A263230DW6631A268711CPart L/No. Sensor location RemarkTemp. Sensor 1 263230A Sub-Cool Out + Liquid Pipe Housing Color : YellowExploded view6.1.2 10,12HP(UX2 2Comp.)Copyright ©2011 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.Only for training and service purposesLGE Internal Use Only- 21-W6640268711BW49200AInv. PCB GreaseRAC31217901(Fan Heat sink)268711A263230EPart L/No. Sensor location RemarkTemp. Sensor 1 263230A Sub-Cool Out + Liquid Pipe Housing Color : Yellow Temp. Sensor 2 263230B Suction Pipe + Inv. Discharge + HEX Housing Color : Purple Temp. Sensor 3 263230C Const. Speed Discharge Housing Color : GreenExploded viewP/NO : MFL54555530September, 2011。
一、技术规格1.电源要求:AC 220V,50Hz2.电流范围:0-10A3.电压范围:0-1000V4.频率范围:0-100kHz5.温度范围:-10℃至50℃6.湿度范围:不超过80%RH7.尺寸:300mm*200mm*100mm8.重量:约2kg二、使用方法1.接通电源:将ML307A的电源插头接入交流电源插座,确保电源稳定可靠。
ML307A 将自动对被测电路进行测量,并显示测量结果。
冰雪奇缘 中英文字幕
100:01:53,659 --> 00:01:59,579寒冷的冬天伴随着山雨生出了她200:02:00,989 --> 00:02:04,369 ♪This icy force both foul and fair♪冰雪的力量危险而又美丽300:02:04,369 --> 00:02:07,879♪Has a frozen heart worth ming♪一颗冰封的心值得我们去挖掘400:02:08,629 --> 00:02:11,879♪Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear♪凿穿冰封之心冰冷又剔透500:02:11,879 --> 00:02:15,169♪Strike for love And Strike for fear♪为了爱不畏恐惧600:02:15,169 --> 00:02:18,049♪See the beauty Sharp and Sheer♪一双善于发现美丽的眼睛700:02:18,049 --> 00:02:20,969♪Split the ice apart♪打破寒冰结境800:02:20,969 --> 00:02:24,349♪And break the frozen heart♪融化冰封之心900:02:24,349 --> 00:02:27,679♪Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!♪全神贯注!放手去爱!1000:02:28,809 --> 00:02:31,809♪Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!♪全神贯注!放手去爱!1100:02:32,939 --> 00:02:34,189♪Beautiful! Powerful!♪美丽!强大!1200:02:34,189 --> 00:02:35,399♪Dangerous! Cold!♪危险!寒冷!1300:02:35,399 --> 00:02:37,769♪Ice has a magic Can't be controlled♪寒冰的魔力无法被掌控1400:02:37,769 --> 00:02:40,029♪Stronger than one, Stronger than ten♪胜过一人胜过十人1500:02:40,029 --> 00:02:42,279♪Stronger than a hundred men!♪胜过一百个人!1600:02:45,449 --> 00:02:50,659寒冷的冬天伴随着山雨生出了她1700:02:50,659 --> 00:02:52,829♪This icy force both Foul and Fair♪冰雪的力量危险而又美丽1800:02:52,829 --> 00:02:54,999♪Has a frozen heart worth ming♪一颗冰封的心值得我们去挖掘1900:02:55,449 --> 00:02:57,919♪Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear♪凿穿冰封之心冰冷又剔透2000:02:57,919 --> 00:03:00,459♪Strike for love and strike for fear♪为了爱不畏恐惧2100:03:00,459 --> 00:03:02,789♪There's beauty and there's Danger here♪危险而又美丽2200:03:02,789 --> 00:03:05,129♪Split the ice apart!