


1.3 1.8
0.2 -2.6 0.8
0.5 -1.9 1.3 -1.5 1.3
V -0.2 2.4 1.0 7 0.4
Negative Threshold Input High Negative Threshold Input Hysteresis Input Resistance TTL/CMOS Output Voltage Low TTL/CMOS Output Voltage High
19-0199; Rev 1; 8/95
Programmable DTE/DCE, +5V RS-232 Transceiver
_______________General Description
The MAX214 +5V RS-232 transceiver provides a complete, 8-line, software-configurable, DTE or DCE port RS-232 interface. Tx, Rx, RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR, DCD, and RI circuits can be configured as either Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) or Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment (DCE) using the DTE/DCE control pin. The MAX214 eliminates the need to swap cables when switching between DTE and DCE configurations.

MICOM P241 整定说明

MICOM P241 整定说明
4.3.1 短路保护功能(相过流保护) ........................................................................... 11 4.3.2 灵敏零序保护功能...............................................................................................13 4.3.3 基于计算零序电流的保护...................................................................................14 4.3.4 电压的保护设置...................................................................................................15
红色 (持续)
表明保护装置已发出一个跳闸信号。在相关的故障信息 从液晶显示上清除后指示灯复归(或者跳闸 LED 设定为 自复归的)。该指示灯只反应装置中的 No.3 出口继电 器是否动作。
ALARM (报警)
黄色 (闪烁)
指示灯闪烁表示继电保护装置发出了一个报警信号。它 可能是由故障、事件或维护记录触发的。LED 将一直闪 烁直至报警被接受(读取),之后 LED 灯变为持续发光, 在清除报警信息后,LED 灯熄灭。
RTD2 测得温度值 RTD4 测得温度值 RTD6 测得温度值
RTD7 RTD7 测得温度值 RTD9 RTD9 测得温度值
厂站描述 MICOM P241



ol e
ol e
MCX 241 Series
• Mini-SIP SSR • Ratings to 1.5A @ 280 VAC • SCR output • DC control • Zero-crossing (resistive loads) or random-fire (inductive loads) output • Plastic encapsulated
ol e
12-280 600 0.1 200 1.5 0.025 40 1.5 0.5 4-10 VDC 4.0 VDC 1.0 VDC 15 mAdc 300 Ohm 1/2 Cycle 1/2 Cycle
Dielectric Strength, Input/Output/Base (50/60Hz)(2) Minimum Insulation Resistance (@ 500 VDC)(2) Maximum Capacitance, Input/Output Ambient Operating Temperature Range Ambient Storage Temperature Range Weight (typical) Encapsulation
109 Ohm
8 pF -40 to 80°C -40 to 125°C 0.7 oz.(20g) Thermally Conductive Epoxy



CSC 241系列数字式变压器呵护测控拆置综述之阳早格格创做CSC 241系列数字式变压器呵护测控拆置是适用于66kV及以下电压等第的变压器成套呵护拆置,由好动呵护、后备呵护、厂(所)用变呵护、接天变呵护战非电量呵护组成.1 拆置型号及基础功能形貌2 CSC 241系列数字式变压器呵护摆设规划3 主要技能指标及参数CSC 241A 数字式变压器好动呵护拆置1 拆置简介CSC 241A 为适用于66kV 及以下电压等第的二卷变压器好动呵护拆置,可正在开关柜便天拆置.普遍需与本系列CSC 241B 后备呵护(大概CSC 241C 厂用变呵护)拆置形成成套呵护.2 主要功能⏹ 反应呵护区内障碍的好动速断呵护;⏹ 反应呵护区内障碍经二次谐波造动的比率好动呵护; ⏹ CT 断线功能; ⏹ 好流越限告警功能; ⏹ 障碍录波;⏹ 9路遥疑开进支集(包罗非电量呵护输出接面的支集及疑息上传功能)、拆置遥疑变位、事变遥疑;百般事变SOE 等.3 呵护元件 3.1 好动速断元件当任一出进动电流大于好动速断整定值时,动做于出心.用于正在变压器好动区爆收宽沉障碍情况下赶快切除变压器.好动速断定值应能躲过中部障碍的最大没有服衡电流战空投变压器时的励磁涌流,普遍与6~12倍的额定电流.3.2 比率好动元件为了包管里里障碍时好动呵护敏捷动做,共时预防中部障碍时及好动各侧CT 个性纷歧致时暂态没有服衡电流引起的误动,本拆置采与三段式比率好动本理,其动做圆程如下:cd d I I >1r r I I <cd r r d I I I K I +->)(1121r r r I I I ≤≤cd r r r r d I I I K I I K I +-+->)()(121222r r I I >其中,cd I 为好动呵护的起动电流定值,d I 为好动电流,r I 为造动电流.1r I 为可整定的第一拐面电流,2r I 为第二拐面电流(里里牢固与为2e I ,e I 为变压器下压侧额定电流), 1K 为可整定造动直线斜率,2K 为里里牢固的系数(与为0.7).21I I I d +=,2121I I I r-=式中,1I 战2I分别为变压器二侧的电流,均以流进变压器为正目标.变压器二侧的电流互感器以指背变压器为共极性.IdIr1Ir2cd I e I ,1r I e I ,1K 普遍整定为0.2~0.7,2r I 与为2e I ,2K 与0.7.正在本拆置内,变压器各侧电流的相位好由硬件自动矫正,变压器各侧的电流互感器均采与星形接线.3.3 二次谐波造动元件利用三出进动电流中的二次谐波动做励磁涌流关锁的判据.动做圆程如下:Id2 > Kxb ·Id其中Id2为三出进动电流中的二次谐波,Id 为对付应的三出进动电流,Kxb 为二次谐波造动系数.三出进动电流中只消任一相谦脚上述条件,均关锁三相比率好动呵护.Kxb 普遍与为10%~30%之间.3.4 CT 断线比率好动开用后,需通过瞬时CT 断线的检测,包管好流没有是由于断线引起的.判别为CT 断线后,收出告警旗号,报告CT 断线,通过安排统造字不妨决断是可关锁好动呵护.瞬时CT 断线判别正在谦脚下列所有一个条件时,将没有举止CT 断线判别:开用前某侧最大相电流小于该侧额定电流的20%,则没有判该侧;开用后相电流最大值大于该侧额定电流的120%;开用后任一侧电流比开用前减少.正在上述三个条件均没有谦脚的情况下,如某一侧共时谦脚以下条件,则判为CT断线:有一相电流为整;其余二相电流于开用前电流相等.瞬时CT断线是可关锁好动呵护不妨通过统造字采用投退.3.5 好流越限告警如好流大于15%的下压侧额定电流,经判别超出10s后,收出好流越限告警旗号,但是没有关锁好动呵护.那一功能兼起呵护拆置接流采样回路的监视功能.3.6 非电量呵护的事变记录从变压器本量去的接面经非电量呵护拆置沉动后,输出一组空接面至好动主呵护拆置举止事变记录,并可通过搜集大概现场总线将记录上传至背景估计机.4 定值及整定证明4.1 硬压板浑单:需要的功能必须将硬压板加进,没有采与的功能将相映硬压板退出即可.4.2 定值浑单:4.3 统造字一定义:4.4 变压器接线办法采用证明:4.5 定值整定估计要领变压器各侧CT 二次电流相位由硬件自矫正,对付Y 侧举止相位矫正.对付于Y/Δ-11的接线,其矫正要领如下:Y 侧:3/)('B A AI I I•••-=3/)('C B BI I I•••-= 3/)('A C CI I I•••-=Δ侧:a aI I••='b bI I••='c cI I••='式中,A I •、B I •、C I •为Y 侧CT 二次电流,A I•'、BI•'、CI•'为Y 侧矫正后的各相电流;a I •、b I •、c I •为Δ侧CT 二次电流,a I •'、b I •'、c I •'为Δ侧矫正后的各相电流.其余接线办法不妨类推.拆置中可通过变压器接线办法整定统造字采用透彻的接线办法.好动电流与造动电流的相关估计,皆是正在电流相位矫正战仄稳补偿后的前提上举止. 4.5.1 变压器额定电流:TA n ne n U S I ⋅=13式中,n S 为变压器额定容量,n U 1为变压器下压侧额定电压(应以运止的本量电压为准),TA n 为变压器下压侧CT 变比.4.5.2 矮压侧仄稳系数的估计以下压侧为基准,估计变压器矮压侧仄稳系数TAH TALnH nL phL n n U U K ⋅=11其中,nH U 1为变压器下压侧额定电压,nL U 1为变压器矮压侧额定电压,TAL n 为矮压侧CT 变比,TAH n 为下压侧CT 变比. 4.5.3 举例已知变压器参数为:额定容量Sn =20MVA ,各侧额定电压35±4×2.5%/10.5kV ,接线办法为Y/∆-11,下压侧CT 变比为600/5,矮压侧为1200/5. 则变压器下压侧额定电流二次值为:An U S I TAHnH e 749.260035352000031=⋅⋅⋅=⋅=矮压侧仄稳系数:6.05/6005/1200355.1011=⋅=⋅=TAH TAL nH nL phL n n U U K以A 相为例,A 出进流即为:ALphL BH AH dA I K I I I +-=)(314.5.4 其余整定证明:比率好动元件的开用值普遍与“下压侧额定电流”定值的30%~50%. “下压侧额定电流”定值.比率造动系数普遍与0.3~0.7之间. 二次谐波造动系数普遍可与0.10~0.3之间.好动速断元件按思量躲过变压器的励磁涌流,最宽沉中部障碍时的没有服衡电流等情况整定.5 拆置端子图6 接线示企图接线证明:变压器各侧的电流互感器均采与星形接线,而且以指背变压器为共极性.7 拆置摆设表及订货须知订货时需提供以下技能参数:额定直流电压(220V、110V);额定接流电流(5A、1A).变压器接线办法.功能的特殊央供.通讯接心办法及通讯规约.CSC 241B数字式变压器后备呵护测控拆置1 拆置简介本拆置适用于66kV及以下电压等第的大中型变压器的后备呵护及测控,按侧摆设,可正在开关柜便天拆置.对付于庞大(2000kVA及以上容量)变压器普遍需与本系列CSC 241A好动呵护拆置形成成套呵护.2 主要功能2.1 主要呵护功能⏹三段复合电压关锁过流呵护,其中矮电压关锁战背序电压关锁对付每一段过流均可单独投退,复合电压关锁可通过统造字决断使用本侧电压大概者对付侧电压;⏹开用风扇功能;⏹关锁调压功能;⏹过背荷告警;⏹沉合闸及加速呵护;⏹出心逻辑可编程整定统造;⏹独力的支配回路及障碍录波.⏹9路开进遥疑支集,拆置遥疑变位、事变遥疑⏹仄常断路器遥控分合⏹Ua、Ub、Uc、Ia、Ib、Ic、P、Q、COSф、Uab、Ubc、Uca等模拟量的遥测⏹百般事变SOE等⏹2路脉冲P、Q输进3 呵护元件3.1 过电流呵护拆置真时估计并举止三段过流判别,每段均为一个时限,各段电流即时间定值可独力整定,可通过统造字分别统造各段电流呵护的投退.拆置正在真止三段过流判别时,各段判别逻辑普遍,其动做逻辑如下图:注:Iϕ为相电流,Idzn为n段电流定值, Tn 为n段延时定值本后备呵护中跳闸出心逻辑不妨通过统造字整定,拜睹统造字2.3.2 矮电压关锁正在三个线电压中的任性一个矮于矮电压定值时动做,开搁被关锁呵护元件.通过统造字可分别决断三段电流呵护是可通过矮电压关锁.3.3 背序电压关锁由三个线电压估计得到,当背序电压大于背序过电压定值时,开搁被关锁呵护.不妨共矮电压关锁元件共共形成复合电压关锁元件,与过电流元件形成复合电压过电流呵护.本元件也可通过统造字决断关锁所有一段电流呵护元件.3.4 过背荷呵护过背荷元件监视三相呵护电流,其动做条件为:MAX (Iϕ)>Ifh注:其中I fh为过背荷电流定值.通过背荷呵护延时定值动做于拆置告警,输出“告警”接面.3.5 关锁调压功能拆置监视三相呵护电流的所有一相,谦脚条件:MAX (Iϕ)>Ity其中Ity为调压关锁电流定值.经调压关锁延时定值,动做于博用输出端子X6-19~X6-20.用户需正在技能合共中证明是常开仍旧常关接面,缺省摆设为常关接面.3.6 开用风扇功能监视三相呵护电流的所有一相,谦脚条件:MAX (I )>Ifs注:其中I fs为开用风扇电流定值.经开用风扇延时定值,动做于输出接面端子X6-17~X6-18.3.7 沉合闸及加速功能本功能只适用于本拆置所对付应的断路器,无法完毕变压器对付侧断路器的沉合.沉合闸功能共本系列产品线路呵护拆置.3.8PT断线检测PT断线判据共线路呵护.拆置正在检测到PT断线后,退出电压元件.PT断线检测功能不妨通过“模拟量自检”统造字投退.4 定值及整定证明4.1硬压板浑单:需要的功能必须将硬压板加进,没有采与的功能将相映硬压板退出即可.4.3 统造字1定义注:U1指由端子X3:1~X3:4输进的本侧电压,U2指由端子X1:1~X1:4输进的对付侧电压. 4.4 统造字2定义证明:⏹CT变比为博用丈量变比,整定要领:比圆一次侧CT变比为600/5=120,则整定为120/1000=0.12;10kV PT变比10000/100=100,则整定比100/1000=0.1.⏹以上提供的浑单为尺度摆设下的树坐,其真量大概会与拆置本量隐现浑单没有符,此时均以拆置本量隐现为准.5 拆置端子图6 接线示企图本侧电压大概对付侧电压,果而现场需引进二组PT接线至本拆置.7 拆置摆设表及订货须知订货时需提供以下技能参数:额定直流电压(220V、110V)额定接流电流、接流电压、系统频次跳合闸电流功能的特殊央供通讯接心办法及通讯规约.CSC 241C数字式厂(所)用变压器呵护测控拆置1 拆置简介本拆置适用于所用大概厂用变压器的呵护及测控,可正在开关柜便天拆置.对付于收电厂庞大(2000kVA及以上容量)变压器普遍需与本系列CSC 241A好动呵护拆置形成齐套呵护.2 主要功能2.1 呵护功能⏹反映相间障碍的速断呵护⏹过流呵护⏹过背荷告警大概跳闸功能⏹可独力树坐的加速段,反映于自动加进至永暂障碍⏹反映间接接天系统单相接天障碍的整序电流呵护,可采用为定时限办法大概反时限办法运止⏹经电流关锁的得压呵护⏹非电量呵护2.2 测控功能⏹9路开进遥疑支集,拆置遥疑变位、事变遥疑⏹仄常断路器遥控分合⏹Ua、Ub、Uc、Ia、Ib、Ic、P、Q、COSф等模拟量的遥测⏹百般事变SOE等⏹2路脉冲P、Q输进3 呵护元件3.1 过电流呵护本拆置设定时限速断及过流呵护,分别通过相映硬压板统造其投退,电流即时间定值可独力整定.3.2 过背荷呵护过背荷元件监视三相电流,其动做条件为:MAX(I )>Ifh其中Ifh为过背荷电流定值.过背荷报警与跳闸的延时分别由分歧时间定值统造.3.3 电流加速元件变压器脚动大概自动加进至永暂障碍时,检测任一相电流大于电流加速定值时,经电流加速延时定值延时后,跳开相映开关.3.4 整序过电流元件检测变压器中性面CT大概变压器下矮压侧整序滤过器的整序电流,正在变压器背载熔断器中断熔断时,动做其后备呵护.为了与熔断器熔断天时间个性相协共,中性面大概矮压侧整序电流呵护采与反时限个性直线如下:t=τ×I eL/(I0L- I RE)其中,IeL为变压器矮压侧的额定电流,估计二次值时必须以中性面CT变比合算;I0L为目前的整序电流;I RE为基准值,以躲过的矮压侧仄常运止时的最大没有服衡电流,常常与0.25倍的矮压侧额定电流;τ为整序呵护动做时间,与熔断器相协共的时间常数.如果没有采与反时限个性,可通过统造字采用使用定时限办法的整序过流元件.下压侧整序电流呵护普遍采与定时限办法,与变压器背载熔断器的时间个性相协共.3.5 矮电压呵护利用那一元件,不妨真止矮压统造,当系统电压矮于整定电压时,可自动判决是可切除背荷.注:I>Iyl 为变压器有电流;母线需有压脆持2秒以上,即矮电压元件需经母线电压从下到矮的一个突变才搞动做.3.6 非电量呵护从变压器本量去的非电量接面接至拆置的开关量输进端子.接支到非电量旗号后,跳闸与可由硬压板决断.如硬压板退出,则赞同开关量只动做一般遥疑量;硬压板加进才动做非电量输进.非电量输出收告警旗号仍旧跳闸出心由相关统造字采用.拆置跳闸大概收出告警旗号后,举止事变记录,并可通过搜集心大概现场总线将记录上传至背景估计机.拆置里板的旗号灯为机动起睹,仅示以非电量1、非电量2、非电量3、非电量4共四种旗号.各非电量的简直意思,应根据各工程的简直端子接进情况而定.普遍情况下,默认非电量1为沉瓦斯输进端,非电量2为沉瓦斯输进端,非电量3为调压沉瓦斯输进端,非电量4为调压沉瓦斯输进端大概过温输进端.4 定值及整定证明 4.1 硬压板浑单4.2 定值浑单及证明4.3 统造字1定义证明:CT变比为博用丈量变比,整定要领:比圆一次侧CT变比为600/5=120,则整定为120/1000=0.12;10kV PT变比10000/100=100,则整定比100/1000=0.1.以上提供的浑单为尺度摆设下的树坐,其真量大概会与拆置本量隐现浑单没有符,此时均以拆置本量隐现为准.5 拆置端子图6 接线示企图7 拆置摆设表及订货须知订货时需提供以下技能参数:额定直流电压(220V、110V)额定接流电流、接流电压、系统频次跳合闸电流(开关是断路器仍旧FC交战器)功能的特殊央供通讯接心办法及通讯规约.CSC 241E数字式接天变呵护测控拆置1拆置简介本拆置适用于变电站中接天变压器的呵护及测控,可正在开关柜便天拆置.2主要功能2.1 呵护功能:⏹速断呵护⏹过流呵护⏹下矮压侧整序过流呵护⏹整压呵护⏹非电量呵护⏹出心逻辑可编程整定统造2.2 测控功能⏹9路开进遥疑支集,拆置遥疑变位、事变遥疑⏹仄常断路器遥控分合⏹Ua、Ub、Uc、Ia、Ib、Ic、P、Q、COSф等模拟量的遥测⏹百般事变SOE等⏹2路脉冲P、Q输进3呵护元件3.1 速断呵护速断呵护出心动做于输出接面一、二、三战四共时关合.3.2 过电流元件过流呵护动做,协共统造字,通过对付时间整定值过流Ⅰ时限、过流Ⅱ时限、过流Ⅲ时限战过流Ⅳ时限的整定,去形成跳闸逻辑.拆置正在真止过流判别时,速断战过流呵护判别逻辑普遍,其动做条件如下:IΦ>Igl;Igl为速断大概过流呵护电流定值,IΦ为相电流T>Tdn;Tdn 为n时限延时定值3.3 整序过电流元件整序过电流元件的真止办法基础与过流元件相共,谦脚以下条件时出心跳闸:3I0>I0;I0:整序电流定值T>T0n;T0n:整序n时限延时定值整序过流呵护动做,协共统造字,通过对付时间整定值整序过流Ⅰ时限、Ⅱ时限、Ⅲ时限战Ⅳ时限的整定,对付输出接面一、二、三、四形成出心逻辑.本拆置对付接天变压器的下压侧战矮压侧,均分别摆设了此元件,形成下压侧战矮压侧的整序电流呵护.也可将拆置中的下大概矮压侧整序CT串联,形成二段整序过电流呵护.3.4 整序过电压元件正在谦脚下列条件时,过电压元件动做:输进的整序电压下于整序过压整定值;断路器正在合位;延常常间到.整序过压呵护动做,协共统造字,通过对付时间整定值整序过压Ⅰ时限、Ⅱ时限、Ⅲ时限战Ⅳ时限的整定,对付输出接面一、二、三、四形成出心逻辑.3.5 非电量呵护元件提供沉瓦斯、沉瓦斯及过温等3路非电量呵护.接支到从变压器本量去的非电量旗号后,跳闸与可由硬压板决断.如硬压板退出,则只收出告警旗号,可则沉瓦斯及过温共时跳开相映所有开关.拆置跳闸大概收出告警旗号后,举止事变记录,并可通过搜集借心大概现场总线将记录上传至背景估计机.拆置正在尺度摆设情况下,缺省设定开关量输进DI1为沉瓦斯输进端;DI3为沉瓦斯输进端;DI4为过温输进端.缺省跳闸逻辑:沉瓦斯、过温非电量呵护正在硬压板加进时,均可切除接天变自己开关中(关合输出接面一).沉瓦斯、过温呵护还可通过加进相映统造字联跳主变各开关(关合输出接面二、三、四). 4定值及整定证明4.1 硬压板浑单4.3 统造字的定义统造字KG1的定义:统造字KG2的定义:证明:以上提供的浑单为尺度摆设下的树坐,其真量大概会与拆置本量隐现浑单没有符,此时均以拆置本量隐现为准.PT、CT变比为丈量用变比,整定要领:如一次测CT变比为600/5=120,则整定为120/1000=0.12;10kV 的PT变比10000/100=100,则整定为100/1000=.5拆置端子图6接线示企图7拆置摆设表及订货须知订货时需提供以下技能参数:额定直流电压(220V、110V)额定接流电流、接流电压、系统频次跳合闸电流功能的特殊央供通讯接心办法及通讯规约.CSC 241F 非电量呵护拆置1 拆置简介本拆置适用于大中型变压器的本量呵护,可摆设8路大概12路非电量通讲. 2 主要功能⏹ 非电量跳闸⏹ 非电量告警⏹ 非电量扩展旗号,中央旗号(脆持)、近动旗号⏹ 非电量里板旗号(脆持)⏹ 非电量的电源监视3 订货须知订货时需提供以下技能参数:额定直流电压(220V 、110V ).所需非电量通讲数目.4 非电量呵护本理图 信 号 触 点 输 出启 动 跳 闸 总 出 口M M I 信 号 灯 触 点遥 信 输 出非电量本理图165K9D 87K9E 65K10D 78K11C 78K12C 56K13B NO_PW R1NO_PW R265K12D CK1CK2CK3CK4CK5CK6CK1'CK2'CK3'CK4'CK5'CK6'装 置 电 源 监 视 跳 闸 总 出 口78K13C +KM RUN_LED R1R2 非电量本理图2 5 拆置端子图。

