ITSM(A) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
0 1
Tj initial=25°C F=50Hz
Number of cycles
Fig 7: Non repetitive surge peak on-state current for a sinusoidal pulse with width tp<10ms, and corresponding value of I2t.
Test Conditions
VD=12V (DC) RL=33Ω VD=12V (DC) RL=33Ω VD=VDRM RL=3.3kΩ IG=1.2 IGT IT= 100mA gate open ITM= 11A tp= 380µs VDRM Rated VRRM Rated
Fig 2: Correlation between maximum power dissipation and maximum allowable temperatures (Tamb and Tcase) for different thermal resistances heatsink+contact.
Unit A A
A2s A/µs
°C °C °C
Repetitive peak off-state voltage Tj = 125 °C
1/2" [13] & 3/4" [19]
Attaches to 1/8" [3] through 1/4" [6] flange.
1" [25]
1/2" [13] & 3/4" [19]
other purpose.
NOTE: All load ratings are for static conditions and do not account for dynamic loading such as wind, water or seismic loads, unless otherwise noted.
Pentair, CADDY, ERICO CADWELD, ERICO CRITEC, ERICO, ERIFLEX, and LENTON are owned by Pentair or its global affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Pentair reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice.
CADDY B18 series with threaded rod going through both
the B18 and the box, this single support is appropriate.
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UNI800B 使用说明书
2 技术参数...............................................................................................................................................................8
4 显示面板及按键说明.........................................................................................................................................12
4-1 上电显示 ....................................................................................................................................................13 4-2 状态指示光标 ............................................................................................................................................13 4-3 前面板按键说明.........................................................................................................................................13 4-4 后面板说明 ................................................................................................................................................14
1/6®BTA/BTB10 SeriesSNUBBERLESS ™ & STANDARD10A TRIAC SApril 2002 - Ed: 5AMAIN FEATURES:DESCRIPTIONAvailable either in standard or snubberless version, the BTA/BTB10 triac series is suitable for general purpose AC switching. They can be used as an ON/OFF function in applications such as static relays, heating regulation, induction motor starting circuits... or for phase control operation in light dimmers, motor speed controllers, ...The snubberless version (W suffix) is specially recommended for use on inductive loads, thanks to their high commutation performances.By using an internal ceramic pad, the BTA series provides voltage insulated tab (rated at 2500 V RMS) complying with UL standards (File ref.:E81734).Symbol Value Unit I T(RMS)10A V DRM /V RRM 600 and 800V I GT (Q 1)25 to 50mAABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSymbol ParameterValueUnit I T(RMS)RMS on-state current (full sine wave)TO-220ABTc = 105°C 10ATO-220AB Ins.Tc = 95°C I TSM Non repetitive surge peak on-state current (full cycle, Tj initial = 25°C) F = 60 Hz t = 16.7 ms 105AF = 50 Hzt = 20 ms100I ²t I ²t Value for fusingtp = 10 ms55A ²s dI/dtCritical rate of rise of on-state current I G = 2 x I GT , tr ≤ 100 nsF = 120 Hz Tj = 125°C 50A/µs V DSM /V RSM Non repetitive surge peak off-statevoltagetp = 10 ms Tj = 25°C V DRM /V RRM+ 100V I GM Peak gate currenttp = 20 µsTj = 125°C 4A P G(AV)Average gate power dissipation Tj = 125°C1W T stg T jStorage junction temperature range Operating junction temperature range- 40 to + 150- 40 to + 125°CBTA/BTB10 Series2/6ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tj = 25°C, unless otherwise specified)sSNUBBERLESS™ (3 Quadrants)sSTANDARD (4 Quadrants)STATIC CHARACTERISTICSNote 1: minimum IGT is guaranted at 5% of IGT max.Note 2: for both polarities of A2 referenced to A1Symbol Test ConditionsQuadrantBTA/BTB10UnitCWBW I GT (1)V D = 12 V R L = 33 ΩI - II - III MAX.3550mA V GT I - II - III MAX. 1.3V V GD V D = V DRM R L = 3.3 k Ω Tj = 125°C I - II - IIIMIN.0.2V I H (2)I T = 500 mA MAX.3550mA I L I G = 1.2 I GTI - III MAX.5070mA II6080dV/dt (2)V D = 67 % V DRM gate open Tj = 125°C MIN.5001000V/µs (dI/dt)c (2)Without snubber Tj = 125°CMIN.5.59.0A/msSymbolTest ConditionsQuadrant BTA/BTB10UnitCB I GT (1)V D = 12 V R L = 33 ΩI - II - III IV MAX.255050100mA V GT ALLMAX. 1.3V V GD V D = V DRM R L = 3.3 k Ω Tj = 125°C ALLMIN.0.2V I H (2)I T = 500 mA MAX.2550mA I LI G = 1.2 I GTI - III - IVMAX.4050mA II80100dV/dt (2)V D = 67 %V DRM gate open Tj = 125°CMIN.200400V/µs (dV/dt)c (2)(dI/dt)c = 4.4 A/ms Tj = 125°CMIN.510V/µsSymbol Test ConditionsValue Unit V TM (2)I TM = 14 A tp = 380 µs Tj = 25°C MAX. 1.55V V to (2)Threshold voltage Tj = 125°C MAX.0.85V R d (2)Dynamic resistance Tj = 125°C MAX.40m ΩI DRM I RRMV DRM = V RRMTj = 25°C MAX.5µA Tj = 125°C1mABTA/BTB10 Series3/6THERMAL RESISTANCESPRODUCT SELECTORBTB: Non insulated TO-220AB packageORDERING INFORMATIONOTHER INFORMATIONNote : xxx = voltage, y = sensitivity, z = typeSymbol ParameterValue Unit R th(j-c)Junction to case (AC)TO-220AB 1.5°C/WTO-220AB Insulated2.4R th(j-a)Junction to ambientTO-220AB 60°C/W TO-220AB InsulatedPart NumberVoltage (xxx)SensitivityType Package 600 V800 V BTA/BTB10-xxxB X X 50 mA Standard TO-220AB BTA/BTB10-xxxBW X X 50 mA Snubberless TO-220AB BTA/BTB10-xxxC X X 25 mA Standard TO-220AB BTA/BTB10-xxxCWXX35 mASnubberlessTO-220ABPart NumberMarkingWeight Base quantity Packing mode BTA/BTB10-xxxyz BTA/BTB10xxxyz 2.3 g 250Bulk BTA/BTB10-xxxyzRGBTA/BTB10-xxxyz2.3 g50TubeBTA/BTB10 Series4/6Fig. 1: Maximum power dissipation versus RMS on-state current (full cycle).Fig. 2: RMS on-state current versus case temperature (full cycle).Fig. 3: Relative variation of thermal impedance versus pulse duration.Fig. 4: On-state characteristics (maximum values).Fig. 5: Surge peak on-state current versus number of cycles.Fig. 6: Non-repetitive surge peak on-state current for a sinusoidal pulse with width tp <10ms, and corresponding value of I²t.BTA/BTB10 Series5/6Fig. 7: Relative variation of gate trigger current,holding current and latching current versus junction temperature (typical values).Fig. 8: Relative variation of critical rate of decrease of main current versus (dV/dt)c (typical values).Fig. 9: Relative variation of critical rate of decrease of main current versus junction temperature.BTA/BTB10 SeriesPACKAGE MECHANICAL DATAInformation furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics.© The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics© 2002 STMicroelectronics - Printed in Italy - All Rights ReservedSTMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia - Brazil - Canada - China - Finland - France - GermanyHong Kong - India - Isreal - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - SingaporeSpain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States.6/6。
⑴按化学成分分类⑵按钢的品质分类⑶按冶炼方法分类⑷按显微组织分类⑸按用途分类⑹按强度分类2、铸铁的分类3、铜的分类二、化学元素及其在钢中的作用1、电厂常用金属材料中的化学元素钢中常存五元素:C、Si、Mn、S、P 钢中五害元素:Sn、Pb、As、Sb、Bi 2、钢中主要元素在钢中的作用三、世界主要国家钢号表示方法1、中国钢号表示方法根据GB/T 221-2008《钢铁产品牌号表示方法》规定,钢号采用汉语拼音、化学元素符号和阿拉伯数字相结合的原则,即:⑴钢号中添加的合金元素采用化学元素符号表示,如Cr、Mo、Mn…等。