♪打破寒冰结境2300:03:05,129 --> 00:03:10,549♪Beware the frozen heart♪小心冰封的心2400:03:14,799 --> 00:03:16,719Come on, Sven!快跟上斯文!2500:03:42,119 --> 00:03:44,199Elsa. Psst!埃尔莎喂!2600:03:45,869 --> 00:03:47,329Elsa!埃尔莎!2700:03:47,659 --> 00:03:49,789Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!醒醒快醒醒!2800:03:50,039 --> 00:03:52,829Anna, go back to sleep.安娜回去睡觉2900:03:53,619 --> 00:03:58,249I just can't. The sky is awake, so I'm awake. 我睡不着天醒着所以我也醒着3000:03:58,249 --> 00:04:00,759So, we have to play.我们得起来玩游戏3100:04:00,759 --> 00:04:03,259Go play by yourself.自己玩去吧3200:04:09,179 --> 00:04:11,639 Do you want to build a snowman? 你想堆雪人吗?3300:04:12,929 --> 00:04:15,139快来快来!3400:04:18,979 --> 00:04:21,939 Do the magic! Do the magic!快用魔法!快用魔法!3500:04:26,979 --> 00:04:29,000 Ready? Uh-huh.准备好了吗?啊哈3600:04:32,279 --> 00:04:34,659 This is amazing!真是太神奇啦!3700:04:36,909 --> 00:04:38,739 Watch this!看这个!3800:04:46,709 --> 00:04:49,749 Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs. 嗨我是雪宝我喜欢热情的拥抱3900:04:49,799 --> 00:04:52,089 I love you, Olaf!我爱你雪宝4000:05:03,303 --> 00:05:04,569 Hang on!等一下!4100:05:04,571 --> 00:05:05,737 Catch me!接住我!4200:05:05,739 --> 00:05:06,972接住啦!4300:05:06,974 --> 00:05:08,440 Again!再来一次!4400:05:08,442 --> 00:05:09,741 Wait!等一下!4500:05:10,809 --> 00:05:13,019 Slow down!慢一点!4600:05:14,689 --> 00:05:17,149 Anna!安娜!4700:05:21,399 --> 00:05:23,109 Anna!4800:05:25,239 --> 00:05:27,489Mama! Papa!妈妈!爸爸!4900:05:27,960 --> 00:05:30,429No, no...不,不...5000:05:35,369 --> 00:05:38,329You're okay, Anna. I got you.你会没事的安娜我陪着你5100:05:39,629 --> 00:05:43,169Elsa, what have you done? This is getting out of hand! 埃尔莎,你做了什么?你的魔法又失控了!5200:05:43,169 --> 00:05:46,549It was an accident. I'm sorry, Anna!这是个意外.对不起,安娜!5300:05:47,209 --> 00:05:50,679She's ice cold. - I know where we have to go. 她浑身冰凉-我知道我们得去哪5400:06:10,269 --> 00:06:11,979Ice?冰?5500:06:11,979 --> 00:06:14,029Faster, Sven!再快点斯文!5600:06:16,069 --> 00:06:17,609Sven!斯文!5700:06:20,569 --> 00:06:22,619Please! Help!请帮帮我们!5800:06:23,369 --> 00:06:24,909 It's my daughter!救救我们的女儿!5900:06:35,459 --> 00:06:37,549 It's the King!他是国王!6000:06:39,549 --> 00:06:41,379 Trolls?山精?6100:06:41,379 --> 00:06:43,839 Shush. I'm trying to listen.嘘!我正听着呢6200:06:44,259 --> 00:06:47,509 Cuties. I'm gonna keep you. 小可爱我要把你们留下来6300:06:48,009 --> 00:06:49,719Your Majesty.陛下6400:06:49,719 --> 00:06:52,179 Born with the powers, or cursed? 与生俱来的力量还是诅咒?6500:06:54,714 --> 00:06:56,681 Here, here.过来6600:06:52,179 --> 00:06:54,639 Born. And they're getting stronger. 生下来就有的而且越来越强大6700:06:57,559 --> 00:07:00,399 You are lucky it wasn't her heart. 