



622.080MHz VCSO FEATURES• Industry Standard 5x7mm SMTFootprint• +3.3 Vdc Supply Voltage• -40°C to 85°C Temp. Range• LVPECL differential outputs• ± 50ppm Absolute Pull Range (APR)• Output Enable/Disable Function• SAW resonator• Extremely Low Jitter• Tape & Reel Packaging• RoHS CompliantDESCRIPTIONSurface mount 5x7mm VCSO operating at3.3V supply with complementary LVPECLoutputs for use in datacom & telecomapplications.ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSParameter Conditions&RemarksMinTypicalMaxUnit Operating ConditionsNominal Frequency f NOM- 622.080 - MHz Operating Temperature Range -40 - 85 °C Storage Temperature Range -55 - 125 °C Supply Voltage V CC; ±5% 3.135 3.300 3.465 VdcSupply Current I cc; Max. V CC; T A = 25°Cload = 50Ω to V CC – 2V- 60 70 mALoad output to V CC – 2V - 50 - ΩFrequency StabilityFrequency vs. Temperature ref to T A = 25°C; V C = constant +20 - -150 ppm Electronic Frequency ControlInput Impedance Z i50 100 - kΩControl Voltage Range V C ; positive monotonic transfer 0.3 - 3.0 Vdc Gain Transfer - 180 - ppm/V Absolute Pull Range APR; all causes (see note 1) ± 50 - - ppm Modulation Bandwidth -3dB ref. 100Hz - 50 - kHz Linearity Deviation from best linear fit - 2 10 % NOTE 1: Minimum guaranteed frequency shift (∆f/f NOM) under all conditions (temperature, aging, supply voltage, load) for 15 years at an average effective operating temperature of +55°C622.080MHz VCSO ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Continued)Parameter Conditions&RemarksMinTypicalMaxUnit Output ParametersOutput Signal LVPECLV OL- -V CC-1.620AmplitudeV OH V CC-1.025 - -VdcRise/Fall Times 20% to 80% - 250 400 ps Duty Cycle @ 50% of output signal 45 50 55 % Start up time to reach 90% of final amplitude - - 10 ms100Hz - -85 -75 dBc/Hz1kHz - -110 -100 dBc/Hz10kHz - -140 -130 dBc/Hz100kHz - -143 -140 dBc/Hz Phase Noise1MHz - -143 -140 dBc/Hz12kHz to 20MHz (calculated from Phase Noise) - 0.16 0.3 psRMSPhase Jitter50kHz to 80MHz (calculated from Phase Noise) - 0.16 0.3 psRMSLVPECL OUTPUT WAVEFORM TEST CIRCUIT, LVPECL LOADOUTPUT ENABLE/DISABLE LOGICPad 2 Pad 4 Pad 5Low ”0” outputs disabled HI Z HI ZOpen outputs enabled Output Comp. OutputHigh ”1” outputs enabled Output Comp. Output622.080MHz VCSO622.080MHz VCSOMAXIMUM SOLDERING PROFILETemperature217°C 260°C (Absolute max temperature) Time60-150 sec 10 sec. maxNote: Part is not designed to be reflowed in an inverted position.MSL Level: 1This product is fully compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC。