Ma y 20001© 2000 Actel Corporationv2.08b10b MacroProduct Sum m ary•Gigabit Ethernet 8b10b Function •125 MHz Operation•Transmit and Receive Function •Disparity and Illegal Code Error Checking•Connects directly to industry-standard Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver devices.•Supports either single or dual channel transceiver in a single device.Versi onThis data sheet defines the functionality of Version 1.0 of the 8b10b macro.General D escripti onThe 8b10b macro implements the function for the physical coding sublayer for Gigabit Ethernet as defined in the IEEE 802.3z specification. The 8b10b is a marriage of two sub-blocks, the 5b6b and the 3b4b encoder/decoders (ENDECs). The purpose of the ENDEC is to convert 8-bit datainto a 10-bit code that contains an equal number of 0’s and 1’s. In addition, the code is built so that no more than five consecutive 0’s or 1’s are ever transmitted. The 8b10b macro is designed to work with a variety of standard transceiver devices. A set of generic signals provides a data and command interface with the system logic. A system-level block diagram describing the use of the 8b10b macro is shown in Figure 1.The 8b10b macro provides a user interface and a transceiver interface. The user interface consists of transmit data,receive data, and several control and status signals used to qualify the data. To simplify the timing of the user interface,the data transmission is word-wide (16-bits) and operates at 62.5 MHz. This strategy provides a simplified timing interface for system logic yet still meets the 125 megabyte per second requirements for Gigabit Ethernet.The transceiver interface is designed to connect directly to most commercially-available Gigabit Ethernet transceiver devices. The transceiver is responsible for serializing transmit data and deserializing receive data. In addition, the receiver is designed to resynchronize the serial stream whenever an external device detects illegal coding errors.Figure 1•System Block Diagram Depicting 8b10b Macro Usage28b10b Dev ice RequirementsPerformance requirements of the 8b10b macro drives device selection. Table 1 defines the minimum device requirements for the A54SXA family.I/O Signal Des criptionsThe 8b10b macro signals are defined in Tables 2 and 3. 8b10b Trans m itter Detailed OperationThe 8b10b transmitter is a pipelined structure that converts 16-bit command or data information into two 10-bit encoded values. Command and data information are qualified by the TX_K_CHAR[1:0] bus. TX_K_CHAR[1] corresponds to the upper data byte on TX_WORD[15:0] and TX_K_CHAR[0] is for the lower byte. The data on the TX_WORD bus is continuously registered into the transmitter; however, this data is only transferred to the encoder when the TX_WRn signal is driven low for a single cycle. The transmitter will encode and send the upper byte first followed by the lower byte. Because of the pipelined nature of the transmitter, the first encoded data will be driven on the TX_DATA bus several cycles after the TX_WRn pulse. All data input information is valid, though command possibilities are limited. If the transmitter detects a bad command, then it will assert the INVALID_K signal. When the TX_WRn input is inactive, the transmitter will continuously send an IDLE2 (K28.5/D16.2)command defined in the 802.3 specification. Figure 2on page 3 illustrates the implementation of the transmitter function.The core of the transmitter consists of a data encoder, a command encoder, and a disparity calculator. Each encoder calculates a 4B and 6B code for the input data. The correct code, command or data, is then selected based on the original input value of TX_K_CHAR. The disparity calculatordetermines whether encoded values need to be inverted to maintain the correct running disparity. Finally, the code is registered and sent to the transceiver on the TX_DATA bus.8b10b Receiv er D etailed OperationThe 8b10 receiver is also a pipelined structure that converts two 10-bit encoded values qualified by the clocks RBC0 and RBC1 and converts them to 16-bit command or data information. Command information is indicated by the RX_K_CHAR[1:0] bus signals asserted high. The data on the upper byte of the RX_WORD bus is the first decoded value in the sequence.Several signals qualify the validity of the information on RX_WORD. RX_WORD contains good information whenever CODE_ERRORn is inactive (high) and WORD_SYN Cn is active (low). If WORD_SYN Cn is high or CODE_ERRORn is low, this indicates some problem in transmission. Whenever the receiver loses sync (WORD_SYNCn is high), it asserts the COMMA_DET_E Noutput so that the transceiver resynchronizes the data on subsequent K28.5 commands.When sync is reestablished, the WORD_SYNCn will again be driven low after the pipeline has been flushed of potentially bad data. Figure 3on page 4 illustrates the implementation of the 8b10b receive function.Receive data is first loaded into two parallel registers. The first register is active on the rising edge of RBC0 and the second on the rising edge of RBC1. The RBC0 data is thenTable 1•Device Statistics for the 8b10b MacroDevice Speed Grade Utilization A54SX08A Standard 96%A54SX16A Standard48%A54SX32A-124%Table 2•Transceiver Interface SignalsName 1Type DescriptionCOMMA_DETECTInputActive high pulse from the transceiver indicating that a comma character has been detected and the received data is aligned with the rising edge of the RBC1clock.RBC0,RBC1Input Clock signals recovered from the received data stream.These clocks are 180degrees out of phase and the rising edge of each clock qualifies receive data.RX_DA TA[9:0]Input 10-bit encoded input data from the transceiver qualified by the rising edges of RBC0and RBC1.COMMA_DET_ENOutputActive high signal indicating that the transceiver should align the data stream with the rising edge of RBC1.This output is asserted when the 8b10b detects multiple consecutive encoding errors.TX_DA TA[9:0]Output10-bit encoded output data to the transceiver.Note:1.Active LOW signals are designated with a trailing lower-case n.38b10b M a croresynchronized with RBC1 on the next RBC1 rising clock edge. From this point, the two codes are decoded in parallel and move from stage to stage based on the RBC1 clock input.The error check block monitors the incoming codes and checks for illegal codes and/or bad running disparity. Whenan error in the 8b10b code is detected, the CODE_ERRORn is asserted. If several codes in a row are received with errors,then the 8b10b will assume that synchronization with the transceiver has been lost and will deactivate WORD_SYNCn and assert the COMMA_DET_EN signal. The number ofTable 3•System Interface SignalsName 1Type DescriptionCLK125Input Primary 125MHz clock signal for the transmit block of the 8b10b macro.RSTnInput Asynchronous reset signal for the macro.TX_K_CHAR[1:0]InputActive high signal indicating that the TX_WORD[15:0]contains command informa-tion.Bit 0corresponds to the lower byte (bits 7:0)and bit 1corresponds to the upper byte (bits 15:8)of TX_WORD.TX_WORD[15:0]Input 16-bit input data to the transmitter.Byte 1is transmitted first followed by byte 