Oxygen-rich disk in the V778 Cyg system resolved








第 42 卷第 6 期2023年 11 月Vol.42 No.6Nov. 2023中南民族大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of South-Central Minzu University(Natural Science Edition)石墨相氮化碳光催化还原CO2研究进展常世鑫1,虞梦雪1,俞迨2,严翼1*,王之1,吕康乐1(1 中南民族大学资源与环境学院& 资源转化与污染控制国家民委重点实验室,武汉430074;2 杭州市质量技术监督检测院,杭州310019)摘要半导体光催化可以利用太阳能驱动CO2光催化还原制备碳氢燃料,成为研究热点.石墨相氮化碳(g-C3N4)具有制备简便和可见光响应性能的优点,是CO2还原的热门光催化材料。

但是它具有缺陷多、比表面积小和光生载流子易复合等缺点,光催化CO2还原性能不高.为此,介绍了高CO2还原活性的g-C3N4研究进展,内容包括:(1)g-C3N4研究基础(分子结构、制备方法与电子能带结构);(2)高活性g-C3N4的分子设计策略(缺陷调控、元素掺杂、表面等离子体处理、单原子催化和异质结构建等),重点讨论了改性方式对g-C3N4的光吸收、光电性能和CO2还原产物选择性的影响.最后建议未来聚焦结晶氮化碳的修饰改性研究,强调利用原位和瞬态表征技术指导高CO2还原活性的g-C3N4的开发,并关注具有高能量密度的长链碳氢燃料产物的选择性.关键词氮化碳;光催化;CO2还原;选择性中图分类号O625.67;O643.3 文献标志码 A 文章编号1672-4321(2023)06-0721-12doi:10.20056/ki.ZNMDZK.20230601Research progress of photocatalytic CO2 reduction ongraphitic carbon nitrideCHANG Shixin1,YU Mengxue1,YU Dai2,YAN Yi1*,WANG Zhi1,LYU Kangle1(1 College of Resources and Environment & Key Laboratory of Resources Conversion and PollutionControl of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, South-Central Minzu University, Wuhan 430074, China;2 Hangzhou Inspection Institute of Quality and Technical Supervision, Hangzhou 310019, China)Abstract Semiconductor photocatalysis can use solar energy to drive the photocatalytic reduction of CO2,producing hydrocarbon fuel,which becomes a research hotspot. Graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4)is a popular photocatalytic material for CO2reduction,which has the merits of facile synthesis and visible-light-response property. However,the photocatalytic activity of g-C3N4 is not high enough for CO2 reduction due to its drawbacks including many defects, small specific surface area, and easy recombination of photogenerated charge carriers. Herein, the recent progress of high active g-C3N4 for CO2 reduction was introduced, which included (1) the research fundamental of g-C3N4: molecular structure,synthesis method,and electronic band structures;(2)the strategies of g-C3N4 molecular design for high efficient CO2 reduction:defects engineering,elements doping,surface plasma treatment,single-atom catalysis,and heterojunction construction. Detailed discussions were focused on theeffects of different modification methods on light absorption,photoelectric property,and selectivity of CO2reduction of g-C3N4. Finally,it is suggested to focus on the study of crystalline g-C3N4modification in the future,emphasizing the use of in situ and transient characterization techniques in exploration of g-C3N4with high CO2reduction activity and selectivity of long-chain hydrocarbon fuel products with high energy density.Keywords carbon nitride; photocatalysis; CO2 reduction; selectivity收稿日期2023-04-12* 通信作者严翼(1986-),女,讲师,博士,研究方向:环境生态,E-mail:****************基金项目国家自然科学基金资助项目(41901235)第 42 卷中南民族大学学报(自然科学版)工业革命以来,人类活动不断的增加和工业的迅速发展促使了化石燃料的大量使用,导致CO2温室气体的大量排放[1-4].伴随国家的“双碳”目标和绿色发展战略的提出,如何合理解决CO2气体造成的环境问题将影响社会和经济的可持续发展. CO2是一种比较稳定的分子,使C=O键断裂需要大约750 kJ‧mol-1的能量,常规的物理化学方法处理CO2较困难.但是分子中的O周围存在孤对电子,可以为路易斯酸中心提供电子,而其中C可以接受来自路易斯碱中心的电子[5];此外,CO2可以吸附在绝大多数催化剂材料表面上,这为催化还原CO2分子提供可能性[5-6].受光激发的半导体材料可以诱导CO2转化为高价值的碳氢燃料产物,在缓解温室效应的同时,还生产了高附加值工业化学品.因此,CO2的光催化还原具有节能和环保的优点,符合可持续发展的理念[7-8].随着研究的不断深入,高活性CO2还原的半导体光催化材料的开发也从初始的TiO2逐渐拓展到硫化物、金属氧化物和非金属氮碳化物等[9-10],这些催化剂的光吸收范围从紫外光逐渐向可见光拓展,CO2还原产物日渐丰富,从C1产物(如CO、CH4、CH3OH和HCOOH)过渡到C2产物(如C2H5OH 等)[5-6].在这些半导体材料中,氮化碳由于具有较好的物理化学稳定性、优异的光响应范围、合适的带隙结构、便捷的制备方式和易于改性等优点而受到广泛关注[3-4, 7].同时,由于氮化碳的能带结构满足光催化CO2还原的热力学条件,被迅速应用于CO2还原领域.但是,体相氮化碳仍然存在可见光吸收范围窄、载流子复合率高和比表面积小等缺点.针对这些问题,近年来研究人员致力于对氮化碳进行改性从而提升其光催化性能,特别是CO2还原产物的选择性,以产生更高价值的多碳产物.基于以上研究结果,本文主要针对氮化碳改性调节CO2还原产物的选择性进行总结,分别从缺陷调控、元素掺杂和构建异质结三个角度进行详细阐述,重点探讨了改性方法对于氮化碳光吸收、光电特性及还原产物选择性的影响,最后对氮化碳光催化材料未来发展提出展望.1 氮化碳的结构和性质氮化碳是一种热门的聚合型材料,拥有着较高的化学稳定性和热稳定性,耐酸碱腐蚀,最高可在700 ℃下保持热稳定性[4, 11].氮化碳前驱体在高温环境中,可以一步一步缩合成环状结构,这种环状结构的雏形最早由BERZELIUS发现,并在1834年由LIEBIG命名为“melon”[11-14].这种雏形材料继续进行缩合最终可得到两种氮化碳的主要结构——三嗪环(C3N3)[图1(a)]和七嗪环(C6N7)[图1(b)].这两种聚合型的结构由于缩合不完全,使少量杂质氢在结构边缘上产生伯胺基团或者仲胺基团,产生大量无序的体相缺陷.这些体相缺陷的存在,不利于光生载流子的快速迁移扩散,而成为了载流子复合中心,抑制光催化活性.所以,需要对氮化碳进行结构修饰与改性,提升其光催化性能[11, 15-16].氮化碳是一种典型的N型半导体材料,其能带结构如图1(c)所示,带隙约为2.7 eV,它的导带电位比大多数的CO2还原产物的电位更负,理论上可以生成诸多的还原产物.但在实际应用过程中,受到热力学和动力学因素的限制,氮化碳光催化CO2还原产物主要为CO和CH4[8].在CO2还原反应过程中,氮化碳价带上的空穴分解H2O为导带产物的生成提供H+[16];而导带上的电子还原CO2时,生成CH4比生成相同量的CO需要更多的电子和H+[公式(1)和公式(2)],所以生成CH4受到动力学因素的影响程度更大.此外,氮化碳材料的导带电位也满足生成H2的条件,这也制约了氮化碳还原CO2生成CH4[16-17].CO2 + 2H++ 2e-→ CO + H2OE0redox=-0.53 V (vs. NHE,PH = 7),(1)CO2 + 8H++ 8e-→ CH4+ 2H2OE0redox=- 0.21 V (vs. NHE,PH = 7).(2)氮化碳可以通过尿素、氰胺、双氰胺、三聚氰胺、硫脲等前驱体[图1(d)]通过热聚合(包括水热合成法、模板法、熔融盐法等)得到,方法便捷、易于批量制备[12-13, 18-20].其中,氰胺热缩合生成双氰胺,再由双氰胺热缩合生成三聚氰胺,最后通过三聚氰胺的逐渐缩合制备出氮化碳,这种途径被公认为是产生相对较少缺陷的聚合物的一种高效方法[4, 11].但是制备出的氮化碳存在较多缺陷,为了改善氮化碳缺陷多和载流子易复合的问题以提高光催化剂的活性和调节产物的选择性,可以从制备方式出发,通过缺陷调控、元素掺杂或修饰改性、构造异质结等途径实现氮化碳的高效应用和产物选择性的调控[21-23].对氮化碳进行改性处理后的CO2还原产物及选择性的结果详见表1.722第 6 期常世鑫,等:石墨相氮化碳光催化还原CO 2研究进展2 改性氮化碳调控CO 2光催化还原选择性CO 2的光催化还原,要经历多电子逐步还原的反应过程.CO 2在氮化碳表面的光催化还原产物主要有C 1产物和C 2产物,而生成更长链的多碳产物至今仍然面临着很大的挑战[5].C 1产物的生成过程, 首先是H +与电子转移到CO 2表面,生成羧基中间体(COOH*),然后进一步生成CO 、CH 4等产物[6].CO 由C =O*或C ≡O*生成,而其他C 1还原产物如HCHO 、CH 3OH 和CH 4的生成途径则由中间体CO*经过一系列反应生成[5].其中CH 4的生成方式有两种:一种通过CO*加氢生成CH 3O*,再转化成CH 4和H 2O ;另一种由CO*生成COH*,然后脱水形成C*,最后逐步加氢生成CH 4[5-6, 50].C 2产物由生成的CO*加氢生成*CHO ,然后碳碳键偶联产生COCHO*,继而生成乙醇和乙醛等产物[5, 24, 39].改性后的氮化碳因为性能发生改变会导致CO 2还原过程中热力学性能和动力学性能发生改变,使得生成的中间体的种类和相应的生成速率发生变化,最终影响到产物的选择性[5, 16].基于氮化碳的改性方式进行分类,本文将从多种氮化碳的改性方法对于产物选择性影响角度进行详细阐述.2.1 缺陷调控由于石墨相氮化碳的热聚合不完全,导致大量无序体相缺陷的生成,这些缺陷很容易成为光生载流子的复合中心,抑制石墨相氮化碳的光催化活性.但是,对于结晶度比较好在石墨相氮化碳,可以通过特定缺陷(如碳缺陷位点和氮缺陷位点)的引入来调控其半导体能带结构和表面化学环境,增强光吸收和载流子分离效率,实现CO 2还原的活性的增强和产物选择性的调控[1-2].氮空位的引入可以增强CO 2的吸附性能,同时可以作为陷阱诱捕光生电子,通过延长载流子的寿命和抑制载流子复合,来提升石墨相氮化碳的光催化还原CO 2性能[17].此外,捕获电子后的氮空位由于周围电子分布的改变更有利于CO 2吸附和活化[17].通过制备出的三聚氰胺-三聚氰酸超分子进行自组装制备出氮化碳(表1序号1),将氮化碳置于550 ℃下,使用氩气和氢气的混合气体氛围进行氢热处理制备出有氮空位缺陷的管状氮化碳[17].通过原位红外测试[图2(a )]可知:在反应图1 氮化碳结构、性质和制备方法Fig.1 Structure , properties and preparation method of carbon nitride723第 42 卷中南民族大学学报(自然科学版)表1 氮化碳改性策略与光催化还原CO2性能Tab.1 Modification strategies and photocatalytic CO2 reduction performances of carbon nitride序号1 234 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33催化剂名称TCN-1NVs-PCNg-CN-650g-CN-750HCN-AP-g-C3N4S-CN1% B/g-C3N42Au-CNCN/Aug-C3N4/Bi/CDsNi25/g-CNCN/PDA10Def-CNPt@Def-CNCo-MOF/g-C3N4Ni5-CNCu-CCNCCNBsK-CNMn1Co1/CNPtCu-crCNInCu/PCNPd1+NPs/C3N4P/Cu SAs@CNC3N4/rGO/NiAl-LDHsCo3O4/CNSg-C3N4/Cu2Og-C3N4/Ti3C2TxCN/ZnO/GAg-C3N4/FeWO4PN-g-C3N4CeCo-PTI改性方法氮空位氮空位氮空位氮空位局部结晶P改性S掺杂B掺杂纳米Au纳米Au纳米Bi纳米Ni2,6吡啶二羧酸掺杂缺陷氮化碳单原子PtCo-MOFNi单原子Cu单原子Cu修饰K掺杂双单原子双单原子双单原子单原子与纳米粒子金属单原子与非金属Ⅱ型半导体Z型异质结Z型异质结异质结Z型异质结Z型异质结多孔纳米带S型异质结光源300 W氙灯LED灯300 W氙灯300 W氙灯LED灯300 W氙灯300 W氙灯300 W氙灯300 W氙灯氙灯300 W氙灯300 W氙灯500 W氙灯300 W氙灯300 W氙灯300 W氙灯300 W氙灯氙灯300 W氙灯氙灯300 W氙灯300 W氙灯300 W氙灯250 mW cm-2氙灯300 W氙灯300 W氙灯300 W氙灯300 W氙灯300 W氙灯300 W氙灯300 W氙灯300 W氙灯300 W氙灯活性/(µmol‧g-1‧h-1)CO: 7.1CO: 55.95CO: 5.3CH4: 34.4CH4: 52.8CH3COH: 1815CO: 2.4CH4: 1.8CO: 3.20CO: 0.45CH4: 0.16CH4: 1.55CO: 28.3CO: 9.08―CO: 284.7H2: 71CH4: 2.1CH4: 6.3CO: 6.75CH4: 5.47CO: 8.6CO: 3.1CO: 9.9H2: 0.94CO: 8.7CO: 47CH4: 2.8C2H5OH: 28.5CH4: 20.3C2H6: 616.6CO: 2.6CH4: 20.0CO: 13.3CH4: 3.2CH3OH: 0.71CO: 3.98CH4: 2.1CO: 33.9CO: 6.0CO: 29.8CH4: 45.4选择性100% CO85% CO86.6% CH496.4% CH498.3% CH3COH43.3% CH4100% CO26.2% CH419.1% CH495.6% CO98% CO28% CH4100% CO78% CH499% CH444.8% CH481.1% CO100% CO91.4% CO―100% CO19.4% CH492% C2H5OH97.8% CH433.0% C2H688.5% CH480.8% CO94.9% CH3OH34.7% CH492% CO91% CO100% CO88.3% CH4参考文献[17][22][16][16][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][33][3][34][35][36][23][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49]724第 6 期常世鑫,等:石墨相氮化碳光催化还原CO 2研究进展过程中的产生了大量生成CO 的中间体——CH 3O*、HCOO -和COOH*,并未发现大量生成CH 4中间体,使CO 2还原更倾向于生成CO.除了改变煅烧热处理的气体氛围可以制造氮空位,利用甲酸辅助刻蚀也可以产生氮空位缺陷.杨朋举教授课题组[22]用三聚氰胺作为前驱体煅烧出氮化碳,利用氩气将甲酸带入管式炉对氮化碳进行热处理从而产生氮空位.通过表征发现氮空位主要集中在氮化碳的表面,形成氮空位后也极大地提高了CO 的产率,CO 选择性大约在85%(表1序号2).通过吉布斯自由能的理论计算[图2(b )]可以发现:这种方式引入的氮空位降低了生成COOH*的活化能,使得产物中CO 的选择性更高.氮空位的形成会影响材料能带结构,带隙的位置可以受到氮空位的电子密度的影响[16, 51].张金龙教授课题组[16]报道三聚氰胺在空气氛围下通过改变温度进行高温煅烧可以制备出氮空位的氮化碳.根据CO 2还原的活性测试结果发现:随着催化剂煅烧温度的提高,CH 4的选择性大幅提高,750 ℃煅烧出来的氮化碳CH 4的选择性最大并且达到96.4%(表1序号4).通过能带分析发现:随着煅烧温度的提高,间隙态的生成位置逐渐降低[图2(c )],在650 ℃以上的温度进行煅烧,间隙态的位置会低于产生CO 的电位.间隙态的产生会使得电子在激发后率先集中在其附近,更有利于从热力学方面产生CH 4.此外,利用Pt 4+在催化剂表面光沉积来研究氮化碳的光生电子的迁移途径发现:光生电子倾向于迁移并聚集在催化剂的边缘,导致边缘的氮缺陷处的电子密度更高,在动力学上对产生CH 4更有利.在热力学和动力学双重优势下,还原产物体现出更高的CH 4选择性.用传统方式热缩合得到的氮化碳基本为非晶态或半晶态的状态.在结晶氮化碳表面引入缺陷也是一种提升性能的方法.文献[24]通过加入氨基-2-丙醇(AP )和双氰胺制备氮化碳提高了单体的结晶度和聚合物的聚合度,获得了结晶氮化碳(图3).从样品的高分辨率透射电镜[图3(b )]照片,可以观察到明显的缺陷区域和有序的晶格条纹,反映出其缺陷氮化碳较高的结晶性能.这种结构可以促进CO 2向油类化合物的转化,通过对反应过程分析[图3(c )]可知:这种结构使得CO 2逐步生成C 2产物的中间体——CO*和CHO*,CO*和CHO*更容易自发偶联生成C 2产物中间体OCCHO*,抑制CHO*进行质子化的过程,故最终生成产物以CH 3CHO 为主,并且选择性高达98.3%(表1序号5).从理论上讲,相比将CO 2还原生成C 1产物,还原生成C 2产物具有更高的能量密度和更大的商业价值[52].2.2 元素掺杂元素掺杂改性也是一种常用的改性手段.金属或者非金属掺杂剂的原子轨道与催化剂本身的分图2 N 缺陷氮化碳CO 2还原选择性影响机理图Fig.2 Schematic diagram of selectivity reduction of CO 2 over carbon nitride with N defect725第 42 卷中南民族大学学报(自然科学版)子轨道发生杂化,能够起到改变反应的活性位点、调节能带结构和电子分布结构等作用,进而通过影响催化剂的性能来改变产物的选择性[5-6].在氮化碳还原CO 2过程中,电子从氮原子上激发并向碳原子上迁移,但是光激发后电子更加倾向于分布在氮附近,尤其是分布在双配位氮的附近[图4(a )],这使电子的迁移更加困难,导致在催化过程中载流子复合率高和反应动力更低[16, 27].刘敏教授课题组[27]建立了硼掺杂氮化碳的模型,根据模型[图4(b )]可知:硼原子已成功掺杂在相邻的七嗪环之间,并且与七嗪环的氮原子形成了良好的亲和力.通过计算发现在硼掺杂氮化碳后,激发后的电子从N (2P x ,2P y )向B (2P x ,2P y )上转移更加容易,可以极大地增加反应的动力,更有利于CH 4的产生.他们用硼酸和尿素混合进行一步煅烧实验生成硼掺杂氮化碳,硼作为主要的活性位点可以改变对CO 2还原中间体的吸附,使得产物更容易生成CH 4,所以相比纯氮化碳,生成CH 4的选择性得到了提高.相比硼掺杂,硫掺杂对氮化碳的性能改变有着不同影响.文献[26]通过水热和程序升温的方法制备出介孔硫掺杂氮化碳,更多的介孔形成和硫的掺杂增大了比表面积,并增强了对CO 2的吸附能力 [图5(a )],这有利于CO 2的活化并进行还原反应.在能带结构中,由于硫参与轨道杂化并且作为主要的活性位点,载流子的分离效率得到提高,反应的活性也得到增强.在生成产物的过程中,相比纯氮化碳,硫掺杂改性的氮化碳使生成的CO 产物更容易脱附[图5(b )],因此生成CO 的选择性显著提高.2.3 表面等离子体效应金属纳米粒子的负载可以增强光吸收和促进载流子分离,从而提高光催化活性的效果.在氮化碳上掺入金属纳米粒子后,不仅可以作为活性位点和形成促进载流子分离的肖特基结构显著提升性能,而且还会由于金属纳米粒子的局部表面等离子共振效应(LSPR )进一步拓展催化剂的光吸收范围[7, 53-54].负载Au 纳米粒子的氮化碳就是一个不错的例子,可以通过LSPR 效应一定程度上提高CH 4的选择性.KAIMIN S 教授课题组[28]利用NaBH 4还原法所制备的负载Au 纳米粒子的氮化碳,不仅有效地抑制了载流子复合,还通过LSPR 效应促进了更多热电子产生和增强了在可见光范围下的光吸收能力,大幅提高了CO 2还原的活性,尤其是为CH 4的形成提供了更多活性电子促进其生成.向全军教授课题组[29]用N 2等离子体处理浸渍在HAuCl 4中的氮化碳制备催化剂,这种Au 纳米粒子负载氮化碳也能通过Au 纳米粒子的LSPR 效应显著提高CH 4的选择性.图3 局部结晶氮化碳的结构与CO 2还原反应机理Fig.3 Morphology of locally crystalline carbon nitride and CO 2reduction reaction mechanism图4 B 掺杂氮化碳DFT 计算Fig.4 DFT calculation about B doped carbon nitride726第 6 期常世鑫,等:石墨相氮化碳光催化还原CO 2研究进展此外,金属纳米粒子作为活性位点也可以降低反应能垒.董帆教授课题组[30]使用碳点(CDs )作为基质,将Bi 纳米粒子锚定在氮化碳上并与其进行桥接制备出CNB -2,Bi 通过LSPR 效应增强了氮化碳光吸收的能力和产生了更多热电子,热电子产生后可自发注入氮化碳中,为CO 2还原提供更多热电子[图6(b )];而作为基质的CDs 可以作为光生空穴的受体,在内建电场的作用下Bi 和氮化碳所产生的空穴可以转移到CDs 上,有利于光生电荷的分离并为CO 2还原提供更多的还原动力.通过吉布斯自由能可以得出,Bi 纳米粒子的掺入明显降低生成CO 途径的中间产物的活化能,为生成CO 提供更多热力学条件,最终生成CO 的选择性得到了提高.2.4 单原子催化将金属由纳米级尺寸制备成更小的单原子尺寸,会引起原子自身特性发生更为显著的改变.通过金属单原子对氮化碳改性,一方面暴露出更多的单原子位点,影响吸附中心和反应位点;另一方面单原子通过改变电子结构对反应过程进行调整,拥有了更加出色的催化性能表现[54-56].金属单原子改性是一种充满挑战又极大提高催化剂性能的方法,有不少有关通过单金属单原子对氮化碳改性提升性能的报道.熊宇杰教授课题组[33]通过在氮化碳上分别负载Pt 单原子(Pt@Def -CN )和Pt 纳米粒子,进行CO 2还原实验中,相比未负载金属的氮化碳,它们的反应活性和CH 4的选择性显著提高,其中Pt@Def -CN 对于CH 4的选择性提升更高,达到了99%(表1序号15),由于单原子独特的性质对选择性造成了影响.一方面,因为H 原子与Pt 单原子之间结合相对不稳定,Pt 单原子附近存在更多—OH 基团,抑制了H 2产生,为生成CH 4提供更多H +;另一方面,Pt 单原子有效地降低了反应过程中生成CH 4的活化能能垒[图7(a )],同时又增加了CO*中间产物的解析能,提高了CH 4的选择性.向全军教授课题组[35]制备出掺入Cu 单原子的高结晶氮化碳,Cu 单原子的加入可作为CO 2活化的活性中心,提高了对CO 2的吸附能力,增强了反应活性.此外,Cu单原子的加入使图5 S 掺杂氮化碳的CO 2吸附等温线和CO -TPD 光谱Fig.5 CO 2 adsorption isotherms and CO -TPD spectra of S -oping carbon nitride图6 金属纳米离子改性氮化碳CO 2还原反应机理图Fig.6 Scheme diagram of metal nanoions modified carbon nitride CO 2 reduction reaction727第 42 卷中南民族大学学报(自然科学版)得生成CO 的反应过程优先于生成CH 4的反应过程[图7(b )],极大地提高了CO 的选择性.双金属单原子通过协同作用能提高CO 2还原性能.李亚栋教授课题组[37]合成出含有Co 和Mn 双金属单原子的氮化碳来进行CO 2还原.在还原过程中,光生空穴更倾向于移动到Mn 单原子上作为活性位点加速H 2O 分解,提供H +;而光生电子更倾向于移动到Co 单原子上,通过增加CO 2的键长和键角将CO 2活化,最终生成CO.这种双金属单原子的协同作用使CO 的选择性基本上达到100%(表1 序号21).侯军刚教授课题组[39]将Cu 和In 单原子分散在氮化碳上,双金属单原子的引入改变了催化剂的电子结构[图7(c )].在Cu 单原子附近有明显的电荷富集的迹象,而在In 单原子附近有明显的电荷消耗的迹象,它们之间的协同作用促进了电荷转移和电荷分离.此外,双金属的作用增强了对中间体CO*的吸附并降低了C —C 偶联的活化能,促使了偶联生成乙醇.金属单原子和金属纳米粒子同时引入氮化碳上能够协同发挥作用,调整CO 2还原的选择性.郑旭升教授课题组[40]通过在氮化碳上引入Pd 单金属(Pd 1)和Pd 纳米粒子(Pd NPs )作为双活性位点,改善了氮化碳的光催化性能.相比只引入Pd 1,双金属单原子引入后的协同作用使得CH 4的选择性有了显著提高[图7(d )].Pd NPs 的加入促进H 2O 分解并且加快H +转移到Pd 1;而Pd 1则更有利于吸附中间体CO*,加快质子化过程,生成CH 4.此外,Pd NPs 和Pd 1的协同作用也降低了从CO*到生成CHO*的活化能能垒,显著提高了生成CH 4的选择性.金属单原子与非金属之间也能够产生协同作用,提高氮化碳的性能,影响产物的选择性.毛俊杰教授[41]课题组报道了通过将P 和Cu 作为双活性位点锚定在氮化碳上,在CO 2还原过程中生成高选择性的C 2H 6产物.首先,P 和Cu 修饰对氮化碳的带隙起到一定调整作用,在一定程度上更有利于电子空穴的光激发分离.其次,P 和Cu 作为电子和空穴的捕获位点,可以促进Cu 对电子的富集从而实现CO 2还原的多电子过程.最后,P 和Cu 的修饰降低了中间生成C 2H 6的反应途径的活化能,CO*和CO*更容易发生偶联,形成中间体OCCO*,逐步加H最终生图7 单原子金属改性氮化碳CO 2还原反应机理图Fig.7 CO 2 reduction reaction scheme diagram of monometallic metal modified carbon nitride728第 6 期常世鑫,等:石墨相氮化碳光催化还原CO 2研究进展成C 2H 6产物.2.5 异质结构建不同于单一的材料,将复合材料制成异质结更有利于提高催化剂的性能.由于异质结界面在空间结构上彼此分离,光生电子和空穴的复合会更容易被抑制,从而改变生成产物的选择性[7, 21, 57].Ⅱ型异质结在CO 2还原的相关文献中经常被报道,汪铁林教授课题组[42]在NiAl 层状双金属氢氧化物(NiAl -LDHs )和氮化碳中引入还原氧化石墨烯(rGO )辅助制备成Ⅱ型半导体,由于rGO 拥有优异的导电子能力,能进一步促进载流子分离,使氮化碳上光生电子更迅速分离并转移到NiAl -LDHs 的Ni 原子上,导致生成CO 的选择性大大提高.Ⅱ型异质结虽然可以极大地促进载流子分离,但会使催化剂的价带或导带的电位降低[12, 21].Z 型异质结概念受到植物光合作用的机理启发提出.相比Ⅱ型异质结,Z 型异质结保持了更正的价带和更负的导带电位,因此复合材料拥有更强的光催化氧化/还原性能[21, 57-58],常应用于光催化领域.文献[46]报道利用静电自组装和低温共沉积法将ZnO 和氮化碳锚定在石墨烯气凝胶上制备出间接接触Z 型异质结结构,这种异质结结构的构建不仅使电子空穴更有效地空间分离,在CO 2还原产物中CO 的选择性更高.有国外课题组[47]制备出氮化碳和FeWO 4复合的直接接触Z 型异质结.同样地,这种异质结也极大地抑制了载流子分离和提高了氧化电位,使产物中H +更倾向于生成H 2,抑制了CH 4的产生,故CO 2还原的产物中没有CH 4和其他烃类产物产生.3 总结与展望光催化技术可以利用太阳能来驱动温室气体CO 2的催化还原,制备具有高附加值的碳氢燃料,因此该技术具有节能和环保的优点.在所有的半导体光催化材料中,石墨相氮化碳因为具有可见光响应和能带结构合理等优点,而成为受欢迎的CO 2还原光催化材料.但是,其依然存在缺陷多、比表面积小和光生载流子易复合等缺点,在一定程度上制约了该技术的实际应用.因此,科学家们采用各种策略对石墨相氮化碳进行修饰改性,以进一步提升其光催化还原CO 2的性能.本文总结了目前石墨相氮化碳用于CO 2还原方面的5种改性方式,分别是缺陷调控、元素掺杂、等离子体效应、单原子修饰和异质结构建.对石墨相氮化碳的结构修饰,改变了催化剂表面的化学环境,进而对CO 2光催化还原路径产生和产物还原选择性产生深远影响.为了实现CO 2在氮化碳表面的高效光催化还原,在今后的研究中以下工作值得进一步深入研究.(1)开展基于结晶石墨相氮化碳的修饰改性研究.相对于普通氮化碳,结晶氮化碳的体内和表面缺陷大幅度减少,而表现出高效载流子分离效率和光催化性能.但是石墨相氮化碳依然属于有机半导体材料,其表面缺乏过渡金属作为CO 2分子的吸附和活化中心.因此,需要开展基于结晶氮化碳的表面改性特别是过渡金属表面修饰研究.(2)开展修饰组分之间的协同作用机制研究.从CO 2在石墨相氮化碳表面的吸附开始,到吸附产物如CH 4/CO 的脱附,中间需要经历很多关键步骤.因此,深入研究各修饰组分之间的接力还原CO 2机制,对深刻理解CO 2还原的活性中心结构和指导高效光催化还原CO 2材料的开发具有重要意义.(3)开展CO 2光催化还原的原位瞬态谱学研究.CO 2分子在光催化还原过程中,存在中间产物结构图8 氮化碳异质结CO 2还原选择性机理图Fig.8 CO 2 reduction reaction scheme diagram of carbon nitride with heterojunction729。