UL 1026-中文版

UL 1026-中文版

UL 1026前言A.此標準包括目錄範圍內覆蓋UL公司產品后續服務的基本要求, 這些要求是基于成熟的工程原理, 研究, 測試記錄現場試驗及生產安裝問題的認識, 從廠家, 用戶, 檢驗機構其它專業經驗咨詢時所獲取的信息, 如有必要他們可以進一步實驗調查后改正.B.此標準的觀察要求是持續保證生產廠家產品的條件之一.C.按這些要求在檢查或測試產品時, 只要產品符合此標準, 即使發現預料的其它安全損害, 也可視為符合標準.D.產品采用的材料或者其結構形式與此標準中的要求有些區別, 那么可以按照設計要求測試, 如果大部份材料相同, 那么就可以按照標準進行判斷.E.UL在按照目標進行功能演示時, 不能下放廠家或其它任何部門的責任, 標準在制定時, UL的意見和調查研究結果, 已經代表了專業評判標準, UL對任何使用或依賴下標準不負任何責任, UL不會發生任何責任義務損害, 包括由于使用, 解釋或依賴此標準產生的重大損壞.F.按照UL要求進行測試時有一些不可避免的損害, 因此在進行測試時采取足夠的安全措施和足夠的防護工具是必要的.1.範圍1.1.這些要求覆蓋了在普通情況下使用的250V或以下的家用廚具電器(除了1.2里有說明外),包括臨時或永久地在戶外使用的家用廚具電器應符合國際電器條例規定.1.2.這些要求不包括家用電器系列, 電極型, 長柄鍋及電炸鍋, 乳酪機鍋, 面拖油炸機, 爆谷機, 咖啡壺, 電飯鍋, 微波爐, 以及按個人要求制作的電器不包括在此標準內.1.3.以下內容中, 確定是否符合此範圍內的一種裝置的要求(如多士爐和類似的)應通過具體參考此型號要求, 在沒有具體參考資料時,如果采用"符合"條款, 那么條款應為公認符合標準所有型號的要求.1.4.產品包括外形特點, 零件, 系統更新及與此標準要求有區別的產品,而涉及到火險, 電擊, 傷人應該使用適當的附加零件進行測試, 其安全水平的最后結果應保留在標預期的範圍內, 產品外型, 特性, 零件, 材料, 系統與具體要求相衝突, 不能視為符合此標準, 如果考慮提出修改要求, 應采用一致的方法, 開發, 修正, 執行此標準.2.組合件.2.1.除2.2說明外, 此標準中產品組合件應符合組合件的要求, 如產品一般使用標準組合件清單索引A所示.2.2.組合件不需要與具體相符是:a.此標準包括的產品應用中不必涉及到外形或特性.b.由此標準要求代替.2.3.組合件應在認可的設計環境下使用.2.4.結構中的些特殊組合件不全面或限制其性能發揮, 這些組合件只能在限定環境下使用, 例如不超過一定限定溫度下使用且只有在認可的選定環境下限制使用.3.裝置的測量:3.1.指數必須說明, 括號里的指數為解釋或相近信息.4.參考材料4.1.此標準要求的條例或標準的任何要求更新應被解釋為最新的條例和標準.結構5.總則.5.1 如果電器在運行時會產生或在有氣體或其它氣體壓力下運行, 考慮到爆炸事故的可能性, 因此電器不能算合格, 除非電器有足夠強度抵禦爆炸危險.6.框架與外殼.6.1.電器的框架和外殼應該足夠的張度和鋼度抗拒正常使用中可能的濫用, 但不要因電器固有的抵抗強度而減少電器的空間, 產生松動, 零件錯位而導致部分或全部失效或者結構組合時而增加火險, 電擊或傷害的危險.6.2.電器外殼材料應該能夠隨特殊用途, 能夠容納所有電器零件, 除電源線和14.3,14.4中在任意環境下使用時可能會引起火險, 電擊或傷害的裸線元件外, 如果電器要與電源永久聯接時, 電器外殼應提供用于安裝所必需的裝置, 如: 托架, 挂鉤或類似物.6.3.在正常工作狀態中需要加油的電器, 應特別考慮在烹調腔上加一個外殼, 外殼的材料也應適合此目的.6.4.電器外殼采用通風開口或在外殼上安裝永久電源聯接元件的電器,其位置不能讓排氣進入封閉結構的空間, 如活動頂的空間, 壁洞空間或類似空間.6.5.判斷電器外殼性能時應考慮的因素是:a.物理強度.b.抗衝擊強度.c.吸水汽性.d.可燃性.e.防腐蝕性.f.在高溫下抗變形能力, 外殼在正常和非正常情況下使用的承受能力.對于非金屬材料外殼要求可參考<<電氣設備評估>>UL746C的聚合物標準, 金屬外殼零件或外殼應按照<<金屬外殼衝擊測試>>42節進行抗衝擊能力測試.例外情況1. 考慮按UL746C進行濫用和惡劣條件測試時, 電器外殼應按此標準中濫用運作測試的第44節進行判斷.例外情況2. 因加硬化材料要按43.1要求在高溫下連續1000小時老化測試, 所以加熱硬化材料不需要符合UL746C要求..06.6.采用過熱保護的熱塑外殼電器, 如果采用94HB材料, 具有至少60弧抵抗高電流弧光點火, 至少7秒鐘抗熱點火, 及外殼所有零件包括, 肋骨, 煎件或類似零件相距至少1/2" (12.7mm)那么可燃性要求可不一定要符合UL746C.6.7.除非電器外殼如6.5和6.8判斷認為合格, 否則電器外殼的鑄造和鐵片部分厚度不能小于表格6.1所示.6.8.除了考慮6.5中所提及的因素外, 考慮到電器的設計用途, 外殼金屬片也要考慮其尺寸, 形狀, 厚度和特殊應用能力.6.9.為防止發生無意識與導電零件接觸, 電器上的導電零件, 除自動焗燼裸線元件的發光部分以外, 其位置或包起來保護, 絕緣馬達刷帽不要求額外附件.表6.1金屬外殼的最小厚度6.10外殼構造應該讓熔化金屬, 防火物, 或類似物不會落在支撐面上6.11在6.10必須要求中, 外殼底部開口處的上面或下面必須有隔板, 如果開口為:a.在馬達下面時應:1).馬達的結構零件或電器提供類似的隔板.2).馬達在以下缺陷條件下通電時, 馬達這種保護措施是為了防止燃燒絕緣物或熔化物落在電器的支撐面上.i) 開主線圈.ii)打開起動線圈.iii)啟動短路關.iv)永久分開電容器的馬達為短路電容器, 在馬達通電前和回轉輪被堵時進行短路通電.3).采用熱發動機保護器(同時感應溫度和電流的保護裝置)的發動機是防止發動機線圈在最大負荷的內溫度不超過125℃(302ºF).4). 采用的馬達符合阻抗馬達要求.b.在電線下, 除非電線符合電線, 電纜, 伸縮線UL1581參考標準VW-1燃燒測試或者垂直燃燒測試.c.在無蓋開關, 變壓器, 螺線管或類似物下面, 除非馬達零件不會因為著火而引起故障.d.在電場和工廠制造的拼接過載, 過載電流保護裝置.例如: 如圖6.1D線所示, 如果開口不在組合件下面範圍內, 可以不用隔板.圖6.1隔板呎吋與位置A-隔板遮蓋的範圍,如果組合件沒有被遮蓋,則由整個組合件組成和一個組合件未遮蓋部份(被組合件外殼遮蓋的部份)組成.B-投影在水平板上組合件的輪廓C-隔板傾斜線軸軌跡最小範圍,傾斜線總是1)與零件的切線2)與垂直線5度,和3)水平面的定向軌跡是最大的D- 為隔板最小範圍和位置(水平位),範圍包括傾斜線C和隔板水平面軌跡交叉線6.12於6.11中所提及的擋板應是a)金屬,陶瓷,或作為外殼符合6.5可以接受的原料.b)水平的c)位於圖6.1指示的位置,不應小於圖6.1所描述的位置.6.13 如果在圖6.2中說明的探針通過開口插入不能接觸能引起水險或電擊的任何非常絕緣帶電部件,則在外殼中的開口有小於1英吋(25.4mm)的較小呎吋是可以接受的.探針在插入前、後及過程中適用於所有可能連接的位置.6.14如果在外殼內部沒有非絕緣體或用膠膜包裹的電線,則如圖6.3說明的外殼開口最小呎吋為1英吋或更長一點是可以接受的.R表示至開口周圍里邊的距離,X表示至開口平面的距離,T等於外殼的厚度,R等於X 加T,X等於能插入開口圓桿最大直徑的5倍,但不小於6-1/16英吋(154毫米).在測定開口的過程中,任何在容積範圍內的擋板是可以被忽略的,除非它持續橫切容積邊緣.6.15為了恆溫器的調整或類似的行動,如果在外殼上作一個引起用戶註意的任意大小的孔,不能破壞絕緣體或用直徑為1/16英吋(1.6毫米)插通過孔接觸非絕緣體.6.16關於在6.9和6.13-6.15中的要求,在電器的檢查過程中,外殼的任何部份可被忽視(打開或移動)那是受到的保護能防止電擊或傷人的部份.或如果a)外殼用或不用工具打開或拆卸以執行制造商推薦的用戶服務、維修、操作調整.配件連接或其它操作.b)不用工具能打開或拆卸,見6.16.1例外:如果電器標記與54.9一致,外殼的一部分要求用工具打開或拆卸以執行制造商推薦的用戶服務、維修、操作調整、配件連接或其它操作以保持保持其位置.6.16.1關於6.16(b),為确定外殼或外殼的一部份要求使用工具打開或移動,依靠非金屬部件機械穩固的外殼或外殼的一部份,如塑膠挂耳或快速連軸節插人物或插桿應遵照42A節非金屬外殼緊固器測試.例外:完全通過金屬緊固器(如鏍絲或鉚釘)穩固外殼或外殼的一部份到其它外殼部份,則不需經受此測試.6.17任何活動零件, 例如馬達回轉輪, 鏈條, 滑輪, 帶子和齒輪應褢起來或監視以減少對人的傷害.6.18參照6.17要求, 外殼的保護程度取決于總結構和電器的用途, 以下為判斷裸露活動零件能力應考慮的因素.a.外殼強度b.活動零件的銳利程度.c.無意識與導電零件接觸可能性.d.這些零件移動的速度.e.手指, 手臂或衣服被卷入活動零件的可能性.6.19外殼上的門或蓋上應有手柄以確保進入關閉位置6.20為方便更換過蠛保護裝置或當有需要開蓋操作保護裝置, 外殼上的門或蓋應用絞鏈連接.這些門或蓋應有插銷, 配合緊湊或與外殼表面開口有重壘.6.21電器零件無需用特別工具(不是服務人員就難得到的工具)如果是由人工操作, 調節或定期維護的電器.6.22如果試管或燈泡壞了會嗇火險, 那熱偶的燈泡或毛細管應可以保護電器不被破壞.7組裝7.1 如果電器上有開關, 可連接插頭型插座或插頭型連接器安裝要可靠防止因表面摩擦而使零件產生反轉(動).7.2 為防止裝柄開關轉動可采用鎖墊圈.7.3如果導電零件因附重壓而轉動或轉移而減少零件之間空間低于26.1.1.1-的要求, 那么導電零件應固定在基面上.7.4 防止導電零件轉動或轉移, 導電零件之間的表面不能產生摩擦可使用鎖墊圈.8. 穩定:8.1 電器的穩定性, 不能因正常使用情況電器很容易傾倒.8.2 家用烹調或熱電器可以輕易用手提或搬運(如矮電器, 食品加熱器或類似的)電器裝上至少50盎司(148ml)水, 加熱到115ºF(46ºC)溫度, 放在與水平面15º的傾斜面上, 無論裝上全部的拆分件, 液體或其它材料, 電器應符合設計使用的最大傾斜角傾倒要求, 電器不會產生滑動, 不能因測試而傾倒.9. 防腐蝕保護9.1 如果因未保護零件的故障增加著火或電擊危險的鐵和鋼片應以瓷釉法, 鍍鋅,電鍍或其它的方法以保護.例外: 某些設備中的氧化鋼不會因為金屬暴露在空氣, 水汽或其它氧化而影響使其加快氧化的金屬其厚度和溫度也是考慮因素, 無需保護, 外殼內金屬片表面要求防腐蝕保護. 鑄壓零件不要求防腐蝕保護, 采用保護套的加熱件和直接連接加熱件的終端零件不需防腐蝕保護.9.2 電器里電鍍或其它處理具有老化性質的零件不能在最后壞至電器不能使用的程度.10. 電源聯接10.1 永久性連接電器10.1.1總則10.1.1.1除10.1.1.2中注明外, 電器采用永久電源聯接設計, 應符合國際電器條例ANSI/NFPA No.7-1993要求.