me a s u r e d a n d c l a s s i ie f d i n t o 4 g r o ups of s e v e r e de ic f i e n c N de ici f e n c y , i n s uf ic f i e n c y a nd s uf ic f i e nc y a c c or d i ng t o i t s l e ve 1 . I n a d di t i o n,
首 次就诊 的长风社 区骨 量异常女 性 患者 9 5例 ,应 用双 能 x 线吸收仪 ( DX A)测定腰椎 L l 一 4和左 、右股骨颈 骨 密度 , 同时测 定血 清 2 5 0 HD水 平 ,按血 清 2 5 O HD含量 分为严 重缺 乏、缺乏 、不足和 充足 4组 。另外按 年龄 分为 5 0 - 5 9岁、
但维 生素 D状 态与 骨密度 可能无 直接 关联 ,有必要进 一步扩大样 本量研 究维生素 D状 态与骨质疏松及骨折风险的关 系。 关键 词 骨质疏松 2 5羟 维生素 D 骨量异常 骨密度
中图分类号 : R 6 8 l 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 1 0 0 6 . 1 5 3 3( 2 0 1 5)1 0 — 0 0 3 7 — 0 4
LI Mi qi o ng, ZOU Yi ng ho ng ,CHEN Yuh ua , YAN G Fa ng
立足社区 为居民提供全程健康服务——上海市普陀区长风社区卫生服务中心
理念 融入 到工 程设计 中,
室 ” 的合理 化 布 局 。
中心 还 引进 智能化管理 , 建 立 医生 工 作站; 在药房 实
L ) 富 有 童 趣 的 计 划 免疫 室
行 “ 前 台发 药 , 后 台配 方 ” 的工 作 模 式 ; 全 面 启 动 自助 挂 号 和 自动 叫号 服 务 系统 以及 护 理 补 液 智能
一 步研究 。
l址 : 上海金
呼叫系统, 为患 者提供 了方 便 。
放射 科 、 检验科拥有 较为先进 的设 备 、 医 师娴熟的技术, 为临床检验提供 了可靠的依据 。
坚持深入 社 区 , 开创全 科 团 队服务新模 式 。 2 0 04 年成 为复 旦大学 附属 中山医 院 内分 泌疾病 防治
基地 , 联 合开 展 社 区糖 尿病 防治课 题 工 作 , 已 对 1 19 7 位社 区 糖 尿 病高 危 人 员进 行 了筛查 , 筛查 出的
该 院为一
级 甲等医 院, 2 0 0 1年在通 过社 区卫
生服务 中心 标准化建设 验收 后 , 上海市 副市 长杨晓渡在视
察 长 风 社 区 卫 生 服务 中心 时 , 高 度 评 价 并欣 然 题 词 : 以 “
比较 低廉 的 价格 提 供 比 较 优 质 的 服 务 , 在 未 来 的 竞 争 中立 于不败之地 ” 。
病 人在 中心 就 可 获得 中山 医 院专 家的规范 治疗 。 社 区 骨 质 疏 松 防治模 式研 究被列 为2 0 0 5 年上海市重
xi ang. Be z anCo m u t e t r i eCe t r, Zhab iDit i t,Shan ih m niy H alh Se v c n e e s rc ghai2 07 00 1,Chi na
[ sr c] Obe t e Th u h p a t ig efcie h at d c t n itr e t n i r e o i r v o n— Abta t jci v o g r ci n fe t e lh e u ai ne v n i n o d rt mp o ec g i c v o o
增 强 自我 保 健 意识 , 渐 改 变 不 良生 活 习惯 , 达 到 降 低 骨 质 疏 松 症 发 生 率 的 目标 。 逐 以 【 键 词 】 健 康 教 育 ; 骨 质 疏 松 症 ; 评 价 关
Efe t si t n o e lh e u a i n o se p r s f a e me n c mmu i f c tma i fh a t d c to n o to o o i o g d wo n i o e o s nt y CH EN e b n,QI J — W ni N U
to e e fa d w o e b i n lv lo ge m n a outos e topo oss a c ng a m f llvig ha t M eho 3 wom e ge 0~ 6 r i nd ha e h r u i n bi. t d 05 na d 4 5
i e ve to nt r n i n,c gnii e e f3 ge o ton l v lo 05 a d wom e bo s e o o i nd t i r f ll ng ha i r m p o e n a uto t op r ss a herha m u i vi b twe ei r v d. Con l son Efe tve t r —e lpr v nton c n i c e e t og to e lo om m un t opl b tpr ve i cui f c i hid lve e e i a n r as he c nii lve fc iy pe e a ou e nton
中国医药指南2008年8月第6巷第15期G ui de of C hm aM edi dne,A ugust2008,V06,N o.15est ogen r w z pt or f unc t i on i n hu m a n br eas t cancer【J】.A I lD_al s of M e di c i ne2003。
35(8):614-631.【24]1w ao K,M t yos hi Y,E gaw a C.et a1.Q uan t i t at i ve anal ys i s of es t r ogen r ecep t or-al p/m and—B m es se nger R N A敷pr es-s ion i n br eas t car(血lol na by real—岫e pol ym e r as e chai n r eact i on 【J】.C ancer。
2000.89(8):1732—1738.【251F uq ua S,S ch i f f R,Pa r ra I,et a1.Est r oge n r ecep t or D pr o t ei n i n hum a n br e ast ca nce r:co r r e l at i on w i t h cl ini cal t um or pa ram et e rs[J].Canc er R e s,2003,63(10):2434-2439.【26】Jensen E v,C h eng G。
