













吃完饭,两个孩子依旧在聊天,我开始收拾碗筷,美国女孩连忙站起来对我说:“Can I help you?”我第二次一惊,看着这个孩子真诚的样子,我连忙说:“不用了,你们聊。























美国交换生来中国的难忘时刻英语作文Exchange Student in China: Unforgettable MomentsAs an exchange student from the United States, my journey to China was an eye-opening and unforgettable experience. From the bustling streets of Beijing to the serene temples of Xi'an, every moment was filled with new discoveries and cultural immersions.One of my most memorable moments was stepping into the Forbidden City in Beijing. The grandeur and history of this ancient palace complex were truly breathtaking. Walking through the Gate of Heavenly Purity, I could imagine the emperors of the past walking these same halls, making decisions that shaped the destiny of millions. The intricate details of the architecture and the beauty of the landscapes were a testament to the rich cultural heritage of China.Another unforgettable moment was my visit to the Terracotta Army in Xi'an. Standing face-to-face with these life-size figures, each unique in expression and detail, was truly awe-inspiring. To think that these figures were created over 2000 years ago to accompany the first emperor in his tomb was mind-boggling. It was a powerful reminder of the skill and dedication of the ancient Chinese craftsmen.But beyond the grandeur of these historical sites, my most cherished moments were the small interactions I had with the local people. Learning to haggle in the markets, sampling street food, and engaging in casual conversations with locals gave me a deeper understanding of Chinese culture and way of life. The warmth and friendliness of the people made me feel welcome and at home.My exchange student experience in China was not just about exploring new places and learning about a different culture; it was also about personalgrowth and understanding. It taught me to appreciate the differences in others and to embrace the beauty of diversity. As I look back on my journey, I am grateful for the opportunity to have had such an enriching and unforgettable experience in China.。















| 一、错觉参加的是高中交换生项目,寄宿在芝加哥旁边一个小镇上一户美国local家里,主人叫作Regina,单亲妈妈,在当地的小学交文学和音乐,体型很典型的五十岁美国女人。








零距离的接触,让我从中美两个同龄女孩子身上看到了很多不同之处,感慨万千!来中国游学的这十几位孩子都是来自country day(孩子们习惯翻译为国日中学)学校,据说这个学校全部费用来自于富豪们的捐助,只收符合条件的孩子,是标准的贵族子弟学校。








吃完饭,两个孩子依旧在聊天,我开始收拾碗筷,美国女孩连忙站起来对我说:“Can I help you?”我第二次一惊,看着这个孩子真诚的样子,我连忙说:“不用了,你们聊。










美国交换生在我家睡了七天,我被震惊六次……家长公会2016-03-27 10:40:17初中初升高高中阅读(88910)评论(195)声明:本文由入驻搜狐公众平台的作者撰写,除搜狐官方账号外,观点仅代表作者本人,不代表搜狐立场。







第2次震惊晚饭我做了西红柿炒鸡蛋、糖醋排骨,吃完饭,两个孩子依旧聊天,我开始收拾碗筷,美国女孩对我说:“Can I help you?"我连忙说:“不用了,你们聊。














月2 1日 )
我们还邀 请了女 儿 的两个好朋 友。整 啊 … … ” 个玩 的过 程我 是听孩子 跟我复 述的 :
短 暂的一 周时间 ,给了 我六个大
龟 蛛 的 母 爱
。 张建新
在北 美洲 的一 些原始森林 里 ,生活 着一种凶狠 的蛛类动物 龟蛛。龟蛛 是一种体型较大 的蜘蛛 ,身长约三 到 四厘米 ,它长有毒 牙 ,以螳螂飞蛾等 昆虫为食 。 虽说龟蛛凶狠 , 但 母龟 蛛对 待小龟蛛却异常温顺 ,哪怕付 出生命 也在所 不惜 。 到了繁殖后代 的时候 ,龟蛛爬 进远离天敌 的峭壁 的裂缝里 ,在那里完成产卵及哺育后代 的一 系列过程 。 第一步 ,龟蛛先是 把 自己的卵产在 峭壁 上 ,然后默 默地守候在 旁边 ,一周 过后 ,卵孵化成小 龟蛛。小龟蛛 要 生存下去就要吃饭 。 老龟蛛寸步不离地守护在旁边 , 没有时间去捕食 , 就排 出一 些圆形 的脂肪颗粒 , 让小龟蛛吃。 这 些脂肪颗 粒仅供 小龟蛛们 维持一 周。一周过后 ,小龟蛛 能爬 行了 ,开始退皮 ,老龟蛛就 织了一 张大 网 ,让小 龟 蛛爬到 上面 。不久 ,小龟蛛饿 得饥肠辘 辘 ,四 周又没有吃 的 , 就 爬到老龟 蛛身上乱咬 , 老 龟蛛疼痛难 忍但丝 毫 不知道 反抗 ,如果它 稍作 反抗 的话对付 那些小龟 蛛简直 易如 反掌 。这时候 小龟蛛 已长 出了毒牙 ,也激发 出了 杀手 的本性 , 它们 无知的把 自己的母亲 当成 了第 一个猎物 。不一会 儿 , 老龟蛛便失去了知觉 。在以后的数周内 , 老龟蛛就成 了小 龟蛛的食物 ,直到它们长大 开始独 立面对 世界并成 为一群新 的杀 手。 龟蛛母 亲用生命 诠释了什么是母爱 。
和无能 。 目前的复 印机 式的教 育消 耗
着孩子们 的精力 ,限 制了孩子们 的追


