OMEGA 激光装置
LASER原是Light amplification by stimulated emissi on of radiation取字头组合而成的专门名词,在我国曾被翻译成“莱塞”、“光激射器” 、“光受激辐射放大器”等。
国家点火装置建设和试运转完成后,2010年将开始进行 正式点火实验。调试工作包括进行一系列优化和测试实 验,以获取点火实验所必需的关键激光参数和点火靶参 数。这些调试工作将在第一次点火打靶前完成。点火实 验对靶工作性能的要求主要体现在:力能学性能、对称 性,激波时序以及靶丸流体动力学。作为国家点火攻关 项目的一部分,有关上述关键环节调试工作的详细计划 和理论模拟工作目前正在进行。调试和诊断方法的研究 正在现有的若干装置上进行。其中包括美国罗切斯特大 学激光能学实验室的OMEGA激光装置,桑迪亚国家实验室 的Z装置和洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室Trident激光装置, 正在开展的制靶工作由美国通用原子公司(General Atomics),劳伦斯里弗莫尔国家实验室和洛斯· 阿拉莫 斯实验室负责。
美国国家点火装置(NIF)(即激光 聚变装置)是与“神光”计划一样的工 程,由位于美国加利福尼亚州劳伦 斯· 利弗莫尔国家实验室研制。1997 年工程正式开始建设。“国家点火装 置”产生的激光能量将是世界第二大 激光器、罗切斯特大学的激光器的 60倍。科学家希望该激光器能模仿 太阳中心的热和压力,用以创造核聚 变反应
作用 加州州长施瓦辛格在落成典礼上发表讲话 说,这一激光系统的建成是加州和美国的伟大 成就,它将有可能使美国的能源结构发生革命 性变化,因为它将教会人们驾驭类似太阳的能 量,使其转变成驾驶汽将外部激光增强10000倍,然后将一束激光分离为48束 激光,再增强,进一步分离为192束激光,其总能量增加到原来 能量的3000万亿倍,再聚焦到直径为3毫米的氘氚小丸上,产生 1亿度的高温,压力超过 1000亿个大气压,进而引发核聚变。 每束激光发射出持续大约十亿分之三秒、蕴涵180万焦耳能量的 脉冲紫外光——这些能量是美国所有电站产生的电能的500倍还 多。当这些脉冲撞击到目标反应室上,它们将产生X光。这些X 光会集中于位于反应室中心装满重氢燃料的一个塑料封壳上。X 光将把燃料加热到一亿度,并施加足够的压力使重氢核生聚变 反应。释放的能量将是输入能量的15倍还多。这是因为激光在 镜面之间来回反射,并通过3000块磷酸盐玻璃,其中的钛原子 会使激光束扩大。利弗莫尔有850名科学家和工程师。另外大约 有100名物理学家在那里设计实验。NIF的问题是它的激光每几 小时只能发射一次。Mercury激光的方案已经在计划中。它不 一定比NIF更大,它的目标是每秒钟发射10次脉冲。
633nm激光波长标准装置随着科学技术的发展,人类对激光(Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation)以及其应用的研究已越来越深入,可以说是各行各业有着重要的使用价值。
633nm激光波长标准装置,简称633nm LS,是一种基于黄铜腔的激光定位装置,能够提供所需的633nm波长的光束。
633nm LS装置具有良好的性能和可靠性。
633nm LS装置的最大优势在于它具有体积小、重量轻、低功耗等优点,可以满足客户的不同需求,并且对空间要求不高,可以安装在小型设备上。
633nm LS装置的应用非常广泛,可以用于量子技术、宇宙空间技术、量子通信技术、舰船技术、光通信技术、医疗和生物技术等多个领域。
633nm LS装置能够满足应用领域对波长测量精度的要求,从而发挥它的重要作用。
总之,633nm LS装置是一种新型的激光波长标准装置,具有体积小、重量轻、低功耗、精度高等优点,能够发挥其在量子技术、宇宙空间技术、量子通信技术、舰船技术、光通信技术,以及医疗和生物技术等领域的重要作用。
现在,633nm LS装置已经广泛应用于工业和军事方面的激光测量,为我们的现代社会发展作出了重大的贡献。
PXM309_CH 美国OMEGA仪器简介
DP25B-E, DP41B
35 bar
DP25B-E, DP41B
70 bar
DP25B-E, DP41B
2 bar
DP25B-E, DP41B
3.5 bar
DP25B-E, DP41B
DP25B-E, DP41B
140 bar
DP25B-E, DP41B
200 bar
DP25B-E, DP41B
350 bar
7 bar
DP25B-E, DP41B
15 bar
DP25B-E, DP41B
表2.1 各组件分区包含的组件……….
表3.1 神光III装置各组件可靠度……
表3.2 可靠性影响因素判断矩阵…….
