现就本年度重要工作情况总结如下:一、严以律已,自觉加强厉炼,使个人修养和政治素养得到进一步提高龙年春节长假后上班的第一天,我市召开2012 “作风转变年”动员大会。
Nov.2023㊀㊀Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)㊀㊀Vol.24㊀No.6CONTENTSReview of Translation Studies on Xi Jinping:The Governance of China since the18th CPCNational Congress YANG Anwen㊀ZHANG Wenli㊀TAN Yao(1) Multiple Case Study of Deepening Excellent Regional Culture Education inColleges and Universities LIU Yousheng㊀CHEN Lijing(19) The Influence of Relative Poverty on the Language Competence Development of Children and Adolescents in the Post-PovertyAlleviation Period LYU Junwei㊀YU Jian㊀ZHANG Fengjuan(33) Magician and Master:Taoist Lin Lingsu in the Biographies of Southern Song Dynasty LI Kejing(50) The Influence of Social Stratification on the Fertility Desire ofWomen of Childbearing Age from the Perspectiveof Cost-Utility SUN Shiguang㊀QIU Menghua㊀ZHAO Feng(67) Analysis of The Impact of Income Uncertainty on SubjectiveWell-being of Rural Residents in Ethnically Underdeveloped Areas:Also on The Heterogeneous Effect in DifferentAge Groups ZHAO Pengfei㊀Hou Yanmei㊀Wang Hongjian(84) The Urban Heritage Protection Strategy of SeekingSpace from Underground in Central CityTaking Xuzhou City as an Example HUANG Chao㊀QIU Jian㊀TAN Xiaohong(99) Qian-Gu Shifa :The Zong and Evolvement of Grammar Theory ofHistory and Literature in Song and Yuan Dynasties:With a Further Discussion on the Pros andCons of Ban Gu and Sima Qian XIE Wenhui(118) A Study of the Birth Year and Death Year ofLI Changhe and His Family and Life YANG Yanhui㊀LüBin(130)西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)㊀2023年11月JOURNAL OF SOUTHWEST JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY Nov.2023第24卷㊀第6期(Social Sciences)Vol.24㊀No.6‘西南交通大学学报“(社会科学版)第24卷(2023)总目次第1期(总第133期)强化现代化建设人才支撑的战略性地位 笔谈何㊀宪㊀李志刚㊀吴㊀江㊀等(1)生态治理现代化的意识形态批判及中国方案史小宁㊀郝相赟(22)基于图形网格转译的城轨列车外观设计研究支锦亦㊀苏㊀星(36)论智能网联汽车发展的法律障碍与应对杨㊀珊㊀张莎莎(49)教育类国际非政府组织的组织结构与运行机制考察基于五个教育类国际非政府组织的调研闫月勤㊀郑㊀淳㊀王海超(62)青藏铁路精神融入高校思想政治教育的价值意蕴与实践理路陈㊀晨(78)基于官方新闻报道的地方政府公信力文本分析王益君㊀魏美云(90)公众参与㊁资源能力与政务微博信息发布基于新浪微博平台大数据及统计年鉴小数据的实证研究苏㊀慧㊀冯小东㊀王㊀瑶㊀等(104)五四运动中唐山‘救国“报述略田㊀丹(121)李斐英教授早年在美求学经历补遗基于美国罗切斯特大学和雪城大学等原始档案的考察郑博仁(132)第2期(总第134期)营创理论:构造创新人才生态的一个新框架赵永乐㊀吴㊀江(1)中国式现代化与马克思主义中国化时代化新境界 笔谈(16)‘摆脱贫困“蕴涵的扶贫开发重要论述及对新时期推进乡村振兴的启示马改艳(33)从巡检司到汛塘:清代道路安全管理系统中的角色嬗替贾㊀强(50)三线铁路建设中的支农工作研究以湘黔㊁枝柳铁路湖南段为中心岳小川㊀宋银桂(60)241西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)第24卷高校教师薪酬体系的历史演进和国际经验兼论绩效杠杆在 双一流 建设中的必然性局限邱延峻(75)去理想化 :对西方国家高等教育国际化实践类型的再审视郑㊀淳㊀刘长军(91)庄延龄‘离骚“英译本中的神话术语翻译策略探析俞森林㊀雷佳豪(109)以翻译为名的文化传播与文化反拨辜鸿铭‘中庸“英译文化解读熊建闽(119)动词及物性和句子及物性的区隔和关联胡月月㊀杨㊀玲(130)第3期(总第135期)中国共产党意识形态建设的历史考察㊁基本经验及实践指向王永凤㊀杨忠林(1)以共享发展促共同富裕:共产主义理想的发展逻辑林宇晖㊀傅红冬(18)谁是持摄影机的人?众包纪录片初探刘广宇㊀王成莉(32)移动数据流量运营策略对数字鸿沟的影响研究华㊀波㊀江燕伶(47)生态环境保护与旅游业发展协同推进研究王婷伟㊀张㊀慧(73)旅游凝视下三河古镇典型旅游意象元素分析基于隐喻抽取技术陈㊀前㊀韩光明(89)革命化的仪式运作:基于中央苏区时期纪念活动的考察吴承望(104)延安时期陕甘宁边区的新秧歌与乡村群众的思想改造徐桂裕(119)从部落首领到中华民族共祖:晚清民国时期黄帝形象重塑及影响赵晨韵(134)341第6期2023年总目次第4期(总第136期)人工智能与马克思主义理论学科交叉研究笔谈田永鸿㊀韩冬雪㊀吴满意㊀王伯鲁㊀闫坤如㊀谢㊀瑜㊀杨一帆(1)国内主流媒体 双碳 话语中的中国国家形象建构基于语料库的积极话语分析周晓春(12)论段玉裁认定诗韵 古合韵 的原则与方法刘忠华(26)道器之间:近代思想视野下的铁路㊁中国与世界(1875 1936)叶㊀舒㊀宋桂杰(45)路地纠葛:光绪前中期的筑路争议与洋务派的因应陈明亮(59)我国灾难心理学学科建设发展路径研究宁维卫㊀侯牧天㊀薛亦菲㊀等(73)我国农村老龄政策演进研究 基于1982 2021年农村老龄政策的文本分析陈松林㊀余㊀雨㊀刘㊀婷(92)公务员组织公民行为发展现状研究孙京昊㊀赵普光(107)新制度主义视野下的体育暴力研究陈㊀卓㊀李丽芬(122)批判法益论的另一种可能一个刑罚哲学的视角刘继烨(139)第5期(总第137期)习近平外交思想中的人民性研究王秋怡(1)共同富裕视域下人民美好生活的建构逻辑师嘉唯㊀成㊀龙(17)新疆资源型城市系统演化分析及发展路径探索于㊀洋㊀吴冰瑕㊀吴茸茸㊀等(34)基于单条线路的城乡一体化公交补贴效率研究卓高鸿㊀詹朝曦㊀高悦尔(52)日本学者村上哲见的姜夔词研究邱美琼㊀杨㊀操(65)译者前见,时间距离与翻译胡作友㊀钟莎莉(76)厨房㊁闺阁与职场:论徐小斌小说中的女性空间李燕妮(88)441西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)第24卷 游戏三昧 的禅学内涵与诗学意义王㊀悦㊀张㊀勇(100)张载 性二元论 的思想渊源及其当代启示吴喜双㊀张培高(113)从黑格尔到阿甘本:辩证法的虚无主义问题及其解决路径陈㊀琦(128)第6期(总第138期)党的十八大以来‘习近平谈治国理政“翻译研究综述杨安文㊀张文莉㊀谭㊀瑶(1)高校深化优秀地域文化育人的多案例研究刘有升㊀陈丽静(19)后脱贫时期相对贫困对儿童青少年语言能力发展的影响吕军伟㊀俞㊀健㊀张凤娟(33) 妖道 与 高道南宋传记文中的林灵素形象李珂菁(50)社会分层与育龄女性多孩生育意愿基于 成本 效用 的分析孙士光㊀邱梦华㊀赵㊀凤(67)收入不确定性对农村居民幸福感的影响分析赵朋飞㊀侯艳梅㊀王宏健(84)中心城区 向地下要空间 的城市遗产保护策略以徐州市为例黄㊀超㊀邱㊀建㊀谭晓红(99) 迁固史法 :宋元史笔文法理论之宗及其流衍兼谈班马优劣论谢文惠(118)理鬯和生卒年及家世生平考杨颜珲㊀吕㊀斌(130)西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)㊀2023年11月JOURNAL OF SOUTHWEST JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY