Book Report on Sister Carrie


Sister Carrie

Sister Carrie

Julia Hurstwood, George's strong-willed, socialclimbing wife. Jessica Hurstwood, George and Julia's daughter, who shares her mother's aspirations to social status. George Hurstwood, Jr, George and Julia's son. The Vances, a wealthy merchant and his wife, who live in the same building as Hurstwood and Carrie in New York City. Robert Ames, Mrs. Vance's cousin from Indiana, a handsome young scholar whom Carrie regards as a male ideal. Lola Osborne, a chorus girl Carrie meets during a theatre production in New York, who encourages Carrie to become her roommate.
• Plots • Characters
• Themes
• Dissatisfied with life in her rural Wisconsin home, 18-year-old Caroline "Sister Carrie" Meeber takes the train to Chicago. On the train, Carrie meets Charles Drouet(杜洛埃 ), a traveling salesman. • After only a few years, Carrie turns to New York’s theatres for employment and becomes a chorus girl. Once again, her aptitude for theatre serves her well, and, as the rapidly aging Hurstwood declines into obscurity, Carrie begins to rise from chorus girl to small speaking roles. • Carrie achieves stardom, but finds that money and fame do not satisfy her longings or bring her happiness and that nothing will.

book report of sister carrie

book report of sister carrie
when he met Carrie, a long-lost fresh and pure feeling fascinated and attracted to him, he suddenly felt that what the meaning of money is, and then he abandoned the luxurious life and ran toward his ideal hassle and freedom. But he failed.
Beautiful Rich Friends and happy life
Carrie, although rural
origin, but she was so ambitious, like her heart could be higher than the sky, she approached her goals and realize her dreams step by step. But she does not understand what love is, and lived a rich but empty life. Carrie has a youthful beauty and a restless heart, which destined her extraordinary.
•" the city offers everything for a woman to make her chromospheres things - wealth, fashion, ease "(Dreiser 18); • "she was dazzled at displays of ornaments, clothing, shoes, stationery, jewelry and other goods are very envious "; (Dreiser 17)



如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!欲望驱动下的嘉莉妹妹Sister Carrier under the Drive of Desire内容摘要《嘉莉妹妹》是美国著名的自然主义小说家西奥多·德莱塞的第一部长篇小说,讲述的农村少女嘉莉如何从社会的底层一跃而成为百老汇明星的经历,生动地展示了嘉莉的欲望不断增大永无止境的图画。







关键词:欲望;因素;结果AbstractSister Carrie is the first novel of the famous American naturalistic novelist Theodore Dreiser. It tells the experience of the rural girl Carrie, who came from the lower social class, and the way she jumped into a Broadway star, and vividly shows us the pictures which were full of Carrie’s increasing endless desire.Sister Carrier has gone through the hardships of job hunting, diseases and unemployment. In order to survive in the big city, she first became the mistress of the salesman Drouet, and later eloped with the hotel manager Hurst wood. However, Hurst wood lost his job in New York. For the sake of life, Carrier became a chorus actor. An accidental opportunity put Carrier to fame, and let her squeeze into the high society. It seemed that she realized the desire, but at the end of the story, she still sits in the rocking-chair dreaming of her own happiness. Trace it to its cause, it is mainly that Carrie was driven from the beginning to the end by the desire that never made her satisfied with the status quo, and that she constantly search for another goal. Her desires were procured by many factors.Key Words:desire ; factors; resultsContents1页如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!Introduction .............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。



Madame BoveryThis book challenged my ideas about the old times of France. From the French history I have learned, the story happened after the revolution of bourgeois of France. Madame is based on a real event the mid-19th century. As the author Gustave Flaubert described, life was filled with disappointments and vapidity. After the revolution, the whole country was supposed to be peaceful and prosperous and life should have been full of vitality and vigor. However, the reality was almost completely the opposite of my imagination.This book remind of another book Sister Carrie. These two books are all named by the main characters’ name. Emma Bovery and Carrie have many similar characteristics. For example, they all lived a life that they are not satisfied with at the beginning of the story. They all have sought love. It seems like there is no other choice for Emma Bovary in that circumstance. However, in the alike situation, Carrie made a pivotal choice and brought herself a bright future.I really felt sorry for Emma. If she were not that innocent and could think rationally, things would all be different. She might have a nice ending rather than poisoning herself.There is a conflict between reality and Emma’s inner world. To some degree, the cruelty of French society leads her to death. In addition, it is Emma’s own fault that she was so blind that she never realized that there is always distinctions between reality and ideality.We should not blame god or destiny when we realized the difference between reality and ideality. We should be optimistic when we feel miserable. Maybe it is time to stop moving forward to thinking and adjusting. Furthermore, it is necessary to realize and cherish what we own. There is no necessity to be pitiful about our loss and those impractical illusions.。


西奥多· 德莱塞 & 嘉莉妹妹
制作/演讲: 英语12-1班 胡江
Company name
Company slogan here
chapter 1
an introduction to the author
Company name
Company slogan here
who is heTheodore Dreiser
Company name
Company slogan here
Company name
Company slogan here
Theodore Dreiser
西奥多· 德莱塞
西奥多·德莱塞(1871—1945),美国现代小说的先驱、 现实主义作家之一,他还是一个自然主义者,他的作品贴近广大人 民的生活,诚实、大胆、充满了生活的激情。 德莱塞出生在印第安纳州一个破产的小业主家庭。童年是 在苦难中度过的,中学没毕业就去芝加哥独自谋生。1889年,进 入印第安纳大学学习,一年后再次辍学。1892年,开始了记者生 涯。 他的代表作《嘉莉妹妹》真实再现了当时美国社会,而 《美国悲剧》则是德莱赛成就最高的作品,是人们清晰地看到了美 国社会的真实情况,“至今依然具有巨大的现实意义。”
杜洛埃:一个普通的推销员,凭借着手段,将嘉莉诱骗。但是最终爱上了嘉莉,可是 嘉莉已经和赫斯特伍德私奔了。一个花花公子而已,许多单纯的姑娘就是在这种诱惑 当中迷失了自己。
Company name
Company slogan here
main characters
George Hurstwood
•the manager of Fitzgerald and Moy's, a saloon in Chicago.

sister carrie 嘉莉妹妹

sister carrie 嘉莉妹妹

Plot Summary

The analysis of main characters
Caroline Meeber
Charles H. Drouet
George W. Hurstwood
Caroline Meeber
-----“北漂” and “小三”
1. A young dream chaser 2. Immature: both in career and love 3. Symbolizes the people who wants to find a job in big cities nowadays
Mother: from a farming community; illiterate and
earnest; a Christian;even-tempered and good natured.
Brothers/Sisters: drift into drunkness, promiscuity
1947: The Stoic «斯多葛» , published after his death
(The protagonist: Frank Cowperwood, a businessman, his experience from success to failure)
• Dust jacket of early edition of An American Tragedy, published by Horace Liveright's Boni & Liveright, 1926
• Kyra Markham (1891–1967) was an actress, figurative painter and printmaker.