Novus 外部USB-C驱动器用户指南说明书

Novus 外部USB-C驱动器用户指南说明书

Novus™ External USB-C DriveUser Guide(4) Formatting the drive (Optional)Interface/PortsOperating EnvironmentPowerFile System Format• USB-C• Temperature: 5°C ~ 40°C• Humidity: 10%RH ~ 80%RH• 12V/ 2A power adapter• exFATConnecting using USB C-C1) Connect the external power adapter to the Novus.2) Connect the included USB-C cable to a Thunderbolt 3 or USB-Cport on the computer.3) Turn the power switch on. Wait 5-20 seconds for the computerto recognize the drive.Connecting using USB C-A1) Connect the external power adapter to the Novus.2) Connect the included USB cable to a USB 3.1/3.0 /2.0 port onthe computer.3) Turn the power switch on. Wait 5-20 seconds for the computerto recognize the drive.The drive is pre-formatted as exFAT, which is compatible withWindows and Mac OS. For users who wish to reformat the drive,please visit the links for instructions.To reformat using Windows:/windows-reformatTo reformat using MAC OS:/mac-reformatThe Novus does not include pre-installed software. For le backup, we recommend the apps within Windows and Mac. Using the Novus with Windows BackupWindows 8:Enter “File History” in the search box and open the app.Click ‘Select a drive’, and choose the Novus. Turn onFile History to start the backup.Info: https:///en-us/help/17128/windows-8-file-history Windows 10:Enter “Settings” in the search bar and open the app.Click ‘Update & security’ and select ‘Backup > Add a drive.’Select the Novus to start the backup.Info: https:///en-us/help/17143/windows-10-back-up-your-files Using the Novus with Apple Time Machine1) Format the drive as Mac OS Extended (Journaled) as described in the “Formatting the Drive” section.2) Go to the Apple Menu > System Preferences and click on the Time Machine icon to launch the app.3) Click ‘On’ to enable Time Machine.4) Select the Novus drive and choose “Use for Backup.”5) Time Machine is now backing up your Mac automatically to the Novus.The drive contained in your Novus is an electronic deviceand is susceptible to damage due to excessive physical shock.Please handle the unit with reasonable care.This product includes a three (3) year repair/replacementwarranty provided by Oyen Digital. This warranty is non-transferable and is limited to the original purchaser. Warrantyservice may be requested by completing the form at thefollowing link: /rma-request-form.htmlFor our complete warranty policy, visit:/warranty.htmlWindows: Close all windows and applications that are accessingthe drive. Click the “Eject Hardware” (Safely RemoveHardware) icon in the system tray and highlight the drive.Wait for a few seconds until the system prompts “You may safelyremove this device.”MAC: Close all windows and applications that are accessing thedrive. Drag the external drive to the Trash/Eject icon to eject it.After the disk icon has disappeared from the desktop, you maysafely disconnect the external drive.Q: Can I connect the Novus to a Thunderbolt 3 port?A: Yes, the Novus is compatible with Thunderbolt 3 and USB 3.1/3.0/2.0.Q: Is the Novus compatible with Thunderbolt 2 using a Thunderbolt 3adapter?A: No, the Novus is not compatible with Thunderbolt 2 to 3 adapter.Forotherquestions,**********************************************section of our website, /support。

Digicharger D2 充电器说明书

Digicharger D2 充电器说明书

Digicharger D2®User ManualThe Nitecore D2 is a universal smart charger compatible with almost all cylindrical rechargeable batteries, thus eliminating the need to own several chargers. The D2 automatically detects Li-ion, Ni-MH and Ni-Cd batteries, and through manual selection is also capable of charging LiFePO4 batteries. Intelligent charging circuitry selects the optimal charging mode (CC, CV and dV/dt) for a given battery and each of the D2’s two microcomputer-controlled charging slots then monitors and charges the battery independently. Furthermore, an integrated digital LCD screen clearly displays charging progress, voltage, current and time while an intelligent automatic power-off function terminates current when charging is complete.The Nitecore D2: The world’s most advanced fully-automatic digital charger. It’s as simple as insert, detect and charge.Features• Capable of charging 2 batteries simultaneously• Each of the two battery slots monitors and charges independently • Compatible with and identifies Li-ion (26650, 22650, 18650, 17670, 18490, 17500, 18350, 16340(RCR123), 14500, 10440), Ni-MH and Ni-Cd (AA, AAA, AAAA, C) rechargeable batteries • Optimized charging design for IMR batteries• Integrated LCD panel clearly displays charging parameters and progress• Two conveniently located side buttons allow easy selection of specific battery types and charging parameters• Intelligent circuitry detects the battery type and status before entering automatic charge mode (CC, CV, dV/dt)• Automatically detects battery power status and selects the appropriate voltage and charge mode (with the exception of LiFePO4 batteries which require manual selection)• Compatible with LiFePO4 batteries• Compatible with small capacity batteries • Automatically stops charging when complete• Features over-charge prevention to protect batteries • Features temperature monitoring to prevent overheating • Made from durable ABS (fire retardant / flame resistant)• Features reverse polarity protection • Designed for optimal heat dissipation • Certified by RoHS, CE, FCC and CEC• Insured worldwide by Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd.SpecificationsInput: AC 100-240V 50/60Hz 0.25A(MAX), DC 12V 1A Output voltage: 4.2V ±1% / 3.7V ±1% / 1.48V ±1%Output current: 500mA x 2Compatible with:Li-ion / IMR / LiFePO4: 26650, 22650, 18650, 17670, 18490, 17500,18350, 16340 (RCR123), 14500, 10440Ni-MH / Ni-Cd: AA, AAA, AAAA, C Dimensions: 143mm× 74mm×36mmWeight: 168g (without batteries and power cord)The All-Round Flashlight ExpertOperating instructions1. Plug one end of the power cord or car charging adapter into the D2 charger. Plug the other end of the cord into an applicable outlet. The LCD display and all battery indicator bars will illuminate as the charger runs a quick self-test. When testing is complete, the name of the product will appear on the screen, the bars will dim and the charger will enter into stand-by mode. If no batteries are detected within 1 minute, the charger will automatically enter Eco Mode (the LCD backlight will turn off). When a battery is installed while in Eco Mode, simply press any button to activate the LCD display.2. The D2 features two charging slots, each of which charges and monitors a battery independently. Rechargeable batteries of differing chemistries and voltages may be charged simultaneously using either 1 or 2 of the charging slots. When inserting a battery, ensure the positive and negative ends correspond with the positive (+) and negative (-) symbols on the charger. Incorrect installation will result in failure to initiate the charging process.Note: The D2 is capable of charging 3.7v Li-ion rechargeable cells, 1.2v, Ni-MH/Ni-Cd rechargeable batteries and 3.2v LiFePO4 batteries. See above for description of battery sizes.3. When a battery is first inserted the D2 will run a short test causing the battery indicators bars to illuminate in sequence from the bottom to the top. When the test is complete, the D2 will enter into charging mode. If any unusual circumstances have been detected, e.g. a backward battery installation, the battery indicator bars will blink rapidly and “Err” will be presented on the screen to urge an immediate removal of the battery.4. While in charging mode, the battery indicator bars will blinkrhythmically to indicate the on-going charging process. The battery’s power status and charging progress is indicated by the number of bars that illuminate steadily. The LCD display will also displaybattery voltage, followed by charging current and elapsed charging time in sequence. Pressing the side “MODE” button will cyclethrough these charging parameters. To view the charging progress of a different charging slot press the side “SLOT” button to select a desired slot. When charging is complete, all five battery indicator bars will illuminate steadily and “Chg.Finish” will appear on the LCD display.Note: When one or two batteries are charged in D2, each charging slot will receive a maximum output current of 0.5A.Charging LiFePO4 batteriesTo charge LiFePO4 batteries, simply press and hold the side“MODE” button for more than 2 seconds right after the battery test completes and “LiFePO4” will appear on the LCD display to indicate the activation of LiFePO4 charging mode. To exit LiFePO4 charging mode, simply press and hold the side “MODE” for more than 2 seconds once again, or remove and reinstall the battery.Charging Small Capacity BatteriesWhen charging batteries with a capacity lower than 750mAH (e.g. AAA, 10440 and 16340 batteries), a low charging current is recommended to help extend battery life.SYSMAX Industry Co., Ltd.TEL: +86-20-83862000 FAX: +86-20-83882723 E-mail: *****************Web: Address : Rm1401, Glorious Tower, 850 East Dongfeng Road,Guangzhou, China 510600Please follow our facebook for more info: NITECORE Flashlights®The All-Round Flashlight ExpertTo select a low charging current, while in regular charging mode, simply press the side “SLOT” button to select a desired battery slot and then press and hold the side “MODE” button for more than 1 second until “LOW” is displayed on the LCD display indicating activation of low current charging mode. To exit, simply press and hold the side “MODE” button for more than 1 second once again or remove and reinstall the battery.Nocturnal Charging ModeWhen charging a battery overnight, nocturnal charging mode is recommended. Simply press and hold the side “SLOT” button for more than 1 second in any state until the LCD backlight turns off thus activating nocturnal charging mode. This feature ensures a peaceful night’s sleep without being disturbed by the D2’s LCD backlight and blinking LEDs. To exit nocturnal mode and turn the backlight on again, press and hold the side “SLOT” button for more than 1 second again.Battery ActivationFor every installed battery, the D2 will activate the battery bycharging it for 6 seconds at a low current. If zero voltage is detected, “Err” will be displayed on the LCD screen. If activation fails the first time, please remove and reinstall the battery once again and activate for the second time.Note: The D2 is not recommended for use with over-discharged (zero volt) UNPROTECTED Li-ion batteries. Li-ion batteries without a protection circuit can potentially cause a fire or explosion.Overtime PreventionThe D2 is equipped with an advanced ‘overtime’ safety function. The D2 will individually monitor the elapsed charging time for each battery slot and if a particular slot exceeds 20 hours, the D2 will automatically power off the slot and display full charging bars to indicate completion of the charging process. This feature reduces the risk caused by batteries of lesser quality.Precautions1. The D2 is compatible with batteries of varying sizes, therefore when charging certain batteries (such as 26650 and AAA), manual adjustment of the battery’s position within the slot is recommended, as to ensure solid contact is made between both sides of the battery and the charging slot’s metal contact points.2. The D2 is restricted to charging Li-ion, IMR, LiFePO4,Ni-MH/Ni-Cd rechargeable batteries only. Never use the D2 with other types of batteries as this could result in battery explosion,cracking or leaking, causing property damage and/or personal injury. 3. The D2 should only be used indoors or inside a motor vehicle and under no circumstances should it be exposed to water, high humidity and low or high ambient temperatures.4. Do not disassemble or modify the charger.5. Children under the age of 18 should be supervised by an adult when using the D2.6. The D2’s safe operating temperature is between 0ºC--40ºC 。

