

USB Type-C 规范1.2(中文版)

USB Type-C 规范1.2(中文版)
Revision History.......................................................................................................................14
LIMITED COPYRIGHT LICENSE: The USB 3.0 Promoters grant a conditional copyright license under the copyrights embodied in the USB Type-C Cable and Connector Specification to use and reproduce the Specification for the sole purpose of, and solely to the extent necessary for, evaluating whether to implement the Specification in products that would comply with the specification.



FIRST Tech Challenge2012‐2013比赛手册 part 2Ring It Up!比赛规则重要提示:所有参赛队必须遵守比赛手册Part1和Part2中、FTC论坛问答环节中提出的更新以及/FTC上所有规则和需求。


历史更新更新版本 更新日期 描述1 2012年9月8日 首次发布目录第一章:比赛 (4)1.1 概述 (4)1.2 比赛介绍 (4)1.3 比赛方法 (6)1.3.1 比赛前 (6)1.3.2 自动运行阶段 (6)1.3.3 手动控制阶段 (7)1.3.4 比赛结束阶段 (7)1.3.5 比赛限制 (8)1.4 比赛规则 (9)1.4.1 安全规则 (9)1.4.2 常规比赛规则 (9)1.5 比赛定义 (11)1.6 Ring It Up!比赛的处罚总结 (14)1.7 Ring It Up!计分范例 (16)第二章:机器人检查 (18)2.1 概述 (18)2.2 描述 (18)2.3 定义 (18)2.4 检查规则 (18)硬件检查列表 (20)软件检查列表 (22)场地检查列表 (23)第一章:比赛1.1 概述本章将介绍FIRST Tech Challenge 2012‐2013赛季的比赛,即Ring It Up!另外还将介绍比赛规则和比赛定义。

1.2 比赛介绍比赛在比赛场地上进行,场地最初设置如下图所示。








RDPAC Code of Practice 2015_print

RDPAC Code of Practice 2015_print

Concurrently, it is imperative that all stakeholders, including Industry itself, reinforce the Government’s commitment by adhering to the highest standards of professional and ethical conduct. RDPAC with the support and guidance from IFPMA has established its Code of Conduct in 2006 and now has further strengthened it in its 2012 update after closely listening to patients and our stakeholders. Our Industry has been highly recognized, yet we realize that trust is something we must earn everyday in every interaction with the entire healthcare community and the patients we serve. The 2012 RDPAC Code of Conduct is a significant step forward that clarifies what is
德标准服务于中国医疗卫生事业的 cal needs of the Chinese patients
and the highest principles of ethical medical practice.



此处为比赛logo 2011-2012官方比赛手册2011.8.22 修订目录第一章—简介 (5)1.1-概述 (5)1.2-关于FIRST (5)1.3-FIRST科技挑战赛是什么 (6)1.4-高尚的专业精神—FIRST理念 (6)1.5-FIRST科技挑战赛—2011-2012赛季 (7)第二章—比赛 (7)2.1-概述 (7)2.2-比赛介绍 (7)2.3-比赛定义 (8)2.4-比赛规则 (11)2.4.1-自动运行阶段得分规则 (11)2.4.2-手动操纵阶段得分规则 (11)2.4.3-比赛结束阶段计分 (12)2.4.4-安全规责 (12)2.4.5-比赛规则 (13)2.4.6-Bowled Over具体规则 (14)2.4.7-Bowled Over判罚概述 (15)2.4.8-小球及正置箱示意 (17)2.4.9-堆叠附加分图示 (19)第三章—锦标赛 (21)3.1-概述 (21)3.2-锦标赛定义 (21)3.3-锦标赛时间表 (21)3.4-礼节及规则 (22)3.5-眼睛保护及安全 (23)3.6-比赛当天 (23)3.6.1-团队登记 (23)3.6.2-机器人硬件、软件检查 (24)3.6.3-评委面谈 (24)3.6.4-练习赛 (24)3.6.5-开幕式 (24)3.6.6-资格赛 (24)3.6.7-联盟选择环节 (25)3.6.8-淘汰赛 (26)3.6.9-颁奖仪式及闭幕式 (26)3.7-锦标赛类型 (27)3.7.1-当地比赛 (27)3.7.2-资格赛 (27)3.7.3-冠军赛 (27)3.8-晋级标准 (27)3.9-锦标赛规则 (28)3.10-团队精神 (29)3.10.1团队风格 (29)3.10.2-队旗 (29)3.10.3-观众与礼节 (29)3.10.4-前期侦查 (29)第四章—机器人 (30)4.1-概述 (30)4.2-机器人规则 (30)第五章—工程笔记本 (37)5.1-概述 (37)5.2-什么是工程笔记本 (37)5.3-笔记本 (37)5.4-格式与指导 (38)5.5-裁判提示 (39)5.6-工程笔记本范例 (39)第六章—评判&颁奖标准 (39)6.1-概述 (39)6.2-FIRST科技挑战赛获奖资格 (39)6.3-FIRST科技挑战赛奖项类别 (40)6.3.1-FIRST科技挑战赛启迪奖 (40)6.3.2-洛克韦尔柯林斯(Rockwell Collins)创新奖 (40)6.3.3-FIRST科技挑战赛PTC设计奖 (41)6.3.4-FIRST科技挑战赛联络奖 (41)6.3.5-FIRST科技挑战赛激励奖 (42)6.3.6-FIRST科技挑战赛思索奖 (42)6.3.7-FIRST科技挑战赛推动奖(可选) (42)6.3.8-FIRST科技挑战赛指南针奖(可选) (43)6.3.9-FIRST科技挑战赛评委奖(可选) (43)6.3.10-FIRST科技挑战赛联盟冠军 (44)6.3.11-FIRST科技挑战赛联盟亚军 (44)6.4-评审过程、时间安排及团队准备 (44)6.4.1-评审过程 (44)6.4.2-时间安排 (44)6.4.3-团队准备 (45)第七章—团队资源 (45)7.1-概述 (45)7.2-FIRST联系信息 (46)7.3-提问与回答 (46)7.4-团队发展支持 (46)7.5-使用FIRST及FTC logo (46)第八章—机器人检查 (47)8.1-概述 (47)8.2-介绍 (47)8.3-名词定义 (47)8.4-检查规则 (48)硬件检查列表 (50)软件检查列表 (52)软件检查如何使用Samantha (52)场地检查列表 (53)物料清单样本 (54)修订历史修订日期介绍1 2011.9.10 初版发布第一章-简介1.1-概述这一章将对FIRST以及FIRST科技挑战赛项目进行简要介绍。


• 1989年,加拿大公布《可信计算机产品评估准则》 (CTCPEC);
• 1991 年 , 欧 洲 公 布 《 信 息 技 术 安 全 评 估 准 则 》 (ITSEC);
• 1993年,美国公布《美国信息技术安全联邦准则》 (FC);
1996年,六国七方(英国、加拿大、法国、 德国、荷兰、美国国家安全局和美国标准技 术研究所)公布《信息技术安全性通用评估 准则》(CC 1.0版);
• 产品或系统的安全目的,即对安全问题的 相应对策——技术性和非技术性措施;
• 信息技术安全要求,包括功能要求、保证
• 基本原理,指明安全要求对安全目的、 安全目的对安全环境是充分且必要的;
• 以及附加的补充说明信息。 • “保护轮廓”编制,一方面解决了技术
• 通过“保护轮廓”和“安全目标”这两
5.4.2 安全功能要求
• CC定义了一系列的安全功能组件,用于描 述保护轮廓或安全目标中所表述的评估对象 (TOE—Target of Evaluation)所用信息技术 的安全功能要求。这些要求描述了对TOE所 期望的安全行为和期望达到的安全目标。
• 内部TOE传送:每一部分可拥有自己的TSF部 分,它通过内部通信信道与本TSF内的其他部 分交换用户数据与TSF数据。
• 各个部分的TSF可以抽象地形成一个复合的 TSF来实施TSP。
图5-3 分布式TOE内的安全功能图



Rev 1 – September 6, 2014© FIRST Tech ChallengeFIRST T ECH C HALLENGE®2014 – 2015比赛手册 P ART 2C ASCADE E FFECT ℠ 比赛规则队伍必须遵守本文档及比赛手册PartI中的所有规则。

任何更新会发布到比赛论坛的问题解答部分里目录1.0比赛 (4)1.1概述 (4)1.2比赛描述 (4)1.3 比赛定义 (5)1.4 比赛 (8)1.4.1 赛前 (8)1.4.2 自动运行阶段 (9)1.4.3 手动运行阶段 (9)1.4.4 比赛结束阶段 (10)1.4.5 赛后 (10)1.4.6 判罚计分 (10)1.5 比赛规则 (11)1.5.1 安全规则 (11)1.5.2 通则 (11)1.5.3 细则........................................................................................... (11)1.0比赛1.1概述本部分描述2014-2015FTC赛季主题CASCADE EFFECT℠的比赛。