Lost in Materialism--Sister CarrierAbstractSister Carrier is the first work of Theodre Dreiser .It tells us how a country maiden becomes a fomous star in Broadway. In the novel Theodre Dreiser describes the living condition and emotion changes of carrier very vividely .the novel takes true realism as its distinctive feature ,reflects the tragic fact that people pursure American Dream fanatically in the early twentieth century .This paper exposes the theme of intinct which drives people to enjoy but disillusion finally and illustrates that it's impossible to possess true happiness in a money-orineted capitalism society.Key W ords, Money-orineted capitalism society, Consumpolism ,Disllusinment ,Tragedy摘要<<嘉莉妹妹>>是美国自然主义小说家德莱塞的第一部作品.小说讲述了一个农村少女从社会底层登上百老汇红舞星宝座的全过程,小说中德莱塞清晰的描述了嘉莉妹妹的生活状况和心理发展历程.女主人公的特点就是现实.该部小说反映了人们再0世纪初期因追求美国梦而产生的悲剧,该论文主要是揭示人们在追求享受的本质但最终幻灭的原因,也说明了在拜金主义风尚加剧的资本主义社会追求真正的幸福是不可能的,阐述嘉莉妹妹悲剧产生的必然性.关键词拜金主义的资本主义社会,消费主义,幻灭,嘉莉妹妹,悲剧Contents Abstract (1)中文摘要 (2)Contents (3)Introduction (4)Chapter 1 Writer's aim to write the novel (5)Chapter 2 Backgrond of the novel2.1. Money-oriented capitalism society (6)2.2.Consumpolism (7)2.3.American Dream (8)chapter 3 Comblination of sister carrier to the society3.1.characters of sister carrier (10)3.2.the lot she would faced whitout these characters (11)3.3.the necessity of her tragedy in that society (12)Conclusion (14)Biblography............................................................................Introduction1.1.ContextSister Carrier describes how a country maiden becomes a famous star in Broadway .when she first trod on Chicago,she was deeply impressed by the colourful world .As an uneducated country girl ,if she want to be success ,she have to rely on something inmoral.In fact ,she didn't intend to ,but she did it through two men who could help her to meet her desire to some material .Dreweh spend money for her ,take her out to play .But when she saw a lot of villa ,private cars ,wide private glasses and luxurious.All these things kindle the light of desire .Then she acknowledge Hurstwood who could give her more ,but when she find him is useless to her ,she dispised him.At last ,she made a success but shi is doomed to be vanity and lonely.she is a typical example of the capitalism society.1.2.The significance of the studySister Carrier is one of the best novels of Theodre Dresier.He want to reveal the nature of capitalism society at the turn of 19th and 20th century industral booms on the one hand enabled people an enormous material enjoyment of life ,on the other hand eroded the spirtual and emotional life of every individual .Anyone is fancy for seeking American Dream at last turned to be a tragedy.It illustrates that it's impossible to possess happiness in a money-oriented capitalism society.1.3.Shape of the paperThis paper will be consisted in five chapters.Chapter one is introduction part what intiated with the main content of the novel and the significance of the study.Chapte two is mainly discussed the background of the novel ,let readers understand clear about the novel .chapter three is mainly talked about the writting aim of the writer ,let us read the novel with a purpose .Chapter four is mainly discussed the necessity of her tragedy in that kind of socity .Chapter five is a conclusin part that make a conclusion to the paper.Chapter One Writting's aimWe all know that literature can reflect the social problems ,present life.It's existence as a mirror of social life .Tt can fonction well to the development of society because when readers have read the book try to find the general idea and central idea.Then people can meditate on it ,do some responde to it .That is :started with finding problem ,then anaylise it,end with solving the problem.So a literature can promate the development of society.As one of American literature naturalists.Theodore Dresier try to describre the real social life under the rapidly development of capitalism in the end of 19th century and the early 20th century.The heroine of the novel is typical image in the history of american literature becaues of the thick air of life and times .Dresier try to let us know the nature of capitalism society .It's money-orineted .The most important thing is to pursure material and money to pursuit the living condition better and better but ignore the spirtual or emotion of individual.He tries to reveal the relationship between human beings are all based on the utiliartism .All the acting aims to meet the desire of individual .Be hind the flourish of capitalism is employment ,poverty and huangry .First let us read the below words come from the novel:when a girl leaves her home at eighteen,she dose one of two things.Either she falls into saving hards and becomes better or she rapidly assumes the consumpolitan standard of virture and becomes worse.Of an intermediate balance under the circumstances,there is no possibality .The city has its the cunning wiles ,no less than the infintly smaller and more human tempter.There are large forces which allure with all the soulfulness of expression possible in the most cultured human .The gleam of a thousand lights is often as effective as the persuasive light in a wrong and fascinating eye.Half the undoing of un sophisticated and nature mind is accomplished by forus wholly superhuman .A blare of sound ,a roar of life ,a vast array of human lives ,appeal to the astonished senses in equivocal terms ,without a consellor at hand to whisper cautious interpretations without falsehoods may not these things breath into the unguarded ear!Unrecongnised for what they are ,their beauty ,like music ,too ofenrelaxes then weekens, then pervers the simpler human perceptions.Clearly ,we can see the attitudes of writer's to capitalism society.It's full o fcheats ,lust .inmoral ,glory,tempter,passion and material ,cunning wileS.But why?Chapter Two Background of the NovelTheodore Dresier lived at the turn of 19th and 20th century when the doctriness of the consumptionism and hedonism wre gaining momentum ,when industral booms enabled people an enormous enjoyment in life.2.1.Money-orineted capitalism societyAt that time .The whole society was stifled with avid material acquisition and morbid worship of money and fortune. The personnel spirtual were disrupted and endangered ,The principal of capitalist value is everyone's mind.After the cicil war from 1860 to 1865.American's industial and buisiness wre developed rapidely .America is shifted from the paterol contry to a industral country .From 1860 to 1900.It's population have surged to 2600 million from 3100 million .And the population is centred into the city from rural area to the city .Less than 10 years .towns is developed the biger city.Among them .Chicago is most attractive.Population has developed to 300 million in 1970 from the the 350 persons in 1832.In 1880.It has passed 500 million .We are deeply surprised to the development speed.The big industrial is just sprung up ,then be merged by a bigger one.Under the control of finincal capitalist minority rich men is richer through oppress the poor,that enlarge the distance of poor and rich,the fundmental structure is far from meet in the demmand of the immigrant just as the description in the novel .The sound of the hammer engaged upon established erection of new structures was heard everywhere heard.About the monoply capitalism ,Weighbe have said:"Fancy to seeking the heaven of god is transfered to reasonable thinking about economy,the root of religious is drained to death gradually ,Tt's replaced by utilitarin in second.""Product to people's life is turned to be an unimaginable force".That is to say "money-orineted phenomonea is inevitable.It's regarde as a typical character of capitalism ,ie:people blinding the product that produced by themselves .2.2.ConsumpolismSister carrier is one victim of the society .With the development of industralition .peoples tende toreason and utilira.Money and interest has been the standered of personnel relatioship .The childish smiles is disappeared in the sound of money .They just seeking the material enjoyment but without spirtual. So form the unperfect characterIn th esociety of goods ,people was completely to be consummer.So conusming i turned to be the single goal and great happiness in our life,even as the smoking alcohol,cocain make us indicting .Middle-class family purchase the frige,washing-machine and at this time wear waistwatch and smoke cigar,women purchase masquer and fashion closes.Advetise producer promate the development of consuming.They regard themselves as agent of Amercian ecomonical booming.They advertise for products and enrich the production with charming and influence.(current715).Product and advertise video have taught the consumer how to definite their needs and life style according to the product market(Parenti 65).In a large degree,people's imagination is influenced by the advertisment and meia.The excellent exemple to illustrate the consumer tide is that American people'sattitude to the car is almost crazy .The car is not only a tool of transportation but also products first attracit the people in the whole nation.With the deeply development of American economy ,the cosumolism is occured.At that society ,consuming is regarded as the symbol of social place.The more one can consune,the more higher placeof the society one posesse.That is to say,social membership is dispensable whith this posess of products and monely.The different product repressent the different symbole and style of social membership.2.3 American DreamThe sucess of the novel is that lower-class person how to try to get rid of poverty but finnely disillument of dream in the competive society.It's kind of disllusin after sucess.As rural maiden,her educationreceived is limit.She always at a loss when she come into chicago .she didin't know how to start and how to change the present situation ,just push into the city full of material and lust with a simply dream .She envies to material enjoyment and dream unpractically.In fact,her dream represent other youth's dream in America.It's kind of reasonable.A fter coming chicago ,Carrie lost gradually in the materialiam.The worlf ,the city,mechaine product and property have the unimaginable force that have qualify and power to make a choice for human beings.The real life in the city(lower incomm),the proude of the rich(the rich woman with pearl and diammand promoter her and dispised her),the lust of the material (the fashion clothes stimulated the desire of her heart .All these made her at a loss accompanging with envy ,but such