如果采用活動短電線和可連接插頭作為電源聯接的電器, 可以固定在特點空間. 這種特征的電器還應考慮到電器的應用性, 和電器可連接電源插頭應容易拆開. 電器按設計要求安裝以后, 終端的位置或永久聯接電器與電源隔板的這些聯接應檢查方便. 聯接電源保護管的終端間隔與電器的聯接不會產生轉動. 10.1.2 電場電線終端. 永久聯接電源電器應該采用電線終端或當電流量不低于電器電流量, 連接導體的安載流量不少于電器電流的125%時, 負載邊3小時或以上時這時負載將時斷時續. 為符合這些要求, 電路終端應為電源接頭或當電器安裝時現場聯接控制. 電線終端應采用焊接接合, 或可以將電線聯接器牢固地壓入合適位置(如用插銷或螺釘穩固)如果向上接合或類似方法使電線固定, 電線終端容納10AWG(5.3mm2)或更小的導體可以采用線綁螺釘固定. 電線終端應防止轉動或旋轉, 除表面摩擦外, 可以用兩個螺絲,鉚釘或其它類似方法固定. 電線終端上的線綁螺釘不能小于10號, 除8號螺釘可以使用在14AWG(2.1mm2)或更小導體的終端聯接中, 6號螺釘可以使用在16AWG(13mm2)或更小的控制電路導體中. 叩入綁線螺釘的終端金屬片不能小于0.050”(1.3mm)除叩擊螺紋線有相同的機械強度可用于小于0.030”(0.8mm)厚度的金屬上. 如果需要螺紋線伸出金屬上可用雙根螺紋線. 突出接合處或杯形墊圈可保持導體的能力如果其尺寸為10.1.2.1在螺帽或墊圈下的導體不能小于14AWG(2.1 mm2) 線綁螺釘應穿入金屬中. 接地電源導體聯接的電器應:a.Edison螺帽型的燈頭或元件容器.b.單柱開關, 或c.單柱自動控制應有一個終端或頭以確認電源電路接地導體. 除在24.2中說明外, 終端或頭到燈頭或元件容器的螺帽殼視為一個整體, 不是聯接到單柱開關或單柱自動控制器. 接地聯接電路導體的終端應用白色金屬制成或鍍成白色, 使之非常容易與其它終端與辨出來, 或以其它方法使之容易分辨,如在線路圖上標注, 接地電路導體的頭也要用白色或灰色, 使之與其它頭容易分辨. 除10.1.2.12說明外, 內部的插座盒或電線間隔長度應為6"(152mm)或以上, 如果頭聯接電場與電路外圍. 如果有跡象顯示, 使用長頭可能導致火險或電擊, 頭的長度可以少于6"(152mm). 只聯接設備接地導體的絕緣頭的表面, 應用涂上綠色或黃綠相間的斜帶, 其它頭不必如此. 聯接設備接地導體的六角形, 溝槽形或都是的綁線螺如應為綠色, 聯接這種導體的壓力電線聯接器應標記"G" "GR""GROUNDING"或類似的或標記在加熱電器上的線路圖里, 以便于區分, 綁線螺絲或壓力電線聯接器位置在電器維護時不會被移動. 只聯接接地設備導體的終端應能確保特殊電器導體的適當尺寸.10.2 線聯接電器10.2.1 總則10.2.1.1線路聯接電器(用伸縮線路聯接電源電路的一種電器)應有一根電源線聯接電源電路或應有容納可拆或電源線的雄針終端,連接線或分拆線的長度按10.1所示.線路聯接電器的線路電流量和電壓, 配件不能小于電器的標準, 當電器負載續運行3小時或以上時, 聯接插頭電流量不能小于125%電器電流量. 電器中的可連接伸縮線和在可拆開電源線的型號應按10.2表格所示, 或其特性至少應能適應特定用途. 當燒烤器使用在焗爐里時, 焗爐應采用可拆式或電源線, 焗爐和燒烤器都應采用無附件可拆式電源線. 加強絕緣, 如果采用伸縮線長度不能超出電器外1/2"(13mm)如超出此長度, 應采取機械保護, 防止磨損或松脫, 減少拉緊力產生的不利影響. 電器不能采用A3-2線制, 接地型接頭. 15-20A電源線連接插頭的電器一般用3線接地型插座, 開合電器采用的電源線可聯接插頭應該可手工操作, 線聯單柱開關,或是極化或接地型螺口燈座燈柱. 采用線接地型聯接插頭或2線型極化聯接插頭應符合圖10.1,伸縮極化確認應符合表格10.3要求. 接地電源導體以下因素也要考慮在里面.a.螺口燈座柱的螺絲殼.b.插座接地終端或頭.10.1為接地電源線確認表.10.2.2 緩解拉力10.2.2.1 緩解拉力應防止聯接伸縮電源線上的機械力傳至終端, 絞接處, 或內線上. 如果使用材料, 壓力板或其它纖維確保拉力緩解裝配, 纖維材料應用別針, 固定螺釘或其它有效方法予以固定. 應采用一些措施防止聯接伸縮線通過線入口被壓入電器外殼里面, 確認是否符合此要求, 電源線或頭應按照Push-BackRelief40節A進行測試. 用電線夾綁緊軟皮線,任何表面可以自由從,邊緣,批鋒,以便導致絕緣導電體擦損. 當測量結果與10.2.2.6相符時, 伸縮線上的壓力緩解結在斷開電源狀態下以35Lbf(156N)拉線, 應能支撐1分鐘, 無錯位. 電器結構的電線允許特定力量和從不同角度的拉線. 導體的斷開點, 結果顯示電線移動有足夠連接力.10.2.3 終端針10.2.3.1 如果電器采用終端針, 電器把插頭插在針上時或插上后, 不能使導電零件產生無意識的接觸. 針護套要求如a.直線邊緣放在任何位置,交叉,與連接插頭開口(插頭沒有插在里面)邊接觸時, 不能與通電的終端針接觸.b.插頭與指針在同一條直線, 板上的插頭與未端或與通電指針成直角,當管道插入任何位電器的開口時, 管道(如圖6.2)不能接觸任何通電指針. 符合10.2.3.2(b)要求的插頭可以隨附電器. 采用3個以上的針終端, 并覆蓋所有的指針的電器插頭, 終端的空間不能容納一個熨斗插頭或線聯插頭或導體主體, 這些插頭針應適應于特定電器. 如果電器采用用戶可拆加熱元件, 這些加熱元件應有如下保證:a.安裝可靠安全耐磨和b.加熱針防止被破壞, 縮短, 當在插入或拆出和彼此更換位置時. 針終端應安全, 嚴格安裝防止摩擦而產生位置更換.的要求主要是提供空間維護, 說明如26.1.1.1表格26.1和26.2里, 針終端之間保持適當空間. 在此要求中, 還要考慮保持鎖住終端的緊密性方法. 針的尺寸, 中點與中點之間的距離, 包括一般使用插頭的接觸片之間的相應空間, 采用這些針的規格如10.4所示. 采用兩針終端的電器不能使用可拆三導體或電源線作為接地導體.10.2.4 杯士10.2.4.1 軟皮線在通過牆隔板或密封盒的任一點時,將有一個杯士或相等同的固定,應光滑,圓渾的表面,如果SP-2, SPT-2型或采用其它比HSJ型輕的伸軟皮線, 如果牆或隔板為金屬, 軟皮線可能要承受拉力或移動時, 絕緣的杯士, 特殊用途的電器套管采用的材料應能隔熱, 抗水汽的特性. 如果線孔是木材,陶瓷,電木粉成份或其它不導電材料構成,套管的表面應光滑, 圓渾相等同的杯士. 絕緣套管通常可采用陶瓷材料和一些鑄模結構, 但不能采用,木材, 熱模紫膠, 瀝青, 橡膠等材料的單套管. 如果套管厚度不小于3/64"(1.2mm)在一般水汽條件下不會產生不利影響可采用硬化纖維材料. 單個的軟橡膠, 氯丁橡膠管套可采用在馬達框架上或邊接馬達的容器外殼(除10.2.4.5說明外不能使用在電器其它地方)且:a.套管厚度不能少于3/64"(1.2mm)b.套管位置不能暴露在油, 油脂, 油性氣體或其它對化合物有破壞影響的物質中. 如果絕緣連接導管伸縮線無型號要求,中所提及的套管的任何材料可以使用在電器中任何部位, 安套管洞口邊光滑無毛邊, 鰭或類似物時. 如果使用的絕緣材料厚度少于1/32"(0.8mm), 能完全填住安裝金屬的孔眼, 絕緣套管里可以采用絕緣金屬墊圈.11. 通電零件.11.1每一個通電零件所采用的材料應適合特殊用途.11.2通電零件可用抗腐蝕合金做成(如不鏽鋼)不能用普通鐵和鋼做成, 除非這些材料經過表面處理及產生抗腐蝕能力, 即使這樣也適用于:a.針終端b.終端零件, 馬達的其它零件, 馬達控制器.c.正常溫度下操作時超過100°C(212°F)的零件.d.鍍膜鐵和鋼件局部的部件要求參照2.1節所示.11.3 帶水槽的電器, 所有的活動零件其位置或要保護起來而不會因為水槽壞了而掉下來, 除非:a.水槽能抗使用液體腐蝕, 和b.水槽不會因老化而破裂.12. 內線12.1 總則12.1.1電器的內線尺寸, 型號應適用于特殊用途, 并考慮以下特性:a.電線可能承受的溫度和電壓.b.暴露在油或油脂中, 和c.可承受的其他環境.12.1.2玻璃纖維, 無機材料或類似材料作為導體絕緣材料無溫度限制.12.1.3電器內部采用的熱塑絕緣電線應為標準的建築電線, 混合電線或適用于特殊用途的電器電線材料.12.2 電線保護12.2.1線路和零件之間的聯接應予以保護或封閉, 除外部聯接的伸縮線外, 或因為電器使用時可能暴露內部聯接, 線路必須是活動的除外, 絕緣的裸導體或帶珠導體不能在外殼外使用.12.2.2穿過電器外殼開口處而露出的內部線路的保護要求如122.1當認為有鍍膜需要的線路應符合6.9-6.13要求. 內部線路在外殼內不會承受壓力或機械損壞可不需要保護.12.2.3如果電器線路的位置可能靠近可燃材料或機械傷害的線路要用彩盔甲電線或在鋼管, 電子金屬管, 金屬保護里, 或其它保護..12.2.4外殼, 零件, 保護管或類似物內的線路其位置或被保護, 而不會因為接觸任何粗糙, 尖銳或活動零件而損壞導體的絕緣體. 12.2.5絕緣電線通過電器外殼內金屬牆洞口時, 應用一根光滑的導管,或電線通過的表面應光滑圓渾, 以防止絕緣體被擦壞. 如12.2.1用伸縮線作內, 外聯接應按照10.2.2.1-和10.2.4.1-進行拉力解緩和采用套管, 除非伸縮線的結構可抗拒拉力和移動, 例外10.2.6 絕緣電線可以扎成束穿過電器外殼內金屬牆洞口.12.3 絞接(疊接)12.3.1所有的絞接和聯接機械性能應可靠, 電子件接觸應應適應, 如果由于聯接的破裂或松動可能引火險或火擊時, 在確保可靠機械性能下可進行死聯接.12.3.2如果絞接處與其它金屬零件之間的距離不能永久保持, 那么絞接處也要采用與電線一樣的絕緣.12.3.3絞接處的絕緣由兩層摩擦帶, 兩層熱塑帶或一層摩擦帶在一層橡膠帶上組成, 考慮其絕緣性, 抗熱性, 抗水汽性, 絞接處絕緣材料可由纖維, 熱塑片或其它型號管子構成. 但熱塑帶不能包尖銳邊.12.3.4連接綁線螺絲和內部線路, 應絕對防止與其它任何同樣極化的導電是線接觸, 與任何死區金屬零件接觸. 可使用壓力終端連接器, 焊接接合, 折皺視孔, 氫所有的電線焊接在一塊或其它類似方法達到目的.12.4分開電路.12.4.1 總則12.4.1.1除非絕緣導體提供最高電壓絕緣, 否則電路絕緣導體分開聯接電源應用隔板隔開, 或單獨聯接電源, 除12.4.1.3說明外,電路上的絕緣導體應為單獨的或與其它不同線路導電零件和絕緣零件分開.絕緣導體的分開可采用夾, 路線, 或類似能與不同電路的絕緣和導電零件永久分開的方法. 任何電路的現場安裝導體應隔與….分開.a.現場安裝導體和工廠導體與其它任何電路的聯接, 除非兩個電路導體與每個電路最大電壓絕緣. 和b.電器中任何其它電路的導電零件與任何導電零件的短路將會導致火險, 和電擊, 除…1). 電場安裝導體的結構型或為T, TF型時或安裝的相似導體可。



