



One Series Safety TransmitterSafety ManualUnited Electric Controls1 INTRODUCTIONThis Safety Manual provides information necessary to design, install, verify and maintain a Safety Instrumented Function (SIF) utilizing the One Series Safety Transmitter. This manual provides necessary requirements for meeting the IEC 61508 or IEC 61511 functional safety standards.1.1 Terms and AbbreviationsSafety Freedom from unacceptable risk of harmFunctional Safety The ability of a system to carry out the actions necessary toachieve or to maintain a defined safe state for the equipment/ machinery / plant / apparatus under control of the system Basic Safety The equipment must be designed and manufactured suchthat it protects against risk of damage to persons byelectrical shock and other hazards and against resulting fireand explosion. The protection must be effective under allconditions of the nominal operation and under single faultconditionSafety Assessment The investigation to arrive at a judgment - based on evidence- of the safety achieved by safety-related systems Fail-Safe State State where the outputs are de-energized. Defined as:4-20 mA Output <3.6mASwitch Status OFFSafety Relay Output OFFIAW OFFFail Safe Failure that causes the outputs to go to the defined fail-safestate without a demand from the process.Fail Dangerous Failure that does not respond to a demand from the process(i.e. being unable to go to the defined fail-safe state).Fail Dangerous Undetected Failure that is dangerous and that is not beingdiagnosed by proof testing or instrument diagnostics.Fail Dangerous Detected Failure that is dangerous but is detected by prooftesting or instrument diagnostics.Fail Annunciation Undetected Failure that does not cause a false trip or preventthe safety function but does cause loss of an automaticdiagnostic and is not detected by another diagnostic.Fail Annunciation Detected Failure that does not cause a false trip or preventthe safety function but does cause loss of an automaticdiagnostic or false diagnostic indication.Fail No Effect Failure of a component that is part of the safety function butthat has no effect on the safety function.Low demand mode Mode where the frequency of demands for operation made ona safety-related system is no greater than twice the proof testfrequency.1.2 AcronymsDTT De-Energize to TripDU Dangerous UndetectedFMEDA Failure Modes, Effects and Diagnostic AnalysisHFT Hardware Fault ToleranceIAW I Am Working – On board diagnostics that monitor devicehardware and software functions to alert the operator if aproblem has occurred that could impair the safety functionof the device.MOC Management of Change – These are specific procedures oftendone when performing any work activities in compliance withgovernment regulatory authorities.PFD avg Average Probability of Failure on DemandPLC Programmable Logic ControllerSFF Safe Failure Fraction – The fraction of the overall failure rateof a device that results in either a safe fault or a diagnosedunsafe fault.SIF Safety Instrumented Function - A set of equipment intendedto reduce the risk due to a specific hazard (a safety loop).SIL Safety Integrity Level - Discrete level (one out of a possiblefour) for specifying the safety integrity requirements of thesafety functions to be allocated to the E/E/PE safety-relatedsystems where Safety Integrity Level 4 has the highest levelof safety integrity and Safety Integrity Level 1 has the lowest.SIS Safety Instrumented System – Implementation of one or moreSafety Instrumented Functions. A SIS is composed of anycombination of sensor(s), logic solver(s), and final element(s).SRO Safety Relay Output – A high capacity solid-state relay switch 1.3 Product SupportProduct support can be obtained from:United Electric Controls180 Dexter Ave,P.O. Box 9143Watertown, MA 02471-9143************************Telephone: 617 923-6977FAX: 617 926-2568Lost Password: go to /uuc The Kanban number from the product nameplate is required.1.4 Related LiteratureHardware Documents:•One Series Safety Transmitter Installation and Maintenance Instructions (IM_ONE_SAFETY-01)•SR113028.D3.6 UE 12-10-073 R001 V1 R2 One Series SAFETY TRANSMITTER FMEDA Report•One Series ST-B-01 United Electric Controls Safety Transmitter Product Bulletin •Guidelines/References:•Practical SIL Target Selection – Risk Analysis per the IEC 61511 Safety Lifecycle, ISBN 978-1-934977-03-3, exida•Control System Safety Evaluation and Reliability, 3rd Edition, ISBN 978-1-934394-80-9, ISA•Safety Instrumented Systems Verification, Practical Probabilistic Calculations, ISBN 1-55617-909-9, ISA1.5 Reference StandardsFunctional Safety•IEC 61508: 2010 Functional safety of electrical/electronic/ programmable electronic safety-related systems•ANSI/ISA 84.00.01-2004 (IEC 61511 Mod.) Functional Safety – Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry Sector2 DEVICE DESCRIPTIONThe One Series Safety Transmitter senses the temperature or pressure of a system and provides control outputs that are used to monitor or shut down that system before an unsafe condition occurs. An externally excited 4-20mA provides an analog indication of the process for use by a safety PLC. The solid state relay output provides direct control or shut down of a final element based on programmed operating modes and limits. The Switch Status output is a discrete output that mirrors the function of the solid state relay output. The IAW output isa discrete output based on self diagnostics that provides the user with anindication of device health. Any diagnostic failure that causes an IAW fault will force all outputs to the fail-safe state. All outputs of the One Series Safety Sensor operate in DTT (De-energize To Trip) mode.Detailed information on the installation, programming and operation of the OneSeries Safety Transmitter along with System Context Diagrams may be found indocument IM_ONE_SAFETY-01.3 DESIGNING A SIF USING THE ONE SERIES SAFETY TRANSMITTER3.1 Safety FunctionThe 4-20 mA, I Am Working, Safety Relay and Switch Status outputs have been assessed for safety instrumented systems usage.The achieved SIL level of the designed function must be verified by the designer. 3.2 Environmental limitsThe designer of a SIF must check that the product is rated for use within the expected environmental constraints. Refer to the United Electric Controls One Series ST-B-01 bulletin for environmental limits.3.3 Application limitsThe materials of construction of the One Series Safety Transmitter are specified in the United Electric Controls One Series ST-B-01 bulletin. It is especially important that the designer check for material compatibility considering on-site conditions. If the One Series Safety Transmitter is used outside of the application limits or with incompatible materials, the reliability data provided become invalid.3.4 Design VerificationA detailed Failure Mode, Effects, and Diagnostics Analysis (FMEDA) report isavailable from United Electric Controls. This report details all failure rates and failure modes as well as the expected lifetime.The achieved Safety Integrity Level (SIL) of an entire Safety Instrumented Function (SIF) design must be verified by the designer via a calculation of PFD AVG considering architecture, proof test interval, proof test effectiveness, any automatic diagnostics, average repair time and the specific failure rates of all products included in the SIF. Each subsystem must be checked to assure compliance with minimum hardware fault tolerance (HFT) requirements. The exida exSILentia® tool is recommended for this purpose as it contains accurate models for the One Series Safety Transmitter and its failure rates.When using the One Series Safety Transmitter in a redundant configuration, a common cause factor of at least 5% should be included in safety integrity calculations.The failure rate data listed in the FMEDA report are only valid for the useful lifetime of the One Series Safety Transmitter. The failure rates will increase sometime after this time period. Reliability calculations based on the data listed in the FMEDA report for mission times beyond the lifetime may yield results that are too optimistic, i.e. the calculated Safety Integrity Level will not be achieved.3.5 SIL Capability3.5.1 Systematic IntegrityThe product has met manufacturer design process requirements of Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 3. These are intended to achieve sufficient integrity against systematic errors of design by the manufacturer. A Safety Instrumented Function (SIF) designed with this product must not be used at a SIL level higher than stated without “prior use” justification by the end user or diverse technology redundancy in the design.3.5.2 Random IntegrityThe One Series Safety Transmitter is a Type B Device. Therefore, based on the SFF between 90% and 99%, when the One Series Safety Transmitter is used as the only component in a sensor element subassembly, a design can meet SIL 2 @ HFT=0.When the sensor element assembly consists of multiple components the SIL must be verified for the entire assembly using failure rates from all components. This analysis must account for any hardware fault tolerance and architecture constraints.3.5.3 Safety ParametersThe safety accuracy of the device is 3% of the operating range.For detailed failure rate information refer to the Failure Modes, Effects and Diagnostic Analysis Report for the One Series Safety Transmitter.3.6 Connection of the One Series Safety Transmitter to the SIS Logic-solverThe One Series Safety Transmitter is connected to the safety rated logic solver via a NAMUR NE 43 4-20 mA analog and up to two discrete diagnostic status outputs.The logic solver is actively performing the safety function by monitoring and interpreting the One Series Safety Transmitter outputs, designed to diagnose potentially dangerous process conditions and failures within the One Series Safety Transmitter via the I Am Working (IAW) diagnostic.The One Series Safety Transmitter may also be configured to provide the safety function directly without connections to a safety rated logic solver.Please refer to the System Context Diagrams in document IM_ONE_SAFETY-01 for details on using the various logic outputs on the One Series Safety Transmitter.3.7 General RequirementsThe system’s response time shall be less than the process safety time. The One Series Safety Transmitter, Switch Status and Safety Relay Outputs will move to its safe state in less than 100 milliseconds under specific delay filter settings. The 4-20mA output shall stabilize to 90% of a step response within 250mSec under specific delay filter settings. For available settings and a description of the delay filter operation document refer to the product installation and maintenance manual IM_ONE_SAFETY-01.The diagnostic interval for the One Series Safety transmitter is less than 10 seconds.All SIS components including the One Series Safety Transmitter must be operational before process start-up. At power up, there may be a brief delay before the outputs are stable. The user must consider this in the application and not rely on the One Series Safety Transmitter for the control of the Safety Instrumented System until the outputs have stabilized. The time from power on until the outputs are stable shall be less than 10 seconds.User shall verify that the One Series Safety Transmitter is suitable for use in safety applications by confirming the One Series Safety Transmitter’s nameplate is properly marked.Personnel performing maintenance and testing on the One Series Safety Transmitter shall be competent to do so.Results from the proof tests shall be recorded and reviewed periodically.The useful life of the One Series Safety Transmitter is discussed in the Failure Modes, Effects and Diagnostic Analysis Report for the One Series Safety Transmitter.4 INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING4.1 InstallationThe One Series Safety Transmitter must be installed per standard practices outlined in the Installation Manual.The One Series Safety Transmitter must not be modified.The environment must be checked to verify that environmental conditions do not exceed the ratings.The One Series Safety Transmitter must be accessible for physical inspection.Detailed programming and operating instructions are found in the One Series Safety Transmitter Installation and Maintenance Instructions manual (IM_ONE_SAFETY-01). It is the responsibility of the SIF designer to validate all device settings either through test or by re-entering the programming menu and reading back all settings. The checklist in Appendix A provides a place to record all device settings as they are read back. While in the programming menu all outputs are forced to the fail safe state:4-20mA Output <3.6mASwitch Status OffSafety Relay Output OffIAW OffThe Plugged Port Detection and Safety Relay Fault Monitor are turned off from the factory. If these features are desired they must be enable using the programming menu. Reference One Series Safety transmitter Installation and Maintenance Instructions manual (IM_ONE_SAFETY-01) for details.4.2 Physical Location and PlacementThe One Series Safety Transmitter shall be accessible with sufficient room for connections and shall allow manual proof testing.Piping to the One Series Safety Transmitter shall be kept as short and straight as possible to minimize restrictions and potential clogging. Long or kinked tubes may also increase the response time.The One Series Safety Transmitter shall be mounted in a low vibration environment. If excessive vibration can be expected special precautions shall be taken to ensure the integrity of connectors or the vibration should be reduced using appropriate damping mounts.4.3 ConnectionsConnections to the One Series Safety Transmitter are to be made per the Installation and Maintenance Instructions (IM_ONE_SAFETY-01).Recommended methods for process connections to the One Series Safety Transmitter can be found in the installation and maintenance manual IM_ONE_SAFETY-01. The length of tubing between the One Series Safety Transmitter and the process connection shall be kept as short as possible and free of kinks.5 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE5.1 Proof test without automatic testingThe objective of proof testing is to detect failures within the United Electric Controls One Series Safety Transmitter that are not detected by any automatic diagnostics of the instrument. Of main concern are undetected failures that prevent the safety instrumented function from performing its intended function.The frequency of proof testing, or proof test interval, is to be determined in reliability calculations for the safety instrumented functions for which a United Electric Controls One Series Safety Transmitter is applied. The proof tests must be performed at least as frequently as specified in the calculation in order to maintain the required safety integrity of the safety instrumented function.The following proof test is recommended. The results of the proof test should be recorded and any failures that are detected and that compromise functional safety should be reported to United Electric Controls. The suggested proof test consists of simulating a process upset and injecting a fault of the One Series Safety Transmitter and observing the reaction of the SIF to these upsets.Table1: Recommended Proof TestStep Action1.Bypass the safety PLC or take other appropriate action to avoid a false trip.2.Verify the correct output under normal conditions. The Safety Relay Output,SRO Status and IAW Output will be in the closed state. The 4-20 mA outputwill provide a proportional signal to the process variable.3.Change the process variable or change the programming of the instrument sothat the Safety Relay Output changes to the tripped state (opens). Verify thatthe Safety Relay Output and SRO Status opens and the IAW Output remainsclosed. The 4-20 mA output will provide a proportional signal to the processvariable.4.Change the process variable so that the IAW Output goes to the fault state(opens). (Extreme Over Range of 150% of the sensor’s range is suggested.)Verify that the IAW Output opens and the 4-20 mA output provides <3.6 mA.5.Restore the normal input values or programming. Verify that the outputs havereturned to their non-tripped (closed) state. Verify that the 4-20 mA output isproportional to the process variable.6.Restore the loop to full operation.7.Remove the bypass from the safety PLC or otherwise restore normal operation.This test will detect >99% of possible DU failures in the One Series Safety Transmitter.The person(s) performing the proof test of a One Series Safety Transmitter should be trained in SIS operations, including bypass procedures, maintenance and company Management of Change procedures. A 2mm hex wrench is required to remove the cover. The Software Flow Chart from the One Series Safety Transmitter installation and maintenance manual IM_ONE_SAFETY-01 is required to change the programming.5.2 Repair and replacementRepair and replacement procedures for the One Series Safety Transmitter are obtained by contacting United Electric Controls technical support at 617-923-6977 or ************************.A complete list of fault codes for the One Series Safety Transmitter may be found inthe installation and maintenance manual IM_ONE_SAFETY-01.5.3 Hardware and Software ConfigurationThe model number of the device is found on the PART# field on the device nameplate.Hardware and software revisions are noted on the label located on the back of the displaymodule.5.4 Useful LifeThe useful life of the One Series Safety Transmitter is 50 years.5.5 MANUFACTURER NotificationAny failures that are detected and that compromise functional safety should be reported to United Electric Controls. Please contact United Electric Controls technical support at 617-923-6977 or ************************..O NE S ERIES S AFETY T RANSMITTER S AFETY MANUALAppendix A Sample Start-up ChecklistThis appendix provides a Sample Start-up Checklist for a One Series Safety Transmitter. A Start-up Checklist will provide guidance during One Series Safety Transmitter deployment.O NE S ERIES S AFETY T RANSMITTER S AFETY MANUAL1 START-UP CHECKLISTThe following checklist may be used as a guide to employ the One Series Safety Transmitter in a safety critical SIF compliant to IEC61508.# Activity ResultVerifiedBy DateDesignTarget Safety Integrity Level and PFD avg determinedCorrect mode chosen (Open on Rising, Open on Falling or Window mode)Correct set point and deadband chosen Design decision documentedFluid compatibility and suitability verifiedSIS logic solver requirements for automatic tests defined and documentedRouting of fluid connections determined Design formally reviewed and suitability formally assessedImplementationPhysical location appropriateFluid connections appropriate and according to applicable codesSIS logic solver automatic test implemented Maintenance instructions for proof test released Verification and test plan released Implementation formally reviewed and suitability formally assessedO NE S ERIES S AFETY T RANSMITTER S AFETY MANUAL# Activity ResultVerifiedBy DateVerification and TestingElectrical connections verified and tested Fluid connection verified and testedSIS logic solver automatic test verified Safety loop function verifiedSafety loop timing measuredBypass function testedVerification and test results formally reviewed and suitability formally assessed MaintenanceTubing blockage / partial blockage tested Safety loop function testedO NE S ERIES S AFETY T RANSMITTER S AFETY MANUALRecord all device settings in the worksheet provided below:For a detailed explanation of each feature refer to the One Series Safety Transmitter installation and maintenance manual IM_ONE_SAFETY-01Device ID: ______________________Range: ______________________Kanban#: ______________________Password: ______________________Units of Measure: ☐ psi ☐ bar/mbar ☐ KPa/MPa ☐ Kg/cm2☐ “wc (Default psi) ☐ °F ☐ °C (Default °F)Switch Mode: ☐ Open on Rise ☐ Open on FallSet Point:______________________Dead Band:____________________☐ WindowSet Point (Upper):_____________________Dead Band(Upper):____________________Set Point(Lower):_____________________Dead Band(Lower):____________________Offset: ______________ (Nominally 0.0)Span: ______________ (Nominally the Upper Range Limit of the Transmitter)Latch Mode: ☐ On ☐ OffPlugged Port: ☐ Off ☐ 1Min ☐ 1HR ☐ 24HR (Default Off)SSR Fault Monitor: ☐ On ☐ Off (Default Off)Delay: ☐ Off ☐ ¼Sec ☐ ½Sec ☐ 1Sec ☐ 2Sec (Default Off)4mA Set: __________________ (Nominally the Lower Range Limit of the device.)20mASet: __________________ (Nominally the Upper Range Limit of the device.)。