king of innocent girl just fall down the sea of materia.Her traged is doomed.She is alone in the sea so she tries to catch something survive.The well-plosed man Drewhetis the thing that she can catched.To meet the needs of clothes and bijoux,the senses of security,she catched him.Though she hesitated about it sometimes but money is favourable and flare.The desire to money have owerwhelmed by the lust and mony.Ehen the need of innerself is contracdited with outside .she submissed to the dark aspect of her heart.selfish,vanity,every and desire of enjotment.In the novel ,we can see a life picture that needs upgrade and meet the more desire of heart .when she lived with Dreweh,she needn't to worry about food.she's deeply influenced by the materalism in any time .Seeking more to meet the needs of personnel phuysical and spirture is her aim.She exposed her more desire and fancy .To achieve goal ,she could take any means,even her body.Tt's a dreadful desire.She cant't hear the voice of conscience.Everytime she was blaned by the conscinence,she always could find some excuse to respond to it.All the evident have showed that the envy to material is over the constration of moral .With the change of situation ,the darkness in her heart exposed more and more .She turns to husterwood not only because of money but also the style of character.It's lure of soul ,sheneeds happy and want to get higher place in society.So she needs this kind of men 's love ,she wangt to be recognised.With the hope,her desire is more and more.Her desire turned into personnel value.,a higher point. She seeks the art ,want to bre a perfect actress to be repecter and be recognised by others. Only in this way ,her spirit desire can be satisifed .Now ,she knows how to dig the potention of hersel and make her dream come true.but the hope is higher and higher.Even though she get rid of the poverty and sussessin undertaking.But her spirit word is vanity because she never feeled satisfy.Chapter Three Combination of Carrie to the Society3.1. Characters of CarrieCaroline Meeber was innocent ,childish.her thought is simple ,just want to be a member of the capitalism .she is pretty .Of cause ,because of this pretty ,she could attrctive some men who could change her life.In fact,at beginning .she didn't want to rely on anybody,just want to depend on herself ,she need hand in the fees of accomdation to her sister ,so she have to loo k for a job .Completely labour job.After a serious sike in working preiod ,she was dismissed by the capitalist ,at last she submissed to the present situation ,enter into the arms of Drewheh.From that ,we can see she is easy to submission .her heart is weaving in the materalism .Maybe she could look for another job but she didn't.So she is afraid of failure and afraid of being beat down in such society .She chose depend on a man but ignore the moral standard.At first time ,Dreweh present her a job as an actress ,she is afraid of failure,but she didn't refused it when Drewehencourge her.It shows she want to be sucess and to be famous ,want to have a place in the society ,at this period ,her envy to sucess triumph over the afraid.It indicates she is beginning dissatisfied the present life and try to get rid of it.the job is a turn of her life.When she encounter hursterwood, she is attracted by his manner.It's the lure of the spirit and the flesh in pursuit .She dispos Dreweh effectually and forever.When Huresterwood talked to her "why don't you come away?I will arrange for you whatever?""Oh-don't",said Carrie.there was a look of confusion and pain in her face .She was wandering why that miserable thought must be brought in .She was struck as by a blade with a miserable provision which was outside the pale of marriage.But at last she really disposed Drewehwithout hesitation .we can see that her character strong .She still want to independent ,however,when she found this sort of independent is no way .She choose to dispose him .Her mind is gradually mature and blended with capitalism.She know what she want-the loveWhen the love turn to be useless to her ,she took the second choice--disposeHasterwood.So ,in fact ,she turns into selfish and utilitarilim .All what she does is just good for herself .She is a typical example of victim in materalism.3.2 the Lot She W ould Faced without these CharactersLet us just imagine what the lot she would faced if she is not easy to submission ,if she is brave to say no to the two men ,if she has no envy to the material ,if she dosen't want to be recognised by the society,if she isn't selfish or have the sympathy?First imagination:she took another job after dismissed and insisted in working there.Obsolutely ,she would still opresssed by the capitalists just like he sister.spend her daily life with inscensing labor work,no lust no lure no materalism ,no dream ,a completely simple county girl without any attraction .But the second job would not be long or steady because she could be encountered the same problem as the first job .Second imagination:If she refused the job as an actress,of caurse,she will not be a fomous star in Braodway.She will all the time stay stay the house that Dreweh offered,just purchuse as a conusmer,just live her life depend on Dreweh like a rich men's wife.But this kind of life is also not long .because Dreweh does not really love her.Third imagination:If she refused Hasterwood and still stay with Dreweh,maybe she would also become a famous star in Braodway but would not so fast,maybe she would not famous because Drewehwould disposed her at any time.If under the condition ,she have became famous,Dreweh can marry her,adn love her .She have no more desire ,of cause,her spirit would not so avanity.Fourth imagination:If she didn't disposed harestwood when he have stolen the money.In fact.Idont't think the two things have directly connection untill they really loved each other.then she would be happy .After her spirit has love.The finnal imagination:If she didn't come chicago at all ,of cause,she would not impressed by the material,the fashion clothes,the place of the society and money .she will never know the nature of capitalism,the tragedy of personnel relationship.3.3 the Necessity of Her TragedyMaybe someone don't think Carrie is a tragdy because of her success,but really,she is and it's inevitable.Her coming to chicago is pursuit American Dream,so her travel has an aim that she want to come true.Maybe she didn't know what exactly it is ,but she knows the dream is in Amreican .When she boarded the train for chicago .the threads which bound her so slightly to girlhood and home were broken.She is inexperienced to a big city .It's easy to tendered When she was yold one of prettiest little resorts in Wisconsin,lincol park,Michigon boulevard.grest buildings,theatres,and fine houses.Everything he described is fancy to her but her insignificancein the presence of so much magnificance faintly affected her.That implies she will catch every opportunities to be sucessed and be recognised by the city and will not be ignored.She looks for a lobor job because at that time ,she is still inncence.Her conscience is filled with her heart,but when she was attracted to be lived in enjoyment life without working,she subjected to it because her desire trumphor over her conscience.Then she entered into the sea of material without ceasing desire.Of course,it's the main cause of her tragedy.In that society,if you want to be recognised or get higher place,you shoud consume because the products you pueches reflect your place.The five imaginztion is absolutely not happened in that society.With the development of understanding the rule of life,only you can suited to society,you can survive.When she first be pressented to the job of actress,she will abouslotility received it.Everyone who have a dreamwil take any chance to make it true.Also she will disposed Dreweh on the one hand because she have an higher opportunity and prey,on the other hand,she have realised the nature of the connection.Dreweh is not really love her just toy her and Carrie also finds it's not the true love,so she gives up without hesiatation In the capitalism society ,the rate of develoment is so rapidely that your pace will never keep up with.Y ou have to run and run along the rode of development,but you never get it,never meet the desire.So she will never happy.At least when she find Hareterwood without money and place is useless to her,she desposed him.Clearly , the tragedy lies in inceasingpursuit higher an higher place or spirtual .At the end of the novel,it says:"she was now in an illustrion od ehe devious ways by which one who feels,rather than resons,maybe led in the pursuit of the beauty.Though ofen disillosined ,she was still watting for that halcy on day when she would be led forth among dreams become real.Ames had pointed out a further step,b ut on and on beyond that ,if accomplished,would lie others for her.It was forever to be the pursuit of that radiance of daylight which that the distance hilltops of the world.Blind strivings of the human heart .Onward,onward,it's wen the feet weary and hopes seems vain that heartchase and the longing arise,knows,then that for you is neither surfeit nor content.In your rocking-chair,by your window dreaming,shall you long alone.In your rockchair ,by your window,shall you dream such hapiness as you may never feel.ConclusionIn the money-oriented capitalism society ,the consumpolism sprung up.A country girl with the dream will never ba happy .It reveals the dark of capitalism and make us to pay more attantion to individual and spirtual of lower-class people insted of producing more and more product.Every desire needs a limit,or you will never satisifed.Biblography[1].Driser Theodre .Sister Carrie. Beijing. Foreign Trade and Economy. Publishing House .2002,12.[2].Lehan Richard.The City in literature:An Intellectual and Cultural History .University of California Press.1998[3].Parenti,Michael. Inventing Reality :The politics of the Mass Media New Y ork St.Martin's Press.Inc.1986.[4].Rosenberg Rosalind .Divided lives: American women in the Twentieth Century. New Y ork.Hill And Wang. 1992[5].Spindler,Michael.American Literature and Social Change--William Dean Howells to Arthur Miller.Hong Kong.Macmilan press Ltd.1983[6].德莱塞.《嘉莉妹妹》英语大学书虫世界文学名著翻译委员会.伊犁人民出版社, 柯文出版社2001,12[7].[法]鲍里得亚 .《消费社会》 .刘成福译.南京 .南京大学出版社[8].蒋道超 .德莱塞研究[M]. 上海.上海外语教育出版社2003[9].龙文佩.《德莱塞评论集》. 上海.上海译文出版社1993[10].马克斯韦伯《新教伦理与资本主义精神》. 三联书店1987[11].埃里希弗咯因《在幻想链锁的彼岸》长沙湖南人民出版社1986[12].虞建华. 20部美国小说名著评析[M].上海. 上海外语教育出版社1989[13].王刚华. 《嘉莉妹妹的欲望和驱动力》[J] 外国文学研究2002,3。