en10269标准中文版English Answer:EN 10269: Hot Rolled Structural Steel Sections.EN 10269 is a European standard that specifies the requirements for hot rolled structural steel sections. It applies to rolled steel sections, including bars, beams, columns, and other cross-sections used in the construction of buildings and other structures. The standard covers the dimensions, tolerances, mechanical properties, and testing requirements for different grades of structural steel.Scope.EN 10269 applies to hot rolled structural steel sections made from non-alloy and fine grain structural steels. The standard does not apply to hollow sections, cold-formed sections, or steel sections that have been subjected to additional heat treatment after hot rolling.Dimensions and Tolerances.The standard specifies the dimensions and tolerancesfor different types of structural steel sections. These include:Bars: Round, square, flat, and hexagonal bars.Beams: I-beams, H-beams, and channels.Columns: Wide flange columns, tubular columns, and box columns.Other sections: Angles, T-sections, Z-sections, and miscellaneous shapes.The tolerances for each type of section are specified in separate tables within the standard.Mechanical Properties.The standard specifies the minimum mechanical properties for different grades of structural steel. These properties include:Yield strength: The minimum yield strength for each grade of steel is specified in the standard.Tensile strength: The minimum tensile strength for each grade of steel is specified in the standard.Elongation: The minimum elongation at fracture for each grade of steel is specified in the standard.The mechanical properties of each grade of steel are determined by the chemical composition and heat treatment process used to produce the steel.Testing Requirements.The standard specifies the testing requirements for structural steel sections. These requirements include:Tensile testing: The tensile properties of the steel are determined by performing tensile tests on specimens taken from the finished product.Bend testing: The bendability of the steel is determined by performing bend tests on specimens taken from the finished product.Impact testing: The toughness of the steel is determined by performing impact tests on specimens taken from the finished product.The testing requirements for each type of structural steel section are specified in separate tables within the standard.中文回答:EN 10269,热轧结构钢型材。



