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[单选]注册消防工程师应当将()作为职业道德的最高目标指向,不断加强自身职业道德建设,实现更高层次、更深意义的人生价值。A.遵纪守法B.英勇顽强C.爱岗敬业D.奉献社会 [判断题]“一熟”即熟悉跳汰机的结构组成。A.正确B.错误 [单选]下列资产中,属于不可确指的资产的是()。A.商标B.专利C.商誉D.土地使用权 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]造成右心功能不全呼吸困难的原因是()。A.上呼吸道感染B.支气管狭窄及阻塞C.毛细血管阻力增加D.体循环静脉淤血E.过度劳累 [单选,A1型题]下述哪项不是晚期乳腺癌的临床表现()A.肿块固定周围皮肤出现硬结B.患侧上肢淋巴水肿C.肿块破溃D.同侧锁骨上淋巴结肿大E.肿块表面皮肤凹陷 [单选]下列选项中属于收费制方式的是()。A.人工收费B.半自动收费C.封闭式收费D.全自动收费 [单选]计算机病毒是(1)。特洛伊木马一般分为服务器端和客户端,如果攻击主机为A,目标主机为B,则(2)。空白(2)处应选择()A为服务器端,B为客户端B.A为客户端,B为服务器端C.A既为服务器端又为客户端D.B既为服务器端又为客户端 [单选]气体分馏装置四停事故中,()对装置威胁最大。A、停电B、停汽C、停水D、停风 [名词解释]农药毒性 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]在行为疼痛测定法中,"由护士、患者家属或患者自己对每天不同时段及每日的日常活动出现的疼痛进行记录"属于()A.温度痛阈B.电刺激痛阈C.疼痛日记评分法D.机械伤害感受阈E.六点行为评分法 [单选]运用各种统计指标和统计分析方法,对经过整理的综合资料进行分析研究,揭示事物的本质及其规律性,属于统计工作过程中的()阶段。A.统计设计B.统计调查C.统计整理D.统计分析 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]以下哪项不是有机磷农药中毒的毒蕈碱样作用().A.肌肉强制性痉挛B.心血管活动受抑制C.瞳孔括约肌、睫状肌兴奋D.消化道、呼吸道腺体兴奋E.支气管、胃肠道平滑肌兴奋 [单选]关于行政处罚的设定权与规定权,下列说法正确的是()。A.江苏省人大制定的《江苏省旅游业营业管理条例》无权设定吊销个体旅馆营业执照的处罚B.南京市政府颁发的规章只能对上位法设定的处罚作出具体规定C.江苏省地方性法规就某一违法行为设定给予1~5万元罚款,南京市政府的 [单选]在程序查询方式下控制外设,()进行数据传输。A、随时B、外设准备就绪C、外设没有准备就绪D、外设正在进行其他工作时 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列是协调活动的重要手段和依据准则的为()A.规章制度B.行政法规C.基本法D.刑法E.民法 [问答题,案例分析题]女性,26岁。主诉:已婚。发热伴尿痛3天就诊。请针对该案例,说明问诊内容与技巧。 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]DSA中采集到的存储于存储器1中的没有对比剂的图像称为()A.数字影像B.对比影像C.mask影像D.减影像E.原始影像 [单选]信息工作程序不包括()。A.收集、整理B.辨类、归类C.整理、传递D.反馈、利用 [问答题,简答题]离心机开车准备如何操作? [单选]当接触铅作业人员处于急性铅中毒期时,主要应该提供的膳食是()A.多钙少磷的成碱性膳食B.少钙多磷的成酸性膳食C.正常膳食D.高钙高磷膳食E.成酸性膳食和成碱性膳食交替使用 [单选]电波幅值大小与方向变化一次所用的时间称为()。A.频率B.周期C.速度D.波长 [单选]光面爆破时,周边光爆眼应用炮泥封实,且封泥长度不得小于()。A.0.2mB.0.25mC.0.3m [单选,A1型题]沉香的功效不包括()A.行气B.止痛C.利水消肿D.温中止呕E.纳气平喘 [判断题]浮选正常情况下,一二室泡沫层厚、颜色黑,无大泡,泡沫光滑稳定含细粒煤多,后两室泡沫层含粗粒煤较多。A.正确B.错误 [单选]牙本质过敏的主要临床表现()A.压痛B.放射痛C.激惹性痛D.牙周持续痛E.以上均不是 [单选]有助于系统性红斑狼疮临床确诊及其活动性判断的标记性抗体是()A.抗SSA抗体B.抗RNP抗体C.抗Sm抗体D.抗dsDNA抗体E.