表3.3 神光III装置可靠性分配结果…
Module reliability is the basis of syst咖reliability study of SG-III,so we址e the PCS
(Power Conditioning System),which is one of the most important modules according to
(3)神光m装置系统可靠性分析是以组件可靠性研究为基础的。能源模块是神光III 装置中最重要的组件之一,其可靠性水平对整个装置能否可靠运行有着重要的影响,因而 论文以能源模块为例,对神光III装置组件的可靠性进行了研究。根据实地调研收集到的 能源模块运行数据,将能源模块的可靠性增长分为两阶段并分别进行可靠性评估,得到了 能源模块的可靠性增长模型和当前能源模块的可靠性水平。
modules a11d sub—systems of Various types.The construction of SG—III covers up to 1 O fields of
technology and is a proiect of considerable scale a11d great di衢cul吼Reliabmty,which is the most jmponant index to measwe the stability of SG-III,is cJosely related to me system shot success ratio,maintenance and support costs.It indicates the ability of SG—IⅡto ke印working
规格:温度范围:OS136-1:-18~202°C(0~400°F)OS136-2:149~538°C(300~1000°F)精度@22°C(72°F)环境温度:OS136-1:读数的3%或4.4°C(8°F),以较大者为准OS136-2:读数的3%或5.5°C(10°F),以较大者为准,185~510°C(365~950°F)重复性:读数的1%光学视场:6比1(距离比光点直径)光谱响应:5~14微米响应时间:150毫秒,最终值的0~63%发射率:固定为0.95模拟信号输出:MA:4~20mAV1:0~5VdcV2:0~10VdcK:K型热电偶,补偿MVC:10mV/°CMVF:10mV/°F输出负载要求:最低负载(0~5Vdc)1kQ最低负载(0~10Vdc):2kQ最高负载(4~20mA):(电源-4)/20mA最低负载(10mV/度):10kQ最低负载(K型热电偶):100kQ工作环境温度:无水冷:0~70°C(32~158°F)有水冷(OS136-WC):0~200°C(32~392°F)有风冷(OS136-WC):0~110°C(32~230°F)工作相对湿度:低于95%相对湿度,无冷凝OS136-WC的水流速:0.25GPM,室温,最低OS136-WC的空气流速:5CFM(2.4升/秒)预热时间:1~2分钟热冲击:25°C的环境温度突然变化时约为30分钟空气净化器的空气流速:1CFM(0.5升/秒)变送器外壳:316不锈钢,NEMA4(IP66)等级工作电源:12~24Vdc@50mA外形尺寸:19(外径)x89mm(长)(0.75x3.5")重量:181g(0.40lb)激光波长(颜色):630~670nm(红色)作用距离:最多9.1m(30')最高激光功率输出:低于1mW@22°C环境温度安全类别:2类EN60825-1/11.2001 FDA类别:II类激光产品;符合21CFR1040.10激光射束直径:小于5mm(0.2")射束发散:低于2mrad工作温度:0~50°C(32~122°F)工作相对湿度:低于95%相对湿度,无冷凝电源开关:电池盒上的滑动开关电源指示灯:红色LED工作电源:电池盒,3Vdc(随附)注意和认证标签:位于激光头瞄准圆周上识别标签:位于激光头瞄准圆周上孔径标签:位于激光头瞄准圆周上外形尺寸:38(厚)x50.8mm(长)(1.5x2")。
Omega HHT21A 激光速度计用户指南说明书
e-mail:**************User’s GuideHHT21ALaser TachometerM3942/0303Where Do I Find Everything I Need for Process Measurement and Control?OMEGA…Of Course!Shop online at TEMPERATUREⅪߜThermocouple, RTD & Thermistor Probes, Connectors, Panels & AssembliesⅪߜWire: Thermocouple, RTD & Thermistor ⅪߜCalibrators & Ice Point ReferencesⅪߜRecorders, Controllers & Process Monitors ⅪߜInfrared PyrometersPRESSURE, STRAIN AND FORCEⅪߜTransducers & Strain Gages ⅪߜLoad Cells & Pressure Gages ⅪߜDisplacement Transducers ⅪߜInstrumentation & AccessoriesFLOW/LEVELⅪߜRotameters, Gas Mass Flowmeters & Flow Computers ⅪߜAir Velocity IndicatorsⅪߜTurbine/Paddlewheel Systems ⅪߜTotalizers & Batch ControllerspH/CONDUCTIVITYⅪߜpH Electrodes, Testers & Accessories ⅪߜBenchtop/Laboratory MetersⅪߜControllers, Calibrators, Simulators & Pumps ⅪߜIndustrial pH & Conductivity Equipment DATA ACQUISITIONⅪߜData Acquisition & Engineering Software ⅪߜCommunications-Based Acquisition Systems ⅪߜPlug-in Cards for Apple, IBM & Compatibles ⅪߜDatalogging SystemsⅪߜRecorders, Printers & Plotters HEATERSⅪߜHeating CableⅪߜCartridge & Strip Heaters ⅪߜImmersion & Band Heaters ⅪߜFlexible Heaters ⅪߜLaboratory HeatersENVIRONMENTALMONITORING AND CONTROLⅪߜMetering & Control InstrumentationⅪߜRefractometers ⅪߜPumps & TubingⅪߜAir, Soil & Water MonitorsⅪߜIndustrial Water & Wastewater TreatmentⅪߜpH, Conductivity & Dissolved Oxygen InstrumentsDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RETU RNING ANY PRODU CT(S) TO OMEGA, PU RCHASER MU ST OBTAIN AN AU THORIZED RETU RN (AR) NU MBER FROM OMEGA’S CU STOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT (IN ORDER TO AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have thefollowing information available BEFOREcontacting OMEGA:1.Purchase Order number under which the productwas PURCHASED,2.Model and serial number of the product underwarranty, and3.Repair instructions and/or specific problemsrelative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS,consult OMEGAfor current repair charges. Have the followinginformation available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. Purchase Order number to cover the COSTof the repair,2.Model and serial number of the product, and3.Repair instructions and/or specific problemsrelative to the product.OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering.OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 2003 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.Safeguards and Precautions1.Read and follow all instructions in this manual carefully,and retain this manual for future reference.2.Do not use this instrument in any manner inconsistent with these operating instructions or under any conditions that exceed the environmental specifications stated.3.Making measurements in close proximity to rotating equipment can be dangerous. Keep all loose clothiing and hair away from exposed moving machinery.Properly replace all machinery guards after completing measurement.4.The socket on the front of the instrument is for use with a remote charger. Only use model R-5 (115 Vac)or R-6 (230 Vac) rechargers to charge the instrument.5.The HHT21A has a laser beam light source. Do not view the laser beam directly as it could be hazardous to the eyes. Do not point the laser beam into another person’s eyes. Do not view the laser beam with telescopic devices.6.With exception of replacing the batteries, this instrument is not user serviceable. For technical assistance, contact the sales organization from which you