30mL·min-1;不 分 流 进 样 ,进 样 量 1.0μL. 1.3 分 析 步 骤 1.3.1 10.00mg·mL-1高 效 氯 氟 氰 菊 酯 标 准 溶 液 的 配 制
精确称取高效氯氟氰菊酯0.2500g(精确至0.0002g),用 少 量 正 己 烷 溶 解,并 转 移 到 25mL 容 量 瓶 中 定 容 ,摇 匀 ,配 成 高 效 氯 氟 氰 菊 酯 的 标 准 溶 液 . 1.3.2 30mg·mL-1磷 酸 三 苯 酯 内 标 液 的 配 制
高 效 氯 氟 氰 菊 酯 (纯 度 ≥98.0% ),乙 腈 (色 谱 纯 )(天 津 市 福 晨 化 学 试 剂 厂 );磷 酸 三 苯 酯 (纯 度 ≥99.0% ) (北京百灵威科技有限公司);碳酸钠;硫酸钠;正己烷(分 析纯)(天津市 光复精 细化 工研究 所);硅 藻 土(化 学 纯 )(天 津 市 光 复 精 细 化 工 研 究 所 );活 性 炭 (宁 波 东 钱 湖 旅 游 度 假 区 优 适 活 性 炭 厂 ). 1.2 色 谱 操 作 条 件
第 34 卷 第 1 期 2018 年 3 月
沧州师范学院学报 JournalofCangzhouNormalUniversity
Vol.34,No.1 Mar.2018
刘 博 静 ,赵 春 苗 (沧州师范学院 化学与化工学院,河北 沧州 061001)
摘 要:利用气相色谱内标法对菠菜中的高效氯氟 氰 菊 酯 残 留 量 进 行 检 测,以 正 己 烷 作 为 溶 剂,磷 酸 三 苯酯作为内标物,实验结果表明,高效氯氟氰菊酯与内标物能较好分离,峰面积比与浓度呈良好 的 线 性, 线性相关系数r=0.9996,加标回收率在85.0%~106.5%,相对标准偏差为1.35%,该方法简单、快 速、 准 确 ,可 以 满 足 蔬 菜 中 高 效 氯 氟 氰 菊 酯 残 留 量 测 定 的 需 要 . 关 键 词 :气 相 色 谱 法 ;菠 菜 ;高 效 氯 氟 氰 菊 酯 中 图 分 类 号 :O657.7 文 献 标 识 码 :A 文 章 编 号 :20952910(201801002104
不可超声或加热助溶* ,以免残留溶剂挥发;如果顶空进样,样品置顶空瓶封盖之后可以超声或加热溶解。
分析检测QuEChERS-GC-MS/MS检测蔬菜中敌敌畏、 毒死蜱、二甲戊灵等7种农药残留葛 斌(郑州市食品药品检验所,河南郑州 450000)摘 要:建立了QuEChERS-气相色谱串联三重四极杆质谱检测蔬菜中敌敌畏、腐霉利、二甲戊灵等7种农药残留的方法。
结果显示,敌敌畏、腐霉利、二甲戊灵等7种农药残留在5~500 ng·mL-1浓度内线性良好,相关系数R2均大于0.990,加标回收率为83.20%~105.92%,相对标准偏差为3.9%~11.5%,相关参数满足日常检测需求,方法适用于蔬菜中农药残留的检测。
关键词:QuEChERS;气相色谱-三重四极杆串联质谱;农药残留;蔬菜Determination of 7 Pesticide Residues Including Dichlorvos, Chlorpyrifos and Pendimethalin in Vegetables by QuEChERS-GC-MS/MSGE Bin(Zhengzhou Food and Drug Inspection Institute, Zhengzhou 450000, China) Abstract: A method was developed for the determination of seven pesticide residues, including dichlorvos, chlorpyrifos and pendimethalin, in vegetables by QuEChERS-gas chromatography-triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry. Negative vegetables were used as the matri x to e x clude the effect of matri x and eliminate the e x ternal interference. The samples were e x tracted with 1.0% acetic acid-acetonitrile, cleaned-up by QuEChERS method, blown dry with nitrogen, re-solubilized by n-he x ane and detected by gas chromatography-triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry. The results showed that the linearity of the seven pesticide residues, including dichlorvos, chlorpyrifos and pendimethalin, was good in the concentration range of 5~500 ng·mL-1, with the correlation coefficients of R2 greater than 0.990, and the recoveries of spiked standards ranged from 83.20% to 105.92% with the relative standard deviations of 3.9%~11.5%, which were satisfied with the requirements of daily testing, and the method is suitable for the determination of pesticide residues in vegetables.Keywords: QuEChERS; gas chromatography-triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry; pesticide residues; vegetable现如今农药已经是农业生产中不可或缺的重要组成部分,农药主要用于预防、消灭、控制危害农业生产过程中的有害生物及有目的地调节、控制、影响植物[1-4]。
对蔬菜中六六六的4 种异构体、滴滴涕的4 种异构体、乙烯菌核利、α-硫丹、β-硫丹、腐霉利、异菌脲、氯菊酯等14 种有机氯农药的残留量进行了测定。
结果表明,在所建立的方法下,14种有机氯农药能够很好地分离,峰面积与其质量浓度有良好的线性关系,检出限在0.000 1~0.001 0 mg/kg范围内,加标回收率在78.25%~96.55%之间,相对标准偏差均在0.55%~2.91%。
关键词固相萃取―毛细管气相色谱法;蔬菜;有机氯农药;残留量中图分类号S63;O657.8 文献标识码 A 文章编号1007-5739(2016)05-0137-03Abstract The solid-phase extraction and capillary gas chromatography was introduced for determining 14 organochlorine pesticide residues including α-benzenehexachloride(BHC),β-BHC,γ-BHC,δ-BHC,p,p′-dichloro-diphenyl-dichloroethylene(PP′-DDE),pp′-dichloro-diphenyl-dichloroethane(PP′-DDD),o,p′-dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane(OP′-DDT),PP′-DDT,vinclozolin,α-endosulfan,β-endosulfan,procymidone,iprodione,permethrin.The organochlorine pesticides were extracted from vegetables with mixed solvents of acetone and n-hexane by ultrasonic and purified by florisil solid phase extraction column. Then,the extract was separated by HP-5 capillary column and detected by electrochemical detector. The results indicated that the 14 organochlorine pesticides were well separated,the good linearities were obtained,the detection limits were between 0.000 1~0.001 0 mg/kg,the average recoveries were between 78.25 %~96.55% and relative standard deviations of 0.55%~2.91%.The method is simple,rapid,accurate and highly sensitive,and it can be used for the simultaneous determination most of organochlorine pesticide residuals in vegetables.Key words solid-phase extraction and capillary gas chromatography;vegetables;organochlorine pesticides;residuals有机氯类农药作为高效杀虫剂,广泛使用于蔬菜种植养护中,在环境中容易造成残留进入食物链而影响人体健康。
气相色谱-三重四极杆串联质谱法测定蔬菜中40种农药残留董浩云,贾彩霞,李 建*(常州检验检测标准认证研究院,江苏常州 213000)摘 要:本文用乙腈作为提取溶剂,选择QuEChERs前处理方法进行萃取、净化,采用气相色谱-三重四极杆串联质谱法进行分析。
40种农药在0.005~0.500 mg·L-1呈现良好的线性关系,定量限小于10 μg·kg-1时能满足10倍S/N的要求。