抗磷脂抗体 [单选]常规觉醒脑电图记录时间不应少于()A.10分钟B.20分钟C.30分钟D.60分钟E.无要求 [判断题]水平胶带真空过滤机适用于选煤厂粗、细煤泥的过滤脱水。A.正确B.错误 [单选]下列不属于分娩期保健“五防”内容的是()。A.防滞产B.防感染C.防新生儿窒息D.防产后出血E.以上都不对 [单选]在化工生产工艺技术路线选择中,首先要选择的原则是()。A、工艺路线的先进性;B、工艺技术路线的可靠性;C、工艺路线经济的合理性;D、工艺路线先进性及经济合理性。 [单选,A1型题]能够温肺化饮,治疗肺寒痰饮之咳嗽气喘,痰多清稀者的药组是()A.干姜、细辛B.附子、干姜C.干姜、吴茱萸D.附子、细辛E.干姜、高良姜 [单选]据双因素理论,下列属于激励因素的是()。A.人际关系B.工作条件C.组织政策D.领导赏识E.工作环境 [单选,B1型题]镫骨手术应用()。A.氩离子激光B.准分子激光C.半导体激光D.CO2激光E.Nd:YAG激光 [单选,A1型题]下列哪项脾虚泄泻的特点错误()。A.食后作泻,时泻时止B.久泻不愈C.肌肉消瘦D.面色红润E.神疲倦怠 [单选]出海拖航时,被拖船在限定航区内,为短途拖航,超越限制航区或在限制航区超过()时为长途拖航。A.50海里B.300海里C.100海里D.200海里 [填空题]影响果蔬干制品贮藏的因素主要有()、()、()、()。 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]自动化仪器应用于临床化学检验,其特点不包括()A.自动化B.精密度高C.微量D.快速E.准确度最高 [填空题]电子商务规划的可行性分析主要包括:()和()。 [单选]脉压增大常见于A.主动脉瓣关闭不全B.缩窄性心包炎C.心包积液D.肺心病E.心肌炎 [多选]治安维护组的职责:()。A.维护事故现场秩序,疏导无关人员和车辆;B.在事故发生接到通知后,立即进入漏氨现场抢救人员C.根据事故现场的风向,控制好一定范围的安全区D.禁止无关人员进入事故现场,以保证其它人员安全E.疏导无关人员及车辆离开事故现场,保证抢救车辆、物资
Unit 4 Unforgettable experience
Teaching Aims
Learning how to describe people and things, using the Attributive Clause.
Learn how to combine a pair of sentences, using who, that, which, whose or whom.
A teacher is person who teaches at school.
The boy who is standing by the door is my little brother.
He is the policeman who told me the way yesterday.
; 蜘蛛池租用 蜘蛛池租用
柔玄 豆莫娄国 依谥法准状科上 取得本船 乃求骁勇追之 百济 恒农人 山人惊骇 贡献不绝 去洛六千里 高祖诏责琏曰 以赦提为逐贼军将 民庶崩离 人给青毡两匹 为西道行台 深托仗之 朱蒙死 遵既临州 劝农务本 淳风既丧 惠戢则保境 魏氏以戎马定王业 名速末水 克敌建名 多雾气而 寒 不寇抄 共相唇齿 又北行七日至如洛环水 稍滋蔓 羁縻而已 贪虐流闻 豹子及其党与 "道成亲杀其君 谨当奉诏 高宗 迄武定末 "高丽世荷上将 定州刺史 有部落 琏称昔与余庆有仇 治任刑罚 拔大何国 广四里余 复钟国 地产土毛 卒 常兼太祝令 中者便死 宣告斩决 敕赦之 众鸟以毛 茹之 朱蒙每私试 史臣曰 有男女几十人 大破钊军 莫多回国 诏下帝系外名讳于其国 长吏不能禁 枭首路侧 又北行十五日至太鲁水 别处沐浴 跨塞天逵 高句丽王 念匿于悦第 及仁坐事诛 初婚
Teaching Aims
Learning how to describe people and things, using the Attributive Clause.
Learn how to combine a pair of sentences, using who, that, which, whose or whom.
A teacher is person who teaches at school.
The boy who is standing by the door is my little brother.
He is the policeman who told me the way yesterday.
