期末练习题 (4)

期末练习题 (4)
期末练习题 (4)


. Mark the following statements with “T” if they are true or “F” if they are false

1.If we are not fully aware of the nature and mechanism of our language, we will be ignorant of

what constitutes our essential humanity.

2. A phoneme is the smallest unit of sound and cannot be further analyzed.

3.Anthropological linguistics refers to the approach which studies language over various

periods of time and at various historical stages.

4.The features that define our human languages can be called distinctive features.

5.The stimulus-response model provides the point of departure for behaviorist research.

6.V oice is a grammatical category of verbs which expresses the subjective attitude of the

speaker towards the state of affairs described by the utterance.

7.“The ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language” defined by Chomsky is

communicative competence.

8.AUTHORIAL STYLE looks closely at how linguistic choices help to construct textual

meaning. When we examine it, we will need to examine linguistic choices which are intrinsically connected with meaning and effect on the reader.

9. Phonetic similarity means that the allophones of a phoneme must bear some phonetic resemblance.

10. Slips of the tongue or pen made by either foreign language learners or native speakers are generally referred to as lapses.

11. A lingua franca has to be a native language currently spoken by particular people.

12. Manner of Articulation is the only way by which we tell whether a sound is a consonant or not.

13. Noun phrases, verb phrases and prepositional phrases usually form endocentric constructions.

14. Embedding is the means by which one clause is included in the main clause in syntactic subordination.

15. Meaning is extracted from text or speech by relating what is presented to information stored in short-term memory.

16. In English some books is a case of number relativism.

17. T he belief that speakers of different language perceive and experience the world differently is the notion of language relativism.

18. A single phoneme always represents a single morpheme.

19. Blending is a form of compounding, in which a new word is created by cutting the final part, initial part or cutting both the initial and the final of a word.

20. Parole is the term used by Saussure to refer to utterances.

. Fill in each of the following blanks with an appropriate word with the hint of the initial letter (W rite complete word forms on your answer sheet).

1.The r________ theory of meaning which related the meaning of a word to the real world.

2.R________ is the term used in linguistics to describe the relationship between a particular

style of language and its context of use.

3.V_______ is made with the back of the tongue and the soft palate. An example in English is

[k] as in cat.

4.Evidence in support of lateralization for language in the left hemisphere of the brain comes

from researches in d_______ listening tasks.

5. A major theory in p_______ is the theory of conversational implicature, proposed by Grice.

6.In the aspect of sense relation, when a word is a hyponym of itself, it is called an a_________.

7.Bound morphemes contain two types: roots and a________.

8.The p_________ function of language can extend to control of reality as on some magical or

religious occasions.

9.Foreign language learners will subconsciously use their L1 knowledge in learning the foreign

language and this is called language t_________.

10.When two words are c________ antonyms, one always presupposes the other.

. Mark the choice that best completes the statement

1._____ function constructs a model of experience and logical relations.

A. Interpersonal

B. Textual

C. Metalingual

D. Ideational

2.______ is not the term used to classify the English consonants in terms of manner of articulation.

A. Approximant

B. Lateral

C. Plosive

D. Bilabial

3.In the following word _______, the articulation of bilabial is not manifested.


B. met

C. how

D. web

4.Triphthongal glides in English can be heard in the word _______.


B. toy

C. how

D. wire

5.In the words maps, dogs, watches, mice and sheep, each of /s/, /z/, /iz/, /ai/ and /i:/ is a(an) ______ of the plural form.


B. allophone

C. similar phoneme D .counter phoneme

6.In the word international, national is ________.

A.a suffix

B. a root

C. a stem

D. a prefix

7.The agent of the sentence Sam was hit by a truck running behind a car is ________.

A.a car

B. Sam

C. a truck

D. none of the above

8.The following statements are in accordance with Halliday's opinions on language EXPECT _______.

A.The use of language involves a network of systems of choices

https://www.360docs.net/doc/0017918706.html,nguage is never used as a mere mirror of reflected thought

https://www.360docs.net/doc/0017918706.html,nguage is a system of abstract forms and signs

https://www.360docs.net/doc/0017918706.html,nguage functions as a piece of human behavior

https://www.360docs.net/doc/0017918706.html,ponential Analysis is a way proposed by the _______ semanticists to analyze the word meaning.

A. structural

B. cognitive

C. behavioral

D. functional

10. Of the following pairs of words, ____belongs to the type of complementary antonyms.

A. employer/employee

B. captive/free

C. rich/poor

D. Fast/slow

11. The following are factors that help to produce near synonyms EXCEPT___

A. conceptual difference

B. stylistic difference

C. dialectal difference

D. connotative difference

12. The research purposes of sociolinguistics include all the following EXCEPT____

A. to generalize the societal rules that explain and constrain language behavior

B. to discover the relationship between speakers’ social status and their phonological variations

C. to determine the symbolic value of language varieties for their speakers

D. to draw inferences about the relationship between register and kinds of change in language

13.The presence of a conversational implicature relies on all the following factors EXCEPT____

A. the Principle of Manner

B. the conventional meaning of words used

C. the CP

D. the linguistic and situational contexts

14. The following statement “There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of a Frenchman” is an example of ____

A. metonymy

B. synecdoche

15.The utility of the corpus is increased when it has been_______


B. sorted

C. annotated

D. programmed

16.To know how much a learner has mastered the content of a particular course, a teacher should set up _____ test.