P a l m i er i C,et a1.Estrogen删ors and pr ol i f er at i on m ar kers i n pri m ar y and r ecur r ent br ea st ca nce r[J].Pr oc N ai l A cad Sci U S A,200l,98(26):15197-15202.【27】M i yoshi Y.Taguc h i T。
疾 病 预 防 控 制
上海某社 区 1 4 6 例低骨量女性骨密度及骨丢失
现 况 调 查 李觅琼Fra bibliotek雷云 陈玉华 杨芳
( 上海市普 陀区长风街道 长风社 区卫生服务 中心 上海
2 0 0 0 6 2)
摘 要 目的 : 了解上海 某社 区低 骨量 ( 包括骨量低 下及 骨质疏松 )女性 患者 的骨密度现 况及不 同年龄段骨丢失情 况。方法 : 2 0 1 0年 2月至 2 0 1 0 年 1 2月采用双能 X线骨 密度仪 对 1 4 6 例 5 0— 7 5岁的低骨量女性 患者进行骨 密度测量 , 并于 2 0 1 2 年 1 2月至 2 0 1 3 年 1月再 次测量骨 密度 ,按每 5岁为一个年龄组将 患者分为 5组 ,比较不 同年龄段 患者的骨
丢失情 况。结果 : 低骨量女性 患者 身高随年龄 增长呈下降趋势 ; 各年龄段腰椎及左 、右股骨颈骨 密度值随年龄 增加 下降 ,
活动内容1. 知识讲座:我们邀请了骨科医生为群众做了一场生动形象的知识讲座,介绍了骨质疏松症的病因、发病机制、预防方法等内容。
2. 健康咨询:我们在活动现场设立了健康咨询台,专业医生为前来咨询的人群提供个性化的健康咨询服务,解答他们的疑问,并提供相关资料供他们参考。
3. 宣传资料:我们准备了丰富的宣传资料,包括骨质疏松症的症状、诊断、治疗和预防等方面的内容。
4. 社交媒体宣传:我们通过社交媒体平台发布相关骨质疏松症知识的短视频和宣传海报,引起了广大网友的关注和参与。
活动效果通过本次预防骨质疏松症知识宣传活动,我们取得了以下效果:1. 知识普及率提高:活动期间,我们共吸引了500人参加知识讲座,通过讲座的方式,使更多人对骨质疏松症有了初步的了解。
2. 咨询服务受欢迎:活动咨询台共接待了200人次的咨询,他们对健康问题非常关注,对我们提供的个性化咨询服务表示满意。
3. 宣传效果明显:社交媒体平台共有人次浏览了我们发布的骨质疏松症知识短视频和宣传海报,其中1500人次进行了转发和评论,宣传效果良好。
量低 下和骨质疏松 症患者 1 9 2 例 为对 象,以家庭 医师团队为主题 ,采用社 区门诊和 家庭相结合的方式 ,为患者建立健康
档案 、定期 随访评估 、健康教育 、开展 同伴干预和 家庭 支持 ,干预时 间 2年。 比较 干预 前后 患者 自身骨密度 、生活质量 的变化情 况。结果 : 干预后 患者平均 骨密度较干预前有上升 。生活质量评价在疼痛 、 日常活动、 家务劳动、 日常运 动等 方面较干预前有 明显改善 ( P < 0 . 0 5 o结论 : 采 用社 区门诊 和 家庭相 结合 的干预模式 ,有利 于提 高居民的防病意识和 自
7 5 y e a r s o l d i n C h a n g f e n g C o mmu n i t y we r e s e l e c t e d a s t h e o b j e c t s . T h e h e a l t h r e c o r d s w e r e e s t a b l i s h e d f o r t h e p a t i e n t s , he t
t h e c o mb i n a t i o n o f t h e c o mm u n i t y c l i n i c wi t h f a mi l y
LE I Y u n , L I Mi q i o n g , YANG F a n g , LI U Zh o n g h u a , LI U F e n g c h a n g , LI N Hu a n d o n g
mi n e r a l d e n s i y t o f t h e p a t i e n t s r o s e a f t e r t h e i n t e r v e n t i o n。 T h e p a i n , d a i l y a c t i v i t i e s , h o u s e wo r k a n d d a i l y e x e r c i s e we r e i mp r o v e d
#社区护理#对社区中老年人骨质疏松症的健康教育效果评价Evaluation on effect of health edu cation for middle -aged and senile patien ts with osteoporosis in commu nity陈玉平,刘雪琴,蔡德鸿Chen Yuping,Liu Xueqin,Cai Dehong(Zhujiang Hospital of Nanfang M edical University,Guangdong 510280China)摘要:[目的]评价社区中老年骨质疏松症(OP )病人实施不同的健康教育效果。
[方法]采用便利抽样法选取50岁以上的社区中老年O P 病人193人作为研究对象,按学历和年龄分层随机分为3组,教育组给予发放资料、讲座和当面指导;资料组给予书面资料指导;第3组为空白对照。
参考有关文献自行设计/OP 相关的生活方式和预防行为调查表0,在干预前后进行调查。
[结果]健康教育组对提高O P 知识、健康信念和自我效能有效,且优于资料组和对照组。
[结论]对社区中老年OP 病人,资料教育不宜作为唯一的健康教育手段,中老年O P 病人更适合当面指导。
OP 相关健康行为的促进是一个长期的过程,需要广泛开展社区护理,多方合作,才能达到目的。
