China's Self-Defined Role in International System




星火英语四级高频词汇01tendinv olv einc lud ein for ma ti onFo r fu rth er i nfo rmati on pl ea se wri te to me.offerl ev elreq uir eThe work i sn't up t o th e stan dard I requi r e.issu eWhat's a t i ssue he re i s t he wh ol e fut ure of the i ndu stry.cond i tio nThe b asi c cau se s a re un kno wn,al thoug h ce rtai n co ndi ti on s tha t may l ead t o can ce r ha ve been i den ti fi ed. ea rnrateThe di vo rce rate i s goi ng up year by yearas a resul t o f the i nv ol vemen t o f the othe r me n or wome n.con tro lThe fi re wa s soo n un der cont rol.p rocessTh rou gho ut t he pro ce ss of reform and openi ng,we mu st comba t co rrup ti on. avoidIn i nte rna ti onal mat che s,pre sti ge i s so i m po rta nt t hat the o nl y thi ng tha t mat te rs i s to avoi d bei ng beaten.foc u sPl ease fo cu s y ou r mi nd o n the fol l owi n g probl em.affec tCon stan t exp o su re to i nte nse l i ght affe ct s the eye s a dve rsel y. cr ed itDon't pl a ce credi t i n i dl e rumo urs.envi ro nmen tfai lSome stu den ts fai l ed t o g et aba chel or's deg ree be cau se t hey fai l edthe CE T B and-4.fea tu r eimp ac tH er spee ch mad e a tremen dou si mpact on e veryon e.lac kThei r a cti on s l a ck co nsi s te n cy; theysay o ne t hi ng and d o ano the r.majorShake spea re i s one o f the maj orwri te th in gI can't bel i eve we di d al l tha t work fornothi n g.rang ereferThe di s pu te wa s re fe rre d to t he U ni tedNati on s.rep l ac eW e h ave re pl aced sl ave l abo ur wi t h/by ma chi ne s.seekMost o f the co unt ry's Inte rne t users goonl i ne t o chat or see k ente rtai nmen trat her th an l oo k fo r j ob s o r cond u ctbu si ness.sp eedH i s spe ed and st ren gth hel pe d hi mwi n t he ra ce.02su gg estJane's pal e fa ce sugge sted t hat she wa si ll,and he r pa ren ts su gge sted t hat shesh oul d ha ve a me di cal ex ami nati on.ab ili tyEdu cati on i s the abi l i ty to l i ste n toal most any thi ngwi th ou t l o si ng you r te mpe r orsel f-co nfi den ce.commu nic atio ncon tai nexp en seMost chi l dren i n B ri tai n a re edu ca tedat publ i c e xpen se.ign or eY ou'v e been i gn ori ng me.inju r eA fter bei n g wou nded i n t he fi gh ti ng,he wa s i n an a cci den t wh en hi s carwa s d amag ed bu t he hi m sel f noti nj mi tY ou real l y a re t he ab sol ut e l i mi t!na tur eThi s bea uti ful ga rden o we s mo re toart than to na tu re.p artic ul arMi chael Ja ck so n i s pa rti c ul ar ab outhi s cl o the s.p artic ul arl yCott on g ro ws wel l i n t hat co un try,parti cul a rl y i n t he ea st.p ic kShe pi c ked at h er pl ate, wi th outappeti te.sp eci ficSome o f t he rep ort s al wa y s sp eak onthe ge neral p ri n ci pl ewhi l e ne gl ecti ng a b ri efi ng on sp e ci fi cfa ct s.stic kIf we sti c k a t i t, we shoul d fi ni sh thej ob t oday.stor eA grea t pa rt o f t he chai n sto re'sbu si ness co me s fro m chi l dren.amo un tThei r t ravel i ng expe n se s a mou nt toseve n hu nd red d ol l ars.ap p ealH er se n se of hu mou r appe al ed t o hi m enormo usl y.asso cia teW e a sso ci a te E gyp t wi th t he Ni l e. asso cia ti onA ccordi ng to the A meri c an A utomobi l e A sso ci ati o n,si n ce 1964 al l ca rs sol d i n t he U ni ted Sate s have been equi pp ed wi t h seat bel ts.assumeFarme rs wi l l have a b um per ha rve st, assu mi ng tha t the weath er i s favo urabl e.b en efi tEqual i ty an d mut ual be nefi t i s o ne of Chi na's fi ve p ri n ci pl es of p ea ce ful co-e xi ste n cei n fo rei gn p ol i cy.cul ti va teConti nue to carry fo rwa rd and cul ti va te th e nati onal spi ri t.d istan c eI coul d hea r v oi ce s i n th e di st an ce. ed i tThe y mu st hav e edi ted bi ts of the i ntervi e w o ut.ex cha ng eThe re i s a n i n crea se i n the te chni c al co ope rati o n and cul t ural ex chang es bet wee n Chi na and o the r co unt ri e s. fac torH er fri endl y ma nne r i s an i mpo rt ant fa ct or i n he r rapi d su cce ss.ind ica teIn t hi s map, t he to wn s are i ndi c at ed by a red d iaCCTV ha s goo d me di a cove rage of the Ira q W emen tY our con tri bu ti on s o n the fi el d o f pl ay have served t o st reng the nthe Ol ym pi c M ovem ent and gl obalsp ort.refu seIt wa s no ea sy ma tte r fi ndi ngl odgi ngs.In mo st ca se s we were re fu sed onso me p rete xt o r ot her,whi l e we ou rsel ve s tu rned do wn afe w pl a ce s a s un sui ta bl fferI'm so h appy, so ab so rbe d i n thesen sa ti on o f a t ranq ui l exi sten ce, t hatmy art i s su fferi n ea tIt's t reat ed l i ke i t's some evi l thi ng t hati ndustry i s doi ng, bu t i f i nd ust ry wa sn'tdoi ng tha t,we wo ul d no t have any ne wtrea tme nt s.vari ou sNo wada y s, m oon ca ke s wi t h thei rvari ou s fl avors a nd del i ca te pa ckagi ngactual l y ha ve be co me a ki nd ofart work.03ap p lyW e shoul d ap pl y to the p ubl i she rs forpermi ssi on to rep ri nt a n ext ra ct.attac kavai lab l eThe re were no ti c ke t s avai l abl e forFri day's pe rfo rma n ardThe N obel P ri ze i s a wa rde d toco mme mo rat e Nob el, t he g reatch emi st.b ac kgr ou ndI woul d al so l i ke t o l ea rn mo re ab outthe cul tu re be hi nd th e l an guag e.When y ou unde rsta nd the cul tu ralba ckg ro und, yo u can be tte r u se thel anguage.commi tChi na wi l l, a s al w ay s, com mi t i t sel f toreform, openi n g-up andmode rni zati on d ri ve. 中国将一如既往地致力于改革开放和现代化建设事业commu nic ateThe Mi ni ste r of Fo rei gn A ffai rs ha sal ready co mmu ni ca ted o n thi s ev entwi ththe A me ri can P re si den t.cri si sNegoti ati o ns bet we en th e t woco un tri e s are a pp roa chi ng a cri s i s.effectiv eThe y to ok e ffe cti ve m ea su re s toprev ent p oi so nou s g ases fromesca pi ng.emp loyThe fi rm e mpl oy s the re ti redpro fe sso r a s an ad vi so r.entir eIn o rd er to hedg e hi s bet s he di dn't tel lthe ot he r pa rty hi s en ti re pl an.ex ha u stSome we b a ddi ct s often ex hau stthem sel ve s by su rfi ng the Inte rn et forday s on en d.grow thRussi a P re si dent Pu ti n st re ssed tha t theenergy ta ri ffs sh oul d be rai sedgrad ual l yand i n a cco rdan ce wi t h th e gro wt h i npeopl e's i n co me.har mThe ca r wa s badl y dam aged bu t noneof the pa ssen gers came to an y ha id en tThe an ti-wa r d emo n st rati onpro ceeded wi t hou t i n ci dent.mod elThe y t ry to b ui l d t hei r sy stem ofdemo cra cy on t he A meri c an m odel.op ini onIn the o pi ni on of m y do ct or, I sho ul d be wel l en oug h to t ravel by nex t week.p refer enc eDo y ou have a pre fe ren ce fo r a parti cul a r food?sid ePeopl e on b ot h si de s o f the Tai w an St rai t s sho ul d i nhe ri t an d carry fo rwa rdthe fi ne t ra di ti ons o f t he Chi ne se cul t ng l eDon't stak e ev erythi ng o n a si ngl e ca st of t he di ce.sup p lyH e wa s arre st ed fo r sup pl yi ng a rm s to the te rro ri st ap tCan yo u a dap t y ou r wa y o f thi nki ng to the ne w l i fe styl e?ad op tad voca teNothi ng co ul d pe rsua de me to retu rn to th e ki nd o f l i fe K el sey u se d to advo ca teand I o n ce enj oy ed.ap p roachFe w wri ters can ap proa ch Shake spea re i n tal ent.ap p rov eMy pa ren t s d on't app ro ve of me sm oki ng ci ga ret te s.circ umsta nc eCi rcum sta n ce s al te r ca se s.此一时彼一时con su meIn the mi d-seve nti es A meri c an s co n sum ed ab ou t seven teen mi l l i on barrel s o f oi l dai l y.conv eyThi s t rai n conve y s o ver t hre e h und red passe nge rs eve ry da ea tiv eW e ne ed some creati ve t hi nki ng tosol ve t hi s p ro bl em.crimeLast yea r,the cri me ra te i n Chi c agosha rpl y de cl i ned.d efin eWhen bo unda ri e s bet we en cou nt ri esare no t cl ea rl y de fi ned, the re's u sual l ytro ubl e.effici en tThe ne w se creta ry i s a qui c k,e ffi c i entworker, a nd the b o ss i s qui te sati s fi edwi th her.emo ti onThe spea ker a ppeal ed to o ur e moti on srat her than to ou r mi n ds.exp ec ta ti onThe y had g reat expe ctati o ns for thei rso n, b ut he di dn't real l y l i ve up to t hem.exp r essNo word s ca n e xp re ss the g ran deu r ofthat p ara de.fai lu r eFai l ure i s the mo the r of su cce ss./Fai l ure tea che s su cce ss.gapThe re we re so me una ccou nta bl e gap si n hi s st ory.04ma nn erH e i s a man wi t h a ve ry p ri m andpre ci s e man ner.mi ldH e ha s t oo mi l d a na tu re t o ge t an gry,even i f he ha s g ood cau se.moodH e's i n no m ood fo r tel l i ng j oke s.n ec essar ilyY ou sho ul d ne ce ssari l y go to the pa rty.n ec essar yIf ne ce ssa ry, we can al wa y s ch angethe da te s of ou r t ri p.ob jec tMaki ng mo ney wa s hi s mai n obj e cti n l i fe.p aceThe ol d man wal ke d at a v ery sl o wpa ce.p artic ip ateA mong al l the ex hi bi ti on pa rti c i pati ngnati on s, Chi na had the bi gge st spa ce,the l arge st n umbe r o f bo ok s an d theatmo sphe re wa s th e mo st l i vel y.p urcha seLeadi ng bank s i n Shan ghai arepl anni ng to fi nan ce i n stal l mentpurcha se t othe i ndi vi dual h ou se b uyer.reli ev eThe do cto r's expl ana ti on rel i eved meof m y fea rs.revi ewIn ou r tal ks t oday, P re si dent B ushrevi e wed30yea rs o f Si no-U Srel ati on.sec ur eEvery ci ti zen ha s t he ri gh t t o l i ve apea ceful a nd se cu re l i urc eThe Pe nta gon ha s a ccel era teddevel opm ent of a ne w g ene rati on ofadvan ce d p re ci si on we apo nry,accordi ng to U S mi l i tary so urce s.stepThe gove rn men t mu st ta ke ste p s toredu ce une mpl oy ment.stu ffsy mb olThe wed di ng ri ng i s p ro babl y theol dest an d mo st wi de sp read sym bolof ma rri rowThe y l i ve wi thi n a st one's th ro w o f the sta ti on.urg entIt i s mo st u rgen t tha t you sh oul d make up you r mi n d.ab strac tA fl ower i s b eauti f ul, b ut bea ut y i t sel f i s a bst ra ct.acc ep tab l eCompl i ment s a re al wa y s a ccept abl e.activi tyProg re ss i s th e a cti vi ty o f to day and the a ssuran ce o f to mo rro w.进步是今天的活动,明天的保证ad justW e mu st adj u st the rel ati on shi p bet wee n i nve st men t and co n sum pti onto rai se the p rop orti on of co n sum pti on i n GDP g rad ual l y.amuseThe au di en ce wa s a mu sed b y the co medi an e very no w a nd t hen. aro useThe m u si c a rou se d a n i n ten se feel i ng of ho me si ckne ss i n hi m.assistT wo me n a re a ssi sti ng the pol i ce i n thei r en qui ri es.b argai nb arri erA ll the i n sti tuti onal a nd pol i cy ba rri ers to u rbani za ti on mu st be re mo ved. camp ai gncomb a tcomp o si ti onH e's doi n g re sea rch i nt o the chemi c al co mp osi ti on of the ne w medi c i ne.conc ep tTha t comp any be gan searchi ng for an agen cy to ha ndl e a ne w re sta urant co n cep t. con ti nu alThe re appe ars to be n o e nd i n si ghtover the co nti nual deb ate o ver“hu man cl oni ng”.con ti nu ou sA co nti nuo u s bea ch i s exp o sed t o thebeati ng o f co nti nual wave s.cop eThe re wa s to o mu ch wo rk for o urco mp ute r to cope wi th.criticiz e/-i seThe de ci s i on wa s sha rpl y cri ti ci zed bybu si nessmen na ti on wi de.d isso lv eThe re's a ci d i n her v oi ce; i t co ul ddi ssol ve any bod y's goo d i n tenti o ns.d oub tThe fut ure o f t he publ i c l i bra ry i s i ndoub t.emp ha si sSome di c ti ona ri es l a y spe ci alempha si s on g ram mar.05ex ac tTo be ex a ct, she i s a ve ry ex a ct pe rson.exp o sur e 儿童接触到电视上的暴力镜头会损害他们的心理健康。



中国文化最具代表性的标志英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Most Representative Symbols of Chinese CultureAs a student deeply interested in exploring different cultures around the world, I find Chinese culture to be one of the richest and most fascinating. With a history spanning thousands of years, China has developed a unique and diverse cultural heritage that has left an indelible mark on the world. Among the myriad of symbols that represent Chinese culture, a few stand out as the most iconic and representative.The Great Wall of ChinaNo discussion of Chinese cultural symbols would be complete without mentioning the Great Wall of China. Thisawe-inspiring feat of engineering and architecture has become a global icon, representing the ingenuity, perseverance, and resilience of the Chinese people. Stretching across vast expanses of rugged terrain, the Great Wall was built over centuries to protect ancient Chinese states from invading nomadic groups. Its sheer scale and longevity are a testament to the determinationand collective effort of millions of laborers who toiled to construct this marvel.Beyond its strategic military purpose, the Great Wall has taken on a deeper cultural significance, symbolizing the unity and strength of the Chinese nation. Its winding path across deserts, mountains, and grasslands serves as a powerful metaphor for the enduring spirit of the Chinese people, who have overcome countless obstacles throughout their history. As a student, I am humbled by the Great Wall's grandeur and the rich cultural legacy it represents.The Forbidden CityAnother iconic symbol of Chinese culture is the Forbidden City, a vast complex of palaces and gardens that served as the imperial residence for 24 emperors during the Ming and Qing dynasties. This architectural masterpiece, located in the heart of Beijing, is a breathtaking display of traditional Chinese design, craftsmanship, and imperial power.As I wander through the Forbidden City's intricate courtyards, ornate temples, and elaborately decorated halls, I am struck by the meticulous attention to detail and the harmonious blend of natural and man-made elements. The use of vibrant colors, intricate carvings, and symbolic motifs reflects theprofound respect for art, tradition, and spirituality that has long been woven into the fabric of Chinese culture.The Forbidden City also symbolizes the hierarchical nature of ancient Chinese society, where the emperor reigned as the supreme ruler and the center of power. Its grand scale and opulence serve as a physical manifestation of the imperial authority and the belief in the divine right of the emperor to govern. As a student of history, I find the Forbidden City to be a captivating window into the cultural values, social structures, and artistic achievements of China's dynastic past.Chinese CalligraphyCalligraphy, the art of beautiful handwriting, is another quintessential symbol of Chinese culture that has endured for millennia. This ancient practice is not merely a means of communication but a revered art form that embodies the principles of harmony, balance, and self-expression.As a student practicing calligraphy, I am struck by the meditative quality of this art form. The fluid brushstrokes, the careful control of ink, and the purposeful composition of each character demand focus, patience, and a deep appreciation for the beauty of the written word. Calligraphy reflects the Chinesecultural values of discipline, perseverance, and the pursuit of perfection through constant practice.Beyond its aesthetic appeal, calligraphy holds profound cultural significance as a means of preserving and transmitting Chinese language, literature, and philosophical teachings. The graceful characters adorning scrolls, paintings, and monuments serve as tangible links to China's rich intellectual and artistic heritage, reminding us of the enduring power of the written word in shaping and preserving cultural identity.The DragonNo discussion of Chinese cultural symbols would be complete without mentioning the dragon, a mythical creature that has held a prominent place in Chinese mythology, art, and folklore for centuries. The dragon is revered as a powerful and auspicious symbol, representing strength, prosperity, and good fortune.As a student of Chinese culture, I am fascinated by the diverse representations and meanings associated with the dragon throughout China's history. In ancient times, the dragon was closely linked to the emperor, symbolizing his divine right to rule and his role as the protector of the realm. In art and architecture, the dragon's sinuous form and vibrant colors areubiquitous, adorning temples, palaces, and imperial robes, evoking a sense of grandeur and celestial power.In folklore and mythology, the dragon is often depicted as a benevolent and wise creature, closely connected to the natural elements of water, rain, and storms. Its ability to soar through the skies and traverse the depths of the oceans has made it a symbol of strength, resilience, and the eternal cycle of life and renewal.ConclusionThese four symbols – the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, calligraphy, and the dragon – are just a few examples of the rich tapestry of cultural icons that have come to represent the essence of Chinese civilization. As a student exploring this fascinating culture, I am continually amazed by the depth of history, the artistic excellence, and the enduring traditions that have shaped the Chinese cultural identity.Through these symbols, we can glimpse the values, beliefs, and achievements that have defined the Chinese people throughout the centuries – their resilience, their reverence for tradition, their pursuit of harmony and balance, and their unwavering spirit in the face of adversity. As global citizens, it is our responsibility to appreciate and preserve these cultural treasures, for they serve as a reminder of the shared humanexperience and the rich tapestry of diversity that enriches our world.篇2The Enduring Symbols of China's Rich Cultural HeritageChina, a vast land cradling one of the world's oldest civilizations, boasts a cultural tapestry woven over millennia, adorned with symbols that have transcended time and geography. As a student immersed in this ancient yetever-evolving legacy, I find myself in awe of the profound meaning and timeless allure of certain emblematic representations that have come to epitomize the essence of Chinese culture.The Great Wall of China stands as an architectural marvel and a testament to human ingenuity and perseverance. Snaking across rugged terrain for thousands of miles, this colossal fortification has etched its way into the collective consciousness of humanity. Beyond its imposing physical presence, the Great Wall embodies the indomitable spirit of the Chinese people, their resilience in the face of adversity, and their unwavering determination to protect their homeland. It serves as a poignantreminder that even the most formidable challenges can be overcome through sheer will and unity.The revered panda, with its distinctive black-and-white fur and endearing demeanor, has emerged as a beloved symbol of China's rich biodiversity and commitment to conservation efforts. These gentle giants, native to the bamboo forests of central China, have captured the hearts of people worldwide, serving as ambassadors for environmental protection and sustainable coexistence with nature. The panda's image graces countless souvenirs, adorns national emblems, and serves as a rallying cry for preserving the delicate ecological balance that sustains all life.The ancient art of calligraphy, a profound expression of Chinese culture, has elevated the written word to a realm of unparalleled beauty and grace. Each brushstroke, meticulously executed with fluid motion and controlled precision, carries the weight of centuries-old tradition and profound philosophical underpinnings. Calligraphy transcends the mere conveyance of language; it is a meditative practice, a celebration of harmony, and a window into the depths of the Chinese soul. The elegant characters, whether adorning scrolls or gracing contemporaryartworks, serve as a tangible link to the wisdom and aesthetics of bygone eras.The iconic yin-yang symbol, with its interlocking halves of contrasting shades, represents the harmonious interplay of opposites that permeates Chinese philosophy and worldview. This ancient concept, rooted in the teachings of Taoism, encapsulates the idea that seemingly disparate forces – light and dark, positive and negative, active and passive – are intrinsically interconnected and interdependent. The yin-yang embodies the Chinese embrace of balance, moderation, and the cyclical nature of existence, reminding us that true harmony emerges from the coexistence of apparent contradictions.No exploration of Chinese cultural symbols would be complete without acknowledging the enduring legacy of the dragon, a mythical creature that has captivated the imagination of countless generations. Revered for its power, wisdom, and auspicious qualities, the dragon has been a prominent motif in art, literature, and folklore throughout Chinese history. From imperial robes and architectural adornments to festivals and mythological narratives, the dragon's presence is ubiquitous, symbolizing strength, good fortune, and the indomitable spirit of the Chinese people.As I delve deeper into the tapestry of Chinese culture, I am struck by the profound significance and enduring resonance of these symbols. They are not mere decorative elements or passing fancies; they are living embodiments of the values, beliefs, and collective experiences that have shaped the Chinese civilization over millennia. Each symbol carries within it a multitude of stories, philosophies, and aspirations, serving as a bridge between the past and the present, connecting us to the richness of our heritage while inspiring us to embrace the future with unwavering resilience and wisdom.In a rapidly changing world, where globalization and technological advancement sometimes threaten to erode cultural identities, these symbols stand as beacons, reminding us of the enduring power of tradition and the importance of preserving the unique tapestry that defines the Chinese experience. As a student and a custodian of this invaluable legacy, it is my duty and privilege to understand, celebrate, and pass on these symbols to future generations, ensuring that the essence of Chinese culture continues to thrive and inspire humanity for centuries to come.篇3The Enduring Legacy: China's Most Emblematic Cultural SymbolsAs a student fascinated by the rich tapestry of cultures around the world, I find myself drawn to the captivating symbolism that permeates the ancient Chinese civilization. From the iconic Great Wall to the intricate calligraphic strokes, China's cultural heritage is a treasure trove of profound meaning and timeless beauty. In this essay, I will delve into three of the most representative symbols that encapsulate the essence of Chinese culture, exploring their historical significance, artistic expression, and enduring influence.The Great Wall of China: A Marvel of Engineering and PerseveranceUndoubtedly one of the most recognizable symbols of China, the Great Wall stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit and engineering prowess of the Chinese people. Stretching across vast landscapes and undulating terrains, this colossal fortification has captured the imagination of countless travelers and scholars throughout the ages.Conceived as a defensive barrier against nomadic invasions, the Great Wall's construction spanned centuries and dynasties, each section reflecting the architectural styles and techniques ofits era. What began as scattered fortifications gradually metamorphosed into a continuous, serpentine structure that defied the limits of human endeavor.Beyond its military function, the Great Wall embodies the resilience and determination of the Chinese civilization. Its sheer scale and longevity serve as a powerful reminder of the nation's ability to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges through collective effort and perseverance. Each brick, each watchtower, whispers tales of the countless lives dedicated to this monumental undertaking, echoing the unwavering spirit that has shaped China's identity.Chinese Calligraphy: The Artistry of Strokes and BrushesCalligraphy, the art of beautiful writing, holds a revered status in Chinese culture, transcending mere communication and elevating it to a realm of artistic expression. With its origins dating back to the ancient Oracle Bone Script, this elegant form has evolved over millennia, reflecting the changing aesthetics and philosophical currents of each dynasty.At the heart of Chinese calligraphy lies the interplay between the brush, ink, and paper, a harmonious dance that captures the essence of movement and stillness. Each stroke, whether bold or delicate, conveys a multitude of meanings, embodying thecalligrapher's emotional state, artistic sensibilities, and mastery of the craft.Beyond its visual allure, Chinese calligraphy is deeply rooted in the principles of Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism, imbuing each character with profound philosophical and spiritual significance. The discipline required to master this art form fosters patience, focus, and self-cultivation, qualities that have long been revered in Chinese culture.Chinese calligraphy serves as a bridge between the past and present, a living embodiment of cultural continuity and artistic expression. Its enduring appeal transcends borders, captivating audiences worldwide with its elegance and timeless beauty.The Dragon: A Symbol of Power and AuspiciousnessAmong the myriad symbols that adorn Chinese art, architecture, and folklore, the dragon holds a particularly prominent and revered position. This mythical creature, with its sinuous form and awe-inspiring presence, has come to represent power, strength, and good fortune in Chinese culture.Throughout history, the dragon has been closely associated with imperial rule and divine authority, adorning the robes and regalia of emperors and gracing the halls of palaces and temples.Its depiction varies across regions and dynasties, ranging from benevolent deities to fearsome guardians, each interpretation reflecting the rich tapestry of Chinese mythological narratives.Beyond its regal connotations, the dragon symbolizes the harmonious coexistence of opposing forces, embodying the yin and yang principles that underpin Chinese philosophy. Its undulating form represents the ever-changing nature of the universe, reminding us of the cyclical patterns that govern life and the importance of balance and moderation.In contemporary times, the dragon has become an iconic symbol of Chinese culture, celebrated in festivals, literature, and popular media. Its enduring presence serves as a testament to the enduring influence of ancient traditions and the collective pride in China's rich cultural heritage.As I contemplate these profound symbols, I am struck by the depth and complexity of Chinese culture, a tapestry woven with threads of history, philosophy, and artistic expression. The Great Wall, Chinese calligraphy, and the dragon are not mere relics of the past but living embodiments of a civilization that has endured and thrived for millennia.Through these symbols, we catch glimpses of the values, beliefs, and aspirations that have shaped the Chinese identity,reminding us of the universal human yearning for meaning, beauty, and connection. As a student of the world, I am humbled by the enduring legacy of these cultural treasures and inspired to continue exploring the rich tapestry of human creativity and achievement.。