炼孩子们的生存能力 。
币 ,分 给我们 3个 ,再去找 自己感兴 高级打工仔 ! 趣 的游戏玩 。”我这一次不仅 仅是惊
第 五次被惊到是最后 一顿晚饭 。
孩 ,共同生活了一周 。零距离 的接触 ,
晚餐 ,我做 了最拿手 的西红柿炒
让 我从 中美两个 同龄女孩子身 上看 到 鸡蛋 、糖 醋排骨等三菜一 汤 ,我们边
了很 多不同之处 ,感慨万千 !
吃边聊 ,非常开心 。吃完 饭 ,两个孩
来 中国游学 的这十几位孩子都 是 子依 旧在 聊天 ,我开始 收拾碗筷 。美 来 自c o u n t r y d a y( 孩 子们 习惯 翻译 为 国女 孩 连 忙 站 起 来 对 我 说 : “ C a n I
填写 ( 细致 到父 母的宗教信仰 、饮食 睹。而美 国女孩能 为对方着想 ,瞬间 我孩子一脸羡慕地 说 : “ 我们平 时的
习惯 )和层层 审核后 ,我家被 确定负 做 出本能 的反应 ,看来是 习惯使然 。 责接待其中一位 女孩 子。
学习任务很重 的 ,每天 回家的作业量
第二天以后 , 大家就 比较熟悉 了, 是 5小 时。”就这 个 “ 5小时 ”把我 丫头给镇 住了。
美 国孩子也使 用筷子 ,说是 为了入乡 3 O多个 国家。”看着 我惊诧 的表情 ,
随俗特地学 习的。在用餐 尾声时 ,美 她解 释说 : “ 一般假 期 ,我们学校 都 地 、游泳池和 直升机的 F t 常养护 。哥 国女孩 跟我说 : “ 这是我 吃过的最好 组织同学 出去游 学。这次是第 一次到 哥负责洗 碗和协助妈妈搞卫 生。她则 吃 的早餐 ,非常谢谢 您 !”这个孩子 中国 ,主要去上 海、南京 、北京 和西 负 责 家里 两 条 狗 和三 只 猫 的饮 食 起 这么会赞美别人 , 我第一次被惊到了 。 安。”这 四个城市是 家长和老 师们精 居 。一家 人各负其责 ,井井 有条。我 给我孩子做 了十几年 的饭 菜 ,也没听 心挑 选的 ,基本代表 了 中国的过 去和 们家是爸爸 、妈妈要上班 ,妈妈 还要 到 啥赞誉 的话。被赞美 的感觉的确非 现 在。我在暗 自佩服 的同时不 由得发 负责全家 的生 活,孩子是两耳不 闻窗
