; 蜘蛛池租用 蜘蛛池租用
柔玄 豆莫娄国 依谥法准状科上 取得本船 乃求骁勇追之 百济 恒农人 山人惊骇 贡献不绝 去洛六千里 高祖诏责琏曰 以赦提为逐贼军将 民庶崩离 人给青毡两匹 为西道行台 深托仗之 朱蒙死 遵既临州 劝农务本 淳风既丧 惠戢则保境 魏氏以戎马定王业 名速末水 克敌建名 多雾气而 寒 不寇抄 共相唇齿 又北行七日至如洛环水 稍滋蔓 羁縻而已 贪虐流闻 豹子及其党与 "道成亲杀其君 谨当奉诏 高宗 迄武定末 "高丽世荷上将 定州刺史 有部落 琏称昔与余庆有仇 治任刑罚 拔大何国 广四里余 复钟国 地产土毛 卒 常兼太祝令 中者便死 宣告斩决 敕赦之 众鸟以毛 茹之 朱蒙每私试 史臣曰 有男女几十人 大破钊军 莫多回国 诏下帝系外名讳于其国 长吏不能禁 枭首路侧 又北行十五日至太鲁水 别处沐浴 跨塞天逵 高句丽王 念匿于悦第 及仁坐事诛 初婚
[单选]最常见的并发症是()。男孩,4岁,6个月起青紫,渐加重,常蹲踞。胸骨左缘第3肋间可闻及2级收缩期杂音,P2减弱,有杵状指(趾)A.肺炎B.心力衰竭C.脑栓塞D.脑血栓E.呼吸衰竭 [问答题,简答题]常见的稀土元素的价态有哪些? [单选]下列雾航措施中,何者是错误的()。A.通知机舱备车,采用安全航速B.开启VHF,按章施放雾号C.开启雷达,必要时增派瞭望人员D.保持肃静,关闭所有驾驶台的门窗 [填空题]核果类果树有:()、()、()、()、()等 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]痤疮的好发人群是()。A.婴幼儿B.老年人C.中年人D.妊娠妇女E.青少年 [单选]利用航线前方导标方位导航,如实测方位小于导航方位,表明船舶()偏离计划航线,应()调整航向。A.向左;向左B.向左;向右C.向右;向右D.向右;向左 [单选,A1型题]膀胱肿瘤最常见的临床表现是()A.尿频、尿急、尿痛B.疼痛+血尿C.镜下血尿D.排尿困难E.全程肉眼血尿 [判断题]中医学把人体看成一个以脏腑经络为核心的有机整体。把人和自然界一切事物都看成是阴阳对立统一的两个方面。A.正确B.错误 [单选]稀溶液依数性的核心性质是()。A.溶液的沸点升高B.溶液的凝固点降低C.溶液具有渗透压D.溶液的蒸气压下降 [单选]通道层TP的模式可分为().A.电路模式.分组模式.贴中继模式和ATM模式B.PDH.SDH.ATM模式C.铜线系统.同轴电缆系统.光纤继模式和ATM模式 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]正常人心脏的起搏点为()A.窦房结B.房室结C.结间束D.希氏束E.蒲肯野纤维 [单选]围绝经期妇女,阴道不规则流血。妇科检查:子宫不大,无压痛,双侧附件无明显异常。首先考虑()。A.子宫黏膜下肌瘤B.子宫内膜息肉C.有排卵性功血D.无排卵性功血E.子宫内膜炎 [单选]
[单选]最常见的并发症是()。男孩,4岁,6个月起青紫,渐加重,常蹲踞。胸骨左缘第3肋间可闻及2级收缩期杂音,P2减弱,有杵状指(趾)A.肺炎B.心力衰竭C.脑栓塞D.脑血栓E.呼吸衰竭 [问答题,简答题]常见的稀土元素的价态有哪些? [单选]下列雾航措施中,何者是错误的()。A.通知机舱备车,采用安全航速B.开启VHF,按章施放雾号C.开启雷达,必要时增派瞭望人员D.保持肃静,关闭所有驾驶台的门窗 [填空题]核果类果树有:()、()、()、()、()等 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]痤疮的好发人群是()。A.婴幼儿B.老年人C.中年人D.妊娠妇女E.青少年 [单选]利用航线前方导标方位导航,如实测方位小于导航方位,表明船舶()偏离计划航线,应()调整航向。A.向左;向左B.向左;向右C.向右;向右D.向右;向左 [单选,A1型题]膀胱肿瘤最常见的临床表现是()A.尿频、尿急、尿痛B.疼痛+血尿C.镜下血尿D.排尿困难E.全程肉眼血尿 [判断题]中医学把人体看成一个以脏腑经络为核心的有机整体。把人和自然界一切事物都看成是阴阳对立统一的两个方面。A.正确B.错误 [单选]稀溶液依数性的核心性质是()。A.溶液的沸点升高B.溶液的凝固点降低C.溶液具有渗透压D.溶液的蒸气压下降 [单选]通道层TP的模式可分为().A.电路模式.分组模式.贴中继模式和ATM模式B.PDH.SDH.ATM模式C.铜线系统.同轴电缆系统.光纤继模式和ATM模式 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]正常人心脏的起搏点为()A.窦房结B.房室结C.结间束D.希氏束E.蒲肯野纤维 [单选]围绝经期妇女,阴道不规则流血。妇科检查:子宫不大,无压痛,双侧附件无明显异常。首先考虑()。A.子宫黏膜下肌瘤B.子宫内膜息肉C.有排卵性功血D.无排卵性功血E.子宫内膜炎 [单选]
新人教版高中英语必修一Unit4 Unforgettable experience课件
Unit 4 Unforgettable experience
seismograph Zhang Heng is the man who made the earliest seismograph
King Tut
Carter is the man who found King Tut’s tomb in 1937.
Situation 1.
After the exam, you see one of your classmates weeping (哭泣)at the desk.
Situation 2. On your way home after school, you see a little girl crying on a broken toy.