purchased the product.NOTESSPECIFICATIONS ................................................................1OVERVIEW ..........................................................................2OPERATION .........................................................................2USING THE HHT21A WITH A REMOTE OPTICAL SENSOR (HHT20-ROS)........................................................................3CALIBRATION AND SELF-TEST..........................................3BATTERIES ..........................................................................5CLEANING ...........................................................................5of the way. It may also be convenient to keep a spare supply of reflective tape in the free area underneath this cover.The instrument will provide six to eight hours of continuous operation on a single set of batteries, depending on the type used. The instrument is provided with a built-in charging network, which works in conjunction with the optional NiCad batteries. The optional recharger plugs into the single jack located next to the optical lens at the front end of the instrument.Fourteen to sixteen hours is required for a complete recharge. When the battery voltage in the HHT21A is getting low, the display will blink “LO BAT” to indicate that the batteries need to be replaced.NOTE:Only use model R-5B (115 Vac) or R-6B (230 Vac) rechargers with NiCad batteries. Do not attempt to charge non-rechargeable batteries.ALWAYS DISPOSE OF BATTERIES IN A SAFE AND RESPONSIBLE MANNER.CLEANINGTo clean the instrument, wipe with a damp cloth using mild soapy solution.SPECIFICATIONSThis product is designed for indoor or outdoor use under the following conditions (per IEC1010-1):Speed Range: 5 RPM to 100,000 RPM Accuracy:± 1 RPM or .01% of reading Resolution: 1 RPM Display:6-digit 0.45” high liquid crystal Display Update:Twice per secondOn-Target Indication:Target (Bullseye) on lower left of displayOperating Distance:Range:Up to 10 feet [3.1 m] from leading edgeof reflective tapeAngle:Up to 45° from perpendicular to leading edge of reflective tapePower-On Switch:Pistol grip trigger - may be locked on with latchingpush-button for longer duration measurements Auto hold of last measurement for 90 secondsOptical System:Visible laser light sourceWARNING:Do not view the laser beam directly as it could be hazardous to the eyes. Do not point the laser beam into another person’s eyes. Do not view the laser beam with telescopic devices.Time Base:Crystal controlled Power Source: 4 “AA” batteries; Recharger socket provided foroptional rechargeable batteriesRecharger Input:Max input 7.8 Vdc @ 50mA Temperature:41 °F [5 °C] to 104 °F [40 °C]Humidity:Maximum relative humidity 80% for temperatureup to 88 °F [31 °C] decreasing linearly to 50%relative humidity at 104 °F [40 °C]Remote/Internal Switch Internal Optics LensRecharger JackFigure 1 HHT21A-Rwith Optional Remote Sensor (HHT20-ROS)CALIBRATION AND SELF-TESTThe HHT21A SERIES is a crystal controlled digital instrument that requires no calibration. However, the accuracy of the instrument can be checked at any time by aiming it at an old style fluorescent light and observing 7200 ±2RPM. In countries with 50 Hz. power line frequency, the display will read 6000 ±2 RPM.NOTE:The Tachometer will not correctly read on energy-efficient fluorescent lights.BATTERIESThe HHT21A SERIES operates from four ‘AA’ size batteries which are located under the hinged top of the instrument. To access these batteries,grip the tapered cover at the optical lens end of the instrument and pull up.The cover is hinged at the display end of the instrument and pivots fully outDimensions (LxWxH):6.13” x 3.25” x 1.75 “ plus 4.75” handle[155.7 mm x 82.6 mm x 44.5 mm x 120.7 mm] Weight: 1.25 lbs [0.57 kg]OVERVIEWThe HHT21A SERIES combines the accuracy and safety of a non-contact optical tachometer with the convenience and ease of operation of a pistol grip instrument. The instrument provides non-contact measurement of rotational speed to an accuracy of .01% of reading. It reads RPM directly to the nearest RPM, and a ‘on-target’ indicator is provided to verify the instrument is properly aligned on a target and receiving valid information. OPERATIONThe HHT21A measures rotational speed from a single pulse per revolution. This pulse is supplied by marking the rotating shaft with a visible reflective tape target. The HHT21A is equipped with a built-in laser light source providing a bright red beam which is aimed at the reflective tape located on the rotating shaft. The pulse from the reflective tape is received back through a single lens reflex optical system and detected by a photocell inside the instrument. The HHT21A then computes the rotational speed and displays it to a resolution of 1 RPM.To operate the instrument, simply aim it at the reflective tape while holding it at a distance of 1 inch [25.4 mm] to 10 feet [3.1 m] making sure to observe laser safety precautions. Squeeze the pistol grip trigger, and read the indicated speed. The on-target indicator must be on. The display is updated up to twice per second.For longer duration measurements, the trigger latch on the side of the pistol grip handle can be depressed after pulling the trigger, and the instrument may be mounted