扫题出答案软件【篇一:软件工程试题和答案】软件开发的各种资源中,(b )是最重要的资源。
a开发工具b方法 c硬件环境d人员2、软件的复杂性是( a ),它引起人员通信困难、开发费用超支、开发时间超时等问题。
a固有的b人为的 c可消除的d不可降低的3、原型化方法是用户和软件开发人员之间进行的一种交互过程,适用于( a )系统。
a需求不确定的b需求确定的 c管理信息d决策支持4、单元测试的测试用例主要根据( d )的结果来设计。
a需求分析b源程序 c概要设计d详细设计5、(a)是软件生存期中的一系列相关软件工程活动的集合,它由软件规格说明、软件设计与开发、软件确认、软件改进等活动组成。
a软件过程b软件工具 c软件生存周质量保证d软件工程6、( a )意味着一个操作在不同的类中可以有不同的实现方式。
a多态性b类的复用c封装7、软件测试计划开始于需求分析阶段,完成于( d )阶段。
a需求分析b软件设计 c软件实现d软件测试8、在软件生存周期的瀑布模型中一般包括计划、( c )、设计、编码、测试、维护等阶段。
a可行性分析 b需求采集 c需求分析 d问题定义9. 软件需求分析阶段的测试手段一般采用( c )。
a总结b阶段性报告 c需求分析评审d不测试10. ( c )是把对象的属性和操作结合在一起,构成一个独立的对象,其内部信息对外界是隐蔽的,外界只能通过有限的接口与对象发生联系。
a多态性b继承 c封装d消息11. 软件测试是为了( b )而执行程序的过程。
a纠正错误b发现错误 c避免错误d证明正确12. 在结构化分析方法中,(c)表达系统内部数据运动的图形化技术。
a数据字典b实体关系图 c数据流图d状态转换图13. 软件工程的基本要素包括方法、工具和( a )。
a过程b软件系统 c硬件环境d人员14. turbo pascal是( a)软件。
a、系统软件b、人工智能c、事务软件d、应用软件15、选择结构的复杂性比顺序结构的复杂性要(b )。
参考指南Enfocus内容1. PitStop Pro 文档概述 (14)2. PitStop Pro 概述 (16)2.1. 关于 PitStop Pro (16)2.2. 关于动作列表 (16)2.2.1. 打开动作列表对话框 (17)2.2.2. 定义动作列表 (17)2.2.3. 运行动作列表 (17)2.2.4. 导入动作列表 (17)2.2.5. 导出动作列表 (18)2.3. 关于预检规范 (18)2.3.1. 打开预检规范对话框 (18)2.3.2. 定义预检规范 (19)2.3.3. 运行预检规范 (19)2.3.4. 导入预检规范 (19)2.3.5. 导出预检规范 (20)2.4. 关于全局变更 (20)2.4.1. 打开全局变更对话框 (20)2.4.2. 定义全局变更 (21)2.4.3. 运行全局变更 (21)2.4.4. 导入全局变更 (21)2.4.5. 导出全局变更 (21)2.5. 关于 QuickRun (22)2.5.1. 打开 QuickRun 对话框 (22)2.5.2. 定义 QuickRun (22)2.5.3. 运行 QuickRun (22)2.5.4. 运行 QuickRun 收藏夹 (23)2.5.5. 导入 QuickRun (23)2.5.6. 导出 QuickRun (23)2.6. 菜单栏:概述 (24)2.7. 工具窗格:概述 (28)2.7.1. 向工具窗格添加 PitStop Pro 面板 (36)2.8. 对话框:概述 (36)2.9. Enfocus 检查器对话框:概述 (37)2.10. PitStop Pro 快捷方式:概述 (42)2.11. PitStop 编辑工具:修改器键 (44)目录3. 设置 PitStop Pro 首选项 (47)3.1. PitStop Pro 和 StatusCheck 首选项 (47)3.2. 共享首选项 (47)3.3. 访问 PitStop Pro 首选项 (47)3.4. 首选项 > Enfocus PitStop Pro 首选项 > 常规 (47)3.4.1. 处理 (47)3.4.2. 保存文档 (48)3.4.3. 裁切框页边距 (48)3.5. 首选项 > Enfocus PitStop Pro 首选项 > 编辑 (49)3.5.1. 撤销次数 (49)3.5.2. 线框视图中的文本 (49)3.5.3. 显示中心选择控点 (49)3.5.4. 经过对象上方时改变鼠标指针样式 (50)3.5.5. 拖动选区时移动对象 (50)3.5.6. 修改键 (50)3.5.7. 按住 Alt 键的同时拖动选择区域 (50)3.5.8. 粘贴复制的对象 (51)3.5.9. 新对象的默认样式 (51)3.6. 首选项 > Enfocus PitStop Pro 首选项 > 色彩 (52)3.6.1. 更改色彩 (52)3.7. 首选项 > Enfocus PitStop Pro 首选项 > 语言 (54)3.7.1. 更改 PitStop Pro 用户界面的语言 (54)3.8. 首选项 > Enfocus PitStop Pro 首选项 > 字体 (55)3.9. 首选项 > Enfocus PitStop Pro 首选项 > 色彩管理 (55)3.9.1. 色彩管理简述 (55)3.9.2. 使用 ICC 配置文件进行色彩转换 (55)3.9.3. 使用色彩管理 (56)3.9.4. 使用色彩管理预设编辑器 (56)3.10. 首选项 > Enfocus PitStop Pro首选项 > 变量集 (56)3.10.1. 变量集概述 (57)3.11. 首选项 > Enfocus PitStop Pro 首选项 > 单位和参考线 (57)3.11.1. 单位和参考线 (57)3.12. 首选项 > Enfocus PitStop Pro 首选项 > 快捷键 (58)3.12.1. 创建快捷方式组 (59)3.12.2. 导出快捷方式组 (61)3.12.3. 导入快捷方式组 (61)3.12.4. 应用快捷方式组 (62)3.12.5. 保存并打印快捷方式组 (62)3.13. 首选项 > Enfocus PitStop Pro 首选项 > 窗口 (63)3.13.1. Windows (63)3.14. 首选项 > Enfocus PitStop Pro 首选项 > 警告 (63)Enfocus3.14.1. 警告信息 (63)3.15. 首选项 > Enfocus PitStop Pro 首选项 > 预设数据库 (63)3.15.1. 添加数据库文件夹 (63)3.16. 首选项 > Enfocus PitStop Pro首选项 > 许可 (64)3.17. 首选项 > Enfocus PitStop Pro 首选项 > 更新 (64)3.17.1. PitStop Pro更新通知 (64)3.18. 首选项 > Enfocus StatusCheck首选项 > 常规 (65)3.18.1. 主要和次要的高光色 (65)3.19. 首选项 > Enfocus StatusCheck首选项 > 语言 (65)3.20. 首选项 > Enfocus StatusCheck首选项 > 个人信息 (66)3.20.1. 姓名和详细联系信息 (66)3.21. 首选项 > Enfocus StatusCheck首选项 > 数据库 (66)3.21.1. 预检规范比较数据库 (66)3.21.2. 向预检规范比较面板添加文件夹 (66)3.22. 首选项 > Enfocus StatusCheck首选项 > 自动 (67)4. 查看 PitStop Pro 工作区域 (68)4.1. PitStop Pro 菜单的位置 (68)4.2. 指定 PitStop Pro 界面的语言 (68)4.3. PitStop 查看设置 (69)4.3.1. 在线框视图中查看 PDF 文档 (69)4.3.2. 显示或隐藏批注 (70)4.3.3. 使用替代图像加速图像显示 (70)4.4. Enfocus 预设管理器 (71)4.4.1. 预设数据库 (72)4.4.2. 管理预设 (73)4.5. 工作区 (76)4.5.1. 打开 Enfocus 工作区面板 (76)4.5.2. 默认工作区 (77)4.5.3. 使用工作区 (78)5. 处理 PDF 文档 (86)5.1. 复制并粘贴对象的属性 (86)5.1.1. 关于复制对象的属性 (86)5.1.2. 复制并粘贴对象的属性 (86)5.2. 撤销或重做动作 (87)5.2.1. 关于撤销和重做动作 (87)5.2.2. 撤销或重做动作 (87)5.2.3. 撤销和执行相反的动作 (87)5.3. 度量两点间的距离 (88)5.3.1. 替换对象 (88)5.4. 查看对象的属性 (89)目录5.4.1. 使用吸管工具查看对象的属性 (89)5.4.2. 使用 Enfocus 检查器 (89)5.5. 设计布局 (91)5.5.1. PitStop 页面框面板 (92)5.5.2. 打开 Enfocus 设计版面面板 (93)5.5.3. 默认设计版面 (93)5.5.4. 使用设计版面 (93)5.5.5. 页面框 (99)5.5.6. 参考线 (106)5.5.7. 区域 (108)5.6. 处理图层 (110)5.6.1. 关于图层 (110)5.6.2. 在 Enfocus 检查器中更改图层设置 (110)6. 预检和检查 PDF 文档 (112)6.1. 什么是预检? (112)6.1.1. 预检的定义 (112)6.1.2. 预检规范 (112)6.1.3. 在中进行预检 PitStop Pro (112)6.2. 运行预检检查 (113)6.2.1. 管理预检规范 (114)6.2.2. 运行预检规范 (114)6.2.3. 常规和 Certified 预检检查的区别 (114)6.3. 报告问题 (115)6.3.1. 所定义的问题严重级别 (115)6.3.2. 问题的严重级别:示例 (116)6.4. 中预检规范的位置 PitStop Pro (116)6.4.1. 预检规范对话框 (116)6.4.2. Enfocus 预检规范编辑器 (118)6.5. 如何创建和编辑预检规范 (120)6.5.1. 创建和编辑预检规范 (120)6.5.2. 使用密码锁定预检规范 (134)6.6. 使用Enfocus 导航器 (135)6.6.1. 在错误、警告、修正和故障之间导航 (135)6.6.2. 使用Enfocus 导航器 (135)6.7. 查看并解释报告 (138)6.7.1. 报告内容 (138)6.7.2. 查看并解释报告 (139)6.8. 带批注的报告 (140)6.8.1. 