Richtek RT9534 高效切换模式电池充电器控制器说明书

Richtek RT9534 高效切换模式电池充电器控制器说明书

RT9534 High Efficiency Switching Mode Battery ChargerGeneral DescriptionThe RT9534 is a PWM switch mode battery charger controller to fast charge single or multiple Li-Ion, NiMH and NiCd batteries, using constant current or constant voltage control. Maximum current can be easily programmed by external resistor. The constant voltage output can support up to 22V with 0.5% accuracy.A third control loop limits the input current drawing from the adapter during charging. This allows simultaneous operation of the equipment and fast battery charging without over loading to the adapter.The RT9534 can charge batteries from 2.5V to 22V with dropout voltage as low as 0.4V. A diode is not required in series with the battery because the charger automatically enters a 10μA sleep mode when the adapter is unplugged. A logic output indicates Li-Ion full charge when current drops to 20% of the full-scale programmed charge current.The RT9534 is available in WQFN-24L 4x4 Package. Features●Fast Charging for Li-Ion, NiMH and NiCd Batteries ●Adjustable Battery Voltages from 2.5V to 22V●High Efficiency : Up to 95%●Charging Current Programmed by Resistor●Precision 0.5% Charging Voltage Accuracy●Provide 5% Charging Current Accuracy●Input Current Limit Maximizes Charging Rate●Synchronous Converter with 400kHz Switching Frequency●Flag Indicates Li-Ion Charge Completion●Auto Shutdown with Adapter RemovalApplications●Notebook Computers●Portable Instruments●Chargers for Li-lon, NiMH, NiCd and Lead Acid Rechargeable BatteriesSimplified Application CircuitM1RT9534Ordering InformationG : Green (Halogen Free and Pb Free) Note :Richtek products are :④RoHS compliantand compatible with the currentrequirements of IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020.④Suitable for use in SnPb or Pb-free soldering processes.Marking Information1B= : Product CodeYMDNN : Date Code Pin Configurations(TOP VIEW)ENNTCVCISETFBRVFBV5VBATTSNSLSNSHVHHSNSBOOTTGPGNDBGVINSWSSMODEACDRVACPACNSTATUSSGND12345678910121118171615141321201924222325WQFN-24L 4x4RT9534 Functional Pin DescriptionRT9534Function Block DiagramISET VC BOOTV5VSS SNS BATTMODERT9534OperationThe RT9534 is a current mode PWM step-down switching charger controller. The battery DC charge current is programmed by a resistor R4 at the ISET pin and the ratio of sense resistor RS2 over RS1 in the typical application circuit. Amplifier CA converts the charge current through RS1 to a much lower sampled current I CHG(I CHG= I BATT x RS1 / RS2) fed into the ISET pin. Amplifier EA compares the output of CA with 2.5V reference voltage and drives the PWM loop to force them to be equal. Note that ICHG has both AC and DC components. High DC accuracy is achieved with averaging filter R3 and C3 at ISET pin. I CHG is mirrored to go through R4 and generates a ramp signal that is fed to the PWM control comparator, forming the current mode inner loop. An internal LDO generates a 5V to power topside FET gate driver. For batteries like lithium that require both constant current and constant voltage charging, the 0.5% 2.5V reference and the voltage amplifier VA reduce the charge current when battery voltage reaches the normal charge voltage level. For NiMH and NiCd, VA can be used for over voltage protection. CL AmplifierThe amplifier CL monitors and limits the input current, normally from the AC adapter, to a preset level (100mV / RS4). At input current limit, CL will supply the programming current at ISET pin, thus reducing battery charging current.Charge STATUSWhen the charger is in voltage mode and the charge current level is reduced to 20%, STATUS pin will turn to logic high. This charge completion signal can be used to start a timer for charge termination. A 0.1μF capacitor from STATUS to ground is needed to filter the sampled charging current ripple.ACDRV DriverThe ACDRV pin drives an external P-MOSFET to avoid reverse current from battery to input supply. When input supply is removed, the RT9534 goes into a low current, 10μA maximum, sleep mode as VIN drops below the battery voltage.RT9534Absolute Maximum Ratings(Note 1)●VIN, SW, EN, ACN, VHH to GND --------------------------------------------------------- -0.3V to 30V●ACDRV ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (ACN - 6V) to (ACN + 0.3V)●ACP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (ACN - 0.3V) to (ACN + 0.6V) ●BATT to GND------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -0.3V to 28V●ISET, VC, VFB, V5V, BG to GND ---------------------------------------------------------- -0.3V to 6V●SNSL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (BATT - 0.3V) to (BATT + 0.3V) ●SNSH ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (SNSL - 0.3V) to (SNSL + 0.3V) ●BOOT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (SW - 0.3V) to (SW + 6V)●TG -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (SW - 0.3V) to (BOOT + 0.3V) ●Power Dissipation, P D @ T A = 25︒CWQFN-24L 4x4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.57W●Package Thermal Resistance (Note 2)WQFN-24L 4x4, θJA --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28︒C/WWQFN-24L 4x4, θJC --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7︒C/W●Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) --------------------------------------------------- 260︒C●Junction Temperature ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 150︒C●Storage Temperature Range ---------------------------------------------------------------- -65︒C to 150︒C●ESD Susceptibility (Note 3)HBM (Human Body Model) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2kVMM (Machine Model) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 200VRecommended Operating Conditions (Note 4)●Supply Input Voltage -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.5V to 28V●Battery Voltage, VBAT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.5V to 22V●Ambient Temperature Range---------------------------------------------------------------- -40︒C to 85︒C●Junction Temperature Range --------------------------------------------------------------- -40︒C to 125︒CElectrical Characteristics(V = V + 3V, V is the full charge voltage, pull-up EN to VIN with 100kΩ resistor, T = 25︒C, unless otherwise specified)RT9534RT9534Note 1. Stresses beyond those listed “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions may affect device reliability.Note 2. θJA is measured at T A= 25︒C on a high effective thermal conductivity four-layer test board per JEDEC 51-7. θJC is measured at the exposed pad of the package.Note 3. Devices are ESD sensitive. Handling precaution recommended.Note 4. The device is not guaranteed to function outside its operating conditions.RT9534Typical Application CircuitRS4M1(1). For application with removable battery, a TVS with appropriate rating is required as shown above.(2). V IN = 18V to 28V, 4 cell, I CHARGE = 2ART9534Typical Operating Characteristics707580859095100051015202530E f f i c i e n c y (%)Supply Voltage (V)Efficiency vs. Supply Voltage70758085909510012345Ef f i c i e n c y (%)Charge Current (A)Efficiency vs. Charge Current1.801.841.881.921.962. h a r ge C u r r e n t (A )Supply Voltage (V)Charge Current vs. Supply Voltage0. u i e s c e n tC u r r e n t (m A )Temperature(℃)Quiescent Current vs. Temperature051015202530-50-25255075100125S h u t d o w nC u r r e n t (μA )Temperature (℃)Shutdown Current vs. Temperature4.704.754.804.854.904.955.00-50-250255075100125V 5VV o l t a g e (V )Temperature (℃)V5V Voltage vs. Temperature9092949698100102104106108110-50-25255075100125V I C H G (m V )Temperature (°C)VICHG vs. Temperature2.32.352.42.452.52.552.6-50-25255075100125F e e d b a c k V o l t a g e (V )Temperature (°C)Feedback Voltage vs. Temperature37037538038539039540036912151821242730S w i t c h i n g F r e q u e n c y (k H z )Input Voltage (V)Switching Frequency vs. Input Voltage02468101214-50-25255075100125B A T T B i a sC u r r e n t ( A )Temperature (℃)BATT Bias Current vs.TemperatureCharge Enable Time (2.5ms/Div)V BATT (5V/Div)SW-GND (10V/Div)EN (2V/Div)I BATT (1A/Div)VIN = 16V, V BATT = 12V, I BATT = 2ACharge EnableTime (2.5ms/Div)V BATT (5V/Div)SW-GND (10V/Div)EN (2V/Div)I BATT (1A/Div)VIN = 16V V BATT = 12V I BATT = 2AAdapter InsertTime (25ms/Div)V BATT (2V/Div)SW-GND (10V/Div)VIN (5V/Div)I BATT (1A/Div)VIN = 16V, V BATT = 12V, I BATT = 2AAdapter RemoveTime (25ms/Div)V BATT (2V/Div)SW-GND (10V/Div)VIN (5V/Div)I BATT (1A/Div)VIN = 16V, V BATT = 12V I BATT = 2ACCM Switching Time (1μs/Div)V BATT (5V/Div)IL(500mA/Div)BG (5V/Div)TG (20V/Div)VIN = 16V, V BATT = 12V, I BATT = 100mADCM SwitchingTime (1μs/Div)V BATT (5V/Div)IL(500mA/Div)BG (5V/Div)TG (20V/Div)VIN = 16V, V BATT = 12V, I BATT = 100mAApplication InformationInput and Output CapacitorsIn the typical application circuit, the input capacitor (C2) is assumed to absorb all input switching ripple current in the converter, so it must have adequate ripple current rating. Typically, at high charging currents, the converter will operate in continuous conduction mode. In this case, the RMS current IRMSIN of the inputcapacitor C2 can be estimated by the equation:RMSIN BATT I = I Where I BATT is the battery charge current and D is the duty cycle. In worst case, the RMS ripple current will be equal to one half of output charging current at 50% duty cycle. For example, I BATT = 2A, the maximum RMS current will be 1A. A low-ESR ceramic capacitor such as X7R or X5R is preferred for the input-decoupling capacitor and should be placed to the drain of the high-side MOSFET and source of the low-side MOSFET as close as possible. The voltage rating of the capacitor must be higher than the normal input voltage level. Above 20μF capacitance is suggested for typical of 2A charging current.The output capacitor (C BATT ) is also assumed to absorb output switching current ripple. The generalformula for capacitor current is :BATT BATT RMSCB V V 1I ⎛⎫⨯- ⎪For example, V VIN = 19V, V BATT = 8.4V, L1 = 10μH, and f OSC = 400kHz, I RMS = 0.15A.EMI considerations usually make it desirable to minimize ripple current in the battery leads. Beads or inductors may be added to increase battery impedance at the 400kHz switching frequency. Switching ripple current splits between the battery and the output capacitor depending on the ESR of the output capacitor and the battery impedance. If the ESR of C OUT is 0.2Ωand the battery impedance is raised to 4Ω with a bead or inductor, only 5% of the ripple current will flow in the battery. InductorThe inductor value will be changed for more or less current ripple. The higher the inductance, the lower the current ripple will be. As the physical size is kept the same, typically, higher inductance will result in higher series resistance and lower saturation current. A good tradeoff is to choose the inductor so that the current ripple is approximately 30% to 50% of the full-scale charge current. The inductor value is calculated as :()BATT VIN BATT VIN OSC LV V V L1 =V f ΔI ⨯-⨯⨯Where ∆I L is the inductor current ripple. For example, V VIN = 19V, choose the inductor current ripple to be 40% of the full-scale charge current in the typical application circuit for 2A, 2-cell battery charger, ∆I L = 0.8A, V BATT = 8.4V, calculate L1 to be 12μH. So choose L1 to be 10μH which is close to 12μH. Soft-Start and Under-Voltage LockoutThe soft-start is controlled by the voltage rise time at VC pin. There are internal soft-start and external soft-start in the RT9534. With a 1μF capacitor, time to reach full charge current is about 60ms and it is assumed that input voltage to the charger will reach full value in less than 60ms. The capacitor can be increased if longer input start-up times are needed. For the RT9534, it provides Under-Voltage Lockout (UVLO) protection. If LDO output voltage is lower than 3.9V, the internal top side power FET and input power FET M1 will be cut off. This will protect the adapter from entering a quasi “latch ” state where the adapter output stays in a current limited state at reduced output voltage.Adapter Current LimitingAn important feature of RT9534 is the ability to automatically adjust charge current to a level which avoids overloading the wall adapter. This allows the product to operate, and at the same time batteries are being charged without complex load management algorithms. Additionally, batteries will automatically be charged at the maximum possible rate of which the adapter is capable. This is accomplished by sensing total adapter output current and adjusting charge current downward if a preset adapter current limit is exceeded. Amplifier CL in typical application circuit senses the voltage across RS4, connected between the ACP and ACN pins. When this voltage exceeds 100mV, the amplifier will override programmed charge current to limit adapter current to 100mV/RS4. A low pass filter formed by 56Ω and 33nF is required to eliminate switching noise.Full-Scale Charge Current ProgrammingThe basic formula for full-scale charge current is (see Block Diagram) :REFBATT V RS2I = R4RS1⎛⎫⎛⎫⨯⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭Where R4 is the total resistance from ISET pin to ground. For the sense amplifier CA biasing purpose, RS3 should have the same value as RS2 with 1% accuracy. For example, 2A full-scale charging current is needed. For low power dissipation on RS1 and enough signal to drive the amplifier CA, let RS1 = 100mV / 2A = 50m Ω. This limits RS1 power to 0.2W. Let R4 = 10k Ω, then : BATT REF I R4RS12A 10k 0.05RS2 = RS3 == = 400ΩV 2.5V⨯⨯⨯⨯Note that for charge current accuracy and noise immunity, 100mV full scale level across the sense resistor RS1 is required. Consequently, both RS2 and RS3 should be 399Ω. For for 0︒C to 85︒C application temperature range, the value for R4 must be within5.5k Ω to 60k Ω range.For for -40︒C to 85︒C application temperature range, the value for R4 must be within 6k Ω to 30k Ω range. It is critical to have a good Kelvin connection on the current sense resistor RS1 to minimize stray resistive and inductive pickup. RS1 should have low parasitic inductance (typical 3nH or less). The layout path from RS2 and RS3 to RS1 should be kept away from the fast switching SW node. A 1nF ceramic capacitor can be used across SNSH and SNSL and be kept away from the fast switching SW node. Battery Voltage RegulationThe RT9534 uses high-accuracy voltage bandgap and regulator for the high charging-voltage accuracy. The charge voltage is programmed via a resistor divider from the battery to ground, with the midpoint tied to the VFB pin. The voltage at the VFB pin is regulated to 2.5V, giving the following equation for the regulation voltage :BATT RF2V = 2.5 1 + RF1+200⎛⎫⨯ ⎪⎝⎭where RF2 is connected from VFB to the battery and RF1 is connected from VFB to GND. ChargingThe 2A Battery Charger (typical application circuit) charges lithium-ion batteries at a constant 2A until battery voltage reaches the setting value. The charger will then automatically go into a constant voltage mode with current decreasing to near zero over time as the battery reaches full charge.Charging CompletionSome battery manufacturers recommend termination of constant voltage float mode after charge current has dropped below a specified level (typically around 20% of the full-scale charge current) and a further time-out period of 30 minutes to 90 minutes has elapsed. Checkwith manufacturers for details. The RT9534 provides a signal at the STATUS pin when charging is in voltage mode and charge current is reduced to 20% of full-scale charge current, assuming full-scale charge current is programmed to have 100mV across the current sense resistor (VRS1).The charge current sample I CHG is compared with the output current I VA of voltage amplifier VA. When the charge current drops to 20% of full-scale charge current, I VA will be equal to 20% of I CHG and the STATUS pin voltage will go logic high and can be used to start an external timer. When this feature is used, a capacitor of at least 0.1μF is required at the STATUS pin to filter out the switching noise. If this feature is not used, the capacitor is not needed.Dropout OperationThe RT9534 can charge the battery even when VIN goes as low as 2V above the combined voltages of the battery and the drops on the sense resistor as well as parasitic wiring. This low VIN sometimes forces 100% duty cycle and TG stays on for many switching cycles. While TG stays on, the voltage V BOOT across the capacitor C8 drops down slowly because the current sink at BOOT pin. C8 needs to be recharged before V BOOT drops too low to keep the topside switch on.A unique design allows the RT9534 to operate under these conditions. If SW pin voltage keeps larger than 1.3V for 32 oscillation periods, topside power FET will be turned off and an internal FET will be turned on to pull SW pin down. This function refreshes V BOOT voltage to a higher value. It is important to use 0.1μF to hold V BOOT up for a sufficient amount of time. The P-MOSFET M1 is optional and can be replaced with a diode if VIN is at least 2.5V higher than V BATT. The gate control pin ACDRV turns on M1 when V5V gets up above the under-voltage lockout level and is clamped internally to 5V below V ACN. In sleep mode, when VIN is removed, ACDRV will clamped internally to 5V below V ACN. In sleep mode, when VIN is removed, ACDRV will clamp M1 V SG to less than 0.1V.ShutdownWhen adapter power is removed, VIN will drift down. As soon as VIN goes down to 0.1V above V BATT, the RT9534 will go into sleep mode drawing only ~10μA from the battery. There are two ways to stop switching: pulling the EN pin low or pulling the VC pin low. Pulling the EN pin low will shut down the whole chip. Pulling the VC pin low will only stop switching and LDO stays work. Make sure there is a pull-up resistor on the EN pin even if the EN pin is not used, otherwise internal pull-down current will keep the EN pin low to shut down mode when power turns on.Charger ProtectionIf the VIN connector of typical application circuit can be instantaneously shorted to ground, the P-MOSFET M1 must be quickly turned off, otherwise, high reverse surge current might damage M1. An internal transient enhancement circuit is designed to quickly charge ACDRV pin voltage to ACN pin voltage.Note that the RT9534 will operate even when V BATT is grounded. If V BATT of typical application circuit charger gets shorted to ground very quickly from a high battery voltage, slow loop response may allow charge current to build up and damage the topside N-MOSFET M2. A small diode from the EN pin to V BATT will shut down switching and protect the charger.Temperature QualificationThe controller RT9534 continuously monitors battery temperature by measuring the voltage between the NTC pin and GND. A negative temperature coefficient thermistor (NTC) and an external voltage divider typically develop this voltage. The controller compares this voltage against its internal thresholds to determine if charging is allowed. To initiate a charge cycle, the battery temperature must be within the VCOLD. Ifbattery temperature is outside of this range, the controller suspends charge and the safety timer and waits until the battery temperature is within the VCOLD to VHOT range. If the battery temperature is outside of this range, the controller suspends charge and waits until the battery temperature is within the VCOLD to VHOT range. The controller suspends charge by turning off the PWM charge FETs.Assuming a 103AT NTC thermistor on the battery pack as shown in the below, the values of RT1 and RT2 can be determined by using the following equations: V5V COLD HOT COLD HOT V5V V5V HOT COLD HOT COLD 11V RTH RTH V V RT2 =V V RTH 1RTH 1V V ⎛⎫⨯⨯⨯-⎪⎝⎭⎛⎫⎛⎫⨯--⨯- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭V5VCOLDCOLDV 1V RT1 = 11RT2RTH -+RTH 103ATWhere RTH COLD and RTH HOT which have defined in the spec of the 103AT NTC thermistor. Thermal ConsiderationsFor continuous operation, do not exceed absolute maximum junction temperature. The maximum power dissipation depends on the thermal resistance of the IC package, PCB layout, rate of surrounding airflow, and difference between junction and ambient temperature. The maximum power dissipation can be calculated by the following formula : P D(MAX) = (T J(MAX) - T A ) / θJAwhere T J(MAX) is the maximum junction temperature, T A is the ambient temperature, and θJA is the junction toambient thermal resistance.For recommended operating condition specifications, the maximum junction temperature is 125︒C. The junction to ambient thermal resistance, θJA , is layout dependent. For WQFN-24L 4x4 package, the thermal resistance, θJA , is 28︒C/W on a standard JEDEC 51-7 four-layer thermal test board. The maximum power dissipation at T A = 25︒C can be calculated by the following formula :P D(MAX) = (125︒C - 25︒C) / (28︒C/W) = 3.57W for WQFN-24L 4x4 packageThe maximum power dissipation depends on the operating ambient temperature for fixed T J(MAX) and thermal resistance, θJA . The derating curve in Figure 1 allows the designer to see the effect of rising ambient temperature on the maximum power dissipation.Figure 1. Derating Curve of Maximum PowerDissipation0. Temperature (°C)M a x i m u m P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n (W )Outline DimensionW-Type 24L QFN 4x4 PackageRichtek Technology Corporation14F, No. 8, Tai Yuen 1st Street, Chupei CityHsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.Tel: (8863)5526789Richtek products are sold by description only. Richtek reserves the right to change the circuitry and/or specifications without notice at any time. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information and data sheets before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. Richtek cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Richtek product. Information furnished by Richtek is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Richtek or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Richtek or its subsidiaries.。