关键词:QuEChERs;气相色谱-三重四极杆串联质谱法;蔬菜;农药残留;简单快捷The Determination of 40 Pesticide Residues in Vegetables byGC-MS/MSDONG Haoyun, JIA Caixia, LI Jian*(Changzhzou Institute of Inspection Testing Standardization and Certification, Changzhou 213000, China) Abstract: In this paper, acetonitrile was chosed as the e x traction solvent, QuEChERs method was selected for e x traction and purification,gas chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry was used for analysis. The 40 pesticides showed a good linear relationship in the range of 0.005~0.500 mg·L-1, it could meet the requirements of 10 times S/N when the limit of quantification was less than 10 μg·kg-1. Cucumber was selected as blank sample for 3 levels of spiked recovery test, the recovery rate ranged from 60%~140%, and the RSD of 6 repeated injections was less than 15%. This method is simple and rapid with good linearity, precision, accuracy and other indicators, and is suitable for most pesticide residue detection.Keywords: QuEChERS; gas chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry system; vegetables; pesticide residues; simple and rapid近年来,食品安全已经成了人们关注的重要话题。
毛细管电泳的主要分离模式 免费
CZE 中由于电渗流的存在,阴、阳离子可以同时分析,中性溶质电泳迁移为零与电渗流同时流出,如下图。
程序升温汽化(PTV )进样器在蔬菜农残检测中的应用一:PTV 进样器介绍PTV 装置针对传统的分流/不分流进样方式进行了改进,增加了进样器的温控系统;PTV 进样器的蒸发室可以快速加热和冷却;在低温下导入样品能够避免分流和不分流进样模式中的许多问题,使样品在进样时完全没有损失。
图一:GERSTEL CIS 冷进样口(PTV 进样口)二:PTV 大体积进样分析工作中常常需要对复杂样品中的痕量组分进行检测,这就需要在分析前对样品进行预处理。
大体积进样和程序升温进样技术(PTV )的连用使分析操作更加快捷,分析结果更加可靠。
PTV 进样口能够通过“溶剂排空”的进样模式实现大体积进样。
GERSTEL CIS 冷进样口进样最大体积达1000μl 。
三:PTV 进样口在农药残留检测中的优势PTV 进样时样品是在进样衬管中进行汽化的,样品中的不挥发物滞留在衬管中可以保护色谱柱不被污染,很适合分析“脏”的样品,如农药和多环芳烃等。
四:相关检测标准NY/T1379-2007蔬菜中334种农药多残留的测定气相色谱质谱法和液相色谱质谱法内指定305种农药残留气相色谱质谱检测法采用PTV 进样器进样,进样条件如下:初始温度:5℃,保持2.5min,然后以720℃/min 升温至280℃,保持2min ,再以720℃1:SLH 无隔垫进样口2:分流放空口3:玻璃衬管 4:可程序控温的进样口内腔5:GRAPHPACK 接口6:制冷剂入口升温至450℃保持5min; 溶剂排空流量:50ml/min; 溶剂排空压力:0psi; 进样口压力:20.0psi(恒压模式)。
VF-5 Pesticides 色谱柱应用使用GC/MS/MS 技术结合农药残留专用色谱柱分析检测水果和蔬菜中的多种痕量农药残留背景介绍传统的食品中农药多残留分析检测方法一般使用气相色谱仪( GC )结合选择性检测器或者是质谱检测器来进行分析。
为了符合法规最大残留限量水平的要求,现代农药超低的使用量和残留量水平(ppb 级),使用常规气相色谱技术已经无法满足检测要求。
我们利用三级四极杆串联质谱技术(GC/MS/MS 或LC/MS/MS )的选择性结合最近开发出来的QuEChERS (quick-easy-cheap effective robust and safe)萃取技术,对满足UK/EU 最大残留限量或低于此残留限量水平的多种农药进行分析,研究出满足现代农药残留分析要求的农药多残留分析检测方法。
实验仪器和实验条件三级四极杆质谱仪: Varian 1200 GC/MS/MS 离子化方式:正EI 模式碰撞气:氩气 压力为1.5 mTorr碰撞能量: 针对每种化合物进行优化 气相色谱: Varian CP-3800 进样口: Varian 1079 进样口80 --> 280°C 程序升温 色谱柱: 熔融石英毛细管色谱柱FactorFour VF-5 Pesticides* 30m x 0.32 mm x0.25 μm, 订货号: CP9075 柱温: 75°C 保持2 分钟;20 °C /min 升至150°C ;3°C /min 升至225°C ;15°C /min升至 300°C载气:氦气,流量1mL/minVF-5 Pesticides 色谱柱应用图1 使用GC/MS/MS结合农药专用分析柱同时分析170多种农药的色谱图表一,170多种农药名称、保留时间以及定量离子序号 保留时间 化合物 中文名称 定量离子1 6.343 Methamidophos 甲胺磷 94.0, C:32 6.444 Dichlorvos 敌敌畏 93.0, C:73 8.222 Biphenyl 联苯 128.0, C:54 8.568 Mevinphos 速灭磷/美文松 127.0, C:85 8.706 Acephate 乙酰甲胺磷 94.0, C:26 9.093 Etridazole 嘧硫磷 211.0, C:97 10.361 2 - phenylphenol 邻苯基苯酚 141.0, C:78 11.208 Heptenophos 庚硫磷 124.0, C:119 11.688 Omethoate 氧化乐果 110.0, C:410 11.762 Tecnazene 四氯硝基苯 203.0, C:1211 11.781 Methomyl /thiodicarb 灭多威 88.0, C:112 12.021 Cymoxanil 霜脲氰 44.0, C:113 12.011 Propoxur 残杀威 110.0, C:314 12.341 Demeton- s-methyl 甲基内吸磷 88.0, C:915 12.523 Diphenylamine 二苯胺 167.0, C:616 12.624 Ethoprophos 灭克磷 114.0, C:517 13.152 Chlorpropham 氯苯胺磷 127.0, C:1018 13.47 Bendiocarb 恶虫威 166.0, C:1219 13.697 Monocrotophos 久效磷 127.0, C:620 13.825 Cadusafos 硫线磷 158.0, C:1821 13.985 Phorate 甲拌磷 75.0, C:1722 14.269 HCH - alpha α-六六六45.0, C:423 14.408 Hexachlorobenzene 六氯苯 142.0, C:1824 14.572 Thiometon 甲基乙拌磷 88.0, C:1625 14.852 Dimethoate 乐果 87.0, C:1326 14.892 Dicloran 氯硝胺 176.0, C:8VF-5 Pesticides 色谱柱应用序号 保留时间 化合物 中文名称27 15.003 Ethoxyquin 乙氧基喹啉 174.0, C:728 15.143 Carbofuran 克百威 149.0,C:329 15.35 Atrazine D5 莠去津 205.0, C:1130 15.562 HCH - beta beta-六六六 181.0 C:431 15.54 HCH - beta beta-六六六 145.0, C:432 15.596 Quintozene 五氯硝基苯 237.0, C:1933 15.829 Aminocarb 灭害威 151.0, C:934 15.903 Lindane (HCH-gamma) 林丹 181.0, C:435 15.886 Lindane (HCH-gamma) 林丹 145.0, C:436 16.03 Disulfoton 乙拌磷 97.0, C:537 16.032 Terbufos 特丁硫磷 175.0, C:1438 16.031 Dioxathion 敌杀磷 97.0, C:139 16.044 Propetamiphos 胺丙畏 194.0, C:1540 16.411 Diazinon 二嗪农 179.0, C1141 16.666 Pyrimethanil 嘧霉胺 198.0, C:442 16.706 Chlorothalonil 百菌清 231.0, C:943 17.032 Isazophos 氯唑磷 119.0, C:244 17.269 Etrimfos 乙嘧硫磷181.1 C:1045 17.734 Pirimicarb 抗蚜威 166.0, C:446 18.439 Phosphamidon 磷胺 27.0, C:647 18.867 Chlorpyrifos methyl 甲基毒死蜱 93.0, C:1048 19.121 Vinclozolin 乙烯菌核利 212.0, C:949 19.168 Spiroxamine I 葚孢菌素I 100.0, C:1150 19.244 Parathion methyl 甲基马拉松 109.0, C:551 19.266 Tolclofos methyl 甲基立枯磷 265.0, C:752 19.575 Heptachlor cis 顺式-七氯 237.0, C:853 19.585 Carbaryl 西维因 115.0, C:154 19.665 Acibenzolar-s-methyl 甲基苯丙噻二唑 107.0, C:255 19.707 Metalaxyl 甲霜灵 132.0, C:356 20.335 Demeton-s-methyl-sulfone砜吸磷 169.0, C:257 20.519 Pirimiphos methyl 甲基嘧啶磷 276.0, C:1358 20.614 Spiroxamine II 孢菌素 II 100.0, C:1159 20.65 Fenitrothion 杀螟硫磷 109.0, C:860 