阅读名著的重要性英语作文篇1reading classics have significant implication for a person’s development. a sea of classic books are usually written by a lot of well-known folks. different kinds of books tell us their own special subjects, which teach us how to effectively do our jobs, carry out problems from different parts and do a successful man.recently people who tend to read classics are shrinking, while in the past classic staff had a large popularity for all kinds of individuals. why does this phenomenon come out? the reason for this problem is from many aspects, mainly as follows.the first reason is that people do not have enough time to read and reluctant to spend their valuable time in books. as the economic development is becoming increasingly fast, a multitude of characters surge into their order to earn more incomes, they kill their all time in their jobs, and they even don’t want to take a little of their all time to read. the second reason for causing this phenomenon is next.nowadays piracy books become growing popular, especially classics. this problem, to some extent, affects people’s moods and interests of reading a wealth of individuals of reading classics turn to dramatically shrinking.from my own perspective, we, as college students, shouldread all kinds of books, including classics, to develop our own comprehensive and perfect knowledge. we should pay attention to the content of books, not the paper quality of books.阅读名著的重要性英语作文篇2As we all know, books, especially the classical, present the precious accumulation of wisdom and knowledge beyond the limitation of time or space, from which we can enjoy numerous anecdotes, get to know exotic culture and tradition, experience the legendary and miraculous life of our idols and make ourselves better men day by day.Nevertheless, people, especially the young, seem to have stored those classical books merely on the shelf for an unbelievably long time, which can be attributed to various factors. On the one hand, modern people have to cope with the quick pace and unavoidable stress of their work or life;therefore, they can hardly devote time to reading books.On the other hand, people tend to be more material-oriented involving their social status, amount of wealth or prospects of getting promotion, which eclipse the important benefits from reading classical books.To me, it is essential for most undergraduates to read certain classical books, especially ones filled with life-long motivation and sagacious thoughts, which may not guarantee them short-term returns but will bring them far-reaching reward.阅读名著的重要性英语作文篇3我以前很喜欢名著《西游记》,现在很喜欢《杨家将》。

