1994-26th-IChO Practical Problems
生物多样性 1997,5(3):161~167CHIN ESE BIODIV ERSIT Y群落内物种多样性发生与维持的一个假说3张大勇 姜新华(兰州大学生物系干旱农业生态国家重点实验室, 兰州 730000)摘 要 本文根据作者对竞争排除法则的研究而提出了一个新的群落多样性假说。
关键词 局域物种多样性,物种分化,区域物种库,生态位,竞争排除法则A hypothesis for the origin and maintenance of within2community species diversity/Zhang Dayong,JiangXinhu a//CHINESE BIODIVERSIT Y.—1997,5(3):161~167This paper formulates a novel hypothesis of community diversity on the basis of rejecting the competitive exclu2 sion principle.Since we accept the view that many species could occupy the same niche,local s pecies diversity is considered to be controlled by four fundamental factors,which are,res pectively,(Ⅰ)the number of niches in the community,(Ⅱ)the size of regional species2pool,(Ⅲ)species immigration rate,and(Ⅳ)species extinc2 tion rate.The hypothesis suggests that both regional biogeographic processes and local ecological processes will play an important role in determining the magnitude and pattern of community diversity.K ey w ords local species diversity,speciation,regional species2pool,niche,competitive exclusion principle Author’s address Department of Biology&State K ey Laboratory of Arid Agroecology,Lanzhou Univer2sity,Lanzhou 7300001 引言由于环境污染和生境破坏等人类活动的影响,大规模物种灭绝已成为当今社会所密切关注的一个焦点。
- use only the pen and calculator provided
- results
the number of significant figures in numerical answers must conform to the rules of evaluation of experimental error. Mistakes will result in penalty points even if your experimental technique is flawless.
95.94 74
183.84 106
263 59
140.91 91
54.94 43
98.91 75
186.21 107
264 60
144.24 92
55.85 44
101.07 76
190.23 108
265 61
144.92 93
118.71 82
164.93 99
14.01 15
30.97 33
74.92 51
121.76 83
167.26 100
16.00 16
任晓莉,杨璐,乔鹏,等. 复合酶法提取槐花多糖的工艺优化及其抗氧化活性[J]. 食品工业科技,2024,45(7):8−14. doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023070216REN Xiaoli, YANG Lu, QIAO Peng, et al. Optimization of Extraction Process of Polysaccharide from Sophora japonica by Compound Enzyme Method and Its Antioxidant Activity[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2024, 45(7): 8−14. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023070216· 特邀主编专栏—食品中天然产物提取分离、结构表征和生物活性(客座主编:杨栩、彭鑫) ·复合酶法提取槐花多糖的工艺优化及其抗氧化活性任晓莉*,杨 璐,乔 鹏,缪奕锴,杨懿昂,代秋红,张贤德(太原工业学院环境与安全工程系,山西太原 030008)摘 要:目的:采用复合酶法提取槐花多糖,对提取工艺进行优化,并评价其体外抗氧化活性。
方法:通过单因素实验考察复合酶添加量、pH 、复合酶比例和酶解时间对得率的影响,在单因素实验基础上,采用响应面法确定槐花多糖的最佳提取参数,并以V C 为对照,通过测定槐花多糖对DPPH·和ABTS +·的清除率及总还原力,考察所提取的槐花多糖的抗氧化活性。
结果:复合酶法提取槐花多糖的最佳提取参数为:复合酶添加量23.8 mg/g ,pH4.8,果胶酶与纤维素酶比例0.912:1,该工艺下槐花多糖得率为10.71%,所提取的槐花多糖对DPPH·和ABTS +·均表现出较好的清除能力,当槐花多糖溶液浓度为2.8 mg/mL 时,对DPPH·和ABTS +·的清除率分别达到同浓度下V C 的94.19%和99.79%,总还原力达到V C 的75.99%。