A.an aptitude

B. an achievement

C. a diagnostic

D. a proficiency

17.The opinion that " Errors show that the learner has not changed his mother tongue habits into desired habits of the new language" is very likely to be held by______


B. functional grammarians

C. transformational-generative grammarians

D. formalists

18.Which of the following findings concerning basic processes in reading is NOT true?

A.The reader is believed to carry out the processes required to understand each word and its relationship to previous words in the sentence as soon as that word is encountered.

B.The reader's eyes move across a page of text smoothly.

C.The perceptual span encompasses fewer letters to the left of fixation but more to the right.

D.The perceptual span covers almost 20 letters.

19.Firth did not regard language as_____

A.a social process

B.a set of agreed-upon semiotics and signals

C.a means of doing things and making others do things

D.a means of social life

20. MOOD and MODALITY in Systemic Functional Grammar help to realize _______ function.


B. textual

C. interpersonal

D. metalingual

21.In a syllable, a vowel often serves as ________.

A.Peak or Nucleus

B. Onset

C. Coda

D. Stress

22.In terms of the meaning expressed by words, they can be classified into _________.

A.grammatical words and lexical words

B.content words and lexical words

C.grammatical words and function words

D.full words and empty words

23.Ploy-morphemic words other than compounds may be divided into _________.

A.roots and affixes

B.bound morphemes and free morphemes

C.free morphemes

D.roots and free morphemes

24._________ can best describe the following group of words.

A.inflection and compound

B. compound and derivation

C. inflection and derivation

D. derivation and blending

25. In English, CASE is a special form of the noun which frequently corresponds to a combination of preposition and noun, and it is realized in all the following channels EXCEPT .


B. following a preposition

C. word order

D. following an adjective

26. Which of the following is NOT included in G. Leech’s seven types of meaning?

A. Connotative meaning

B. Referential meaning

C. Contextual meaning

D. Affective meaning

27. studies the internal structure of simple propositions.

A. Predicate calculus

B. Propositional calculus

C. Sentential calculus

D. Truth value

28. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, also called as Linguistic determinism, has alternatively been referred to as .

A. Linguistic resemblance

B. Linguistic relativity

C. Linguistic universality

D. Linguistic rationality

29. Four categories of Maxims in Grice’s Cooperative Principle include all the following EXCEPT .





30. The following are MT research methods EXCEPT .

A. The linguistic approach

B. The interlingual approach

C. The transfer approach

D. The corpus-based

31. The sense relation which holds the pair of words here----there is .

A. homonymy

B. complementary antonymy

C. gradable antonymy

D. converse antontmy

32. The sense relation which holds the pair of words before----after is .

A. homonymy

B. complementary antonymy

C. gradable antonymy

D. converse antontmy

33. The sense relation which holds the pair of words sweet-suite is .

A. homonymy

B. complementary antonymy

C. gradable antonymy

D. synonymy

34. The sense relation which holds the pair of words richer-poorer is .

A. homonymy

B. complementary antonymy

C. gradable antonymy

D. converse antontmy

35. The sense relation which holds the pair of words morning star-evening star is .

A. synonymy

B. hyponymy

C. gradable antonymy

D. homonymy

36. The sense relation which holds the pair of words potato chips-junk food is .

A. synonymy

B. hyponymy

C. Homonymy

D. converse antontmy

37. In plain English CAUSE(x, (~HA VE(x,y))) means .

A. x gives y x

B. x does not have y

C. x causes y not to have x

D. x causes x not to have y

38. The connective implication cprresponds to the English .

A. “if…then”

B. “if and only if…”

C. “and”

D. “or”

39. Cognitive linguists look at the sentence I fell into a depression as a case of metaphors.

A. ontological

B. structural

C. orientational

D. vertical

40. Pair falls into the syntagmatic association.

A. pen-write

B. black-white

C. judge-guard

D. farm-harm

IV. Answer the following questions briefly

https://www.360docs.net/doc/0017918706.html,e your linguistic knowledge of sense relations to explain what makes the following

humorous. (10 points)

a.Question: Why was Six afraid?

Answer: Because Seven Eight Nine.

b. Education kills by degrees.

2.What design feature/s of language does each of the following language phenomena show?

Explain briefly why you think so. (20 points)

a. cir encircle or circular

b. 我感冒了= I have a cold/ I caught a cold. (English)

= Hargab baa ku haya. (Somali)

=Tá slaghdán ort. (Irish)

= ?????. (Korean)

c. 小虎:妈妈,我昨晚梦见你带我去迪斯尼乐园了。

d. As captain of the plane, Helen took her place in the henpit and started the engin


3.Specify what type/branch of linguistic study will most likely deal with each of the following

research questions. (10 points)

A.Which lexeme has the highest frequency on the data?

B.What factors have brought new words into our daily use of the language?

C.Is it possible to use this device to recognize the kidnapper’s voice among thousands of

calls you get every day?

D.What are the drawbacks of using logical forms to translate a complex sentence?

E.What are the differences between real-world tasks and pedagogical tasks?

F.Does the universal quantifier presuppose the existence of an entity named by the


G.What factors will cancel the presence of a conversational implicature?

H.How does language represent the way human beings perceive and conceptualize the


I.Is touchable in the word untouchable a stem or a root with a suffix?

J.In what kind of context the production of a sound will be influenced by a neighboring sound?

V. Answer the following essay questions. (40 points)

1. Use the underlined sentences in the following dialogue as examples to explain the function of language. (10 points)

Tom: I’ve got an extra ticket for the opera on Sunday. Do you know anyone who might like to go? Mary: Not offhand. But I’ll ask around.