关于带批注的报告 (140)6.8.2. 创建带批注的报告 (140)Enfocus6.8.3. 查看和检查带批注的报告 (140)6.8.4. 移除报告信息 (140)6.9. 自动预检 (141)6.9.1. Enfocus PitStop Server (141)6.9.2. Enfocus Switch (141)6.10. 智能预检 (141)6.10.1. 关于智能预检 (141)6.10.2. 智能预检入门 (142)6.10.3. 设置智能预检 (143)6.10.4. 在动作列表中使用智能预检变量 (154)6.10.5. 智能预检的故障排除 (155)7. 处理 Certified PDF 文档 (158)7.1. 了解 Certified PDF (158)7.1.1. PDF 工作流程概念 (158)7.1.2. 传统的 PDF 工作流程 (160)7.1.3. Certified PDF 工作流程 (160)7.1.4. 什么是 Enfocus Certified PDF 文档? (162)7.2. 中 Certified PDF 功能的位置 PitStop Pro (162)7.3. 启动 Certified PDF 工作流程 (163)7.3.1. 设置个人信息 (163)7.3.2. 启动 PDF 文档的 Certified PDF 工作流程 (163)7.4. 添加会话注释 (167)7.5. 检查 Certified PDF 文件 (168)7.5.1. 检查 PDF 的 Certified PDF 状态 (168)7.5.2. 检验源文档 (169)7.5.3. 查看 Certified PDF 信息 (170)7.5.4. 比较 Certified PDF 预检规范 (171)7.5.5. 查看 Certified PDF 2 文档证书 (175)7.5.6. 查看编辑日志 (175)7.5.7. 查看文档历史 (176)8. 编辑对象 (181)8.1. 关于艺术线条和像素图像 (181)8.1.1. 计算机图形的类别 (181)8.1.2. 艺术线条 (181)8.1.3. 像素图像 (182)8.2. 关于路径、锚点和方向点 (183)8.2.1. 艺术线条元素 (183)8.2.2. 路径 (183)8.2.3. 锚点 (184)8.2.4. 方向点 (184)目录8.3. 选择对象 (185)8.3.1. 对象选择工具 (185)8.3.2. 选择一个或多个对象 (185)8.3.3. 选择相似对象 (187)8.3.4. 使用对象浏览器选择对象 (188)8.4. 分组和取消分组 (191)8.4.1. 关于分组和取消分组 (191)8.4.2. 分组对象 (191)8.4.3. 取消分组对象 (192)8.5. 对齐和分配 (192)8.5.1. 关于对齐和分配 (192)8.5.2. 对齐或分配对象 (193)8.5.3. 对齐和分配对象:按钮 (193)8.6. 隐藏和显示选定对象 (194)8.6.1. 隐藏对象的原因 (194)8.6.2. 隐藏所选对象 (194)8.6.3. 使所有隐藏对象可见 (195)8.7. 更改对象的层叠顺序 (195)8.7.1. 层叠对象 (195)8.7.2. 更改对象的层叠顺序 (195)8.8. 替换对象 (196)8.8.1. 关于替代对象 (196)8.8.2. 替换对象 (196)8.9. 更改或移除对象的 OPI 信息 (197)8.9.1. 关于开放式印前界面 (197)8.9.2. 更改或移除对象的 OPI 信息 (197)8.10. 更改对象的透明度 (197)8.10.1. 更改对象的透明度 (197)8.10.2. 移除透明度 (198)8.11. 查看和更改透明度组属性 (198)8.11.1. 查看透明度组的属性 (199)8.11.2. 更改透明度组的属性 (199)8.11.3. 透明度组的属性 (199)8.12. 更改文本或艺术线条对象的色彩 (200)8.12.1. 使用 Enfocus 检查器更改色彩 (200)8.12.2. 通过 Enfocus 转换色彩面板转换色彩 (205)8.13. 将渐变应用到文本或艺术线条对象 (206)8.13.1. 关于渐变 (206)8.13.2. 应用渐变 (207)8.13.3. 渐变:控制栏 (208)8.13.4. 渐变:选项和按钮 (208)Enfocus8.13.5. 示例:将线性渐变应用到艺术线条对象 (209)8.13.6. 示例:将线性渐变应用到文本 (210)8.13.7. 示例:将辐射状渐变应用到艺术线条对象 (211)8.14. 使用色彩数据库 (213)8.14.1. 使用用户样本 (213)8.14.2. 将色彩添加到本地色彩数据库 (213)8.14.3. 将色彩数据库中的某一色彩应用到文本或对象 (213)8.14.4. 导入和导出色彩数据库 (214)8.15. 旋转对象 (215)8.15.1. 旋转原点 (215)8.15.2. 使用选择控点通过拖动旋转对象 (215)8.15.3. 使用旋转所选对象工具通过拖动旋转对象 (217)8.15.4. 通过指定旋转角度来旋转对象 (218)8.16. 缩放对象 (218)8.16.1. 使用选择控点通过拖动缩放对象 (219)8.16.2. 使用缩放所选对象工具通过拖动缩放对象 (221)8.17. 移动对象 (223)8.17.1. 通过拖动来移动对象或对象的副本 (223)8.18. 倾斜对象 (225)8.18.1. 关于倾斜 (225)8.18.2. 使用倾斜所选对象工具倾斜对象 (226)8.18.3. 使用选择控点倾斜所选对象 (227)8.19. 通过指定确切的值来转换对象 (229)8.19.1. 通过指定确切的值来转换对象 (229)8.20. 组合和拆分对象的形状 (230)8.20.1. 组合多个对象的形状 (231)8.20.2. 将形状拆分为多个部分 (231)8.20.3. 组合/拆分形状:示例 (232)8.21. 创建新形状 (233)8.21.1. 绘制椭圆和矩形 (233)8.21.2. 创建新形状 (233)8.22. 创建新路径 (234)8.22.1. 创建新路径 (234)8.23. 编辑路径 (235)8.24. 创建偏移路径 (239)8.24.1. 创建偏移路径 (239)8.24.2. 偏移路径:示例 (240)8.25. 将描边转换为填充 (241)8.25.1. 将描边转换为填充 (241)8.26. 裁剪艺术线条 (242)8.26.1. 裁剪艺术线条 (242)目录8.26.2. 裁剪到剪贴:示例 (243)8.27. 跟踪对象 (244)8.27.1. 跟踪对象 (245)8.27.2. 跟踪对象:示例 (246)8.28. 添加或移除锚点 (248)8.28.1. 添加或移除锚点的原因 (248)8.28.2. 添加锚点 (248)8.28.3. 移除锚点 (248)8.29. 蒙版对象 (249)8.29.1. 关于中的蒙版 PitStop Pro (249)8.29.2. 为对象加上蒙版 (249)8.29.3. 释放蒙版 (250)8.30. 检查软蒙版 (250)8.30.1. 检查软蒙版 (250)8.30.2. 软蒙版类型 (251)8.30.3. 图像蒙版分辨率 (251)8.30.4. 蒙版视图模式 (251)8.31. 查看像素图像的属性 (253)8.31.1. 像素图像的属性 (253)8.31.2. 查看像素图像的属性 (253)8.32. 调整像素图像的亮度和对比度 (253)8.32.1. 关于调整亮度和对比度 (253)8.32.2. 示例:对亮度和对比度进行简单调整 (254)8.32.3. 示例:对亮度进行高级调整(= 曲线编辑) (255)8.32.4. 曲线编辑:选项和按钮 (256)8.33. 锐化像素图像 (257)8.33.1. 关于锐化像素图像 (257)8.33.2. 示例:锐化像素图像 (257)8.33.3. 未锐化蒙版过滤器:选项 (258)8.34. 对像素图像重新取样 (258)8.34.1. 关于重新取样 (258)8.34.2. 对图像进行下取样的原因 (259)8.34.3. 插值法 (259)8.34.4. 均值重新取样 (259)8.34.5. 二次取样 (259)8.34.6. 两次立方取样 (259)8.34.7. 两次线性取样 (259)8.34.8. 两次立方 B 样条取样 (260)8.34.9. 对单个图像重新取样 (260)8.34.10. 对多个图像重新取样 (260)8.35. 压缩像素图像 (261)Enfocus8.35.1. 关于压缩 (261)8.35.2. 压缩方法 (261)8.35.3. ASCII 过滤器 (262)8.35.4. 压缩单个图像 (262)8.36. 查看选定对象的统计信息 (263)8.36.1. 关于统计信息 (263)8.36.2. 查看选定对象的统计信息 (263)8.37. 查看对象的半调信息 (263)8.37.1. 关于半调信息 (263)8.37.2. 查看对象的半调信息 (264)8.38. Enfocus 搜索和替换文本 (264)8.38.1. 搜索和替换文本 (264)8.39. 选择文本 (265)8.39.1. 文本还是文本片段? (265)8.39.2. 选择单个文本片段 (265)8.39.3. 选择多个相邻的文本片段 (266)8.39.4. 选择多个不相邻的文本片段 (266)8.39.5. 选择具有相似属性的文本片段 (267)8.39.6. 在单个文本行中选择文本 (267)8.39.7. 在一个段落的多行中选择文本 (268)8.40. 编辑单个文本行 (268)8.40.1. 创建或编辑单个文本行 (268)8.41. 编辑文本段落 (269)8.41.1. 段落是一种逻辑文本实体 (269)8.41.2. 编辑文本段落 (269)8.42. 编辑竖排文本 (270)8.42.1. 关于竖排文本 (270)8.42.2. 编辑竖排文本行 (270)8.43. 更改文本的字体属性 (271)8.43.1. 什么是字体属性? (271)8.43.2. 更改文本的字体属性 (271)8.44. 将文本转换为轮廓 (272)8.44.1. 关于将文本转换为轮廓 (272)8.44.2. 将文本转换为轮廓的原因 (272)8.44.3. 将文本转换为轮廓的注意事项 (272)8.44.4. 将文本转换为轮廓 (273)8.45. 分割和合并文本片段 (274)8.45.1. 将文本片段分割并合并为单词或字符 (274)8.45.2. 