0.TX_WRnInputActive low signal that qualifies the TX_WORD data.When this signal is asserted,the data defined on TX_WORD will be registered into the 8b10b macro,encoded,and sent to the transceiver intwo consecutive 10-bit transfers.CODE_ERRORn[1:0]OutputActive low signal indicating that the ENDEC has detected an error in the received data stream.Bit 0corresponds to the lower byte (bits 7:0)and bit 1corresponds to the upper byte (bits 15:8)of RX_WORD.INVALID_K OutputActive high signal indicating that the upstream device requested the ENDEC to transmit an invalid command character.This signal is asserted when either of the TX_K_CHAR[1:0]is active,but the associated don on the byte lane of TX_WORD[15:0]does not correspond to a valid command character.RX_CLKOutput The receive clock.The rising edge of this clock qualifies RX_WORD[15:0],RX_K_CHAR[1:0],WORD_SYNCn,and CODE_ERRORn[1:0].RX_K_CHAR[1:0]Output Output from the ENDEC to the transceiver indicating that the received data is a command code.RX_WORD[15:0]Output 16-bit decoded receive data.The upper byte was received first and the lower byte was received second in the data sequence.WORD_SYNCnOutputActive low signal indicating that the received data is correctly aligned.Note:1.Active LOW signals are designated with a trailing lower-case n.Figure 2•8b10b Transmitter Block Diagram4consecutive errors required to force a resynchronization is programmable, from 2 to 16 (default is 6). The transceiver then resynchronizes the data on the rising edge of RBC1 using K28.5 codes. A pulse on the COMMA_DETECT input indicatesthat the transceiver has reacquired sync. The 8b10b responds by deasserting COMMA_DET_E Nand asserting WORD_SYNCn.Figure 3•8b10b Receiver Block Diagram58b10b M a croHierarchy of the 8b10b M odelThe hierarchy of the 8b10b model is shown in Figure 4. The transmitter is the encoder. The encoder is subdivided into the data encoder (enc_d), command encoder (enc_k), and the running disparity calculator (enc_flip). The enc_d is composed of the mux32x6, mux32x1, and mux4x1 modules that create a ROM for data encoding. The receiver is the decoder, which is subdivided into the data decoder (dec_data), running disparity decoder (dec_rd), and the synchronization state machine (sync_fsm).Utiliz ation StatisticsThe 8b10b macro uses approximately 250 sequential modules and 350 combinatorial modules in the A54SX-A devices. The macro also uses approximately 70 I/Os and requires two clock networks for the CLK125 and RBC1 inputs. Because of the light loading, the clock input RBC0 can use a regular input. It is possible to implement a dual channel 8b10b in either the A54SX16A or A54SX32A device.Sy stem Tim ingThe 8b10b macro is divided into two functions, the transmitter and the receiver. The transmitter is designed to operate at 125 MHz, the receiver at 62.5 MHz. The input setup time for transmitter signals (TX_WORD, TX_K_CHAR, and TX_WRn) are measured with respect to the rising edge of CLK125. The input setup time for the receiver signal RX_DATA is measured with respect to the rising edge of both RBC0 and RBC1. The input setup time for the COMMA_DETECT signal is measured with respect to RBC1only. Receiver output timing is defined with respect to the rising edge of RX_CLK, an inverted version of RBC1 (refer to Figure 5 and Figure 6).Table 4 defines the internal register-to-register delays for the CLK125MHZ domain (transmitter) and the RBC1 domain (receiver). RBC0 domain to RBC1 domain timing is providedfor reference. Input setup requirements are defined in Table 5. Output valid times are defined in Table 6 and Table 7.8B10B W aveform sThe operation of the 8b10b macro is illustrated in the following waveforms. The function of the 8b10b can be illustrated using 5 different waveforms:•Normal transmission•Transmission with an invalid K command •Normal receive•Loss of synchronization with the transceiver •Synchronization with the transceiverFigure 4•Hierarchy of the 8b10b ENDEC.Figure 5•Input Timing for 8b10b SignalsFigure 6•Output Timing for 8b10b Signals Table 4•Internal Reg-Reg Delays (ns max)Name SX08A SX16A SX32A-1CLK125MHZ>RBC12.02.02Notes:1.All timing is for worst-case commercial conditions.2.Expected values from commercially available synthesis toolsusing standard design practices.6A normal transmission begins by placing valid data/command information on TX_WORD and TX_K_CHAR while simultaneously asserting the TX_WRn signal. After several cycles, the encoded data is driven onto the TX_DATA bus. If command information is illegal, the IN VALID_K signal will assert for one cycle. Normal 8b10b transmission is illustrated in Figure 7 and an invalid command waveform is shown in Figure 8on page 7.A normal receive assumes that the 8b10b encoded data on RX_DATA is aligned with RBC1. Encoded data is registered into the 8b10b off the rising edge of both RBC1 and RBC0.After several cycles, the unencoded data or command isdriven onto the RX_WORD and RX_K_CHAR buses. Thisinformation is qualified by the rising edge of RX_CLK. Thenormal 8b10b receive is depicted in Figure 9on page 7.In some cases, the 8b10b detects an error condition on the incoming data stream. When this occurs, the output CODE_ERRORn is asserted. If several consecutive errors are found, the 8b10b will assume that it has lost synchronization with the transceiver and will attempt to resynchronize by asserting the COMMA_DET_E Noutput as shown in Figure 10on page 7.When the COMMA_DET_E output is asserted, the transceiver will scan the incoming data stream for a K28.5command code and will resynchronize RX_DATA on the rising edge of RBC1. If the data stream is synchronized and a K28.5command is detected, then the transceiver will indicate synchronization by asserting the COMMA_DETECT signal.After two pulses, the 8b10b will again be synchronized as indicated by the WORD_SYNCn signal in Figure 11on page 8.Table 5• Input Required Set-Up Times (ns max)NameSX08A SX16A SX32A-1COMMA_DETECT TA[9:0] 1.0 1.00.5TX_WRn 1.0 1.00.5TX_WORD[15:0] timing is for worst-case commercial conditions.2.Expected va lues from commercia lly a va ila ble synthesis toolsusing standard design practices.Table 6•Output Valid Times (ns max)NameSX08A SX16A SX32A-1COMMA_DET_EN 6.0 6.0 6.0INVALID_K 6.0 6.0 6.0TX_DAT A[9:0] 5.5 5.5 5.5RX_CLK6.06.06.0Notes:1.All timing is for worst-case commercial conditions.2.Expected va lues from commercia lly a va ila ble synthesis toolsusing standard design practices.Table 7•Receive Data Valid Prior to RX_CLK (ns max)NameSX08A SX16A SX32A-1CODE_ERRORn 6.0 6.0 6.0RX_K_CHAR 6.0 6.0 6.0RX_WORD[15:0] 6.0 6.0 6.0WORD_SYNCn6.06.06.0Notes:1.All timing is for worst-case commercial conditions.2.Expected va lues from commercia lly a va ila ble synthesis toolsusing standard design practices.3.Hold times for all signals is at least 2ns after the rising edge ofRX_CLK.Figure 7•Normal Transmit8b10b M a croFigure 8•Invalid CommandFigure 9•Normal ReceiveFigure 10•Receive Error7Figure 11•Synchronization with the Transceiver 8Actel and the Actel logo are registered trademarks of Actel Corporation.All other trademarks are the property of their owners.Actel Europe Ltd.Daneshill House,Lutyens Close Basingstoke,Hampshire RG248AG United KingdomTel:+44-(0)125-630-5600Fax:+44-(0)125-635-5420Actel Corporation955East Arques AvenueSunnyvale,California94086USATel:(408)739-1010Fax:(408)739-1540Actel Asia-PacificEXOS Ebisu Bldg.4F1-24-14Ebisu Shibuya-kuT okyo150JapanTel:+81-(0)3-3445-7671Fax:+81-(0)3-3445-76685172155-0/5.00。