Nov.2023第24卷㊀第6期(Social Sciences)Vol.24㊀No.6Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)Vol.23㊀2022CONTENTSNo.1(Sum133)Ideological Criticism of Ecological Governance Modernization andChina s Solutions SHI Xiaoning㊀HAO Xiangyun(22) A Research on Urban Rail Train Appearance Design Based OnGraphic Grid Translation ZHI Jinyi㊀SU Xing(36)Legal Barriers and Countermeasures to the Development of IntelligentConnected Vehicles YANG Shan㊀ZHANG Shasha(49) The Research on the Organizational Structure and Operating Mechanism of EducationalInternational Non-Governmental Organizations from the Perspective of Global Governance:A Comparative Study of Five EducationalInternational NGOs YAN Yueqin㊀ZHENG Chun㊀WANG Haichao(62) The Value Implication and Practical Path of Integrating the Spirit of Qinghai-Tibet Railway into theIdeological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities CHEN Chen(78) Text Analysis of Local Government Credibility Based onOfficial News Reports WANG Yijun㊀WEI Meiyun(90) Public Participation,Resource Capacity and Government Microblog Information Publish:An Empirical Study Based on Big Data of Sina Weibo and Small Data fromStatistical Yearbook FENG Xiaodong㊀SU Hui㊀WANG Yao㊀ZHANG Yipei㊀CHEN Xi(104) A Brief Research on National Salvation Weekly fromTangshan Engineering College During the May4th Movement TIAN Dan(121) A New Supplement to Professor Fei Ing Li s Study Experience in the United States:Investigation Based on the Original Archives Mainly from theUniversity of Rochester and Syracuse University ZHENG Boren(132)No.2(Sum134)Innovation-fostering Theory:A New Framework for ConstructingInnovative Talent Ecology ZHAO Yongle㊀WU Jiang(1) The Important Discourse of Development-oriented Poverty Alleviation in641西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)第24卷 Up and Out of Poverty and Its Enlightenment forPromoting Rural Revitalization in New Era MA Gaiyan(33) From Xunjiansi to Xuntang:The Role Substitution of Road Safety ManagementSystem in Qing Dynasty JIA Qiang(50)A Study on Supporting Rural in the Tier-3Railroad Construction:Centered on the Hunan Section of Hunan-Guizhou andZhicheng-Liuzhou Railways YUE Xiaochuan㊀SONG Yingui(60)Historical Review and International Experiences of University Faculty Salary System:With Discussion on Limitation of Faculty Rewarding Policy inDouble Excellence Project QIU Yan-jun(75)De-idealization :A Re-examination of the Practice Types of Internationalizationof Higher Education Among Western Countries ZHENG Chun㊀LIU Changjun(91)On the Translation Strategies of Mythological Terms inEdward H.Parker s English Translation of Li Sao YU Senlin㊀LEI Jiahao(109) Cultural Transmission and Counteraction in the Name of Translation:Cultural Interpretation of EnglishTranslation of Zhongyong by Ku Hung-ming XIONG Jianmin(119)Distinctions and Interaction BetweenVerb Transitivity and Sentence Transitivity HU Yueyue㊀YANG Ling(130)No.3(Sum135)The Historical Investigation,Basic Experience and PracticalOrientation of the Ideological Construction of theCommunist Party of China WANG Yongfeng㊀YANG Zhonglin(1)Promoting Common Prosperity Through Shared Development:The Development Logic of Communist Ideals LIN Yuhui㊀FU Hongdong(18)Who is the Man with a Movie Camera?A Preliminary Study ofCrowdsourced Documentary LIU Guangyu㊀WANG Chengli(32)A Research on the Impact of Mobile DataTraffic Operation Strategy on the Digital Divide HUA Bo㊀JIANG Yanling(47) Research on Coordinated Promotion of Ecological Environmental Protectionand Tourism Development WANG Tingwei㊀ZHANG Hui(73)Typical Tourism Image Elements of Sanhe Ancient Town Analyzed from theTourist Gaze Perspective:Based on the ZaltmanMetaphor Elicitation Technique CHEN Qian㊀HAN Guangming(89)Revolutionary Ritual Operation:Based on the Commemoration of the Central Soviet Period WU Chengwang(104)741第6期㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)㊀Vol.24(2023)The New Yangko and the Ideological Remolding of the RuralMasses in Border Areas of Shanxi