分割或合并文本片段 (274)8.46. 字体类型及其使用 (275)8.46.1. 字体类型 (275)目录8.46.2. 14 种标准字体 (275)8.46.3. PostScript Type 1 字体 (276)8.46.4. PostScript Type 3 字体 (276)8.46.5. TrueType 字体 (277)8.46.6. Multiple Master 字体 (277)8.46.7. OpenType 字体 (278)8.46.8. 复合字体 (279)8.47. PDF 字体替换 (279)8.47.1. 字体可用性 (279)8.47.2. 查找 PostScript 字体名称 (280)8.48. 嵌入字体和嵌入子集字体 (280)8.48.1. 嵌入字体 (280)8.48.2. 嵌入子集字体 (280)8.48.3. 查找准确的字体名称 (281)8.49. 在 PDF 文档中放置 PDF 文档 (281)8.49.1. 关于在 PDF 文档中放置 PDF 文档 (281)8.49.2. 将一个 PDF 文档放入另一个 PDF 文档: (281)8.50. 编辑表单 (282)8.50.1. 关于表单 (282)8.50.2. 编辑表单 (282)8.50.3. 编辑表单内的单个对象 (283)8.50.4. 编辑表单本身和/或表单中的全部内容 (283)8.51. 栅格化选择 (284)8.51.1. 关于栅格化图像 (284)8.51.2. 栅格化选择 (284)9. 使用动作列表、全局变更和 QuickRun 自动执行任务 (287)9.1. 使用动作列表自动执行任务 (287)9.1.1. 关于动作和动作列表 (287)9.1.2. 找到动作和动作列表的位置 (289)9.1.3. 使用动作列表 (294)9.1.4. 管理动作列表 (313)9.1.5. 使用动作列表 Visualizer 对动作列表进行故障排除 (316)9.1.6. 动作列表的实际应用 - 使用示例 (321)9.2. 使用全局变更 (324)9.2.1. 关于全局变更 (324)9.2.2. 找到全局变更的位置 (325)9.2.3. 进行全局变更操作 (329)9.2.4. 检查全局变更的结果 (333)9.3. 使用 QuickRun (338)9.3.1. 关于 QuickRun (338)Enfocus9.3.2. 在中找到 QuickRun 的位置 PitStop Pro (338)9.3.3. 使用 QuickRun (343)9.4. 更多的自动执行功能 (348)9.4.1. Enfocus PitStop Server (348)9.4.2. Enfocus Switch (348)10. 管理色彩 (349)10.1. 关于色彩管理 (349)10.2. 色彩模式 (349)10.2.1. RGB 色彩模式 (349)10.2.2. CMYK 色彩模式 (349)10.2.3. 灰度模式 (350)10.3. 色域和色彩空间 (350)10.3.1. 色域:色谱中与设备有关的色彩子集 (350)10.3.2. 依赖于设备的色彩 (351)10.3.3. 独立于设备的色彩 (351)10.4. 渲染意图 (351)10.4.1. 用于重新映射色彩的渲染意图 (351)10.4.2. 视感重新映射 (351)10.4.3. 饱和度重新映射 (352)10.4.4. 相对比色重新映射 (352)10.4.5. 绝对比色重新映射 (353)10.4.6. 更改图像的渲染意图 (353)10.5. 使用专色 (354)10.5.1. 关于专色 (354)10.5.2. 创建专色 (354)10.5.3. 应用专色 (355)10.5.4. 编辑专色 (355)10.5.5. 重新映射专色 (355)10.5.6. 复制专色 (356)10.6. 使用 ICC 配置文件 (357)10.6.1. 关于 ICC 配置文件 (357)10.6.2. 在多个实例中使用 ICC 配置文件 (357)10.6.3. 用 ICC 配置文件标记文本或艺术线条或去除标记 (357)10.6.4. 使用 ICC 配置文件作图像标记或去除图像标记 (358)10.7. 使用输出目标面板 (358)10.7.1. 应用输出目标 (358)10.7.2. 编辑输出目标模板 (358)10.7.3. 创建新的输出目标模板 (359)10.7.4. 检查当前应用的输出目标 (359)10.8. 颜色转换 (359)目录10.8.1. 转换为色彩空间 (359)10.8.2. 重新映射色彩 (361)10.8.3. 使用 Enfocus 检查器转换色彩 (362)11. 叠印 (364)11.1. 叠印和挖空的简单原理 (364)11.1.1. 基本规则 (364)11.1.2. 简单原理示例 (364)11.1.3. 不同的色彩,相同的油墨 (365)11.2. 叠印和挖空的细节关键 (367)11.2.1. 决定性因素 (367)11.2.2. 色彩空间 (367)11.2.3. 叠印模式和对象类型 (368)11.3. 叠印行为的常见缺陷 (370)11.3.1. 示例1:标准叠印模式中专色背景上的 CMYK 对象 (370)11.3.2. 示例2:叠印在带有 ICC 标记的 CMYK 背景上的双色调对象 (371)11.3.3. 示例3:CMYK 背景上的 CMYK 文本 (371)11.3.4. 示例4:CMYK 背景上的灰色对象 (373)11.3.5. 示例 5:色彩空间的效果 (374)11.4. 更改对象的叠印设置 (375)11.4.1. 黑色文本叠印 (375)11.4.2. 挖空白色文本 (376)11.4.3. 更改对象的叠印设置 (377)11.4.4. 强制叠印所有分色 (378)12. 第三方许可信息 (380)13. Copyrights (393)1. PitStop Pro 文档概述完整的 PitStop Pro 文档包括多个部分。
暑假生活手抄报英文:MY PEN DAL
上一页下一页类别:英语手抄报学校:曲阳县孝墓乡杨砂侯小学版面设计:肖文华许海栓尺寸: 800x580 像素班级:三年级(5)班文字编辑:肖文华大小:90KB(91220 Bytes) 指导老师:廖运成美术编辑:许海栓暑假生活手抄报英文:My Pen Dal简介:本作品尺寸为800x580像素,由曲阳县孝墓乡杨砂侯小学三年级(5)班肖文华和许海栓共同制作,手抄报版面设计过程在廖运成老师的指导下完成。
本站推荐深圳绿色大运手抄报版面设计图作品欣赏,可恶的蚊子英文手抄报,EnglishBar 手抄报报头设计,节约用纸环保手抄报,军训手抄报图片——与烈日争雄,关于酒的手抄报图片——交通安全篇,初一手抄报作品奥运会篇,希望你喜欢。
taylor swift 精美PPT
两人的关系短短持续了三个月而宣布分 手。后来泰勒·洛特纳将自己的歉意写 在《Back To December》中。
冠军中杀出重围的乐坛新希望,Taylor swift“国民小公主”的魅力正 准备在全球开始蔓延。 Taylor10岁就立志当歌手,13岁时父母为了达成Taylor的音乐梦想,举 家搬到美国音乐重地纳什维尔,Taylor也成为Sony版权公司最年轻的 签约创作人。 Taylor17岁发行首张“同名专辑”立刻一炮而红,销售突破超过400万 张,创下令多少天王天后难以望其项背的惊人成绩,Taylor的创作才 华更让她入围格莱美最佳新人奖。 在MySpace上,斯威夫特已经被点击超越了2亿次。她还是在 MySpace的10佳音乐排行榜内,并且在乡村歌手排行上位于第一,成 为目前网络上最热门的歌手。 Taylor的歌曲一共付费下载 1100万次,更创下史上第一人在一年之内 连创 6 首发行首周空降前20名的纪录
她赢得了如今最大的歌迷 群:年轻人。她写歌的习 惯也成为捕获年轻人的杀 手锏,她以写自己的成长 经历闻名,歌曲里都是青 春的味道,这一点正好切 合了年轻歌迷的心,他们 能听懂歌曲的内容,自然 就会产生共鸣,从青春期 开始,这一路下来,会有 一批歌迷跟着她一起成长。 她很善于利用她年轻这个 优势。
美国乡村音乐创作型女歌手 歌手、演员、制作人、音乐创作人 第52届格莱美年度专辑 第54届格莱美最佳乡村歌手奖
代表作品《Love Story 》、《Mine》、《Speak
Taylor Swift-泰勒·斯威夫特-Digital Booklet
now or forever hold your peace, ’ the words said by preachers at the end of wedding ceremonies all over the world, right before the vows. It’s a last chance for protest a , moment that makes everyone’s heart race and a , moment I’ve always been strangely fascinated by. So many fantasize about bursting into a church, saying what they’d kept inside for years like in the movies. In real life it rarely happens. ,
songs are made up of words I didn’t say when the moment was right in front of me. These songs are open letters. Each is written with a specific person in mind telling them what I meant to tell them in person. , To the beautiful boy whose heart I broke in December. To my first love who I never thought would be my first heartbreak. To my band. To a mean man I used to be afraid of. To someone who made my world very dark for a while. To a girl who stole something of mine. To someone I forgive for what he said in front of the whole world.