on the 1/4-20 threaded bushing at the base of the handle.When the trigger is released, the HHT21A will hold the last measurement taken and display it for up 90 seconds.On very small shafts, the HHT21A will work down to a reflective tape size of approximately 1/8 inch [3.2 mm] square. However, with this small tape size, it would be necessary to operate the instrument very close to the rotating shaft and insure it is held steady. For normal operation, a tape size of approximately 1/2 inch [12.7 mm] square or larger is recommended, and on very large diameter shafts or for very high-speed applications, a larger size piece of tape may be required. It is also recommended that the reflective tape be viewed just slightly off the perpendicular. The HHT21A will operate at angles from 0 to 45 degrees, but best results are obtained by aiming the instrument at the reflective tape at approximately a 10 to 20 degree angle. This insures that only pulses from the reflective tape are received by the instrument and minimizes the problem of interference from a highly polished surface or varying ambient lighting.USING THE HHT21A-R WITH A REMOTE OPTICAL SENSOR The HHT21A-R version of the tachometer has a provision for using the optional HHT20-ROS Remote Optical Sensor. In addition to the standard built-in optics of the HHT21A SERIES, a 1/8 inch [3.5 mm] phone jack is provided on the front panel of the Tachometer to accept a remote optical sensor plug. A toggle switch on the optics panel selects internal or remote operation.For applications requiring the remote optical sensor, move the Remote/ Internal switch to the remote position to disable the internal optics of the Tachometer. When the trigger is pulled or latched, the remote optical sensor can be used for measurements. The HHT20-ROS Remote Optical Sensor operates 3 feet [0.9 m] and ±45° from the reflective tape.。
Omega OS643-LS 红外热电子测量仪与激光标记仪说明书
OMEGA OS643-LSInfrared ThermometerWith Laser MarkerOMEGAnet On-Line Service Internet e-mail **************For immediate technical or application assistance:USA and Canada:Mexico and Latin America:Sales Service: 1-800-826-6342 / 1-800-TC-OMEGA Tel: (95) 800-TC-OMEGA Customer Service: 1-800-622-2378 / 1-800-622-BEST FAX: (95) 203-359-7807Engineering Service: 1-800-872-9436 / 1-800-USA-WHEN En Español: (203) 359-7803TELEX: 996404 EASYLINK: 62968934 CABLE: OMEGA e-mail:*****************Servicing North America:USA: ISO 9001 Certified Canada:One Omega Drive, Box 4047976 Bergar Stamford, CT 06907-0047Laval (Quebec) H7L5A1Tel: (203) 359-1660Tel: (514) 856-6928FAX: (203)359-7700FAX: (514) 856-6886e-mail:**************e-mail:**************Servicing Europe:Benelux:Postbus 8034, 1180 LA Amstelveen,The Netherlands Tel: (31) 20 6418405 FAX: (31) 20 6434643Toll Free in Benelux: 06 0993344e-mail:************Czech Republic:ul. Rude armady 1868, 733 01 Karvina-Hranice, Czech Repubic Tel: 420 (69) 6311627 FAX: 420 (69)6311114e-mail:***************France:9, rue Denis Papin, 78190 Trappes Tel: (33) 130-621-400 FAX: (33)130-699-120Toll Free in France: 0800-4-06342e-mail:****************Germany/Austria:Daimlerstrasse 26, D-75392Deckenpfronn, Germany Tel: 49 (07056) 3017 FAX: 49 (07056) 8540TollFreeinGermany************e-mail:*****************United Kingdom: ISO 9002 Certified One Omega Drive Riverbend Technology Centre Northbank, Irlam,Manchester, M44 5EX, England Tel: 44 (161) 777-6611 FAX: 44 (161) 777-6622Toll Free in England: 0800-488-488e-mail:***************.ukINTRODUCTIONThis instrument is a portable easy use 3½ digit, compact-sized digital infrared thermometer with laser marker designed for simple one hand operation. Meter with Backlit LCD display, Auto-hold function and auto power off (15 seconds approx.) feature after releasing MEAS button to extend battery life.SAFETY INFORMATIONIt is recommended that you read the safety and operation instructions before using the infrared thermometer.The symbol on the instrument indicates that the operator must refer to an explanation in this manual.DANGERPressing the button turns the laser marker on and off. Exercise extreme care and do not allow the laser beam to enter your eye or those of any other person or animal.•Do not look directly into the laser light from the optical system.•When measuring the temperature of an object which has a mirror finish, be careful not to allow the laser light beam to be reflected off the surface into your eyes or those of another person.•Do not allow the laser light beam to impinge upon any gas which can explode.CAUTION•Do not use the unit near any device which generates strong electromagnetic radiation or near a static electrical charge, as these may cause errors.•Do not use the unit where it may be exposed to corrosive or explosive gases. The unit may be damaged, or explosion may occur.•Do not keep or use this unit in an environment where it will be directly illuminated by sunshine, or where it will be exposed to high temperatures, high humidity or conden-sation. If you do, it may be deformed, its insulation may be damaged, or it may no longer function according to specification.•Do not point the lens at the sun or at any other source of strong light. If you do, the sensor may be damaged.