20.962 Dichlofluanid 抑菌灵 123.0, C:561 21.204 Malathion 马拉松 99.0, C:262 21.501 Chlorpyrifos 毒死蜱 258.0, C:1463 21.515 Aldrin 艾氏剂 191.0, C:764 21.889 Fenpropimorph 芬普福 128.0, C:1265 21.972 Parathion ethyl 乙基对硫磷 109.0, C:1066 22.148 Triadimefon 三泰酚 181.0, C:467 22.376 Dichlorobenzophenone 4,4-二氯苯甲酮 111.0, C:1VF-5 Pesticides 色谱柱应用序号 保留时间 化合物 中文名称 定量离子68 22.83 Pirimiphos ethyl 乙基嘧啶磷 333.0, C:1569 23.459 Chlorfenvinphos E isomer 毒虫畏(Z体)异构体 267.0, C:1570 23.512 Cyprodinil 嘧菌环胺 224.0, C:771 23.762 Penconazole 戊菌唑 248.0, C:1172 23.896 Tolyfluanid 甲苯氟磺胺 137.0, C:973 24.045 Chlorfenvinphos Z isomer 毒虫畏(E体)异构体 267.0, C:1574 24.213 Mecarbam 灭牙磷 131.0, C:475 24.212 Folpet 灭菌丹 76.0, C:176 24.315 Phenthoate 稻丰散 121.0, C:1377 24.3 Meposfolan 140.0, C:878 24.349 Quinalphos 奎硫磷 118.0, C:279 24.467 Furalaxyl 呋霜灵 95.0, C:1080 24.543 Procymidone 腐霉利 96.0, C:1481 24.407 Thiabendazole 涕必灵 174.0, C:682 24.62 Triadimenol 三唑醇 70.0, C:583 24.832 Captan 克菌丹 79.0, C:384 25.119 Bromophos ethyl 乙基溴硫磷 303.0, C:1385 25.13 Methidathion 杀扑磷 85.0, C:286 25.223 Chinomethionate 灭螨孟 206.0, C:787 25.374 DDE 2.4- o,p'- DDE 176.0, C:1188 25.59 Vamidothion 灭蚜硫磷 87.0, C:389 25.562 Paclobutrazole 多效唑 125.0, C:890 25.846 Endosulfan alpha - α-硫丹 143.0, C:991 26.099 Ditalimfos 灭菌磷 130.1, C:1092 26.236 Picoxystrobin 定氧菌酯 115.0, C:493 26.248 Mepanipyrim 灭派林 222.0, C:694 26.711 Hexaconazole 己唑醇 4.0, C:395 26.800 Prothiophos 丙硫磷 239.0, C:896 27.008 Fludioxanil 咯菌氰 182.0, C:797 27.117 Profenofos 丙溴磷 267.0, C:1598 27.204 Imazalil 抑霉唑 173.0, C:499 27.306 DDE 4.4-p,p'- DDE 246.0, C:14 100 27.434 Dieldrin 狄氏剂 241.0, C:9 101 27.672 DDD 2.4-o,p'- DDD 165.0, C:6 102 27.659 Myclobutanil 腈菌唑 179.0, C:10 103 27.780 Buprofezin 噻嗪酮 105.0, C:11 104 27.782 Flusilazole 氟硅唑 233.0, C:12 105 27.901 Bupirimate 乙嘧酚磺氨酯 273.0, C:13 106 28.395 Binapacryl 乐杀螨 55.0, C:1 107 28.609 Cyproconazole I 烯唑醇 I 222.0, C:3 108 28.591 Cyproconazole II 烯唑醇 II 222.0, C:3VF-5 Pesticides 色谱柱应用序号 保留时间 化合物 中文名称 定量离子109 29.320 Endosulfan beta 硫丹 143.0, C:6 110 29.404 Fenthion sulfoxide 倍硫磷亚砜 125.0, C:9 111 29.735 Oxadixyl 恶霜灵 132.0, C:2 112 29.776 DDT 4.4- p,p'- DDT 165.0, C:5 113 29.776 DDD 4.4-p,p'- DDD 165.0, C:5 114 29.776 DDT 2.4- o,p'- DDT 165.0, C:5 115 29.808 Ethion 乙硫磷 129.0, C:4 116 30.662 Triazophos 三唑磷 162.0, C:7 117 30.707 Ofurace 乙氧肤霜灵 232.0, C:10 118 30.911 Benalaxyl 苯霜灵 91.0, C:2 119 31.031 Carbophenothion 三硫磷 199.0, C:12 120 31.212 Endosulphan sulphate 内硫烷硫酸盐 272.0, C:9 121 31.231 Propiconazole I 丙环唑I 173.0, C:8 122 31.302 Trifloxystrobin 戊菌酯 116.0, C:1 123 31.395 Fenhexamid 环酰菌胺 97.0, C:11 124 31.448 Propiconazole II 丙环唑II 173.0, C:8 125 32.016 Propargite 克螨特 135.0, C:11 126 32.132 Tetramethrin I 胺菊酯 I 81.0, C:1 127 32.129 Resmethrin - cis 顺式-卞呋菊酯 143.0, C:4 128 32.326 Resmethrin - trans 反式-卞呋菊酯 143.0, C:4 129 32.337 Captafol 敌菌丹 79.0, C:2 130 32.434 Zoxamide 草酰胺 187.0, C:7 131 32.897 Iprodione 异菌脲 56.0, C:6 132 32.856 Phosmet 亚胺硫磷 77.0, C:3 133 32.928 EPN 苯硫磷 157.0, C:8 134 32.965 Bromopropylate 溴满酯 183.0, C:7 135 32.966 Tetramethrin II 胺菊酯 II 81.0, C:2 136 33.079 Fenoxycarb 苯氧威 88.0, C:1 137 33.188 Fenpropathrin 甲氰菊酯 181.0, C:4 138 33.516 Furathiocarb 呋线威 163.0, C:11 139 33.608 Tetradifon 四氯杀螨砜 229.0, C:9 140 33.722 Phosalone 扶杀磷 182.0, C:10 141 33.822 Azinphos methyl 保棉磷 77.0, C:3 142 34.122 Iambda Cyhalothrin 功夫菊酯 141.0, C:9 143 34.342 Benfuracarb 丙硫克百威 102.0, C:8 144 34.336 Fenarimol 氯苯嘧啶醇 139.0, C:10 145 34.476 Azinphos ethyl 谷硫磷 77.0, C:1 146 34.882 Bitertanol 联苯三唑醇 170.0, C:4 147 34.938 Permethrin trans 反-氯菊酯 165.0, C:7 148 35.060 Permethrin cis 顺-氯菊酯 165.0, C:7 149 35.068 Coumaphos 蝇毒磷 226.0, C:14VF-5 Pesticides 色谱柱应用序号 保留时间 化合物 中文名称 定量离子 150 35.142 Prochloraz 咪鲜胺 152.0, C:5 151 35.471 Cyfluthrin I 氟氯氰菊酯I 127.0, C:2 152 35.470 Cyfluthrin II 氟氯氰菊酯II 127.0, C:2 153 35.633 Cyfluthrin III 氟氯氰菊酯III 127.0, C:2 154 35.674 Cyfluthrin IV 氟氯氰菊酯IV 127.0, C:2 155 35.816 Cypermethrin I 氯氰菊酯 I 127.0, C:2 156 35.926 Cypermethrin II 氯氰菊酯II 127.0, C:2 157 35.954 Boscalid 啶酰菌胺 140.0, C:13 158 35.993 Cypermethrin III 氯氰菊酯III 127.0, C:2 159 36.035 Cypermethrin IIII 氯氰菊酯IIII 127.0, C:2 160 36.871 Fenvalerate [es] 顺氰戊菊酯 125.0, C:3 161 36.948 Fluvalinate - tau I 氟胺氰戊菊酯-tau I 200.0, C:11 162 37.047 Fluvalinate - tau II 氟胺氰戊菊酯-tau II 200.0, C:11 163 37.140 Fenvalerate 氰戊菊酯 125.0, C:3 164 37.527 Difenconazole I 苯醚甲环唑 I 265.0, C:4 165 37.614 Difenconazole II 苯醚甲环唑 II 265.0, C:4 166 37.857 Deltamethrin 溴氰菊酯 152.0, C:2 167 38.186 Azoxystrobin 嘧菌酯 172.0, C:6 168 38.534 Famoxadone 恶唑酮菌224.0, C:5 169 21.515 Fenthion 倍硫磷 258.0, C:9 170 23.919 Chlozolinate 克氯得 188.0, C:12 171 28.007 Kresoxim methyl 醚菌酯 116.0, C:1 172 28.658 Endrin 异狄氏剂 263.0, C:11 173 33.100 Fenamidone 咪唑菌酮 238.0, C:5 174 34.665 Pyrazophos 定菌磷 321.0, C:15VF-5 Pesticides 色谱柱应用图2使用GC/MS/MS 多反应监测(MRM)方式分析西红柿中的100μg/kg的农药残留共流出物结果讨论Anastassiades 等开发的QuEChERS方法被诠释如下:• Quick (快速)—单一技术在1小时内以完成10台GC/LC 的检测样品量,萃取方法快速;• Easy(简单)—无需多次转移和处理样品;• Cheap(价廉)—.即使是低温条件操作,每个样品处理的成本仅为1欧元• Effective(有效)—对多种性质的农药均可得到很好的回收率• Rugged(粗犷)—仅需简单培训即可掌握此方法并得到重复性良好的检测结果• Safe (安全) —溶剂的使用减少了近90%以上图3 QuEChERS 农药萃取流程农药多残留分析中,萃取技术必须是一种折中的方法,要综合考虑以下三个方面的因素:•吸附剂/目标分析物相互作用—必须达到目标分析物被保留•吸附剂/基质相互作用一一种竞争吸附,要求基质能够被单独洗脱•基质/目标分析物相互作用一有时会造成基质干扰,无法达到良好分离结论:使用四极杆质谱仪,结合超低流失FactorFour VF-5 Pesticides 色谱柱以及QuEChERS 萃取技术,对蔬菜和水果中170多种农药及其代谢物进行分析,此方法完全满足当前水果和蔬菜中的痕量多种残留农药分析的需求,是一种可靠的分析技术。