汽车覆盖件模具中常见材料及其热处理胡彦固【摘要】In this text, introduce heat treatment of the general materials in automobile panel dies with actual work. gained a simple table which may provide help for automobile panel dies in daily maintenance for automobile panel dies.%结合现场实例,介绍了汽车覆盖件模具中常见材料及其热处理,最后形成一个简表,以期对汽车覆盖件模具的日常维护、保养有所借鉴。
【期刊名称】《模具制造》【年(卷),期】2011(000)010【总页数】4页(P89-92)【关键词】汽车覆盖件模具;常见材料;热处理【作者】胡彦固【作者单位】上海通用东岳汽车有限公司,山东烟台264000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TG385.2;TG1621 引言要保证汽车覆盖件的质量,首先要保证覆盖件模具的质量,其影响是直接的,模具在使用时要承受较大的载荷,如剪切力、压力、弯矩等。
2 汽车覆盖件模具中常见材料(1)碳素工具钢。
5.13 外部传感器报警 ..................................................... 23 5.14 喂料器的固定 ..Байду номын сангаас.................................................... 24
6.触摸屏的说明 ............................................................ 25 6.1 触摸屏流程说明 ...................................................... 25 6.2 触摸屏的画面说明 .................................................... 31 6.2.1 主题画面 ...................................................... 31 6.2.2 运转画面 ...................................................... 31 6.2.3 模式切换、菜单画面 ............................................ 32 6.2.4 感度设定画面 .................................................. 33 6.2.5 流量设定画面 .................................................. 33 6.2.6 浅黄感度设定画面 .............................................. 34 6.2.7 背景板设定画面 ................................................ 34 6.2.8 日期・时间调整画面 ............................................ 35 6.2.9 品种切换画面 .................................................. 35 6.2.10 喷射阀详细设定画面 ........................................... 36 6.2.11 喷射阀输出选择画面 ........................................... 36 6.2.12 浅黄感度详细设定画面 ......................................... 37 6.2.13 感度详细设定画面 ............................................. 37 6.2.14 报警监视画面 ................................................. 38 6.2.15 喷射阀测试画面 ............................................... 38
BOSCH Series8 自包机,无线麦克风,钢质BEL634GS1B说明书
Series 8, Built-in microwave oven, Stainless steelBEL634GS1BIncluded accessories1 x grid, 1 x Glass trayOptional accessoriesHEZ6TCC0 Cookbook • AutoPilot 10: every dish is a perfect success thanks to 10 pre-set automatic programmes.• TFT display control: easy-to-use thanks to the control ring with full text and symbols.• White LCD display control: easy-to-use thanks to direct access to additional functions, temperature recommendation and temperature indication.• Cleaning Assistance: less cleaning effort thanks to the new cleaning option, which can be especially used for cleaning of light soiling.• LED lighting: perfect illumination of foods with minimum energy consumption.Technical DataType of micro-wave oven: .......................................MW+Grill function Type of control: ...................................................................Electronic Dimensions: ........................................................382 x 594 x 318 mm Cavity dimensions: ..............................................220 x 350 x 270 mm Length of electrical supply cord: ..........................................150.0 cm Net weight: ..............................................................................18.7 kg Gross weight: ..........................................................................20.9 kg EAN code: (4242002813721)Maximum micro-wave power: ....................................................900 W Connection rating: ..................................................................1990 W Fuse protection: ...........................................................................10 A Voltage: ...............................................................................220-240 V Frequency: ...........................................................................50; 60 Hz Plug type: ...............................................................................GB plug Included accessories: ......................................1 x grid, 1 x Glass traySeries 8, Built-in microwave oven, Stainless steelBEL634GS1BDesign- stainless steel, Glass base cavity with Glass base, stainless steel - Electronic clock timer- Bosch control wheel, Touch controls- Touch key operation- Side opening door, left hingedFeatures- Start button- Intelligent microwave inverter technology: For optimised results maximum output power will be regulated to 600 W when used in longer operation for gentler cooking.- Microwave and grill for separate use- Electronic open button- AutoPilot, 10- LED light- Integral cooling fanProgrammes/functions- 900 W maximum microwave power and the following options 180 W, 360 W, 600 W, 90 W, 900 W- 1.3 KW grill function- Grill and microwave power levels 90 W, 180 W, 360 W combinable Accessories- 1 x Glass tray, 1 x gridPerformance/technical information- Cavity volume: 21 l- Power cord length 150 cm Cable length- Total connected load electric: 1.99 KW- Nominal voltage: 220 - 240 V- Appliance dimension (hxwxd): 382 mm x 594 mm x 318 mm- Niche dimension (hxwxd): 362 mm - 382 mm x 560 mm - 568 mm x 300 mm- For installation into a 60 cm wide wall unit, installation in tall housing- Please refer to the dimensions provided in the installation manualSeries 8, Built-in microwave oven,Stainless steel BEL634GS1B。
T-8000B 系统介绍
4、单台控制器脱机工作,播放内容存放在SD 卡中。
二、具体参数 技术参数
具体型号 支持芯片 每个控制器端口数 每个端口带载灯数(像素灯) 每个控制
T-8000-WS WS2801 8 1024灯 8192
类型:SD 卡(如控制灯数多时推荐使用高速SD 卡) 容量:256MB —2GB 格式:FAT 格式 储存文件:*.led 物理参数:
尺寸:长18.2cm 宽 16.5cm 高 4.5cm 工作温度 :-30℃—70℃ 工作电源:直流5V 功耗:8W 端口数量:8个 三、系统架构图
TTL 接线方式
一、T-8000B 系统特点
1、256级灰度控制,软件Gamma 校正处理。
T810 指南线护檐说明书
T810This is a guided awning which can sustain any kind of weather condition thanks to the resilience and top-quality of the materials it is made of.It is supplied with 2 rollers, one for the winter fabric and the other for the summer one, which are completely independent from each other. During summer it’s possible to replace the winter fabric with the full fly screen (see model T804Z).The vinitex winter fabric can reach the floor and can be operated vertically only; its new soft PVC valance adapts to the floor and compensates possible drops.The side guides have been reinforced and the fins enlarged and equipped with brush in order to minimize noise and draughts. Adjustable feet and possibility of having a foot base in order to fix the awning directly at the floor. Equipped with one pair of 10 cm. brackets for fixing at the handrail, on demand, also available in 15 and 20 cm.On demand, and on price surcharge we can paint in other colours both the aluminium profiles only or the whole structure. All the thermoplastic accessories remain in the standard colour white or grey. For a proper working of the awning the minimum height should be 260 cm.It is available in 2 versions:T810 CB Supplied with 70 cm. sliding and revolving arms. The arms slides up to the handrail and allow the summer fabric to be opened towards the outside. It can be blocked at any height by means of special knobs. Standard equipe with windbreaker bar inside the summer fabric. T810 SB Without arms. By means of special sliders the summer fabric slides vertically outside the guides and up to the handrail. It can be blocked at any height by means of special knobs.OPTIONAL:• Windbreaker bar inside the winter fabric.