合成生物学的研究依据自组织系统结构理论 -泛进化论(structurity, structure theory, panevolution theory),从实证到综合(synthetic )探讨天然与人工进化的生物系统理论,阐述了结构整合 (integrative)、调适稳态与建构(constructive)层级等规律;因此,系统(systems)生物学也称为“整 合(integrative biology)生物学”,合成(synthetic)生物学又叫“建构生物学(constructive biology)”(Zeng BJ.中译)。系统与合成生物学的系统结构、发生动力与砖块建构、工程设计等基于结构理 论原理,从电脑技术的系统科学理论到遗传工程的系统科学方法,是将物理科学、工程技术原理与方法贯彻到细 胞、遗传机器与细胞通讯技术等纳米层次的生物分子系统分析与设计。
自2000年《自然》(Nature)杂志报道了人工合成基因线路研究成果以来,合成生物学研究在全世界范围 引起了广泛的**与重视,被公认为在医学、制药、化工、能源、材料、农业等领域都有广阔的应用前景。国际上 的合成生物学研究发展飞速,在短短几年内就已经设计了多种基因控制模块,包括开关、脉冲发生器、振荡器等, 可以有效调节基因表达、蛋白质功能、细胞代谢或细胞间相互作用。
合成生物学(synthetic biology),也可翻译成综合生物学,即综合集成,“synthetic”在不同地方翻 译成不同中文,比如综合哲学(synthetic philosophy)、“社会-心理-生物医学模式”的综合(synthetic) 医学(genbrain biosystem network -中科院曾邦哲1999年建于德国,探讨生物系统分析学“biosystem analysis”与人工生物系统“artificial biosystem”,包括实验、计算、系统、工程研究与应用),同时也 被归属为人工生物系统研究的系统生物工程技术范畴,包括生物反应器与生物计算机开发。
广东化工 2019年第1期第46卷总第387期147 -中医药院校《无机化学实验》标准化教学体系的建设齐学洁,杨爱红,申蕊,张毅,赵培莉,张师愚*(天津中医药大学中药学院基础化学教研室,天津301617)[摘 要]为提高无机化学实验课程的教学质量,根据中医药院校特点,从无机化学实验室建设的标准化、实验教材的标准化、实验操作视频 的标准化、实验评价系统的标准化等方面建设标准化教学体系,培养学生实事求是的科学态度、勤俭节约的优良作风、相互协作的科研精神和 优秀的实验素养。
[关键词]无机化学:标准化教学[中图分类号]G4 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1007-1865(2019)01-0147-02Construction of Standardized Teaching System of Inorganic ChemistryExperiment in Traditional Chinese Medicine UniversitiesQi Xuejie, Yang Aihong, Shen Rui, Zhang Yi, Zhao Peili, Zhang Shiyu*(Chinese Medicine School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Department of basic Chemistry,TianjinUniversity of Chinese Medicine. Tianjin 301617, China)Abstract: In order to improve the teaching quality of inorganic chemistry experiment, we have built a standardized teaching system including the standardization of inorganic chemistry laboratory construction, experimental materials, experimental operation video and experimental evaluation system according to the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine universities. So as to cultivate the realistic attitude, thrift quality, cooperative spirit, excellent literacy of students in scientific research.Keywords:inorganic chemistry ; standardized teaching《无机化学》是传统化学专业基础课程之一,也是绝大多数 医学类、环境类、和材料类专业学生的第一门专业课程⑴。
ICH 基本知识
因此,由美国、日本和欧盟三方的政府药品注册部门和制药行业在1990年发起的ICH(人用药物注册技术要求国际协调会议,International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirementsfor Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use)就是这样应运而生的。
ICH的论题主要分为四类,因此ICH根据论题的类别不同而进行相应的编码分类:1. “Q”类论题:Q代表QUALITY,指那些与化工和医药,质量保证方面的相关的论题。
2. “S”类论题:S代表SAFETY,指那些与实验室和动物实验,临床前研究方面的相关的论题。
3. “E”类论题:E代表EFFICACY,指那些与人类临床研究相关的课题。
4. “M”类论题:M代表MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 指那些不可单独划入以上三个分类的交叉涉及的论题。
同时M又细分为5个小类M1: 常用医学名词(MedDRA)M2: 药政信息传递之电子标准M3: 与临床试验相关的临床前研究时间的安排M4: 常规技术文件(CTD)M5: 药物词典的数据要素和标准2005年11月ICH执行委员会接受了一套用于ICH指导原则的新编码法则,并与当月正式执行。