241P6 用户手册说明书

241P6 用户手册说明书

241P6/welcomeZH 用户手册 1客户服务与保修 32故障排除和常见问题解答 37目录1. 重要 (1)1.1 安全措施与维修 (1)1.2 标志说明 (2)1.3 产品和包装材料的废弃 (3)2. 设置显示器 (4)2.1 安装 (4)2.2 操作显示器 (6)2.3 MultiView (9)2.4 卸下底座装置 (12)2.5 MHL(Mobile High-Definition Link,移动高清链接)简介 (12)3. 图像优化 (14)3.1 SmartImage (14)3.2 SmartContrast (15)4. PowerSensor™ (16)5. LightSensor (17)6. 内置摄像头和麦克风 (18)6.1 PC系统要求 (18)6.2 使用此设备 (18)7. 技术规格 (19)7.1 分辨率和预设模式 (22)8. 电源管理 (23)9. 管制信息 (24)10. 客户服务与保修 (32)10.1 Philips平板显示器像素缺陷规定..3210.2 客户服务与保修 (34)11. 故障排除和常见问题解答 (37)11.1 故障检修 (37)11.2 一般常见问题解答 (38)11.3 MultiView常见问题解答 (40)1. 重要此电子版用户指南适合使用Philips显示器的所有用户。




1.1 安全措施与维修警告使用本文档中未介绍的控制、调整或过程可能导致碰撞、电气危险和/或机械危险。


操作• 请使显示器远离阳光直接照射、明亮强光线、以及任何其他热源。

2SK241中文资料(toshiba)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

2SK241中文资料(toshiba)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

特点 漏源电压 栅源电压 漏极电流 漏极功耗 通道温度 存储温度范围
特点 栅极漏电流 漏源电压 漏极电流 门源截止电压 远期转移导纳 输入电容 反向传输电容 功率增益 噪声系数
注:I DSS 分类
(Ta = 25°C)
¾ 0.035 0.050 pF
VDS = 1赫(图1)
¾ 1.7 3.0 dB
O: 1.5~3.5, Y: 3.0~7.0, GR: 6.0~14.0
VDS = 10 V, V GS = 0
(注意) 1.5
14 mA
VGS (OFF) VDS = 10 V, I D = 100 mA
¾ -2.5
ïY fsï
VDS = 10 V, V GS = 0, f = 1千赫
VDS = 10 V, V GS = 0, f = 1兆赫
(Ta = 25°C)




元器件交易网Hitachi Code JEDEC EIAJWeight (reference value)DP-20N —Conforms 1.26 gUnit: mm元器件交易网Cautions1.Hitachi neither warrants nor grants licenses of any rights of Hitachi’s or any third party’s patent,copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights for information contained in this document.Hitachi bears no responsibility for problems that may arise with third party’s rights, includingintellectual property rights, in connection with use of the information contained in this document.2.Products and product specifications may be subject to change without notice. Confirm that you have received the latest product standards or specifications before final design, purchase or use.3.Hitachi makes every attempt to ensure that its products are of high quality and reliability. However,contact Hitachi’s sales office before using the product in an application that demands especially high quality and reliability or where its failure or malfunction may directly threaten human life or cause risk of bodily injury, such as aerospace, aeronautics, nuclear power, combustion control, transportation,traffic, safety equipment or medical equipment for life support.4.Design your application so that the product is used within the ranges guaranteed by Hitachi particularly for maximum rating, operating supply voltage range, heat radiation characteristics, installationconditions and other characteristics. Hitachi bears no responsibility for failure or damage when used beyond the guaranteed ranges. Even within the guaranteed ranges, consider normally foreseeable failure rates or failure modes in semiconductor devices and employ systemic measures such as fail-safes, so that the equipment incorporating Hitachi product does not cause bodily injury, fire or other consequential damage due to operation of the Hitachi product.5.This product is not designed to be radiation resistant.6.No one is permitted to reproduce or duplicate, in any form, the whole or part of this document without written approval from Hitachi.7.Contact Hitachi’s sales office for any questions regarding this document or Hitachi semiconductor products.Hitachi, Ltd.Semiconductor & Integrated Circuits.Nippon Bldg., 2-6-2, Ohte-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004, Japan Tel: Tokyo (03) 3270-2111 Fax: (03) 3270-5109Copyright ' Hitachi, Ltd., 1999. All rights reserved. Printed in Japan.Hitachi Asia Pte. Ltd.16 Collyer Quay #20-00Hitachi TowerSingapore 049318Tel: 535-2100Fax: 535-1533URLNorthAmerica : http:/Europe : /hel/ecg Asia (Singapore): .sg/grp3/sicd/index.htm Asia (Taiwan): /E/Product/SICD_Frame.htm Asia (HongKong): /eng/bo/grp3/index.htm Japan : Asia Ltd.Taipei Branch Office3F, Hung Kuo Building. No.167, Tun-Hwa North Road, Taipei (105)Tel: <886> (2) 2718-3666Fax: <886> (2) 2718-8180Hitachi Asia (Hong Kong) Ltd.Group III (Electronic Components)7/F., North Tower, World Finance Centre,Harbour City, Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui,Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: <852> (2) 735 9218Fax: <852> (2) 730 0281 Telex: 40815 HITEC HXHitachi Europe Ltd.Electronic Components Group.Whitebrook ParkLower Cookham Road MaidenheadBerkshire SL6 8YA, United Kingdom Tel: <44> (1628) 585000Fax: <44> (1628) 778322Hitachi Europe GmbHElectronic components Group Dornacher Stra§e 3D-85622 Feldkirchen, Munich GermanyTel: <49> (89) 9 9180-0Fax: <49> (89) 9 29 30 00Hitachi Semiconductor (America) Inc.179 East Tasman Drive,San Jose,CA 95134 Tel: <1> (408) 433-1990Fax: <1>(408) 433-0223For further information write to:。































新一代 器件特性 ____________________________
♦ 对于低电压、集成 ESD 保护的应用 MAX3222E/MAX3232E/MAX3237E/MAX3241E/ MAX3246E:+3.0V 至 +5.5V、低功耗、速率高达 1Mbps、利用四个 0.1µF 电容实现真正的 RS-232 收发器 (MAX3246E 提供 UCSPTM 封装 )。 ♦ 对于低成本应用 MAX221E:±15kV ESD 保护、+5V、1µA、 具有 AutoShutdownTM 功能的单芯片 RS-232。
________________________________ 应用
便携式计算机 低功耗调制解调器 接口转换 电池供电 RS-232 系统 多点 RS-232 网络
_____________________________ 定购信息
PART MAX220CPE MAX220CSE MAX220CWE MAX220C/D MAX220EPE MAX220ESE MAX220EWE MAX220EJE MAX220MJE TEMP RANGE 0°C to +70°C 0°C to +70°C 0°C to +70°C 0°C to +70°C -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C -55°C to +125°C PIN-PACKAGE 16 Plastic DIP 16 Narrow SO 16 Wide SO Dice* 16 Plastic DIP 16 Narrow SO 16 Wide SO 16 CERDIP 16 CERDIP