STD 00017-06(2010)
THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF J C BAMFORD EXCAVATORS LTD. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED, REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENTContentsContents.............................................................................................................................................................................................1 Foreword...........................................................................................................................................................................................2 1.0 Scope.....................................................................................................................................................................................2 2.0 References............................................................................................................................................................................2 3.0 Terms and definitions........................................................................................................................................................3 4.0 Concessions.........................................................................................................................................................................3 5.0 Corrosion protection theory..........................................................................................................................................4 6.0 Mixing of various coatings on assemblies.....................................................................................................................4 7.0 Supply condition..................................................................................................................................................................4 8.0 Approval process................................................................................................................................................................5 9.0Considerations in choosing a coating (5)10.0 Fastener coatings................................................................................................................................................................6 10.1 Grade 8.8..............................................................................................................................................................6 10.2 Grade 10.9 or better.........................................................................................................................................6 11.0Stress relief requirements for other than fasteners...................................................................................................6 11.1.1 Stress relief prior to electroplating................................................................................................................6 11.1.2 Hydrogen embrittlement stress relief.. (6)12.0 Coating attributes...............................................................................................................................................................6 12.1 Colour...................................................................................................................................................................6 12.2 Conversion coatings (passivation)..................................................................................................................6 12.3 Sealing (top coat)................................................................................................................................................7 12.4 Overpainting or other supplementary coatings..........................................................................................7 12.5 Damage resistance.............................................................................................................................................7 12.6 Preferred coatings..............................................................................................................................................7 12.7 Non-preferred coatings....................................................................................................................................9 13.0 Coating physical requirements........................................................................................................................................9 13.1 Adhesion...............................................................................................................................................................9 13.2 Chemical and fluid resistance.. (9)13.3 Temperature resistance..................................................................................................................................10 14.0 Fastener mechanical inspection.....................................................................................................................................10 14.1 Head geometry.................................................................................................................................................10 14.2 Coating thickness.............................................................................................................................................10 14.3 Threads...............................................................................................................................................................10 14.4 Lubrication and torque tightening................................................................................................................10 15.0 Corrosion test requirements........................................................................................................................................11 15.1 Neutral salt spray.............................................................................................................................................11 15.2 Corrosion visual inspection...........................................................................................................................12 15.2.1 General...............................................................................................................................................................12 15.2.2 Threaded fasteners..........................................................................................................................................12 15.2.3 Components other than threaded fasteners (13)THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF J C BAMFORD EXCAVATORS LTD. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED, REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT16.0Drawing call-out (13)Annex A – Visual inspection criteria for preferred coatings after NSS tests..................................................................14 Annex B – Coating proposal form (20)ForewordThis standard has been prepared under the authority of the JCB Standards and Legislation department (Standards department).This standard is intended solely for use in connection with the business requirements of J C Bamford Excavators Ltd. (JCB) and is for use by appropriately qualified and competent people.Contractual and legal considerations are not part of the scope of this standard. This standard does not relinquish any responsibility, regulatory requirements, or duty of care. Previous amendments to the document were provoked by two key elements.- The first is the desire to catalogue all of the coating types used regularly on JCB products in order to clarify the details regarding the choices available and the performance requirements for those coatings. -The second is the threat of future legislation which will affect the use or availability of HexavalentChromium (Cr6). Many coating systems use Cr6 either as part of the coating or as part of the treatment of the coating, most notably for JCB is zinc and yellow. The automotive, electrical and consumerelectronics industries are all restricted with the amount of Cr6 permitted to be present in the finished product for sale in Europe. Future European chemical legislation is also likely to restrict the availability of Cr6. Other coating systems exist which utilise Trivalent Chromium (Cr3) in place of Cr6, but with notable differences in the performance of the coating and the finish colour.The inclusion of Cr3 containing coatings in this Standard gives a clear direction for JCB to adopt a more socially and environmentally acceptable alternative to Cr6.This is the sixth issue of this standard to introduce Delta Protekt KL100 as an approved Type 1 zinc flake coating. The removal of a specific brand-named coating from the table in clause 12.6 for Type 1 zinc flake now makes this coating type generic rather than specific to one brand.1.0 ScopeThis standard is applicable to electrolytic plating and mechanical coating methods for corrosion protection and /or cosmetic purposes for components used on JCB products. It excludes corrosion protectionrequirements for hydraulic components such as pipework, hose end fittings and hydraulic adaptors which are detailed in JCB standard 9994/0800. It excludes paint or coatings which remain in a fluid or wax state. This standard is intended for use by appropriately qualified and competent people.2.0 ReferencesThis standard incorporates provisions from other standards. These references are cited at the appropriateTHIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF J C BAMFORD EXCAVATORS LTD. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED, REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENTplaces within the text and are listed hereafter. For undated references, the latest edition applies.- 4002/1000 JCB Hydraulic Fluid HP32 - 4006/0500 Screen wash - 9993/3602 Tightening torque for captive nuts and adaptors - STD00019 Tightening torques for plain threaded fasteners - STD00088 JCB High performance coolant -BS 7371-2 Coatings on metal fasteners - Part 2: Specification for torque/clamping force relationship - BS EN 590 Automotive fuels - diesel - requirements and test methods - BS EN ISO 10683 Fasteners - Non-electrolytically applied zinc flake coatings BS EN ISO 2081 Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Electroplated coatings of zinc with supplementary treatments on iron or steel - ISO 105-A02 Tests for colour fastness - ISO 898-1 Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel. Bolts, screws and studs - ISO 1502 ISO general-purpose metric screw threads - Gauges and gauging - ISO 2409 Paints and varnishes - Cross-cut test - ISO 2812-1 Paints and varnishes. Determination of resistance to liquids. Immersion in liquids otherthan water - ISO 4042 Fasteners – Electroplated coatings - ISO 9227 Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - salt spray tests - ISO 10289 Methods for corrosion testing of metallic and other inorganic coatings on metallic substrates - Rating of test specimens and manufactured articles subjected to corrosion tests - BS EN 13858 Corrosion protection of metals - Non-electrolytically applied zinc flake coatings on iron or steel components -ISO 15184:1998 Methods of test for paints. Determination of film hardness by pencil test3.0 T erms and definitionsNSS (Neutral Salt Spray) A means of accelerating corrosion by exposing components to a constant mist of salty water at a slightly elevated temperature for a specified duration, after which corrosion on thecomponent is visually assessed against specified levels, which may be deemed to represent a number of months or years of in-service life.4.0 ConcessionsIn the case of a failure to conform to the requirements of this standard, a documented concession should be generated following the requirements given in GRP-023. Suppliers should contact their JCB purchasing contact to obtain a copy of the standard operating procedure covering concessions (GRP-023).A digital copy of the concession shall be filed with JCB Standards department (concessions by e-mail shall be accepted).THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF J C BAMFORD EXCAVATORS LTD. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED, REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT 5.0Corrosion protection theoryCorrosion protection offered by the coatings within this standard are all based on the fundamental metallurgicalprinciple that corrosion occurs in anodic (positively charged) areas and is facilitated by cathodic (negatively charged) areas. The zinc base of the corrosion protection coating is naturally more anodic and therefore more active than steel, which is more passive (noble), according to the galvanic table. This galvanic relationship makes the steel into the more passive cathode whenever coupled to zinc which becomes the active anode. The zinc is known as the sacrificial anode. The corrosion of zinc produces white, powdery zinc oxide and only once the majority of the zinc has corroded will the steel begin corroding, indicated by the presence of red rust (iron oxide).6.0Mixing of various coatings on assembliesIn order to control the appearance of finished JCB products, external adjacent parts should be of the same finish colour wherever possible although this is becoming increasingly difficult where plating suppliers move away from coatings containing hexavalent chrome (e.g. yellow finish).7.0Supply conditionParts shall be:-completely coated-commercially clean-smooth and free from visual defects-in the dry to touch condition – as specified within BS 7371-2The coating system shall be such that it is not susceptible to detrimental handling damage during the normal logistics of supply.Any products supplied in accordance with this standard shall satisfy all of the requirements of this standard at the point of use.Coating systems shall not compromise the health, safety or welfare of personnel in the as applied condition. Handling of the components without the use of protective clothing shall not represent a risk to personnel. Coating shall not create an odour in the as delivered condition.Coating in the as applied condition shall satisfy all applicable mandatory, regulatory and legislative requirements for the JCB application.THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF J C BAMFORD EXCAVATORS LTD. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED, REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT 8.0Approval processProduction parts shall not be supplied to JCB without approval for their coating system.The approval process requires, together with an ISIR, the submission of a completed coating proposal formSTD00017-T1, an example of which is shown in Annex C and available as a template alongside this document. Coating approval timescales can be notably improved if other approvals (JCB or third party) for the coatingsystem are detailed and relevant copies attached to the form when submitted.Component suppliers shall have a quality system in place to ensure that all products meet the minimum requirements of this standard.Coatings shall be applied in accordance with a documented standard operating procedure which must be validated by the supplier as being capable of meeting the performance requirements of this JCB standard.This approval process shall be revalidated where:-the coating type on an existing component is changed e.g. from zinc and yellow (Type 3 or 4) to zinc andheavy trivalent with seal (Type 5)- a new plating supplier is proposedThe purchasing department/component designer are responsible for sourcing a coating supplier and for ensuring that the coating proposal form is completed satisfactorily.The Standards and Legislation department is responsible for approval of new coatings, filing the proposal formsand amending this standard for newly-approved coatings.9.0Considerations in choosing a coatingConsiderations to define choice of coating include:-colour (clause 12.1 and 12.6)-longevity of corrosion protection (clause 15.1)-colour-matching to other components (clause 6.0)-whether over-painting is a requirement (clause 12.4)-risk caused by of hydrogen embrittlement (electroplated coatings only – clause 11.1.2)-cost (clause 12.6)-fastener grade and size (clause 10.0)The table in clause 15.1 specifies the corrosion test time requirement for each coating. Visual inspectionrequirements in clause 15.2 are identical for each of the coatings. Therefore, the relative time to corrode to an equivalent level for each of the coatings is given.THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF J C BAMFORD EXCAVATORS LTD. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED, REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT10.0 Fastener coatings10.1Grade 8.8Fasteners in grade 8.8 material (ISO 898-1) may have any of the coatings herein applied.10.2 Grade 10.9 or betterElectroplating of fasteners in grade 10.9 or above should be avoided due to the increased risk of hydrogen embrittlement. Where this is unavoidable, embrittlement shall be investigated in accordance with ISO 4042.11.0 Stress relief requirements for other than fasteners11.1.1 Stress relief prior to electroplatingSteel parts with an ultimate tensile strength ≥1000MPa which contain tensile stresses caused by machining,grinding, straightening or cold forming operations should be given a stress relief heat treatment prior to cleaning and electroplating.11.1.2 Hydrogen embrittlement stress reliefAll steel components subjected to electroplating treatments may absorb hydrogen evolved during this process which can cause premature failure well below their normal failure level if the component is made from higher tensile steel, particularly if used in tension (most embrittlement failures occur in a relatively short time after assembly, typically between a few minutes and up to eight weeks).Steel parts with an ultimate tensile strength ≥1000MPa as well as surface hardened parts shall receive hydrogen-embrittlement-relief, in accordance with ISO 2081, but note that susceptible parts can never be guaranteed to be completely free from embrittlement even after extensive heat treatments.Where hydrogen embrittlement is identified as a risk then zinc flake (Type 1) should be used.12.0 Coating attributes12.1ColourThe finish colour requirement dictates the type of coating.Where a yellow finish is required using electrodeposited zinc as the base coating this has to be ‘zinc and yellow’ (Type 3 and 4) using a hexavalent-chromium conversion coating; there is currently no alternative.12.2 Conversion coatings (passivation)Solutions containing hexavalent or trivalent chromium salts, or those free from chromium, may be applied to further enhance the corrosion properties of the zinc base layer and achieve various colour finishes.THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF J C BAMFORD EXCAVATORS LTD. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED, REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT 12.3Sealing (top coat)Conversion coatings can be post-treated with sealing agents in order to enhance the corrosion protectionTHIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF J C BAMFORD EXCAVATORS LTD. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED, REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENTTHIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF J C BAMFORD EXCAVATORS LTD. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED, REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT 12.7Non-preferred coatings-50% dilute antifreeze in accordance with JCB standard STD00088, at 20-25°C for a period of 24 hrs -50% dilute screen wash in accordance with JCB Standard 4006/0500, at 20-25°C for a period of 24 hrsTHIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF J C BAMFORD EXCAVATORS LTD. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED, REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT13.3 Temperature resistanceAfter heating the coated fastener for 3 hrs at 150 °C (component temperature) the corrosion protection requirements as specified within this standard shall be met.14.0 Fastener mechanical inspection14.1 Head geometryChanges to head geometry shall not occur to such an extent that it has a detrimental effect upon tooling fit and the application of assembly torque.14.2 Coating thicknessCoating thickness measurement methods for fasteners is defined within BS EN ISO 10683 for mechanically-applied zinc flake (Type 1) and in BS EN ISO 2081 for electroplated coatings (Types 2-7).14.3 ThreadsThe application of a coating, especially by spraying or dipping (e.g. zinc flake, Type 1), may cause thread in-fill. After coating, ISO metric screw threads may be gauged according to ISO 1502 with a GO-gauge of tolerance position 6h for external threads and 6H for internal threads (ISO 4042 for electroplated coatings, BS EN ISO 10683 for non-electrolytically applied zinc flake). When gauging a coated thread a maximum torque of 0.001 d 3 (Nm) is acceptable, where d is the nominal thread diameter in mm (summarised for various sizes of fasteners in the following table).It is advisable for suppliers to submit samples of uncoated fasteners alongside the coated fasteners for approval, from the same original batch of fasteners, such that should a problem be encountered during inspection of the coated threads then comparisons can be made with the uncoated versions.Note: Where an uncoated external thread tolerance ‘g’ (specified in STD00007) is further processed by coating, the inspection tooling requirement is relaxed by one level i.e ‘g’ becomes ‘h’. A coated internal thread tolerance remains as that for an uncoated thread.Metric coarse size, d Max. torque (Nm) Metric coarse size, dMax. torque (Nm) M5 0.1 M18 5.8 M6 0.2 M20 8.0 M7 0.3 M22 10.6 M8 0.5 M24 13.8 M10 1.0 M27 19.7 M12 1.7 M30 27.0 M14 2.7 M33 35.9 M16 4.1 M36 46.714.4 Lubrication and torque tighteningThreaded fasteners shall achieve consistent bolt tension when torque control methods for tightening are applied.GROUP STANDARDTITLE: Mechanical and electrolytic coatingsSTD00017 ISSUE: 06 PAGE: 11 OF 20THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF J C BAMFORD EXCAVATORS LTD. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED, REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENTLubricant test methods shall conform to the requirements of BS 7371-2. Ten consecutive fasteners randomly selected shall be tightened until 75% of theoretical yield load is achieved. The variation in installed torque shall not deviate by more than 10% from the mean value. Guidance on the torque to be applied during fastener assembly can be found in JCB Standard STD00019.Always consult electronic master. Paper copies are uncontrolled.15.015.1Corrosion test requirementsNeutral salt sprayNeutral Salt Spray (NSS) corrosion testing according to ISO 9227:2007 shall be used to indicate the likely service life of the coating and the resultant protection given to the base component. The time taken for the development of corrosion will vary from one coating system to another, as will the type, appearance and severity of the corrosion. Annexes A and B indicate the type of corrosion and levels of acceptability. Corrosion testing shall be performed after an initial assembly and disassembly on all head types of male fastener. Assembly prior to corrosion testing shall be by use of: hexagonal chrome vanadium socket manual torque wrench torque tightening to 75% of theoretical yield nut shall travel over a minimum of 2d thread engagement (where d is nominal diameter)Parts shall be disassembled prior to corrosion testing. Corrosion testing shall be performed in accordance with ISO 9227, for the durations shown in the following table, after which each test sample shall be visually inspected for corrosion (see clause 15.2).Note: The table below specifies the corrosion test time for each coating. Inspection requirements in clause 15.2 are identical for each of the coatings. Therefore, the relative time to corrode to the same degree for each of the coatings is given.Coating type (in order of superior corrosion protection) Type 1 Preferred coatings Zinc flake Colour white aluminium or silvergrey silver black yellowTest duration required (hours) Coating 240 Base metal 4805 2 3 and 4Zinc and heavy trivalent with seal Zinc and black Zinc and yellow Non-preferred coatings96 96 96 Coating360 168 168 Base metal 600 5007 6Zinc-Nickel trivalent clear Zinc and heavy trivalent with leach sealgrey-silver silver200 96Date30/08/2010Amended by: M LeemingPrepared by: Approved by:Kim Spence Mark IrelandGROUP STANDARDTITLE: Mechanical and electrolytic coatingsSTD00017 ISSUE: 06 PAGE: 12 OF 20THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF J C BAMFORD EXCAVATORS LTD. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED, REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT15.2Corrosion visual inspection15.2.1 GeneralFor the purposes of assessment, the presence of white corrosive product indicates corrosion of the coating and the presence of red corrosive product indicates corrosion of the base metal. Refer to Annex A for illustrative pictures of corrosion assessment.Always consult electronic master. Paper copies are uncontrolled.15.2.2 Threaded fastenersFollowing the test duration required for the coating, there shall be, at most, slight corrosion of the coating on less than 5% of the significant surfaces and moderate corrosion of the coating on other surfaces (according to ISO 10289:2001). Black or grey staining or spotting should not constitute a failure. There shall be no corrosion of the base metal. Following the test duration required for the base metal there shall be, at most, slight corrosion of the base metal on less than 5% of the significant surfaces and moderate corrosion of the base metal on other surfaces (according to ISO 10289:2001). Refer to Annexes A and B for illustrative pictures of corrosion assessment. The figure below identifies and classifies significant areas of fasteners for the purposes of assessing corrosion protection offered by the coating. Bolt / Screw significant surfaces (A): AExternal head surfaces and drive surfaces End of bolt Internal drive surfaces Shank and thread Edge of flanged head (C)Exclusions: -CNut significant surfaces (B): B D External flats and drive surfaces Exposed nut seating surface Thread Edge of nut flange (D)Exclusions:Date30/08/2010Amended by: M LeemingPrepared by: Approved by:Kim Spence Mark IrelandGROUP STANDARDTITLE: Mechanical and electrolytic coatingsSTD00017 ISSUE: 06 PAGE: 13 OF 20THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF J C BAMFORD EXCAVATORS LTD. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED, REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT15.2.3 Components other than threaded fastenersFollowing the test duration required for the coating, there shall be, at most, slight corrosion of the coating on all surfaces (according to ISO 10289:2001). Black or grey staining or spotting should not constitute a failure. There shall be no corrosion of the base metal. Following the test duration required for the base metal there shall be, at most, slight corrosion of the base metal on all surfaces (according to ISO 10289:2001).Always consult electronic master. Paper copies are uncontrolled.16.0Drawing call-outWhere components require the application of corrosion protection in accordance with this standard, drawings shall include: the statement “CORROSION PROTECTION TO JCB STANDARD STD00017” the coating description and type number (e.g. zinc and black, Type 2) … the finish colour required (e.g. black)Date30/08/2010Amended by: M LeemingPrepared by: Approved by:Kim Spence Mark IrelandGROUP STANDARDTITLE: Mechanical and electrolytic coatingsSTD00017 ISSUE: 06 PAGE: 14 OF 20THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF J C BAMFORD EXCAVATORS LTD. IT MUST NOT BE COPIED, REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENTAnnex A – Visual inspection criteria for preferred coatings after NSS testsAlways consult electronic master. Paper copies are uncontrolled.Zinc flake (Type 1)NSS time = 96hours FAIL – due to moderate rust on the significant surfaces (not permissible until 240hours)NSS time = 240hoursPASS – due to very slight corrosion of the coating on <5% of the significant surfacesNOTE: The dark staining on the edge of the bolt head indicates the very start of corrosion of the coating and should not be considered a failureNSS time = 480hoursPASS – due to slight corrosion of the base metal <5% of the significant surfaces, in addition to moderate corrosion of the coating on all surfacesDate30/08/2010Amended by: M LeemingPrepared by: Approved by:Kim Spence Mark Ireland。
P r o p e r t y o f M o t o r o l a F orI nternalUseO nl y-Ext ernalD is tr ibutionPr ohibi te d PICMG 2.0 R3.0 CompactPCI® Specification October 1, 1999P r o p e r t y o f M o t o r o l aF o r I n t e r n a l U s e O n l y - E x t e r n a l D i s t r i b u t i o n P r o h i b i t e dP r o p e r t y o f M o t o r o l aF orI nternalUseO nl y-Ext ernalD is tr ibutionPr ohibi te dRelease Note for PICMG 2.0 Revision 3.0 CompactPCI ® Specification October 1, 1999P r o p e r t y o f M o t o r o l aF orI nternalUseO nl y-Ext ernalD is tr ibutionPr ohibi te d Purpose This Release Note records some issues raised in the course of developing and balloting PICMG 2.0 Revision 3.0, the CompactPCI core specification. 1. System Management Bus pin assignments . This specification reserves pins on J1/P1 of all slots and J2/P2 of the System Slot for definition as I 2C System Management Busses by PICMG 2.9, CompactPCI System Management Specification. These signals have been tentatively assigned by the PICMG 2.9 as indicated in Section and in Tables 13 through 16 with their notes. The IPMB_SDA pin is an I2C data bus connecting all slots in a backplane. The IPMB_SCL pin is the clock associated with that data line, and the IPMB_PWR pin is a power pin for the IPMB node. The data and clock pins providing System Slot access to platform devices from J2/P2 were designated ICMB_SDA and ICMB_SCL in the draft specification reviewed and adopted by the Executive Membership on October 1, 1999. These signal names are misleading, implying the use of an RS-485 UART bus as specified in the Intel IPMI documents. These signals are designated SMB_SDA and SMB_SCL in the released document. A second System Management power pin, designated ICMB_PWR in the executive draft, was also reserved on J2/P2 of the System Slot. As of the approval of PICMG 2.0 Revision 3.0, the PICMG 2.9 subcommittee is in doubt as to whether this pin will actually be used for power, and is considering assigning a different function to this reserved pin. The released specification accord designates this pin as SMB_RSV. 2. System Slot Hot Swap Signals . This specification designates Pin J1/P1 D15 as a short BD_SEL# (Board Select) signal in agreement with PICMG 2.1, CompactPCI Hot Swap Specification, but only on peripheral slots. The pin is shown as a ground on System Slots. Implementers of CompactPCI boards and systems should anticipate that this signal may also be designated as BD_SEL# on System Slots in PICMG 2.13, CompactPCI Redundant System Slot Specification. J1/P1 Pin B4 is designated as the HEALTHY# signal on System and Peripheral Slots in this specification. ###P r o p e r t y o f M o t o r o l a F orI nternalUseO nl y-Ext ernalD is tr ibutionPr ohibi te d PICMG 2.0 R3.0CompactPCI® SpecificationOctober 1, 1999P r o p e r t y o f M o t o r o l aF orI nternalUseO nl y-Ext ernalD is tr ibutionPr ohibi te d PICMG 2.0 R3.0 10/1/99ii ©Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 PCI Industrial Computers Manufacturers Group (PICMG).The attention of adopters is directed to the possibility that compliance with or adoption of PICMG ® specifications may require use of an invention covered by patent rights.PICMG ® shall not be responsible for identifying patents for which a license may be required by any PICMG ® specification, or for conducting legal inquiries into the legal validity or scope of those patents that are brought to its attention. PICMG ® specifications are prospective and advisory only. Prospective users are responsible for protecting themselves against liability for infringement of patents.NOTICE:The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. The material in this document details a PICMG ® specification in accordance with the license and notices set forth on this page. This document does not represent a commitment to implement any portion of this specification in any company's products.WHILE THE INFORMATION IN THIS PUBLICATION IS BELIEVED TO BE ACCURATE, PICMG ® MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF TITLE OR OWNERSHIP, IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE.In no event shall PICMG ® be liable for errors contained herein or for indirect, incidental,special, consequential, reliance or cover damages, including loss of profits, revenue, data or use, incurred by any user or any third pliance with this specification does not absolve manufacturers of CompactPCI equipment, from the requirements of safety and regulatory agencies (UL, CSA, FCC,IEC, etc.).PICMG ®, CompactPCI ®, and the PICMG ® and CompactPCI ® logos are registered trademarks of the PCI Industrial Computers Manufacturers Group.All other brand or product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.P r o p e r t y o f M o t o r o l aF orI nternalUseO nl y-Ext ernalD is tr ibutionPr ohibi te d CompactPCI ® Core Specification PICMG 2.0 R3.0 10/1/99iii Contents1OVERVIEW.........................................................................................................................................91.1C OMPACT PCI O BJECTIVES ................................................................................................................91.2B ACKGROUND AND T ERMINOLOGY ....................................................................................................91.3D ESIRED A UDIENCE ...........................................................................................................................91.4C OMPACT PCI F EATURES .................................................................................................................101.5A PPLICABLE D OCUMENTS ................................................................................................................101.6A DMINISTRATION .............................................................................................................................111.7N AME A ND L OGO U SAGE .................................................................................................................112FEATURE SET..................................................................................................................................132.1F ORM F ACTOR .................................................................................................................................132.2C