Quality质量:Q1: Stability稳定性Q1A(R2): Stability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products新原料药和制剂的稳定性试验Q1B: Photostability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products新原料药和制剂的光稳定性试验Q1C: Stability Testing for New Dosage Forms新剂型的稳定性试验Q1D: Bracketing and Matrixing Designs for Stability Testing of Drug Substances and Drug Products原料药和制剂稳定性试验的交叉和矩阵设计Q1E: Evaluation of Stability Data稳定性数据的评估Q1F: Stability Data Package for Registration Applications in Climatic Zones III and IV在气候带III和IV,药物注册申请所提供的稳定性数据Q2: Analytical Validation分析验证Q2(R1): Validation of Analytical Procedures: Text and Methodology分析程序的验证:正文及方法论Q3: Impurities 杂质Q3A(R2): Impurities in New Drug Substances新原料药中的杂质Q3B(R2): Impurities in New Drug Products (Revised Guideline)新制剂中的杂质Q3C(R3): Impurities: Guideline for Residual Solvents杂质:残留溶剂指南Impurities: Guideline for Residual Solvents (Maintenance) 杂质:残留溶剂指南(保留)PDE for Tetrahydrofuran (in Q3C(R3)) 四氢呋喃的PDEPDE for N-Methylpyrrolidone (in Q3C(R3)) N-甲基吡咯烷酮的PDEQ4: Pharmacopoeias药典Q4A: Pharmacopoeial Harmonisation 药典的协调Q4B: Evaluation and Recommendation of Pharmacopoeial Texts for Use in the ICH Regions药典内容的评估及推荐为用于ICH地区Q4B Annex1 Evaluation and Recommendation of Pharmacopoeial Texts for Use in the ICH Regionson Residue on Ignition/Sulphated Ash General Chapter附录1 药典内容的评估及推荐为用于ICH地区关于灼烧残渣/灰分常规篇Q4B Annex2 Evaluation and Recommendation of Pharmacopoeial Texts for Use in the ICH Regionson Test for Extractable Volume of Parenteral Preparations General Chapter附录2 药典内容的评估及推荐为用于ICH地区关于注射剂可提取容量测试常规篇Q4B Annex3 Evaluation and Recommendation of Pharmacopoeial Texts for Use in the ICH Regionson Test for Particulate Contamination: Sub-Visible Particles General Chapter附录3 药典内容的评估及推荐为用于ICH地区关于颗粒污染物测试:不溶性微粒常规篇Q5: Quality of Biotechnological Products 生物技术制品质量Q5A(R1): Viral Safety Evaluation of Biotechnology Products Derived from Cell Lines of Human or Animal Origin来源于人或者动物细胞系的生物技术产品的病毒安全性评估Q5B: Quality of Biotechnological Products: Analysis of the Expression Construct in Cells Used for Production of r-DNA Derived Protein Products生物技术产品的质量:源于重组DNA的蛋白质产品的生产中所用的细胞中的表达构建分析Q5C: Quality of Biotechnological Products: Stability Testing ofBiotechnological/Biological Products生物技术产品的质量:生物技术/生物产品的稳定性试验Q5D: Derivation and Characterisation of Cell Substrates Used for Production of Biotechnological/Biological Products用于生产生物技术/生物产品的细胞底物的起源和特征描述Q5E: Comparability of Biotechnological/Biological Products Subject to Changes in Their Manufacturing Process基于不同生产工艺的生物技术产品/生物产品的可比较性Q6: Specifications 规格Q6A: Specifications: Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for New Drug Substances and New Drug Products: Chemical Substances (including decision trees)质量规格:新原料药和新制剂的检验程序和可接收标准:化学物质(包括决定过程)Q6B: Specifications: Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Biotechnological/Biological Products质量规格:生物技术/生物产品的检验程序和可接收标准Q7: Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)Q7A: Good Manufacturing Practice Guide for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients活性药物成份的GMP指南Q8: Pharmaceutical Development药物研发Annex to Q8Q8附录Q9: Quality Risk Management质量风险管理Q10: Pharmaceutical Quality System 药物质量体系。