1. 电压范围:冬斯电磁阀一般适用于直流电压或交流电压,通常电压范围在12V至240V之间。


2. 通径大小:通径大小是指电磁阀进出口的口径大小,通常以英寸或毫米为单位。


3. 工作压力:工作压力是指电磁阀能够承受的最大压力,通常以MPa或bar为单位。


5. 寿命参数:寿命参数是指电磁阀的使用寿命,通常以次数或时间为单位。


6. 控制方式:控制方式是指电磁阀的开启和关闭方式,常见的控制方式有直接式、间接式和脉冲式等。









1. 阀体材质:冬斯电磁阀的阀体通常采用优质的不锈钢材质制成,具有耐腐蚀、耐高温、抗压能力强的特点,适用于各种恶劣环境下的使用。

LF230-S 弹簧返回式调节器 带应急控制功能 气漏门 产品说明书

LF230-S 弹簧返回式调节器 带应急控制功能 气漏门 产品说明书

Spring-return actuator with emergencycontrol function for adjusting dampersin technical building installations• Air damper size up to approx. 0.8 m²• Nominal torque 4 Nm• Nominal voltage AC 230 V• Control Open-close• With integrated auxiliary switchTechnical dataElectrical data Nominal voltage AC 230 VNominal voltage frequency50/60 HzNominal voltage range AC 198...264 VPower consumption in operation 5 WPower consumption in rest position 3 WPower consumption for wire sizing7 VAPower consumption for wire sizing note Imax 150 mA @ 10 msAuxiliary switch 1 x SPDT, 0...100%Switching capacity auxiliary switch 1 mA...3 (0.5 inductive) A, AC 250 VConnection supply / control Cable 1 m, 2 x 0.75 mm²Connection auxiliary switch Cable 1 m, 3 x 0.75 mm²Parallel operation Yes (note the performance data)Functional data Torque motor Min. 4 NmTorque spring return Min. 4 NmDirection of motion motor Selectable by mounting L / RDirection of motion emergency controlSelectable by mounting L / RfunctionManual override NoAngle of rotation Max. 95°Angle of rotation note Adjustable 37...100% with integratedmechanical limitationRunning time motor40...75 s / 90°Running time emergency control position<20 s / 90°<20 s @ -20...50°C / <60 s @ -30°CRunning time emergency setting positionnoteSound power level motor50 dB(A)Spindle driver Universal spindle clamp 8...16 mmPosition indication MechanicalService life Min. 60,000 emergency positionsSafety Protection class IEC/EN II Protective insulatedProtection class auxiliary switch IEC/EN II Protective insulatedDegree of protection IEC/EN IP54EMC CE according to 2004/108/ECLow voltage directive CE according to 2006/95/ECCertification IEC/EN IEC/EN 60730-1 and IEC/EN 60730-2-14Mode of operation Type 1.BRated impulse voltage supply / control 4 kVRated impulse voltage auxiliary switch 4 kVControl pollution degree3Ambient temperature-30...50°CNon-operating temperature-40...80°CAmbient humidity95% r.h., non-condensingMaintenance Maintenance-freeWeight Weight approx. 1.8 LF230-S • en-gb • 2015-10-07 • subject to changes1!• The device must not be used outside the specified field of application, especially notin aircraft or in any other airborne means of transport.• Outdoor application: only possible in case that no (sea)water, snow, ice, insolationor aggressive gases interfere directly with the actuator and that is ensured that theambient conditions remain at any time within the thresholds according to the datasheet.• Caution: Power supply voltage!• Only authorised specialists may carry out installation. All applicable legal orinstitutional installation regulations must be complied during installation.• The device may only be opened at the manufacturer’s site. It does not contain anyparts that can be replaced or repaired by the user.• Cables must not be removed from the device.• To calculate the torque required, the specifications supplied by the dampermanufacturers concerning the cross-section, the design, the installation site and theventilation conditions must be observed.• The device contains electrical and electronic components and must not be disposedof as household refuse. All locally valid regulations and requirements must beobserved.Product featuresMode of operation The actuator moves the damper to the operating position at the same time astensioning the return spring. The damper is turned back to the safety position by springenergy when the supply voltage is interrupted.Simple direct mounting Simple direct mounting on the damper spindle with an universal spindle clamp,supplied with an anti-rotation device to prevent the actuator from rotating.High functional reliability The actuator is overload protected, requires no limit switches and automatically stopswhen the end stop is reached.Adjustable angle of rotation Adjustable angle of rotation with mechanical end stops.Flexible signalization With adjustable auxiliary switch (0 ... 100%)AccessoriesDescription Type Electrical accessories Auxiliary switch, 2 x SPDT S2A-FFeedback potentiometer, 200 Ohm, incl. installation accessories P200A-FFeedback potentiometer 1 kOhm, incl. installation accessories P1000A-FDescription Type Mechanical accessories Shaft extension 170 mm, for damper spindles Ø 6...20 mm AV6-20Shaft extension 250 mm, for damper spindles Ø 8...25 mm AV8-25Spindle clamp, for damper spindles Ø 16...20 mm K6-1Straight ball joint with M8, suitable for damper crank arms KH8KG10AAngled ball joint with M8, suitable for damper crank arms KH8KG8Damper crank arm, for damper spindles KH8Actuator arm, for damper spindles Ø 8...16 mm KH-LFAngle of rotation limiter, for LF with end stop ZDB-LFAdditional shaft adapter 4-kt. 8x8mm for LF ZF8-LFMounting kit for linkage operation LF..ZG-LF1Mounting kit for linkage operation LF.., suitable for damper spindles Ø 10...18 mm ZG-LF3Spring-return actuator, Open-close, AC 230 V, 4 Nm, Withintegrated auxiliary switchSafety noteswww.belimo.euLF230-S • en-gb • 2015-10-07 • subject to changes2!Notes• Caution: Power supply voltage!• Parallel connection of other actuators possible. Observe the performance data.Wiring diagrams AC 230 V, open-close0...100%S3S2S1N12LCable colours:1 = blue 2 = brown S1 = white S2 = white S3 = whiteDimensions [mm]Spindle lengthClamping rangeDimensional drawingsSpring-return actuator, Open-close, AC 230 V, 4 Nm, With integrated auxiliary switchElectrical installationwww.belimo.euLF230-S • en-gb • 2015-10-07 • subject to changes3。


➀ 世伟洛克 VCR 拼合螺母组件必须分开订购。参见以下内容。
P =世伟洛克 超高纯工艺规范 (SC‑01); 电抛光, Ra 平均 5 µin. (0.13 µm)
P1 =世伟洛克 特殊清洁与包装 (SC-11); 电抛光, Ra 平均 5 µin. (0.13 µm)
弹簧成套件包括加载弹簧、加载盘、标 签和安装说明书。订购时,按照要求的 调压阀出口压力范围选择弹簧成套件 订购型号。
■ 当系统元件与工艺管线之间空间很小时,用此手柄更容易进 行压力调节
■ 指尖抓紧及外表面滚花设计保证可靠操作。
1.125 in. 模块化表面安装型
■ 用于 1.125 in. C 形和 W 形密封集成气体系统 ■ 流量达 160 std L/min ■ 提供两种压力范围的产品:真空至 30 psig (2.0 bar)
SS – HFM3B – VCR4 – P
阀体材料 316L VIM-VAR 不锈钢
型号 HFM3B = 直线型
MSM-HFM3B = 模块化表面安装
端接 VCR4 = 1/4 in. VCR 短接管➀
VCR4L = 1/4 in. VCR 长接管➀ BW4 = 1/4 in. 卡套管对焊 无 = C 密封表面安装(仅 MSM-HFM3B)
0.40 4.0
0.35 3.5
尺寸以 in. (mm) 为单位表示,仅供参考,可能有变动。
2.00 (50.8) 直径
1.48 (37.6) 直径
4.12 (105) 最大
4.17 (106) 最大






气缸电磁阀选型参考(以SMC为列)一进气组件配置:1、只有一个阀,VHS30-03+Y300+AW30-03BG2、有一个阀以上,VHS30-03+Y300T+AW30-03-X465A-Y300T+AV3000-03-5DZB 二气缸配置:直径≤Φ16的气缸用Φ4气管,节流阀:AS1201F-M5-04S-(M5,Φ4)Φ20-Φ40的气缸用Φ6气管,节流阀:AS2201F-M5-06S-(M5,Φ6)AS2201F-01-06S-(1/8-Φ6)Φ50-Φ80的气缸用Φ8气管,节流阀:AS3201F-02-06S-(1/4-Φ8) AS3201F-03-08S-(3/8-Φ8)直径≥Φ100的气缸用Φ10,12气管,节流阀:AS4201F-04-10S-(1/2-Φ10) AS4201F-04-12S-(1/2-Φ12)三电磁阀:常用二位五通单电控电磁阀直径≤Φ16的气缸电磁阀用SY3120-5LZD-C4 Φ20-Φ32的气缸电磁阀用SY3120-5LZD-C6 Φ40-Φ50的气缸电磁阀用SY5120-5LZD-C8 Φ63-Φ80的气缸电磁阀用SY7120-5LZD-C8 ≥Φ100以上气缸电磁阀用SY9120-5LZD-C12单气缸作用:选用两位三通电磁阀双气缸作用:选用两位五通电磁阀双气缸作用特殊用法:1、三位五通中泄阀:中位气缸可以随意拉动,方便调试。


阿法拉伐 SMP-BC 防混阀系列说明书

阿法拉伐 SMP-BC 防混阀系列说明书





物理数据过流产品钢制部件: 1.4401(316L)。

外表面光洁度....亚光型(喷砂处理)内表面光洁度....亮光型(抛光处理),Ra<1.6µm其他钢制部件:... 1.4301(304).过流产品密封件:..EPDM。


3阀体型式有以下配置可供客户选择:-类型121、122、211、212、221和222标准设计SMP-BC 有两种型式可供选择:一种是带一个阀体的截流阀,另一种是带三个阀体的换向阀(规格DN125-150仅限于截流阀)。


SMP-BC 安装有一个检测阀和一个CIP 阀。






B.控制和指示:IndiTop、ThinkTop 或ThinkTop Basic。



E.CIP 安装套件。


G.过流产品部件的表面粗糙度:Ra ≤0.8μm。

H.NBR 或FPM 过流产品密封件。



Parker Hannifin 电子流量控制阀门DF083系列说明书

Parker Hannifin 电子流量控制阀门DF083系列说明书

SpecificationsRated Flow Maximum Inlet PressureMaximum Internal Leakage Hysteresis Cracking (Deadband)Frequency Operating Temp.Range (Ambient)Cartridge Material Body Material Filtration Mounting (2)(3)Performance CurvesSolenoid Coil SpecificationsResponse Time Within Regulating Zone 50ms Wire Class “H ” for all voltagesVoltage 10VDC 12VDC 18VDC 24VDC 36VDC 48VDC Duty HD.HD.HD.HD.HD.HD.Watts (Nominal)303030303030Amps3.202.301.861.200.880.58Hydraulic Oil 135 SSU @ 100°F (28 cSt)F l o wInput Current12 VDC,30W Coil,200 Hz1.5.5 1.0A2.02.5Flow GainFlow (Q)7.623.81LPM GPM11.4315.14Hydraulic Oil 135 SSU @ 100°F (28 cSt) r e s s u r e D r o p (P )∆Pressure Drop vs.FlowSeries DF083DimensionsSeries DF083Ordering Information3Type08SizeDFProportional Flow Control Valve3/4-16UNF-2B Threaded CavitySealsCode Type Omit Nitrile VFluorocarbonOverride Option******calls out voltage. For example: 851024-012VDC is a 12 volt, 30 watt DC Double Wire coil.Coil Assemblies851018******30 Watt Conduit Coil 851020******30 Watt DIN(Hirschmann) Coil851022******30 Watt Double Spade CoilSERVICE PARTSNitrile Seal Kit: SK08-3Coil Nut: 118113-00Fluorocarbon Seal Kit: SK08-3V DIN Connector:Grey - 692914Black - 692915851024******30 Watt Double Wire Coil 851026******30 Watt Single Screw Coil 851028******30 Watt Single Wire CoilShipping Weight Cartridge Only .31 kg (.69 lbs.)Cartridge in Body .64 kg (1.4 lbs.)N3Flow OptionBody OptionCoil VoltageCoil WattageCoil TerminationMCode Wattage Omit Cartridge without Coil H30 WattTwo Position Three WayCode Port Size & MaterialOmit Cartridge Only 4P1/4″ NPTF (B08-3-4P)SteelA4P 1/4″ NPTF (B08-3-A4P)Aluminum 6P 3/8″ NPTF (B08-3-6P)SteelA6P 3/8″ NPTF (B08-3-A6P)Aluminum 4TSAE-4(B08-3-4T)SteelA4T SAE-4(B08-3-A4T)Aluminum 6T SAE-6(B08-3-6T)SteelA6T SAE-6(B08-3-A6T)Aluminum4B1/4″ BSPG (B08-3-4B)SteelA4B 1/4″ BSPG (B08-3-A4B)Aluminum 6B 3/8″ BSPG (B08-3-6B)SteelA6B3/8″ BSPG (B08-3-A6B)AluminumCode DescriptionOmit Cartridge Without Coil C1/2″ NPTF Conduit Connector with 24″ Class H Wire D DIN 43650(Hirschmann) Plug Face PSAE 1B-0.25 SAE Double Spade (DC Only)S1Single 8-32 screw & nut internally ground (DC Only)WDouble wire 24″ Class H (DC Only)W1Single wire, internally ground, 24″ Class H (DC Only)Code TypeOmit Cartridge Without Coil D01010 VDC D01212 VDC D01818 VDC D02424 VDC D03636 VDC D04848 VDCCode Type MPush TypeManual Override with Flush RodCode Description N311 LPM (3 GPM)@ 70 ∆P。