关键词:骨质疏松症;健康教育;知识问卷;健康信念量表;自我效能量表Abstract Objective:To assess the effect of carrying out health education for m iddle-aged and senile osteoporosis (OP)patients in community.M ethod:A total of 193middle-aged and senile cases over 50years old in community were selected and divided into 3g roups based on convenient sampling.Patients of e -ducation group w ere offered information,a course of lectures and face-to-face guidance.Patients of data group w ere g iven some data in papers only.The third group cases were just as control.All cases w ere investigated before and after intervention by filling out /OP related life style and preventative behavior questionnaire 0that designed based on related references.Result:It was effec -tive to enhance OP know ledge,belief about health and self-efficiency of cases in the education g roup and was superior to both data group and control group cases.In terms of daily sunlight time,milk drinking and motor behavior im -provement,cases of education g roup were superior to the other two groups cas -es.But there w as no obvious difference among the three groups.Conclusion:For middle-aged and senile OP cases in comm unity,health education via data could not be only w ay of health education.And face-to-face guidance w ould be more suitable for them.And the promotion of OP related know ledg e for these cases is in a long run,w hich needs to unfold community care widely and cooperation of versatility so as to achieve the aim.Key words osteoporosis;health education;knowledge questionnaire;health belief scale;self-efficacy scale中图分类号:R473.2 文献标识码:C 文章编号:1009-6493(2006)3A -0650-03 骨质疏松症(osteoporosis,O P)是中老年人的常见病之一,是当今社会中一个发病率高、涉及人群广、致病危险因素复杂、后果严重的公众健康问题。
标签:骨质疏松症;社区;医护一体化;干预模式中图分类号:R58文献标志码:AAbstract:ObjectiveTo evaluate the effect of the mode of prevention and treatment with Doctor-nurse Collaboration carried out for osteoporosis patients in communities.MethodsA total of 210 patients were included for the study who visited the specialist outpatient clinic of osteoporosis in the chronic disease hut of Changfeng community health service center during March and August of 2017. For these patients,the medical and nursing staff were formed as a disease control team,establishing bone health records,giving regular follow-up and assessment of treatment,offering health education,formulating rational diet and exercise program,helping them to cultivate good habits and carrying out peer education and family support. The intervention lasted for six months .After the intervention were compared the patients’osteoporosis knowledge,self-management behaviors and quality of life.ResultsThe patients’awareness rate of osteoporosis’risk factors,total score of osteoporosis relevant knowledge,self-management behaviors and self-efficiency have had a greater imporvement than before intervention,and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.01). The evaluation of life quality in relation to pain relief,daily activity,housework,and regular exercise has been better than before as well(P<0.05).ConclusionComprehensive intervention mode based on Doctor-Nurse Collaboration is an operable model of community osteoporosis management and intervention which is suitable for popularization.Keywords:osteoporosis;community;doctor-nurse collaboration;intervention model骨質疏松症是中老年人尤其是女性最常见的骨骼疾病,其特点主要为骨量减低,骨微结构破坏,是导致骨折的重要原因之一。