Gansu-Ningxia in Yan a n Period XU Guiyu(119) From Ancient Fribal Leader to The Ancestor of The Chinese Nation:The Image Reconstruction and Influence of the YellowEmperor in the Late Qing Dynastyand the Republic of China Period ZHAO Chenyun(134)No.4(Sum136)A Corpus-based Positive Discourse Analysis of China s ImageConstructed by the Domestic Mainstream Media in theContext of Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality ZHOU Xiaochun(12)On Principles and Methods of Duan Yucai s Recognition ofAncient Gathering Rhyme in The Book of Songs Rhyme LIU Zhonghua(26) Between Dao and Qi:Railways,China and the World from thePerspective of Modern Thoughts(1875 1936)YE Shu㊀SONG Guijie(45) Disputes over Railway and Land:The Controversy ofRailway Construction and the Response of WesternizationGroup in the Early and Middle Guangxu Period CHEN Mingliang(59)Research on the Development Path of Disaster Psychology Discipline Construction inChina NING Weiwei㊀HOU Mutian㊀XUE Yifei㊀SHEN Yu㊀LI Zhongyi(73)Research on the Evolution of China s Rural Aging Policy:Text Analysis Based on Rural Aging Policiesfrom1982to2021CHEN Songlin㊀YU Yu㊀LIU Ting(92)Research on the Development Status of Organizational CitizenshipBehavior of Civil Servants SUN Jinghao㊀ZHAO Puguang(107)Research on Sports Violence from thePerspective of New Institutionalism CHEN Zhuo㊀LI Lifen(122) Another Possibility of Criticizing the Theory of Rechtgut:A Perspective of Penalty Philosophy LIU Jiye(139)No.5(Sum137)The Study on the People s Character inXi Jinping s Thoughts on Diplomacy WANG Qiuyi(1)The Constructive Logic of People s Better LifeUnder the Perspective of Common Prosperity SHI Jiawei㊀CHENG Long(17)Analysis of Urban System Evolution and Exploration ofDevelopment Paths of Resource-based Cities in Xinjiang YU Yang㊀WU Bingxia㊀WU Rongrong㊀et al(34)841西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)第24卷Research on Subsidy Efficiency of Urban-rural Integrated Public Transport Based onSingle Line ZHUO Gaohong㊀ZHAN Chaoxi㊀GAO Yue e r(52)The Study of Jiang Kui Ci by Japanese ScholarTetsumi Murakami QIU Meiqiong㊀YANG Cao(65) Translator s Prejudice,Time Distance and Translation HU Zuoyou㊀ZHONG Shali(76)Kitchen,Boudoir and Workplace:On the Women s Spaces in Xu Xiao-bin s Fiction LI Yanni(88)The Zen Connotation and Poetic Significanceof Playing in the Joyous Samadhi WANG Yue㊀ZHANG Yong(100)The Origin of Zhang Zai s Idea on the Dualism of Human Natureand Its Contemporary Significance WU Xishuang㊀ZHANG Peigao(113) From Hegel to Agamben:The Problem of Nihilism in Dialectics and Its Solving Route CHEN Qi(128)No.6(Sum138)Review of Translation Studies on Xi Jinping:The Governance of China since the18th CPCNational Congress YANG Anwen㊀ZHANG Wenli㊀TAN Yao(1)Multiple Case Study of Deepening Excellent Regional Culture Education inColleges and Universities LIU Yousheng㊀CHEN Lijing(19)The Influence of Relative Poverty on the Language Competence Development of Children andAdolescents in the Post-Poverty Alleviation Period LYU Junwei㊀YU Jian㊀ZHANG Fengjuan(33) Magician and Master:Taoist Lin Lingsu in the Biographies of Southern Song Dynasty LI Kejing(50) The Influence of Social Stratification on the Fertility Desire of Women ofChildbearing Age from the Perspective of Cost-Utility SUN Shiguang㊀QIU Menghua㊀ZHAO Feng(67) Analysis of The Impact of Income Uncertainty on SubjectiveWell-being of Rural Residents in Ethnically Underdeveloped Areas:Also on The Heterogeneous Effect in Different Age Groups ZHAO Pengfei㊀Hou Yanmei㊀Wang Hongjian(84) The Urban Heritage Protection Strategy of SeekingSpace from Underground in Central CityTaking Xuzhou City as an Example HUANG Chao㊀QIU Jian㊀TAN Xiaohong(99)Qian-Gu Shifa :The Zong and Evolvement of Grammar Theory ofHistory and Literature in Song and Yuan Dynasties:With a Further Discussion on the Pros andCons of Ban Gu and Sima Qian XIE Wenhui(118)A Study of the Birth Year and Death Year of LI Changhe and His Family and Life YANG Yanhui㊀LüBin(130)。