DP C241显示内容用户手册说明书

DP C241显示内容用户手册说明书

CONTENT7.1 Important Notice 2 7.2 Introduction of Display 2 7.3 Product Description 37.3.1 Specifications 37.3.2 Functions Overview 3 7.4 Display 4 7.5 Key Definition 4 7.6 Normal Operation 57.6.1 Switching the System ON/OFF 57.6.2 Selection of Support Levels 57.6.3 Selection Mode 57.6.4 Headlights / backlighting 67.6.5 Walk Assistance 67.6.6 BOOST Function 77.6.7 Battery Capacity Indication 77.6.8 USB Charge Function 77.6.9 Bluetooth Function 8 7.7 Settings 87.7.1 "Display Setting" 87.7.2 "Information" 10 7.8 Error Code Definition 127 USER MANUAL FORDP C241.CAN7.2 INTRODUCTION OF DISPLAY•Model: DP C240.CAN BUS•The housing material is PC; the display win-dows is made of ACRYLIC material:•The label marking is as follows:Note: Please keep the QR code label attached to the display cable. The information from the Label is used for a later possible software update.7.1 IMPORTANT NOTICE•If the error information from the display cannot be corrected according to the inst-ructions, please contact your retailer. •The product is designed to be waterproof. It is highly recommended to avoid submerging the display under water. •Do not clean the display with a steam jet, high-pressure cleaner or water hose.•Please use this product with care. •Do not use thinners or other solvents to clean the display. Such substances can damage the surfaces. •Warranty is not included due to wear and normal use and aging.7.3 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION7.3.1 Specifications •Operating temperature: -20℃~45℃•Storage temperature: -20℃~50℃•Waterproof: IP65•Storage room Humidity: 30%-70% RH 7.3.2 Functional Overview•Speed indication (including the real-timespeed, max. speed and average speed)•Unit switching between km and mile •Battery capacity indicator•Automatic sensors explanation of the light-ing system•Brightness setting for backlight •Indication of performance support •Kilometer stand (including single-trip dis-tance, total distance and remaining distance)•BOOST function (NOTE: it needs the control-ler has this function)•Indication of power assistance level•Time indication for ride• Input power of motor indication•Walk assistance•Indication for error messages•Indication for consumption of energyCALORIES (NOTE: If the controller has thisfunction)•Indication for the remaining distance. (NOTE: it needs the controller has this function)•Button vibration setting•USB charging (5V and 500mA)•Dual Bluetooth communication function7.4 DISPLAY12457631 Headlight indication2 USB connection indication 3Bluetooth indicator 4 Battery capacity indication 5 Speed display in real-time 6Assistance level indication 7Multiple data indication7.5 KEY DEFINITIONUpDownBOOST / Power On/Off7.6 NORMAL OPERATION7.6.1 Switching the System ON/OFFPress and hold (>2S) to power on the display, the HMI begin to show the boot up LOGO. Press and hold (>2S) again can power off the HMI.If the "automatic shutdown" time is set to 5 minutes (it can be set in function "Auto Off"), the HMIwill be automatically turned off within this set time, When it is not operated.7.6.2 Selection of Support LevelsWhen HMI power on, briefly press or to select the assistance level (the number of assistance level needs to be adapted to controller), The lowest level is Level 0, the highest Level is 5. On the default is Level 1, “0”means no power assistance. The interface is as following:Note: if the controller has Boost function, can be selected this level with briefly press .7.6.3 Selection ModeBriefly pressbutton to view the different mode and information.1. System with torque sensor, circularly show single trip distance (TRIP ,km) → total distance (ODO,km) → maximum speed (MAX,km/h) → average speed (AVG,km/h) → remaining distance (RANGE,km) → energy consumption (CALORIES/CAL,KCal) → real-time output power (POWER,w) → riding time (TIME,min).2. If system with a speed sensor, circularly show single trip distance (Trip,km) → total distance (ODO,km) → maximum speed (MAX,km/h) → average speed (AVG,km/h) → remaining distance (RANGE,km) → riding time (TIME,min).7.6.4 Headlights / backlightingPress and hold (>2S) to turn on the backlight as well as headlight.Press and hold (>2S) again to turn off the backlight and the headlight. The brightness of backlightcan be set in function“Brightness”. (If the display is turned on in a dark environment, the display backlight/ headlight will be turned on automatically. If the display backlight/headlight are turned off manually, they also need to be turned on manually afterwards)7.6.5 Walk AssistanceThe Walk assistance can only be activated with a standing pedelec.Activation: briefly press button until this symbol appears. Next hold down the button whilst the symbol is displayed. Now the Walk assistance will activate. The symbol will flashes and the pedelec moves approx. 6 km/h. After releasing the button the motor stops automatically and if no any operations within 5s will automatically return to 0 level (as following).7.6.6 BOOST FunctionIn riding, when speed is arrived 25km/h, canselect in BOOST level, at this point press button and hold (>2S), then the Pedelecenters in BOOST function. The indicator on display will flash and the motor output with max. power. (BOOST function as following). If release the button or do any other operation will stop BOOST.NOTE: If the speed is not arrived 25km/h, this function can not be implemented andpress button and hold (>2S) the HMI canpowered off.7.6.7 Battery Capacity IndicationThe percentage of current battery capacity and total capacity is displayed from 100% to 0% according to the actual capacity (as shown in the figure below)7.6.8 USB Charge FunctionWhen the HMI is off, insert the USB device to the USB charging port on the HMI, and then turn on HMI to charge. When the HMI is on, can direct charge for USB device. the maximum charging voltage is 5V and the maximum charging current is 500mA.7.6.9 Bluetooth FunctionThis display can be connected to the Bafang Go APP through Bluetooth.This display can be connected to the SIGMA heartbeat band and shows it on display, and can also send data to the mobile phone.7.7 SETTINGSAfter the HMI powered on, press and hold and button (at the same time) to enter into the setting interface. Briefly press (<0.5S) or button to select “Setting”,“Information” or “Exit” , then briefly press (<0.5S) button toconfirm.You can press and hold and button at any time, to return to the main screen.7.7.1 “Setting” interfaceAfter the HMI powered on, press and hold and button to enter into the settinginterface. Briefly press (<0.5S)or to select "Setting" and then briefly press(<0.5S) to confirm. “Unit” Selections in km/MilesBriefly press or to select “Unit”, andbriefly press to enter into the item. Then choose between “Metric” (kilometer) or “Imperial” (Miles) with the or button. Once you have chosen your desired selec-tion, press the button (<0.5S) to save and exit back to the "Setting" interface. “Auto Off” Set automatic Off timeBriefly pressor to select “Auto Off”,and briefly press to enter into the item. Then select the automatic Off time as “OFF ”/“9”/“8”/“7”/“6”/“5”/“4”/“3”/“2”/“1” with the or button. Once you have chosen your desired selection, press the button (<0.5S) to save and exit back to the "Setting" interface.Notice: “OFF” means this function is off, theunit is minute. “Brightness” Display brightnessBriefly pressor to select “Brightness”,and briefly press to enter into the item. Then select the percentage as “100%” /“75%” / “50%” / “30%” / “10%” with the or button. Once you have chosen your desired selection, press the button (<0.5S) to save and exit back to the "Setting" interface.Notice: “10%” is the weakest brightness and100%” is the strongest brightness. “Power View” Set output displaymodeBriefly press or to select “Power View”,and briefly press to enter into the item. Then select the output display mode as“Power”/“Current” with theor button.Once you have chosen your desired selec-tion, press the button (<0.5S) to saveand exit back to the "Setting" interface. “AL Sensitivity” Set light sensitivityBriefly press or to select “AL Sensi-tivity”, and briefly press to enter intothe item. Then select the level of the lightsensitivity as “0”/“1”/ “2”/“3”/“4”/“5” withthe or button. Once you have chosenyour desired selection, press the button(<0.5S) to save and exit back to the "Setting"interface.Notice: “0” means light sensor is off. Level1 is the weakest sensitivity and level 5 is thestrongest sensitivity. “TRIP Reset” Set reset function forsingle-tripBriefly press or to select “AL Sensitiv-ity”, and briefly press to enter into theitem. Then select “NO”/“YES” (“YES”- toclear, “NO”-no operation) with theorbutton. Once you have chosen your desiredselection, press the button (<0.5S) tosave and exit back to the "Setting" interface.Notice: The riding time(TIME), average speed(AVG) and maximum speed (MAXS) will bereset simultaneously when you reset TRIP. “Vibration” Set the buttonvibrationBriefly press or to select “Vibration”,and briefly press to enter into the item.Then select “NO”/“YES” (“YES” meansvibration button is on; “NO” means vibrationbutton is off) with the or button. Onceyou have chosen your desired selection,press the button (<0.5S) to save and exitback to the "Setting" interface. “Service” Turn on/off the ServiceindicationBriefly pressor to select “Service”, andbriefly press to enter into the item. Thenselect “NO”/“YES” (“YES” means Serviceindication is on; “NO” means Service indica-tion is off) with theor button. Onceyou have chosen your desired selection,press the button (<0.5S) to save and exitback to the "Setting" interface. “Assist Mode”---set the assist levelBriefly pressor to select “AssistMode”, and briefly press to enter intothe item. Then select the assistance level as“3”/“5”/“9” with theor button. Onceyou have chosen your desired selection,press the button (<0.5S) to save and exitback to the "Setting" interface.7.7.2 "Information"After the HMI powered on, press and holdand to enter into the setting function.Briefly press (<0.5S) or to select "Infor-mation" and then briefly press (<0.5S)to confirm.Note: All information here cannot be changed, it isto be viewed only. “Wheel Size”Briefly press or to select ” Wheel Size”,and then briefly press to view the wheelsize default.Press the button (<0.5S) to exit back tothe "Information" interface. “Speed Limit”Briefly press or to select ” SpeedLimit”, and then briefly press to view thespeed limit default.Press the button (<0.5S) to exit back tothe "Information" interface. “Battery Info”Briefly pressor to select “Battery Info”,and briefly press to enter, then brieflypress or to view the battery data (b01→ b04 → b06 → b07 → b08 → b09 → b10 →b11 → b12 → b13 → d00 → d01 → d02 → …→ dn → Hardware Ver → Software Ver).Press the button (<0.5S) to exit back tothe "Information" interface.Notice: If the battery doesn't have commu-nication function, you won’t see any datafrom battery.View the battery informationView the hardware and software version of batteryCode Code Definition Unitb01Current temperature℃b04Battery voltage mVb06Current mAb07Remaining batterycapacitymAhb08Battery capacity ofFull charged mAhb09Relative SOC%b10Absolute SOC %b11Cycle Times times b12Max Uncharge Time Hour b13Last Uncharge Time Hourd00The number of cell d01Voltage Cell 1mV d02Voltage Cell 2mV dnVoltage Cell n mVHardware Ver Battery Hardware VersionSoftware VerBattery Software VersionNOTE: If no data is detected, "--" will be displayed. “Display Info”Briefly press or to select ”Display Info”, and briefly press to enter, briefly pressor to view“Hardware Ver” or “Software Ver”.Press the button (<0.5S) to exit back tothe "Information" interface. “Ctrl Info”Briefly press or to select ”Ctrl Info”, and briefly press to enter, briefly press or to view“Hardware Ver” or “Soft-ware Ver”.Press the button (<0.5S) to exit back tothe "Information" interface. “Torque Info”Briefly press or to select ”Torque Info”, and briefly press to enter, briefly press or to view“Hardware Ver” or “Software Ver”.Press the button (<0.5S) to exit back tothe "Information" interface.NOTE: If your Pedelec doesn't have torque sensor, "--" will be displayed. “Error Code”Briefly pressor to select ”Error Code”, and then briefly press to enter, briefly press or to view message of error for last ten times by “E-Code00” to “E-Code09”.Press the button (<0.5S) to exit back to the "Information" interface.NOTE: 00 means no error exist.7.8 ERROR CODE DEFINITIONThe HMI can show the faults of Pedelec. When a fault is detected, one of the following error codes will be indicated too.Note: Please read carefully the description of the error code. When the error code appears, please first restart the system. If the problem is not eliminated, please contact your dealer or technical personnel.04The throttle is not back in its correctposition.Check the throttle can adjust back into itscorrect position, if the situation does notimprove, please change to a new throttle.(onlywith this function)05The throttle has fault.1. Check the connector of throttle whether they are correctly connected.2. Disconnect the throttle, If the problem still occurs, please contact your retailer.(only with this function)07Overvoltage protection 1. Remove the battery.2. Re-Insert the battery.3. If the problem persists, please contact your retailer.08Error with the hall sensor signalinside the motorPlease contact your retailer.09Error with the Engine phase’s Please contact your retailer.10The temperature inside the enginehas reached its maximum protectionvalue1. Turn off the system and allow the Pedelecto cool down.2. If the problem persists, please contact yourretailer.11The temperature sensor inside themotor has an errorPlease contact your retailer.12Error with the current sensor in thecontrollerPlease contact your retailer.13Error with the temperature sensorinside of the batteryPlease contact your retailer.14The protection temperature insidethe controller has reached its maxi-mum protection value1. Turn off the system and let the pedelec cooldown.2. If the problem persists, please contact yourretailer.15Error with the temperature sensorinside the controllerPlease contact your retailer.21Speed sensor Error 1. Restart the system2. Check that the magnet attached to the spoke is aligned with the speed sensor and that the distance is between 10 mm and 20 mm.3. Check that the speed sensor connector is connected correctly.4. If the error persists, please contact your retailer.25Torque signal Error 1. Check that all connections are connected correctly.2. If the error persists, please contact your retailer.26Speed signal of the torque sensor hasan error1.Check the connector from the speed sensorto make sure it is connected correctly.2.Check the speed sensor for signs of damage.3.If the problem persists, please contact yourretailer.27Overcurrent from controller Please contact your retailer.30Communication problem 1. Check all connections are correctly con-nected.2. If the error persists, please contact your retailer.33Brake signal has an error(If brake sensors are fitted)1. Check all connectors.2. If the error continues to occur, please con-tact your retailer.35Detection circuit for 15V has an error Please contact your retailer.36Detection circuit on the keypad hasan errorPlease contact your retailer.37WDT circuit is faulty Please contact your retailer.41Total voltage from the battery is toohighPlease contact your retailer.42Total voltage from the battery is toolowPlease contact your retailer.43Total power from the battery cells istoo highPlease contact your retailer.44Voltage of the single cell is too high Please contact your retailer.45Temperature from the battery is toohighPlease contact your retailer.46The temperature of the battery istoo lowPlease contact your retailer.47SOC of the battery is too high Please contact your retailer. 48SOC of the battery is too low Please contact your retailer.61Switching detection defect Please contact your retailer. (only with this function)62Electronic derailleur cannot release Please contact your retailer. (only with this function)71Electronic lock is jammed Please contact your retailer. (only with this function)81Bluetooth module has an error Please contact your retailer. (only with this function)。