其次,告知患者多晒太阳,0.5 h/d 左右为宜,时间在早上10:00最佳。
标签:骨质疏松;医护人员;规范化管理和诊疗中图分类号:R58文献标志码:AAbstract:ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of the training of community medical staff in standard management and treatment for osteoporosis.MethodsFrom December 2016 to January 2017,by using convenient sampling techniques were recruited 20 among 400 health care workers from 20 communities in Shanghai for the baseline questionnaire survey. Then was done six months of training in standardized management and diagnosis and treatment. And in May 2017 each community once again selected 20 out of 400 workers for the second assessment questionnaire survey.ResultsAfter the standardized training of osteoporosis prevention,the scores of osteoporosis prevention knowledge in community health care workers increased from 38.53±7.42 points (total score:54 points)to 45.85±5.28 points,the average correction rate increased by 13.5% (P<0.05). For the standardized medical treatment attitude of the medical staff,the score increased from 34.47±7.70 (total score:50 points)to 41.09±5.88 points,and the proportion of the staffs who held positive attitude toward scandalized medical treatment was increased by 45.6% (P<0.05).In the diagnosis and treatment skills,the score rose from 2.72±1.43 (total score:6 points)to 4.47±1.44 before training,and the qualification rate increased by 29.1% (P<0.01).In the implementation of health management,the score increased from 69.30±14.73 points (total score:95 points)to 76.38±11.70 points,and the implementation rate increased by 22.0% (P<0.01). ConclusionThe training of medical staff in standard management and treatment for osteoporosis is feasibleand effective,which improves their osteoporosis-related knowledge,attitude and skill of diagnosis and treatment,and health management behaviors,thus assisting community residents in preventing occurrence of osteoporosis in its early stage.Keywords:osteoporosis;health care workers;standardized diagnosis and treatment骨质疏松(osteoporosis)是由于多种原因导致的骨密度和骨质量下降,骨微结构破坏,造成骨脆性增加,从而容易发生骨折的全身性骨病[1],且随着年龄增长患病风险增加[2]。
上海长风社区居民骨密度与中医体质相关性研究*王晓燕1** 刘仲华1 顾超2(1.上海市普陀区长风街道长风社区卫生服务中心科教科,上海 200062;2.上海市普陀区长风街道长风社区卫生服务中心放射科,上海 200062)摘 要 目的:探索中医体质类型与骨密度的相关性,为防治骨质疏松提供依据。
方法:收集辖区2009-2013年居民健康横断面调查中同时进行骨密度检测和中医体质调查的数据4 116份。
其中男性资料1 848份,占45%;女性资料2 268份,占55%;调查对象的平均年龄为(61.29±10.20)岁。
关键词 中医体质;骨密度;相关性中图分类号:R681 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2021)04-0046-04Research of the correlation between bone mineral density and TCM constitution of residents in Changfeng Community in ShanghaiWANG Xiaoyan1, LIU Zhonghua1, GU Chao2(1.Department of Science and Education of Changfeng Community Health Service Center of Putuo District, Shanghai 200062, China; 2.Department of Radiology of Changfeng Community Health Service