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A.企业提供的会计信息应当与财务会计报告使用者的经济决策需要相关B.不同企业发生的相同或者相似的交易或者事项,可以采用不同的会计政策C.企业应当仅以交易或者事项的法律形式为依据进行会计确认、计量和报告D.对于次要的会计事项,可根据需要随意简化处理s long as t hey ca ught up pea ch Lake and village after eight acre s to create a sta ndar d, even if the County fina ncial to be nervous, the County Gover nment wi ll fulfil their commitments, and 3 million Yua n/v illage of subsi dies. T hird, w e must pay specialattention to devel opme nt of bea uty industry. Constructi on a nd traditi onal village s and bea utiful countryside protecti on of history a nd culture vil lage, rural tourism, be d and breakfast in combini ng economi c, on rural tourism devel opme nt in pre cise a nd a ccurate positioning, preci sion marketing, supply, a nd vigor ously prom ote the be utiful rural landscape of rural touri sm complex, li ne, fashion boutique farm village construction and strive to build a gr oup of XX feature qual ity boutique ac commodation project. (C) efforts to get farmers to become even ri che r. "Off not well-off, the key to fellow", the "three agriculture", final dest ination w as improvi ng farmers ' welfare, improving farmers ' living sta ndards. Focus on thr ee aspects: one is "increasi ng income-ge nerating" efforts. Actively developing t he characteristi c agriculture, processi ng, e-commer ce, farm and bed and breakfast in econom y, ensure a sta ble operating income growth. Deepen the "thre e rights" rights empoweri ng the reform, prom ot ing the property income growt h. Strengtheni ng of farmers ' skills traini ng, increase em ployment level s, pr omoting sustai ned growth in wage i ncome. Guide e nterpri ses to stre ngthe n social responsi bility, equality and m utual benefit, and sig ned a contra ct of pur cha se and sale of agricultural products for farmers, cooperatives a nd f armers are encourage d "guaranteed e arni ngs + share" distri bution system, sharing t he value-added benefits of industrial deve lopme nt. Second in the growi ng coll ective efforts. City has developed the implementati on of village-level colle ctive economy three years cultivating meter, Requires thr ee years of hard w ork and largely k ongkecun, the majority of village s haveoperating i ncome. Against t his target, we have to be base d on l ocal conditi ons, use y our head, a nd a ctively explore a nd find ways, a nd e nsure com pletion of tasks in t he cit y. Thir d, work on stre ngthe ned safeg uards. Advancing preci sion of povert y, improve t he low-income house hol d tracking, dynami c management me cha nism, espe cially for "unempl oyed can hol d, unable t o get out of poverty" of poverty, further stre ngthening the fallback of subsi stence allowances and social a ssista nce, a nd a ddre ss the basi c nee ds of poor people. Deepe ning t he reform of public service s in rural area s, focus on resolvi ng pr ominent we akness of rura l publi c servi ce a nd people's liveli hood faciliti es, such as through t he teaching, me dical a nd other ways to im prove educati onal l evels, impr oving health conditions in r ural areas. By encouraging the Central village t o set up day care centre s to prom ote old-age home, rural e lderly pension problems. T hird, firmly grasp and continued t o play well "five water treatment of" winni ng the war on Febr uary 29this year, the provi nce's "five water treatment5.我国对注册会计师和会计师事务所拥有管理监督权的部门是()。
A.20 000B.25 000C.1 000D.10 00011.()就是由实行定期定额征收方式的个体工商户(或个人独资企业)在税务机关规定的期限内按照法律、行政法规规定缴清应纳税款,当期(纳税期)可以不办理申报纳税手续。
s long a s they caug ht up pea ch Lake a nd vill age after eight acre s to create a sta ndard, even if the County fi nancial to be n ervous, the County Governme nt will fulfil their commitments, a nd 3 million Yua n/vi llage of subsi dies. Thir d, we m ust pay spe cial attention to devel opment of bea uty industr y. Construction andtraditi onal vill ages a nd beautiful countrysi de protecti on of history a nd cult ure village, rural tourism, bed a nd breakfast in combi ning economi c, on rural t ouri sm devel opment i n pre cise and accurate positi oni ng, preci sion marketing, supply, and vigorously promote t he beautiful r ural landscape of rural tourism complex, li ne, fashion boutique farm village construction and strive to buil d a group of XX feature quality bouti que accomm odation project. (C) efforts to get farmers to become eve n richer. "Off not well-off, the key to fellow", t he "three agri cult ure", final destinati on was impr oving farmers ' welfare, impr oving farmers ' livi ng standards. Focus on t hree aspect s: one i "increasi ng income-ge nerating" efforts. Actively developing t he characteri stic agriculture, processing, e-commerce, farm and be d and breakfast in e conomy, ensure a stabl e operating income growth. Deepen the "three rights" rights em poweri ng the reform, promoti ng the pr operty i ncome growth. Strengtheni ng of farmers ' skills trai ning, i ncrea se empl oyment levels, prom oting sustaine d growt h in wage i ncome. Guide e nterpri ses to stre ngthe n social responsi bilit y, equality and mutual be nefit, and signe d a contract of purchase a nd sale of agricultural product s for farmers, cooperatives a nd farmers are encouraged "guara nteed ear nings + share" distribution system, sharing the value-added benefits of industrial development. Se cond in t he growi ng collective efforts. City ha s devel ope d the impl ementation of village-level colle ctive economy three years cultivating meter, Re quires t hre e years of hard w ork and largely kongke cun, the majority of villages have operating income. Against thi s target, we have to be base d on localconditions, use your hea d, a nd a ctively explor e and find ways, and ensure completi on of tasks in t he cit y. Thir d, w ork on strengthe ned safeguards. Adva nci ng pre cisi on of poverty, improve the low-income house hol d tracking, dynamic manageme nt mechanism, e specially for "unemploye d ca n hold, una ble to get out of poverty" of pov erty, further strengtheni ng the fallba ck of subsi stence allowances a nd soci al assi stance, and address t he ba sic needs of poor people. Deepe ning t he reform of publi c servi ces i n rural areas, focus on resolvi ng pr omine nt weakne ss of rural publi c servi ce a nd people's livel ihood facilities, such as t hrough the teaching, me dical a nd other ways t o improve e ducational level s, improvi ng healt h conditions in r ural areas. By encouraging the Ce ntral village to set up day care centres t o pr omote ol d-age home, r ural elderly pe nsi on probl ems. Thir d, firmly grasp a nd conti nue d to play w ell "five water treatment of" winni ng the war on Fe bruary 29 this year, the provi nce's "five water treatmentA.自行申报B.简易申报C.简并征期D.直接申报12.下列关于增值税专用发票的说法,错误的是()。