真幸运,魔法并没有伤到她的心6800:07:00,399 --> 00:07:03,189 The heart is not so easily changed,心里的伤可不容易被转变6900:07:03,189 --> 00:07:05,859But the head can be persuaded.但头里的问题还是有办法的7000:07:05,859 --> 00:07:07,649Do what you must.做你必须做的7100:07:07,649 --> 00:07:10,489我建议消除她身上所有的魔法7200:07:10,489 --> 00:07:14,119even memories of magic to be safe.甚至那些关于魔法的记忆,为了安全起见7300:07:15,619 --> 00:07:19,159But don't worry, I'll leave the fun.但别担心,我会留下那些快乐的记忆7400:07:23,789 --> 00:07:25,829She will be okay.她会没事的7500:07:25,829 --> 00:07:28,789But she won't rember I have powers? 但是她会忘记我拥有魔力吗?7600:07:28,789 --> 00:07:31,709It's for the best. - Listen to me, Elsa, 这样最好-听着埃尔莎7700:07:31,799 --> 00:07:34,969Your power will only grow.你的魔力只会越来越强大7800:07:35,799 --> 00:07:38,299 There is beauty in it...你会发现魔力的美好7900:07:39,389 --> 00:07:42,089But also great danger.但同时也伴随着巨大的危险8000:07:42,299 --> 00:07:44,889You must learn to control it.你必须要学会控制它8100:07:44,889 --> 00:07:48,139Fear will be your enemy.恐惧会成为你的敌人8200:07:50,809 --> 00:07:54,269No. We'll protect her. She can learn to control it. I'm sure. 不我们会保护她她会学会控制它的我确定8300:07:54,599 --> 00:07:56,269Until then,在此之前8400:07:56,269 --> 00:07:59,609we'll lock the gates. We'll reduce the staff.我们会锁上城门裁去城内人员8500:07:59,939 --> 00:08:02,989We will limit her contact with people减少她与别人的接触8600:08:03,109 --> 00:08:06,029and keep her powers hidden from everyone. 不让任何人知道她的魔力8700:08:08,739 --> 00:08:11,039including Anna.包括安娜8800:08:21,209 --> 00:08:22,999Elsa?埃尔莎?8900:08:25,049 --> 00:08:28,219♪Do you wanna build a snowman?♪你想堆个雪人吗?9000:08:28,419 --> 00:08:31,379♪Come on, let's go and play♪来吧,我们一起来玩9100:08:31,679 --> 00:08:35,179♪I never see you anymore. Come out the door♪我好久没见到你了快点出来吧9200:08:35,179 --> 00:08:38,219♪It's like you've gone away♪你就像消失了一样9300:08:38,219 --> 00:08:40,519♪We used to be best buddies♪我们曾是最好的伙伴9400:08:40,729 --> 00:08:45,809♪And now we're not. I wish you would tell me why♪但现在却不是了我希望你能告诉我为什么9500:08:46,269 --> 00:08:49,399♪Do you wanna build a snowman?♪你想堆个雪人吗?9600:08:49,399 --> 00:08:51,399♪It doesn't have to be a snowman♪并不是一定要堆个雪人啦9700:08:51,439 --> 00:08:53,439Go away, Anna走吧安娜9800:08:53,689 --> 00:08:56,489♪Okay bye♪好吧拜9900:09:02,529 --> 00:09:05,449 The gloves will help. See带上手套就没事了看到了吧10000:09:05,449 --> 00:09:08,199See? Conceal it -Don't feel it看到了吧?隐藏它-不要去想它10100:09:08,199 --> 00:09:10,249Don't let it show别让它显现出来10200:09:12,789 --> 00:09:15,709♪Do you wanna build a snowman?♪你想堆个雪人吗?10300:09:15,709 --> 00:09:18,509♪Or ride our bike around the hall?