富士通的美国货运策略 .
JapanSumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. (Tokyo)3-9-1 Shibaura Rune-site Tower, Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo108-8539, JapanTel: +81-3-6722-3283Fax: +81-3-6722-3284(Osaka)4-5-33, Kitahama, Chuo-ku, Osaka541-0041, JapanTel: +81-6-6220-4245Fax: +81-6-6220-6231Sumitomo Electric Device Innovations, INC.1, Kanai-cho, Sakae-ku,Yokohama, Kanagawa244-0845, JapanTel: +81-45-853-8150Fax: +81-45-853-8174www.sedi.co.jp North AmericaSumitomo Electric DeviceInnovations USAWest Coast (Headquarters)2355 Zanker Rd.San Jose, CA 95131, USATel: (408) 232-9500Fax: (408) 428-9111East Coast4021 Stirrup Creek Drive, Suite 200Durham, NC 27703, USATel: (919) 361-1600Fax: (919) 361-1619EuropeSumitomo Electric Europe, Ltd.220 Centennial ParkElstree WD6 3SL United KingdomTel: +44 (0)20 89538118Fax: +44 (0)20 89538228AsiaSumitomo Electric Asia, Ltd.Rm 2624-2637Sun Hung Kai Centre30 Harbour RoadWanchai, Hong KongTel: +852-2576-0080Fax: 852-2576-6412GaN HEMTs for Base Station (C Series)C to Ka Band Power Amplifier MMICs (Packages)GaAs FETsGaAs HEMTsDevice Index GaN HEMTs for Radarfor General Purpose & Base Station(Page 21, 22)(Page 23)For General PurposeFeatures• High Channel Temperature (Tch): Up to 250°C• Higher Load Impedance: 5Ω~20Ω (Easy Match, Wide Band)• High Operating Voltage: 50V • High Breakdown Voltage: 350V • High Power: Up to 180W P1dB • High Ef fi ciency: 60% @Psat • Low Thermal Resistance (Rth)For Base Station (B Series)Features• High Channel Temperature (Tch): Up to 250°C• Higher Load Impedance: 5Ω~20Ω (Easy Match, Wide Band)• High Operating Voltage: 50V • High Breakdown Voltage: 350V • High Power: Up to 180W P1dB • High Ef fi ciency: 60% @Psat • Low Thermal Resistance (Rth)• Designed for 3G/LTE Base Station and Optimised for Straight Ampli fi er ArchitectureFor Base Station (C Series)Features• Designed for 3G/LTE/WiMAX Base Station • Optimized for Doherty Architecture • Higher Load Impedance:15~20Ω@Final Stage (Easy Match, Wide Band)*2: Pout=(Ave.), f0=2.135GHz, f1=2.145GHz, W-CDMA (3GPP3.4 12-00) BS-1 64ch 47.5% clipping modulation (PAR=8.5dB@0.01%)*3: Pout=(Ave.), W-CDMA (3GPP3.4 12-00) BS-1 64ch 85% clipping modulation (PAR=8.5dB@0.01%)Note: Tc (op)=+25°C*2 : Pout=(Ave.), CW Note: Tc (op)=+25°C• High Operating Voltage: 50V• High Power: Up to 320W Psat Single Ended • High Gain: Gp=16dB @f=2.6GHz, 210W Device • High Ef fi ciency: 60-70% with Internal Class F Matching1.5GHz2.0GHzDC1.0GHzEGNC210MK EGNC160MK EGNC105MKEGN26C210I2D EGN26C160I2D EGN26C105I2DEGN21C210I2DEGN21C320IV EGN21C160I2DEGN21C105I2DEGN35C070I2DEGN26C070I2DEGN16C105MK EGN21C070MK EGN21C030MK EGN21C020MKEGN26C030MK EGN35C030MKEGN26C020MKNote: Tc (op)=+25°CFor RadarFeatures• Designed for L-band / S-band Radar Applications• Higher Impedance for Ease of Use• Broadband Operation: 200MHz for L-band, 400MHz for S-band • High Operating Voltage: 50V• High Power: Up to 400W• High Effi ciency: 50%• High Gain• Low Thermal Resistance (Rth)The FMM/EMM57XX-series MMICs are designed for VSAT and radio link receiver applications. The performance of low noise fi gure and high associated gain are achieved using pHEMT technology and EB lithography process. Sumitomo Electric has line-ups of MMIC products specifi ed from Ku-band through V-band.Features• Input and Output Internally Matched Zin/Zout = 50Ω• Low Noise Figure• High Gain• Wide Band• High Reliability Bare Die (X)• Low Cost Surface Mount Package (YC/YF)♦Low Noise Amplifi er MMIC LineupTa=+25°CSumitomo Electric provides GaAs power ampli fi er MMICs mounted in a suitable high frequency package withoutput power 50mW - 4W at frequencies ranging from C-band to Ka-band. Sumitomo Electric provides various types of packages including highly reliable hermetically sealed types, low cost surface mount types and very low cost QFN types.Features• Input and Output Internally Matched Zin/Zout = 50Ω• High Output Power (Up to 4W)• High Gain• Low Distortion• Small Hermetically Sealed Package (V1B/VU/VF/GJ)• Low Cost Surface Mount Package (ZV/ZB/V1B/VU/YC/YD/YE/YF)♦Power Ampli fi er MMIC Lineup (Package)Ta=+25°CSumitomo Electric is providing a full line-up of GaAs power amplifi er MMIC chips with output power at 50mW to 3W. These MMICs are designed for VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) and radio link transmitter applications that require high power, high gain and low distortion in a 50Ω system. Sumitomo Electric has a full line-up of MMIC products specifi ed from C-band through V-band.Features• Input and Output Internally Matched Zin/Zout = 50Ω• High Output Power (Up to 3W)• High Gain• Low Distortion• High Reliability♦Power Amplifi er MMIC Lineup (Chip)Ta=+25°CSumitomo Electric provides Mixer MMICs that are designed for VSAT and radio link applications. These devices use an up-converter for the transmitter and a down-converter for the receiver. These MMICs include a local buffer ampli fi er integrated on MMIC chip.Features• Wide Frequency Range • High Conversion Gain • High Integrated• Low DistortionTa=+25°CThese multipliers were developed for the local oscillator of a radio link transmitter/receiver. This MMIC is designedfor a wide frequency range with high conversion gain.Features• Wide Frequency Range• High Conversion GainTa=+25°CEMM5206LP is an oscillator for Ku-band to K-band sensor applications. This device shows negative resistance inthe frequency band and operates with a single positive bias voltage.Features• High Output Power: Pout = 5dBm @Vdd = 4V (Typ.)