电信通讯英语精选 (14)




B Backup 备份B Bandwidth 频带宽度B Base 基地,基线,底座B Base – address 基地址B Battery 电池,蓄电池B Bell 贝尔(电平单位)B Binary system 二进制B Bit 位,波特B Block 块,数据块,字组B Board 配电盘,仪表板B BOOL 布尔B Broadcast 广播B Browser 浏览器B Bus 总线B Busy 占线B Byte 字节B dataBase 数据库.b APPLAUSE的批处理清单格式〖后缀〗B & B 《野兽与乡巴佬》〖游戏名〗B / I Battery Inverter 电池反相器,电池变极器B / I Bus Interface 总线接口B / W Black / White 黑/ 白B&S Brown and Sharp gauge 英国电线线径规范.b&w Atari – Mac的黑白图形格式〖后缀〗.b&w 1st Reader的单声道二进制屏幕图像格式〖后缀〗B.K.S. British Kinematograph Society 英国电影放映技术学会B.S.C. British Society of Cinematographers 英国电影摄影(放映)技师会B.S.S. British Standards Specification 英国标准规范B.T.L. Bell Telephone Laboratories 贝尔电话实验室.b1n 1st Reader的双声道彩色二进制屏幕图像格式〖后缀〗B2BEC Business – to – Business E – Commerce 企业对企业电子商务.b30 Ventura Publisher的打印机字体格式〖后缀〗B3ZS Bipolar with Three – Zero Substitution 三零置换双极码.b8 PicLab的平面半成品图形(每像素一个字节)格式〖后缀〗B8ZS Bipolar with 8th Zero Substitution 第八个零置换双极码.b_w Atari – Mac的黑白图形格式〖后缀〗BA Base Address 基地址BA Basic Access 基本接入BA Basic Assembler program 基本汇编程序BA Benny Alagem 本尼·阿拉吉姆(柏德电脑的创始人,电脑零售市场的开拓者)BA Binary Add 二进制加,二进制加法指令BA Bit Allocation 位分配BA Blind Approach 盲目进场着陆,仪表进场着陆〖航空〗BA Block Address 块地址BA Boolean Algebra 布尔代数ba Bosnia Herzegovina 波黑(域名)BA Bridge Amplifier 桥式放大器BA Buffer Amplification 缓冲放大BA Buffer Amplifier 缓冲放大器BA Building Automation 楼宇自动化BA Bus Architecture 总线体系结构BA Bus Available 总线可用BA Business Audio 商用音频BAAS British Association for the Advancement of Science 英国科学促进协会BABS Batch Automated Balancing System 批量自动平衡系统BABS Blind Approach Beacon System 仪表进场信标系统〖航空〗Babylon 《巴比伦》〖游戏名〗BAC Binary – Analog Conversion 二进制-模拟转换BAC Binary Asymmetric Channel 二进制非对称信道BAC Block – Acknowledged Counter 块确认计数器BAC British Archives Council 英国档案委员会BAC Buffer Address Counter 缓冲器地址计数器BAC Bus Adapter Control 总线适配器控制BACE Basic Automatic Checkout Equipment 基本自动检验设备BACE British Association of Consulting Engineers 英国顾问工程师协会BACIS Budget Accounting Information System 预算财务信息系统BACP Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol 带宽分配控制协议BACP Broad – band Assign Control Protocol 宽带分配控制协议BACS Banks Automated Clearing Services 银行自动清算业务(英国)BACS Banks Automated Clearing System 银行自动结算系统BAD Business Application Division 商业应用软件部.bad Oracle公司商业应用软件部的文件格式〖后缀〗BADC Binary Asymmetric Dependent Channel 二进制非对称从属信道BAF B – Addressable FF 可寻址B寄存器的触发器BAFO Best And Final Offer 最后和最好的报价BAI Bulletin And Issuances 公告与发布.bak 备份文件格式〖后缀〗BAL Balance Network 平衡网络BAL Basic Assembly Language 基本汇编语言BAL Branch And Linkage 分支与连接.bal Ballade的乐谱文件格式〖后缀〗BALCOL Burroughs Algebraic COmpiLer 宝来公司的代数编译程序BALI BackWeb Authoring Language Interface 后端万维网写作语言接口BALM Block And List Manipulator 数据块与数据清单操纵器(一种可扩展表加工语言)BALS Blind Approach Landing System 仪表进场着陆系统〖航空〗BAM Basic Access Method 基本存取方法BAM Basic Arithmetic Module 基本算术模块BAM Block Access Method 数据块访问方法BAM Block Allocating Map 字块分配映像BAM Broadcasting AM 调幅广播BAMS Bank Archive Management Service 银行档案库管理服务BAN Best Asymptotically Normal 最佳渐近常态BAN Billing Account Number 计费账号BAN Boundary Access Node 边缘访问节点,边界接入节点(IBM的)Banshee “女妖”系列显卡(生产商:Creative)BAP Basic Assembler Program 基本汇编程序BAP Basic Audio Processor 基本音频处理器BAP Best Adaptive Path 最佳适配路径BAP Body Animation Parameters 形体动画参数BAP Broadband Access Point 宽带接入点BAPI Business Application Program Interface 商业应用程序接口BAR Backup Address Register 备份地址寄存器BAR Buffer Address Register 缓冲区地址寄存器.bar dBase Application Generator的水平棒形图菜单对象文件格式〖后缀〗Barracuda ATA “酷鱼”系列硬盘(生产商:希捷)BARRNet Bay Area Regional Research Network 海湾地区科研网(美国旧金山一带,主干网包括:加州大学,斯坦福大学和重要研究中心,实验室等)BART Bay Area Rapid Transport 海湾地区快速传送BAS Bit – rate Allocating Signal 比特率分配信号BAS Block Automation System 数据块自动控制系统BAS Blocking Acknowledgment Signal 组成块确认信号BAS Bomb Alarm System 轰炸警报系统BAS Bond Analysis System 合同分析系统BAS Branch And Store 分割与存储BAS British Association of Standard 英国标准协会BAS Building Automatic System 楼宇自动化系统BAS Business Accounting System 商业会计系统BAS Business Applications Solutions 商业应用解决方案.bas Basic语言的源码文件格式〖后缀〗BASE BAsic Semantic Element 基本语义单位BASIC Beginner's All –purpose Symbolic Instruction Code 初学者通用符号指令码,Basic 语言(20世纪60年代由约翰·凯梅尼和托马斯·库尔茨开发的高级程序设计语言)BASIS Bank Automated Service Information System 银行自动化业务信息系统BASM Built – in ASseMbler 内置汇编程序,嵌入式汇编器(美国博兰德公司研制)BASN Block – Acknowledged Sequence Number 数据块确认的序号DAT Block Address Translation 数据块地址转换.bat DOS的批处理文件格式〖后缀〗BA TCH Block Allocated Transfer CHannel 数据块分配的传送信道BA TE Baseband Adaptive Transversal Equalizer 基本频带自适应横向均压器,基带自适应横向均衡器BA TS Basic Additional Teleprocessing System 基本辅助远程处理系统BA TS Bit Access Test System 比特存取测试系统BA TS Bulk Filtering , Acquisition and Tracking System 大批量筛选、获取和跟踪系统BA VIP British Association of Viewdata Information Providers 英国可视数据提供商协会Bay 贝〖厂标〗见:BNCBaySIS Bay Networks Switched Internetworking Services “海湾”网络公司的切换式内部联网业务BB Band Block 频带数据块bb Barbados 巴巴多斯岛(域名)BB Baseband 基带,基本频带BB BB机(或BP机),传呼机BB Big Blue 蓝色巨人(IBM公司的昵称)BB Black Burst 黑场BB Boot Block 引导块BB Boundary Beacon 界标BB Broadband 宽带BB Busy Bit 忙碌位.bb Papyrus的数据库备份格式〖后缀〗BBA Bachelor of Business Administration 商业管理学士BBA Broadband Access 宽带接入BBBS Remote Bulletin Board System 远程电子公告牌系统〖网络〗BBC British Broadcasting Corporation 英国广播公司BBC British Communication Corporation 英国通信公司BBC British Copyright Council 英国版权委员会BBC Broadband Coaxial Cable 宽带同轴电缆BBC BroadBand Control 宽带控制BBCC BroadBand Communication Channel 宽带通信信道BBD Bucket Brigade Device 消防桶长龙接力式器件,组桶式器件BBE Background Block Error 后台数据块错误BBER Background Block Error Ratio 后台数据块错误率BBH Bouncing Busy Hour 极易占线时间,跃动忙时BBISUP Broadband ISDN User Part 宽带综合业务数字网用户部分BBL Basic Business Language 基本商用语言BBL be back later 后会有期,稍候便回(准备离网时用)〖网语〗.bbl TeX/BibTeX的书目参考文献格式〖后缀〗BBM Break – Before – Make 先断后通.bbm Deluxe Paint的画笔格式〖后缀〗BBN BackBone Node 主干网节点BBN (Bolt, Beranek, and Newman, Inc.) BBN公司(美国,早期维护阿帕网,后来维护因特网的核心网关)BBOL Building Block Oriented Language 面向营造性数据块的语言BBR be right back 马上回来〖网语〗BBS Blue Box Subsystems 蓝箱子系统〖苹果机〗BBS Bulletin Board Services 电子公告板业务,电子布告栏业务(台湾用语)BBS Bulletin Board Systems 电子公告板系统,电子布告栏系统(台湾用语).bbs 电子布告栏系统的通告或文本信息格式〖后缀〗BBSY Bus BuSY 总线忙BBT Big Bang Theory (宇宙)大爆炸理论BC Backspace Character 退格字符BC Backup Copy 备份BC Backward Compatible 向前兼容〖MPEG〗BC Basic Control 基本控制BC Bearer Capability 承载能力BC Beowulf Cluster 贝奥尔夫簇群技术(强大的并行计算机系统,可对一切电器和机械设备进行解剖和分析,用于信息战实验室)BC Binary Code 二进制代码BC Binary Counter 二进制计数器BC Branch Condition 分割条件BC Branch on Condition 按条件分割BC BreezeCOM “春风”计算机公司(美国,出品无线局域网设备)BC Bridge Chip 桥接芯片BC Broadcast Control 广播控制BC Buffer Control 缓冲器控制BC Buffer Cycle 缓冲环路,缓冲周期bc Bulgaria 保加利亚(域名)BCA Billing and Customer Administration 记账与客户管理BCAM Basic Communication Access Method 基本通信存取法BCB Bit Control Block 位控制块BCB Broadcast Band 广播波段BCC Basic Connection Components 基本连接组件BCC Basic Control Code 基本控制码BCC Beam Coupling Coefficient 电子耦合系数BCC Berkeley Computer Corporation 伯克利计算机公司BCC Binary Convolutional Code 二进制卷积码BCC Bit Count Code 位计数码BCC Blank Column Check 空白栏检查BCC Blind Carbon Copy 隐蔽副本;盲目抄送BCC Blind Courtesy Copy 密件抄送BCC Block Check Character 块校验字符,字块检验字符BCC Blocked Call Cleared 呼叫障碍清除BCC British Communication Corporation Ltd. 英国通信公司BCCH Broadcast Common Control CHannel 广播的普通控制频道BCCH Broadcast Control CHannel 广播控制频道BCD Binary Coded Data 二进制编码数据BCD Binary Coded Decimals 二--十进制,二进制编码的十进制BCD Blocked Call Delayed 被阻塞呼叫延时BCD / B Binary Coded Decimals / Binary 二进制编码的十进制/ 二进制BCD / Q Binary – Coded Decimal / Quaternary 二十进制/ 四进制BCDP Battery Control Data Processor 电池控制数据处理器BCE Base Station Control Equipment 基准站控制设备BCEF Boyce – Codd Norm Form 鲍依斯-科德规范形式BCEZ Broadcasting Corporation of New Zealand 新西兰广播公司BCF Bearer Control Function 载体控制功能BCFSK Binary Code Frequency Shift Keying 二进制代码移频键控BCH Binary Coded Hollerith 何勒内斯二进制代码BCH Block Control Header 块控制数据头BCH Broadcast Channel 播送频道.bch dBase Application Generator的批处理对象文件格式〖后缀〗BCI Begin Chain Indicator 链开始指示符BCI Binary Coded Information 二进制编码信息BCI Bound Check Inhibit 禁止限制性检查BCI BroadCast Interference 广播干扰BCIU Bus Control Interface Unit 总线控制接口装置BCK Backspace 退格BCL Bar Coded Label 条形码标签BCL Batch Command Language 批命令语言BCL BroadCast Listener 广播听众BCL Burroughs Common Language 宝来公司的公共语言BCL Bus Control Logic 总线控制逻辑BCLK Bus CLocK 总线时钟,总线定时BCN Backbone Communications Node 主干网通信节点BCN Backbone Concentrator Node 主干网集中器节点BCN BeaCoN 信标,标志BCN Broadband Communication Network 宽频带通信网络BCO Battery Cut – Off 电池(电路)断开,电池自动断路BCO Binary Coded Octal 二进制编码的八进制.bco Bitstream的字体轮廓描绘格式〖后缀〗BCP Base Charging Process 基极充电进程BCP Base Communication Processor 基准通信处理器BCP Basic Control Program 基本控制程序BCP Batch Communications Program 批量通信程序BCP Bulk Copy Program 大批量拷贝程序BCP Bus Control Processor 总线控制处理器.bcp Borland C++的文件编写格式〖后缀〗BCPA British Copyright Protection Association 英国版权保护协会BCPL Basic Computer Programming Language 基本计算机编程语言BCPL Bootstrap Combined Programming Language 自展组合的编程语言,BCPL语言BCPN Business Customer Premises Network 商业客户网BCPS Basic Call Processing Subsystem 基本呼叫处理子系统BCR Badge Card Reader 标记卡阅读器BCR Bus Configuration Register 总线体系结构寄存器BCR Bus Control Request 总线控制请求BCR Byte Count Register 字节计数寄存器BCS Ballistic Computer System 弹道计算机系统BCS Bank Control System 银行控制系统BCS Banking Communication System 银行业务通信系统,金融通信系统BCS Basic Communication Support 基本通信支持BCS Basic Control System 基本控制系统BCS Big Close Shot 大特写镜头BCS Block Check Sequence 块检验顺序BCS Block Checkout Serial 块检验序列BCS Bombing Computer Set 投弹计算机组,轰炸计算装置〖空军〗BCS Boston Computer Society 波士顿计算机协会BCS British Computer Society 英国计算机协会BCS Bulk Capacity Storage 大容量存储体BCS Business Communications System 商业通信系统BCS Business Computer System 商用计算机系统BCS Business Customer Services 商业用户业务BCSC Boeing Commercial Space Company 波音商业空间公司BCSC Block – Completed Sequence Number 完成块序号BCT Bandwidth Coding Technique 带宽编码技术BCT Bandwidth Compression Technique 带宽压缩技术BCT Branch on Count Instruction 计数转移指令BCT BroadCasting Station 广播电台BCT Business Cordless Telephone 商用无绳电话BCU Batch Communications Utility 批量通信公用程序〖va / st〗BCU Big Close – Up 大特写(镜头)BCU Block Control Unit 数据块控制器BCU Buffer Control Unit 缓冲区控制器BCU Bus Control Unit 总线控制器BCUA Business Computer Users Association 商用计算机用户协会BCUG Bilateral Closed User Group 两侧闭合用户组BCV Brightness Contrast Value 亮度对比值BCW Basic Control Word 基本控制字BCW Buffer Control Word 缓冲器控制字.bcw Borland C++ 4.5的环境设定格式〖后缀〗BD Backward Diode 反向二极管bd Bangladesh 孟加拉国(域名)BD Baud 波特(发报速率),巴特(发报速度),波德(信号速度)BD Binary Decoder 二进制解码器BD Blank Diskette 空白磁盘BD Blank Display 空白显示BD Block Diagram 框图BD Blood of the Dammed 《血咒疑云》〖游戏名〗(《狩魔猎人》之三)BD Board 板,仪表板,插件板BD Boolean Difference 布尔差分BD Bus Driver 总线驱动器BDA Booster – Distribution Amplifier 调压器分布式放大器BDAM Basic Direct Access Method 基本直接存取方法BDB Buffer Description Block 缓冲区描述块BDC Backup Domain Controller 备份域控制器BDC Basic Disk Creation 光盘基本制作BDC Binary – Decimal Converter 二至十进制变换器BDC Binary Decimal Counter 二十进制计数器BDCB Block Device Control Block 块设备控制块B-DCS Broadband Digital Cross – connect Systems 宽带数字交叉连接系统BDD Binary Decimal Decoder 二十进制译码器BDD Binary Decision Diagrams 二进制判决图BDD Binary Digital Data 二进制数字数据BDE Basic Data Exchange 基本数据交换BDE Borland Database Engine 博兰德公司的数据库引擎.bdf X11的位图分配字体文件格式〖后缀〗.bdf Egret的数据文件格式〖后缀〗BDH Backup Data Handler 备份数据处理程序BDI Base – Diffusion Isolation 基极扩散绝缘BDIC Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code 二进制编码的十进制交换码,二十进制交换码BDIG Bandwidth – on – Demand Interoperability Group 按需分配带宽互操作组BDK Bean Developer Kit “豆果”开发者工具箱(“爪哇”软件公司的)BDL Base Diffusion Layer 底部扩散层BDL Business Definition Language 商用定义语言BDL Business Description Language 商用描述语言BDME Bi – directional DME 双向直接内存执行〖3D加速芯片〗BDN Bell Data Network 贝尔数据网BDOS Basic Disc Operating System 基本磁盘操作系统BDP Best Data Products Inc. 