ø20~ ø40
ø40~ ø63
ø63 ~ ø100

工 具

度 控
双向速度 控制阀

带 先速 导度 式控 单制 向阀 阀
AS12 1F AS22 1F AS32 1F AS42 1F
AS13 1F AS23 1F AS33 1F AS43 1F
1 8
1 4
1 4
ø20~ø40 ø20~ø40
3 8
1 2
11 8, 4 3 8 1 2
11 8, 4 3 8 1 2
ø20~ø40 ø40~ø63 ø63~ø100
ø20~ø40 ø40~ø63 ø63~ø100
AS1200 AS2200 AS3200 AS4200

3.2 4 6 8 10 12 1/8 5/32 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2
ø20 ~ ø40
ø40 ~ ø63
ø63 ~ ø100
配管侧连接口径 M3 M5 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 11/4 11/2 2

SMC 双向节流阀 ASD

SMC 双向节流阀 ASD

L5 A1
型号 ASD230F-U10/32-01 d T H 8 8 D1 8.4 9.3 11.4 12 11.6 12.7 13.2 15.2 13.2 17.5 15.2 18.5 13.2 19 15.2 18.5 13.2 19 23.8 15.2 18.5 23 28.6 19.8 26.5 23.1 25.9 23 19.8 23.1 20.3 18.5 15 14.2 11.8 D2 9.6 9.6 D3 10 10 L1 11.7 11.7 14 15.8 18 19.7 20.3 L2 29.4 35.2 32.6 39.5 42.2 44.8 43.9 46.5 49.3 48.7 51.3 54.1 48.7 51.3 54.1 64.3 L3 17.5 23.3 20.7 23.9 25.6 28.2 25.6 28.2 31 25.6 28.2 32.6 25.6 28.2 32.6 46.9 64.8 41.9 57.3 46.5 57.6 41.5 50.1 40.3 49.6 35.3 42.1 14 18.6 46.9 41.9 48.8 43.8 43 38 15.4 41.7 36.7 40.4 35.4 34.6 29.6 11 L4 MAX. MIN. 28.3 28.3 39.6 38.9 25.5 25.5 34.6 33.9 36.1 31.1 32 27 10.6 L5 MAX. MIN. 28.6 28.6 25.8 25.8 ※A1 ※A2 MAX. MIN. 25 25 22.2 22.2 7.8 7.8 M 12.9 16.5 13.5 16.5 17 18.5 17 18.5 21 17 18.5 21 17 18.5 21 质量 g 12 13 15 13 30 31 55 62 76 84 93 102 180

ANSI Class 150 气密阀门

ANSI Class 150 气密阀门

800-543-9038 866-805-7089 203-791-8396 •Bubble tight shut-off to ANSI Class 150 Standards • Long stem design allows for 2” insulation minimum• Valve Face-to-face dimensions comply with API 609 & MSS-SP-68•Designed to be installed between ASME/ANSI B16.5 Flanges • Completely assembled and tested, ready for installation •Tees comply with ASME/ANSI B16.1 Class 125 FlangesApplicationThese valves are designed to meet the needs of HVAC and Commercial applications requiring positive shut-off for liquids at higher pressures and temperatures. Typical applications include chiller isolation, cooling tower isolation, change-over systems, large air handler coil control, bypass and process control applications. The large C v values provide for an economical control valve solution for larger fl ow applications.Dead End ServiceUtilizes larger retainer ring set screws to allow the valve to be placed at the end of the line without a down stream fl ange in either fl ow direction while still holding full pressure.MOD ON/OFF ValveSize C v 10°20°30°40°50°60°70°80°90°F750-150SHP 2”102 1.50 6.10142639567799102F765-150SHP 2½”146 2.208.8020375580110142146F780-150SHP 3”228 3.4014325787125171221228F7100-150SHP 4”451 6.802763114171248338437451F7125-150SHP 5”7141143100180271393536693714F7150-150SHP 6”1103176615427841960782710701103F7200-150SHP 8”2064311242895207841135154820022064F7250-150SHP 10”35175321149288613361934263834113517F7300-150SHP 12”483773290677121918382660362846924837F7350-150SHP 14”6857103411960172826063592514366516857F7 Series 3-Way, ANSI Class 150 Butterfl y Valve Reinforced Tefl on Seat, 316 Stainless DiscTechnical Data Servicechilled, hot water, 60% glycol,steam to 50 psi Flow characteristic modifi ed equal percentage, unidirectional Controllable fl ow range 82°Sizes2" to 14"Type of end fi tting for use with ASME/class 125/150 fl anges Materials Body Disc Seat ShaftGland seal Bushingscarbon steel full lug 316 stainless steel RPTFE17-4 PH stainless PTFEglass backed PTFEMedia temperature range -20°F to 400°F [-30°C to 204°C]Body pressure rating ANSI Class 150 Close-off pressure 285 psiRangeability100:1 (for 30 deg to 70 deg range)Maximum velocity 32 FPS Leakagebubble tight3-way Valves Suitable Actuators Valve Nominal SizeTypeNon Fail-SafeElectronic Fail-Safe C v 90°C v 60°Inches ANSI 150 3-way 1501502F750-150SHPG M S e r i e sP R S e r i e sG K S e r i e s 2½F765-150SHP 3F780-150SHP 4F7100-150SHP 5F7125-150SHP S Y S e r i e s (2 Y e a r W a r r a n t y )6F7150-150SHP 8F7200-150SHP 10F7250-150SHP 12F7300-150SHP 14*F7350-150SHP1021462284517141103206435174837685780125248393607113519342660359256866-805-7089 203-791-8396 LATIN AMERICA / CARIBBEANMaximum Dimensions (Inches)F750-150SHP 2”102 4.50 6.38 6.3816.50 4.7545/8-11 UNC GK150Electronic Fail-SafeF765-150SHP 2½”146 5.00 6.88 6.8817.00 5.5045/8-11 UNC150F780-150SHP 3”228 5.507.567.5617.50 6.0045/8-11 UNC 150F750-150SHP 2”102 4.50 6.38 6.3816.50 4.7545/8-11 UNC 2*GK285F765-150SHP 2½”146 5.00 6.88 6.8817.00 5.5045/8-11 UNC 285F780-150SHP 3”228 5.507.567.5617.50 6.0045/8-11 UNC 285F750-150SHP 2”102 4.50 6.38 6.3816.50 4.7545/8-11 UNC GM150Non-Spring Return Electronic Fail-Safe (K)F765-150SHP 2½”146 5.00 6.88 6.8817.00 5.5045/8-11 UNC 150F780-150SHP 3”228 5.507.567.5617.50 6.0045/8-11 UNC 150F7100-150SHP 4”451 6.508.638.6318.007.5085/8-11 UNC 150F750-150SHP 2”102 4.50 6.38 6.3816.50 4.7545/8-11 UNC 2*GM285F765-150SHP 2½”146 5.00 6.88 6.8817.00 5.5045/8-11 UNC 285F780-150SHP 3”228 5.507.567.5617.50 6.0045/8-11 UNC 285F750-150SHP 2”102 4.50 6.38 6.3814.00 4.7545/8-11 UNC PR/PK285F765-150SHP 2½”146 5.00 6.88 6.8814.50 5.5045/8-11 UNC 285F780-150SHP 3”228 5.507.567.5615.00 6.0045/8-11 UNC 285F7100-150SHP 4”451 6.508.638.6316.007.5085/8-11 UNC 285F7125-150SHP 5”7147.509.759.7524.258.5083/4-10 UNC SY4…285F7150-150SHP 6”11038.0010.2510.2524.759.5083/4-10 UNC 285F7200-150SHP 8”20649.0011.5011.5032.0011.7583/4-10 UNC SY4…150F7250-150SHP 10”351711.0013.8113.8133.0014.25127/8-9 UNC SY4…150SY5…285F7300-150SHP 12”483712.0015.8115.8135.0017.00127/8-9 UNC SY5…150SY7…285F7350-150SHP14”685714.0017.6217.6236.0018.75121-8 UNCSY7…285F7 Series 3-Way, ANSI Class 150 Butterfl y ValveReinforced Tefl on Seat, 316 Stainless DiscDimensions “A, B and C” do not include fl ange gaskets. (3 required per valve)Application Notes1. Valves are rated at 285 psi differential pressure in the closed position @ 100°F media temperature.2.Valves are furnished with lugs tapped for use between ANSI Class 125/150 fl anges conforming to ANSI B16.5 Standards.3.3-way assemblies are furnished assembled with Tee, calibrated and tested,ready for installation. All 3-way assemblies require the customer to specify the 3-way confi guration code prior to order entry to guarantee correct place-ment of valves and actuator(s) on the assembly.4. Dimension “D” allows for actuator(s) removal without the need to remove the valve from the pipe.5. Weather shields are available, dimensional data furnished upon request.6. Dual actuated valves have single actuators mounted on each valve shaft.7.Flange gaskets (3 required, not provided with valve) MUST be used between valve and ANSI fl ange.8. F lange bolts are not included with the valve. These are furnished by others.SHP seriesvalves have a preferred flow direction.P r e f e r r e d F l o w r a t e0DCABB,CDAGKX24-MFT-X1 Modulating, Electronic Fail-Safe, 24 V, for DC2...10 V or 4...20 mA Control SignalTechnical dataElectrical data Nominal voltage AC/DC 24 VNominal voltage frequency50/60 HzPower consumption in operation12 WPower consumption in rest position 3 WTransformer sizing21 VA (class 2 power source)Electrical Connection18 GA plenum cable with 1/2" conduitconnector, degree of protection NEMA 2 / IP54,3 ft [1 m] 10 ft [3 m] and 16ft [5 m]Overload Protection electronic throughout 0...95° rotationFunctional data Options positioning signal variable (VDC, on/off, floating point)Position feedback U variable VDC variableBridging time programmable 0...10 s (2 s default) delaybefore fail-safe activatesPre-charging time 5...20 sDirection of motion motor selectable with switch 0/1Direction of motion fail-safe reversible with switchManual override external push buttonAngle of rotation Max. 95°, adjustable with mechanical stopAngle of rotation note adjustable with mechanical stopRunning Time (Motor)default 150 s, variable 95...150 sRunning time motor variable95...150 sRunning time fail-safe<35 sNoise level, motor52 dB(A)Noise level, fail-safe61 dB(A)Position indication Mechanically, 30...65 mm strokeSafety data Degree of protection IEC/EN IP54Degree of protection NEMA/UL NEMA 2Enclosure UL Enclosure Type 2Agency Listing cULus acc. to UL60730-1A/-2-14, CAN/CSAE60730-1:02, CE acc. to 2014/30/EU and2014/35/EU; Listed to UL 2043 - suitable for usein air plenums per Section 300.22(c) of the NECand Section 602.2 of the IMCQuality Standard ISO 9001Ambient temperature-22...122°F [-30...50°C]Storage temperature-40...176°F [-40...80°C]Ambient humidity Max. 95% RH, non-condensingmaintenance-freeGKX24-MFT-X1Mode of operationProduct featuresSY9~12 Replacement HandwheelAccessoriesElectrical accessoriesDescriptionType Feedback potentiometer 10 kΩ add-on, grey P10000A GR Feedback potentiometer 1 kΩ add-on, grey P1000A GR Feedback potentiometer 140 Ω add-on, grey P140A GR Feedback potentiometer 2.8 kΩ add-on, grey P2800A GR Feedback potentiometer 5 kΩ add-on, grey P5000A GR Feedback potentiometer 500 Ω add-on, grey P500A GR Auxiliary switch 1 x SPDT add-on S1A Auxiliary switch 2 x SPDT add-onS2A Service Tool, with ZIP-USB function, for programmable andcommunicative Belimo actuators, VAV controller and HVAC performance devicesZTH USElectrical installationINSTALLATION NOTESActuators with appliance cables are numbered.Provide overload protection and disconnect as required.Actuators may also be powered by DC 24 V.Only connect common to negative (-) leg of control circuits.A 500 Ω resistor (ZG-R01) converts the 4...20 mA control signal to 2...10 V.Control signal may be pulsed from either the Hot (Source) or Common (Sink) 24 V line.For triac sink the Common connection from the actuator must be connected to the Hotconnection of the controller. Position feedback cannot be used with a triac sink controller; theactuator internal common reference is not compatible.IN4004 or IN4007 diode. (IN4007 supplied, Belimo part number 40155).Actuators may be controlled in parallel. Current draw and input impedance must be observed.Master-Slave wiring required for piggy-back applications. Feedback from Master to controlinput(s) of Slave(s).Meets cULus requirements without the need of an electrical ground connection.Warning! Live electrical components!During installation, testing, servicing and troubleshooting of this product, it may be necessary to work with live electrical components. Have a qualified licensed electrician or other individual who has been properly trained in handling live electrical components perform these tasks. Failure to follow all electrical safety precautions when exposed to live electrical components could result in death or serious injury.Wiring diagrams On/OffFloating PointGKX24-MFT-X1 VDC/mA Control PWM Control。