• Low Power Consumption: Idd = 20mA @Vdd = 4V (Typ.)• Low Phase Noise: ∅n = -100dBc/Hz @100kHz offset,fosc = 24GHz• Low Spurious Level: RJ2nd = -40dBc (Typ.)Ta=+25°C EMM5207ZF uses a newly developed VCO MMIC technology. This device achieves low phase noise performancewhile using MESFET technology. EMM5207ZF is mounted in a low cost plastic package to meet the demand forlow cost Ku-band VSAT systems.Features• On Chip Resonetor• Low Phase Noise: ∅n = -90dBc/Hz @100kHz offset• High Frequency Modulation Linearity• f/2 PLL Monitor PortTa=+25°CTx Frequency Range: 12.72GHz to 13.2GHz, Rx Frequency Range: 12.8GHz to 13.85GHz, RFOut/2 Frequency Range: 6.36GHz to 6.925GHzFLM/ELM Series are internally matched power GaAs FETs developed for radio link applications which require high power, high gain, and low distortion in a 50Ω system that are available from 2GHz to 15.3GHz frequency bands.PS series are cost effective products of plastic package which can be surface-mounted to save assembly cost. These products can be provided in both taping-reel and Tray.Features: PS series• Input/Output Internally Matched• Plastic Package for SMT applications (I2C)• High Gain• High Output Power• High PAE• Frequency Bands(5.9 to 6.4GHz, 6.4 to 7.2GHz, 7.1 to 7.9GHz, 7.7 to 8.5GHz)Features• Input/Output Internally Matched Zin/Zout = 50Ω• Hermetic Metal Wall package• High Gain• High Output Power (Up to 60W)• Low Distortion• Covers Wide Band ♦Internally Matched High Power GaAs FET LineupNote: Tc (op) = +25°C IM3: 3rd Order Intermodulation DistortionSpeci fi cationsX: Conventional Chip, XP: PHS (Plated Heat Sink), XV: Via Hole PHSFeatures• High Gain, High Frequency ChipNote: Tc (op) = +25°CFSU/FSX series are GaAs FETs that are designed for medium output power ampli fi er and oscillator applications with a wide dynamic range up to X-band frequencies. Tape and reel is available for both LP/LG packages.Features• Medium Power: P1dB = 15 to 24.5dBm• High Gain: G1dB = 8 to 19dB • High Reliability• Hermetic Metal/Ceramic Packages (WF/LG)HEMT series of products was developed by Sumitomo Electric for a wide range of general purpose applications including, but not limited, to DBS converters, Handsets, Base Station, Radio-Telescope and many other applications where low-noise and gain is required. Sumitomo Electric has a full line-up of HEMT products speci fi ed for applications in the 4GHz to12GHz frequency range.Speci fi cationsSumitomo Electric strives to achieve the highest quality and reliability performance on allthe products it supplies. This is accomplished through a systemic approach thatemphasizes quality at every stage of product development through the manufacturingprocess. Quality is built into the product from design to wafer fabrication, test, andassembly. Sumitomo Electric has a Quality Management System that is certified to ISO9000(ISO9001: 2008). This system assures customers the highest quality product with long termreliability required for their applications.♦ISO9001 RecordSep. 1993 ISO9002 (Fujitsu Quantum Devices)Nov.1998 ISO9001Sep.2003 ISO9001:2000Apr. 2004 Eudyna Device Inc.Oct. 2004 Expansion to Yokohama FactoryOct. 2005 Expansion to Eudyna Microwave AssemblySep.2009 ISO9001:2008♦ISO14001 RecordAug.1998 ISO14001Aug. 2004 Expansion to Eudyna Microwave Assembly(Kofu)Aug. 2007 Expansion to Eudyna Microwave Assembly(Matsushiro)Aug.2009 SumitomoElectricEnvironmental Management• Do not put this product into the mouth.• Do not alter the form of this product into a gas, powder, or liquid through burning, crushing, or chemicalprocessing as these by-products are dangerous to the human body if inhaled, ingested, or swallowed.