最佳数据产品公司(美国,出品调制解调器)BDP Body Definition Parameters 形体定义参数〖动画〗BDP Bus configuration register Data Port 总线(体系结构寄存器)数据端口BDP Business Data Processing 商业数据处理BDPS Business Data Processing System 商业数据处理系统BDPSK Binary Differential Phase – Shift Keying 二进制微分相移键控BDR Bi – Duplexed Redundancy 双向双套冗余BDR Burst Data Rate 突发数据传输率BDR Bus Device Request 总线设备请求.bdr 微软Publisher的边框格式〖后缀〗BDS Big Data Servic 大数据业务BDSL Broadband DSL 宽带数字用户线BDTR Basic Data Transmission Routine 基本数据传输例程BDTS Bulk Data Transfer Subsystem 批数据传送子系统BDU Basic Device Unit 基本设备部件BDU Basic Display Unit 基本显示装置BDY BounDarY 边界BE Back End 后端be Belgium 比利时(域名)BE Bindery Emulation 装订库模拟技术,模拟装订库〖网管〗BE Blizzard Entertainment “暴风雪”娱乐公司(1994年成立,世界著名娱乐光盘制造商,二十世纪十大电脑游戏公司之一)BEA Block – Encryption Algorithm 块编码算法BEA Broadcasting Education Association 广播教育协会BEAD Beginning Extended Area Descriptor 起始扩充区描述符BEAMA British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers Association 英国电气及相关制造商协会BEB Binary Exponential Back off 二进制指数补偿BEC Banker EDI Council 银行家电子数据交换理事会Becky! 贝基多功能电子邮件管理器〖软件名〗BECN Backward Explicit Congestion Notification 反向明显拥塞通知BECS Basic Error Control System 基本错误控制系统BECTO British Electric Cable Testing Organization 英国电缆测试组织BEDO RAM Burst EDO RAM 突发式扩充数据输出随机存取存储器,突发式扩展数据输出内存BEH Basic Extension Handler 基本扩展处理程序beijixing “北极星”: 中文搜索引擎(域名)BEL (报警符,电铃字符)BELLCORE BELL COmmunications REsearch 贝尔通信研究所Bellcore BELL COmmunications REsearch 贝尔通信研究所BEMA Business Equipment Manufacturers Association 办公设备厂商协会(美国)BEMF Back ElectroMotive Force 反电动势BEP Burst Error Processor 突发错误处理器BER Basic Encoding Rules 基本编码规则BER Bit Error Rate 误码率,位差错率BERSIM Bit Error Rate Simulator 误码率模拟器BERT Bit Error Rate Test(er) 误码率测试(器)BES Block Error Status 数据块错误状态BES Broadband Exchange Service 宽带交换服务BEST Business EDP System Technique 工商业电子数据处理系统技术BET Bit Enhanced Technology 位增强技术BETA Business Equipment Trade Association 办公设备行业协会(英国)BETRS Basic Exchange Telecommunications Radio Service 基本交换机远程通信无线业务BETRS Basic Exchange Telephone Radio Service 基本交换机无线电话业务BEUI Basic input / output system Extend User Interface 基本输入/ 输出系统扩展用户接口BEV Base – Emitter V oltage 底部射极电压BEVR Broadcasting Electronic Video Recording 广播电子视频记录BEX Broadband EXchange 宽带交换机BEXR Basic Exchange Radio 无线电通信基本交换.bez Bitstream的字体轮廓描述格式〖后缀〗BF Back Feed 反馈BF Backup File 备份文件BF Band – pass Filter 带通滤波器BF Band Filter 频带滤波器BF Batch File 批处理文件BF Bilinear Filtering 双线性过滤技术〖图形加速器〗BF Blocking Factor 块因子BF Boot Failure 引导失败bf Burkina Faso 布基纳法索(域名).bf2 Bradford 2的字体文件格式〖后缀〗.bff IBM的二进制数文件格式〖后缀〗BFID Boolean Function Identifier 布尔函数标识符.bfm Unix/Frame的字体韵律学格式〖后缀〗BFO Beat Frequency Oscillator 拍频振荡器BFR Big Fast Router 大型快速路由器BFR BuFfeR 缓冲器BFS Bootable File System 可引导文件系统〖UNIX〗BFSK Binary Frequency Shift Keying 二进制频移键控BFT Batch File Transmission 批文件传送BFT Binary File Transfer 二进制文件传输.bfx BitFax的传真文件格式〖后缀〗BG BackGround 背景BG Baldur ’s Gate《柏德之门》〖游戏名〗BG Bill Gates 比尔·盖茨(1975年与保罗·艾伦正式创办微软公司)bg Bulgaria 保加利亚(域名)BGA Ball Grid Array 球形网格阵列,球栅阵列〖封装〗.bga 位图图形文件格式〖后缀〗BGAM Basic Graphic Access Method 基本图形存取法BGE Branch if Greater or Equal 若大于或等于则分支BGE Bull General Electric 巴尔通用电气公司.bgi 博兰德公司的图形接口设备驱动程序文件格式〖后缀〗BGP Border(Boundary) Gateway Protocol 边界网关协议BGPV Border Gateway Protocol Version 边界网关协议版本BGRAF Basic Graphics Software 基本制图软件bh Bahrain 巴林(域名)BH Bird Hunter 《猎鸟一族》〖游戏名〗BH Block Handler 块处理程序BH Busy Hour 忙时BHAS Base Home Automatic System 基准家庭自动化系统BHAS Burroughs Hospital Accounting System 宝来公司的医院记账系统BHCA Busy Hour Call Attempts 忙时试呼次数BHCA Busy Hour Call Average 忙时平均呼叫次数BHDT Broadband Host Digital Terminal 宽带主机数字终端BHLF Basic High Layer Function 基础高堆积层功能BHR Block Handling Routine 数据块处理例程BI Backward Indicator 倒推指示器BI Batch Input 批量输入BI Be Inc. “存在”公司(美国,开发多媒体操作系统)BI Billing Instructions 记账指令BI Binary Input 二进制数据输入bi Burundi 布隆迪(域名)BI Bus Interconnect 总线互连BI Bus Interface 总线接口BIA Binary Image Algebra 二进制图像代数BIAIT Business Information Analysis and Integration Technique 商业信息分析与综合技术BIB Backward Indicator Bit 倒推指示器位.bib 美国标准码的文献目录文件格式〖后缀〗.bib Papyrus与TeX格式不相容的数据库文件格式〖后缀〗.bib TeX/BibTeX的文学作品数据库格式〖后缀〗BIBDES Bibliographic Data Entry System 书目数据登录系统BIbus Backplane Interconnect Bus 底板互连总线BIC Bombardment – Induced Conductivity 电子轰击感应电导BIC Brother International Corp. 兄弟高级公司(美国,出品打印机)BIC Buffer Interface Controller 缓冲器接口控制器BIC Bus Interface Chips 总线接口芯片BIC Bus Interface Circuit 总线接口电路BIC Bus Interface Controller 总线接口控制器BICI B-ISDN Inter – Carrier Interconnect 宽带综合业务数字网运营商间互连B-ICI Broadband Inter – Carrier Interface 宽带运营商间接口B-ICI Broadband Inter – Carrier Interconnect 宽带运营商间互连BICMOS Bipolar Complementary Metallic – Oxide Semiconductor 双极互补金属氧化物半导体BICOM Business Information Communication 商业信息通信BICS Burroughs Inventory Control System 宝来公司的库存控制系统BIDM Basic Interoperability Data Model 互用性数据基本模型BIDS Bendix Integrated Data System 本迪克斯综合数据系统BIDS Broadband Integrated Distributed Star 宽带完整星状分布,宽带综合分布星形网BIDS Burroughs Input and Display Terminal 宝来公司的输入和显示终端BIE Boundary Integral Equation 边界积分方程BIEE British Institute of Electrical Engineers 英国电气工程师学会.bif 抓图板二进制图像格式的b&w图形显示格式〖后缀〗BIF Benchmark Interchange Format 基准交换格式(Sun公司的)BIFET BIpolar Field Effect Transistor 双极场效应晶体管BIFS Binary Format for Scene Description 场景描述二进制格式〖动画〗BIG Bevan Information Generator 比万信息发生器bigbook “巨型名册”:英文搜索引擎(域名)BIGFON Broadband Integrated Fiber Optic Network 宽带完整光纤网络Bigfoot “大脚”系列硬盘(生产商:昆腾)BII Banking Information Infrastructure 银行业信息基础设施BII Borland International Inc. 博兰德国际公司(美国著名公司,出品计算机编程语言及网络软件开发工具)BII Broadband Intercarrier Interface 宽带内载波接口BIL Basic Impulse Level 基本脉冲电平BIL Bus Interface Logic 总线接口逻辑BILE Balanced Inductor Logical Element 平衡感应器逻辑元件BILGE Binary Load Generation 二进制装入程序生成BILL BILLing 记账BIM Beginning of Information Marker 信息开始标志BIM Bus Interface Module 总线接口模块BIMAC BIstable MAgnetic Core 双稳态磁芯BIN Bank Identification Number 银行识别号码BIN Bell Information Network 贝尔信息网BIN BINary 二进制BIN Business Information Network 商业信息网.bin 二进制文件格式〖后缀〗BINAC Binary Automatic Computer 二进制自动计算机Binary “二进制”公司(美国,2019年6月被赛门铁克公司并购)BIND Berkeley Internet Name Domain 伯克利因特网名称域(用于域名服务器的软件)Binhex Binhex电子邮件编码标准(常用于Mac机)〖因特网〗.bio OS/2的基本输入输出系统格式〖后缀〗BIOLM Buffered Input / Output LiMit 输入输出缓冲极限BIOS Basic Input / Output System 基本输入/ 输出系统BIOSIS Biosciences Information Service of Biological Abstracts 生物学文摘的生物科学信息服务处(美国)BIP Binary Image Processor 二进制图像处理器BIP Bit Interleaved Parity 比特交错奇偶校验BIP-ISDN Broadband, Intelligent and Personalized Integrated Services Digital Network 宽带化、智能化和个人化的综合业务数字网BIPS Billions of Instructions Per Second 每秒执行几十亿条指令(Digital 公司的Alpha 21164微处理器的运算速度)BIR Bus Interface Register 总线接口寄存器BIRDS Burroughs Information Retrieval and Dissemination System 宝来公司的信息检索与分发系统BIRE British Institute of Radio Engineers 英国无线电工程师学会BIRS Baptist Information Retrieval System 浸礼会教友信息检索系统BIRS Basic Indexing and Retrieval System 基本索引与检索系统BIRS British Institute of Recorded Sound 英国录音学会BIS Bell Information System 贝尔信息系统BIS Bits Stream 位流BIS Brain Information Service 大脑信息服务BIS Business Information System 商业信息系统BISAD Business Information System Analysis and Design 商业信息系统的分析与设计BISAM Basic Indexed Sequential Access Method 基本索引顺序存取法BISAM Broadband Integrated Services for Aircraft Maintenance 飞机维修的宽带综合服务BISCOM BIS Communication System 贝尔信息系统的通信系统BISCUS Business Information Systems CUstomer Service 商业信息系统的客户服务B-ISDN Broadband – Integrated Service Data Network 宽带综合服务数据网B-ISDN Broadband – Integrated Services Digital Network 宽带综合服务数字网(广域网的高速通信标准)BISNET Bank Information System NETwork 银行信息系统网络BIST Built In Self Test 内置自测试BISYNC BInary SYNchronous Communication 二进制同步通信协议BIT BInary digiT 二进制数字,二进制数码BIT Built – in Testing 机内测试.bit X11的位图文件格式〖后缀〗BITC Burned – In Time Code 录入时间代码〖电视图像〗BITE Built In Testing Equipment 内置测试设备,自检测设备BITN Bilateral Interactive Network 双向交互式网络BITNET Because It’s Time Network“正合时宜”网(美国纽约州立大学和耶鲁大学在1981年创建的国际学术网)“正合时宜”网网络信息中心BITNIC BITnet Network Information Center “正合时宜”网信息中心BITS Base Information Transfer System 基础信息传送系统BITS BInary digiTS 二进制数字BITS Biotechnology Information Toolkit Software 生物工程信息工具包软件BITS Building Integrated Timing Supply 楼宇综合定时供应BITS Building Integrated Timing System 楼宇综合定时系统BIU Basic Information Unit 基本信息单元BIVAR BIV ARiate function generator 二变量函数发生器BIX Binary Information eXchange 二进制信息交换(机)BIX BYTE Information Exchange 《字节》杂志的信息交换在线服务Bizmac (business machine computer) 商用计算机BJ Barrage Jammers 阻拦式干扰机,全波段干扰机BJ Batch Job 批作业bj Benin 贝宁(域名)BJ Bubble Jet 气泡喷墨BJT Bipolar Junction Transistor 双极交叉口晶体管.bk JetFax的传真号码簿文件格式〖后缀〗.bk! 美国文字处理软件WordPerfect的备份文件格式〖后缀〗.bk1 WordPerfect视窗1的定时备份文件格式〖后缀〗.bk2 WordPerfect视窗2的定时备份文件格式〖后缀〗.bk3 WordPerfect视窗3的定时备份文件格式〖后缀〗.bk4 WordPerfect视窗4的定时备份文件格式〖后缀〗.bk5 WordPerfect视窗5的定时备份文件格式〖后缀〗.bk6 WordPerfect视窗6的定时备份文件格式〖后缀〗.bk7 WordPerfect视窗7的定时备份文件格式〖后缀〗.bk8 WordPerfect视窗8的定时备份文件格式〖后缀〗.bk9 WordPerfect视窗9的定时备份文件格式〖后缀〗.bkp TurboVidion DialogDesigner的备份文件格式〖后缀〗BKSTS British Kinematograph, Sound and Television Society 英国电影放映、音响和电视学会.bkw FontEdit字体集的镜像格式〖后缀〗BL Band Limiting 频带极限BL Base Line 基线,基准线,时基BL Black Level 黑度〖扫描仪〗BL BLanking 消隐BL Block Length 块长BL British Library 英国国家图书馆BLA Binary Logical Association 二进制逻辑联想BLA Blocking Acknowledgement 组成块确认Black Magic “黑色魔力”系列显卡(生产商:STD)BLADE Basic Level Automation of Data through Electronics 数据电子自动化基本标准,BLADE程序(美国空军的)BLADS Bell Laboratories Automatic Design System 贝尔实验室自动设计系统BLAM Binary Logarithmic Access Method 二进制对数存取法BLAS Basic Linear Algebra Subroutine 基本线性代数子程序BLAST Basic Local Alignment Search Tool 本地序列基本搜索工具BLC Boundary Layer Control 边界层控制BLCS Boundary – Layer Control System 附面层控制系统BLD Binary Load / Dump 二进制加载或堆存,二进制装入或转储程序.bld BASIC语言的可装载图片格式〖后缀〗BLDP Blue Laser Diode Pickup 蓝色二极管摄取(高密度数字光学讯号播放处理装置)BLDSC British Library's Document Supply Center 不列颠图书馆文献提供中心BLE Block Length Error 数据块长度错误BLE Branch if Less or Equual 若小于或等于则分支BLER Block Error Rate 数据块错误率BLERT Block Error Rate Test 数据块错误率测试BLF Back Light Film 灯箱片〖打印机介质〗BLF Branch Loss Factor 分割损耗系数BLIC Beam Lead Integrated Circuit 束导集成电路BLINE Bell LINE drawing language 贝尔线路绘图语言B-links Bridge Links 桥接器链接,网桥链路BLIS Bell Laboratories Interpretive System 贝尔实验室解释系统BLIS Business Language Information System 商业语言信息系统BLISS Basic Language for Implementing System Software 执行系统软件的基本语言,BLISS 语言BLK BLocK 块,数据块BLLF Basic Low Layer Function 基本低层功能BLM Basic Language Machine 基本语言机BLN Backbone Link Node 主干链路节点BLO BLOcking 组成块,阻塞BLOBs Binary Large OBjects 二进制大对象(图像文件的)BLOC Block Oriented Compiler 面向块的编译程序BLODI BLOck DIagram compiler 数据块图表编译器,框图编译程序BLP Bottom Leaded Plastic 底部引出塑封〖内存条〗BLP Bypass Label Processing 旁路标签处理BLR BLocking (and unblocking signal) Reception 阻塞和未阻塞信号收到BLS Base – Level Synthesizer 音乐基本合成器BLS BLocking (and unblocking signal) Sending 阻塞和未阻塞信号发出BLSR Bi-directional Line – Switched Ring 双线线路切换环BLT Bisynchronous Line Test 双同步线路测试B-LT Broadband Line Termination 宽带线路终点BLU Basic Link Unit 基本链路单元BM Base Machine 主机BM Base Memory 基本内存BM BatteryMark 电池刻度器(软件名,用于笔记本电脑电池的测试)BM Bench Mark 基准BM BenchMark test program 标准检查程序bm Bermuda 百慕大(域名)BM Block Mark 块标志BM Bob Metcalfe 鲍勃·梅特卡尔夫(1973年发明以太网)BM Branch on Minus 负差分割BM Breakdown Maintenance 故障维修BM British Museum 不列颠博物馆BM Broadband Multimedia 宽带多媒体BM Buffer Mark 缓冲器标志BM Buffer Memory 缓冲存储器BM Buffer Module 缓冲器模块BM Bump Mapping 凹凸(纹理)贴图〖图形处理〗〖显卡测试〗BM Burst Mode 突发模式BM Business Machine 商用机器BM Business Model 商业模型.bm Bitmap的图形文件格式〖后缀〗BM ANT BeaM ANTenna 发射天线BMA Billing Mediation Platform 票据制裁平台(惠普公司的)B-MAN Broadband Metropolitan – Area Network 宽带城域网BMC Bio Music Clip “个人音乐夹”(索尼公司2019推出的随身听产品)BMC Block Multiplexer Channel 数据块多路复用器信道BMC Bulk Media Conversion 大型媒体转换BMC Burst Multiplexer Channel 成组多路复用器信道BMC Interactive 滚石音乐集团的“互动”公司(世界著名娱乐光盘制造商)BMCB Burst Mode Control Byte 突发模式控制字节BMCC Brooker – Morris Compiler – Compiler 布鲁克-莫里斯编译程序的编译程序BMCP Basic Mode Control Procedure 基本型控制规程BMDATC Ballistic Missile Defense Advanced Technology Center 弹道导弹防御高级技术中心。