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由一种单体聚合而成的聚合物称为均聚物。聚合物也 可由两种或两种以上的单体共同聚合而成。例如由氯乙烯 和醋酸乙烯酯共同聚合时,产物为:
[ CH2
CH ]n [ CH2 Cl
CH ]m O
其中n和m为分子链中两种单体单元的数量,但并不表 示n个氯乙烯单元后面接m个醋酸乙烯酯单元。两种单体单 元通常是无规分布的。
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2000
“For the discovery and development of conductive polymers”
G. MacDiarmid H. Shirakawa J. Heeger 10
80年代以后,新的聚合方法和新结构的聚合物不断出现和 发展。 新的聚合方法:阳离子活性聚合、基团转移聚合、活性自 由基聚合、等离子聚合等等; 新结构的聚合物:新型嵌段共聚物、新型接枝共聚物、星 状聚合物、树枝状聚合物、超支化聚合物、含富勒烯(C60)聚 合物等等。
提 出了高分子的概念,并预测了聚氯乙烯和聚甲基丙烯酸甲 酯等聚合物的结构,1953年获诺贝尔化学奖。
H. Staudinger (施陶丁格,德, 1881-1965)1953年化学奖
突破有机化学的传统观念, 首先提出了高分子的概念,以 大量先驱性工作为高 分子化学奠基,开创了高分子 学科。
O C O CH2CH2 ]n OH + (n-1) H2O
这类聚合物通常是采用缩合聚合方法制备的,其结构单 元的化学结构与元素组成均与单体不同,因此其结构单元不 能称为单体单元。分子主链上除了碳原子外,还有O、N、 S、P等杂原子,因此称为杂链聚合物。
化学生物学专业基础设置一、课程介绍1.1 课程名称化学生物学专业基础设置1.2 课程学时本课程为必修课,总学时为1200小时。
1.3 课程目标本课程旨在培养学生对化学和生物学基础知识的综合理解,以及在化学生物学领域应用这些知识的能力。
二、课程内容2.1 化学基础本部分主要包括无机、有机和物理化学的基础知识。
2.2 生物学基础本部分主要包括细胞生物学、分子生物学和遗传学的基础知识。
2.3 化学生物学基础本部分主要介绍化学生物学的基本概念和研究方法。
2.4 实验课程本课程设置一定比例的实验课程,旨在培养学生的实验技能和科学思维。
三、课程评价3.1 作业学生将完成一系列的作业,包括课后习题、实验报告等。
3.2 考试本课程设置期中考试和期末考试,旨在考察学生对课程知识的掌握和理解。
3.3 课堂表现学生的课堂参与度、发言质量以及课堂小测验等将作为评价的一部分。
四、参考教材•P. C. Bolger, “Introduction to Chemical Biology”•G. F. Joyce and L. E. Orgel, “Chemical and Thermal Evolution of the Early Biosphere”以上为化学生物学专业基础设置的基本内容,本课程旨在为学生提供化学和生物学基础知识,培养学生在化学生物学领域的综合能力。
卡尔· 波普 (karl Raimun Popper, 1902-1994)
主要科学哲学著作: 研究的逻辑(1934, 德文版) 科学发现的逻辑 (1959) 猜想与反驳:科学知 识的增长(1963)※ 客观知识:一个进化 论的研究(1972)
第1章 第2章 第3章 第4章
由此可见,逻辑经验主义的可检验性标准, 即证实主义(verificationism )的可检 验性标准不能在科学与伪科学、科学与形 而上学之间划出一道分明的界线。
1.2 意义标准与划界标准的关系
逻辑经验主义者:认识的意义标准的目的是: 澄清科学命题,清除形而上学命题或非科学命 题。意义问题就是划界问题。所以当维也纳学 派的成员读到波普划界问题的文章时,评价他 的贡献是,提出了一种建议:“用可证伪性的 意义标准取代了可证实性的意义标准”。 [1]
1.3 波普证伪主义的来源
伪科学的典型-马克思的历史学说、弗洛 伊德的精神分析学和阿德勒的个体心理学 的共同特点 : 明显的解释力给人以深刻的印象,只 要你愿意去寻找确证事例,你将会发 现世界充满了对它们的证实。
水星近日点的进动。 光谱线引力红移。 光线会被重力很强 的物体吸引,而使 运行轨道产生弯曲。
〔英〕卡尔· 波普
卡尔· 波普 (karl Raimun Popper, 1902-1994)
出生于奥地利的犹太人。 1928年获维也纳大学哲学 博士学位。 1937年任新 西兰坎特伯雷大学学院哲 学教师。1949年任伦敦经 济学院逻辑和科学方法讲 座教授。第二次世界大战 后定居英国,1965年被授 予爵士称号。曾任英国科 学院院士和美国艺术与科 学院院士。1969年退休。
苏教化学必修2专题3第3单元 人工合成有机化合物1
美国科学家黑格、麦克迪尔米德、日本科学家白川秀树因发现能够导电的塑 料,而共同获得诺贝尔化学奖。
?2005年 第一百零五届诺贝尔奖 伊夫 ·肖万、罗伯特 ·格拉布斯、理查德 ·施罗克 因对烯烃复分解反应的研究,
?1973年12月10 日第七十三届诺贝尔奖 德国科学家费舍尔、英国科学家威尔金森因有机金属化学的广泛研究而共同
?1975 年12 月10日第七十五届诺贝尔奖
?1912 年12月10日第十二届诺贝尔奖
德国科学家格利雅因发现有机氢化物的格利雅试剂法、法国科学家萨巴蒂埃因 研究金属催化加氢在有机化合成中的应用而共同获得诺贝尔化学奖。
?1939年12月10 日第三十九届诺贝尔奖
德国科学家布特南特因性激素方面的工作、瑞士科学家卢齐卡因聚甲烯和性激 素方面的研究工作而共同获得诺贝尔化学奖。布特南特因纳粹的阻挠而被迫放 弃领奖。
R - CH 2-CH 2-Br
例: 由乙醇合成聚乙烯的反应流程图可表示为
CH 170 ℃