我想用英语传播中国文化自我介绍全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Here's a 2000-word self-introduction essay in English, written from a student's perspective on wanting to promote Chinese culture through the English language:My Aspiration to Spread Chinese Culture through the English LanguageGrowing up in China, I've always been fascinated by the rich tapestry of our cultural heritage. From the ancient philosophies that have shaped our way of thinking to the vibrant traditions that have withstood the test of time, China's culture is a profound and multifaceted treasure trove. However, as I've come to realize, this treasure often remains hidden from the rest of the world, veiled by language barriers and cultural misunderstandings.It is this realization that has fueled my passion for learning English – not merely as a means of communication but as a bridge to connect China's cultural wonders with the global community. Through the mastery of this universal language, Iaspire to become an ambassador of Chinese culture, sharing its beauty and wisdom with people from all walks of life.One of the aspects of Chinese culture that I hold dearest is our profound respect for nature and the harmonious coexistence of humanity with the natural world. This philosophy is encapsulated in the concept of "Tian Ren He Yi" – the unity of man and nature. From the ancient Taoists who sought enlightenment in the simplicity of nature to the contemporary efforts to promote sustainable living, this reverence for the environment has been a guiding principle in our cultural ethos.Through the English language, I hope to convey the depth of this philosophy to a wider audience, inspiring others to embrace a more mindful and eco-friendly way of life. By sharing the wisdom of Chinese sages and the beauty of our natural landscapes, I aim to foster a greater appreciation for the delicate balance that must be maintained between human endeavors and the preservation of our planet.Another aspect of Chinese culture that I am passionate about sharing is our rich literary tradition. From the poetic masterpieces of Li Bai and Du Fu to the epic novels like "Journey to the West" and "Dream of the Red Chamber," our literature is a treasure trove of human experience, emotion, and philosophicalinsight. These works not only reflect the cultural values and beliefs of our ancestors but also resonate with universal themes that transcend geographical boundaries.By studying English literature and developing my skills as a writer and translator, I hope to bridge the gap between these two literary worlds, introducing the Western audience to the profound wisdom and artistic beauty of Chinese literature. Through careful translation and insightful analysis, I aim to unveil the layers of symbolism and metaphor that often elude those unfamiliar with our cultural context.Furthermore, I believe that the English language can serve as a powerful tool in promoting the appreciation of Chinese art and aesthetics. From the delicate brushstrokes of traditional calligraphy to the intricate patterns of silk embroidery, our artistic expressions are imbued with a unique blend of technical mastery and philosophical depth.By leveraging the descriptive power of the English language, I hope to capture the essence of these art forms, enabling others to appreciate the meticulous craftsmanship and the cultural significance behind each brushstroke or stitch. Through written and spoken narratives, I aim to guide viewers on a journey ofdiscovery, unveiling the stories and symbolism that lie beneath the surface of these artistic masterpieces.Beyond the tangible aspects of our culture, I am also eager to share the philosophical and spiritual traditions that have shaped the Chinese mindset for millennia. From the teachings of Confucius on moral virtues and social harmony to the principles of Taoism that emphasize the natural flow of life, these ancient philosophies offer profound insights that can enrich our modern lives.By studying and mastering the English language, I hope to articulate these complex concepts in a manner that resonates with audiences from diverse cultural backgrounds. Through thoughtful discourse and engaging presentations, I aim to spark intellectual curiosity and foster cross-cultural understanding, encouraging others to explore the wisdom of our philosophical heritage.Moreover, I believe that the English language can serve as a bridge to promote the appreciation of Chinese culinary traditions, which are not merely a matter of flavors but a celebration of our cultural identity. From the intricate art of tea ceremonies to the symbolic significance of certain dishes duringfestivals, our cuisine is a reflection of our rich history and deeply rooted customs.By sharing the stories and cultural context behind these culinary traditions, I aim to elevate the dining experience from a mere act of sustenance to a journey of cultural immersion. Through engaging narratives and vivid descriptions, I hope to transport readers to the bustling streets of ancient Chinese cities, allowing them to savor the aromas and flavors that have delighted generations of our ancestors.Ultimately, my aspiration to spread Chinese culture through the English language stems from a deep-rooted belief that our cultural heritage has much to offer the world. In an era of globalization and interconnectedness, it is imperative that we foster mutual understanding and appreciation among peoples of diverse backgrounds.By mastering the English language, I can become a bridge between cultures, facilitating the exchange of ideas, values, and traditions. Through my writing, speaking, and storytelling abilities, I aim to captivate audiences with the richness and depth of Chinese culture, inspiring them to embrace its wisdom and beauty.Furthermore, by promoting cultural understanding, I hope to contribute to the fostering of global harmony and peaceful coexistence. As we learn to appreciate and respect one another's cultural heritage, we pave the way for greater empathy, tolerance, and unity among nations.In conclusion, my journey to spread Chinese culture through the English language is not merely a personal aspiration but a mission to promote cultural exchange, understanding, and global harmony. With determination, dedication, and a profound love for my cultural roots, I am confident that I can become an effective ambassador, sharing the treasures of Chinese culture with the world and inspiring others to embrace the beauty and wisdom it has to offer.篇2I Want to Spread Chinese Culture Through EnglishHey there! My name is Xiao Ming and I'm a college student here in China. I have a deep passion for my cultural heritage and I want to share it with the world through the powerful language of English.You see, China has such an incredibly rich history and tradition that has shaped who we are as a people over thousandsof years. From our ancient philosophies and poetry to our beautiful arts, customs, and way of life - there is so much value and wisdom to be found. At the same time, China's modern culture is vibrant, innovative and leaving an important mark on the world.I feel it's so important for people globally to understand and appreciate the real essence of Chinese culture, beyond just the shallow stereotypes and misunderstandings. The world could hugely benefit from being exposed to the profundity of Chinese thought and values like harmony, humanity, integrity, respect for learning and more. There are universal truths and insights that could genuinely enrich all of humanity.That's why I want to act as a bridge and use my skills in English to spread awareness and understanding of authentic Chinese culture on a global level. English is the world's lingua franca, spoken by billions across the planet. By expressing the richness of my heritage through the English language, I can open the doors for genuine cross-cultural connection and exchange.Let me give you a little background on why Chinese culture means so much to me personally. I was raised in a relatively traditional household where many of the customs, philosophies and ways of ancient China were still very much alive. Mygrandparents in particular instilled the values of our ancestors deeply within me from a young age.I have such fond memories of my grandfather patiently teaching me ancient Chinese proverbs and parables, each containing profound wisdom about how to live an ethical, balanced life in harmony with the world around us. The emphasis on virtues like benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and loyalty really shaped my moral compass.My grandmother on the other hand passed down so much related to our traditions, heritage and arts. She taught me traditional Chinese painting, calligraphy, poetry, and all about the different festivals and their importance. Over her lifetime, she embodied and practiced so many of the cultural customs and courtesies that have defined the refined Chinese way of life for centuries.Practices like nǐ anr and drinking te a took on such deeper significance and spiritual meaning beyond just the actions themselves. I was in awe at how these traditions connected me to an unbroken chain of cultures stretching back thousands of years to ancient times. It engrained a great sense of pride, groundedness and purpose within me.As I grew older, my passion for Chinese culture motivated me to explore it from an academic perspective as well. I immersed myself in studying feudal philosophy, literature, history and the fine arts. I was particularly drawn to the intellectual depth of the major philosophical schools of thought like Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism.Ideas like the Confucian principle of "adhering to the Mean" - promoting the pursuit of virtuous and moral moderation as the ideal state of being. Or the Buddhist emphasis on meditation, self-reflection and the interconnectedness of all beings. Or the Daoist's embrace of living harmoniously with nature and effortless action. These all resonated so profoundly with me and were eye-opening windows into the brilliant ancient Chinese mind.At the same time, I've been enthralled witnessing how China's traditional culture has been dynamically adapting and evolving with our modern society. Millennia-old artforms and practices taking on amazing new contemporary expressions. Ancient philosophies being reinterpreted and applied to modern challenges in thought-provoking ways. Enduring customs being embraced by new generations in ways that transmit deep cultural meaning.To me, this is a testament to just how resilient, richly substantive and precious the Chinese cultural heritage is. If it were merely some outdated relic, it would have faded away eons ago. But its core truths and value have withstood the test of time while still remaining highly relevant, meaningful and beloved by Chinese people today.This dynamism gives me such hope for its long-term perseverance and growth. I want to play a role in ensuring that this living, breathing heritage always has a voice and presence on the world stage in this era of increasing globalization and cross-cultural exchange.My dream is to become a cultural ambassador for China, sharing the beauty, profundity and wisdom of its traditions through the powerful tool of the English language. Whether through writing, speaking, teaching or advocacy work - I want to open the door to mutual understanding between the East and West. To shatter myths, dispel ignorance, and foster a genuine appreciation for the Chinese way of life and lens on the world.The English language gives me the opportunity to make ancient Chinese ideas and teachings accessible to billions across the globe in an accurate, nuanced way. I can help Chinese culture travel widely while maintaining its authenticity instead ofbecoming lost in translation. It's a way for me to share my pride in my identity while expanding people's perspectives.I know there is still a general lack of awareness and even some misperceptions about Chinese culture in many parts of the world. Too often it gets oversimplified, exoticized or pigeonholed into stereotypes and caricatures peddled by the media and pop culture. There is so much complexity and depth that gets missed or misrepresented as a result.That's why I'm so passionate about being that bridge to help global audiences understand Chinese culture on a deeper level - to access its rich layers of history, folklores and philosophies in an engaging, thoughtful way. To move beyond just the observable customs and traditions to grasp the profound heart and spirit that powers them. To build cultural appreciation, literacy and dialogue.With my skills in English and familiarity with Western cultural contexts, I can take the core ideas and concepts and frame them in relevant, relatable ways. Making the universal human wisdoms embedded in Chinese culture resonate across linguistic and cultural boundaries. Fostering genuine human-to-human connection through our shared stories, beliefs and experiences as a unifying force.This cross-pollination and mutual understanding is so vital in our increasingly globalized world. We can take the best wisdom and values from both Western and Eastern traditions to build a richer, more inclusive human civilization. I want my work in spreading Chinese culture through English to contribute to that goal of expansive thinking and harmonious exchange.Ultimately, by acting as an ambassador for Chinese heritage and values, I hope to ignite greater appreciation for its beauty across the world. To have it be understood, respected and embraced as one of the great forces that shaped human civilization and conscience. Not just some outdated relic, but a living, thriving bedrock of humanist wisdom that is as relevant as ever.That's the vision that drives me - to be a bridge between civilizations and build mutual understanding through culture. To give Chinese culture a voice and presence on the global stage in this era. I feel a great sense of duty and passion to play that role by sharing its enduring truths, stories and value with the world through the powerful tool of my English skills.I hope you can see why this calling means so much to me. Behind my quest is a deep reverence for my ancestry, heritage and the profoundly impactful ideas developed by the brilliantancient Chinese mind. A desire to ensure this precious gift is never forgotten but elevates all of humanity through greater cultural literacy, empathy and cross-pollination.I'm excited to embark on this journey of cross-cultural bridgebuilding and representation! Let me know if you have any other thoughts or questions. I'd be happy to discuss further why being a passionate advocate for Chinese culture on the world stage through the English language is so important to me.篇3My Desire to Spread Chinese Culture Through the English LanguageGreetings everyone! My name is Xiao Ming, and I am a20-year-old university student from Beijing, China. Ever since I was a child, I have been passionate about Chinese culture and history. From the ancient philosophies of Confucianism and Taoism to the rich literary classics like Journey to the West and Romance of the Three Kingdoms, China's cultural heritage has always fascinated me deeply.However, as I grew older, I realized that much of this profound cultural knowledge remains largely confined within China's borders. The rest of the world knows bits and pieces –things like kung fu movies, Chinese cuisine, and the Great Wall. But there is so much more depth and beauty to Chinese culture that remains unexplored by the global community.This realization led me to develop a strong desire to act as a cultural ambassador – to spread awareness and understanding of authentic Chinese culture to people across the world using the powerful medium of the English language.Why English, you may ask? Well, English has emerged as the true global lingua franca in our modern, interconnected world. By expressing Chinese cultural concepts in English, I can communicate them to audiences from every corner of the planet, transcending barriers of language and geography.My journey with the English language began at a young age when my parents enrolled me in after-school English classes. While my classmates treated it as just another academic subject, I embraced English with a deeper sense of purpose – as the key that could unlock the doors to cross-cultural understanding.As I delved deeper into mastering English, I was amazed by its flexibility and expressive power. Certain aspects of Chinese culture, like the emphasis on harmony, subtlety, and the notion of complementary dualities, can be quite difficult to convey accurately in Chinese itself. But the English language, with itsextensive vocabulary and linguistic nuances, provides the ideal medium to articulately express such profound cultural concepts to a global audience.Take the Taoist principle of "wu wei" (effortless action) for example. In Chinese, it is a rather abstract idea. But in English, I can elucidate it as "the art of letting things take their natural course, without forcing outcomes through excessive effort or rigid control." By rendering it in such vivid English prose, this deep Taoist wisdom immediately becomes more relatable and understandable to Westerners.My efforts are not limited to just interpreting ancient Chinese philosophy and literature though. I am equally keen to promote awareness of China's rich traditions in arts, architecture, festivals, and even culinary arts. From the bold, dramatic strokes of Chinese calligraphy to the symbolic meanings behind the colorful designs of a traditional Chinese dress, there are so many fascinating cultural elements that I feel deserve global admiration.To give you a small example, most Westerners know that the Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) involves giving out red envelopes containing money. But how many know the deeper cultural significance behind this practice? Using English, I caneloquently explain how red is regarded as an auspicious color symbolizing luck and prosperity in Chinese culture. And how the act of elders gifting money in red envelopes carries the traditional meaning of bestowing blessings upon the younger generation for a prosperous year ahead.My goal is to go beyond just the observable cultural elements and truly help international audiences understand the profound philosophical underpinnings and symbolic meanings behind Chinese traditions. And I feel English gives me the ideal linguistic vehicle to convey these deep-rooted cultural concepts in a lucid and relatable manner.Of course, some may argue that English is a Western language, and therefore, not the most authentic medium to represent Eastern philosophies and traditions. However, I firmly believe that the true essence of Chinese culture transcends linguistic barriers. As long as I can find the right words and expressions in English to faithfully capture the spirit behind Chinese ideas, the language itself becomes simply a tool of communication rather than an impediment.In fact, I would argue that expressing Chinese culture through the English lens could potentially make it even more understandable and appealing to global audiences. After all,when ancient Greek and Roman philosophies found expression through scholars writing in Arabic and Latin during medieval times, it allowed those wisdom traditions to transcend their regional origins and impact global thought.My efforts are still nascent, but I have already started a blog and social media pages where I regularly post articles, videos and other content encapsulating various aspects of Chinese culture – all thoughtfully expressed in English. The positive reactions and engaging discussions I have witnessed in the comments sections from people of diverse nationalities has been extremely gratifying. It reaffirms my belief that there is indeed a global appetite to learn about the profundities of Chinese culture, if only it is presented in an enlightening and relatable manner.While my online initiatives are currently small in scale, my grander vision is to eventually become a professionalcross-cultural consultant or liaison. I dream of being engaged by multinational companies, educational institutions or diplomatic bodies to help bridge cultural gaps and facilitate smoother cooperation between China and the world.With my mastery over both English and the nuances of Chinese cultural thought, I could help global organizationsoperate more seamlessly in China by providing guidance on cultural awareness and etiquette. Conversely, for Chinese entities expanding their presence internationally, I could ensure that their branding and communication channels present an authentic, culturally-resonant image to their global audiences.Fundamentally though, my biggest motivation comes from a personal sense of patriotism and duty towards my cultural heritage. China has an ancient, rich civilization that has given birth to invaluable wisdom and traditions over millennia. As world cultures become increasingly homogenized by globalization, I feel it is crucial to create greater global awareness about the unique Chinese perspective on concepts like harmony, virtue, duty and humanity's connectedness with nature.By harnessing the power of English as a universal communication tool, I hope to play a role in ensuring that these profound Chinese cultural ideas acquire more mainstream global recognition and appreciation. I want to see Confucian wisdom being discussed in philosophy classes from Boston to Berlin. I dream of Chinese watercolor techniques being studied by art students from Sydney to Sao Paulo. And I aspire for Chinese architectural marvels to inspire awe and wonder across the Iraqideserts and Scandinavian tundras, just as they have done in the Chinese mainland for centuries.For too long, Chinese culture has been approximated, exoticized and at times, unfairly stereotyped by foreign lenses. I want to offer an authentic, insider's perspective directly from the source – while making it accessible through the global language of English. By bridging these two vastly different worlds of language and culture, I hope to foster greater cross-cultural understanding, appreciation and harmony between China and the world at large.With diligent study, open-minded cultural interpretation and skillful use of the English tongue as my tool, I am determined to take on this selfless mission of championing Chinese cultural wisdom on the global stage. It is an endeavor that fulfills both my patriotic duties and my sincere desire to promote greater connectedness between all human civilizations.I hope you will join me on this meaningful journey of cross-cultural exploration and exchange. Because in the end, despite our diversity of languages and customs, we all share an innate human curiosity to learn from the profound ideas and rich traditions of other great cultures and civilizations across this vast, wondrous world of ours.。