♪或者在走廊里骑车?10400:09:19,009 --> 00:09:21,169我觉得还有许多事没有做10500:09:21,169 --> 00:09:24,259♪I've started talking to the pictures on the walls♪我开始试着跟墙上的画像讲话10600:09:24,259 --> 00:09:25,379♪Hang in there, Joan♪坚持住琼10700:09:25,379 --> 00:09:29,009♪It gets a little lonely all these empty rooms♪这些空房间让人觉得有些寂寞10800:09:29,009 --> 00:09:32,679♪Just watching the hours tick by♪仅仅看着时间滴答地走过10900:09:37,849 --> 00:09:40,559I'm scared. It's getting stronger!我很害怕魔力越来越强大了!11000:09:40,559 --> 00:09:41,819Getting upset only makes it worse.不安只会让情况变得更糟11100:09:41,819 --> 00:09:43,149Calm down.冷静下来11200:09:43,149 --> 00:09:47,319No! Don't touch me! Please. I don't want to hurt you. 不!请别碰我!拜托了我不想伤到你们11300:09:54,949 --> 00:09:56,909See you in two weeks!两周后再见!11400:09:58,869 --> 00:10:02,579- Do you have to go? - You'll be fine, Elsa.你们必须要去吗?-你会没事的埃尔莎11500:10:41,569 --> 00:10:43,359Elsa?埃尔莎?11600:10:43,359 --> 00:10:46,569♪Please, I know you're in there♪拜托了我知道你在里面11700:10:47,159 --> 00:10:49,989♪People are asking where you've been♪人们都在问你去哪儿了11800:10:51,159 --> 00:10:54,579♪They say "have courage" and I'm trying to♪他们都说要勇敢而我也正在努力11900:10:54,579 --> 00:10:59,129♪I'm right out here for you. Just let me in♪我现在就在你门外请让我进去吧12000:10:59,919 --> 00:11:02,209♪We only have each other♪现在我们只剩下彼此了12100:11:02,339 --> 00:11:04,419♪It's just you and me♪仅仅你我两人12200:11:04,669 --> 00:11:07,879♪What are we gonna do?♪我们该怎么办?12300:11:12,679 --> 00:11:15,469♪Do you wanna build a snowman?♪你想堆个雪人吗?12400:11:40,369 --> 00:11:43,949三年后12500:11:48,974 --> 00:11:51,141All ashore!都上岸!12600:11:51,369 --> 00:11:54,169欢迎来到艾伦戴尔!12700:11:54,169 --> 00:11:56,919Watch your Steps please. The Gates Will opening Soon. 请小心脚下大门马上就要打开了12800:11:57,089 --> 00:11:58,879Why do I have to wear this?我为什么一定要穿这件?12900:11:58,879 --> 00:12:00,879因为女王成年啦13000:12:00,879 --> 00:12:02,879It's Coronation Day!今天是加冕日!13100:12:02,879 --> 00:12:05,179That's not my fault.这跟我又没关系13200:12:12,019 --> 00:12:14,849What do you want, Sven? - Give me a snack!你想要什么斯文? -给我点吃的!13300:12:14,929 --> 00:12:17,979What's the magic word? - "Please."那暗号是什么呢?-"拜托了"13400:12:18,019 --> 00:12:20,149Uh! Uh-uh-uh. Share.呃!呃呃呃分享13500:12:20,519 --> 00:12:23,569I can't believe they're finally opening up the gates! 我真不敢相信他们终于把大门打开了13600:12:23,569 --> 00:12:25,729And for a whole day!而且打开一整天哦!13700:12:25,729 --> 00:12:27,529Faster, Persi!快点佩西!13800:12:27,529 --> 00:12:32,529Ah, Arendelle, our most mysterious trade partner.