课一A Communications 通讯1. equation n.相等, 平衡, 综合体,2. communication n. 通信, 通讯, 交通communicate v.沟通, 通信,3. triode n.三极管4. storage n. 存储5.transmission n. 传输, 传送,transmit v. 传输, 转送, 传达, 传导6. amplifier n.放大器,扩音器amplify v. 扩大,放大,增强amplification n. 扩大,放大7. oscillator n.振荡器8. correlate v. 是相互关联correlation n.相互关系, 相关(性)9. transmitter n.发射机transmit receive transmission reception(发射) (接收)10.subsequent adj.随后的课一B Capacitors 电容1.capacitor n. 电容器2.capacitance n. 电容量(值)Resistor resistancecapacitor capacitanceinductor inductance3. fixed adj. 固定的variable adj. 可变的4. dielectric n. 电介质,绝缘材料adj. 绝缘的5. relatively adv. 相对地absolutely adv.绝对地6. maximum adj. 最大的n. 最大值minimum adj. 最小的n. 最小值7. farad n. 法(拉) Fohm n. 欧姆ΩHenry n. 亨(利)H8. trimmer n. 调整者, 整理者,9. screwdriver n. 螺丝起子,改锥课二A Radio Transmitter无线电发射机1. radio transmitter 无线电发射机radio n. 无线电,无线2. telecommunication n.电信,电信学,无线电通信telephone n.电话,电话机telegraph n.电报, 电报机, 电讯报3. transmit v. 传输, 转送, 传达, 传导,发射, 发报transmit receivetransmission receptiontransmitter receiver(发射) (接收)4. intelligence n.信息、情报、智能information/message n.信息5. potential adj.潜在的, 可能的, 势的,n.潜能, 潜力, 电位6. generate v.产生,发生generation n.产生, 发生, 一代,7.frequency n.频low frequency 几个Hz到几十kHzhigh frequency 几个MHz到几十MHz radio frequency 几百MHz到几个GHz8. pulse signal 脉冲信号9. wavelength n.波长用λ表示10. output n.输出,产量input n.输入11. band n. 带,波段,频带课二B Electromotive Force 电动势1. electromotive adj.电动的,电动势的electromotive force 电动势2.driving adj.驱动的driving force n. 驱动力driving unit 传动装置3. volt n. 伏特4. distinguish v.区分5. potential difference 电位差课三A Time Constant 时常数1.nuclear adj.原子能的,n.核武器, 有核国nuclear arms 核武nuclear energy 核能2.constant n.常数adj.不断, 不断的,time constant 时间常数3. instantaneously adv.瞬间地,即刻instant n.瞬息, 一会儿, 时刻4. dependent adj. 依赖的,依赖于,取决于5. capacitive adj.电容的,容性的capacitor n.电容器capacitance n.电容值6.discharge n.放电v.放电charge n.电荷,充电v.充电7.universal 普遍的, 全体的, 通用的,课三B RL Time Constant RL时序常数1.inductor n.电感器inductance n.电感值(量)inductive adj.感应的; 电感的2. function n.功能, 函数,作用,3. Decay n.衰减v. 衰减decay constant 衰减常数decay factor 衰减因子4. reverse adj.反向的, 相反, 逆转的5. peak value 峰值课四A Resistivity 电阻率1. resistivity n. 电阻率resistor resistanceResistive resistivity2. complex adj.合成的,复杂的n. 复数,合成物,聚合物3. represent v. 表示,代表,表现,4. proportionality n.比例性proportion n.比例v. 使成比例proportional adj.比例的5. infinite n.无限adj.无限的finite n.有限adj.有限的6. comparable adj.类比的,可比较的,比得上的compare v.比较7. conduction n.传导输送conductor semiconductor insulator课四B. Series Circuits 串联电路1. series n.串联adj.串联的parallel n.并行adj.平行的series/parallel circuit 串联/并联电路2.algebraic adj.代数的3. equivalent adj.等价的n.相等物4.magnitude n.大小,数量,巨大5. potentiometer n.电位器,分压器课五A Lenz’s Law 楞次定律1.Lenz 楞次2.alternating adj.交互的,交变的alternating current (AC) 交流direct current (DC) 直流3.inductance n.电感inductor n.电感器inductance n.电感值(量)inductive adj.感应的; 电感的4.induce v.感应induction n.感应5.fundamental adj.基础的, 基本的n.基本原则, 基本原理6.flux n.涨潮, 变迁,[物]流量, 通量,电通量,磁通量v.熔化, 流出7. decrease n. v.减少increase n. v.增加8. action n.作用,行动,行为reaction n.反应,反作用9.magnetoelectric adj.磁电的electromagnetic adj.电磁的10. impede v.妨碍,阻止impedance n.阻抗impedance matching课五 B Voltage, Resistance andCurrent 电压,电阻,电流1. engineering n.工程,工程学engineer n.工程师,设计师engine n.发动机, 机车, 火车头2. electronics n.电子学、电子设备electron n.电子electronic adj.电子的3. periodically adv.周期地period n.时期,周期periodical adj.周期的,期刊的n.期刊4.economical adj.节约的,经济的economy n.经济,节约economic adj.经济上的5. multiply v.乘product n.乘积,产品,成分produce v.生产,产生6.expend v.花费, 花钱, 用光7. voltmeter n.电压表,伏特计amperemeter n.电流计wattmeter n.瓦特计,电表multimeter n.万用表课六A Three Functions of a TuningCircuit 调谐电路的三种功能1. tune n.曲调, 调子, 和谐,vt.调谐,调音, 调整, 拨收, 收听tuning circuit 调谐电路2. carrier n.载波,载流子,载体carrier wave n.载波3. resonant adj.谐振的,共鸣的,回声的resonate v. 共振,使…谐振,使…resonance n.谐振,共鸣resonant frequency4. impedance n.阻抗impede v.妨碍,阻止impedance matching5. desired adj.期望的undesired6. receiver n.接收机,接收者transmit receivetransmission receptiontransmitter receiver(发射) (接收)7. sensitivity n.灵敏度,敏感,过敏selectivity n.选择性,选择fidelity n.保真度,逼真度,忠诚,精确,尽职8.antenna n.天线课六B Capacitors 电容21. vital adj.生死攸关的,重大的,生命的,至关重要的2. vacuum n.真空adj.真空的3. insulate v.绝缘,隔离insulator n.绝缘体insulating a.绝缘的insulation n.绝缘4. corresponding adi.符合的,相应的correspond v.相符合,相当,通信5.associate v.使发生联系,联合,结交adj.合伙的,副的be associated with 和...有关的associate sth(sb.) with 把...和...联系起来6.positive adj.正的negative a.负的7. interpretation n.翻译,解释,阐明interpret v. 翻译,解释课七A Ohm’s Law欧姆定律1.correlation n.相关,(相互)关系correlate v.使相互关联,和...相关2. namely adv.即, 也就是3. inversely adv.相反地inverse adj.相反的, 反的n.相反v.使...倒转4.proportional adj.成比例的proportion n.比例v.使成比例be directly proportional to 与...成正比be inversely proportional to 与...成反比课七B Conductors 导体1.ceramic n.陶瓷制品adj.陶瓷ceramic capacitorceramic substrate2.linear adj.线性的nonlinear adj.非线性的linear/nonlinear electronic circuit3.ideal a.理想的n.理想idealize v.使理想化idealization n.理想化4.behavior n.行为,举止,性能,特性5.superconductor n.超导体superconducting adj.超导的superconductivity n.超导性conductivity n.传导性,传导率,电导率6.transition n.过渡,转变,临界点,转折7.phase n.相位8.occur v.发生,出现,存在,被想起occur to 想起,想到9.definite adj.明确, 明确的, 肯定, 限定的, 一定的indefinite adj.不确定的, 不确定, 不明确的, 无定限的indefinitely adv 课八A Radio Receiver 无线电接收机2.amplify v.放大,扩大amplifier n.放大器3.modulate v.调制demodulate v.解调,检波modulation n.调制demodulation n.调解,反调制,检波AM: amplitude modulationFM: frequency modulationPM: phase modulation4.format n.格式,形式v.格式化5.standardize v.使标准化standard n.标准, 旗帜, 支柱adj.标准的, 标准, 普通的6.correspond v.符合,一致,correspond to 相当于, 与...相符correspond with 与...相符corresponding adj.符合的, 相应的,7.domestic adj.国内的,国产的,8.professional adj.职业的,专业的,业务的,职业性的profession n.职业,专业professor n.教授,专家plexity n.复杂(性)complex adj.复合的, 复杂的n.综合体v.使...配合, 使...复杂10.employ v.用,使用,雇用n.受雇, 工作, 使用employee n.受雇者, 雇员employer n.雇用者, 雇主课八B Electromagnetic Waves 电磁波1.hypothesis n.假设hypothesize v. 假设2.definite adj.明确, 明确的, 肯定,限定的, 一定的indefinite adj.不确定的, 不确定, 不明确的, 无定限的indefinitely adv.不确定地,无定限地3.coupling n.耦合coupling capacitance 耦合电容4.fluctuate v.变动,起伏fluctuation n.变动,起伏5.analysis n.分析analyze v.分析6.disturbance n.扰动,骚乱课九A The Concept of Electric Field电场的概念1.mechanism n.机构,机制,结构,途径,作用原理,机械装置,2. noncommittal adj.不明朗的3.critical adj.关键的,临界的,严重的, 批评的critic n.评论家, 批评家, 批评者, 校勘家adj.批评的criticize v.批评, 评论4.intuitively adv.直觉地,客观地5.procedure n.步骤,过程,程序,方法6.objective adj. 客观的,目的的,宾语subjective adj.主观的,主格的7. hypothesis n.假设( hypotheses 复数)hypothesize v. 假设8.ingenious adj.机灵的,有独创性的,精制的,巧妙的9.electrostatic adj.静电的static n.静电, 静力学adj.静止, 静的, 静止的课九B Modulation 调制1.amplitude n.幅度,振幅2.envelop n.信封v.包住, 包围, 遮盖n. 包络envelop curve 包络曲线3.medium n.中间, 方式, 媒质, 手段adj.中间的, 中等medium frequency4.spectrum n.谱, 频谱(spectra 复数)spectrum measurementspectrum analyzer 频谱仪5.audio adj.音频的, 声音的6.audible adj.可听的,听得见的课十A Potential Difference 电位差1,potential difference 电位差2,electric field 电场课十B Direct and Alternating Current直流电与交流电1,direct current 直流电2,alternating current 交流电3,electrical system 电气系统4,transformer 变压器5,rectifier 整流器课十一A。