中英文资料外文翻译Internet of Things1.the definition of connotationThe English name of the Internet of Things The Internet of Things, referred to as: the IOT.Internet of Things through the pass, radio frequency identification technology, global positioning system technology, real-time acquisition of any monitoring, connectivity, interactive objects or processes, collecting their sound, light, heat, electricity, mechanics, chemistry, biology, the location of a variety of the information you need network access through a variety of possible things and things, objects and people in the Pan-link intelligent perception of items and processes, identification and management. The Internet of Things IntelliSense recognition technology and pervasive computing, ubiquitous network integration application, known as the third wave of the world's information industry development following the computer, the Internet. Not so much the Internet of Things is a network, as Internet of Things services and applications, Internet of Things is also seen as Internet application development. Therefore, the application of innovation is the core of the development of Internet of Things, and 2.0 of the user experience as the core innovation is the soul of Things.2.The meaning of "material"Where the "objects" to meet the following conditions can be included in the scope of the "Internet of Things":1. Receiver have the appropriate information;2. Have a data transmission path;3. Have a certain storage capabilities;4. To have the CPU;5.To have the operating system;6. Have specialized applications;7. Have a data transmitter;8. Follow the communication protocol of Things;9. World Network, a unique number that can be identified.3. "Chinese style" as defined inInternet of Things (Internet of Things) refers to is the ubiquitous (Ubiquitous) terminal equipment (Devices) and facilities (Facilities), including with the "inner intelligence" sensors, mobile terminals, industrial systems, floor control system, the family of Intelligentfacilities, video surveillance systems, and external can "(Enabled), such as RFID, a variety of assets (the Assets), personal and vehicle carrying the wireless terminal" intelligent objects or animals "or" smart dust "(the Mote), through a variety of wireless and / or cable over long distances and / or short-range communication networks to achieve interoperability (M2M), application integration (the Grand Integration), and based on cloud computing, SaaS operation mode, in internal network (intranet), private network (extranet), and / or the Internet (Internet) environment, the use of appropriate information security mechanisms to provide a safe, controlled and even personalized real-time online monitoring, retrospective positioning, alarm linkage, command and control plan management, remote control, security, remote repair and maintenance, online upgrades, statistical reporting, decision support, the leadership of the desktop (showcase of the Cockpit Dashboard) management and service functions, "Everything," "efficient, energy saving, security environmental protection, "" possession, control, Camp integration [1].4.EU definitionIn September 2009, the Internet of Things and enterprise environments held in Beijing, China-EU Seminar on the European Commission and Social Media Division RFID Division is responsible for Dr. Lorent Ferderix, given the EU's definition of things: the Internet of Things is a dynamic global network infrastructure, it has a standards-based and interoperable communication protocols, self-organizing capabilities, including physical and virtual "objects" of identity, physical attributes, virtual features and smart interface and seamless integration of information networks .Internet of Things Internet and media, the Internet and business Internet one, constitute the future of the Internet.5.changeThe Internet of Things (Internet of Things) the word universally recognized at home and abroad Ashton, Professor of the MIT Auto-ID Center in 1999 first proposed to study RFID. The report of the same name released in 2005, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the definition and scope of the Internet of Things has been a change in the coverage of a larger expansion, no longer refers only to the Internet of Things based on RFID technology.Since August 2009, Premier Wen Jiabao put forward the "Experience China" Internet of Things was officially listed as a national one of the five emerging strategic industries, to write the "Government Work Report" Internet of Things in China has been the great concern of the society as a whole degree of concern is unparalleled in the United States, European Union, as well as other countries.The concept of Internet of Things is not so much a foreign concept, as it has been the concept of a "Made in China", his coverage of the times, has gone beyond the scope of the 1999 Ashton professor and the 2005 ITU report referred to, Internet of Things has been labeled a "Chinese style" label.6.BackgroundThe concept of Internet of Things in 1999. Internet-based, RFID technology and EPC standards, on the basis of the computer Internet, the use of radio frequency identification technology, wireless data communication technology, a global items of information to real-time sharing of the physical Internet "Internet of things" (referred to as the Internet of Things) , which is also the basis of the first round of the China Internet of Things boom set off in 2003.The sensor network is built up based on sensing technology network. Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1999 on the start sensor network research and has made some achievements in scientific research, the establishment of applicable sensor network.1999, held in the United States, mobile computing and networking International Conference, "The sensor network is a development opportunity facing humanity in the next century. In 2003, the United States, "Technology Review" proposed sensor network technology will be future changes ten people's lives first.November 17, 2005, the WSIS held in Tunis (WSIS), the International TelecommunicationUnion released ITU Internet Report 2005: Internet of Things ", citing the concept of the" Internet of things ". The report pointed out that the ubiquitous "Internet of Things" communication era is approaching, all the objects in the world, from tires to toothbrushes, from housing to the tissue via the Internet, take the initiative to be exchanged. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), sensor technology, nanotechnology, intelligent embedded technology will be more widely used.According to the description of the ITU, the era of things, a short-range mobile transceivers embedded in a variety of daily necessities, human beings in the world of information and communication will receive a new communication dimension, from any time communication between people of the place of connection extended to the communication connection between persons and things and things and things. The Internet of Things concept of the rise, largely due to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the title of Internet of Things 2005 annual Internet Report. However, the ITU report the lack of a clear definition of Things.Domestic Internet of Things is also there is no single standard definition, but the Internet of Things In essence, the Internet of Things is a polymer application of modern information technology to a certain stage of development and technological upgrading of various sensing technology modern network technology and artificial intelligence and automation technology aggregation and integration of applications, so that the human and material wisdom of dialogue to create a world of wisdom. Because the development of the Internet of Things technology, involving almost all aspects of IT, innovative application and development of a polymer, systematic, and therefore be called revolutionary innovation of information industry. Summed up the nature of the Internet of Things is mainly reflected in three aspects: First, the Internet features that need to be networked objects must be able to achieve the interoperability of the Internet; identification and communication features, that is included in the Internet of Things "objects" must to have the functions of automatic identification and physical objects communication (M2M); intelligent features, the network system should have automated, self-feedback and intelligent control features January 28, 2009, Obama became the President of the United States, held with U.S. business leaders a "round table", as one of the only two representatives, IBM CEO Sam Palmisano for the first time that "the wisdom of the Earth" this concept, it is recommended that the new government to invest in a new generation of intelligent infrastructure.February 24, 2009 news, IBM Greater China CEO money crowd called "Smarter Planet"strategy announced in the forum 2009IBM.This concept was put forth, that is the great concern of the United States from all walks of life, and even analysts believe that IBM's vision is very likely to rise to U.S. national strategy, and caused a sensation in the world. IBM believes that the industry, the next phase of the mission is to make full use of the new generation of IT technology in all walks of life among specifically, is the embedded sensors and equipment to the power grid, railways, bridges, tunnels, highways, buildings, water supply systems dams, oil and gas pipelines and other objects, and is generally connected to the formation of Things.Strategy conference, IBM, and implant the concept of "wisdom" in the implementation of the infrastructure, strong, not only in the short term to stimulate the economy, promote employment, and in a short period of time for China to build a mature wisdom infrastructure platform.IBM "Smarter Planet" strategy will set off again after the wave of Internet technology industrial revolution. Former IBM CEO Lou Gerstner has raised an important point of view, every 15 years, a revolution in computing model. This judgment is the same as Moore's Law accurately call it a "15-year cycle Law". Before and after 1965, changes to the mainframe as a symbol, 1980 marked by the popularization of personal computers, 1995, the Internet revolution. Each such technological change are caused by the enterprise, industry and even the national competitive landscape of major upheaval and change. To a certain extent in the Internet revolution is ripening by the "information superhighway" strategy. 1990s, the Clinton administration plan for 20 years, $ 200 billion to -4000 billion, construction of the U.S. National Information Infrastructure, to create a huge economic and social benefits.Today, the "Smarter Planet" strategy by many Americans that there are many similarities with the "information superhighway", the same they revive the economy, a key strategy for competitive advantage. The strategy can be set off, not only for the United States, such as the Internet revolution was the wave of technological and economic concern, more attention from the world."Internet of Things prospects are very bright, it will dramatically change our current way of life." Demonstration director of the Center of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Electrical and Electronic Zhao Guoan said. Industry experts said that the Internet of things to our life personification of the things became a kind of human.Goods (goods) in the world of physical objects associated with each other "exchange", without the need for human intervention.The Internet of Things using radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, to achieve the interconnection and sharing of the automatic identification of goods (products) and information through the computer Internet. It can be said that the Internet of Things depict the world is full of intelligent. In the world of Internet of Things, material objects connected to the dragnet.The second session, held at Peking University in November 2008, China Mobile Government Seminar "Knowledge Society and Innovation 2.0", the experts made the mobile technology, the Internet of Things technology led to the development of economic and social form, innovative forms of change, and promote the The next generation of innovation for the knowledge society as the core of user experience (innovative 2.0) the formation of innovation and development of the form to pay more attention to the user to focus on people-oriented. Research institutions is expected to 10 years, the Internet of Things may be mass adoption of this technology will develop into one of thousands of yuan-scale high-tech market, the industry than the Internet 30 times.It is learned that the things industry chain can be broken down into the identity, perception, processing and information transfer, four links, each link of the key technologies for the wireless transmission network of RFID, sensors, smart chip and telecom operators. EPOSS in the "Internet of Things in 2020" report, an analysis predicted that the future development of the Internet of Things will go through four stages, 2010, RFID is widely used in the field of logistics, retail and pharmaceutical objects interconnect 2010 to 2015, 2015 ~ In 2020, the object into the semi-intelligent, intelligent objects into 2020.As the vanguard of the Internet of Things, RFID has become the most concerned about the technology market. The data show that the global RFID market size in 2008 from $ 4.93 billion in 2007 rose to $ 5.29 billion, this figure covers all aspects of the RFID market, including tags, readers and other infrastructure, software and services. RFID card and card-related infrastructure will account for 57.3 percent of the market, reaching $ 3.03 billion. Application from financial and security industries will drive the market growth of RFID cards. Analysys International forecasts, the Chinese RFID market size in 2009 will reach 5.0 billion, a CAGR of 33%, in which the electronic tag is more than 3.8 billion yuan, the reader close to 700 million yuan, software and services market to reach 500 million yuan pattern.MEMS is the abbreviation of the micro-electromechanical systems, MEMS technology is built on the basis of micro / nano, the market prospect is broad. The main advantage of the MEMS sensoris the small size, large-scale mass production cost reduction, mainly used in two major areas of automotive and consumer electronics. Under ICInsight the latest report is expected in 2007-2012, global sales of semiconductor sensors and actuators based on MEMS will reach 19 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR), compared with $ 4.1 billion in 2007 to five years will achieve $ 9.7 billion in annual sales.7.PrincipleInternet of Things is on the basis of the computer Internet, RFID, wireless data communications technology, to construct a cover everything in the world's "Internet of Things". In this network, the goods (products) to each other "exchange", without the need for human intervention. Its essence is the use of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to achieve the interconnection and sharing of the automatic identification of goods (products) and information through the computer Internet.The Internet of Things is a very important technology is radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. RFID is radio frequency identification (Radio Frequency Identification) technology abbreviation, is an automatic identification technology in the 1990s began to rise, the more advanced a non-contact identification technology. The development of RFID technology based on a simple RFID system, combined with existing network technology, database technology, middleware technology, to build a one composed by a large number of networked readers and numerous mobile label, much larger than the Internet of Things trend.RFID, It is able to let items "speak" a technique. In the "Internet of Things" concept, RFID tags are stored in the specification and interoperability information collected automatically by wireless data communications network to a central information system, to achieve the identification of goods (products), and then through the open computer network for information exchange and sharing, items "transparent" management.The information technology revolution in the Internet of Things is referred to as IT mobile Pan of a specific application. Internet of Things through IntelliSense, identification technology and pervasive computing, ubiquitous network convergence applications, breaking the conventional thinking before, human beings can achieve ubiquitous computing and network connectivity [3]. The traditional thinking has been the separation of physical infrastructure and IT infrastructure: on the one hand, airports, roads, buildings, while on the other hand, the data center, PC, broadband. In theera of the "Internet of Things", reinforced concrete, cable with the chip, broadband integration into a unified infrastructure, in this sense, the infrastructure is more like a new site of the Earth, the world really works it, which including economic management, production operation, social and even personal life. "Internet of Things" makes it much more refined and dynamic management of production and life, to manage the future of the city to achieve the status of "wisdom" to improve resource utilization and productivity levels, and improve the relationship between man and nature. 8.Agency1, institution-buildingAs the first national Internet of Things industry community organizations - the application of professional Committee of China Electronic Chamber of Things technology products (referred to as: "objects of the IPCC"), the Ministry of Civil Affairs in June 2010, preliminary approved by the Ministry of August being reported that the Ministry of Civil Affairs for final approval.2, the main taskServe as a bridge between business and government to assist the Government of the industry guidance, coordination, consultation and services to help members to reflect the business requirements to the Government; coordinate the relationship between enterprises to strengthen technical cooperation, product distribution, the elimination of vicious competition ; supervision of members the correct implementation of national laws and regulations, to regulate the industry; member of information communication technology products, cooperation, resource sharing, capital operation, and promote the application of Internet of Things technologies and products, and promote the Internet of Things industrial scale , co-development.9.ConstructionInternet of Things in the practical application to carry out requires the involvement of all walks of life, and need the guidance of the national government as well as related regulations and policies to assist the launching of the Internet of Things has the scale, broad participation, management, technical, and material properties, etc. other features, the technical problem is the most crucial issues of Things billion Bo logistics consulting, Internet of Things technology is an integrated technology, a system not yet which company has overall responsibility for network planning and construction of the entire system, theoretical studies have commenced in all walks of life and the practical application is limited to within the industry. The key is on the planning and design andresearch and development of the Internet of Things research in the field of RFID, sensors, embedded software, and transmission of data calculation. In general, to carry out the steps of the Internet of things mainly as follows:(1) identified the object attributes, properties, including static and dynamic properties of the static property can be stored directly in the label, the dynamic properties need to start with sensors to detect real-time;(2) the need to identify the equipment to complete the reading of object attributes, and information into a data format suitable for network transmission;(3) the object of information transmitted over the network to the information processing center (processing center may be distributed, such as home computers or mobile phones, may also be centralized, such as China Mobile IDC) by the processing center to complete the object communication calculation.10.key areasInternet of Things 4 key areas:(1) RFID;(2) sensor network;(3) The M2M;(4) integration of the two.11.TrendIndustry experts believe that the Internet of things on the one hand can improve economic efficiency and significant cost savings; the other hand, can provide technical impetus to global economic recovery. Currently, the United States, the European Union are all invested heavily in-depth study to explore the Internet of Things. The country is also highly concerned about the emphasis of Things, Industry and Information Technology Ministry in conjunction with the relevant departments are conducting research in a new generation of IT to the formation of policies and measures to support the development of a new generation of IT.China Mobile CEO Wang Jianzhou has repeatedly mentioned the Internet of Things will become the focus of future development of China Mobile. He will be invited to Taiwan to produce RFID, sensors and bar code manufacturers and China Mobile. According to him, the use of the Internet of Things technology, Shanghai Mobile has a number of industrial customers tailor the datacollection, transmission, processing and business management in one set of wireless application solutions. The latest data show that Shanghai Mobile has more than 100,000 chips mounted on a taxi, bus, various forms of matter networking applications in all walks of prowess, to ensure the orderly operation of the city. During the Shanghai World Expo, "the bus services through" will be fully applied to the Shanghai public transport system, the smooth flow traffic to the most advanced technology to protect Expo area; for logistics transportation management, e-logistics ", will provide users with real-time accurate information of Cargo, vehicle tracking and positioning, the transport path selection, logistics network design and optimization services greatly enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of logistics enterprises.In addition, the popularization of the "Internet of Things" for the number of animals, plants and machinery, sensors and RFID tags of items and related interface devices will greatly exceed the number of mobile phones. The promotion of the Internet of Things will become a drive to promote economic development for the industry to open up a potential development opportunities. According to the current demand on the Internet of Things, in recent years, billions of sensors and electronic tags, which will greatly promote the production of IT components, while increasing the number of job opportunities.According to reports, it is necessary to truly build an effective Internet of things, there are two important factors. First, the scale, only with the scale to make the items of intelligence play a role. For example, a city of one million vehicles, if we only 10000 vehicles installed on the smart system, it is impossible to form an intelligent transportation system; two mobility items are usually not static, but in the state of the movement , we must maintain the items in the state of motion, and even high-speed motion state can at any time for dialogue.FORRESTER of the authority of the U.S. advisory body predicted that 2020, the world of business of the Internet of Things, compared with the business of interpersonal communication, will reach 30 to 1, so the "Internet of Things" is known to be the next one trillion communications services.Internet of Things heat wave Why is rapidly growing in China? Internet of Things in China rapid rise thanks to the several advantages of our country in terms of things.In the early 1999 launched the Internet of Things core sensor network technology research, R & D level in the world; the second, sensor network field in the world, China is the standard one ofthe dominant country, the patent owner; third China is one of the countries to achieve a complete industrial chain of Things; Fourth, China's wireless communications network and broadband coverage provides a solid infrastructure to support the development of the Internet of Things; Fifth, China has become the world's first the three major economies, with strong economic strength to support the development of the Internet of Things.12.MythThe current understanding of the Internet of things there are a lot of misunderstanding, which is also a direct impact on our understanding of Things on the development of the logistics industry, it is necessary first to distinguish errors, clarify our thinking.One sensor networks or RFID network equivalent of Things. The fact that sensor technology, or RFID technology, or are simply one of the information collection technology. In addition to the sensor technology and RFID technology, GPS, video recognition, infrared, laser, scanning can be achieved automatically identify physical objects to communicate technical information collection technology can become the Internet of Things. Sensor networks or RFID network is just an application of Things, but not all of Things.Second, the Internet of Things as a myriad of unlimited extension of the Internet of Things as a completely open for all things, all of the interconnections, all shared Internet platform.In fact, the Internet of Things is not simple infinite extension of the global sharing of the Internet. Even if the Internet is also not only refers to we typically think of the international sharing computer network, Internet, WAN and LAN. Internet of Things can be both an extension of our usual sense of the Internet to the matter; LAN, professional can also be based on real needs and industrial applications. The reality is not necessary and can not make all the items networking; no need to make professional, LAN must be connected to the global Internet sharing platform. Of things in the future the Internet will be very different from the professional network of similar smart logistics, smart transportation, smart grid; the intelligence community and other local area network is the largest use of space.Ter, that the ubiquitous network of the Internet of Things Internet of Things, and therefore the Internet of Things is a castle in the air, is difficult to achieve the technology. In fact the Internet of things are real, many of the primary Internet of Things applications already for our services. The Internet of Things concept is introduced in many real-world applications based on polymericintegrated innovation, pre-existing network with the Internet of Things, intelligent, automated system, summarized and upgrading it upgraded from a higher perspective our knowledge.Four of Things as a basket, and everything installed inside; based on self-awareness, and only be able to interact, communication products as the Internet of Things applications. For example, just embedded some of the sensors, to become the so-called Internet of Things appliances; products labeled with RFID tags, became the Internet of Things applications.esThings widely used throughout the intelligent transportation, environmental protection, government, public safety, peace at home, smart fire, industrial monitoring, environmental monitoring, elderly care, personal health, floriculture, water monitoring, food traceability, enemy detection and intelligence collection and other fields.International Telecommunication Union in 2005, a report has portrayed the picture of the era of the "Internet of Things": car when the driver operational errors will automatically alarm; briefcase will remind the owner forgot something; clothes will "tell" washing machine color and water temperature requirements. Billion Bo logistics consulting vivid introduction of Things in the logistics field, for example, a logistics company, application of Things truck, when loading overweight, the car will automatically tell you overloaded and overload how many, but the space remaining , the severity of goods with how to tell you; when handling staff unloading a cargo packaging may be shouting "throw you hurt me", or "My dear, you do not get too barbaric, you can?"; when the driver and others gossip, trucks will pretend boss's voice roaring "stupid, the grid!Internet of things to make full use of a new generation of IT technology in all walks of life among, specifically, is embedded sensors and equipment to the power grid, railways, bridges, tunnels, highways, buildings, water systems, dams, oil and gas pipelines, etc.kinds of objects, and then "Internet of Things" with the existing Internet to integrate and realize the integration of human society and the physical system, which in this integrated network, there is the ability to super-powerful central computer cluster, integrated network staff implementation of real-time management and control of the machinery, equipment and infrastructure, on this basis, the human can be more refined and dynamic management of production and life, to achieve the status of the "wisdom", to improve resource utilization and productivity levels, and improve human the relationship between the natural.。



An all-hands meeting is one that is held with everyone who works within a company. It tends to be held when there is important information that needs to be communicated to a large group of employees, as this allows information to be passed on to everyone at the same time.
Dustin was chosen as the new CEO, with 95% of the votes.
Successful candidates need to be supported by at least 2/3 of all stakeholders.
If nobody receives the required number of votes, the previous person stays on for another 6 months
Can Employees Decide an Organization’s Leadership?
Today the leadership election process looks quite different.
The CEO starts the process by proposing an organizational structure for the next year with a public document, sharing a vision for the future and what would be needed in terms of leadership positions. Everyone is able to question the necessity of any position. Once the positions are defined, everyone can apply, or propose someone else. One month before an election, the people who are up for the position introduce themselves and their ideas. Successful candidates need to be supported by at least 2/3 of all stakeholders. If nobody receives the required number of votes, the previous person stays on for another six months, and then a new election would be held.