•Do not contact the lens against the object whose temperature is to be measured, or get it dirty, allow it to be scratched, or allow any foreign material to adhere to it. Doing so may cause errors.•Do not touch or hold by the front cone. Temperature reading can be affected by heat from hand.•Do not place the meter on or around hot objects (70°C/158°F). It may cause damage to the case.•If the meter is exposed to significant changes in ambient temperature (hot to cold or cold to hot). Allow 20 minutes for temperature stabilization, before taking measurement.•Condensation may form on the lens when going from a cold to hot environment-wait 10 minutes for conden sation to dissipate before taking measurements.•This unit is not constructed to be water proof or dustproof, so do not use it in a very dusty environment or in one where it will get wet.SPECIFICATIONSGENERALDisplay: 3½ digit liquid crystal display (LCD) with maximum reading of 1999. Overrange: (OL) or (-OL) is displayed.Low battery indication: the "below the operating level.Measurement rate: 2.5 times per second, nominal.Operating Environment: 32°F to 122°F (0°C to 50°C) at < 70% relative humidity.Storage Temperature: 40°F to 140°F (-20°C to 60°C), 0 to 80% R.H. with battery removed from meter.Auto power off: 15 seconds approx.Standby consume current: <1µA.Battery: 4 pcs 1.5V (AAA size).Battery Life: 100 hours (continuity) typical (Laser marker and Back-Light not illuminated).Dimensions: 170mm(H) x 44mm(W) x 40mm(D).Weight: 160g including batteries.ELECTRICALTemperature Range: 0°F to 500°F / -20°C to 260°C.Display Resolution: 1°F / 1°C.Accuracy:±3%ofreadingor±6°F/3°C,***************************.4°F (@ 18 to 28°C) ambient operating temperature.Temperature Coefficient: ±0.2% of reading or ±0.36°F/0.2°C, whichever is greater, change in accuracy per °F/°C change in ambient operating tempera-ture above 82.4°F/28°C or below 64.4°F/18°C.Response Time: 1 second.Spectral Response: 6 to 14µm nominal.Emissivity: Pre-set 0.95.Analog Output: 1mV/°F(°C).Detection Element: Thermopile.Optical Lens: Fresnal Lens.Sighting: 1-beam laser marker <1mW (class 2).Field of View: 65mmØ at 1000mm.Spot size increases with distance from the probe tip as shown CAUTION: Use of controls or Adjustmentsor performance of Procedures other than those Specified herein may result inHazardous radiation exposure.Aperture Label (on front):Danger, Certification & ID Label:(Located on back of unit)OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSPush buttonsDisplay Back-Light ButtonRelease MEAS button then press "" button to toggle between turning on and off the Back-Light. When releasing the MEAS button the Back-Light will turn off automatically after 15 seconds to extend battery life.Laser Marker ButtonRelease MEAS button then press "" button to turn on the Laser Marker annunciator. If "" annunciator is turned on, press MEAS button and the laser marker beam will be emitted. Releasing MEAS button will turn off the laser marker beam.MEAS (MEASURE) ButtonDepress MEAS button to turn on the meter for measuring temperature. Release the MEAS button to stop measuring temperature and automatically hold the display reading. The meter turns off automatically after 15 seconds.OPERATION1. When the power is off, pressing the MEAS button turns on the power.2. Use "" button to turn on or turn off the display Back-Light.3. Use "" button to turn on or turn off the Laser Marker.4. Use "°F/°C" button to select °F or °C.5. Point the lens at the object whose temperature is to be measured.6. Press the MEAS button. Measurement is performed as long as the MEAS button is kept pressed.7. Referring to the spot size figure, aim the laser beam at the object whose temperature is to be measured.NOTE: Although the field of measurement (or Field of View) and the spot almost coincide, actually the field of measurement corresponds to the diameter for 90% optical response. The object whose temperature is to be measured needs to be larger than the measurement diameter (spot of size) by an adequate margin at least 1.5 to 2 times larger.8. Read the display.MEASUREMENT CONSIDERATIONS1.Theory of MeasurementEvery object emits infrared energy in accordance with its temperature. By measuring the amount of this radiant energy, it is possible to determine the temperature of the emitting object, if the emissity is known.2.About InfraredInfrared radiation is a form of light (electromagnetic radiation), and has the property that it, passes easily through air while it is easily absorbed by solid matter. With an emission thermometer which operates by detecting infrared radiation accurate measurement is possible, irrespective of the air tempera-ture or the measurement distance.3.Emission Thermometer StructureInfrared radiation which has been emitted from the object is focused upon an infrared radiation sensor, via an optical system which includes a lens is transparent to infrared radiation, an 5.3µm cut off filter. The output signal from the infrared radiation sensor is input to an electronic circuit along with the output signal from a standard temperature sensor (Thermopile).4.EmissivityAll objects emit invisible infrared energy. The amount of energy emitted is proportional to the object's temperature and its ability to emit IR energy. This ability, called emissivity, is based upon the material