安捷伦应用 采用安捷伦 J&W DB-35ms 及 DB-XLB GC 色谱柱对鱼肉组织中的 PCB 进行 GCμECD 分析和确认
采用安捷伦 J&W DB-35ms 及 DB-XLB GC 色谱柱对鱼肉组织中的 PCB 进行 GC/µECD 分析和确认AbstractAuthorsDoris Smith and Ken Lynam Agilent Technologies, Inc.2850 Centerville Road Wilmington, DE 19809USAApplication NoteFood Analysis本文实验使用带 µECD 的 GC 对从本地杂货店中购得的鱼肉样品进行了分析,分析主要针对其中的 19 种 PCB (多氯化联苯)化合物。
分析前使用分散固相萃取(dSPE ),通过 QuEChERS (快速、简便、经济、高效、耐用和安全)程序对样品进行了净化处理。
然后采用双 µECD 和双毛细管 GC 色谱柱方法同时进行了基本分析和确认性分析。
基本分析色谱柱安捷伦 J&W DB-35ms (30 m×0.25 mm ,0.25 µm )和确认性分析色谱柱安捷伦 J&W DB-XLB (30 m×0.25 mm ,0.50 µm )二者均有效地分离了所有 19 种 PCB 。
实验在 10、20、50、100、250 和 400 纳克/毫升的 PCB 水平上对此方法进行了校准,所得线性和重现性均非常出色。
鱼肉基质中的含量为 50 和 200 纳克/毫升时,加标回收率为 72% 和 116%。
IntroductionOmega-3 fatty acids lower cholesterol, cancer risks, and blood pressure levels. The human body does not produce this fatty acid that is mainly obtained through diet or supplements. Fish is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which is especially high in fatty fish. However, even though fish has many benefi-cial aspects, fish may also contain contaminants such as heavy metals, PCBs or other pollutants.Even though polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were banned in the late 1970s in the United States and other countries, PCB contamination remains a concern. PCBs are slow to break down and are persistent in the environment, collecting in the sediment of rivers and lakes [1,2]. PCBs are highly lipophilic and bioaccumulate in the fatty tissue of fish throughout the food chain. Consumption of contaminated fish is a significant source of human exposure [3]. Many agencies such as the EPA and local state governments have issued fish advisories recommending monthly or annual fish consump-tion limits [4].A dual column, dual µECD system with an Agilent J&W DB-35ms 30 m × 0.25 mm, 0.25 µm primary analysis column and an Agilent J&W DB-XLB 30 m × 0.25 mm, 0.50 µm confirma-tory column is shown to separate and analyze the PCBs in the fish sample. Continuous improvements and stringent process control with respect to column activity make this column pair a particularly good choice for analysis of PCBs in a challeng-ing fish tissue matrix.The QuEChERS (quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe) AOAC sample preparation approach is used for extrac-tion and cleanup of 19 PCB congeners in fish tissue. This approach involves an initial extraction in a buffered aqueous and acetonitrile system, an extraction and partitioning step following a salt addition, and a cleanup step using dispersivesolid phase extraction [5].ExperimentalAn Agilent 7890A GC system equipped with dual µECD detec-tion was used for this series of experiments enabling simulta-neous identification and confirmation from a single injection. The GC was also fitted with an unpurged two-way splitter capillary flow technology (CFT) device, simplifying mainte-nance and reducing system downtime. Table 1 lists the chro-matographic conditions used for these analyses. Table 2 lists flow path consumable supplies used in these experiments. Reagents and ChemicalsAll reagents and solvents were HPLC or Ultra Resi grade. Acetonitrile (ACN) was from Honeywell (Muskegon, MI, USA), acetic acid (HAc) was from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA), and acetone was from VWR International (West Chester, PA, USA). The PCB congeners standard (RPCM-8082) and surrogate standard (ISM-320) were purchased from Ultra Scientific (N. Kingstown, RI, USA).Solutions and StandardsA 1% acetic acid solution in ACN was prepared by adding10 mL of acetic acid to 1 L of ACN.Table 1.Chromatographic ConditionsTable 2.Flow Path SuppliesThe PCB stock standard solution (100 µg/mL of 19 congeners) was diluted in acetone to yield spiking solutions of 1 and5 µg/mL. A 10 µg/mL surrogate spiking solution was prepared by diluting the stock surrogate (200 µg/mL) solution in ace-tone. The spiking solutions were used to prepare the calibra-tion curves in the matrix blank extract by appropriate dilution. Sample PreparationA Swai fish sample was purchased from a local grocery store. The fish was chopped into small cubes and frozen at –80 °C overnight. The samples were then comminuted thoroughly to