内存更换Action Plan - 副本
长安福特常用缩写词(CP)Confirmation Prototype确认样车Final Status最终状态(J1)Job 1整车投产(PT)P/T Design Complete动力传动系统设计结束PT(P/T)Power Train动力传动系统(ST)Surface Transfer表面参数传递Change Cut-Off更改完成Launch Readiness投产准备就绪Launch Sign-Off投产验收Program Approval项目批准Proportions & Hardpoints比例与固定点Product Readiness产品准备就绪Pre Milestone 1SI前里程碑1Pre Milestone 2SI前里程碑2Strategic Confirmation策略确认Strategic Intent策略意向Strategic Planning策略计划(SP)Structural Prototype样车结构(TTO)Tool Try-Out工装设备试运行Global 8D Eight disciplinary ActionsG8D(福特公司解决问题的标准方法)14DMore Detailed than Global 8D (used to containand resolve stop-shipment/recall problems)更详细的细节(包括并解决停止运货/召回问题)1MIS One Month in Service投入使用1个月1PP First Production Proveout第一次试生产2PP Second Production Proveout第二次试生产3MIS Three Months in Service投入使用3个月4P Production Process Proveout Program生产程序验证项目AAA American Automobile Association美国汽车工业联合会ABS Affordable Business Structure可承受商业结构ABS Anti skid brake system防抱死制动系统AIAG Automotive Industry Action Group 机动车工业行动小组AIC Accelerated Implementation Centre快速实施中心AIM Automated Issues Matrix问题结构图AIMS Automated Issues Matrix System问题结构图系统AME Advanced Manufacturing Engineering先进制造工艺AMPPE Advanced Manufacturing Pre-Program Engineering 先进项目前制造工艺ANOVA Analysis of Variance多样性分析AP Attribute Prototype设计样车APEAL Automotive Performance Execution and Layout机动车性能实施与规划APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning先进产品质量计划ASQ American Society for Quality美国质量协会AV Appraiser Variation评估者的多样性AVT Advance Vehicle Technology先进车辆技术AWS Analytical Warranty System分析性的保修系统AXOD Automatic Transaxle Overdrive Transmission自动变速驱动桥超速档传动系B&ABody & Assembly Operations (New Term: VehicleOperations)车身与组装操作(新术语:车辆操作)BCG Business Consumer Group消费者工作组BIC Best in Class等级中的最佳BIS Body Shop Information System车身工作间信息系统BLI Business Leadership Initiative领导层初始意向BOM Bill OfMaterials零件清单BTB Bumper-to-Bumper保险杠到保险杠BTS Build-To-Schedule按日程建造BUR Business Unit Review业务小组讨论CAS Capacity Analysis Sheet能力分析表C/E Cause & Effect成因及影响CA Customer Attribute消费者特性CAD Computer Aided Design计算机辅助设计CAE Computer Aided Engineering计算机辅助工程CAP Corrective Action Plan纠正行动计划CBG Consumer Business Group消费者业务小组CB Continuous Build连续性生产CC Critical Characteristic评价特性CC Courtesy Copy抄送CC Carbon Copy副本CCC Customer Concern Classification客户问题分类CCC China compulsory certification中国强制认证CDS Component Design Specification零件设计参数CET Campaignable Events Team召回情况小组CETs Common External Tariff普通关税CETP Corporate Engineering Test Procedures公司工程测试程序CFR Constant Failure Rate连续故障率CHFCIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing计算机综合制造CIWG Continuous Improvement Work Group持续改进工作组CL Centerline中心线CMM Coordinate Measuring Machine协调测量设备CMMS Common Material Management System通用材料管理系统CMMS3Common Manufacturing Management System-3通用制造管理系统-3Code X Pre-build focusing on exterior components制造前关注的外部零件Code Y Pre-build focusing on interior components制造前关注的内部零件CP Cost plan(马自达用语)由ECN引起的价格变动估计CP Common Position通用位置CP Confirmation prototype确认样车(FORD 时间节点)C p Relates the allowable spread of thespecification limits to the measure of theactual variation of the process.将参数限制允许限度下的展开与程序实际多样性联系起来CPE Chief Program Engineer首席项目工程师C pk Measures the process variation with respect tothe allowable specification, and takes intoaccount the location of the process average测量程序的多样性并将其考虑到程序平均性的位置中CPU Cost Per Unit单位成本CQDC Corporate Quality Development Center公司质量开发中心CQIS Common Quality Indicator System一般质量指标系统CR Concern Responses问题回复CRT Component Review Team零件讨论组CSA Corporate Security Administrator公司安全管理员CSI Customer Service Index客户服务指数DCO Duty Cycle Output责任循环结果DCP Dynamic Control Planning动态控制计划DDL Direct Data Link直接数据连接Df Degrees of Freedom自由度DFA Design for Assembly总成设计DFM Design for Manufacturability制造能力设计DFMEA Design Failure Mode Effects Analysis故障模式影响分析设计DFR Decreasing Failure Rate故障下降率DMA Database Maintenance Administrator数据库维护管理人员DOE Design of Experiment试验设计DOM Dealer Operations Manager经销商业务经理DP Design Parameters参数设计DQR Durability Quality and Reliability耐久性质量与可靠性DTD Dock to Dock码头至码头DTD Design to Delivery设计到交付DCV Design Confirmation Vehicle设计确认车DV Design Verification设计验证DVM Design Verification Method设计验证方式DVP Design Verification Plan设计验证计划Design Verification Process and Production设计验证程序和产品验证DVP&PVValidationDVP&R Design Verification Plan & Report设计验证计划和结果DVPR Design Verification & Product Reliability设计验证和产品可靠性DVPV Design Verification and Process Verification设计验证和程序验证EAO European Automotive Operations欧洲机动车协会EASI Engineering And Supply Information工程和供应信息ECAR Electronic Connector Acceptability Rating电子连接接受比率EDI Electronic Data Interchange电子数据交换EESE Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering电力及电子系统工程EMM Expanded Memory Manager扩展内存管理器EMS Environmental Management System环境管理系统EOL End of Line线的端点EQI Extraordinary Quality Initiative特别初始质量ES Engineering Specifications工程参数ESI Early Supplier Involvement早期供应商参与ESP Extended Service Plan延期服务计划ESTA Early Sourcing Target Agreement早期选点目标协议ESWP Early Sourcing Work Plan早期选点工作计划EV Equipment Variation设备变更F&T Facility & Tooling工装设备FACT Facilitation and Certification Training简易化及认证培训FASS Field Action/Stop Shipment区域行动/停止运货区域行动/停止运货(优先使用缩FA/SS Field Action/Stop Shipment (Preferred Acronym)写)FAO Ford Automotive Operations福特机动车协会FAP Ford Automotive Procedure福特机动车程序FAQ Frequently Asked Questions常见问答FCPA Ford Consumer Product Audit福特客户产品审核FCSD Ford Customer Service Division福特客户售后服务分枝机构FDVS Ford Design Verification System福特设计验证系统FER Fresh Eyes Review其它行业人员论证FER Final Engineering Review最终工程论证FEU Field Evaluation Unit区域评估组FIFO First in First Out先进先出FMEA Failure Mode Effects Analysis故障模式影响分析FMVSS Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards美国联邦机动车安全标准FPDS Ford Product Development System福特产品开发系统FPS Ford Production System福特生产系统FPSI Ford Production System Institute福特产品系统学院FPS IT Ford Production System Information Technology福特产品系统信息技术FOB Ford of Britain福特英国FQRs Frequent Quality Rejects经常性质量不合格品FR Functional Requirements功能要求FAO (福特机动车运作) 可靠性指FRG FAO Reliability Guide导FS Final Sign-off最终验收FSIC Ford System Integration Council福特系统综合委员会FSN Ford Supplier Network福特供应商网络FSS Full Service Suppliers全方位服务供应商FTDC Fairlane Training and Development Center培训和发展中心FTEP Ford Technical Educational Program福特技术培训项目FTT First Time Through首次通过FUNC-APPRV Functional Approvals功能批准FVEP Finished Vehicle Evaluation Program下线车辆评估项目GAP Global Architecture Process全球建筑设计程序GC Global Craftsmanship全球技术工艺GCARS Global Craftsmanship Attribute Rating System全球技术特性评分系统GCEQ Global Core Engineering Quality全球核心工程质量GEM Generic Electronic Module通用电子模块GIS1Global Information Standards全球信息标准Global Prototype Inventory Requisition andGPIRS全球样车库存及控制安排SchedulingGPP Global Parts Pricing全球零件定价GQRS Global Quality Research System全球质量调查系统GRC UN-ECE Group des Raporteurs de Ceintures欧盟 ECE 安全带规划小组GRC Government Regulations Coordinator政府法规协调员GR&R Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility量具重复性和再现性GRVW Gross Vehicle Weight车辆质量GSDB Global Supplier Database全球供应商数据库GSSM Global Sourcing Stakeholders Meeting全球选点股东大会GYR Green-Yellow-Red绿-黄-红HB Homologation Build法规车制造HI High-Impact重大影响HIC High-Impact Characteristics重大影响特性HR Human Resources人力资源HTFB Hard Tooled Functional Build成形机功能建造HVAC Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning加热通风和空调ICA Interim Containment Action过渡性补救措施ICCD Intensified Customer Concern Database强化的客户问题数据库ICCD CRSIntensified Customer Concern Database ConcernResolution Specialist 强化的客户问题数据库解决问题专员IE Industrial Engineer产业工程师IFR Increasing Failure Rate 故障率增长ILVS In-Line Vehicle Sequencing车辆顺序IM Industrial Materials工业材料IP Instrument Panel仪表板IPD In Plant Date进厂日IQ Incoming Quality进货质量IQS2Initial Quality Study初始质量研究IR Internal Reject内部不合格品ISO International Organization for Standardization国际标准化组织ISPC In-Station Process Controls过程质量控制JIT Just in Time及时JPH Jobs Per Hour每小时工作量JSA Job Safety Analysis工作安全分析PSW (零件质量合格验收) 未做好KKK PSW not ready for inspection检测准备KLT Key Life Test关键使用寿命测试KO Kickoff起动LCL Lower Control Limit低控制限值LDEM Lean Design Evaluation Matrix设计评估表LOA Letter of Agreement协议书LP&T Launch Planning & Training投产计划和培训LR Launch Readiness投产准备就绪LRR Launch Readiness Review投产准备就绪论证LS Launch Sign-Off投产验收LSL Lower Specification Limit低参数限制LTDB Light Truck Data Base轻型卡车数据库MBJ1Months Before Job One Job1(投产)前1个月MBO Manufacturing Business Office制造办公室ME Manufacturing Engineering制造工程MIS Months in Service使用中的月份MMSA Material Management System Assessment物料管理系统评定MP Mass Production批量生产MP&L Materials, Planning and Logistics材料、计划与物流MPPS Manufacturing Process Planning System制造程序计划系统MOD Module模块MRB Material Review Board物料论证板MRD Material Required Date物料要求到厂日MS Material Specifications物料参数MS3(MSIII)Material Supply Version III物料供应(第三版)MTC Manage the Change管理变更MY Model Year年度车型NAAO North American Automotive Operations北美汽车工业协会NFM Noise Factor Management噪声管理NIST National Institute of Standards and Testing全国标准和测试协会NMPDC New Model Program Development Center新车型项目开发中心Nova C New Overall Vehicle Audit新车总评审NPPR New Program Product Review供应商技术支持NTEI New Tooled End Items新工具加工成品NVH Noise, Vibration, Harshness噪声、振动、操纵平顺性OCM Operating Committee Meeting工作委员会会议OEE Overall Equipment Efficiency总体设备效率OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer设备最初制造厂ONP Owner Notification Program车主告知程序OS Operator Safety操作者安全OTG Open to Go可进行P Diagrams Parameter Diagrams参数图表PA Program Approval项目批准PAG Premier Automotive Group首要机动车项目组PAL Project Attribute Leadership项目特性领导层PAT Program Activity Team, Program Attribute Team, 项目促进小组、项目特性小组和or Program Action Team项目行动小组PCA Permanent Corrective Action持续改进行动PCF Parts Coordination Fixture零件夹具验证PCI Product Change Information产品变更信息PD Product Development产品开发PDL Program Design Language项目设计语言PD Q1Product Development Q1产品开发Q1PDN2Phased Data NotificationPDSA Plan, Do, Study, Act计划、实践、研讨、实施PFMEA Process Failure Mode Effects Analysis程序故障模式影响分析PI Process Improvement程序改进PIPC Percentage of P pk Indices Process Capable P pk指数程序能力百分比Percentage of Inspection Point That SatisfyPIST满足公差要求的检查点百分比TolerancePM Program Manger项目经理PMA Project Management Analyst项目管理分析PMT Program Management Team or Program Module T eam 项目管理组或项目模式组PO Purchase Order采购订单POC Point of Contact联系点POT Process Ownership Team程序所有者小组P p Process Potential程序潜力PP Pilot ProductPP&T Product Planning & Technology产品计划和技术PPAP Production Part Approval Process生产零件批准程序P pk Process Capability程序能力PPC Product Planning Committee产品计划委员会PPL Program Parts List项目零件清单PPMParts per Million (applied to defectiveSupplier parts)零件的百万分比率(适用于供应商不合格零件)PPPM Program and Pre-Production Management程序和投产前管理PR Public Relations公共关系PR Product Requirement产品要求PR Product Readiness Milestone产品就绪时间节点PSO Production Standard Order制造标准订单PSS Private Switching Service私人转接服务PST Program Steering Team项目指导小组PSW Part Submission Warrant零件质量合格验收PTO Powertrain Operations传动系统操纵件PTR Platinum Resistance Thermometer铂金电阻温度计PV Production Validation产品验证PV Process Variables程序变更PV Part Variation零件变更PVBR Prototype Vehicle Build Requirements样车制造要求PVM