美国交换生来中国的难忘时刻英语作文An Unforgettable Journey to ChinaMy name is Emma and I'm 10 years old. Last summer, I had the most amazing experience of being an exchange student in China for two months. It was my first time traveling so far away from home, and I was both excited and a little nervous. But this trip turned out to be an incredible adventure that I will never forget!After a very long flight, I arrived in Beijing, the capital of China. Everything looked and sounded so different from my hometown. The buildings were tall and modern, with intricate designs I had never seen before. The streets were crowded with people, and I heard a mix of Chinese languages all around me. It was all a bit overwhelming at first, but also thrilling!I was hosted by a wonderful Chinese family who lived in a cozy apartment in the city. They had a daughter named Mei who was my age, and we quickly became best friends. Mei's parents were so kind and welcoming, and they helped me experience all sorts of new things.One of my favorite memories was trying authentic Chinese cuisine for the first time. The flavors were so unique anddelicious - nothing like the Chinese food back home. I'll never forget the first time I tried dumplings, sticky rice, and hot pot. Mei's mom was an amazing cook and she taught me how to use chopsticks properly. It took some practice, but by the end of the trip, I was a chopstick pro!Another highlight was visiting the Great Wall of China. It was incredible to see this massive ancient structure winding across the mountains in person. Our guide told us fascinating stories about the Wall's history as we walked along the path. Climbing up and down the steep steps was tough, but the breathtaking views made it all worth it.In Beijing, we also explored the Forbidden City, which used to be the imperial palace for Chinese emperors. The architecture and detailed carvings were stunning. I felt like I had stepped back in time as we wandered through the grand halls and courtyards. Mei and I had fun pretending to be princesses for a day.One weekend, Mei's family took me on a trip to a small village in the countryside. It was so peaceful and the air smelled so fresh compared to the city. We visited a local farm and got to feed the chickens, cows, and pigs. The farmer showed us how to plant rice seedlings in the paddies. Getting my hands muddy was messy but so much fun!In the evenings, Mei and I loved practicing Chinese calligraphy together. Writing the intricate characters with a brush and ink was challenging, but also very relaxing. We made beautiful pieces of art to hang up in our rooms as souvenirs.As my time in China was coming to an end, I felt so grateful for all the amazing experiences, but also sad to leave my new friends. On my last night, Mei's family took me to see a dazzling acrobat show. The performers were so flexible and skilled, bending their bodies in ways I didn't think was humanly possible. The colorful costumes and fast-paced choreography made for such an entertaining and fitting farewell.Saying goodbye to Mei and her family was one of the hardest things I've ever done. We exchanged mementos, photos, and promised to keep in touch and visit each other again someday. Leaving behind the sights, sounds, and flavors of China was heartbreaking, but I knew I would cherish all the amazing memories forever.Those two months in China opened my eyes to a whole new world. I tried so many novel things, from exotic foods to ancient traditions. I made wonderful friends and got to experience a fascinating culture up close. This trip gave me more than just fun memories - it sparked my curiosity to learn about other culturesand see more of the world. I feel so lucky to have had this opportunity at such a young age, and I know it has shaped me into a more open-minded and adventurous person. I can't wait for my next travel adventure, but my first trip to China will always hold a special place in my heart.。



当你是中国交换生英语作文Being a Chinese Exchange StudentAs a Chinese exchange student, stepping into a foreign country is like opening a brand new chapter of life. It is a journey filled with excitement, challenges, and countless opportunities for growth.The first thing that strikes me is the cultural difference. The language, customs, and social etiquette are all distinct from what I'm accustomed to. However, this contrast doesn't intimidate me; instead, it ignites my curiosity and eagerness to learn. I immerse myself in the local language municating with classmates and teachers, constantly improving my language skills. Every new word and phrase I master is like a key that unlocks a door to a deeper understanding of this new world.In school, the educational system and teaching methods also present a refreshing change. I actively participate in various classes and group projects, sharing my perspectives and at the same time absorbing new knowledge and ideas from my peers. The diverse thinking and viewpoints broaden my horizons and inspire me to think more critically and creatively.Making friends from different backgrounds is another wonderful aspect of this experience. Through sharing stories and experiences, I not only build precious friendships but also gn a deeper appreciation of the global munity. We learn from each other, celebrate our differences, and find mon ground that connects us.Beyond the academic and social aspects, being an exchange student also allows me to explore the local landscape and culture. I visit museums, historical sites, and attend cultural events, soaking in the rich heritage and unique charm of this foreign land.Though there are times of homesickness and moments of difficulty, the overall experience as a Chinese exchange student is incredibly rewarding. It is a journey of self-discovery, cultural exploration, and personal growth that will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on my life.。



美国交换生来中国的难忘时刻英语作文A Memorable Experience: An American Exchange Student in ChinaAs an exchange student from the United States, my journeyto China was an extraordinary adventure filled with unforgettable moments. From the rich history and vibrant culture to the warm hospitality of the people, every daywas a new experience that left a lasting impression on me.One of my most cherished memories was attending atraditional Chinese tea ceremony. The serene atmosphere, coupled with the intricate art of preparing and serving tea, fascinated me. The tea master's graceful movements as she poured tea into delicate porcelain cups were mesmerizing. With each sip, I could taste the depth of flavors and appreciate the appreciation for simplicity and mindfulness that Chinese culture embraces.Exploring the ancient city of Beijing was another highlight of my time in China. The majestic Great Wall stood beforeme, showcasing centuries of history and human ingenuity. As I walked along its rugged path, I couldn't help but feel connected to the countless individuals who had crossed those very steps before me. In that moment, time seemed irrelevant as past and present merged into one.Venturing into the bustling streets of Shanghai provided a stark contrast to Beijing's historical charm. Skyscrapers stretched towards the sky, reflecting a modern metropolis filled with endless possibilities. Yet amidst all this urban hustle and bustle, hidden gems like Yu Garden allowed me to escape into a tranquil oasis. The meticulous designs of bridges, pavilions, and rockeries reminded me that even in a fast-paced world, beauty can be found in nature's serenity.It wasn't just the grand sights that captivated my heart;it was also the small interactions with locals that made my experience truly unforgettable. People's eagerness to share their customs and traditions made me feel welcomed and appreciated. Whether it was practicing calligraphy with an elderly man in a park or engaging in lively debates aboutpolitics with newfound friends at a local teahouse, these encounters enriched my understanding of Chinese society and left a profound impact on me.Furthermore, the culinary delights of China served as an exploration of flavors and a testament to its diverse regional cuisine. From savory Peking duck to fiery Sichuan hotpot, every meal was an adventure for my taste buds. Being able to savor authentic dishes prepared with meticulous attention to detail was an experience I will forever cherish.In conclusion, my time as an exchange student in China was nothing short of extraordinary. From immersing myself inits rich culture and history to forging meaningful connections with the locals, every moment was filled with discoveries and personal growth. As I bid farewell to this mesmerizing country, I carry with me memories that have broadened my horizons and shaped me into a more open-minded global citizen. My journey as an American in China may have come to an end, but the lessons learned and experiences gained will always remain in my heart.。