Sister Carrie 读书报告

Sister Carrie 读书报告

1403012230英语2班亚夏尔Sister Carrie1.Brief Introduction of Sister CarrieThe story took place in the late 1880 s and early ninety s Chicago and New York. Novel revolves around a girl named Carrie and a man named Hurstwood. The author used naturalistic writing style adeptly, described a story about girl named Carrie. Carrie is a beautiful rural girl, she went to Chicago to make a living. Unfortunately, the harsh reality shattered her dream., what attracted her were unemployment and disease. In desperation, she became a mistress of a salesman, she submitted to the hotel manager Hurstwood. After the elopement with Hurstwood, she became a popular actor in New York by chance . In the rank and fashion society, she achieved her fantasies. However, what did the so-called "upper-class life" bring to her? She felt empty, can not find the true meaning of life, lived the lonely and sad, she sat in the rocking chair dreaming weather she could get happiness.2.PlotCarrie was born in the countryside near Chicago. She was born in a poor family, but her vanity is very strong, to yearn for the rich life of the city. She is typically represents America thought a climb the underclass. However, soon after she reached Chicago became a member of the unemployed, Mired in poverty and disease. At this time, Carrie realized the great difference between the rich and the poor: on the one hand is poor, on the other hand is ZhuMenJiuRouChou. She rely on work to get her imaginary happiness is impossible. She has a young salesman he hurst wood lover and hotel manager. Later, she became an actor in New York by chance, into the bourgeois "polite" society. When Carrie found her old dream of life is not so attractive, on the contrary, she found herself very empty and boring. Dreiser in the novel also describes hurst wood deliberately. He is a member of the American upper class. On the matter, he lived a prosperous rich life, but in spirit, he is a real poverty. The lack of communication with his wife and children have no feelings. So, immediately after he met Carrie "feel her youth and vigor... feel refreshed,as if in the hot sun hot summer suddenly blowing a cool spring breeze", and love to her. After the discovery of his relationship with Carrie, he was accused by public opinion, and reputation.3.Character AnalysisCarrieAt first, Carrie was just a very pure girl desire to see the beautiful and rich new society. On the train to Chicago, she still feel fantasy to come back home later. But the harsh reality began to let she learned the hypocrisy and artificial. But we can't say Carrie shameless, after Drouet was cheating on her to go to the bed, Carrie also desired that he could marry her. Carrie is undoubtedly yearning higher living level, and take the opportunity to step by step, she wanted to achieve her dream by hard-working. After Carrie became famous an actress, she was independent, not only in spirit but in material. The success of the final Carrie can be regarded as the principle had to compromise the performance of the social reality.HustwoodHurstwood was essentially just a dude. He wastantamount to a successful manager and well-known man in the town. He was shrewed and cleaver in many little things, and capable of creating good impression. He had risen by perserverance and industry, through long years of service, from the position of barkeeper in the commonplace salon to hi present position. It seemed he lead a perfect life, but life is not such easy. Although he acquired success from his job, he was not happy with his wife and children. Near at hand, but the mind is actually far in the end of the world. Then he begin to get tired of routinely life, and longing for a new stimulus. The presence of Carrie was just a fuse, inspired the lust of the Hurstwood. But after fled to New York, Hustwood still felt regret, caved in, and lost confidence in life, Eventually committed suicide after Carrie left him. DrouetDrouet was an ordinary salesman. He first meet Carrie on the train, his behavior and appearance made a strong impression on Carrie. Then, they met again in Chicgo, and he stimulated Caarie. He cheated Carrie by his hot words, and made use of Carrie. But he found himself fall in love with Carrie finally. That’s too late because Carriehad eloped with Huatwood. Drouet was a playboy who covet young girls’beauty, and cheat them because of their innocent.4. comment:Far more different from other heroines, Carrie was not a plain pure angel like Snow-white, nor was she brave enough to be a heroine of revolutionist or even a reformer, nor was she so clever as to be a successful career woman who start from scratch.What attracted her most, after her entering this huge metropolis was the incredible fineries, fashion shoes, smart handbags displaying in the shop windows, the jewellerys shining brightly behind the glass. She dreamed that one day, she could wear all of these, jogging gracefully into the most luxurious hotel with focused sights of admiration.And this was not merely a dream. Because she had large eyes which can earn others’ sympathy, even love. She had wonderful figure which can win others’ hearts. However, anything she got, anywhere she reached, had not come from her ambition. Things happened, and then she accept ed. That’s what she had just done — just to accept willingly from the bottom of her heart. She was not at allan evil woman who would give anything for the fortune or fame. However, she would give something for a better life when her instinct defeated her intellect. That was Carrie, a girl had her own desire, a human being just like many others in the realistic world.5.Conclusion:Anyway, it is a story about a fighting girl. I keep thinking Carrie is a fighting girl. Nobody will be willing to be a mistress. She was force to those changes because of the society, she didn’t give up even it was hard for her. She kept her dream alive, and kept herself be honest to her heart. She didn’t do anything wrong. We are all small potatoes in big world, we just want to protect ourselves and lead our life by ourselves. Carrie is a model of many fighting girls, never give up even life is hard.\。


Conclusion analysis
Although Carrie encountered many setbacks and difficulties in urban life, she ultimately found her own direction and achieved an increase in self-worth.
The plot of the story
Plot Overview
Carrie experiences career and emotional ups and downs in the city, gradually losing herself.
Plot development
Sister Carrie, a young rural girl, comes to a big city to pursue her dreams and a better life.
Desite limited resources, Carrie's parents emphasis education She attended a local elementary school and then a high school where she excelled academically
The evolution of values
The characters in the novel constantly evolve and adjust their values as their experiences and environment change, reflecting the dynamism and plasticity of their values.