• M125 winter fabric instead of the Vinitex.• Flyscreen instead the Vinitex (max width cm. 250), • Frontal roll-cover cassette.• Motor, only without emergency control, traditional or radio, with obstacle recognition function. • Brush to minimize possible gaps between the wall and the guide.COLOURSSTANDARDAluminium structureGREY RAL 7035 WHI8TE RAL 9010ARMS SIZESVERANDA AWNING T810SBARMS OF CM. 70mm. 87mm. 45+ +Vinitex Acrilico Zanzariera Acrilico oppure ++oppure Vinitex AcrilicoZanzariera AcrilicoVINITEX ACRYLICorZanzariera AcrilicoFLYSCREEN ACRYLICZanzariera AcrilicoFLYSCREEN ACRYLIC VINITEX ACRYLICorT800CB - T800CBM - T810CB - T810SBTAKING THE MEASUREMENTS :FIRST CASE: slab rearward from the handrail, take the slab’s sizeLateral section LayoutLateral sectionFrontal awning = L - cm. 14,5L = s l a b ’s s i z eL = slab’s sizeL a t e r a l a w n i n g = L - c m . 14,5LayoutTAKING THE MEASUREMENTS :SECOND CASE: handrail rearward from the slab, take the handrail ‘s internal sizeFrontal awning = L - cm. 7,5LayoutL = h a n d r a i l ’s i n t e r n a l s i z eLateral sectionL a t e r a l a w n i n g = L - c m . 7,5L = handrail’s internal sizeEXPLODED VIEW T810。
8000B产品使⽤说明书4.0-english8000B SERIES ROTATING MACHINE SUPERVISORY INSTRUMENTATION INSTRUCTION MANUALJANGYIN ZHONGHE POWER INSTRUMENT CO., LTD.1 OVERVIEWRotating machine supervisory instrumentation is the important device for measuring and protecting. 8000B series supervisory instruments are the latest highly digital intelligent and wholely modularized combinatorial instruments.8000B system adopts advanced embedded microprocessor and large-scale digital and analog IC. It has the function of data collection, database managing, field configuring, graph displaying, report printing, networking communication and so on. It’s the updating product of traditional instrument.2 FEATURES●Modularized extendible structure. Can configure system in different function according to different requirement.●Field monitoring by digital displaying at machine site; remote monitoring by data communiction with computer.●Each module is managed by microprocessor. Single and dual data collection can be setted by collection mode.●The system has RS485 RS232 and palmtop communication interface. Connect with DCS or remote computer byRS485, connect with laptop by RS232 at site. The palmtop our company supplied can be connected with 8000B by the specified interface. The end user can select suitable commnication way according to condition at site.●Adopt MODBUS-RUT communication protocol to communicate with DCS or other automatic computer system. ●It can be configured at site according to the requirement of end user by the configuration software our companysupplied. The parameters could be setted include running/inhibiting, channel No., Alarm setting value, Alarm output delay time, Alarm output logic, linearization adjustment, full scale adjustment and so on. (Some parameters were setted in our factory, and can’t be changed by end user. If want to change it, please contact with us.)●The data collection software and managing software can display all monitoring picture (Measuring point, trend,alarm state, history data and so on.), process analyze and print all kinds of report.●8000B series instruments have perfect functions of displaying, alarm and operation. It can run without computerafter configuration.3 SYSTEM COMPOSITION1.8000B series supervisory instrumentation is made up of hardware and software.1.1 Hardware:●8000B-001 Power Supply Module●HT-26XX Palmtop Computer (configuration software inside)●8000B/012 Dual Seismic Monitor Module●8000B/022 Dual Vibraton Monitor Module●8000B/032 Dual Thrust Monitor Module●8000B/042 Dual Differential Expansion Monitor Module●8000B/051 Tachometer/Zero speed/Emergent Trip Monitor Module●8000B/052 Dual Tachometer Monitor Module●8000B/061 Eccentricity Monitor Module●8000B/072 Dual Case Expansion Monitor Module●8000B/082 Dual Valve Position Monitor Module●8000B/092 Dual Standard Signal/Oil Level Monitor Module●8000B/102 Dual Temperature Monitor Module (Thermocouple)●8000B/150 Key phase Module●8000B 2 Out Of 3 Overspeeding Supervisory Module●8000B-162 Three out of Two Logical V ote Module1.2 Software:●8000B System Configuration Software Version 1.0●8000B System Data collection and Database Management Software Version 1.0●8000B Palmtop Computer Configuration Software Version 1.0Software Operation Requirement:●CPU: Pentium II above;●Display resolution:1024×768dpi above;●OS: Windows 98(or Windows Me、Windows XP);4 INFORMATION OF SOFTWARE1.Operating Manual:●8000B Rotating Machine Supervisory Instrumentation Instruction Manual●8000B Palmtop Computer Configuration Software Instruction Manual●8000B Configuration Softeare Instruction Manual●8000B Data Collection Software Instruction Manual2.Communication Protocol Refers to:●MODBUS-8000B Communication Protocol3.Programing configuration software in palmtop refers to:●HT Series Palmtop Computer HTBase language Instruction Manual●HT Series Palmtop Computer Advanced Program Designing Manual5 8000B MONITOR MODULE LISTSYSTEM SOFTW ARE●8000B PDA Palmtop Computer Configuration Software Version 1.0●8000B PC Configuration Software Version 1.0●8000B PC Data collection and Database Management Software Version 1.06 ORDERING INFORMATION1 MONITOR MODULE ORGERING GUIDECode No.:8000B/□□□-A□□-B□□-C□□-D□□……Module:8000B/□□□,e.g. 8000B/ 012 Seismic Monitor ModuleMonitor range:A□□Refer to monitor range of each moduleCurrent output:B□□01*:4 ~ 20mA02 :0 ~ 10mAInput Transducer:C□□Refer to ordering guide of each moduleAlarm delay:D□□00 :0 sec.,01 :1 sec.,02 :2 sec.,03*:3 sec.,…15 :15 sec.8000B/000 Instrument Rack8000B Rack accommodates Power supply unit which is installed on the left and takes double space of monitor module. The motherboard is installed in the rack through which can connect every monitor module. Each monitor module can be installed in any place of rack except the space for power supply unit. The designing of the rack is easy for installing debugging and maintaining.The total number of monitor module is selectable according to the number of measuring points.INSTRUMENT RACK ORDERING GUIDECode No.:8000B/000-A□□Total Number of Accommodated Monitor:A□□□□ Fill in the Number of Accommodated Monitor8000B/001 Power Supply Module8000B system power supply unit supplies power to all monitor module accommodated in the same rack. The unit locates inthe left of the rack which takes double space of monitor module.The fault in the power supply is indicated by lighting of corresponding LED on the panel of the power supply unit.1 Specification● Power Supply: (198~242)V AC ,50Hz ;(85~265)V AC ,50/60Hz ;● Power consumption : 250W or less● Operating Environment: Ensure not in amyctic, strong magnetic and vibrational environmentTemperature: 0~50℃; ? Storage Temperature: -40~60℃;Relative Humidity: 20~90%(Noncondensing )2 Front Panel and Rear Board DrawingNO:JIANGYIN ZHONGHE ELECTRICAL POWER INSTRUMENT CO., LTD.switch for conmunicationPalmtopPower Supply interface for palmtopNLFUSE8000B/001+V -V -V +V +5V+15VRS-232RS-485RS-232RS-485Switch Power(One Channel)Switch Power(Two Channels)3 Power Supply Module Ordering GuideCode No.:8000B/001-A□□00*:Linear Power;(Default Configuration)01:Switch Power(One Channel);02:Switch Power(Two Channels)。