ASP 先导式单向阀调速阀

ASP 先导式单向阀调速阀

ASP630F-F04 R1/2
ASP330F-N01 NPT1/8 10-32UNF
●● ●●
ASP430F-N02 ASP530F-N03 ASP630F-N04
NPT1/4 NPT3/8 NPT1/2源自注) 黄铜件全是无电解镀镍。
NPT1/8 NPT1/8 NPT1/4
55.1 50.3 14.4 18.7 107 20.8 116
20.8 220 69.4 61.8 18.3
21.8 230
ASP 系列
@4 w
@0 !9 !8
!0 !5 !6 !4 @2
i !7 !1 @1 y o e
D1 D2
13.2 14.2 15.2 13.2 18.5 15.2 15.2 23 18.5 18.5
28.6 21.7
D3 11.8 15 19.8 26.5
18 20.3 23.1 25.9 26.5
42.2 44.7 43.9 46.4 51.3 54.1 64.2 66.3
●● ●●
使用流体 保证耐压力 最高使用压力 最低使用压力 先导式单向阀的动作压力 环境温度及使用流体温度 适合管子材质 注) 注意软尼龙、聚氨酯的最高使用压力。
空气 1.5MPa 1MPa 0.1MPa 使用压力的50%以上(但仅0.1MPa以上) -5~60℃(但未冻结) 尼龙、软尼龙、聚氨脂