1.2 比赛描述比赛是在如下图所示的事先搭建好的一块比赛场地上进行的。







中文版 FTC-2013-2014_Game_One_Page

中文版 FTC-2013-2014_Game_One_Page

本文档由FTC 3001队The Bolts 翻译(非官方翻译,仅供参考)比赛FTC BLOCK PARTY 是在一个12英尺乘以12英尺的正方形场地上进行。






在场地的中央是有一个许多结构的集合,包含有一个中央桥,一根能够支持机器人向上拉升的杆子,和两个摇摆 — 每一个摇摆有四个“摇摆得分框”。


一个红外(IR )信号源将在机器人被摆放在场地后和自动阶段开始前的一段时间内被随机的摆放每个摇摆的在四个得分框中的一个下面。














驾驶员控制阶段: 在驾驶员控制阶段中,参赛队从两个塑料块区域中的一个取出塑料块放置在摇摆或者地面得分区域。


FISAC-IRSF 裁判规则手册(仅供参考) 2015 年 1 月 1 日-2016 年 12条:术语 本手册中所指裁判仅指完全拥有四级裁判资质者。这是指有资格裁定大师赛中的四项与团体赛中的 七项的所有项目。 亦允许由 2 位或更多在不同项目具有四级裁判资质的裁判来组成一个具有完全四级裁判资质的裁判 团体。[如,可由以下三位裁判组成一个具有完全四级裁定资质裁判团体:一位具有四级中的 a 项目 资质,一位具有四级中的 b 项目资质,一位具四级中的 c 和 d 项目资质] 若一名裁判只具有以下四个项目中的一项裁判资质: a) Diff SR(单绳难度裁判) b) Diff DD(交互绳难度裁判) c) Required Elements SR and DD and Mistake(单绳、交互绳规定动作裁判,失误裁判) d) Presentation(创意裁判) 拥有一个元素的裁判被认为是¼四级裁判,拥有两个元素的有效证书的裁判被认为是½四级裁判。 将被认为是一名¼四级裁判。若一名裁判具有至少两项有效裁判资质证明,将被认为是一名½四级裁 判。 若两名½四级裁判能涵盖所有四个项目,则他们仅能获得一个完全四级裁判资格。若两名¼四级裁判 能涵盖以上四项中至少两项,则他们仅能获得半个四级裁判资格。 在通过考核后,希望每名裁判都能不断自我训练,同时熟悉和了解规则,比赛,技能的更新。 第二条:裁判注册 第一节:成为一名裁判的理由 每一名裁判都能因以下三种理由之一成为比赛裁判: A)来自世界跳绳联盟的邀请 B)来自于裁判个人的请求 C)作为某个参赛队伍或个人的陪同裁判 第二节:每个国家所须提供的裁判 当有一支或多支队伍和/或个人注册参与了一项或多项比赛, 每天每个国家都需要有各自的陪同裁判 注册。在有该国比赛的每天需要的裁判(根据之前定义)人数如下: 每名四级裁判对应每 2 支队伍或 1.5 名独立参赛选手(四舍五入至整数) 每名 1/2 四级裁判对应每 1 支队伍或 3 名独立参赛选手 为保证在不同国家裁判人数间的均衡,每个注册国需要提供的完全资质的裁判人数上限为每个比赛 日 6 人,与比赛日的参赛队伍数或独立选手人数无关。 每名裁判要保证能提供多于一天的执裁时间,(每名裁判可以参加多日的执裁。)每个比赛注册国 都需要在注册截止日期前递交裁判注册表。表内需要明确标明裁判的资质及天数。 如果一个国家无法履行他们的责任,则将由 FISAC-IRSF 按每个项目每位缺席裁判向该国处以罚金 250 美元。例如:缺失一名需裁定团体锦标赛的裁判,将会产生 1500 美元的罚金。如果不能支付此 罚金,则将立即取消其世界锦标赛参赛资格。


国际标准 IEC60601-1 医用电气设备—— 第一部分:安全通用要求和基本准则
MEDICAL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT – Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance
1 范围、目标和相关标准 ........................................................................................................................8 1.1 范围 ........................................................................................................................................8 1.2 目标 ........................................................................................................................................8 1.3 * 并列标准 ................................................................................................................................8 1.4 * 专用标准 ................................................................................................................................8



2015-2016 FIRST ® Tech ChallengeGame Manual Part 2RES-­‐Q 比赛规则2015-­‐2016 比赛手册第2部分感谢志愿者感谢大家花时间成为一个FIRSTTech Challenge 活动的志愿者,FIRST 和 FTC 很大程度上的依赖于志愿者来保证活动的顺利进行,及为参赛的队伍和家庭带来愉悦的经历。


每年都有超过4,5000 支队伍参加比赛,而你们的奉献和投入是FTC 项目和每一个活动成功的关键。

感谢你们为支持FIRST 团队而付出的时间和努力!感谢赞助商感谢我们慷慨的赞助商对于FIRST Tech Challenge 持续性的支持!官方项目赞助商CAD 和合作赞助商 官方系统操作赞助商| FIRST Tech Challenge Game Manual Part 2Revision 1, September 12, 2015Thank you for taking the time to volunteer for a FIRST Tech Challenge Event. FIRST and FTC rely heavily on Event Volunteers, Coaches, and Mentors alike to ensure Events run smoothly and to support students through their FTC journey. The experience these students receive in the FTC program will surely shape their lives in many positive ways, which could not happen without people like you. With over 4,500 Teams competing annually, your dedication and commitment are paramount to the success to the FTC program. Thank you for your time and effort in supporting the mission of FIRST !Sponsor Thank YouThank you to our generous sponsors for your continued support of the FIRST Tech Challenge!Revision 1, September 12, 2015Thank you for taking the time to volunteer for a FIRST Tech Challenge Event. FIRST and FTC rely heavily onEvent Volunteers, Coaches, and Mentors alike to ensure Events run smoothly and to support students through their FTC journey. The experience these students receive in the FTC program will surely shape their lives inmany positive ways, which could not happen without people like you. With over 4,500 Teams competingannually, your dedication and commitment are paramount to the success to the FTC program. Thank you for your time and effort in supporting the mission of FIRST !Sponsor Thank YouThank you to our generous sponsors for your continued support of the FIRST Tech Challenge!重要事项:历史更新版本日期描述1 2015年9月12日 新版本发布目录1.0 比赛 (1)1.1概述 (2)1.2 比赛描述 (5)1.3 比赛场地说明 ..........................................1.4 比赛定义 ..............................................1.5 比赛过程 ..............................................1.5.1比赛前 (3)1.5.2自动控制阶段 (3)1.5.3手动控制阶段 ........................................................1.5.4比赛结束阶段 ........................................................1.5.5比赛计分 ............................................................1.5.6分数惩罚 ............................................................1.6比赛规则 ..............................................1.6.1 安全规则 ............................................................1.6.2 常规比赛规则 ........................................................1.5.3 本赛季具体规则 ......................................................1.7 得分总结 ..................................................................1.8 规则总结 ..................................................................1.0 比赛 1.1 概述 这个文件介绍了2015-2016赛季的比赛规则。



未中标通知书英文模板【篇一:未中标通知书】未中标通知书( 招标单位名称 ):xxxx( 招标单位 )的 xxxx 项目经年月日公然开标,评标委员会评定和招标工作小组定标,贵单位未被确立为中标单位,但贵单位在本项目招标中做出的努力及显示出的优秀技术、管理水平已给招标单位留下了深刻的印象。

对此深表感谢 !希望下次合作成功。

请贵单位收到本通知书后,在年月日前持招标保证金收条到 (地址 )取回退还的招标保证金 (无息 )。

感谢 !招标单位: (盖印 )负责人: (署名、盖印 )日期:年代日【篇二: 08 版国际招标范本 (中英文 )】机电产品采买国际竞争性招标文件 the bidding documents for icbprocurement ofmechanic electronic products(第一册)(volume one)目录table of contents第一册volume one第 1 章招标人须知 ....................................................................................................... ........................ 1-5 section oneinstructions tobidders .............................................................................................. ... 1-5一、说明 ....................................................................................................... ..................................... 1-5aexplanation .......................................................................................1-5资本根源 source of.................................................1.funds ......................................................................................................... 1-52. 招标机构及合格的招标人 tendering agent for icb procurement of mechanic and electronic products and eligiblebidders ............................................................................................................... 1-53. 合格的货物和服务 eligible goods andservices ...................................................................... 1-64. 招标花费 cost ofbid........... .....................................................................................................1-6二、招标文件..................................................................................................................................... 1-6b the biddingdocuments ........................................................................................1-6............................5. 招标文件的编制依照与构成basis and content of bidding documents............................. 1-66. 招标文件的澄清 clarification of biddingdocuments .............................................................. 1-77. 招标文件的改正 amendment of biddingdocuments ............................................................... 1-7三、招标文件的编制 ......................................................................................................................... 1-88. 招标的语言 language ofbid .....................................................................................................1-89. 招标文件的构成 content comprising the bid........................................................................... 1-810.招标文件的编写 bidform ................................................................................................... ..... 1-911. 招标报价 bidprices ................................................................................................ ................... 1-912. 招标钱币 bidcurrency ............................................................................................ ................ 1-1013. 证明招标人合格和资格的文件 documents establishing bidder ’ s eligibility and qualifications1-1014 证明货物的合格性和切合招标文件规定的文件documents establishing goods, eligibility and conformity to bidding documents .............................................................................................. 1-11 15 招标保证金 bidsecurity ............................................................................................. ............. 1-12 16 招标有效期 period of validity ofbids .....................................................................................format and signing of 1-13 17招标文件的款式和签订bids ............................................................. 1-14四、招标文件的递交 ....................................................................................................... ................ 1-14d submission ofbids ................................................................................................... ....................... 1-14 18 招标文件的密封和标志sealing and marking of bids ............................................................ 1-14 19 投标截止期 deadline for submission ofbids ......................................................................... 1-15 20 迟交的招标文件 late bids 招标机构将拒绝并原封退回在本须知第19 条规定的截止期后收到的任何招标文件。