Panasonic Toughbook T8 商品说明书
Windows®. Life without Walls™. Panasonic recommends Windows 7. THE TOUGHBOOK T8Durable, long-lasting battery with touchscreen LCD.In your world, your workday is ever-lasting. Presenting the next-generation mobile computing solution for people on the move. The business-rugged Toughbook® T8 is ultra-portable and weighs in at a lightweight 3.3 lbs., yet is rugged enough to withstand the drops and bangs of your busy day. Add to that increased security and remote management with an Intel® Core®2 vPro™ processor, easy-to-use circular scrolling, a spill-resistantkeyboard and touchpad, Wi-Fi, optional embedded Gobi™ mobile broadband and long battery life, and you get a laptop that lets you do more than you ever expected. Now if we could only lighten your workload.sOfTwarE• Genuine Windows® 7 Professional1• S etup, Diagnostics, PC Information Viewer, Online Reference Manual, Adobe®Reader, Hard Disk Data Erase Utility, Recovery DVD, Display Image Rotation CPU• I ntel® Core™2 SU9600 vPro™ Processor– Processor speed 1.6GHz– 3MB L2 cache– 800MHz FSBsTOraGE & MEMOrY• 2GB SDRAM (DDR2-667) standard, expandable to 4GB2(PC2-5300 memory is required)• 250GB hard drive (shock-mounted, flex-connect and removable)3 DIsPLaY• 12.1" 1024 x 768 XGA touchscreen LCD• External video support up to 1920 x 1200 at 16.7 million colors• Intel® GS45 (GMA 4500MHD video controller), max. 1024MB UMA VRAM on XP4• Anti-glare screen treatmentaUDIO• Intel® high-definition audio compliant• Integrated speaker• Convenient keyboard volume controls (Fn+F5/F6 keys)KEYBOarD & INPUT• Touchscreen LCD• Integrated stylus holder• 83-key with dedicated Windows® key• Electrostatic touchpad with circular scrollingEXPaNsION sLOTs• PC card type II x 1• SD card (SDHC)INTErfaCE• Docking connector 50-pin• External video D-sub 15-pin• Headphones/speaker Mini-jack stereo• Microphone/line in Mini-jack stereo• USB 2.0 (x 3) 4-pin• 10/100/1000 Ethernet RJ-45• 56K Modem RJ-11wIrELEss• Optional integrated Gobi™ mobile broadband• Intel® Wireless WiFi Link 5100 802.11a/b/g/draft-n• Bluetooth® v2.1 + EDR (Class 1); not available with fingerprint reader• S ecurity– Authentication: LEAP, WPA, 802.1x, EAP-TLS, EAP-FAST, PEAP– Encryption: CKIP, TKIP, 128-bit and 64-bit WEP, Hardware AES• Slide on/off switchPOwEr sUPPLY• Lithium ion battery pack (typical 5800mAh, minimum 5400mAh)• Battery operation: 5.5-8 hours5• Battery charging time: 5 hours off, 6.5 hours on5• A C Adapter: AC 100V-240V 50/60Hz, auto sensing/switching worldwidepower supply• Pop-up, on-screen battery status reportingPOwEr MaNaGEMENT• Suspend/Resume Function, Hibernation, Standby, ACPI BIOS• Economy modesECUrITY fEaTUrEs• Password Security: Supervisor, User, Hard Disk Lock• Cable lock slot• Trusted platform module (TPM) security chip v.1.2• Computrace® theft protection agent in BIOS6• Optional fingerprint reader (eliminates Bluetooth®)warraNTY• 3-year limited warranty, parts and laborDIMENsIONs & wEIGHT• 8.4"(L) x 10.7"(W) x 1.4"/1.9"(H) front/rear• 3.3 lbs.THE PaNasONIC TOUGHBOOK T8.1.800.662.3537 / /toughbookFinancing options now available from Panasonic Finance Solutions;please call number above for more details.Panasonic is constantly enhancing product specifications and accessories. Specifications subject to change without notice. Trademarks are property of their respective owners. ©2010 Panasonic Corporation of North America. All rights reserved.■ Touchscreen LCD■ Magnesium Alloy Case with Rubber Hand Strap■ Drop and Spill-resistant■ Circular Scrolling■ Mobile Broadband-ready DesignINTEGraTED OPTIONs7• Gobi™ mobile broadband (EV-DO Rev. A, HSPA)• F ingerprint reader (eliminates Bluetooth®)aCCEssOrIEs7• AC Adapter (3-pin) CF-AA1633AM• Lithium Ion Battery Pack CF-VZSU51W• 4-Bay Battery Charger CF-VCBT71U• LIND Car Adapter 120W CF-LNDDC120• LIND Car Adapter 120WMounting Bracket CF-LNDBRK120• LIND Car/AC Adapter 90W(with USB port) CF-LNDACDC90• LIND Shutdown Timer CF-LNDLPT• I nfoCase Always-on T8 Case TBCTSAOCS-P• I nfoCase Business-ruggedTop-loading Case TBCBRTL-P• I nfoCase ComUniversal Roller TBCRLR-P• I nfoCase Backpack TBCBPK-P• E xternal USB Combo Drive(DVD-ROM/CD-RW) CF-VDRRT3U• Memory Cards– 1GB DDR2 CF-TTWMBA801GE– 2GB DDR2 CF-TTWMBA802GE• Mini Dock Box Replicator CF-VEBU05BU• 12.1" LCD Protector Film CF-VPF02U• R eplacement Stylus withTether Hole CF-VNP003UPlease consult your reseller or Panasonic representative before purchasing.A full set of Windows XP drivers are available at /toughbook/support. Total usable memory will be less depending upon actual system configuration.H ard drive removal should only be attempted by a technician withthe proper equipment. 1GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes.M ax with standard RAM. The size of the VRAM cannot be set by the userand varies by operating system as well as size of RAM. Vista max. VRAMis 797MB with 2GB of memory, or 1551MB with 4GB of memory.B attery performance features such as charge time and life span canvary according to the conditions under which the computer and batteryare used. Battery operation and recharge times will vary based on many factors, including screen brightness, applications, features, power management, battery conditioning and other customer preferences.R equires software and activation to enable theft protection.A ccessories and Integrated Options may vary depending on yournotebook configuration.ssT8 11/10。
由于先进的设计、优质的材料、科学的配方、严格的工艺和高标准的检测,使产品具有如下特点:1. 高压绕组用铜线,低压绕组用铜线或铜箔绕制,玻璃纤维毡填充包绕,真空状态下用不加填料的环氧树脂浇注,固化后形成坚固的圆筒形整体,机械强度高,局部放电小,可靠性高。
2. 阻燃、防爆、不污染环境。
3. 线圈不吸潮,铁心夹件优特殊的防蚀保护层,可在100%相对湿度和其它恶劣环境中运行。
4. 抗短路、雷电冲击水平高。
5. 线圈内外侧树脂层薄,散热性能好。
6. 体积小,重量轻,占地空间少,安装费用低,不须考虑排油池、防火消防设施和备用电源等。
7. 损耗低,节电效果好,运行经济,可免维护。
8. 因无火灭爆炸之虞,可分散安装在负荷中心,充分靠近用火点,从而降低线路造价和节省昂贵的低压设施费用。
加工定制:是应用范围:电力频率特性:低频电源相数:三相铁心形状:E型冷却形式:干式防潮方式:灌封式冷却方式:风冷式外形结构:立式电压比:10000(V)额定功率:50(KVA)商标华恒型号SCB10-800KVA结构形式环氧树脂浇注干式电力变压器绕组数三相规格容量800KVA 电压等级10-0.4(KV)冷却方式AN/AF 调压方式无励磁调压联接组标号Dyn11/Yyn0 短路阻抗6%SCB10-800KVA干式变压器执行标准。
ES-SUB-TRP 双重8和10英寸电源子频道说明书