In modern societies, despite the social progress and prosperity, people always feel that there is something not quite right. However , it is hard for them to put a finger on it .A feeling of emptiness and not belonging ,a lack of defined solid relationship seem to be the sources of unhappiness. People all agree on the great conundrum of personal happiness: when asked how they are they will answer in terms of their family life and work life rather than the quality of salary. For them, the quality of life means more than the quantity of salary. However, politicians find it hard to grasp the subject, and are flummoxed by immeasurable concepts such as the family value. As a matter of fact, the government can take a provocative role to respond to the yearning for happiness. Ultimately society’s happiness requires us all to play our part, and indeed, playing our part is part of being happy.第四单元电子邮件对我们职业生涯和个人生活的影响非同一般。



2007年考研英语真题和答案Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark [A], [B], [C] or [D] on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)By 1830 the former Spanish and Portuguese colonies had become independent nations. The roughly 20 million of these nations looked to the future. Born in the crisis of the old regime and Iberian Colonialism, many of the leaders of independence the ideals of representative government, careers to talent, freedom of commerce and trade, the to private property, and a belief in the individual as the basis of society. there was a belief that the new nations should be sovereign and independent states, large enough to be economically viable and integrated by a set of laws.On the issue of of religion and the position of the church, , there was less agreement the leadership. Roman Catholicism had been the state religion and the only one by the Spanish crown. most leaders sought to maintain Catholicism the official religion of the new states, some sought to end the of other faiths. The defense of the Church became a rallying for the conservative forces.The ideals of the early leaders of independence were often egalitarian, valuing equality of everything. Bolivar had received aid from Haiti and had in return to abolish slavery in the areas he liberated. By 1854 slavery had been abolished everywhere except Spain’s colonies. Early promises to end Indian tribute and taxes on people of mixed origin came much because the new nations still needed the revenue such policies . Egalitarian sentiments were often tempered by fears that the mass of the population was self-rule and democracy.1. [A] natives[B] inhabitants[C] peoples[D] individuals2. [A] confusedly[B] cheerfully[C] worriedly[D] hopefully3. [A] shared[B] forgot[C] attained[D] rejected4. [A] related[B] close[C] open[D] devoted5. [A] access[B] succession[C] right[D] return6. [A] Presumably[B] Incidentally[C] Obviously[D] Generally7. [A] unique[B] common[C] particular[D] typical8. [A] freedom[B] origin[C] impact[D] reform9. [A] therefore[B] however[C] indeed[D] moreover10. [A] with[B] about[C] among[D] by11. [A] allowed[B] preached[C] granted[D] funded12. [A] Since[B] If[C] Unless[D] While13. [A] as[B] for[C] under[D] against14. [A] spread[B] interference[C] exclusion[D] influence15. [A] support[B] cry[C] plea[D] wish16. [A] urged[B] intended[C] expected[D] promised17. [A] controlling[B] former[C] remaining[D] original18. [A] slower[B] faster[C] easier[D] tougher19. [A] created[B] produced[C] contributed[D] preferred20. [A] puzzled by[B] hostile to[C] pessimistic about[D] unprepared forSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing [A], [B], [C], or [D]. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET1. (40 points)Text 1If you were to examine the birth certificates of every soccer player in 2006’s World Cup tournament, you would most likely find a noteworthy quirk: elite soccer players are more likely to have been born in the earlier months of the year than in the later months. If you then examined the European national youth teams that feed the World Cup and professional ranks, you would find this strange phenomenon to be even more pronounced.What might account for this strange phenomenon? Here are a few guesses: a) certain astrological signs confer superior soccer skills;b) winter-born babies tend to have higher oxygen capacity, which increases soccer stamina; c) soccer-mad parents are more likely to conceive children in springtime, at the annual peak of soccer mania;d) none of the above.Anders Ericsson, a 58-year-old psychology professor at Florida State University, says he believes strongly in “none of the above.” Ericsson grew up in Sweden, and studied nuclear engineering until he realized he would have more opportunity to conduct his own researchif he switched to psychology. His first experiment, nearly 30 years ago, involved memory: training a person to hear and then repeat a random series of numbers. “With the first subject, after about 20 hours of training, his digit span had risen from 7 to 20,” Ericsson recalls. “He kept improving, and after about 200 hours of training he had risen to over 80 numbers.”This success, coupled with later research showing that memory itself is not genetically determined, led Ericsson to conclude that the act of memorizing is more of a cognitive exercise than an intuitive one. In other words, whatever inborn differences two people may exhibit in their abilities to memorize, those differences are swamped by how well each person “encodes” the information. And the best way to learn how to encode information meaningfully, Ericsson determined, was a process known as deliberate practice. Deliberate practice entails more than simply repeating a task. Rather, it involvessetting specific goals, obtaining immediate feedback and concentrating as much on technique as on outcome.Ericsson and his colleagues have thus taken to studying expert performers in a wide range of pursuits, including soccer. They gatherall the data they can, not just performance statistics and biographical details but also the results of their own laboratory experiments with high achievers. Their work makes a rather startling assertion: the trait we commonly call talent is highly overrated. Or, put another way, expert performers – whether in memory or surgery, ballet or computer programming – are nearly always made, not born.21. The birthday phenomenon found among soccer players is mentioned to[A] stress the importance of professional training.[B] spotlight the soccer superstars in the World Cup.[C] introduce the topic of what makes expert performance.[D] explain why some soccer teams play better than others.22. The word “mania” (Line 4, Paragraph 2) most probably means[A] fun.[B] craze.[C] hysteria.[D] excitement.23. According to Ericsson, good memory[A] depends on meaningful processing of information.[B] results from intuitive rather than cognitive exercises.[C] is determined by genetic rather than psychological factors.[D] requires immediate feedback and a high degree of concentration.24. Ericsson and his colleagues believe that[A] talent is a dominating factor for professional success.[B] biographical data provide the key to excellent performance.[C] the role of talent tends to be overlooked.[D] high achievers owe their success mostly to nurture.25. Which of the following proverbs is closest to the message thetext tries to convey?[A] “Faith will move mountains.”[B] “One reaps what one sows.”[C] “Practice makes perfect.”[D] “Like father, like son.”Text 2For the past several years, the Sunday newspaper supplement Parade has featured a column called “Ask Marilyn.” People are invited to query Marilyn vos Savant, who at age 10 had tested at a mental level of someone about 23 years old; that gave her an IQ of 228 – thehighest score ever recorded. IQ tests ask you to complete verbal and visual analogies, to envision paper after it has been folded and cut, and to deduce numerical sequences, among other similar tasks. So itis a bit confusing when vos Savant fields such queries from the average Joe (whose IQ is 100) as, What’s the difference between love and fondness? Or what is the nature of luck and coincidence? It’snot obvious how the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns suits one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best poets and philosophers.Clearly, intelligence encompasses more than a score on a test. Just what does it mean to be smart? How much of intelligence can be specified, and how much can we learn about it from neurology, genetics, computer science and other fields?The defining term of intelligence in humans still seems to be the IQ score, even though IQ tests are not given as often as they used to be. The test comes primarily in two forms: the Stanford-BinetIntelligence Scale and the Wechsler Intelligence Scales (both come in adult and children’s version). Generally costing several hundred dollars, they are usually given only by psychologists, although variations of them populate bookstores and the World Wide Web. Superhigh scores like vos Savant’s are no longer possible, because scoring is now based on a statistical population distribution among age peers, rather than simply dividing the mental age by the chronological age and multiplying by 100. Other standardized tests, such as the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) and the Graduate Record Exam (GRE), capture the main aspects of IQ tests.Such standardized tests may not assess all the important elements necessary to succeed in school and in life, argues Robert J. Sternberg. In his article “How Intelligent Is Intelligence Testing?”, Sternberg notes that traditional test best as sess analytical and verbal skills but fail to measure creativity and practical knowledge, components also critical to problem solving and life success. Moreover, IQ tests do not necessarily predict so well once populations or situations change. Research has found that IQ predicted leadership skills when the tests were given under low-stress conditions, but under high-stress conditions, IQ wasnegatively correlated with leadership – that is, it predicted the opposite. Anyone who has toiled through SAT will testify that test-taking skill also matters, whether it’s knowing when to guess or what questions to skip.26. Which of the following may be required in an intelligence test?[A] Answering philosophical questions.[B] Folding or cutting paper into different shapes.[C] Telling the differences between certain concepts.[D] Choosing words or graphs similar to the given ones.27. What can be inferred about intelligence testing from Paragraph 3?[A] People no longer use IQ scores as an indicator of intelligence.[B] More versions of IQ tests are now available on the Internet.[C] The test contents and formats for adults and children may be different.[D] Scientists have defined the important elements of human intelligence.28. People nowadays can no longer achieve IQ scores as high as vos Savant’s because[A] the scores are obtained through different computational procedures.[B] creativity rather than analytical skills is emphasized now.[C] vos Savant’s case is an extreme one that will not repeat.[D] the defining characteristic of IQ tests has changed.29. We can conclude from the last paragraph that[A] test scores may not be reliable indicators of one’s ability.[B] IQ scores and SAT results are highly correlated.[C] testing involves a lot of guesswork.[D] traditional test are out of date.30. What is the author’s attitude towards IQ tests?[A] Supportive.[B] Skeptical.[C] Impartial.[D] Biased.Text 3During the past generation, the American middle-class family that once could count on hard work and fair play to keep itselffinancially secure had been transformed by economic risk and new realities. Now a pink slip, a bad diagnosis, or a disappearing spouse can reduce a family from solidly middle class to newly poor in a few months.In just one generation, millions of mothers have gone to work, transforming basic family economics. Scholars, policymakers, and critics of all stripes have debated the social implications of these changes, but few have looked at the side effect: family risk has risen as well. Toda y’s families have budgeted to the limits of their new two-paycheck status. As a result, they have lost the parachute they once had in times of financial setback – a back-up earner (usually Mom) who could go into the workforce if the primary earner got laid off or fell sick. This “added-worker effect” could support the safety net offered by unemployment insurance or disability insurance to help families weather bad times. But today, a disruption to family fortunes can no longer be made up with extra income from an otherwise-stay-at-home partner.During the same period, families have been asked to absorb much more risk in their retirement income. Steelworkers, airline employees, and now those in the auto industry are joining millions of families who must worry about interest rates, stock market fluctuation, and the harsh reality that they may outlive their retirement money. For much of the past year, President Bush campaigned to move Social Security to a saving-account model, with retirees trading much or all of their guaranteed payments for payments depending on investment returns. For younger families, the picture is not any better. Both the absolute cost of healthcare and the share of it borne by families have risen – and newly fashionable health-savings plans are spreading from legislative halls to Wal-Mart workers, with much higher deductibles and a large new dose of investment risk for families’ future healthcare. Even demographics are working against the middle class family, as the odds of having a weak elderly parent – and all the attendant need for physical and financial assistance – have jumped eightfold in just one generation.From the middle-class family perspective, much of this, understandably, looks far less like an opportunity to exercise more financial responsibility, and a good deal more like a frightening acceleration of the wholesale shift of financial risk onto their already overburdened shoulders. The financial fallout has begun, and the political fallout may not be far behind.31. Today’s dou ble-income families are at greater financial risk in that[A] the safety net they used to enjoy has disappeared.[B] their chances of being laid off have greatly increased.[C] they are more vulnerable to changes in family economics.[D] they are deprived of unemployment or disability insurance.32. As a result of President Bush’s reform, retired people may have[A] a higher sense of security.[B] less secured payments.[C] less chance to invest.[D] a guaranteed future.33. According to the author, health-savings plans will[A] help reduce the cost of healthcare.[B] popularize among the middle class.[C] compensate for the reduced pensions.[D] increase the families’ investment risk.34. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that[A] financial risks tend to outweigh political risks.[B] the middle class may face greater political challenges.[C] financial problems may bring about political problems.[D] financial responsibility is an indicator of political status.35. Which of the following is the best title for this text?[A] The Middle Class on the Alert[B] The Middle Class on the Cliff[C] The Middle Class in Conflict[D] The Middle Class in RuinsText 4It never rains but it pours. Just as bosses and boards have finally sorted out their worst accounting and compliance troubles, and improved their feeble corporation governance, a new problem threatens to earn them – especially in America – the sort of nasty headlines that inevitably lead to heads rolling in the executive suite: data insecurity. Left, until now, to odd, low-level IT staff to put right, and seen as a concern only of data-rich industries such as banking, telecoms and air travel, information protection is now high on the boss’s agenda in businesses of every variety.Several massive leakages of customer and employee data this year –from organizations as diverse as Time Warner, the American defense contractor Science Applications International Corp and even the University of California, Berkeley – have left managers hurriedlypeering into their intricate IT systems and business processes in search of potential vulnerabilities.“Data is becoming an asset which needs to be guarded as much as any other asset,” says Haim Mendelson of Stanford University’s business school. “The ability to guard c ustomer data is the key to market value, which the board is responsible for on behalf of shareholders.” Indeed, just as there is the concept of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), perhaps it is time for GASP, Generally Accepted Security Practices, suggested Eli Noam of New York’s Columbia Business School. “Setting the proper investmentlevel for security, redundancy, and recovery is a management issue, not a technical one,” he says.The mystery is that this should come as a surprise to any boss.Surely it should be obvious to the dimmest executive that trust, that most valuable of economic assets, is easily destroyed and hugely expensive to restore – and that few things are more likely todestroy trust than a company letting sensitive personal data get into the wrong hands.The current state of affairs may have been encouraged – though not justified – by the lack of legal penalty (in America, but not Europe) for data leakage. Until California recently passed a law, American firms did not have to tell anyone, even the victim, when data went astray. That may change fast: lots of proposed data-securitylegislation is now doing the rounds in Washington, D.C. Meanwhile,the theft of information about some 40 million credit-card accountsin America, disclosed on June 17th, overshadowed a hugely important decision a day earlier by America’s Federal Trade Commission (FTC) that puts corporate America on notice that regulators will act iffirms fail to provide adequate data security.36. The statement “It never rains but it pours” is used tointroduce[A] the fierce business competition.[B] the feeble boss-board relations.[C] the threat from news reports.[D] the severity of data leakage.37. According to Paragraph 2, some organizations check their systemsto find out[A] whether there is any weak point.[B] what sort of data has been stolen.[C] who is responsible for the leakage.[D] how the potential spies can be located.38. In bringing up the concept of GASP the author is making the point that[A] share holders’ interests should be properly attended to.[B] information protection should be given due attention.[C] businesses should enhance their level of accounting security.[D] the market value of customer data should be emphasized.39. According to Paragraph 4, what puzzles the author is that some bosses fail to[A] see the link between trust and data protection.[B] perceive the sensitivity of personal data.[C] realize the high cost of data restoration.[D] appreciate the economic value of trust.40. It can be inferred from Paragraph 5 that[A] data leakage is more severe in Europe.[B] FTC’s decision is essential to data security.[C] California takes the lead in security legislation.[D] legal penalty is a major solution to data leakage.Part BDirections:You are going to read a list of headings and a text about what parents are supposed to do to guide their children into adulthood. Choose a heading from the list A—G that best fits the meaning of each numbered part of the text (41-45). The first and last paragraphs of the text are not numbered. There are two extra headings that you do not need to use. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)A. Set a Good Example for Your KidsB. Build Your Kids’ Work SkillsC. Place Time Limits on Leisure ActivitiesD. Talk about the Future on a Regular BasisE. Help Kids Develop Coping StrategiesF. Help Your Kids Figure Out Who They AreG. Build Your Kids’ Sense of ResponsibilityHow Can a Parent Help?Mothers and fathers can do a lot to ensure a safe landing in early adulthood for their kids. Even if a job’s starting salary seems toosmall to satisfy an emerging adult’s need for rapid content, the transition from school to work can be less of a setback if the start-up adult is ready for the move. Here are a few measures, drawn from my book Ready or Not, Here Life Comes, that parents can take to prevent what I call “work-life unreadiness.”You can start this process when they are 11 or 12. Periodically review their emerging strengths and weaknesses with them and work together on any shortcomings, like difficulty in communicating well or collaborating. Also, identify the kinds of interests they keep coming back to, as these offer clues to the careers that will fit them best.Kids need a range of authentic role models – as opposed to members of their clique, pop stars and vaunted athletes. Have regular dinner-table discussions about people the family knows and how they got where they are. Discuss the joys and downsides of your own career and encourage your kids to form some ideas about their own future. When asked what they want to do, they should be discouraged from saying“I have no idea.” They can change their minds 200 times, but having only a foggy view of the future is of little good.Teachers are responsible for teaching kids how to learn; parents should be responsible for teaching them how to work. Assign responsibilities around the house and make sure homework deadlines are met. Encourage teenagers to take a part-time job. Kids need plenty of practice delaying gratification and deploying effective organizational skills, such as managing time and setting priorities.Playing video games encourages immediate content. And hours of watching TV shows with canned laughter only teaches kids to process information in a passive way. At the same time, listening through earphones to the same monotonous beats for long stretches encourages kids to stay inside their bubble instead of pursuing other endeavors. All these activities can prevent the growth of important communication and thinking skills and make it difficult for kids to develop the kind of sustained concentration they will need for most jobs.They should know how to deal with setbacks, stresses and feelings of inadequacy. They should also learn how to solve problems and resolve conflicts, ways to brainstorm and think critically. Discussions at home can help kids practice doing these things and help them apply these skills to everyday life situations.What about the son or daughter who is grown but seems to bestruggling and wandering aimlessly through early adulthood? Parents still have a major role to play, but now it is more delicate. They have to be careful not to come across as disappointed in their child. They should exhibit strong interest and respect for whatevercurrently interests their fledging adult (as naive or ill conceivedas it may seem) while becoming a partner in exploring options for the future. Most of all, these new adults must feel that they are respected and supported by a family that appreciates them.Part CDirections:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)The study of law has been recognized for centuries as a basic intellectual discipline in European universities. However, only in recent years has it become a feature of undergraduate programs in Canadian universities. (46) Traditionally, legal learning has been viewed in such institutions as the special preserve of lawyers,rather than a necessary part of the intellectual equipment of an educated person. Happily, the older and more continental view oflegal education is establishing itself in a number of Canadian universities and some have even begun to offer undergraduate degreesin law.If the study of law is beginning to establish itself as part and parcel of a general education, its aims and methods should appeal directly to journalism educators. Law is a discipline which encourages responsible judgment. On the one hand, it provides opportunities to analyze such ideas as justice, democracy and freedom.(47) On the other, it links these concepts to everyday realities in a manner which is parallel to the links journalists forge on a daily basis as they cover and comment on the news. For example, notions of evidence and fact, of basic rights and public interest are at work inthe process of journalistic judgment and production just as in courts of law. Sharpening judgment by absorbing and reflecting on law is a desirable component of a journalist’s intellectual preparation forhis or her career.(48) But the idea that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media. Politics or, more broadly, the functioning of the state, is a major subject for journalists. The better informed they are about the way the state works, the better their reporting will be. (49) In fact, it is difficult to see how journalists who do not have a clear graspof the basic features of the Canadian Constitution can do a competent job on political stories.Furthermore, the legal system and the events which occur within itare primary subjects for journalists. While the quality of legal journalism varies greatly, there is an undue reliance amongst many journalists on interpretations supplied to them by lawyers. (50)While comment and reaction from lawyers may enhance stories, it is preferable for journalists to rely on their own notions ofsignificance and make their own judgments. These can only come from a well-grounded understanding of the legal system.Section III WritingPart A51. Directions:Write a letter to you university library, making suggestions for improving its service.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.Do not write the address. (10 points)Part B52. Directions:Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) support your view with an example/examples.You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)答案Section I: Use of English (10 points)1. B2. D3. A4. C5. C6. D7. B8. A9. B 10. C11. A 12. D 13. A 14. C 15. B16. D 17. C 18. A 19. B 20. DSection II: Reading Comprehension (60 points)Part A (40 points)21. C 22. B 23. A 24. D 25. C26. D 27. C 28. A 29. A 30. B31. C 32. B 33. D 34. C 35. B36. D 37. A 38. B 39. A 40. DPart B (10 points)41. F 42. D 43. B 44. C 45. EPart C (10 points)46. 长久以来,法律知识在这类学校里一起被视为律师们专有的,而不是一个受教育者的知识素养的必要组成部分。