信息通信专业英语词汇及常用英语口语Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Vocabulary and Common Spoken English in the FieldIntroductionIn today's interconnected world, the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry plays a crucial role in various sectors. Professionals working in this field need to possess a strong command of both technical vocabulary and spoken English skills. This article aims to provide an overview of key ICT vocabulary and introduce commonly used English phrases for effective communication in this domain.I. ICT Vocabulary1. HardwareHardware refers to the physical components of a computer system or any electronic device. Examples of hardware include Central Processing Units (CPUs), Random-Access Memory (RAM), hard drives, and peripherals such as keyboards and printers.2. SoftwareSoftware refers to the programs and applications that run on a computer. It encompasses both system software, like operating systems, and application software, such as web browsers and word processors.3. NetworkingNetworking pertains to the process of connecting computers and other devices to share resources and communicate. It involves the establishment of Local Area Networks (LANs) and Wide Area Networks (WANs) using technologies like Ethernet, routers, and switches.4. CybersecurityCybersecurity involves protecting computer systems and networks from unauthorized access, attacks, and data breaches. It includes measures like encryption, firewalls, and antivirus software.5. Cloud ComputingCloud computing refers to the storage and accessing of data and applications over the internet instead of on local physical hardware. It allows users to access resources and services remotely and on-demand.II. Common English Phrases in ICT1. Introducing YourselfWhen meeting colleagues or clients, it is important to introduce yourself effectively. You can say:"Hello, my name is [Name]. I work as [Position] in the ICT department."2. Explaining Technical ConceptsWhen explaining technical concepts to non-technical individuals, use simple language and provide examples where possible. For instance:"Cloud computing allows you to store and access your data and applications online instead of relying on physical hardware. It offers flexibility and scalability."3. Troubleshooting IssuesIn the ICT industry, encountering technical issues is common. When assisting someone with a problem, use the following phrases:"Can you please describe the issue you are facing?""Let me try to troubleshoot the problem.""Have you tried restarting the device?"4. Discussing ProjectsWhen discussing projects or tasks, it is essential to communicate clearly. Use phrases like:"We are currently working on implementing a new software system.""I need your input on this project timeline.""The deadline for the project has been extended."5. Seeking Help or AdviceIn an ICT team, collaboration is key. When seeking help or advice, you can say:"I am having trouble with this code. Can you assist me?""What is your opinion on the best cybersecurity practices?""Do you have any suggestions on improving our network performance?"ConclusionIn the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), a strong command of technical vocabulary and effective spoken English skills are crucial for professionals. This article provided an overview of essential ICT vocabulary and introduced commonly used English phrases for effective communication. By continuously expanding their vocabulary and practicing spoken English, individuals in this field can enhance their communication skills and excel in their careers.。




"In most cases, these signals originate as sensory data from the real world:seismic vibrations visual images, sound waves, etc。

DSP isthe mathematics,the algorithms, and the techniques used to manipulate these signals after they have been converted into a digital form.”在大多数情况下,这些信号来源于人对真实世界的感觉,比如地震的震动,视觉图像,声音波形等。

数字信号处理是一种数学工具,是一种用来处理那些将上述信号转换成数字形式后的信号的算法和技术.2.Fourier’s representation of functionsas a superposition of sines and cosines has become Ubiquitous for both the analytic and numerical solution of differential equations and for the analysis and treatment of communication signals 函数的傅里叶表示,即将函数表示成正弦和余弦信号的叠加,这种方法已经广泛用于微分方程的解析法和数值法求解过程以及通信信号的分析和处理。


If f (t ) is a nonperiodic signal, the summation of the periodic functions ,such as sine and cosine, does not accurately represent the signal. You couldartificially extend thesignal to make it periodicbut it would requireadditional continuity at the endpoints . 如果f(t)是非周期信号,那么用周期函数例如正弦和余弦的和,并不能精确的表示该信号f(t).你可以人为的拓展这个信号使其具有周期性,但是这要求在端点处附加连续性4。



信息通信专业英语词汇及常用英语口语以下是一些信息通信专业的英语词汇和一些常用的英语口语表达,供参考:信息通信专业英语词汇:munication Networks:•Wired Network: 有线网络•Wireless Network: 无线网络•LAN (Local Area Network): 局域网•WAN (Wide Area Network): 广域网2.Telecommunications:•Telecommunication Systems: 电信系统•Fiber Optic Communication: 光纤通信•Satellite Communication: 卫星通信3.Data Transmission:•Data Rate: 数据传输速率•Bandwidth: 带宽•Modulation: 调制•Demodulation: 解调4.Internet Technologies:•Internet Protocol (IP): 互联网协议•TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol): 传输控制协议/互联网协议•URL (Uniform Resource Locator): 统一资源定位符5.Wireless Communication:•Mobile Communication: 移动通信•5G Technology: 5G 技术•Bluetooth: 蓝牙•Wi-Fi: 无线网络6.Security:•Cybersecurity: 网络安全•Encryption: 加密•Firewall: 防火墙•Authentication: 身份验证7.Hardware and Software:•Router: 路由器•Switch: 交换机•Protocol: 协议•Application Software: 应用软件8.VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol):•VoIP Call: 互联网电话•SIP (Session Initiation Protocol): 会话初始协议常用英语口语表达:1.Greetings:•"Hello! How are you doing?"•"Good morning/afternoon/evening."2.Making Requests:•"Could you please explain that in more detail?"•"Would you mind providing some more information?"3.Giving Opinions:•"In my opinion,..."•"From my perspective,..."4.Describing Technology:•"This device operates on the latest technology."•"The software is user-friendly and intuitive."5.Problem-Solving:•"Let's troubleshoot the issue together."•"We need to identify the root cause of the problem."6.Meetings and Presentations:•"I'd like to present the key findings of our project."•"Are there any questions or concerns?"7.Expressing Agreement/Disagreement:•"I completely agree with your point."•"I see what you're saying, but I have a different perspective."8.Closing a Conversation:•"It was great talking to you."•"Let's keep in touch. Have a great day!"这些词汇和表达方式应该能够涵盖信息通信专业中的许多常见主题和情境。



bluetooth:蓝牙技术(无线耳机接听)Wi-Fi:wireless Fidelity 无线保真(即“小灵通”所采用的技术)Hi-Fi: High Fidelity 高保真3-G:Generation Three 第三代PHS:Personal Handyphone System 个人手提移动电话系统Walkie-Talkie:步话机Gotone:全球通------这个应该太熟悉不过了吧GPS:Global Positioning System 全球定位系统Monternet:Mobile+Internet 移动梦网---我们这儿有,不知道大家那有没有,我还有梦网邮箱GPRS:General Packet Radio Service 通用分组无线业务--这个很重要哦,要掌握SMS:Short Message Service 短信服务---------最最流行的serviceMMS:Multi-media Messaging Service 多媒体信息服务SIM卡:Subscriber Identity Module 客户身份识别卡-------现在知道SIM的全称是什么了吧,GSM:Global System For Mobile Communications 全球移动通信系统WAP:Wireless Application Protocol 无线应用协议(即使手机具有上网功能)PAS:Personal Access System 个人接入系统(如“小灵通”)CDMA:Code Division Multiple Access 码多分址-------超级重点哦pre-paid Phone Card:储值卡Roaming:漫游Voice Prompt:语音提示WLANs:Wireless Local Area Networks 无线局域网DV:Digital Video 数码摄像机3-D:Three-Dimension 三维LCD:Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示。





中止变压器41的拇指检查,参见42毫安表43万用表44.dynamometer测力计,功率计45.铝46.deteriorate使….恶化47.eddycurrent涡流48.齿轮,变速箱49表盘50.semiconductor半导体51.squirrel鼠笼式52.diode二极管53.thyristor晶闸管54.晶体管电子晶体管55双向晶闸管56相(控制)57硅58晶体59晶片60.anode阳极,正极61.cathode阴极62.collector集电极]63.emitter发射极64.示意图符号65泄漏电流73.squeeze压榨,挤,挤榨74.light-dimmer调光75.capability容量76.77冰球78鳍闪光79.active有源的80.horsepower马力81.diameter直径87.扭矩,扭矩88.5外壳89.ventilation通风,流通空气90.sealed-off封的91.热能92.substantially主要地,实质上地93.aptly适当地,适宜地94.demystify阐明95.间接提及,直接提及96停止,结束97线电压98纹波99.redundant多余的100.单独励磁地101同步电机102电路,线路103成本效益成本104电容器105正常106.trade-off权衡,折衷107.criteria标准,判据108.模拟电子109饱和110.activeregion动态区域111.due应得到的112.ratio比,比率113.signify表示114.encode编码115.resonance共鸣116.radiated传播117.molecule分子118.diaphragm震动膜119.acousticwave声波120.波形槽波状槽121偏转122应变计应变计123转速表124热电偶125示波器126分析127 128。



电信知识的英文介绍及翻译有关电信知识的英文介绍及翻译Telecommunication refers to communication over long distances. In practice, something of the message may be lost in the process. Telecommunication covers all forms of distance and/or conversion of the original communications, including radio, telegraphy, television, telephony, data communication and computer networking.The elements of a telecommunication system are a transmitter, a medium (line) and possibly a channel imposed upon the medium (see baseband and broadband as well as multiplexing), and a receiver. The transmitter is a device that transforms or encodes the message into a physical phenomenon; the signal. The transmission medium, by its physical nature, is likely to modify or degrade the signal on its path from the transmitter to the receiver. The receiver has a decoding mechanism capable of recovering the message within certain limits of signal degradation. Sometimes, the final receiver is the human eye and/or ear (or in some extreme cases other sensory organs) and the recovery of the message is done by the brain (see psychoacoustics.)Telecommunication can be point-to-point, point-to-multipoint or broadcasting, which is a particular form of point-to-multipoint that goes only from the transmitter to the receivers.One of the roles of the telecommunications engineer is to analyse the physical properties of the line or transmission medium, and the statistical properties of the message in order to design the most effective encoding and decoding mechanisms.When systems are designed to communicate through humansensory organs (mainly those for vision and hearing), physiological and psychological characteristics of human perception must be taken into account. This has important economic implications and engineers must research what defects can be tolerated in the signal and not significantly degrade the viewing or hearing experience.Examples of human (tele)communications:In a simplistic example, consider a normal conversation between two people. The message is the sentence that the speaker decides to communicate to the listener. The transmitter is the language areas in the brain, the motor cortex, the vocal cords, the larynx, and the mouth that produce those sounds called speech. The signal is the sound waves (pressure fluctuations in air particles) that can be identified as speech. The channel is the air carrying those sound waves, and all the acoustic properties of the surrounding space: echoes, ambient noise, reverberation. Between the speaker and the listener, there might be other devices that do or do not introduce their own distortions of the original vocal signal (for example a telephone, a HAM radio, an IP phone, etc.) The receiver is the listener's ear and auditory system, the auditory nerve, and the language areas in the listener's brain that will decode the signal into information and filter out background noise.All channels have. Another important aspect of the channel is called the bandwidth. A low bandwidth channel, such as a telephone, cannot carry all of the audio information that is transmitted in normal conversation, causing distortion and irregularities in the speaker's voice, as compared to normal, in-person speech.电信指利用电子技术在不同的地点之间传递信息。

电信英语参考材料(English Conversations)

电信英语参考材料(English  Conversations)
7. Customer: Could you check the status of my circuit?
CSR: No problem, could you offer me your device number? I’ll check it for you first.
18. Customer: Thanks for your considerate service.
CSR: It’s my pleasure.
19. Customer: Could you tell me the reason why there is penalty in my bill?
16. Customer: How to recharge my internet?
CSR: I suggest you buy 11888 China Telecom recharging card in some convenience store.
14. Customer: When did your company begin to undertake the CDMA mobile phone business?
C to carry on the CDMA mobile phone business on the first of October 2008.