that the object is made of and its surface finish. Emissivity values range from 0.10 for a very reflective object to 1.00 for a black body. Factory set emissivity value of 0.95, which cover 90% of typical applications.5.If the surface to the measured is covered by frost or other material, clean it to expose the surface.6.If the surface to be measured is highly reflective, apply masking tape or matt finish black paint to the surface.7.If the meter seems to be giving incorrect readings check the front cone. There may be condensation or debris obstructing the sensor; clean per instructions in the maintenance section.MAINTENANCEBattery ReplacementPower is supplied by four 1.5V (AAA size) batteries. The "" appears on the LCD display when replacement is needed.To replace the batteries, remove the screw from the back of the meter and lift off the battery cover case. Remove the batteries from battery contacts.CleaningPeriodically wipe the case with a damp cloth and detergent, do not use abrasives or solvents.Substance Thermal Substance Thermalemissivity emissivity Asphalt0.90 to 0.98Cloth (black)0.98 Concrete0.94Human skin0.98 Cement0.96Lather0.75 to 0.80 Sand0.90Charcoal (powder)0.96Earth0.92 to 0.96Lacquer0.80 to 0.95 Water0.92 to 0.96Lacquer (matt)0.97Ice0.96 to 0.98Rubber (black)0.94Snow0.83Plastic0.85 to 0.95 Glass0.90 to 0.95Timber0.90 Ceramic0.90 to 0.94Paper0.70 to 0.94 Marble0.94chromium oxides0.81 Plaster0.80 to 0.90Copper oxides0.78 Mortar0.89 to 0.91lron oxides0.78 to 0.82 Brick (red)0.93 to 0.96T extiles0.90WARRANTYOMEGA warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship and to give satisfactory service for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA Warranty adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA's customers receive maximum coverage on each product. If the unit should malfunction, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA's Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. However, this WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of being damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA's control. Components which wear or which are damaged by misuse are not warranted. This includes contact points, fuses, and triacs. OMEGA is glad to offer suggestions on the of use of its various products. Nevertheless, OMEGA only warrants that the parts manufactured by it will be as specified and free of defectsOMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED.LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.Every precaution for accuracy has been taken in the preparation of this manual; however, OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors that may appear nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of the products in accordance with the information contained in the manual.SPECIAL CONDITION: Should this equipment be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, purchaser will indemnity OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of theIt is the policy of OMEGA to comply with all worldwide safety and EMC/EMI regulations that apply. OMEGA is constantly pursuing certification of its products to the European New Approach Directives. OMEGA will add the CE mark to every appropriate device upon certification.The information contained in this document is believed to be correct but OMEGA Engineering, Inc. accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.WARNING: These products are not designed for use in, and should not be used for, patient connected application.RETURN REQUESTS / INQUIRIESDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RETURNING ANY PRODUCT(S) TO OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBTAIN AN AUTHORIZED RETURN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA'S CUSTOMER SERVICE DEP ARTMENT (IN ORDER TO AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA: 1.P.O. number under which the product wasPURCHASED.2.Model and serial number of the product underwarranty, and3.Repair instructions and/or specific problems relativeto the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1.P.O. number to cover the COST of the repair.2.Model and serial number of product , and3.Repair instructions and/or specific problems relativeto the product.OMEGA's policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering. OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. © Copyright 1999 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable from, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.Where Do I Find Everything I Need for Process Measurement and Control?OMEGA...Of Course!HEATERSþHeating CableþCartridge & Strip HeatersþImmersion & Band HeatersþFlexible HeatersþLaboratory HeatersPRESSURE/STRAIN AND FORCE þTransducers & Strain GaugesþLoad Cells & Pressure GaugesþDisplacement TransducersþInstrumentation & AccessoriesFLOW/LEVELþRotameters, Gas MassFlowmeters & Flow Computers þAir Velocity IndicatorsþTurbine/Paddlewheel SystemsþTotalizers & Batch Controllers TEMPERATUREþThermocouple, RTD & ThermistorProbes, Connectors, Panels &AssembliesþWire: Thermocouple, RTD &ThermistorþCalibrators & Ice Point ReferencesþRecorders, Controllers & ProcessMonitorsþInfrared PyrometersENVIRONMENTALMONITORING AND CONTROLþMetering & Control InstrumentationþRefractometersþPumps & TubingþAir, Soil & Water MonitorsþIndustrial Water & WastewaterTreatmentþpH, Conductivity & DissolvedOxygen InstrumentspH/CONDUCTIVITYþpH Electrodes, Testers &AccessoriesþBenchtop/Laboratory MetersþControllers, Calibrators,Simulators & PumpsþIndustrial pH & ConductivityEquipmentDATA ACQUISITIONþData Acquisition & EngineeringSoftwareþCommunications-BasedAcquisition SystemsþPlug-in Cards for Apple, IBM& CompatiblesþDatalogging SystemsþRecorders, Printers & PlottersM-3419/0799。