MAXIM/DALLAS 中文数据资料DS12CR887, DS12R885, DS12R887 RTC,带有恒压涓流充电器DS1870 LDMOS RF功放偏置控制器DS1921L-F5X Thermochron iButtonDS1923 温度/湿度记录仪iButton,具有8kB数据记录存储器DS1982, DS1982-F3, DS1982-F5 1k位只添加iButton?DS1990A 序列号iButtonDS1990R, DS1990R-F3, DS1990R-F5 序列号iButtonDS1991 多密钥iButtonDS2129 LVD SCSI 27线调节器DS2401 硅序列号DS2406 双通道、可编址开关与1k位存储器DS2408 1-Wire、8通道、可编址开关DS2411 硅序列号,带有VCC输入DS2413 1-Wire双通道、可编址开关DS2430A 256位1-Wire EEPROMDS2431 1024位、1-Wire EEPROMDS2480B 串行、1-Wire线驱动器,带有负荷检测DS2482-100 单通道1-Wire主控制器DS2482-100 勘误表PDF: 2482-100A2DS2482-800, DS2482S-800 八通道1-Wire主控制器DS2482-800 勘误表PDF: 2482-800A2DS2502 1k位只添加存储器DS2505 16k位只添加存储器DS28E04-100 4096位、可寻址、1-Wire EEPROM,带有PIO DS3170DK DS3/E3单芯片收发器开发板DS3231, DS3231S 高精度、I2C集成RTC/TCXO/晶振DS33Z44 四路以太网映射器DS3902 双路、非易失、可变电阻器,带有用户EEPROMDS3906 三路、非易失、小步长调节可变电阻与存储器DS3984 4路冷阴极荧光灯控制器DS4302 2线、5位DAC,提供三路数字输出DS80C400-KIT DS80C400评估套件DS80C410, DS80C411 具有以太网和CAN接口的网络微控制器DS80C410 勘误表PDF: 80C410A1DS89C430, DS89C440, DS89C450 超高速闪存微控制器DS89C430 勘误表PDF: 89C430A2DS89C440 勘误表PDF: 89C440A2DS89C450 勘误表PDF: 89C450A2DS89C430 勘误表PDF: 89C430A3DS89C440 勘误表PDF: 89C440A3DS89C450 勘误表PDF: 89C450A3DS89C430 勘误表PDF: 89C430A5DS89C440 勘误表PDF: 89C440A5DS89C450 勘误表PDF: 89C450A5DS9090K 1-Wire器件评估板, B版DS9097U-009, DS9097U-E25, DS9097U-S09 通用1-Wire COM端口适配器DS9490, DS9490B, DS9490R USB至1-Wire/iButton适配器MAX1034, MAX1035 8/4通道、±VREF多量程输入、串行14位ADCMAX1072, MAX1075 1.8Msps、单电源、低功耗、真差分、10位ADCMAX1076, MAX1078 1.8Msps、单电源供电、低功耗、真差分、10位ADC,内置电压基准MAX1146, MAX1147, MAX1148, MAX1149 多通道、真差分、串行、14位ADC MAX1149EVKIT MAX1149评估板/评估系统MAX1220, MAX1257, MAX1258 12位、多通道ADC/DAC,带有FIFO、温度传感器和GPIO端口MAX1224, MAX1225 1.5Msps、单电源、低功耗、真差分、12位ADCMAX1258EVKIT MAX1057, MAX1058, MAX1257, MAX1258评估板/评估系统MAX1274, MAX1275 1.8Msps、单电源、低功耗、真差分、12位ADCMAX13000E, MAX13001E, MAX13002E, MAX13003E, MAX13004E, MAX13005E 超低电压电平转换器MAX1302, MAX1303 8/4通道、±VREF多量程输入、串行16位ADCMAX1304, MAX1305, MAX1306, MAX1308, MAX1309, MAX1310, MAX1312, MAX1313, MAX1314 8/4/2通道、12位、同时采样ADC,提供±10V、±5V或0至+5V 模拟输入范围MAX13050, MAX13052, MAX13053, MAX13054 工业标准高速CAN收发器,具有±80V故障保护MAX13080E, MAX13081E, MAX13082E, MAX13083E, MAX13084E, MAX13085E, MAX13086E, MAX13087E, MAX13088E, MAX13089E +5.0V、±15kV ESD保护、失效保护、热插拔、RS-485/RS-422收发器MAX13101E, MAX13102E, MAX13103E, MAX13108E 16通道、带有缓冲的CMOS 逻辑电平转换器MAX1334, MAX1335 4.5Msps/4Msps、5V/3V、双通道、真差分10位ADCMAX1336, MAX1337 6.5Msps/5.5Msps、5V/3V、双通道、真差分8位ADCMAX13481E, MAX13482E, MAX13483E ±15kV ESD保护USB收发器, 外部/内部上拉电阻MAX1350, MAX1351, MAX1352, MAX1353, MAX1354, MAX1355, MAX1356, MAX1357 双路、高端、电流检测放大器和驱动放大器MAX1450 低成本、1%精确度信号调理器,用于压阻式传感器MAX1452 低成本、精密的传感器信号调理器MAX1487, MAX481, MAX483, MAX485, MAX487, MAX488, MAX489, MAX490, MAX491 低功耗、限摆率、RS-485/RS-422收发器MAX1492, MAX1494 3位半和4位半、单片ADC,带有LCD驱动器MAX1494EVKIT MAX1493, MAX1494, MAX1495评估板/评估系统MAX1497, MAX1499 3位半和4位半、单片ADC,带有LED驱动器和μC接口MAX1499EVKIT MAX1499评估板/评估系统MAX15000, MAX15001 电流模式PWM控制器, 可调节开关频率MAX1515 低电压、内置开关、降压/DDR调节器MAX1518B TFT-LCD DC-DC转换器, 带有运算放大器MAX1533, MAX1537 高效率、5路输出、主电源控制器,用于笔记本电脑MAX1533EVKIT MAX1533评估板MAX1540A, MAX1541 双路降压型控制器,带有电感饱和保护、动态输出和线性稳压器MAX1540EVKIT MAX1540评估板MAX1551, MAX1555 SOT23、双输入、USB/AC适配器、单节Li+电池充电器MAX1553, MAX1554 高效率、40V、升压变换器,用于2至10个白光LED驱动MAX1556, MAX1557 16μA IQ、1.2A PWM降压型DC-DC转换器MAX1556EVKIT MAX1556EVKIT评估板MAX1558, MAX1558H 双路、3mm x 3mm、1.2A/可编程电流USB开关,带有自动复位功能MAX1586A, MAX1586B, MAX1586C, MAX1587A, MAX1587C 高效率、低IQ、带有动态内核的PMIC,用于PDA和智能电话MAX16801A/B, MAX16802A/B 离线式、DC-DC PWM控制器, 用于高亮度LED驱动器MAX1858A, MAX1875A, MAX1876A 双路180°异相工作的降压控制器,具有排序/预偏置启动和PORMAX1870A 升/降压Li+电池充电器MAX1870AEVKIT MAX1870A评估板MAX1874 双路输入、USB/AC适配器、1节Li+充电器,带OVP与温度调节MAX1954A 低成本、电流模式PWM降压控制器,带有折返式限流MAX1954AEVKIT MAX1954A评估板MAX19700 7.5Msps、超低功耗模拟前端MAX19700EVKIT MAX19700评估板/评估系统MAX19705 10位、7.5Msps、超低功耗模拟前端MAX19706 10位、22Msps、超低功耗模拟前端MAX19707 10位、45Msps、超低功耗模拟前端MAX19708 10位、11Msps、超低功耗模拟前端MAX2041 高线性度、1700MHz至3000MHz上变频/下变频混频器,带有LO缓冲器/开关MAX2043 1700MHz至3000MHz高线性度、低LO泄漏、基站Rx/Tx混频器MAX220, MAX222, MAX223, MAX225, MAX230, MAX231, MAX232, MAX232A, MAX233, MAX233A, MAX234, MAX235, MAX236, MAX237, MAX238, MAX239, MAX240, MAX241, MAX242, MAX243, MAX244, MAX245, MAX246, MAX247, MAX248, MAX249 +5V供电、多通道RS-232驱动器/接收器MAX2335 450MHz CDMA/OFDM LNA/混频器MAX2370 完备的、450MHz正交发送器MAX2370EVKIT MAX2370评估板MAX2980 电力线通信模拟前端收发器MAX2986 集成电力线数字收发器MAX3013 +1.2V至+3.6V、0.1μA、100Mbps、8路电平转换器MAX3205E, MAX3207E, MAX3208E 双路、四路、六路高速差分ESD保护ICMAX3301E, MAX3302E USB On-the-Go收发器与电荷泵MAX3344E, MAX3345E ±15kV ESD保护、USB收发器,UCSP封装,带有USB检测MAX3394E, MAX3395E, MAX3396E ±15kV ESD保护、大电流驱动、双/四/八通道电平转换器, 带有加速电路MAX3535E, MXL1535E +3V至+5V、提供2500VRMS隔离的RS-485/RS-422收发器,带有±15kV ESD保护MAX3570, MAX3571, MAX3573 HI-IF单芯片宽带调谐器MAX3643EVKIT MAX3643评估板MAX3645 +2.97V至+5.5V、125Mbps至200Mbps限幅放大器,带有信号丢失检测器MAX3654 47MHz至870MHz模拟CATV互阻放大器MAX3654EVKIT MAX3654评估板MAX3657 155Mbps低噪声互阻放大器MAX3658 622Mbps、低噪声、高增益互阻前置放大器MAX3735, MAX3735A 2.7Gbps、低功耗、SFP激光驱动器MAX3737 多速率激光驱动器,带有消光比控制MAX3737EVKIT MAX3737评估板MAX3738 155Mbps至2.7Gbps SFF/SFP激光驱动器,带有消光比控制MAX3744, MAX3745 2.7Gbps SFP互阻放大器,带有RSSIMAX3744EVKIT, MAX3745EVKIT MAX3744, MAX3745评估板MAX3748, MAX3748A, MAX3748B 紧凑的、155Mbps至4.25Gbps限幅放大器MAX3785 6.25Gbps、1.8V PC板均衡器MAX3787EVKIT MAX3787评估板MAX3793 1Gbps至4.25Gbps多速率互阻放大器,具有光电流监视器MAX3793EVKIT MAX3793评估板MAX3805 10.7Gbps自适应接收均衡器MAX3805EVKIT MAX3805评估板MAX3840 +3.3V、2.7Gbps双路2 x 2交叉点开关MAX3841 12.5Gbps CML 2 x 2交叉点开关MAX3967 270Mbps SFP LED驱动器MAX3969 200Mbps SFP限幅放大器MAX3969EVKIT MAX3969评估板MAX3982 SFP铜缆预加重驱动器MAX3983 四路铜缆信号调理器MAX3983EVKIT MAX3983评估板MAX3983SMAEVKIT MAX3983 SMA连接器评估板MAX4079 完备的音频/视频后端方案MAX4210, MAX4211 高端功率、电流监视器MAX4210EEVKIT MAX4210E、MAX4210A/B/C/D/F评估板MAX4211EEVKIT MAX4211A/B/C/D/E/F评估板MAX4397 用于双SCART连接器的音频/视频开关MAX4397EVKIT MAX4397评估系统/评估板MAX4411EVKIT MAX4411评估板MAX4729, MAX4730 低电压、3.5、SPDT、CMOS模拟开关MAX4754, MAX4755, MAX4756 0.5、四路SPDT开关,UCSP/QFN封装MAX4758, MAX4759 四路DPDT音频/数据开关,UCSP/QFN封装MAX4760, MAX4761 宽带、四路DPDT开关MAX4766 0.075A至1.5A、可编程限流开关MAX4772, MAX4773 200mA/500mA可选的限流开关MAX4795, MAX4796, MAX4797, MAX4798 450mA/500mA限流开关MAX4826, MAX4827, MAX4828, MAX4829, MAX4830, MAX4831 50mA/100mA 限流开关, 带有空载标记, μDFN封装MAX4832, MAX4833 100mA LDO,带有限流开关MAX4834, MAX4835 250mA LDO,带有限流开关MAX4836, MAX4837 500mA LDO,带有限流开关MAX4838A, MAX4840A, MAX4842A 过压保护控制器,带有状态指示FLAGMAX4850, MAX4850H, MAX4852, MAX4852H 双路SPDT模拟开关,可处理超摆幅信号MAX4851, MAX4851H, MAX4853, MAX4853H 3.5/7四路SPST模拟开关,可处理超摆幅信号MAX4854 7四路SPST模拟开关,可处理超摆幅信号MAX4854H, MAX4854HL 四路SPST、宽带、信号线保护开关MAX4855 0.75、双路SPDT音频开关,具有集成比较器MAX4864L, MAX4865L, MAX4866L, MAX4867, MAX4865, MAX4866 过压保护控制器,具有反向保护功能MAX4880 过压保护控制器, 内置断路开关MAX4881, MAX4882, MAX4883, MAX4884 过压保护控制器, 内部限流, TDFN封装MAX4901, MAX4902, MAX4903, MAX4904, MAX4905 低RON、双路SPST/单路SPDT、无杂音切换开关, 可处理负电压MAX4906, MAX4906F, MAX4907, MAX4907F 高速/全速USB 2.0开关MAX5033 500mA、76V、高效率、MAXPower降压型DC-DC变换器MAX5042, MAX5043 双路开关电源IC,集成了功率MOSFET和热插拔控制器MAX5058, MAX5059 可并联的副边同步整流驱动器和反馈发生器控制ICMAX5058EVKIT MAX5051, MAX5058评估板MAX5062, MAX5062A, MAX5063, MAX5063A, MAX5064, MAX5064A, MAX5064B 125V/2A、高速、半桥MOSFET驱动器MAX5065, MAX5067 双相、+0.6V至+3.3V输出可并联、平均电流模式控制器MAX5070, MAX5071 高性能、单端、电流模式PWM控制器MAX5072 2.2MHz、双输出、降压或升压型转换器,带有POR和电源失效输出MAX5072EVKIT MAX5072评估板MAX5074 内置MOSFET的电源IC,用于隔离型IEEE 802.3af PD和电信电源MAX5078 4A、20ns、MOSFET驱动器MAX5084, MAX5085 65V、200mA、低静态电流线性稳压器, TDFN封装MAX5088, MAX5089 2.2MHz、2A降压型转换器, 内置高边开关MAX5094A, MAX5094B, MAX5094C, MAX5094D, MAX5095A, MAX5095B, MAX5095C 高性能、单端、电流模式PWM控制器MAX5128 128抽头、非易失、线性变化数字电位器, 采用2mm x 2mm μDFN封装MAX5417, MAX5417L, MAX5417M, MAX5417N, MAX5417P, MAX5418, MAX5419 256抽头、非易失、I2C接口、数字电位器MAX5417LEVKIT MAX5417_, MAX5418_, MAX5419_评估板/评估系统MAX5477, MAX5478, MAX5479 双路、256抽头、非易失、I2C接口、数字电位器MAX5478EVKIT MAX5477/MAX5478/MAX5479评估板/评估系统MAX5490 100k精密匹配的电阻分压器,SOT23封装MAX5527, MAX5528, MAX5529 64抽头、一次性编程、线性调节数字电位器MAX5820 双路、8位、低功耗、2线、串行电压输出DACMAX5865 超低功耗、高动态性能、40Msps模拟前端MAX5920 -48V热插拔控制器,外置RsenseMAX5921, MAX5939 -48V热插拔控制器,外置Rsense、提供较高的栅极下拉电流MAX5932 正电源、高压、热插拔控制器MAX5932EVKIT MAX5932评估板MAX5936, MAX5937 -48V热插拔控制器,可避免VIN阶跃故障,无需RSENSE MAX5940A, MAX5940B IEEE 802.3af PD接口控制器,用于以太网供电MAX5940BEVKIT MAX5940B, MAX5940D评估板MAX5941A, MAX5941B 符合IEEE 802.3af标准的以太网供电接口/PWM控制器,适用于用电设备MAX5945 四路网络电源控制器,用于网络供电MAX5945EVKIT, MAX5945EVSYS MAX5945评估板/评估系统MAX5953A, MAX5953B, MAX5953C, MAX5953D IEEE 802.3af PD接口和PWM控制器,集成功率MOSFETMAX6640 2通道温度监视器,提供双路、自动PWM风扇速度控制器MAX6640EVKIT MAX6640评估系统/评估板MAX6641 兼容于SMBus的温度监视器,带有自动PWM风扇速度控制器MAX6643, MAX6644, MAX6645 自动PWM风扇速度控制器,带有过温报警输出MAX6678 2通道温度监视器,提供双路、自动PWM风扇速度控制器和5个GPIOMAX6695, MAX6696 双路远端/本地温度传感器,带有SMBus串行接口MAX6877EVKIT MAX6877评估板MAX6950, MAX6951 串行接口、+2.7V至+5.5V、5位或8位LED显示驱动器MAX6966, MAX6967 10端口、恒流LED驱动器和输入/输出扩展器,带有PWM亮度控制MAX6968 8端口、5.5V恒流LED驱动器MAX6969 16端口、5.5V恒流LED驱动器MAX6970 8端口、36V恒流LED驱动器MAX6977 8端口、5.5V恒流LED驱动器,带有LED故障检测MAX6978 8端口、5.5V恒流LED驱动器,带有LED故障检测和看门狗MAX6980 8端口、36V恒流LED驱动器, 带有LED故障检测和看门狗MAX6981 8端口、36V恒流LED驱动器, 带有LED故障检测MAX7030 低成本、315MHz、345MHz和433.92MHz ASK收发器, 带有N分频PLL MAX7032 低成本、基于晶振的可编程ASK/FSK收发器, 带有N分频PLLMAX7317 10端口、SPI接口输入/输出扩展器,带有过压和热插入保护MAX7319 I2C端口扩展器,具有8路输入,可屏蔽瞬态检测MAX7320 I2C端口扩展器, 带有八个推挽式输出MAX7321 I2C端口扩展器,具有8个漏极开路I/O口MAX7328, MAX7329 I2C端口扩展器, 带有八个I/O口MAX7347, MAX7348, MAX7349 2线接口、低EMI键盘开关和发声控制器MAX7349EVKIT MAX7349评估板/仿真: MAX7347/MAX7348MAX7375 3引脚硅振荡器MAX7381 3引脚硅振荡器MAX7389, MAX7390 微控制器时钟发生器, 带有看门狗MAX7391 快速切换时钟发生器, 带有电源失效检测MAX7445 4通道视频重建滤波器MAX7450, MAX7451, MAX7452 视频信号调理器,带有AGC和后肩钳位MAX7452EVKIT MAX7452评估板MAX7462, MAX7463 单通道视频重建滤波器和缓冲器MAX8505 3A、1MHz、1%精确度、内置开关的降压型调节器,带有电源就绪指示MAX8524, MAX8525 2至8相VRM 10/9.1 PWM控制器,提供精密的电流分配和快速电压定位MAX8525EVKIT MAX8523, MAX8525评估板MAX8533 更小、更可靠的12V、Infiniband兼容热插拔控制器MAX8545, MAX8546, MAX8548 低成本、宽输入范围、降压控制器,带有折返式限流MAX8550, MAX8551 集成DDR电源方案,适用于台式机、笔记本电脑及图形卡MAX8550EVKIT MAX8550, MAX8550A, MAX8551评估板MAX8552 高速、宽输入范围、单相MOSFET驱动器MAX8553, MAX8554 4.5V至28V输入、同步PWM降压控制器,适合DDR端接和负载点应用MAX8563, MAX8564 ±1%、超低输出电压、双路或三路线性n-FET控制器MAX8564EVKIT MAX8563, MAX8564评估板MAX8566 高效、10A、PWM降压调节器, 内置开关MAX8570, MAX8571, MAX8572, MAX8573, MAX8574, MAX8575 高效LCD升压电路,可True ShutdownMAX8571EVKIT MAX8570, MAX8571, MAX8572, MAX8573, MAX8574, MAX8575评估板MAX8576, MAX8577, MAX8578, MAX8579 3V至28V输入、低成本、迟滞同步降压控制器MAX8594, MAX8594A 5路输出PMIC,提供DC-DC核电源,用于低成本PDAMAX8594EVKIT MAX8594评估板MAX8632 集成DDR电源方案,适用于台式机、笔记本电脑和图形卡MAX8632EVKIT MAX8632评估板MAX8702, MAX8703 双相MOSFET驱动器,带有温度传感器MAX8707 多相、固定频率控制器,用于AMD Hammer CPU核电源MAX8716, MAX8717, MAX8757 交叉工作、高效、双电源控制器,用于笔记本电脑MAX8716EVKIT MAX8716评估板MAX8717EVKIT MAX8717评估板MAX8718, MAX8719 高压、低功耗线性稳压器,用于笔记本电脑MAX8725EVKIT MAX8725评估板MAX8727 TFT-LCD升压型、DC-DC变换器MAX8729 固定频率、半桥CCFL逆变控制器MAX8729EVKIT MAX8729评估板MAX8732A, MAX8733A, MAX8734A 高效率、四路输出、主电源控制器,用于笔记本电脑MAX8737 双路、低电压线性稳压器, 外置MOSFETMAX8737EVKIT MAX8737评估板MAX8738 EEPROM可编程TFT VCOM校准器, 带有I2C接口MAX8740 TFT-LCD升压型、DC-DC变换器MAX8743 双路、高效率、降压型控制器,关断状态下提供高阻MAX8751 固定频率、全桥、CCFL逆变控制器MAX8751EVKIT MAX8751评估板MAX8752 TFT-LCD升压型、DC-DC变换器MAX8758 具有开关控制和运算放大器的升压调节器, 用于TFT LCDMAX8758EVKIT MAX8758评估板MAX8759 低成本SMBus CCFL背光控制器MAX8760 双相、Quick-PWM控制器,用于AMD Mobile Turion 64 CPU核电源MAX8764 高速、降压型控制器,带有精确的限流控制,用于笔记本电脑MAX9223, MAX9224 22位、低功耗、5MHz至10MHz串行器与解串器芯片组MAX9225, MAX9226 10位、低功耗、10MHz至20MHz串行器与解串器芯片组MAX9483, MAX9484 双输出、多模CD-RW/DVD激光二极管驱动器MAX9485 可编程音频时钟发生器MAX9485EVKIT MAX9485评估板MAX9486 8kHz参考时钟合成器,提供35.328MHz倍频输出MAX9486EVKIT MAX9486评估板MAX9489 多路输出网络时钟发生器MAX9500, MAX9501 三通道HDTV滤波器MAX9500EVKIT MAX9500评估板MAX9502 2.5V视频放大器, 带有重建滤波器MAX9504A, MAX9504B 3V/5V、6dB视频放大器, 可提供大电流输出MAX9701 1.3W、无需滤波、立体声D类音频功率放大器MAX9701EVKIT MAX9701评估板MAX9702 1.8W、无需滤波、立体声D类音频功率放大器和DirectDrive立体声耳机放大器MAX9702EVSYS/EVKIT MAX9702/MAX9702B评估系统/评估板MAX9703, MAX9704 10W立体声/15W单声道、无需滤波的扩展频谱D类放大器MAX9705 2.3W、超低EMI、无需滤波、D类音频放大器MAX9705BEVKIT MAX9705B评估板MAX9710EVKIT MAX9710评估板MAX9712 500mW、低EMI、无需滤波、D类音频放大器MAX9713, MAX9714 6W、无需滤波、扩频单声道/立体声D类放大器MAX9714EVKIT MAX9704, MAX9714评估板MAX9715 2.8W、低EMI、立体声、无需滤波、D类音频放大器MAX9715EVKIT MAX9715评估板MAX9716, MAX9717 低成本、单声道、1.4W BTL音频功率放大器MAX9716EVKIT MAX9716评估板MAX9718, MAX9719 低成本、单声道/立体声、1.4W差分音频功率放大器MAX9718AEVKIT MAX9718A评估板MAX9719AEVKIT MAX9719A/B/C/D评估板MAX9721 1V、固定增益、DirectDrive、立体声耳机放大器,带有关断MAX9721EVKIT MAX9721评估板MAX9722A, MAX9722B 5V、差分输入、DirectDrive、130mW立体声耳机放大器,带有关断MAX9722AEVKIT MAX9722A, MAX9722B评估板MAX9723 立体声DirectDrive耳机放大器, 具有BassMax、音量控制和I2C接口MAX9725 1V、低功率、DirectDrive、立体声耳机放大器,带有关断MAX9728AEVKIT MAX9728A/MAX9728B评估板MAX9750, MAX9751, MAX9755 2.6W立体声音频功放和DirectDrive耳机放大器MAX9759 3.2W、高效、低EMI、无需滤波、D类音频放大器MAX9759EVKIT MAX9759评估板MAX9770, MAX9772 1.2W、低EMI、无需虑波、单声道D类放大器,带有立体声DirectDrive耳机放大器MAX9787 2.2W立体声音频功率放大器, 提供模拟音量控制MAX9850 立体声音频DAC,带有DirectDrive耳机放大器MAX9890 音频咔嗒声-怦然声抑制器MAX9951, MAX9952 双路引脚参数测量单元MAX9960 双闪存引脚电子测量/高压开关矩阵MAX9961, MAX9962 双通道、低功耗、500Mbps ATE驱动器/比较器,带有2mA负载MAX9967 双通道、低功耗、500Mbps ATE驱动器/比较器,带有35mA负载MAX9986A SiGe高线性度、815MHz至1000MHz下变频混频器, 带有LO缓冲器/开关MAXQ2000 低功耗LCD微控制器MAXQ2000 勘误表PDF: MAXQ2000A2MAXQ2000-KIT MAXQ2000评估板MAXQ3120-KIT MAXQ3120评估板MXL1543B +5V、多协议、3Tx/3Rx、软件可选的时钟/数据收发器。