• Respect all applicable laws of the country when discarding this product.This product must be disposed in accordance with methods specified by applicable hazardous wasteprocedures.Any information, such as descriptions of a function and examples of application circuits, in this documentare presented solely as a reference for the purpose to show examples of operations and uses ofSumitomo Electric semiconductor device(s); Sumitomo Electric does not warrant the proper operation ofthe device(s) with respect to its use based on such information. When the user develops equipmentincorporating the device(s) based on such information, they must assume full responsibility arising out ofusing such information. Sumitomo Electric assumes no liability for any damages whatsoever arising out ofthe use of the information.Any information in this document, including descriptions of function and schematic diagrams, shall not beconstrued as a license for the use or exercise of any intellectual property right, such as patent right orcopyright, or any other right of Sumitomo Electric or any third party nor does Sumitomo Electric warrantnon-infringement of any third-party’s intellectual property right or other right by using such information.Sumitomo Electric assumes no liability for any infringement of the intellectual property rights or otherrights of third parties which would result from the use of information contained herein.The products described in this document are designed, developed and manufactured as contemplatedfor general use, including, without limitation, ordinary industrial use, general office use, personal use, andhousehold use, but are not designed, developed and manufactured as contemplated (1) for useaccompanying fatal risks or dangers that, unless extremely high safety is secured, could have a seriouseffect to the public, and could lead directly to death, personal injury, severe physical damage or other loss(i.e., nuclear reaction control in nuclear facility, aircraft flight control, air traffic control, mass transportcontrol, medical life support system, missile launch control in weapon system), or (2) for use requiringextremely high reliability (i.e., submersible repeater and artificial satellite).Please note that Sumitomo Electric will not be liable to the user and/or any third party for any claims ordamages arising from the aforementioned uses of the products.Any semiconductor devices have an inherent chance of failure. You must protect against injury, damageor loss from such failures by incorporating safety design measures into your facility and equipment suchas redundancy, fire protection, and prevention of excessive current levels and other abnormal operatingconditions.If any products described in this document represent goods or technologies subject to certain restrictionson export under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law of J apan, the prior authorization of theJapanese government will be required for export of those products from Japan.。
富士通Fujitsu PRIMERGY RX TX系列服务器说明书
FUJITSU PRIMERGY RX/TX 备注存储分布、实施、文档和支持用户界面用户技能安装文档媒体条件质量保证维护和支持订购和交付Cisco Catalyst 2950/2960/3560/3750系列当将VIOM用于I/O虚拟化时, 需要IBP交换刀片。
3取决于每个服务器的支持英语、日语需要拥有Windows, Linux, VMware ESX, Microsoft Hyper-V和Xen管理的基本知识。
安装、配置和执行需要关于Resource Coordinator VE软件产品以及支持软件组件的详细知识,这些必须由Fujitsu(富士通)专业服务人员或经过认证的顾问来完成。
ROR VE媒体包包含了所有PDF格式的ROR VE软件组件和ROR VE手册。
类别: C软件维护合同的结束是强制性的。
对于所提供服务的详细信息,请参阅:/services/maintenance_support/software_services.html可以从我们当地的销售代表/区域办事处获得管理器的ROR VE使用权许可以及Windows、Linux和Solaris的代理和ROR VE介质包光盘。
因为不包含在ROR VE包中,所以管理器节点运行环境的使用权和介质套件及其支持软件,如ServerView VIOM,需要单独获取。
除了富士通的FUJITSU ServerView Resource Orches-trator V3.0虚拟版外,Fujitsu(富士通)还提供了一系列丰富的平台解决方案。
动态基础设施Fujitsu(富士通)基于其动态基础设施方案,提供全套的IT产品、解决方案和服务,从客户解决方案到数据中心解决方案,从托管基础设施(Managed Infrastructure)到基础设施即服务(IaaS)等等,一应俱全。
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产品调拨 配送中心A 配送中心A 原料、部品采集
原料供应商A 原料供应商B 原料供应商C 原料、部品供应商N
43S/4S店1 3S/4S店2 3S/4S店N
次品库 根据货主的 指示, 进一 步处理次品 移动到出货区域配送
部品处(售后物流中心) 支 付 货 款 求 / 部品 中心 中心 部品 请 货 订
部品 部品 部品
发料单 生产日计划 【生产部】 当日所有部件 拣货作业 按时区工位 分货作业 按发料单 检验 HHT检验
生产 部 仓储 科 日计划
发料计划的内容组成:生产线(A、B)、时区、工位、 零部件号、预定上线数量
仓储 中心 系统 处理 采 购 部 仓储 中心 实际
拣货单兼 分货单
入库时没有贴条形码的 商品,在仓库打印条形 码
供货商根据网上公布的采购计划和当前库存数据、在指定的时间内将商品送到仓储中心时, 供货商根据网上公布的采购计划和当前库存数据、在指定的时间内将商品送到仓储中心时, 由仓库的计算机进行进货受理,并且打印检验单和商品的外包装箱上的条形码标签。 由仓库的计算机进行进货受理,并且打印检验单和商品的外包装箱上的条形码标签。 1、检验单考虑一式4联,由仓库、外检、供货商、存档各一份、仓库联直接贴到商品外包 、检验单考虑一式 联 由仓库、外检、供货商、存档各一份、 装箱上。 装箱上。 2、将来,该检验单可以考虑由供货商直接打印,随商品一起送到仓库。 、将来,该检验单可以考虑由供货商直接打印,随商品一起送到仓库。 3、条形码标签按照包装单位打印,一箱打印一张,贴到商品的包装箱上。(对于大件, 、条形码标签按照包装单位打印,一箱打印一张,贴到商品的包装箱上。(对于大件, 。(对于大件 一个包装单位数量可以为1)。 一个包装单位数量可以为 )。
1965,发布FACOM 230系列大型机
1974,发布全球基于LSI架构的最快最大的 FACOM M-190大型机(美国NASA采用)
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Copyright 2008 FUJITSU LIMITED
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Fujitsu(富士通)携手SAP 全新eSOA解决方案能力中心在沪正式启用
( 富士 通 ) 上 海平 台解 决 方 案 中(P S C ) , 面 积 达
10 0 0 平方米 ,
配 备 了约4 0 台服务器 和存储设备 ,
方米 ,
设 有验 证 室 、
报告厅 、
研讨室 、
技术展 示厅
以及 其他辅助设施 , 具 备测试验证 、 咨询和展 示 三 大 功 能 。 如 此一 来就 为用户 以及 合作伙伴深入 了解e S O A 前沿技术 , 从 而 制 定 lT 策略 搭 建 了 一 个 完 善 的平 台。 通 过 联手 打 造 e S O A 解 决 方 案能 力 中心 , 双 方 可 为客户提 供 从 硬 件 集 成 、 验 证
案测试验 证 和 咨询服 务 , 充分 支持 用 户及 lS V 、 S I对 于 面 向 未来 的e S O A ( 企 业 级 服 务 架 构 ) 系
统 模 式 , 进 行全 面 、 便 捷 的即 时体验 , 并最 终
通过预 先验证打造满足 业 务需 求的系统。 全 新
启 用 的 e S O A 解 决 方 案 能 力 中心 坐 落 于 F u iit s u
【作 者 简介 】
吕彦 儒 : 上 海 交通 大 学安 泰经 济与 管理 学院 在读 博士 生 , 研 究方 向是 市 场 营销 。
吕 巍 : 上 海 交通 大 学安 泰经 济与 管理 学院 副 院 长 , 教授 , 博士 生 导 师 , 研 究方 向是 战略 管理 与 市场 营
F u j it s u ( 富士 通 ) 携手S A P 全 新e S O A 解决 方案 能力 中心
34 .