与人为善是中华民族传统美德英语作文Being Kind to Others is a Traditional Virtue of the Chinese NationKindness is a fundamental virtue in Chinese culture, deeply rooted in the country's rich history and the teachings of Confucianism. Throughout the centuries, the Chinese people have upheld the value of being kind and compassionate towards others, which has become an integral part of their cultural identity. This traditional virtue of kindness, or "Ren" in Chinese, emphasizes the importance of treating others with respect, empathy, and goodwill, regardless of their background or social status.The concept of kindness is reflected in many aspects of Chinese society, from the family unit to interactions between strangers. Within the family, filial piety is highly valued, and children are taught from a young age to respect and care for their parents and elders. This sense of duty and respect towards one's family members fosters a strong sense of community and solidarity within Chinese society, where individuals prioritize the well-being of their loved ones above their own needs.In Chinese schools, students are also encouraged to cultivate virtues of kindness and compassion towards their peers. Teachers often emphasize the importance of empathy and understanding in resolving conflicts and building harmonious relationships with others. By promoting a culture of kindness and mutual respect in schools, Chinese educators aim to instill values of social responsibility and good citizenship in the younger generation.In addition to interpersonal relationships, the value of kindness is also evident in Chinese philosophy and literature. The teachings of Confucius, an influential philosopher in ancient China, emphasize the importance of benevolence and righteousness in human interactions. Confucius believed that cultivating virtues such as kindness, honesty, and humility is essential for achieving moral excellence and harmonious relationships in society.Moreover, traditional Chinese literature is replete with stories and legends that celebrate acts of kindness and selflessness. From the legendary figure of Guan Yin, the bodhisattva of compassion and mercy, to famous literary works like "Journey to the West" and "Romance of the ThreeKingdoms," Chinese culture is rich in narratives that highlight the virtues of compassion, empathy, and altruism.In contemporary China, the spirit of kindness continues to play a significant role in shaping social norms and values. While the country has undergone rapid modernization and urbanization in recent decades, the traditional virtue of kindness remains a fundamental aspect of Chinese identity. In times of crisis or natural disasters, the Chinese people have demonstrated remarkable solidarity and altruism, showing immense compassion and support for those in need.Furthermore, the concept of kindness is also promoted in public discourse and government policies in China. The Chinese government has initiated various social welfare programs and campaigns to promote volunteerism, charity, and philanthropy in society. By encouraging acts of kindness and altruism, the government aims to foster a culture of social responsibility and community engagement among its citizens.In conclusion, the virtue of kindness is a cherished tradition of the Chinese nation that reflects the country's rich cultural heritage and moral values. From the teachings of Confucius to contemporary social practices, the importance of treating others with respect, empathy, and goodwill is deeply ingrained inChinese society. By upholding the value of kindness, the Chinese people continue to embody the principles of benevolence, compassion, and mutual support that have defined their cultural identity for centuries.。



感动中国的时代英雄人物英语小作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Inspiring Heroes Who Have Shaped Modern ChinaLiving in the modern era of China, we are surrounded by stories of incredible individuals who have overcome immense challenges and made lasting impacts on our society. These heroes come from all walks of life, united by an unwavering spirit and determination to create positive change. As a student, I am deeply inspired by their journeys and the lessons they impart about resilience, compassion, and the power of perseverance.One figure who immediately comes to mind is Zhang Haidi, a woman whose name has become synonymous with selflessness and devotion. Born into poverty in rural Shaanxi Province, Zhang's life took an unexpected turn when her mother fell critically ill. With no means to afford medical treatment, the young girl made the extraordinary decision to sell her own kidneys to fund her mother's care. This profound act of filial piety shook the nation and sparked a much-needed conversationabout the plight of impoverished families and the unregulated trade of organs.Zhang's story is a poignant reminder that true heroism often arises from the most unassuming of places, fueled by an unwavering love for one's family and a willingness to make immense personal sacrifices. Her courage and determination in the face of adversity have inspired countless others to recognize the inherent dignity and resilience of the human spirit, even in the direst of circumstances.Another figure who has left an indelible mark on our collective consciousness is Lan Xiaohuan, a former teacher who dedicated her life to educating children in remote villages. For over four decades, Lan trekked through treacherous mountain paths, often carrying supplies on her back, to reach students in isolated communities. Her unwavering commitment to providing quality education, regardless of the obstacles, has transformed the lives of countless young minds and challenged societal perceptions of what it means to be a true educator.Lan's story is a testament to the power of determination and the profound impact that a single individual can have on an entire community. Her selfless dedication has inspired generations of teachers to embrace their calling with renewedvigor, recognizing the vital role they play in shaping the future of our nation.Moving from the realm of personal sacrifice to that of scientific innovation, we cannot overlook the pioneering work of Tu Youyou, the first Chinese woman to receive a Nobel Prize. Tu's groundbreaking research on artemisinin, a revolutionaryanti-malarial drug derived from traditional Chinese herbal medicine, has saved millions of lives worldwide. Her achievements not only highlight the immense potential of traditional knowledge when combined with modern scientific inquiry but also serve as a powerful reminder of the invaluable contributions women have made to the advancement篇2Inspiring Heroes Who Have Shaped Modern ChinaAs a student growing up in China during these transformative modern times, I have been fortunate to witness some truly extraordinary individuals who have left an indelible mark on our nation's history. These remarkable heroes have inspired countless others through their courage, resilience, and unwavering determination to create a better future for us all. Inthis essay, I would like to shine a light on three such icons who have profoundly influenced the course of modern China.The first figure that comes to mind is undoubtedly Dr. Qian Xuesen, the pioneering scientist and father of China's aerospace industry. Born in 1911, Dr. Qian's brilliance was evident from an early age, earning him a coveted position at the California Institute of Technology and later at the prestigious Jet Propulsion Laboratory. It was here that he made groundbreaking contributions to the development of rocket technology, playing a crucial role in the success of America's early space program.However, Dr. Qian's journey took an unexpected turn when he was wrongfully accused of communist sympathies during the McCarthy era and deported back to China in 1955. Rather than allowing this setback to define him, Dr. Qian embraced his newfound circumstances and dedicated himself to advancing China's scientific prowess. His tireless efforts laid the foundation for China's remarkable achievements in space exploration, including the successful launch of the Shenzhou manned spacecraft and the Chang'e lunar exploration program.What truly inspires me about Dr. Qian is not just his extraordinary intellect but also his unwavering perseverance in the face of adversity. Despite the challenges and injustices hefaced, he never lost sight of his passion for scientific discovery and his commitment to the greater good. His legacy serves as a powerful reminder that with determination and resilience, we can overcome even the most daunting obstacles and achieve greatness.The second hero who has left an indelible mark on modern China is the renowned writer and social activist, Xinran Xue. Born in 1958, Xinran grew up during the tumultuous years of the Cultural Revolution, witnessing firsthand the suffering and oppression endured by countless Chinese women. It was this experience that ignited her passion for giving voice to the voiceless and fighting for gender equality.Through her groundbreaking book, "The Good Women of China," Xinran shed light on the untold stories of ordinary women who endured unimaginable hardships during the tumultuous years of the 20th century. Her poignant narratives not only exposed the harsh realities faced by women in traditional Chinese society but also celebrated their strength, resilience, and indomitable spirit.Xinran's courage in tackling taboo subjects and amplifying the voices of the marginalized has inspired countless women across China and beyond. Her unwavering commitment to socialjustice and her tireless efforts to promote gender equality have paved the way for a more equitable and inclusive society. Her legacy serves as a powerful reminder that one voice can spark a revolution, and that by standing up for what is right, we can create lasting change.The third hero who has profoundly impacted modern China is the renowned environmentalist and former vice minister of the State Environmental Protection Administration, Liao Xiaoyi. Born in 1946, Liao dedicated her life to protecting China's fragile ecosystems and raising awareness about the dire consequences of unchecked industrialization and environmental degradation.Throughout her illustrious career, Liao fearlessly confronted powerful interests and challenged the status quo, advocating for stringent environmental regulations and sustainable development practices. Her unwavering determination and steadfast leadership played a pivotal role in shaping China's environmental policies and spearheading numerous initiatives to combat air pollution, water contamination, and deforestation.What truly inspires me about Liao Xiaoyi is her unwavering commitment to preserving our planet for future generations. Despite facing immense opposition and skepticism, she never wavered in her belief that protecting the environment is not justa moral imperative but also a matter of national security and long-term prosperity. Her legacy serves as a powerful reminder that each of us has a responsibility to be stewards of our planet and that through collective action, we can create a more sustainable and harmonious future.These three extraordinary individuals – Dr. Qian Xuesen, Xinran Xue, and Liao Xiaoyi – have left an indelible mark on modern China through their unwavering determination, courage, and commitment to creating a better world. Their stories have not only inspired me but have also ignited a fire within countless others to strive for excellence, fight for justice, and protect our planet.As I reflect on the legacies of these heroes, I am reminded of the profound impact that individuals can have on shaping the course of history. Their stories serve as a powerful reminder that greatness is not defined by the circumstances we are born into or the obstacles we face but rather by the choices we make and the unwavering pursuit of our convictions.In a rapidly changing world, where challenges and adversities are ever-present, these heroes stand as beacons of hope and inspiration, reminding us that through perseverance,courage, and a commitment to creating positive change, we too can leave a lasting impact on the world around us.As a student growing up in this pivotal era, I am filled with a sense of awe and gratitude for the sacrifices and contributions of these trailblazers. Their legacies have not only shaped the course of modern China but have also inspired a new generation of young people to dream bigger, aim higher, and fearlessly pursue their passions.It is our responsibility to carry forward their torch, to be the agents of change that our nation and our world so desperately need. By following in their footsteps and embodying their values of resilience, compassion, and unwavering determination, we can create a brighter and more just future for all.篇3Inspiring Heroes of Modern ChinaAs a student growing up in China, I have been fortunate to witness an era of rapid development and progress in my country. Amidst the economic boom and technological advancements, numerous individuals have emerged as beacons of inspiration, leaving an indelible mark on society through their remarkable achievements and unwavering dedication. Today, I would like toshed light on three such heroes who have captivated the hearts and minds of the nation, embodying the resilient spirit and boundless potential of the Chinese people.The first hero who comes to mind is Dr. Yin Yin, a pioneering medical researcher whose groundbreaking work in cancer treatment has saved countless lives. Born into a humble family in a rural village, Dr. Yin's journey was one of perseverance and unwavering determination. Despite facing numerous obstacles, including financial constraints and societal prejudices, she pursued her passion for science with an unrelenting zeal.Dr. Yin's breakthrough came when she developed a revolutionary cancer therapy that harnessed the power of the body's immune system to combat the disease. Her innovative approach not only offered new hope to patients but also paved the way for further advancements in the field of immunotherapy. Her tireless efforts and dedication have earned her international acclaim, and she has become a source of inspiration for aspiring scientists and researchers worldwide.Another figure who has captured the imagination of the nation is Zhang Wei, a renowned environmentalist and conservationist. Growing up amidst the breathtaking natural landscapes of China, Zhang developed a deep reverence for theenvironment from an early age. As he witnessed the adverse effects of industrialization and urbanization on fragile ecosystems, he made it his life's mission to protect and preserve the country's natural heritage.Zhang's most notable achievement is the establishment of the Shennongjia Nature Reserve, a vast expanse of pristine forests and diverse wildlife habitats in central China. Through his unwavering advocacy and tireless efforts, he rallied communities, policymakers, and international organizations to support his cause. The reserve has not only safeguarded numerous endangered species but also serves as a living laboratory for ecological research and environmental education.The third hero who has left an indelible mark on China's cultural landscape is Zhang Huiwen, a celebrated writer and poet whose works have transcended geographical boundaries and resonated with readers around the world. Born into a family of artists and intellectuals, Zhang's love for literature blossomed at an early age, and her unique voice and poetic prowess soon gained recognition.Zhang's literary works are a tapestry of poignant narratives that explore the complexities of human emotions, societal issues, and the rich tapestry of Chinese culture. Her novels and poetrycollections have been translated into numerous languages, introducing the world to the depth and diversity of Chinese literature. Through her artistry and profound insights, Zhang has become an ambassador of cultural exchange, fostering greater understanding and appreciation for the nation's literary heritage.These three remarkable individuals – Dr. Yin Yin, Zhang Wei, and Zhang Huiwen – represent the diverse tapestry of heroes who have shaped modern China. Their stories are a testament to the power of passion, perseverance, and unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on society.As a student, I am inspired by their journeys and the indelible marks they have left on their respective fields. Their achievements serve as a powerful reminder that greatness can emerge from humble beginnings and that with determination and a unwavering spirit, even the most daunting challenges can be overcome.Moreover, these heroes remind us of the importance of embracing our passions and pursuing our dreams, regardless of the obstacles that may lie ahead. Their stories encourage us to dream big, to think beyond boundaries, and tostrive for excellence in all our endeavors.In an era of rapid globalization and interconnectedness, the impact of these heroes transcends national borders, inspiring individuals across the globe to make a positive difference in their communities. Their legacies serve as a reminder that true heroism lies not in the pursuit of personal glory but in the tireless dedication to causes greater than oneself.As the future custodians of this nation, it is our responsibility to carry forward the torch of inspiration ignited by these remarkable individuals. We must strive to emulate their resilience, their passion, and their unwavering commitment to making the world a better place.In conclusion, the stories of Dr. Yin Yin, Zhang Wei, and Zhang Huiwen are a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Chinese people and the boundless potential that lies within each of us. Their remarkable achievements have not only inspired generations of Chinese citizens but have also resonated with people around the world, reminding us of our shared humanity and the power of collective action. As we move forward into an era of unprecedented challenges and opportunities, may their legacies continue to guide us, igniting within us a fierce determination to leave our mark on history and create a better world for generations to come.。



Unit 3Alienation and the InternetWill Baker1. The Internet provides an amazing forum for the free exchange of ideas。

Given the relatively few restrictions governing access and usage,it is the communications modal equivalent of international waters.1 It is my personal belief that the human potential can only be realized by the globalization of ideas. I developed this position2 years before the Internet came into wide spread use. And I am excited at the potential for the Internet to dramatically alter our global society for the better。

However I am also troubled by the possible unintended negative consequences. 2。

There has been much talk about the“new information age.”But much less widely reported has been the notion that the Internet may be responsible for furthering the fragmentation of society by alienating its individual users.3 At first this might sound like an apparent contradiction:how can something,that is on the one hand responsible for global unification by enabling the free exchange of ideas,alienate the participants?3。



中国青少年网络欺凌原因和解决方法英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Pervasive Problem of Cyberbullying Among Chinese YouthIn today's digital age, the internet and social media have become an integral part of daily life for young people across the globe, including here in China. While these technologies offer many benefits in terms of communication, access to information, and self-expression, they have also given rise to a disturbing phenomenon: cyberbullying. As a Chinese student myself, I have witnessed firsthand the damaging effects of online harassment, insults, and cruelty among my peers. In this essay, I will examine some of the key factors driving cyberbullying in Chinese youth culture, as well as propose potential solutions to address this pervasive issue.To begin, it is important to understand the sheer scale of cyberbullying in China. A recent survey found that over 40% of middle and high school students have experienced some form of online bullying or harassment. This statistic is particularlyalarming given the negative psychological impacts of cyberbullying, including depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, academic difficulties, and even suicidal thoughts in severe cases. Clearly, this is a crisis that demands our focused attention and action.So what are the underlying causes fueling this toxic behavior online? One major factor is the relative anonymity and lack of accountability provided by the internet. Emboldened by screen names and digital disguises, many youth feel free to act in cruel ways they likely would not in face-to-face situations. The perceived distance between perpetrator and victim can make the consequences feel abstract or disconnected from reality. Additionally, the ability to instantly share hurtful messages, pictures and videos allows bullying behavior to rapidly go viral among friend groups, compounding the harm.Another issue is the highly competitive academic environment and societal pressure faced by Chinese students from a young age. For some, cyberbullying may become an outlet to vent frustrations or assert status among peers when overwhelmed by these intense expectations. The shame and "loss of face" associated with being bullied can further stigmatize victims and discourage them from speaking up. China'swidespread censorship and monitoring of the internet also eliminates some deterrents and accountability that could mitigate online abuse in other countries.However, it would be an oversimplification to place all blame on external factors. More fundamentally, far too many young people in China and elsewhere lack empathy - the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Pre-occupied with self-interest and desensitized by relentless social media, some become numb to the real-life impacts of their virtual actions on real human beings. Building this crucial sense of compassion and emotional intelligence must be a priority from an early age.Clearly, a multi-faceted approach will be required to make progress against the issue of cyberbullying. From an education standpoint, schools should implement comprehensive digital literacy and online ethics curricula from elementary years onward. Students need guidance on cyberbullying behaviors, tactics used by perpetrators, how to respond to incidents, and most importantly, how to cultivate mutual understanding and respect in online spaces. Open discussions around this issue can help destigmatize it and prevent a "code of silence" where victims suffer alone.School counseling and mental health resources must also be readily available and anti-bullying protocols consistently enforced. Anonymous reporting channels can allow students to raise alerts about concerning behavior without fear of retaliation. Peer mentoring and student leadership programs can further empower youth to take an active stand against online cruelty within their schools and social circles.However, schools cannot solve this issue alone – it will require a cultural shift engaging parents, media sources, web platforms, and the government itself. Parents need to develop better understanding of youth cyberbullying to have open conversations at篇2The Epidemic of Cyberbullying in China: Causes and Potential SolutionsAs the world becomes increasingly digitized and interconnected, the pervasiveness of cyberbullying has emerged as a grave issue impacting the lives of countless young people across the globe. In China, this malicious online behavior has reached epidemic proportions, with devastating consequences on the mental health and well-being of our nation's youth. In thisessay, I will delve into the multifaceted causes underlying this crisis and propose viable solutions that could potentially mitigate its detrimental effects.To commence, it is imperative to comprehend the unique cultural and societal factors that have fostered an environment conducive to cyberbullying in China. One of the primary contributors is the immense pressure placed upon students by the nation's rigorous education system and the intense competition for academic success. The relentless pursuit of high test scores and admission to prestigious universities has created a climate of intense stress and anxiety, which can manifest in aggressive online behavior as a means of venting frustrations or asserting dominance over peers.Furthermore, the rapid proliferation of social media platforms and messaging apps, coupled with the widespread accessibility of smartphones and other digital devices, has provided ample avenues for cyberbullying to thrive. The perceived anonymity and lack of immediate consequences embolden perpetrators, enabling them to engage in harmful behavior without fear of repercussions. This phenomenon is exacerbated by the inadequate regulation and monitoring ofonline spaces, allowing malicious content to proliferate unchecked.Moreover, the cultural emphasis on conformity and the preservation of social harmony can inadvertently contribute to the perpetuation of cyberbullying. Victims may be reluctant to speak out or seek help, fearing social stigma or retaliation. This silence only empowers the aggressors and perpetuates a cycle of abuse.Another significant factor is the lack of comprehensive education and awareness programs regarding cyberbullying and its consequences. Many young people remain oblivious to the gravity of their online actions, failing to recognize the profound psychological and emotional harm inflicted upon their targets.While the causes of cyberbullying in China are multifaceted and deeply rooted, there are potential solutions that can be implemented to combat this pernicious issue. Firstly, a concerted effort must be made to alleviate the immense academic pressure placed upon students. This could involve reforms to the education system, emphasizing a more balanced approach that prioritizes overall well-being篇3The Epidemic of Cyberbullying Among Chinese YouthIn today's digital age, the internet and social media have become ubiquitous, shaping the way we communicate, learn, and interact with the world around us. However, this technological revolution has also brought forth a concerning issue that plagues many young people – cyberbullying. As a high school student in China, I have witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of online harassment, and it is a problem that demands our attention and immediate action.Cyberbullying, defined as the use of digital technologies to intentionally harm, harass, or intimidate others, has become an epidemic among Chinese youth. According to a recent study by the China Internet Network Information Center, nearly one-third of Chinese teenagers have experienced some form of cyberbullying. This alarming statistic highlights the urgency of addressing this issue and understanding its underlying causes.One of the primary reasons for the prevalence of cyberbullying among Chinese youth is the anonymity afforded by the internet. Emboldened by the cloak of anonymity, individuals feel empowered to engage in hurtful behavior without fear of repercussions. The ability to hide behind a screen and remain faceless fosters a sense of detachment from theconsequences of their actions, making it easier for bullies to unleash their cruelty.Another contributing factor is the widespread use of social media platforms among Chinese youth. Social media has become an integral part of our lives, serving as a virtual playground where young people connect, share experiences, and express themselves. However, this same platform also provides a fertile ground for cyberbullying. The constant stream of online interactions, combined with the desire for validation and acceptance, can create a toxic environment where bullies thrive by exploiting the insecurities and vulnerabilities of their peers.Moreover, the lack of proper guidance and education on internet safety and responsible online behavior is a significant issue. Many Chinese youth lack the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the digital world safely and responsibly. Without proper guidance, they may inadvertently engage in or become victims of cyberbullying due to a lack of awareness of its consequences.The impact of cyberbullying on young individuals isfar-reaching and profound. Victims often experience severe emotional distress, anxiety, depression, and even suicidalthoughts. The psychological toll can manifest in physical symptoms such as headaches, sleep disturbances, and decreased academic performance. In extreme cases, cyberbullying has been linked to tragic incidents of self-harm and suicide among Chinese youth.Addressing this epidemic requires a multi-faceted approach involving various stakeholders, including parents, educators, policymakers, and the technology industry. Here are some potential solutions that could help mitigate the issue of cyberbullying among Chinese youth:Comprehensive education and awareness campaigns: Implementing educational programs in schools that focus on internet safety, digital citizenship, and the consequences of cyberbullying is crucial. By equipping students with the knowledge and skills to navigate the online world responsibly, we can empower them to make informed decisions and recognize the signs of cyberbullying.Strengthening parental involvement: Parents play a vital role in guiding and supporting their children's online activities. Encouraging open communication, setting boundaries, and monitoring online behavior can help prevent cyberbullying and foster a positive digital environment within the family.Collaborative efforts between schools and law enforcement: Establishing clear protocols and partnerships between educational institutions and law enforcement agencies can help address severe cases of cyberbullying and ensure appropriate consequences for perpetrators. This collaborative approach sends a strong message that such behavior will not be tolerated.Promoting positive online communities: Encouraging the development of inclusive and supportive online communities can create a counterweight to the negativity associated with cyberbullying. By fostering a culture of empathy, respect, and kindness, we can cultivate a digital environment where bullying is less likely to thrive.Technological solutions and industry accountability: Technology companies and social media platforms should take proactive measures to combat cyberbullying. This could include implementing robust reporting mechanisms, content moderation tools, and user verification processes to discourage anonymous harassment. Additionally, holding these companies accountable for fostering a safe online environment is crucial.As a student witnessing the devastating effects of cyberbullying firsthand, I firmly believe that addressing this issue is not only a moral imperative but also a collective responsibility.By working together and implementing these solutions, we can create a safer, more inclusive digital landscape for Chinese youth, where they can thrive and express themselves without fear of harassment or intimidation.The road ahead may be challenging, but the well-being and mental health of our nation's young people are at stake. It is time to break the silence, raise awareness, and take decisive action against cyberbullying. Together, we can cultivate a generation of responsible digital citizens who embrace empathy, respect, and kindness both online and offline.。