SMC 3口电控阀门系列 VK300 说明书

SMC 3口电控阀门系列 VK300 说明书

Instruction Manual 3 Port Solenoid ValveSeries VK300The intended use of this product is to control the movement of an actuator.1 Safety InstructionsThese safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage. These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of “Caution,” “Warning” or “Danger.”They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in addition to International Standards (ISO/IEC) *1), and other safety regulations. *1)ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power - General rules relating to systems. ISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power - General rules relating to systems.IEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines. (Part 1: General requirements)ISO 10218-1: Robots and robotic devices - Safety requirements for industrial robots - Part 1: Robots.• Refer to product catalogue, Operation Manual and Handling Precautions for SMC Products for additional information. • Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference.Caution Caution indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury. WarningWarning indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. DangerDanger indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.Warning• Always ensure compliance with relevant safety laws and standards.• All work must be carried out in a safe manner by a qualified person in compliance with applicable national regulations.• If this equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.CautionThe product is provided for use in manufacturing industries only. Do not use in residential premises.2 Specifications2.1 Valve specificationFluidAir Operatingpressure range [MPa] Standard 0 to 0.7Low wattage (Y) Continuous duty (E) Flow characteristicsRefer to catalogue Ambient and fluid temperature [°C] -5 to 50 (no freezing) Response Time (at 0.5 MPa) [ms] Note 1) ≤10 (Standard)≤15 (Low power consumption type)Duty cycleContact SMC Minimum operating frequency1 cycle / 30 daysMaximum operating frequency [Hz] 10Manual override Non-locking push typeLubricationNot required Impact / Vibration resistance [m/s 2] Note 2) 300 / 50EnclosureIP30 (based on IEC60529)2 Specifications - continuedMounting orientation UnrestrictedWeight [g]VK332#: 80 VK334#: 120Table 1.Note 1) Based on dynamic performance test, JIS B 8419: 2010. (Coil temperature:20°C, at rated voltage, without surge suppressor).Note 2) Impact resistance: No malfunction occurred when it is tested with a droptester in the axial direction and at the right angles to the main valve and armature in both energized and de-energized states every once for each condition. (Values quoted are for a new valve).Vibration resistance : No malfunction occurred in a one-sweep test between 45 and 2000 Hz. Test was performed at both energized states in the axial direction and at the right angles to the main valve and armature. (Values quoted are for a new valve).2.2 Solenoid specificationElectrical entryGrommet (G, H), DIN terminal (D,DO)Rated coil voltage [V]AC (50 / 60 Hz) 100, 110, 200, 220, 240DC 12, 24Allowable voltage fluctuation Note1) ±10% of rated voltageApparentpower[VA]Note2) Standardtype Inrush 50 Hz 9.560 Hz 8 Holding50 Hz 760 Hz 5Power consumption [W] Without indicator light4 With indicator light 4.3Surge voltagesuppressor AC Varistor DC Diode (12 VDC or less: Varistor)Indicator lightAC Neon bulbDC LEDTable 2. Note 1) Valve state is not defined if electrical input is outside of specified operatingranges.Note 2) At the rated voltage.2.3 Low wattage VK33# (Y, W) and continuous duty VK33#E types • Specifications different from standard are as follows:Apparent power [VA]ACInrush50 Hz 3.560 Hz 3.3 Holding50 Hz 3 60 Hz2.8Power consumption [W]DCWithout indicator light: 2 With indicator light: 2.3Table 3.Caution• If the valve is to be energized for periods of long ON time, continuous duty VK33#E type is recommended. This model is for continuous duty, not for high cycle rates. But even in low cycle rates, if energizing the valve for more than one once a day, please contact SMC. 2.4 Vacuum type VK33# (V, W)• In contrast to the standard product, this vacuum model has less air leakage at low pressures, a feature that should be taken into consideration when using this valve for vacuum applications. • Specifications different from standard are as follows:Operating pressure range [MPa]-101.2 kPa to 0.1Table 4.Caution• Since this valve has slight air leakage, it cannot be used for vacuum holding (including positive pressure holding) in the pressure container. 2.5 Light indicationFigure 1.2 Specifications - continued2.6 Special productsWarningSpecial products (-X) might have specifications different from those shown in this section. Contact SMC for specific drawings.3 Installation3.1 InstallationWarning• Do not install the product unless the safety instructions have been read and understood.• When mounting a valve on the manifold base or sub-plate, etc., the mounting orientation is already decided. If mounted in a wrong direction, the equipment to be connected may result in malfunction (see Figures 10 and 11 under section 3.13). VK300 series valves can be mounted on the manifold base VV5K3 of VK3000 series. Refer to catalogue for more details.3.2 EnvironmentWarning• Do not use in an environment where corrosive gases, chemicals, salt water or steam are present.• Do not use in an explosive atmosphere.• Do not expose to direct sunlight. Use a suitable protective cover.• Do not install in a location subject to vibration or impact in excess of the product’s specifications .• Do not mount in a location exposed to radiant heat that would result in temperatures in excess of the product’s specifications.• When the solenoid valve is mounted in a control panel or it is energized for a long time, make sure that the ambient temperature is within the specification of the valve.• If using in an atmosphere where there is possible contact with water droplets, oil, weld spatter, etc., take suitable preventive measures. • Do not use in high humidity environment where condensation can occur.• Contact SMC for altitude limitations. 3.3 PipingCaution• Before connecting piping make sure to clean up chips, cutting oil, dust etc.• When installing piping or fittings, ensure sealant material does not enter inside the port. When using seal tape, leave 1 thread exposed on the end of the pipe/fitting.• Tighten fittings to the specified tightening torque.Port Connection thread size(R, NPT) Tightening Torque[N∙m ] 1(P), 2(A), 3(R)M5 1 to 1.5 1/83 to 5Table 5.3.4 LubricationCaution• SMC products have been lubricated for life at manufacture, and do not require lubrication in service.• If a lubricant is used in the system, refer to catalogue for details.3.5 Air supplyWarning• Use clean air. If the compressed air supply includes chemicals, synthetic materials (including organic solvents), salinity, corrosive gas etc., it can lead to damage or malfunction.Caution• Install an air filter upstream of the valve. Select an air filter with a filtration size of 5 μm or smaller. 3.6 Effect of back pressure when using a manifoldCaution• Use caution when valves are used on a manifold, because an actuator may malfunction or unexpected movement may occur due to back pressure.• For single acting cylinder, take appropriate measures to prevent malfunction by using it with an individual exhaust manifold.3 Installation - continued3.7 Light/surge voltage suppressor3.7.1 AC circuitGrommet (G)DIN Terminal (D)Standard type:VContinuous dutytype: EStandard type:VContinuous dutytype: EWithout Indicator Light: S(G, GS)(D, DS)With indicator light: ZNoneFigure DC circuit (24V, 48V)Grommet (G)DIN Terminal (D)Standard type:Y, V, W Continuous dutytype: EStandard type:Y, V, W Continuous dutytype: EWithout Indicator Light: SWith Indicator Light : ZNoneFigure DC circuit (6V, 12V)Grommet (G)DIN Terminal (D)Standard type:Y, V, WContinuous dutytype: EStandard type:Y, V, WContinuous dutytype: EWithout Indicator Light: SWith Indicator Light: ZNoneFigure 4.CautionIn the case of valves without surge suppressor, the machine designer shall add suppression as close as possible to the valve.ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONSBody portedBase mountedV a r i s t o rC o i lC o i lC o i lC o i lD i o d e1 D i o d eV a r i s t o r122C o i lNeon bulb V a r i s t o r112Neon bulbD i o d eC o i lRed (+)Black (-)1 (+)2 (-)1 (+)2 (-)21122C o i lC o i lC o i lD i o d eD i o d eD i o d eLED C o i lC o i lV a r i s t o rV a r i s t o rC o i lLight (built-in connector) DIN type onlyFigure 5.Figure 6.3.8 Residual voltage of the surge voltage suppressorCaution• If a varistor or diode surge voltage suppressor is used, the suppressor arrests the back EMF voltage from the coil to approximately 1 V.