啊,艾伦戴尔,我们最神秘的交易伙伴13900:12:32,529 --> 00:12:35,489Open those gates so I may unlock your secrets打开那些门让我揭开你的秘密14000:12:35,489 --> 00:12:37,409and exploit your riches.挖掘你的财富14100:12:37,489 --> 00:12:39,199Did I just say that out loud?我刚才是不是说得太大声了?14200:12:39,199 --> 00:12:42,499Oh! Me sore eyes can't wait to See the Queen and the Princess. 我已经迫不及待想看看女王和公主了14300:12:42,499 --> 00:12:44,709I bet they're absolutely lovely. 我打赌她们一定可爱极了14400:12:44,709 --> 00:12:47,379 I bet they are beautiful.我相信她们一定很美丽14500:12:51,549 --> 00:12:53,089 Princess Anna?安娜公主?14600:12:54,089 --> 00:12:55,839 Huh? Yeah?恩?什么事?14700:12:56,299 --> 00:12:57,500 Oh. Sorry to wake you, ma'am. 抱歉叫醒了你小姐14800:12:57,500 --> 00:12:58,889 No, no, no, you didn't.不不,没关系14900:12:58,889 --> 00:13:01,469I've been up for hours.我已经起床几个小时了15000:13:05,849 --> 00:13:07,139Who is it?外面是谁?15100:13:07,139 --> 00:13:10,349Still me, ma'am. The gates will open soon. 还是我小姐大门马上就要打开了15200:13:10,439 --> 00:13:13,019Time to get ready. -Of course是时候准备了-当然15300:13:13,849 --> 00:13:15,229Ready for what?准备什么?15400:13:15,479 --> 00:13:17,649Your sister's coronation, ma'am.你姐姐的加冕礼小姐15500:13:17,649 --> 00:13:20,649My sister's cor-neration.我姐姐的加冕礼15600:13:23,279 --> 00:13:25,449It's coronation day!今天是加冕日!15700:13:27,069 --> 00:13:29,039It's coronation day!今天是加冕日!15800:13:30,329 --> 00:13:32,659♪The window is open! So's that door!♪那些门和窗户都已经打开了15900:13:32,709 --> 00:13:35,249♪I didn't know they did that anymore♪我不知道他们已经做了如此多的准备16000:13:35,249 --> 00:13:39,289♪Who knew we owned 8000 salad plates?♪谁知道我们竟然准备了8000个沙拉盘子16100:13:39,669 --> 00:13:42,289♪For years I have roamed these empty halls♪多少年来我一直徘徊在这些空荡荡的大厅里16200:13:42,289 --> 00:13:44,509♪Why have a ballroom with no balls?♪为什么我们的舞厅里不举行任何舞会?16300:13:44,509 --> 00:13:48,679♪Finally, they're opening up the gates!♪终于,他们将要把大门打开了!16400:13:49,089 --> 00:13:51,799♪There'll be actual, real, live people♪会有活生生的人们来到这里16500:13:51,799 --> 00:13:54,099♪It'll be totally strange♪这感觉肯定会奇妙16600:13:54,099 --> 00:13:58,099♪But wow! Am I so ready for this change!♪但我已经为这些改变做好了准备!16700:13:58,179 --> 00:14:02,809♪'Cause for the first time in forever♪因为有生以来第一次16800:14:02,939 --> 00:14:07,229♪There'll be music, there'll be light♪这里将会充满音乐和灯光16900:14:07,359 --> 00:14:11,899♪For the first time in forever♪有生以来第一次17000:14:11,979 --> 00:14:16,699♪I'll be dancing through the night♪我将会跳舞直到黎明17100:14:16,909 --> 00:14:18,989♪Don't know if I'm elated or gassy♪不知道我是太高兴还是有点胃胀气17200:14:18,989 --> 00:14:22,079♪But I'm somewhere in that zone♪但我现在就是这么高兴17300:14:22,079 --> 00:14:27,459♪'Cause for the first time in forever♪因为有生以来第一次17400:14:28,749 --> 00:14:33,209♪I won't be alone. I can't wait to meet everyone!