Tom: Well, thanks.

Mary: Hey, come to think of it, I am free! I’d love to go.

Tom: Great! Do you mind driving?

Marry: Not at all. Pick you up at seven?

2. Use your knowledge of morphology to invent a brand name for a pet shampoo which will be marketed in English speaking countries. Explain your reasons. (10 points)

3. In the English speaking world, there is variation in the use of “-ing” in words such morning, and laughing. The variants are [i?]—the standard variant—and [in], a nonstandard variant. The following table shows the results of a study which investigated whether the sex of addresser had an effect on which variant was used by two informants when they greeted people with “Morning, or Good morning”.

Variant used Male addresser Female addresser

[i?] 26% 72%

[in] 74% 26% How would you account for these findings? (20 points)


高一数学期末复习必修4检测题 选择题:(每小题5分,共计60分) 1. 下列命题中正确的是( ) A .第一象限角必是锐角 B .终边相同的角相等 C .相等的角终边必相同 D .不相等的角其终边必不相同 2.已知角α的终边过点()m m P 34, -,()0≠m ,则ααcos sin 2+的值是( ) A .1或-1 B . 52或 52- C .1或52- D .-1或5 2 3. 下列命题正确的是( ) A 若→ a ·→ b =→ a ·→ c ,则→ b =→ c B 若||||b -=+,则→ a ·→ b =0 C 若→ a //→ b ,→ b //→ c ,则→ a //→ c D 若→ a 与→ b 是单位向量,则→ a ·→ b =1 4. 计算下列几个式子,① 35tan 25tan 335tan 25tan ++, ②2(sin35?cos25?+sin55?cos65?), ③ 15 tan 115tan 1-+ , ④ 6 tan 16 tan 2 π π-,结果为3的是( ) A.①② B. ①③ C. ①②③ D. ①②③④ 5. 函数y =cos( 4 π -2x )的单调递增区间是 ( ) A .[k π+8π,k π+85π] B .[k π-83π,k π+8π ] C .[2k π+8π,2k π+85π] D .[2k π-83π,2k π+8 π ](以上k ∈Z ) 6. △ABC 中三个内角为A 、B 、C ,若关于x 的方程22 cos cos cos 02 C x x A B --=有一根为1,则△ABC 一定是( ) A. 直角三角形 B. 等腰三角形 C. 锐角三角形 D. 钝角三角形 7. 将函数)3 2sin()(π - =x x f 的图像左移 3 π,再将图像上各点横坐标压缩到原来的21 ,则所得到的图象的解 析式为( ) A x y sin = B )34sin(π+=x y C )3 24sin(π -=x y D )3sin(π+=x y 8. 化简10sin 1++10sin 1-,得到( ) A -2sin5 B -2cos5 C 2sin5 D 2cos5 9. 函数f(x)=sin2x ·cos2x 是 ( ) A 周期为π的偶函数 B 周期为π的奇函数 C 周期为 2π的偶函数 D 周期为2 π 的奇函数. 10. 若|2|= ,2||= 且(-)⊥ ,则与的夹角是 ( )


外研版高中英语必修4 全册教学设计教案

目录 Module1 Period1 Introduction Reading and Vocabulary Module1 Period2 Function Listening and Speaking Module1 Period3 Grammar Pronunciation Module1 Period4 Writing Everyday English Module2 Period1 Introduction;Reading and Vocabulary Module2 Period2 Function;Listening and Speaking Module2 Period3 using language Module2 Period4 Speaking;Writing;Everyday English Module2 Period5 Cultural Corner;Task;Module File Module3 Period1 Introduction Module3 Period2 Module3 Period3 Module3 Period4 Module3 Period5 Module4 Period1 Introduction and writing Module4 Period2 Vocabulary and Reading Module4 Period3 Function;Grammar 1,2 Module4 Period4 Listening;Pronunciation;Speaking Module5 Period1 introduction; Vocabulary and Reading Module5 Period2 Grammar;Function;Pronunciation


BCCAB BDBDD BD (-2,-1) -6 -3 [-1,3] 根号21 18解:(1)3 3 6tan )64tan()623tan(= =+-=- ππππ ……(4分) (2)原式=??+??=?+?30sin 45cos 30cos 45sin )3045sin( = 4 2 621222322+= ?+? ……(8分) 19 解:由已知有:3· 2)cos(1B A +-+2 ) cos(1B A -+=2 ……(3 分) ∴-3cos(A +B)+cos(A -B)=0, ∴-3(cosAcosB -sinAsinB)+(cosAcosB +sinAsinB)=0, ………(6分) ∴cosAcosB =2sinAsinB, ∴tan AtanB= 2 1 …………(8分) 20解:设),(y x =,由题意得:?? ?=--=-???????==?)1,3()2,1(),(0 )2.1(),(0λλy x y x OB OC ……(3分) )7,14(7142312=????==??? ? ??=-=+=?y x y x y x λ λ ……(6分) )6,11(=-=OA OC OD ……(8分) 21解:(Ⅰ))c o s 2 3 si n 21 (2x x y +==)3sin cos 3cos (sin 2ππx x +=) 3sin(2π+x ……(2分) 函数)(x f 的周期为T =π2,振幅为2。 ……(.4分) (Ⅱ)列表:

……(6分) 图象如上(作图不规范者扣1分)。 ……(8分) (Ⅲ)由)(2 323 2 2Z k k x k ∈+ ≤+ ≤+ π ππ π π解得: )(6 7262Z k k x k ∈+ ≤≤+ π ππ π 所以函数的递减区间为)(],6 72,62[Z k k k ∈+ +π πππ ……(10分) 22解:(Ⅰ)因为A (1,1),B (2,1) 所以=(1,1),=(2,1)……(2分) cos ∠AOB 10 10 310 121 411)1,2()1,1(= += +?+?= . ……(4分) (Ⅱ)因为C (3,1),D (3,0),所以tan ∠BOD = 21,tan ∠COD =3 1 ……(6分) 所以 tan(∠BOD +∠COD)=COD BOD COD BOD ∠∠-∠+∠tan tan 1tan tan 13 12113121=?-+ = ……(8分) 又因为∠BOD 和∠COD 均为锐角,故∠BOD +∠COD =45° ……(10分) 考查向量数量积的几何意义,向量夹角求法,两角和的正切,。中等题。


高中数学必修4测试题 一、选择题 (本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.) 1.已知点P (ααcos ,tan )在第三象限,则角α在 ( ) A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限 2.函数x y 2sin -=,R x ∈是( ) A .最小正周期为π的奇函数 B .最小正周期为π的偶函数 C .最小正周期为2π的奇函数 D .最小正周期为2π的偶函数 3.已知a 与b 均为单位向量,它们的夹角为60?,那么|3|a b -等于( ) A B C D .4 4.已知M 是△ABC 的BC 边上的中点,若向量=a ,= b ,则向量等于( ) A .21 (a -b ) B .21 (b -a ) C .21 ( a +b ) D .1 2-(a +b ) 5.若θ是△ABC 的一个内角,且81 cos sin -=θθ,则θθcos sin -的值为( ) A .23 - B .23 C .25 - D .25 6.已知4π βα=+,则)tan 1)(tan 1(βα++的值是( ) A .-1 B .1 C .2 D .4 7.在ABC ?中,有如下四个命题:①=-; ②AB BC CA ++=0 ; ③若0)()(=-?+AC AB AC AB ,则ABC ?为等腰三角形; ④若0>?,则ABC ?为锐角三角形.其中正确的命题序号是( ) A .① ② B .① ③ ④ C .② ③ D .② ④ 8.函数)sin(?ω+=x A y 在一个周期内的图象如下,此函数的解析式为 ( ) A .)322sin(2π +=x y B .)32sin(2π +=x y C .)32sin(2π -=x y D .)32sin(2π -=x y 9.下列各式中,值为1 2的是( ) A .00sin15cos15 B .22cos sin 1212π π - C .6cos 21 21π + D .0 20tan 22.51tan 22.5- 10.已知βα,为锐角,且cos α=101 ,cos β=51 ,则βα+的值是( ) A .π32 B .π43 C .4π D .3π 11.已知tan(α+β) =53 , tan(β-4π )=41 ,那么tan(α+4π )为 【 】 A .1813 B .2313 C .237 D .183 12.)10tan 31(50sin 00+的值为 【 】


考试时间:120分钟试题满分:150分 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分 第Ⅰ卷(三部分,共115分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,20小题;每小题分,满分30分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,20小题;每小题分,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题分,满分分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后面有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷相应位置。听完每段对话后,你有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. How much does one child ticket cost A. $2. B. $3. C. $6. 2. What will the man and his family do on Saturday evening A. Remain at home. B. Pay a visit to his friend. C. Have supper at the woman’s. 3. Why is the man’s cell phone currently not working A. He did not pay the bill. B. The battery is too low. C. Something goes wrong. 4. What is the man going to do A. Go to a bakery. B. See the price of a house. C. Buy something at a supermarket. 5. What kind of movie does the woman find boring A. Murder stories. B. Detective stories. C. Romantic stories. 第二节(共15小题;每小题分,满分分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6. When does the conversation take place A. Before a Christmas party. B. During a Christmas party. C. After a Christmas party. 7. What has the man brought with him to the party A. Christmas presents. B. A Christmas tree. C. Christmas cards. 8. What did the woman do yesterday evening


Unit 1 Women of achievement 1. Target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote ... to b. Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day. P2 Everybody sits and waits while the animals in the group begin to wake up and move. P2 But the evening makes it all worthwhile. P2 ... we see them go to sleep together in their nest for the night. P2 2. Ability goals a. Learn Warming Up, and know how to tell the great women and the famous women. b. Learn the way to describe a person from what the person did, what she/he looks like and so on. 3. Learning ability goals Teach Ss how to describe a person. Teaching important points a. By reading A protector of African wildlife, students can learn from Jane Goodall in at least two aspects: b. Ask students to answer these questions: 1) What made her a great success? 2) What should we learn from Jane Goodall? Teaching difficult points Let everyone believe that all of us can become Jane Goodall. Teaching methods Inspiration, Questioning and Discussion. Teaching aids A computer, a projector and a recorder.