英文:Sorry! The number you dialed does not exist, please check it and dial later.2、被叫用户关机:中文:您好!您所拨打的电话已关机。

英文:Sorry! The subscriber you dialed is power off.3、被叫不在服务区:中文:对不起!您拨打的用户暂时无法接通,请稍后再拨。

英文:Sorry!The subscriber you dialed can not be connected for the moment, pleas e redial later.4、主叫欠费停机/单向停机中文:对不起!您的电话已欠费,请您续交话费,谢谢!英文:Sorry, your telephone charge is overdue, please renew it, thank you!5、用户申请临时停机/其他原因暂时停机:中文:对不起!您的电话已停机。


英文:Sorry! Your telephone service is suspended, for more information, please dial “1860”.6、被叫停机:中文:对不起!您拨打的电话已停机。

英文:Sorry! The number you dialed is out of service.7、被叫忙:(1)被叫用户登记了呼叫等待功能中文:您好!请不要挂机,您拨打的电话正在通话中。

英文:Sorry! Please hold on,the subscriber you dialed is busy now,.(2)被叫用户未登记呼叫等待功能中文:您好!您拨打的电话正在通话中,请稍后再拨。

英文:Sorry! The subscriber you dialed is busy now, please redial later.8、中继忙/网络忙:中文:对不起!您拨打的用户暂时无法接通,请稍后再拨。





1).digital adj.数字的It is convenient to use a digital camera数码相机用起来很方便。

2).sensor n.传感器This kind of remote sensor is widely used in the marine science and technology field这种传感器在海洋科技领域应用得非常广泛。

3).monitor n.监控器It is illegal to install a monitor in other's house without permission.未经允许在别人家安装监控器是违法的。

4).telephone n.电话,电话机Today even in the remote places, the telephone are widely used如今,即使在偏远的`地方,电话也被广泛地使用。

5).telephony n.电话通讯He is the first man to use a wireless telephony in this village 他是这个村里最早使用无线电话的人。

6).acoustic adj.声音的,听觉的I will buy my grandpa acoustic aids on Sunday周末我要去给爷爷买助听器。

7).teleprinter n.电传打字机The company introduces several more teleprinters to improve the work efficiency公司又引进了几台电传打印机以提高工作效率。

8).call v.(给……)打电话l will call you later一会儿我给你打电话。



英语通讯词汇整合英语通讯词汇整合AAccess Point 进接器Add Drop Multiplexer 塞取多工机ADM 塞取多工机Answering Machine 答录机Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 非对称式数字用户回路ADSL 非对称式数字用户回路Asynchronous Transfer Mode 非同步传输模式ATM Access/Edge Switch ATM边端接取交换器ATM Switch 非同步传输模式交换机BBoundary Router/Gateway 路由器/闸道器Bridge 桥接器Bulletin Board System(BBS) 电子公告栏CCaller Diverting 来电转接Caller ID 来话方显示Cellular Phones 移动电话Channel Bank(CB) 通道汇流排Code Division Multiple Access(CDMA) 分码多重进接Cordless Phone 无线电话CT-2 第二代无线电话DDAB Receiver 数字音讯广播接收器DACS 数字交错连结系统Data Processing 资料处理DBS Receiver 直播卫星接收器Digital Audio Broadcasting 数字音讯广播接收器DAML 数字用户线路倍增器Digital-Advanced Mobile Phone System(D-AMPS) 北美数字式进阶移动电话系统Digital Cordless Phones 数字无线电话Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications(DECT) 先进数字式无线通讯系统Digital Loop Carrier 数字用户线路倍增器DLC 数字用户回路载波机Digital Switch 数字交换机Direct Broadcasting Satellite 直播卫星EEFR 增强全速率编码Electronic Data Interchange Service(EDI) 电子文件交换业务Electronic Mail(E - Mail) 电子邮件FFacsimile 传真机FAX 传真机Fixed Dialling 固定号码拨号Fiber Distributed Data Interface(FDDI) 分散式数据光纤介面网路Fiber Optical Cable/Copper Cable 光纤电缆/铜线电缆Fixed Networks Services 固定网路通讯服务Fixed Satellite Communications 固定卫星通讯Frame Relay 讯框传送GGlobal Positioning System(GPS) 卫星定位系统Global System for Mobile Communications(GSM) 泛欧数字式移动通讯系统HHFC Transport System 混合式光纤/同轴电缆传输系统High-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line(HDSL) 高速数字用户回路Hub 集线器Hybrid Fiber/Coaxial 混合式光纤/同轴电缆IIntegrated Service Digital Network 整体服务数字网路International Telephone 国际电话Internet 网际网路Internet Access Server/Router 网际网路伺服器/路由器International Mobile Equipment Identity(IMEI) 国际移动电话设备识别码Internet Service Provider(ISP) 网际网路服务公司Internetworking Equipment 网际网路设备IP Switch 网际网路交换器ISDN CPE ISDN用户终端设备KKey Telephone System(KTS) 按键电话系统LLocal Area Network(LAN) 区域网路Local Area Network Cards 区域网路卡Local Telephone 市内电话Long Distance Telephone 长途电话MMicrowave Transport Equipment 微波传输设备Mobile Data 移动数据Mobile Networks Services 移动网路通讯服务Mobile Phones 移动电话Mobile Satellite Communications 移动卫星通讯Mobile Switch 移动交换机Modem 数据机Multiplexer(MUX) 多工器PPacket Switching 分封交换Pager 呼叫器PIN 个人识别号码Pair GainPCS Phone 个人通讯话机Personal Access Communications System(PACS) 个人进接通讯系统Personal Communication Service(PCS) 个人随身通讯服务Personal Digital Assistant(PDA) 个人数字助理Personal Handy Phone System(PHS) 日本数字式无线电话系统Subscriber Indentity Module(SIM) 用户身份模组Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy(PDH) 准同步数字架构Private Branch Exchange(PBX) 企业用户专用交换机RRadio Handsets 无线电对讲手机Radio Paging Service 无线电叫人服务Remote Transaction 远端交易SSIM tools KIT(STK) 用户识别应用发展工具SMS 短消息(手机短讯)Satellite Services 卫星通讯服务Second Generation Cordless Phone 第二代无线电话Switch 交换设备Synchronous Digital Hierarchy(SDH) 同步数字架构SMDS 同步光纤网路Synchronous Optical Network 同步光纤网路TT1/E1 Converter T1/E1转换器Telephone Sets 电话机Time Division Multiple Access(TDMA) 分时多重进接Trunked Radio 中继式无线电话机Trunked Radio 中继式无线电UUp-Link Services 卫星上链服务VVery Small Aperture Terminal(VSAT) 小型卫星地面站Video Conference System 视讯會议系统Video Conferencing 视讯會议Video Phone 视讯电话Voice Mail 语音邮件WWireless Application Protocol(WAP)无线应用软件协定Walkie – Talkie (CB) 无线电对讲机Wireless LAN 无线区域网路Wireless Local Loop(WLL) 无线用户回路。



中国移动通信有限责任公司China Mobile Communication Co.Ltd.大客户服务热线: customer service hotline / VIP service hotline 服务厅 Business Hall查话费 Call charges inquiry手机型号 Mobile phone model机主姓名 Phone owner’s name经办人 Handler业务受理 Service acceptance话费 Call charges交清话费 Charges paid up凭服务密码 By service password永久性保证金 Permanent cash deposit国内长途 Domestic toll call国际长途 International toll call国际漫游 International roaming服务密码 Service password移动通信世界 Mobile communication world申请 Application报停 Application for suspension报失 Loss reporting补卡 Card reissue销户 Number cancellation预约销户 Reserved number cancellation正式销户 Official number cancellation主叫显示 Caller display呼叫前转 Call forwarding呼叫限制 Call restriction呼叫等待 Call waiting留言信箱 Message mailbox秘书服务 Secretary service理财通 Licaitong手机银行 Mobile phone bank移动股市 Mobile stock market信息点播新业务 Information on demand无线 POS Wireless POS全球通GPS Global tone GPS全球定位系统 Global Position System防盗 Burglary-resistant免费频道 Free channel移动OICQ Mobile OICQ信息定制 Information customization移动IP Mobile IP神州行 Shenzhouxing17951 IP业务 17951 IP service主叫数据传真 Caller data fax客户服务 Customer service入网费 Network access fee月租费 Monthly rent全球通 GoTonePHS Personal Handy-phone System 低功率移动电话系统蓝芽(BlueTeeth)GSM全名为:Global System for Mobile Communications,全球移动通讯系统CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) 分码多任务访问WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) 无线应用通信标准协议来电显示in-coming phone number indication梦网服务Monternet servicesub-post office 邮政支局(美作:branch post office)poste restante 留局待取(美作:General Delivery)cash on deliver 货到付款pigeonholes 信函分拣台格架sorting table 分拣台mail sorter 信件分类装置sorting office 信件分拣室letter box 信箱(美作:mailbox)letter-scales 信件磅mailbag 邮袋postman 邮递员(美作:mailman)air mail, airmail 航空邮件(by) air mail 航空邮寄parcel 邮包diplomatic pouch, diplomatic bag 外交邮袋express delivery letter, special delivery letter 快递信件registered letter 挂号信covering letter 附信to register 挂号to post a letter 寄信delivery 递送to deal with the mail 发信collection 收信correspondence 通信exchange of letters 书信往来acknowledgement of receipt 回执by return of post 立即回信writing paper 信纸addressee 收信人consignee (包裹)收件人payee (汇单)收款人sender 发信人postal district 邮区local 本埠letterhead 印在专用印笺上头的单位名称、地址等heading 台头date 日期date stamp (加盖的)日期邮戳postscript 附笔,又及(P.S)please forward 请转发postcard 明信片circular (letter)通知printed matter 印刷品money order, postal order 汇票,汇单telegraphic money order 电汇汇单stamp 邮?BR>postmark 邮戳franking, stamping 邮资postage paid 邮资已付exemption from postal charges 邮资总付extra postage 附加邮资telegraph, telegraphy, telegram, wire 电报telegraph office 电报局Morse code 摩尔斯电码dot 点dash 线wireless telegraphy 无线电报telegraphic address 电报挂号receiver 收报人telegraph key 发报电键teleprinter, teletype, teletypewriter 电传打字机to telegraph, to wire 打电报to send a telegram 发电报to cable, to send a cable 发海底电报to radiotelegraph, to wireless 打无线电报radiotelegraphy, wireless 无线电报coded telegram, telegram in code 密码电报telex 用户电报cable, cablegram 海底电报telegrapher, telegraph operator, telegraphist 电报员wireless operator 无线电报员reply paid 复电费已付satellite communications 卫星通信telephone exchange 电话局telephone, phone 电话,电话机manual telephone 人工电话automatic telephone 自动电话interphone 内部电话,对讲机combined set 手机receiver, earpiece 听筒hook 听筒挂叉dial 号码盘hammer 槌switch 开关,断路器plug 销counter, meter 计数器circuit 电路frequency 音频connection, connexion 连接disconnection, discon-nexion 断开selector 选择器switchboard 交换台telephone network 电话网extension 分机line 电话线cable 电缆telephone operator, operator 话务员token 代金牌,代币telephone box, telephone kiosk 电话亭(美作:telephone booth)telephone subscriber 电话用户telephone call, ring 打电话long-distance call, trunk call 长途电话local call 市内电话reverse-charge call 受话人付款的电话(美作:collect telephone call)telephoned telegram 电话电报directory inquiries 地址簿telephone directory, telephone book 电话号簿to dial a number 拨号area code, code number 地区代码ring 电话铃响dialling tone 拨号音engaged tone 占线音it's engaged 占线to telephone, to call (up), to ring up 通话,给……打电话to lift the telephone, to pick up the telephone 接电话hello 喂yor're through 请讲话speaking 我是could you put me through to... 我想找……who is speaking? 您是哪位?(问打电话者或问接电话者)Mr.Perez speaking 我是佩雷斯who is calling? 您是哪位?(接电话者问打电话者)please hold on 请别挂上。



场景转换:var screenbutton: boolean;function Start(){DontDestroyOnLoad(this);screenbutton = true;}function Update () {if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)){screenbutton = true;}}function OnGUI(){if(screenbutton==true)if(GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width/2-380,Screen.height/2-190,60,50),"Scene1")){ print("You click Scene1");Application.LoadLevel (1);screenbutton = false;}else if(GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width/2-380,Screen.height/2-130,60,50),"Scene2")){ print("You click Scene2");Application.LoadLevel (2);screenbutton = false;}else if( GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width/2-375,Screen.height/2-0,50,50),"Quit")){ print("You click Quit");Application.Quit();}}心得:场景转换时,这个程序贴在按钮界面场景中。

在Build Setting(导出)(在File下)菜单中加入所需场景。



}else if(GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width/2-380,Screen.height/2-130,60,50),"Scene2")){ print("You click Scene2");Application.LoadLevel (2);screenbutton = false;复制此段程序并做修改。