• Ensure the transient voltage is within the specification of the host controller.• Valve response time is dependent on surge suppression method selected. 3.9 Countermeasure for surge voltageCaution• At times of sudden interruption of the power supply, the energy stored in a large inductive device may cause non-polar type valves in a de-energized state to switch.• When installing a breaker circuit to isolate the power, consider a valve with polarity (with polarity protection diode), or install a surge absorption diode across the output of the breaker. 3.10 How to wire DIN terminal wiring Caution• Use heavy duty cable with O.D. of Ø3.5 mm to Ø7 mm, otherwise it will not meet the IP65 (enclosure) standard (reference: 0.5 mm 2 2 core and 3 core wires equivalent to JIS C 3306).• Tighten the ground nut and set screw within the specified torque range.Figure 7.Figure 8. DIN type C• Refer to catalogue for additional details.3.10.1 Circuit with indicator light for DIN terminalFigure Changing cable entry directionCaution• After separating terminal block and housing, the cable entry direction can be changed by attaching the housing in the desired direction (4 directions in 90 degree increments).• In the case of valve with indicator light, avoid damaging the light with lead wire . 3.11 Extended periods of continuous energizationWarningIf a valve is energized continuously for a long period of time or is mounted in a control panel, the rise in temperature due to heat rise of the coil assembly may cause a decline in solenoid valve performance, reduce service life, or have adverse effects on peripheral equipment. If the valve is to be energized continuously for a long period of time, be sure to use the continuous duty type (VK33#E). 3.12 Manual overrideWarningRegardless of an electric signal for the valve, the manual override is used for switching the main valve. Connected actuator is started by manual operation. Only use the manual override after confirming that there is nodanger.3.13 Mounting and removal of valves• Tighten the valve mounting screw and bracket screw (if required) to the appropriate tightening torque of 0.6 N·m.• Refer catalogue for details of mounting and removal of valves from manifold.Figure 10.Figure 11.4 How to OrderRefer to catalogue for ‘How to order’ or product drawing for special products.5 Outline Dimensions (mm)Refer to catalogue for outline dimensions.6 Maintenance6.1 General maintenanceCaution• Not following proper maintenance procedures could cause the product to malfunction and lead to equipment damage.• If handled improperly, compressed air can be dangerous.• Maintenance of pneumatic systems should be performed only by qualified personnel.• Before performing maintenance, turn off the power supply and be sure to cut off the supply pressure. Confirm that the air is released to atmosphere.• After installation and maintenance, apply operating pressure and power to the equipment and perform appropriate functional and leakage tests to make sure the equipment is installed correctly.• If any electrical connections are disturbed during maintenance, ensure they are reconnected correctly and safety checks are carried out as required to ensure continued compliance with applicable national regulations.• Do not make any modification to the product.• Do not disassemble the product, unless required by installation or maintenance instructions.7 Limitations of UseWarningThe system designer should determine the effect of the possible failure modes of the product on the system.7.1 Limited warranty and disclaimer/compliance requirements Refer to Handling Precautions for SMC Products.7.2 Breathing holeCautionFigure 12.There is a breathing hole on the bottom surface of the valve. Please note that liquid may enter or block the breathing hole, which may cause malfunction.7.3 Leakage voltageCautionEnsure that any leakage voltage caused by the leakage current when the switching element is OFF causes ≤2% (for DC coils) or ≤20% (for AC coils) of rated voltage across the valve. 7.4 Low temperature operationCautionUnless otherwise indicated in the specifications for each valve, operation is possible to -5˚C , but appropriate measures should be taken to avoid solidification or freezing of drainage and moisture, etc.7.5 Holding of pressure (including vacuum)WarningSince valves are subject to air leakage, they cannot be used for applications such as holding pressure (including vacuum) in a system. 7.6 Cannot be used as an emergency shut-off valveWarningThis product is not designed for safety applications such as an emergency shut-off valve. If the valves are used in this type of system, other reliable safety assurance measures should be adopted. 7.7 Safety relays or PLCWarningIf a safe output from a safety relay or PLC is used to operate this valve, ensure that any output test pulse duration is shorter than 1 ms to avoid the valve solenoid responding. 7.8 Spring returned spool valvesWarning• The use of 2-position single valves with spring returned spools has to be carefully considered.• The return of the valve spool into the de-energized position depends on the pilot pressure. If the pilot pressure drops below the specified operating pressure the position of the spool cannot be defined. The design of the system must take into account such behaviour.• Additional measures might be necessary. For example, the installation of an additional air tank to maintain the pilot pressure.8 Product DisposalThis product shall not be disposed of as municipal waste. Check your local regulations and guidelines to dispose this product correctly, in order to reduce the impact on human health and the environment.9 ContactsRefer to or for your local distributor/importer.URL : https:// (Global) https:// (Europe) SMC Corporation, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, JapanSpecifications are subject to change without prior notice from the manufacturer. © 2021 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved. Template DKP50047-F-085MPPPPPP R NLLEDR RLED D NL: Neon bulb R: ResistorLED: Light emittingdiodeR: ResistorD: Protective diodeLED: Light emitting diode R: ResistorRed (+) Black (-) Surge voltage suppressorMarkingIndicator light (Built-in connector)Surge voltage suppressor(Built-in terminal)Marking AC, 12 VDC or less for DCFor 24 V or more Compatible cable: of Ø3.5 mm to Ø7mmGround nutTightening torque WasherGrommet (Rubber) (Voltage symbol) Terminal screw (3 positions)Tightening torque 0.2 N·m to 0.25 N·mHolding screw Tightening torque 0.3 N·m to 0.4 N·m Housing (Position for light mounting) Terminal block Slot area(+)(-)Bleed hole1.65 N·m to2.5 N·mN·m P RRPRRP RRPR PR RRPR RPRRPPPPPGround。




气动系统的设计一.工作方式设计1.运动一的工作顺序图(单个工作周期为19秒)1234567上升伸出夹紧缩回手腕正转90°手臂正摆180°手腕反转90°8910111213 下降二次伸出松开二次缩回手臂反摆180°延时 2.运动二的工作顺序图(单个工作周期为42秒)12345反摆135°伸出500mm夹紧缩回500mm 正摆45°678910伸出125mm松开缩回125mm正摆45°伸出500mm 1112131415夹紧缩回500mm 上升100mm反摆45°伸出125mm 1617181920松开缩回125mm 伸出125mm 夹紧缩回125mm2122232425下降100mm正摆45°伸出500mm松开缩回500mm 2627282930反摆45°伸出125mm夹紧缩回125mm 反摆45°3132333435缩回500mm松开缩回500mm 正摆135°延时1秒3.运动三的工作顺序图(单个工作周期为53.5秒)12345上升伸出500mm夹紧缩回500mm手腕正转90°678910手臂正摆180° 手腕反转90° 下降二次伸出478.5mm松开1112131415二次缩回478.5mm手臂反摆180° 上升伸出500mm 夹紧1617181920缩回500mm手腕正转90° 手臂正摆171°手腕反转90° 下降2122232425二次伸出500mm松开二次缩回500mm手臂反摆171° 上升2627282930伸出500mm 夹紧缩回500米手腕正转90° 手臂正摆180° 3132333435手腕反转90° 下降二次伸出337.5mm松开二次缩回337.5mm3637手臂反摆180° 延时1秒〈下一页〉二.执行元件选择1、执行元件耗气量计算:查《机械设计手册》第5分册,可知伸缩型气缸的耗气量:有活塞杆腔时,无活塞杆腔时,式中:q v1——缸前进时(杆伸出)无杆腔(包括柱塞缸)压缩空气消耗量(m3/s);q v2——缸后退时(杆缩回)有杆腔压缩空气消耗量(m3/s);D——气缸内径(柱塞缸的柱塞直径)(m)d——活塞杆直径 (m)t1——气缸前进(杆伸出)时完成全行程所需时间 (s)t2——气缸后退(杆缩回)时完成全行程所需时间 (s)s——缸的行程 (m)查SMC培训教材《现代实用气动技术》,可知摆动气缸的耗气量:式中:q rH——摆动气缸的最大耗气量;(L/min)V——摆动气缸的内部容积;(cm3)P——使用压力,(MPa)t——摆动时间,(s)①夹紧气缸:已知气缸内径D=0.040(m),行程s=0.04(m),全行程所需的时间t1=0.5(s)那么该气缸的耗气量:②伸缩气缸:已知气缸内径D=0.032(m),活塞杆直径d=0.012(m),行程s=0.5(m),全行程所需的时间t2=2(s)那么该气缸的耗气量:③手腕回转气缸:已知气缸体积V=94.25(cm3),使用压力P=0.5(MPa),摆动时间t=0.5(s)那么该气缸的耗气量:④手臂升降气缸:已知气缸内径D=0.05(m),活塞杆直径d=0.02(m),行程s=0.3(m),全行程所需的时间t2=1.5(s)那么该气缸的耗气量:⑤摆动气缸:已知气缸体积V=1300(cm3),使用压力p=0.5(MPa),摆动时间t=2(s)那么该气缸的耗气量:则,各执行元件的类型与主要尺寸参数如下表3-1表3-1 各执行元件类型及尺寸参数部件气缸标号内径mm 活塞杆直径mm行程mm全行程所需时间s耗气量cm3/s手指部分夹紧气缸CDQ2B40-40DC 40 / 35 0.5 100.48手腕部分腕部气缸CDRB1BW50-180S 50 / 90° 1 113.48 伸缩气缸MDBB32-500 32 12 500 2 200.96 升降气缸MDBB50-300 50 20 300 1.5 392.5手臂部分摆动气缸QGK-1RSD80T180-E2 80 /0°~180°2 391.3〈上一页〉〈下一页〉三.控制元件选择1.类型初定根据气动回路系统对控制元件的流量要求、工作压力、工作环境及工作可靠性,结合气动回路原理图,初选各控制阀如下:主控电磁换向阀:全部选用SMC的VFS系列,通径待定;单向节流阀:全部选用SMC的AS系列,通径待定。