Production Validation Method产品验证方法PVP Powertrain Validation Program 传动系统验证程序PVT Product Vehicle Team or Plant Vehicle Team产品车辆组或工厂车辆组QA Quality Assurance质量保证QC Quality Control质量控制QCT Quality Cost Timing质量成本时机选择QFD Quality Function Deployment质量功能配备QFTF Quality Focused Test Fleet质量节点测试行动组QLS Quality Leadership System质量领导体系QMS Quality Management System质量管理体系QOS Quality Operating System质量运作体系QOE Quality of Event质量事件QPM Quality Program Manager质量项目经理QPS Quality Process System质量程序系统QR Quality Reject质量不合格QS-9000Quality Systems – 9000质量体系-9000Quality System Assessment for ProductQSA-PD产品开发质量体系评估DevelopmentQTM Quality Team Member质量小组成员QVA Quality-Focused Value Analysis Workshop车间质量重点价值分析R Range范围RFQ Request For Quotation寻求报价R&M Reliability and Maintainability可靠性及可维护性RMS Resource Management System资源管理系统R&R Repeatability and Reproducibility重复性和再现性R&R Roles and Responsibilities职务与责任R&VT Research & Vehicle Technology研究与车辆技术R/1000Repairs per thousand修理千分率RAP Remote Anti-theft Personality module 防盗遥控器个性化模式Robust Engineering Design Process Enabler积极的工程设计程序计划REDPEPRProjectRIE Reliability Improvement Engineer可靠性改进工程师ROA Return on Assets资产回报率ROCOF Rate of Occurrence of Failure故障发生率RPN Risk Priority Number优先处理风险号码RRCL Reliability and Robustness Check List可靠性与强有力的核对表RRDM Reliability and Robustness Demonstration Matrix可靠性与强有力的演示图表RRR PSW rejected PSW (零件质量合格验收) 不合格RWUP RealWorld Usage Profile现实生活使用记录S Standard deviation标准偏差s2Variance多样性SC Significant Characteristics重要特性Significant Characteristics/CriticalSCs/CCs重要特性/评价特性CharacteristicsSCAC Supplier Craftsmanship Advisory Committee供应商技术顾问委员会SCTs Strategic Commodity Teams策略性商品组SDS System Design Specifications系统设计参数SDS Subsystem Design Specification子系统设计参数SEVA Systems Engineering Value Analysis系统工程价值分析Senko Drawing先行图SHARP Safety and Health Assessment Review Process安全和健康评估讨论程序SI System International des Unit国际单位制SIM Supplier Improvement Metrics供应商改进步骤SMART Synchronous Material and Replenishment Trigger同步物料与补给触发器SME Subject Matter Expert主题专家SMF Synchronous Material Flow同步物料流程SOW Statement of Work工作陈述SP Support PlanSP/AP Structural Prototype/Attribute Prototype结构原形/特性原形SP&PI Strategic Process & Product Improvement策略性程序和产品改进SPC Special Product Committee特殊产品委员会SPC Statistical Process Control统计程序控制SPROM Sample Promise Date承诺的样品到货日SREA Supplier Request for Engineering Approval供应商要求工程批准SRI Supplier Responsible Issues供应商责任SSI Sales Satisfaction Index销售满意度指标SSM Strategic Sourcing Meeting策略选点会议ST Surface Transfer表面转移STA Supplier Technical Assistance供应商技术支持STARS Supplier Tracking and Reporting System供应商跟踪及汇报系统SVC Small Vehicle Center小型车中心TA Target Agreement目标协议TB Training Build训练制造TAP Target Achievement Plan目标完成计划TCM Total Cost Management 总成本管理TED Things Engineers Do工程师任务TEG Tooling and Equipment Group工装及设备组TEM Total Equipment Management全部设备管理TGR Things Gone Right事态发展正确TGW Things Gone Wrong事态发展错误TIS Time in Service服务期限TOC Table of Contents目录TPM Total Productive Maintenance全部生产维护TPPS Torque Process Potential Study扭矩程序潜力研究TQC True Quality Characteristics真实质量特性TRIZ (Russian)Theory of Inventive Problem Solving创造性解决问题的理论(俄罗斯) TRMC Timing, Release and Material Control (also 时效性、发布和物料控制(同known as Tar-Mac)Tar-Mac)TS-16949Technical Specification – 16949技术规范-16949 TSP Technical Skills Program技术性技能项目TTO Tool Try Out工装试运行UCL Upper Control Limit上限控制USL Upper Specification Limit参数上限V/C Very or Completely Satisfied非常或完全满意VC Vehicle Center汽车中心VC BuyerVehicle Center Buyer (now Consumer BusinessGroup Buyer)车辆中心客户(现在为商务集团购买客户)VDI Vehicle Dependability Index车辆可靠性指标VDS Vehicle Design Specifications车辆设计参数VDS Vehicle Descriptor Section车辆描述组VER Vehicle Evaluation Ratings车辆评估等级VFG Vehicle Function Group车辆功能组VIN Vehicle Identification Number车辆识别代码VLD Vehicle Line Director车辆生产线总监VO Vehicle Office车辆办公室VO Vehicle Operations车辆运作VOGO Vehicle Operations General Office车辆运作综合办公室VP Vice President副总裁VPMC Vehicle Project Management Coordinator车辆项目管理协调员VPP Vehicle Program Plan车辆项目计划VQL Vehicle Quality Level车辆质量级别VQR Vehicle Quality Review车辆质量研讨VRT Vehicle Review Team车辆研讨小组VRT Variability Reduction Team减少差异小组VRT Vehicle Reduction Team车辆减产小组WAS Work Analysis Sheet工作分析表WCR Worldwide Customer Requirements全球客户需求WERS Worldwide Engineering Release System全球工程发布系统WIP Work In Progress进行中的工作WMI World Manufacturing Identifier世界制造商识别代码WPRC Warranty Parts Return Center维修部件回收中心Potential Significant and CriticalYS/YC潜在的重要和评价特性CharacteristicsRemark: Editor adds the content in shadow. 备注:阴影部分的内容为编者增加。
IBM P系列内存更换操作步骤及注意事项(1)
IBM P系列内存更换操作步骤及注意事项项目编号版本号 1.0密级作者李王杰编写时间2012.7.31审核审核日期批准批准日期深圳市紫金支点技术股份有限公司版权所有引言小型机内存为了保证其使用性能及可靠性,在插法上都有非常严格的要求,每一系列,每一型号的,甚至不同的配置都会出现各种不同插法,并严格限定配对槽位和安插顺序。
目录引言 (1)一、Power7-720/740内存更换规则及注意事项 (3)二、Power6-520内存更换规则及注意事项 (19)三、Power5-55A内存更换规则及注意事项 (24)四、Power5-52A内存更换规则及注意事项 (28)一、Power7-720/740内存更换规则及注意事项1、准备工作: 准备好服务器信息(客户准备)、故障内存位置、内存备件、笔记本、网线、十字螺丝刀一把、一字螺丝刀一把。
5、服务器下电之后,将服务器后面的KVM IQ适配器、网线、光纤线、等连接线缆分别取下,注意光纤线和网线的左右顺序,千万不可混插,如果线缆太多可在取下前做好标记。
Planning —— Action Plan
Action Plan1.1Likely resources to be used1.2 Strategy for carrying out reportI’m an Investment Services Manager with the Cadogan Bank plc. My job is to assist busy, well-to-do clients by providing solutions to their savings, borrowing and personal insurance needs. Alexander is my new client, who is 48 years old, is the Company Director and Chief Executive of a software company, Graphic Design Ltd, that he set up seven years ago with his best friend, James Emerson. The company has been extremely successful, with a turnover of £15m last year and profits of £4m. Alexander draws a salary of £420,000 per annum from the business. And his wife Janet is aged 44 and works as Alexander’s personal assistant. As his assistant she is paid a salary of £55,000 per annum. In the UK they belong to the high-income groups which will impose at the highest income tax, it is no doubt will be an enormous amount of expenditure. So Alexander needs to buy tax efficiency product. For example the Cash e-ISA of HSBC, it is a online flexible tax-free savings, the interest rate is up to 2.75% AER (2.72% tax-free) variable.Before setting up the company Alexander had been out of work for two years following redundancy. And they have three children, Adam, Sheila and Carina, aged 14, 10 and 3 respectively. The two older children attend a local private school, which charges £3,000 per child per annum in school fees. The couple intends to send Carina to the same school as soon as she is old enough. In order to ensure the child's future, it is necessary to choose insurance now. I suggest the LifeChoices Insurance of HSBC. The insurance is including three parts, first, Income Cover with Income Choice; Pays a monthly benefit if an illness or injury prevents you from working for 13 consecutive weeks (please note, benefit is only payable when your employer's sick pay ends, which may be later).; second, Life Cover with Life Choice; Pays a lump sum if you die or are diagnosed with a terminal illness; third, Critical Illness Cover with Trauma Choice; Pays a lump sum if you are diagnosed with a serious illness including; cancer, stroke and multiple sclerosis. And I am aware that the Flynn’s live in a large six-bedroom bungalow in an expensive part of town, which is conservatively estimated at a value of £1.25m. They have lived there for over sixyears and have an outstanding mortgage of £450,000 on the property. So the property damage insurance is necessary to buy. And the Home sweet home insurance of HSBC is good. Protect your home and belongings with home insurance from HSBC. HSBC Home Insurance is provided by Aviva Insurance Limited and is built to help cover you against losses or damages.They have an outstanding mortgage of £450,000 on the property. The mortgage was taken out over 20 years on an endowment basis but Alexander has recently received a letter from the company stating the projected returns on the policy are likely to result in a substantial shortfall in the value compared to the outstanding mortgage. It’s a bad news to Alexander; he will bear more pressure about the mortgage. The way to deal with this problem is to open a new mortgage at a high-yield.1.3How the project will be managedSavingInsuranceMortgage1.4Timescales for project1.5Sources of informationPrimary data is the information collected or observed directly from first-hand respondents. Secondary data is the data which was collected by someone others than the user. These follows are the difference between Primary data and Secondary data, include methods, range, source and so on. Just like the meaning of their names. Primary research was always collected by the organization or people who want this data and finish researching. It entails the use of immediate data in determining the survival of the market. Secondary data maybe the outdated information. It has finished by other people or organization in the past, and as an information recording for organization to use and compare now. Secondary data can gain from internet or library. From the different way that two kinds of data gain,primary data is more exactly and timeliness,but it will cost more than secondary data and it is limited. Primary data can gather by survey,such as mail,telephone,online or personal interview survey. And secondary data can be divided into internal and external information. There are some analyze about the advantage and disadvantage of secondary data:On one hand, secondary data will cost less money and time,in other words,it is very cheap,it is effortlessly and rapidly,and has a bigger range of subject than primary data.,then secondary data has been tidied and analyzed. On the other hand, secondary data is lacking of accuracy,there have errors between data and actual environment. It was lacking of pertinence. Maybe there are some preconception in the analyze of secondary data. For example I call the phone to HSBC to get information is primary data, but I search information from the Internet and read books from the library, both are the secondary data.。
10 8
置 管 过 程
方法 外露管长 情绪
固定 操作前准备 病人状态
镇静不到位 神志不清、烦躁 约束不当
人员流动大 为
肠 营
教不够 养
归纳出本次主题的特性 (掌握重点、柏拉图)
二、 开展品管圈活动的步骤和方法
(1). 改善重点是现状把 握中需要改善的特性的 累计影响度
(2). 目标需根据医院或 单位的方针及计划并考 虑目前圈的能力,有全 体圈员共同制定
二、 开展品管圈活动的步骤和方法
成立QCC小组、 设定圈名及圈
添加标题 部门名字:门诊药房圈、 PIVAS圈、制剂圈
代表希望的感觉:晨曦圈、动力 圈、光明圈
添加标题 品管圈活动主题:病房领 药圈、准时交货圈
激发潜能 个人成长
工作现场的 问题发现
WorkShop Action Plan
Operational Challenges
By Whom
Chemicals’ Cost & Consumption on the basis of half month and whole month
January 2011
Establishment and Tracking of Dishware Breakage Report
It requires Chef and GM’s approval and support for re-layout dishwashing room, as well as Chef’s approval for the increase of glass baskets and close cooperation from ENG.
January 2011
February 2011
February 2011
January 2011
January 2011
Formulation and Implement of MSDS&PRS and Stewarding SOP
Professional training towards to the Stewarding supervisor level should be commenced before the implement of cost report.