2012 学年第学期学校集体荣誉统计表填报单位(盖章):年月日日期集体名称综合荣誉级别颁奖单位2012、1 常州市第四中学常州市第二批语言文字规范化示范校市级常州市教育局2011、12 常州市第四中学常州市教育科研先进集体市级常州市教育局2012、5 常州市第四中学2012年戚墅堰区中小学艺术节舞蹈专场比赛《舞动神奇》中学组二等奖区级区教育文体局2012、6 常州市第四中学七(6)班2012年戚墅堰区魅力中队(班主任关旸)区级区教育文体局2012、6 常州市第四中学全国地理教学先进集体国家级中国地理学会2012 常州市第四中学常州市教育系统教代会工作先进单位市级2012 常州市第四中学常州市校务公开工作先进单位市级2012、5 常州市第四中学常州大市中小学棋类比赛学校团体第一名市级市教育局、体育局常州市第四中学常州市心理健康教育合格学校市级2012、5 常州市第四中学九(3)班市先进班集体(班主任游欢欢)市级市教育局2012、11 常州市第四中学课题《信息技术环境下初中生性教育的研究》(全国教育信息技术优秀研究成果)国家级中央电化教育观2012、5 常州市第四中学区中小学艺术节乐器专场比赛中学组二等奖(指导老师魏银丽)区级区教育文体局统计:省:;市:;区:;2012 学年第学期教师竞赛获奖统计表填报单位(盖章):年月日日期姓名获奖名称级别等次颁奖单位2012、3 吕冬多媒体教育软件评比三等奖市级常州市教育局2012、3黄秀妮《给我的孩子们》市中小学精品课优秀奖市级市教育教研室2011、12 郁秋蓉区初中理化生课堂教学评优活动三等奖区级区教研室2011、12 关旸区初中数学教师课堂教学评优活动一等奖区级区教研室2012 许艳江苏省优质课评比省一等奖省级2012.5 魏银丽区音乐美术老师评优课二等奖区教研室统计:省:;市:;区:;2012 学年第学期教师论文、案例获奖统计表填报单位(盖章):年月日日期姓名获奖名称级别等次颁奖单位2011、12 游欢欢《浅谈初中生数学运算能力的培养》省优秀教育论文三等奖省级省教育学会2011、12 吴洁琼《浅谈初中生音乐表现力的培养》省优秀教育论文二等奖省级省教育学会2011、12 许艳《根值于课内叶茂于课外》省优秀教育论文二等奖省级省教育学会2011、11 许艳《从教本到读本扩大农民工子弟语文审美视野》“师陶杯”二等奖省级省教育科学研究院2011、11 吴洁琼《浅谈中学生音乐表现力的培养策略》“师陶杯”二等奖省级省教育科学研究院2011、11 万惠琴《浅谈初中地理教学中学生探索思维能力的培养》“师陶杯”三等奖省级省教育科学研究院2011、11 许艳《让语文课堂变成为美德课堂》市教育学会主题论文评比二等奖市级市教育学会2011、12 游欢欢《浅谈班级文化建设》三等奖区级区教研室2011、12 游欢欢《浅谈初中生数学运算能力的培养》三等奖区级区教研室2011、12 朱静娟《将追问进行到底》一等奖区级区教研室2011、12 蒋艳《倾听生命的拔节声》一等奖区级区教研室2011、12 关旸《浅谈初中数学课上问题创设策略的思考》二等奖区级区教研室2011、12 吴洁琼《浅谈中学生音乐表现力的培养策略》一等奖区级区教育文体局2012、12 段凯反思文化建设建设优秀班级二等奖省级省教师培训中心2012、12 钱婧媛在高校课堂中感受合作学习二等奖省级省教师培训中心2012、12 段凯“文化”让班级更精彩师陶杯论文二等奖省级省教育科学研究院2012、7 万惠琴浅谈交互式电子白板在地理教学中的运用全国优秀中学地理教研论文二等奖省级中国地理学会2012、11 张苇《清新之风吹过文言文教学的课堂》二等奖省级2012 许艳《用耳朵去爱》江苏省中小学“育人精彩瞬间”评选省一等奖省级省教育厅2012、11 韩树红《课堂精彩源自于技术的支持》三等奖国家级中央电化教育馆2012、12 韩树红《课堂精彩源自于技术的支持》一等奖省级江苏省电化教育馆2012、5 段凯《巧用“校讯通”提高教育教学工作的有效性》获“中国移动校讯通杯”省中小学教师论文比赛一等奖省级江苏省电化教育馆2012.7 游欢欢《如何培养初中生的数学运算能力》省一等奖省级《新课程》学术教育编辑部2012.4 狄海芬《政治教学中学生评价方式的反思与实践》省一等奖省级《新课程》学术教育编辑部统计:省:;市:;区:;2012学年第学期教师论文发表统计表填报单位(盖章):年月日日期姓名论文名称级别刊物名称2012、1 朱静娟浅谈多媒体辅助中学语文朗读教学国家级中国信息技术教育2011 朱静娟顺应自然,教学本色——谈初中语文课堂教学的追求省级考试周刊第25期2012、5 许建军反思让物理教学更有效省级中学物理核心期刊2011、10 朱静娟浅谈初中生作文的“创新写作”省级考试周刊2011年第86期2012、3 朱静娟中学语文课堂教学中“追问的价值”市级常州教师教育2012年第3期2012、10 朱静娟浅谈电子白板在初中语文教学中的优势国家级中国信息技术教育2012、11 张苇清新之风吹过文言文教学的课堂省级2012、12 张苇新课堂模式下的语文作业设计初探省级《初中教学研究》2012年第12期2012、5 方海琴信息技术环境下“唤起孝心”的德育行动研究初探省级《学生之友》2012年5月(总第465期)2012、4 万惠琴新课程背景下地理教材资源的开发利用省级《新课程》4月2012、6 万惠琴综合实践活动课程资源的多元开发省级《新课程学习》5月2012、11 韩树红《借助数轴求解含参数的不等式组问题》省级《数理天地》2012、7 许艳《越雷池一步,见晴空万里》省级2012年第7期《新课程》2012、2 许艳《根植于课内叶茂于课外》省级《中华活页文选》2012年第2期2012、8 韩树红《借助圆规构造反例》省级《中学数学杂志》2012、6 韩树红《例析坐标法的应用》省级杂志《初中数学教与学》2012、9 韩树红《例析概率与其它数学知识整合的中考题》省级《初中数学教与学》2012、9 关旸《给苏科版初中数学教材加点“料”》省级《教育教学论坛》2012、9 关旸《关于“指导学生倾听”的几点想法》省级《教育教学论坛》2012.5. 游欢欢浅谈直角坐标系内等腰三角形第三顶点的确定省级时代学习报2012.7. 游欢欢如何培养初中生的数学运算能力省级新课程2012.4. 狄海芬政治教学中学生评价方式的反思与实践省级新课程2012.9 狄海芬生命化教材促进生命之和谐省级教书育人2012、9 裘高飞刍议初中思品课中学生批判性思维的省级考试周刊培养2011、10 朱静娟浅谈常州市作文的创新写作省级考试周刊2012、10 朱静娟站在学生的角度教语文省级江苏教育报统计:省:;市:;区:;2012 学年第学期教师个人荣誉统计表填报单位(盖章):年月日日期姓名综合荣誉级别颁奖单位2012、3 许艳常州市中小学优秀班主任市级常州市教育局2012、4 徐敏戚区身边的好青年区级共青团戚墅堰区委2012、3 朱静娟区现代教育技术培训做《让白板发挥实效让课堂催生高效》专题讲座区级区教育信息中心2012、5 朱静娟指导学生获奖(第十三届世界华人学生作文大赛二等奖)世界华人学生作文大赛评委会2012、5 蒋艳指导学生获奖(第十三届世界华人学生作文大赛三等奖)世界华人学生作文大赛评委会2012、2 许艳戚墅堰区首届学生最喜爱的班主任区级戚墅堰教育文体局2012、2 徐秋娅优秀班主任区级戚墅堰教育文体局2012、2 段凯优秀班主任区级戚墅堰教育文体局2012、7 段凯省教育厅省级国内培训项目初中班主任培训班优秀班干省级南京师范大学教师教育学院2012、8 段凯现代教育技术有效应用培训主讲之一区级区教育文体局2012、5 钱婧媛优秀团员校级常州市第四中学2012、6 钱婧媛第六届“地球小博士”全国优秀指导教师一等奖全国优秀科技辅导员国家级中国地理学会2012、5 何晓忠市教育系统优秀工会积极分子市级市教育工会2012、6 万慧琴第六届“地球小博士”全国优秀指导教师一等奖全国优秀科技辅导员国家级中国地理学会2012、5许艳2011年度常州市教育系统优秀团干部市级市教育局2012、3 许艳首届常州市学生最喜爱的班主任海选活动中,被学生推选为常州市“学生最喜爱的班主任”市级市教育局2012、2 许艳戚墅堰区首届“学生最喜爱的班主任”区级区教育文体局2012、10 许艳参加2012戚墅堰区中小学、幼儿园教师“现代教育技术有效应用”普及培训,被评为“优秀学员”戚墅堰区教育信息中心2012、11 何瑞鹤裘高飞张苇张琳骏许艳蒋艳课题《信息技术环境下初中生性教育的研究》(全国教育信息技术优秀研究成果)国家级中央电化教育观2012、9 段凯常州市学校暑期社会志愿服务实践活动先进个人市级常州市教育办公室2012、9 段凯暑期社会志愿服务实践活动优秀指导教师市级常州市教育办公室2011、7 朱静娟第十届教师华英奖市级市华英文教基金管理委员会2012、8 朱静娟在区现代教育技术培训中作专题讲座区级区文教局2012、8 段凯在区现代教育技术培训中作专题讲座区级区文教局2012、8 关旸在区现代教育技术培训中作专题讲座区级区文教局2012、6 关旸现代教育技术工作先进个人区级区文教局2012、6 何瑞鹤市教育系统创先争优优秀共产党员市级市委组织部2012、6 裘高飞现代教育技术工作先进个人区级区文教局统计:省:;市:;区:;2012 学年第学期学生竞赛获奖统计表填报单位(盖章):年月日日期姓名获奖名称级别等次颁奖单位指导老师2011、10 姚媛媛庆祝建党90周年我心中的那首歌主题征文活动中学组一等奖省级江苏省网上家长学校2011、12 王嘉彤《抓手一次可抓5吨垃圾》(常州晚报小记者)市级市小记者协会2011、11 王嘉彤《特殊的一天》(常州晚报小记者)市级市小记者协会2011、12 