2 =CH 2
[CH 2 -CH 2 ]n
计算结果与讨论:1.核电荷密度分布 2.核电荷形状因子
西南大学物理科学与技术学院 XXXX级物理学3班 hzx
奇特核电形状因子的研究 毕业论文答辩
程 序 Program
1.利用RCHB方法计算核电荷分布密度 2.在平面波Born近似下计算核电荷形状因子
理论准备充分、扎实; 程序编写仔细、标准; 注意程序中出现的量的单位统一。
3、远眺开始,双眼看整个图表,产生向前深进的感 觉,然后由外向内逐步辨认每一层的绿白线条。
4、如果视力不良,只能进到某一层时,不要立即停 止远眺,应多看一会儿,将此层看清楚后,再向内 看一层,如此耐心努力争取尽量向内看,才能使眼 的睫状肌放松。
5、双眼视力相近的,两眼可同时远眺;双眼视力相 差大的、将左右眼轮流遮盖,单眼远眺,视力差的 一只眼睛,其远眺时间要延长。
结 果 Result
尽管有相同的质子数,但从 图中可以清楚的看到的电荷密度分 布存在很大的差异,由于28S最外 面的两个质子束缚很弱导致的电荷 密度分布有一个长长的尾巴,这清 楚的说明在丰质子核28S的基态中 存有质子晕。
西南大学物理科学与技术学院 XXXX级物理学3班 hzx
奇特核电形状因子的研究 毕业论文答辩
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Practical Problem I(23 blue points, 23 red points)DETERMINATION OF FATTY ACIDSThe starch and phenolphtalein indicator are shared between three students. They should be returned immediately after use, and should be handed to the referees to be exchanged if they become contaminated.A mixture of an unsaturated monoprotic fatty acid and an ethyl ester of a saturated monoprotic fatty acid has been dissolved in ethanol (2.00 mL of this solution contain a total of 1.00 g acid plus ester). By titration the acid number1), the saponification number2) and the iodine number3) of the mixture shall be determined. The acid number and the saponification number shall be used to calculate the number of moles of free fatty acid and ester present in 1.00 g of the sample. The iodine number shall be used to calculate the number of double bonds in the unsaturated fatty acid.Note: The candidate must be able to carry out the whole exam by using the delivered amount of unknown sample (12 mL). There will be no supplementation.1) Acid number: The mass of KOH in milligram that is required to neutralize one gram of the acid plus ester.2) Saponification number: The mass of KOH in milligram that is required to saponify one gram of the acid plus ester.3) Iodine number: The mass of iodine (I) in g that is consumed by 100 g of acid plus ester.Atomic masses:I = 126.90 O = 16.00K = 39.10 H = 1.011) Determination of the acid number.Reagents and Apparatus:Unknown sample, 0.1000 M KOH, indicator (phenolphthalein), ethanol/ether (1:1 mixture), buret (50 mL), erlenmeyer flasks (3 x 250 mL), measuring cylinder (100 mL), graduated pipette (2 mL), funnel.Procedure:Pipet out aliquotes (2.00 mL) from the unknown mixture into erlenmeyer flasks (250 mL). Add first ca.100 mL of an ethanol/ether mixture (1:1) and then add the indicator (5 drops). Titrate the solutions with 0.1000 M KOH.Calculate the acid number.2) Determination of the saponification number.Reagents and Apparatus: Unknown sample, 0.5000 M KOH in ethanol, 0.1000 M HCl, indicator (phenolphthalein), volumetric flask (50 mL), round bottom flask (250 mL), Liebig condenser, buret (50 mL), erlenmeyer flasks (3 x 250 mL), volumetric pipette ( 25 mL), volumetric