© ISO 2015Environmental management systems — Requirements with guidance for useSystèmes de management environnemental — Exigences et lignes directrices pour son utilisationINTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 14001Third edition 2015-09-15Reference number ISO 14001:2015(E)ISO 14001:2015(E)ii © ISO 2015 – All rights reservedCOPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT© ISO 2015, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.ISO copyright office Ch. de Blandonnet 8 • CP 401CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel. +41 22 749 01 11Fax +41 22 749 09 47copyright@ISO 14001:2015(E)Contents Page Foreword (v)Introduction (vi)1 Scope (1)2 Normative references (1)3 Terms and definitions (1)3.1 Terms related to organization and leadership (1)3.2 Terms related to planning (2)3.3 Terms related to support and operation (4)3.4 Terms related to performance evaluation and improvement (5)4 Context of the organization (6)4.1 Understanding the organization and its context (6)4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties (6)4.3 Determining the scope of the environmental management system (6)4.4 Environmental management system (7)5 Leadership (7)5.1 Leadership and commitment (7)5.2 Environmental policy (7)5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities (8)6 Planning (8)6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities (8)6.1.1 General (8)6.1.2 Environmental aspects (9)6.1.3 Compliance obligations (9)6.1.4 Planning action (9)6.2 Environmental objectives and planning to achieve them (10)6.2.1 Environmental objectives (10)6.2.2 Planning actions to achieve environmental objectives (10)7 Support (10)7.1 Resources (10)7.2 Competence (11)7.3 Awareness (11)7.4 Communication (11)7.4.1 General (11)7.4.2 Internal communication (12)7.4.3 External communication (12)7.5 Documented information (12)7.5.1 General (12)7.5.2 Creating and updating (12)7.5.3 Control of documented information (12)8 Operation (13)8.1 Operational planning and control (13)8.2 Emergency preparedness and response (13)9 Performance evaluation (14)9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation (14)9.1.1 General (14)9.1.2 Evaluation of compliance (14)9.2 Internal audit (15)9.2.1 General (15)9.2.2 Internal audit programme (15)9.3 Management review (15)© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved iiiISO 14001:2015(E)10 Improvement (16)10.1 General (16)10.2 Nonconformity and corrective action (16)10.3 Continual improvement (17)Annex A (informative) Guidance on the use of this International Standard (18)Annex B (informative) Correspondence between ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 14001:2004 (32)Bibliography (34)Alphabetical index of terms (35)iv© ISO 2015 – All rights reservedISO 14001:2015(E)ForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see /directives). Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see /patents).Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement.For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: /iso/foreword.html. The committee responsible for this document is Technical Committee ISO/TC 207, Environmental management, Subcommittee SC 1, Environmental management systems.This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 14001:2004), which has been technically revised. It also incorporates the Technical Corrigendum ISO 14001:2004/Cor.1:2009.© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved vISO 14001:2015(E)Introduction0.1 BackgroundAchieving a balance between the environment, society and the economy is considered essential to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Sustainable development as a goal is achieved by balancing the three pillars of sustainability. Societal expectations for sustainable development, transparency and accountability have evolved with increasingly stringent legislation, growing pressures on the environment from pollution, inefficient use of resources, improper waste management, climate change, degradation of ecosystems and loss of biodiversity.This has led organizations to adopt a systematic approach to environmental management by implementing environmental management systems with the aim of contributing to the environmental pillar of sustainability.0.2 Aim of an environmental management systemThe purpose of this International Standard is to provide organizations with a framework to protect the environment and respond to changing environmental conditions in balance with socio-economic needs. It specifies requirements that enable an organization to achieve the intended outcomes it sets for its environmental management system.A systematic approach to environmental management can provide top management with information to build success over the long term and create options for contributing to sustainable development by:— protecting the environment by preventing or mitigating adverse environmental impacts;— mitigating the potential adverse effect of environmental conditions on the organization;— assisting the organization in the fulfilment of compliance obligations;— enhancing environmental performance;— controlling or influencing the way the organization’s products and services are designed, manufactured, distributed, consumed and disposed by using a life cycle perspective that can prevent environmental impacts from being unintentionally shifted elsewhere within the life cycle;— achieving financial and operational benefits that can result from implementing environmentally sound alternatives that strengthen the organization’s market position;— communicating environmental information to relevant interested parties.This International Standard, like other International Standards, is not intended to increase or change an organization’s legal requirements.0.3 Success factorsThe success of an environmental management system depends on commitment from all levels and functions of the organization, led by top management. Organizations can leverage opportunities to prevent or mitigate adverse environmental impacts and enhance beneficial environmental impacts, particularly those with strategic and competitive implications. Top management can effectively address its risks and opportunities by integrating environmental management into the organization’s business processes, strategic direction and decision making, aligning them with other business priorities, and incorporating environmental governance into its overall management system. Demonstration of successful implementation of this International Standard can be used to assure interested parties that an effective environmental management system is in place.Adoption of this International Standard, however, will not in itself guarantee optimal environmental outcomes. Application of this International Standard can differ from one organization to anothervi© ISO 2015 – All rights reservedISO 14001:2015(E)due to the context of the organization. Two organizations can carry out similar activities but can have different compliance obligations, commitments in their environmental policy, environmental technologies and environmental performance goals, yet both can conform to the requirements of this International Standard.The level of detail and complexity of the environmental management system will vary depending on the context of the organization, the scope of its environmental management system, its compliance obligations, and the nature of its activities, products and services, including its environmental aspects and associated environmental impacts.0.4 Plan-Do-Check-Act modelThe basis for the approach underlying an environmental management system is founded on the concept of Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA). The PDCA model provides an iterative process used by organizations to achieve continual improvement. It can be applied to an environmental management system and to each of its individual elements. It can be briefly described as follows.— Plan: establish environmental objectives and processes necessary to deliver results in accordance with the organization’s environmental policy.— Do: implement the processes as planned.— Check: monitor and measure processes against the environmental policy, including its commitments, environmental objectives and operating criteria, and report the results.— Act: take actions to continually improve.Figure 1 shows how the framework introduced in this International Standard could be integrated into aFigure 1 — Relationship between PDCA and the framework in this International Standard 0.5 Contents of this International StandardThis International Standard conforms to ISO’s requirements for management system standards. These requirements include a high level structure, identical core text, and common terms with core definitions, designed to benefit users implementing multiple ISO management system standards.© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved viiISO 14001:2015(E)This International Standard does not include requirements specific to other management systems, such as those for quality, occupational health and safety, energy or financial management. However, this International Standard enables an organization to use a common approach and risk-based thinking to integrate its environmental management system with the requirements of other management systems. This International Standard contains the requirements used to assess conformity. An organization that wishes to demonstrate conformity with this International Standard can do so by:— making a self-determination and self-declaration, or— seeking confirmation of its conformance by parties having an interest in the organization, such as customers, or— seeking confirmation of its self-declaration by a party external to the organization, or — seeking certification/registration of its environmental management system by an external organization.Annex A provides explanatory information to prevent misinterpretation of the requirements of this International Standard. Annex B shows broad technical correspondence between the previous edition of this International Standard and this edition. Implementation guidance on environmental management systems is included in ISO 14004.In this International Standard, the following verbal forms are used:— “shall” indicates a requirement;— “should” indicates a recommendation;— “may” indicates a permission;— “can” indicates a possibility or a capability.Information marked as “NOTE” is intended to assist the understanding or use of the document. “Notes to entry” used in Clause 3 provide additional information that supplements the terminological data and can contain provisions relating to the use of a term.The terms and definitions in Clause 3 are arranged in conceptual order, with an alphabetical index provided at the end of the document.viii© ISO 2015 – All rights reservedEnvironmental management systems — Requirements with guidance for use1 ScopeThis International Standard specifies the requirements for an environmental management system that an organization can use to enhance its environmental performance. This International Standard is intended for use by an organization seeking to manage its environmental responsibilities in a systematic manner that contributes to the environmental pillar of sustainability.This International Standard helps an organization achieve the intended outcomes of its environmental management system, which provide value for the environment, the organization itself and interested parties. Consistent with the organization’s environmental policy, the intended outcomes of an environmental management system include:— enhancement of environmental performance;— fulfilment of compliance obligations;— achievement of environmental objectives.This International Standard is applicable to any organization, regardless of size, type and nature, and applies to the environmental aspects of its activities, products and services that the organization determines it can either control or influence considering a life cycle perspective. This International Standard does not state specific environmental performance criteria.This International Standard can be used in whole or in part to systematically improve environmental management. Claims of conformity to this International Standard, however, are not acceptable unless all its requirements are incorporated into an organization’s environmental management system and fulfilled without exclusion.2 Normative referencesThere are no normative references.3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.3.1 Terms related to organization and leadership3.1.1management system set of interrelated or interacting elements of an organization (3.1.4) to establish policies and objectives (3.2.5) and processes (3.3.5) to achieve those objectivesNote 1 to entry: A management system can address a single discipline or several disciplines (e.g. quality, environment, occupational health and safety, energy, financial management).Note 2 to entry: The system elements include the organization’s structure, roles and responsibilities, planning and operation, performance evaluation and improvement.Note 3 to entry: The scope of a management system can include the whole of the organization, specific and identified functions of the organization, specific and identified sections of the organization, or one or more functions across a group of organizations.INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 14001:2015(E)© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved 1ISO 14001:2015(E)3.1.2environmental management systempart of the management system (3.1.1) used to manage environmental aspects (3.2.2), fulfil compliance obligations (3.2.9), and address risks and opportunities (3.2.11)3.1.3environmental policyintentions and direction of an organization (3.1.4) related to environmental performance (3.4.11), as formally expressed by its top management (3.1.5)3.1.4organizationperson or group of people that has its own functions with responsibilities, authorities and relationships to achieve its objectives (3.2.5)Note 1 to entry: The concept of organization includes, but is not limited to sole-trader, company, corporation, firm, enterprise, authority, partnership, charity or institution, or part or combination thereof, whether incorporated or not, public or private.3.1.5top managementperson or group of people who directs and controls an organization (3.1.4) at the highest levelNote 1 to entry: Top management has the power to delegate authority and provide resources within the organization.Note 2 to entry: If the scope of the management system (3.1.1) covers only part of an organization, then top management refers to those who direct and control that part of the organization.3.1.6interested partyperson or organization (3.1.4) that can affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by a decision or activityEXAMPLE Customers, communities, suppliers, regulators, non-governmental organizations, investors and employees.Note 1 to entry: To “perceive itself to be affected” means the perception has been made known to the organization.3.2 Terms related to planning3.2.1environmentsurroundings in which an organization (3.1.4) operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans and their interrelationshipsNote 1 to entry: Surroundings can extend from within an organization to the local, regional and global system. Note 2 to entry: Surroundings can be described in terms of biodiversity, ecosystems, climate or other characteristics.3.2.2environmental aspectelement of an organization’s (3.1.4) activities or products or services that interacts or can interact with the environment (3.2.1)Note 1 to entry: An environmental aspect can cause (an) environmental impact(s) (3.2.4). A significant environmental aspect is one that has or can have one or more significant environmental impact(s). Note 2 to entry: Significant environmental aspects are determined by the organization applying one or more criteria.2 © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved3.2.3environmental conditionstate or characteristic of the environment (3.2.1) as determined at a certain point in time3.2.4environmental impactchange to the environment (3.2.1), whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organization’s (3.1.4) environmental aspects (3.2.2)3.2.5objectiveresult to be achievedNote 1 to entry: An objective can be strategic, tactical, or operational.Note 2 to entry: Objectives can relate to different disciplines (such as financial, health and safety, and environmental goals) and can apply at different levels (such as strategic, organization-wide, project, product, service and process (3.3.5)).Note 3 to entry: An objective can be expressed in other ways, e.g. as an intended outcome, a purpose, an operational criterion, as an environmental objective (3.2.6), or by the use of other words with similar meaning(e.g. aim, goal, or target).3.2.6environmental objectiveobjective (3.2.5) set by the organization (3.1.4) consistent with its environmental policy (3.1.3)3.2.7prevention of pollutionuse of processes (3.3.5), practices, techniques, materials, products, services or energy to avoid, reduce or control (separately or in combination) the creation, emission or discharge of any type of pollutant or waste, in order to reduce adverse environmental impacts (3.2.4)Note 1 to entry: Prevention of pollution can include source reduction or elimination; process, product or service changes; efficient use of resources; material and energy substitution; reuse; recovery; recycling, reclamation; or treatment.3.2.8requirementneed or expectation that is stated, generally implied or obligatoryNote 1 to entry: “Generally implied” means that it is custom or common practice for the organization (3.1.4) and interested parties (3.1.6) that the need or expectation under consideration is implied.Note 2 to entry: A specified requirement is one that is stated, for example in documented information (3.3.2). Note 3 to entry: Requirements other than legal requirements become obligatory when the organization decides to comply with them.3.2.9compliance obligations (preferred term)legal requirements and other requirements (admitted term)legal requirements (3.2.8) that an organization (3.1.4) has to comply with and other requirements that an organization has to or chooses to comply withNote 1 to entry: Compliance obligations are related to the environmental management system (3.1.2). Note 2 to entry: Compliance obligations can arise from mandatory requirements, such as applicable laws and regulations, or voluntary commitments, such as organizational and industry standards, contractual relationships, codes of practice and agreements with community groups or non-governmental organizations.© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved 33.2.10riskeffect of uncertaintyNote 1 to entry: An effect is a deviation from the expected — positive or negative.Note 2 to entry: Uncertainty is the state, even partial, of deficiency of information related to, understanding or knowledge of, an event, its consequence, or likelihood.Note 3 to entry: Risk is often characterized by reference to potential “events” (as defined in ISO Guide 73:2009, and “consequences” (as defined in ISO Guide 73:2009,, or a combination of these. Note 4 to entry: Risk is often expressed in terms of a combination of the consequences of an event (including changes in circumstances) and the associated “likelihood” (as defined in ISO Guide 73:2009, of occurrence.3.2.11risks and opportunitiespotential adverse effects (threats) and potential beneficial effects (opportunities)3.3 Terms related to support and operation3.3.1competenceability to apply knowledge and skills to achieve intended results3.3.2documented informationinformation required to be controlled and maintained by an organization (3.1.4) and the medium on which it is containedNote 1 to entry: Documented information can be in any format and media, and from any source. Note 2 to entry: Documented information can refer to:— the environmental management system (3.1.2), including related processes (3.3.5);— information created in order for the organization to operate (can be referred to as documentation);— evidence of results achieved (can be referred to as records).3.3.3life cycleconsecutive and interlinked stages of a product (or service) system, from raw material acquisition or generation from natural resources to final disposalNote 1 to entry: The life cycle stages include acquisition of raw materials, design, production, transportation/ delivery, use, end-of-life treatment and final disposal.[SOURCE: ISO 14044:2006, 3.1, modified ― The words “(or service)” have been added to the definition and Note 1 to entry has been added.]3.3.4outsource (verb)make an arrangement where an external organization (3.1.4) performs part of an organization’s function or process (3.3.5)Note 1 to entry: An external organization is outside the scope of the management system (3.1.1), although the outsourced function or process is within the scope.4 © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved3.3.5processset of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputsNote 1 to entry: A process can be documented or not.3.4 Terms related to performance evaluation and improvement3.4.1auditsystematic, independent and documented process (3.3.5) for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilledNote 1 to entry: An internal audit is conducted by the organization (3.1.4) itself, or by an external party on its behalf. Note 2 to entry: An audit can be a combined audit (combining two or more disciplines).Note 3 to entry: Independence can be demonstrated by the freedom from responsibility for the activity being audited or freedom from bias and conflict of interest.Note 4 to entry: “Audit evidence” consists of records, statements of fact or other information which are relevant to the audit criteria and are verifiable; and “audit criteria” are the set of policies, procedures or requirements (3.2.8) used as a reference against which audit evidence is compared, as defined in ISO 19011:2011, 3.3 and 3.2 respectively.3.4.2conformityfulfilment of a requirement (3.2.8)3.4.3nonconformitynon-fulfilment of a requirement (3.2.8)Note 1 to entry: Nonconformity relates to requirements in this International Standard and additional environmental management system (3.1.2) requirements that an organization (3.1.4) establishes for itself.3.4.4corrective actionaction to eliminate the cause of a nonconformity (3.4.3) and to prevent recurrenceNote 1 to entry: There can be more than one cause for a nonconformity.3.4.5continual improvementrecurring activity to enhance performance (3.4.10)Note 1 to entry: Enhancing performance relates to the use of the environmental management system (3.1.2) to enhance environmental performance (3.4.11) consistent with the organization’s (3.1.4) environmental policy (3.1.3). Note 2 to entry: The activity need not take place in all areas simultaneously, or without interruption.3.4.6effectivenessextent to which planned activities are realized and planned results achieved3.4.7indicatormeasurable representation of the condition or status of operations, management or conditions [SOURCE: ISO 14031:2013, 3.15]© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved 53.4.8monitoringdetermining the status of a system, a process (3.3.5) or an activityNote 1 to entry: To determine the status, there might be a need to check, supervise or critically observe.3.4.9measurementprocess (3.3.5) to determine a value3.4.10performancemeasurable resultNote 1 to entry: Performance can relate either to quantitative or qualitative findings.Note 2 to entry: Performance can relate to the management of activities, processes (3.3.5), products (including services), systems or organizations (3.1.4).3.4.11environmental performanceperformance (3.4.10) related to the management of environmental aspects (3.2.2)Note 1 to entry: For an environmental management system (3.1.2), results can be measured against the organization’s (3.1.4) environmental policy (3.1.3), environmental objectives (3.2.6) or other criteria, using indicators (3.4.7).4 Context of the organization4.1 Understanding the organization and its contextThe organization shall determine external and internal issues that are relevant to its purpose and that affect its ability to achieve the intended outcomes of its environmental management system. Such issues shall include environmental conditions being affected by or capable of affecting the organization.4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested partiesThe organization shall determine:a) the interested parties that are relevant to the environmental management system;b) the relevant needs and expectations (i.e. requirements) of these interested parties;c) which of these needs and expectations become its compliance obligations.4.3 Determining the scope of the environmental management systemThe organization shall determine the boundaries and applicability of the environmental management system to establish its scope.When determining this scope, the organization shall consider:a) the external and internal issues referred to in 4.1;b) the compliance obligations referred to in 4.2;c) its organizational units, functions and physical boundaries;d) its activities, products and services;e) its authority and ability to exercise control and influence.6 © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved。