中国新青年应该做什么英语作文The new generation of Chinese youth stands at a critical juncture in the nation's history As the heirs to a rich cultural legacy and the drivers of future progress China's young people hold the key to the country's continued ascent on the global stage In this era of unprecedented change and opportunity the choices made by China's new generation will shape not only their own lives but also the destiny of their homelandOne of the foremost responsibilities of China's new youth is to cultivate a deep appreciation for the nation's storied past While the modern world is ever-evolving it is essential that the younger generation maintain a steadfast connection to the traditions and values that have defined Chinese civilization for millennia This means not only studying the great works of Chinese philosophy literature and the arts but also upholding the timeless principles of filial piety respect for elders and harmony with nature that have long been the bedrock of Chinese societyAt the same time the new generation of Chinese youth must beunafraid to challenge outdated norms and conventions where necessary In an era of rapid technological advancement and social transformation China's young people have a duty to be agents of positive change driving innovation and progress in all spheres of life Whether it is through entrepreneurship scientific research or social activism the new generation must be willing to chart bold new paths rather than simply clinging to the status quo Only by embracing a spirit of creativity and risk-taking can China's youth ensure that their country remains at the forefront of global developmentA crucial aspect of this process of renewal and reinvention is a steadfast commitment to education Both in the classroom and beyond China's young people must cultivate a lifelong love of learning constantly expanding their knowledge and honing their critical thinking skills This means not only excelling in traditional academic disciplines but also developing a well-rounded understanding of the world through exposure to diverse perspectives and experiences Whether it is studying abroad immersing themselves in different cultures or engaging in interdisciplinary research China's new generation must approach education as a transformative journey rather than a means to an endAlongside this intellectual development the new generation of Chinese youth must also strive to uphold the highest standards of moral and ethical conduct As the future leaders of their nationChina's young people have a solemn duty to embody the virtues of integrity compassion and civic responsibility In an era of growing social and political complexity the new generation must be willing to grapple with complex moral quandaries and make principled decisions that put the greater good above narrow self-interest Only by cultivating a strong moral compass can China's youth ensure that the country's continued rise is built upon a foundation of justice and righteousnessFinally the new generation of Chinese youth must be willing to look beyond their own borders and engage with the global community as responsible international citizens In an increasingly interconnected world China's young people have both the privilege and the obligation to contribute to the advancement of humanity as a whole This means not only developing a nuanced understanding of other cultures and societies but also actively collaborating with peers around the world to tackle shared challenges such as climate change poverty and disease Through such cross-cultural exchange and cooperation the new generation of Chinese youth can help to build a more just peaceful and prosperous worldIn conclusion the new generation of Chinese youth faces a multitude of opportunities and responsibilities as they chart the course for their nation's future By cultivating a deep reverence for China's past a bold vision for its future and a steadfast commitment to moral andintellectual excellence the young people of China can ensure that their country continues to rise as a global leader in the 21st century As the inheritors of a rich legacy and the architects of a brighter tomorrow China's new generation must rise to the occasion embracing their role as the vanguard of national rejuvenation and global progress。

我心中的英雄人物钱学森 英语作文

我心中的英雄人物钱学森 英语作文

我心中的英雄人物钱学森英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Hero: The Inspirational Life of Qian XuesenEver since I was a young child, I've been captivated by stories of heroes - individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to society through their brilliance, courage, and unwavering determination. Among the countless inspiring figures who have left an indelible mark on history, one name stands out as a beacon of hope and resilience: Qian Xuesen.Qian Xuesen was a true renaissance man, a multifaceted genius whose profound impact spanned various fields, including aerospace engineering, mathematics, and scientific research. Born in 1911 in Hangzhou, China, he possessed an insatiable thirst for knowledge from an early age, devouring books on subjects ranging from physics to philosophy.His academic journey took him to prestigious institutions like Jiao Tong University, where he excelled in his studies, and later to the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), where he pursued his doctoral degree. It was during his time at Caltechthat Qian Xuesen's exceptional talents truly blossomed, and he quickly became renowned for his groundbreaking work on the theory of nonlinear oscillation and his contributions to the field of aerodynamics.However, Qian Xuesen's life took an unexpected turn during the height of the Cold War era. In 1950, he was accused of being a communist sympathizer and was subsequently detained and interrogated by U.S. authorities. Despite the lack of concrete evidence against him, he was deported back to China, a decision that would ultimately prove to be a significant loss for the American scientific community.Upon his return to China, Qian Xuesen faced a new set of challenges, but his indomitable spirit and unwavering commitment to scientific advancement remained steadfast. He became a driving force behind China's fledgling missile and space programs, playing a pivotal role in the development of the country's first ballistic missile and satellite launch vehicles.What truly sets Qian Xuesen apart, however, is not merely his extraordinary intellect or his pioneering contributions to science and technology, but rather the profound resilience and moral fortitude he exhibited in the face of adversity. Despite enduring years of unjust imprisonment and interrogation, he harbored nobitterness or resentment towards those who had wronged him. Instead, he channeled his energy into propelling China's scientific and technological progress, driven by a genuine desire to better humanity.Qian Xuesen's life serves as a powerful testament to the transformative power of perseverance, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to one's ideals. His unwavering pursuit of knowledge and his relentless efforts to push the boundaries of scientific exploration have inspired countless individuals, myself included, to embrace the spirit of intellectual curiosity and to never shy away from the challenges that lie ahead.As a student, Qian Xuesen's story resonates with me on a profound level. His journey serves as a reminder that true greatness lies not in the accolades or the recognition one receives, but in the unwavering determination to overcome obstacles and to contribute to the greater good of society. His life exemplifies the values of resilience, discipline, and a steadfast commitment to one's passions, traits that are essential for any individual striving to make a meaningful impact on the world.Moreover, Qian Xuesen's story underscores the importance of embracing diversity and fostering an environment that celebrates and nurtures talent, regardless of one's backgroundor nationality. His experiences highlight the grave consequences of prejudice and the immense potential that can be unlocked when we transcend petty divisions and unite in the pursuit of knowledge and progress.As I navigate the challenges and uncertainties of my own academic and personal journey, I draw inspiration from Qian Xuesen's remarkable life. His unwavering dedication to the pursuit of knowledge, his ability to overcome adversity, and his unwavering commitment to scientific advancement serve as a powerful reminder of the profound impact that a single individual can have on the world.In a world that often celebrates fleeting fame and superficial accomplishments, Qian Xuesen stands as a beacon of true heroism, a testament to the enduring power of intellect, perseverance, and an unwavering commitment to making a lasting difference. His life story serves as a powerful reminder that greatness lies not in the accolades or recognition one receives, but in the relentless pursuit of knowledge, the unwavering determination to overcome obstacles, and the steadfast commitment to contributing to the greater good of humanity.As I look towards the future, I am emboldened by the knowledge that individuals like Qian Xuesen have paved the way for countless others to follow in their footsteps. Their legacies serve as a constant source of inspiration, reminding us that no dream is too audacious, no challenge too daunting, and that through unwavering determination and a steadfast commitment to our ideals, we too can leave an indelible mark on the world.In the annals of history, Qian Xuesen's name will forever be etched as a symbol of human resilience, intellectual brilliance, and the unwavering pursuit of knowledge for the betterment of humanity. His life serves as a powerful reminder that true greatness transcends boundaries, defies adversity, and leaves an enduring legacy that inspires generations to come.篇2Qian Xuesen - My HeroIn today's world of social media influencers and Hollywood celebrities, the idea of a true hero can seem almost quaint. But for me, the person I look up to most is the brilliant Chinese scientist and engineer Qian Xuesen. While he may not have millions of Instagram followers, his incredible contributions toscience and his unwavering perseverance in the face of adversity make him a real hero in my eyes.Qian Xuesen was born in 1911 in Hangzhou, China. From a young age, he showed a remarkable aptitude for mathematics and science. He went on to study at elite institutions like Jiao Tong University in Shanghai and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States, where he earned his doctorate in aeronautics. During World War II, Qian made significant contributions to the American military's missile programs, playing a key role in the development of the famed Bazooka rocket launcher.However, Qian's life took a dramatic turn in 1950 when he was accused of being a communist sympathizer during the McCarthy era's "Red Scare." Despite a lack of evidence, he was stripped of his job and thrown into prison. Undeterred, Qian used his time behind bars to continue his scientific studies, working out complex calculations on the pages of borrowed books.After five grueling years, Qian was deported back to China in a prisoner exchange program. Rather than being bitter about his mistreatment, he embraced the opportunity to help advance China's scientific and technological development. Recruited bythe Chinese government, Qian spearheaded the nation's fledgling missile and space programs, ultimately overseeing the successful launch of China's first satellite in 1970.What inspires me most about Qian Xuesen is his resilience, integrity, and unwavering dedication to the pursuit of knowledge. Despite facing unjust persecution and unimaginable hardship, he never lost his passion for science or allowed himself to become consumed by hatred or resentment. Instead, he channeled his energy into pushing the boundaries of human understanding and helping to uplift his nation.In an age where instant gratification and superficial success seem to be valued above all else, Qian's story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of perseverance, discipline, and a commitment to something greater than oneself. He spent decades toiling away in relative obscurity, enduring setbacks and sacrifices that most of us can scarcely imagine, all in service of advancing the frontiers of science and technology.But Qian's legacy extends far beyond his technical achievements. To me, he represents the embodiment of the human spirit's capacity to overcome adversity and rise above injustice through the power of knowledge, reason, and an unshakable moral compass. In a world that often seemsconsumed by pettiness and divisiveness, Qian's example reminds us of the transformative potential of science to transcend borders, cultures, and ideologies in the pursuit of understanding and progress for all of humanity.As a student, I am constantly reminded of the value of hard work, resilience, and a thirst for learning – qualities that Qian Xuesen embodied throughout his remarkable life. When I feel overwhelmed by the demands of my studies or tempted to take shortcuts, I think of the sacrifices he made and the obstacles he surmounted in pursuit of his goals, and I find renewed strength and inspiration.In many ways, Qian's story is a quintessentially American one – a tale of an immigrant who faced discrimination and injustice but persevered through sheer force of will and intellect to achieve greatness. And yet, his impact and legacy extend far beyond the borders of any single nation. He is a true global citizen, a pioneer whose contributions have benefited all of humanity.To me, Qian Xuesen is the embodiment of what it means to be a hero – not a caped crusader or a Hollywood icon, but a living, breathing example of the transformative power of knowledge, perseverance, and moral courage in the face ofadversity. His life and work serve as a powerful reminder that true greatness often lies not in fleeting fame or material success, but in the relentless pursuit of understanding, progress, and the betterment of humanity.As I look to the future and contemplate my own path, I can only hope to emulate a fraction of the integrity, resilience, and unwavering commitment to knowledge that defined Qian Xuesen's remarkable life. He may not be a household name, but to me, he will always be a true hero – a shining example of the limitless potential of the human spirit to overcome obstacles and change the world through the power of science, reason, and an indomitable will.篇3My Hero: Qian XuesenEvery society has its heroes - individuals who have made extraordinary contributions and sacrifices for the greater good. For me, one person stands out as a true hero and inspiration: Qian Xuesen, the brilliant scientist and father of China's aerospace and missile programs.Qian's life story reads like an epic tale filled with ambition, struggle, perseverance, and ultimately, triumph over adversity.Born in 1911 in Hangzhou, Qian displayed exceptional intelligence from a young age. He excelled academically and went on to study at prestigious institutions like Jiao Tong University, MIT, and Caltech. His brilliance in fields like aeronautics and rocket science quickly caught the attention of experts worldwide.However, Qian's path was far from straightforward. In 1950, while working in the United States, he was accused of communist sympathies during the McCarthy era's "Red Scare." Despite a lack of evidence, Qian was stripped of his job and imprisoned. This dark chapter must have been incredibly disheartening for a man dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. Yet, Qian's resilience and strength of character shone through.After enduring five grueling years in prison, Qian made the fateful decision to return to his homeland, China. This choice was not merely an act of patriotism but also a selfless sacrifice for the greater good of scientific advancement. Qian understood that his expertise could propel China's technological progress, and he was willing to forgo personal comforts to make that vision a reality.Upon his return, Qian faced numerous challenges, including limited resources and infrastructure. Undeterred, he poured hisboundless energy and intellect into building China's aerospace and missile programs from scratch. His contributions laid the foundation for China's subsequent achievements in space exploration and national defense.What truly inspires me about Qian Xuesen is his unwavering dedication to scientific inquiry and his belief in the power of knowledge to uplift humanity. In the face of political persecution, personal hardship, and immense obstacles, he never lost sight of his higher purpose. Qian's life exemplifies the notion that true heroes are not defined by their circumstances but by their ability to persevere and make a lasting impact.Moreover, Qian's humility and selflessness stand in stark contrast to the ego-driven narratives often associated with scientific genius. Despite his groundbreaking achievements, he remained grounded, never seeking personal glory or fame. Instead, he focused his efforts on nurturing future generations of scientists and engineers, understanding that progress is a collective endeavor.As a student, I find immense motivation in Qian Xuesen's life journey. His story reminds me that true greatness lies not in the pursuit of individual accolades but in the relentless pursuit of knowledge and the desire to make a positive difference in theworld. Qian's resilience in the face of adversity teaches us that setbacks and obstacles are inevitable, but they can be overcome through unwavering determination and a steadfast commitment to one's principles.In an age where role models are often fleeting and superficial, Qian Xuesen stands as a timeless icon of perseverance, integrity, and the indomitable human spirit. His legacy transcends national boundaries and serves as an inspiration for anyone seeking to contribute to the betterment of humanity through the pursuit of scientific knowledge.As I contemplate my future endeavors, Qian Xuesen's example will continue to guide me. His life's work has not only advanced China's technological prowess but has also ignited a passion for science and exploration within me. I aspire to emulate his unwavering commitment to excellence, his courage in the face of adversity, and his selfless dedication to the greater good.In a world that often celebrates superficial achievements, Qian Xuesen reminds us of the enduring power of knowledge, perseverance, and the pursuit of something greater than oneself. He is a true hero, not just for China but for humanity as a whole. And for that, he will forever hold a special place in my heart andserve as a guiding light on my own journey of discovery and personal growth.。