pipette (10 mL), graduated pipette (2 mL), funnel, glass rod. The round bottom flask and Liebig condenser are to be found in the fume hoods.Procedure: Pipet out a 2.00 mL aliquote of the unknown sample into a round bottom flask (250 mL) and add 25.0 mL 0.5000 M KOH/EtOH. Reflux the mixture with a heating mantle for 30 min in the fume hood (start the heating with the mantle set to 10, then turn it down to 5 after 7 min.). Bring the flask back to the bench and cool it under tap water. Transfer quantitatively the solution to a 50 mL volumetric flask and dilute to the mark with a 1:1 mixture of ethanol/water. Take out aliquots of 10 mL and titrate with 0.1000 M HCl using phenolphtalein as indicator (5 drops).Calculate the saponification number.3) Determination of the iodine number.In this experiment iodobromine adds to the double bond.I Brl lC = C + IBr ∅ C – CThe Hanus solution (IBr in acetic acid) is added in excess. After the reaction is complete, excess iodobromine is reacted with iodide forming I2, IBr + I-∅ I2 + Br-, which in turn is determined by standard thiosulphate titration.Warning: Be careful when handling the iodobromine solution. Treat any spill immediately with thiosulphate solution.Reagents and Apparatus:Unknown sample, 0.2000 M Hanus solution , dichloro-methane, 15% KI solution in distilled water, distilled water, 0.2000 M sodium thiosulfate, starch indicator, erlenmeyer flasks (3 x 500 mL), buret (50 mL), graduated pipette (2 mL), measuring cylinders (10 and 100 mL), volumetric pipette (25 mL), aluminium foil.Procedure: Pipet out aliquotes (1.00 mL) of the unknown mixture into erlenmeyer flasks (500 mL) and add 10 mL of dichloromethane. With a pipet add 25.0 mL Hanus solution, cover the opening with aluminiumfoil and place your labelled flasks in the dark in the cupboard (under the fume hood) for 30 min. with occasionally shaking. Add 10 mL of the 15% KI solution, shake thoroughly and add 100 mL of dist. water. Titrate the solution with 0.2000 M sodium thiosulphate until the solution turns pale yellow. Add starch indicator (3 mL) and continue titration until the blue colour entirely disappears.Calculate the iodine number.4)Use the results from 1) 2) and 3) to:i) Calculate the amount of ester (in mol) in 1 g of the acid plus esterii) Calculate the number of double bonds in the unsaturated acidPractical Problem II(17 blue points, 17 red points)VOLUMETRIC DETERMINATION OF BROMIDE BY BACK-TITRATION WITH THIOCYANATE AFTER PRECIPITATION WITH SILVER IONS IN EXCESS Moments worth considering:• The candidates must consider the number of significant figures that will be reasonable in the results.• The candidates must be able to carry out the whole analysis by using the delivered portions of silver nitrate and potassium thiocyanate. Supplementation of these two solutions will not be available.