希捷Exos 7E2000企业硬盘说明书

希捷Exos 7E2000企业硬盘说明书

Best-Fit ApplicationsStorage-hungry business applications Storage area networks (SAN) and network attached storage (NAS)Maximum-capacity entry-level servers and blade serversRich media content storageEnterprise backup and restore—D2D,virtual tapeCloud computingThe Seagate ® Exos ™ 7E2000 enterprise hard drives can store large amounts of data without using a ton of system space—up to 2000GB in a compact 2.5-inch form factor. Exos 7E2000 provides the density, low power consumption and data integrity needed in traditional data centers and the cloud.Trusted Bulk Data Storage in a Small Data Center FootprintExos 7E2000 drives optimize your data center footprint in a proven 2.5-inch form factor forinfrastructures requiring highly reliable access to bulk data. Conventional magnetic recording (CMR)technology helps Exos 7E2000 catalyze the datasphere, enabling data center architects and ITprofessionals to deliver trusted performance, rock-solid reliability and ironclad security for demanding 24×7 operations. A 2M-hr. MTBF rating with supported workloads of 550TB/year, dense data storage and low power consumption help you meet your storage SLAs while lowering TCO.Significant Hard Drive Power SavingsExos 7E2000 drives ensure data confidence with a reliable, low-power platform for efficient bulkstorage operations, even in harsh data center environments. Exos 7E2000 helps reduce per-gigabyte cooling and energy costs by packing high capacities into an SFF, low-power consumption drive.Included PowerChoice ™ technology empowers IT organizations to tailor systems for optimalperformance and power consumption, resulting in power savings of up to 35% over traditional 3.5-inch drives, and potentially operating as low as 1.1 watts when idle.Enhanced Enterprise Reliability, Data Protection and SecurityExos 7E2000 security features help protect data where it lives—on the drive. Exos 7E2000 drives help prevent unauthorized access and safeguard stored data with security levels that include SecureDownloads & Diagnostics, TCG-compliant Self-Encrypting Drive and government-grade FIPS tamper-resistent hard drive.1 Seagate Secure ™ drives simplify drive repurposing and disposal, help protect data-at-rest, and comply with corporate and federal data security mandates.1 Self-Encrypting Drives (SED) and FIPS 140-2 Validated drives are not available in all models or countries. May require TCG-compliant host or controller support. Instant Secure Erase (ISE) functionality meets the ISO/IEC 27040 and NIST 800-88 guidelines for complete and authoritative drive sanitization.4K Native5xx EmulationCapacity2TB1TB2TB1TB Standard Model Numbers ST2000NX0263ST1000NX0323ST2000NX0273ST1000NX0333 Seagate Secure™ Model1ST2000NX0323ST1000NX0363ST2000NX0343ST1000NX0373 Seagate Secure SED-FIPS Model1ST2000NX0333—ST2000NX0353—Interface12 Gb/s SAS12 Gb/s SAS12 Gb/s SAS12 Gb/s SAS PowerChoice™ Technology Yes Yes Yes Yes Protection Information Yes Yes Yes YesLow Halogen Yes Yes Yes YesSeagate RAID Rebuild®Yes Yes Yes YesMTBF2,000,000hr2,000,000hr2,000,000hr2,000,000hr Reliability Rating @ Full 24×7 Operation (AFR)0.44%0.44%0.44%0.44% Nonrecoverable Read Errors per Bits Read, Max 1 sector per 10E15 1 sector per 10E15 1 sector per 10E15 1 sector per 10E15 Power-On Hours per Year (24×7)8760876087608760Sector Size (Bytes per Logical Sector)4K4K5xx5xxLimited Warranty (years)5555Spindle Speed (RPM)7200RPM7200RPM7200RPM7200RPM Cache, Multisegmented (MB)128128128128Interface Access Speed (Gb/s)12.0, 6.0, 3.012.0, 6.0, 3.012.0, 6.0, 3.012.0, 6.0, 3.0 Max. Sustained Transfer Rate OD (MB/s)136MB/s136MB/s136MB/s136MB/s Average Latency (ms) 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 Interface Ports Dual Dual Dual DualRotation Vibration @ 1800Hz (rad/s²)16161616Average Idle Power (W) 3.53 3.29 3.53 3.29Typical Operating, Random Read (W) 6.02 5.9 6.02 5.9 PowerChoice(TM) Technology (Standby) (W) 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52Power Supply Requirements+12V and +5V+12V and +5V+12V and +5V+12V and +5VTemperature, Operating (°C)5°C – 55°C5°C – 55°C5°C – 55°C5°C – 55°C Vibration, Operating, 5Hz to 500Hz (Grms) Vibration, Nonoperating, 5Hz to 500Hz (Grms)3333Shock, Operating, 2ms (Gs)25252525Shock, Nonoperating, 2ms (Gs)400400400400 Acoustics, Typical Idle (bels) 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 Acoustics, Typical Seek (bels) 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2Height (in/mm)20.591in/15.00mm0.591in/15.00mm0.591in/15.00mm0.591in/15.00mm Width (in/mm)2 2.760in/70.10mm 2.760in/70.10mm 2.760in/70.10mm 2.760in/70.10mm Depth (in/mm)2 3.955in/100.45mm 3.955in/100.45mm 3.955in/100.45mm 3.955in/100.45mm Weight (g/lb)198g/0.437lb190g/0.419lb198g/0.437lb190g/0.419lb Carton Unit Quantity40404040Cartons per Pallet/Cartons per Layer60/1060/1060/1060/101 Self-Encrypting Drives (SED) and FIPS 140-2 Validated drives are not available in all models or countries. May require TCG-compliant host or controller support. Instant Secure Erase (ISE) functionality meets the ISO/IEC 27040 and NIST 800-88 guidelines for complete and authoritative drive sanitization.2 These base deck dimensions conform to the Small Form Factor Standard (SFF-8201) found at . For connector-related dimensions, see SFF-8223.5xx Native4K NativeCapacity2TB1TB2TB1TB Standard Model Numbers ST2000NX0433ST1000NX0453ST2000NX0243ST1000NX0303 Seagate Secure™ Model1——ST2000NX0283ST1000NX0343 Seagate Secure SED-FIPS Model1————Interface12 Gb/s SAS12 Gb/s SAS SATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb/s PowerChoice™ Technology Yes Yes Yes Yes Protection Information Yes Yes No NoLow Halogen Yes Yes Yes YesSeagate RAID Rebuild®Yes Yes Yes YesMTBF2,000,000hr2,000,000hr2,000,000hr2,000,000hr Reliability Rating @ Full 24×7 Operation (AFR)0.44%0.44%0.44%0.44% Nonrecoverable Read Errors per Bits Read, Max 1 sector per 10E15 1 sector per 10E15 1 sector per 10E15 1 sector per 10E15 Power-On Hours per Year (24×7)8760876087608760Sector Size (Bytes per Logical Sector)5xx5xx4K4KLimited Warranty (years)5555Spindle Speed (RPM)7200RPM7200RPM7200RPM7200RPM Cache, Multisegmented (MB)128128128128Interface Access Speed (Gb/s)12.0, 6.0, 3.012.0, 6.0, 3.0 6.0, 3.0, 1.5 6.0, 3.0, 1.5Max. Sustained Transfer Rate OD (MB/s)136MB/s136MB/s136MB/s136MB/s Average Latency (ms) 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 Interface Ports Dual Dual Single Single Rotation Vibration @ 1800Hz (rad/s²)16161616Average Idle Power (W) 3.53 3.29 3.87 3.51Typical Operating, Random Read (W) 6.02 5.9 5.22 4.74 PowerChoice(TM) Technology (Standby) (W) 1.52 1.52 1.14 1.14Power Supply Requirements+12V and +5V+12V and +5V+12V and +5V+12V and +5VTemperature, Operating (°C)5°C – 55°C5°C – 55°C5°C – 55°C5°C – 55°C Vibration, Operating, 5Hz to 500Hz (Grms) Vibration, Nonoperating, 5Hz to 500Hz (Grms)3333Shock, Operating, 2ms (Gs)25252525Shock, Nonoperating, 2ms (Gs)400400400400 Acoustics, Typical Idle (bels) 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 Acoustics, Typical Seek (bels) 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2Height (in/mm)20.591in/15.00mm0.591in/15.00mm0.591in/15.00mm0.591in/15.00mm Width (in/mm)2 2.760in/70.10mm 2.760in/70.10mm 2.760in/70.10mm 2.760in/70.10mm Depth (in/mm)2 3.955in/100.45mm 3.955in/100.45mm 3.955in/100.45mm 3.955in/100.45mm Weight (g/lb)198g/0.437lb190g/0.419lb198g/0.437lb190g/0.419lb Carton Unit Quantity40404040Cartons per Pallet/Cartons per Layer60/1060/1060/1060/101 Self-Encrypting Drives (SED) and FIPS 140-2 Validated drives are not available in all models or countries. May require TCG-compliant host or controller support. Instant Secure Erase (ISE) functionality meets the ISO/IEC 27040 and NIST 800-88 guidelines for complete and authoritative drive sanitization.2 These base deck dimensions conform to the Small Form Factor Standard (SFF-8201) found at . For connector-related dimensions, see SFF-8223.512 Emulation512 NativeCapacity2TB1TB2TB1TB Standard Model Numbers ST2000NX0253ST1000NX0313ST2000NX0403ST1000NX0423 Seagate Secure™ Model1ST2000NX0303ST1000NX0353——Seagate Secure SED-FIPS Model1————Interface SATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb/s PowerChoice™ Technology Yes Yes Yes Yes Protection Information No No No NoLow Halogen Yes Yes Yes YesSeagate RAID Rebuild®Yes Yes Yes YesMTBF2,000,000hr2,000,000hr2,000,000hr2,000,000hr Reliability Rating @ Full 24×7 Operation (AFR)0.44%0.44%0.44%0.44% Nonrecoverable Read Errors per Bits Read, Max 1 sector per 10E15 1 sector per 10E15 1 sector per 10E15 1 sector per 10E15 Power-On Hours per Year (24×7)8760876087608760Sector Size (Bytes per Logical Sector)512512512512Limited Warranty (years)5555Spindle Speed (RPM)7200RPM7200RPM7200RPM7200RPM Cache, Multisegmented (MB)128128128128Interface Access Speed (Gb/s) 6.0, 3.0, 1.5 6.0, 3.0, 1.5 6.0, 3.0, 1.5 6.0, 3.0, 1.5Max. Sustained Transfer Rate OD (MB/s)136MB/s136MB/s136MB/s136MB/s Average Latency (ms) 4.16 4.16 4.16 4.16 Interface Ports Single Single Single Single Rotation Vibration @ 1800Hz (rad/s²)16161616Average Idle Power (W) 3.87 3.51 3.87 3.51Typical Operating, Random Read (W) 5.22 4.74 5.22 4.74 PowerChoice(TM) Technology (Standby) (W) 1.14 1.14 1.14 1.14Power Supply Requirements+12V and +5V+12V and +5V+12V and +5V+12V and +5VTemperature, Operating (°C)5°C – 55°C5°C – 55°C5°C – 55°C5°C – 55°C Vibration, Operating, 5Hz to 500Hz (Grms) Vibration, Nonoperating, 5Hz to 500Hz (Grms)3333Shock, Operating, 2ms (Gs)25252525Shock, Nonoperating, 2ms (Gs)400400400400 Acoustics, Typical Idle (bels) 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 Acoustics, Typical Seek (bels) 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2Height (in/mm)20.591in/15.00mm0.591in/15.00mm0.591in/15.00mm0.591in/15.00mm Width (in/mm)2 2.760in/70.10mm 2.760in/70.10mm 2.760in/70.10mm 2.760in/70.10mm Depth (in/mm)2 3.955in/100.45mm 3.955in/100.45mm 3.955in/100.45mm 3.955in/100.45mm Weight (g/lb)198g/0.437lb190g/0.419lb198g/0.437lb190g/0.419lb Carton Unit Quantity40404040Cartons per Pallet/Cartons per Layer60/1060/1060/1060/101 Self-Encrypting Drives (SED) and FIPS 140-2 Validated drives are not available in all models or countries. May require TCG-compliant host or controller support. Instant Secure Erase (ISE) functionality meets the ISO/IEC 27040 and NIST 800-88 guidelines for complete and authoritative drive sanitization.2 These base deck dimensions conform to the Small Form Factor Standard (SFF-8201) found at . For connector-related dimensions, see SFF-8223.AMERICAS Seagate Technology LLC 10200 South De Anza Boulevard, Cupertino, California 95014, United States, 408-658-1000ASIA/PACIFIC Seagate Singapore International Headquarters Pte. Ltd. 7000 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 5, Singapore 569877, 65-6485-3888EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA Seagate Technology SAS 16-18, rue du Dôme, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France, 33 1-4186 10 00© 2017 Seagate Technology LLC. All rights reserved. Seagate, Seagate Technology and the Spiral logo are registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC in the United States and/or other countries. Exos, the Exos logo, PowerChoice, Seagate RAID Rebuild, Seagate Secure and the Seagate Secure logo are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC or one of its affiliated companies in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. When referring to drive capacity, one gigabyte, or GB, equals one billion bytes and one terabyte, or TB, equals one trillion bytes. Your computer’s operating system may use a different standard of measurement and report a lower capacity. In addition, some of the listed capacity is used for formatting and other functions, and thus will not be available for data storage. Actual data rates may vary depending on operating environment and other factors, such as chosen interface and disk capacity. The export or re-export of Seagate hardware or software is regulated by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (for more information, visit ), and may be controlled for export, import and use in other countries. Seagate reserves the right to change, without notice, product offerings or specifications. DS1955.1-1709US September 2017。