美国交换生来中国的难忘时刻英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1One memorable moment of an American exchange student in ChinaAs an American exchange student living and studying in China, there have been countless unforgettable moments that have left a lasting impact on me. However, one particular experience stands out among the rest and continues to hold a special place in my heart.It was a warm summer day when my Chinese host family invited me to join them on a trip to the countryside. As we drove along winding roads through lush green fields and picturesque villages, I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and wonder at the beauty of the Chinese countryside.When we arrived at our destination, a small village nestled in the mountains, I was greeted by the warm smiles and curious stares of the villagers. Despite the language barrier, I felt welcomed and accepted by the locals, who were eager to show me around their community.One of the villagers, an elderly woman with a kind face and gentle demeanor, took me by the hand and led me through the narrow alleyways of the village. She introduced me to her neighbors and friends, who were all eager to meet the American exchange student staying in their midst.As we walked, the woman shared stories of her life in the village, of hardships and joys, of traditions and customs that had been passed down through generations. I listened intently, soaking in every word and marveling at the resilience and strength of the people I had come to know.At one point, we came to a small courtyard where a group of children were playing games and laughing. The woman encouraged me to join them, and soon I found myself running and jumping and playing along with the kids, feeling like a child once again.As the sun began to set and the sky turned a brilliant shade of orange and pink, the villagers gathered in the courtyard for a feast in my honor. They had prepared a lavish spread of traditional Chinese dishes, from spicy Sichuan hotpot to sweet and savory dumplings, all made with love and care.As we sat around the table, sharing food and stories and laughter, I felt a sense of belonging and connection thattranscended language and culture. In that moment, I realized that despite our differences, we were all the same at heart –human beings seeking connection and understanding in a world that often feels chaotic and divided.As the evening drew to a close and the villagers bid me farewell, I knew that I would carry the memory of that day with me for the rest of my life. It was a moment of true connection and understanding, a reminder of the power of community and the beauty of human kindness.As I reflect on that day now, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to experience such a profound and life-changing moment. It is a memory that I will always hold dear, a reminder of the incredible journey I have been on as an exchange student in China. And it is a testament to the power of human connection and the beauty of cultural exchange.篇2One unforgettable experience I had as an exchange student from the United States in China was during a weekend trip to the Great Wall. The Great Wall is one of the most iconic landmarks in China and I had always dreamed of visiting it.On the day of the trip, my Chinese friends and I woke up early and took a bus to the Great Wall. As we approached the wall, I was in awe of its size and grandeur. The wall seemed to stretch on forever, disappearing into the horizon. We started our ascent, climbing up the steep stairs and admiring the breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains.As we reached the highest point of the wall, I felt a sense of accomplishment and wonder. I couldn't believe I was standing on one of the wonders of the world, built hundreds of years ago to protect China from invaders. I felt a deep connection to the history and culture of China, and a sense of gratitude for being able to experience it firsthand.As we made our way back down the wall, my friends and I laughed and talked, sharing stories and memories of our time in China. We took pictures to preserve the moment and I knew that this experience would stay with me forever.That night, as I lay in bed reflecting on the day, I realized how fortunate I was to have the opportunity to study abroad in China. The friendships I made, the places I visited, and the experiences I had shaped me in ways I never thought possible. I felt a deep appreciation for the Chinese culture and its people,and knew that I would always carry a piece of China with me wherever I went.In conclusion, my trip to the Great Wall was a truly unforgettable experience that I will always cherish. It opened my eyes to the beauty and history of China, and taught me valuable lessons about the importance of exploring new cultures and stepping outside of my comfort zone. I am grateful for the memories I made and the friends I met, and I will always hold a special place in my heart for China.篇3An Unforgettable Moment in China: My Experience as an Exchange Student from the United StatesStudying abroad as an exchange student in China was alife-changing experience that I will never forget. The opportunity to immerse myself in a different culture, learn a new language, and make lifelong friends made my time in China unforgettable. From exploring historic sites to trying new foods, every moment was filled with excitement and discovery.One of the most memorable moments during my exchange program was when my host family took me to visit the Great Wall of China. As we climbed the steep steps and marveled at thepanoramic views, I was awestruck by the magnitude and beauty of this ancient wonder. Standing on the wall, I felt a sense of history and heritage that I had never experienced before. It was a moment of reflection and appreciation for the rich culture and traditions of China.Another unforgettable experience was when I participated in a traditional Chinese tea ceremony. The intricate process of brewing and serving tea taught me the importance of mindfulness and respect in Chinese culture. As I sipped the fragrant tea and listened to the soothing sounds of the tea master, I felt a sense of calm and serenity that stayed with me long after the ceremony ended.I also had the opportunity to explore the bustling streets of Beijing and Shanghai, where skyscrapers loomed overhead and neon lights illuminated the night sky. From shopping for souvenirs at local markets to trying street food at night markets, I embraced the vibrant energy and diversity of these vibrant cities. Each new experience expanded my understanding of Chinese culture and deepened my appreciation for the warmth and hospitality of the Chinese people.But beyond the tourist attractions and cultural activities, it was the people I met during my exchange program that mademy time in China truly unforgettable. From my host family who welcomed me into their home with open arms to my classmates who shared their stories and perspectives, I forged meaningful connections that transcended language and cultural barriers. I learned to communicate effectively through gestures and expressions, and I discovered the power of friendship and understanding in bridging differences and building bridges between cultures.As I reflect on my time as an exchange student in China, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunities and experiences that have enriched my life in ways I never imagined. I have gained a deeper appreciation for diversity and tolerance, and I have learned to embrace new challenges with courage and curiosity. My time in China has left a lasting impression on me, and I will always cherish the memories and lessons I have gained from this unforgettable journey.In conclusion, my experience as an exchange student in China has been a transformative and unforgettable chapter in my life. Through exploring historic sites, participating in cultural activities, and building friendships, I have grown as an individual and gained a deeper understanding of the world around me. China will always hold a special place in my heart, and I lookforward to the day when I can return and continue my journey of discovery and learning in this beautiful and fascinating country.。