感动中国的时代英雄人物英文五年级作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Heroes are an integral part of any society. They are the individuals who selflessly dedicate themselves to the betterment of others, often risking their own lives in the process. In China, there have been countless heroes who have emerged throughout the country's history. Amongst these heroes, there are some who have truly left a mark on the nation and have been dubbed as "national heroes" for their extraordinary contributions and sacrifices.One such hero is Lei Feng, a soldier in the People's Liberation Army of China who lived during the 1950s and 1960s. Lei Feng is known for his selfless acts of kindness and dedication to helping others. Despite facing numerous hardships and challenges in his own life, Lei Feng always put the needs of others before his own. He was known for his humility, generosity, and willingness to lend a helping hand to anyone in need.Lei Feng's story has inspired countless individuals across China and has become a symbol of selflessness and compassion.His famous quote, "to turn a small spark into a prairie fire," has become a motto for many who are looking to make a positive impact on society. Lei Feng's legacy continues to live on today, with schools, streets, and museums being dedicated to his memory.Another hero who has left a lasting impact on China is Jing Haipeng, a Chinese astronaut who has participated in multiple space missions. Jing Haipeng's dedication to exploring the unknown and pushing the boundaries of human achievement has earned him the admiration of people not only in China but around the world. His courage, perseverance, and commitment to scientific discovery have made him a role model for many aspiring astronauts and scientists.In addition to Lei Feng and Jing Haipeng, there are many other heroes in China who have made significant contributions to society. These heroes come from all walks of life - doctors, teachers, firefighters, volunteers, and many more. Each of them has their own unique story of bravery, sacrifice, and resilience.The stories of these heroes serve as a reminder of the power of the human spirit and the impact that one individual can have on the world. They inspire us to be better, to do more, and to never give up in the face of adversity. As we reflect on the heroesof our past and present, let us remember their courage and selflessness, and strive to follow in their footsteps to create a better future for all.篇2Heroes are individuals who display incredible courage, selflessness, and determination in the face of adversity. Throughout history, there have been many heroes who have made a significant impact on their communities and the world. In contemporary China, there are also many heroes who have emerged in this modern age – individuals who have overcome challenges and obstacles to make a positive difference in society. These modern-day heroes inspire others with their actions and serve as role models for future generations.One such hero is Doctor Li Wenliang. Dr. Li was aWuhan-based ophthalmologist who first warned his colleagues about the outbreak of a new virus in December 2019. Despite facing retaliation from Chinese authorities for spreading "rumors," Dr. Li persisted in raising awareness about the virus and treating patients until he himself succumbed to it in February 2020. His selfless actions and sacrifice brought attention to the severity of the virus, leading to a global responseto combat the pandemic. Dr. Li's bravery and dedication in the face of danger have made him a hero in the eyes of many.Another hero who has touched the hearts of many in China is Peng Shuilin. Peng was a talented gymnast who lost his legs in a tragic car accident at the age of 26. Instead of giving up, Peng persevered and learned to walk again using prosthetic limbs. He went on to become a successful entrepreneur and motivational speaker, inspiring others with his story of resilience and determination. Peng is a shining example of how one can overcome adversity and achieve great things through perseverance.In addition to individual heroes, there are also collective heroes who have made a lasting impact on Chinese society. The medical workers who tirelessly worked on the front lines during the COVID-19 pandemic are a prime example. These brave men and women risked their own lives to save others, working long hours in harsh conditions to treat patients and prevent the spread of the virus. Their dedication and sacrifice have not gone unnoticed, and they have earned the gratitude and respect of the entire nation.The heroes of modern China come from all walks of life –they are doctors, teachers, volunteers, and ordinary citizens whohave gone above and beyond to help others. Their stories of courage, compassion, and selflessness have captured the hearts of the Chinese people and inspired a sense of unity and solidarity in times of crisis. These heroes embody the spirit of perseverance and resilience that has defined China's rise in the modern age.In conclusion, the heroes of contemporary China are shining examples of the indomitable human spirit. They remind us of the power of kindness, compassion, and selflessness in making the world a better place. These heroes may not wear capes or have superhuman powers, but their actions speak volumes about the strength and goodness of the human heart. As we look to the future, let us remember and honor the heroes who have touched our lives and inspired us to be better, braver, and more compassionate individuals.篇3Title: Moving Heroes in the Times - An Ode to the Heroes of ChinaIntroductionIn the history of China, there have been numerous heroes who have made significant contributions to the development and progress of the country. These heroes come from all walks oflife, ranging from political leaders, military generals, scientists, to ordinary citizens. Their bravery, selflessness, and dedication have inspired generations of Chinese people and have left a lasting impact on the nation. In this essay, we will explore some of the most moving heroes in the times of China.1. Lei FengLei Feng is a legendary figure in China who is known for his selfless acts of kindness and devotion to his country. Born in 1940, Lei Feng joined the People's Liberation Army at the age of 18 and served as a soldier until his untimely death in 1962. Throughout his life, Lei Feng dedicated himself to helping others and promoting social unity. He was known for his acts of kindness, such as helping elderly people cross the street, donating blood, and volunteering in various community service projects. Lei Feng's spirit of selflessness and dedication has become a symbol of moral excellence in China, inspiring millions of Chinese people to follow in his footsteps.2. Dong CunruiDong Cunrui was a Chinese soldier who sacrificed his life during the Chinese Civil War in 1948. Tasked with destroying a Nationalist bunker, Dong Cunrui strapped himself with explosives and charged the enemy position, sacrificing his ownlife to destroy the bunker and pave the way for the liberation of the town. Dong Cunrui's act of bravery and self-sacrifice has been immortalized in Chinese history as a symbol of heroism and patriotism. His story has been passed down through generations, inspiring countless Chinese people to strive for the greater good and never give up in the face of adversity.3. Jing Haipeng and Chen DongJing Haipeng and Chen Dong are two Chinese astronauts who made history by being the first Chinese astronauts to dock a spacecraft in orbit in 2016. Their successful mission marked a major milestone in China's space exploration program and solidified China's position as a global space power. Jing Haipeng and Chen Dong's courage, skill, and determination have inspired a new generation of Chinese youth to pursue careers in the field of space exploration and science. Their achievements have brought pride and honor to the Chinese people and demonstrated China's commitment to advancing human knowledge and technology.4. Fang FenghuiFang Fenghui is a Chinese general who played a key role in defending China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. As the former Chief of the Joint Staff Department of the Central MilitaryCommission, Fang Fenghui led Chinese armed forces in safeguarding China's national interests and security. He oversaw major military operations, including anti-terrorism campaigns and peacekeeping missions, and made significant contributions to strengthening China's defense capabilities. Fang Fenghui's leadership and strategic vision have earned him respect and admiration from the Chinese people and have helped secure China's position as a major global power.ConclusionThe heroes mentioned above are just a few examples of the many brave and selfless individuals who have emerged in China's history. Their stories of courage, sacrifice, and dedication continue to inspire and motivate the Chinese people to strive for a better future and contribute to the development of their nation. These heroes have left an indelible mark on the history of China and serve as shining examples of the virtues of heroism, patriotism, and selflessness. Their legacy will forever be remembered and cherished by the Chinese people, who continue to honor and emulate their noble qualities.。



我和我的祖国是我最喜欢的电影英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Favorite Movie: "My People, My Country"As a young student in China, one movie that has left an indelible mark on my heart and mind is the critically acclaimed film "My People, My Country." Released in 2019, this anthology film celebrates the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and it has become a cultural phenomenon that resonates deeply with me and millions of other viewers across the nation."My People, My Country" is a masterpiece that weaves together seven distinct stories, each one capturing a pivotal moment in China's modern history. From the struggles of the founding fathers during the establishment of the new nation to the awe-inspiring achievements of contemporary times, this film takes us on an emotional rollercoaster, celebrating the resilience, determination, and patriotism that have shaped our great country.What particularly resonates with me is the film's ability to strike a chord with people from all walks of life. Each storyline is a testament to the sacrifices made by ordinary citizens who have played their part in building a stronger, more prosperous China. Whether it's the heartwarming tale of a father's unwavering love for his family during the tumultuous days of the Cultural Revolution or the inspiring story of a young engineer's dedication to the nation's space program, these narratives are woven together with a common thread of hope, perseverance, and unwavering patriotism.One of the most poignant moments for me was the segment depicting the Sichuan earthquake in 2008. As the camera panned over the devastation, my heart was gripped by the heroic efforts of rescue workers and volunteers who risked their lives to save others. The film's ability to capture the raw emotions of those affected by this tragic event was both haunting and uplifting, reminding me of the incredible strength and resilience of the Chinese people in the face of adversity.Another aspect that I found particularly compelling was the film's stunning cinematography and impressive visual effects. From the breathtaking aerial shots of China's vast landscapes to the intricate recreations of historical events, every frame was atestament to the talent and artistry of the filmmakers. The attention to detail was remarkable, transporting me to different eras and locations with a seamless fluidity that left me in awe.Beyond its entertainment value, "My People, My Country" has also served as a powerful educational tool for me. Through its vivid depictions of pivotal moments in our nation's history, I gained a deeper understanding and appreciation for the sacrifices made by those who came before us. It has instilled in me a profound sense of pride and gratitude for the struggles and triumphs that have shaped our country into the global powerhouse it is today.Moreover, the film's emphasis on values such as unity, perseverance, and patriotism has resonated deeply with me. As a student, I understand the importance of these qualities in shaping our future and contributing to the continued growth and prosperity of our nation. "My People, My Country" has inspired me to embrace these values and strive to be an active participant in shaping the destiny of our beloved country.In conclusion, "My People, My Country" is a cinematic masterpiece that has captured the hearts and minds of millions of Chinese viewers, including myself. Its powerful storytelling, stunning visuals, and deep-rooted patriotism have left anindelible mark on my soul. This film has not only entertained and educated me but has also instilled in me a profound sense of pride and appreciation for our nation's rich history and the sacrifices made by countless individuals to build a better future for all of us. As I continue my journey as a student and a citizen of this great country, I will carry the lessons and inspiration of "My People, My Country" with me, forever grateful for the opportunity to witness such a remarkable celebration of our nation's resilience and greatness.篇2My Favorite Movie - Me and My MotherlandIf you ask me what my favorite movie is, I won't hesitate to tell you - it's the blockbuster hit "Me and My Motherland" that came out in 2019. This epic film celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China completely blew me away. From the moment the opening credits rolled, I was transported into a cinematic experience like no other.At first glance, you might think a 7-hour long movie would be a tedious slog. But "Me and My Motherland" is so brilliantly crafted that the time just flies by. It's an anthology of seven separate shorts directed by seven visionary filmmakers, eachoffering a unique perspective on different eras and chapters of modern Chinese history. Yet they all weave together into one cohesive and powerful narrative tapestry.The first vignette, "Fantastic China" by the legendary director Ning Hao, is a whimsical and imaginative take on the 1940s. It transports you to a world of martial arts, monsters, and augmented reality video games come to life. The dazzling special effects and clever humor had me completely enthralled from the get-go. But it also packs an emotional punch, highlighting the indomitable spirit and patriotism that has defined the Chinese people through the struggles and hardships.Chen Kaige's segment "Under the Sun" is a gritty, intense war drama that doesn't flinch from the harsh realities of the Korean War. The visuals are stunningly bold, with brilliant bursts of color that almost make you feel the heat of the battle. It's a solemn reminder of the immense sacrifices made, but also a powerful tribute to the unity, resilience, and courage in the face of adversity that enabled ultimate victory.From there, the tone shifts with "The Čυff-Dance" by the talented Jia Zhangke. It's a delightfully quirky and nostalgic look at the social reforms and changing cultural landscape of the 1970s. The vibrant dances, fashions, and music of the era are sovividly brought to life. Yet it still manages to find profundity in the little moments and relationships that defined that period of transition for so many ordinary Chinese citizens.The fourth chapter "Hello, My Friend" hit me right in the feels. This achingly beautiful and poignant segment by Ning Hao centers on a couple's lifelong romance spanning over 50 years - from their chance meeting as teenagers in the 1960s to growing old together while modern China rapidly evolves around them. It's a truly masterful exploration of enduring love, the passage of time, and the simple yet profound moments that make life so precious."Ms. Whale Shark" by Xu Zheng is a hilarious and heartwarming comedy about an eccentric old woman who goes viral online while trying to care for an injured whale shark. On the surface, it's a wacky story dripping with offbeat humor and charm. But it also serves as clever social commentary on the internet age and generational divides, while still paying tribute to traditional cultural values like compassion and community.From laughter to tears, "The Withering in Chengdu" directed by the legendary Zhang Yuan was a total emotional gut punch. This raw, beautifully-acted drama follows the struggles of a single mother battling poverty and hardship in modern-dayChengdu. It offers an unflinching yet empathetic look at some of the darker social challenges facing China, handled with great nuance and sensitivity. I was in pieces by the end but also felt such immense admiration for the resilience and perseverance of the human spirit.Finally, the grand finale "My Motherland and I" by Chen Kaige is a spectacular and rousing celebration of China's achievements and boundless potential as it charges towards an even brighter future. With stunning visuals and imagery that filled me with immense national pride, it's a fitting and triumphant climax to this remarkable cinematic journey through the trials, tribulations, progress and possibilities that make up the great Chinese dream.From篇3My Favorite Movie: "My People, My Homeland"There are countless movies out there, each with its own unique story, characters, and themes. However, among all the films I've watched, "My People, My Homeland" holds a special place in my heart. This anthology film, released in 2020, comprises five separate stories that collectively capture theessence of modern Chinese society and the indomitable spirit of its people.What initially drew me to this movie was its stellar cast, featuring some of China's most talented actors and actresses. From the legendary Zhang Yi to the versatile Ge You and the charming Jing Tian, the ensemble cast delivered performances that brought each story to life in a captivating and authentic manner. Their ability to convey a wide range of emotions and embody the diverse characters they portrayed was truly remarkable.However, it wasn't just the acting that impressed me; the stories themselves struck a chord deep within me. Each vignette offered a poignant and thought-provoking glimpse into the lives of ordinary Chinese people, exploring themes of family, love, sacrifice, and perseverance.In the story "Buddy Hairdresser," we follow the journey of a young man who returns to his hometown to take over his father's hairdressing business. Through his interactions with the locals, we witness the strong bonds that exist within the community and the importance of carrying on family traditions. This tale resonated with me deeply, as it reminded me of thesacrifices my own parents made to provide for our family and the value of honoring one's roots.Another standout segment, "Chinese Seal," delves into the world of traditional Chinese art and the dedication required to master a craft. The protagonist, an elderly seal engraver, faces the challenge of passing on his knowledge to the next generation. This storyline struck a chord with me, as it highlighted the importance of preserving cultural heritage and the role that mentorship plays in ensuring that age-old traditions are not lost to time.While each individual story was captivating in its own right, it was the overarching theme of unity and national pride that truly resonated with me. "My People, My Homeland" celebrates the resilience, determination, and unwavering spirit of the Chinese people, reminding us that no matter how diverse our backgrounds or circumstances, we are all united by a shared love for our homeland.Beyond the powerful narratives, the film's visual artistry was nothing short of breathtaking. From the stunning cinematography that captured the natural beauty of China's landscapes to the meticulous attention to detail in the set designs and costumes, every frame was a feast for the eyes. Thefilmmakers' ability to seamlessly blend these visual elements with the emotional depth of the stories was truly masterful.Furthermore, the movie's musical score was an absolute delight. The haunting melodies and traditional Chinese instrumentations perfectly complemented the various storylines, enhancing the emotional impact and transporting viewers to the heart of each narrative.But what truly solidified "My People, My Homeland" as my favorite movie was the profound impact it had on me. As a student, I often find myself grappling with questions about my identity, my place in the world, and the legacy I wish to leave behind. This film provided me with a profound sense of connection to my cultural roots and a deeper appreciation for the sacrifices and struggles of those who came before me.Moreover, the movie's celebration of diversity and inclusiveness resonated deeply with me. Each story showcased the richness and complexity of Chinese society, highlighting the various ethnic groups, traditions, and perspectives that make up the tapestry of our nation. This reminder of our shared humanity and the beauty that lies in our differences was both inspiring and humbling.In a world that often seems divided by conflict and intolerance, "My People, My Homeland" offered a refreshing and uplifting message of hope, resilience, and unity. It reminded me that no matter how challenging our circumstances may be, we can overcome any obstacle by coming together, embracing our differences, and drawing strength from our shared love for our homeland.As I reflect on this film, I am filled with a renewed sense of pride and appreciation for my country and its people. "My People, My Homeland" is not just a movie; it is a powerful reminder of the enduring spirit that binds us together as a nation. It is a celebration of our triumphs, a testament to our resilience, and a beacon of hope for a future where we can continue to overcome challenges and create a better world for generations to come.In the end, "My People, My Homeland" is more than just a cinematic masterpiece; it is a living embodiment of the values and ideals that define us as a people. It is a testament to the power of storytelling to inspire, educate, and unite us. And for me, it will forever remain a cherished part of my personal journey, a reminder of the profound impact that art can have on our lives and our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.。

以爱国之心 铸中华之魂 六百字英语作文

以爱国之心 铸中华之魂 六百字英语作文

全文分为作者个人简介和正文两个部分:作者个人简介:Hello everyone, I am an author dedicated to creating and sharing high-quality document templates. In this era of information overload, accurate and efficient communication has become especially important. I firmly believe that good communication can build bridges between people, playing an indispensable role in academia, career, and daily life. Therefore, I decided to invest my knowledge and skills into creating valuable documents to help people find inspiration and direction when needed.正文:以爱国之心铸中华之魂六百字英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1With a Patriotic Heart, Forging the Soul of ChinaAs a young student in China, I have been raised with a deep sense of patriotism and love for my country. From an early age, we are taught about the rich history, cultural heritage, andachievements of the Chinese nation. This instills in us a profound respect and admiration for our motherland, a fervent desire to contribute to its continued prosperity and strength.China's soul is a tapestry woven from the threads of its ancient civilization, spanning over 5,000 years of recorded history. It is a soul that has endured the ebbs and flows of dynasties, the triumphs and tribulations of its people, and the constant evolution of its cultural identity. At the core of this soul lies an unwavering spirit of resilience, perseverance, and an unyielding determination to overcome any obstacle.Throughout the ages, our ancestors have left an indelible mark on the world, laying the foundations for many of the advancements and innovations that have shaped human civilization. From the Four Great Inventions of ancient China –papermaking, printing, gunpowder, and the compass – to the profound philosophical teachings of Confucius, Lao Tzu, and other great thinkers, the Chinese people have made invaluable contributions to the progress of humanity.Yet, our history is not merely a chronicle of achievements; it is also a testament to the indomitable spirit of our nation. We have faced numerous challenges, from foreign invasions and civil wars to natural disasters and periods of turmoil. However, timeand again, the Chinese people have risen from the ashes, rebuilding and reinventing themselves with an unwavering determination to forge a better future.This resilience is deeply ingrained in our collective psyche, a testament to the strength of our patriotic heart and the unwavering love we have for our homeland. It is this spirit that has propelled us through the most trying times, reminding us that no obstacle is too great, no challenge too formidable, when we stand united as a nation.As we look to the future, it is this very spirit that will guide us in our pursuit of continued growth and development. We are a nation that has embraced modernity while preserving our cultural roots, a delicate balance that has allowed us to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing world.The patriotic heart that beats within each of us is the driving force behind our nation's progress. It is a wellspring of inspiration, fueling our ambitions and propelling us forward in our quest to contribute to the greater glory of China. Whether it is through academic excellence, technological innovation, artistic expression, or any other endeavor, we strive to uphold the honor and dignity of our nation, to make our ancestors proud, and to leave a lasting legacy for generations to come.As students, we are the torchbearers of this patriotic spirit, the custodians of China's soul. It is our sacred duty to nurture and preserve the values, traditions, and cultural heritage that have been passed down to us, while also embracing the opportunities of the modern age. We must strive to be ambassadors of our nation, representing the best of what China has to offer to the world.In this pursuit, we are guided by the wisdom of our leaders, who have charted a course for our nation's rejuvenation, a path that honors our past while paving the way for a brighter future. Their unwavering commitment to the principles of socialism with Chinese characteristics has laid the foundation for our country's remarkable economic and social development, elevating millions from poverty and positioning China as a major player on the global stage.Yet, our journey is far from over. As we forge ahead, we must remain vigilant, safeguarding our sovereignty, territorial integrity, and national interests against any threats or challenges that may arise. We must stand united, transcending regional, ethnic, and ideological divides, for it is only through our unwavering solidarity that we can truly unleash the full potential of our great nation.In this endeavor, education plays a pivotal role, for it is through the dissemination of knowledge and the cultivation of critical thinking that we can nurture the next generation of leaders, innovators, and visionaries. It is in the classrooms and lecture halls of our esteemed institutions that we forge the minds and souls of those who will shape the destiny of our nation.As students, we must embrace this responsibility with open arms, dedicating ourselves to the pursuit of knowledge and the development of our skills and talents. We must strive to be lifelong learners, constantly seeking to expand our horizons and deepen our understanding of the world around us.In doing so, we must never lose sight of our patriotic heart, the compass that guides us through the complexities of the modern world. It is this love for our nation, this unwavering commitment to its prosperity and strength, that will forge the Chinese soul, a soul that shines brightly as a beacon of hope and inspiration for generations to come.For it is through our collective efforts, our unwavering determination, and our deep-rooted patriotism that we will forge the soul of China, a soul that reflects the indomitable spiritof our people, the richness of our cultural heritage, and the boundless potential of our great nation.Today, as we stand on the precipice of a new era, let us embrace the mantle of responsibility that has been bestowed upon us. Let us be the architects of China's future, the builders of a nation that commands respect and admiration on the global stage. With a patriotic heart and an unwavering spirit, we shall forge the Chinese soul, a soul that will resonate through the ages, a testament to the greatness of our civilization and the indomitable spirit of our people.篇2Building the Soul of China with a Patriotic HeartAs a student growing up in this great nation, I have been instilled with a deep sense of patriotism from a young age. My love for China runs through my veins like a mighty river, nourishing every fiber of my being with pride and devotion for the land that has cradled countless generations before me. It is this unwavering patriotic spirit that shapes the very soul of our nation, forging an unbreakable bond between the people and the soil upon which we stand.China's history is a tapestry woven with threads of resilience, perseverance, and an indomitable spirit that has withstood the test of time. From the ancient dynasties that laid the foundations of our rich cultural heritage to the tumultuous struggles that paved the way for our modern renaissance, every chapter whispers tales of courage, sacrifice, and an unyielding determination to protect and preserve the essence of what it means to be Chinese.In the classrooms where I have spent countless hours learning, I have been taught to revere the great thinkers, philosophers, and leaders who have shaped our nation's identity. Their wisdom echoes through the ages, reminding us of the importance of upholding the values that have defined our people for millennia – values of harmony, diligence, and a deep respect for tradition.Yet, my patriotism extends far beyond the confines of the past. It is a living, breathing force that compels me to look towards the future with hope and determination. As I gaze upon the towering skyscrapers that pierce the skylines of our modern cities, I am filled with awe at the remarkable transformation our nation has undergone. From the bustling streets of Shanghai to the technological marvels of Shenzhen, China has emerged as aglobal powerhouse, a testament to the indomitable spirit of our people and their unwavering pursuit of progress.However, true patriotism is not merely a superficial display of pride; it is a call to action, a clarion summons to contribute to the continued growth and prosperity of our nation. As a student, I recognize that the future of China rests upon the shoulders of my generation, and it is our sacred duty to uphold the torch of progress while remaining steadfastly rooted in the rich tapestry of our cultural heritage.This is why I dedicate myself wholeheartedly to my studies, striving to acquire the knowledge and skills that will enable me to play a meaningful role in shaping the destiny of our nation. Whether it be through the pursuit of scientific discoveries that push the boundaries of human understanding, or through the cultivation of artistic expression that celebrates the beauty and depth of our culture, I am driven by an unwavering desire to leave an indelible mark on the tapestry of China's enduring legacy.Yet, my patriotism extends beyond the confines of personal ambition. It is a call to unite with my fellow countrymen, to stand shoulder to shoulder in the face of adversity, and to embrace the diversity that weaves the intricate fabric of our nation. For it is inour unity, in our collective strength, that the true power of China lies.As I look towards the future, I am filled with hope and determination. Hope that our nation will continue to soar to unprecedented heights, propelled by the unwavering spirit of its people. Determination to play my part, to contribute my talents and efforts to the greater good of our beloved homeland.For it is through the cultivation of a patriotic heart that we forge the indomitable soul of China, a soul that has weathered the storms of history and emerged stronger, more resilient, and more resolute than ever before. It is this soul, this inextinguishable flame of love for our nation, that will guide us towards a future of unprecedented greatness, a future where the glory of China shines as a beacon of hope and inspiration for the world to behold.In the end, my patriotism is not a fleeting emotion, but a lifelong commitment, a sacred vow to honor the sacrifices of those who came before us and to pave the way for generations yet to come. It is a recognition that our individual destinies are inextricably intertwined with the destiny of our nation, and that by nurturing the flames of patriotism within our hearts, we kindlethe eternal flame that will illuminate the path towards a brighter, more prosperous future for all Chinese people.篇3With a deep love for my homeland, I stand tall, my heart swelling with pride and patriotism. As a student of this great nation, I am honored to bear witness to the remarkable journey of China, a nation that has risen from the ashes of adversity to become a global powerhouse, a beacon of hope and resilience.From the ancient teachings of Confucius to the modern marvels of technology, China's rich tapestry of culture and history has woven a vibrant narrative that transcends time and borders. It is a story of perseverance, of a people who have endured countless challenges yet emerged victorious, their spirits unbroken, their determination unwavering.As I gaze upon the vast expanse of our nation, I am humbled by the sacrifices of those who came before us, the pioneers and visionaries who laid the foundation for our collective success. Their unwavering dedication to the preservation of our cultural heritage and the pursuit of progress has paved the way for a brighter future, one where the dreams of generations past are realized.In the bustling cities that dot our landscape, I witness the fusion of ancient wisdom and modern innovation, a harmonious blend that propels us forward while honoring our roots. The towering skyscrapers stand as testament to our technological prowess, while the intricate architecture of our temples and palaces pay homage to the artistry and ingenuity of our ancestors.Yet, our nation's greatness extends far beyond the realm of material achievement. It is found in the unwavering spirit of our people, a spirit that has withstood the test of time and adversity. From the courageous soldiers who defended our borders to the tenacious farmers who tilled our lands, the essence of China lies in the indomitable will of its people, a will that has forged the very soul of our nation.As I walk the hallowed grounds of our universities and institutions of learning, I am reminded of the immense responsibility that rests upon my shoulders. It is our duty, as the torchbearers of knowledge, to uphold the values that have shaped our nation, to preserve the rich tapestry of our culture while simultaneously embracing the winds of change.With each passing day, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude for the sacrifices made by those who came before us,and a renewed determination to contribute to the continued growth and prosperity of our beloved homeland. For it is through our collective efforts, our unwavering patriotism, and our commitment to the ideals that have defined our nation that we will forge a brighter tomorrow, a tomorrow where the soul of China shines ever brighter, a beacon of hope and inspiration for generations to come.In this endeavor, we must never forget the wisdom of our ancestors, the lessons etched into the very fabric of our existence. We must embrace the values of harmony, respect, and unity, for it is through these virtues that we will overcome the challenges that lie ahead, navigating the ever-changing tides of progress while remaining steadfast in our commitment to the preservation of our cultural identity.As the sun rises over the majestic mountains and rivers that have borne witness to our nation's remarkable journey, I am filled with a renewed sense of purpose. It is with a patriotic heart that I pledge to forge the soul of China, to honor the sacrifices of those who came before us, and to pave the way for a future where our nation's greatness knows no bounds.For in the end, it is not the might of our armies or the grandeur of our cities that define us, but rather the indomitablespirit of our people, a spirit that has transcended generations, a spirit that will forever burn bright, guiding us towards a future of unparalleled greatness.With these words, I stand tall, my heart swelling with pride and patriotism, for I am a child of China, a nation whose greatness knows no bounds, and whose soul shall forever be etched into the annals of history.。