Omega HHT13 无接触手持激光速度计说明书
Comes with NIST-traceable certificate of calibration, two 150 x 12 mm (6 x 0.5") strips of reflective tape, 2 "AA" batteries and operator’s manual. The HHT13-KIT comes with operator’s manual, NIST-traceable certificate of calibration, 2 "AA" batteries, 1.5 m (5') roll of T-5 reflective tape, an RCA, including concave and convex tips, and a 10 cm (3.9") linear contact wheel, all in a latching hardcover carrying case.Ordering Examples: HHT13, tachometer, HHT-RT-5, spare reflective tape, MA-1214,reference book: Statistical Intervals. OCW-3, OMEGACARE SM extends standard 1-yearwarranty to a total of 4 years.Contact/Non-Contact Pocket Laser Tachometer with Totalizer/Counter/Timer FeaturesU Operating Range Up to 7.6 m (25') (Class 3R Visible Laser)U Supports Remote Contact Assembly, Standard in the KitU Accepts Optional Remote SensorsU TTL Pulse OutputU Auto-Ranging/Fixed Decimal (User Selectable)U English and Metric RatesU Tripod Mounting BushingU On-Target and Low-Battery IndicatorsU Rugged Rubberized HousingU NIST-Traceable Certificate of Calibration IncludedQ-49OMEGACARE SM extended warranty program is available for models shown on this page. Ask your sales representative for full details when placing an order. OMEGACARE SM covers parts, labor and equivalent loaners.The HHT13 is a digital, battery-powered, optical pocket laser tachometer that operates up to 7.6 m (25’) from a reflective target using a laser light source. The ergonomic design allows safe, direct line-of-sight viewing of both the target and the display, while providing a no-slip rubber surface for single- hand operation. The HHT13 is a 32-function tachometer/ratemeter, totalizer/counter, and timer (stopwatch), which is programmable in both English and metric rates. Support is built-in for the optional remote contact assembly (RCA) and the plug-in remote sensors. The HHT13 has a TTL-compatible pulse output to trigger devices such as data collectors and stroboscopes. Specifications Display: 5-digit alphanumeric LCD Range: Optical: 5 to 200,000 rpm Contact*: 0.5 to 20,000 rpm (Other ranges: inches, feet, yards, miles, cm, m, per hour, minutes, seconds)Accuracy: Optical: ±0.01% of reading Contact*: ±0.05% of reading (rpm)Resolution: 0.001 to 10 rpm (speed range dependent)Operating Range: 50 mm to 7.6 m (2" to 25') Memory: Max, min and last Power: 2 “AA” 1.5 Vdc batteries (included)Environmental: 5 to 40°C (41 to 104°F), 80% RH up to 30°C (86°F)Dimensions: 176 x 61 x 41 mm (6.9 x 2.4 x 1.6")Weight: 210 g (7 oz)。
预测NIF能够到达点火条件,但缺少对物理可行性的掌握, 再加上失败的大科学工程管理,造成NIF无法点火现状。 您怎么评价?朱健强:首先,
NIF未能实现点火,原因是复杂的。实现聚变点火的理论 和实验并不是两个孤立的局部,不能把它们分开来,理 论和实验是相互促进、共同开展的关
系。这类理论模型并非一个确定的数值方程,需要在原 设计的根底上不断进展实验,通过实验结果分析再反过 来完善这个模型。从美国已经开展的物理
认为NIF或Omega无法实现聚变点火,也有其他一些人持 同样观点。您如何评价这样的争论?朱健强:在激光聚 变技术的开展过程中,多种观点
一直并存,这也是科学开展的一个动力。对于一个大型 科学装置方案来说,如果没有争论的声音并不一定是好 事。StephenBodner的观点
是有一定依据的,如他所说,激光的高相干性会导致出 现调制的现象,在压缩的过程中会出现不稳定,对燃料 实现高温高密度压缩带来困难,但我们也
实验来看,他们也试图通过改变黑腔直径、采用高足脉 冲等途径开展实验,这些并不是原来理论预先确定的。 在目前有限发次的实验上,实验结果与理
论预期出现了不符,为此美国已经提出了未来几年内继 续开展激光聚变研究的方案框架。尽管目前没有实现聚 变点火,但美国始终没有放弃这一目标,
估计后续还会有研究方案,推动聚变点火。NIF在设计之 初由于受经济预算约束,设计的通量负载过高,导致终 端光学元件损伤严重,影响了原定的
地位。编辑:虽然暂时遇到了一些困难,但不可否认NIF 在21年的开展过程中做出了很多创新的工作,请简要介 绍一下。朱健强:是的,NIF到
目前为止尚未实现点火,但NIF为激光领域带来的开展是 有目共睹的。作为一个大型激光装置,它的建成和运行 具有重大的意义。在NIF开展的过
Omegas HHT21A 激流式激光速度计器说明书
Q-51HHT20A SeriesStarts at£235ConvenientPistol-Grip Design Safe, Non-Contact Operation to 3 m and 45°from Target Auto-Ranging 5 to 100,000 rpm Accuracy andResolution: ±1 rpm 6-Digit LCD Available with Remote Sensor Low-Battery and On-Target Indicators Last Measurement MemoryLaser TachometerHHT21A comes with operator's manual, 4 “AA” alkaline batteries, nylon case,traceable calibration certificate and 1.5 m of reflective t ape. The HHT21A-R-KIT-230comes with operator's manual, 4 Ni-Cad batteries, recharger, rugged case, 1.5 m of reflective tape, and remote optical sensor with mounting bracket and 2.4 m (8') of cable.Ordering Example:HHT21A-R-KIT-230,tachometer with LCD, remote sensor, recharger and calibration certificate, £435. OCW-3, OMEGACARE SM extends 1-year warranty to a total of 4 years (£170), £435 + 107 = £542.The HHT21A combines the accuracy and safety of a non-contact laser tachometer with the convenience and ease of operation of a pistol-grip instrument. Simply aim the tachometer at a reflective tape target on the rotating object,squeeze the trigger, and read the rpm. The HHT21 has internal laseroptics and can be used with aremote optical sensor. It can be handheld or tripod mounted with the 1⁄4-20threaded bushing in the base handle.SpecificationsRange:5 to 100,000 rpm Accuracy:±1 rpm Resolution:1 rpmDisplay:6-digit,13 mm (0.5")high LCD Operating Envelope:Up to 3 m (10')and 45°from reflective targetPower-On Switch:Pistol-grip