萨费伊 夸萨 900 系列开路气体检测仪 产品手册说明书

萨费伊 夸萨 900 系列开路气体检测仪 产品手册说明书

Hazardous Locations DemandSuperior Gas Detection!Quasar 900 provides themost reliable gas detectionin all weather conditions!2SafEye Quasar 900 Series Open Path Gas DetectorWhy Open Path Gas Detectors?Spectrex invented the xenon flash lamp design that revolutionized the open-path gas detection market, which, until then, was plagued by false alarms due to the drawbacks of the previous designs. Now, Open path detectors complement the use of individual point detectors, take executive action and offer many significant benefits including:• Wider area coverage• Most likely method to pick up any leak • Very high speed of response • No unrevealed failure modes • Beam block warning• Detector location is less critical • Size of gas hazard indicatedApplications include:• Offshore platforms & FPSOs • Petrochemical plants• Chemical processing plants• Gas filling and distribution terminals • Gas transport and pipelines • Large storage areas & buildings • Perimeter monitoringFrom the Arctic Circle to Middle EasternDeserts40-meter path 70% LEL40% LEL20% LEL 7m wide cloudSafEye Source This scenario shows how the matrix of point type detectors can miss a leak or eventually only see diluted gas levels whereas SafEye 900 Open-Path will, in this case, measure 20% LEL x 7m = 1.4 LEL.m - well above 1 LEL.m alarm level1 LEL meter (1 LEL.m) = a cloud of 5% LEL methane gas that is20 meter wide1 LEL meter (1 LEL.m) = a cloud of 100% LEL methane gas that is1 meter wide Gas leak can be picked up by Open Path Detectors that point detectors miss!SafEye SourceSafEye Source1 LEL Meter1 LEL Meter Gas Cloud 100% LELGas Cloud 5% LEL1m 20m 100m 100m SafEye DetectorSafEye DetectorSafEye DetectorPoint type detectorThe SafEye Quasar 900 Series is the very latest open path IR technology and detects a wide range of hydrocarbon gases – including alkanes (methane to hexane) and ethylene.Path lengths can be up to 660ft (200m). Quasar 900 models can be tailored to protect your high-risk installation.Reliability and performance is key and is assured with SIL2 approval and successful 3rd party FM performance / function testing to FM and EN standards3SafEye Quasar 900 Series Open Path Gas DetectorWe had Factory Mutual (FM) independently test Quasar 900 to recognized worldwide Function and Performance standards for open-path gas detectors (FM6325 andEN60079-29-4). Guess what – we passed with flying colors!(apart from anything else, it costs a lot). Well, its to give you the assurance that what we say about Quasar 900 is true – and in safety, that’s important!IMMUNITY TO FALSE ALARMSQuasar 900 is totally immune to interference from sunlight or any other sources of radiation such as flare stacks, arc welding or lightning.PERFORMANCE IN ALL WEATHERSThe Quasars 900’s high power xenon lamp will compensate for changing weather conditions, including rain, fog, mist, snow and makes it immune to influences from solar radiation, arc-welding, stack flares or vibration from machinery.The optical lenses are thermostacically heated to preventthe formation of ice and build up of snow on the optics even under severe weather conditions. It also eliminates build up of condensation on the lenses.Quasar is rated for operation over a very wide temperature range from -67°F to + 149ºF (-55ºC to + 65ºC) - a truly worldwide productRELIABILITYQuasar 900 is approved to SIL2 (IEC61508), equipped with heated optics and tolerates a very wide temperature range to provide reliable detectionFAILSAFENo unrevealed failures. In normal operation, the output signal is 4 to 20 mA, depending on the measured gas concentration. Sub-4mA signals includes indications for beam blockage(2mA), a fault (1mA). In addition, a continuous self-test of the Quasar 900 will issue a pre-warning signal (3mA) where the detector is still operational but requires some attention – for example when the transmitter or receiver is misaligned or if there is a deposit build-up on the optics. Maintenance without downtime!BUILT-IN DATA LOGGERAn internal data-logger keeps a detailed record of the previous 100 events.GAS LIBRARYThe detectors can be calibrated to methane, propane or ethylene. The calibration selection must be determined when ordering.MINIMUM DETECTABLE LEVELDue to Quasar 900's inherent stability and sensitivity, the minimum detectable level is 0.15 LEL.mSIMPLE TO ALIGN AND COMMISSIONOne person can easily align and commission the system without the need for special training or skills. After an initial coarse adjustment by eye, a telescope is fitted allowing fine adjustment to optimized the adjustment for maximum signal strength.Don’t just take our word for it!Why do we do this?5SafEye Quasar 900 Series Open Path Gas DetectorComplete Access in the Field or Safe AreaThe unique, intrinsically safe approved connection port on the Quasar 900 receiver allows simple connection of various types of handheld unit that will communicate with Quasar 900 in the hazardous event log, perform diagnostic functions, in conjunction with Spectrex software.Two options are available, both able to connect to the intrinsically safe approved connection port on the Quasar 900 receiver.- HART handheld- RS485 handheldFor work in a safe area / workshop, other options are available, still connected via the I.S. port. for your convenience.These take the form of cable harnesses to connect with your own6SafEye Quasar 900 Series Open Path Gas DetectorGENERAL SPECIFICATIONSDetection Range Model 901 902 903 904Feet 23-6650-132 115-330265-660Meters 7-2015-4035-10080-200 Detected Gas C1-C8Response Time 3 sec.0-8 LEL.m ethyleneSpectral Response 2.0 - 3.0µmDisplacement/Misalignment ±0.5°ToleranceDrift ±7.5% of the reading or ±4% of the full scale (whichever is greater)Minimum Detectable Level 0.15 LEL.mTemperature Range –67°F (–55°C) to 149°F (65°C)Humidity Up to 95% non-condensing (withstands up to 100% RH for short periods)Heated Optics To eliminate condensation and icing on the windowWarranty Safety system – 3 yearsELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSPower Supply24VDC nominal (18-32 VDC)Power Consumption Detector: 250mA (300mA Peak)(peak includes heated optics)Source: 250mA (300mA Peak)Warm Up Time30 sec for transmitter and receiverElectrical Connection (specify) 2 x 3/4" – 14NPT conduitsor 2 x M25 x 1.5mm ISOElectrical Input Protection per MIL-STD-1275BElectromagnetic Compatibility EMI/RFI protected per EN50270OUTPUTS – INTERFACES0-20mA Current OutputGas reading 4-20mA Obscuration/beam block 2mANormal, zero reading 4mA Zero calibration mode 1mAMaintenance call 3mA Fault 0mAMisalignment 2.5mARS-485 Interface – Modbus The RS-485 input/output provides complete data information to a PC and receives control Compatible commands from the PC or handheld unitHART HART communications on 0-20mA analog current (FSK) – used for maintenance and assetmanagementVisual Status Indicator 3 color LED: Green – Power on, Yellow – Fault, Red – AlarmMECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONSHazardous Area Approval ATEX&IECEx Ex II 2(2)G DEx db eb ib [ib Gb] IIB + H2 T4 GbEx tb IIIC T135°C DbTa = –55°C to +65°CFM/FMC Class I Div 1 Groups B, C and DClass II,III Div 1 Groups E, F and GTR CU/EAC 1Ex d e ib [ib Gb] IIB + H2 T4 Gb XEx tb IIIC T135°C Db XInmetro Ex db eb ib [ib Gb] IIB_H2 T4 GbEx tb IIIC T135°C DbPerformance Approved per FM6325 and tested by FM per EN60079-29-4Reliability SIL2 per IEC61508 (TUV)stainless steel 316L.Dimensions Detector/Source 10.5 x 5.1 x 5.1 inch (267 x 130 x 130mm)Tilt Mount 4.7 x 4.7 x 5.5 inch (120 x 120 x 158mm)Weight Detector/Source 11lb (5kg)Tilt Mount 4.2lb (1.9kg)Water and Dust Tight IP66 and IP68NEMA 250 6PEnvironmental Meets MIL-STD-810C for Humidity, Salt and Fog, Vibration, Mechanical Shock, High and LowTemperatureACCESSORIESTilt Mount P/N 888270 HART Hand-Held Diagnostic Unit P/N 888810Wall Mount P/N 799255 HART Harness Kit P/N 888815U-Bolt/Pole Mount (4-5 inch)P/N 799225 USB/RS485 Harness Converter Kit P/N 794079Weather Cover P/N 888263 U-Bolt/Pole Mount (2-3 inch)P/N 888140Commissioning Kit P/N 8882477SafEye Quasar 900 Series Open Path Gas Detector AccessoriesCommunication, Diagnostics, Set-upCommissioning, maintenance and diagnostics tools for the Quasar 900 Series, which providesIf, instead, user wishes to use their own HART handheld or PC / laptop in safe area, we offer:HART HARNESS KIT P/N 888815For standard HART Hand-Held (I.S.) to connect between the Hand-Held and the I.S. Port on 900, including a harness.USB RS485 HARNESS CONVERTER KIT P/N 794079With RS485/USB converter, kit is used with Spectrex Host software, enables the user to connect to any available PC or laptop. For use in safe area only. Connects, for convenience, to connection port on 900 or RS485 terminals COMMISSIONING KIT P/N 888247P/N 888355-2The Commissioning/Alignment Kit is required forcommissioning and maintenance checks.Only one kit is required per site, Includes: AlignmentTelescope, Magnetic Mode Selector, Function CheckThe Duct Mount allows gas detection in areas wherethe monitored area does not allow installation of thegas detection system inside the area.Filters (2) and set of Socket keys for access to unitsWEATHER COVER, STAINLESS STEEL P/N 888263TILT MOUNT P/N 888270POLE MOUNT (U-Bolt, 4–5 inch) P/N 799225HART HAND-HELD DIAGNOSTIC UNIT P/N 888810and connects to I.S. port on 900.Duct Mount8How to choose your newQuasar 900SafEye Quasar 900 Series Open Path Gas DetectorModel =Receiver + Transmitter Installation Distance 901QR-X-11X + QT-X-11X 23-66 ft / 7-20m 902QR-X-11X + QT-X-21X 50-132 ft / 15-40m 903QR-X-11X + QT-X-31X 115-330 ft / 35-100m 904QR-X-11X+QT-X-41X265-660 ft / 80-200mQuasar 900 Part numbersQR - X -C: ATEX F: FMB: Inmetro R: TR CUC: ATEX F: FMB: Inmetro R: TR CUC: ATEX F: FMB: Inmetro R: TR CURECEIVERX1: M252: ¾" NPT11QT - X -- X -TRANSMITTERXXX1: M252: ¾" NPT1: M252: ¾" NPTO: No G: Yes1: M e thane 2: Propane 3: Ethylene1XX90X1: 7-20m: Short Range2: 15-40m: Medium Range 13: 35-100m: Medium Range 24: 80-200m: Long Range1: 7÷20m: (23÷66ft)2: 15÷40m: (50÷132ft)3: 35÷100m: (115÷330ft)4:80÷200m: (256÷660ft)Q -900, F e b r u a r y 2020 (A c )Headquarters: 6021 Innovation Blvd , Shakopee , MN 55379, USA Tel: 973 239-8398E-mail:******************************|。

UL 9540A

UL 9540A

Overview of UL 9540A
September 8, 2023
Objectives and Importance of UL 9540ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้评估目的和重要性Test Requirements Introduction测试要求
ObjectivesTest method, aimed to understand the behavior of a BESS that goes into thermal runawayTest data will be used to determine the fire and explosion protection required for an installation of a battery energy storage system intended for installation, operation and maintenance.Test data will help the supplier determine:Required separation between system and wallsAmount of heat generated and what parts will combustWhat kind of gases are generated – combustible or toxic?Information for fire fightersHow large can the fire get?Can it re-ignite if it burns out?
1.7 With reference to 1.6, there is no maximum energy capacity limit for non-residential use electrochemical ESS that are tested in accordance with the Standard for Test Method for Evaluating Thermal Runaway Fire Propagation in Battery Energy Storage Systems, UL 9540A in which the performance level criteria of the cell level test have been met.1.8 With reference to 1.6, the maximum energy capacity of non-residential use electrochemical ESSs shall be permitted to be increased to the value of the unit which complies with the UL 9540A Unit Level Test.1.9 With reference to 1.6, the maximum energy capacity of non-residential use electrochemical ESSs shall be permitted to be increased to the value of the unit which complies with the UL 9540A Performance criteria for the Installation Level test, and the ESS shall be marked in accordance with With reference to 1.6, there is no maximum energy capacity limit for non-residential use electrochemical ESS intended for use in remote outdoor locations as defined in the applicable installation code, provided they are marked in accordance with 41.15. The Standard for the Installation of Stationary Energy Storage Systems, NFPA 855 defines outdoor remote locations as being located more than 30.5 m (100 ft) from exposures.1.11 With reference to 1.6, lead acid and Ni-Cad energy storage systems have exceptions to the capacity energy limits including, in some cases, no limits based upon specific telecom and utility installations as outlined in NFPA 855.

SuperSonix-NG 硬盘复制器使用指南说明书

SuperSonix-NG 硬盘复制器使用指南说明书

optional adaptersS upports SATA, USB 3.0 and IDE. Support for SAS and FireWire ® is available with a software option, IDE supported with optional adapterC lone from 1 master drive to 1 or 2 target drives, or clone from 2 master drives to 2 target drivesC reate a 100% Mirror copy or use our CleverCopy to copy only data areas for even more efficient cloning O ptional networking capability & hash verification featureThe SuperSonix ®-NG continues Logicube’s legacy of high-performance, reliable and feature-packed hard drive duplicators. Designed for IT professionals the SuperSonix-NG features blazing fast cloning speeds of 24GB/min, an easy-to-use browser-based inter f ace, a wipe feature, and broad interface support including PCIe. Its compact size makes it ideal for the workbench or mobile on-site applications. The SuperSonix-NG is perfect for any drive cloning tasks including software and O/S upgrades, back-ups,new PC rollouts and content/application distribution.­ n T he SuperSonix ®-NG supports SATA, USB 3.0, and PCIe . Master ports include 2 SATA, 1 USB 3.0 and 1 PCIe. Target ports include 2 SATA, 1 USB 3.0 and 1 PCIe­ n M .2 PCIe N VMe , AHC I and SATA, PC I e and mini-PC e express cards are supported with an optional PCIe Adapter Kit ­ n S upport for SAS (enabled on all 4 SATA ports) and FireWire ® (1 source, 1 target) storageenclosures is available with optional software-based activation packages­ n 1.8”/2.5”/3.5” IDE and IDE ZIF drives, eSATA, microSATA, mSATA , and compact flash media aresupported with optional adapters­ n M ulti-master/multi-target cloning . Clone from 1or 2 master drives to multiple target drives simul-taneously. Use the optional USB to SATA adapter to convert the USB 3.0 ports to SATA to allow cloningfrom 3 SATA master drives to 3 SATA target drives simultaneously.­ n N etworking (Optional). Allows upload/down-load network access to drive images and log files. Clone to/from a network repository. Store multiple SuperSonix-NG created images on a shared network repository then clone selected images to target drives. The Networking option also provides the ability to clone from an unopened laptop using our USB boot client and iSCSi­ n M ulti-session capability. Allows user to perform multiple tasks, including cloning, wiping or hashing concurrently ­n O ptional Hash verification (SHA1, SHA256 or MD5). Users can clone and verify the exact replication of the master drive in one single process. Hash verification is embedded in theaudit trail/log file ­n C lones all operating systems including Windows 10, Mac ®, Linux and Unix ®­n S uperSonix-NG formats target drives to N TFS, exFAT, EXT4 or FAT32 file systems and supports cloning from master drives formatted to any major file system ­n W rite-protected master drives. All master ports are automatically write-blocked to prevent any alteration to sensitive data on the master drive ­ n C loning modes:­­ n M irror Copy (bit for bit copy). Supports all O/S including Windows, Linux and Mac ­ n C leverCopy (copies only data areas, skips blank sectors, scales partitions to target). Supports FAT16/FAT32/NTFS and Linux (ext, ext2, ext3, ext4) file systems ­ n F or Multiple partition drives, SuperSonix-NGautomatically selects the optimum cloning method (Clever or Mirror)­ n P ower supply & US power cord ­ n C AT6 network cable ­ n 4 SATA/SAS power/data cables­ n 4 eSATA 6-pin SATA power (for eSATA drives)­ n U sers’ Manual on CD-ROM­ n S AS Option. Software option enables SAS support on all SATA ports (2 masters, 2 targets)­ n O ptional Hash verification (SHA1, SHA256 or MD5). Users can clone and verify the exact replication of the master drive in one single process. Hash verification is embedded in the audit trail/log file ­ n F ireWire/MAC Option. Software option enables FireWire master and target ports activation. Provides ability to clone from a Mac computer in target mode. Includes 1 FW cable, an off-the-shelf Thunderbolt™ to FW cable is required for Mac computers with a Thunderbolt port ­ n N etworking Option. Software option provides the ability to clone to/from a network repository and to clone from an laptop (requires USB boot client, available from our website)­ n U SB to SATA Adapter. Allows you to convert USB 3.0 ports to SATAn m icroSATA to SATA adapter­ n 2.5”/3.5” IDE to SATA, 1.8” IDE to SATA, 1.8” ZIF adapters ­ n P CIe Adapter Kit Includes adapters for M.2 PCIe/NVMe/SATA and PCIe and mini-PCIe express cards ­ n M .2 PCIe (SATA type) to SATA adapter ­ n M .2 PCIe (AHCI type) to USB 3.0 adapter ­ n e SATA to SATA cable ­ n m SATA to SATA adapter ­ n F lash media reader ­ n U SB 3.0 4-port hub­ n 18” extended length SAS/SATA cable set ­ n E xtended 1 year and 2 year warranties ­ n S oft-sided carrying bag ­ n H ard case (Pelican-type)T he SuperSonix-NG is shipped in a cardboardcarrying case that includes a customprotective foam insert ready to drop into a standard Pelican hard caseThe following options are available for the SuperSonix-NG­ n M ulti-Image Master: Store multiple images created in SuperSonix-NG in a repository on a master drive or enclosure connected to the SuperSonix-NG and then clone to selected target drives. Use the N etworking Option to store multiple SuperSonix-NG created images on a shared network location and then cloneto selected targetsn W ipe feature . Sanitize hard drives to DoD7-pass specification. Offers Secure Erase and custom pass settings, meets N I ST 800-88guidelines. Wipe at speeds of 27GB/min*. Optional selection to verify wipe pass value during the wipe process ­n U nlock and clone ATA Security locked drives . Temporarily unlock drives and then clone, hash or wipe. Requires ATA Security password to unlock ­n B ad sector handling . Scan for bad sectors on the source drive, abort or skip and log for review­n A udit trail/log reports provide detailed informa-tion on each task. A digital signature is included in the report for authentication purposes. Reportsare available in PDF , HTML or XML format andusers can export individual or all log reports to a USB flash driven A dditionalfeatures include HPA/DCO support,a color touchscreen display, an HDM I port for connection to a monitor and 2 USB 2.0 host ports for keyboard or mouse connectivity and a user manual available via a QR code clickable link from the SuperSonix-NG’s interface*Speed referenced was achieved using solid state drives and mirror mode. The specification and condition of hard drives and settings used may affect the achieved speed。