MAX1240 / MAX1241 采用 8 引脚封装的低 功耗、12 位模数转换器转换器(ADC)。 MAX1240 采 用 + 2.7V 至 + 3.6V 的 电 源 供 电,MAX1241 采用单电源供电范围是+ 2.7V 至+ 5.25V。这两款设备都具有 7.5μs 的功 能 逐次逼近 ADC,快速跟踪/保持(1.5μs), 片上时钟和高速 3 线串行接口。 在 73ksps 的 最 大 采 样 速 度 下 , 功 耗 仅 为 37mW(VDD = 3V)。2μA 关断模式以较 慢的吞吐率来降低功耗。 MAX1240 具 有 内 部 2.5V 参 考 电 压 , 而 MAX1241 需要外部参考电 压。MAX1241 接受从 0V 到VREF 和参考信号输入范围包括 正电源轨。外部的时钟从 3 线接口访问数据, 它直接连接到标准微控制器的 I/O 港口。该 接口与 SPI™,QSPI™和 MICROWIRE™兼容。 该接卓越的交流特性和极低的功耗,易于使 用和小封装尺寸,使这些转换器成为远程传 感器和数据采集应用的理想之选,或者是要 求降低功耗和对空间有要求的电路的最好 选择。MAX1240/MAX1241 采用 8 引脚 PDIP 和 SO 封装。
转换时间 跟踪/保持采集时 间 转换时间 吞吐率 光圈抖动
fSCLK=2.1MHz 图8
输入电压范围 输入电容

NEC MultiSync EA241WU 超窄边框显示器数据手册说明书

NEC MultiSync EA241WU 超窄边框显示器数据手册说明书

DatasheetNEC MultiSync®EA241WU Ultra-Narrow Bezel – best productivity with tailored ergonomics plus style and performance to complement the modern officeWith full height adjustability from 0 to 150 mm and 170° swivel functionality, this 24” display enables the user to create an individually tailored workspace. Furthermore, built-in Low Blue Light technology filters out hazardous blue light emissions whilst Flicker-Free technology eliminates the effect of flickering thus ensuring the well-being of the user. Fulfilling the demand for future-ready performance and delivering all the quality and reliability commensurate with the NEC brand, the EA241WU is well positioned to maximise office productivity.Performance AH-IPS screen technology with LED backlit panel delivers 300 cd/m² of brightness whilst keeping power consumption to a minimum.BenefitsErgonomic Office– full height adjustability (150 mm), swivel, tilt and pivot functionality ensures perfect individual ergonomic set-up.Auto-Adjust Power Consumption– to minimize unnecessary power usage, the Human and Ambient Light Sensors adjust the display brightness according to user presence and room lighting conditions.Best in form and function– future-ready design with 3-sided ultra-narrow bezel, available in black or white, complementing a fresh professional office interior.Protecting your eyes from strain and damage– Built-in Low Blue Light technology filters out hazardous blue light emissions whilst Flicker-Free technology eliminates any backlight flickering, thus protecting your eyes against cataracts and macular degeneration without compromise to true-to-life display colour performance.Business Class Image Quality– Advanced High-Performance IPS (AH-IPS) panel provides the very best viewing angles as well as noticeably better colour reproduction.Product InformationProduct Name NEC MultiSync®EA241WUProduct Group LCD 24" Enterprise DisplayOrder Code60004676 (BK), 60004677 (WH)DisplayPanel T echnology IPS TFT with W-LED backlightScreen Size [inch/cm]24 / 61Screen Aspect Ratio16:10Pixel Pitch [mm]0.270Brightness (typ.) [cd/m²]300Contrast Ratio (typ.)1000:1 (5000:1 dynamic contrast ratio)Viewing Angle [°]178 horizontal / 178 vertical (typ. at contrast ratio 10:1) Response Time (typ.) [ms]5Colours [Mio.]16.77Synchronisation RateHorizontal Frequency [kHz]31.5 - 95Vertical Frequency [Hz]56 - 75ResolutionOptimum Resolution1920 x 1200 at 60 HzSupported1920 x 1200;1680 x 1050;1600 x 1200;1440 x 900;1400 x 1050;1366 x 768;1280 x 1024;1280 x 960;1024 x 768;800 x 600;640 x 480ConnectivityDigital 1 x DisplayPort; 1 x DVI-D; 1 x HDMI; USB ver. 3.0 (3 down / 1 up) Analog 1 x D-sub 15 pinElectricalPower Consumption on Mode[W]15 (Eco Mode 2); 20 (typ.); 47 (max.)Power Savings Mode [W]0.3Power Supply internal power supplyEnvironmental ConditionsOperating T emperature [°C]+5 to +35Operating Humidity [%]20 to 80ErgonomicsHeight adjustable stand [mm]150Screen Tilt / Swivel [°]-5 to +35; -170 to +170Screen Rotate [°]-90 to 90 (landscape to portrait mode)MechanicalBezel Width [mm]0.8 (left/right/top)Dimensions (W x H x D) [mm]With stand: 531.5 x 515.4 x 250Weight [kg] 6.7VESA Mounting [mm]100 x 100Additional FeaturesSpecial Characteristics Ambient light sensor for optimized brightness levels; Carbon Footprint Meter; Carbon SavingsMeter; ControlSync ®; Customize Setting; DICOM preset; EcoModes; Human Sensor; LEDBacklight T echnology; NaViSet Administrator 2; Quick release Stand and Handle; sRGBSupport; T ouch Sensor Keys; USB ver. 3.0 (3 down / 1 up)Colour Versions Black Front Bezel, Black Back Cabinet; White Front Bezel, White Back CabinetCable Management yesKensington security slot yesPlug and Play VESA DDC2B; VESA DDCiAudio Headphone Jack; Integrated Speakers (1 W + 1 W)Adjust Functions Audio Volume / Lock-Out; Auto Adjust; Brightness; Colour T emperature Control; Contrast;Control Sync; DV Mode; EcoMode; Fine Adjust (analog); Human Sensing; Intelligent PowerManagement; Language Select; LED Brightness; Monitor Information; NTAA (Non-T ouch-Auto-Adjustment); On-Screen-Display (OSD) lock-out; One T ouch Recovery; Power-Off Timer; sRGBShipping Content Control Sync Cable; DisplayPort cable; Monitor; Power Cable; Setup Guide; USB CableSafety and Ergonomics CE; EAC; EnergyStar 8.0; ErP; Flicker-free; ISO 9241-307 (pixel failure class I); Low Blue Light;PSB; RoHS; TCO 8.0; TÜV Ergonomics; TÜV GS; UL/C-UL or CSA; WEEEWarranty3 years warranty incl. backlight; optional 4th to 5th year warranty extension Green FeaturesEnergy EfficiencyAmbient light sensor; Energy consumption: 12 kWh/1000 h; Energy efficiency class: C;Human sensor; Intelligent Power Management Ecological MaterialsDownloadable manuals Ecological Standards Energy Star 8.0; TCO 8.0CE ErP RoHS TCO 8.0TÜV Ergonomics TÜV GSThis document is © 2021 Sharp NEC Display Solutions Europe GmbH.All rights reserved in favour of their respective owners. All hardware and software names are brand names and/or registered trademarks of the respective manufacturers. All specifications are subject to change without notice. Errors and omissions are excepted. 27.05.2021。