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第十篇计数原理第1讲分类加法计数原理与分步乘法计数原理【2014年高考会这样考】1.会用分类加法计数原理与分步乘法计数原理分析和解决一些简单的实际应用问题.2.结合分类讨论和“补集”思想考查两个原理的区别应用.对应学生154考点梳理1.分类加法计数原理完成一件事有n类不同的方案,在第一类方案中有m1种不同的方法,在第二类方案中有m2种不同的方法,……,在第n类方案中有m n种不同的方法,则完成这件事情共有N=m1+m2+…+m n种不同的方法.2.分步乘法计数原理完成一件事情需要分成n个不同的步骤,完成第一步有m1种不同的方法,完成第二步有m2种不同的方法,……,完成第n步有m n种不同的方法,那么完成这件事情共有N=m1×m2×…×m n种不同的方法.3.两个原理的区别与联系联系:两个计数原理都是关于完成一件事的不同方法种数的问题.区别:分类计数原理与分类有关,各种方法相互独立,且任何一种方法都可以完成这件事;分步计数原理与分步有关,各个步骤相互依存,只有各个步骤都完成了,这件事才算完成.【助学·微博】两个特点分类加法计数原理的特点是独立、互斥;分步乘法计数原理的特点是关联、连续.解题时经常是两个原理交叉在一起使用,两个原理综合使用时,一般先分类,再分步,分类要标准明确,分步要步骤连续,有的题目也可能出现先分步,在“步”里面再分类.两个关键分类的关键在于要做到“不重不漏”,分步的关键在于要正确设计分步的步骤,既要合理分类,又要准确分步.考点自测1.(人教A版教材习题改编)由0,1,2,3这四个数字组成的四位数中,有重复数字的四位数共有( ).A.238个 B.232个 C.174个 D.168个解析可用排除法,由0,1,2,3可组成的四位数共有3×43=192(个),其中无重复的数字的四位数共有3A3=18(个),故共有192-18=174(个).3答案 C2.(2012·辽宁)一排9个座位坐了3个三口之家,若每家人坐在一起,则不同的坐法种数为( ).A.3×3! B.3×(3!)3C.(3!)4 D.9!解析把一家三口看作一个排列,然后再排列这3家,所以有(3!)4种.答案 C3.设x、y∈N且x+y≤3,则直角坐标系中满足条件的点M(x,y)共有( ).A.3个 B.4个 C.5个 D.10个解析x=0,y=0,1,2,3,共4个;x=1,y=0,1,2,共3个;x=2,y=0,1,共2个;x=3,y=0,1个.∴M(x,y)共有4+3+2+1=10个,故选D.答案 D4.将4位老师分配到3个学校去任教,共有分配方案( ).A.81种 B.12种C.7种 D.256种解析每位老师都有3种分配方案分四步完成,∴共有3×3×3×3=81种.答案 A5.从1,2,3,4,…,100这100个自然数中,每次取出两个不同的数相乘,积是5的倍数的取法有________种.解析从1到100的整数中,共有5的倍数20个,取两数积为5的倍数的取法有两类,第一类为两个数都从这20个数中取,有190种,另外一类为从这20个数中取一个,再从另外80个数中取一个,共有80×20=1 600种取法,所以共1 600+190=1 790种不同的取法.答案 1 790对应学生155考向一分类加法计数原理【例1】►(2012·浙江)若从1,2,3,…,9这9个整数中同时取4个不同的数,其和为偶数,则不同的取法共有( ).A .60种B .63种C .65种D .66种[审题视点] 先找出和为偶数的各种情况,再利用分类加法计数原理求解.解析 由题意知,满足题设的取法可分为三类:一是四个奇数相加,其和为偶数,在5个奇数1,3,5,7,9中,任意取4个,有C 45=5(种);二是两个奇数加两个偶数其和为偶数,在5个奇数中任取2个,再在4个偶数2,4,6,8中任取2个,有C 25·C 24=60(种);三是四个偶数相加,其和为偶数,4个偶数的取法有1种,所以满足条件的取法共有5+60+1=66(种). 答案 D分类时,首先要确定一个恰当的分类标准,然后在这个标准下进行分类;其次分类时要注意完成这件事情的任何一种方法必须属于某一类,并且分别属于不同种类的两种方法是不同的方法,只有满足这些条件,才可以用分类加法计数原理.【训练1】如图所示,在连接正八边形的三个顶点而成的三角形中,与正八边形有公共边的三角形有________个.解析 把与正八边形有公共边的三角形分为两类: 第一类,有一条公共边的三角形共有8×4=32(个); 第二类,有两条公共边的三角形共有8(个). 由分类加法计数原理知,共有32+8=40(个). 答案 40考向二 分步乘法计数原理【例2】►(2011·北京)用数字2,3组成四位数,且数字2,3至少都出现一次,这样的四位数共有________个(用数字作答).[审题视点] 组成这个四位数须分4步完成,故用分步乘法计数原理.解析 法一 用2,3组成四位数共有2×2×2×2=16(个),其中不出现2或不出现3的共2个,因此满足条件的四位数共有16-2=14(个).法二 满足条件的四位数可分为三类:第一类含有一个2,三个3,共有4个;第二类含有三个2,一个3共有4个;第三类含有二个2,二个3共有C 24=6(个),因此满足条件的四位数共有2×4+C 24=14(个).答案14此类问题,首先将完成这件事的过程分步,然后再找出每一步中的方法有多少种,求其积.注意:各步之间相互联系,依次都完成后,才能做完这件事.简单说使用分步计数原理的原则是步与步之间的方法“相互独立,逐步完成”.【训练2】(2012·新课标全国)将2名教师,4名学生分成2个小组,分别安排到甲、乙两地参加社会实践活动,每个小组由1名教师和2名学生组成,不同的安排方案共有( ).A.12种 B.10种 C.9种 D.8种解析利用分步乘法计数原理和组合数公式求解.分两步:第一步,选派一名教师到甲地,另一名到乙地,共有C1=2(种)选派方法;第二步,选派两名学生到甲地,另外两名到乙2地,共有C2=6(种)选派方法.由分步乘法计数原理得不同的选派方案共有2×6=12(种).4答案A考向三两个计数原理的综合应用【例3】►(2012·陕西)两人进行乒乓球比赛,先赢3局者获胜,决出胜负为止,则所有可能出现的情形(各人输赢局次的不同视为不同情形)共有( ).A.10种 B.15种 C.20种 D.30种[审题视点] 比赛场数至少3场,至多5场,通过分类讨论,用分类加法计数原理和分步乘法计数原理分析问题,解决问题.解析分三种情况:恰好打3局,有2种情形;恰好打4局(一人前3局中赢2局,输1局,第4局赢),共有2C2=6种情形;恰好打5局(一人前4局中赢2局,输2局,第53=12种情形.所有可能出现的情形共有2+6+12=20种,故选C.局赢),共有2C24答案 C(1)解决此类综合题的关键在于区分该问题是“分类”还是“分步”.(2)解决既有“分类”又有“分步”的综合问题时,应“先分类,后分步”.【训练3】已知集合M∈{1,-2,3},N∈{-4,5,6,-7},从两个集合中各取一个元素作为点的坐标,则这样的坐标在直角坐标系中可表示第一、二象限内不同的点的个数是( ).A.18 B.10 C.16 D.14解析M中的元素作点的横坐标,N中的元素作点的纵坐标,在第一象限的点共有2×2个,在第二象限的点共有1×2个.N 中的元素作点的横坐标,M 中的元素作点的纵坐标,在第一象限的点共有2×2个,在第二象限的点共有2×2个.所求不同的点的个数是2×2+1×2+2×2+2×2=14(个). 答案 D对应学生156热点突破24——计数原理的应用【命题研究】 纵观历年高考对两个计数原理应用的考查,多以选择题与填空题的形式出现,考查蕴含在实际问题的解决中,多是两原理结合在一起应用,做好问题转化,分好类与步是关键,今年高考仍会坚持此规律,不会有大的变化.【真题探究】► (2012·四川)方程ay =b 2x 2+c 中的a ,b ,c ∈{-3,-2,0,1,2,3},且a ,b ,c 互不相同,在所有这些方程所表示的曲线中,不同的抛物线共有( ).A .60条B .62条C .71条D .80条[教你审题] 带字母系数的曲线方程,字母系数的不同取值个数即为所求,求解时可选择某一系数的取值为标准进行分类,但要做到不重不漏.[解法] 法一 当a =1时,若c =0,则b 2有4,9两个取值,共2条抛物线;若c ≠0,则c 有4种取值,b 2有两种,共有2×4=8(条)抛物线;当a =2时,若c =0,b 2取1,4,9三种取值,共有3条抛物线;若c ≠0,c 取1时,b 2有2个取值,共有2条抛物线,c 取-2时,b 2有2个取值,共有2条抛物线,c 取3时,b 2有3个取值,共有3条抛物线.c 取-3时,b 2有3个取值,共有3条抛物线.∴共有3+2+2+3+3=13(条)抛物线.同理,a =-2,-3,3时,共有抛物线3×13=39(条).由分类加法计数原理知,共有抛物线39+13+8+2=62(条).法二 显然方程ay =b 2x 2+c 表示抛物线时,有ab ≠0,故该方程等价于y =b 2a x 2+ca.(1)当c =0时,从{-3,-2,1,2,3}中任取2个数作为a ,b 的值,有A 25=20种不同的方法,当a 一定,b 的值互为相反数时,对应的抛物线相同,这样的 抛物线共有4×3=12条,所以此时不同的抛物线共有A 25-6=14条;(2)当c ≠0时,从{-3,-2,1,2,3}中任取3个数作为a ,b ,c 的值有A 35=60种不同的方法,当a ,c 的值一定,而b 的值互为相反数时,对应的抛物线相同,这样的抛物线共有4A 23=24条,所以此时不同的抛物线有A 35-12=48条.综上所述,满足题意的不同的抛物线有14+48=62条,故选B. [答案] B[备考] 计数原理往往与其他知识相结合综合命题,所以试题的综合性比较强,平时要加强训练,注意总结知识之间的融合点及分类讨论、正难则反数学思想的应用,该部分考题涉及排列、组合数的求解,准确计算是解决问题的关键.