2,6-二甲基-3-庚烯化学品安全技术说明书第一部分:化学品名称化学品中文名称:2,6-二甲基-3-庚烯化学品英文名称:2,6-dimethyl-3-heptene技术说明书编码:1428CAS No.:2738-18-3分子式:C9H18分子量:126.23健康危害:高浓度蒸气具有麻醉性。



































GB1 3690-92常用化学品分类与标志

GB1 3690-92常用化学品分类与标志
4 4 标志的使用 .
441 标志的使用原则 .. 当一种危险化学品具有一种以上的危险性时, 应用主标志表示主要危险性类别, 并用副标志来表示 重要的其他的危险性类别。 442 标志的使用方法 .. 按 G 1 的有关规定执行。 0 B 9
5 危险特性
根据每种常用危险化学品易发生的危险, 综合归纳为以下多种基本危险特性。 对每种危险化学品应 选 用适当的基本危险特性来表示它们易发生的危险。 51 与空气混合能形成爆炸性混合物。 . 52 与氧化剂混合, . 能形成爆炸性混合物。 53 与铜、 银能形成爆炸性混合物。 . 汞、 54 与还原剂及硫、 . 磷混合能形成爆炸性混合物。 55 与乙炔、 甲烷等易燃气体能形成有爆炸性的混合物。 . 氢、 56 本品蒸气与空气易形成爆炸性混合物。 . 57 遇强氧化剂会引起燃烧爆炸。 .
GB 3 9 一 9 16 0 2
物, 其本身不一定可燃, 但能导致可燃物的然烧, 与松软的粉末状可燃物能组成爆炸性混合物, 对热、 震
有机过氧化物系指分子组成中含有过氧基的有机物, 其本身易燃易爆, 极易分解, 对热、 震动或摩擦
52 遇水会分解。 .7 52 遇水爆溅。 .8 52 遇酸会引起燃烧 。 .9
53 .0 53 .1 53 .2 53 .3 53 .4 53 .5 53 .6 53 .7 53 .8 54 .0 54 .1 54 .2 54 .3
遇酸发生剧烈反应。 遇酸发生分解反应。 遇酸或稀酸会引起燃烧爆炸。 遇硫酸会引起燃烧爆炸。 与发烟硫酸、 氯磺酸发生剧烈反应。 与硝酸发生剧烈反应或立即燃烧。 与盐酸发生剧烈反应, 有燃烧爆炸危险。 遇碱发生剧烈反应, 有燃烧爆炸危险。 遇碱发生反应。 与还原剂能发生反应。 与还原剂发生剧烈反应, 甚至引起燃烧。 与还原剂接触有燃烧爆炸危险。 遇卤素会引起燃烧爆炸。

IEC 62321

IEC 62321

国际电工委员会(IEC)电子电气产品中限用的六种物质(铅、镉、汞、六价铬、多溴联苯、多溴二苯醚)浓度的测定程序IEC TC111第三工作组目录前言 (6)介绍 (7)1 范围 (8)2 参考文献 (9)3 定义 (10)4 测试程序概述 (12)4.1 测试程序的适用范围 (12)4.2 样品 (13)4.3 测试程序流程 (14)4.4 调整材料(基质) (16)4.5 实验室报告 (16)4.6 可选程序 (17)5 机械制样程序 (18)5.1范围,应用和方法概要 (18)5.2 参考文献,标准化参考,参考方法和参考材料 (18)5.3 术语和定义 (19)5.4 仪器/设备和材料 (19)5.5 步骤 (19)5.5.1 样品 (19)5.5.2 手工剪切 (20)5.5.3 粗糙研磨/碾碎 (20)5.5.4 均质化 (20)5.5.5 精细研磨/碾碎 (20)5.5.6 非常精细研磨聚合物和有机材料 (20)6 XRF光谱筛选法 (22)6.1 范围 (22)6.2 标准化参考 (23)6.3 术语和定义 (23)6.4 仪器/设备和材料 (24)6.5 测试程序 (24)6.5.1光谱仪准备 (24)6.5.2 校准 (24)6.5.3 检测器性能检查 (25)6.5.4 测试样品的摆放 (25)6.5.5 筛选测试 (26)6.5.6 结果分析 (26)6.6 方法评估 (27)6.7 附件(提供信息的) (27)6.7.1 仪器的准确度(表2中3σ值) (27)6.7.2 XRF谱图的推荐分析谱线 (27)6.7.3 基体和干扰效应 (27)6.7.4 样品的均匀性 (28)7 用气相色谱仪/质谱仪(GC/MS)测定聚合物中的PBB 和PBDE (31)7.1 范围,方法汇总和应用 (31)7.2参考资料,参照标准,参照方法和参考材料 (31)7.4 仪器/设备和材料 (32)7.4.1 仪器 (32)7.4.2 设备 (33)7.5 试剂 (33)7.6 样品前处理 (34)7.6.1 样品验证 (34)7.6.2萃取 (34)7.6.3 样品清洗和纯化 (35)7.7 测试过程 (35)7.7.1 校准 (35)7.7.3 样品分析 (35)7.7.4 计算分析结果 (36)7.7.5 质量控制 (37)7.8 对方法的评价 (37)7.9 附件 (37)8 高压液相色谱/紫外(HPLC/UV)法测定聚合物中多溴联苯(PBB)与多溴联苯醚(PBDE) (39)8.1 范围,应用及方法概述 (39)8.2 参考书目,参考标准,参考方法及参考材料 (39)8.3 术语及定义 (39)8.4 仪器/设备和材料 (39)8.4.1 仪器/设备 (39)8.4.2 材料 (40)8.5 试剂 (40)8.5.1 标样配制/储备液的配制 (40)8.6 样品的前处理 (40)8.7 测试程序 (41)8.7.1 校准 (41)8.7.2 仪器性能 (41)8.7.3 样品分析 (41)8.7.4 计算分析结果 (42)8.7.5 测试报告 (42)8.7.6 质量控制 (42)8.8 方法评估 (42)9 无色镀铬金属和有色镀铬金属样品中六价铬(CrⅥ)的检测 (44)9.1 范围、应用和方法概述 (44)9.2 参考资料、标准化参考资料、参考方法和参考材料 (44)9.3 术语及定义 (44)9.4 仪器/ 设备和材料 (45)9.5 溶剂 (45)9.6 试样准备 (45)9.7 测试程序 (46)9.7.1 点测试过程 (46)9.7.2 沸水萃取步骤 (47)9.8方法评价 (47)10 比色法测定六价铬 (48)10.2 参考资料、标准参考、参考方法和参考材料 (48)10.3 术语及定义说明 (49)10.4 仪器/ 设备和材料 (50)10.4.1 仪器/ 设备 (50)10.4.2 器材 (50)10.4.3 试剂 (51)10.5 试样准备 (52)10.6 测试程序 (52)10.6.1 萃取 (52)10.6.2 显色及测定 (53)10.6.3 绘制标准曲线 (53)10.6.4 分析结果计算 (54)10.6.5 质量控制 (54)10.7 该方法的评价 (55)11 利用CV AAS、AAS、ICP-AES和ICP-MS 测定聚合物、金属和电子元器件中的汞 (56)11.1范围、应用及方法概述 (56)11.2参考材料 (57)11.3 术语及定义 (57)11.4 仪器/设备及材料 (58)11.5 试剂 (59)11.5.1 污染 (59)11.6 样品制备 (60)11.6.1测试部分 (60)11.6.2湿消解(用于消解金属材料与电子材料) (60)11.6.3用HNO3/HBF4/H2O2 微波消解 (61)11.7测定过程 (61)11.7.1标准溶液制备/储备液制备 (61)11.7.2 校准 (62)11.7.3仪器性能 (62)11.7.4 仪器参数 (63)11.7.5 样品分析 (63)11.7.6 计算分析结果 (64)11.8 方法的评估 (64)11.9附录 (64)12 用ICP-AES、ICP-MS和AAS测定聚合物材料中的铅和镉 (65)12.1范围、应用和方法概述 (65)12.2 参考,标准参考,参考方法和参考材料 (65)12.3 术语和定义 (66)12.4 仪器/设备和材料 (67)12.4.1 仪器/设备 (67)12.5 试剂 (68)12.6 样品制备 (70)12.6.1 测试部分 (70)12.6.2 试液的制备 (70)12.6.3实验室试剂空白液的制备 (73)12.7 测试步骤 (73)12.7.2 校准曲线的制定 (73)12.7.4 计算 (74)12.8 方法评估 (74)12.9 附录 (74)12.9.1 ICP/AES(-OES) (74)12.9.2 ICP/MS (75)12.9.3 AAS (76)13 利用CV-AAS、AFS和ICP-AES/MS 测定聚合物、金属和电子元器件中的汞 (76)13.1范围、应用及方法概述 (76)13.2 参考(参考标准,参考方法和参考材料) (77)13.3 术语及定义 (78)13.4 仪器/设备及材料 (79)13.5 试剂 (79)13.5.1 污染 (80)13.6 样品制备 (80)13.6.1测试部分 (80)13.6.2湿消解(用于消解金属材料与电子材料) (81)13.6.3用HNO3/HBF4/H2O2微波消解 (81)13.7 测定过程 (82)13.7.1 标准溶液的制备/储备液的制备 (82)13.7.2 校准 (82)13.7.3 仪器性能 (83)13.7.4 仪器参数 (83)13.7.5 样品分析 (84)13.7.6 计算分析结果 (84)13.8 方法的评估 (85)13.9 附录 (85)14 用ICP-AES、ICP-MS和AAS测定聚合物材料中的铅和镉 (86)14.1 范围、应用和方法概述 (86)14.2 参考(参考标准,参考方法和参考材料) (86)14.3 术语和定义 (87)14.4 仪器/设备和材料 (88)14.4.1 仪器/设备 (88)14.5 试剂 (89)14.6 样品制备 (90)14.6.1 测试部分 (90)14.6.2 试液的制备 (90)14.6.3 实验室试剂空白液的制备 (92)14.7 测试步骤 (92)14.7.1 校准溶液的制备 (92)14.7.2 校准曲线的制定 (93)14.7.3 样品的测试 (93)14.7.4 计算 (93)14.8 方法评估 (94)14.9 附录 (94)14.9.1 ICP/AES(-OES) (94)14.9.2 ICP/MS (95)15 参考方法和材料 (96)15.1 可用商业参考材料(CRM) (96)15.2 内部参考材料 (96)15.3 创建新的认证的参考材料 (96)附录A (97)A.1 简介 (97)A.2 范围 (98)A.3 产品的测试 (98)A.3.1 不进行拆分的产品的评估 (98)A.3.2 使用简单拆分技术评估产品 (99)A.3.3 使用详细的拆分技术评估产品 (101)A.4 附加的指导 (102)A.5 对从产品中分离出来的材料的测试结果的解释说明 (102)电子电气产品中限用的六种物质(铅、镉、汞、六价铬、多溴联苯、多溴二苯醚)浓度的测定程序前言1)IEC(国际电工委员会)是一个由各个国家的电工委员会(IEC国家委员会)组成的世界范围的标准化组织。