Center of Putuo District, Shanghai 200062, China)ABSTRACT Objective: To explore the correlation between constitution of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) type and bone mineral density (BMD) in order to provide basis for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Methods: Four thousand one hundred and sixteen pieces of data from the 2009-2013 cross-sectional health survey of residents in the jurisdiction that simultaneously conducted bone density testing and TCM physical fitness survey were collected. Among them, there were 1 848 male data, accounting for 45%; there were 2 268 female data, accounting for 55%; the average age of the survey objects was(61.29 ± 10.20) years old. The survey objects’ TCM constitution and axial bone density testing data were analyzed. Results: Theaverage bone mineral density of men was higher than that of women, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.001).The bone mineral density of the survey objects decreased with age, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.001).The difference in bone mineral density between people of different constitution was statistically significant(P=0.001), among them, people with damp heat, phlegm dampness and peace and constitution had higher bone density values, while those with weak constitution had lower bone mineral density values. The bone density of people with peaceful constitution increased with the increase of peaceful constitution score(P=0.014). Conclusion: Bone density status and changes are related to differences in constitution, gender and age.KEY WORDS constitution of traditional Chinese medicine; bone mineral density; correlation骨质疏松症是危害严重的常见病,多发于老年人,尤其是绝经后妇女,随着社会人口的老龄化,患病人数越来越多,给社会带来沉重负担[1]。
中国初级卫生保健 2018年 8月第 32卷 第 8期 (总第392期 )
奉 燕①,步则 琼①,王欣玲 ①,徐蓓 峥①
摘 要 目的 研 究社 区健康 教 育对 中老年居 民和骨 质疏松 症 患者 的骨质 疏松 症知 识认 知和 自我 效能水 平的 影响 方 法 随机 选取 上海市虹 口区凉城新村街道社 区中老年居 民 100例和骨质疏松 症患者 30例 ,通过 问卷调查的方式 了解社 区骨质疏松 症的健康教育前后情 况,了解调 查对象的骨质疏松症知识认 知和 自我效能水 平的变化 。结果 普通居 民组和骨质疏松症 患者 组在 干预 前骨质疏松症知识及格 率分 别为 29.00%、60.00%,在 健康教 育干预后 为54.00%、86.70% .同干预 前相比 ,干预后普 通居 民和骨质疏松症 患者的骨质疏松症危 险 因素知识 、运动知识 、钙知识和总得分均较 干预 前有明显增 高 <0.01);与普通 居 民组干预后相 比,骨质 疏松 症患者组在 干预后 钙知识和 总得 分明显增高(尸<0.O1)。 同干预前相 比 ,普通居 民和骨质疏松症 患者 ,骨质疏松症运 动效能、摄钙效能和 总得 分均无 明显 改善 (尸>0.05)。结论 骨质疏松症健 康教 育可以提 高中老年人 骨质 疏松 症知识的认 知水平,特 别是 骨质疏松症 患者 ,但是对 于提 高他们的 自我效能无效。 关键 词 骨质疏松 症 ;知识认知 ; 自我效 能;健康教育 doi:10.3969/j.issn.100l一568X.2018.08.0O08
方法在上海市20个骨质疏松诊疗管理规范试点社区开展骨质疏松危险因素、防治知识、管理行为等的宣教,宣教前后分别采用方便抽样的方法抽取2 000名居民进行问卷调查,评估宣教干预效果。