Nuaire ESCO-CO2D Ecosmart Connect Duct Mounted CO2

Nuaire ESCO-CO2D Ecosmart Connect Duct Mounted CO2

1.0 SAFETY INFORMATION• The provision of the electrical supply and the connection of the unit to the mains must be carried out by a qualified electrician.1.1 Hazard SymbolsGENERAL WARNINGSignifies a general warning regarding hazard specified by supplementary information.REFER TO INSTRUCTION MANUALRead and understand the installation and maintenance manual before installing,1.2 Important InformationThis manual contains important information on the safe and appropriate assembly, transport, commissioning, operation, maintenance, disassembly and simple troubleshooting of the product. While the product has been manufactured according to the accepted rules of current technology, there is still a danger of personal injury or damage to equipment if the following general safety instructions and the warnings contained in these instructions are not complied with.•Read these instructions completely and thoroughly beforeworking with the product.•Keep these instructions in a location where they are accessible to all users at all times.•Always include the operating instructions when you pass the product on to third parties.1.3 Personal Protective EquipmentThe following minimum Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is recommended when interacting with Nuaire product:•Protective Steel Toed Shoes - when handling heavy objects.•Full Finger Gloves (Marigold PU800 or equivalent) - whenhandling sheet metal components.•Semi Fingerless Gloves (Marigold PU3000 3DO or equivalent) - when conducting light work on the unit requiring tactiledexterity.•Safety Glasses - when conducting any cleaning/cutting operation or exchanging filters.•Reusable Half Mask Respirators - when replacing filters whichhave been in contact with normal room or environmental air. Nuaire would always recommend a site specific risk assessment by a competent person to determine if any additional PPE is required. 2.0 INTRODUCTIONNuaire’s Ecosmart Connect Controls offer a compact, duct mounted carbon dioxide (CO2) sensor for measuring and transmitting CO2levels, ranging from 0 to 2,000 parts per million (ppm). Nuaire’s CO2sensors are easy to install and to operate.The silicon-based sensor delivers high accuracy and long-term measurement stability (±100 ppm) over a five-year period without calibration. The diffusion-aspirated, single-beam, dual-wavelength sensor structure is remarkably simple. It consists of an infrared (IR) source, a sample cell, an IR detector, and a tuneable interference filter that enables measurements at two wavelengths. This innovative design provides precise reference readings that eliminate the typically broad deviation expected from a traditional CO2sensor.The ESCO-CO2D duct mounted CO2sensor is intended toprovide an input to equipment under normal operating conditions.Where failure or malfunction of the sensor could lead to personal injury or property damage to the controlled equipment or otherproperty, additional precautions must be designed into the control system. Incorporate and maintain other devices, such as supervisory or alarm systems or safety or limit controls, intended to warn of, or protect against failure or malfunction of the sensor.2.1 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION2.2 Parts IncludedThe duct mount CO2sensor is shipped assembled. It consists of three main parts: base and Printed Circuit Board (PCB), cover, and mounting flange with four screws (for probe depth adjustment). A conduit adaptor is also included.2.3 Mounting LocationWhen selecting a location for the sensor, note the following:• The sensor is designed for duct mounting in any position.• The probe is best mounted in the return air stream.• The device should penetrate the duct by a minimum of 76mm to ensure the sensing part of the element is fully in the air stream.• The sensor should be placed in an area free of condensation.2.4 Mounting the SensorThe sensor is duct mounted using a flange. The mounting flange adjusts the distance between the probe and the inner duct wall. Fasten the mounting flange with the four screws as follows:•Loosen the probe retention screw, and separate the flange fromthe assembled unit.•Drill a hole 22 - 25 mm diameter in the duct for the sensor’s probe.•Using the mounting flange as a template centred on the hole, drill four 3.2 mm holes for the mounting screws positioned as in Figure 1.•Fasten the mounting flange onto the duct using the four screwsprovided.•Insert the probe a minimum of 76 mm, and tighten the proberetention screw on the mounting flange.3.0 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION3.1 Power Supply RequirementsThe sensor requires a 24 VAC/VDC, Class 2 power supply maintaining voltages of 18 to 30 VDC or 20 to 30 VAC.3.2 24 VAC Power Supply ConnectionsWhen more than one sensor is connected to one 24 VAC transformer, a common loop is formed at the controller, and the risk of a short circuit increases.All commons must be at the same potential.To avoid a short circuit, isolate the 24V power supply by providing a separate transformer for each sensor as shown in Figure 2.If several sensors share one transformer, the phase (~) must always be the same at each sensor to maintain polarity and avoid a short circuit via a shared common line at the controller, as shown in Figure 3.3.3 Wiring the PCBTo wire the PCB’s input and output connections:•Open the sensor cover.•Insert the wire carefully through the conduit adapter and then strip6.35 mm of the wire insulation to prepare the wire for connectionto the terminal block.•Connect the 24V supply between the UB+ and GND terminals as shown in Figure 4.•Connect the common wire to the GND terminal.•Connect the other wire to AOU1 terminal (for voltage output).4 Sensor PCBCO2 - 0..10 V15..35 V = | 19..29 V ~4.0 SENSOR CONTROLS4.1 Default CalibrationNuaire’s carbon dioxide (CO2) sensors come from the factory calibrated for the following:•Output signal (0 to 10V) proportional to CO2 concentration (0 to 2,000 parts per million [ppm]).•Altitude range of 0 to 600m above sea level withoutcompensation.•Default relay output trigger point of 1,000 ppm.4.1.1 CO2ControlWhen a CO2sensor is assigned to the system and an enable signalis received, ventilation will increase fans speeds to reduce CO2 concentration. The target CO2sensor setpoint can be changed as one of the commissioning setpoints. Room Module CO2sensors are detected automatically. 0-10V CO2sensors need to be assigned to input 4 or 5.4.2 Sensor Setpoints4.2.1 Multiple SensorsWhere multiple sensors are connected the following options are available.6.0 SENSOR SPECIFICATIONThe performance specifications are nominal and conform to acceptable industry standards.7.0 TROUBLESHOOTINGThe sensor is not field repairable.In the event the unit is not functioning properly, use the following checklist to identify the symptoms and determine a solution.•Verify that all wiring is correct.•Verify that the power supply voltage level is 20 to 30 VAC or 18 to30 VDC.8.0 WARRANTYThe 5 year warranty starts from the day of delivery and includes parts and labour for the first year. The remaining 4 years covers replacement parts only.The labour element of the warranty is subject to full, free and safe access to the equipment as recommended by CDM regulations.This warranty is void if the equipment is modified without authorisation, is incorrectly applied, misused, disassembled, or not installed, commissioned and maintained in accordance with the details contained in this manual and general good practice.The product warranty applies to the UK mainland and in accordance with Clause 14 of our Conditions of Sale. Customers purchasing from outside of the UK should contact Nuaire International Sales office for further details.9.0 END-OF-LIFE AND RECYCLINGWhere possible Nuaire use components which can be largely recycled when the product reaches its end-of-life:•Fans, motors, controls, actuators, cabling and other electricalcomponents can be segregated into WEEE recycling streams.•Sheet metal parts, aluminium extrusion, heating/cooling coils and other metallic items can be segregated and fully recycled.•Cardboard packaging, wood, used filters and other papercomponents can be largely recycled or fully processed in energyfrom waste centres.•Remaining items can be further segregated for energy from waste centres or, as a last resort, sent to landfill. Please call After SalesSupport for further information on items not listed above. Ensure that Nuaire product is made safe from any electrical / water / refrigerant supplies before dismantling commences. This work should only be undertaken by a qualified person in accordance with local authority regulations and guidelines, taking into account all site based risks.10.0 AFTER SALES AND REPLACEMENT PARTSFor technical assistance or further product information, including spare parts and replacement components, please contact the After Sales Department.If ordering spares please quote the serial number of the unit together with the part number, if the part number is not known please give a full description of the part required. The serial number will be found on the identification plate attached to the unit casing.Telephone 02920 858 400********************.ukTechnical or commercial considerations may, from time to time, make it necessary to alter the design, performance and dimensions of equipment and the right is reserved to make such changes withoutprior notice.。



SAMS70 and SAME70 Microcontroller FamiliesSummaryThe SAMS70 MCU familiy is based on the ARM ® Cortex ®-M7 core plus FloatingPoint Unit (FPU) extending Microchip's 32-bit microcontroller portfolio with maximum operating speeds of up to 300 MHz, 2 MB of Flash and up to 384 KB of multi-port SRAM, of which up to 256 KB can be assigned to tightly coupled memory (data and instructions) delivering a zero wait state at 300 MHz. The SAMS70 family is able to accelerate execution from on-chip Flash and Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) connectedto Quad-SPI and EBI with 16 KB of data and 16 KB of instruction cache memory.This unique memory architecture enables the SAMS70 family to be optimized for real-time deterministic code execution and low-latency peripheral data access. Additionally, the SAMS70 family includes an extensive peripheral set including high-speed USB host and device with high-speed PHY , up to eight UARTs, five SPI, three I 2C, I 2S™, SD/MMC interface, a CMOS camera interface, twelve 16-bit timers, eight 16-bits PWMs and analog interfaces. The SAME70 family includes similar features as the SAMS70family as well as a 10/100 Ethernet MAC and dual Bosch CAN-FD interfaces with advanced analog features making them ideal forconnectivity applications.Key Features• ARM Cortex-M7 core running at 300 MHz• FPU for high-precision computing and accelerated data processing• High-performance internal-memory architecture with user-configurable tightly coupled memories and system memory/16 KB I and 16 KB D cache • Dual Bosch CAN-FD controller• 10/100 Ethernet MAC with IEEE 1588 and KSZ8061 PHY • Quad-SPI with eXecute-In-Place• High-speed USB host and device with on-chip high-speed PHY• CMOS image sensor interface• AES hardware-encryption engines, TRNG and SHA-based memory integrity checker• Advanced analog front end based on dual 2 Msps, 12-bit ADCs, including 16-bit average, with up to 24 channels, offset error correction and gain control• Dual 2 Msps, 12-bit DAC and analog comparator • 64- to 144-pin package options• Extended industrial temperature range from −40°C to 105°CDevelopment ToolsSAMV71 Xplained Ultra Evaluation Kit (ATSAMV71-XULT)The SAM V71 Xplained Ultra evaluation kit is ideal for evaluating and prototyping with the SAMV71, SAM V70, SAM S70 and SAM E70 MCUs. Extension boards to the SAM V71 Xplained Ultra can be purchased individually. This kit is also compatible with Arduino Shields.SAME70 Xplained Evaluation Kit (ATSAME70-XPLD)The SAME70-Xplained Evaluation Kit is ideal for evaluating and prototyping with the Microchip SAMS70 and SAME70 MCUs. It provides connectivity for Eth-ernet, HS USB and SD Cards as well as2-XPRO extension headers. Extension boards for the SAME70Xplained can be purchased individually.The Microchip name and logo and the Microchip logo are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. All other trademarks mentioned herein are property of their respective companies. © 2017, Microchip Technology Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. 6/17DS60001427CPackage Options*QFN with wettable Flanks。



3. Cathode performance
Fig. 2. Plateau voltage and capacity (see Fig. 1) for LiFePO4 [123,153–162] and LiCoO2 [163–167] with a charging voltage of 4.2V and discharge current of 1C.
• (3) substituting Li or Ti by other metal cations, such as Cr3+,
V5+, Mn4+, Fe3+, Al3+, Co3+, Ta5+, Cu2+;
No investigation was reported on the electrochemical characteristics of Nb-doped Li4Ti5O12 as an anode material.
The decrease in capacity with increasing discharge current is
generally smaller for LiCoO2 than for Li(Ni,Mn,Co)O2.
Fig. 8. Discharge capacity of LiFePO4 as a function of discharge rate.
The capacity of Li(Ni1/3Mn1/3Co1/3)O2 increases more than that of LiCoO2, suggesting that the kinetics of charge transfer and/or mass transport are slower in Li(Ni1/3Mn1/3Co1/3)O2 than in LiCoO2.