克劳克斯 GPL 206 安全数据表说明书

克劳克斯 GPL 206 安全数据表说明书

Version 6.5 Revision Date:09/12/2020SDS Number:1765206-00012Date of last issue: 02/20/2020Date of first issue: 06/23/2017SECTION 1. IDENTIFICATIONProduct name : Krytox™ GPL 206Product code : D1*******SDS-Identcode : 130000031500Manufacturer or supplier's detailsCompany name of supplier : The Chemours Company FC, LLCAddress : 1007 Market StreetWilmington, DE 19801 United States of America (USA) Telephone : 1-844-773-CHEM (outside the U.S. 1-302-773-1000)Emergency telephone : Medical emergency: 1-866-595-1473 (outside the U.S. 1-302-773-2000) ; Transport emergency: +1-800-424-9300 (outsidethe U.S. +1-703-527-3887)Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on useRecommended use : LubricantRestrictions on use : For industrial use only.Do not use or resell Chemours™ materials in medical applica-tions involving implantation in the human body or contact withinternal body fluids or tissues unless agreed to by Seller in awritten agreement covering such use. For further information,please contact your Chemours representative.SECTION 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONGHS classification in accordance with the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200)Not a hazardous substance or mixture.GHS label elementsNot a hazardous substance or mixture.Other hazardsThe thermal decomposition vapors of fluorinated plastics may cause polymer fume fever with flu-like symptoms in humans, especially when smoking contaminated tobacco.SECTION 3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSSubstance / Mixture : MixtureComponentsNo hazardous ingredientsVersion 6.5 Revision Date:09/12/2020SDS Number:1765206-00012Date of last issue: 02/20/2020Date of first issue: 06/23/2017SECTION 4. FIRST AID MEASURESIf inhaled : If inhaled, remove to fresh air.Get medical attention if symptoms occur.In case of skin contact : Wash with water and soap as a precaution.Get medical attention if symptoms occur.In case of eye contact : Flush eyes with water as a precaution.Get medical attention if irritation develops and persists.If swallowed : If swallowed, DO NOT induce vomiting.Get medical attention if symptoms occur.Rinse mouth thoroughly with water.Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed : Inhalation may provoke the following symptoms: IrritationLung edemaEye contact may provoke the following symptoms Blurred visionDiscomfortLachrymationSkin contact may provoke the following symptoms: IrritationRednessProtection of first-aiders : No special precautions are necessary for first aid responders.Notes to physician : Treat symptomatically and supportively.SECTION 5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESSuitable extinguishing media : Not applicableWill not burnUnsuitable extinguishing media : Not applicable Will not burnSpecific hazards during firefighting: Exposure to combustion products may be a hazard to health.Hazardous combustion prod-ucts : Hydrogen fluoridecarbonyl fluoridepotentially toxic fluorinated compounds aerosolized particulatesCarbon oxidesSpecific extinguishing meth-ods : Use extinguishing measures that are appropriate to local cir-cumstances and the surrounding environment.Use water spray to cool unopened containers.Remove undamaged containers from fire area if it is safe to do so.Version 6.5 Revision Date:09/12/2020SDS Number:1765206-00012Date of last issue: 02/20/2020Date of first issue: 06/23/2017Evacuate area.Special protective equipment for fire-fighters : Wear self-contained breathing apparatus for firefighting if necessary.Use personal protective equipment.SECTION 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESPersonal precautions, protec-tive equipment and emer-gency procedures : Follow safe handling advice (see section 7) and personal pro-tective equipment recommendations (see section 8).Environmental precautions : Avoid release to the environment.Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so.Retain and dispose of contaminated wash water.Local authorities should be advised if significant spillagescannot be contained.Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up : Soak up with inert absorbent material.For large spills, provide diking or other appropriate contain-ment to keep material from spreading. If diked material can be pumped, store recovered material in appropriate container.Clean up remaining materials from spill with suitable absor-bent.Local or national regulations may apply to releases and dispo-sal of this material, as well as those materials and items em-ployed in the cleanup of releases. You will need to determine which regulations are applicable.Sections 13 and 15 of this SDS provide information regarding certain local or national requirements.SECTION 7. HANDLING AND STORAGETechnical measures : See Engineering measures under EXPOSURECONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION section.Local/Total ventilation : Use only with adequate ventilation.Advice on safe handling : Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safetypractice, based on the results of the workplace exposure as-sessmentTake care to prevent spills, waste and minimize release to theenvironment.Conditions for safe storage : Keep in properly labeled containers.Store in accordance with the particular national regulations.Materials to avoid : No special restrictions on storage with other products.Further information on stor-age stability: No decomposition if stored and applied as directed.Version 6.5 Revision Date:09/12/2020SDS Number:1765206-00012Date of last issue: 02/20/2020Date of first issue: 06/23/2017SECTION 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONIngredients with workplace control parametersContains no substances with occupational exposure limit values.Occupational exposure limits of decomposition productsComponents CAS-No. Value type(Form ofexposure) Control parame-ters / Permissible concentrationBasisHydrofluoric acid 7664-39-3 TWA 3 ppm2.5 mg/m³NIOSH RELC 6 ppm5 mg/m³NIOSH RELTWA 3 ppm OSHA Z-2TWA 0.5 ppm(Fluorine)ACGIHC 2 ppm(Fluorine)ACGIH Carbonyl difluoride 353-50-4 TWA 2 ppm ACGIHSTEL 5 ppm ACGIHST 5 ppm15 mg/m³NIOSH RELTWA 2 ppm5 mg/m³NIOSH REL Carbon dioxide 124-38-9 TWA 5,000 ppm ACGIHSTEL 30,000 ppm ACGIHTWA 5,000 ppm9,000 mg/m³OSHA Z-1TWA 5,000 ppm9,000 mg/m³NIOSH RELST 30,000 ppm54,000 mg/m³NIOSH REL Carbon monoxide 630-08-0 TWA 25 ppm ACGIHTWA 35 ppm40 mg/m³NIOSH RELC 200 ppm229 mg/m³NIOSH RELTWA 50 ppm55 mg/m³OSHA Z-1Engineering measures : Processing may form hazardous compounds (see section10).Ensure adequate ventilation, especially in confined areas.Minimize workplace exposure concentrations.Personal protective equipmentRespiratory protection : General and local exhaust ventilation is recommended tomaintain vapor exposures below recommended limits. Whereconcentrations are above recommended limits or areVersion 6.5 Revision Date:09/12/2020SDS Number:1765206-00012Date of last issue: 02/20/2020Date of first issue: 06/23/2017unknown, appropriate respiratory protection should be worn.Follow OSHA respirator regulations (29 CFR 1910.134) anduse NIOSH/MSHA approved respirators. Protection providedby air purifying respirators against exposure to any hazar-dous chemical is limited. Use a positive pressure air suppliedrespirator if there is any potential for uncontrolled release,exposure levels are unknown, or any other circumstancewhere air purifying respirators may not provide adequateprotection.Hand protectionRemarks : Wash hands before breaks and at the end of workday.Eye protection : Wear the following personal protective equipment:Safety glassesSkin and body protection : Skin should be washed after contact.Hygiene measures : If exposure to chemical is likely during typical use, provideeye flushing systems and safety showers close to the wor-king place.When using do not eat, drink or smoke.Wash contaminated clothing before re-use.SECTION 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESAppearance : GreaseColor : whiteOdor : odorlessOdor Threshold : No data availablepH : 7Melting point/freezing point : 608 °F / 320 °CInitial boiling point and boilingrange: No data availableFlash point : Method: Pensky-Martens closed cupNot applicableEvaporation rate : Not applicableFlammability (solid, gas) : Will not burnUpper explosion limit / Upper : No data availableVersion 6.5 Revision Date:09/12/2020SDS Number:1765206-00012Date of last issue: 02/20/2020Date of first issue: 06/23/2017flammability limitLower explosion limit / Lowerflammability limit: No data availableVapor pressure : Not applicableRelative vapor density : Not applicableRelative density : 1.89 - 1.93 (75 °F / 24 °C)Solubility(ies)Water solubility : insolublePartition coefficient: n-octanol/water: Not applicableAutoignition temperature : No data availableDecomposition temperature : 572 °F / 300 °CViscosityViscosity, kinematic : Not applicableExplosive properties : Not explosiveOxidizing properties : The substance or mixture is not classified as oxidizing.Particle size : No data availableSECTION 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYReactivity : Not classified as a reactivity hazard.Chemical stability : Stable under normal conditions.Possibility of hazardous reac-tions : Hazardous decomposition products will be formed at elevated temperatures.Conditions to avoid : None known. Incompatible materials : None. Hazardous decomposition productsThermal decomposition : Hydrofluoric acidCarbonyl difluorideCarbon dioxideCarbon monoxideVersion 6.5 Revision Date:09/12/2020SDS Number:1765206-00012Date of last issue: 02/20/2020Date of first issue: 06/23/2017SECTION 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONInformation on likely routes of exposureSkin contactIngestionEye contactAcute toxicityNot classified based on available information.Skin corrosion/irritationNot classified based on available information.Serious eye damage/eye irritationNot classified based on available information.Respiratory or skin sensitizationSkin sensitizationNot classified based on available information.Respiratory sensitizationNot classified based on available information.Germ cell mutagenicityNot classified based on available information.CarcinogenicityNot classified based on available information.IARC No ingredient of this product present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is identified as probable, possible or confirmed human carcinogen by IARC.OSHA No component of this product present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is on OSHA’s list of regulated carcinogens.NTP No ingredient of this product present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is identified as a known or anticipated carcinogen by NTP.Reproductive toxicityNot classified based on available information.STOT-single exposureNot classified based on available information.STOT-repeated exposureNot classified based on available information.Aspiration toxicityNot classified based on available information.SECTION 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEcotoxicityNo data availableVersion 6.5 Revision Date:09/12/2020SDS Number:1765206-00012Date of last issue: 02/20/2020Date of first issue: 06/23/2017Persistence and degradabilityNo data availableBioaccumulative potentialNo data availableMobility in soilNo data availableOther adverse effectsNo data availableSECTION 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDisposal methodsWaste from residues : Dispose of in accordance with local regulations.Contaminated packaging : Empty containers should be taken to an approved wastehandling site for recycling or disposal.If not otherwise specified: Dispose of as unused product. SECTION 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONInternational RegulationsUNRTDGNot regulated as a dangerous goodIATA-DGRNot regulated as a dangerous goodIMDG-CodeNot regulated as a dangerous goodTransport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC CodeNot applicable for product as supplied.Domestic regulation49 CFRNot regulated as a dangerous goodSECTION 15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONCERCLA Reportable QuantityThis material does not contain any components with a CERCLA RQ.SARA 304 Extremely Hazardous Substances Reportable QuantityThis material does not contain any components with a section 304 EHS RQ.SARA 302 Extremely Hazardous Substances Threshold Planning QuantityThis material does not contain any components with a section 302 EHS TPQ.SARA 311/312 Hazards : No SARA HazardsVersion 6.5 Revision Date: 09/12/2020SDS Number: 1765206-00012Date of last issue: 02/20/2020 Date of first issue: 06/23/2017SARA 313: This material does not contain any chemical components with known CAS numbers that exceed the threshold (De Minimis) reporting levels established by SARA Title III, Section 313.US State Regulations Pennsylvania Right To Know PFPE fluid Trade secretFluoropolymerTrade secretCalifornia Prop. 65WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including Pentadecafluorooctanoic acid, which is/are known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to . Note to User: This product is not made with PFOA nor is PFOA intentionally present in the product; however, it is possible that PFOA may be present as an impurity at background (environmental) levels.SECTION 16. OTHER INFORMATIONFurther information NFPA 704: HMIS® IV:HMIS® ratings are based on a 0-4 rating scale, with 0 representing minimal haz-ards or risks, and 4 representing signifi-cant hazards or risks. The "*" representsa chronic hazard, while the "/" represents the absence of a chronic hazard.Krytox™ and any associated logos are trademarks or copyrights of The Chemours Company FC, LLC.Chemours™ and the Chemours Logo are trademarks of The Chemours Company. Before use read Chemours safety information.For further information contact the local Chemours office or nominated distributors.Full text of other abbreviations ACGIH : USA. ACGIH Threshold Limit Values (TLV) NIOSH REL : USA. NIOSH Recommended Exposure Limits OSHA Z-1 : USA. Occupational Exposure Limits (OSHA) - Table Z-1 Lim-its for Air Contaminants OSHA Z-2 : USA. Occupational Exposure Limits (OSHA) - Table Z-2FlammabilityInstabilitySpecial hazard/HealthVersion 6.5 Revision Date:09/12/2020SDS Number:1765206-00012Date of last issue: 02/20/2020Date of first issue: 06/23/2017ACGIH / TWA: 8-hour, time-weighted averageACGIH / STEL: Short-term exposure limitACGIH / C: Ceiling limitNIOSH REL / TWA: Time-weighted average concentration for up to a 10-hourworkday during a 40-hour workweekNIOSH REL / ST: STEL - 15-minute TWA exposure that should not be exceededat any time during a workdayNIOSH REL / C: Ceiling value not be exceeded at any time.OSHA Z-1 / TWA: 8-hour time weighted averageOSHA Z-2 / TWA: 8-hour time weighted averageAIIC - Australian Inventory of Industrial Chemicals; ASTM - American Society for the Testing of Materials; bw - Body weight; CERCLA - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act; CMR - Carcinogen, Mutagen or Reproductive Toxicant; DIN - Standard of the German Institute for Standardisation; DOT - Department of Transportation; DSL - Domestic Sub-stances List (Canada); ECx - Concentration associated with x% response; EHS - Extremely Haz-ardous Substance; ELx - Loading rate associated with x% response; EmS - Emergency Schedule; ENCS - Existing and New Chemical Substances (Japan); ErCx - Concentration associated with x% growth rate response; ERG - Emergency Response Guide; GHS - Globally Harmonized Sys-tem; GLP - Good Laboratory Practice; HMIS - Hazardous Materials Identification System; IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer; IATA - International Air Transport Association; IBC - International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk; IC50 - Half maximal inhibitory concentration; ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organiza-tion; IECSC - Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances in China; IMDG - International Maritime Dangerous Goods; IMO - International Maritime Organization; ISHL - Industrial Safety and Health Law (Japan); ISO - International Organisation for Standardization; KECI - Korea Existing Chemi-cals Inventory; LC50 - Lethal Concentration to 50 % of a test population; LD50 - Lethal Dose to 50% of a test population (Median Lethal Dose); MARPOL - International Convention for the Pre-vention of Pollution from Ships; MSHA - Mine Safety and Health Administration; n.o.s. - Not Oth-erwise Specified; NFPA - National Fire Protection Association; NO(A)EC - No Observed (Adverse) Effect Concentration; NO(A)EL - No Observed (Adverse) Effect Level; NOELR - No Observable Effect Loading Rate; NTP - National Toxicology Program; NZIoC - New Zealand Inventory of Chemicals; OECD - Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development; OPPTS - Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention; PBT - Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic sub-stance; PICCS - Philippines Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances; (Q)SAR - (Quanti-tative) Structure Activity Relationship; RCRA - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act; REACH - Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council concern-ing the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals; RQ - Reportable Quantity; SADT - Self-Accelerating Decomposition Temperature; SARA - Superfund Amend-ments and Reauthorization Act; SDS - Safety Data Sheet; TCSI - Taiwan Chemical Substance Inventory; TSCA - Toxic Substances Control Act (United States); UN - United Nations; UNRTDG - United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods; vPvB - Very Persistent and Very BioaccumulativeSources of key data used to compile the Material Safety Data Sheet : Internal technical data, data from raw material SDSs, OECD eChem Portal search results and European Chemicals Agen-cy, http://echa.europa.eu/Revision Date : 09/12/2020The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, infor-mation and belief at the date of its publication. The information is designed only as a guidance for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release and shall not beSAFETY DATA SHEET Krytox™ GPL 206Version 6.5 Revision Date:09/12/2020SDS Number:1765206-00012Date of last issue: 02/20/2020Date of first issue: 06/23/201711 / 11considered a warranty or quality specification of any type. The information provided relates only to the specific material identified at the top of this SDS and may not be valid when the SDS mate-rial is used in combination with any other materials or in any process, unless specified in the text. Material users should review the information and recommendations in the specific context of their intended manner of handling, use, processing and storage, including an assessment of the app-ropriateness of the SDS material in the user’s end product, if applicable.US / Z8。