标签:社区居民;骨质疏松;干预;知识;自我效能;行为中图分类号:R58文献标志码:AAbstract:ObjectiveTo investigate community residents’prevention knowledge,self-efficacy and behavior for osteoporosis in Shanghai and evaluate the intervention effect.MethodsCommunity health education on osteoporosis in its risk factors,prevention and treatment knowledge,management behavior was carried out in 20 osteoporosis treatment and management standard pilots in communities in Shanghai.Convenience sampling method was adopted to sample 100 residents from each community.A total of 2 000 residents were investigated both before and after education by questionnaire to assess education effect.ResultsAfter community education,the average accuracy of the osteoporosis knowledge of risk factors,exercise and calcium intake increased by 20.7%,20.4% and 14.5%(P<0.01)respectively.At the same time,community residents’osteoporosis exercise efficacy and calcium intake efficacy,osteoporosis prevention diet behavior,life style and sports behavior also significantly increased(P<0.05).ConclusionCommunity residents in Shanghai do not have a high level of cognition,efficiency and management of osteoporosis,which can be effectively improved by the newly formulated standardized management and education.Keywords:community residents;osteoporosis;intervention;knowledge;self-efficacy;behavior随着人口老龄化进程的加快,骨质疏松的发病率逐年增高,已成为影响人类健康的重要问题[1]。
结果经社区规范诊疗和管理干预,患者骨質疏松知识平均得分由(15.9±6.2)分(总分32分)上升至(22.8±5.9)分(P<0.01);骨质疏松信念平均得分由(147.1±18.0)分(总分210分)上升至(156.0±17.1)分(P <0.01);骨质疏松自我管理行为平均得分由(40.5±10.5)分(总分65分)上升至(48.0±10.5)分(P<0.01)。
标签:骨质疏松;患者;知识;信念;自我管理中图分类号:R58文献标志码:AAbstract:ObjectiveTo ascertain the knowledge,attitude and self-management behavior of osteoporosis patients in Shanghai communities and investigate the effect of community intervention and management.MethodsBy convenience sampling,a total of 597 and 606 osteoporosis patients were investigated by questionnaires on their knowledge,attitude and self-management behavior of osteoporosis in 20 community health service centers.ResultsAfter intervention,the average score of osteoporosis knowledge rose from 15.9±6.2 to 22.8±5.9 (P<0.01)(a total score of 32). The average score of osteoporosis attitude rose from 147.1±18.0 to 156.0±17.1 (P<0.01)(a total score of 210). The average score of self-management behavior of osteoporosis rose from 40.5±10.5 to 48.0±10.5 (P<0.01)(a total score of 65).ConclusionAfter community intervention and management,the knowledge,attitude and self-management behavior level of osteoporosis patients significantly increased,which proved the obvious effectiveness of osteoporosis intervention and management.Keywords:osteoporosis;patient;knowledge;attitude;self-management随着人口的老龄化,骨质疏松已成为一个全球性的公共健康问题。
标签:骨质疏松;预防效果;健康教育Analysis of Application Effect of Osteoporosis Health Education Knowledge in the Health PopulationQI Ran1,JIA Chun-xia2,MA Hong-xia31.Department of Rheumatism and Osteoporosis,Luoyang Orthopedic-traumatological Hospital & Orthopaedic Hospital of Henan Province,Luoyang,Henan Province,471002 China;2. Third Department of Spine Surgery,Luoyang Orthopedic-traumatological Hospital & Orthopaedic Hospital of Henan Province,Luoyang,Henan Province,471002 China;3. Department of Sports Medicine and Arthroscope,Luoyang Orthopedic-traumatological Hospital & Orthopaedic Hospital of Henan Province,Luoyang,Henan