涂思雯《垃圾焚烧,变废为宝》(常州晚报小记者)市级市小记者协会2011、12 周圣期《体验鸟儿飞行的感觉》(常州晚报小记者)市级市小记者协会2011、12 喻萍萍红领巾读书征文比赛优秀奖市级市教育局2011、12 王佳琪红领巾读书征文比赛三等奖市级市教育局2011、12 吴源桦市中小学作文比赛三等奖市级市教育局朱静娟2011、12 毛雪敏市八年级传统诗词创作比赛一等奖市级市教育教研室朱静娟2012、5 王宏涛2012年常州市中小学棋类比赛(国际象棋)第7名市级常州市教育局刘建大2012、5 冯世豪2012年常州市中小学棋类比赛(国际象棋)第8名市级常州市教育局刘建大2012、5 樊金锦2012年常州市中小学棋类比赛(国际象棋)第8名市级常州市教育局刘建大2012、5 王嘉彤2012年常州市中小学棋类比赛(国际象棋)第7名市级常州市教育局刘建大2012、5 陈圆圆2012年常州市中小学棋类比赛(国际象棋)第6名市级常州市教育局刘建大2012、5 姜苗苗2012年常州市中小学棋类比赛(国际象棋)第1名市级常州市教育局刘建大2012、5 刘颖2012年常州市中小学棋类比赛(国际象棋)第5名市级常州市教育局刘建大2012、5 房铮2012年常州市中小学棋类比赛(国际象棋)第8名市级常州市教育局刘建大2012、5 赵亘业2012年戚墅堰区中小学2012年艺术节摄影作品比赛《影》获二等奖区级区教育文体局徐敏2011、10 吴源桦区中小学作文比赛一等奖区级区教育文体局教研室2011、10 衡欣区中小学作文比赛二等奖区级区教育文体局教研室2011、10 吴寒区中小学作文比赛三等奖区级区教育文体局教研室2011、10 印钰榕区中小学作文比赛三等奖区级区教育文体局教研室2011、10 许佳敏区中小学作文比赛三等奖区级区教育文体局教研室2012、5 赵亘业2012年戚墅堰区中小学2012年艺术节摄影作品比赛《渡》获一等奖区级区教育文体局徐敏2012、5 赵亘业2012年戚墅堰区中小学2012年艺术节摄影作品比赛《水之吻》或三等奖区级区教育文体局徐敏2012、5 王晓钰2012年戚墅堰区中小学2012年艺术节作品比赛《畅想未来》获二等奖区级区教育文体局王慧芝2012、5 周贝佳2012年戚墅堰区中小学2012年艺术节作品比赛《放飞梦想》获二等奖区级区教育文体局王慧芝2012、5 吴艳芳2012年戚墅堰区中小学2012年艺术节书法作品比赛《诗句》获三等奖区级区教育文体局王慧芝2012、5 杨霜霜2012年戚墅堰区中小学2012年艺术节作品比赛《捕秋》获三等奖区级区教育文体局周燕2012、5 祝蓉2012年戚墅堰区中小学2012年艺术节作品比赛《追影》获三等奖区级区教育文体局周燕2012、5 庄月《当时只作是平常》获第十三届世界华人学生作文大赛二等奖世界华人学生作文大赛评委会朱静娟2012、5 吴琪《瞧,她就是“个乐天派”》获第十三届世界华人学生作文大赛三等奖世界华人学生作文大赛评委会蒋艳2012、12 沈雨凡《夹在筷子里的爱》省级翠苑(2012年12月第6期)张苇2012、2 张亦凡《红色娘子军观后感》三等奖省级江苏省教育厅许艳2011、12 周要中《撒谎的滋味》获市“敬廉崇洁、诚实守信”主题征文初中组优秀奖市级市委教育工作委员会2012、6 王晓钰等5人第五届地球小博士全国地理科技大赛一等奖国家级中国地理学会万惠琴钱婧媛2012、6 邹旭等13人第五届地球小博士全国地理科技大赛二等奖国家级中国地理学会万惠琴钱婧媛2012、6 张玥等11人第五届地球小博士全国地理科技大赛三等奖国家级中国地理学会万惠琴钱婧媛2012、5 傅言2012圩墩文化节征文比赛三等奖区级圩墩遗址公园管理中心2012、5 丁胜梅2012圩墩文化节征文比赛一等奖区级圩墩遗址公园管理中心2012、5 严梦雪2012圩墩文化节征文比赛二等奖区级圩墩遗址公园管理中心2012、5 沈雨凡2012圩墩文化节征文比赛三等奖区级圩墩遗址公园管理中心2012、5 李晶晶2012圩墩文化节征文比赛三等奖区级圩墩遗址公园管理中心2012、5 韦朝娇2012圩墩文化节征文比赛三等奖区级圩墩遗址公园管理中心2012、5 魏梓涵2012圩墩文化节征文比赛二等奖区级圩墩遗址公园管理中心2012、5 吴源桦2012圩墩文化节征文比赛一等奖区级圩墩遗址公园管理中心2012、5 王佳琪2012圩墩文化节征文比赛三等奖区级圩墩遗址公园管理中心2012、5 王蒙蒙2012圩墩文化节征文比赛二等奖区级圩墩遗址公园管理中心2012.10 闵政杰《校讯通—心灵的沟通》领航杯*2012年江苏省中小学电脑制作活动作品比赛三等奖三等奖江苏省“领航杯”信息技术应用技能大赛组织委员会吕冬2012.12 闵政杰《校讯通—心灵的沟通》2012年常州市中小学电脑制作活动二等奖常州市电化教育馆、常州教育信息中心吕冬2012.12 宋尧《校讯通伴我成长》2012年常州市中小学电脑制作活动二等奖常州市电化教育馆、常州教育信息中心吕冬2012.5 王怡区中小学生器乐专场比赛二等奖区教育文体局魏银丽2012、10 丁业科全国中小学生(江苏地区)金钥匙科技竞赛省二等奖江苏省教育厅孟进军统计:省:;市:;区:;2012学年第学期学生个人荣誉统计表填报单位(盖章):年月日日期姓名综合荣誉级别颁奖单位2012、4 吕晓东优秀小雏鹰区级共青团戚墅堰区委2012、5黄浩市三好学生市级市教育局2012、5余刚市优秀学生干部市级市教育局贾辉市三好学生市级市教育局2012、4吴晓娟市四好少年市级常州市少工委2012、5杭星池市四好少年市级常州市少工委2012、5张星宇市四好少年市级常州市少工委2012、5张楠乔市四好少年市级常州市少工委2012、5刘飞市四好少年市级常州市少工委2012、5统计:省:;市:;区:;。
张金梁认为中书体在社会上受人学习和普及在于仕子对仕途的升迁考虑,人们趋时贵书的心理作祟,朝廷以中书体为标准选取善书者、誉录布衣、习书秀才和监生,以及科举本页明 姜立纲《东铭册》跋文这些人因皇帝的喜爱,其作品成为朝廷的书写标准,在朝廷上下兴起以他们的字为典范的习书热潮而长兴不衰,影响深远,沈度、姜立纲和夏昶等人都是其中有名的代表。
⑴ 明代版刻兴盛,出现一类内容广泛,包罗万象,涉及门类众多,又关乎普通民众日常生活的书籍,即日用类书,其名来源于日本学者。
二〇一二年三月二十六日主题词:职教工作会讲话保定市教育局办公室 2012年3月30日印(共印10份)创先争优科学发展努力开创职业与成人教育工作新局面---在保定市2012年度职业教育工作会议上的讲话杨书明(2012年3月23日)同志们:这次全市职业教育工作会议是市教育局决定召开的一次重要会议。
On Chinese Text Retrieval
people) by the character-based approach. This sentence should bc segmented as & (he) ~ti. (knows)
1. Introduction
Typically, an Information retrieval (Rl) systcm dctcrmincs the relevant documents according to the frequency of occurrences of the words of a query w i thin the documents and weighting method). In lndo-European the corpus (e.g. tfiidf languages, the identification of words is a trivial task, buL in Chinese, it is difficult bccausc there is no separation as a continuous between words: a sentcncc is writlcn character string such as “~t xti tiaffl T&+@*” (Computers have been used in every area). Thus traditional approaches to RI cannot be directly applied m Chinese. One solution is to procccd Chinese text rclrieval on a character basis, i.e. queries are evaluated using chwacter string matching against documents. This approach has been used in several experimental systems for both Chinese [6] and Japanese text retrieval [8, 17, 181. However, chwacLcrbased searching is only appropriate for tcxl retrieval using concepts that may bc expressed by a unique character string (e.g. proper names). It is not suited [or Chinese text retrieval in general, duc to the reasons described below.