tegular ⽡状的 tegument 外表 tegumentary 外⽪的 tehee 嗤笑 Teheran 德⿊兰 tekecommunications 远程通信 tekephone dialers 电话拨号软件 tel. 电报 telamon 男像柱 telautogram 电报传真 telautograph 电报传真机 telautography 电报传真术 tele 电视 telecamera 电视摄影机 telecast 电视⼴播 telecentre 远程计算中⼼ telecine 电视电影 telecom 电信 telecommunication office 电信局 telecommunication 电讯 telecommuting 远程交换 teleconference 电⼦会议 telecontrol 遥控 telecopier 电传复印机 telecourse 电视课程 telectroscope 电传照相机 teledata 远程数据 teledu 獾类 telefilm 电视影⽚ telegenic 电视⼴播 telegony 先⽗遗传 telegraph board 揭⽰板 telegraph editor 外电新闻编辑 telegraph line 电报线路 telegraph plant 舞草 telegraph pole 电线杆 telegraph receiver 收报机 telegraph transmitter 发报机 telegraph 电报机 telegrapher 报务员 telegraphese 电报⽂体 telegraphic 电报的 telegraphist 报务员 telegraphone 录⾳电话机 telegraphy 电信 telekinesis ⼼灵促动 telelecture 电话授课 telemark 屈膝旋转法 telemarketing 电话销售 telematic 信息通讯 telemechanics 远距离操作 telemetric 遥感勘测的 telemetry 遥感勘测 telemotor N.操舵装置 telenet 远程 teleological ⽬的论的 teleologist ⽬的论者 teleology ⽬的论 teleordering 远程订购 teleostean 硬⾻鱼类 telepak 电话线租⽤群 telepathic ⼼灵感应术的 telepathically 传⼼术地 telepathist ⼼灵感应术者 telepathy ⼼灵感应 telephone answering machine 电话答录机 telephone in 打电话进来 telephone off 打电话出外 telephone office 电信局 telephone receiver 听筒 telephone set 电话机 telephone tapping 窃听电话 telephone transmitter 送话器 telephone 电话 telephonic 电的 telephonist 接线⽣ telephony 电话技术 telephoto 电传照像 telephotograph 电传照相 telephotographic 远距离照相术的 telephotography 远距离照相术 teleplay 电视剧 teleportation 电⼦传输 Teleprompter 讲词提⽰装置 teleputer 电视电脑 teleran 雷达航空术 telerecording 电视影⽚ telereference 远程查询 telergy ⼼灵感应⼒ telescope 望远镜 telescopic 远视的 telescopical 望远镜的 telescopically 望远镜地 telescopist ⽤望远镜者 telescopy 望远镜⽤法 telescript 电视⼴播稿 teleseme 传呼装置 telesis 进步 telestereoscope ⽴体望远镜 telesthesia 精神感应 teletext 电传⽂本 teletype 电传打字机 teletypesetter 电报排字机 teletypist 传真 teleview 看电视 televiewer 收视者 televise ⼴播 television camera 电视摄像机 television network 电视⼴播公司 television station 电视台 television 电视 televisionwise 在电视⽅⾯ televisor 电视播放机 televox 声控机器⼈ telex 电报 telfer 电动⾼架索道 tell .about 叙述 tell a from b 区分A与B tell a lie 说谎 tell a story 说谎 tell against 不利某⼈ tell apart 分辨 tell from 区别 tell it like it is 实事求是地说 tell its own story 不⾔⽽喻 tell its own tale 不⾔⽽喻 tell noses 数⼈数 tell of 讲述 tell off 分派出 tell on 告发 tell tales 揭⼈隐私 tell the truth 说实话 tell the world 郑重声明 tell time 报时 teller 银⾏出纳员 tellership 出纳职务 telling 有效的 telltale 搬弄是⾮者 tellurian 地球⽣物 telluric 地球的 telluride 碲化物 tellurion 地球仪 tellurium 碲 telly 电视 telnet program telnet程序 TELNET protocol telnet协议 telnet 远程登录 telophase 末期 telotype 打字电报 telpher 索道 telpherage 索道 Telstar 通讯卫星 teltex 智能⽤户电报 temblor 地震 temerarious 不顾⼀切的 temerity 卤莽 temp 临时 temper justice with mercy 宽严并举 temper the wind to the shorn lamb 温和地对待弱者 temper 韧度 tempera 蛋彩画 temperable 可回⽕的 temperament ⽓质 temperamental ⽓质的 temperamentally ⽓质地 temperance 温暖的 temperate zone 温带 temperature selector 温度选择器 temperature 温度 tempered 调节的 tempermament ⽓质 tempest 暴风⾬ tempest-tossed 连遭打击的 tempest-tost 多次打击 tempestuous *的 tempestuously 剧烈地 tempestuousness 剧烈 tempi 拍⼦ Templar 圣堂武⼠ template macros 模板宏 template 模板 temple 庙 templet 模板 tempo 拍⼦ temporal bone 颞⾻ temporal 时间的 temporality 此时 temporarily 暂时 temporariness 暂时 temporary 暂时的 temporization 因循 temporize with 妥协 temporize 见风驶舵 temporizer 骑墙主义者 tempt fate 冒险 tempt fortune 冒险 tempt 诱惑 temptable 可诱惑的 temptation 诱惑 temptress 妓⼥ tempus fugit 光阴似箭 Ten commandments ⼗诫 ten to one 很可能 ten ⼗ ten-cent store ⼩杂货店 ten-cent 便宜的 ten-gallon hat 宽边⾼呢帽 ten-minute man 个⼈奋⽃者 ten-pounder ⼗磅重物 ten-spot ⼗元美钞 ten-strike ⼤成功 ten-twenty-thirty 闹剧表演 tenability 可防守 tenable 可守的 tenacious 固执的 tenacity 固执 tenaculum 挟钩 tenancy 租⽤ tenant right 承租⼈权利 tenant 承租⼈ tenantable 可租借的 tenantless ⽆⼈租赁的 tenantry 承租⼈ tench 鲤鱼 tend on 招待 tend shop 招待顾客 tend to 注意 tend towards 趋向 tend 趋向 tendance 照顾 tendencious ⽴场倾向的 tendentious novel 倾向性⼩说 tendentious 有倾向的 tender for 投标 tender 嫩的 tender-minded 空想的 tenderee 招标⼈ tenderer 投标⼈ tenderfeet 童⼦军 tenderfoot 新⼿ tenderhearted ⼼肠软的 tenderize 变嫩 tenderloin 腰部嫩⾁ tenderly 温和地 tenderness 嫩 tenderometer 成熟测度计 tendinous 腱的 tendon 腱 tendril 卷须 tenebrous ⿊暗的 tenement house 经济公寓住宅 tenement 住户 tenemental 出租的 tenet 原则 tenfold ⼗倍的 tenia 头带 tenner ⼗磅纸币 Tennessean ⽥纳西州⼈ Tennessee ⽥纳西州 tennis ball 球 tennis court 球场 tennis elbow 肘部发炎 tennis 球运动 tenno 天皇 tenon 榫 tenor 男⾼⾳的 tenorist 男⾼⾳歌⼿ tenorrhaphy 腱缝术 tenotomy 割腱术 tenpence ⼗便⼠ tenpenny ⼗便⼠的 tenpin bowling 保龄球 tenrec 马岛猬 tens digit ⼗位数 tens place ⼗位 tense up 紧张 tense 紧张的 tensely 紧张地 tenseness 紧张 tensibility 伸长性 tensible 能拉长的 tensile elasticity 伸长弹性 tensile force 张⼒ tensile strength 抗拉强度 tensile stress 张应⼒ tensile 可拉长的 tensility 张⼒ tensimeter ⽓体压⼒计 tensiometer 张⼒计 tension 拉紧 tensional 紧张的 tensity 紧张 tensive 张⼒的 tensor 张肌 tent bed ⾏军床 tent fly 门帘 tent peg 帐蓬桩 tent pin 帐篷桩 tent pole 帐篷⽀柱 tentacle 触须 tentacular 有触⼿的 tentative 试验 tentatively 试验性地 tented 放进帐篷的 tenter 张布钩 tenterhook 张布钩 tenth 第⼗ tenth-rate 最劣等的 tenthly 在第⼗ tentmaker 造帐蓬者 tenuis 清爆破⾳ tenuity 薄 tenuous 纤细的 tenure 保有条件 tenuto 持续的 tepee 圆锥帐篷 tepefaction 微热 tepefy 微热 tepid 温热的 tepidity 微热 tequila 蒸馏酒 terai 毡帽 teraph 神像 teratogenesis 畸形⽣长 teratogenic 产⽣畸形的 teratogeny 畸形⽣长 teratologist 研究畸形学学者 teratology 畸形学 terbium 铽 tercel 雄鹰 tercentenary 周年庆祝 tercet 三拍⼦ terebene 松节油精 teredo 蛀船⾍ tergal 背的 tergiversate 推托 tergiversation 推脱 tergum 背甲 term day ⽀付⽇ term insurance 定期保险 term of reference 职权范围 term of service 服务条款 term of trade 进出⼝交换⽐率 term paper 学期报告 term policy 定期保险单 term 学期 termagancy 暴躁 termagant 泼妇 termer 服刑者 terminability 有期限 terminable 可终⽌的 terminableness 可终⽌ terminal adapter 终端适配器 terminal emulation 终端仿真 terminal files 终端仿真⽂件 terminal font 终端字体 terminal leave 退役前的最后假期 terminal market 集散市场 terminal modes 终端⽅式 terminal preferences 终端参数选择 Terminal Server 终端服务器 terminal 终点站 terminally 末尾 terminate 终⽌ terminate-and-stay-resident program 终⽌并驻留程序 terminative 终结的 terminator 结束符 termini ⽬的地 terminism 唯名论 terminological 术语学的 terminology 术语学 terminus 界标 termitarium ⽩蚁窝 termitary ⽩蚁窝 termite ⽩蚁 termitic ⽩蚁的 termless ⽆条件的 termly 定期的 termor 定期租户 tern 燕鸥 ternary operator 三元算⼦ ternary 三重的 ternate 三个的 terne 镀铅锡铁板 terneplate 镀铅锡铁板 terpene 萜 Terpsichore 歌舞⼥神 terpsichorean 舞蹈家 terra cotta ⾚⼟陶器的 terra 地 terra-cotta 陶⽡ terrace 平地 terracotta 陶⽡ terrain 地域 terramycin ⼟霉素 terrane 岩层 terraneous 陆⽣的 terrarium 玻璃容器 terrella 太空舱 terrene ⼟质的 terrestrial globe 地球 terrestrial 陆地 terret 缰绳环 terrible 可怕的 terribly 可怕地 terricolous 陆⽣的 terrier 国防⾃卫队 terrific ⾮常的 terrifically ⾮常地 terrified 恐惧的 terrify 恐吓 terrine 陶制盖碗 territorial army 英国地⽅⾃卫队 territorial 领⼟的 territorialism 地⽅主义 territory 领⼟ terror 恐怖 terror-stricken 恐怖的 terror-struck 吓坏的 terrorism 恐怖主义 terrorist 恐怖分⼦ terroristic 恐怖主义的 terrorization 恐怖⼿段抑制 terrorize 恐吓 terry cloth 绒穗品 terry 厚绒布 terse 简洁的 tersely 简洁地 terseness 简洁 tertian 每三⽇复发的 tervalent 三价的 terylene 涤纶 tessellate 镶嵌⽅格的 tessellated 棋盘格的 tessellation 棋盘形布置 tessera 镶嵌物 tesserae ⼊场券 tessitura 声域 test ban 禁⽌核试验协定 test case 测试实例 test for .进⾏测验 test glass 试杯 test meal 试验餐 test out 考验 test paper 试纸 test pattern 测试图 test pilot 试飞员 test plate 检光板 test stand ⽕箭试验⽀架 test track 试车跑道 test tube rack 试管架 test tube 试管 test type 视⼒检查表 test well 探勘井 test 测试 test-bed 试验台 test-drive 试车 test-fire 试射 test-fly 试飞 test-market 试销 test-tube ⼈⼯受精 testa 外种⽪ testability 可测试性 testacy 留有遗嘱 testament 遗嘱 testamentary 遗嘱的 testamur 考试及格证 testate 留有遗嘱 testator 遗嘱⼈ testatrix ⼥遗嘱⼈ testee 被试者 tester 考试者 testicle 睾丸 testifier 证⼈ testify 证明 testily 暴躁地 testimonial 证明书 testimony ⼝供 testiness 易怒 testing 测试 testis 睾丸 testitis 睾丸炎 testosterone 睾酮 testudinate 龟甲状的 testudo 龟甲形⼤盾 testy 易怒的 tetanic spasm 肌⾁强直性痉挛 tetanic 破伤风的 tetanical 药剂 tetanize 强直 tetanus 破伤风 tetany ⼿⾜抽搐 tetchy 易怒的 tete-a-tete 两⼈私下的 tether 范围 tetherball 绳球。