♪我再也不孤单我等不及想见见大家!17500:14:33,959 --> 00:14:35,959♪What if I meet "the one"?♪如果我遇见"那个他"怎么办?17600:14:36,749 --> 00:14:39,299♪Tonight, imagine me gown and all♪想象一下今晚盛装出席的我17700:14:39,299 --> 00:14:41,589♪Fetchingly draped against the wall♪穿着褶皱礼服迷人地靠着墙17800:14:41,589 --> 00:14:45,839♪The picture of sophisticated Grace♪那画面脱俗而又优雅17900:14:46,339 --> 00:14:48,639♪I suddenly see him standing there♪我突然见到伫立一旁的他18000:14:48,759 --> 00:14:51,179♪a beautiful stranger tall and fair♪一位高大而又帅气的陌生人18100:14:51,179 --> 00:14:55,479♪I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face!♪我的心一定会被巧克力堵上!18200:14:55,639 --> 00:14:58,149♪But then we laugh and talk all evening♪我们欢笑畅谈整晚18300:14:58,149 --> 00:15:00,729♪Which is totally bizarre♪那感觉一定很奇妙18400:15:00,729 --> 00:15:04,609♪Nothing like the life I've led so far♪与我之前的生活完全不同18500:15:04,979 --> 00:15:08,899♪For the first time in forever♪有生以来第一次18600:15:09,399 --> 00:15:13,819♪There'll be magic, There'll be fun♪这里将会充满魔力和欢乐18700:15:14,159 --> 00:15:18,159♪For the first time in forever♪有生以来第一次18800:15:18,449 --> 00:15:23,119♪I could be noticed by someone♪我将会被某人注视18900:15:23,249 --> 00:15:25,789♪And I know it is totally crazy♪我知道这一定很疯狂19000:15:25,879 --> 00:15:28,879♪To dream I'd find romance♪去期待浪漫的来临19100:15:28,879 --> 00:15:34,049♪But for the first time in forever♪但有生以来第一次19200:15:35,049 --> 00:15:37,879♪At least I've got a chance!♪至少我有了一次机会19300:15:43,769 --> 00:15:48,099♪Don't let them in. Don't let them see♪别让他们进来别让他们看到19400:15:48,099 --> 00:15:52,309♪Be the good girl You always have to be♪做个好女孩就像你从前那样19500:15:53,729 --> 00:15:57,189♪Conceal. Don't feel♪隐藏情感不去感受19600:15:57,439 --> 00:15:59,819♪Put on a show♪好好掩饰自己19700:15:59,819 --> 00:16:03,859♪Make one wrong move and everyone will know♪只要一犯错别人就会知道19800:16:05,119 --> 00:16:06,659♪But it's only for today♪但是,仅此一天19900:16:06,659 --> 00:16:09,079♪It's only for today. It's agony to wait♪仅此一天这痛苦的等待20000:16:09,079 --> 00:16:10,869♪It's agony to wait♪这痛苦的等待20100:16:10,869 --> 00:16:14,249♪Tell the guards to open up the..♪让守卫们快打开20200:16:14,249 --> 00:16:16,959♪The gate!