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红桥学校2014春季学期 期中考试

八年级英语试卷(A 卷)

听力部分 (共30分)

一.听对话,选出与所听到的内容相符的图片。每段对话读一遍。(5分) A B C D E 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 二.听对话,从 A , B , C 三个选项中选出相应的正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(共5小题, 每题1分, 共5分) ( )1. What will Alice do ? A. Cleaning the window. B. Sweeping the floor. C. Washing clothes. ( )2. What is the boy doing ? A. Taking out the rubbish. B. Doing the dishes. C. She is doing her homework. ( )3. Where is the boy going ? A. She is talking. B. She is watching TV . C. She is doing her homework. ( )4. What’s Ann’s grandmother doing ? A. Ann’s house.

B. Mr. Smith ’s house.

C. Miss Smith ’s house.

( )5. How often does Jack do chores ?

A. Often.

B. Once a week.

考号 班级 姓名_______________________

C. Hardly ever.

三.听长对话,从 A , B , C 三个选项中选出相应的正确答案。读两遍。(共5小题,每题2分,共10分)

()1. What’s the matter with Bob ?

A. He is ill.

B. He is upset.

C. John was angry with him.

()2. Why did John get angry ?

A. The radio was too loud.

B. Jim argued with him.

C. Bob turn off the TV.

()3. What were they doing yesterday at first ?

A. Playing games.

B. Watching a TV show.

C. Listening to the radio.

()4. What did John’s friends do after Bob argued with John?

A. Went into Bob’s room.

B. Said sorry to Bob.

C. Went home.

()5. What should Bob do?

A. Argue with John.

B. Write a letter to John.

C. Say sorry to John.


()1. Where did Lucy live ?

A. In London

B. In Beijing

C. In Sydney

()2. When did Lucy help her mother do chores ?

A. On Sunday morning

B. On Sunday afternoon

C. On Saturday morning

()3. What did Lucy do at about ten ?

A. Swept the floor and cleaned the table.

B. Took out the rubbish and washed clothes.

C. Help mother to cook lunch.

()4. What did Lucy’s sister buy in the afternoon ?

A. A sweater.

B. A coat.

C. A skirt.

()5. Who did Lucy go to a movie with in the evening?

A. Her friends.

B. Her sister.

C. Her mother.



1. --- Mom , could I finish this football match ?

--- No , you have to do your homework first .

A. watch

B. to watching

C. watching

D. to watch

2. I’m not sure whether I can hold a party in the open air , because it the weather.

A. decides on

B. depends on

C. lives on

D. agrees on

3. Could I some money you ?

A. borrow ; to

B. lend ; for

C. borrow ; from

D. lend ; from

4. Who will you to your birthday party ?

A. make

B. invite

C. say

D. tell

5. My mom often asks me the living room.

A. clean

B. to clean

C. cleaning

D. cleans

6. --- Could I borrow your bike ?

--- , but please give it back by Saturday.

A. I’m sorry

B. Of course

C. Certainly not

D. No, thanks

7. --- Could you please when you go out ? It smells terrible in the room.

--- Yes, sure. No problem.

A. take out the rubbish

B. sweep the floor

C. do the dishes

D. fold the clothes

8. It’s very hot in the room. Do you mind the window ?