Issuing Date 08-Jul-2016 Revision Date 08-Jul-2016 Revision Number 1Product identifierProduct Name Clorox® Regular Bleach2Other means of identificationSynonyms NoneEPA Pesticide registration number 5813-111Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on useRecommended Use BleachUses advised against No information availableDetails of the supplier of the safety data sheetSupplier Name The Clorox CompanySupplier Address 1221 BroadwayOaklandCA94612USSupplier Phone Number 1-510-271-7000Emergency telephone number For Medical Emergencies, call: 1-800-446-1014For Transportation Emergencies, call Chemtrec: 1-800-424-9300ClassificationThis chemical is considered hazardous by the 2012 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200).GHS Label elements, including precautionary statements.Precautionary Statements - PreventionDo not breathe dust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/sprayWash face, hands and any exposed skin thoroughly after handlingWear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protectionKeep only in original containerPrecautionary Statements - ResponseImmediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physicianSpecific treatment (see supplemental first aid instructions on this label)EyesIF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physicianSkinIF ON SKIN (or hair): Remove/Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/showerWash contaminated clothing before reuseInhalationIF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathingImmediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physicianIngestionIF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. DO NOT induce vomitingSpillAbsorb spillage to prevent material damagePrecautionary Statements - StorageStore locked upPrecautionary Statements - DisposalDispose of contents/container to an approved waste disposal plantHazards not otherwise classified (HNOC)Not applicableUnknown ToxicityNo information availableOther informationVery toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effectsInteractions with Other ChemicalsNo information available..First aid measuresGeneral Advice Immediate medical attention is required. Show this safety data sheet to the doctor inattendance.Eye contact Rinse immediately with plenty of water, also under the eyelids, for at least 15 minutes. Keepeye wide open while rinsing. Do not rub affected area. Seek immediate medicalattention/advice. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.Skin contact Wash skin with soap and water. Immediate medical attention is required. Wash offimmediately with soap and plenty of water while removing all contaminated clothes andshoes.Inhalation Remove to fresh air. If symptoms persist, call a physician. If breathing has stopped, giveartificial respiration. Get medical attention immediately. If not breathing, give artificialrespiration. Avoid direct contact with skin. Use barrier to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.If breathing is difficult, (trained personnel should) give oxygen. Delayed pulmonary edemamay occur. Get medical attention immediately if symptoms occur.Ingestion Do NOT induce vomiting. Rinse mouth immediately and drink plenty of water. Never giveanything by mouth to an unconscious person. Call a physician or Poison Control Centerimmediately.Self-protection of the first aider Ensure that medical personnel are aware of the material(s) involved, take precautions toprotect themselves and prevent spread of contamination. Avoid contact with skin, eyes orclothing. Avoid direct contact with skin. Use barrier to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.Use personal protective equipment as required. Wear personal protective clothing (seesection 8).Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayedMost Important Symptoms andBurning.EffectsIndication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment neededNotes to Physician Treat symptomatically. Product is a corrosive material. Use of gastric lavage or emesis iscontraindicated. Possible perforation of stomach or esophagus should be investigated. Donot give chemical antidotes. Asphyxia from glottal edema may occur. Marked decrease inblood pressure may occur with moist rales, frothy sputum, and high pulse pressure.Suitable Extinguishing MediaUse extinguishing measures that are appropriate to local circumstances and the surrounding environment.Unsuitable extinguishing mediaCAUTION: Use of water spray when fighting fire may be inefficient.Specific hazards arising from the chemicalThe product causes burns of eyes, skin and mucous membranes. Thermal decomposition can lead to release of irritating gases and vapors.Hazardous Combustion ProductsCarbon oxides.Explosion DataSensitivity to Mechanical Impact No.Sensitivity to Static Discharge No.Protective equipment and precautions for firefightersAs in any fire, wear self-contained breathing apparatus pressure-demand, MSHA/NIOSH (approved or equivalent) and full protective gear.Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency proceduresPersonal precautions Avoid contact with eyes. Attention! Corrosive material. Avoid contact with skin, eyes orclothing. Ensure adequate ventilation. Use personal protective equipment as required.Evacuate personnel to safe areas. Keep people away from and upwind of spill/leak. Other Information Refer to protective measures listed in Sections 7 and 8.Environmental precautionsEnvironmental precautions Refer to protective measures listed in Sections 7 and 8. Prevent further leakage or spillageif safe to do so. Should not be released into the environment. Do not allow to enter intosoil/subsoil. Prevent product from entering drains.Methods and material for containment and cleaning upMethods for containment Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so.Methods for cleaning up Pick up and transfer to properly labeled containers. Take up with sand, earth or other non-combustible absorbent material. Prevent product and washings from entering drains,sewers or surface water due to high toxicity to aquatic organisms.Precautions for safe handlingHandling Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice. Avoid contact withskin, eyes or clothing. In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratoryequipment. Use only with adequate ventilation and in closed systems. Do not eat, drink orsmoke when using this product. Take off contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilitiesStorage Keep containers tightly closed in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place. Protect frommoisture. Store locked up. Keep out of the reach of children. Store away from othermaterials.Incompatible Products Strong acids. Strong bases. Acids. Bases. Oxidizing agent. Strong oxidizing agents.Control parametersExposure Guidelines This product, as supplied, does not contain any hazardous materials with occupationalAppropriate engineering controlsEngineering Measures ShowersEyewash stationsVentilation systemsIndividual protection measures, such as personal protective equipmentEye/face protection Wear safety glasses with side shields (or goggles).Skin and body protection Wear protective gloves and protective clothing. Long sleeved clothing. Chemical resistantapron. Impervious gloves.Respiratory protection If exposure limits are exceeded or irritation is experienced, NIOSH/MSHA approvedrespiratory protection should be worn. Positive-pressure supplied air respirators may berequired for high airborne contaminant concentrations. Respiratory protection must beprovided in accordance with current local regulations.Hygiene Measures Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice. Take offcontaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing.Wear suitable gloves and eye/face protection. Do not eat, drink or smoke when using thisproduct. Contaminated work clothing should not be allowed out of the workplace. Regularcleaning of equipment, work area and clothing is recommended. Wash hands before breaksand immediately after handling the product. For environmental protection, remove andwash all contaminated protective equipment before re-use.Physical and Chemical PropertiesPhysical state LiquidAppearance Clear Yellow Odor BleachColor Light yellow Odor Threshold No information available Property Values Remarks MethodpH 12.1 None knownMelting / freezing point No data available None knownBoiling point / boiling range No data available None knownFlash Point No data available None knownEvaporation Rate No data available None knownFlammability (solid, gas) No data available None knownFlammability Limit in AirUpper flammability limit No data availableLower flammability limit No data availableVapor pressure No data available None knownVapor density No data available None knownSpecific Gravity 1.1 None knownWater Solubility Soluble in water None knownSolubility in other solvents No data available None knownPartition coefficient: n-octanol/water No data available None knownAutoignition temperature No data available None knownDecomposition temperature No data available None knownKinematic viscosity No data available None knownDynamic viscosity No data available None knownExplosive properties No data availableOxidizing properties No data availableOther InformationSoftening Point No data availableVOC Content (%) No data availableParticle Size No data availableParticle Size DistributionReactivityNo data available.Chemical stabilityStable under recommended storage conditions.Possibility of Hazardous ReactionsNone under normal processing.Hazardous PolymerizationHazardous polymerization does not occur.Conditions to avoidExposure to air or moisture over prolonged periods.Incompatible materialsStrong acids. Strong bases. Acids. Bases. Oxidizing agent. Strong oxidizing agents.Hazardous Decomposition ProductsCarbon oxides.Information on likely routes of exposureProduct Information .Inhalation May cause irritation of respiratory tract. May cause pulmonary edema.Eye contact Corrosive to the eyes and may cause severe damage including blindness. Causes seriouseye damage.Skin contact Avoid contact with skin. Corrosive. Causes burns.Ingestion Ingestion causes burns of the upper digestive and respiratory tracts. Ingestion may causeirritation to mucous membranes. Ingestion may cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea,vomiting and diarrhea.Component InformationInformation on toxicological effectsSymptoms Erythema (skin redness). Burning. May cause blindness. Coughing and/ or wheezing. Delayed and immediate effects as well as chronic effects from short and long-term exposureSensitization No information available.Mutagenic Effects No information available.Group 3 - Not Classifiable as to Carcinogenicity in HumansReproductive toxicity No information available.STOT - single exposure No information available.STOT - repeated exposure No information available.Chronic Toxicity Carcinogenic potential is unknown.Target Organ Effects Respiratory system. Eyes. Skin. Gastrointestinal tract (GI).Aspiration Hazard No information available.Numerical measures of toxicity Product InformationThe following values are calculated based on chapter 3.1 of the GHS documentATEmix (oral)53,480.00 mg/kgATEmix (inhalation-dust/mist)58.30 mg/LEcotoxicityHarmful to aquatic life. Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.Persistence and DegradabilityNo information available.BioaccumulationNo information availableOther adverse effectsNo information available.Waste treatment methodsDisposal methods Dispose of in accordance with federal, state and local regulations.Contaminated Packaging Do not reuse empty containers. Dispose of in accordance with federal, state and localregulations.DOT NOT REGULATEDTDG NOT REGULATEDMEX NOT REGULATEDICAO NOT REGULATEDIATA NOT REGULATEDIMDG/IMO NOT REGULATEDRID NOT REGULATEDADR NOT REGULATEDADN NOT REGULATEDInternational InventoriesTSCA CompliesDSL All components are listed either on the DSL or NDSL.TSCA - United States Toxic Substances Control Act Section 8(b) InventoryDSL/NDSL - Canadian Domestic Substances List/Non-Domestic Substances ListUS Federal RegulationsSARA 313Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA). This product does not contain any chemicals which are subject to the reporting requirements of the Act and Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 372 SARA 311/312 Hazard CategoriesAcute Health Hazard YesChronic Health Hazard NoFire Hazard NoSudden release of pressure hazard NoReactive Hazard NoCWA (Clean Water Act)This product contains the following substances which are regulated pollutants pursuant to the Clean Water Act (40 CFR 122.21 CERCLAThis material, as supplied, contains one or more substances regulated as a hazardous substance under the ComprehensiveUS State RegulationsCalifornia Proposition 65This product does not contain any Proposition 65 chemicals.U.S. State Right-to-Know RegulationsThis chemical is a pesticide product registered by the Environmental Protection Agency and is subject to certain labeling requirements under federal pesticide law. These requirements differ from the classification criteria and hazard information required for safety data sheets, and for workplace labels of non-pesticide chemicals. Following is the hazard information as required on the pesticide label:EPA Pesticide labelDANGER: CORROSIVE. Causes irreversible eye damage and skin burns. Harmful if swallowed. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Wear protective eyewear and rubber gloves when handling this product. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling and before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco, or using the restroom. Avoid breathing vapors and use only in a well-ventilated area.International RegulationsCanadaWHMIS Hazard ClassNot determinedNFPA Health Hazards 3 Flammability 0 Instability 0 Physical andChemical Hazards - HMIS Health Hazards 3 Flammability 0 Physical Hazard 0 Personal ProtectionXPrepared By Product Stewardship23 British American Blvd.Latham, NY 121101-800-572-6501Issuing Date 08-Jul-2016Revision Date 08-Jul-2016Revision Note No information availableDisclaimerThe information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief at the date of its publication. The information given is designed only as a guidance for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release and is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. The information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any process, unless specified in the textEnd of Safety Data Sheet。