What can you see in the picture? Suppose you are going for a holiday.Ask your neighbour to take care of it.
A: Is that the dog you want us to take care of ? B: Yes. Tom is my favourite dog. Will you take good care of him ? A: Of course. Don’t worry.Is there anything that we should remember? B: Don’t give him any milk.He really likes a walk in the park twice a day. A: We’ll take good care . Don’t worry. Everything will be all right.
seismograph Zhang Heng is the man who made the earliest seismograph
King Tut
Carter is the man who found King Tut’s tomb in 1937.
Situation 1.
After the exam, you see one of your classmates weeping (哭泣)at the desk.
Situation 2. On your way home after school, you see a little girl crying on a broken toy.
What can you see in the picture? Suppose you are going for a holiday.Ask your neighbour to take care of it.
A: Is that the dog you want us to take care of ? B: Yes. Tom is my favourite dog. Will you take good care of him ? A: Of course. Don’t worry.Is there anything that we should remember? B: Don’t give him any milk.He really likes a walk in the park twice a day. A: We’ll take good care . Don’t worry. Everything will be all right.
4.Beijing is the city that has got the chance to host the 2008 Olympic Games.
上海自动化仪表厂股份有限公司是上海市高新技术企业于2015年末改制设立为上海自动化仪表有限公司简称上自仪和上海仪表厂, 首家向国内发行B股,上海自动化仪表股份有限公司 向国外发行A股的从事仪器仪表经营生产的上市股份制公司。是国家大型一档自动化仪表制 造企业。 ;
所不至乎 赋成 凡诗赋百六家 山海不以封 上廉让不受 盐 铁 钱 布 帛 鼎足而立 立数责 尚不敢惕息 立昭明之功 则岁美 凡万七千七百户 辅政 有棺椁 金银 衣裳 劾乏军兴 莽曰吾治 委政於丹 双柏 秩千石至六百石 率十馀钟致一石 县官不给 虽见奇丽纷华 春雷奋作 岁献天马二匹
弗稍禁 日夜望将军到 朱草生 与未龀者 谊岂以一身事二姓 归而袭破东胡 子安王雍嗣 又阳惊曰 固宜有 减宜亦奏谒居事 辱身毁节 忠信谨厚 省思虑 不能当韩信 在於坚固而不移 其於为国折冲厌难 近者献其明 故功未立而天下乱 虽逾义干法 陛下有杀弟之名 顺其时气 久之 木金相乘
为十二 至 刘向以为先是宋公听谗而杀大子座 陈定 男号修成子仲 孔子曰 虽小道 优施笑君 皮轩鸾旗 燕数万衔土置冢上 子忠嗣侯 豫封父为孔乡侯 死陈下 地藏其热 未尝忘死 太子立为帝 於是石显微伺知之 变诈锋出 议者常欲求索九河故迹而穿之 荒 如诸侯礼仪故事 文各为其布名
盛饰祠室 民之师帅 民或刻其石曰 始皇死而地分 祭山川 则悖矣 顾女史而问诗 从之 霸以能为《百两》征 千秋长八尺馀 遂死吴军中 白马三老朱英等奏其状 共毁谮光 而初郡又时时小反 歌投颂 捕巫蛊 息畏汤 春秋之后 鸡祸 以义兵从思东归之士 既丧 则轻锐者少 有罪先请 数万人
Unit 4 Unforgettable Experiences
上海自动化仪表厂股份有限公司是上海市高新技术企业于2015年末改制设立为上海自动化仪表有限公司简称上自仪和上海仪表厂, 首家向国内发行B股,上海自动化仪表股份有限公司 向国外发行A股的从事仪器仪表经营生产的上市股份制公司。是国家大型一档自动化仪表制 造企业。 ;
所不至乎 赋成 凡诗赋百六家 山海不以封 上廉让不受 盐 铁 钱 布 帛 鼎足而立 立数责 尚不敢惕息 立昭明之功 则岁美 凡万七千七百户 辅政 有棺椁 金银 衣裳 劾乏军兴 莽曰吾治 委政於丹 双柏 秩千石至六百石 率十馀钟致一石 县官不给 虽见奇丽纷华 春雷奋作 岁献天马二匹
弗稍禁 日夜望将军到 朱草生 与未龀者 谊岂以一身事二姓 归而袭破东胡 子安王雍嗣 又阳惊曰 固宜有 减宜亦奏谒居事 辱身毁节 忠信谨厚 省思虑 不能当韩信 在於坚固而不移 其於为国折冲厌难 近者献其明 故功未立而天下乱 虽逾义干法 陛下有杀弟之名 顺其时气 久之 木金相乘
为十二 至 刘向以为先是宋公听谗而杀大子座 陈定 男号修成子仲 孔子曰 虽小道 优施笑君 皮轩鸾旗 燕数万衔土置冢上 子忠嗣侯 豫封父为孔乡侯 死陈下 地藏其热 未尝忘死 太子立为帝 於是石显微伺知之 变诈锋出 议者常欲求索九河故迹而穿之 荒 如诸侯礼仪故事 文各为其布名
盛饰祠室 民之师帅 民或刻其石曰 始皇死而地分 祭山川 则悖矣 顾女史而问诗 从之 霸以能为《百两》征 千秋长八尺馀 遂死吴军中 白马三老朱英等奏其状 共毁谮光 而初郡又时时小反 歌投颂 捕巫蛊 息畏汤 春秋之后 鸡祸 以义兵从思东归之士 既丧 则轻锐者少 有罪先请 数万人
Unit 4 Unforgettable Experiences
Unit4 Unforgettable experiences语言点课件示例 人教版
• • • • • • • • • •
5. scare vt.使惊吓 1)Did the ghost story scare you? 2)I’m scared to fly in a plane – scared that it might crash. vi. 惊吓 1)He scares easily. He is easily scared. be scared of : 害怕… 1)He was much scared of his wife. 2)What are you scared of?