♪那大门!20300:16:19,011 --> 00:16:22,045♪For the first time in forever♪有生以来第一次20400:16:22,047 --> 00:16:23,613♪Don't let them in Don't let them see♪别让他们进来别让他们看到20500:16:23,615 --> 00:16:27,000♪I'm getting what I'm dreaming of♪我梦寐以求的时刻即将到来20600:16:27,000 --> 00:16:29,000♪Be the good girl you always have to be♪做个好女孩就像你从前那样20700:16:29,219 --> 00:16:32,680♪A chance to change My lonely world♪一个改变我孤独世界的机会20800:16:33,692 --> 00:16:34,691♪Conceal♪隐藏情感20900:16:34,693 --> 00:16:37,561♪A chance to find true love♪一个找到真爱的机会21000:16:37,563 --> 00:16:40,163♪Conceal, don't feel Don't let them know 隐藏情感不去感受不要让他们知道21100:16:40,165 --> 00:16:42,000♪I know it all ends tomorrow我知道明天一切都将结束21200:16:42,019 --> 00:16:44,939♪So it has to be today!♪所以一定要把握住今天!21300:16:45,149 --> 00:16:50,189♪'Cause for the first time in forever♪因为有生以来第一次21400:16:50,189 --> 00:16:55,909♪For the first time in forever♪有生以来第一次21500:16:57,319 --> 00:17:02,069♪Nothing's in my way!♪没有什么能阻止我!21600:17:06,999 --> 00:17:08,200 Hey!嘿!21700:17:08,300 --> 00:17:10,594I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?我很抱歉你受伤了吗?21800:17:10,600 --> 00:17:11,079Hey!嘿!21900:17:11,459 --> 00:17:14,300Uh... No, no. I'm okay.不不我没事22000:17:14,400 --> 00:17:15,198Are you sure?你确定?22100:17:15,299 --> 00:17:18,009Yeah, I just wasn't looking where I was going. 我刚刚没有看路22200:17:18,009 --> 00:17:20,450 But I'm great, actually.但我没受伤真的22300:17:20,500 --> 00:17:23,473 Oh... Thank goodness.噢,谢天谢地22400:17:25,679 --> 00:17:27,389 Oh! Uh...噢!22500:17:27,389 --> 00:17:29,599 Prince Hans of the Southern Isles. 我是南方群岛的汉斯王子22600:17:29,929 --> 00:17:31,900 Princess Anna of Arendelle.我是艾伦戴尔的安娜公主22700:17:32,000 --> 00:17:32,700"Princess"?公主?22800:17:32,769 --> 00:17:34,559My Lady.我的女士22900:17:37,939 --> 00:17:39,769Hi. Again.嗨,又来了.23000:17:40,189 --> 00:17:41,769Oh boy!噢,小子!23100:17:41,769 --> 00:17:43,779Ha. This is awkward. Not "You're awkward," 呃,真是尴尬不是说你23200:17:43,779 --> 00:17:45,859but just because we're...I'm awkward.只是因为我们...是我自己比较尴尬23300:17:45,859 --> 00:17:47,319You're gorgeous. Wait, what?你帅呆了-等下怎么了?23400:17:47,319 --> 00:17:48,609I'd like to formally apologize for我想正式地为我23500:17:48,609 --> 00:17:51,199hitting the Princess of Arendelle with my horse... 骑马撞上了艾伦戴尔的公主23600:17:51,529 --> 00:17:53,409And for every moment after.以及之后所有的一切而道歉23700:17:53,409 --> 00:17:56,279No! No, no. It's fine. I'm not that princess.不,不,不,没关系的我不是“那个”公主23800:17:56,279 --> 00:17:59,119I mean, if you'd hit my sister Elsa, that would be...Yeesh! 我的意思是如果你撞到的是我姐姐埃尔莎那就不好了 (239)00:17:59,119 --> 00:18:00,619Because, you know...因为,你懂的...24000:18:01,289 --> 00:18:02,659Hello.哈喽24100:18:02,659 --> 00:18:06,379But, lucky you, it's just me.但是算你走运撞到的仅仅是我24200:18:06,879 --> 00:18:08,499Just you?仅仅是你?24300:18:15,469 --> 00:18:17,339The bells. The coronation.铃响了是加冕礼24400:18:17,339 --> 00:18:18,639 I... I...我..