华盛顿HP OpenView Omniback II 4.1平台与集成支持矩阵说明书

华盛顿HP OpenView Omniback II 4.1平台与集成支持矩阵说明书

HP OpenView Omniback II 4.1Platform & Integration support matrixVersion: 1.7 Date: October 24, 2003NOTE: For the following Omniback II components, only those “Omniback component-Operating System” combinations are supported for which the corresponding Operating System version is supported by the respective vendors.omniback II componentsupported operating systemsCell Manager• Windows NT 4.0 • Windows 2000 • Windows XP PRO• HP-UX 10.20, 11.03, 11.113, 11.203,5 Graphical User Interface• Windows 98 1• Windows ME 1 • Windows NT 4.0 • Windows 2000 • Windows XP HE • Windows XP PRO• HP-UX 10.20, 11.03, 11.113, 11.203,5 Managers-of-Managers (MoM)• Windows NT 4.0 • Windows 2000 • Windows XP PRO• HP-UX 10.20, 11.03, 11.113, 11.203,5 Backup Device Server (media agent), including robotic control• Windows NT 4.0 • Windows 2000 • Windows XP PRO• Novell NetWare 6 4.11, 4.2, 5.0, 5.1, 6.07• HP-UX 10.20, 11.03, 11.113, 11.203,5, 11.223 &5• Sun Solaris 42.6, 7 , 8•For Windows NT PCs, the following SCSI interface cards are supported: AMD, Adaptec, Symbios• MPE/iX 66.0, 6.5 • Linux Red Hat 6.x,7.x,8.x • Linux SuSe 6.x, 7.x, 8.x Backup Device Server (media agent), without robotic controlThe above list plus the following: • IBM AIX 4.3.x, AIX 5.1, 5.28• SNI Sinix 5.4.3, 5.4.4•SCO OpenServer 5.0.5 (Compaq)1The following limitations apply:• Browsing the Microsoft Windows Network is disabled. • Only US English version of GUI is supported.• Only local installation direct from installation CD-ROM is supported.2The following limitation applies: The Backup Agent on Unixware 7.1.1 can only be installed locally and not via push installation. 3 NIS+ is not supported.4 For Solaris – SunOS version compatibility, please refer to the Sun OS support matrix. 5HP-UX 11.11 is pHP-UX 11i version 1.0. HP-UX 11.20 is HP-UX 11i version 1.5. HP-UX 11.22 is HP-UX 11i version 1.66 Push installation not possible, need to be installed locally7For Netware 6.0 support, the patch OMNIBACK_00059 needs to be installed. DA & MA do not take advantage of the new features introduced by NSS 3.0 8 To utilize this feature, the patch PHSS_28584 is required 9 To utilize this feature, the patch PHSS_28232 is required 10To utilize this feature, the patch PHSS_28336 is requiredoperating systemsupported processor platformHP-UX PA-RISC or IA-642Windows XPIntel, IA-32, or AMDBackup Agents (disk agents)• Windows NT 4.0 • Windows XP HE 6 • Windows 956 • Windows 986 • Windows ME 6 • Windows 2000 • Windows XP PRO• Novell NetWare 64.11, 4.2,5.0, 5.1,6.07• HP-UX 10.20, 11.03, 11.113, 11.203,5, 11.223&5 • HP MPE/iX 6, 6.0, 6.5 • Sun Solaris 4 2.6, 7, 8• IBM AIX 4.3.x, 5.1, 5.28• SGI IRIX 6.4, 6.5• SNI Sinix 5.4.3, 5.4.4• SCO OpenServer 5.0.5, SCO Unixware 7.x 2 • Digital UNIX/Tru64 Unix 4.0x • Tru64 UNIX version 5.0, 5.1x • MP-RAS NCR V4_3.0• DYNIX Sequent Intel 4.4.26• Linux – Red Hat Distribution 6.x, 7.x, 8.x 9• Linux – SuSE 6.x, 7.x, 8.x 10• Caldera OpenLinux 2.4x, 3.1.1 • Debian Linux v2.2.r3, 3.0• Additional UNIX platforms via NFS •Additional platforms via shared disksWindows NT 1Intel, IA-32, or AMDWindows 2000 Intel, IA-32, or AMDLinux – Red Hat Distribution Intel, IA-32, or AMDLinux – SuSE Intel, IA-32, or AMDLinux --- Debian Intel, IA-32Sun Solaris SPARC1The Windows NT 4.0 Backup Agent (disk agent) is also supported on Alpha Systems.2 Supported in Emulation modeNOTE: For the following integration matrices, only those combinations of applications and operating systems that are supported by the respective vendors are supported by HP OpenView Omniback II.application agents supported databases / integrationsOracle (32-bit) (including Oracle Parallel Server and RAC) • Oracle 7.3.4/EBU 2.2 : HP-UX 10.20(32-bit), 11.0 (32 & 64-bit)Windows NT 4.0Solaris 2.6 (32-bit)AIX 4.3.x• Oracle 8.0.x/Recovery Manager : HP-UX 10.20 (32-bit), 11.0 (32 & 64-bit)Windows NT 4.0Solaris 2.6 (32-bit), 7 (32 & 64-bit)AIX 4.3.x• Oracle 8.1.x/Recovery Manager : HP-UX 11.0 (32 & 64-bit), 11.11(32 & 64-bit) Solaris 7, 8 (32 & 64-bit)AIX 4.3.x, AIX 5.16, 5.26, 8Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000Linux - Red Hat Distribution 6.x , 7.xLinux – Suse 7.x• Oracle 9i/Recovery Manager9 : Solaris 7 & 8 (32-bit)Linux – Red Hat 7.x, 8.x6SuSE 7.x, 8.x6Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000Oracle (64-bit) (including Oracle Parallel Server and RAC)• Oracle 8.0.x/Recovery Manager : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit)• Oracle 8.1.x/Recovery Manager: HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit), 11.11(64-bit) Solaris 7 & 8 (64-bit)AIX 4.3.3 (64-bit)10AIX 5.1 (64-bit)6, 5.2 (64-bit)6, 8Tru64 5.x (64-bit)10• Oracle 9i/Recovery Manager9 : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit), 11.11 (64-bit)Solaris 7 & 8 (64-bit)AIX 4.3.3 (64-bit)10AIX 5.1 (64-bit)6, 5.2 (64-bit)6, 8Tru64 5.x (64-bit)10Informix (32-bit) • Informix 7.24 : HP-UX 10.20, 11.0 (32-bit)Sinix 5.4.3Solaris 7 (32-bit)• Informix 7.3x : HP-UX 10.20 (32-bit), 11.0 (32 & 64-bit), 11.11 (32 & 64 bit)Sun Solaris 2.6 (32-bit), 7 & 8 (32 & 64-bit)AIX 4.3.xWindows NT 4.0• Informix XPS 8.2x : HP-UX 11.0 (32 & 64-bit)• Informix XPS 8.3x : HP-UX 11.0 (32 & 64-bit), 11.11 (32 & 64-bit)• Informix IDS 9.2x : HP-UX 11.0 (32 & 64-bit), 11.11 (32 & 64-bit)Solaris 7, 8 (32 & 64-bit)Windows 2000• Informix IDS 9.3x : HPUX 11.0 & 11.11 (32 & 64-bit)Solaris 2.6 (32-bit), Solaris 7 & 8 (32 & 64-bit)AIX 4.3.3 (32 & 64-bit)Windows 20005Informix (64-bit) • Informix 7.31 : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit)Solaris 7 & 8 (64-bit)AIX 4.3.x (64-bit)• Informix XPS 8.2x : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit)• Informix XPS 8.3x : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit), 11.11 (64-bit)• Informix IDS 9.2(0,1)1 : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit), 11.11 (64-bit)Solaris 7 & 8 (64-bit)• Informix IDS 9.3x : HPUX 11.0 (64-bit), 11.11(64-bit)Solaris 7 & 8 (64-bit)AIX 4.3.3 (64-bit)Sybase (32-bit) • Sybase SQL Server 11.1 : HP-UX 10.20• Sybase Adaptive Server 11.5: HP-UX 10.20 (32-bit), 11.0 (32 & 64-bit)Solaris 2.6 (32-bit), 7 (32 & 64-bit)• Sybase Adaptive Server 11.9.2 : HP-UX 10.20 (32-bit), 11.0 (32 & 64-bit)• Sybase Adaptive Server 11.9.2 : Windows NT 4.0—requires ESD #1maintenance release or later; contact Sybase support for details• Sybase Adaptive Server 12.0 : HP-UX 11.0, 11.11 (32 & 64-bit)Solaris 7 & 8 (32 & 64-bit)Windows 2000Windows NT 4.0• Sybase Adaptive Server 12.5 : HP-UX 11.0 , 11.11 (32 & 64-bit)Solaris 7 & 8 (32 & 64-bit)Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000Sybase (64-bit) • Sybase Adaptive Server 11.9.3 : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit), 11.11 (64-bit)Solaris 7, 8 (64-bit)• Sybase Adaptive Server 12.0 : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit), 11.11 (64-bit)Solaris 7 & Solaris 8 (64-bit)• Sybase Adaptive Server 12.5 : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit), 11.11 (64-bit)Solaris 7 & 8 (64-bit)Microsoft SQL Server • Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 : Windows NT 4.0• Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 : Windows 2000• Microsoft SQL Server 2000 : Windows 2000Microsoft Exchange Server • Microsoft Exchange Server 5.0 : Windows NT 4.0• Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 : Windows NT 4.0• Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 : Windows 2000• Microsoft Exchange Server 2000 : Windows 2000• Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 – Single mailbox restore - Windows NT 4.0Windows 2000• Microsoft Exchange Server 2000 – Single mailbox restore : Windows 2000 SAP 2 & 4 (32-bit) • SAP R/3 3.1x : HP-UX 10.20, 11.0 (32-bit)AIX 4.3.x (32-bit)Windows NT 4.0• SAP R/3 4.0 : HP-UX 10.20 (32-bit), 11.0 (32 & 64-bit)AIX 4.3.xWindows NT 4.0• SAP R/3 4.5, using RMAN mode : HP-UX 10.20 (32-bit), 11.0 (32 & 64-bit)Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000• SAP R/3 4.5, using backint mode : HP-UX 10.20 (32-bit), 11.0 (32 & 64-bit)AIX 4.3.xSolaris 2.6 (32-bit), 7, 8 (32 & 64-bit)Windows NT 4.0, Windows2000• SAP R/3 4.6x, using RMAN mode : HP-UX 10.20 (32-bit), 11.0 (32 & 64-bit)HP-UX 11.11 (32 & 64-bit)Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000Solaris 7 & 8 (32 & 64-bit)• SAP R/3 4.6x, using backint mode: HP-UX 10.20 (32-bit), 11.0 (32 & 64-bit)HP-UX 11.11 (32 & 64-bit)Linux Suse 7.xAIX 4.3.xSolaris 7, 8(32 & 64-bit)Windows NT 4.0Windows 2000• SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7x, using backint & RMAN mode: Windows 2000Linux SuSe 8.x• SAP Brtools 6.10, using backint & RMAN mode: : Windows NT4.0Windows2000Linux Suse 7.x• SAP Brtools 6.20, using backint & RMAN mode: :Windows2000Linux Suse 8.xSAP 2 & 4 (64-bit) • SAP R/3 4.0 : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit)• SAP R/3 4.5, using backint and RMAN mode : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit)• SAP R/3 4.6x, using backint mode : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit), 11.11(64-bit)• SAP R/3 4.6x, using RMAN mode: HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit), 11.11(64-bit)Solaris 7 & 8 (64-bit)AIX 4.3.3 (64-bit)11, 5.1 (64-bit), 5.2 (64-bit)10• SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7x : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit), 11.11(64-bit)(using backint & RMAN mode) Solaris 9 (64-bit)Tru64 5.xx (64-bit)11AIX 5.1 (64-bit), 5.2 (64-bit)10• SAP Brtools 6.10 : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit), 11.11(64-bit)(using backint & RMAN mode Solaris 7 & 8 (64-bit)AIX 4.3.3 (64-bit)11AIX 5.1 (64-bit), 5.2 (64-bit)10Tru64 5.xx (64-bit)11• SAP Brtools 6.20 : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit), 11.11(64-bit)(using backint & RMAN mode) Solaris 9 (64-bit)Tru64 5.xx (64-bit)11AIX 5.1 (64-bit), 5.2 (64-bit)10Baan IV 3• Baan IV on Oracle, Informix, and Microsoft SQL Server (see versions above) Lotus Notes, Lotus Domino • Lotus Domino/Notes R5 : HP-UX 11.0 (32 & 64-bit), HPUX 11.11 (32 & 64-bit)(Online Integration) AIX 4.3.xWindows NT 4.0, Windows 20001Chain restore is not working for Informix ODS 9.20.FC1 (64-bit) and earlier versions.2Omniback II uses the official SAP backup/restore API (BRTOOLS), which is available only in conjunction with the Oracle database. Therefore, Omniback II support is only dependent on the SAP brtools version (as supported by SAP in combination with various SAP Kernels) but is independent of the Oracle version.3 Baan users with Oracle, Informix, or Sybase databases can back up their application data byfollowing the instructions for the integration of Omniback II and their database in the HPOpenView Omniback II Integration Guide.4 If you have SAP & Oracle 9i combination, following patches are required for it to besupported:OMNIBACK_00097 – For Windows Installation ServerPHSS_28723 – For HP-UX Installation Server5 To utilize this feature the patch OMNIBACK_00094 is required6 To utilize this feature the patch PHSS_28582 is required7The whitepaper is located on the CD-ROM “HP OpenView Omniback II for WindowsNT/2000” in the folder:\Product_Information\Whitepapers & Service Deployment.8 To utilize this feature, the patch PHSS_28584 is required9 Oracle 9i includes all released versions of Oracle 9.x.x.x10 To utilize this feature, the patch PHSS_28584 is required11To enable this feature the Patch(es) PHSS_26888/PHSS_26887 is required. application supported versionsHP OpenView VantagePoint Operations • VPO Management Server:VPO 6.0 : HP-UX 10.20, 11.0Service Navigator : HP-UX 10.20, 11.0• VPO Managed Node (Omniback Cell Server)VPO Agent 6.05 : HP-UX 10.20, 11.0, 11.11VPO Agent 6.03 : Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000VP Performance Agent C.03.20 : HP-UX 10.20, 11.0, 11.11VP Performance Agent C.03.00 : Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000HP OpenView ManageX HP OpenView ManageX 3.5, 4.0, 4.2 : Windows 4.0, Windows 2000 HP OpenView OmniStorage • HP OpenView OmniStorage 3.0 : HP-UX 10.20• HP OpenView OmniStorage 3.11: HP-UX 10.20, 11.0• HP Openview Omnistorage 3.12 : HP-UX 10.20, 11.0HP Openview Network Node Manager1 • HP Openview Network Node Manager 6.2 : HPUX 10.20, 11.0Windows NT 4.0, Windows 20001Omniback II integrates with the Solid database in Network Node Manager for an online backup of the database.array type supportedHP SureStore XP 1• HP SureStore Business Copy XP/Continuous Access XPEMC 2• EMC TimeFinder/SRDFHP SureStore Virtual array3• HP SureStore Business Copy VA1Please refer to the “HP OpenView Omniback II 4.1 Zero Downtime (Split-mirror) backup & Instant Recovery Support Matrix for HP Storageworks XP Disk Array” for further details on the integration.2Please refer to the “HP OpenView Omniback II 4.1 EMC split-mirror backup integration Support Matrix” for further details on the integration.3 Please refer to the “HP OpenView Omniback II 4.1 Zero Downtime Backup & Instant RecoverySupport Matrix for HP Storageworks Virtual Array 7100 & 7400” for further details on the integration.NAS applicationSupported versionsNDMP• NetApp Filer ONTAP version 5.3.x, 6.x, NDMP v2 : HP-UX 11.0 Solaris 7 & 8 Windows NT 4.0 Windows 2000 • EMC Celerra(Symmetrix Network File Storage,Version: T2.2.49 or higher)1 : HP-UX 11.0 Solaris 7 & 8 Windows NT 4.0 Windows 2000 HP NAS 80002• NAS 8000 Linux 2.4.17HP NAS B3000/e70002• Windows 20001 Documentation available only in the HP OpenView Omniback II 4.1 release notes.2For supported devices, please refer to the device support matrices of the respective NASvendors. Only those devices that are supported by the respective NAS vendors and are also listed in HP OpenView Omniback II 4.1 Device Support Matrix as supported, are supported.application agentssupported databases / integrationsHP OpenView Omniback II Open File Manager•HP OpenView Omniback IIOpen File Manager 7.x : Windows NT 4.0Windows 2000 Novell NetWare 4.x, 5.x •HP OpenView Omniback II Open File Manager 8.x : Windows NT 4.0 Windows 2000 Novell NetWare 4.x, 5.x Novell Netware 6.011 To utilize this feature, Omniback patch OMNIBACK_00093 is requiredoperating systemfile systemsWindows NT• NTFS • FAT •CIFScluster softwaresupported cluster software versionHP MC/ServiceGuard• HP MC/ServiceGuard 10.xx : HP-UX 10.20 • HP MC/ServiceGuard 11.xx : HP-UX 11.0 •HP MC/ServiceGuard 11.xx : HP-UX 11.11 Microsoft Cluster Server •Microsoft Cluster Server : Windows NT 4.0Windows 2000Windows 2000/XP• NTFS 5.0 (including Image Backup)• FAT16, FAT32• CIFSWindows 98 • FAT• VFAT• FAT32Windows 95 • FAT• VFAT• FAT32Novell NetWare • NetWare FSsupported namespaces: MAC, NFS, NSS1, OS/2(long namespace), DOSHP-UX • HFS (including Raw disk)• NFS (including NFS3 on HP-UX 10.30 and higher)• LOFS (Loopback FS)• Cache FS• VxFS (10.x, 11.x) (including Raw disk)• DCE DFS (10.20 only)Solaris3 • UFS• PC FS (MSOS compatible FS)• HSFS• VxFS4• Tmp FS• LOFS (Loopback FS)Linux (Red Hat, SuSe, Debian & Caldera)3 • ext2, ext, minix, xiafs, ReiserFS, ext32IBM AIX3 • AIX physical FS “oaix”• JFS (Journaling FS)SGI IRIX3 • EFS (Extent File System)• XFS (IRIX Journaling FS)SNI Sinix3 • HSFS (High Sierra FS)• UFS (UNIX File System)• VxFSSCO OpenServer3 • HTFS (High Throughput FS)• DTFS• S51K• S52KSCO Unixware3 • memfs• s5• sfs (Note: ACLs are not backed up and restored.)• ufs• bfs• vxfs (Note: ACLs are not backed up and restored.) Digital UNIX Alpha Systems/Tru64 UNIX3 • UFS (UNIX FS)• AdvFS (Advanced File System)MP-RAS NCR Intel • BFS (Boot File System)• Cache FS• S5 FS• UFS (UNIX File System)• VxFS• LOFS (Loopback FS)DYNIX Sequent • UFS (UNIX File System)• VxFS1Novell NetWare NSS is supported, with the following limitations:• The new NSS volumes on NetWare 5.0 allow creation of deep directory structures (deeper than 100). Omniback II can back up only to a depth of 100.• NetWare 5.0 NSS volumes allow 8 TB file size, but the maximum file size that Omniback II backs up is 4 GB.NetWare 5.0 has an NSS_ADMIN volume on every system with NSS volumes present. This isa special read-only volume that contains information about NSS volume configuration.NSS_ADMIN is not backed up.2 To utilize ext3 support, the patches PHSS_25965/PHSS_25964 must be installed.3 Raw Disk Backup is supported. In case of Tru64, it is not supported if LSM is installed4 VxFS attributes backup is only supported for Solaris 2.6operating system file system number of ACL entries(basic/extended)Windows NT NTFS < 2 GBWindows NT FAT < 2 GBWindows 2000 NTFS 5.0 < 2 GBWindows XP Pro NTFS 5.0 < 2 GB512Novell NetWare NetWare FS (MAC, NFS, OS/2,DOS) 1Novell Netware NSS UnlimitedHP-UX HFS 3/16HP-UX VxFS (10.x, 11.x) 4/17 (JFS 3.3 & 4)HP-UX DCE DFS (10.20 only) 3/8188IBM AIX AIX (Physical FS “oaix”) 1024 (4096 bytes)1Limited with Omniback II record size and SMS API.。



The FibreCAT SX40 SAS storage subsystem is a compact, reliable, well managed, and cost-effective storage capacity expansion option for PRIMERGY servers.Flexible ExpansionWhen the internal hard drive storage capacity of your PRIMERGY server nears its limits, the external PRIMERGY SX40 storage subsystem easily extends its capacity to meet your grow-ing business needs. This storage subsystem incorporates up to 12 SAS or S-ATA hard drives which offer a total maximum capacity of 9 TB in a compact 2U chassis.Using a SAS RAID controller in the PRIMERGY server, the drives in the FibreCAT SX40 can be configured in to a wide variety of RAID array types. Additionally, up to 3 FibreCAT SX40 storage subsystems can be cascaded together via the second SAS x4 link, permitting expansion to a maximum of 27 TB of external hard drive capacity.Anytime AvailabilityIn the FibreCAT SX40 storage subsystem, the active components (hot-plug hard drives and hot-plug power supply modules) can be replaced while the server is running. The redundant hot-plug power supply units can be connected with phase redundancy via separate power lines. Optimum and secure cooling of the hard drives is ensured by 2 independent fans in each power supply unit. The FibreCAT SX40 storage subsystem provides information on its operating status and the most important internal modules, as well as hard drives and power supplies via LED displays on the front panel.Easy to ManageThe FibreCAT SX40 is designed to be easy to manage throughout its entire lifecycle. For easy RAID array setup and configuration, Fujitsu offers Server View RAID. This tool provides a uniform management interface for all PRIMERGY RAID solutions.The FibreCAT SX40 storage subsystem has powerful remote monitoring capabilities that alert to any potential hardware issue. This information is fully integrated into the PRIMERGY Server View Suite—thePRIMERGY server management platform. Through the PRIMERGY Server View Suite the administrator can monitor a variety of aspects of the storage subsystem’s health. Sensors monitor the temperature of the entire subsystem as well as subcomponents such as hard drives, power supply units, the integrated fans and the I/O module. Power status of redundant power supplies and cooling fans are also monitored. Most im-portantly, the S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology) standard enables the hard drives toautonomously check their operating status and report potential errors in proactively.These powerful capabilities help you solve problems before they cause downtime.Quality and ReliabilityFujitsu is a worldwide leader in the Intel, Linux, and UNIX ® architecture servers with industry leading reliability and extensive availability features. The close integration between Fujitsu design, manufacturing, and service engineers creates some of the highest quality products in the server market. With global support capabilities, Fujitsu offers complete solutions that will allow us to meet all your present and future needs.The features of this server speak for themselves:12 hot-plug hard drive bays • SAS or SATA configurations supported • Up to 9 TB of storage per chassis • Two redundant, hot-plug power supplies • Front panel operating state LEDs • ServerView Suite monitoring solution • 2U form factor• FibreCAT SX40Storage Subsystem (SAS)Key SpecificationsTypePRIMERGY FibreCAT Storage SubsystemGeneral SpecificationsNumber of bays for hot-plug hard drives 12 x 3.5-inch SAS addresses for hard drives Automatic assignment Host port 1 SAS SFF 8470 port on the standard SAS I/O module (expander) Max. number of power supply units 2 with full redundancy (hot-plug) Fans 2 redundant fans per power supply unit Connection of Connection (internal) SAS x4, for up to 12 hot-plug SAS Hard Drives and/or SATA hard drives (planned) External SAS port (daisy chain) Second SAS x4 port for cascading up to 3 FibreCAT SX40s Server controller (in PRIMERGY Servers) RAID controller: LSI MegaRAID ® SAS 4/4ports 256 MB RAID levels 0, 1, 5, 10 and 50 Hard Disk Drives Capacities in the SX40(Cannot mix SAS disk frame 73 GB, 146 GB and 300 GB SAS and SATA drives) Capacities in the SX40 disk frame 250 GB, 500 GB and 750 GB, 7,200 rpm S-ATA Access time > 4 ms, depending on the HDD type Total capacity Max. 9 TB per JBOD1 GB corresponds to a billion bytes in relation to hard disk capacity; the available capacity may vary. System Management RAID status signaling and monitoring of the internal operating parameters viaSES and status LEDs on the subsystemOptions - SAS hot-plug hard drives 73 / 146 / 300 GB, 10,000 rpm and 15,000 rpm- Cable lengths - 0,5 and 2m SASElectrical Ratings Redundant Hot-Plug power supply modules standard (1+1) Output power 750 W /1+1 x each one 750W Power supply range 100V – 240V Rated frequency 50 – 60 Hz Rated current max 3A – 1,5A / 100V – 240V Rated current in basic configuration 1,9A – 1A / 100V – 240V Active power max 300W Apparent power max. 330VA Heat dissipation 1080kJ/h (1024btu/h) Temperature / Noise / Operating temperature 50°F – 95°F Dimensions / Weight (IEC 721-3-3 class 3K2) Noise emission According to ISO 9296 Idle* operating* (*ISO 7779)L Wad (1B = 10dB) 6,4B 6,5B L pAm (bystander position) 47dB 47dBDimensions Overall dimensions(H x W x D) 3.46" x 18.90" x 22.91"Rack 88 x 480 x 582 mm(H x W x D) 3.46" x 18.90" x 22.91" (mounting depth 22.17")Weight Approx. 66.14 lbs. (depending on the configuration)F i b r e C A T S X 40Compliance with Norms and StandardsProduct Safety Global IEC 60950Europe EN 60950, EN30571USA UL 60950, CSA 60950Canada CSA 60950Saudi Arabia SASOElectromagnetic Europe EN 55022 class A, EN 55024,Compatibility EN 61000-3-3; EN 61000-2-3Japan VCCI class AAustralia / New Zealand AS/NZ CISPR 22 class AUSA / Canada FCC CFR 47 class A / ICES 003 class A Compliance Europe (CE) 89/336/EWG (EMV);72/23 EEC (LVD)North America FCC class AApprovalsProduct Safety Global CBEurope CEGermany GSUSA / Canada FCC / CULUS or CCSAUSJapan VCCIRussia GhostAustralia C-TickThere is general compliance with the safety requirements of all European countries and North America. National approvals required in order to satisfy statutory regulations or for other reasonscan be applied for on request.Fujitsu-Siemens Computers GmbH. Intel, Pentium, Celeron are registered trademarks or trademarks Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United and other countries. Microsoft, Windows, or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation the United States and/or other countries. UNIX is registered trademark of The Open Group in the States and other Countries. All other and product names are the property ofsubsequent documents. For details regarding of specific products, features, and services,rights, including rights created by patent grant ortechnical modifications are reserved. Delivery。



KVR1333D3S8S9/2G2GB 1Rx8 256M x 64-Bit PC3-10600CL9 204-Pin SODIMMDESCRIPTIONThis document describes ValueRAM's 256M x 64-bit (2GB)DDR3-1333 CL9 SDRAM (Synchronous DRAM), 1Rx8 memory module, based on eight 256M x 8-bit DDR3-1333 FBGA compo-nents. The SPD is programmed to JEDEC standard latency DDR3-1333 timing of 9-9-9. This 204-pin SODIMM uses gold contact fingers. The electrical and mechanical specifications are as follows:FEATURES •JEDEC standard 1.5V (1.425V ~1.575V) Power Supply •VDDQ = 1.5V (1.425V ~ 1.575V)•667MHz fCK for 1333Mb/sec/pin •8 independent internal bank•Programmable CAS Latency: 9, 8, 7, 6•Programmable Additive Latency: 0, CL - 2, or CL - 1 clock •Programmable CAS Write Latency(CWL) = 7 (DDR3-1333)•8-bit pre-fetch•Burst Length: 8 (Interleave without any limit, sequential with starting address “000” only), 4 with tCCD = 4 which does not allow seamless read or write [either on the fly using A12 or MRS]•Bi-directional Differential Data Strobe•Internal(self) calibration : Internal self calibration through ZQ pin (RZQ : 240 ohm ± 1%)•On Die Termination using ODT pin•Average Refresh Period 7.8us at lower than TCASE 85°C,3.9us at 85°C < TCASE < 95°C •Asynchronous Reset•PCB: Height 1.18” (30mm), double sided component*Power will vary depending on the SDRAM used.SPECIFICATIONSCL(IDD)9 cycles Row Cycle Time (tRCmin)49.5ns (min.)Refresh to Active/Refresh 160ns (min.)Command Time (tRFCmin)Row Active Time (tRASmin)36ns (min.)Power (Operating) 0.795 W*UL Rating94 V - 0Operating Temperature 0o C to 85o C Storage Temperature-55o C to +100o CContinued >>。