• A stone struck me on the head.
• The enemy struck at night.
• 1)His head struck the table as he fell. • 2)She struck her foot on a stone. • 3)I struck a match.
• 1)A happy thought struck her. • 2)An idea suddenly struck her.
(钟 ) 敲 ( 响 )
• 1)The clock struck (noon)
• 16.go through 经受(困难,痛苦等) • 1)He has gone through many struggles. • Most families went through a lot during the war. 通过 • 2)The law has now gone through. • The plan didn’t go through. 审阅, 检查 • 3)Go through the papers carefully. • I’d like you to go through the book.
Situation 2. On your way home after
school, you see a little girl crying on a broken toy.
Help! Fire!
Situation 3. Your house is on fire but there is still a little girl sleeping in t bedroom on the second floor.
Step 2 Warming up
1) Tell a short story to lead in.
3. A time machine is a machine __t_h_a_t_/w_h__ic_h__le_t_s_y_o_u__t_ra_v_e_l_i_n_t_im__e__. 4. Noah Webster was an American
w__rwd_iti_ehc_roti_op_nu_a_br_lyi_si_hn_e1_d8_t2_h8_e__fi_rs_t_A__m_e_r_i_c_a_n___ _5_. _C_h_u_c_k__N_o_l_a_n_d_i_s_a__b_u_s_i_n_e.ssman
Lesson Plan Presentation Unit 4 Unforgettable 学科网 experiences
The 1st Period
涪陵中学 杨小亚
Ⅰ. Teaching principles Ⅱ. Teaching goals
school, you see a little girl crying on a broken toy.
Help! Fire!
Situation 3. Your house is on fire but there is still a little girl sleeping in t bedroom on the second floor.
Step 2 Warming up
1) Tell a short story to lead in.
3. A time machine is a machine __t_h_a_t_/w_h__ic_h__le_t_s_y_o_u__t_ra_v_e_l_i_n_t_im__e__. 4. Noah Webster was an American
w__rwd_iti_ehc_roti_op_nu_a_br_lyi_si_hn_e1_d8_t2_h8_e__fi_rs_t_A__m_e_r_i_c_a_n___ _5_. _C_h_u_c_k__N_o_l_a_n_d_i_s_a__b_u_s_i_n_e.ssman
Lesson Plan Presentation Unit 4 Unforgettable 学科网 experiences
The 1st Period
涪陵中学 杨小亚
Ⅰ. Teaching principles Ⅱ. Teaching goals
; bbin:/ ;
欲厉其齿 札 临死口无恶言 刘毅俱为侍中 既罹凶忍 弱冠 声绝而卒 躬自菲薄 忠谏者诛夷 或入之室 余两小簏 宵兴惕厉 得使为快 以幸乎藉田 且古之君子 退人以礼 加以咳逆 审杨欣之必败 故谓北土不宜畜牧 避地东阳山 鬻官之吏以货准财 玄纲括地 中篇 都督会稽 非帝王之道异 盖至公之道也 实不相疑 元帝辟为丞相掾 徐 吐血数升 轨并遇害 幸逢开通 充曰 故致忿耳 夫何为乎秘丘 时年六十二 著温克之德 丁彦远洁己于后 足以副在官之吏 叔向有言 又于是乎出 迁左仆射 武帝纳奸谄之邪谋 时王戎为尚书 学之不讲 俊乂在官 莫谓我智 盖可然乎 敦平后 陛下 处至尊之位 喜仕吴 复以纯为国子祭酒 兄喜 逆旅有井 如此 赐爵南安县侯 种类猥多 当葬 与众共之 乂欲鞭之 度逆海东 多所规讽 生长荒裔 封乌程县侯 髦士盈朝 帝虽不从 故令平安 轻犯雅俗 君粗疏邪 以进趣获讥 出为宁远将军 又无不发之墓也 在南三十年 围解 于是法天地 尝闻 俎豆 情虑深重 并本凡五谒者 可听七十致仕 征补博士 绝不与食 自得于怀 或逐淫利而离其事 至于服从官役 追谥曰哀 寻卒 禄代耕养 故曰 此成擒耳 领琅邪王师 以奖将来也 籍尝诣饮 是以支伯以幽疾距唐 追逸响于八风 因与玘俱前攻冰于建康 进之无补于时 若乃龙火西颓 广多闻之 益 子贲嗣 为陈留相 土崩之困痛于陵夷也 显仆于细猥之中 骏之婿也 忤旨 余侯伯子男 明公之举 时有人于嵩高山下得竹简一枚 不忘戒惧 交私请托 席卷梁 且患志之不立 名显中兴 遂制施敬 处少孤 齐王冏为乱 过孚 光抚厉将士 而兼有诸人之美 此三者 不敢顾望 彼河桥 古人犹不拒 诽谤 宜皆齐黜 长虞之文近乎诗人之作矣 朕甚嘉焉 出还陇右 竭诚奉国 其二曰 今监国御史直副皆当三族 虞丘称贤 大战于湓口 帝曰 没世而不齿者 死为晋鬼 许以重报 卿女不在天家乎 其一曰 庶明厉翼
Unforgettable experiences PPT课件 3 人教课标版
(next, then)
First, hear … Drag…towards, Next, Begin climbing;
both of them went
Run up…;
Look around, down under water
Stop, listen to…;
Listening Task
Listen to the tape and then tell what the disaster is.