a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /0611397v 2 [c o n d -m a t .s t a t -m e c h ] 26 F eb 2007Velocity correlations in the dense granular shear flows:Effects on energy dissipation and normal stressNamiko Mitarai 1∗,2and Hiizu Nakanishi 11Department of physics,Kyushu University 33,Fukuoka 812-8581,Japan.2Niels Bohr Institute,Bledamsvej 17,DK-2100,Copenhagen,Denmark.(Dated:February 6,2008)We study the effect of pre-collisional velocity correlations on granular shear flow by molecular dynamics simulations of the inelastic hard sphere parison of the simulations with the kinetic theory reveals that the theory overestimates both the energy dissipation rate and the normal stress in the dense flow region.We find that the relative normal velocity of colliding particles is smaller than that expected from random collisions,and the discrepancies in the dissipation and the normal stress can be adjusted by introducing the idea of the collisional temperature,from which we conclude that the velocity correlation neglected in the kinetic theory is responsible for the discrepancies.Our analysis of the distributions of the pre-collisional velocity suggests that the correlation grows through multiple inelastic collisions during the time scale of the inverse of the shear rate.As for the shear stress,the discrepancy is also found in the dense region,but it depends strongly on the particle inelasticity.PACS numbers:47.57.Gc,45.70.Mg,47.45.Ab,83.10.RsI.INTRODUCTIONGranular media can flow like a fluid under a certain situation.In the case of the rapid granular flow ,where the density is relatively low and interactions are domi-nated by the instantaneous collisions,the kinetic theory of dense gases [1]is extended to the inelastic hard spheres to derive the constitutive relations [2].In the theory,the density correlations is taken into account to some extent but not the velocity correlations in most of the cases.As the flow gets denser,however,the molecular chaos as-sumption becomes questionable.In addition,the inter-actions may no longer be approximated by the instanta-neous collisions but enduring contacts take place around the random closed packing fraction.The comprehensive granular rheology including the rather complicated dense regime has not been established yet.During the last several years,careful experiments and large-scale molecular dynamics simulations have been done on the dense granular flows [3,4,5,6].One of the important model systems that has been intensively studied is the steady flow down a slope under the gravity,where we can control the ratio of the shear stress S to the normal stress N by changing the inclination angle θ.In this system,it has been found that the packing fraction νin the bulk of the flow is constant and is determined solely by the inclination angle θ;in other words,νis in-dependent of the total flow hight H and/or the roughness of the slope [5,6].This interesting feature has been qualitatively under-stood by using the Bagnold Scaling [7],which states the shear stress S is proportional to the square of the shearN=A (ν)2S /N νFIG.1:(color online)The ratio of the shear stress to the normal stress S/N versus the packing fraction νfrom the simulation data (e p =0.70( ),0.92(•),and 0.98(◦))and the plot of Eq.(20)from the kinetic theory (e p =0.70(∗connected by dashed line),0.92(+connected by dashed line),and 0.98(×connected by dashed line).For the simulation data,the average normal stress N =12[n ij ·(c i −c j )]n ij ,(4)c ∗j =c j +1+e pnc f (r ,c ,t )d c ,(7)T (r ,t )=m3TABLE I:The dimensionless functions in the constitutivere-lations from Ref.[11].πν(1+2(1+e p)νg 0(ν))f 2(ν)5πˆηk∗`1+45γ∗˜f 3(ν)72(1−e 2p)32c ∗(e p )´ηk ∗“ν∗η−15(1+e p )(1−3e p )νg 0(ν)´ν∗ηg 0(ν)(1−164c ∗(e p ))ζ(0)∗g 0(ν)532c ∗(e p ))γ∗12832c ∗(e p ))c ∗(e p )32(1−e p )(1−2e 2p )[81−17e p +30e 2p (1−e p )]−1.∂t +∇·(n u )=0,(9)mn∂u2n∂T 2(∂∂r j u i ).Note that the energy dissipation rateΓin Eq.(11)appears due to the energy loss through the inelastic collisions,which gives peculiar features to the granular hydrodynamics.The constitutive relations for Σ↔,q ,and Γare deter-mined by the single-particle distribution f (r ,c ,t ).Its time evolution depends on the two-particle distribution function f (2)(r 1,r 2,c 1,c 2,t )through the two-particle collision;the n -particle distribution function depends on the (n +1)-particle distribution function.This is known as the BBGKY hierarchy [25].In the Enskog approximation,the two-particle distri-bution at collision is approximated asf (2)(r 1,r 1+σn 21,c 1,c 2,t )=g 0(ν)f (r 1,c 1,t )f (r 1+σn 21,c 2,t )(12)to close the BBGKY hierarchy at the single-particle dis-tribution [1,11].Here,g 0(ν)is the radial distributionfunction at distance σ,and depends on the packing frac-tion ν=1T ˙γ,(14)and the energy dissipation rateΓ=Γ(ν,T )=m −1/2σ−4f 3(ν)T 3/2.(15)The dimensionless functions f i (ν)are listed in Table I.In the simple shear flow,Eqs.(9)and (10)are auto-matically satisfied with the constant normal stress N and the constant shear stress S .The energy balance equation (11)givesS ˙γ−Γ=0,(16)because there is no heat flux q .Equation (16)means that the granular temperature is locally determined by the balance between the viscous heating and the energy dissipation.Equation (16)with Eqs.(14)and (15)givesT =mσ2f 2(ν)f 3(ν)˙γ2,(18)S =mσ−1[f 2(ν)]3/2N=f 1(ν),(20)as a function of the packing fraction ν.This is plotted in Fig.1by symbols connected by lines,along with the sim-ulation data.One can see clear discrepancy between the theory and the simulation especially in the higher den-sity region.The kinetic theory gives increasing functions S/N of ν,which means that the flow down steeper slope is denser.III.SIMULATIONSIn this section,we compare the expressions Eqs.(13)-(15)with the simulation results of simple shear flow of inelastic hard spheres.A.Simulation setupThe simulation is done under the constant volume con-dition with a uniform shear in a rectangular box of the4size L x ×L y ×L z .The shear is applied by the Lees-Edwards shearing periodic boundary conditions in the z direction[26];Theperiodicboundaryconditionis em-ployedinthex and y directions.We employ the event driven method,using the fast algorithm developed by Isobe [27].A steady shear flow with the mean velocity u (r )=(˙γz,0,0)is prepared as follows.First,a random config-uration is prepared by the compressing procedure pro-posed by Lubachevsky and Stillinger [28]in the elastic system without shear under the periodic boundary con-dition.Secondly,the initial shear flow is constructed from the above random configuration by giving the ini-tial mean velocity u (r )=(˙γz,0,0)and setting the ini-tial temperature T ≈100mσ2˙γstly,the steady shear flow of the inelastic system is obtained by relaxing the initial flow under the Lees-Edwards shearing periodic boundary condition [29].With the present parameter and system size,the final steady state is the simple shear flow with uniform packing fraction ν=ν0and mean velocity u =(˙γz,0,0)[30].All the following data are taken in the steady state,and averaged over the space and time (typically over 10,000collisions per particle)unless otherwise noted.In the following,all the quantities are given in the di-mensionless form with the unit mass m ,the unit length σ,and the unit time ˙γ−1.Most of the data are from the simulations with system size L x =20,L y =10,and L z =40.Several simulations has been done with L x =L y =L z =40to check the system size effect.We measure the temperature T ,the normal stress N ,the shear stress S ,and the energy dissipation rate Γfor vari-ous values of the packing fraction ν.These are compared with Eqs.