achieve sample homogeneity. The sample extraction method used the QuEChERS method followed by dSPE [5]. Figure 1 illustrates the sample preparation procedure graphically in a flow chart.A 3.0 g sample of fish was weighed into a centrifuge tube. QC samples were fortified with appropriate amount of PCB spiking solution to yield QC samples with concentrations of 10, 50, and 200 ng/mL. A 150-µL amount of surrogate spiking standard (10 µg/mL) was added to each QC sample to yield a 100 ng/mL concentration. Each sample received a 12.0-mL aliquot of deionized water and 15-mL aliquot of 1% HAc in ACN. The samples were vortexed at 1500 rpm for 1 minute. Two ceramic bars (Agilent p/n 5982-9313) were added to each sample to aid in sample extraction. An Agilent SampliQ QuEChERS AOAC extraction salt packet (Agilent p/n 5982-5755) containing 6 g of MgSO4and 1.5 g sodium acetate was added to each centrifuge tube. The capped tubes were shaken on a Geno/Grinder at 1500 rpm for 1 minute. The samples were centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 5 minutes.An 8-mL aliquot of the upper layer was transferred to an Agilent SampliQ QuEChERS fatty sample dispersive SPE 15 mL tube (Agilent p/n 5982-5158). The dSPE tube was vortexed for 1 minute and then centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 5 minutes to complete the sample extraction. The liquid from the dSPE tube was transferred to a GC vial and analyzed by GC-µECD using the chromatographic conditions listed in Table 1. Extractions of water and acetonitrile aliquots were prepared in the same manner as the samples and served as reagent blanks.QuEChERS/dSPE Sample Preparation WorkflowFigure 1.Flow chart of the Agilent SampliQ QuEChERS modified AOAC extraction procedure for fish sample [5].Figure 2.GC/µECD chromatogram of the 50 ng/mL PCB congeners standard analyzed on an Agilent J&W DB-35ms 30 m × 0.25 mm, 0.25 µm capillary GC col-umn (Agilent p/n 122-3832). Chromatographic conditions are listed in Table 1.Results and DiscussionThe PCB and surrogate standards were resolved on the DB-35ms 30 m × 0.25 mm, 0.25 µm primary analysis column in less than 12 min. Figure 2 shows the separation of a50 ng/mL PCB standard solution (100 ng/mL surrogate stan-dard). Figure 3 shows a chromatogram of the same 50 ng/mL PCB standard (100 ng/mL surrogate standard) injection on the DB-XLB 30 m x 0.25 mm, 0.50 µm confirmatory analysis column.The performance of the dual column set yielded acceptable linearity and recovery over the calibration range of this study.The method limit of quantitation (MLQ) of 10 ppb is substan-tially lower than the current regulatory guideline set by the FDA of 2,000 ppb for PCBs in food grade fish, and below the Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry (ATSDR)maximum residue limit (MRL) of 0.02 mg/kg/day for these analytes [6]. The linearity of the column set as defined by the r 2values of the PCB congeners standard curve ranged from 0.9939-0.9998. The individual PCB congener values are shown in Table 3. The lowest calibration standard on the column set also achieved excellent signal-to-noise ratios as shown in Figure 4.Figure 3.GC/µECD chromatogram of the 50 ng/mL PCB congeners standard analyzed on an Agilent J&W DB-XLB 30 m × 0.25 mm, 0.50 µm capillary GC column (Agilent p/n122-1236). Chromatographic conditions are listed in Table 1.10 ppb IUPAC 3110 ppb IUPAC 5min4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7Hz200300400500600700800900Noise = 50 HzSignal = 530 Hz S/N = 10.6DB-35 msmin6.6 6.7 6.8 6.977.1Hz200300400500600700800Noise = 40 HzSignal = 432 HzS/N = 10.8DB-XLBFigure 4Enlarged view chromatogram of two individual congeners in the 10 ng/mL PCB calibration standard analyzed on the Agilent J&W DB-35ms and DB-XLB capillary columns. Chromatographic conditions are listed in Table 1.Excellent signal-to-noise achieved for trace level PCBsThe extraction process using the QuEChERS followed by dis-persive SPE was effective in retaining the PCBs in the spikedfish sample and providing sufficient cleanup of the samplematrix for GC-µECD analysis. Figure 5 shows the separation ofthe extracted PCBs in a spiked fish sample on the primary andconfirmation column set.Figure 5.GC/µECD chromatogram of the 50 ng/mL fortified fish extract analyzed on Agilent’s J&W DB-35ms and DB-XLB GC columns. Chromatographic conditions are listed in Table 1.Table 4.Recovery and Repeatability of PCBs in Fortified Swai Fish with Agilent J&W DB-35ms column (Agilent p/n122-3832)The recoveries were determined at the 10, 50, and 200 ng/mL PCB levels. Recoveries for the individual PCBs on each column are shown in Tables 4 and 5. The mid and high level recovery ranges were excellent with the DB-35ms column (72 