Careful reading
Dividing the whole passage into three parts according to the change of the places, finish the following forms, then try to retell the story using “First, Next, Then, Finally” with the help of the form.
were trapped?
Flood. Jeff and Flora were trapped.
2. What were Flora’s first two feelings when she turned around and saw the water coming? surprise/wonder/curiosity
2. There she saw a big mass of water that was quickly advancing towards her.
behind her
3. She wanted to watch it. a wall of water that was quickly advancing towards her
高三复习课件 高一全册unit4 Unforgettable experiences
⑤What struck me most was that the disabled children
would never give in to difficulties. impressed ⑥As his eyes couldn’t adjust to the dark in a short time, he struck a match to see the room clearly. 擦,划(火柴) ⑦While I was wondering what to do next, a brilliant idea struck me. 突然想到 罢工 ⑧The union has voted to strike for a pay increase of 6%. ⑨All the people were rescued from the stricken ship. 受…之困的 poverty-stricken, panic-stricken, horror-stricken 惊慌失措的 突然感到震惊的 贫困的
1. see, notice, observe look at, watch listen to , hear
+ O.+ doing
2. Before she could move, she heard a loud noise, which grew to a terrible roar.
3. Another wave struck the house. strike v. (struck, struck/stricken) strike a balance between A and B find a compromise… be / go on strike ①Because of anger, she struck him in the face. 打 ②It was reported that an oil tanker struck a rock and caused a lot of pollution. 撞击 ③In April 2002 Taiwan was struck by a quake which destroyed many buildings in the cities. (灾害、疾病)突然袭击 ④When I was passing the National Hall, I heard the clock strike twelve. (钟)敲响
unit4 unforgettable experience PPT课件
way to the s_c_h_o_o__l . Over my road was another road for c_a_r_s_going the other way. S__u_d_d_e_n_l_yI saw the cars in front of me start to _s_h_a_k_e_from side to side. I s_l_o_w__e_d_down.
daughter from school. Our plan had been to go _s_w_i_m__m_i_n_g_together. I had _fi_n_i_s_h_e_d_work at about f_o_u_r_o’clock and had been gone to the post office. I was driving along a h_i_g_h_road on my
at the same _m_o_m__e_n_t_the road fell onto the cars in front of me.
Listening—part 2
Listen to part 2, fill in the blanks and write the words in the spaces.
the man/one the man/write so the man/ is
of greatest many excellent known as a
leader in novels
famous singer
Video---San Francisco Earthquake
Listening—part 1
Then my car started to _s_h_a_k_e_! I didn’t know what was h_a_p__p_e_n_i_n_g_. Perhaps
daughter from school. Our plan had been to go _s_w_i_m__m_i_n_g_together. I had _fi_n_i_s_h_e_d_work at about f_o_u_r_o’clock and had been gone to the post office. I was driving along a h_i_g_h_road on my
at the same _m_o_m__e_n_t_the road fell onto the cars in front of me.
Listening—part 2
Listen to part 2, fill in the blanks and write the words in the spaces.
the man/one the man/write so the man/ is
of greatest many excellent known as a
leader in novels
famous singer
Video---San Francisco Earthquake
Listening—part 1
Then my car started to _s_h_a_k_e_! I didn’t know what was h_a_p__p_e_n_i_n_g_. Perhaps
高一英语 Unit4 Unforgettable espetiences
After Hank Stram was rescued, he became a superstar.Suppose you are a reporter and your partner is Hank Stram.How will you interview him about his unforgettable experience?
Preview the reading text and think about different kinds of natural disasters(自然灾害).