action plan 模板 -回复
action plan 模板-回复“action plan模板”是指为了实现某个目标而制定的一系列步骤或计划的模板。
09 行动计划Action plan
司与 课程名称、培训对象、总体目标 沟学 点状需求分析图,分出章节 通员 设计培训目标,每个章节1-2个目标 上 设计各目标内容大纲,使之满足以下条件:
1. 2. 3. 4.
能实现目标 遵循四步骤 过程生动 可操作
各章节排序,计算并调整学员/讲师的时间比 6. 每一个节一个PPT,完成教材设计
内部培训师培训 9-5
未来1-3个月内 行动计划
行动计划-课程设计 (1个月)
– 图片/视频 – 练习(角色扮演、情景模拟、案例分析、小
内部培训师培训 9-2
行动计划-收集培训辅助材料 (3个月内)
真实案例 奇闻轶事 比喻、寓言、故事 游戏、小品 排比句、顺口溜 笑话、幽默图片、漫画 打油诗、对联
内部培训师培训 9-3
演练 (1个月内)
做一次培训 演练相关技巧
1. 2. 小 3. 课 4.
从 这 里 开 始 5.
action plan 模板 -回复
action plan 模板-回复如何制定一个行动计划引言:制定一个行动计划能够帮助我们实现目标,无论是在个人生活中还是职业生涯中。
brother MFC-J625DW 高级功能使用说明书
3 发送传真
其他发送选项............................................................................................. 6
使用多种设置发送传真......................................................................... 6 停止传真 .............................................................................................. 6 对比度 .................................................................................................. 6 更改传真分辨率.................................................................................... 7 将您更改的内容设为新的默认值 .......................................................... 7 将传真设置恢复为出厂默认设置 .......................................................... 8 其他发送操作............................................................................................. 8
手动发送传真 ....................................................................................... 8 通话结束时发送传真 ............................................................................ 9 双向访问 ( 仅适用于黑白 ).................................................................... 9 多址发送 ( 仅适用于黑白 ).................................................................... 9 实时传输 ............................................................................................ 10 国际模式 ............................................................................................ 11 定时传真 ( 仅适用于黑白 ).................................................................. 11 定时批量传输 ( 仅适用于黑白 ) .......................................................... 12 检查和取消等待处理的作业................................................................ 12 轮询概述 .................................................................................................. 13
Actioned By
Expected Tm To
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
File Name: d:\iknow\docshare\data\cur_work\66838253.xls Sheet Name: Action Plan Create on 2013-10-8
DR Drill Test for Production Services
Item Action 1 确定生产中心的PX502的备份任务情况:在Networker确认备份 任务状态 2 确定备份中心的PX502的备份任务情况:在Networker确认备份 任务状态 3 备份中心确认磁带库状态正常,确认带库微码版本,带库 PX502-2下线并关机:取出磁带,关闭磁带库电源,拔下光纤线 以及网线,下架并拉到中心机房。 中心机房确认磁带库状态正常,确认带库微码版本,带库 PX502-2下线并关机:取出磁带,关闭磁带库电源,拔下光纤线 以及网线,下架。 拆下生产中心磁带库驱动器,并装入到备份中心磁带库。先通电 开机自检。 自检通过后,关电上架,连接光纤线,放入磁带 修改光纤交换机zone配置,服务器主机扫描设备,确认能正确识 别新设备。 Networker重新扫描硬件设备 Networker中Label磁带 备份测试及确认 邮件通知备份状态 把生产中心拆下的磁带库送回备份中心机房。 备份中心磁带库通电测试,通过后上架 修改光纤交换机zone配置,服务器主机扫描设备,确认能正确识 别新设备。 Networker重新扫描硬件设备 Networker中Label磁带 备份测试 邮件通知备份状态
1 of 1
Action Plan
Action PlanAppendix 7 of the Final ReportA. On the occasion of the Conference “A Global Assessment of the 1989 Recommendation on the Safeguarding of T raditional Culture and Folklore: Local Empowerment and International Cooperation,” held at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., from 27 to 30 June 1999;1. T aking into account the results of the four-year process of evaluating the implementa-tion of the Recommendation on the Safeguarding of T raditional Culture and Folklore and the recommendations stemming from the eight Regional and Sub-Regional Seminars [Stránice (Czech Republic, June 1995, for Central and Eastern European countries); Mexico City (Mexico, September 1997, for Latin American and Caribbean countries); Tokyo (Japan, February/March 1998, for Asian countries); Joensuu (Finland, September 1998, for Western European countries); Tashkent (Republic of Uzbekistan, October 1998, for Central Asia and the Caucasus); Accra (Ghana, January 1999, for the African region); Noumea (New Caledonia, February 1999, for the Pacific Countries); and Beirut (Lebanon, May 1999, for the Arab States)];2. Bearing in mind that the term “folklore” has generally been considered inappropriate, but emphasizing the importance of its definition as it stands in the 1989 Recommendation on the Safeguarding of T raditional Culture and Folklore, while recommending a study on a more appropriate terminology, and provisionally continuing to use the term “folklore,”along with “oral heritage,” “traditional knowledge and skills,” “intangible heritage,” “forms of knowing, being, and doing,” among other terms, all of which, for the purposes of this recommendation, we consider to be equivalent to “traditional culture and folklore” in the definition of the aforementioned 1989 Recommendation;3. Cognizant of the impossibility of separating tangible, intangible, and natural heritage in many communities;4. Considering that traditional culture and folklore are primarily based in community activ-ities which express, reinforce, and reflect largely shared values, beliefs, ideas, and practices;5. Emphasizing that the diversity embodied in multiple cultural ways of knowing, being, and doing is an essential characteristic of cultural heritage and is vital in the construction of a peaceful coexistence for all life forms in the future;6. Underlining the specific nature and importance of traditional culture and folklore as an integral part of the heritage of humanity;7. Noting the spiritual, social, economic, cultural, ecological, and political importance of traditional culture and folklore, their role in the histories of peoples, and their place in con-temporary society;8. Acknowledging that traditional culture and folklore can be a powerful means of bring-ing together different peoples and social groups and of asserting their cultural identities in a spirit of understanding and respect for other cultures;302Action Plan3039. Stressing the need in all countries for recognition of the role of traditional culture and folklore and the danger that practitioners face from multiple factors;10. Concerned with the fact that the well-being of community members and their prac-tices — whose strength and numbers are threatened daily by powerful forces such as war, forced displacement, intolerant ideologies and philosophies, environmental deterioration, socio-economic marginalization, and global commercialized culture — must be at the cen-ter of national and international cultural policy;11. T aking into account that traditional culture and folklore are dynamic and are often adapted through the innovative practices of community life;12. Recognizing that practitioners of traditional culture and folklore must be included to contribute expertise that is crucial to local, national, and international policy-making in such areas as health, environment, education, youth, gender, conflict resolution, the peace-ful coexistence of ethnic groups, sustainable human development, and inclusive civic par-ticipation as well as fighting chauvinism and intolerance;13. Deploring the exclusion of traditional groups from decision-making concerning the safeguarding of traditional culture and folklore;14. Acknowledging that states are comprised of cultural communities, that these com-munities and their folklore and beliefs often extend beyond state boundaries, and that indi-viduals may be members of more than one community;15. Recognizing that cultural interaction and exchange leads to the emergence of hybrid genres that reflect these cross-cultural exchanges;16. Recognizing that the preservation of traditional culture and folklore and the right to cultural self-determination in local communities should be consistent with current inter-national standards of human rights;17. Observing the important role that governments and non-governmental organizations can play in collaboration with tradition-bearers in the safeguarding of traditional culture and folklore and that they should act as quickly as possibleB. We, the participants in the Conference “A Global Assessment of the 1989 Recommendation on the Safeguarding of Traditional Culture and Folklore: Local Empowerment and International Cooperation,” recognize that the following measures need to be taken:1. develop legal and administrative instruments for protecting traditional communities— who create and nurture traditional culture and folklore — from poverty, exploita-tion, and marginalization;2. facilitate collaboration among communities, government and academic institutions,local and non-governmental organizations as well as private-sector organizations in order to address the issues facing traditional groups;3. ensure meaningful participation of traditional groups in decision-making processes inforums at all levels concerned with issues and policies that affect those groups;4. develop, in cooperation with communities, adequate education and training, includ-ing legal training, for their members and other cultural workers in understanding, pre-serving, and protecting traditional culture and folklore;5. develop programs that address the transnational nature of some traditional culture andfolklore;6. give special emphasis to programs that recognize, celebrate, and support women’s rolesin all aspects of their communities, which have been historically underrepresented, as contributors to traditional cultures and as field workers, scholars, and administrators;7. provide support for programs of cultural revitalization, particularly for groups dis-placed by war, famine, or natural disasters and other groups under threat of extinction;8. undertake measures to assist traditional groups, including legal assistance, in theirown efforts to improve their social status and economic well-being, which are essen-tial to their continued cultural practices.C. Specific Actions: On the basis of the aforementioned principles and needs, we recom-mend to the Governments of States that they:1. identify and support programs that encourage public recognition and validation of tra-ditional culture and folklore, continuing to support existing institutions and programs as well as establishing new ones where appropriate;2. institute and strengthen schemes for the comprehensive welfare of custodians andpractitioners of traditional cultures addressing issues such as housing, health care, and occupational hazards;3. nclude local knowledge in national forums that consider questions such as sustainablehuman development, globalization, environmental degradation, youth, education, and peaceful coexistence;4. facilitate and assist communities to develop their traditional material culture and workpractices in new contexts as efficient countermeasures to the destruction of the natu-ral environment and the devaluation of the dignity of human labor;5. provide