各国应开展形式多样的多边合作,在合作中促进各自发展。Countries need to carry out different forms of (multilateral) cooperation that will bring about mutual development to all.
这几个例句中,“促进”在句子后半部分,很明显表示一个目的或希望 产生的结果。从这个角度出发,译文侧重于描述要实现的结果,而没有将“促
深化干部人事制度改革,促进各方面优秀人才脱颖而出。Additional improvements are needed in the personnel system to harness the full potential of the most qualified individuals.
利 用 消 费 平 台 充 分 挖 掘 市 场 潜 力, 促 进 供 需 更 好 衔 接。Consumer platforms can be used as a channel to tap into the full potential of the market so that supply is more effectively aligned with demand.
去 年 对 招 生 程 序 的 改 革 证 明 还 是 有 用 的, 学 生 人 数 增 加 了。The changes made to the admission procedures last year proved to be instrumental in increasing enrollment.
金融改革有序推进,金融体系不断完善。The financial system continues to improve as reform proceeds in good order across the sector.



互联网身份英语作文Title: The Significance of Internet Identity。

In the age of digitalization, the concept of internet identity has become increasingly significant. An internet identity refers to the persona an individual presents online, encompassing their personal information, activities, and interactions on various digital platforms. This essay explores the importance of internet identity in today's society, examining its implications on privacy, security, and social interactions.Firstly, internet identity plays a crucial role in shaping one's online reputation. In the virtual realm, individuals are often judged based on their digital footprint, which includes their social media posts, comments, and online interactions. A positive internet identity can enhance one's credibility, professionalism,and social standing, whereas a negative internet identity may lead to reputational damage and hinder opportunities inboth personal and professional spheres.Moreover, internet identity is closely linked to privacy and data security. With the proliferation of social media and online services, individuals are constantly sharing personal information online, ranging from basic demographics to sensitive data such as financial details and contact information. Consequently, safeguarding one's internet identity is paramount to protecting against identity theft, cyber-attacks, and unauthorized access to personal information. Employing robust privacy settings, utilizing secure passwords, and being vigilant against phishing attempts are essential measures in safeguarding internet identity.Furthermore, internet identity profoundly influences social interactions and relationships in the digital age. Social media platforms serve as virtual spaces where individuals connect, communicate, and collaborate with others from diverse backgrounds and geographic locations. However, the anonymity afforded by the internet can also facilitate the proliferation of cyberbullying, harassment,and online scams. Thus, cultivating a responsible internet identity entails promoting positive online behavior, practicing digital etiquette, and fostering a culture of mutual respect and empathy in virtual communities.In addition, internet identity intersects with issues of digital citizenship and online governance. As the boundaries between the physical and virtual worlds blur, policymakers and stakeholders grapple with questions surrounding digital rights, online freedoms, and regulation of cyberspace. Striking a balance between protecting individual privacy and ensuring cybersecurity while upholding principles of free expression and access to information remains a complex challenge in the digital era.Furthermore, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies introduces new dimensions to internet identity. Algorithms used by social media platforms and online services analyze vast amounts of user data to personalize content, target advertisements, and make recommendations. Consequently, individuals may find their internet identity shaped by algorithms, which canlead to filter bubbles, echo chambers, and algorithmic biases that reinforce existing prejudices and narrow perspectives.In conclusion, internet identity is a multifaceted concept with far-reaching implications for individuals, society, and governance in the digital age. As we navigate the complexities of the online world, cultivating apositive internet identity, safeguarding privacy and security, promoting responsible online behavior, and advocating for digital rights and freedoms are essential steps towards harnessing the potential of the internet while mitigating its risks and challenges. By understanding and actively managing our internet identities, we can contribute to creating a safer, more inclusive, and equitable digital ecosystem for present and future generations.。



我是中国文化的代言人英语演讲作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Journey as an Ambassador for Chinese CultureEsteemed guests, dear friends, and fellow students. I am honored to stand before you today to share my experience as an ambassador for the rich and ancient culture of China. From the Great Wall stretching across the vast landscapes to the intricate artistry of calligraphy, China's cultural heritage has captivated me since childhood. It is a tapestry woven with threads of history, tradition, and resilience, and it is my privilege to be a voice for its enduring legacy.Growing up in a family that cherished our cultural roots, I was immersed in the stories and teachings of our ancestors from an early age. I vividly remember my grandmother's gentle voice as she recounted tales of mythical creatures and legendary heroes, her words painting vivid pictures in my mind. It was through these narratives that I first learned about the profound wisdom and values that have shaped Chinese civilization for millennia.As I grew older, my curiosity about our traditions deepened, and I embarked on a journey of self-discovery. I delved into the world of literature, marveling at the masterpieces of poets like Li Bai and Du Fu, whose words transcended time and space. Their verses resonated with me, capturing the essence of human experience and the beauty of nature in a way that stirred my soul.My thirst for knowledge led me to explore the rich tapestry of Chinese art, from the graceful movements of ancient dance forms to the delicate brushstrokes of landscape paintings. I was mesmerized by the way artists could convey entire worlds within a single canvas, capturing the harmony between humanity and the natural world. It was a revelation that art could be a powerful medium for expressing the depths of our cultural identity.As an ambassador for Chinese culture, I have had the privilege of sharing these treasures with audiences around the world. Through interactive workshops and engaging presentations, I have witnessed the transformative power of cultural exchange. I have seen the spark of curiosity ignite in the eyes of those who had never before encountered the intricacies of our traditions, and I have felt a sense of pride as they embraced the richness of our heritage.One of the most rewarding aspects of my role has been introducing others to the ancient practice of calligraphy. With each stroke of the brush, I have guided individuals on a journey through the graceful curves and intricate strokes that make up the Chinese written language. It is a meditative art form that demands patience, focus, and a deep connection to one's inner self – qualities that are deeply ingrained in our cultural ethos.Beyond the artistic and literary realms, I have also sought to share the profound philosophical teachings that have shaped Chinese thought for centuries. From the principles of Confucianism, which emphasize harmony, filial piety, and moral cultivation, to the wisdom of Taoism, which encourages us to embrace the natural flow of life, these ancient philosophies offer invaluable insights for navigating the complexities of the modern world.As an ambassador, I have had the opportunity to engage with diverse audiences, from school children to diplomats and business leaders. Each encounter has been a unique learning experience, reminding me of the universality of human experiences and the power of cultural exchange to bridge divides and foster understanding.Through my work, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative impact that cultural diplomacy can have on individuals and communities. I have seen how the sharing of traditions and narratives can transcend boundaries, fostering empathy, respect, and a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry of human diversity.Yet, my journey as an ambassador has not been without its challenges. There have been moments when I have encountered skepticism or misunderstandings, reminding me of the importance of patience, open-mindedness, and a willingness to engage in respectful dialogue. These experiences have taught me the value of actively listening and seeking to understand different perspectives, for it is through such exchanges that we can truly appreciate the depth and nuances of our cultural heritage.As I stand before you today, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude for the opportunity to share the wonders of Chinese culture with the world. It is a responsibility that I embrace with humility and dedication, for I believe that by preserving and promoting our traditions, we not only honor our ancestors but also lay the foundation for a future where diverse cultures can coexist and thrive in harmony.To my fellow students and aspiring ambassadors, I encourage you to embrace your cultural roots with pride and passion. Seek to understand the richness of your heritage, and share its teachings with others. For it is through the exchange of ideas, traditions, and narratives that we can build bridges of understanding and create a world that celebrates the tapestry of human diversity.In the words of the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius, "Study the past if you would define the future." Let us honor the wisdom of our ancestors by preserving and promoting our cultural heritage, for in doing so, we not only honor our roots but also pave the way for a more enlightened and interconnected world.Thank you, and may the beauty and wisdom of Chinese culture continue to inspire and enrich us all.篇2Dear friends, teachers, and distinguished guests,My name is Xiaoming, and I stand before you today as a proud ambassador of the rich, ancient culture of China. From the Great Wall stretching across the vastlands, to the timeless wisdom found in classic texts like the Analects of Confucius, thecultural heritage of my homeland is a vibrant tapestry woven through centuries of history.To truly understand Chinese culture, one must first grasp the significance of its origins tracing back over 5,000 years. It was in the fertile valleys of the Yellow River where the earliest civilizations took root, harnessing the land's bounty to produce agricultural surpluses that allowed cities, writing systems, and intellectual traditions to flourish. The remarkable consistency and continuity of Chinese culture stem from this cradle of civilization.At the core of Chinese thought lies a unique philosophical and spiritual outlook that has shaped our way of life. The teachings of Confucius, which emphasize virtue, propriety, and societal harmony, have had a profound impact. Confucian values such as filial piety, diligence, and the pursuit of moral cultivation are deeply ingrained. Complementing this ethical framework are the mystical concepts of Daoism, which advocates living in balance with the natural flow of the universe.Chinese culture is also defined by its profound appreciation for the arts and literature. The ancient Book of Songs compiled poetry expressing the most exquisite human emotions. Chinese calligraphy, whereby ink brushstrokes become dynamic linesimbued with rhythm and spirit, is revered as the highest form of visual art. Every splash of ink contains centuries of spiritual energy and creative expression.One cannot forget the intellectual achievements that emerged from the Middle Kingdom. Ancient Chinese philosophers made pioneering forays into logic, cosmology, and governance. The invention of paper, printing, the compass, and gunpowder revolutionized human civilization. Traditional Chinese medicine, rooted in the harmonious relationship between the human body and nature, has evolved into a holistic system of healing still practiced today.In this modern era, the Chinese diaspora has carried our proud篇3Good morning everyone! My name is Xiaoming, and I am honored to be here today to speak about my role as an ambassador of Chinese culture.As a student, I have had the incredible opportunity to learn about the rich tapestry of traditions, philosophies, and artistic expressions that make up the vibrant cultural heritage of China. From the ancient wisdom of Confucius and Lao Tzu to thebreathtaking beauty of calligraphy and landscape paintings, Chinese culture has captivated me since childhood.Today, I stand before you not only as a student but also as a passionate advocate for preserving and promoting the wonders of Chinese culture. In a world that is increasingly interconnected, it is more important than ever to foster understanding and appreciation for the diverse cultural identities that shape our global community.China's cultural legacy spans thousands of years, and its influence can be felt in every aspect of life, from the martial arts to traditional medicine, from the intricate art of paper-cutting to the symbolic significance of the dragon. As an ambassador of this profound heritage, I feel a deep sense of responsibility to share its beauty and wisdom with the world.One of the most profound aspects of Chinese culture is its emphasis on harmony and balance. The ancient concept of yin and yang, which represents the complementary forces of opposites, is deeply ingrained in our philosophy and way of life. It teaches us to seek equilibrium, to embrace the cyclical nature of existence, and to find balance amidst the constant ebb and flow of change.This principle of harmony extends to our approach to nature as well. Chinese culture has long celebrated the natural world, revering its beauty and seeking to live in harmony with its rhythms. From the intricate gardens of Suzhou to the breathtaking landscapes captured in traditional Chinese paintings, nature has been a constant source of inspiration and reverence for our people.Another cornerstone of Chinese culture is the art of calligraphy. This ancient practice, which dates back over two millennia, is not merely a means of writing but rather a profound expression of the human spirit. Each stroke of the brush is imbued with emotion, discipline, and a deep connection to the past. Calligraphy is a living embodiment of the Chinese cultural values of perseverance, dedication, and the pursuit of aesthetic perfection.The performing arts, too, hold a revered place in Chinese culture. From the mesmerizing movements of classical Chinese dance to the haunting melodies of the guqin, an ancient seven-stringed zither, these art forms have captivated audiences for centuries. They are not merely forms of entertainment but rather vehicles for conveying the depths of human emotion, the wisdom of ages past, and the enduring spirit of our people.Of course, no discussion of Chinese culture would be complete without mentioning our rich culinary traditions. Chinese cuisine is a true feast for the senses, with its vibrant colors, tantalizing aromas, and exquisite flavors. From the delicate art of dim sum to the fiery spices of Sichuan cuisine, food is not merely a means of sustenance but rather a celebration of life, community, and the bounties of nature.As an ambassador of Chinese culture, I am deeply committed to sharing these treasures with the world. Through exhibitions, cultural exchanges, and educational initiatives, I strive to bridge the gap between cultures, fostering understanding and appreciation for the richness and diversity of our global heritage.However, my role goes beyond simply showcasing the past glories of Chinese culture. It is also about embracing and nurturing the dynamic, ever-evolving nature of our traditions. Just as the ancient philosophers taught us to seek balance and harmony, we must find a way to honor our cultural roots while also adapting to the changing tides of modern life.This is where the youth of today play a crucial role. We are the inheritors of this magnificent legacy, and it is our responsibility to carry it forward into the future. By infusing ourcultural traditions with fresh perspectives and innovative ideas, we can ensure that they remain relevant and vibrant in the 21st century.Imagine a world where the wisdom of Confucius is applied to contemporary challenges, where the principles of yin and yang guide us towards sustainable living, and where the beauty of calligraphy and Chinese dance inspire new artistic expressions. This is the vision I hold dear – a future where the timeless treasures of Chinese culture are woven into the fabric of a globalized world, enriching and enlightening all who encounter them.As an ambassador of Chinese culture, I am committed to being a bridge between the past and the present, between the East and the West. I believe that by embracing the diversity of our cultural heritages, we can build a more harmonious, compassionate, and interconnected world.So, my fellow students, my friends, and my fellow citizens of the world, I invite you to join me on this incredible journey. Let us celebrate the wonders of Chinese culture, learn from its ancient wisdom, and find inspiration in its enduring beauty. Together, we can ensure that this magnificent legacy continues to shinebrightly, illuminating the path towards a more peaceful, understanding, and culturally rich future for all.Thank you, and may the harmony and wisdom of Chinese culture guide us all.。







关键词:译者;主体性;外宣;翻译ABSTRACTThe foreign publicity translation has been becoming more and more important with China?s further integration with other members in the world. The research on foreign publicity translation in current stage enjoys a tendency to develop in a multi-angle and multi-level way. However, in the long past few years, being limited within the “Loyalty” and “Equivalence”, the study on foreign publicity translation focuses on the analysis and transformation of languages from linguistic surface, which is a kind of static analysis. Moreover, the research on subjectivity of translators has been often ignored, especially in foreign publicity translation.Under the framework of Relevance Theory, this thesis studies the subjectivity of the translator in foreign publicity translation from the cognitive perspective. As a cognitive theory, Relevance theory stresses the importance of “man”. Translator alwaysplays an indispensable role in comprehending, interpreting, rendering the source text. The writer will collect various foreign publicity materials to find the Optimal Relevance among various information, infer and understand true communicative intention, in a overall and scientific way.Key words:translator; subjectivity; foreign publicity; translationContent1. Introduction (1)2. Foreign publicity translation (2)2.1 The definition of foreign publicity translation (2)2.2 The characteristics of foreign publicity translation (2)3. The translator’s subjectivity (4)3.1The definition of the subjectivity of the translator (4)3.2 The Significance of Translator?s Subjectivity (4)4. Relevance Theory (6)4.1 A general introduction of Relevance Theory (6)4.2 Principle of Relevance (6)4.2.1 Cognitive Principle of Relevance Cognitive (7)4.2.2 Communicative Principle of Relevance (7)4.2.3 Optimal Relevance (8)5. The subjectivity of the translator for foreign publicity translation under the framework of relevance theory (9)5.1 The subjectivity of the translator in the first ostensive-inferential Communication. (9)5.2 The subjectivity of the translator in the second ostensive-inferential communication .. 106. The problems and strategies in foreign publicity translation from the two ostensive-inferential communication processes (11)6.1 Inaccurate comprehension of the ST (11)6.2 Translator?s inc ompetence in rendering of the TT (12)6.3 Strategies (14)6.3.1 Reconstructing (14) The restructuring of titles (14) The restructuring of discourse patterns (15)6.3.2 Addition (17) The addition to cultural and historical background (18) The addition to political writing and economic phrases (19)6.3.3 Omission (20)7. Conclusion (22)Acknowledgements ............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

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