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- Hello, Meeber. - Morning, Tom.我想买&hearts;&hearts;去芝加哥的票。

I wanna buy a ticket to Chicago.-你要去芝加哥吗? - 不是我。


- You going to Chicago? - Not me. Another one of my girls.- 往返? -不行- Round trip? - No. One-way.妈妈再见Goodbye, Mama.-再见,爸爸。


- Goodbye, Papa. - Goodbye, Carrie.-跟姐姐嘉莉说再见。


- Say goodbye to sister Carrie. - Bye, Carrie.再见,Maudie。


Goodbye, Maudie. Remember the things we said.都上了。

All aboard.让我帮你。

Let me help you with that.- 谢谢。

- 欢迎。

- Thank you. - Welcome.您是在哥伦比亚市参观吗?Were you visiting in Columbia City?-我住在那里。

- 不。

- I live there. - No.为什么,您看起来像刚走出密歇根大道就行了。

Why, you look like you just stepped right off Michigan Boulevard. 他们有没有告诉你不要和陌生人说话?Did they tell you not to talk to strangers?在遇到他们之前,每个人都是一个陌生人。

Everybody's a stranger till you meet them.快要跑过去了,不是吗?Almost got run over, didn't you?请允许我介绍一下自己。



Book Report on Sister CarrieSister Carrie is a novel written by American writer Theodore Dreiser. This novel tells us that a young rural girl Carrie came to Chicago alone to pursue her American Dream. Sitting on the train, she felt excited at the sight of the large number of tall buildings. On the train, she met a salesman named Derouet and exchanged each other’s addresses. Carrie arrived at her sister’s home and found a job. But unfortunately, when winter came, Carrie got sick and lost her first job. After she lost her job, she had no ability to pay the rent to her sister. She was so hopeless that she thought about going back to her hometown. At that time, she met Derouet again. Deroute was attracted by her beauty and innocence so he lent her money to buy fashion clothes. Carrie accepted Deroute and lived with him. When Derouet invited his friend Hurstwood to have dinner, Carrie fell love with Hurstwood who was a married man. Meanwhile, Hurstwood loved Carrie deeply in heart.During Derouet going out to work, Carrie started dating with Hurstwood frequently. In order to be with Carrie, Hurstwood stolen the win shop’s business money and cheated Carrie into escaping with him to New York. In New York, Hurstwood and Carrie rent a flat where they live as George and Carrie Wheeler. Hurstwood bought a minority interest in a saloon and, at first, is able to provide Carrie with a satisfactory life. But not long ago, Hurstwood’s business failed and he was not able to find a new job. Therefore, Carrie had to go out for finding a job to support their life. After going through many troubles, she became a super star. At last, Carrie thought Hurstwood was no longer the handsome, powerful, polite manager of his Chicago days and able to support her so she left him. Finally, Hurstwood became a beggar and ended his life with killing himself.After reading this novel, I thought a lot. Carrie, such an ordinary rural girl, had her own American Dream. She had her own desire and pursuit that she wanted to make a large number of fortune and became a rich person. In the story, she had a little money left after paying for living expenses to her sister. But this could not prevent her from resisting the lure of fineries, fashion shoes, brilliant handbags and the jewelers. In her eyes, all these things were shining brightly behind the glass cupboard. She dreamed that one day she could wear all of them, jogging gracefully into the most luxurious hotel with focused sights of admiration. The prosperous parties, lights, dinners, theatres attracted her. Deep in her idea, there was an unconscious desire to hold the prosperity. Her view to money was “Money, something everybody else has and I must get. But just because of these material desires, the former innocent and nice girl became more ambitious. On the contrary, when she possessed s lot of money and reputation, she lost her happiness and the pure heart. Although she became a star, Carrie finally realized the so-called “upper-class social life” was empty and could not find the true meaning of a happy life. She felt that she had fallen into the hell of loneliness and desolation. What more Carrie wanted? Carrie is a typical victim in the forceful American world. As a wisp in the wind, she moved by every breath ofpassion, acting by her will and by her instinct, only to retrieve by the other, falling by one, only to rise by the other—a creature of incalculable variability.It is not the evil leads us to the wrong way, but the desire for the better things. We should be easy to be satisfied and thus we can live a happy life. Actually, it will never wrong for a person to pursue a life with high standard and quality. But the pursuit of material life is not the destination. We should have a meaningful life with some secret friends, a happy family and our responsibilities.I have to say that the typical character “Carrie ”does exist not only in America but all around the world, including China . More and more people from the countryside flood into the city. They all try to be part of the city. Especially the young females who are very charming, take advantage of their beauty to attract the men who are very rich or have great power in some fields. However, their relations or marriages are founded on the financial issues rather than the true love. So they can not be long-lasting and steady. Finally, what they have to face is to say goodbye to each other after they have hurt each other seriously .With the development of the economy, these phenomena have become a tendency that we can not prevent. Even so, we really hope these “Carries” can keep a clearly mind when they are in front of the wealth.Nowadays, there are a lot of things attracting us, resisting our thoughts and behaviors. In my eyes, the pursuit of material is not the essential of life. In fact, life is far more important and meaningful than the material. We should understand the true meaning of life. And never sell our soul just for having a rich and extravagant life. We must be upright, brave, honest and stick to our dreams and be ourselves forever.In this world, if want to do something successfully, we have to pay something precious and this also requires courage. Everyone would like to have a prosperous life, but this king of life is impossible for everyone.The pursuit of material is inevitable, but it is not a panacea. Having a wealth of it, we can live well; otherwise, we also can live well. Don not blind our hearts because of material interests. Do not give up mental pursuit because of the pursuit of material interests.。