ES-SUB-TRP8-300-BLK ES-SUB-TRP10-500-BLKpg.2ES-SUB-TRP Installation and Users ManualWARNING : To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this apparatus in or near rain or moisture.1. Read and keep these instructions for future reference.2. Do not use this apparatus near water.3. Clean only with a dry cloth.4. Do not block any ventilation openings. Install according to manufacturer’s instructions.5. Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat.6. Do not override the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two blades - one wider than the other. A grounding type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong is provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.7. Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at plug, convenience receptacles, and the point where it exits from the apparatus.8. Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer.9. Use only with a cart, stand, tripod, bracket or table specified by the manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus. When a cart is used, use caution when moving the cart/apparatus combination to avoid injury from tip-over.10. Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time.11. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any way, such as when the power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped.12. To completely disconnect this equipment from the AC mains, disconnect the power supply cord plug from the AC receptacle13. This is CLASS II apparatus with double insulation, and no protective earth provided.14. Do not expose this equipment to dripping or splashing and ensure that no objects filled with liquids, such as vases, are placed on the equipment.15. To completely disconnect this equipment from the ac mains, disconnect the power supply cord plug from the ac receptacle.16. The main plug of the power supply cord shall remain readily operable.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSThe lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated dangerous voltage within the product’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance.© 2012 EpisodeES-SUB-TRP Installation and Users Manualpg.3WELCOME TO EPISODE ®Episode ® is one of the most highly-regarded brands of speakers available today. We appreciate your business and we stand committed to providing our customers with the highest degree of quality and service in the industry. Episode ® subwoofers are a superb choice for bass reinforcement of almost every type of audio system. They have been designed with advanced technology components that accurately reproduce low frequencies in all types of music and movies. For optimum system performance, we recommend pairing them with our acclaimed Episode ® loudspeakers.FEATURES>>WORLD-CLASS BASH ® HYBRID AMPLIFIER TECHNOLOGYIncorporates the latest BASH ® amplifier technology to maximize performance while generating little heat. In standby mode, the subwoofer consumes less than 0.5 watts making it one of the “greenest” solutions available.>>HIGH-GLOSS CABINETAttractive furniture-quality cabinet provides the ultimate in rigidity and sound clarity.>>TUNED SYSTEM PERFORMANCEOffers rear-mounted, low-pass crossover adjustment and a switchable phase control (0 or 180 degrees) to ensure optimal system integration, giving a seamless blend for an unbelievable music and movie experience.>>SIGNAL-SENSING FOR AUTOMATIC POWER CONTROLThere are three power mode options with an Episode® powered subwoofer: Always On, ‘Auto Sense, and Trigger. When Trigger or ‘Auto Sense is selected, the subwoofer will automatically switch to a power-saving standby mode until an input signal is detected. Power will turn on whenever a minimal amount of signal is detected on the input jacks, and off again when no signal is present for approximately 15 minutes.>>GOLD-PLATED INPUTSFeatures stereo RCA line-level inputs for many two-channel applications. For home theater use, the right RCA unbalanced input also serves as an LFE (Low Frequency Effects) input for a direct connection from the receiver or processor. An XLR balanced input is provided for clean accurate audio from receivers or processors with balanced LFE outputs. For added versatility, there are also gold-plated, five-way binding-post inputs and outputs for speaker-level connections.pg.4ES-SUB-TRP Installation and Users ManualINSTALLATIONPLACING YOUR EPISODE ® SUBWOOFERSubwoofer placement can have an effect on the performance that you receive. All rooms are different, but the strongest output will likely occur if the subwoofer is placed in a corner of the room on the same wall as the front channel speakers. This is known as the boundary effect and will emphasize certain bass frequencies while canceling others.Some listeners will find this to be the best sounding result, while others may find it overly “boomy” or muddy. Experiment with the placement options available to you and follow the fine tuning instructions that follow in the “Installation” section of this manual. Note that due to the Triple Woofer design, it is recommended that the subwoofer is placed at a 45° angle at least 12” from the corner.For ultimate flexibility in placement, use the Episode ® Wireless Subwoofer Kit.ES-SUB-TRP Installation and Users ManualES-SUB-TRP Installation and Users ManualGETTING CONNECTEDEpisode® Powered Subwoofers are among the most flexible on the market today and can be configured for use in many different applications, as shown in the figures below.• For line level connections, use high-quality RCA cables that feature low impedance, shielding and high-quality connectors.• Use two-conductor loudspeaker wire for high level connections to the subwoofer and to any satellite loudspeakers that may be connected as well.- DO NOT connect wiring to both sets of inputs simultaneously. Example – If using loudspeaker level inputs, DO NOT connect anRCA cable to the subwoofer at the same time.LOW-LEVEL INPUTSpg.6pg.7© 2012 Episodepg.8ES-SUB-TRP Installation and Users ManualES-SUB-TRP Installation and Users ManualFINE TUNINGAfter making all the connections and calibrating the sub, set up your Episode® subwoofer using the following steps:Note: When using an AV receiver and the LFE input, set the subwoofer calibration level to the factory setting before performing the following procedure. After making the below adjustments, calibrate the system via the AV receiver’s setup procedure.1. Ensure that the subwoofer is plugged in.2. Set the following controls and switches to positions that will enable tuning for maximum performance.a. VOLUME knob set to 50%, or 12 o’clockb. CROSSOVER knob set to 120 Hz or 5 o’clockc. PHASE switch set to 0ºDuring initial setup, it may be helpful to set the TRIGGER MODE switch to the ‘ON’ position. Once calibration is complete, switch it to ‘AUTO SENSE’ to enable the automatic power-saving mode.3. Play a movie scene or music track and set the system volume to an average level. Listen to the bass level from your favoritelistening position. Adjust the VOLUME control as desired.4. If deeper bass is desired, adjust the CROSSOVER control toward the lower frequencies. Experiment with different frequencysettings until you find one that sounds best.NOTE: When using the LFE input on the Trp10, set to LFE and make any crossover adjustments in the preamplifier or receiver crossover settings.5. Continue listening to your favorite music and movie sources using the settings chosen for volume and crossover.Now, try experimenting with the PHASE switch until you find the best setting for the installation. Depending on your subwoofer’s placement, the bass may sound louder or deeper when the phase has been optimized. In some cases, adjusting phase will make no discernible difference.INSTALLING AND REMOVING THE GRILLSTo remove the grills, gently pull the tabs on the outer edge of the grill frame to separate the grill from the baffle of the subwoofer. To install the grill, start in one top corner and gently press the grill frame in around the front baffle, pushing it in at each of the remaining three recessed holes.CLEANINGUse a soft cloth or paper towel to clean the cabinet. The grill is best cleaned by brushing it off with a lint-free cloth.pg.9 © 2012 EpisodeSPECIFICATIONSTROUBLESHOOTINGEpisode ® speakers are designed to function trouble-free. Most problems that occur are due to simple issues. If you have trouble, please check the list of simple fixes below. If the problem persists, contact Episode ® Customer Service at 1.866.838.5052 NO SOUND• Verify that there is audio coming from the source selected. Select another source if necessary. • Ensure that any A/V receivers are turned on and connected properly.