ONNECTOR .....................................................................................................................................152.3M ODULARITY ...................................................................................................................................162.4H OT S WAP C APABILITY ....................................................................................................................163ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS..................................................................................................173.1B OARD D ESIGN R ULES .....................................................................................................................173.1.1Decoupling Requirements......................................................................................................173.1.2CompactPCI Signal Additions...............................................................................................183.1.3CompactPCI Stub Termination..............................................................................................183.1.4Peripheral Board Signal Stub Length ...................................................................................183.1.5Characteristic Impedance......................................................................................................193.1.6System Slot Board Signal Stub Length ..................................................................................193.1.7Peripheral Board PCI Clock Signal Length..........................................................................193.1.8Pull-Up Location...................................................................................................................193.1.9Board Connector Shield Requirements.................................................................................203.2B ACKPLANE D ESIGN R ULES .............................................................................................................213.2.1Characteristic Impedance......................................................................................................213.2.2Eight-Slot Backplane Termination........................................................................................213.2.3Signaling Environment..........................................................................................................223.2.4IDSEL Assignment.................................................................................................................223.2.5REQ#/GNT# Assignment.......................................................................................................233.2.6PCI Interrupt Binding............................................................................................................243.2.7CompactPCI Signal Additions...............................................................................................253.2.8Power Distribution................................................................................................................283.2.9Power Decoupling.................................................................................................................293.2.10Healthy (Healthy#)................................................................................................................303.333 MH Z PCI C LOCK D ISTRIBUTION .................................................................................................303.3.1Backplane Clock Routing Design Rules................................................................................313.3.2System Slot Board Clock Routing Design Rules....................................................................313.464-B IT D ESIGN R ULES ......................................................................................................................313.566 MH Z E LECTRICAL R EQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................333.5.166 MHz Board Design Rules.................................................................................................333.5.266 MHz System Board Design Rules.....................................................................................343.5.366MHz Backplane Design Rules...........................................................................................343.5.466MHz PCI Clock Distribution.............................................................................................343.5.566 MHz System Slot Board Clock Routing Design Rules (35)3.5.666 MHz Hot Swap (35)3.6S YSTEM AND B OARD G ROUNDING (36)3.6.1Board Front Panel Grounding Requirements (36)3.6.2Backplane Grounding Requirements (36)3.7C OMPACT PCI B UFFER M ODELS (36)P r o p e r t y o f M o t o r o l aF orI nternalUseO nl y-Ext ernalD is tr ibutionPr ohibi te d PICMG 2.0 R3.0 10/1/99iv 4MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................374.1B OARD R EQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................................374.1.13U Boards..............................................................................................................................374.1.26U Boards..............................................................................................................................374.1.3Rear-panel I/O Boards..........................................................................................................374.1.4ESD Discharge Strip.............................................................................................................384.1.5ESD Clip................................................................................................................................384.1.6Cross Sectional View.............................................................................................................394.1.7Component Outline and Warpage.........................................................................................394.1.8Solder Side Cover..................................................................................................................394.1.9Front Panels..........................................................................................................................484.1.10System Slot Identification......................................................................................................494.2R EAR -P ANEL I/O B OARD R EQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................524.2.1Mechanicals...........................................................................................................................524.2.2Power.....................................................................................................................................524.2.3Rear Panel Keying.................................................................................................................534.3B ACKPLANE R EQUIREMENTS ...........................................................................................................534.3.1Connector Orientation...........................................................................................................534.3.2Slot Spacing...........................................................................................................................534.3.3Slot Designation....................................................................................................................544.3.4Bus Segments.........................................................................................................................544.3.5Backplane Dimensions..........................................................................................................545CONNECTOR IMPLEMENTATION.............................................................................................585.1O VERVIEW .......................................................................................................................................585.1.1Location.................................................................................................................................585.1.2Housing Types.......................................................................................................................595.1.3Connector Tail Lengths.........................................................................................................595.1.4Backplane / Board Population Options.................................................................................595.2J1 (32-B IT PCI S IGNALS ).................................................................................................................595.3J2 C ONNECTOR ................................................................................................................................605.3.1Peripheral Slot 64-Bit PCI....................................................................................................605.3.2Peripheral Slot Rear-Panel I/O.............................................................................................605.3.3System Slot 64-bit PCI...........................................................................................................605.3.4System Slot Rear-Panel I/O...................................................................................................605.4B USSED R ESERVED P INS ..................................................................................................................605.5N ON -B USSED R ESERVED P INS .........................................................................................................605.6P OWER P INS .....................................................................................................................................605.75V/3.3V PCI K EYING ......................................................................................................................615.8P IN A SSIGNMENTS PACTPCI BUFFER MODELS...............................................................................................69B.CONNECTOR IMPLEMENTATION.............................................................................................73B.1G ENERAL .........................................................................................................................................73B.2C ONNECTORS ...................................................................................................................................73B.3A LIGNMENT .....................................................................................................................................73B.3.1Front Plug-In Board Alignment............................................................................................73B.3.2Rear Panel I/O Board Alignment..........................................................................................74B.3.3Backward Compatibility for Rear Panel I/O Boards. (74)P r o p e r t y o f M o t o r o l aF orI nternalUseO nl y-Ext ernalD is tr ibutionPr ohibi te d CompactPCI ® Core Specification PICMG 2.0 R3.0 10/1/99v TablesT ABLE 1. C ODING K EY C OLOR A SSIGNMENTS ..............................................................................................15T ABLE 2. B OARD D ECOUPLING R EQUIREMENTS ...........................................................................................17T ABLE 3. S TUB T ERMINATION R ESISTOR ......................................................................................................18T ABLE 4. B OARD C HARACTERISTICS .............................................................................................................19T