General DescriptionThe MAX200–MAX211/MAX213 transceivers are designed for RS-232 and V.28 communication inter-faces where ±12V supplies are not available. On-board charge pumps convert the +5V input to the ±10V need-ed for RS-232 output levels. The MAX201 and MAX209operate from +5V and +12V, and contain a +12V to -12V charge-pump voltage converter.The MAX200–MAX211/MAX213 drivers and receivers meet all EIA/TIA-232E and CCITT V.28 specifications at a data rate of 20kbps. The drivers maintain the ±5V EIA/TIA-232E output signal levels at data rates in excess of 120kbps when loaded in accordance with the EIA/TIA-232E specification.The 5µW shutdown mode of the MAX200, MAX205,MAX206, and MAX211 conserves energy in battery-powered systems. The MAX213 has an active-low shut-down and an active-high receiver enable control. Two receivers of the MAX213 are active, allowing ring indica-tor (RI) to be monitored easily using only 75µW power.The MAX211 and MAX213 are available in a 28-pin wide small-outline (SO) package and a 28-pin shrink small-outline (SSOP) package, which occupies only 40% of the area of the SO. The MAX207 is now avail-able in a 24-pin SO package and a 24-pin SSOP. The MAX203 and MAX205 use no external components,and are recommended for applications with limited circuit board space.ApplicationsComputersLaptops, Palmtops, Notebooks Battery-Powered Equipment Hand-Held Equipment Next-Generation Device Features ♦For Low-Cost Applications:MAX221E: ±15kV ESD-Protected, +5V, 1µA, Single RS-232 Transceiver with AutoShutdown™♦For Low-Voltage and Space-Constrained Applications:MAX3222E/MAX3232E/MAX3237E/MAX3241E/MAX3246E: ±15kV ESD-Protected, Down to 10nA,+3.0V to +5.5V, Up to 1Mbps, True RS-232Transceivers (MAX3246E Available in UCSP™Package)♦For Space-Constrained Applications:MAX3228E/MAX3229E: ±15kV ESD-Protected,+2.5V to +5.5V, RS-232 Transceivers in UCSP ♦For Low-Voltage or Data Cable Applications:MAX3380E/MAX3381E: +2.35V TO +5.5V, 1µA,2Tx/2Rx RS-232 Transceivers with ±15kV ESD-Protected I/O and Logic Pins ♦For Low-Power Applications:MAX3224E–MAX3227E/MAX3244E/MAX3245E:±15kV ESD-Protected, 1µA, 1Mbps, +3.0V to+5.5V, RS-232 Transceivers with AutoShutdown Plus™MAX200–MAX211/MAX213+5V , RS-232 Transceivers with 0.1µF External Capacitors ________________________________________________________________Maxim Integrated Products 119-0065; Rev 6; 10/03For pricing, delivery, and ordering information,please contact Maxim/Dallas Direct!at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim’s website at .Ordering Information appears at end of data sheetAutoShutdown, AutoShutdown Plus, and UCSP are trademarks of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.MAX200–MAX211/MAX213+5V , RS-232 Transceiverswith 0.1µF External Capacitors______________________________________________________________________________________19Ordering Information*Contact factory for dice specifications.M A X 200–M A X 211/M A X 213+5V , RS-232 Transceiverswith 0.1µF External Capacitors Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.20____________________Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600©2003 Maxim Integrated ProductsPrinted USAis a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products.Package Information(The package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package outline information,go to /packages .)。



健伍TM-241A/441A中文操作说明由原版英文说明书翻译而得编译:马玉成2003年11月于大连目录1 使用前的注意事项 (4)2 规格参数 (6)3 随机附件 (7)4 安装 (8)5 操作控制部件及功能 (10)接收接收 (16)频率选择 (17)频率步长选择 (17)可编程频率方式(VFO)调谐限制 (18)ALT(仅对TM-541A/E有效) (19)发射 (20)超时定时器(TOT) (20)存储器后备电池 (21)初始状态 (21)初始化 (21)存储信道 (21)存储目录 (22)存储信道的存入 (22)存储信道的调出 (24)存储转移 (24)扫描扫描 (25)挂起/恢复 (25)频段扫描 (26)可编程频段扫描 (26)存储信道扫描 (27)存储信道跳过 (27)优先信道报警 (28)使用中继频差设定 (28)倒频功能 (29)亚音 (29)亚音频率选择 (29)自动补偿(仅对美国版有效) (30)连续单音静噪(CTCSS) (30)双音频静噪(DTSS) (31)数字录音(DRS) (34)分组 (41)音频报警 (47)自动关闭电源(APO) (48)屏幕背光(DIM) (48)提示音 (49)按键锁定 (49)6 电路图7 维修 (50)8 可选附件 (52)2 规格参数5 操作5-1-1 控制部件及功能①电源开关(POWER)接通或关闭电源。







按住功能键(F)1秒钟以上,当F 显示闪烁时再按此键将开启或关闭超时定时器。

西门子WT10·2018电子平衡电路SIWAREX weighing electronics for

西门子WT10·2018电子平衡电路SIWAREX weighing electronics for

2/392■Overview SIWAREX WP241SIWAREX WP241 is a flexible weighing module for belt scales. The compact module is easy to install in the SIMATIC S7-1200 automation system. It can also be operated as a standalone module, i.e. without a SIMATIC CPU.■BenefitsSIWAREX WP241 offers the following key advantages:•Uniform design technology and consistent communication in SIMATIC S7-1200•Uniform configuration with TIA Portal •Operation without SIMATIC CPU possible•Direct connection of an operator panel via Ethernet •Four digital inputs and outputs, one analog output•Measurement of weight with a high resolution of ±4 million parts•Simple adjustment of belt scales using the SIWATOOL V7 program via the Ethernet interface - even without knowledge of SIMATIC•Replacement of module possible without renewed calibration of the scale•Use in hazardous area zone 2•Different calibration methods: With test weights, test chain, automatically or via material batch.•Specification of belt inclination angle •6 totalization memories•Simulation of speed and belt load for test purposes •Comprehensive diagnostics functions■ApplicationSIWAREX WP241 is the optimal solution wherever belt scales are used that demand high accuracy, high user-friendliness, and flexible system integration. The typical applications of theSIWAREX WP241 are determining the current material flow rate, belt load and belt speed. Furthermore, 6 totalizers are available for evaluating the amount of material conveyed.■DesignSIWAREX WP241 is a compact technology module in the SIMATIC S7-1200, and it allows direct connection to S7-1200 components via a sliding connector. Thanks to standard rail mounting, the installation and wiring outlay for the 70mm-wide (2.76inch) weighing module are very low.The power supply, load cells, RS 485, digital input/outputs, and analog output are connected via the screw connector of the weighing module. An RJ45 connector is used for the Ethernet connection.■FunctionThe primary task of the SIWAREX WP241 is to measure the speed of the belt, to measure and convert the sensor voltage to a weight value, and to precisely calculate the amount of material conveyed or material flow rate.The volume of material conveyed can be recorded in 6 totaliza-tion memories: The accumulated totalization memory deter-mines the conveyed material over the entire operating time of the scale (can only be reset by loading the factory settings). The overall total and the four remaining totalization memories are available for use as required. e.g. for recording the daily or weekly totals.Four different options are available for rapid commissioning:•Automatic calibrationThe calibration is calculated automatically using the load cell parameters entered. Only the zero point has to be calculated on the actual plant.•Calibration with calibration weights or test weightsTest weights are secured to the weighing equipment and the conveyor belt is started. The calibration values are calculated while the belt is running. The zero point must also be calcu-lated.•Calibration with test chainInstead of test weights, a chain of a known weight can be placed on the measuring points of the belt. The calibration values are calculated as for calibration with test weights.•Calibration via material testThis method can be used if a volume of material is available, but neither test weights nor a chain are available. The material can either be preweighed or weighed afterwards. The material is passed over the belt scale, and the weighing module calcu-lates the calibration characteristic automatically.If "Automatic set to zero" is active, the electronic weighing sys-tem automatically executes a "set to zero" procedure when the belt reaches the "set to zero" area.2/402Extensive diagnostics functions are available. Diagnostic messages are output to the different interfaces. In simulation mode, both the speed and the belt load can be specified by the user, i.e. simulated. This makes it possible to test many functions in advance without operating belt scales. The digital inputs/outputs and the analog output can also be simulated for testing purposes. The "Trace" function is very helpful for optimizing the plant or when troubleshooting. This records the weighing history stored in the internal module memory (e.g. material flow rate, belt load, speed) and exports it to Excel in a graphical format.Monitoring of the scale signals and statesThe SIWAREX WP241 monitors the belt load, the material flow rate, and the belt speed, and it signals if the limits are exceeded. The respective limits can be parameterized as required.Consistent and uniform communication between all system components enables fast, reliable and cost-effective integration and diagnosis in industrial processes.Integration in the plant environmentSIWAREX WP241 can be directly integrated into theSIMATIC S7-1200 via the SIMATIC bus. Standalone operation without SIMATIC is also possible.A wide variety of connection options are provided via the RS 485 and Ethernet interface. Via Modbus TCP/IP or Modbus RTU, control panels can be connected and it is also possible to com-municate with various automation systems. A PC for program-ming the SIWAREX WP241 via SIWATOOL can be connected to the Ethernet interface.SIWAREX WP241 can be integrated into the system software us-ing all standard PLC programming languages from the TIA Por-tal. In contrast to serially linked electronic weighing systems, SIWAREX WP241 does not need costly additional modules to link it to SIMATIC.Used in conjunction with SIWAREX WP241, it is possible to con-figure freely programmable, modular weighing systems in SI-MATIC, which can be adapted to company-specific require-ments as needed.SIWAREX WP241 "Ready for use"In addition to the configuration package, fully-featuredSIWAREX WP241 "Ready for use" software is also available free-of-charge. It shows beginners how to integrate the module in a STEP 7 program and offers a basis for application programming. This allows you to connect the scale either directly to theSIMATIC CPU or to an operator panel connected directly to the SIWAREX WP241.SoftwareThere is also the option of using a Windows PC for commission-ing and servicing. The program SIWATOOL enables the belt scales to be set without prior knowledge of the automation sys-tem, as required. During servicing, the technician can use a PC to quickly and simply analyze and test the procedures in the scale.The following are just some of the tasks that can be carried out using SIWATOOL V7:•Parameterization and calibration of the scale •Testing/Simulation of scale properties•Recording, analysis and export of scale traces ("Trace")•Creation of backup files for rapidly replacing modules without calibrationSIWAREX WP241 SIWATOOLIt is also extremely helpful to analyze the diagnostics buffer which can be saved together with the parameters following reading out from the module.Trace mode is provided to optimize the weighing sequences in the SIWAREX WP241 weighing module. The recorded weight values and associated states can be displayed as trends using SIWATOOL V7 and MS Excel.Upgrading firmwareAn additional program function can be used to download a new firmware version onto the SIWAREX WP241 on site. This means that firmware upgrades can be carried out on site as required anywhere in the world.2■Technical specificationsSIWAREX WP241Integration in automation systems S7-1200SIMATIC S7-1200 system bus Operator panel and/or automation systems from other vendors Via Ethernet (Modbus TCP/IP) or RS 485 (Modbus RTU)Communication interfaces•SIMATIC S7-1200 backplane bus •RS 485 (Modbus RTU)•Ethernet (SIWATOOL V7, Modbus TCP/IP)•Analog output 0/4 - 20 mA•4 x digital outputs, 24V DC floating, short-circuit proof•4 x digital outputs, 24V DC floating Commissioning options•Using SIWATOOL V7•Using function block in SIMATIC S7-1200 CPU / Touch Panel•Using Modbus TCP/IP •Using Modbus RTUMeasuring accuracyError limit according to DIN 1319-1 of full-scale value at 20°C ±10K (68°F ±10K)0.05%Internal resolution up to ±4 million parts Measuring frequency 100 / 120HzDigital filterSeparate, variable adjustable low-pass and average filter for loading and speedFilter for conveyor load Low-pass filter(limit frequency 0.05...50Hz)Filter for belt speed Low-pass filter(limit frequency 0.05...50Hz)Weighing functions Readout data•Weight •Belt load•Material flow rate •Accumulated total •Main total•Free totals 1 … 4•Belt speedLimits (min/max)•Belt load•Material flow rate •Belt speedLoad cellsFull-bridge strain gauges in 4-wire or 6-wire systemLoad cell excitation Supply voltage(regulated via feedback) 4.85 V DCPermissible load resistance •R Lmin >40Ω•R Lmax<4100ΩWith SIWAREX IS Ex interface •R Lmin >50Ω•R Lmax<4100ΩLoad cell characteristic1…4mV/V Permissible measurement signal range-21.3...+21.3mV Max. distance of load cells 500 m (229.66 ft)Connection to load cells in Ex zone 1Optionally via SIWAREX IS Ex inter-face (compatibility of the load cells must be checked)Approvals/certificates•ATEX Zone 2•UL •EAC •KCC •RCMAuxiliary power supply Rated voltage24 V DC Max. power consumption 200 mA Max. power consumption SIMATIC Bus3 mA IP degree of protection to DIN EN 60529; IEC 60529IP20Climatic requirements T min (IND)...T max (IND) (operating temperature)•Vertical installation -10...+40°C (14...104°F)•Horizontal installation -10...+55°C (14...131°F)EMC requirements according to EN 45501Dimensions70x 75 x 100mm (2.76x 2.95 x 3.94in)SIWAREX WP2412■Selection and ordering data Article No.Article No.SIWAREX WP241weighing moduleSingle-channel, for conveyorscales with analog load cells / full-bridge strain gauges (1 - 4 mV/V),1 x LC, 4 x DQ, 4 x DI, 1 x AQ, 1 xRS 485, Ethernet port.7MH4960-4AA01SIWAREX S7-1200 manualAvailable in a range of languagesFree download on the Internet at:/weighing/documentationSIWAREX WP241"Ready for Use"Complete software package forbelt scales (for S7-1200 and adirectly connected operator panel)Free download on the Internet at:/weighing/documentationSIWATOOL V4 & V77MH4900-1AK01Service and commissioningsoftware for SIWAREX weighingmodulesEthernet cable patch cord 2m(7ft)6XV1850-2GH20For connecting SIWAREX WP241to a PC (SIWATOOL), SIMATICCPU, panel, etc.AccessoriesSIWAREX JB junction box,aluminum housing7MH4710-1BAFor connecting up to 4 load cells inparallel, and for connecting multi-ple junction boxes.SIWAREX JB junction box,stainless steel housing7MH4710-1EAFor connecting up to 4 load cells inparallel.SIWAREX JB junction box,stainless steel housing (ATEX)7MH4710-1EA01For parallel connection of up to 4load cells (for zone allocation, seemanual or type-examination certifi-cate).Ex interface SIWAREX ISFor intrinsically-safe connection ofload cells. With ATEX approval (notUL/FM). Suitable for SIWAREXelectronic weighing system. Com-patibility of load cells must bechecked.•Short-circuit current<199mA DC7MH4710-5BA•Short-circuit current<137mA DC7MH4710-5CACable (optional)Cable Li2Y1x2x0.75ST+2x(2x0.34ST)–CYFor connecting SIWAREX elec-tronic weighing systems to junc-tion box (JB), extension box (EB)and Ex interface or between twoJBs.For permanent installation. Occa-sional bending is possible.External diameter:approx. 10.8mm (0.43in)Permissible ambient temperature-40...+80°C (-40...+176°F).Sold by the meter.•Sheath color: orange7MH4702-8AG•For potentially explosive atmo-spheres. Sheath color: blue.7MH4702-8AFGround terminal for connectingthe load cell cable shield to thegrounded DIN rail6ES5728-8MA11CommissioningCommissioning charge for onebelt scale with SIWAREX module(Travel and setup charge must beordered separately)9LA1110-8SM50-0AA0Scope:•Recording of data•Checking of mechanical installa-tion of the scale•Checking of electrical wiring andfunction•Dynamic adjustment of the scaleRequirements:•Mechanical design functional•Modules electrically wired andtested•Adjustment weights available•Free access to scaleFlat charge for travel and setupin Germany9LA1110-8RA10-0AA0。