富士通PRONES ERP系统解决方案ERP解决方案
富士通PRONES ERP系统解决方案-ERP解决方案ERP战略设计解决方案战略构想设计:进行集团整体ERP战略咨询(经营战略/区域战略/业务流程重组/基于SCM的ERP战略方案设计)定制功能设计:根据企业自身性质、特点为企业量身定做ERP战略规划(生产/进销存/食品/制药/化学/制铁等)企划方案生产制造业解决方案- 接单发货设计- 计划排产控制- 订货采购设计- 车间作业控制- 质量控制- 绩效分析- 应收应付/成本分析进销存/贸易业解决方案- 多种类型国内/海外业务设计- 贸易通关控制- 绩效分析- 应收应付分析- 与其他系统的业务接口设计食品/制药/化学业解决方案- 可以基于国内GMP的系统构筑- 多样态配方表设计- 质量控制- 工作流审批设计- 与生产型企业的业务接口- 物流/资金流的统一管理方案实施实施团队根据最佳解决方案(最佳业种模版为基础)为企业进行网络规划、系统数据导入、培训教育。
系统开发系统开发模式定制开发:为企业全新设计开发最适合应用的系统改造开发:在标准系统基础上为企业进行相关细节的设计开发售后服务实施进行系统监测、维护- 业务运用改善建议- 系统升级系统构成PRONES是专为集进销、生产、成本、会计于一体的制造业进行经营管理的综合业务管理系统。
SAP SolutionsBuilt with you, built for youshaping tomorrow with youFujitsu will work with you to shape a solution that works for your organisation, as opposed to you fitting into a solution. At Fujitsu we have the ability and flexibility to create individual solutions for each of our clients whilst leveraging best practise and our global experienceOur strength in SAP implementation and customisation iscomplemented by our depth of experience in strategic consulting, systems integration and infrastructure management, enabling you to leverage our skills to maximise the ROI of your SAP solution.As a SAP certified services partner, we have the skills to deliver end-to-end SAP services that will meet your business continuity requirements.Our reputation has spread largely by word of mouth. And thanks to our many satisfied customers, we are currently a partner of choice for SAP solutions across Australia and New Zealand. Our well-resourced local teams are backed by a global company with over 10 million customers in over 70 countries around the world. Thisenables us to leverage global expertise to deliver the results you are looking for. Results that transform your business and your bottom line.Why Fujitsu? ■ G lobal reach with a local touch■A ccess to infrastructure – on premise or in the cloud ■C ompetency centre at SAP Walldorf, Germany ■S trategic engagement with SAP at an R&D level ■E nd to end integrator & supplier of services, end to end service capability■D eep and broad SAP capability Fujitsu service offeringFujitsu can assist you to implement on the SAP Strategy. We are in a unique position to offer our customers a comprehensive offering On-premise, On Demand and On Device.technology stackAt Fujitsu we can cover the complete technology stack of your SAP landscape, or as much as you need us to. We offer these services as a Cloud solution or as a traditional on-premise solution.As one of the world’s leading ICT companies, Fujitsu offers our customers a comprehensive and flexible solution for your complete SAP landscape.SAP SolutionsBuilt with you, built for you02traditional Cost Model Cloud Cost ModelAdministration Administration Application Application Database Database Operating System Operating System Compute Compute Storage Storage Network Network Data CentreData CentreCloud iaas server & storage per month Customer OwnedCustomer OwnedsAP implementation servicesAt Fujitsu we can offer you a full end- to-end service, or you can choose to take just some of it. This service includes and extends the standard ASAP Methodology. We have the skills to deliver end-to-end SAP services under our Consult – Design – Build – Operate service delivery model, giving you both the ideal solution and the peace of mind that it will be effective, resilient and will meet your business continuity requirements. Fujitsu also offersBusiness Value Management services at the start, during and at the end of a project, to ensure the project generates the level of business value expected.taking the first stepChoosing when, where and how to make your first step towards a fully integrated IT infrastructure is critical. That’s why Fujitsu offers a range of pre-development consultancy services that are designed to help you plan your SAP IT infrastructure in the most straight-forward and efficient way in order to maximise operational synergy and minimise the associated cost and risks.sizing servicesUsing state-of-the-art tools, our consultants will analyse andconfigure your SAP IT infrastructure, so that it is specifically tuned to your needs. We don’t just use check lists. Instead, our data isderived directly from your infrastructure, allowing us to give precise and customised recommendations about the optimum size and configuration of your system requirements.We offer the complete suite of implementation services including:■ I T strategy and direction ■ V alue Management for SAP ■ A SAP methodology ■ A SAP focus methodology and best practises ■ P roject Management and Governance ■ I ntegration and Data Hub Services ■ D ata Migration and Archiving ■ T esting, manual and automated ■ T raining management, classroom and on-Line ■ C hange Management and communication ■ H elpdesk and ongoing supportsystem inspectionSAP infrastructures evolve gradually, this makes it very difficult to improve infrastructure performance or remove bottle necks With our System Inspection service Fujitsu will analyse your complete SAP infrastructure and evaluate your data. As a result, you can rapidly and flexibly adapt your systems and respond to fast-changing business requirements.upgradesFujitsu has helped our customers deliver both small and very large upgrade projects; from installing support packs and enhancement packs to major version upgrades from 4.6c to ECC6 we can put a team together to effectively manage your upgrade success.Global coverageFujitsu has over 1,500 SAP consultants working alongside our 35,000 system engineers across the globe. As a result, we can provide end-to-end service offerings to businesses virtuallyanywhere in the world, including the implementation and on-going management of the most advanced and cost-effective SAP solutions.In particular, our consultants have access to an extensive collection of SAP tools, engagement best practices, and lessons learned from prior SAP projects. We also have solid offshore resources for cost-effective system implementation and management. In addition, a choice of hosting/outsourcing services can be provided using our state-of-the-art data centre facilities located worldwide.Fujitsu sAP Competence CentresFujitsu operates SAP Competence Centres, located in three world regions, to help our customers leverage the latest SAP Solutions and to successfully implement SAP on a global scale.