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RI Radio – Inertial guidance system 无线电惯性制导系统RI Radio Influence 无线电感应,射频感应RI Radio Interface 无线通信接口RI Radio Interference 无线电干扰RI Radnet Inc. “快网”公司(美国,出品网络群件)RI Record Identifier 记录标识符RI Reference Indicator 基准指示器RI Related Information 相关信息RI Repeat Indication 重复指示RI Response Identifier 应答标识符RI Ring Indicator 振铃指示器RI Rockwell International 罗克威尔国际公司(跨国公司)RI Routing Indicator 路由选择指示器RI Routing Information 路由选择信息.ri Lotus 1-2-3的数据文件格式〖后缀〗RIAA Recording Industry Association of America 美国录音产业协会.rib 3DReality的Renderman图形文件格式〖后缀〗RIC Rare – earth Information Center 稀土金属情报中心(美国原子能委员会开办)RIC Read – In Counter 读入计数器RIC Record Identification Code 记录识别码RIC Remote – Intelligent – Communications 远程智能通信.ric Ricoh的传真文件格式〖后缀〗RICC Reset Interrupt Clock Controller 重新设置中断时钟控制器richsurf 四通〖中文搜索引擎〗RID Radio Intelligence Division 无线电情报部门RID Relation Identify 关系识别RID Relative Identifier 相关标识符rid resource identifier 资源标识符RID Routing Identifier 路由选择用户标识符RIE Radio Interference Elimination 无线电干扰消除法RIF Radar Identification Set 雷达识别装置RIF Reliability Improvement Factor 可靠性改进因素RIF Remote InterFace 远地接口RIF (Renderman Interface Bytestream Protocol) 描图员接口字节流协议〖文件格式〗RIF Routing Information Field 路由选择信息域RIF Route Information Field 路由信息域.rif Riff的位图图形文件格式〖后缀〗RIFF Resource Interchange File Format 资源互换文件格式,RIFF文件格式(微软的,用于存储多媒体文件)RIG Radio Inertial Guidance 无线电惯性制导RIG Reuse library Interoperation Group 再使用库配合动作组Righteous “正义”系列显卡(生产商:Orchid)RIGS Radio Inertial Guidance System 无线电惯性引导系统RII Routing Information Indicator 路由选择信息指示器RIL Radio Interference Level 射频干扰电平RIM Remote Installation and Maintenance 远程安装与维护(微软的)RIM Request Initialization Mode 请求初始化方式RIM Reset Interrupt Mask 重置中断屏蔽,重置中断掩码RIM Resource Interface Module 资源接口模块RIN Relative Intensity Noise 相对强烈噪音RINT Radio INTelligence 无线电情报RIOT Real – time Input – Output Transducer 实时输入输出传感器RIOT Retrieval of Information via On – line Terminal 联机终端信息检索系统(英国原子能委员会研制)RIP Raster Image Processor 光栅图像处理机RIP Rest in Proportion 均衡静止RIP Ring Index Pointer 环索引指示符RIP Router Information Protocol 路由器信息协议〖因特网〗RIP Routing Information Process 路由选择信息处理〖因特网〗RIP Routing Information Protocol 路由选择信息协议〖因特网〗.rip Remote Access的图形文件格式〖后缀〗RIPS Radar Impact Prediction System 弹着点雷达预测系统RIR ROM Instruction Register 只读存储器指令寄存器RIS Recovery Information Set 恢复信息组RIS Reduction Instruction System 精简指令系统RIS Remote Instruction System 远程教学系统RIS Retail Information System 零售信息系统RISC Reduction Instruction Set Chip 精简指令集芯片RISC Reduced(-tion) Instruction Set Computer 精简指令集计算机,精简指令系统计算机RISC Reduced Instructions Set Code 精简指令集编码RISC Remote Information Systems Center 远程信息系统中心(美国全国医学图书馆使用)Rise 瑞思电子(台湾,出品处理器)〖厂标〗RIT Rate of Information Throughput 信息周转率,信息吞吐率RIT Rate of Information Transmission 信息传输速率RIT Receiver Incremental Tuning 接收机增量调谐RITE Rapid Information Technique for Evaluation 鉴定用快速信息处理技术(通用动力公司的)RITL Radio In The Loop 回路无线通信RITS Remote Input Terminal System 远程输入终端系统Riva TNT 3D加速芯片(生产厂商:nVIDIA)RIV AL Rapid Insurance V aluation Language 保险费快速评估语言RIX Route Index 路由变址.rix ColorRIX VGA Paint的位图图形文件格式〖后缀〗RIXT Remote Information eXchange Terminal 远程信息交换终端RJE Remote Job Entry 远程作业登录项〖因特网〗RJEP Remote Job Entry Protocol 远程作业登录协议RJP Remote Job Processing 远程作业处理RK The Ruins of Kunark 《库拉克的毁灭》〖游戏名〗RKE Remote – Keyless – Entry 远程无密钥登录RL real life 真实生活〖网语〗RL Reference Library 基准库(万维网的)RL Reference List 引用列表RL Relay Logic 继电器逻辑(电路)RL Remote Login 远程登录〖因特网〗RL Return Loss 回程损失RL Row Limit 行限制RL terrestrial Radio Location 陆地无线电定位.rl4 位图图形文件格式〖后缀〗.rl8 位图图形文件格式〖后缀〗RLA Remote Line Adapter 远程线路适配器.rla SDSC Image Tool的波前光栅图像文件格式〖后缀〗.rlb Harvard Graphics Win的数据文件格式〖后缀〗RLC Remote Line Concentrator 远程线路集中器RLC Run Length Coding 运行长度译码.rlc 图形每像素1比特扫描仪输出文件格式〖后缀〗RLD Relocation and Link Directory 重定位与连接目录RLD ReLocation Dictionary 重新配位表,重定位字典RLE Run Length Encoding 运行长度编码,行程长度编码.rle 行程长度编码文件格式〖后缀〗.rle SDSC Image Tool的Utah行程长度编码光栅图形文件格式〖后缀〗RLIB Round Left Insert Bit 左旋插入位RLIN Research Libraries Information Network 科研图书馆信息网络RLIS Real Life Imaging System 真我色彩映像系统RLLC Run Length Limited Code 行程长度受限码RLM Role Limiting Method 角色有限法〖游戏用语〗RLMI Round Left Masking Insert 左旋掩蔽插入RLOC Remote LOcal Controller 远程局部控制器RLOS Radio Line – Of – Sight 无线电的“视线”RLP Resource Location Protocol 资源位置协议RLSD Received Line Signal Detect 接收线路信号检测RLSS Radiolocation Satellite Service 无线电定位卫星服务.rlz CA-Realizer的源码文件格式〖后缀〗RM Radio Monitor 无线电监听器RM Rage of Mages 《魔术师的愤怒》〖游戏名〗RM RealMedia “真媒体”(RealNetworks公司的流式视频格式)RM Real Mode 实模式RM Recognize Method 识别方式RM Recovery Metaprogram 恢复性元程序RM Register Memory 寄存器存储器RM ReMove 删除文件(UNIX 命令)RM Replication Manager 复制管理器RM Resource Management 资源管理RM Resource Manager 资源管理程序RM Resource Module 资源模块RM Response Message 应答报文RM Ring Modulator 铃声调节器rm UNIX的基本命令:删除文件RMA Random Multiple Access 随机多路存取RMA Real Media Architecture 真实媒体体系结构RMA Reliability, Maintainability and A vailability 可靠性、可维护性与可用性RMAC Random Multiple Access Communication 随机多路存取通信RMAS Remote Memory Access System 远程存储器访问系统RMB Right Mouse Button 鼠标器右键RMC Remote Message Concentrator 远程报文集中器RMC Rod Memory Computer 杆式存储器计算机,磁棒存储器计算机RMC Route Marker Control 路由标记控制RMCP Remote Mail Checking Protocol 远程邮件检查协议〖因特网〗RMCS Remote Maintenance Control System 远程维护控制系统RMD Request Memory Dump 请求内存转储RMD Required Markup Declaration 请求标记声明RM-DBase Run Maintenance DataBase 运行维护数据库rmdir DOS的内部命令:删除目录rmdir UNIX的基本命令:删除目录RMF Remote Management Facility 远程管理设施,远程管理工具RMI Java Remote Method Invocation “爪哇”的远程方法调用RMI Remote Management Interface 远程管理接口RMI Remote Method Invocation 远程方法调用〖因特网〗RMI Route Monitoring Information 路由监控信息.rmi 数字音乐的变通文件格式〖后缀〗RMIB Remote Method Invocation Builder 远程方法调用营造器〖网络工具〗.rmk Clipper RMake的文卷编写文件格式〖后缀〗RML Radar Microwave Link 雷达微波链路RML Radio Microwave Link 无线电微波链路,无线电微波接力线路RML Regular Matrix Language 正规矩阵语言RML Relational Machine Language 相关机器语言RML Request Memory Load 请求内存装载RMM Read Mostly Memory 主读存储器RMM Real – Mode Mapper 实方式字体映射程序RMMIB Remote Monitoring Management Information Base 远程监控管理信息库RMODP Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing 开放分布式处理的参考模型RMON Remote MONitoring 远程监控RMOS Refractory Metal – Oxide – Semiconductor 耐熔金属氧化物半导体RMP Routing Management Protocol 路由选择管理协议RMPEIS Reading Music and Playing Electronic Musical Instrument System 乐谱阅读及电子琴自动演奏系统RMS Record Management Service 记录管理服务RMS Record Management System 记录管理系统RMS Recovery Management Support 恢复管理支持RMS Reflect Memory System 反射式内存系统RMS Remote Maintenance System 远程维护系统RMS Resource Management System 资源管理系统RMSM Revised Minimum Standard Model 修订版最低标准模型RMT Read Magnetic Tape 读取磁带RMT ReMoTe 远程RMT Remote Tape Protocol 远程磁带协议RMT Ring Management 鸣响管理RMT Risk Management Technologies 风险管理技术RN Radio Navigation 无线电导航RN Reader of News 新闻阅读程序RN Reference Noise 基准噪音RN Regional Network 地方网络RN Ring – up Number 登录号RN Roaming Number 漫游号码RN Robert Noyce 罗伯特·诺伊斯(1927-1990,集成电路之父,英特尔的创始人之一)RN terrestrial Radio Navigation 陆地无线电导航.rn 用于Nota Bene用户的Xpl程序文件格式〖后缀〗.rnd AutoCAD AutoShade的透视图幻灯片文件格式〖后缀〗RNE Remote Network Equipment 远程网络设备RNF Receiver Noise Figure 接收机(受话器)噪音系数RNG Random Number Generator 随机序数发生器RNI RDC Networks Inc. 设备遥控网络公司(美国,出品无线局域网设备)RNM Remote Network Management 远程网络管理RNMS Regional Network Management System 地方网络管理系统.rno V AX的径流量文件格式〖后缀〗RNOC Regional Network Operation Center 地方网络运算中心RNP Regional Network Provider 地区网络提供商RNP Remote Network Processor 远程网络处理器RNR Receive Not Ready 接收未准备好RNRZ Randomized Non – Return to Zero 随机不归零制RNRZ1 Randomized Non – Return to Zero change on one 逢1变化的随机不归零制RNS Remote Node Service 远程节点服务RNS Residue Number System 剩余数字系统RNS Rockwell Network Systems 罗克威尔网络系统公司(美国,RI属下,出品网络设备,网卡等)RNSS RadioNavigation Satellite Service 无线电导航卫星服务RNV Radio – Noise V oltage 无线电噪音电压RO Read Only 只读RO Read Out 读出RO Receive – Only 只接收RO Relationship Object 关系对象RO Repair and Operations 修理与操作ro Romania 罗马尼亚(域名)ROAD ROuting and ADdressing group 路由选择和寻址组ROAM Remote Office Access Management 远程办公访问管理ROAR Read – Only Address Register 只读地址寄存器ROB ReOrder Buffer 重排序缓冲器ROC Read Out Counter 读出计数器ROC Receiver Operating Characteristics 接收机工作特性ROC Remote Operation Center 远距离操作中心ROCR Remote Optical Character Recognition 远程光学字符识别系统(美国研制)ROD Receive Only Device 只能接收的设备,只收设备RODM Resource Object Data Manager 资源对象数据管理器(IBM公司的)ROES Receive Only Earth Station 只有接收功能的地球站ROFL roll on the floor laughing 笑得满地打滚〖网语〗ROH Receiver Off – Hook 听筒摘机ROIM Remote Object Instance Manager 远程对象实例管理器〖网络工具〗ROIV Remote Operation InV oke 远程操作调用ROL Request on Line 在线请求.rol Adlib公司的调频音乐文件格式〖后缀〗ROLAP Relational On – Line Analytical Processing 相关性在线分析处理ROLC Routing Over Large Clouds 乌云遮蔽的路由选择ROLC Recoverable Orbital Launch System 可回收轨道发射系统ROM Read Only Memory 只读存储器ROM Relation Object Management 关系对象管理ROM-BIOS Read Only Memory – Basic Input Output System 只读存储器基本输入输出系统ROMC Representation Operation Memory and Control 表示法操作的存储与控制ROMON Receive Only MONitor 只收监听器ROP Raster OPs 光栅操作ROPC Running Optimum Power Control 运行最优功率控制ROPP Receive Only Page Printer 只收页面打印机,电传打字接收机ROR Range – Only Radar 测距雷达ROS Read Only Storage 只读存储体ROS Real – time Operating System 实时操作系统ROS Remote Operation Service 远程操作服务ROS Resident Operating System 常驻操作系统ROSE Remote Operation Service Element 远程操作服务要素ROSI Remote Operation Service Interface 远程操作服务接口ROSS Resource Ordering and Status System 资源排序与状态系统ROT Refurbish, Operate and Transfer 刷新、运转和传送ROT Running Object Table 运行对象表ROTE Range Optical Tracking Equipment 射程光学跟踪系统ROTL Remote Office Test Line 远程局测试线路ROU Reference Oscillator Unit 基准振荡器ROUTO ROUTing Optimizer 路由选择优化器ROUTT ROUTing Topology 路由选择拓扑结构,路由选择布局RP Radio Photography 无线电传真术,无线电摄影术RP Radio Port 无线端口RP Rapid Prototyping 快速样机开发RP Reader / Printer 阅读器/ 打印机RP Real Programs 实程序〖测试〗RP Rear Projection 背面投影RP Reception Poor 接收不良RP Regional Processor 地区处理器RP RePeater 转发器,增音器rp Republic of the Philippines 菲律宾共和国(域名)RP Resilient Procedure 弹性规程RP Root Port 根端口RP Run – time Process 运行过程RPC Radio Port Controller 无线端口控制器RPC Remote Position Control 远程位置控制RPC Remote Procedure Call Protocol 远程规程调用协议〖因特网〗RPC Remote Process Call 远程进程调用RPC Remote Procedure Call 远程规程调用RPC Remote Processor Controller 远程处理器控制器RPC Remote Protocol Call 远程协议调用RPC / XDR Remote Procedure Call / External Data Representation Call 远程规程调用/ 外部数据表示法调用RPCSS Remote Procedure Call SubSystem 远程规程调用子系统RPCU Radio Port Control Unit 无线端口控制单元.rpd RapidFile的数据库文件格式〖后缀〗RPE Regular Pulse Excited (Excitation) 正常脉冲激励RPE-LPC Regular Pulse Excited Linear Predictive Coder 正常脉冲激励线性预测编码RPE-LTP Regular Pulse Excitation – Long Term Prediction(-or) 正常脉冲激励长期预测(器)RPF Radio Position Finding 无线电测位RPG Report Program Generator 报告程序发生器RPG Role Play Game 角色扮演游戏〖游戏用语〗rpi rows per inch 每英寸行数RPIC Radio Port Interface Card 无线端口接口卡RPID Routing and Placement Interactive Design 路由选择和确定位置的交互式设计RPL Radar Processing Language 雷达处理语言RPL Relational Production Language 相关生成语言RPL Remote Program Load 远程程序装载RPL Request Parameter List 请求参数表RPL Request Program Load 请求程序装载RPL Running Program Language 运行程序语言.rpl Replica的文本文档文件格式〖后缀〗RPM Read Program Memory 读取程序存储器RPM Redhat Package Massager 红帽子公司的通用程序按摩器〖软件名〗RPM Revolutions(Rounds) Per Minute 每分钟转数RPM Reverse Path Multicasting 反路径多点传送RPN Reverse Polish Notation 逆波兰表示法RPN Ridge Polynomial Network 纹脉多项式网络RPOA Remote Port of Access 远程接入端口RPQ Request for Price Quotation 请求报价RPROM ReProgrammable ROM 可重编程只读存储器RPRS Random – Pulse Radar System 随机脉冲雷达系统RPS Radio Paging System 无线寻呼系统RPS