cultural awareness training to workers in administrative, educational, andother institutions involved with traditional groups;6. facilitate access for members of traditional groups to relevant educational programsand, where necessary , facilitate the creation — with the community — of multipur-pose, community-based centers for education, documentation, and training;7. provide support to communities to preserve the active, creative use of local languagesin areas that include, but are not limited to, education, publishing, and public per-formance;8. provide support for the preservation of significant material culture and spaces that arecrucial to the transmission of traditional culture and folklore;9. support local, national, and international symposiums that bring together members oftraditional groups, representatives of non-governmental organizations, policy makers,and others to address issues facing traditional groups;10. identify , understand, encourage, and support traditional educational practices, espe-cially those relating to the very young;11. create a network of experts to assist local groups, cultural institutions, non-govern-mental organizations, and commercial organizations in the work of safeguarding tra-ditional culture, especially in areas such as education, tourism, law , and development;12. consider, if they so desire, the possible submission of a draft resolution to the UNESCOGeneral Conference requesting UNESCO to undertake a study on the feasibility of adopting a new normative instrument on the safeguarding of traditional culture and folklore;13. act in accordance with the obligations of States to protect the right to culture in Article27 of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights, by actively supporting communities in their practices of generation, transmission, authorization, and attribu-tion of traditional knowledge and skills in accordance with the wishes of the commu-nities, and in conformity with current international standards of human rights and consider taking steps, including, but not limited to, the following:Action Plan304i. adopting a legal scheme, according to which traditional knowledge can be made available by the community , in compliance with its wishes, for public use with a requirement of remuneration or other benefits in case of commercial use; and coop-erating to assure mutual recognition by all States of the effects of such schemes;ii. adopting a sui generis legal regime which would ensure protection• extending for the life of the community;• vested in the community , or in the individual and the community;• in accordance with traditional authorization and attribution procedures in thecommunity;• and establishing a body representing the community concerned and the relevantsectors of civil society to balance the competing interests of access and control iii.in awaiting adoption of a better protective scheme, encouraging modification anduse, in accordance with customary laws, of existing intellectual property regimes for the protection of traditional knowledge;iv .creating task forces to engage in further study of the following issues:content of “prior informed consent”; verification processes (burden of proof,modes of evidence codes); community intellectual rights vis a vis intellectual property rights; relationship to other instruments and Draft Documents (UN Draft Document, WIPO, TRIPS, CBD, Maatatu, SUVA and other Indigenous peoples’ declarations); questions of “rights” (authorship. moral, compensation);role of governments; problems of terminology (e.g., definitions and connota-tions of “folklore,” “popular culture,” etc.); alternative forms of compensation;promotion of case studies in relation to case law; legal mechanisms/documents specific to handicrafts, music, and other art forms; legal mechanisms applicable to knowledge collected prior to this instrument.We recommend that UNESCO:1. promote this Action Plan among its Member States by bringing this meeting to theattention of Member States;2. establish an international, interdisciplinary network of experts to assist Member Statesin developing, upon request, concrete programs in conformity with the principles of the present Action Plan;3. establish an international, interdisciplinary mobile working group of legal experts towork as advisors in collaboration with communities to develop suitable instruments for the protection of traditional culture and folklore;4. encourage the participation and, wherever necessary , the establishment of interna-tional non-governmental organizations with specialist expertise in particular areas of folklore and traditional knowledge to advise UNESCO on the protection of folklore and traditional knowledge;5. encourage international groups (scholars, cultural professionals, commercial organiza-tions, and legal bodies) to develop and adopt codes of ethics ensuring appropriate,respectful approaches to traditional culture and folklore6. accelerate the movement for the return of human remains and for repatriation of cultural heritage to assist the revitalization and self-perception of traditional cultures according to their own fundamental values;7. organize and support the formation of an international forum for the representation of Action Plan 305traditional communities’ concerns for safeguarding their own culture as well as regional and international symposiums that bring together members of traditional groups, representatives of non-governmental organizations, policy makers, and others to address issues facing traditional groups, such as women’s role in the safeguarding of traditional culture. Symposiums should be held in diverse locations, particularly out-side of First World nations — for example, in Yakutia;8.facilitate the application of new technologies in local, national, and regional docu-mentation centers through networks of collaboration and expertise, including local tradition-bearers;9.promote traditional culture and folklore on a global scale by such measures as pro-ducing regional festivals and declaring a World Day for Safeguarding Traditional Culture and Folklore;10.continue UNESCO’s collaboration with WIPO on issues of common interest;11. use UNESCO’s existing procedures to bring the possible adverse impact of actions onhuman rights, environment, food, agriculture, livelihood and industry , health and trade on culture to the attention of other UN bodies, such as FAO, WHO, UNICEF ,UNIFEM, and others as well as the WTO.Action Plan306。
1. 配置编译器
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B u r e a u o f E n v i r o n m e n t a l S e r v i c e s•C i t y o f P o r t l a ndCorrective ActionPlanJuly 2006This page intentionally left blankCity of Portland, OregonWater Pollution Control Facilities (WPCF) Permit ForClass V Stormwater Underground Injection Control Systems Permit Number:102830CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN Underground Injection Control Systems (UICs)Version 1July 2006Prepared By:City of Portland, Bureau of Environmental ServicesThis page intentionally left blankCONTENTS1Introduction and Organization........................................................1-1 1.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................1-11.2 Regulatory Background...............................................................................................1-11.3 Permit Requirements....................................................................................................1-2 1.4CAP Organization........................................................................................................1-4 1.5 Other UIC Plans...........................................................................................................1-51.6 CAP Modifications......................................................................................................1-5 2BES Staff Roles and Responsibilities.............................................2-12.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................2-1 2.2 Corrective Action Review Team.................................................................................2-1 2.3 Summary of Roles and Responsibilities......................................................................2-2 3Goals and Objectives......................................................................3-13.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................3-1 3.2 CAP Goals...................................................................................................................3-1 3.3 CAP Objectives............................................................................................................3-2 4Identification and Prioritization of Non-Compliant UICs................4-14.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................4-1 4.2 Data Sources for Identification of Potentially Non-Compliant UICs..........................4-14.2.1 UIC Systemwide Assessment..............................................................................4-14.2.2 Stormwater Discharge Monitoring:.....................................................................4-24.3 Compliance Determination..........................................................................................4-24.4 UIC Prioritization.........................................................................................................4-2 5Ranking, Scheduling, and Funding of Corrective Actions..............5-15.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................5-1 5.2 Initiation of Corrective Actions...................................................................................5-1 5.3 Ranking and Initial Scheduling of Corrective Actions................................................5-1 5.4 Corrective Action Funding..........................................................................................5-35.4.1 Capital Improvement Project Funding.................................................................5-35.4.2 UIC Program Operating Budget..........................................................................5-45.4.3 Prioritization of Project Funds.............................................................................5-4 6Development and Selection of Corrective Actions........................6-16.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................6-1 6.2 Process Steps................................................................................................................6-1 7Design and Implementation of Selected Corrective Actions.........7-17.