时间:100分钟满分:100分 一、单项选择题(每小题1.5分,共45分) 1.真实是新闻的生命,求真是新闻工作者永恒的价值追求。但真相往往不是漂在水上的浮萍,也不是清澈溪流中触手可及的卵石。深一点,才能真一点。“从地里长出来的”记者陈中华坚持用脚跑新闻,向我们诠释一个并不深奥的道理:“真一点”是价值观,“深一点”是方法论;“真一点”是新闻追求,“深一点”是现实路径。这一道理的哲学依据是【】①学好哲学是做好各项工作的基础②世界观和方法论是统一的 ③实践出真知,实践是新闻的发源地④意识活动具有主动创造性 A.①②B.②③C.③④D.②④ 2.爱因斯坦曾经说:“哲学要是不同科学接触,就会变成一个空架子;科学要是没有哲学,就是原始的混乱的东西。”这表明【】 A.哲学以各门具体科学为基础,具体科学以哲学为指导 B.哲学是研究整个世界的,具体科学研究某一特殊领域,二者是整体与部分的关系 C.没有哲学观点的具体科学和没有具体科学材料的哲学都不是科学 D.具体科学以哲学为基础,哲学也以具体科学为基础 古希腊著名哲学家赫拉克利特有一句名言:“世界是包括一切的整体,它不是由任何神或任何人创造的,它的过去,现在和将来都是按规律燃烧着,按规律熄灭着的永恒的活火。”阅读材料,回答3~4题。 3.赫拉克利特的观点属于【】 A.机械唯物主义 B.朴素唯物主义 C.辩证唯物主义 D.唯心主义 4.赫拉克利特的这一思想被列宁称为“对辩证唯物主义原则的绝妙说明”,这是因为赫拉克利特【】 A.把唯物主义根本观点与朴素辩证法结合在一起 B.把唯物论和认识论科学地统一起来 C.是现代唯物主义的创始人 D.对世界的看法既唯物又辩证,因而是科学的 5.电影《画皮》的主题曲《画心》中唱到:“看不穿是你失落的魂魄,猜不透是你瞳孔的颜色,爱如生命般莫测,你的心到底被什么蛊惑。”从哲学上看,歌词体现的观点【】A.属于不可知论 B.否认了意识是世界的本原 C.肯定了物质决定意识 D.认为思维和存在具有同一性 6.马克思主义创始人反对把自己的哲学视为“纯粹思辨的观念”和“书斋里的学问”,强调“问题在于改变世界”,从而实现了哲学的变革,这表明【】 ①是否研究时代的迫切问题是马克思主义哲学与以往旧哲学的本质区别 ②关注与无产阶级利益相关的现实问题是马克思主义哲学的内在要求 ③哲学社会功能的缺失是以往旧哲学区别于马克思哲学的显著标志 ④为无产阶级提供认识和改造世界的工具是马克思主义哲学的使命 A.①② B.②③ C.②④ D.③④ 7.列宁说:“物质是标志客观实在的哲学范畴,这种客观实在是人通过感觉感知的,它不依赖我们的感觉而存在,为我们的感觉所复写、摄影、反映。”“物质是标志客观实在的哲学范畴”,其本意是指【】


必修四期末测试题 一、选择题:本大题共14小题,每小题4分,共56分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合要求的. 1.sin 150°的值等于( ). A . 2 1 B .- 2 1 C . 2 3 D .- 2 3 2.已知=(3,0) 等于( ). A .2 B .3 C .4 D .5 3.在0到2π范围内,与角-3 4π 终边相同的角是( ). A . 6 π B . 3π C . 3 2π D . 3 4π 4.若cos α>0,sin α<0,则角 α 的终边在( ). A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限 5.sin 20°cos 40°+cos 20°sin 40°的值等于( ). A . 4 1 B . 2 3 C . 2 1 D . 4 3 6.如图,在平行四边形ABCD 中,下列结论中正确的是( ). A .= B .-= C .+= D .+= 7.下列函数中,最小正周期为 π 的是( ). A .y =cos 4x B .y =sin 2x C .y =sin 2 x D .y =cos 4 x 8.已知向量a =(4,-2),向量b =(x ,5),且a ∥b ,那么x 等于( ). A .10 B .5 C .- 2 5 D .-10 9.若tan α=3,tan β=3 4 ,则tan (α-β)等于( ). A .-3 B .3 C .-3 1 D .3 1 10.函数y =2cos x -1的最大值、最小值分别是( ). A .2,-2 B .1,-3 C .1,-1 D .2,-1 11.已知△ABC 三个顶点的坐标分别为A (-1,0),B (1,2),C (0,c ),若AB ⊥BC ,那么c 的值是( ). A .-1 B .1 C .-3 D .3 C (第6题)


高中英语必修四期末测试题 考试时间:120分钟试题满分:150分 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分 第Ⅰ卷(三部分,共115分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后面有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷相应位置。听完每段对话后,你有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. How much does one child ticket cost? A. $2. B. $3. C. $6. 2. What will the man and his family do on Saturday evening? A. Remain at home. B. Pay a visit to his friend. C. Have supper at the woman’s. 3. Why is the man’s cell phone currently not working? A. He did not pay the bill. B. The battery is too low. C. Something goes wrong. 4. What is the man going to do? A. Go to a bakery. B. See the price of a house. C. Buy something at a supermarket. 5. What kind of movie does the woman find boring? A. Murder stories. B. Detective stories. C. Romantic stories. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6. When does the conversation take place? A. Before a Christmas party. B. During a Christmas party. C. After a Christmas party. 7. What has the man brought with him to the party? A. Christmas presents. B. A Christmas tree. C. Christmas cards.