(13)-(15)from the kinetic theory.B.Simulation results1.The radial distribution functionFor the constitutive relations with Table I,we need to know the radial distribution function at the particle diameter,g 0(ν),as a function of the packing fraction.For elastic hard spheres (e p =1)in equilibrium,the well known expression of g 0(ν)is the Carnahan-Starling for-mula [25]g 0,CS (ν)=1−ν/2T νπ−1/21−1πT ν.(24)g 0,m (ν;T,ω0)is plotted versus νfor various values of e p in Fig.2(b),where g 0,T (ν)in Eq.(22)is shown by a solid line for reference.g 0,m (ν;T,ω0)shows stronger increase upon increasing the packing fraction νas e p gets smaller;by comparing it with Fig.2(a),we see that this indirect estimate gives an reasonable e p dependence of g 0(ν).In the following,we use g 0,m (ν;T,ω0)as g 0(ν)in Table I unless otherwise noted.5νΓ(a)N (b)νFIG.3:(color online)The energy dissipation rate Γ(a)and the normal stress N (b).The simulation data for e p =0.98(◦),0.92(•),and 0.70( )are compared with the values from the kinetic theory (Γ(ν,T )and N (ν,T ))shown by symbols connected by dashed lines for e p =0.98(×),0.92(+),and 0.70(∗).Γ(ν,T coll )and N (ν,T coll )with g 0,m (ν;T coll ,ω0)are denoted by the solid lines,which agree with the simulation data (see text).2.The energy dissipation rate and the normal stress asfunctions of the packing fractionIn Fig.3,the energy dissipation rate Γ(a)and the normal stress N (b)are shown for various values of the packing fraction νand the restitution coefficient e p .For the normal stress,we find in the simulation that N αde-pends on the direction α,but the differences among them are at most 10%in the plotted region and are not signif-icant compared to the difference from the kinetic theory that we will study in the following.Thus,here we plot the average N ≡(N x +N y +N z )/3.The value from the kinetic theory are shown in Fig.3(a)and (b)by symbols connected by dashed lines.We see in Fig.3(a)that the energy dissipation rate is overestimated by the theory in the dense region,and the disagreement is larger for smaller e p .The normal stress in Fig.3(b)also shows a similar tendency,although the relative disagreements are smaller than those in the en-ergy dissipation rate Γ.3.The pre-collisional velocity correlation effects and thecollisional temperaturea.The energy dissipation.We first focus on the dis-crepancy in the energy dissipation rate Γ.From the col-lision rule Eq.(5),the energy dissipated per collision is given by∆E ij =(1−e 2p )12nω0=(1−e 2p )·12nω0.(26)νT ,T c o l lFIG.4:(color online)The temperature T and “the collisional temperature”T coll vs.the packing fraction ν.T and T coll are denoted by and ∗with the dashed lines for e p =0.7,respectively,and by •and +with the dashed lines for e p =0.92.The inset shows T and T coll for e p =0.98represented by ◦and ×with the dashed lines.Here,<A >coll denotes the average of a quantity A over all collisions;if the value of A is A k at the k -thcollision,<A >coll ≡ N collk =1A k /N coll ,where N coll is the total number of collisions.Note that Eq.(26)is the exact expression for Γ.On the other hand,the expression (15)from the kinetic theory with Eq.(24)givesΓ(ν,T )=(1−e 2p )·T1+3c ∗(e p )/322nω0(ν,T ).(27)To interpret this expression,let us consider the random collision of particles whose velocity fluctuation is given by the Maxwellian.In this case,12nω0.(28)The difference between this and Eq.(27)comes from the deviation of the velocity distribution from the Maxwellian,but the difference is found to be small in the parameter region studied in the present paper.There-fore,from the comparison of the exact expression (26)with the kinetic theory expression Eq.(27),we conclude that the deviation found in Fig.3(a)comes from the fact that (c n )c n(a)P all (c n )P rand (c n ,T coll )P interval (c n )P rand (c n ,T)ν=0.400. (c n )c n(b)P all (c n )P rand (c n ,T)P interval (c n )P rand (c n ,T coll )ν=0.58FIG.5:(color online)The distribution of relative normal ve-locity just before the collision c n .P all (c n )and P interval (c n )are compared along with P rand (c n ;T coll )and P rand (c n ;T )for e p =0.92with ν=0.40(a)and ν=0.58(b).We see that the difference between P all (c n )(◦)and P interval (c n )( )is small for ν=0.40,but for ν=0.58,the P all (c n )has sharper distri-bution.The solid lines show P rand (c n ;T coll )and the dashed lines show P rand (c n ;T ).See text for details.120 1 23 4 5P (c n )c nP all (c n )P rand (c n ,T coll )P interval (c n)P rand (c n ,T)FIG.6:(color online)The pre-collisional relative normal ve-locity distributions P all (c n )(◦)and P interval (c n )( )com-pared along with P rand (c n ;T coll )(solid line)and P rand (c n ;T )(dashed line),respectively,for e p =0.70with ν=0.58.determines the momentum transfer from the particle i tothe particle j through a collision:∆p j ≡(c ∗j −c j )=[(1+e p )/2]c n,ij n ij =−∆p i .Thus,we expect that N coll is ap-proximately proportional to <|∆p |>nω0∝√2˜Texp−c 2n<i,j[∆(R −|(r i −r j )·e γ|)]>,(30)70 0.1 0.2 0.3 024 6810R C (x)x,x (R )C (R )(a)C (x)y,y (R )C (x)z,z (R )C (x)x,y (R )C (x)z,x (R )C (x)y,z (R ) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 024 6810R C (R )(b)α,αC (x)x,x (R )C (y)y,y (R )C (z)z,z (R )FIG.7:(color online)The spatial velocity correlation func-tions for e p =0.92and ν=0.55.(a)The correlations in thex direction C (x )α,β(R ).One sees that the longitudinal compo-nent C (x )x,x (R )(solid line)has the larger amplitude than others (shown by dashed lines).(b)The longitudinal velocity corre-lations C αα,α(R )for α=x (solid line),y (dashed line),and z (dotted line).where α,β,and γtake x,y or z ,˜c α,i ≡(c α,i −u α),<···>denotes the time average,and e γrepresents the unit vector in the γdirection.