【试一试】 (2013·长沙模拟)已知x ,y 满足⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧x -y +2≥0,x +y -2≤0,0≤y <2(x ∈Z ,y ∈Z ),每一对整数(x ,y )对应平面上一个点,则过这些点中的其中3个点可作不同的圆的个数为( ). A .45 B .36 C .30 D .27解析 如图所示,阴影中的整点部分为x ,y 满足的区域, 其中整数点(x ,y )共有8个,从中任取3个有C 38=56种取法. 其中三点共线的有1+C 35=11. 故可作不同的圆的个数为45. 答案 A对应学生323A 级 基础演练(时间:30分钟 满分:55分)一、选择题(每小题5分,共20分)1.甲、乙两人从4门课程中各选修2门,则甲、乙所选的课程中恰有1门相同的选法有( ).A .6种B .12种C .24种D .30种解析 分步完成.首先甲、乙两人从4门课程中同选1门,有4种方法,其次甲从剩下的3门课程中任选1门,有3种方法,最后乙从剩下的2门课程中任选1门,有2种方法,于是,甲、乙所选的课程中恰有1门相同的选法共有4×3×2=24(种),故选C. 答案 C2.(2013·琼海模拟)某食堂每天中午准备4种不同的荤菜,7种不同的蔬菜,用餐者可以按下述方法之一搭配午餐:(1)任选两种荤菜、两种蔬菜和白米饭;(2)任选一种荤菜、两种蔬菜和蛋炒饭.则每天不同午餐的搭配方法总数是( ). A .210B .420C .56D .22解析 由分类加法计数原理:两类配餐方法和即为所求,所以每天不同午餐的搭配方法总数为:C 24C 27+C 14C 27=210.答案 A3.(2013·海口模拟)某省高中学校自实施素质教育以来,学生社团得到迅猛发展,某校高一新生中的五名同学打算参加“春晖文学社”、“舞者轮滑俱乐部”、“篮球之家”、“围棋苑”四个社团.若每个社团至少有一名同学参加,每名同学至少参加一个社团且只能参加一个社团.且同学甲不参加“围棋苑”,则不同的参加方法的种数为( ).A .72B .108C .180D .216解析 设五名同学分别为甲、乙、丙、丁、戊,由题意,如果甲不参加“围棋苑”,有下列两种情况:(1)从乙、丙、丁、戊中选一人(如乙)参加“围棋苑”,有C 14种方法,然后从甲与丙、丁、戊共4人中选2人(如丙、丁)并成一组与甲、戊分配到其他三个社团中,有C 24A 33种方法,故共有C 14C 24A 33种参加方法;(2)从乙、丙、丁、戊中选2人(如乙、丙)参加“围棋苑”,有C 24种方法,甲与丁、戊分配到其他三个社团中有A 33种方法,这时共有C 24A 33种参加方法;综合(1)(2),共有C 14C 24A 33+C 24A 33=180种参加方法.答案 C4.如果一条直线与一个平面平行,那么称此直线与平面构成一个“平行线面组”.在一个长方体中,由两个顶点确定的直线与含有四个顶点的平面构成的“平行线面组”的个数是( ).A .60B .48C .36D .24解析 长方体的6个表面构成的“平行线面组”有6×6=36个,另含4个顶点的6个面(非表面)构成的“平行线面组”有6×2=12个,共36+12=48个,故选B. 答案 B二、填空题(每小题5分,共10分)5.(2013·抚州模拟)从集合{0,1,2,3,5,7,11}中任取3个元素分别作为直线方程Ax +By +C =0中的A 、B 、C ,所得的经过坐标原点的直线有________条(用数字表示).解析因为直线过原点,所以C=0,从1,2,3,5,7,11这6个数中任取2个作为A、B,两=30.数的顺序不同,表示的直线不同,所以直线的条数为A26答案306.数字1,2,3,…,9这九个数字填写在如图的9个空格中,要求每一行从左到右依次增大,每列从上到下也依次增大,当数字4固定在中心位置时,则所有填写空格的方法共有________种.解析必有1、4、9在主对角线上,2、3只有两种不同的填法,对于它们的每一种填法,5只有两种填法.对于5的每一种填法,6、7、8只有3种不同的填法,由分步计数原理知共有22×3=12种填法.答案12三、解答题(共25分)7.(12分)如图所示三组平行线分别有m、n、k条,在此图形中(1)共有多少个三角形?(2)共有多少个平行四边形?解(1)每个三角形与从三组平行线中各取一条的取法是一一对应的,由分步计数原理知共可构成m·n·k个三角形.(2)每个平行四边形与从两组平行线中各取两条的取法是一一对应的,由分类和分步计数原理知共可构成C2m C2n+C2n C2k+C2k C2m个平行四边形.8.(13分)设集合M={-3,-2,-1,0,1,2},P(a,b)是坐标平面上的点,a,b∈M.(1)P可以表示多少个平面上的不同的点?(2)P可以表示多少个第二象限内的点?(3)P可以表示多少个不在直线y=x上的点?解(1)分两步,第一步确定横坐标有6种,第二步确定纵坐标有6种,经检验36个点均不相同,由分步乘法计数原理得N=6×6=36(个).(2)分两步,第一步确定横坐标有3种,第二步确定纵坐标有2种,根据分步乘法计数原理得N=3×2=6个.(3)分两步,第一步确定横坐标有6种,第二步确定纵坐标有5种,根据分步乘法计数原理得N=6×5=30个.B级能力突破(时间:30分钟满分:45分)一、选择题(每小题5分,共10分)1.从6人中选4人分别到巴黎、伦敦、悉尼、莫斯科四个城市游览,要求每个城市有一人游览,每人只游览一个城市,且这6人中甲、乙两人不去巴黎游览,则不同的选择方案共有( ).A .300种B .240种C .144种D .96种解析 甲、乙两人不去巴黎游览情况较多,采用排除法,符合条件的选择方案有C 46A 44-C 12A 35=240. 答案 B2.(2012·安徽)6位同学在毕业聚会活动中进行纪念品的交换,任意两位同学之间最多交换一次,进行交换的两位同学互赠一份纪念品.已知6位同学之间共进行了13次交换,则收到4份纪念品的同学人数为( ).A .1或3B .1或4C .2或3D .2或4解析 利用排列、组合知识求解.设6位同学分别用a ,b ,c ,d ,e ,f 表示.若任意两位同学之间都进行交换共进行C 26=15(次)交换,现共进行13次交换,说明有两次交换没有发生,此时可能有两种情况:(1)由3人构成的2次交换,如a -b 和a -c 之间的交换没有发生,则收到4份纪念品的有b ,c 两人.(2)由4人构成的2次交换,如a -b 和c -e 之间的交换没有发生,则收到4份纪念品的有a ,b ,c ,e 四人.故选D. 答案 D二、填空题(每小题5分,共10分)3.(2013·潍坊期中)如果把个位数是1,且恰有3个数字相同的四位数叫做“好数”,那么在由1,2,3,4四个数字组成的有重复数字的四位数中,“好数”共有________个. 解析 当相同的数字不是1时,有C 13个;当相同的数字是1时,共有C 13C 13个,由分类加法计数原理得共有“好数”C 13+C 13C 13=12个. 答案 124.将1,2,3填入3×3的方格中,要求每行、每列都没有重复数字,右面是一种填法,则不同的填写方法共有________种.解析 由于3×3方格中,每行、每列均没有重复数字,因此可从中间斜对角线填起.如图中的△,当△全为1时,有2种(即第一行第2列为2或3,当第二列填2时,第三列只能填3,当第一行填完后,其他行的数字便可确定),当△全为2或3时,分别有2种,所以共有6种;当△分别为1,2,3时,也共有6种.共12种. 答案 12三、解答题(共25分)5.(12分)如图,用四种不同颜色给图中的A ,B ,C ,D ,E ,F 六个点涂色,要求每个点涂一种颜色,且图中每条线段的两个端点涂不同颜色.则不同的涂色方法共有多少种?解 先涂A 、D 、E 三个点,共有4×3×2=24种涂法,然后再按B 、C 、F 的顺序涂色,分为两类:一类是B 与E 或D 同色,共有2×(2×1+1×2)=8种涂法;另一类是B 与E 或D 不同色,共有1×(1×1+1×2)=3种涂法.所以涂色方法共有24×(8+3)=264(种).6.(13分)从1,2,3,…,9这9个数字中任取2个不同的数分别作为一个对数的底数和真数.一共可以得到多少个不同的对数值?其中比1大的有几个?解 在2,3,…,9这8个数中任取2个数组成对数,有A 28个,在这些对数值中,log 24=log 39,log 42=log 93,log 23=log 49,log 32=log 94,重复计数4个;又1不能作为对数的底数,1作为真数时,不论底数为何值,其对数值均为0.所以,可以得到A 28-4+1=53个不同的对数值.要求对数值比1大,分类完成;底数为2时,真数从3,4,5,…,9中任取一个,有7种选法;底数为3时,真数从4,5,…,9中任取一个,有6种选法……依次类推,当底数为8时,真数只能取9,故有7+6+5+4+3+2+1=28(个).但其中log 24=log 39,log 23=log 49,所以,比1大的对数值有28-2=26(个).第2讲 排列与组合【2014年高考会这样考】1.考查排列组合的概念及公式的推导.2.综合应用排列、组合知识解决简单的实际问题.对应学生156考点梳理1.排列(1)排列的概念:从n 个不同元素中,任取m (m ≤n )个元素(这里的被取元素各不相同)按照一定的顺序排成一列,叫做从n 个不同元素中取出m 个元素的一个排列.(2)排列数的定义:从n 个不同元素中,任取m (m ≤n )个元素的所有排列的个数叫做从n 个不同元素中取出m 个元素的排列数,用符号A m n 表示. (3)排列数公式A m n =n (n -1)(n -2)…(n -m +1). (4)全排列数公式A n n=n(n-1)(n-2)…2·1=n!(叫做n的阶乘).2.组合(1)组合的定义:一般地,从n个不同元素中取出m(m≤n)个元素并成一组,叫做从n个不同元素中取出m个元素的一个组合.(2)组合数的定义:从n个不同元素中取出m(m≤n)个元素的所有组合的个数,叫做从n 个不同元素中取出m个元素的组合数.用符号C m n表示.(3)组合数公式C m n=A m nA m m=n n-1n-2…n-m+1m!=n!m!n-m!(n,m∈N*,且m≤n).