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................7-1 7.2 Non-Structural/Institutional Corrective Actions..........................................................7-1 7.3 Structural Corrective Actions......................................................................................7-1_____________________________________________________________________________________ Corrective Action Plan Page iCONTENTS (continued)8Performance Verification of Corrective Actions............................8-1 8.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................8-1 8.2 Performance Evaluation...............................................................................................8-1 9Data Management and Reporting...................................................9-1 9.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................9-1 9.2 Data Management........................................................................................................9-1 9.3 UIC Corrective Action Completion Report.................................................................9-2 9.4 Annual Reporting.........................................................................................................9-2 References………………………………………………………………. following Section 9 TablesTable 2-1 Roles and Responsibilities for UIC Corrective Action Program………….…....2-3 Table 2-2 Key Components and Staff Responsibilities for UIC CorrectiveAction Program………………………………………………………………....2-4 Table 6-1 Potential General Response Actions and Corrective Action Technologiesfor Non-Compliant UICs……………………………………………………….6-7 Table 6-2 Corrective Action Standards…………………………………………………....6-9 Table 6-3 Corrective Action Decision Criteria…………………………………………...6-11 FiguresFigure 1-1 UIC Corrective Action Step-by-Step Procedure…………………………………1-7 Appendix A: Forms• UIC Corrective Action Request Form• Ranking of Non-Compliant UICs_____________________________________________________________________________________ Corrective Action Plan Page ii1 Introduction and Organization1.1 IntroductionThis Corrective Action Plan (CAP) provides the process that Bureauof Environmental Services (BES) staff will use to identify, evaluate,select, implement, and document corrective actions for non-compliantpublic underground injection control systems (UICs) in the City ofPortland. The CAP is a requirement of the Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) permitissued to the City of Portland (City) by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) in June 2005. S e c t i o n1The City currently has an estimated 9,000 UICs that collect stormwater from public rights-of-way anddischarge it to the subsurface. For many areas located east of the Willamette River, UICs are theonly available form of stormwater disposal. UICs are also an essential element of a comprehensivewatershed strategy to use stormwater as a resource by infiltrating it back into the ground. UICs quickly and efficiently reintroduce stormwater into subsurface soils, which filter and cool the runoff before it finds its way to groundwater and, eventually, helps recharge streams.In the Portland area, groundwater serves as a backup drinking water supply to the Bull Run reservoirs. The WPCF permit establishes the UIC construction, operation, and maintenance requirements the City must implement to protect groundwater for use as a drinking water resource. The permit is designed to protect groundwater by implementing a comprehensive stormwater management strategy to prevent, minimize, and control pollutants at the surface before stormwater is discharged to the ground.The WPCF permit requires the City to implement corrective actions for any UICs that do not comply with permit requirements (see Section 1.3). For the purpose of this CAP, corrective action includes a range of responses, technologies, or best management practices (BMPs)constructed or implemented to address or resolve non-compliant conditions. Corrective action includes defining the nature and extent of the potential adverse impact; evaluating site orregional characteristics; and identifying, developing, and implementing appropriate measures to prevent adverse impacts to the beneficial uses of groundwater (e.g., drinking water) and the environment.1.2 Regulatory BackgroundCongress enacted UIC rules in 1974 under the federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) and modified the rules in 1999. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administers these rules under Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 144 -148. In Oregon, EPA has delegated the regulation of UICs to DEQ. Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 340-044 regulate all groundwater as a potential source of drinking water and require municipalities withmore than 50 UICs to operate under a permit. DEQ issued a WPCF permit to the City of Portland on June 1, 2005 (DEQ Permit Number 102830).1.3 Permit RequirementsThe WPCF permit contains specific criteria that all UICs must meet. In general, a UIC is non-compliant under any of the following conditions:• It is within 500 feet of a domestic or irrigation well and does not meet the water quality limits established in the permit.• It is within 500 feet or the two year time-of-trave of a public water system and the water quality of the discharge does not meet the water quality limits established in the permit.• It does not meet the water quality discharge limits at the end-of-pipe discharge point into the UIC.• It has insufficient separation distance between the bottom of the injection well and groundwater to protect the natural water quality.• It is constructed into groundwater.• It does not meet other general permit conditions.The permit requires the City to implement corrective actions for non-compliant UICs throughout the life of the permit (10 years or permit term). Non-compliant UICs must be corrected within three full Capital Improvement Program (CIP) cycles after the UIC is determined to be non-compliant. If a corrective action may take more than three full CIP cycles to complete after the UIC has been identified as non-compliant, the City can request in writing an extension of up to one full year beyond the initially required completion date without a permit modification (WPCF permit, Schedule C12g, h, i).If a regional corrective action is necessary or the nature of the corrective action requires more than three full CIP cycles to complete, the City may also apply for a permit modification under OAR 340-045-0055 to address regional corrective actions, or DEQ may issue a Department Order for that purpose. Any regional corrective action under a permit modification must be completed within the original permit duration period. If a regional corrective action cannot be completed within the permit duration period, the City may:• Apply for a new permit to incorporate the regional corrective action and update the permit expiration date, or• Request DEQ to issue a Department Order as a separate corrective action from this permit.The permit classifies non-compliant UICs into the following four categories:• Category 1: UICs known to be non-compliant upon the date of permit issuance (June 1, 2005). (LINK1)• Category 2: UICs discovered as non-compliant during the Systemwide Assessment (by July 15, 2006).• Category 3: UICs discovered as non-compliant after completion of the Systemwide Assessment (after July 15, 2006).• Category 4: UICs that become non-compliant by failing to meet the annual mean maximum allowable discharge limits (MADLs) within one wet season after theexceedance or failing to satisfy any groundwater protection conditions of Schedule A of the permit.Corrective actions for Category 1 UICs have already been approved and initiated by the City, in accordance with the Corrective Actions for Category 1 UICs document (City of Portland, July 2005) and the Decommissioning Procedure for UICs (City of Portland, October 2005).The City must prioritize the Category 2 UICs from the greatest to the least potential risk of endangerment to the environment and develop an implementation schedule to correct the system deficiencies. The permit requires the City to submit a prioritized and ranked list of Category 2 UICs to DEQ by July 15, 2006. DEQ has agreed to extend this date (Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, Approval to submit Category 2 UICs December 1, 2006. Response to BES letter dated June 2, 2006, Schedule Classification, Underground Injection Control System, City of Portland WPCF Permit No. 102830—June 20, 2006), and the City will submit the Category 2 list by December 1, 2006, along with the UIC Management Plan (UICMP). (LINK) This revised submittal date will allow the City to:• Complete the Systemwide Assessment (to be submitted to DEQ by July 15, 2005).• Develop procedures needed to evaluate, prioritize, and rank non-compliant UICs. These procedures (as described in Sections 4 and 5 of this CAP) will be included in the UICMP that is due to DEQ by December 1, 2006.• Develop a work plan for addressing Category 2 UICs. The work plan will be part of the UICMP and will use BMPs, processes, and procedures established in the UICMP.Category 3 and Category 4 UICs will be identified in years 2 through 10 of the permit (June 2006 through June 2015).Category 2, 3 and 4 corrective actions will be implemented in accordance with this CAP.1 Electronic links to references cited are being developed and will be included in the future.1.4 CAP OrganizationSection 1.0: Introduction and Organization,provides a brief description and purpose of theCAP. It also summarizes relevant regulatorybackground information and permit requirements, describes the CAP’s relationship to other plansrequired by the permit, and describes when and how the CAP may be modified.Section 2.0: BES Staff Roles and Responsibilities, identifies the various staff positionsinvolved in the corrective action program and summarizes their responsibilities.Section 3.0: Goals and Objectives, describes goals and objectives for the CAP, as well as theCity’s overall watershed goals.Section 4.0: Identification and Prioritization of Non-Compliant UICs, describes the processthat will be used to identify and prioritize UICs that are non-compliant and require correctiveaction. This process relies on procedural components that are included in the UICMP (LINK)and other UIC Program activities.Section 5.0:Ranking, Scheduling, and Funding of Corrective Actions, describes the processthat will be used to initiate corrective actions, rank and schedule corrective actions, and fundcorrective action projects to resolve non-compliant UICs.Section 6.0: Development and Selection of Corrective Actions, describes the process that willbe used to identify, screen, develop, and select appropriate corrective actions to resolve knownnon-compliant UICs.Section 7.0: Design and Implementation of Selected Corrective Actions, describes theexisting BES procedures that will be used to design and implement corrective action projects.Section 8.0: Performance Verification of Corrective Actions provides the follow-up verification process/performance evaluation that will be conducted to demonstrate that implemented corrective actions adequately resolve the non-compliant condition.Section 9.0: Data Management and Reporting, describes how BES will document, track, and report corrective actions.Appendix A: Forms, presents examples of forms that will be used as part of the Corrective Action Plan process.1.5 Other UIC PlansThe WPCF permit requires the City to prepare a variety of plans that together describe the programmatic actions and management practices the City will implement to protect groundwater and meet permit requirements. In addition to the CAP, the following plans and documents are required:• Corrective Actions: Category 1 Underground Injection Control Systems (submitted July 2005) (LINK)• UIC Registration Database (submitted September 1, 2005) (LINK)• Decommissioning Procedure (Draft) for Underground Injection Control Systems (UICs) (submitted October 2005) (LINK)• Stormwater Discharge Monitoring Plan (SDMP) (submitted February 2006) (LINK) • Groundwater Monitoring Plan (if necessary)• Systemwide Assessment (to be submitted by July 15, 2006) (LINK)• UIC Management Plan (UICMP) (to be submitted by December 1, 2006) (LINK) o Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Plan (LINK)o Best Management Practices (BMPs) Monitoring Program (LINK)o Employee Training and Public Education Plan (LINK)o Spill Prevention and Pollution Control Plan (SPPCP) (LINK)The UICMP will describe the relationship between the various plans in the overall context of the UIC program.1.6 CAP ModificationsPotential modifications to the CAP may be identified during the selection, design, or implementation of corrective actions or during review or evaluation of the technologies or best management practices. Plan modifications will be implemented by either revising the CAP or preparing addenda to the CAP. The revised CAP or addenda will also describe the need for the modifications.Proposed modifications to the DEQ-approved CAP will be submitted to DEQ for review and approval in accordance with the permit modification requirements (OAR 340-045-0055). The City will:• Submit any proposed modification to DEQ for approval within 30 days of the modification.• Have DEQ approval before implementing a modification, unless the modification is directed by DEQ.• Include a summary of any modifications in the Annual UICMP Report.This page intentionally left blankRanking and Initial Scheduling of Correc tiveDesign and Implementation of Select edPerformance Verification of CorrectiveProcedures and FormsSections 4.2 and 4.3Section 4.4Section 5.2Section 5.3Section 5.4Section 6.2 Step 2Section 6.2 Steps 3 & 4Section 6.2 Step 4Section 6.2 Step 5Section 6.2Step 6Section 7.0Section 8Section 9Figure 1 – Back2 BES Staff Roles and Responsibilities S e c t i o n2 2.1 IntroductionThis section describes the roles and responsibilities assigned to keyBES staff who oversee or participate in implementing correctiveactions for City UICs. These roles and responsibilities are clearlydefined and communicated to ensure effective management ofcorrective actions.The permit designates BES as the bureau responsible for implementing the permit and for identifying and managing the regulatory and technical components of the UIC Program citywide and across bureaus. BES has ultimate responsibility for meeting the permit conditions; overseeing the implementation of UIC management plans, programs, and procedures by other bureaus; and arranging the management, resources, and supervision required to meet regulatory requirements. The overall program responsibilities of BES and other bureaus will be further discussed in the UICMP (to be submitted to DEQ by December 1, 2006).2.2 Corrective Action Review TeamBES has established a Corrective Action Review Team (CART) that comprises staff from the BES UIC Program, Engineering Services, Watershed Services, and other specialists as required, depending on the issue or project. CART members will have the appropriate knowledge and experience to review and approve corrective action alternatives and projects.The goals of the CART are to:• Ensure clear communication and interaction between the UIC Program and other parts of the bureau or City when implementing corrective actions.• Streamline the corrective action processes.• Optimize corrective action selection, design, and implementation.• Maximize the efficiency of City resources.• Ensure permit compliance.The CART will be responsible for the following activities:• Review and adjust the ranking of non-compliant UICs, as needed.• Recommend Capital Improvement Program (CIP) funding priorities relative to UICs.• Review and approve corrective action alternatives in accordance with the criteria and procedures defined in Section 6.• Recommend and approve methods and strategies to verify effectiveness of corrective actions.• Ensure corrective actions are completed in accordance with WPCF permit requirements and schedules.• Recommend changes to BMPs to improve the City’s UIC infrastructure and associated operations.The CART will meet on an as-needed basis to review and rank non-compliant UICs, identify priorities for corrective actions, and select appropriate corrective actions.2.3 Summary of Roles and ResponsibilitiesTable 2-1 summarizes the roles and responsibilities for the UIC corrective action program by staff position. Table 2-2 summarizes key components of the corrective action program and the corresponding staff members responsible for those components.Roles and Responsibilities for UIC Corrective Actions Position Title Area of Responsibility and AuthorityBureau Director Approve UIC policy and program relative to bureau needs and direction. Provide citywide coordination and implementation of program elements. Ensure adequate program resources.Watershed Services Group Manager Approve UIC Program policies and plans. Assist Bureau Director and UIC Program Manager with citywide coordination and implementation of program elements. Allocate group resources to meet program goals and requirements.Division Manager Provide technical support and direction for UIC Program. Assist in development of UIC policy and program. Approve UIC plans and documents; ensure adequate resources are allocated to UIC Program. Participate on the UIC Corrective Action Review Team (CART) as required.UIC Program Manager Develop, recommend, and oversee implementation of UIC Program, budget, and policies with assistance from the Division and Group Managers. Ensure UIC Program management and regulatory requirements are identified, implemented, and maintained in accordance with BES policy and the DEQ WPCF permit. Ensure that UIC Program personnel have the appropriate qualifications, knowledge, and experience.Report to BES management on the performance of the UIC Program.Liaison with DEQ and other interested parties regarding the UIC Program. Provide citywide coordination of UIC Program requirements. Review and approve UIC plans and documents; ensure adequate resources are allocated to the UIC Program. Participate on the CART as required.UIC Hydrogeologist Develop and implement policies, procedures, and actions to meet permit and protect groundwater. Coordinate and communicate UIC Program and WPCF permit needs (stormwater event sampling, source investigations, or response actions) with applicable BES UIC personnel. Conduct data evaluation; develop sampling and analysis plans for decommissioning and corrective actions and preparation of Annual UICMP Reports. Participate on the CART as required.UIC Corrective Action Plan Project Manager Develop UIC corrective action priorities, strategies, procedures, and plans. Develop scope, schedule, and budget for UIC corrective action projects. Prepare Project Request Forms and information to secure CIP funding for UIC corrective action projects. Develop UIC decommissioning process and procedures. Assist in acquisition of required CIP project funding for UIC corrective actions. Assist in the preparation of annual reports and plans as required. Assist with UIC Program budget needs.UIC Systemwide Assessment Project Manager Implement UIC Systemwide Assessment process and UIC Registration Database. Prepare annual reports and plans as required. Assist in the preparation of corrective action strategies and priorities. Assist hydrogeologist with the development of sampling and analysis plans for UICs and corrective action requirements.Watershed Services and Sustainable Stormwater Staff Assist UIC Program staff with development of appropriate corrective action alternatives, strategies, and technologies for non-compliant UICs. Participate on the CART as required to review corrective action alternatives.Corrective Action Review Team (CART) Review and adjust the ranking of non-compliant UICs, as needed. Review and approve corrective action alternatives in accordance with the criteria and procedures defined in Section 6.0. Recommend and approve corrective action verification methods and strategies. Recommend changes to BMPs to improve the City’s UIC infrastructure and associated operations. Ensure corrective actions are completed in accordance with WPCF permit requirements and schedules.BES Engineering Services Participate on the CART as required for evaluation and selection of UIC BMPs and corrective action technologies. Develop predesign and design for the selected corrective action alternatives. Prepare the scope, schedule, and budget for corrective action CIP projects as required. Work with the UIC CAP Project Manager to implement corrective actions.Key Components and Staff Responsibilitiesfor UIC Corrective Action ProgramKey Component Staff ResponsibilityApprove UIC policy and programs relative to bureau policy needs and direction. Provide citywide coordination and implementation of program elements. Bureau DirectorWatershed Services Group Manager Division ManagerUIC Program ManagerCity Attorney as requiredEnsure that adequate resources are available for development, implementation, and maintenance of UIC corrective actions. Bureau DirectorWatershed Services Group Manager Division ManagerUIC Program ManagerAssist in the development of UIC policy and program.Provide technical support and direction for the UICProgram.Division ManagerEnsure that all UIC permit and legislative requirements aremet.UIC Program ManagerEnsure that personnel responsible for identifying non-compliant UICs and implementing corrective actions havethe appropriate qualifications, knowledge, and experience.UIC Program ManagerEnsure that good public relations are maintained with DEQ,the community, and interested stakeholders.All BES Staff Identify and prioritize corrective actions. UIC Program Staff Initiate corrective actions. UIC Program Staff Fill out and submit Corrective Action Request (CAR)forms.UIC Program StaffRank and prepare initial schedule of corrective actions. UIC Program Staff prepare initial ranking. CART reviews and adjusts ranking.Select and recommend general response actions. UIC Program Staff and Manager CARTRequest funding (BES Project Request Forms) forcorrective actions.UIC Program StaffProvide funding for corrective actions. BES Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project TeamDevelop objectives and performance indicators for corrective action projects. UIC Program StaffEngineering Services/Design Engineer CARTDevelop and evaluate structural and nonstructural corrective action alternatives. Engineering Services/Design Engineer Engineering Services/System Analyses CARTUIC Program StaffReview and approve corrective action alternatives. CARTPrepare formal design of corrective actions. Engineering Services/Design Engineer Approve final design of corrective actions. BES Chief Engineer。