comment on sister carrie

comment on sister carrie

Comments on Sister CarrieI. Sister Carrie is frequently regarded asa turning point in American fiction.Firmly embedded in the realist tradition, the book's simple yet serious naturalistic outlook emphasizes that human behavior results from instinct, self-interest, and social pressure and not from any real understanding or sense of ethical responsibility.Dreiser's experiences in Chicago and New York keenly observing the details of city life are rendered in the novel with detached, emotionless objectivity.The author is equally silent about the unconventionality非常规and amorality非道德of his characters.(1) Carrie's rise to success as a chorusgirl and stage actress as well as thequestionable motives and actions ofDrouet and Hurstwood, her twoworldly patrons and lovers, arepresented against a backdrop背景of urban glitter and decay, an enticing迷人的but cold world evocative唤起的of an equally remote and uncaring cosmos秩序.(2) Naive and passive, casually accepting favors and their consequences, Carrie nevertheless slowly learns the ways of the world as well as the need to free herself from the emotional and sexual domination of the men in her life who see her merely as extensions of their own egos.(3) In a world where destiny seems to be controlled by forces beyond one's reach, Carrie is not only a survivor but a victor. Yet her success can be regarded as dubious: ever restless, good but shallow, optimistic but uncertain of who she really is, Carrie may represent the typical Americanmorally adrift漂浮着的in the brutal,unprincipled, materialistic world of ourculture's own creation. If Carrie isseen as triumphant, then the falsevalues of that culture endure.(4) Although loosely based on theexperiences of his sister Emma, inmany ways Carrie is suggestive ofDreiser himself, notably his search forartistic identity and acceptance in aworld bound by outmodedconventions.II. Theodore Dreiser's most obvious affinities in the novel form are with Honoré de Balzac, Émile Zola, and, in his own country, William Dean Howells.To say this is not to point to his detailed familiarity with their works, for few novelists of his stature have been so little exercised by questions of form, method, or theory, or what they might learn from the writings of others.Dreiser is, in other words, a realist, but his comments on the art of the novel rarely rise above the banal, the self-evident, or, indeed, the unhelpful. His realism is largely a matter of instinct, an instinct dominated above all by an acute eye for circumstantial detail and an ability to render with concreteness and vividness every aspect of daily life that impinges on the lives of his characters. Although not an intellectual, Dreiser's understanding of human experience was shaped by intellectual thought and intellectual movements, above all by Darwinian ideas of natural selection and the struggle for existence and their application by the social Darwinists, notably Herbert Spencer, to human society. (1) It may be hard for the modern reader to understand the reasons for the controversy thatsurrounded the publication of his first novel, Sister Carrie, in 1900. Dreiser's publishers, Double-day, Page and Company, withheld the novel from publication, fearing that its amoral treatment of Carrie Meeber's story might give offense to a readership unfamiliar with the neutral ethical register of life that had become almost de rigueur in European realist fiction. Dreiser scorned the optimistic realism of Howells and the genteel treatment of small town life in contemporaries such as Booth Tarkington. (2) Carrie's story is one of rags to riches. In many ways it satirizes the classical conventions of this characteristically American myth, for Carrie's good looks and her physical charms, those qualities to which her lovers Charles Drouet and, more centrally, George Hurstwood are attracted, are matters of biologicalaccident; but they, above all, are responsible for her rise from rural poverty to a life of affluence富裕and, finally, stardom in the musical theatre.(3)Like Gustave Flaubert's Emma Bovary, Carrie is an adulteress and, for the time she lives with Hurstwood in New York, a kept woman, but Dreiser attaches no blame to her. Neither does he allow any other character to provide moral commentary on her life or circumstances. Instead the novel dramatizes a conflict between instinct and will, one that has more in common with Lev Tolstoi's treatment of the same in Anna Karenina (1875-77) than it does with the crude, mechanical naturalism of Frank Norris in McTeague(1899), a novel that saw publication a year before Sister Carrie.(4)Dreiser's own commentary places a good deal of emphasis on what wemight now deem pseudo-scientific analysis of human action: Carrie is drawn magnetically to the city; her attraction to clothes and jewelry bespeaks a material compulsion that is not easily checked or resisted by reason or moral judgment; like all humankind, in Dreiser's Darwinian vocabulary, she occupies an intermediate stage of civilization between beast and human, balanced on what Dreiser clumsily calls "the jangle of free will and instinct." In Dreiser's view no blame can attach to the victim of these forces, since action and moral choice are not, finally, matters of exclusively rational consideration. It is one of the ironies of Dreiser's achievement that the reader is moved much more by Hurstwood's decline and death than by theloneliness of his eponymous齐名的heroine at the end of the novel.。



13级英语教育姓名:李艳平学号201300024135Theodore Dreiser [SISTER CARRIE]Theodore Dreiser: Writer, born in Terre Haute, Indiana, USA. Raised in poverty and in a German-speaking environment, he was a Catholic .he left home for Chicago at age 16. After a period of odd jobs and a year at the University of Indiana .In 1910, he quit job and became a professional writer.Modern novels and representative of the writers,who is considered with Hemingway,wiliam faulkner .just a position of american fiction,is one of the big three.Theodore Dreiser is an outstanding american novelist of the 20 century.Theodore Dreiser is unquestionably one of the most important American writers in American literaty history.Theodore Dreiser, the Soul of the 19th Century American LiteratureSISTER CARRIE is a novel by Theodore Dreiser. It was first printed in 1900 but publication was held up until 1912 because its realism and alleged immorality were judged likely to give offense. The book is talk about a young country girl who moves to the big city where she starts realizing her own American Dream by first becoming a mistress to men that she perceives as superior and later as a famous actress. This novel deeply influenced later 20th-century writers, it has been called the "greatest of all American urban novels''The beginning of the story:Dissatisfied with life in her rural Wisconsin home, 18 year-old Caroline "Sister Carrie" Meeber takes the train to Chicago, where her older sister Minnie, and her husband Sven Hanson, have agreed to take her in.Then she leaves her rural home to seek work in Chicago.On the train, Carrie meets Charles Drouet, a traveling salesman, who is attracted to her because of her simple beauty and unspoiled manner. They exchange contact information, but upon discovering the "steady round of toil" and somber atmosphere at her sister's flat, she writes to Drouet and discourages him from calling on her there.Carrie soon she takes a job running a machine in a shoe factory. Before long,she can not stand the job and she also senses Minnie and Sven's disapproval of her interest in Chicago's recreational opportunities, particularly the theatre. One day, she encounters Drouet in a street. Once again taken by her beauty, and moved b y her poverty, he encourages her to dine with him, and he persuades her to live with him. He slips Carrie two ten dollar bills, opening a vista of material possibilities to her. The next day, he rebuffs her feeble attempts to return the money, taking her shopping at a Chicago department store. That night, she writes a good-bye note to Minnie and moves in with Drouet. She acquires a sophisticated wardrobe and, through his offhand comments about attractive women, sheds her provincial mannerisms, even as she struggles with the moral implications of being a kept woman.By the time Drouet introduces Carrie to George Hurstwood, the manager ofHannah and Hogg's - a respectable bar that Drouet describes as a "way-up, swell place" –her material appearance has improved considerably. Hurstwood, unhappy with and distant from his social-climbing wife and children, instantly becomes infatuated with Carrie’s youth and beauty, and before long they start an affair, communicating and meeting secretly in the expanding, anonymousThey live together for three years more. Carrie becomes mature in intellect and emotion, while Hurstwood steadily declines. At last, she thinks him too great a burden and leaves him. Hurstwood sinks lower and lower. After becoming a beggar, he commits suicide, while Carrie becomes a star of musical comedy,but finds that money and fame do not satisfy her longings or bring her happiness and that nothing will.——On Sister CarrieCarrie was such an ordinary rural girl at the beginning of the story. Sitting on the seat of a bus, she couldn’t help feeling exciting at the sight of the metropolis’ spectacle. She was impressed deeply by large crowd on the avenue, the spacious square or tall buildings.Far more different from other heroines, Carrie was not a plain pure angel like Snow-white, nor was she brave enough to be a heroine of revolutionist or even a reformer, nor was she so clever as to be a successful career woman who start from scratch.What attracted her most, after her entering this huge metropolis was the incredible fineries, fashion shoes, smart handbags displaying in the shop windows, the jewellerys shining brightly behind the glass. She dreamed that one day, she could wear all of these, jogging gracefully into the most luxurious hotel with focused sights of admiration.And this was not merely a dream. Because she had large eyes which can earn others’ sympathy, even love. She had wonderful figure which can win others’ hearts. However, anything she got, anywhere she reached, had not come from her ambition. Things happened, and then she accepted. That’s what she had just done —just to accept willingly from the bottom of her heart. She was not at all an evil woman who would give anything for the fortune or fame. However, she would give uo something for a better life when her instinct defeated her intellect.That was Carrie, a girl had her own desire, a human being just like many others in the realistic world.And I want to quote another sentence to wind up my ess ay:―In Carrie —as in how many of our wordings do they not? —instinct and reason, desire and understanding, were at war for the mastery.13级英语教育姓名:李艳平学号:201300024135。