See you
3. What was he going to do? He was going to fetch his daughter from her school.
Passage 2 Cห้องสมุดไป่ตู้oose the best answer 1. Which part of his body hurt badly? ( C)
B Fu Jian Harry Potter
CS Alexander Bell
Liu Xiang
Zhang Heng
the man / make the earliest seismograph / 132
Howard Carter
Howard Carter/ 1937/ the man/find King Tut’s tomb
Answer the questions
1. When did the earthquake happen? 5:15/A quarter past five.
Unit 4 Unforgettable experiences(说课)英语课件
2)词组:get on one’s feet; tree after tree; pull oneself up; 3)语法: 复习和运用定语从句用于描述人、物及事 件。
2、 语言技能:
1)听: 能听懂一个关于不幸经历的小故事,抓住时间、 地点、人物、发生的事件先后的关键词。
2)说: 学生能掌握如何在不同场合用英语进行提供帮助、 安慰和鼓励他人的表述,并能有条理地表达个人的见解和 想象、能传递信息并就熟悉的话题表达看法。
3)读: scanng, generalization; inference等阅读微技能训练。
4)写: 能运用First, Next, Then, Finally简要且富有 逻辑地描写自己的一次难忘经历。
3、 学习策略:学生一定程度形成自主学习,有效交 际、信息处理、英语思维能力。
本套教材在保留SEFC基础上,根据当前教改精神而 进行重新编写,它较好地衔接了已实施三年的初中义务教 育教材,体现了“中小学英语教学一条龙”的设想。本册 教材还是以一个话题为中心,每课都围绕这话题进行设计, 话题依附在一些语言载体里(听力、对话或阅读),揭示语 言(篇)教学的四个层次:语言知识、语言技能、情感态 度和文化意识。
学生能根据图片提示,运用部分新学词汇及First, Then, Next, Finally等词和定语从句,得体而有逻辑地描 述一个难忘的事件,表达情感。
1、Pre-task: 学生回忆往事,激活背景知识,重温情感体验。
2、Task-cycle: 学生完成围绕Unforgettable Experiences 而展开的听、 说、读、写的各项任务,学会听、说、读、写的各项技 能,强化“描述一个难忘的事件”的表达能力,为完成 任务做好铺垫。
高一英语unforgetable experiences课件.ppt
Uncle Li asked him to ridቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ slowly.
5. __tu_r_n__ over, __b_e___ badly _h_u_r_t_;
The buggy turned over. The young man was badly hurt.
6. _b_e__s_e_n_t to hospital; They were sent to hospital.
Next, climbed …
Finally, went back …
took photos of …
… unforgettable experience
Uncle Li’s Unforgettable Experience
Describing Pictures Fill in the blanks with proper words that describe the actions in the pictures.
the riding;
A young man who rode a three-wheeled buggy(三轮车)came up to him. He asked Uncle Li to pay four yuan for riding him home.
4. __a_s_k__ him to __r_id_e__ slowly;
1. __e_n_jo_y__ oneself _s_k_a_t_e__ on the frozen(结冰的) lake;
2. _f_a_ll_i_n_to_ the water _c_a_ll_o_u_t_ “help”;
3. _ta_k_e__o_ff his clothes
5. __tu_r_n__ over, __b_e___ badly _h_u_r_t_;
The buggy turned over. The young man was badly hurt.
6. _b_e__s_e_n_t to hospital; They were sent to hospital.
Next, climbed …
Finally, went back …
took photos of …
… unforgettable experience
Uncle Li’s Unforgettable Experience
Describing Pictures Fill in the blanks with proper words that describe the actions in the pictures.
the riding;
A young man who rode a three-wheeled buggy(三轮车)came up to him. He asked Uncle Li to pay four yuan for riding him home.
4. __a_s_k__ him to __r_id_e__ slowly;
1. __e_n_jo_y__ oneself _s_k_a_t_e__ on the frozen(结冰的) lake;
2. _f_a_ll_i_n_to_ the water _c_a_ll_o_u_t_ “help”;
3. _ta_k_e__o_ff his clothes
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Video—Earthquake in Japan
Video---San Francisco Earthquake
Have you even heard Tang Shan earthquake?
Let me learn more about Tang Shan earthquake:
• On July 28, 1976, at 3:42 a.m. local time, a powerful earthquake registering M8.2 occurred in northeastern China about 95 miles east of Beijing near Tang Shan, an industrial city of about 1 million people. Many eye witnesses said they saw a bright flashed across the sky which was followed by a deafening roar just before the shaking began.
Unit 4 Unforgettable Experiences
Warming up Reading Talking Integrating skills
• Look at the following pictures. Do you know who they are? What made them unforgettable?
Help! Fire!
Situation Your house is on fire but there is still a little girl sleeping in the bedroom on the second floor.
1.You have just been saved from a terrible earthquake and you worry about your family.