Province,471002 China[Abstract] Objective To research the effect of osteoporosis health education on the health population and study the application effect of various osteoporosis health education knowledge. Methods 400 cases of persons receiving physical examination in our hospital were selected as the research objects and randomly divided into two groups with 200 cases in each,the control group were given routine doctor’s orders,the observation group were given publicity and education,intervention education,lecture and practice education,the physical examiners were given osteoporosis health education knowledge education from all aspects,and the application effect of osteoporosis health education knowledge education was observed,and the knowledge awareness level of the osteoporosis disease,preventive knowledge mastery and change of living habits in the two groups were compared before and afterhealth education. Results After the health knowledge education,the knowledge awareness level of osteoporosis disease,effective rate of preventive knowledge mastery and effective rate of living habit change in the observation group were better than those in the control group(76.0%,85.0%,64.0% vs 45.5%,55.0%,43.5%). Conclusion After various health knowledge educations,the recognition,health awareness and living habits of the physical examiners are improved.[Key words] Osteoporosis;Preventive effect;Health and education由于先天遗传、人口老龄化严重或后天个人生活作息习惯不良等现象引起的骨质疏松的发病率逐年升高,缺少户外活动和身体方面的锻炼,接触阳光的时间减少,常年饮用碳酸饮料以及不规律作息等能也会导致年轻人患上骨质疏松症[1]。
同步健康教育应用于社区居民预防骨质疏松症治疗的效果分析发表时间:2020-06-18T02:43:13.735Z 来源:《医药前沿》2020年8期作者:倪燕飞[导读] 探讨同步健康教育在社区居民预防骨质疏松症治疗中的效果。
(上海市崇明区长兴镇长兴社区卫生服务中心上海 201913)【摘要】目的:探讨同步健康教育在社区居民预防骨质疏松症治疗中的效果。
【关键词】骨质疏松;同步健康教育;社区医院【中图分类号】R193 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-1752(2020)08-0252-01随着老龄化社会到来使得骨质疏松等疾病发生率不断上升,目前骨质疏松症已经成为严重老年人群生化质量的重要疾病[1]。
骨质疏松症(osteoporosis OP)为一种多原因引起的单位体积骨质量总体减少和骨组织结构细微变化的疾病。
1.资料与方法 1.1 一般资料2018年1月—2019年6月126例我社区的骨质疏松症患者为研究对象,纳入标准:自愿参与本次研究;定期接受随访;无精神障碍;排除标准:智力低下无法阅读;合并严重疾病比如癌症等。
上海某社区老年人骨质疏松症的群组管理效果评价宋宇;徐光铮【摘要】目的:评价上海某社区骨质疏松症的群组干预管理1年的效果.方法:按照随机对照试验研究设计,将120例骨质疏松患者随机分组,干预组60例,男性15例,女性45例,平均年龄(69.25±4.88)岁;对照组60名,男性14例,女性46例,平均年龄(68.98±4.90)岁.对照组实施常规药物治疗模式,干预组在对照组的基础上接受骨质疏松症群组干预管理模式,比较干预前后生活质量(QUALEFFO-41)和骨密度的变化.结果:1年群组干预后,干预组中疼痛、身体技能、社交活动能力、总体身体感觉、心理精神功能等生活质量评分与总评分均有明显的下降,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001).而对照组干预前后各项指标前后比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).干预后干预组的生活质量评分低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001),干预组的骨密度平均水平高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001).结论:社区骨质疏松群组管理模式可改善患者的生活质量和骨密度水平.【期刊名称】《上海医药》【年(卷),期】2018(039)010【总页数】4页(P35-37,40)【关键词】骨质疏松;群组干预;骨密度;效果【作者】宋宇;徐光铮【作者单位】上海市徐家汇街道社区卫生服务中心全科门诊,上海 200030;上海市徐家汇街道社区卫生服务中心全科门诊,上海 200030【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R681骨质疏松症是机体自然衰退和老化过程的组成部分,是以骨量减少、骨组织微细结构破坏、骨强度下降、骨脆性增加、容易发生骨折为特征[1]。