美国ASCO电磁阀常用型号SCG531D001MS SCG551B401MO SCG551A066 SCG552A001 SCG551A002SCG551A001MS SCG551A017MS SCG552A017MS 238410-058-D272614-155-D 238410-058-D 238710-006-D 238610-158-D238610-032-D 238614-058-D 238510-034-D 272614-155-D272610-132-D 238714-006-D 238710-006-D 272610-058-D238210-058-D 064982-005-D EF8551A001MS EF8551A017MSEFG551H465 EFG551H466 EFG552G401MO 8210G94HT8316G64 57000014 57000103 HT8316G64HT8344G80 WSNF8327A112 8320G174 8210G009EF8210G201 EF8262G212 NF8327B002 8344G0728223G027 8263G205LT 8316G066 EF8320G174EF8320G176 8320G184 EF8320G184 8320G186EFG551H401 238610-058-D 099257-006-D WT8551A001MSEF8551A001MS SCG551A201 8551B401 EF8344G370WSNF8327B112 OFSF8263G206V NFG353A043 SCG353A05152100001 52100004 52100005 5200038012600024 60562300 34600137 JBEF8320G174SCG553A017 SCG551A419 18900001 NFB327A00252100008 52000008 35500335 3550033335500337 35500341 43004886 3550034635500347 35500338 SCG551A005MS SCG551A017MSSCG551A018MS SCG551A001MS SCG551A002MS EFG551H401MO54200001 12600008 NFB370A047 NF8327B112SCG531B001MS WSNF8551A421 SCB344A074 SC8344A074SCE370A008MS EFG551G401M0 8215B50 E238A204SCE238A004 SCXB320A178 EF8316G4 EF8210G48342G003 EFG551B401MO EF8316G54 EFG551H401MO8344B60M0 8355A082 HT8344G44 8210G15美国ASCO阿斯卡直动式电磁阀的分类:直动式电磁阀原理:通电时,电磁线圈产生电磁力把关闭件从阀座上提起,阀门打开;断电时,电磁力消失,弹簧把关闭件压在阀座上,阀门关闭。