你邀请交换生第一次在中国过春节的英语作文An Unforgettable Chinese New Year with My Foreign FriendMy name is Xiaoming and I'm 10 years old. Last year, my school had a foreign exchange program and a boy named Michael from the United States came to live with my family for a few months. Michael was the same age as me and we quickly became good friends.At first, Michael seemed a little nervous and overwhelmed when he arrived in China. Everything was so different from his home - the language, the food, the customs. But my family did everything we could to make him feel welcome. My mom cooked his favorite American dishes and my dad helped him learn some basic Chinese phrases.As the weeks went by, Michael started adjusting really well. He was eager to experience all aspects of life in China. When he found out that the most important holiday in China, Chinese New Year, was coming up, he was so excited to take part in the celebrations. He kept asking me tons of questions about the traditions and customs.I explained to Michael that Chinese New Year, also called the Spring Festival, is the most important celebration in Chineseculture. For over 4,000 years, it has been a time for families to get together, honor deities and ancestors, and welcome the coming year with joy and hope. The holiday usually falls sometime between late January and mid February, depending on the lunar calendar.The preparation and celebrations for Chinese New Year actually begin about a month in advance. In the weeks leading up to the big day, my mom was a whirlwind of activity around the house. She did a thorough cleaning of our home from top to bottom, making sure to sweep away any bad luck and misfortune from the past year. Chinese tradition calls for deep cleaning to welcome the new year with a fresh start.Michael thought it was funny watching my mom furiously scrub every nook and cranny, even sweeping the corners of the ceiling! He got roped into helping out too, which he didn't mind at all. He said it felt good to have a spiritual cleansing and make our home spick-and-span for the new year.Once our home was spotless, it was time to decorate for the festivities. Bright red is considered the luckiest color in Chinese culture, so we put up red lanterns, red couplets with poetic verses, and red paper cutouts everywhere. Michael couldn't believe how vibrant and spectacular everything looked with allthe red decorations. He had so much fun helping to hang up the intricate paper cutouts of characters depicting happiness, wealth and longevity.My grandparents invited the whole family over for the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, which is considered the most important meal of the year. We had an extravagant feast with amazing dishes like dumplings, spring rolls, noodles, fish, and so much more. Eating noodles for longevity and fish for prosperity are just a couple Chinese New Year food traditions.Poor Michael looked a little overwhelmed sitting at the huge round table with all my aunts, uncles, and cousins staring at him. But he was such a trooper eating with the chopsticks and trying everything my mom piled onto his plate. Even though the flavors were foreign to him at first, he ended up loving the dumplings and spring rolls.After our huge dinner, it was finally time to watch the grand CCTV New Year's Gala that all of China tunes into. It's like the Chinese version of the New Year's Rockin' Eve show in the US, but much longer and even more extravagant. There were musical acts, comedy sketches, drama performances, and endless pageantry celebrating the new year and Chinese culture.While the show was certainly entertaining, I could tell Michael was fighting off sleepiness after our humongous feast. I don't blame him - the gala goes on for hours and hours! I remember joking that he at least had to try to stay awake until the dazzling countdown to the new year at midnight.Right before midnight, we headed outside with sparklers and firecrackers to light up the night sky and scare off any evil spirits or bad luck from the past year. Michael's eyes went wide as my cousins set off strings of incredibly loud firecrackers that filled the air with smoke and noise. In the US, he said they only got to play with silly little fireworks that make a soft fizzing sound. The real thing was quite an experience for him!Once the new year finally arrived at midnight, the whole neighborhood erupted in a symphony of lights and sounds from fireworks and firecrackers. We took turns lighting sparklers and writing messages of luck and prosperity in the air. It was such an incredibly festive, exhilarating experience that Michael said he would never forget.Over the next couple weeks, the celebrations continued in full swing. We visited friends and family, exchanging gifts and good wishes for the new year. Everywhere we went, Michaelencountered the striking red decorations, from hanging lanterns to painted door gods warding off evil spirits.One of the highlights was seeing the incredible Longzhou Dragon Boat festival, where we watched a theatrical performance unlike anything Michael had ever witnessed before. Dozens of dancers moved in perfect synchronicity, maneuvering an enormous, vividly colored dragon boat that undulated through the streets. The clashing cymbals, resounding drums and crackling firecrackers created an overwhelming multi-sensory experience.On the 15th day of the new year, the grand finale event called the Lantern Festival took place. We headed to a park in the city center and joined thousands celebrating under a sea of glowing lanterns in all shapes and sizes. From simple handheld lanterns to towering lantern sculptures, the effect was utterly breathtaking and magical.As the night went on, several performers put on a stunning acrobatic fire show, dazzling the audience with daring feats and dazzling pyrotechnics. At the end, everyone released glowing lanterns into the night sky in hopes of good luck and happiness. Seeing the lanterns floating higher and higher was such a beautiful, almost spiritual sight.For Michael, those couple of weeks being fully immersed in Chinese New Year celebrations were the most eye-opening, memorable experience of his whole life so far. He told me he felt so fortunate to gain an inside look at such a ancient, rich, vibrant cultural tradition that people outside of China rarely get to experience firsthand.As the biggest holiday of the year came to an end, Michael kept repeating "xīn nián kuài lè" to me and my family, wishing us a happy new year. Even though his Chinese vocabulary was still very limited, I could tell he understood the deeper meaning and spirit behind the sentiment. Seeing the joy and festivity of Chinese New Year through his eyes helped me appreciate my own cultural heritage in a whole new way.When Michael headed back home to the US after his exchange program ended, I knew he took back priceless memories and a profound understanding between our two cultures that he never could have gained from a textbook. Having an "outsider" experience such an important Chinese tradition in my home gave Michael insights that will stay with him forever. As for me, I felt incredibly lucky to share my favorite holiday and cultural traditions with someone from across theworld. It was an unforgettable Chinese New Year experience for both of us!。