“Fujitsu and SAP have a strong global partnership to provide a comprehensive set of solutions for our customers, includingsoftware and technology, services, and hosting,” said John Schwarz, Member of the Executive Board of SAP AG.“Together, we enable more than 6,000 joint customers around the world to boost competitiveness, accelerate growth and optimise operations.”John Schwarz is a member of the Executive Board of SAP AG. Responsible for SAP Business Objects, the Global Ecosystem & Partner Group, and Corporate Development.03About FujitsuFujitsu Australia and New Zealand is aleading service provider of business,information technology andcommunications solutions. Asthe third largest ICT company inthe Australian and New Zealandmarketplace, we partner with ourcustomers to consult, design,build, operate and supportbusiness solutions. From strategicconsulting to application andinfrastructure solutions andservices, Fujitsu Australia andNew Zealand has earneda reputation as the singlesupplier of choice for leadingcorporate and governmentorganisations. FujitsuAustralia Limited and FujitsuNew Zealand Limited are whollyowned subsidiaries of FujitsuLimited (tSE: 6702). Fujitsu AustrAliA And nEW ZEAlAnd Level 16, 15 Blue Street, North SydneyNSW, 2060, AustraliaTel. +61-2-9113-9200/au。
某公司汽车零部件物流解决方案1. 背景介绍汽车零部件物流是指将汽车生产过程中所需的各种零部件从供应商处运送到生产厂家的一系列流程和活动。
2. 物流需求分析在汽车生产过程中,需要大量的零部件,这些零部件来自不同的供应商。
3. 某公司汽车零部件物流解决方案基于物流需求分析的结果,某公司提出了以下汽车零部件物流解决方案:3.1. 供应链管理系统某公司将建立一个集中的供应链管理系统来管理各个供应商和零部件的信息。
3.2. 仓储和配送网络某公司将建立一个完善的仓储和配送网络,以保证零部件的及时交付。
3.3. 技术支持和跟踪系统为了提高物流的可靠性和透明度,某公司将引入先进的技术支持和跟踪系统。
3.4. 供应商合作和协调某公司将积极与供应商合作和协调,建立稳定的供应关系。
编程性 优 势 , 过快 速便 捷 的升级 , 需用户 下 载整 通 无 个 P o ra r SCCet 程序 , o 即可提供 全新 的外 设 功能 。每 个元 件都 经 过全 面测 试并 具有 自身 特性 ,不仅 可 加 速产 品上 市 进程 ,而且还 能确 保 为客户 提供 高质 量 的最 终 产 品 。赛 普拉 斯计 划 大约每 隔 8个 星期就 发
L系列 MC U的首批试用样件计划于第二季度提供。
L系 列 是 飞 思 卡 尔 与 A RM 密 切 合 作 的结 果 一
这一入门级 M U系列将卓越 的能源效率 和易用性 C
与 Knt 2位 MC ies3 i U系 列 的性 能 、 设 集 、 性 和 外 特 可 扩展 性 相结 合 , 时充 分利 用 了 A M C r x 构 同 R ot 架 e
控制器 ( C , M U) 再次显示 了其在基于 A M 的嵌 R  ̄
入式 处理 领 域 的领 导地 位 。L系列 制 造 时采 用 了低
献新一代更安全 、 更舒适 、 更节能的汽车时代” 为主 题 ,无论是现场展示的富士通半导体最新应用于汽
车 电子领 域 的产 品 以及 解决 方案 ,还 是双 方就 半导 体 解决 方 案在 未来 汽车 发展 中的重要 应用 而展 开 的 探 讨 ,都 深深 吸引 了与会 的奇瑞 汽车 研究 院 的工程 师们 。 富士 通半 导体 在此 次研 讨会 中展 示 了包 括 液 晶 显示智 能 图形 仪表 、 先进 驾驶 辅 助系 统 、 色动 力新 绿 能源 、 息 娱 乐 系统 、 型 的 车载 网络 、 础 软件 开 信 新 基
P o ra oห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ . 计环 境 扩 展 升级 S C C e t r2 0设
富士通定制化解决方案助力金融行业发展创新作者:暂无来源:《中国金融电脑》 2018年第6期Fujitsu(富士通)是世界领先的日本信息通信技术(ICT)企业,提供全方位的技术产品、解决方案和服务。
据IDC2017 最新调研数据显示,富士通高速扫描仪在中国的市场份额达27%,连续十年以绝对优势占据高速扫描仪行业的领导地位。
在金融行业,富士通扫描仪2017 年出货量占比已超过50%。
富士通在金融影像业务创新方面的专业技术及定制化方案是基于富士通专业的文档扫描仪、PSIP 图像处理驱动、应用集成中间件、应用程序和核心功能组合而成。
以fi-7130 和fi-6400 这两款多次应用于金融影像系统的高速扫描仪为例,不同的设备适应不同金融业务使用场景。
创新网络式智能集中管理,提升生产效率富士通基于全球大型连锁机构的IT 设备维护进行过相关的信息调查,发现当前传统的IT 维护方式已与快速发展的企业业务脱节,各类IT 设备的维护急需转换方式。
为此,富士通为金融IT 设备维护工作而推出了创新的管理系统。
当前IT 产品维护需面对的三大内容有:网点设备故障支持、网点系统升级实施、信息统计及维护预算制定。
(2)统一下发最新驱动和App 升级包,无需人工干预。
(3)管理信息生成报表,制定来年IT 预算。
SCA 对于大型金融类机构可作为一个开发式系统免费提供 , 在第三设备厂家提供对应的设备接口信息情形下,能扩展性地管理起前端网点众多的IT 设备。
富士通定制化软件Scan Divide富士通定制软件对接金融系统也有诸多案例。
本产品采用了90 纳米技术,并在一颗芯片中集成了各种功能,如“ARM9内核”、“图像显示控制器”、多媒体系统USB 接口”、“车内网络控制器CAN”和“硬
利用富士通先进的90nm 技术所制造的、内置ARM9 内核的汽车级芯片,能够更好地应用于汽车多媒体。
采用ARM 内核能够为你创造世界一流的软件开发环境。
1.日本富士通K650/30小型机图书馆管理系统的应用与开发 [J], 彭道杰;张友信
2.利用公铁水联运优势打造综合物流园区——以海安县综合物流园区为例 [J], 寇建帮
3.基于信息化的高校综合物流平台的分析与应用-以北京理工大学综合物流平台为例 [J], 李锋博;李晋
4.富士通PRONES生产管理系统 [J], 由明中
5.北京富士通发布新版综合物流解决方案 [J], 于
FUJITSU 无线解决方案产品指南.pdf_1701947316.157807说明书
FUJITSU, years of experience Wireless SolutionsIntroductionFUJITSU Components wireless product portfolio con-sists of a wide and constantly growing range of mod-ules, devices and solutions, developed to make IoT in many markets an easy technology to integrate. The module product line contains a wide range of Blue-tooth® modules. The well-known family of Bluetooth version 2.1 + EDR modules which includes iOS com-patible modules. The growing family of Bluetooth low energy modules - Version 4.1, 4.2 and 5 compliant - are amongst the smallest and best performing modules in the market.The range of FUJITSU Beacons is expanded with the im-plementation of sensors, powered by alternative energy sources and adding solution software.The introduction of ‘FUJITSU IoT Connectivity solutions’ is setting the standard by the ideal combination of our hardware products and the best software solutions in the market: A wide area MESH network with a de-cen-tralized radio protocol that allows connected devices toIntroduction>> FUJITSU Components’ Wireless SolutionsMore informationFor questions or information, please refer to your supplier or contact your local FUJITSU Office. For contact information, see the last page of this document, or visit:/components/make all decisions locally and co-operatively. A software stack that makes the interface from almost any sensor to our radio technologies. And the easiest connection from IoT devices to the cloud.Imagine all the possibilities...Wireless Modules>> Bluetooth version 2.1+EDR modulesEasy control and communicationThe FUJITSU Components’ Bluetooth modules contain the complete upper layer protocol stack (L2CAP, RFCOMM, SDP) and the GAP and SPP profiles. Communication and control can be easily established by using as many as 200 simple text base commands and events covered by the firmware. The crystal and 8Mbit Flash memory are integrated into the module, but offer nevertheless a small and compact design. The FUJITSU Components’ Blue-tooth modules are available in four versions, offering antenna options, a 40-pin PCB connectors and a 10-pin FPC/ FCC connector.In response to the rapid development of iOS devices and software applications, FUJITSU Components has developed Bluetooth modules that are compliant with the iAP and iAP2 profiles, necessary for communication with the iPhone®, iPod® and iPad®. The modules with and without antenna make the FUJITSU Bluetooth iOS modules easy to integrate.