威柔 6 化学品安全技术说明书

威柔 6 化学品安全技术说明书

修订日期: 29 五月 2019 SDS 编号:2026629XCN最初编制日期: 21 January 2016 版本:4.01______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________化学品安全技术说明书产品产品名称: 威柔 6产品简介:烃类及添加剂产品代码: 201570204535, 661827推荐用途: 金属加工液添加剂公司资料供应商:埃克森美孚( 中国 )投资有限公司美罗大厦17楼天钥桥路30号上海市 200030 中国二十四小时应急电话供应商联系电话电子邮件传真 400 1200 526紧急情况概述:物理状态: 液体颜色: 无色气味: 特有的H227:可燃液体。






该物料的危险性分类与化学品分类和危险性公示通则(GB 13690-2009)一致。

GHS危险性类别:易燃液体:类别4修订日期: 29 五月 2019 SDS 编号:2026629XCN最初编制日期: 21 January 2016 版本:4.01______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________吸入毒物:类别1.急性水生生物毒物:类别1 慢性水生生物毒物:类别1标签要素:象形图:警示词:危险危险性说明物理的: H227:可燃液体。

氨苄青霉素 LB琼脂产品说明书

氨苄青霉素 LB琼脂产品说明书

化学品安全技术说明书第一部分化学品及企业标识产品中文名称:氨苄青霉素LB琼脂产品英文名称:LB Agar with Ampicillin产品编号:028335企业名称:广东环凯微生物科技有限公司地址:广东省广州市黄埔区广州开发区科学城神舟路788号邮编:510663公司网址电子邮件地址:*********************传真号码:************销售热线:************-8602技术热线:************-8877/8876推荐用途和限制用途:生化研究/分析第二部分危险性概述GSH危害性类别非危险物质或混合物GSH标签要素非危险物质或混合物其它危害(健康危害、环境危害)未见报道第三部分成分/组成信息混合物化学品成分:参考培养基使用说明。








第六部分 泄露应急处理个人防护: 穿个人实验服,佩戴手套和口罩,避免吸入干粉。

环境保护措施: 用湿布和地拖擦拭干净。

清洁/收集措施: 保持干燥。


第七部分 操作处置与储存安全操作注意事项: 防止粉尘扬起,应提供通风设备。

储存注意事项: 贮存于避光、干燥处,用后立即旋紧瓶盖。

第八部分 接触控制/个人防护职业接触限值 没有已知的国家规定的暴露极限。

工程控制: 提供安全淋浴和洗眼设备个人保护措施 呼吸系统防护: 在通风橱里称取产品,佩戴口罩。

眼睛防护: 佩戴安全眼镜。

身体防护: 穿实验室服。

手防护: 戴防化学品手套。

其他防护: 常规的工业卫生操作,工作后及时清洗双手。

第九部分 理化特性外观: 粉末 pH 值: 7.4±0.2(25℃) 颜色: 淡黄色 气味: 特征性 熔点: 无数据资料 沸点: 无数据资料 燃点: 无数据资料闪点:无数据资料爆炸限度 下限: 无数据资料 上限: 无数据资料 热分解:无数据资料第五部分 消防措施危险特性: 不助燃。



第1部分化学品及企业标识化学品中文名: 2,6-二甲基-3-庚烯化学品英文名: 2,6-dimethylhept-3-eneCAS:2738-18-3分子式:C9H18分子量:126.24产品推荐及限制用途:工业及科研用途。



GHS危险性类别:易燃液体类别2吸入危害类别1标签要素:象形图:警示词:危险危险性说明:H225 高度易燃液体和蒸气H304 吞咽并进入呼吸道可能致命防范说明:•预防措施:—— P210 远离热源/火花/明火/热表面。


—— P233 保持容器密闭。

—— P240 容器和装载设备接地/等势联接。

—— P241 使用防爆的电气/通风/照明/设备。

—— P242 只能使用不产生火花的工具。

—— P243 采取防止静电放电的措施。

—— P280 戴防护手套/穿防护服/戴防护眼罩/戴防护面具。

•事故响应:—— P303+P361+P353 如皮肤(或头发)沾染:立即脱掉所有沾染的衣服。


—— P370+P378 火灾时:使用灭火器灭火。

—— P301+P310 如误吞咽:立即呼叫解毒中心/医生—— P331 不得诱导呕吐。

•安全储存:—— P403+P235 存放在通风良好的地方。


—— P405 存放处须加锁。

•废弃处置:—— P501 按当地法规处置内装物/容器。















化学品安全技术说明书第一部分化学品及企业标识化学品中文名:碳酸铍;碱式碳酸铍化学品英文名:berylium carbonate;beryllium carbonate,basic企业名称:生产企业地址:邮编: 传真:企业应急电话:电子邮件地址:技术说明书编码:第二部分成分/组成信息√纯品混合物有害物成分浓度CAS No.碳酸铍66104-24-3第三部分危险性概述危险性类别:第6.1类毒害品侵入途径:吸入、食入、经皮吸收健康危害:急性中毒主要表现为急性化学性支气管炎和支气管肺炎(急性铍病)。



































5-102692-3 Product DetailsHome | Customer Support | Suppliers | Site Map | Privacy Policy | Browser Support© 2008 Tyco Electronics Corporation All Rights Reserved SearchProducts Documentation Resources My Account Customer Support Home > Products > By Type > PCB Connectors > Product Feature Selector > Product Details5-102692-3Active .100 inch AMPMODU 2 PieceAlways EU RoHS/ELV Compliant (Statement of Compliance)Product Highlights:?Header?Number of Positions = 36?Number of Rows = Dual?Vertical Mount Angle? 2.54 mm Centerline, MatrixView all Features | Find SimilarProductsCheck Pricing &AvailabilitySearch for ToolingProduct FeatureSelectorContact Us AboutThis ProductQuick LinksDocumentation & Additional InformationProduct Drawings:?HEADER ASSEMBLY, MOD II, .100C.100CL, .025 SQ POSTS(PDF, English)Catalog Pages/Data Sheets:?None AvailableProduct Specifications:?None AvailableApplication Specifications:?None AvailableInstruction Sheets:?None AvailableCAD Files:?None AvailableList all Documents Additional Information:?Product Line InformationAdditional Product Images: ?Post Line-ArtRelated Products:?ToolingProduct Features (Please use the Product Drawing for all design activity)Product Type Features:?Product Type = Header?Number of Positions = 36?Mount Angle = Vertical?PCB Retention Feature = No?Post Type = Standard?Board Standoff = Without?Post Size (mm [in]) = 0.64 [.025]?With Pin Protection = Yes?With Guide Pins = Yes?Comment = Headers with make first/break lastposts can be made available, consult TycoElectronics.Electrical Characteristics:?Contact Current Rating (Amps.) = 3?Voltage (VAC) = 250?Dielectric Withstanding Voltage (V) = 750?Termination Resistance (m?) = 12?Insulation Resistance (M?) = 1,000Termination Related Features:?Termination (Solder) Post Length (mm [in]) =4.57 [0.180]?Solder Tail Contact Plating = Tin over NickelBody Related Features:?Number of Rows = Dual?Centerline, Matrix (mm [in]) = 2.54 [.100]?VRM Header = No Contact Related Features:?Contact Mating Area Plating Material = Gold(30)?Contact Shape = Square?Contact Material = Phosphor Bronze?Approved Standards = UL E28476, CSA LE7189 Housing Related Features:?Housing Material = Thermoplastic?Housing Color = Black?Housing Flammability Rating = UL 94V-0 Industry Standards:?RoHS/ELV Compliance = RoHS compliant, ELVcompliant?Lead Free Solder Processes = Wave soldercapable to 240°C, Wave solder capable to 260°C, Wave solder capable to 265°C, Reflowsolder capable to 245°C, Reflow solder capableto 260°C, Pin-in-Paste capable to 245°C, Pin-in-Paste capable to 260°C?RoHS/ELV Compliance History = Always wasRoHS compliantConditions for Usage:?Temperature Range (°C) = -65 –+105 Other:?Brand = AMPProvide Website Feedback | Contact Customer Support。



规范 CEI国际 IEC国际标准-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------62109-2用于光伏发电系统的功率变换器的安全性第2部分:逆变器的特殊要求委员会为标准起草(CDV)国际电工委员会________用于光伏发电系统的功率变换器的安全性第2部分:逆变器的特殊要求前言1)IEC(国际电工委员会)是一个国际标准化组织,包含了所有国家电工委员会(IEC国家委员会)。

















HPb63-3化学成份:Cu:62.0~65.0锌Zn:余量铅Pb:2.4~3.0磷P:≤0.01铝Al:≤0.5铁Fe:≤0.10铍Sb:≤0.005铋Bi:≤0.002注:≤0.75(杂质)●HPb62-3力学性能:σb (MPa):≥360伸长率δ10 (%):≥14伸长率δ5 (%):≥16注:棒材的纵向室温拉伸力学性能试样尺寸:直径或对边距离>20~60●HPb62-3热处理规范:不热加工;退火温度620~650℃。















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Active .100 inch AMPMODU 2 Piece
Always EU RoHS/ELV Compliant (Statement of Compliance)
Product Highlights:
?Number of Positions = 40
?Number of Rows = Dual
?Vertical Mount Angle
? 2.54 mm Centerline, Matrix
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Product Drawings:
?HEADER ASSEMBLY, MOD II, .100C.100CL, .025 SQ POSTS(PDF, English)
Catalog Pages/Data Sheets:
?None Available
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?None Available
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?Product Line Information
Additional Product Images: ?Post Line-Art
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Product Features (Please use the Product Drawing for all design activity)
Product Type Features:
?Product Type = Header
?Number of Positions = 40
?Mount Angle = Vertical
?PCB Retention Feature = No
?Post Type = Standard
?Board Standoff = Without
?Post Size (mm [in]) = 0.64 [.025]
?With Pin Protection = Yes
?With Guide Pins = Yes
?Comment = Headers with make first/break last
posts can be made available, consult Tyco
Electrical Characteristics:
?Contact Current Rating (Amps.) = 3
?Voltage (VAC) = 250
?Dielectric Withstanding Voltage (V) = 750
?Termination Resistance (m?) = 12
?Insulation Resistance (M?) = 1,000
Termination Related Features:
?Termination (Solder) Post Length (mm [in]) =
4.57 [0.180]
?Solder Tail Contact Plating = Tin over Nickel
Body Related Features:
?Number of Rows = Dual
?Centerline, Matrix (mm [in]) = 2.54 [.100]
?VRM Header = No Contact Related Features:
?Contact Mating Area Plating Material = Gold
?Contact Shape = Square
?Contact Material = Phosphor Bronze
?Approved Standards = UL E28476, CSA LE7189 Housing Related Features:
?Housing Material = Thermoplastic
?Housing Color = Black
?Housing Flammability Rating = UL 94V-0 Industry Standards:
?RoHS/ELV Compliance = RoHS compliant, ELV
?Lead Free Solder Processes = Wave solder
capable to 240°C, Wave solder capable to 260°
C, Wave solder capable to 265°C, Reflow
solder capable to 245°C, Reflow solder capable
to 260°C, Pin-in-Paste capable to 245°C, Pin-
in-Paste capable to 260°C
?RoHS/ELV Compliance History = Always was
RoHS compliant
Conditions for Usage:
?Temperature Range (°C) = -65 –+105 Other:
?Brand = AMP
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