给英国交换生介绍中国的英语作文Introduction to China for Exchange Students in the UKWelcome to China! As an exchange student from the UK, you are about to embark on a truly incredible journey in one of the world's most diverse and vibrant countries. China is a land of ancient traditions and modern innovations, with a rich history and culture that date back thousands of years.One of the first things you will notice upon arriving in China is the sheer size and scale of the country. With a population of over 1.4 billion people, China is the most populous country in the world, and its vast territory spans a variety of different landscapes, from the bustling cities of Beijing and Shanghai to the rural villages and rice paddies of the countryside.China is also home to a diverse range of ethnicities, languages, and religions, reflecting the country's long history of cultural exchange and migration. While Mandarin Chinese is the official language of China, there are also many regional dialects spoken throughout the country, each with its own unique characteristics and nuances.In terms of food, Chinese cuisine is famous around the world for its bold flavors and diverse ingredients. From spicySichuanese hotpots to delicate Cantonese dim sum, there is a dish to suit every palate in China. Be sure to try some of the local specialties, such as Peking duck, xiaolongbao (soup dumplings), and mapo tofu, during your time in the country.In addition to its culinary delights, China is also known for its rich cultural heritage, with a wealth of traditional arts and crafts to discover. From intricate calligraphy and painting to dazzling acrobatics and martial arts performances, Chinese culture is as diverse as it is captivating. Be sure to explore some of China's famous historic sites, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and the Terracotta Army, to gain a deeper understanding of the country's past.Of course, no discussion of China would be complete without mentioning its rapidly growing economy and technological innovation. As the world's second-largest economy, China is a major player in the global marketplace, and its influence is only continuing to grow. From e-commerce giant Alibaba to tech powerhouse Huawei, Chinese companies are at the forefront of innovation in fields such as artificial intelligence, renewable energy, and biotechnology.In conclusion, China is a country of immense diversity and opportunity, and as an exchange student, you have the chance toexperience it all firsthand. Whether you're exploring the bustling streets of Beijing, sampling the delicious street food of Shanghai, or marveling at the ancient temples of Xi'an, there is no shortage of adventures to be had in this incredible country. So get out there, explore, and make the most of your time in China – you won't regret it!。























