• Check cable connections at each subwoofer not producing sound for good contact.• Ensure the subwoofer volume is turned up to a reasonable level. The control is located on the rear panel. • During troubleshooting, it may be useful to temporarily set the MODE switch to ‘ON’ to ensure signal-sensing power mode is disabled.WARRANTY10/2-Year Limited WarrantyEpisode ® Subwoofers have a 2-Year Warranty on the amplifier and a 10-Year Warranty on the woofer and box. This warranty includes parts and labor repairs on all components found to be defective in material or workmanship under normal conditions of use. This warranty shall not apply to products which have been abused, modified or disassembled. Products to be repaired under this warranty must be returned to SnapAV or a designated service center with prior notification and an assigned return authorization number (RA).CONTACTING TECHNICAL SUPPORTPhone: (866) 838-5052Email:**********************© 2012 Episode120608-1600ES-SUB-TRP8-300ES-SUB-TRP10-500Driver (1) 8” Woven Fiberglass (2) 8” Passive Radiators (1) 10” Woven Fiberglass (2) 10” Passive Radiators Amplifier***************%THD ***************%THD Signal to Noise Ratio 90 dB A-weighted90 dB A-weightedInput Power 100-120V/220-240V, ~50/60Hz, 3.15A 100-120V/220-240V, ~50/60Hz, 5A Frequency Response 30 Hz to 200 Hz30 Hz to 180 HzDimensions (H) 11.81 in. (300 mm) x (W) 12.8 in. (325 mm) x (D)12.8 in. (325 mm)(H) 13.7 in. (347 mm) x (W) 14.9 in. (379 mm) x (D)14.75 in. (374.5 mm)Weight31.9 lbs44 lbs。
AEG 800PB 分离耦合连接器 产品说明书
05/2017SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDSThe 800PB coupling connector meets the requirements of CENELEC HD 629.1.dismantling the connector.11The complete (K)(M)(P) 800PB/Gcoupling connector kit comprises 3x the following components:The kit also comprises silicone grease, field control mastic, installation rod, gloves, wipers, roll adhesive tape, installation instructions and crimp chart.For use with copper tape screened cables.Order: Kit MT.For use with copper wire screened cables. No earthing device is necessary.For use with other cable types.Please contact our representative.For outdoor applications.Order: +MWS.Connector housing(K)(M)(P)800BP/G 3 x (K)(M)(P)800PBM/G-S-W -Xcoupling connector kitCable reducer 430CA-WConductor contact TMBC-XConductor contact TBC-XORDERING INSTRUCTIONSTo order the coupling connector, select the ordering part number which gives you the best centring of your core insulation diameter and substitute X using table X, ac-cording to your conductor size and type.Add a 'K' for use up to 24 kV , add an 'M' for use up to 36 kV ,add a 'P' for use up to 42 kV .EXAMPLE:The cable is 24 kV , 150 mm 2 compact stranded copper with a diameter over core insulation of 27.5 mm.Order 3 x K800PB/G-S-18-95.240UN5 coupling connector kit.This product can also be installed using a411 CA.Please contact our representative.Contact rod and stud For use in potentially explosive atmospheres (for 12 kV max).Add -/ATEX to part number.。
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A1 A2 G
A1 A2 G
A1 A2 G
TO-220AB Insulated (BTA08)
TO-220AB (BTB08)
Value Tc = 110° C Tc = 100° C t = 20 ms t = 16.7 ms 80 84 45 Tj = 125°C Tj = 125°C Tj = 125°C 50 4 1 - 40 to + 150 - 40 to + 125
Note: xxx = voltage, yy = sensitivity, z = type
BTA/BTB08 and T8 Series
Fig. 1: Maximum power dissipation versus RMS on-state current (full cycle).
Threshold voltage Dynamic resistance VDRM = VRRM
BTA/BTB08 and T8 Series
Symbol Rth(j-c) Junction to case (AC) Parameter DPAK / D PAK IPAK / TO-220AB TO-220AB Insulated R th(j-a) Junction to ambient S = 1 cm S = 0.5 cm D PAK DPAK TO-220AB TO-220AB Insulated IPAK
VOLTAGE: 600: 600V 800: 800V
600 B
VOLTAGE: 600: 600V 800: 800V SENSITIVITY: 10: 10mA 35: 35mA
A1 A2
A2 G
A1 A2
D2PAK (T8-G)
DESCRIPTION Available either in through-hole or surface-mount packages, the BTA/BTB08 and T8 triac series is suitable for general purpose AC switching. They can be used as an ON/OFF function in applications such as static relays, heating regulation, induction motor starting circuits... or for phase control operation in light dimmers, motor speed controllers,... The snubberless versions (BTA/BTB...W and T8 series) are specially recommended for use on inductive loads, thanks to their high commutation performances. By using an internal ceramic pad, the BTA series provides voltage insulated tab (rated at 2500V RMS) complying with UL standards (File ref.: E81734) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS
(dV/dt)c (2) (dI/dt)c = 3.5 A/ms
Symbol VTM (2) Vto (2) Rd (2) I DRM I RRM
Note 1: minimum IGT is guaranted at 5% of IGT max. Note 2: for both polarities of A2 referenced to A1
BTB: non insulated TO-220AB package
Sensitivity 800 V X X X X X X X X X X X 50 mA 50 mA 25 mA 35 mA 10 mA 5 mA 10 mA 10 mA 35mA 35 mA 35 mA X X X X X X X X X X X
S = Copper surface under tab
Value 1.6 2.5 45 70 60 100
Unit °C/W
Voltage (xxx) Part Number 600 V BTA/BTB08-xxxB BTA/BTB108-xxxBW BTA/BTB08-xxxC BTA/BTB08-xxxCW BTA/BTB08-xxxSW BTA/BTB08-xxxTW T810-xxxB T810-xxxH T835-xxxB T835-xxxG T835-xxxH
BTA/BTB08 and T8 Series
BT A 08 TRIAC SERIES INSULATION: A: insulated B: non insulated CURRENT: 8A
BTA/BTB08 and T8 Series
Symbol IT(RMS) V DRM/VRRM IGT (Q ) 1 Value 8 600 and 800 5 to 50 Unit A V mA
VD = VDRM RL = 3.3 kΩ Tj = 125°C IT = 100 mA IG = 1.2 IGT
STANDARD (4 Quadrants)
Symbol Test Conditions Quadrant BTA/BTB08 C IGT (1) V D = 12 V VGT VGD IH (2) IL dV/dt (2) V D = VDRM RL = 3.3 kΩ Tj = 125°C IT = 500 mA IG = 1.2 IGT V D = 67 %VDRM gate open Tj = 125°C Tj = 125°C I - III - IV II MIN. MIN. RL = 30 Ω I - II - III IV ALL ALL MAX. MAX. MIN. MAX. MAX. 25 40 80 200 5 25 50 1.3 0.2 50 50 100 400 10 V/µs V/µs B 50 100 mA V V mA mA Unit
Type Standard Snubberless Standard Snubberless Logic level Logic level Logic level Logic level Snubberless Snubberless Snubberless
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tj = 25°C, unless otherwise sd LOGIC LEVEL (3 Quadrants)
Symbol Test Conditions Quadrant T810 IGT (1) V GT VGD IH (2) IL dV/dt (2) (dI/dt)c (2) VD = 12 V RL = 30 Ω I - II - III I - II - III I - II - III MAX. MAX. MIN. MAX. I - III II VD = 67 %VDRM gate open Tj = 125°C (dV/dt)c = 0.1 V/µs Tj = 125° C (dV/dt)c = 10 V/µs Without snubber Tj = 125°C Tj = 125°C MIN. MIN. MAX. 15 25 30 40 5.4 2.8 35 50 60 400 4.5 10 10 15 20 3.5 1.5 10 T8 T835 35 TW 5 1.3 0.2 15 25 30 40 5.4 2.8 35 50 60 400 4.5 50 70 80 1000 7 V/µs A/ms BTA/BTB08 SW 10 CW 35 BW 50 mA V V mA mA Unit
Test Conditions ITM = 11 A tp = 380 µs Tj = 25°C Tj = 125°C Tj = 125°C Tj = 25°C Tj = 125°C MAX. MAX. MAX. MAX.
Value 1.55 0.85 50 5 1
Unit V V mΩ µA mA