to 112%), and with the DB-XLB column (72 to 116%) for all PCBs investigated.Lower recoveries were noted for three of the 19 congeners in the low level 10 ppb QC sample. The co-elution of IUPAC 110and IUPAC 151 on the DB-35ms column contributed to the lower recovery seen for the IUPAC 110, but both congenerswere resolved on the XLB column yielding recoveries over 72%.Because the sensitivity of the ECD is relative to the amount of chloro substituents present, the response for the PCBs generally increases with increased chlorine content. Since IUPAC 1 is a monochlorinated biphenyl (2-chlorobiphenyl) it exhibits poor ECD sensitivity. This was found to contribute to the low recovery for IUPAC 1 at the 10 ng/mL level, however recovery and reproducibility were excellent at 50 ng/mL (average recovery 111%, average reproducibility 2.4%).Table 5.Recovery and Repeatability of PCBs in Fortified Swai Fish with Agilent J&W DB-XLB column (Agilent p/n 122-1236)ConclusionsThis application note shows a robust, inexpensive, analytical method that sufficiently monitors PCBs in fish samples to address food safety concerns. This method demonstrates the feasibility of using a dual column µECD approach for routine fish screening as an alternative to GC/MS.The Agilent SampliQ QuEChERS AOAC method for fatty sam-ples followed by dSPE is effective at providing enough sample cleanup to avoid matrix interferences, while maintaining low level analyte detection.The dual column set of an Agilent J&W DB-35ms primary analytical column and an Agilent J&W DB-XLB confirmatory column on one instrument allows simultaneous identification and confirmation of the presence of the PCBs. The DB-35ms primary analysis column and the DB-XLB confirmatory column with dual µECD detection were effective at analyzing 19 PCBs in a fish matrix following sample matrix cleanup. The single injection, dual column approach improves productivity by sav-ing instrument and analyst time. Continuous improvements and stringent process control with respect to column activity make the DB-35ms and DB-XLB column pair an excellent choice for analysis of analytes such as PCBs.The performance of the dual column set DB-35ms and DB-XLB with GC µECD had excellent linearity over the range of con-centrations studied with r2values between 0.9939 and 0.9998 for the PCB compounds. Recovery and reproducibility was shown to be greater than 77% with an RSD below 3.0 at50 ng/mL. The method limit of quantitation for the PCB con-geners using this approach was significantly lower than cur-rently regulated MRLs in fish. The results achieved with this method shows determination of PCBs by µECD as a reliable alternative to GC/MS.AcknowledgementsThe authors wish to thank Joan Stevens for her help and sug-gestions with the Agilent SampliQ QuEChERS AOAC extrac-tion procedure.References1.S. Foran, E. Lewandrowski, J. Flood, et. al. “Measurementof Organochlorines in Commercial Over the Counter Fish Oil Prep: Implication for Dietary and TherapeuticRecommendation…” Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 2005, 129, 74-77.2.IPCS (International Programme on Chemical Safety)Environmental Health Criteria 140, PolychlorinatedBiphenyls and Terphenyls. second ed. World HealthOrganization; 1993.3.F, Cordle, R. Locke, and J. Springer. (1982). RiskAssessment in a Federal Regulatory Agency: AnAssessment of Risk Associated with the HumanConsumption of Some Species of Fish Contaminated with Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs). Environ HealthPerspect.45:171-82.4./waterscience/fish/files/pcbs.pdf5.AOAC Method 2007.016./HAC/pha/pha.asp?docid=1094&pg=2For More InformationFor more information on our products and services, visit our Web site at /chem./chemAgilent shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Information, descriptions, and specifications in this publication are subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc., 2010Printed in the USAAugust 12, 20105990-6236EN。
目前正式商品化的有机磷农药有上百种,如敌敌畏、 敌百虫、马拉硫磷等。 敌敌畏(DDV)
• O,O-二甲基-O-(2,2-二氯)乙烯基磷酸酯
• 无色液体,有芳香味,在水中约能溶1%,能与大部分有 机溶剂相溶。
但它在生理pH条件下就能转变成强抑制剂 DDV。
• O,O-二甲基-S-(N-甲基氨基甲酰甲基)二硫代磷酸酯 • 第一个对哺乳动物低毒的有机磷内吸杀虫剂。
• 乐果是一种触杀性和内吸性杀虫杀螨剂。
• 乐果在贮存中不很稳定,特别在温度高和存在碱及二 硫代磷酸二甲酯时会分解,主要是发生烷基化反应。 铁可加速其分解。
➢色谱条件 • 色谱柱:HP-1石英毛细管柱,氮磷检测器,
流动相:氮气、氢气和空气。 • 程序升温:60℃(保持0.5min),以
10℃/min,至250℃(保持3min)。 • 进样口温度:250℃。 • 检测器温度:300℃。 • 不分流进样:进样量1uL。
2. 色谱条件
色谱柱:50m ×0.25mm(内径);膜厚0.20um,
固定相为CP-Sil 19CB,弹性石英毛细管柱。
氮气作为流动相,进样温度250℃,检测器温度 300℃,采用不分流进样方式,进样量1uL,进样 0.75min后吹扫。
柱温程序:柱温100℃,恒温4min以后以8℃/min的速 率程序升温至240℃,继续恒温20min至样品全部流出。
(1) 薄层色谱法是一种比较成熟的、广泛应用的微量快 速检测方法,检出限达0.1~0.01μg。
用丙酮和正己烷的混合液提取样品中的杀虫脒和双甲脒,净化后检测,在0.010 mg/L-0.2mg/L(10µg/kg-200µg/kg)范围内,杀虫脒、双甲脒及其代谢物2,4-二甲基苯胺均符合线性关系,线性相关系数R>0.99,平均回收率在76.83%-91.35%之间。