∆(R −|r ·e γ|)is one when |R −|r ·e γ||<0.05and |r ·e γ′|<0.1for γ′=γ,and it is zero otherwise.We calculated C (γ)α,β(R )for the system with e p =0.92,both for the small system with L x =20,L y =10,L z =40and the large system with L x =40,L y =40,L z =40.We find that the correlation extends over the whole system in the case of the small system,but it goes to zero for the large system.In the following,we present the spatial correlation measured in the large system,but we confirmed that the hydrody-namic quantities presented in the previous subsections did notshow any differences.In Fig.7(a),the various components of the correlationin the x -direction C (x )α,β(R )are shown.We find that the longitudinal correlation in the x -direction,C (x )x,x (R ),has larger amplitude than other components;this tendency is also found in the y -and z -direction (data not shown).The longitudinal correlation at the particle diameter dis-tance (R =1)is positive,which is consistent with the fact that T coll <T .It is evident that the correlation shows an oscillation,whose wavelength is order of the particle diameter,which will be discussed in section IV.The longitudinal components in x ,y and z directions are shown in Fig.7(b).All of them show oscillations in the particle diameter scale.We also found that the lon-gitudinal correlation shows larger amplitude for smaller restitution coefficient e p and/or larger packing fraction ν(data not shown).6.The packing fraction dependence of the shear stressWe find that the shear stress S shows more complicated packing fraction νdependence than those of the energy dissipation rate Γand the normal stress N .In Fig.8,0.600.550.50νSFIG.8:(color online)The shear stress S vs.the packing fraction ν.The simulation data are plotted for e p =0.98(◦),0.92(•),and 0.70( ).The kinetic theory constitutive relations S (ν,T )is shown by the symbols connected by dashed lines (×for e p =0.98,+for 0.92,and ∗for e p =0.70).the simulation data of the shear stress S are denoted by symbols,and S (ν,T )from the kinetic theory (Eq.(14)with Table I)are denoted by symbols with the dashed lines.We find that,for e p =0.98,the shear stress is underestimated by the theory,while for e p =0.92and 0.70,the shear stress is overestimated .Actually,in the case of the elastic (e p =1)hard sphere system,the Enskog theory is known to underestimate the shear viscosity in dense region [25,40],and this ten-dency is seen in the result for e p =0.98.The results for e p =0.70shows that the inelasticity reduces the shear stress to the value smaller than the one expected from the kinetic theory,but we do not understand the reason of this reduction yet.Rather good agreement in between for the case of e p =0.92seems to be accidental.IV.DISCUSSION AND SUMMARYA.The shear stress and the anisotropic correlationIn contrast to the energy dissipation rate Γand the normal stress N ,the discrepancy in the shear stress S cannot be understood just by the pre-collisional ve-locity distribution averaged over all directions,but the anisotropy of the pre-collisional correlations in both the velocity and the position should by important in the shear stress.These anisotropies are not taken into account in the kinetic theory employed in the preset analysis.In fact,for the soft-sphere system in two-dimensional,sheared flow,it has been found that the contact force distribution strongly depends on direction [41].Our preliminary results also show a similar direc-tion dependence in the collisional momentum transfer per unit time.The detailed analysis is left for future studies.8B.The packing fraction dependence of the ratio ofthe shear stress to the normal stressAs we have seen in Fig.1,S/N in the simulation is a decreasing function of the packing fractionνfor larger packing fractionνand/or smaller restitution coefficient e p,while Eq.(20),from the kinetic theory,S/N always increases withν.Kumaran argued that the particle roughness is neces-sary for S/N to have a decreasing part upon increasing νin the dense region[13].However,even for the smooth particles,the present simulations show that S/N has a decreasing part in the dense region for the inelastic hard sphere system,although the particle roughness may well amplify the decreasing part of S/N.The present authors have suggested[6]that the origin that leads the kinetic theory to the increasing S/N onνeven for the denser region is that f3(ν)in the energy dis-sipationΓof Eq.(15)increases too sharply for largerν. In this paper in section III B3,we showed that the sharp increase inΓcan be weaken by using T coll instead of T.In the present treatment,however,It is not possible to ex-tract theν-dependence out ofΓ(ν,T coll)and to compare it directly with f3(ν)because T and T coll are determined byνand˙γin the steady state simulations,therefore,the quantity that corresponds to f3(ν)in eq.(15)cannot be defined from the simulation data.Finally,let us comment on the fact that S/N does increase withνin a certain parameter range in our simple shearflow simulation,in contrast to the fact that the increasingνupon increasing S/N=tanθhas never been observed in the granularflow down a slope.This suggests that the steadyflow in this parameter region is unstable in the slopeflow configuration.It is interesting to study the relation between the stability of theflow and theνdependence of S/N.C.Oscillation in the spatial velocity correlation As shown in Fig.7,the spatial velocity correlation is found to oscillate in the scale of the particle diameter. Although we have not yet understood the origin of this oscillation,it is plausible that the oscillation comes from the coupling between the density correlation and the ve-locity correlation.Analysis on the sheared Langevin sys-tem suggests that the spatial velocity correlation is re-lated to the radial distribution function[39],which os-cillates in the particle diameter scale.It is likely that similar coupling also exists in the granular shearflow.D.SummaryWe have simulated the simple shearflow of the smooth inelastic hard sphere system by molecular dynamics sim-ulations.We have found that the energy dissipation rate Γand the normal stress N are smaller than those ex-pected from the kinetic theory.We have showed that the relative pre-collisional normal velocity of colliding pairs of particles,c n,ij,is smaller than the one expected from random collisions,and this reducesΓand N.By exam-ining the distributions of c n,ij for all collisions(P all(c n)) and for only thefirst collisions of the new pairs during the last period of time˙γ−1(P interval(c n)),we have concluded that the reduction of the relative velocity is caused by the multiple inelastic collisions during the time period˙γ−1. To understand the velocity correlation in more detail, we have studied the spatial velocity correlation.It has been found that the longitudinal components of the cor-relations have larger amplitude with the oscillation in the scale of the particle diameter.The shear stress S has been found to be overestimated for smaller e p,but underestimated for larger e p by the kinetic theory.AcknowledgmentsNM thanks A.Yoshimori for his insightful discussion on the spatial velocity correlation in the Langevin sys-tem.NM is supported in part by the Inamori foundation. 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