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Book Report on Sister CarrieIntroductionSister Carrie is a novel written by Theodore Dreiser,and it was first published in 1900.Theodore Dreiser was an American novelist and journalist of the naturalist school.Born in a strict Catholic family in Indiana in 1871.After graduating from high school,he attended Indiana University during 1889~1890 before dropping out.Within several years,he was writing for Chicago Globe newspaper and then the st.Louis Globe-Democrat.Sister Carrie is divided into three parts and is composed of 47 chapters all together.Sister Carrie tells a story of a woman who flees her country life for the city and there lives a life far from Victorian ideal.It sold poorly and was not wildly promoted because of moral objections to the depiction of the country girl who pursues her dreams of fame and fortune through relations to men.The book has since acquired a considerable reputation.It has been called the greatest of American urban novels.SummaryAt the age of 18,Carrie leaves home in tears with 4 dollars and tremendous aspiration for big city,getting on the train for Chicago.A sophisticated canvasser called Drouet shows her excessive attention and described many interesting places in Chicago.His fashionable apparel,well-built figure,amiable behaviour largely arouse Carrie’s interest as well as her consciousness of inequality.After arriving in Chicago,she lives with her sister Minnie’s family.The crowed house and the indifference from them put great unease on her.She is not able to find a single job but a low-paid one,which is far from enough to live with.Coincidently,she happens to meet Drouet on the street where the man brings her fancy clothes and rents an apartment for her.Afterwords,Carrie moves out of her sister’s house and began living with Drouet,by whom she happens to know Mr Hursthood,manager of Fitzgerald and Moy’s.He has been pointed as a very successful and well-known man about town.Also,he is shrewd and clever in many little things,and good at creating a good impression.He is attracted by Carrie’s charming appearance while Carrie,on the other hand,is touched by his wealth,status,power,as well as his tender ter,Hursthood arranges for her to be an actress in Chicago.In order to be with Carrie for good,he abandons his responsibility,morality,and even steals a great sum of money from the hotel he works for.He escapes,along with Carrie,at any costs.However,the hotel side soon spies him and is able to ask the money back with the result of his dismiss.After bringing Carrie to NewYork,Hursthood can hardly find a job suitable for his former status.On the contrary to the celebrity in Chicago,he now hangs out with those rough,vulgar low-class friends.Out of the blue,his career,like his health and age,he is hitting the road to falling.Different from an active,aspiring man,he now idles away day after day.After repeated failures,he gives up the hope of finding a job,frittering away his rest life in motels.He either sits in hotels or wanders on the streets.Not only does he lose his career and wealth,but also he loses his self-worth.Unable to live a life this poor,Carrie finally and inevitably,leaves Mr. Hurathood,for good,without no guilt or affection.Eventually,she gains whatever she has always wanted-fancy clothes,wedges,furniture,and of course,bank deposit.She becomes friends with celebrities,entering in and out of big hotels,which has always been her aspirations.It is Drouet and Hurathood who have made what Carrie is now.However,they are both inevitably abandoned by her.AnalysisThe stroy,comprehensively using contrasts and naturalism,manifests the American Dream during 1900s.Through this story,the author criticizes the physical aspirations of the society,which is unavoidably ends up a tragedy.The contract between Carrie and Husthood is the most impressive part.One is at first a girl living in the country while the other is a celebrity in Chicago.However,their misjudging of their life eventually leads to a tragedy-Husthood commits suicide in the small hotel and Carrie,after achieving everything she desires,can never find happiness in her life.By Sister Carrie,the author conveys to reader that people will never find true happiness in a society where money decides everything.Sister Carrie is frequently regarded as a turning point in American fiction.The book’s simple yet serious naturalistic outlook shows that human behaviour result from instinct and social pressure and not from any real understanding of responsibility.Carrie represents typical American morally adrift in a materialistic world.Carrie is drawn magnetically to the city;the material compulsion not easily checked.She occupies the stage between beast and human balanced on the jangle of free will and instinct.According to the author himself,no blame can be attached to these victims since choices are not the matters of rational consideration.EvaluationPersonally,I highly recommend this book.On one hand,the plot is quiet attracting with the new life of the main character going on.Also,the book tells reader a great deal about the life of the American society during 1900s.It is a great tool to study American history.Afterreading,we can know that people can never seek true happiness in a materialistic society.Anyway,it is worth reading.外贸英语111 1107022013 张梅芳。