BenQ FP241W LCD 彩色显示器 24 宽屏幕 LCD 显示器 说明书

BenQ FP241W LCD 彩色显示器 24 宽屏幕 LCD 显示器 说明书

FP241WLCD 彩色显示器24" 宽屏幕LCD 显示器用户手册欢迎使用版权所有版权所有© 2006 BenQ Corporation。


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请遵照安全说明使显示器达到最佳性能和最长使用寿命电源安全性•AC 插头使此设备与 AC 电源绝缘。







用不起毛的非磨损布料清洁 LCD 显示器表面。








2 目录使用入门 (4)熟悉您的显示器 (6)前视图 (6)后视图(1) (6)后视图(2):插头和插孔的位置 (7)右视图 (7)装配显示器硬件 (8)调整显示器的高度和角度 (12)旋转显示器(可选) (13)充分利用 BenQ 显示器 (16)如何在新电脑上安装显示器 (17)如何在现有的电脑上升级显示器 (18)在 Windows Vista 系统上安装 (19)在 Windows XP 系统上安装 (20)如何调整屏幕分辨率 (22)在 Windows 中,您可按下述方法更改图像分辨率: (22)如何调整屏幕刷新率 (23)在 Windows 中,您可按下述方法更改刷新率: (23)图像优化 (24)如何调整显示器 (25)控制面板 (25)屏显(OSD)菜单结构图 (26)热键模式 (28)主菜单模式 (31)故障排除 (40)常见问题(FAQ) (40)是否需要更多帮助? (41)支持的 PC 分辨率 (42)规格 (43)3目录4 使用入门1. 使用入门您的 FP241W 将提供 1920 x 1200 视频分辨率标准的理想显示性能。



CSC 241系列数字式变压器保护测控装置综述CSC 241系列数字式变压器保护测控装置是适用于66kV及以下电压等级的变压器成套保护装置,由差动保护、后备保护、厂(所)用变保护、接地变保护和非电量保护组成。

1 装置型号及基本功能描述2 CSC 241系列数字式变压器保护配置方案3 主要技术指标及参数CSC 241A数字式变压器差动保护装置1 装置简介CSC 241A为适用于66kV及以下电压等级的两卷变压器差动保护装置,可在开关柜就地安装。

一般需与本系列CSC 241B后备保护(或CSC 241C厂用变保护)装置构成成套保护。

2 主要功能⏹反应保护区内故障的差动速断保护;⏹反应保护区内故障经二次谐波制动的比率差动保护;⏹CT断线功能;⏹差流越限告警功能;⏹故障录波;⏹9路遥信开入采集(包括非电量保护输出接点的采集及信息上传功能)、装置遥信变位、事故遥信;各种事件SOE等。

3 保护元件3.1 差动速断元件当任一相差动电流大于差动速断整定值时,动作于出口。



3.2 比率差动元件为了保证内部故障时差动保护灵敏动作,同时防止外部故障时及差动各侧CT特性不一致时暂态不平衡电流引起的误动,本装置采用三段式比率差动原理,其动作方程如下:cd d I I >1r r I I <cd r r d I I I K I +->)(1121r r r I I I ≤≤cd r r r r d I I I K I I K I +-+->)()(121222r r I I >其中,cd I 为差动保护的起动电流定值,d I 为差动电流,r I 为制动电流。

1r I 为可整定的第一拐点电流,2r I 为第二拐点电流(内部固定取为2e I ,e I 为变压器高压侧额定电流), 1K 为可整定制动曲线斜率,2K 为内部固定的系数(取为0.7)。

ViewSonic V3D241wm-LED 120Hz LCD Display 说明书

ViewSonic V3D241wm-LED 120Hz LCD Display 说明书

ViewSonic®V3D241wm-LED120Hz LCD DisplayModel No. : VS13189内容电磁相容信息 (1)重要的安全指示 (2)中国电子信息产品污染控制标识要求 (3)版权信息 (4)产品注册 (4)开始包装内容 (5)注意事项 (5)快速安装 (6)墙壁安装(可选) (7)使用LCD显示器设置定时模式 (8)菜单和电源按键锁定设置 (8)调整屏幕图像 (9)主菜单控件 (11)其它信息技术规格 (14)故障诊断 (15)客户支持 (16)如何清洁LCD显示器 (17)有限担保 (18)电磁相容信息FCC声明本设备符合 FCC 规则第 15 部分的规定。

其操作遵循下面两个条件:(1) 本设备不会导致有害干扰;(2) 本设备必须承受任何接收到的干扰,包括可能导致异常操作的干扰。

依 FCC 规则的第十五章,本设备经测试,符合 B 级数码设备的限制标准。









在加拿大此 B 级数字设备符合加拿大 ICES-003 的要求。

Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.针对欧盟国家的 CE 符合性此设备符合电磁兼容指令2004/108/EC和低电压指令2006/95/EC的要求。