ABLE 5. P ULL -UP R ESISTOR V ALUES ...........................................................................................................20T ABLE 6. B ACKPLANE C HARACTERISTICS .....................................................................................................21T ABLE 7. S YSTEM TO L OGICAL S LOT S IGNAL A SSIGNMENTS ........................................................................23T ABLE 8. S YSTEM TO L OGICAL S LOT I NTERRUPT A SSIGNMENTS ..................................................................24T ABLE 9. P HYSICAL S LOT A DDRESSES ..........................................................................................................27T ABLE 10. P OWER S PECIFICATIONS ...............................................................................................................28T ABLE 11. B ACKPLANE D ECOUPLING R ECOMMENDATIONS ..........................................................................30T ABLE 12. C ODING K EY C OLOR A SSIGNMENTS AND P ART N UMBERS ...........................................................61T ABLE 13. C OMPACT PCI P ERIPHERAL S LOT 64-B IT C ONNECTOR P IN A SSIGNMENTS ...................................62T ABLE 14 C OMPACT PCI P ERIPHERAL S LOT R EAR -P ANEL I/O C ONNECTOR P IN A SSIGNMENTS ....................63T ABLE 15. C OMPACT PCI S YSTEM S LOT 64-BIT C ONNECTOR P IN A SSIGNMENT .............................................64T ABLE 16. C OMPACT PCI S YSTEM S LOT R EAR -P ANEL I/O C ONNECTOR P IN A SSIGNMENTS ..........................65T ABLE 17. R EVISION H ISTORY . (67)P r o p e r t y o f M o t o r o l a F o r I n t e r n a l U s e O n l y - E x t e r n a l D i s t r i b u t i o n P r o h i b i t e d PICMG 2.0 R3.0 10/1/99vi This page is left intentionally blank.P r o p e r t y o f M o t o r o l aF orI nternalUseO nl y-Ext ernalD is tr ibutionPr ohibi te d CompactPCI ® Core Specification PICMG 2.0 R3.0 10/1/99vii IllustrationsF IGURE 1. 3U 64-B IT C OMPACT PCI F ORM F ACTOR ......................................................................................13F IGURE 2. 3U C OMPACT PCI B ACKPLANE E XAMPLE .....................................................................................14F IGURE 3. PCI S IGNAL T ERMINATION ...........................................................................................................22F IGURE 4. L OCAL 64 B IT I NITIALIZATION ......................................................................................................33F IGURE 5. ESD C LIP L OCATION ....................................................................................................................39F IGURE 6. 3U B OARD ....................................................................................................................................40F IGURE 7. 6U B OARD ....................................................................................................................................41F IGURE 8. F RONT S IDE B OARD ESD D IMENSIONS .........................................................................................42F IGURE 9. 3U R EAR -P ANEL I/O B OARD D IMENSIONS ...................................................................................43F IGURE 10. 6U R EAR P ANEL I/O B OARD D IMENSIONS ..................................................................................44F IGURE 11. R EAR P ANEL I/O ESD D IMENSIONS ...........................................................................................45F IGURE 12. C ROSS S ECTIONAL B OARD , C ONNECTOR , B ACKPLANE AND F RONT P ANEL V IEW ......................46F IGURE 13. C OMPONENT O UTLINE ................................................................................................................47F IGURE 15. C OMPACT PCI C OMPATIBILITY G LYPHS ......................................................................................48F IGURE 16. C OMPACT PCI L OGO ...................................................................................................................48F IGURE 17. 3U EMC F RONT P ANEL ..............................................................................................................50F IGURE 18. 6U EMC F RONT P ANEL ..............................................................................................................51F IGURE 19. 3U B ACKPLANE E XAMPLE - F RONT V IEW ..................................................................................53F IGURE 20. 3U B ACKPLANE D IMENSIONS .....................................................................................................56F IGURE 21. 6U B ACKPLANE D IMENSIONS .....................................................................................................57F IGURE 22. 3U C ONNECTOR I MPLEMENTATION ............................................................................................58F IGURE 23. 6U C ONNECTOR I MPLEMENTATION ............................................................................................58F IGURE 24. 5V S TRONG PCI M ODEL ............................................................................................................69F IGURE 25. 5V W EAK PCI M ODEL ...............................................................................................................70F IGURE 26. 3.3V S TRONG PCI M ODEL .........................................................................................................70F IGURE 27. 3.3V W EAK PCI M ODEL (71)P r o p e r t y o f M o t o r o l aF orI nternalUseO nl y-Ext ernalD is tr ibutionPr ohibi te d PICMG 2.0 R3.0 10/1/99viii This page is left intentionally blank.P r o p e r t y o f M o t o r o l aF orI nternalUseO nl y-Ext ernalD is tr ibutionPr ohibi te d 1. Overview CompactPCI ® Core Specification PICMG 2.0 R3.0 10/1/99Page 9 of 741 Overview 1.1 CompactPCI Objectives CompactPCI is an adaptation of the Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI)Specification 2.1 or later for industrial and/or embedded applications requiring a more robust mechanical form factor than desktop PCI. CompactPCI uses industry standard mechanical components and high performance connector technologies to provide an optimized system intended for rugged applications. CompactPCI provides a system that is electrically compatible with the PCI Specification, allowing low cost PCI components to be utilized in a mechanical form factor suited for rugged pactPCI is an open specification supported by the PICMG (PCI Industrial Co m-puter Manufacturers Group), which is a consortium of companies involved in utiliz-ing PCI for embedded applications. PICMG controls this specification.1.2 Background and Terminology Eurocard - A series of mechanical board form factor sizes for rack-based systems as used in VME, Multibus II, and other applications defined by the Institute of Electri-cal and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and International Electrotechnical Committee (IEC).ISA - Industry Standard Architecture. A specification by which Personal Com puters (PCs) add boards.PCI - Peripheral Component Interconnect. A specification for defining a common in-terconnect between logic components. Typically used for interconnecting high-speed,PC-compatible chipset components. The PCI specification is issued through the PCI Special Interest Group (PCI SIG).This specification utilizes several key words, which are defined below:may : A key word indicating flexibility of choice with no implied preference.shall : A key word indicating a mandatory requirement. Designers shall im-plement such mandatory requirements to ensure interchangeability and to claim conformance with the specification.should: A key word indicating flexibility of choice with a strongly preferred implementation.1.3 Desired AudienceCompactPCI exists to provide a standard form factor for those applications requiring the high performance of PCI as well as the small size and ruggedness of a rack mount system. CompactPCI provides a mechanism for OEM and end users to di-rectly apply PCI components and technology to a new mechanical form factor while。
In a multilingual country such as South Africa, it makes good sense to try to arrive at a common “language” to serve both as an identification of the contents of specific pipelines and as a warning. This “language” usually appears on the pipe in the form of a pipeline colour coding system or a written identification of the contents (descriptive code indicator) or, where possible, both.
– It is imperative that those who carry out work involving, or in the vicinity of, a group of pipelines be trained to understand the colour coding system from induction training to ongoing training and toolbox discussions. Identifying and assisting any colour-blind workers are also important facets of this training.
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其成员包括爱德华·韦斯顿、安塞尔·亚当斯、威拉德··戴克、伊莫金·坎宁安、桑亚·诺斯科威亚克、亨利·P·斯威夫特(Henry P·Swift)以及约翰·保罗·爱德华兹(John Paul Edwards)。
最初的想法来自於对Neue Sachlichkeit(另一稍早的德国团体)和爱德华.韦斯顿Edward Weston作品的启发。
Imagination Network
2003年—2008年:事业初期和《Taylor Swift》
2003年,14岁的泰勒·斯 威夫特搬到纳什维尔。
2008年,泰勒提名第50 届格莱美奖最佳新人, 但败于艾米·怀恩豪斯。
2007年5月,泰勒在美 国乡村音乐协会奖上表 演了《Tim McGraw》。
2006年10月24日,同名 专辑《泰勒·斯威夫特》 发行。
手[37] 、最佳乡村歌曲 MTV音乐录影带大奖颁
和最佳乡村专辑4个奖 奖典礼上,《You
项[38] 。
Belong With Me》的音
2010年—2012:《Speak Now》
2010年10月25日,泰勒发行了第三张录音室 专辑《Speak Now》[45] 。专辑首支单曲 《Mine》发行于8月4日,在单曲榜排行第三, 乡村榜排第二。专辑的后五支单曲《Back to December》、《Mean》、《The Story of Us》、《Sparks Fly》、《Ours》,除《The Story of Us》排名第41外,都进入了前20名。 2011年2月,泰勒开启爱的告白世界巡回演唱 会。
TaylorSwift MyMuse
泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift), 1989年12月13日出生于美国宾夕法尼 亚州,美国流行音乐、乡村音乐创作 型女歌手、音乐制作人、演员、慈善 家。
Taylor Alison Swift
泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)于1989年12月 13日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州雷丁,童年 时期在宾夕法尼亚州蒙哥马利县一个11英亩 的圣诞树农场度过,在艾尔弗尼亚蒙特梭 利教育学校上幼儿园。
taloyer swift纽约大学演讲稿
Hi, I’m Taylor.嗨,我是泰勒。
Last time I was in a stadium this size, I was dancing in heels and wearing a glittery leotard. This outfit is much more comfortable.上次在这么大的体育场里,我还是穿着高跟鞋和闪亮的紧身衣跳舞。
I’d like to say a huge thank you to NYU‘s Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Bill Berkeley and all the trustees and members of the board, NYU’s President Andrew Hamilton, Provost Katherine Fleming, and the faculty and alumni here today who have made this day possible. I feel so proud to share this day with my fellow honorees Susan Hockfield and Felix Matos Rodriguez, who humble me with the ways they improve our world with their work. As for me, I’m…90% sure the main reason I’m here is because I have a song called ‘22.’And let me just say, I am elated to be here with you today as we celebrate and graduate New York University’s Class of 2022.我想对纽约大学董事会主席比尔-伯克利和所有董事会成员、纽约大学校长安德鲁-汉密尔顿、教务长凯瑟琳-弗莱明,以及今天在座的教师和校友们表示衷心的感谢,是他们让这一天成为可能。
欧美杂志风相册PPT第三季 (95)
you than I've waited for any woman.
I love you more than I've ever loved any woman. And I've waited longer for
you than I've waited for any woman.
I love you more than I've ever loved any woman. And I've waited longer for
I love you more than I've ever loved any woman. And I've waited longer for you than I've waited for any woman.
I love you more than I've ever loved any woman. And I've waited longer for you than I've waited for any woman. I love you more than I've ever loved any woman. And I've waited longer for you than I've waited for any woman.I love you more than I've ever loved any woman. And I've waited longer for you than I've waited for any woman.
封面故事Cover Story 封面故事
Studying Abroad Magazine 国际理解教育
The Last Great American Dynasty钢琴谱五线谱 完整版原版
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