关键词气相色谱-串联质谱高效毛细管电泳三聚氰胺苯醚甲环唑杀虫脒双甲脒2,4-二甲基苯胺AbstractAbstractIn recent years the chromatography develops rapidly,and it has been used widely.In the paper,the application of chromatography in food safety analysis has been reviewed,including application of GC/MS and HPCE in food analysis.In chapter2,a novel method of high performance capillary electrophoresis(HPCE)has been established for the separation of melamine in milk and milk powder.Trichloroacetic acid solution was used to precipitate proteins and to dissociate the melamine from the sample matrix.In order to dissociate the proteins clean and simply,the sample was heated to boil, then cooled naturally.The average recoveries ranged from83.2%to97.5%in the spiked range of the determination of melamine in milk and milk powder.The limit of quantification (LOQs)of milk and milk powder was1.0mg/kg,and the relative standard deviations were between 2.1%and 3.9%(n=5).The sensitivity of the method is similar to the high-performance liquid chromatography,and the sample pre-treatment is more simple, specific,reproducible,economic,environment.So it can be used for a large number of samples of milk and milk powder’s melamine rapid detection.In chapter3,a new method of the determination of difenoconazole in Vegetable by GC-MS/MS was developed.The difenoconazole in sample was extracted with acetonitrile. The extract was purified and concentrated with solid phase extraction column,then detected by GC-MS/MS in the multiple reaction monitoring mode.The average recoveries ranged from78.82%to94.64%,The limit of quantification(LOQs)was10µg/kg,The calibration curve was linear between0.01mg/L and0.25mg/L(10µg/kg-250µg/kg),and the correlation coefficient was more than0.99.In chapter4,a novel method of simultaneous differmination of amitraz and chlordimeform in honey by GC-MS/MS was investigated.The amitraz and chlordimeform in sample were extracted with mixture of acetone and n-hexane,the extract was purified and concentrated, then detected by GC-MS/MS.The calibration curve was linear of amitraz,chlordimeform and 2,4-xylidine between0.01mg/L and0.2mg/L(10µg/kg-200µg/kg),and the correlation coefficient was more than0.990.The average recovery was ranged from76.83%-91.35%.Key words GC/MS HPCE Melamine Difenoconazole Amitraz Chlordimeform 2,4-Dimethylaniline第1章综述第1章绪论色谱在食品分析中的应用中国是食品生产和贸易大国,食品安全问题是关系到我国的国民经济和人民生活的重大问题。
[CA-05] 使用高温程序升温蒸发(PTV)进样器分析低挥发性样品组分1. 引言对分析化学家来说选择合适的色谱技术解决分离问题是很具挑战性的。
成品分析:小口径0.25mm,0.32mm ,薄液膜
*分流比小口径》100:1 ;大口径10~50:1或不分流进样(用专用接头)
* 定性与定量
毛细管柱气相色谱法测定水产品中三氯杀螨醇残留量吴文慧;李亮【摘要】采用有机溶剂提取、液液萃取净化,建立了鲫鱼、草鱼等水产品中三氯杀螨醇残留量的毛细管柱气相色谱检测方法,外标法定量.结果表明,三氯杀螨醇在0 mg/L~1.0mg/L范围内呈良好的线性关系,线性相关系数为0.9998;添加回收率范围74.2%~110.2%,室内相对标准偏差为2.71%~12.6%;方法检出限为0.003mg/kg,定量限为0.01mg/kg.【期刊名称】《江西化工》【年(卷),期】2018(000)004【总页数】3页(P105-107)【关键词】三氯杀螨醇;水产品;毛细管柱气相色谱法【作者】吴文慧;李亮【作者单位】江西省食品药品安全监控中心,江西南昌330029;宜春市食品稽查支队,江西宜春336000【正文语种】中文三氯杀螨醇(dicofol)化学名为:2,2,2-三氯-1,1-双(4-氯苯基)乙醇,是一种有机氯杀螨剂。
本文利用丙酮-水对样品进行提取,石油醚液液分配去除脂类杂质,磺化除去样品中的油脂,碱化将三氯杀螨醇转化为邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(dibutyl phthalate,DBP)后,用配有电子捕获检测器的气相色谱仪测定,外标法定量,建立了毛细管柱气相色谱-电子捕获法测定水产品中三氯杀螨醇残留量检测方法。
1 实验部分1.1 仪器与试剂气相色谱(Agilent 7890,Agilent公司),配微电子捕获检测器;旋涡混合器(IKA MS2,德国);离心机(上海安亭)TDL-5-A;旋转浓缩仪(瑞士BUCHI)R-215;氮吹浓缩仪(美国Organomation)NEVP-24;有机系针孔滤膜(天津津腾)0.22μm。
1.气相色谱法测定蔬菜水果中三氯杀螨醇残留量 [J], 周艳明;忻雪;胡睿
2.气相色谱法测定水果中三氯杀螨醇残留量 [J], 黄智辉;王登飞;陈练洪;游俊;郑俊
3.毛细管柱气相色谱法测定水产品中三氯杀螨醇残留量 [J], 吴文慧;李亮
4.毛细管气相色谱法测定苹果中三氯杀螨醇的残留量的研究 [J], 晋玉霞;张新玲;吴瑛
5.气相色谱法同时测定蔬菜和水果中三氯杀螨醇及菊酯类农药残留 [J], 王锡宁;季萍
气相色谱法对蔬菜中农药残留的定性分析专业(班级):姓名:学号:指导教师:实验日期:2016 年 4 月 20 日气相色谱法对蔬菜中农药残留的定性分析一、实验目的1. 了解气相色谱仪的基本结构、工作原理和操作技术。
2. 了解程序升温技术在气相色谱分析中的应用。
3. 了解毛细管气相色谱分析中的应用。
4. 学习利用保留值进行色谱对照的定性方法。
二、实验原理气相色谱仪 (Gac Chromatography, GC) 是采用气体 (载气) 作为流动相的一种色谱法。
三、实验仪器与试剂天美G7900气相色谱仪、电子天平(METTLER AE200) 、离心机 (菲恰尔 80-2B)、KS康氏振荡器丙酮 (分析纯)、乙酸乙酯 (分析纯)、超纯水、对硫磷标准品、甲基对硫磷标准品、三唑磷标准品、无水硫酸钠 (分析纯)、50 mL PP 离心管、10 mL PP 离心管四、实验内容样品处理1. 将蔬菜切碎 (要充分粉碎),称取2 g于20 mL离心管中。
2. 加入10 mL丙酮 : 乙酸乙酯 (1 : 1) 混合液,旋紧瓶塞,振荡2 min后,离心4 min (1500 r/min)。
3. 加入无水硫酸钠1 g,超纯水5 mL,振荡2min后,继续离心4 min (1500 r/min)。
4. 取上清液至10 mL离心管,贴好标签。
5. 上机测定前保存于4 ℃冰箱。
色谱条件进样口温度:240 ℃检测器温度:250 ℃柱温程序:140 ℃(1 min),然后以10 ℃/min升温至200 ℃(4 min),再以15℃/min升温至280℃ (2 min)载气 (N2) 流量:35 mL/min进样量:1uL五、注意事项1. 蔬菜一定要充分切碎,越细越好。
蔬菜在生长过程中为防止病虫害而使用农药 , 造成一定的农药残留 , 人们食用这种蔬菜, 会对身体 造成严重的危害 . 为了提高蔬菜的安全性, 必须加强 监测力度 . 国内外测定蔬菜中的农药残留量均采用 国标 ( GB) 食品卫生检验方法中的填充柱测定 , 而使 用毛细管色谱法测定的报道却较少见到. 为此 , 我 们采集了我市城区市售的豆角、 西红柿、 辣椒、 黄瓜、 甘兰、 芹菜、 菠菜、 白菜、 马铃薯、 萝卜等 10 种蔬菜样 品 307 份 , 利用毛细管色谱法测定了其有机氯类和 拟除虫菊酯类的农药残留量.
DDE 、 o , ∀ - DDT 、 ∀, ∀ - DDD、 ∀ , ∀ - DDT 、 甲氰 菊酯、 氰戊菊酯、 溴氰菊酯的峰面积相对标准偏差分 别为 2. 1% 、 2. 9% 、 3. 6% 、 2. 0% 、 2. 9% 、 4. 3% 、 4 7% 、 3. 1% 、 1. 9% 、 2. 3% 、 2. 7% , 表明方法的精密 度良好. 2. 3 回收率 对辣椒和甘兰蔬菜样品在分别测定其有机氯和
收稿日期 : 2006 11 30; 修订日期 : 2007 02 08.