我...24500:18:18,759 --> 00:18:22,139I better go. I have togo. I better go. Uh 我得走了我必须走了我得走了呃 (246)00:18:22,559 --> 00:18:24,059Bye!拜!24700:19:09,469 --> 00:19:12,429Your Majesty, The gloves.陛下您的手套24800:19:31,529 --> 00:19:34,949(formal, in Old Norse) Sehm hon hell drr in-um hell-gum Ayg-num Ok ♪古斯堪的那维亚语♪24900:19:34,949 --> 00:19:42,409krund ee thes-um hellgah Stahth, ehk teh frahm fur-ear Uthear...♪古斯堪的那维亚语♪25000:19:42,489 --> 00:19:45,789Queen Elsa of Arendelle.艾伦戴尔的埃尔莎女王25100:19:45,789 --> 00:19:48,999Queen Elsa of Arendell!艾伦戴尔的埃尔莎女王!25200:20:06,009 --> 00:20:08,639Queen Elsa of Arendelle.艾伦戴尔的埃尔莎女王25300:20:10,429 --> 00:20:13,889Princess Anna of Arendelle.艾伦戴尔的安娜公主25400:20:18,099 --> 00:20:22,189Here? Are you sure? I do not think I suppose to...Okay. 这里?你确定吗?我不觉得我应该...好吧25500:20:30,739 --> 00:20:32,619Hi.嗨25600:20:32,659 --> 00:20:35,989"Hi" me...? Oh. Um (i)跟我打招呼吗?噢嗨25700:20:38,119 --> 00:20:39,300You look beautiful.你看起来很漂亮25800:20:39,371 --> 00:20:40,500Thank you.谢谢25900:20:40,539 --> 00:20:42,669You look beautiful-ler. I mean, not Fuller.你看起来更漂亮我的意思不是清洁工(英语谐音) 26000:20:42,669 --> 00:20:44,669You don't look Fuller, but more beautiful.你不像清洗工而是更漂亮26100:20:44,829 --> 00:20:46,669Thank you.谢谢26200:20:47,169 --> 00:20:50,459So, this is what a party looks like.原来这就是派对啊26300:20:51,759 --> 00:20:53,009It's warmer than I thought.比我想象的要暖和一些26400:20:53,009 --> 00:20:56,719What is that amazing smell?是什么东西这么香呢?26500:20:57,089 --> 00:21:00,469 Chocolate.巧克力26600:21:03,469 --> 00:21:06,979Your Majesty. The Duke of Weaseltown. 陛下这位是鼬鼠城公爵26700:21:06,979 --> 00:21:09,500 "Weselton"! Duke of Weselton.“威斯顿”(与鼬鼠同音)威斯顿公爵.. 26800:21:09,500 --> 00:21:10,529Your Majesty,陛下26900:21:10,479 --> 00:21:12,899As your closest partner in trade,作为您最亲密的交易伙伴。
烟草青枯病拮抗菌的筛选、鉴定和防病潜力评价何玉安;刘书凯;时宏书;王林玉;江彤;齐永霞;丁婷【摘要】为进一步丰富烟草青枯病的生防资源,通过平板稀释法,对贵州省黔南州4个烟区的健康烟株及根际土壤进行烟草内生细菌及根际细菌的分离纯化,共得到烟草内生细菌103株,根际细菌73株.利用抑菌圈法,筛选出抗青枯病菌的内生细菌LSN02和根际细菌LLGJ04,其抑菌圈直径分别为29.96和38.65 mm.进化分析结果表明,LSN02和LLGJ04均属于芽孢杆菌属且具有趋化性.盆栽试验中,LSN02和LLGJ04可有效增强烟株对青枯病的抗病能力.用中浓度(1×108 cfu/mL)和高浓度(2×108 cfu/mL)的LSN02菌株处理烟株时,烟草青枯病的病株率显著降低.【期刊名称】《烟草科技》【年(卷),期】2018(051)009【总页数】6页(P1-6)【关键词】烟草;青枯病;拮抗细菌;芽孢杆菌;生防潜力【作者】何玉安;刘书凯;时宏书;王林玉;江彤;齐永霞;丁婷【作者单位】贵州省烟草公司黔南州公司,贵州省都匀市迎宾路8号 558000;贵州省烟草公司黔南州公司,贵州省都匀市迎宾路8号 558000;贵州省烟草公司黔南州公司,贵州省都匀市迎宾路8号 558000;贵州省烟草公司黔南州公司,贵州省都匀市迎宾路8号 558000;安徽农业大学植物保护学院,合肥市长江西路130号 230036;安徽农业大学植物保护学院,合肥市长江西路130号 230036;安徽农业大学植物保护学院,合肥市长江西路130号 230036【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S435.72烟草青枯病作为一种重要的土传病害,随着烟草连作年限的延长以及耕作制度、烟草品种的变化,为害日益严重[1]。