特别地C0n=1.(4)组合数的性质:①C m n=C n-m n;②C m n+1=C m n+C m-1n.【助学·微博】一个区别排列与组合,排列与组合最根本的区别在于“有序”和“无序”.取出元素后交换顺序,如果与顺序有关是排列,如果与顺序无关即是组合.两个公式(1)排列数公式A m n=n!n-m!(2)组合数公式C m n=n!m!n-m!利用这两个公式可计算排列问题中的排列数和组合问题中的组合数.①解决排列组合问题可遵循“先组合后排列”的原则,区分排列组合问题主要是判断“有序”和“无序”,更重要的是弄清怎样的算法有序,怎样的算法无序,关键是在计算中体现“有序”和“无序”.②要能够写出所有符合条件的排列或组合,尽可能使写出的排列或组合与计算的排列数相符,使复杂问题简单化,这样既可以加深对问题的理解,检验算法的正确与否,又可以对排列数或组合数较小的问题的解决起到事半功倍的效果.四字口诀求解排列组合问题的思路:“排组分清,加乘明确;有序排列,无序组合;分类相加,分步相乘.”考点自测1.一个平面内的8个点,若只有4个点共圆,其余任何4点不共圆,那么这8个点最多确定的圆的个数为( ).A.C34·C44B.C38-C34C.2C14·C24+C34D.C38-C34+1解析 从8个点中任选3个点有选法C 38种,因为有4点共圆所以减去C 34种再加1种,即有圆C 38-C 34+1个. 答案 D2.C 14+C 25+…+C 1720等于( ).A .C 1721B .C 1721-1 C .C 1821-1D .C 1821 解析 原式=(C 04+C 14)+C 25+…+C 1720-1 =(C 15+C 25)+…+C 1720-1=(C 26+C 36)+…+C 1720-1…=C 1620+C 1720-1=C 1721-1.答案 B3.现安排甲、乙、丙、丁、戊5名同学参加上海世博会志愿者服务活动,每人从事翻译、导游、礼仪、司机四项工作之一,每项工作至少有一人参加.甲、乙不会开车但能从事其他三项工作,丙、丁、戊都能胜任四项工作,则不同安排方案的种数是( ). A .152 B .126 C .90 D .54解析 当司机只安排1人时,有C 13C 24A 33=108种;当司机安排2人时有C 23A 33=18种.由分类加法计数原理知不同安排方案的种数是108+18=126种. 答案 B4.(2011·全国)某同学有同样的画册2本,同样的集邮册3本,从中取出4本赠送给4位朋友,每位朋友1本,则不同的赠送方法共有( ). A .4种 B .10种 C .18种 D .20种解析 分两种情况:①选2本画册,2本集邮册送给4位朋友有C 24=6种方法;②选1本画册,3本集邮册送给4位朋友有C 14=4种方法,所以不同的赠送方法共有6+4=10种,故选B. 答案 B5.(2013·宿州模拟)四名优等生保送到三所学校去,每所学校至少得一名,则不同的保送方案有________种.解析 分两步:先将四名优等生分成2,1,1三组,共有C 24种;而后,对三组学生全排三所学校,即进行全排列,有A 33种.依分步乘法计数原理,共有N =C 24A 33=36(种). 答案 36对应学生157考向一 排列问题【例1】►有4名男生、5名女生,全体排成一行,问下列情形各有多少种不同的排法? (1)甲不在中间也不在两端; (2)甲、乙两人必须排在两端; (3)男女相间.[审题视点] 这是一个排列问题,一般情况下,从受到限制的特殊元素开始考虑,或从特殊的位置开始讨论. 解 (1)法一 (元素分析法)先排甲有6种,其余有A 88种,故共有6·A 88=241 920(种)排法. 法二 (位置分析法)中间和两端有A 38种排法,包括甲在内的其余6人有A 66种排法,故共有A 38·A 66=336×720=241 920(种)排法. 法三 (等机会法)9个人的全排列数有A 99种,甲排在每一个位置的机会都是均等的,依题意,甲不在中间及两端的排法总数是A 99×69=241 920(种).法四 (间接法)A 99-3·A 88=6A 88=241 920(种).(2)先排甲、乙,再排其余7人,共有A 22·A 77=10 080(种)排法. (3)(插空法)先排4名男生有A 44种方法,再将5名女生插空,有A 55种方法,故共有A 44·A 55=2 880(种)排法.解决排列类应用题时,对于相邻问题,常用“捆绑法”;对于不相邻问题,常用“插空法”(特殊元素后考虑);对于“在”与“不在”的问题,常常使用“直接法”或“排除法”(特殊元素先考虑).【训练1】 2位男生和3位女生共5位同学站成一排,若男生甲不站两端,3位女生中有且只有两位女生相邻,则不同排法的种数是( ). A .60 B .48 C .42 D .36解析 从3名女生中任取2人“捆”在一起记作A(A 共有C 23A 22=6(种)不同排法),剩下一名女生记作B ,两名男生分别记作甲、乙,为使男生甲不在两端可分三类情况:第一类:“捆绑”A 和女生B 在两端,男生甲、乙在中间,共有6A 22A 22=24(种)排法;第二类:“捆绑”A 和男生乙在两端,则中间女生B 和男生甲只有一种排法,此时共有6A 22=12(种)排法;第三类:女生B 和男生乙在两端,同样中间“捆绑”A 和男生甲也只有一种排法,此时共有6A 22=12(种)排法.综上,不同的排法种类有24+12+12=48(种). 答案 B考向二 组合问题【例2】►某课外活动小组共13人,其中男生8人,女生5人,并且男、女生各指定一名队长.现从中选5人主持某种活动,依下列条件各有多少种选法? (1)只有一名女生; (2)两队长当选;(3)至少有一名队长当选; (4)至多有两名女生当选;(5)既要有队长,又要有女生当选.[审题视点] 解组合问题时,常从特殊元素入手. 解 (1)一名女生,四名男生.故共有C 15·C 48=350(种).(2)将两队长作为一类,其他11人作为一类,故共有C 22·C 311=165(种).(3)至少有一名队长含有两类:只有一名队长和两名队长.故共有:C 12·C 411+C 22·C 311=825(种)或采用排除法:C 513-C 511=825(种).(4)至多有两名女生含有三类:有两名女生、只有一名女生、没有女生.故选法为:C 25·C 38+C 15·C 48+C 58=966(种).(5)分两类:第一类女队长当选:C 412;第二类女队长不当选:C 14·C 37+C 24·C 27+C 34·C 17+C 44.故选法共有:C 412+C 14·C 37+C 24·C 27+C 34·C 17+C 44=790(种).解决组合问题两类题型的方法(1)“含有”或“不含有”某些元素的组合题型:“含”,则先将这些元素取出,再由另外元素补足;“不含”,则先将这些元素剔除,再从剩下的元素中去选取.(2)“至少”或“最多”含有几个元素的组合题型:解这类题要谨防重复与漏解.通常用直接法分类复杂时,考虑逆向思维,用间接法处理.【训练2】 汽贸公司有甲、乙、丙三种不同型号的汽车分别为20辆,10辆,10辆,某运输公司要从中购买5辆,问下列情况下分别有多少种选购方式?(每两辆汽车都视为不同元素)(1)选购甲2辆,乙2辆,丙1辆.(用数字表示) (2)选购甲至少2辆.(用组合数表示即可)(3)选购每种型号的汽车至少1辆.(用组合数表示)解 (1)从20辆甲型车中选2辆有C 220种选法;从10辆乙型车中选2辆有C 210种选法;从10辆丙型车中选1辆有C 110种选法;共有选购方式:C 220·C 210·C 110=85 500种.(2)从40辆车中任选5辆共有C 540种,没有甲型汽车的选法为C 520种,只有1辆甲型汽车的选法C 120C 420种,至少有2辆甲型汽车的选法为:C 540-C 520-C 120C 420种.(3)分三类:第1类:甲型车只有1辆时,选法为: C 120C 110C 310+C 120C 310C 110+C 120C 210C 210种,第2类:甲型车只有2辆时,选法为:C 220C 210C 110+C 220C 110C 210种, 第三类:甲型车有3辆时,选法为C 320C 110C 110种,共有选法:2C 120C 110C 310+2C 220C 210C 110+C 120C 210C 210+C 320C 110C 110种.考向三 排列、组合的综合应用【例3】►有4个不同的球,四个不同的盒子,把球全部放入盒内. (1)共有多少种放法?(2)恰有一个盒不放球,有多少种放法? (3)恰有两个盒不放球,有多少种放法? [审题视点] (1)可直接用分步乘法计数原理.(2)问题转化为:“4个球,三个盒子,每个盒子都要放球,共有几种放法?” (3)问题转化为:“4个球,两个盒,每个盒必放入球,有几种放法?”解 (1)一个球一个球地放到盒子里去,每个球都可有4种独立的放法,由分步乘法计数原理,放法共有44=256(种).(2)为保证“恰有一个盒子不放球”,先从四个盒子中任意拿出去1个,即将4个球分成2,1,1的三组,有C 24种分法;然后再从三个盒子中选一个放两个球,其余两个球,两个盒子,全排列即可.由分步乘法计数原理,放法有C 14C 24C 13A 22=144(种).(3)先从四个盒子中任意拿走两个有C 24种,问题转化为:“4个球,两个盒子,每盒必放球,有几种放法?”从放球数目看,可分为(3,1),(2,2)两类.第一类:可从4个球中先选3个,然后放入指定的一个盒子中即可,有C 34C 12种放法;第二类:有C 24种放法.因此共有C 34C 12+C 24=14(种).由分步乘法计数原理得“恰有两个盒子不放球”的放法有C 24·14=84(种).排列、组合综合题目,一般是将符合要求的元素取出(组合)或进行分组,再对取出的元素或分好的组进行排列.其中分组时,要注意“平均分组”与“不平均分组”的差异及分类的标准.【训练3】 (2013·潍坊五校联考)数字1,2,3,4,5,6按如图形式随机排列,设第一行这个数为N 1,N 2、N 3分别表示第二、三行中的最大数,则满足N 1<N 2<N 3的所有排列的个数是。