* To purchase these Bluetooth iOS modules it is required to join the MFi license program provided by Apple®. The CP-chip (Authentication Coprocessor chip) is required for iOS communication and needs to be purchased from Apple®.MBH7BTZ43Wireless Modules>> Bluetooth version 4.1 low energy modulesEasy-to-integrate modulesThe FUJITSU wireless modules conform with theBluetooth Core Specification version 4.1.This Bluetooth technology contains a low ener-gy feature enabling a substantial reduction ofpower consumption. The modules are availablewith 256kB Flash memory and up to 32kB RAMfor profile and application development.FUJITSU Bluetooth version 4.1 low energy mod-ules provide robust wireless communication withany Bluetooth compliant device.The modules have a compact size and are amongthe smallest on the market with a maximumnumber of GPIO pins.MBH7BLZ01-109029MBH7BLZ02-109031MBH7BLZ01A-109008MBH7BLZ02A-109009MBH7BLZ07-109033APIEmbedded in thismoduleModuleWireless Modules>> Bluetooth version 4.1 low energy modulesFUJITSU also offers embedded profile modulesThe embedded FUJITSU Components Data Communication is a unique data transmission profile developed by Fujitsu Components. The FDC profile is a SPP (serial port profile) like interface which allows data to transmit with the host system and can be controlled by simple text based commands (via UART). Modules are available as peripheral versions or a switchable version which can be peripheral and central.With more than 100 commands and continuous additions, FDC allows for quick product to market and reduction of development resources.FDC is ideally suited for sensing, monitoring, and wearable applications.FUJITSU FDC embedded Bluetooth version 4.1 low energy modules provide robust wireless communication with any Bluetooth compliant device. The modules are easy to integrate because of the UART communication and arecompact in size.(UART)Wireless Modules>> Bluetooth version 4.2 low energy moduleNew FUJITSU Bluetooth low energy moduleThis is the first of a new range of Bluetooth modules which conform to the Bluetooth Core Specification Version 4.2 and already have Bluetooth 5 fea -tures like the High Throughput and Advertising extensions. Nordic Semicon-ductor SoC forms the basis of this very powerful module that is unique in power consumption and antenna characteristics.The Bluetooth version 4.2 low energy module has 512kB Flash memory and 64kB RAM available next to the 32- bit ARM® Cortex™-M4F CPU for profile and application development, with built-in 32.768kHz and 32MHz crystals.The embedded FUJITSU Component Data profile can be controlled by text-basedcommands for an easy integration in any application.Wireless Modules>> LPWAN moduleFUJITSU LPWAN moduleThis is the first of a new range of wireless modules for long range communication. The Low-PowerWide-Area Network module is designed for Long Range communication with a relatively low bit rate (up to 50kbps) and a low power consumption for battery powered applications.With a LPWAN it is possible to build a private wireless network, but it can also be connected to a service or infra-structure offered by a third party. The Fujitsu modules conform to the LoRaWAN specification and are the first AS923 specification compliant modules on the Japanese market, but can also be set to a FSK type of communication which gives a High Rate mode of 300kbps for configuration purposes. And, as part of the Fujitsu IoT connectivity solutions, can be a communication device inside a scalable MESH network.The Fujitsu LPWan module accelerates time-to-market and reduces development resource requirements.It is ideally suited for sensing, monitoring, and long life battery powered applications.Wireless Devices>> Beacons introductionFUJITSU Components’ Bluetooth beacons, let the app do the talking...FUJITSU Components’ Bluetooth beacons are based upon FUJITSU Components experience in the field of Wireless Modules. The Beacons are Bluetooth powered devices capable of providing location based information to mobile devices. Beacons are low energy transmitters that broadcast specific data which triggers an action on the installed application of a mobile device.Our beacons have unique features, for example: multiple broadcast options, secured by the use of two switches. The FUJITSU Components’ Bluetooth beacons are Eddystone™ (UID, TLM, EID or URL), iBeacon™ or proprietary compliant. Beacons enable pro-active communication with the audience and are used in a wide field of applica-tions such as: in-shop promotion, museums, festivals, exhibitions and many more…How does it work?A beacon transmits a package of data without hav-ing the need to be connected (unlike classic Blue-tooth). This data package can contain informationlike the identification of a group the beacons relateto. With the additional the sub group, individual IDand transmitting power and for example an URL.A standard application example is the use of bea-cons in shop environments. By transmitting a datapackage like the iBeacon™ standard (UUID,Major, Minor, Tx power) or using the Google Eddys-tone™ standards for transmitting an ID or URL.By using the standards the beacon transmits adata package at a certain interval (example: every100ms). This package is received by a mobile deviceand can trigger an installed app, open a