Random Pulse Sequence 随机脉冲顺序RPS Range Positioning System 距离定位系统RPS Real – Time Processing System 实时处理系统RPS Reconvergent Path Set 再收敛路径组合RPS Redundancy Power Support 冗余电源支持RPS Reliability Prediction System 可靠性预测系统RPS Remote Processing System 远程处理系统RPS Revolutions Per Second 每秒转数RPS Role Playing Strategy 角色扮演战略〖游戏用语〗RPSK Relative Phase Shift Keying 相对相移键控RPT RePeaT 重复.rpt 报告文件格式〖后缀〗RPU Radio Port Unit 无线电端口装置RQ Request Counter 请求计数器RQBE Relational Query By Example 查询与实例相关的问题,实例关系查询(微软的)RQC Radar Quality Control 雷达质量控制RQC Receiving Quality Control 接收质量控制RQC Reliability and Quality Control 可靠性与质量控制RQI ReQuest Interrupt 请求中断RQM ReQuest Manager 请求管理器RR Rate Response 速率响应RR Re – Route 重定路由RR Receive Ready 接收就绪RR Receiving Report 接收报告RR Redundancy Reduction 冗余缩减量RR Regenerative Repeater 再生性转发器RR Register Renaming 寄存器重命名RR Remote Release 远程释放RR Repetition Rate 重复率RR Request Response 请求回答RR Resource Records 资源记录RR Road Runner “大路信使”公司(美国,从事有线联网服务)RRAS Routing and Remote Access Services 路由与远程访问服务RRC Radio Resource Control 无线资源控制RRC Read Record Command 阅读记录命令RRD Read Receive Data register 读取接收数据寄存器RRFQ Reply to the Request For Quotes 对请求报价的答复RRH Remote Request Handler 远程请求处理操作RRIB Round Right Insert Bit 右旋插入位RRMI Round Right Masking Insert 右旋掩蔽插入RRMS Radio Resource Management Protocol 无线资源管理协议RRO Radio Read Out 射频读出RRP Resource Reservation Protocol 资源预约协议RRRA Redneck Rampage Rides Again 《铁血农夫再出击》〖游戏名〗RRRP Radio – Relay Reference Point 无线中继参考点RRS Relation Routing System 关系路由选择系统RRS Retransmission Request Signal 重传请求信号RRSSC Regional Remote Sensing Service Center 地区性遥感服务中心RRT Relative Retention Time 相对保持时间RRU Regenerative Repeater Unit 再生转发器设备RS Radio Station 无线电台RS Radio Subscriber 无线用户RS Rainbow Six 《彩虹六号》〖游戏名〗RS Read Solomon 里德·所罗门码(用于符号分组)RS Receiver Specification 接收机规格RS Recommended Standard 推荐标准(日本电子工业协会建立)〖接口〗RS Record Separator 记录分隔符〖ASCII〗RS Reed – Solomon 里德-所罗门码(用于校正错误的代数码)RS Reflecting Server 反射服务器RS Register and Storage 寄存器与存储体RS Relay Station 转播站RS Remote Setup 远程设置〖调制解调器〗RS Remote Station 远程站RS Remote Switching 远程切换RS Reorder Stop 重排序停止符〖EBCDIC〗RS Request to Send 要求发送RS Reset Key 复位键RS Resident Software 常驻软件RS Routing Selector 路由选择器.rs Amiga Resource和Reassembler的数据文件格式〖后缀〗.rs_ Mac-ette的苹果机文件资源派生指令文件格式〖后缀〗RSA Regional Service Area 地区性服务区RSA Remote Safety Adapter 远程安全衔接器RSA Remote Signaling Alarm 远程信令警报RSA Remote Station Alarm 远程站报警RSA Rivest – Shanir – Adleman RSA实验室(美国,专门研究加密算法)RSA Rural Service Area 乡村服务区(美国蜂窝式无线电话分区)RSAC Recreational Software Advisory Council 娱乐软件咨询委员会RSAM Remote Sensing Application Mission 遥测应用任务RSB Return from SuBroutine 从子程序返回RSC Radio and Switch Controller 无线电发送及切换控制器RSC ReSet Circuit 重置电路RSC ReSet Confirmation 重置确认RSC ReSet – Circuit signal 重置电路信号.rsc 资源文件格式〖后缀〗RSCS Remote Spooling Communication Service 远程假脱机通信服务RSCS Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem 远程假脱机通信子系统RSD Remotely Sensed Data 遥感数据RSE Remote Station Equipment 远程站设备RSER Remote Sensing of Earth Resources 地球资源遥测RSET Receive Signal Element Timing 接收信号单元定时RSG Rate Signal Generator 速率信号发生器rsh UNIX的受限命令解释程序,因特网的远程命令解释程序RSI Radiance Software International “光辉”软件国际公司(美国,出品虚拟现实生成器)RSI Remote Server Interface 远程服务器接口RSI Repetitive Strain Injury 重复性过度劳累损伤(电脑操作员职业病)RSI Right Scale Integration 适当规模集成(电路)RSIC Radiation Shielding Information Center 辐射防护信息中心(美国原子能委员会的)RSIC Redstone Scientific Information Center 红石科学信息中心(美国)RSID ReSource Identification Table 资源识别表RSL Received Signal Level 收到信号电平RSL Redundant Server Link 冗余服务器链路RSL Register Sender Link 寄存发送器链路RSL Requirement Specification Language 需求说明语言RSL Requirement Statement Language 需求陈述语言RSL Reserved Storage Location 保留的存储单元RSM Real Storage Management 实存管理RSM Receiving Signal Memory 接收信号存储器RSM Reliability Simulation Model 可靠性仿真模型RSM Remote Server Manager 远程服务器管理器RSM Remote Subscriber Multiplexer 远程用户多路复用器RSM Remote Switching Module 远程切换模块RSN Real Soon Now 即刻就办〖网语〗RSN Receive Sequence Number 收到件序号RSO Radar Supervisor Operator 雷达管理程序操作员RSOH Regenerator Section OverHead 再生器部分开销RSP Route – Switch Processor 路由转换处理器.rsp 应答文件格式〖后缀〗RSPT Real Storage Page Table 实存页表RSR ReSet Request 重置请求RSS Rack and Stack Switch 机架与堆栈翻转RSS Random Satellite System 随机卫星系统RSS Remote Switching System 远程切换系统RSS Research Storage System 研究存储系统RSS Reset / Synchronization Signal 重置/ 同步信号RSS Resources Security System 资源安全系统RSS Rockwell Semiconductor System Inc. 罗克威尔半导体系统公司(美国,RI属下,出品无线应用系统和传真设备、调制解调器等)RSS Route Switching Subsystem 路由交换子系统RSS Royal Statistical Society 皇家统计学会(英国)RSSI Radio Signal Strength Indicator 无线信号强度指示器RSSI Received Signal Strength Indicator 收到信号强度指示器RST Remote STation 远程站RST ReSeT 清除,重置,清零RST ReSToration 复位RST Rigid Synchronization Tree 严格的同步子目录RSTS Resource Sharing Time System 资源共享的时间安排系统RSU Remote Subscriber Unit 远程用户单元RSU Remote Switching Unit 远程切换单元RSV Remote Supervisory Equipment 远程监管设备RSVP Reply, if you please. 请回复RSVP Resource ReserV ation Protocol 资源预留协议〖因特网〗RSW Resident SoftWare 常驻软件RSW Resource Status Word 资源状态字RT Radio and Television 广播与电视RT Radio Telephone 无线电话RT RaTe 比率,速率,速度RT Raw Throughput 原始吞吐量(率)RT Ray Tracing 光线跟踪RT Read Text 读文本,读正文RT Real Time 实时RT Receive – Transmit 接收-发送RT Recovery Time 恢复时间RT Reliable Transfer 可靠传送RT Remote Terminal 远程终端RT Reperforator / Transmitter 复式穿孔发送机RT Reverberation Time 混响时间RT RISC Technology RISC 技术(IBM 公司的)RT Rise Technology 瑞思科技(美国,开发处理器技术)RT Run – Time 运行时间,运行期RTA Reliability Test Assembly 可靠性测试组件RTA Remote Test Access 远程测试访问RTA Remote Trunk Arrangement 远程中继线排列RTA Resident Transient Area 常驻程序过渡区RTAM Remote Terminal Access Method 远程终端存取法RTAS Real – Time Analog Set 实时模拟集RTAS Real Time Analysis System 实时分析系统RTB Retransmission Buffer 重传缓冲器RTBM Real – Time Bit Mapping 实时点位图映射RTC Radar Tracking Center 雷达跟踪中心RTC Reader Tape Contact 阅读器磁带触头RTC Real Time Clock 实时时钟RTC Real Timer Controller 实时时钟控制器RTC Relative Time Clock 相对时间时钟RTC Remote Terminal Controller 远程终端控制器RTC Rocket Technical Committee 火箭技术委员会RTCA Real Time Control Area 实时控制区RTCC Real – Time Communications Control 实时通信控制RTCC Real Time Computer Complex 实时接收机综合体RTCP Real – time Transport Control Protocol 实时传输控制协议〖因特网〗RTD Reliability Technical Directive 可靠性技术指导RTDB Real Time Data Base 实时数据库RTDS Rapid Transmission Data System 快速传输数据系统RTDS Real Time Data Set 实时数据集RTDU Real Time Data User 实时数据用户RTE Remote Terminal Emulation 远程终端仿真RTEBLID RouTE BLock IDentity 路由数据块标识RTEX Real – Time Executive 实时执行程序RTF Rich Text Field 富文本域,富文本字段RTF Rich Text Format 富文本格式,多平台文件格式.rtf Windows Word的Rich Text 文本文件格式〖后缀〗.rtf Windows帮助文件的脚本文件格式〖后缀〗RTFM Read the flaming(Friendly / Fantastic) manual 请阅读使用手册〖网语〗RTG Regenerator Timing Generator 再生器定时发生器RTH Real Time Handler 实时处理程序RTH Regional Telecommunication Hub 区域电信中继站,区域电传通讯枢纽RTI Real – Time Interface 实时接口RTI ReTurn from Interrupt 从中断状态返回〖指令〗RTI Route Treatment Index 路由待遇索引RTL Real – Time Language 实时语言RTL Real – Time Link 实时链路RTL Register Transfer Level 寄存器传送级别RTL Register Transmit Language 寄存器传送语言RTL Resistor Transistor Logic 电阻晶体管逻辑(电路)RTL Run Time Library 运行时间库.rtl NU 7.0的运行时间库文件格式〖后缀〗.rtl 文本文件格式〖后缀〗RTM Read The Manual 请阅读使用手册RTM Real – Time Monitor 实时监视器RTM Receiver – Transmitter – Modulator 接收、发送机调制器RTM Reference Test Method 基准测试方法RTM Response Time Monitor 应答时间监视器RTM Right to Modify 修改权RTM Routing Table Manager 路由选择表管理器RTMP Real Time Messaging Protocol 实时报文传送协议RTMP Router Table Maintenance Protocol 路由表维护协议RTMP Routing Table Management Protocol 路由选择表管理协议RTMS Radio Telephone Mobile System 无线电话移动系统RTMT Real Time Multi – Task 实时多任务RTN Remote Terminal Network 远程终端网络RTNR Real Time Network Routing 实时网络路由选择RTO Response TimeOut 应答超时RTO Retransmit TimeOut 中继发送超时RTOS Real – Time Operating System 实时操作系统(CD-1播放系统的)RTP Radio TelePhone 无线电话RTP Rapid Transfer Protocol 快速传送协议RTP Rapid Transport Protocol 快速传送协议RTP Real Time Protocol 实时协议RTP Real – time Transport Protocol 实时传输协议〖因特网〗RTP Remote Terminal Processor 远程终端处理器RTP Remote Transfer Point 远程传送点RTP Research Triangle Park 科研三角园区(位于美国北卡罗来纳州,由三所著名大学围成,内有近百家高科技公司)RTP Routing Table Protocol 路由选择表协议.rtp Rtpatch的软件升级包数据文件格式〖后缀〗RTPA Real – Time Prototype Analyzer 实时样机分析器RTPL Real – Time Procedural Language 实时程序语言RTPL Real – Time Processing Language 实时处理语言RTPP Real – Time Picture Processor 实时图像处理器RTPS Real – time Telemetry Processing System 实时遥测处理系统RTQ Real – Time Queue 实时队列RTQ Recoverable Transaction Queuing 可重获的事务处理排队位置RTQC Real – Time Quality Control 实时质量控制RTQE Real – Time Queue Element 实时队列单元RTR Radio – Teletype Receiver 无线电电传打字机接收机RTR Reliable Transaction Router 可靠的事物处理路由器RTRI Real – Time Record Interpreter 实时记录注释器RTRP Remote Terminal Routine Package 远程终端例程包RTS Radar Target Simulator 雷达目标模拟器RTS Radio Tracking System 无线跟踪系统RTS Reactive Terminal Service 反应式终端服务RTS Real Time operation System 实时操作系统RTS Real – Time Service 实时服务RTS Real Time Simulation game 实时仿真游戏,即时战略游戏RTS Real – Time Strategy game 即时战略游戏RTS Remote Terminal Supervisor 远程终端管理程序RTS Remote Terminal System 远程终端系统RTS Remote Testing System 远程测试系统RTS Request To Send 请求发送〖信号〗RTS Residual Time Stamp 剩余时间标记RTS Resistive Touch Screen 电阻式触摸屏.rts CA-Realizer的运行时间库文件格式〖后缀〗RTSC Real Time Simulation Computer 实时模拟计算机RTSE Reliable Transfer Service Element 可靠传送服务单元RTSP Real Time Streaming Protocol 实时流协议(在网上播放音乐、电视和三维动画的协议)〖因特网〗RTSW Real – Time SoftWare 实时软件RTT Real – Time Telemetry 实时遥测RTT Round – Trip Time 信号往返时间RTTDS Real – Time Telemetry Data System 实时遥测数据系统RTTI RunTime Type Identification 运行类型标识RTTM ReTransmission Time Measurement 重传时间的测量方法RTTS Real Time Telemetry System 实时遥测系统RTTV Real Television 实时电视RTTY Radio Teletypewriter Communication 无线电传通信RTU Remote Terminal Unit 远程终端设备RTU Right To Use 使用权(Sun公司的)RTU Routing Table Update 路由选择表更新RTV Ray TV 射线电视RTV Real Time Video 实时影视RTV Roentgen – rays TV 伦琴线电视RTV Room – Temperature – V ulcanizing 室温硫化rtVFR Real Time V ariable Frame Rate 实时变量帧频RTVS Run – Time V ariable Stack 运转时间变量堆栈RTX Real – Time eXecutive 实时执行程序RU Request / Response Unit 请求/ 应答单元RU Reservation Unit 分派(预约)单元ru Russian Federation 俄罗斯联邦(域名)RUA Remote User Agent 远程用户代理RUF Resource Utilization Factor 资源利用系数RUN Responsible Use of the Network 网络的可靠使用RUS Reference for User Services 用户业务参考资料RV A Recorded V oice Announcement 录音通知RV A Relative V irtual Address 相对虚拟地址RVC Reverse V oice Channel 反向语音信道RVI ReV erse Interrupt character 反向中断(字符)RVIP RISC VLIW Processor 精简指令集计算机超长指令字处理器RVS Reconvergent V ariable Set 再收敛变量集RVT Reliability V erification Tests 可靠性验证测试RVT Resource V ector Table 资源向量表,资源矢量表RVT Routing V ector Table 路由向量表,路由矢量表RVTP Reliability V erification Test Program 可靠性验证测试程序.rvw 复审文件格式〖后缀〗RW Read Write 读写RW Registration Wizard 注册向导,注册精灵〖因特网〗RW Remote Whiteboard 远程白板(网络浏览器协作工具)RW Report Writer 报告书写器RW ReWind 重绕,倒带rw Rwanda 卢旺达(域名)RWC Real World Computing 真实世界计算(日本计划在2001年完成的超级电脑项目)RWC Regional Warning Center 地区报警中心RWH Read / Write Head 读写头〖硬盘〗RWI Read Write Initialize 读写初始化RWM Read Write Memory 读写存储器RWR Radar – Warning Receiver 雷达警报接收机.rws Borland C++的资源专题组数据文件格式〖后缀〗RWSA Remote Windows Sockets Access 远程“视窗插座”访问(微软公司的)RWW Read While Write 边读取边书写技术,边读边写功能.rwx RenderWare的脚本文件格式〖后缀〗RX receiver 接收机RX Remote Exchange远程交换机RXD Receive Data 接收数据RX-ID Responder eXchange IDentifier 应答机交换用户标识符RZ Return – to – Zero 归零制,归零,复零RZ Return – to – Zero recording 归零记录RZ(NP) Non – Polarized Return – to – Zero recording 非极化归零记录RZ(P) Polarized Return – to – Zero recording 极化的归零记录RZM Return – to – Zero Mark 归零标记RX (Receiver) 接收机。