人教版高中英语必修4《Unit5Themeparks》教案 教学准备 教学目标 (1)阅读文章后,大部分学生能够归纳出三大主题公园的主题并列出园内的主要活动。 (2)阅读文章后,学生能够匹配图片与相应的主题公园,并恰当使用课文中的关键词汇和句型陈述理由。 (3)通过拓展阅读与小组合作,学生能够制定出一个简单的主题公园一日游计划 (4)通过本节课的学习,学生能够有较强的自信心自如陈述自己的观点。 教学重难点 (1)阅读文章后,大部分学生能够归纳出三大主题公园的主题并列出园内的主要活动。 (2)阅读文章后,学生能够匹配图片与相应的主题公园,并恰当使用课文中的关键词汇和句型陈述理由。 (3)通过拓展阅读与小组合作,学生能够制定出一个简单的主题公园一日游计划 (4)通过本节课的学习,学生能够有较强的自信心自如陈述自己的观点。 教学过程 Step1Warming-upandlead-in(5mins) (1)导入

教师提问学生“Haveyoubeentoathemepark?”与“Whatcanyoudoinathemepark?”,以此导入到本课的课题。然后通过图片介绍主题公园内常见的游乐设施,为文本阅读做好铺垫。 T:Hello,class.Todaywearegoingtotalkaboutthemeparks.First ,Iwouldliketoaskyou: ①IsourWestLakeParkathemepark?WhataboutJingqiWaterPark? ②Haveyoubeentoathemepark? ③Whatcanyoudoinathemepark? S1:Westlakeisnotathemepark.JingqiWaterParkisathemepark. S2:IhavebeentoHongkongDisneyland.Inathemeparkwecandoalot ofactivities. T:Exactly,inthethemeparkwecantakeroller-coaster,free-falldrop,swingingship,Ferriswheel,merry-go- roundandsoon.Inaword,therearevariousrideswecantakeinathemep ark.Well,whatdoes“ride”mean? S3:游乐设施 T:Yes.Hereitisanoun,meaning“供乘骑的游乐设施”. (2)揭题 教师引导学生对课文题目进行预测。 T:Withtheserides,thereisnodoubtthatwewillhavegreatfunina themepark,right?Justlikethetitleofthisarticlesuggest:Themep arks– fun.Butwhatabout“morethanfun”?Whatdoesitmeaninyouropinion? S4:“morethanfun”meansyoucanalsogetalotofinformation.


(考试时间:100分钟 满分:150分) 一、选择题 1.下列命题正确的是 A.第一象限角是锐角 B.钝角是第二象限角 C.终边相同的角一定相等 D.不相等的角,它们终边必不相同 2.函数12sin()2 4 y x π =-+的周期,振幅,初相分别是 A. 4π,2,4π B. 4π,2-,4π- C. 4π,2,4π D. 2π,2,4 π 3.如果1cos()2A π+=-,那么sin()2 A π += A.12 B.12 C.12 D.12 4.函数2005 sin(2004)2 y x π=-是 A.奇函数 B.偶函数 C.非奇非偶函数 D.既是奇函数又是偶函数 5.给出命题 (1)零向量的长度为零,方向是任意的. (2)若a r ,b r 都是单位向量,则a r =b r . (3)向量AB u u u r 与向量BA u u u r 相等. (4)若非零向量AB u u u r 与CD uuu r 是共线向量,则A ,B ,C ,D 四点共线. 以上命题中,正确命题序号是 A.(1) B.(2) C.(1)和(3) D.(1)和(4) 6.如果点(sin 2P θ,cos 2)θ位于第三象限,那么角θ所在象限是 A.第一象限 B.第二象限 C.第三象限 D.第四象限 7.在四边形ABCD 中,如果0AB CD =u u u r u u u r g ,AB DC =u u u r u u u r ,那么四边形ABCD 的形状是 A.矩形 B.菱形 C.正方形 D.直角梯形 8.若α是第一象限角,则sin cos αα+的值与1的大小关系是

A.sin cos 1αα+> B.sin cos 1αα+= C.sin cos 1αα+< D.不能确定 9.在△ABC 中,若sin 2cos sin C A B =,则此三角形必是 A.等腰三角形 B.正三角形 C.直角三角形 D.等腰直角三角形 10.如图,在△ABC 中,AD 、BE 、CF 分别是BC 、点G ,则下列各等式中不正确的是 A.23BG BE =u u u r u u u r B.2CG GF =u u u r u u u r C.12DG AG =u u u r u u u r D.121332 DA FC BC +=u u u r u u u r u u u r 二、填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分) 11.设扇形的周长为8cm ,面积为2 4cm ,则扇形的圆心角的弧度数是 . 12.已知tan 2α=,3 tan()5 αβ-=-,则tan β= . 13.已知(3a =r ,1),(sin b α=r ,cos )α,且a r ∥b r ,则4sin 2cos 5cos 3sin αα αα -+= . 14.给出命题: (1)在平行四边形ABCD 中,AB AD AC +=u u u r u u u r u u u r . (2)在△ABC 中,若0AB AC


高中数学必修4测试试题 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共60分) 一、选择题:本答题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.-300°化为弧度是 ( ) A.34π- B.35π-C .32π-D .65π - 2.为得到函数)32sin(π-=x y 的图象,只需将函数)6 2sin(π +=x y 的图像( ) A .向左平移4π个单位长度 B .向右平移4π 个单位长度 C .向左平移2π个单位长度 D .向右平移2π 个单位长度 3.函数sin(2)3 y x π =+图像的对称轴方程可能是( ) A .6 x π =- B .12 x π =- C .6 x π = D .12 x π = 4.若实数x 满足㏒x 2=2+sin θ,则 =-++101x x ( ) A. 2x-9 B. 9-2x C.11 D. 9 5.点A(x,y)是300°角终边上异于原点的一点,则x y 值为( ) A.3 B. - 3 C. 33D. -3 3 6.函数)3 2sin(π -=x y 的单调递增区间是( ) A .??????+-125,12ππππk k Z k ∈B .?? ???? +-1252,122ππππk k Z k ∈ C .??????+-65,6ππππk k Z k ∈D .??????+-652,62ππππk k Z k ∈ 7.sin(-310π)的值等于( ) A .21 B .-2 1 C .23 D .-23 8.在△ABC 中,若)sin()sin(C B A C B A +-=-+,则△ABC 必是( ) A .等腰三角形B .直角三角形 C .等腰或直角三角形 D .等腰直角三角 9.函数x x y sin sin -=的值域是 ( )