Principle of Operation:SM Series Valves are designed specifically for use with matching orifice Medium Pressure Cone & Thread Fittings and Tubing for the most efficient flow path possible using Cone & Thread style connections. Designed for a maximum of 20,000 psi MAWP using high tensile strength UNS S31600 cold worked 316 Stainless Steel material as standard, we include larger ID tubing rated to 15,000 psi (15SM valves) for even higher flow rate capability.Medium Pressure Valve Features:Temperature Rated -423° to 1200°F (-252° to 650°C) with associated packing/material options • Designed for use with Medium Pressure cold worked 316/316L stainless steel tubing as standard • 15SM Series Hi-Flow valves available in sizes from 9/16" to 1-1/2" (See matched-bore tubing)• 20SM Series valves available in sizes from 1/4" to 1" (See matched-bore tubing)• UNS S31600, CW 316 Stainless Steel body construction as standard. See Technical brochure for additional material options• Non-rotating stem prevents stem/seat galling• Metal-to-Metal seating achieves bubble-tight shut-off, longer stem/seat life, greater durability for repeated on/off cycles and excellent corrosion resistance. These valves can be used with liquid or gas.• PTFE packing below stem threads provides dependable stem and body sealing. Optional packing materials available.• Choice of Vee (shutoff) or Regulating (Flow Control) stem tips • Replaceable Seat Option available with Right Angle 2-way body style• Optional N-Dura Stem and Seat coating or Stellite material option for severe service available • Pneumatic and Electric Actuator Options available - see page 8 for more detailsTraceability is ensured by use of heat and purchase order codes etched on valve body that also includes model number, MAWP rating, and material type references. All valves include connection collar and gland nut unlessrequested otherwise. Parker Autoclave Engineers’ valves are complemented by a complete line of Medium Pressure Cone & Thread fittings, tubing, check valves, relief valves, and line filters.Note: SM Series fully replaces 20SC, 20SV , and 15SV Series. 15SM Series replaces 10SM Series. 20SM and 15SM repair kits are used to repair these valve types.All Parker Autoclave Engineers products are designed in accordance with ASME B31.3 Chapter IX High Pressure Piping standards.Needle ValveMedium Pressure Cone & Thread 20,000 psi (1380 bar)15SM and 20SM Series2Needle Valves: SM Series 02-0112SE 0520SM Series Needle Valve:Pressures to 20,000 psi (1379 bar)* C v values shown are for 2-way straight valve pattern. For 2-way angle patterns, increase C V value 50%. (Based on water). Formula for converting Cv to volumetric flow can be found in Technical Information section.** Maximum Allowable Working Pressures decrease as temperatures increase - see pressure/temperature rating guide in Technical Information section.Valve Packing Options:Standard Parker Autoclave Engineers valves with PTFE packing may be operated from 0°F (-18°C) to 450°F (232°C). High and Cryogenic temperature packing and/or extended stuffing box are available for service from -423°F (-252°C) to 1200°F (650°C) by adding the following suffixes to catalog order number: -BCryogenic trim materials and PTFE packing required when below 0°F (-18°C) to -100°F (-73°C) -LT Extended packing option with PTFE packing and Cryogenic trim materials to -423°F (-252°C)-TG Standard valve with PTFE-Glass packing -100°F (-73°C) to 600°F (316°C) (See also -B option above when below 0°F (-18°C) -GY Standard valve with Graphite Yarn packing 32°F (0°C) to 800°F (427°C). Used when selecting HT option. (Note: 3/4” valve rated 8000 psi (552 bar) and 1” rated 6000 psi (412 bar) max with Graphite Yarn packing.) -HT Extended stuffing box valve with Graphite Braided Yarn packing to 1200°F (650°C)For the effect on max pressure due to High Temperatures, please see “Technical Brochure” in main catalog.Note: Refer to Tools, Installation & Operation catalog for proper connection, packing, seating & running torques.Generalized Flow Coefficient Curves (C v )% of rated C vN u m b e r o f t u r n s o p e n10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10076543210Vee StemRegulating StemSM Series Flow Curve for Vee and Regulating Stem Valves3Needle Valves: SM Series 02-0112SE 0520Ordering Guide:For complete information on available stem types, optional connections and additional valve options, see pages 8-9 or contact your Sales Representative. SM Series valves are furnished complete with connection components, unlessotherwise specified.Notes:Valve Manuals can be found on our website at . Connection, Running and Seating Torques can be found in the productmanual or in our Tools and Installation Catalog Section. Valves that have not been cycled for a substantial period of time may require higher initial actuation torque.*Replaceable seat option is sold with two (2) seat surfaces 180º apart.Notes:316 SS valve bodies are cold worked and not suitable for use in NACE (ISO 15156) applications. If required, contact factory for options.* SOG suffix also changes CW 316 SS Body material to Annealed 316 SS suitable for NACE service, Pressure reduction of 60% possible*** Special Materials often have reduced MAWP ratings, see Technical brochure for assistance and for additional material options.4 - GY packing increases friction on stem which can limit max pressure in larger valves (3/4" is limited to 8,000 psi and 1" is limited to 6000 psi)Note: use of optional material only changes “wetted parts” to selected material. Items like collars and glands remain CW 316/316L SS. Use -SOG (Includes hardness check for NACE) or -AP suffixNeedle Valve Panel MountPanel Hole Size:Basic Repair Kits for 316 SS Material:Material of Construction:4Needle Valves: SM Series 02-0112SE 0520All dimensions for reference only and subject to change • For prompt service, Parker Autoclave stocks select products. Consult factory.5 Needle Valves: SM Series 02-0112SE 05206Needle Valves: SM Series 02-0112SE 0520H* - Dimension is with stem in closed positionAll dimensions for reference only and subject to change • For prompt service, Parker Autoclave stocks select products. Consult factory.7Needle Valves: SM Series 02-0112SE 0520H* - Dimension is with stem in closed positionAll dimensions for reference only and subject to change • For prompt service, Parker Autoclave stocks select products. Consult factory.8Needle Valves: SM Series 02-0112SE 0520Electric Valve Actuators :Remotely controlling process flow at high pressure enhances safety and low-ers labor costs. Parker Autoclave Engineers developed a flow control valve available in several models including weatherproof and explosionproof options.The Electrically Actuated Shut-off/Flow Regulating Actuator (FRC Series) is available for most of our SM Series Valves through 9/16" tubing size and full working pressure. Explosion proof version is rated for hydrogen service and can withstand wide process temperature ranges.Pneumatic Valve Actuators :The need to control process and vent valves from a remote location makes air operated valves a vital component to many processing operations. All Parker Autoclave Engineers’ valves are available with piston type actuators. Five sizes of air actuators (light, mini-light, medium, heavy duty or extra heavy, single and double stage) are offered to meet the service require-ments of Parker Autoclave Engineers’ Low, Medium and High Pressure needle valves. Both air-to-open (normally closed) and air-to-close (normally open) designs are included in the product line. Optional air to open AND close actuators available upon request. Please see our Pneumatic ValveActuator Brochure to help size the proper actuator for your application.Stem Options :both control and shut-off. While it is not as precise as the control associated with the MicroMetering stem, especially with smaller flows, it does offer substantially better control than the Vee stem.increase service life.9Needle Valves: SM Series 02-0112SE 0520High/Low Temperature Extension:Used in extreme temperature applications to move packing from flow stream with heatsink to moderate temperature.-HT High Temperature (over 800°F (427°C))-LTLow Temperature (under -100°F (-73°C))ES Stem Extender:Stem extenders are offered for High and Low temperature operation or to extend through panel or barricade.To order valve with Stem Extender, add “ES-” and length (6”, 12”, 18”, 24”) to beginning of valve part number e.g. ES12-20SM6071. Other lengths to special order.To order Stem Extender only, provide valve model prefix e.g. ES12-20SM6. Handle not included – use same provided with original valve.Needle Valve Clam Shell Handle Lockout:(order separately using part numbers shown below, padlock not included)Clam Shell Handle locks are provided to lockout valves in open or closed position preventing unauthorized personnel from actuating valve during shutdown or emergency situations.This clamshell design is available in four (4) sizes dependent on handle length:P/N AE004855 – 1" to 2.5" handle length P/N 90088 – 2.5" to 5.0" handle length P/N 90194 – 6.5" to 10" handle lengthP/N AE004350 – 8" to 13" handle length10Needle Valves: SM Series 02-0112SE 0520SM Medium Pressure Connection: Step by Step Assembly InstructionsAssembly InstructionsSM Series Medium Pressure Needle Valve - Pressures to 20,000 psi (1379 bar)Parker’s Motion & Control TechnologiesAt Parker, we’re guided by a relentless drive to help our customers become more productive and achieve higher levels of profitability by engineeringthe best systems for their requirements. It means looking at customer applications from many angles to find new ways to create value. Whateverthe motion and control technology need, Parker has the experience, breadth of product and global reach to consistently deliver. No company knows more about motion and control technology than Parker. For further information call 1-800-C-Parker.11Needle Valves: SM Series 02-0112SE 0520! CAUTION !Do not mix or interchange component parts or tubing with those of other manufacturers. Doing so is unsafe and will void warranty.Parker Autoclave Engineers Valves, Fittings, and Tools are not designed to interface with common commercial instrument tubing and are designed to only connect with tubing manufactured toParker Autoclave Engineers AES specifications. Failure to do so is unsafe and will void warranty.Offer of SaleThe items described in this document are available for sale by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries or its authorized distributors. Any sale contract entered by Parker will begoverned by the provisions stated in Parker's standard terms and conditions of sale (copy available upon request).©2020 Parker Hannifin Corporation | Autoclave Engineers is a registered trademark of the Parker Hannifin Corporation Literature #: 02-0112SE May 2020ISO-9001 CertifiedInstrumentation Products Division Autoclave Engineers Operation 8325 Hessinger Drive Erie, PA 16509-4679Tel: 814 860 5700Fax: 814 860 /ipdInstrumentation Products Division Division Headquarters 1005 A Cleaner WayHuntsville, AL 35805 USA Tel: 256 881 2040Fax: 256 881 5072Parker Hannifin Manufacturing Ltd.Instrumentation Products Division, EuropeRiverside RoadPottington Business ParkBarnstaple, UK, EX31 1NP , UK Tel: 44 1271 313131Fax: 44 1271 373636WARNINGFAILURE, IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS AND/OR SYSTEMS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH,PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE.This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product and/or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application and review the information concerning the product or system in the current product catalog. Due to the variety of operating conditions and applications for these products or systems, the user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met. The prod-ucts described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing, are subject to change by Parker Hannifin Corporation and its subsidiaries at any time without notice.Needle Valves: SM Series 02-0112SE 0520Parker WorldwideNorth AmericaUSA – Corporate, Cleveland, OH Tel: +1 256 896 3000USA – IPD, Huntsville, AL Tel: +1 256 881 2040*****************USA – IPD, (Autoclave), Erie, PA Tel: +1 814 860 5700*******************CA – Canada, Grimsby, Ontario Tel +1 905-945-2274*********************South AmericaAR – Argentina, Buenos Aires Tel: +54 3327 44 4129 ******************BR – Brazil, Diadema, SP Diadema, SPTel: +55 11 4360 6700******************CL – Chile, Santiago Tel: +56 (0) 2 2303 9640******************MX – Mexico, Toluca Tel: +52 722 275 4200*******************Asia PacificAU – Australia, Dandenong Tel: +61 (0)2 9842 5150******************************CN – China, Shanghai Tel: +86 21 2899 5000*****************************HK – Hong Kong Tel: +852 2428 8008IN – India, MumbaiTel: +91 22 6513 7081-85ID – Indonesia, Tangerang Tel: +62 2977 7900********************JP – Japan, Tokyo Tel: +(81) 3 6365 4020******************KR – South Korea, Seoul Tel: +82 2 559 0400*******************MY – Malaysia, Selangor Tel: +603 784 90 800*******************SG – Singapore,Tel: +65 6887 6300*******************TH – Thailand, Bangkok Tel: +66 2 186 7000*********************TW – Taiwan, Taipei Tel: +886 2 2298 8987*************************VN – Vietnam, Hochi Minh City Tel: +848 382 508 56**********************Europe, Middle East, AfricaAE – UAE, Dubai Tel: +971 4 812 7100********************AT – Austria, Wiener Neustadt Tel: +43 (0)2622 23501-0*************************AT – Eastern Europe, Wiener Neustadt Tel: +43 (0)2622 23501 900****************************AZ – Azerbaijan, Baku Tel: +994 50 2233 458****************************BE/LU – Belgium, Nivelles Tel: +32 (0)67 280 900*************************BG – Bulgaria, Sofia Tel: +359 2 980 1344**************************BY – Belarus, Minsk Tel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00*************************CH – Switzerland, Etoy Tel: +41 (0) 21 821 87 00*****************************CZ – Czech Republic, Klecany Tel: +420 284 083 111*******************************DE – Germany, Kaarst Tel: +49 (0)2131 4016 0*************************DK – Denmark, Ballerup Tel: +45 43 56 04 00*************************ES – Spain, Madrid Tel: +34 902 33 00 01***********************FI – Finland, VantaaTel: +358 (0)20 753 2500*************************FR – France, Contamine s/Arve Tel: +33 (0)4 50 25 80 25************************GR – Greece, Athens Tel: +30 210 933 6450************************HU – Hungary, Budapest Tel: +36 223 885 470*************************IE – Ireland, DublinTel: +353 (0)1 466 6370*************************IT – Italy, Corsico (Ml)Tel: +39 02 45 19 21***********************KZ – Kazakhstan, Almaty Tel: +7 7273 561 000****************************NL – The Netherlands, Oldenzaal Tel: +31 (0)541 585 000********************NO – Norway, Stavanger Tel: +47 66 75 34 00************************PL – Poland, Warsaw Tel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00************************PT – Portugal, Leca da Palmeira Tel: +351 22 999 7360**************************RO – Romania, Bucharest Tel: +40 21 252 1382*************************RU – Russia, Moscow Tel: +7 495 645-2156************************SE – Sweden, Spånga Tel: +46 (0)8 59 79 50 00************************SK – Slovakia, Banská Bystrica Tel: +421 484 162 252**************************SL – Slovenia, Novo Mesto Tel: +386 7 337 6650**************************TR – Turkey, Istanbul Tel: +90 216 4997081************************UA – Ukraine, KievTel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00*************************UK – United Kingdom, Warwick Tel: +44 (0)1926 317 878********************ZA – South Africa, Kempton Park Tel: +27 (0)11 961 0700*****************************。

SMC AS2002F-04A 2包装 1 8 寸推锁式连接器说明书

SMC AS2002F-04A 2包装 1 8 寸推锁式连接器说明书

2F 06A200AS Body sizeWith One-touch fittingsHow to Order Push-lock type Applicable tubing O.D.∗1Metric sizeInch size∗ 1 For selecting applicable tubingO.D., refer to the “Model” shown above.∗ 2 Use ø1/8" tubing.01ø1/8"03ø5/32"07ø1/4"09ø5/16"11ø3/8"13ø1/2"23ø3.2∗204ø406ø608ø810ø1012ø12100M5 standard 2001/8 standard 2051/4 standard 3003/8 standard 4001/2 standardCautionBe sure to read this before handling the products.Refer to the back cover for safety instructions. For flow control equipment precautions, refer to the “Handling Precautions for SMC Products” and the “Operation Manual” on the SMC website: Made to OrderLubricant: Vaseline-X12Example) AS2002F-04A-X12Restrictor (Without check valve)Clean Series-X21410-Example) AS2002F-04A-X214Example) 10-AS2002F-04AGrease-free (Seal: Fluorine-coated) + Restrictor (Without check valve)-X21Example) AS2002F-04A-X21∗ Not particle-freeMade to Order∗1 Fluorine grease is used.∗2 The cleanliness class (ISO class) is 5.∗1 U se caution at the max. operating pressure when using soft nylon orpolyurethane tubing. (Refer to the Web Catalog for details.)Flow Direction Symbol on BodyModelFlow Rate and Sonic ConductanceSpecificationsModelApplicable tubing O.D.Metric size Inch size 3.246810121/8"5/32"1/4"5/16"3/8"1/2"AS1002F V V V VV V AS2002F VV VV AS2052F V V V V AS3002F VVV V VVV AS4002FV VVVSymbolFluid Air Proof pressure 1.5 MPa Max. operating pressure 1 MPa Min. operating pressure 0.1 MPa Ambient and fluid temperatures −5 to 60°C (No freezing)Applicable tubing material Nylon, Soft nylon, Polyurethane ∗1, FEP, PFAModel AS1002F-m A AS2002F-m A AS2052F-m A AS3002F-m AAS4002F-m ATubing O.D.Metric size ø3.2ø4ø6ø4ø6ø6ø8ø6ø8ø10ø12ø10ø12Inch size ø1/8"ø5/32"ø1/4"ø5/32"ø1/4"ø1/4"ø5/16"ø1/4"ø5/16"ø3/8"—ø3/8"ø1/2"C values:Sonicconductance dm 3/(s·bar)Free flow 1.0 1.2 1.1 1.6 2.2 2.6 2.4 3.5Controlled flow0.30.40.6 4.1b values: Criticalpressure ratio Free flow flow0.∗ C and b values are for controlled flow with the needle fully open and free flow with the needle fully closed.∗ The same specifications also apply to the AS-FG series (stainless steel type).3Speed Controller with One-touch Fittings (In-line Type)AS SeriesBrassIn-lineRoHS。

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