Introduction:This survey is designed to gather insights into the usage patterns, preferences, and experiences of mobile phone users. Your participation is crucial in helping us understand the evolving landscape of mobile technology. The survey should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. All responses will be kept confidential and used for research purposes only.Section 1: General Information1. What is your age?- 18-24- 25-34- 35-44- 45-54- 55-64- 65+2. What is your gender?- Male- Female- Non-binary/Other3. What is your highest level of education?- High School- Some College- Bachelor's Degree- Master's Degree- Doctorate4. What is your primary occupation?Section 2: Mobile Phone Ownership and Usage5. How many years have you been using mobile phones?- Less than 1 year- 1-3 years- 4-6 years- 7-10 years- 10+ years6. How many mobile phones do you currently own?- 1- 2- 3- 4+- I don't own any mobile phones7. What is the primary brand of your current mobile phone?- Apple- Samsung- Huawei- Xiaomi- Other (please specify)8. On average, how many hours per day do you use your mobile phone? - Less than 1 hour- 1-3 hours- 4-6 hours- 7-10 hours- More than 10 hours9. What are the main activities you engage in on your mobile phone?- Social media (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)- Messaging (e.g., WhatsApp, Telegram)- Browsing the internet- Reading emails- Shopping online- Gaming- Photography- Listening to music- Watching videos- Other (please specify)10. How important is your mobile phone for staying connected with friends and family?- Not at all important- Slightly important- Moderately important- Very important- Extremely importantSection 3: Mobile Phone Features and Preferences11. Which of the following features do you consider most important in a mobile phone?- Camera quality- Battery life- Storage capacity- Display quality- Performance (speed and processing power)- Operating system- Brand reputation- Price- Other (please specify)12. Do you prefer a physical keyboard or a touchscreen for your mobile phone?- Physical keyboard- Touchscreen- No preference13. How do you typically store and manage your mobile phone's files and apps?- Use a cloud storage service (e.g., Google Drive, Dropbox)- Use an external hard drive or SD card- Manually manage files and apps on the phone- Other (please specify)14. Are you satisfied with the performance of your current mobile phone?- Very satisfied- Satisfied- Neutral- Dissatisfied- Very dissatisfiedSection 4: Mobile Phone Challenges and Concerns15. What are the biggest challenges you face with your mobile phone? - Battery life- Performance- Storage space- Security and privacy- Cost- Other (please specify)16. Are you concerned about the amount of time you。








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a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0504354v 2 20 M a r 2006Astronomy &Astrophysics manuscript no.3782cESO 2008February 2,2008Oxygen-rich disk in the V778Cyg system resolved.⋆R.Szczerba 1,M.Szymczak 2,N.Babkovskaia 3,J.Poutanen 3,A.M.S.Richards 4,and M.A.T.Groenewegen 51N.Copernicus Astronomical Center,Rabia´n ska 8,87-100Toru´n ,Poland2Toru´n Centre for Astronomy,Nicolaus Copernicus University,Gagarina 11,87-100Toru´n ,Poland 3Astronomy Division,P.O.Box 3000,University of Oulu,FIN-90014Oulu,Finland4Jodrell Bank Observatory,University of Manchester,Macclesfield,Cheshire SK119Dl,UK 5Instituut voor Sterrenkunde,PACS-ICC,Celestijnenlaan 200B,B-3001Leuven,BelgiumReceived /AcceptedABSTRACTAims.Various scenarios have been proposed to explain the presence of silicate features associated with carbon stars,such as V778Cyg.We have attempted to constrain these theories by means of mapping water maser mission from V778Cyg.Methods.The 22GHz water maser emission from this star has been mapped using MERLIN with an astrometric accuracy of 25mas.Results.The spatially-and kinematically-resolved maser complex is displaced by ∼190mas from the position of the C-star as measured 10years earlier using Tycho.Our simulations and analysis of available data show that this position di fference is unlikely to be due to proper motion if V778Cyg is at the assumed distance of 1.4kpc.The maser components seem to form a distorted S-shaped structure extended over ∼18mas with a clear velocity gradient.We propose a model which explains the observed water maser structure as an O-rich warped disk around a companion of the C-star in V 778binary system,which is seen almost edge-on.Conclusions.Analysis of observational data,especially those obtained with MERLIN,suggests that V778Cyg (and,by implication,other silicate carbon stars)are binary systems composed of a C-rich star and a companion which stores circumstellar O-rich material.Key words.stars:AGB and post-AGB –stars:carbon –stars:chemically peculiar –masers1.IntroductionThe silicate emission features at about 10and 18µm are char-acteristic of O-rich dust envelopes.Surprisingly,these features were also discovered in the IRAS LRS data for some opti-cally classified carbon stars (Little-Marenin 1986;Willems &de Jong 1986),later termed silicate carbon stars.The detec-tion of silicate emission from these stars suggests that their relatively close surroundings contain oxygen-based dust,in spite of their photospheric chemical composition which shows C /O >1.An additional argument for the persistence of O-rich material comes from the detection of water and OH maser lines towards some silicate carbon stars (e.g.Little-Marenin et al.1994;Engels 1994;Little-Marenin et al.1988).Little-Marenin (1986)proposed that silicate carbon stars are binaries consisting of C-rich and O-rich giants,but ex-tensive observations (mbert et al.1990;Engels &Leinert 1994)did not show any evidence for an O-rich giant in these sources.Willems &de Jong (1986)proposed that sil-icate carbon stars were formed very recently due to athermal2Szczerba et al.:O-rich disk in V778Cyg 2.Observations and data reductionThe observations were taken on2001October12/13undergood weather conditions,usingfive telescopes of MERLIN(Diamond et al.2003).The longest MERLIN baseline of217km gave a fringe spacing of12mas at22GHz.A band-width of2MHz was used divided into256spectral channelsper baseline providing a channel separation of0.105km s−1.The velocities(V LSR)were measured with respect to the lo-cal standard of rest.The continuum calibrator sources wereobserved in16MHz bandwidth.We used the phase referenc-ing method;4min scans on V778Cyg were interleaved with2min scans on the source2021+614(at3.◦8from the target)over11.5h.VLBA observations at8.6GHz resolve2021+614into two components separated by7mas along the position an-gle of33◦(Fey et al.1996).We detect only one unresolvedsource at22GHz.Its absolute position coincides within lessthan2mas with the VLBA position of the stronger componentat8.6GHz.Theflux density of2021+614of1.48Jy was de-rived from4C39.25,which had aflux density of7.5±0.3Jy atthe epoch of our observations(Terasranta2002,private com-munication).This source was also used for bandpass calibra-tion.After initial calibration with MERLIN software,the data were processed using the AIPS package(Greisen1994).To derive phase and amplitude corrections for atmospheric and instrumental effects the phase reference source was mapped and self-calibrated.These corrections were applied to the V778Cyg visibility data.The absolute position of the bright-est feature at−15.1km s−1was determined before further cali-bration.Finally,the clean components of this image were used as a model for phase self-calibration of this channel and the solutions were applied to all channels.Each channel was then mapped and cleaned using a12mas circular restoring beam. We present results for total intensity(Stokes I)images.The map noise of∼27mJy beam−1in a line-free channel was close to the predicted thermal noise level.To determine the position and the brightness of the maser components two dimensional Gaussian components werefit-ted to the emission in each channel maps.The position uncer-tainty depends on the channel signal to noise ratio(Condon et al.1998,Richards et al.1999and references therein)and is lower than1mas for about80%of the maser components towards V778Cyg.The absolute position of the phase ref-erence source is known within∼3mas.The uncertainties in the absolute positions of the maser components are dominated by errors in the telescope positions and tropospheric effects. Uncertainties in telescope positions of1−2cm cause a maser position error of∼10mas.The latter uncertainty was estimated by observing the phase rate on the point source4C39.25which appeared to introduce a position error of<∼9mas.We checked this using reverse phase referencing.Emission from15chan-nels around the reference feature at−15.1km s−1was averaged and mapped.The map obtained was used as a model to self-calibrate the raw target data and these solutions were then ap-plied to the raw data of2021+614.The position of the referencesource was shifted by only∼2mas with respect to the catalog position.These factors imply that the absolute position accu-Fig.1.Positions of the water maser components in V778Cyg relative to the reference component at−15.1km s−1.The sym-bols correspond to the velocity ranges given in the upper left corner.The size of each symbol is proportional to the logarithm of peak brightness of the corresponding component.Inset: MERLIN spectrum of the H2O maser emission in V778Cyg. The dotted line shows the spectrum magnified by a factor of four to enlarge the weak features.racy of the maser source is<∼25mas.All MERLIN coordinates are given in the ICRS system.3.Results and discussionA single,unresolved maser component brighter than150 mJy beam−1(∼5σ)was found in each of51spectral chan-nels.The overall distribution of the H2O maser components in V778Cyg is shown in Fig.1(parameters of maser compo-nents are listed in Table2).The total angular extent of the maser emission is about18mas.All observed maser compo-nents seem to form a distorted S-like shape at a position an-gle(P.A.)of about−10◦.However,the most spatially extended series of components(V LSR∼−17km s−1)are aligned along P.A.≈+18◦.There is a clear velocity gradient along the whole structure,blue-shifted in the south with respect to the brightest northern components.The inset in Fig.1shows the cross-correlation water maser spectrum towards V778Cyg.The emission was dominated by a−15km s−1feature.Weak emission of about200−250mJy was seen at−19and−22km s−1.The spectral shape is roughly similar to that of the single dish spectra observed by Engels &Leinert(1994)and by Nakada et al.(1987),apart from a −22km s−1featurefirst detected on11.3.95by D.Engels1.Szczerba et al.:O-rich disk in V778Cyg3 Table 1.Radio and optical coordinates(with errors)forV778Cyg.MERLIN200120h36m07.s3833(±0.s0008)60◦05′26.′′024(±0.′′025)Tycho2199120h36m07.s4022(±0.s0028)60◦05′26.′′154(±0.′′040)2The following parameters also enter themodel:a distance Sun-Galactic Centre of8.5kpc(Kerr&Lynden-Bell1986),Oort’s con-stants of A=14.4km s−1kpc−1,B=−12.0km s−1kpc−1,and higher order terms d2θdr3|R0=2.0km s−1kpc−3(Pont et al.1994),and a Solar motion of19.5km s−1in the direction l=56.◦0, b=23.◦0(Feast&Whitelock1997).Fig.2.Different realisations of the proper motions for an evolved star with a LSR velocity close to−20km s−1,which lies in the direction of V778Cyg at different distances(see text for details).The proper motion required to match optical C-star and radio maser position is marked by diamond.of V778Cyg,−20±5km s−1,(determined from the heliocen-tric radial velocity of about−35km s−1,reported by Barbier-Brossat&Figon2000).The distribution of points in Fig.2 demonstrate that it is unlikely that an evolved star with V LSR=-20±5km s−1(V778Cyg)at a distance between0.5and2.0kpc would have a proper motion sufficient to match the optical C-star position with the radio position.This would require a trans-verse velocity of order of(−10,−10)mas yr−1,shown by the diamond in Fig.2,which is outside all the predictions of our simulation.Note,that the distance to V778Cyg is estimated to be D≃1.4kpc(Peery et al.1975;Yamamura et al.2000).Therefore,we believe that existing observations and simu-lations support a binary system model discussed in detail by Yamamura et al.(2000)and that the water maser is associ-ated with a companion star.However,observational errors are not negligible and simultaneous optical and radio observations would be required to confirm this hypothesisfirmly.The water maser components at−15,−17and−19km s−1 have been detected several times during the last15years (Nakada et al.1987,Engels&Leinert1994,this paper). Comparison of these observations show that changes in their radial velocities,∆V,do not exceed0.5km s−1.If the velocity change is due to the orbital motion of the secondary(with its maser)around the carbon star(mass M c),the rate of change (independently of the companion mass)is given by:∆V2sin i,(1)4Szczerba et al.:O-rich disk in V778Cyg Fig.3.Relative positions(together with errors)of the C-starand water maser in V778Cyg.The assumed disk orientationis shown by the straight solid line.The shaded region marksthe allowed C-star locations which are inferred from the propermotion estimations(see text for details).The sector of a circlemarks the minimal allowed angular distance of the C-star fromthe radio MERLIN position(as suggested by Eq.2)assumingthat the distance to V778Cyg is1.4kpc.The straight dottedline shows the position of orbital plane in case of no propermotion,while the dashed line marks the position angle of theoverall structure seen in Fig.1.where∆t is the time between observations,G is the gravita-tional constant and i is the inclination angle.Hence,for i≃90◦,the distance d between the binary companions is given by:d>∼75 ∆V15years 1/2 M cSzczerba et al.:O-rich disk in V778Cyg5 Fig.4.The LSR velocity against the distance along the majoraxis for water maser components in V778Cyg.The major axisis assumed to be a line at P.A.=+18◦defined by the V LSR∼−17km s−1water maser components;the zero of angular offsetmarks the centre of this structure.peaks close to the Keplerian rotation velocity(see e.g.Grinin&Grigor’ev1983,Watson&Wyld2000).For a Keplerian ve-locity of2km s−1,the radius of the disk R is about1/3largerthan the impact parameter at which the amplification is maxi-mal x max≃7mas.This results in R≃(4/3)×7mas×D[kpc]=13AU(D/1.4)kpc.Assuming that the mass of the disk itself isnegligible in comparison with mass of the secondary star,wecan derive the central mass inside the disk using Kepler’s laws,giving M s≃0.06(D/1.4kpc)M⊙.Note,that an object of sucha small mass(brown dwarf?)would not be detected by speckleinterferometry as performed by Engels&Leinert(1994).The proposed model can easily explain components at−15,−17and−19km s−1.The variations in their relative strengthscould be due to changes in physical conditions inside the disk:e.g.radial temperature gradient(the temperature should behighest at the northern disk edge),sub-sonic turbulence orclumpiness.However,this model cannot explain the weakestcomponent at−22km s−1.It is possible that this feature isformed in material evaporating from the disk(see model ofYamamura et al.2000).On the other hand,non–detection ofan edge of the disk is also possible.As exponential,direc-tional maser amplification exaggerates underlying conditions,some asymmetry is not surprising:there could even be materialat corresponding red–shifted velocities where masing is tem-porarily disrupted.If we do not detect the extremities of thedisc,or if the angle of inclination is not quite90◦,the centralstar could be more massive(although still sub-Solar).Finally,note that the observed strength of the water maser could be ex-plained for the water concentration of about10−5cm−3and thegas temperature in the disk of about300K.Such a temperatureis possible to achieve by the heating of dust inside the disk bythe radiation from the C-star and the energy exchange betweendust and gas(Babkovskaia et al.in preparation).4.ConclusionsWe mapped the water maser emission from silicate carbon starV778Cyg using MERLIN.The radio position obtained fromMERLIN in2001is at an angular separation of190mas fromthe optical position of V778Cyg given in the1991Tycho2cat-alog.This cannot be explained by proper motion if V778Cygis at a distance of∼1.4kpc and instead(probably)provides ob-servational support for the binary system model of Yamamuraet al.(2000).Simultaneous radio and optical measurements areneeded to verify this model which will be developed in a fur-ther paper.The velocity changes of the main maser compo-nents over15years imply that the distance between the C-starand disk is at least75AU.The water maser components havean almost linear,S-shaped distribution as projected on the skyand in the variations of V LSR along the elongation of the maincomponent at about−17km s−1.We suggest that this can beinterpreted as an almost edge-on warped Keplerian disk lo-cated around a companion object and tilted by no more than20◦relative to the orbital plane.We estimate that the centralmass inside the disk is>∼0.06M⊙(for a distance of1.4kpc).Acknowledgements.This work has been supported by grant2.P03D017.25of the Polish State Committee for Scientific Research(RS),the Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation,and the Finnish Graduate Schoolfor Astronomy and Space Physics(NB),and the Academy of Finland(JP).ReferencesBarbier-Brossat,M.,&Figon,P.2000,A&AS,142,217Colomer,F.,Reid,M.J.,Menten,K.M.,&Bujarrabal,V.2000,A&A,355,979Condon,J.J.,Cotton,W.D.,Greisen,E.W.,et al.,1998,AJ,115,1693Deguchi,S.,Kawabe,R.,Ukita N.,et 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106−14.8203607.38325600526.02407.1388E+00 2.57E−020.07 107−14.9203607.38327600526.02381.2418E+01 2.89E−020.04 108−15.0203607.38327600526.02391.9127E+01 3.18E−020.03 109−15.1203607.38326600526.02402.4397E+01 2.49E−020.02 110−15.2203607.38326600526.02392.1525E+01 3.30E−020.02 111−15.3203607.38326600526.02401.9169E+01 3.06E−020.03 112−15.4203607.38327600526.02411.3279E+01 2.93E−020.04 113−15.5203607.38327600526.02387.6574E+00 2.69E−020.07 114−15.6203607.38329600526.02413.9029E+00 2.63E−020.14 115−15.7203607.38325600526.02381.7063E+00 2.60E−020.32 116−15.8203607.38327600526.02408.9236E−01 2.63E−020.60 117−15.9203607.38338600526.02413.3061E−01 2.68E−02 1.64 118−16.1203607.38341600526.02282.8095E−01 2.54E−02 1.92 119−16.2203607.38341600526.02016.7754E−01 2.68E−020.80 120−16.3203607.38347600526.02111.0845E+00 2.63E−020.50 121−16.4203607.38341600526.02001.3044E+00 2.63E−020.41 122−16.5203607.38347600526.02042.0243E+00 2.56E−020.26 123−16.6203607.38345600526.01983.0483E+00 2.69E−020.18 124−16.7203607.38351600526.01973.4839E+00 2.54E−020.15 125−16.8203607.38341600526.01924.2444E+00 2.63E−020.13 126−16.9203607.38343600526.01935.0099E+00 2.68E−020.11 127−17.0203607.38340600526.01924.7547E+00 2.67E−020.11 128−17.1203607.38337600526.01864.2378E+00 2.67E−020.13 129−17.2203607.38336600526.01823.7844E+00 2.73E−020.14 130−17.3203607.38331600526.01762.8783E+00 2.62E−020.19 131−17.4203607.38327600526.01712.9090E+00 2.51E−020.19 132−17.5203607.38326600526.01682.8753E+00 2.66E−020.19 133−17.6203607.38326600526.01632.8295E+00 2.56E−020.19 134−17.7203607.38327600526.01642.4962E+00 2.68E−020.21 135−17.8203607.38327600526.01562.2390E+00 2.64E−020.24 136−17.9203607.38322600526.01552.1629E+00 2.66E−020.25 137−18.1203607.38325600526.01561.2451E+00 2.65E−020.43 138−18.2203607.38320600526.01528.3832E−01 2.59E−020.64 139−18.3203607.38334600526.01383.1351E−01 2.65E−02 1.72 141−18.5203607.38328600526.01561.7954E−01 2.60E−02 3.02 142−18.6203607.38362600526.01353.7605E−01 2.62E−02 1.44 143−18.7203607.38359600526.01283.9566E−01 2.65E−02 1.36 144−18.8203607.38366600526.01246.6483E−01 2.58E−020.81 145−18.9203607.38364600526.01235.6821E−01 2.55E−020.95 146−19.0203607.38365600526.00994.0059E−01 2.64E−02 1.35 147−19.1203607.38363600526.01152.1827E−01 2.58E−02 2.47 148−19.2203607.38317600526.01211.5076E−01 2.61E−02 3.60 149−19.3203607.38329600526.01353.2427E−01 2.55E−02 1.66 172−21.7203607.38363600526.00843.2280E−01 2.50E−02 1.67 173−21.8203607.38366600526.00776.2120E−01 2.66E−020.87 174−22.0203607.38367600526.00765.5633E−01 2.70E−020.97 175−22.1203607.38361600526.00796.0993E−01 2.56E−020.88 176−22.2203607.38365600526.00693.9179E−01 2.70E−02 1.37。