中国学生代表欢迎交换生英文作文Welcome Exchange Students!Dear exchange students,On behalf of all the Chinese students, we would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you who have chosen to come to China for your exchange program. We are truly excited to have you here and we hope that your time in our country will be filled with wonderful experiences and lasting memories.We understand that coming to a new country can be both exciting and daunting at the same time. You may feel a little overwhelmed by the unfamiliar language, culture, and customs. However, we want you to know that we are here to help you every step of the way. Whether it's navigating the streets of a bustling city, trying new foods, or learning about our rich history, we are here to guide you and make your transition as smooth as possible.One of the best parts of being an exchange student is the opportunity to interact with people from different backgrounds and learn about their way of life. We encourage you to immerse yourself in our culture, make new friends, and take part in various activities, from traditional festivals to modern trends. By doing so,you will not only have a better understanding of China, but also gain a new perspective on the world.We want you to feel at home during your stay in China, and we hope that you will embrace this once-in-a-lifetime experience with an open heart and mind. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, try new things, and make mistakes – that's all part of the learning process.As you embark on this adventure, remember that you are not alone. You have an entire community of Chinese students who are more than willing to support you and make your time here unforgettable. So, don't hesitate to reach out to us if you need anything or simply want to chat.Once again, welcome to China, and we wish you a memorable and enriching exchange experience!Sincerely,The Chinese Student Representatives。

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我 第 四次被 惊到 是 听俩 孩子聊 天 。我 孩子
我们 的孩 子 未 来将要 面对 的是这 样 的对手 !而
问美 国女 孩子 遇到 最 恐惧 的事情 是啥 ? 美 国女
孩子说 是 有一 年 的暑假 ,几 个 家庭 的父母把 几 个十 多岁的孩 子送 到 原始森 林 里 ,没 给 带水和
脸 的 羡慕说 : “ 我 们平 时 的学 习任务很 重的 ,
每 天回 家的作 业量是 5小时 。 ”就这 个 “ 5 小 时”
把我 丫头给镇 住 了。
晚餐 ,我做 了最拿 手 的西红 柿 炒鸡蛋 、糖
6{ 课 外阅读 2 0 1 4年
课 内课外
●。。。。_● ●‘ ‘ ’ ’。’’’ 。’。 ’。。。。。。。。。。。。 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。’。。。。。。。 。 。。。‘ ’‘‘ 。 ’ 。。。 — —
西 安 。 ” 这 四 个城 市 是 家 长 和 老 师 们 精 心 挑 选
第一 见 到这 位女 孩子 ,个子 比我 孩子 高 出一个 头 ,瘦 削高挑 ,皮肤 白皙,脸上 露 着真
挚 的微 笑 ,非常动 人 。记 得 第一 顿早餐 我 准备
的 是 扬 州 包 子 和 小 馄 饨 ,孩 子 们 吃 得 很 开 心 。
本能 的反 应 ,看 来也是 习惯使 然 。
来 中 国游 学 的 这 十 几位 孩 子 都 是 来 自 c o u n t r y d a y( 孩子 们 习惯 翻 译 为 国 日中学 )学
校 。据 说 这个 学校 的全部 费用来 自于富 豪们 的
捐 助 ,学校 只收符 合条件 的孩子 ,是标 准 的贵 族 子弟 学校 。在 经过若 干 个表 格 的事 无 巨细的 项 目填 写 ( 细致到 父母 的宗教 信仰 、饮食 习惯 )
标 。美国女 孩子 赢 了很 多游戏 币,分给我 们仨 , 再 去找 自己感兴趣 的游戏 玩。” 我这 一 次不仅