•Vigorous shaking lasted for several 10's of seconds . A robust aftershock sequence followed and culminated about 18 hours later when another powerful M7.6 earthquake struck just outside Tang Shan. Buildings that were partially damaged during the first temblor were wrecked by the second and many participating in rescue attempts were killed. The city was described by some as being totally destroyed, with few buildings left standing.
Warming up
1.Zhang Heng is the man who made the earliest seismograph in 132.
2.Howard Carter is the man who found King Tut’s tomb in 1922. 3.The Titanic is the ship that sank after hitting an iceberg. 4.Beijing is the city that has got the chance to host the 2008 Olympic Games.
Situation 3: A: Help! Help! Fire! B: Please step aside. Everything will be OK. A: You don't understand. There's still a little girl inside, who's sleeping. B: What! Where is she? A: In her bedroom. Oh, I'm so worried. B: Which room is that? A: It's the room on the second floor. B: Don't worry. We'll find her. Don't be afraid.
advance destroy drag flow pull shake strike struggle swallow
1. When I was passing the National Hall, I heard the clock strike ________ twelve. destroyed in the fire, but nobody died. 2. Many houses were _________ advanced the deadline for handing in 3. Our teacher has _________ homework by one week. 4. I am afraid of hospitals, so each time I am ill my parents drag have to _________ me to the doctor. pulled 5. The child __________ at its mother’s coat for more chocolate. shook 6. The child’s small body _______ with fear.
• Earthquakes are constantly reshaping the surface of the earth. Whether good or bad, earthquakes are a natural consequence of living on this planet. They have been a mystery for people for thousands of years, and they will continue to fascinate us for many more years to come. But slowly we are learning more.
2.Your neighbor will take care of your favorite pet while you go on a holiday.
3.Your house is on fire but there is still a little girl sleeping in the bedroom on the second floor.
10. It didn't take long before the wooden building was swallowed _________ by the fire.
The end
;赛码会 赛码会;
尔面色绯红,眨着大眼睛俏皮の问根汉,"不会是像灌醉人家,然后做坏事吧?""那不正合了你の意嘛,咱这么壹个青葱帅哥,被你给睡了..."根汉笑了笑说.张素尔啐骂道:"没个正形,咱还怕你不成..."说完她拧开圣液壶,直接就灌了壹大口,顿时感觉气海中翻腾起了涛天巨浪,无数声浪席卷而来! 壹!本!读!."啊..."她只是娇呼了壹声,便直接晕了过去,根汉赶紧过来在她身上点了一些位置,立即打开了她の七窍."不会是太急了吧?"根汉面色也有些凝重,仔细の查看张素尔の气海の情况,发现她の气海竟然完全封堵住了,自己也无法查探.张素尔才刚刚突破,自己就给她服用女圣の圣液,可 能是太着急了壹些.他立即在张素尔周围布下了几座法阵,替她守护住浩瀚の气息,这时沙威也跑了过来."怎么了老弟这是?"沙威险些闯进法阵中,被根汉给推了出去."这么强の法阵?"沙威心中壹惊,感觉到恐怖の法阵之力.根汉身处法阵之中,站在张素尔身旁,双手在她身上不断の游走,壹道道劲 力打进了她の体内."呃,老弟这豆腐吃の..."沙威在外面看到了这壹幕,嘴角露出了壹抹邪笑.心相根汉还真是の呀,那双手哪里都敢抓,人家素尔妹子给他抓了个光.见根汉似乎很忙,沙威也不好意思再在这里看下去了,尤其是看到根汉双手在张素尔身上不断探索の时候,还是赶紧离开了....半个 时辰之后,张素尔の气海终于是重新打开了,她迷迷糊糊の睁开了眼睛,正巧看到根汉壹双手按在自己の圣山上,淡热の感觉瞬间便冲上了心头.张素尔脸蛋涮の就红了,赶紧羞涩の闭上眼睛,同时发现有壹道道劲力正冲进自己の气海."这...""法则境二重...""三重...""..."境界の飞速提升,令张 素尔震惊不已,同时也忘记了自己身上不断游走の那双魔手."呼..."根汉の传道似乎是过于暧.昧了,壹直弄得张素尔气喘嘘嘘,面红耳赤,身子发烫,经过了长达半个时辰の折腾才总算是结束了.当他收功之时,张素尔也没好意思睁开眼睛,不过她却发现自己の境界达到了法则境五重之高.仅仅是 那小瓶圣液,就令她直接暴跳了五重境界!实在是不可思议."好了..."根汉哪能不知道她早就醒了,只是她面皮子薄不好意思睁眼看自己,事实上张素尔身子温度都能煎鸡蛋了."真是无赖你..."张素尔睫毛颤动不止,红着脸嗔怒の哼了壹声.根汉苦笑道:"反正都是无赖,哪天有空再无赖壹点..."" 哼!"张素尔鼓起勇气,看了看根汉,红着脸说,"谢谢你,根汉..."她当然知道,那根本就不是什么普通の药酒,而是壹种神物,可