1 新版标准修订背景、原则及过程
• 1.3过程

ISO/TC 176/SC 2分技术委员会采用了3年的标准编写时间期限来对ISO
2021/8/5 图2 拟定的ISO 9001:2015编

——起草一份SC 2分技术委员会及其产品的长期规划;

——在SC 2全体会议期间召开几个公开的工作座谈,其中包括使用ISO 9001 和I
SO 14001的心得交流会;

2《ISO指南2013》对管理体系标准 的通用要求

1 新版标准修订背景、原则及过程
• 1.4 ISO19001标准未来的可能发展 • ——结合“以风险为本的思考”; • ——更加强调质量管理原则; • ——输出物资:产品的符合性和过程的有效性; • ——管理知识; • ——生命周期管理(LCM); • ——改进和创新; • ——时间、速度、灵活性; • ——IT方面的技术和创新; • ——结合使用质量管理工具:6δ、QDF、标杆管理。

2013FTC比赛规则PartII 校对版.

2013FTC比赛规则PartII 校对版.

2013-2014 比赛手册Part II比赛规则重要通知:队伍必须遵守该文件中和Part I的所有的规则和要求。



目录1.0比赛 (1)1.1概述 (1)1.2比赛描述 (1)1.3比赛定义 (2)1.4比赛 (5)1.4.1 赛前 (5)1.4.2 自动阶段 (5)1.4.3 操纵员控制阶段 (6)1.4.4 比赛结束 (6)1.4.5 赛后 (7)1.4.6 罚分 (7)1.5 比赛规则 (7)1.5.1 安全规则 (7)1.5.2 通则 (7)1.5.3 比赛详细规则 (10)1.6 判罚总结 (11)1.0比赛1.1概述本部分描述2013-2014赛季FTC Block Party。


















注: 只要顾客走到柜台前就要说“1句话推介”, 让顾客先有直观概念
销售技巧 | 留住顾客
我是否需要停 下来看看?
这里是否有我 感兴趣的手机?
这部手机对我 有什么好处?
现在购买?还 是再看看?
吸引顾客眼球 争取让顾客驻足 判断顾客购买需求 激发顾客的兴趣
5 核心卖点演示·激发兴趣
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如何说:Windows Phone 8 不仅仅开始屏幕可以定制,锁屏界面也可以自由定制,比如锁屏壁纸,下方来电、短信的显示。看我的手机连
小贴士:破冰话术——您的衣服/发型/饰品很漂亮等诸 如此类的赞美语言
注: 顾客在2.5米范围内,眼睛注视顾客,点头, 并展示微笑,热情主动向顾客问好
销售技巧 | 一句话推荐
Windows Phone 8界面更个性、应用 更贴心、操作更人性、共享更便捷!
5 核心卖点演示·激发兴趣














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e. 电池组 i) 只允许使用一个TETRIX 可充电电池组,供电给HiTechnic 直流电机控 制器、HiTechnic伺服控制器、Samantha无线模块和可 视LED灯。 或 ii) 不超过2个的MATRIX电池组,供电给MATRIX 电机和伺服控制器。每 个电机和伺服控制器使用一个电池组。电池组必须供 电给独立的电路; 多个电池组不能并联或串联。
<G9> 单纯为了破坏、撞翻或缠住机器人和比赛场地元件的 策略和机械装置,违背了FTC的精神,所以不被允许。但是 ,FTC比赛互动性强,机器人面对面接触多,可预期到比赛 的激烈程度。一些机器人出现翻了、被缠住和损坏,在比赛 中难免会发生。如果裁定撞翻、纠缠或损坏行为是有意或习 惯性的,违规队伍将被重罚,并被禁用,和/或取消本回合的 比赛资格。重复违规的,取消该队伍参加剩下比赛的资格。 见<G19>。
检查时,机器人会被放进一个“机器人大小标准盒”中, 机器人必须能够放进盒子。
关于对机器人的限制,请阅读Part1中的6.2.2 机器人组件和材料的规则。
队伍可把机器人放在比赛场 有如下限制: 机器人开始比赛时,可以 完全在他们的联盟平台上 或完全在他们联盟驻停区 里。 每个联盟平台和驻停区可 能只有一个机器人。
f.使用MATRIX电子零件的机器人,只允许使用一个MATRIX电池箱,供 电给Samantha 无线模块。
关于其它机器人的限制,请阅读Part1中的 6.2.2机器人组件和材料的规则。
<R09>机器人马达和伺服必须受如下限制: a. 或者用TETRIX,或者用MATRIX电机和伺服控制器,搭建机器人,不能两者 都用。允许使用任何数量的TETRIX(HiTechnic)或 MATRIX电机和伺服控 制器,只要不超出对本身、NXT 以及软件的技术规格。电机控制器输出仅用 于直接控制直流电机。伺服控制 器输出仅用于直接控制伺服。

比赛由三个阶段组成,总计 2.5分钟。 (1)30秒的“自动阶段”。 (2)2分钟的操纵员“手动控制阶段” 。
(3)手动控制阶段的最后30秒叫做 “比赛结尾阶段”。
比赛开始时,机器人的长宽高均不得超过 45.72cm。
•c. 乐高气动力
•a. R/C控制器(产品编号 W34243 或 W36117) •b. R/C接收器(产品编号 W35496) •c. 红外线电子球(产品编号 W991458) •d. 直流电机速度控制器(产品编号W34244)
•e. 无线照相工具(产品编号W37291)
<G14> 仅在以下情况下,由裁判长裁定是否重赛:
1.很可能影响某个联盟获胜的一个场地元件出现故障。 2.由于竞赛方提供的比赛场地控制的电脑、场控系统软件、USB集线 器或手柄出现故障,而且该故障可被检验出来,从而导致一个机器人 失控而很可能影响到哪个联盟获胜。 3.由于场地无线路由器出现故障,导致4个机器人都失控,很有可能影 响到某个联盟获胜。
<G5> 比赛期间,操控员必须使用由赛事方提供的,连接控制系统的 手柄遥控机器人。教练干扰的(比如触碰手柄),给予警告;重复违规 的,重罚和/或取消比赛资格。
<G7> 比赛期间,机器人不可以故意分离零部件或把机械装置遗留在 比赛场地。如果故意分离零部件或机械装置,影响得分,处于重罚, 机器人被禁用,并且队伍被取消比赛资格。多次违规的,取消本次所 有比赛的资格。
<G10> 机器人不可以别住或限制其他机器人超过5秒钟。如果裁判认定违 规,违规联盟将每5秒钟给予一次轻罚,违规机器人在本回合中被禁用。通 常,在自动阶段不叫做“别住”或“限制”。但是,自动阶段的策略表现 出有意“别住”或“限制”对抗联盟的机器人,将给予轻罚,或如果是习 惯性的,取消比赛资格。如果自动阶段出现“别住”或“限制”的情况, 手动阶段时,违规的机器人第一个必须做的动作是:从被“别住”或“限 制”的机器人那里退回去,否则给予轻罚。如果裁判在比赛期间对别住” 或“限制”的行为给予警告,违规机器人必须后退至少0.9m(3英尺)或后退 大约1.5个地垫的距离。
(2)手动控制阶段 — 规则
手动阶段机器人的任务是收集球,并把球放在移动球筐里。一旦球和比赛 场地地面接触,就可以给球计分。移动球筐里的计分球得的分数,是按照球 管道高度和球高度的长度为基础的(比赛结尾时), 如下图所示。该表还 显示出每个移动球筐的最高分值。
机器人不能伸展出比赛场 地边框墙的外部边缘。
机器人在驻停区开始的, 必须接触比赛场地边框墙 。
(1)自动阶段 — 规则
比赛以30秒钟的自动阶段开始,期间只能通过预置程序运行机器人,完成 以下任务得分: 机器人完全在平台上,并从此处开始比赛,行驶到比赛场地地面的任意 位置,得20分。 移动球筐在它自己的联盟驻停区里,20分/球筐。 释放支架(无论球是否散落到比赛场地上),30分。 每个移动球筐里,至少有一个自动球得分,30分/球筐(注意:这个分 数是每个球筐的,不是每个球的)。 如果中央球筐里的任何自动球得分,60分。
注:机器人本身出现不可预见的行为,不在重赛范围内。团队自身导 致的故障,如低电池量、处理器处于休眠、机器人机械/电子/软件的故 障、机器人通讯出现故障等,都不是重赛的正当理由。
•a. 任何DUPLO零件
<G1> 比赛开始前,每个机器人长宽高不可以超出45.7cm(18″)。违规 的机器人将被禁用或由裁判长裁决关掉机器人,比赛延续期间,机器人 必须在关掉电源的情况下停留在比赛场地上。整列装置只能在他们是用 规定的元件搭建,并且保持在起始阶段的机器人尺寸限制内、比赛期间 和机器人保持连接状态。 <G2> 每组操控团队应包括两名操控员和一名教练。要求联盟到比赛场 地后,不允许携带电子通讯设备(手机、收发两用无线电设备、无线网 络等)。首次违规给予警告,重复违规给予轻的判罚和/或取消比赛资 格。旁观者随意搞错的物品被认定违规,该物品不可被带到比赛场地。 <G4> 比赛期间,禁止操控员和教练接触比赛场地或任何比赛或场地物 件。首次违规的,给予警告,重复违规给予轻微处罚和/或取消比赛资 格。影响计分和/或正常比赛的,取消比赛资格。
i. 可使用任何未改良的1/4规模或更小的伺服
ii.所有与伺服控制器连接的伺服,额定的 赌转电流总数不得超过 5Amps
关于其它机器人的限制,请阅读Part1中的 6.2.2机器人组件和材料的规则。
Good Luck!Teams!
•f. 自动装配板(W37799) •g.R/C 装配板 (W37663).
• h. 电池固定器(W39136)
• i. 2.4 GHZ 4Channel无线操纵杆接收机
(产品编号40377) • j. 2.4 GHZ 4Channel无线操纵杆游戏手 柄(产品编号40377) • k. 3.6到7.2伏的镍氢电池充电器(产品 编号40378) • l. TXP黄金爪套件(产品编号40234) • m. TXP 电池箱 5AA cell 1500mAh 6伏 NIMH(产品编号40235) • <R03> 允许使用所有的MATRIX零件。 关于其它机器人的限制,请阅读Part1中的 6.2.2机器人组件和材料的规则。
a. 只允许且必须使用一个 LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT 控制器。 不允许使用其他机器人控制器,包括EV3控制器都不可使用。 b.只能且必须使用一个Samantha无线联络模块,使用USB A-B线 (和可选的pigtail),连接Samantha模块和NXT(推荐长度 24”/60.96cm或更短)。可以使用完整的铁素体电感(比如制造商 U023-003)。比赛期间不允许使用其他无线通信。
b. 可使用8个TETRIX /AM-2964电机(任意组合)或8个MATRIX 直流电机, 而且机器人必须由TETRIX/AndyMark或MATRIX直流电机 控制,但不可以
c. 伺服数量最多为 12 个,前提条件是他们可兼容,可被TETRIX( HiTechnic)或MATRIX控制器控制。TETRIX(HiTechnic)伺服控 制器 :
比赛结尾阶段时得分如下: 在自己联盟驻停区里的机器人,10分/个机器人。 在自己联盟驻停区里的移动球筐,10分/个移动球筐。
移动球筐高度(距 球高度分数/cm 离地面) 30cm 60cm 90cm 1分/cm 2分/cm 3分/cm
27 114 261
(3)比赛结尾阶段 — 规则
手动阶段最后30秒叫做比赛结尾阶段。在比赛结结尾阶段期间,中央球 筐里的球可以得分。移动球筐和机器人也可以停止,完全脱离比赛场地 地面或在驻停区里。机器人可以继续得到移动球筐里球的分数。
1.比赛场地介绍 2.比赛时间 3.比赛 4.常用规则 5.机器人限制
保护区 联盟驻停 区