这一 刻 被化解了 。而 美国 女孩 子则 拉着 我边 走 I
她 的妈妈很 辛苦 ,要 负责 家里 的 日常 生活 、草
地 、游泳 池和 直升 机 的 日常养护 ;哥哥 负责洗
碗 和协 助 妈妈搞 卫 生 ;她 则 负责 家里 两条 狗和 三 只猫 的饮食 起居 。 一 家人 各 负其 责 ,井井有
条 。我 们 家是 爸爸 、妈 妈要 上班 ,妈 妈还要 负
仅是 惊 了,简直是被 震 撼 了:小小年 纪就 知道
如何 做 到利 益最 大化 ,处 处深 思熟 虑 ,确 实是
佩服 的 同时 不 由得 发 问: “ 你 们这样 周游世 界 ,
学 习怎 么 办? ”要 知 道我 们 的孩子 寒暑假 几乎
给 我孩 子做 了十 几年 的饭 菜 ,也 没 听到啥 赞誉 的话 。被 赞 美的 感 觉的确 非 常美妙 ,一 下子就
把我 们 的距 离拉近 了不 少。
都奔 波在 各培 训 点啊 。美 国女 孩 看 着我 孩子 一
太可怕 了。 我孩子说 了一 句让我 思考至今 的话: “ 妈 妈 ,我们 这样 下去 ,以后 真 的 只能是 给她
们打 工的啊 ……”
责全 家的生 活 ,孩 子是 两耳 不 闻窗外 事 只管 学
习。在 对 家庭 的义 务和 责任 方 面 ,明显看 出我
们的差 距很 大。
短 暂的一 周 时间 , 给 了我 六个大 大的惊诧 ,
美 国孩 子也使 用筷子 ,说 是 为 了入 乡随俗特 地
学习的 。 在 用餐尾 声 时,美国女 孩跟我说 : “ 这 是 我吃 过 的最好 吃 的早餐 ,非 常谢 谢 您 !”这 个孩子 这 么会 赞 美 别人 ,我 第一 次被 惊到 了。
的 ,基 本代 表 了中国的过 去和 现在 。我 在 暗 自

在 聊 到业余 生活 时 ,我 了解 到 美 国女 孩 家 庭 的基本 情 况 :爸 爸在 自己的 企业 工作 ;妈妈
基 本 是 家 庭 主 妇 , 不 上 班 ,但 是 美 国 女 孩 强 调
么 好玩玩 什么 。看 得出 平时 繁重 的学习 压力 在 l
边 观察什么 游 戏盈 利最大, 转了 一圈 才 锁定目 I
上看到 了很 多不 同之 处 ,感慨 万千 !
y o u?” 我 第二 次一 惊 。看 着这 个孩 子 真诚 的 样 子 ,我连 忙说 : “ 不 用 了,你 们聊 。”我 的 孩 子 看着我 忙碌 了十 几年都 习惯 了,基 本是 熟 视 无 睹。而 美 国女 孩 能为对 方 着想 ,瞬 间做 出
第二 天 以后 ,大 家就 比较 熟 悉 了,所 以一
般 想 问啥就 问 了。我 看到 美 国女 孩子 的 护照 已
和 层层 审核后 ,我 家被 确 定 负责接 待其 中一 位
女孩 子 。
经很破 旧 了,就 很好 奇地 问: “ 你走 过 了哪 些 国家? ”美国女 孩的 回答让我 第三次被 惊到 了: “ 这 是 我 的 第 三 本护 照 ,大概 走 过 了 3 ( ) 多个 国家。”看 着我 惊诧 的表 情 ,她 解释说 : “ 一 般 假 期 ,我 们 学校都 组 织 同学 出去 游 学。这 次 是 第一 次到 中 国,主要 去上 海、 南京 、北京 和

。。 。。。。 。。 。’。’。 。 。 。‘‘ 。。。 。‘。。。。’’’’
课 内课外
’’ ’。。’。 ’。。 。’’’ ‘。 。。’。 。。。。。。。。 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。—
j 换塞 冉 京 国妈;
◎ 钱 月航
去 年孩 子 高一 的时候 ,我们 有 幸接待 了一
位 美国私立 高 中的 同龄女 孩 ,共 同生活 了一 周。
醋排 骨等三 菜一汤 ,我们边吃 边聊 ,非常 开心 。
吃 完饭 ,两 个孩子 依 旧在聊 天 ,我 开始 收拾 碗
筷。 美国女 孩连忙站起 来对我说 : “ Ca n I h e l p
零距 离的接 触 ,让我 从 中 美两个 同龄 女 孩子 身