作者简介 : 王平林 , 男 , 副主任检验师 , 从事食品微生物、 理化检验 工作 .
142 1. 4. 2 拟除虫菊酯类农药提取
第 13 卷
入淋洗液淋 洗 , 淋洗 液用 量 25~ 30 m L 石油 醚 , 收 集滤 液于 尖底 定容 瓶 中 , 最后 以 氮气 流吹 , 浓 缩体积至 1 m L , 供色谱测定用 . 1. 5 样品测定[ 2] 将上述提取的分析液注入( 10 #L ) 气相色谱中, 以有机氯类( 图 1) 和拟除虫菊酯类 ( 图 3) 标准色谱 图为对照, 以待测样品的保留时间进行定性, 以峰高 ( 或峰面积) 进行定量, 数据工作站进行数据处理 , 测 定出蔬菜中所含有机 氯类 ( 图 2) 或拟除虫 菊酯类 ( 图 4) 农药的残留量 .
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降低二嗯英 ( C D F ) P D / s 的检 出限 ( O ) 以更好地估计这类有毒化合物在食 品中的含量 .通常 的分析方法用无 分 LD可 流进样 注入内径 0 2 .5mm长 6 m 的色谱柱. 0 色谱 分离度 与色谱柱 内径 成比例而与柱 长的平方 根成 正比 ,因此 ,用 3 1m×0 1 m ID . 8m . .的色谱 柱与用标准 的
内 ,加入 20 l 0 m 二氯 甲烷: 己烷 ( : ) 1 1 混合液 .样品振荡过夜 (6h . 1 ) 13 清洗步骤( . 马哈鱼和菠菜 )
弃去瓶 中酸性 部分 ,倒 出溶 液留下残余 固体部分 ,倒 出的溶液再用浓硫酸 连续洗 三次 ,然后浓缩 溶液体积 ,再 通
过连续填充酸性活化硅胶 、中性 硅胶 、及碱性活化硅胶 的柱子 ,用 己烷作淋洗剂洗脱.
物 中 P D / s的测 定 中. C DF
1 分 析方 法
全部分析均在 Mi o asA t pcU i N B c m s uo e— hma TE E几何双聚焦扇形磁质 谱仪上进行 .质谱 仪用 电子轰击源 ,分 辨 r S
率 (0 1%峰谷 ) 电子能量为 3 在 5灯丝 电源为 6 0. 5p A时优 于 100 0 0 .采用 电压选择离子模 式 ,记录 的质 量范 围如 同 U E S—
HR - MS方 法 优 化 GC HR
Ket 0 r l。 i W ral h
C ie R b n o 。 l o is n v
D vd W o d a i o
P u rico as t. Wy esa e Mahs r K;2 s A L i t 1 irm s Ld , t nhw , c et ,U UK h e . . .Lmi d,M dok Ho s ,N w E m R a ,Ma h s r K) e e lc u e e l o d c et ,U e
P 6 3方法 B版 中表 8 2 . A11 , 3 0节所示.色谱部分 由 A i n 6 9 g et 8 0气相色谱仪带 C CA2 0S l T 0 E自动进样器 ( 1 完成 . 图 )
图 l A t p c 意 图 uo e 示 S
1 1 色谱条件 . 无分流 进样 ,长 6 B 一 柱 ,内径 0 2 m:起始温度 10C保持 4 mn 0m D 5ms .5m 4 ̄ i,再 分别 以 I  ̄ ・ i 升 至 2 0C, OC mn 2 ̄ 14C ・ i 升至 20C,4 ・ n 升至 3 0C 保持 7 n .  ̄ mn 4 ̄ ℃ mi 1  ̄并 mi,氦气流速 1m ・ i ~. l mn 无分流进样 ,长 3 B 一 s ,内径 0 1 0m D 5m 柱 .8mm:起始温度 10C保持 3m n 4 ̄ i,再分别 以 1  ̄ ・ i 升至 2 0C, 5C m n 2 ̄ 2 ・ i 升至 20C,94 ・ i 升至 3 0C,氦气 流速 0 7m ・ i~. ℃ mn 4  ̄ . ℃ mn 1 ̄ . l mn Ⅲ 进 样 , 3 B 一 s ,内径 0 1 m:起 始温 度 6 ℃保 持 15 mn 长 0m D 5m 柱 . 8m o . i,再 分别 以 2 ℃ ・ i 升 至 2  ̄ 0 mn 0 2 C, 3 3 ・ i 升至 20 , . ℃ ・ i 升至 30C . ℃ mn 4℃ 94 mn 1  ̄并保 持 2m n i ,氦气流速 06 m ・ n . l mi一. P V进样 ,用溶剂放空的方式操作 ,起始 温度 为 5 ℃ ,保 持 05 i.温度 以 70C ・ n 速率 升至 3 0C保 持 1 0 . mn 2  ̄ mi 2 ̄ 4 n mi,再 以 7 0C ・ i 至 30 ,保持 1m n 2o mn 3℃ 5 i,最终 的进样体积为 1 .
12 萃取步骤 ( . 马哈鱼 和菠菜 )
菠菜 、天然马哈鱼和人工养殖马哈鱼购 自曼彻斯特 ( nh s r 地区食品超市 ,均原产于英国. Mac et ) e
在混匀 的样 品 (0 4 g马哈鱼 ,lO O g菠菜 ) 中加入标记 的萃取标准溶液 ,再放入 内含 10m 5 5 l %盐酸 的棕 色玻璃瓶 2
6 × .5m . .色 谱 柱 可 以得 到 同样 的分 离 度 ( ) 0m 0 2 m ID R.
进样器替代 分流/ 无分流进样器 可以极大地提高色谱性 能 ,进样 时的谱带宽度 可变得很窄 ,因而又可降低
被测组分的峰宽 ,从 而提高分离 度.这一切 最终可 以提高讯号对噪音 的比例 ( / ) SN . 本文探讨 了除常规方法外 ,用 PV 进样到窄孔 径柱来降低 的 P D / s的 L D,其结 果展示在 三文鱼和 菠菜萃 取 1 CDF O
第2 5卷 第 6期
2 06 在 0
Vo . 2 1 5,No 6 . No e e 0o v mb r2 6
1月 1
用 I[ 和 ( ) y 】 v 或 无分流进样的薄层 毛细管 G C 分 析 三 文 鱼和 菠 菜 中 P DD F C / s的
2 5卷
洗脱液经浓缩后加入 Fo s 柱 ,先用 己烷 再用 二氯甲烷作溶剂进行洗脱 ,收集二氯甲烷的馏分浓缩接近干燥 ,再 l il ri
溶 于 1 正 壬 烷 中 . 0
分析前将标记 的内标化合物直接加入被测样 品中. 14 标准物 的制备 和浓度 . 所有用 于校正 的标 准物 均购 自 C m r g ooeL brt e,用时未经任何处理. a bi eI tp aoa r s d s o i