在考虑软件可靠性时,首先应该明 确软件旳功能是什么,哪些功能是 主要旳,哪些功能是次要旳。一般 从软件需求分析阐明书和设计阐明 书中能够了解这些情况。
是指不但程序能正确地运营,满足 顾客对它旳功能要求, 而且当程 序一旦受到意外旳伤害,或系统故 障时,能尽快恢复,仍能正常地运 营。
在软件开发过程中,变更是不可防止 旳,若没有进行变更控制,则加剧了 项目中软件人员之间旳混乱。
配置管理是协调软件开发使得混乱减 到最小旳技术。
配置管理是在软件整个生命周期内管 理变化一组活动。这组活动用来:
(1) 标识变更; (2) 控制变更; (3) 确保变改正确地实现; (4) 向其他有关旳人报告变更。
由两个测试员同步相互独立地测试 同一程序旳两个副本,用 t 表达测 试时间,记 t=0时,程序中原有故 障总数是 B0;t=t1 时,测试员甲 发觉旳故障总数是 B1;测试员乙发 觉旳故障总数是 B2;其中两人发觉 旳相同故障数目是 bc;两人发觉旳 不同故障数目是 bi。
在软件工程过程中产生旳全部信 息项(文档、报告、程序、表格、 数据)构成了软件配置。
• 伴随软件工程过程旳进展,软件配 置项(SCI)数目迅速增长。
基线 (Baseline)
基线是软件生存期中各开发阶段末 尾旳特定点,又称里程碑。
基线旳作用是把各阶段工作旳划分 愈加明确化,以便于检验和肯定阶 段成果。
在讨论软件可靠性中常用旳定义 软件可靠性定义 测试中旳可靠性分析
IBM9117-MMA-更换内存案例⼀、定位故障#errpt#errpt -aj XXXXXX或者通过ASMI登陆查询error错误信息⼆、更换准备Determining memory slot locations for processor features 5620, 5622, 7380, 7387, 7388, and 7540Determine the slots in which the memory modules will be placed.NotesAll memory module configurations are ordered and installed with memory in groups of four (quads) in each processor assembly.A minimum of four memory modules is required in each processor assembly for proper system operation, and all four memorymodules must be the same size.Every processor card must have at least 4 GB of memory installed.Each processor assembly has 12 memory module slots. See for the memory module slot locations in the processor assembly. The memory modules must be plugged into the slots in the following order:Plug the first quad of memory modules into slots J0A, J0B, J0C, and J0D.Plug the second quad of memory modules into slots J1A, J1B, J1C, and J1D.Plug the third quad of memory modules into slots J2A, J2B, J2C, and J2D.Figure 2. Memory module slot locations in the processor assembly for processor features 5620, 5622, 7380, 7387, 7388, and 7540A quad set of 8 GB memory modules cannot be mixed with memory modules of smaller size on a processor card.With the exception of the 8 GB and 16 GB memory modules, quads of memory can be mixed on a processor card. If the quads of memory are mixed, the memory will run at the lowest frequency of the installed memory.For a fully configured system, fill the quads according to the order shown in . When adding memory modules, begin with the first open quad. If the system is not fully configured, eliminate the appropriate number of enclosures and processor cards.Table 1. Memory module plugging order for processor features 5620, 5622, 7380, 7387, 7388, and 7540System unit Slot locations for memory Enclosure 1Enclosure 2Enclosure 3Enclosure 4Processor12345678Single-enclosure system J0A, J0B, J0C, J0D1 J1A, J1B, J1C, J1D2 J2A, J2B, J2C, J2D3Single-enclosure system J0A, J0B, J0C, J0D12 J1A, J1B, J1C, J1D43 J2A, J2B, J2C, J2D56Two-enclosure system J0A, J0B, J0C, J0D1234 J1A, J1B, J1C, J1D8765 J2A, J2B, J2C, J2D9101112Three-enclosure system J0A, J0B, J0C, J0D123456 J1A, J1B, J1C, J1D121110987 J2A, J2B, J2C, J2D131415161718Four-enclosure system J0A, J0B, J0C, J0D12345678J1A, J1B, J1C, J1D161514131211109 J2A, J2B, J2C, J2D1718192021222324三、更换步骤1、 Power off the system and remove the power cords:Power off the system and remove the power cords:1. Before continuing ensure the device is not being used by the customer.2. If possible, shut down any running applications and the operating system before powering off the system.3. After the system is powered off, remove all power cords from all of the processor enclosures, starting with the primary processorenclosure (topmost) and then each secondary enclosure, working from top to bottom.2、 Remove the Front Cover1. Open the front rack door.2. Loosen the thumbscrew (A) on the right side of the cover.3. Slide the cover to the right and remove it from the system unit slot (B).3、Disconnect the SMP Cable1. Carefully pull the handle (A) from the system until the connector is unseated.2. When the guide pins (B) are free, carefully pull the SMP processor cable away from the system unit.Repeat these steps for all SMP cable connectors that are present on the system you are servicing.4、 Remove the Control Panel or Control Panel FillerIn the enclosure you are servicing, remove the control panel or, if present, the control panel filler, by pressing the locking tabs (A) on both sides of the panel, grasping the edges, and pulling it out of its bay (B).5、Remove the Voltage Regulator Assemblies1. Squeeze the top of the latch (A) to release it, then rotate the latch out and then down.2. Grasp the pull ring (B) and slowly pull the voltage regulator out of the enclosure. NOTE: Pulling the voltage regulator assembly out ofthe card enclosure requires a large amount of force. The voltage regulator assembly is of substantial weight, so grasp it firmly when it is free of the card enclosure.3. Repeat these steps until all voltage regulator assemblies have been removed.6、Remove the System Backplane AssemblyNote: A shipping support clamp has been installed on your server. Removal is not required. This clamp will not interfere with the drawer front covers or machine operation. If removed, store for re-use when the server is relocated.1. Push the blue lever to the left and out from the system (A) to unlock the system backplane assembly.2. Pull the system backplane assembly out of the system using both hands.Attention: The system backplane assembly weighs 35 lbs and should not be pulled out using the blue lever. Grasp the backplane assembly firmly with both hands when it is free of the7、Identify the Failing DIMMIf you are removing the DIMMs because of a system failure, look at the LEDs (A) located on top of the system processor assemblies to identify the location of the failing DIMMs. To illuminate the location LED for the failing DIMM, press the LED actuator button (B). Attention: The actuator button must be used within 20 minutes after the system backplane assembly is removed from the system. Theassembly retains the energy to light the LEDs for 40 seconds after the actuator button has been pressed.8、 Remove the System Processor Assembly1. Unscrew the two blue thumbscrews, pivot the processor alignment face plate out, and then remove it.1. Pull the locking knobs (A) out to the unlocked position.2. Push the locking arms (B) down and out to unlock the processor card assembly.3. Lift the processor card assembly (C) out of the system backplane assembly.9、Remove the System Processor Assembly Cover1. Unlock the two retaining knobs (A) on the system processor assembly.2. Slide the cover (B) back.3. Lift the cover off of the assembly.10、 Remove the Memory DIMM1. Remove the mylar cover, if installed, that is covering the memory DIMMs.2. Locate the memory DIMM you want to remove.3. Unlock the memory DIMM by pushing the connector tabs (A) out and then down. The tabs' lever action forces the memoryDIMM (B)out of the connector.4. Lift the memory DIMM out of the connector.11、 Install the Memory DIMM1. Ensure that the connector locking tabs (A) are pushed out into the unlocked position before installing a new memory DIMM.2. Carefully grasp the memory DIMM (B) along two edges and align it with the connector.Attention: Memory DIMMs are keyed to prevent a DIMM from being installed improperly. Note the locations of the key tabs within the DIMM connector before attempting to install the DIMM.1. Push the memory DIMM firmly into the connector until the connector locking tabs engage.2. If you are installing any Tall DIMMs, place the mylar cover over the DIMMs in the processor card to prevent the DIMMs from contactingthe lid. NOTE: If you replace Tall DIMMs with regular-sized modules, remove the mylar cover. Failing to remove the mylar cover might restrict airflow in the unit.12、 Install the System Processor Assembly Cover1. Place the cover (B) on the system processor assembly.2. Lock the two retention knobs (A).13、 Install the System Processor Assembly1. Place the processor assembly (A) into the system backplane assembly, and then lock it into place with the locking arms (B).2. Press the locking knobs (C) in to the locked position.3. Install the processor alignment face plate.14\ Install the System Backplane Assembly1. Align the system backplane assembly with the slot in the system.2. Slide the system backplane assembly into the system (A).3. Push the blue lever (B) to the right and in toward the system to lock the system backplane assembly.15\ Install the Voltage Regulator Assemblies1. Ensure that the voltage regulator assembly latch (A) is rotated out and down into the unlocked position.2. Carefully grasp the voltage regulator assembly and slide it into the enclosure.3. When the voltage regulator assembly is all the way into the card enclosure, rotate the latch (A) up into the locked position.4. Repeat these steps until all voltage regulator assemblies have been installed.16\ Install the Control Panel or Control Panel FillerIn the enclosure you are servicing, carefully slide the control panel or, if present, the control panel filler, into the control panel bay (B)until you feel the locking tabs (A) lock in place.17\Connect SMP Cable1. Align the guide pins (A) with the connectors (B) on the system unit.2. Using the handle (C), carefully push the SMP processor cable into the system unit connector.Repeat these steps for all SMP cable connectors that are present on the system you are servicing.18\ Install the Front Cover1. Position the cover on the front of the system unit so that the tab on the left side of the cover is in the matching slot (A) on the left side ofthe system unit.2. Tighten the thumbscrew (B) on the right side of the cover.3. Close the front rack door.19\Install the power cordsIf you removed the power cords, reinstall the power cords for all of the processor enclosures. Install the cords in the following order:1. Secondary 22. Secondary 33. Primary4. Secondary 120\ Verify the repair四、注意事项1、通过HMC管理的多柜多分区的系统注意确认柜⼦号是否准确(⼀般没有变更)。
HP DL580 G7服务器内存更换步骤