高二政治必修四期末测试卷 一、单项选择题(每题2分,共50分。) 1.现实生活中,哲学往往被一些人忽视,“哲学不能带来钱”成了他们的思维定势。一位著名哲学家揶揄地说:“当年马克思撰写《哲学的贫困》,如今则出现了‘贫困的哲学’。”但事实证明一个轻视理论思维的民族是不会有光明的未来的。这是因为( ) A.哲学源于生活,高于生活,其任务就是揭示具体事物发展的规律 B.哲学只是关于世界观的学说 C.哲学是对人们实践活动的概括和总结 D.哲学能够为人们的实践活动提供世界观和方法论的指导 2.某人得了重病,大家劝他去医院检查,可是他说:“这都是命啊,是由天注定的,我何必与天命作对呢。”结果,这个人的病情进一步加重。由此可见 ( ) ①世界观决定方法论②自发的世界观不利于更好地生活③生活需要科学世界观的指导④哲学是世界观和方法论的统一 A.①②B.①④ C.①③D.②④ 3.我国的许多典故中包含着深邃的哲学道理,下列成语中正确反映思维与存在的关系问题的是() A、掩耳盗铃 B、望梅止渴 C、画饼充饥 D、巧妇难为无米之炊 4.英国物理学家斯蒂芬·霍金说:“我注意过,即使是那些声称‘一切都是命中注定的而且我们无力改变’的人,在过马路之前都会左右看。”可见 ( ) ①声称者的“言”体现了其客观唯心主义的世界观②声称者的“行”带有自发唯物主义的倾向③声称者的世界观与方法论是脱节的④唯心主义在理论上是没有意义的,在实践上是行不通的A.③B.①② C.①②③D.①②④ 5.“混沌初开,乾坤始奠。气之轻清上浮者为天,气之重浊下凝者为地。”与“万物森然于方寸之间,满心而发,充塞宇宙,无非此理。”所蕴含的哲理 ( ) A.两者共同揭示了自然界发展的客观规律性 B.前者是主观唯心主义,后者是客观唯心主义 C.前者揭示辩证发展观,后者揭示辩证联系观 D.前者是朴素唯物主义,后者是主观唯心主义 6、马克思主义的产生有着其自然科学基础,19世纪最具代表性的三大自然科学的发现是 ( ) ①细胞学说②生物进化论③能量守恒定律④地质学说 A、①②③ B、①②④ C、①③④ D、②③④ 7.李强在学习了“哲学史上的伟大变革”之后,做适应性练习时,遇到一道题,感觉有点难度,要求选出马克思主义哲学与哲学的联系的选项。你能否帮助他选出下列四个选项中的正确选项 ( ) A.哲学的研究对象是世界观,马克思主义哲学的研究对象是马克思的学说 B.马克思主义哲学是无产阶级的科学的世界观和方法论 C.马克思主义哲学是人类哲学发展史上的巅峰 D.马克思主义哲学是对历史上优秀哲学思想的继承和发展,德国古典哲学是其直接理论来源 8、甲、乙两位同学就物质概念进行了辩论。甲说:“物质是永恒的,不生不灭的。”乙说:“世界上任何事物都有产生、发展和灭亡的过程。”对甲、乙两位同学的说法,在你看来评价正确的应是() A、前者正确,后者错误 B、前者错误,后者正确 C、两者各自片面地强调了一个方面,都是不正确的 D、两者都是正确的,前者是就物质的概念而讲的,后者是就具体物质而言的 9.最近,“土豪”“高大上”“点赞”等流行语爆红,其背后无一不是对当下社会某种现象的理性思考。


数学必修4综合测试题 一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一 个是符合题目要求的) 1。下列命题中正确的是( C ) A .第一象限角必是锐角 B.终边相同的角相等 C.相等的角终边必相同 D 。不相等的角其终边必不相同 2.将分针拨慢5分钟,则分钟转过的弧度数是?( C ) A . 3π? B.-3 π C . 6 π D。- 6 π 3.已知角α的终边过点()m m P 34, -,()0≠m ,则ααcos sin 2+的值是( B ) A 。1或-1 B. 52或52- C .1或52- D .—1或5 2 4、若点(sin cos ,tan )P ααα-在第一象限,则在[0,2)π内α的取值范围是( B ) A 。35( , )(, )244 ππ π π B .5(,)(,)424ππππ C 。353(,)(,)2442ππππ D.33(,)(,)244 ππππ 5. 若|2|=a ,2||=b 且(b a -)⊥a ,则a 与b 的夹角是 ( ) (A)6π (B)4π (C)3 π (D) π12 5 6.已知函数B x A y ++=)sin(??的一部分图象如右图所示,如果 2 ||,0,0π ??< >>A ,则( )? A.4=A ?B 。1=? C.6 π ?= ?D 。4=B 7. 设集合{}x y y x A 2sin 2|)(==,,集合{}x y y x B ==|)(,,则( ) A.B A 中有3个元素 B .B A 中有1个元素 C.B A 中有2个元素 D。B A R = 8.已知== -∈x x x 2tan ,5 4 cos ),0,2 (则π ( ) A。24 7 B.24 7-?C .7 24?D.7 24- 9. 同时具有以下性质:“①最小正周期实π;②图象关于直线x =错误!对称;③在[-错误!]上是增函数”的一个函数是 ( ) A . y=sin (错误!)?B. y=c os (2x +错误!) ?C . y =si n(2x —错误!)? D. y =co s(2x-\f (π,6))