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General DescriptionThe MAX220–MAX249 family of line drivers/receivers is intended for all EIA/TIA-232E and V.28/V.24 communica-tions interfaces, particularly applications where ±12V is not available.These parts are especially useful in battery-powered sys-tems, since their low-power shutdown mode reduces power dissipation to less than 5µW. The MAX225,MAX233, MAX235, and MAX245/MAX246/MAX247 use no external components and are recommended for appli-cations where printed circuit board space is critical.________________________ApplicationsPortable Computers Low-Power Modems Interface TranslationBattery-Powered RS-232 Systems Multidrop RS-232 NetworksNext-Generation Device Features♦For Low-Voltage, Integrated ESD ApplicationsMAX3222E/MAX3232E/MAX3237E/MAX3241E/MAX3246E: +3.0V to +5.5V, Low-Power, Up to 1Mbps, True RS-232 Transceivers Using Four 0.1µF External Capacitors (MAX3246E Available in a UCSP™Package)♦For Low-Cost ApplicationsMAX221E: ±15kV ESD-Protected, +5V, 1µA,Single RS-232 Transceiver with AutoShutdown™MAX220–MAX249+5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232Drivers/Receivers________________________________________________________________Maxim Integrated Products 1Selection Table19-4323; Rev 15; 1/06Power No. of NominalSHDN RxPart Supply RS-232No. of Cap. Value & Three-Active in Data Rate Number (V)Drivers/Rx Ext. Caps (µF)State SHDN (kbps)FeaturesMAX220+52/240.047/0.33No —120Ultra-low-power, industry-standard pinout MAX222+52/2 4 0.1Yes —200Low-power shutdownMAX223 (MAX213)+54/54 1.0 (0.1)Yes ✔120MAX241 and receivers active in shutdown MAX225+55/50—Yes ✔120Available in SOMAX230 (MAX200)+55/04 1.0 (0.1)Yes —120 5 drivers with shutdownMAX231 (MAX201)+5 and2/2 2 1.0 (0.1)No —120Standard +5/+12V or battery supplies; +7.5 to +13.2same functions as MAX232MAX232 (MAX202)+52/24 1.0 (0.1)No —120 (64)Industry standardMAX232A+52/240.1No —200Higher slew rate, small caps MAX233 (MAX203)+52/20— No —120No external capsMAX233A+52/20—No —200No external caps, high slew rate MAX234 (MAX204)+54/04 1.0 (0.1)No —120Replaces 1488MAX235 (MAX205)+55/50—Yes —120No external capsMAX236 (MAX206)+54/34 1.0 (0.1)Yes —120Shutdown, three stateMAX237 (MAX207)+55/34 1.0 (0.1)No —120Complements IBM PC serial port MAX238 (MAX208)+54/44 1.0 (0.1)No —120Replaces 1488 and 1489MAX239 (MAX209)+5 and3/52 1.0 (0.1)No —120Standard +5/+12V or battery supplies;+7.5 to +13.2single-package solution for IBM PC serial port MAX240+55/54 1.0Yes —120DIP or flatpack package MAX241 (MAX211)+54/54 1.0 (0.1)Yes —120Complete IBM PC serial port MAX242+52/240.1Yes ✔200Separate shutdown and enableMAX243+52/240.1No —200Open-line detection simplifies cabling MAX244+58/104 1.0No —120High slew rateMAX245+58/100—Yes ✔120High slew rate, int. caps, two shutdown modes MAX246+58/100—Yes ✔120High slew rate, int. caps, three shutdown modes MAX247+58/90—Yes ✔120High slew rate, int. caps, nine operating modes MAX248+58/84 1.0Yes ✔120High slew rate, selective half-chip enables MAX249+56/1041.0Yes✔120Available in quad flatpack packageFor pricing, delivery, and ordering information,please contact Maxim/Dallas Direct!at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim’s website at .Ordering InformationOrdering Information continued at end of data sheet.*Contact factory for dice specifications.AutoShutdown and UCSP are trademarks of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.M A X 220–M A X 249+5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232Drivers/Receivers 2_______________________________________________________________________________________ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS—MAX220/222/232A/233A/242/243ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX220/222/232A/233A/242/243Note 1:For the MAX220, V+ and V- can have a maximum magnitude of 7V, but their absolute difference cannot exceed 13V.Note 2:Input voltage measured with T OUT in high-impedance state, SHDN or V CC = 0V.Note 3:Maximum reflow temperature for the MAX233A is +225°C.Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Supply Voltage (V CC )...............................................-0.3V to +6V V+ (Note 1)..................................................(V CC - 0.3V) to +14V V- (Note 1).............................................................+0.3V to +14V Input VoltagesT IN ..............................................................-0.3V to (V CC - 0.3V)R IN (Except MAX220)........................................................±30V R IN (MAX220).....................................................................±25V T OUT (Except MAX220) (Note 2).......................................±15V T OUT (MAX220)...............................................................±13.2V Output VoltagesT OUT ...................................................................................±15V R OUT .........................................................-0.3V to (V CC + 0.3V)Driver/Receiver Output Short Circuited to GND.........Continuous Continuous Power Dissipation (T A = +70°C)16-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 10.53mW/°C above +70°C)..842mW18-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 11.11mW/°C above +70°C)..889mW 20-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 8.00mW/°C above +70°C)..440mW 16-Pin Narrow SO (derate 8.70mW/°C above +70°C)...696mW 16-Pin Wide SO (derate 9.52mW/°C above +70°C)......762mW 18-Pin Wide SO (derate 9.52mW/°C above +70°C)......762mW 20-Pin Wide SO (derate 10.00mW/°C above +70°C)....800mW 20-Pin SSOP (derate 8.00mW/°C above +70°C)..........640mW 16-Pin CERDIP (derate 10.00mW/°C above +70°C).....800mW 18-Pin CERDIP (derate 10.53mW/°C above +70°C).....842mW Operating Temperature RangesMAX2_ _AC_ _, MAX2_ _C_ _.............................0°C to +70°C MAX2_ _AE_ _, MAX2_ _E_ _..........................-40°C to +85°C MAX2_ _AM_ _, MAX2_ _M_ _.......................-55°C to +125°C Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +160°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) (Note 3)...................+300°CMAX220–MAX249+5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232Drivers/Receivers_______________________________________________________________________________________3Note 4:MAX243 R2OUT IN ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX220/222/232A/233A/242/243 (continued)M A X 220–M A X 249+5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232Drivers/Receivers 4_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Typical Operating CharacteristicsMAX220/MAX222/MAX232A/MAX233A/MAX242/MAX243108-1051525OUTPUT VOLTAGE vs. LOAD CURRENT-4-6-8-2642LOAD CURRENT (mA)O U T P U T V O L T A G E (V )1002011104104060AVAILABLE OUTPUT CURRENTvs. DATA RATE65798DATA RATE (kb/s)O U T P U T C U R R E N T (m A )203050+10V-10VMAX222/MAX242ON-TIME EXITING SHUTDOWN+5V +5V 0V0V 500μs/div V +, V - V O L T A G E (V )ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX220/222/232A/233A/242/243 (continued)(V CC = +5V ±10%, C1–C4 = 0.1µF‚ MAX220, C1 = 0.047µF, C2–C4 = 0.33µF, T A = T MIN to T MAX ‚ unless otherwise noted.)MAX220–MAX249+5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232Drivers/Receivers_______________________________________________________________________________________5V CC ...........................................................................-0.3V to +6V V+................................................................(V CC - 0.3V) to +14V V-............................................................................+0.3V to -14V Input VoltagesT IN ............................................................-0.3V to (V CC + 0.3V)R IN ......................................................................................±30V Output VoltagesT OUT ...................................................(V+ + 0.3V) to (V- - 0.3V)R OUT .........................................................-0.3V to (V CC + 0.3V)Short-Circuit Duration, T OUT ......................................Continuous Continuous Power Dissipation (T A = +70°C)14-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 10.00mW/°C above +70°C)....800mW 16-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 10.53mW/°C above +70°C)....842mW 20-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 11.11mW/°C above +70°C)....889mW 24-Pin Narrow Plastic DIP(derate 13.33mW/°C above +70°C)..........1.07W24-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 9.09mW/°C above +70°C)......500mW 16-Pin Wide SO (derate 9.52mW/°C above +70°C).........762mW20-Pin Wide SO (derate 10.00mW/°C above +70°C).......800mW 24-Pin Wide SO (derate 11.76mW/°C above +70°C).......941mW 28-Pin Wide SO (derate 12.50mW/°C above +70°C) .............1W 44-Pin Plastic FP (derate 11.11mW/°C above +70°C).....889mW 14-Pin CERDIP (derate 9.09mW/°C above +70°C)..........727mW 16-Pin CERDIP (derate 10.00mW/°C above +70°C)........800mW 20-Pin CERDIP (derate 11.11mW/°C above +70°C)........889mW 24-Pin Narrow CERDIP(derate 12.50mW/°C above +70°C)..............1W24-Pin Sidebraze (derate 20.0mW/°C above +70°C)..........1.6W 28-Pin SSOP (derate 9.52mW/°C above +70°C).............762mW Operating Temperature RangesMAX2 _ _ C _ _......................................................0°C to +70°C MAX2 _ _ E _ _...................................................-40°C to +85°C MAX2 _ _ M _ _......................................................-55°C to +125°C Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +160°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) (Note 4)...................+300°CABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS—MAX223/MAX230–MAX241ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX223/MAX230–MAX241(MAX223/230/232/234/236/237/238/240/241, V CC = +5V ±10; MAX233/MAX235, V CC = 5V ±5%‚ C1–C4 = 1.0µF; MAX231/MAX239,V CC = 5V ±10%; V+ = 7.5V to 13.2V; T A = T MIN to T MAX ; unless otherwise noted.)Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Note 4:Maximum reflow temperature for the MAX233/MAX235 is +225°C.M A X 220–M A X 249+5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232Drivers/Receivers 6_______________________________________________________________________________________ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX223/MAX230–MAX241 (continued)(MAX223/230/232/234/236/237/238/240/241, V CC = +5V ±10; MAX233/MAX235, V CC = 5V ±5%‚ C1–C4 = 1.0µF; MAX231/MAX239,V CC = 5V ±10%; V+ = 7.5V to 13.2V; T A = T MIN to T MAX ; unless otherwise noted.)MAX220–MAX249+5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232Drivers/Receivers_______________________________________________________________________________________78. OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V OH ) vs. V CC7.08.0V CC (V)V O H (V ) OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V OH )vs. LOAD CAPACITANCE AT DIFFERENT DATA RATES6. CAPACITANCE (pF)V O H (V )1500100050020006.86.612.04.02500TRANSMITTER SLEW RATE vs. LOAD CAPACITANCE6. CAPACITANCE (pF)S L E W R A T E (V /μs )1500100050020008.07.0-6.0- OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V OL ) vs. V CC-8.0-8.5-6.5-7.0V CC (V)V O L (V )5.0-7.5-6.0-7.62500TRANSMITTER OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V OL )vs. LOAD CAPACITANCE AT DIFFERENT DATA RATES-7.0-7.2-7.4-6.2-6.4LOAD CAPACITANCE (pF)V O L (V )150010005002000-6.6-6.810-105101520253035404550TRANSMITTER OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V+, V-)vs. LOAD CURRENT-2-6-4-886CURRENT (mA)V +, V - (V )420__________________________________________Typical Operating CharacteristicsMAX223/MAX230–MAX241*SHUTDOWN POLARITY IS REVERSED FOR NON MAX241 PARTSV+, V- WHEN EXITING SHUTDOWN(1μF CAPACITORS)MAX220-13SHDN*V-O V+500ms/divM A X 220–M A X 249+5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232Drivers/Receivers 8_______________________________________________________________________________________ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS—MAX225/MAX244–MAX249ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX225/MAX244–MAX249(MAX225, V CC = 5.0V ±5%; MAX244–MAX249, V CC = +5.0V ±10%, external capacitors C1–C4 = 1µF; T A = T MIN to T MAX ; unless oth-erwise noted.)Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Supply Voltage (V CC )...............................................-0.3V to +6V Input VoltagesT IN ‚ ENA , ENB , ENR , ENT , ENRA ,ENRB , ENTA , ENTB ..................................-0.3V to (V CC + 0.3V)R IN .....................................................................................±25V T OUT (Note 5).....................................................................±15V R OUT ........................................................-0.3V to (V CC + 0.3V)Short Circuit (one output at a time)T OUT to GND............................................................Continuous R OUT to GND............................................................ContinuousContinuous Power Dissipation (T A = +70°C)28-Pin Wide SO (derate 12.50mW/°C above +70°C).............1W 40-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 11.11mW/°C above +70°C)...611mW 44-Pin PLCC (derate 13.33mW/°C above +70°C)...........1.07W Operating Temperature RangesMAX225C_ _, MAX24_C_ _ ..................................0°C to +70°C MAX225E_ _, MAX24_E_ _ ...............................-40°C to +85°C Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +160°C Lead Temperature (soldering,10s) (Note 6)....................+300°CNote 5:Input voltage measured with transmitter output in a high-impedance state, shutdown, or V CC = 0V.Note 6:Maximum reflow temperature for the MAX225/MAX245/MAX246/MAX247 is +225°C.MAX220–MAX249+5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232Drivers/Receivers_______________________________________________________________________________________9Note 7:The 300Ωminimum specification complies with EIA/TIA-232E, but the actual resistance when in shutdown mode or V CC =0V is 10M Ωas is implied by the leakage specification.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX225/MAX244–MAX249 (continued)(MAX225, V CC = 5.0V ±5%; MAX244–MAX249, V CC = +5.0V ±10%, external capacitors C1–C4 = 1µF; T A = T MIN to T MAX ; unless oth-erwise noted.)M A X 220–M A X 249+5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232Drivers/Receivers 10________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Typical Operating CharacteristicsMAX225/MAX244–MAX24918212345TRANSMITTER SLEW RATE vs. LOAD CAPACITANCE86416LOAD CAPACITANCE (nF)T R A N S M I T T E R S L E W R A T E (V /μs )14121010-105101520253035OUTPUT VOLTAGEvs. LOAD CURRENT FOR V+ AND V--2-4-6-88LOAD CURRENT (mA)O U T P U T V O L T A G E (V )64209.05.012345TRANSMITTER OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V+, V-)vs. LOAD CAPACITANCE AT DIFFERENT DATA RATES6.05.58.5LOAD CAPACITANCE (nF)V +, V (V )–MAX249Drivers/ReceiversFigure 1. Transmitter Propagation-Delay Timing Figure 2. Receiver Propagation-Delay TimingFigure 3. Receiver-Output Enable and Disable Timing Figure 4. Transmitter-Output Disable TimingM A X 220–M A X 249Drivers/Receivers ENT ENR OPERATION STATUS TRANSMITTERSRECEIVERS00Normal Operation All Active All Active 01Normal Operation All Active All 3-State10Shutdown All 3-State All Low-Power Receive Mode 11ShutdownAll 3-StateAll 3-StateTable 1a. MAX245 Control Pin ConfigurationsENT ENR OPERATION STATUS TRANSMITTERS RECEIVERSTA1–TA4TB1–TB4RA1–RA5RB1–RB500Normal Operation All Active All Active All Active All Active 01Normal Operation All Active All Active RA1–RA4 3-State,RA5 Active RB1–RB4 3-State,RB5 Active 1ShutdownAll 3-StateAll 3-StateAll Low-Power Receive Mode All Low-Power Receive Mode 11Shutdown All 3-State All 3-StateRA1–RA4 3-State,RA5 Low-Power Receive ModeRB1–RB4 3-State,RB5 Low-Power Receive ModeTable 1b. MAX245 Control Pin ConfigurationsTable 1c. MAX246 Control Pin ConfigurationsENA ENB OPERATION STATUS TRANSMITTERS RECEIVERSTA1–TA4TB1–TB4RA1–RA5RB1–RB500Normal Operation All Active All Active All Active All Active 01Normal Operation All Active All 3-State All Active RB1–RB4 3-State,RB5 Active 1ShutdownAll 3-StateAll ActiveRA1–RA4 3-State,RA5 Active All Active 11Shutdown All 3-State All 3-StateRA1–RA4 3-State,RA5 Low-Power Receive ModeRB1–RB4 3-State,RA5 Low-Power Receive ModeMAX220–MAX249Drivers/ReceiversM A X 220–M A X 249_______________Detailed DescriptionThe MAX220–MAX249 contain four sections: dual charge-pump DC-DC voltage converters, RS-232 dri-vers, RS-232 receivers, and receiver and transmitter enable control inputs.Dual Charge-Pump Voltage ConverterThe MAX220–MAX249 have two internal charge-pumps that convert +5V to ±10V (unloaded) for RS-232 driver operation. The first converter uses capacitor C1 to dou-ble the +5V input to +10V on C3 at the V+ output. The second converter uses capacitor C2 to invert +10V to -10V on C4 at the V- output.A small amount of power may be drawn from the +10V (V+) and -10V (V-) outputs to power external circuitry (see the Typical Operating Characteristics section),except on the MAX225 and MAX245–MAX247, where these pins are not available. V+ and V- are not regulated,so the output voltage drops with increasing load current.Do not load V+ and V- to a point that violates the mini-mum ±5V EIA/TIA-232E driver output voltage when sourcing current from V+ and V- to external circuitry. When using the shutdown feature in the MAX222,MAX225, MAX230, MAX235, MAX236, MAX240,MAX241, and MAX245–MAX249, avoid using V+ and V-to power external circuitry. When these parts are shut down, V- falls to 0V, and V+ falls to +5V. For applica-tions where a +10V external supply is applied to the V+pin (instead of using the internal charge pump to gen-erate +10V), the C1 capacitor must not be installed and the SHDN pin must be tied to V CC . This is because V+is internally connected to V CC in shutdown mode.RS-232 DriversThe typical driver output voltage swing is ±8V when loaded with a nominal 5k ΩRS-232 receiver and V CC =+5V. Output swing is guaranteed to meet the EIA/TIA-232E and V.28 specification, which calls for ±5V mini-mum driver output levels under worst-case conditions.These include a minimum 3k Ωload, V CC = +4.5V, and maximum operating temperature. Unloaded driver out-put voltage ranges from (V+ -1.3V) to (V- +0.5V).Input thresholds are both TTL and CMOS compatible.The inputs of unused drivers can be left unconnected since 400k Ωinput pullup resistors to V CC are built in (except for the MAX220). The pullup resistors force the outputs of unused drivers low because all drivers invert.The internal input pullup resistors typically source 12µA,except in shutdown mode where the pullups are dis-abled. Driver outputs turn off and enter a high-imped-ance state—where leakage current is typically microamperes (maximum 25µA)—when in shutdownmode, in three-state mode, or when device power is removed. Outputs can be driven to ±15V. The power-supply current typically drops to 8µA in shutdown mode.The MAX220 does not have pullup resistors to force the outputs of the unused drivers low. Connect unused inputs to GND or V CC .The MAX239 has a receiver three-state control line, and the MAX223, MAX225, MAX235, MAX236, MAX240,and MAX241 have both a receiver three-state control line and a low-power shutdown control. Table 2 shows the effects of the shutdown control and receiver three-state control on the receiver outputs.The receiver TTL/CMOS outputs are in a high-imped-ance, three-state mode whenever the three-state enable line is high (for the MAX225/MAX235/MAX236/MAX239–MAX241), and are also high-impedance whenever the shutdown control line is high.When in low-power shutdown mode, the driver outputs are turned off and their leakage current is less than 1µA with the driver output pulled to ground. The driver output leakage remains less than 1µA, even if the transmitter output is backdriven between 0V and (V CC + 6V). Below -0.5V, the transmitter is diode clamped to ground with 1k Ωseries impedance. The transmitter is also zener clamped to approximately V CC + 6V, with a series impedance of 1k Ω.The driver output slew rate is limited to less than 30V/µs as required by the EIA/TIA-232E and V.28 specifica-tions. Typical slew rates are 24V/µs unloaded and 10V/µs loaded with 3Ωand 2500pF.RS-232 ReceiversEIA/TIA-232E and V.28 specifications define a voltage level greater than 3V as a logic 0, so all receivers invert.Input thresholds are set at 0.8V and 2.4V, so receivers respond to TTL level inputs as well as EIA/TIA-232E and V.28 levels.The receiver inputs withstand an input overvoltage up to ±25V and provide input terminating resistors withDrivers/ReceiversTable 2. Three-State Control of ReceiversMAX220–MAX249Drivers/Receiversnominal 5k Ωvalues. The receivers implement Type 1interpretation of the fault conditions of V.28 and EIA/TIA-232E.The receiver input hysteresis is typically 0.5V with a guaranteed minimum of 0.2V. This produces clear out-put transitions with slow-moving input signals, even with moderate amounts of noise and ringing. The receiver propagation delay is typically 600ns and is independent of input swing direction.Low-Power Receive ModeThe low-power receive mode feature of the MAX223,MAX242, and MAX245–MAX249 puts the IC into shut-down mode but still allows it to receive information. This is important for applications where systems are periodi-cally awakened to look for activity. Using low-power receive mode, the system can still receive a signal that will activate it on command and prepare it for communi-cation at faster data rates. This operation conserves system power.Negative Threshold—MAX243The MAX243 is pin compatible with the MAX232A, differ-ing only in that RS-232 cable fault protection is removed on one of the two receiver inputs. This means that control lines such as CTS and RTS can either be driven or left floating without interrupting communication. Different cables are not needed to interface with different pieces of equipment.The input threshold of the receiver without cable fault protection is -0.8V rather than +1.4V. Its output goes positive only if the input is connected to a control line that is actively driven negative. If not driven, it defaults to the 0 or “OK to send” state. Normally‚ the MAX243’s other receiver (+1.4V threshold) is used for the data line (TD or RD)‚ while the negative threshold receiver is con-nected to the control line (DTR‚ DTS‚ CTS‚ RTS, etc.). Other members of the RS-232 family implement the optional cable fault protection as specified by EIA/TIA-232E specifications. This means a receiver output goes high whenever its input is driven negative‚ left floating‚or shorted to ground. The high output tells the serial communications IC to stop sending data. To avoid this‚the control lines must either be driven or connected with jumpers to an appropriate positive voltage level.Shutdown—MAX222–MAX242On the MAX222‚ MAX235‚ MAX236‚ MAX240‚ and MAX241‚ all receivers are disabled during shutdown.On the MAX223 and MAX242‚ two receivers continue to operate in a reduced power mode when the chip is in shutdown. Under these conditions‚ the propagation delay increases to about 2.5µs for a high-to-low input transition. When in shutdown, the receiver acts as a CMOS inverter with no hysteresis. The MAX223 and MAX242 also have a receiver output enable input (EN for the MAX242 and EN for the MAX223) that allows receiver output control independent of SHDN (SHDN for MAX241). With all other devices‚ SHDN (SH DN for MAX241) also disables the receiver outputs.The MAX225 provides five transmitters and five receivers‚ while the MAX245 provides ten receivers and eight transmitters. Both devices have separate receiver and transmitter-enable controls. The charge pumps turn off and the devices shut down when a logic high is applied to the ENT input. In this state, the supply cur-rent drops to less than 25µA and the receivers continue to operate in a low-power receive mode. Driver outputs enter a high-impedance state (three-state mode). On the MAX225‚ all five receivers are controlled by the ENR input. On the MAX245‚ eight of the receiver out-puts are controlled by the ENR input‚ while the remain-ing two receivers (RA5 and RB5) are always active.RA1–RA4 and RB1–RB4 are put in a three-state mode when ENR is a logic high.Receiver and Transmitter EnableControl InputsThe MAX225 and MAX245–MAX249 feature transmitter and receiver enable controls.The receivers have three modes of operation: full-speed receive (normal active)‚ three-state (disabled)‚ and low-power receive (enabled receivers continue to function at lower data rates). The receiver enable inputs control the full-speed receive and three-state modes. The transmitters have two modes of operation: full-speed transmit (normal active) and three-state (disabled). The transmitter enable inputs also control the shutdown mode. The device enters shutdown mode when all transmitters are disabled. Enabled receivers function in the low-power receive mode when in shutdown.M A X 220–M A X 249Tables 1a–1d define the control states. The MAX244has no control pins and is not included in these tables. The MAX246 has ten receivers and eight drivers with two control pins, each controlling one side of the device. A logic high at the A-side control input (ENA )causes the four A-side receivers and drivers to go into a three-state mode. Similarly, the B-side control input (ENB ) causes the four B-side drivers and receivers to go into a three-state mode. As in the MAX245, one A-side and one B-side receiver (RA5 and RB5) remain active at all times. The entire device is put into shut-down mode when both the A and B sides are disabled (ENA = ENB = +5V).The MAX247 provides nine receivers and eight drivers with four control pins. The ENRA and ENRB receiver enable inputs each control four receiver outputs. The ENTA and ENTB transmitter enable inputs each control four drivers. The ninth receiver (RB5) is always active.The device enters shutdown mode with a logic high on both ENTA and ENTB .The MAX248 provides eight receivers and eight drivers with four control pins. The ENRA and ENRB receiver enable inputs each control four receiver outputs. The ENTA and ENTB transmitter enable inputs control four drivers each. This part does not have an always-active receiver. The device enters shutdown mode and trans-mitters go into a three-state mode with a logic high on both ENTA and ENTB .The MAX249 provides ten receivers and six drivers with four control pins. The ENRA and ENRB receiver enable inputs each control five receiver outputs. The ENTA and ENTB transmitter enable inputs control three dri-vers each. There is no always-active receiver. The device enters shutdown mode and transmitters go into a three-state mode with a logic high on both ENTA and ENTB . In shutdown mode, active receivers operate in a low-power receive mode at data rates up to 20kb/s.__________Applications InformationFigures 5 through 25 show pin configurations and typi-cal operating circuits. In applications that are sensitive to power-supply noise, V CC should be decoupled to ground with a capacitor of the same value as C1 and C2 connected as close as possible to the device.Drivers/Receivers。