Web brows-er or visit a web link. The data package containsinformation which can be converted/translated ina specific action from the installed app. This coulddisplay a discount coupon, sale items, new items etc.Wireless Devices>> BeaconsSolar BeaconBeaconSensor BeaconWireless Devices>> BeaconsSensor Beacon with data logSensor Beacon with enmo IoT enabledSolutionsIoT seems to be the magic word in all industries and all markets.With some spin off abbreviations like IIoT, Industry 4.0, and more. What the market requires is to improveconnectivity, efficiency, scalability, creating time and cost savings. For some, IoT is all about cost saving thanks to predictive maintenance, improved safety, and other operational efficiencies. For others, it is localization of assets and their condition. The challenge is to make IoT easy to integrate as electronics on pcb level, as com -plete IoT devices or as complete IoT connectivity solution in a network.Fujitsu co-creates with various partners to enable secure, scalable and flexible IoT solutions.The high-quality Fujitsu modules and (sensor) beacons are only hardware. With Fujitsu IoT Connectivity we offer easy- to-use, customizable and safe solutions for various IoT application areas, such as Lighting, Smart metering, Asset management and Sensors for industrial automation and smart building.The Fujitsu IoT Connectivity Solutions With the wireless modules, the (sensor) beacons and various partners, Fujitsu offers a one-stop shop for a variety of solutions and markets. Whether for indoor naviga-tion, asset tracking or even asset manage-ment. Utilizing MESH networks for lighting, sensors, smart city and more. Fujitsu IoT connectivity brings everything together and can customize the best solutions for individual markets.De-centralized MESH networksWith partner Wirepas, Fujitsu has co-cre-ated a reliable, optimized, scalable intel-ligent MESH network on the Fujitsu wire-less hardware. Through enabling this IoT connectivity MESH network on the wireless modules and beacons Fujitsu creates a complete solution based on any markets specific requirement.Sensors to IoT connectivityCratus technology inc. has developed a strong solution to connect hundreds of combinations of sensors and store and transmit their data. Fujitsu uses this intelligens to visualize data on mobile devices and augmented reality headsets and brings it to modules and beacons to integrate it in a customized combination of solutions.>> FUJITSU IoT Connectivity SolutionsSolutions>> FUJITSU IoT Connectivity SolutionsEasy IoT to Cloud connectivityEnmo Technologies has solved a major limitation of Blue-tooth IoT. When retrieving sensor data from an IoT device it requires discovery & pairing. The Advertising mode in Blue-tooth, does not require Discovery & Pairing. The Advertising mode doesn’t have a provision to pass a big payload, which is the entire purpose of IoT: passing a payload from the IoT de-vice to the phone. Enmo has extended the Advertising mode eliminating the need for Discover and Pairing, additionally allowing the passing of large payloads (tens of thousands of Bytes). We call this technology IoT.Over.Beacon™. Fujit-su has applied enmo’s IoT.Over.Beacon™ technology to the Sensor Beacon and modules. Together with the complete Smartphone Apps, IoT deployments can be developed and launched in minutes through the enmo Platform.“In the constant evolving and growing world of IoT, up-gradable solutions are key to a successful design. This is exactly what Fujitsu brings to the market, in co-opera-tion with various solution partners.” Dennis van DoornMarketing Manager Wireless Solutions Fujitsu Components Europe B.V.Fujitsu Mesh Network SolutionFujitsu IoT Connectivity Sensor Interface: CratusFujitsu IoT Connectivity Beacon To The CloudSensorsFor a reliable connection withreal-time visibility in a highly scalable network. Control and optimize envi-ronmental conditions intelligently.Asset ManagementFor tracking the locations of various assets. Rolling cages, boxes and crates in distributions centers, beds and instruments in hospitals and other valuable corporate assets.Smart MeteringFor connecting an unlimited number of metering points together in a highly scalable network.LightingFor intelligent lighting of Smart Cityor Smart Buildings enabled withFujitsu’s IoT Connectivity Solutions. ApplicationsFujitsu Components’ IoT Connectivity Solutions are developed for professional IoT applications, what-ever the scale. Applications include Sensors, Asset Management, Smart Metering and Lighting, all of which have very diverse requirements on range, throughput, latency and energy consumption. The solution provides flexibility, fit-for-purpose and, if needed, customization on all these parameters and the hardware too.Solutions>> FUJITSU IoT Connectivity SolutionsNotesThank you for making notes!For questions or information, please refer to your supplier or contact your local Fujitsu Office.For contact information, see the last page of this document, or /components/ContactCopyrightAll trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. FUJITSU Components Europe B.V. or its affiliates do not warrant that the content of this leaflet is error free. In a continuing effort to improve our products FUJITSU Components Europe B.V. or its affiliates reserve the right to make any changes without prior notice. Copyright ©2018The contents, data and information in this product guide are provided by FUJITSU Components Europe B.V. as a service only to its user and only for general information purposes.The use of the contents, data and information provided in this product guide is at the users’ own risk. FUJITSU has assembled this prod-uct guide with care and will endeavor to keep the contents, data and information correct, accurate, comprehensive, complete and up to date. FUJITSU Com-ponents Europe B.V. and