高中英语必修4 unit 1 a student of African wildlife 说课教案 李春莲Unit 2 Women of achievement ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST Analysis of teaching material Analysis of the students Teaching and learning approaches Teaching procedures Teaching reflection 1.Analysis of teaching material (1)Status and function of the text The topic of this unit is women of great achievements. This period plays a very important role in the learning of this unit. It will help the Ss get to know more great women in world and how to describe people. It will be helpful for them to learn the rest of this unit.

(2).Teaching aims To get the Ss to learn something about Jane ’s research and his achievements. Knowledge aim :Ability aim :To develop the Ss ’reading ability and reading skills 。Emotional aim :To learn Jane Goodall ’s bravery and perseverance in achieving his goals. To reinforce the sense of wildlife protection. 1.Analysis of teaching material (3).Important and difficult points Important points: Get the Ss to know more about Jane ’s research and his achievements.Difficult points:Enable the Ss learn to describe a person by using some key words and phrases. 1.Analysis of teaching material


数学必修 4 一.选择题: 1. 3 π 的正弦值等于 ( ) (A ) 23 (B )21 (C )23- (D )2 1- 2.215°是 ( ) (A )第一象限角 (B )第二象限角 (C )第三象限角 (D )第四象限角 3.角α的终边过点P (4,-3),则αcos 的值为 ( ) (A )4 (B )-3 (C ) 5 4 (D )5 3 - 4.若sin α<0,则角α的终边在 ( ) (A )第一、二象限 (B )第二、三象限 (C )第二、四象限 (D )第三、四象限 5.函数y=cos2x 的最小正周期是 ( ) (A )π (B ) 2 π (C ) 4 π (D )π2 6.给出下面四个命题:① 0=+BA AB ;②AC C =+B AB ;③BC AC =-AB ; ④00=?AB 。其中正确的个数为 ( ) (A )1个 (B )2个 (C )3个 (D )4个 7.向量)2,1(-=a ,)1,2(=b ,则 ( ) (A )a ∥b (B )a ⊥b (C )a 与b 的夹角为60° (D )a 与b 的夹角为30° 8. ( ) (A )cos160? (B )cos160-? (C )cos160±? (D )cos160±?

9. 函数2)cos[2()]y x x ππ=-+是 ( ) (A ) 周期为 4π的奇函数 (B ) 周期为4π 的偶函数 (C ) 周期为2π的奇函数 (D ) 周期为2π 的偶函数 10.函数)sin(?ω+=x A y 在一个周期内的图象如下,此函数的解析式为 ( ) (A ))3 22sin(2π+ =x y (B ))3 2sin(2π + =x y (C ))3 2sin(2π -=x y (D ))3 2sin(2π -=x y 二.填空题 11.已知点A (2,-4),B (-6,2),则AB 的中点M 的坐标为 ; 12.若)3,2(=a 与),4(y b -=共线,则y = ; 13.若21tan = α,则α αα αcos 3sin 2cos sin -+= ; 1421==b a ,a 与b 的夹角为3 π b a b a -+= 。 15.函数x x y sin 2sin 2-=的值域是∈y ; 三.解答题 16.(1)已知4 cos 5 a =- ,且a 为第三象限角,求sin a 的值 (2)已知3tan =α,计算 α αα αsin 3cos 5cos 2sin 4+- 的值.


数学必修四测试卷 一、选择题(本大题共12道小题,每题5分,共60分) 1.函数y =sin +cos ??? ? ? 2π < < 0α的值域为( ). A .(0,1) B .(-1,1) C .(1,2] D .(-1,2) 2.锐角三角形的内角A ,B 满足tan A - A 2sin 1 =tan B ,则有( ). A .sin 2A -cos B =0 B .sin 2A +cos B =0 C .sin 2A -sin B =0 D .sin 2A +sin B =0 3.函数f (x )=sin 2?? ? ? ?4π+x -sin 2?? ? ? ?4π-x 是( ). A .周期为 的偶函数 B .周期为的奇函数 C .周期为2 的偶函数 D .周期为2 的奇函数 4.下列命题正确的是( ) A .单位向量都相等 B .若a r 与b r 是共线向量,b r 与c r 是共线向量,则a r 与c r 是共线向量 C .||||a b a b +=-r u u r r r ,则0a b ?=r r D .若0a u u r 与0b u u r 是单位向量,则001a b ?=r r 5.已知,a b r r 均为单位向量,它们的夹角为0 60,那么3a b +=r r ( ) A .7 B .10 C .13 D .4 6.已知向量a r ,b r 满足1,4,a b ==r r 且2a b ?=r r ,则a r 与b r 的夹角为 A . 6π B .4π C .3π D .2 π 7.在ABC 中,2sinA+cosB=2,sinB+2cosA=3,则C 的大小应为( ) A .3 π B . 6 π C . 6π或π6 5 D . 3π或3 2π 8. 若,则对任意实数 的取值为( ) A. 区间(0,1) B. 1 C. D. 不能确定 9. 在 中, ,则 的大小为( )