客户:中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院(中山二院北院)产品型号:HP DL580 G7日期:2020年2月11日星期二一、故障现象:内存告警故障分析:从面板LED故障灯的上看,应该是第2个内存盒子的第4D的内存条出现故障(见下图)。
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发布日期:January, 2023目录初步活动任务 (3)阅读、理解并执行以下任务 (3)Field-Replaceable Unit Procedure (4)VPLEX (4)Replacing a DIMM (Memory Module) (4)Before you begin the replacement procedure (4)Precautions when replacing a Dual Inline Memory Module (DIMM) (4)VS6 Engine Overview (5)Task 1:Performing preliminary steps (6)Connecting to VPLEX MMCS-A (7)Task 2:Connecting the service laptop to VPLEX (7)Task 3:Opening a web browser (8)Task 4:Starting a PuTTY (SSH) session and logging into VPLEX CLI (9)Replacing a DIMM (9)Start a new virtual terminal session (9)Task 5:Launching the FRU script (9)Task 6:Unloading the FRU script (13)Task 7:Ending a PuTTY (SSH) session (13)Task 8:Completing post-replacement tasks (13)Reference material (14)Handling replaceable units (14)Identifying VS6 Engine Information (17)初步活动任务此部分可能包含您在执行此流程之前必须完成的任务。
ActionPlanv1 (2)-93页PPT资料
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• 完成人员招聘
• 组织各相关部门成立投资网络支 撑软件业务实施小组
• 着手网络支撑软件市场研究包括 市场规模、增长率、供需状况、 竞争对手及客户分析等
23Environmental Management SystemPAC C CP PD D DPLANDOCHECKACTIONEnvironmental Management Activities Participated in by All EmployeesThe Ricoh Group’s environmental man-agement system (EMS) is an important tool in facilitating sustainable manage-ment on a global scale. The Ricoh Group as a whole and each of its business sites and divisions are using the PDCA cycle for EMS, for which management reviews 1 are conducted. The achievements of business sites and divisions are checked against their environmental action plans 2 in environmental accounting. All employ-ees are encouraged to participate in the cycle. Furthermore, based on the Group-wide Strategic Management by Objectives (SMO), which takes an environmental conservation perspective, the Ricoh Group evaluates the business perfor-mance of its divisions 3.1.The review is conducted by the management to ensure the appropriateness and efficiency of EMS.2.See page 33.3.The SMO system, with the additional environmental item, is applied to divisions that are not shown in the figure on page 22.*See page 15 for the award to promote sustainablemanagement, developing a sustainability self-assessment program, and evaluation of environmental management.Activities Participated by All EmployeesTo raise the level of environmental achieve-ment, the Ricoh Group encourages all em-ployees to participate in environmental activities, including those engaged in R&D, product development, materials procure-ment, manufacturing, transportation, mainte-nance and other services, and collection and recycling. They are encouraged to conduct environmental activities as if they belonged to an environmental activity planning divi-sion, and these activities are regarded to be as important as QCD activities*. To improve environmental activities, various meetings are held by relevant environmental commit-tees in each region, and internal benchmarks and know-how needed for the activities are shown to employees from time to time to make them more environmentally conscious.*QCD activities are activities that control and improve quality, cost, and deliveries.TransportationMarketingMaintenance and ServicesCollection and RecyclingResearch and DevelopmentProduct DesignProcurementManufacturingEMS of the Ricoh GroupReview of the Company’s EMSAchievementsunder environmental action plans Eco-Balance Environmental accountingGeneral principles on the environmentEnvironmental action plansEMS at business sites/divisionsEMS of the Group as a wholeCompany regulations, environment training and promotion of awareness, and development of environmental technologiesSMODivisional evalua-tion under theStrategic Management by Objectives■Setting of high environmental goals•Developing environment-friendly technologies, including energy conservation technologies, recycling technologies, and new energy technologies■Practical application of environmental assessment of products and environment-friendly technologies•Reducing the number of parts, sharing parts, and using parts longer •Reducing the use of environmentally sensitive substances•Creating energy conservation designs and recyclable designs and improving productivity with duplex copying■Increased environmental efficiency through improved manufacturing processes•Downsizing manufacturing facilities •Improving yields and operation rates•Implementing resource conservation and recycling activities •Reducing environmentally sensitive chemical substances■Promotion of recycling-based logistics•Providing direct delivery, from the plant to the customer•Improving packaging (recyclable eco-packaging and reusable racks)•Transporting products with less environmental impact■Green marketing and environmental communication•Marketing products and proposing systems that have less environ-mental impact•Implementing environmental conservation activities at Ricoh offices •Providing accurate information to customers on the Ricoh Group’s environmental activities■Improved office environment through maintenance and services•Contributing to the improvement of the customer’s environment •Recycling used replacement parts •Improving Ricoh’s office environment■Recycling business•Implementing a recycling information system•Increasing the number and quality of collected items •Improving the resource recovery rate •Getting feedback on recyclable designs■Green procurement and green partnership•Procuring materials and parts with less environmental impact •Supporting suppliers in constructing EMSEnhance the Plan-Do-Check-Action (PDCA) cycle for theentire Group and each business site and division and encourage all employees to participate in the cycle.24ISO 14001 Certified Divisions and Business Sites of the Ricoh Group (April 2002—March 2003)* See Ricoh’s Web site (http://www.ricoh.co.jp/ecology/e-/system/iso.html) for status as of March 2002 and earlier.* Assessment was completed by the end of March 2003 and an informal certification was received, but the issuance date was April 2003.Name of Business Site RICOH (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD.LocationAssessing/RegisteringOrganization Date of CertificationGESTETNER OFFICE EQUIPMENT (CHINA) CO LTD BSI April 18, 2002Lanier United Kingdom Ltd UL LRQA BVQI BVQI Jan. 30, 2003Mar. 27, 2003Lanier NederlandFeb. 21, 2003Ricoh Corporation (MV Facility)Feb. 10, 2003UL Ricoh Corporation (WC Facility) (Corp)Feb. 10, 2003UL Ricoh Corporation (PB Facility)Feb. 10, 2003UL BVQI TUVSGS U.S.A.U.K.Austria The Netherlands U.S.A.U.S.A.U.S.A.Belgium SpainSwitzerland Ricoh Corporation (Tustin Facility)Feb. 10, 2003Lanier (Switzerland) LtdMar. 25, 2003April 4, 2003*LANIER GROUP BELGIUM Mar. 20, 2003REX ROT ARYRicoh International (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.Ricoh San-Ai Service Co., Ltd.AFAQ May 22, 2002BVQI June 6, 2002Ricoh (Thailand) Company Limited MASCI June 28, 2002Lanier Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG TUV Sept. 6, 2002JQA Oct. 18, 2002LANIER IT ALIA SP AJan. 24, 2003RICOH SOUTH AMERICA DISTRIBUTION CENTER TU CISQNov. 27, 2002NQA Singapore France China Thailand Germany Japan Uruguay ItalyChina May 20, 2002Lanier Bürosysteme GmbH & Co. KG Lanier Espãna S. A. U.The Ricoh Group’s SMO(1) Financial perspective How to treat sharehold-ers to ensure financial success(2) Customer perspective How to treat customers to ensure strategic integrityHow to maintain the abil-ity to adapt to changes and improvements to pursue strategies (5) Environmental conser- vation perspective (3) Internal business process perspective(4) Learning and growth perspectiveHow to carry out envi-ronmental conservation as a social responsi-bilityHow to draw up business plans that will satisfy share-holders and customersMid-term strategyStrategic Management by Objectives (SMO)Ricoh introduced SMO in 1999 to clarify evaluation standards for environmental conservation activities that are used in divisional performance evaluations. This system is based on the Balanced Scorecard system, a performance management system developed in the 1990s in the United States and characterized by the use of four per-spectives. Ricoh has added a specific en-vironmental conservation perspective to the system and is promoting SMO for glob-al sustainable management.Environmental AuditingThe Ricoh Group has internal environmen-tal auditors who carry out the environmen-tal accounting at the Ricoh Group’sbusiness sites and report the results to the heads of the sites to help them improve their environmental activities through more effective PDCA cycles.EMS at the Ricoh Group’s Business SitesThe Ricoh Group, as a global company developing business on an internationalscale, places importance on the acquisition of ISO 14001 certification, which is inter-nationally recognized. Accordingly, start-ing with Ricoh’s Gotemba Plant, which was ISO/DIS 14001 certified by a Japanese certifying organization on December 25, 1995, all 49 companies and 410 business sites of the Ricoh Marketing Group and sales companies were ISO 14001 certified on December 14, 2001. As of the end of fiscal 2002, 80 bases and 890 businesssites of the Ricoh Group are 1SO 14001 certified. Also, the Ricoh Group has been successively adopting SMO at its business sites and divisions to promote activities for better sustainable management.。
action plan行动方案
岳阳分公司 9月15日岳阳开始业务。 独立核算岳阳分公司财务状况。
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独立核算宝洁业务的资产、负债、收入、成本、费用。 编制宝洁独立的损益表、资产负债表。 独立银行账户。
通过ROI分析寻找商机 分析寻找商机 通过 熟悉掌握ROI的概念 每月进行ROI分析 按品类、渠道进行ROI分析
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长沙康尔佳分销商 行动方案(财务) 行动方案(财务)
Aimar Zhang/张渊 张渊
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营运资金 提供充足的营运资金—1200-1400万 9月10日到位
Байду номын сангаас
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提供隔月财务报表(例:7月4日提供5月份的宝洁业务财 务报表) 数据准确完备
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内存更换Action Plan
1.登陆系统,收集备份系统信息,包括vgdisplay, bdf, lvmtab,
fstab ,cstm,ioscan,dmesg信息
3.确认应用可以停止,shutdown –hy 0关机,MP卡power off掉机器,并拔掉
(需要纸笔、透明胶)是否有必要5.拆开上边盖(Removing and Replacing the Top Cover)是否有必要
6. 拆下内存板上盖,同上。
插内存规则:0A,0B、0C ,0D…不同内存类型,大小不能混插。
0 side 上的内存容量必须等于或大于1 side。
(quad0: 0A 0B 0C 0D)
Install DIMM quads based on the following rules:
1. Load quads into either side of the memory carrier in order, starting with quad 0 and ending with quad5.
2. Install the first quad in side 0, quad 0.
3. Install the second quad in side 1, quad 0.
4. For the remaining quads:
a. If both sides of the memory carrier contain the same capacity of memory, install the next quad in
side 0.
b. If side 0 contains more memory capacity than side 1, install the next quad in side 1.
c. If side 1 is full, install the remaining quads in side 0.
8.检查无问题,插回所有的电源线,并从MP卡Power ON机器,VFP观察是否有报错。