• Only one 25 mL pipette will be at disposal for each candidate.PrincipleBromide is precipitated as silver bromide after a known amount of silver ions has been added in excess.Ag+(aq) + Br-(aq) ∅ AgBr(s) (faint yellow-green)The excess of silver ions is titrated with thiocyanate with a known concentration, after a previous standardization of the thiocyanate solution.During the titration of the following reaction takes place, resulting in the precipitation of silver thiocyanate:Ag+(aq) + SCN-(aq) ∅ AgSCN(s) (white)Fe(III) is added as indicator producing a red-coloured ion at the equivalence point:Fe3+(aq) + SCN-(aq) ∅ FeSCN2+(aq) (red)a)ProceduresEvery candidate has got a 0.5 liter brown bottle with screw cap, containing about 0.08 M of a potassium thiocyanate solution , and also a 0.25 liter brown bottle with screw cap, containing the silver nitrate solution. The concentration of this solution is 0.1000 M. The exact concentration of the KSCN solution is to be determined by the candidates.i) Determination of bromide in the unknown sample solutionFill the 250 mL volumetric flask containing the bromide sample solution to the mark with water.Transfer three 25.00 mL portions (pipette) of the sample solution to three erlenmeyer flasks. Add about 5 mL of 6 M nitric acid (measuring cylinder) to each flask.Transfer 25.00 mL (pipette) of the accurately known silver solution and about 1 mL of iron(III) indicator (ind.) (measuring cylinder) to each solution.Titrate the contents of the three aliquotes with the potassium thioscyanate solution. The end-point of the titration is detected when the solution (including the precipitate) becomes permanently very faint brownish. It is important to shake the contents vigorously near the end-point and rinse the walls of the flask with water. The colour should be stable for at least one minute.ii) Standardization of the potassium thiocyanate solution:Transfer 25.00 mL (pipette) of the silver nitrate solution to an erlenmeyer flask, add about 5 mL of 6 M nitric acid and about 1 mL of the iron(III) indicator solution and about 25 mL of water (use measuring cylinders for these solutions).Titrate the contents with the thiocyannate solution and determine the end-point according to the instruction given in the "Determination" procedure.Atomic mass: Br = 79.90b)ExerciseAt the equivalent point the solution is saturated with respect to both AgBr and AgSCN. Find the molar consentration of free (unprecipitated) Br- in this solution:K sp(AgBr) = 5.00 . 10-13K sp(AgSCN) = 1.00 . 10-12Ignore the effect of pH and Fe(III) species.Note: On the answer sheet, not only the required final results shall be given, but also examplifications of how the calculations are carried out.。