affiliated companies do however not accept any responsibility or liability on their behalf, nor on behalf of its employees, for any loss or damage, direct, indirect or consequential, with respect to this product guide, its contents, data, and information and related graphics and the correctness, reliability, accuracy, comprehensiveness, usefulness, availability and completeness thereof. Nor do FUJITSU Components Europe B.V. and affiliated companies accept on their behalf, nor on behalf of its employees, any responsibility or liability for any representation or warrant of any kind, express or implied, including warranties of any kind for merchantability or fitness for particular use, with respect to this product guide, its contents, data, information and related graphics and the correctness, reliability, accuracy, comprehensiveness, usefulness, availability and completeness thereof.All rights reserved. Revised March 13th , 2018JapanFUJITSU COMPONENT LIMITED Shinagawa Seaside Park Tower12-4, Higashi-shinagawa 4-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, 140-8586, Japan Tel: (81-3) 3450-1682Fax: (81-3) 3474-2385Email:***************** Web: /jp/fcl/EuropeFUJITSU COMPONENTS EUROPE B.V.Diamantlaan 252132 WV Hoofddorp NetherlandsTel: (31-23) 5560910Fax: (31-23) 5560950Email:*****************.comWeb: /components KoreaFUJITSU COMPONENTS KOREA LIMITED Alpha Tower #403, 645 Sampyeong-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 13524 KoreaTel: (82) 31-708-7108Fax: (82) 31-709-7108Email:***************.comWeb: /sg/products/devices/components/North and South AmericaFUJITSU COMPONENTS AMERICA, INC.2290 North First Street, Suite 212San Jose, CA 95131, USATel: (1-408) 745-4900Fax: (1-408) 745-4970Email:*********************.com Web: /componentsAsia PacificFUJITSU COMPONENTS ASIA, LTD.102E Pasir Panjang Road#01-01 Citilink Warehouse Complex,Singapore 118529Tel: (65) 6375-8560Fax: (65) 6273-3021Email:***************.com/sg/products/devices/components/ChinaFUJITSU ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD.Unit 4306, InterContinental Center 100 Yu Tong Road, Shanghai 200070, ChinaTel: (86-21) 3253 0998Fax: (86-21) 3253 0997Email:***************.com/sg/products/devices/components/Hong KongFUJITSU COMPONENTS HONG KONG CO., LTD Unit 506, Inter-Continental PlazaNo.94 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon,Hong KongTel: (852) 2881-8495Tex: (852) 2894-9512Email:***************.comWeb: /sg/products/devices/components/FUJITSU COMPONENTS EUROPE B.V. Diamantlaan 25, 2132 WV HoofddorpThe NetherlandsPhone: +31-23-5560910Fax: +31-23-5560950Email:*****************.comWebsite: /componentsAll rights reserved, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model. All designations used in this doc-ument may be trademarks, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of their owners. We reserve the right to make modifications.Rev. March 13th, 2018。
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仓库1 仓库2 办公区 仓库3 仓 库 7 转送 3工位 A线 2工位 1工位 仓 库 6 仓 库 5 仓 库 4
仓库1 仓库2 办公区 仓库3 仓 库 7
仓 库 6
仓 库 5
仓 库 4
B线 3工位 2工位 1工位
备件库(对于易损件,保留0.5~1日的 备件,以保证车间工废和料废发生时, 零部件的及时更换。
日计划 计划录入 确认供货商上 线商品的规则 发料单生成 确认发料单 按时区,工 位生成发料 订单号 发料单 生成拣货单和 分货单 打印拣货单、分 货单和箱标签
日结算 1.进行商品条 码扫描 2.对照发料单 取货 入库单 数据 验货 送货 上线 在日结时按照 实绩生成入库 单数据
All Rights Reserved, Copyright(c) Beijing Fujitsu System Engineering LIMITED 2003 13
信 息 生产计划登录 中 心 富 华 恒 通 软 件 包 物 流 中 心 系 统
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月计划 计划录入 周计划 需求计划 紧急采购 计划 1.发交系数 2.安全库存 3.供货周期 4.当月上线时 间段 1.需求数量 2.供货期间 确认需求计划 发交系数确认 核算 本月上线时间 段确认 进货暂存区 财务挂帐 受理 检验 1.发票 2.代存联 3.入库单 库存 发票
富士通 汽车零部件物流解决方案介绍
2003年7月 北京富士通系统工程有限公司
客户 销售部门 生产计划 零部件采购、部品管理 供货商
销售 计划
生产 计划
部品 计划
采购 计划
接收 订货
3S/4S 店
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All Rights Reserved, Copyright(c) Beijing Fujitsu System Engineering LIMITED 2003 10
生 产 部 采购 管理 科 需求计划作成 供货商在网上查询采购计 划,并根据当前库存、安 全库存、供货周期等信息 在网上作成进货订单 月计划/周计划
Internet 将需求计划在网上公布
供货 商
采 购 部
仓储 中心
进货商品的检查 通过扫描商品上的条码,对预定 进货和实际进货数量进行检查
收集HHT传来的数 据,生成进库实际
对全部盘点、循环盘点的作业 进行管理
对客户退货及向供货厂商的退货 进行管理
以货位为单位进行库存管理 (库存查询、货位移动等)
3PL接口 销售店管理
All Rights Reserved, Copyright(c) Beijing Fujitsu System Engineering LIMITED 2003 11
生产部 计调科 采购计划员 采购科主管 采购部 品保 财务
月 计 划 月计划录入 月度需求 计划
2、安全库存 3、供货周期 4、零部件月度上线时间段
月度缺 件报警
库存表 月度需求 计划表 进货订单 供货商
周 计 划 紧 急 采 购
周度/紧急 需求计划 缺件报警
WWW 服 务 器
周度/紧急 需求计划
按时区、工 位、生产线进 行货物码放
发料单和零部 件一起转送
All Rights Reserved, Copyright(c) Beijing Fujitsu System Engineering LIMITED 2003 21
All Rights Reserved, Copyright(c) Beijing Fujitsu System Engineering LIMITED 2003 22
All Rights Reserved, Copyright(c) Beijing Fujitsu System Engineering LIMITED 2003 3
BFS提供的采购物流系统,在物流上称为VMI(Vendor Managed Inventory)-供应商库存管理 。 VMI管理从根本上改变了采购的运作—从推动式到拉动式(FROM Push To Pull)
整车入库 财务处(结算中心) 整车工厂 整车库房 部品库房
采购、部品处 (零部件物流)
产品调拨 配送中心A 配送中心A 原料、部品采集
原料供应商A 原料供应商B 原料供应商C 原料、部品供应商N
43S/4S店1 3S/4S店2
销售 计划
生产 计划
部品 计划
部品 汇总
交货日期回答 JIT交货
日计划 生产 计划
零 部 件 供 货 商
部品 汇总 备货 出库
JIT出库&送料 看板
每日作业 出货
成品入库 配件
代存库存 帐面库存
All Rights Reserved, Copyright(c) Beijing Fujitsu System Engineering LIMITED 2003 2
生成入库实际数 据
需求计划查询 供货商在网上查询
供货商根据需求计划, 在网上登录具体的送 货时间、数量、商品 等信息。
进货订单一览 (完成状态)
进货查询(受理) 进货一览查询 检验单 (一式4份)
入库单 打印条码 先支付货款的零部件
来自供应商 的交货单 业 务 作 业 HHT
送料 上线
All Rights Reserved, Copyright(c) Beijing Fujitsu System Engineering LIMITED 2003 20
生产部 采购部 转运员 车间 采购部 财务
1、供货商编码 供货商基本信 息数据库
3、等级 4、联系方式 5、重要度与信誉度 系统维护人员输入到 系统 1、零部件编码
供货商提供 商品数据库
2、供货商编码 3、发交系数 4、采购单价 5、供货周期 6、每月上线时间段
All Rights Reserved, Copyright(c) Beijing Fujitsu System Engineering LIMITED 2003 8
登录送货订单 合格 Yes 查询采购计划
1.送货时间 2.零部件 3.数量
条码扫描 先付货款 数量检验 Yes 入库 付款申请 入库单 货款已付零部件 回用 No 退货 Yes 允许零部 件回用 收取货款 检验单签 字 No Internet 支付
财务审核 回用单
根据订单订货 (拉动式生产) 拣货 ↓ 分货 ↓ 集货 送货 每日报表
根据MIN/MAX 补货运送 每日报表
收货 ↓ 验货 ↓ 入库 ↓ 保管
盘点 库存管理 统计分析
All Rights Reserved, Copyright(c) Beijing Fujitsu System Engineering LIMITED 2003 4
根据进货预定对仓库的入库作业 进行管理
月、周采购计划的生成 采购查询 进货订单的处理与查询
根据出货预定对仓库的出库作业 及出货进行管理
发料单生成 发料单查询
盘点管理 核算管理