trigger;can be locked on with latching pushbutton for long-duration measurements Power:4 “AA” alkaline batteries (included); optional Ni-Cads can be charged while in tachometer Battery Life:6 to 8 hours typicalDimensions:82.5 x 44.5 x 155.7 mm plus 120.6 mm handle(3.25 x 1.75 x 6.13" plus 4.75" handle)Weight:0.56 kg (1.25 lb)Mounting:1⁄4-20 UNC mounting bushing in handleTemperature:5 to 40°C (41 to 104°F)Humidity:Maximum RH 80% for temperatures up to 31°C (88°F),decreasing linearly to 50% RH at 40°C (104°F)Display Update Rate:2/sRecharger (Optional):115 or 230 Vac,7.8 Vdc at 50 mA maxRemote Optical Sensor (Optional)Size:74 L x 15 mm OD (2.90 L x 0.62"); M16 threaded tube,2.4 m (8') cable 51x 51 x 20mm (2 x 2x 0.8")mounting bracket with 2M16 jam nutsPower:5 Vdc @ 30 mA (powered from base unit)Temperature:-10 to 80°C (15 to 180°F)OMEGACARE SM is available for models shown on this page.Ask your sales representative for full details when placing an order. OMEGACARE SMcovers parts, labour and equivalent loaners.of theCANADA Laval(Quebec)1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM Manchester,England0800-488-488GERMANY,Germany************FRANCE 088-466-342BENELUX 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford,CT.CZECH REPUBLIC Karviná,Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References, Indicating Labels,Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders, Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, PT100 Probes, PT100 Elements,Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters,Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes and Assemblies,Thermocouples, Thermowells and Head and WellAssemblies, Transmitters, Thermocouple Wire, RTD ProbesPressure,Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and StrainMeasurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers,Proximity Transducers, Regulators, Pressure Transmitters,Strain Gauges, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation,Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation,Environmental Instrumentation,pH Electrodes and Instruments,Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters,Cartridge Heaters,Circulation Heaters,Comfort Heaters,Controllers,Meters and SwitchingDevices,Flexible Heaters,General Test and Measurement Instruments,Heater Hook-up Wire,Heating Cable Systems,Immersion Heaters,Process Air and Duct,Heaters,Radiant Heaters,Strip Heaters,Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators,Doppler Flowmeters,LevelMeasurement,Magnetic Flowmeters,Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes,Pumps,Rotameters,Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters,Ultrasonic Flowmeters,Valves,Variable Area Flowmeters,Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems,Communication Products and Converters,Data Acquisition and Analysis Software,Data LoggersPlug-in Cards,Signal Conditioners,USB,RS232,RS485and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems,Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。
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The BL2 contrast was improved by a factor of 3 in the 100-ps window before the main pulse
Relative power (dB)
0 –20 –40 –60 –80 –400 –200 0 Time (ps)
• Features identified on OMEGA EP (as of March 2010) – nanosecond pedestal caused by parametric fluorescence from OPCPA front-end – no significant prepulse – pedestal caused by OPCPA pump and/or stretcher spectral modulation On-shot temporal-contrast measurements are crucial for understanding laser–target interaction.
• Picosecond contrast measured with a commercial scanning cross-correlator (Sequoia, Amplitude Technologies) on the 5-Hz front end (February 2010) – best compression (subpicosecond) for best resolution – propagation through the entire laser system (identical to on-shot beam path) • Findings are indicative of on-shot performance – no significant prepulse before the main pulse – BL1 contrast is approximately 10× worse than BL2 contrast E18851
Shots 7073 (250 J) 7074 (1 kJ) 7075 (1 kJ) 7076 (250 J) 7077 (250 J) 7080 (1 kJ) 7081 (250 J) 7082 (250 J)
Shots 7044 (250 J) 7045 (500 J) 7046 (750 J) –70 7047 (800 J) 7048 (850 J) 7049 (850 J)
–80 –3
–2 –1 Time (ns)
C. Dorrer University of Rochester Laboratory for Laser Energetics
Omega Laser Facility Users’ Group Workshop Rochester, NY 28–30 April 2010
3× contrast –50 increase –60 –70 –80 –200 –100 Time (ps) 0
Chirped Stretcher signal Pump OPA
Amplified chirped signal
• Wavelength tuning of the seed-pulse laser used to generate the OPCPA pump pulse – better match with the pump amplifier wavelength – lower noise on the pump pulse – decreases high-frequency spectral modulations on the amplified signal • A 3× improvement in this temporal range translates to on-shot pedestal energy reduced from 2 J to 0.6 J for a 1-kJ shot
BL2 (March 2010) 2 × 106±15% 2 × 104±11%
• The contrast varies by ~10% over a large variety of on-shot energies • Day-to-day contrast varies by ~50% • BL1’s contrast is worse than BL2’s by a factor of ~10
Picosecond contrast measurements of the front-end are indicative of the on-shot contrast
Relative power (dB) BL2 (1 ps) Relative power (dB) 0 –20 –40 –60 –80 –600 –400 –200 Time (ps) 0 0 –20 –40 –60 –80 –400 –200 Time (ps) 0 MTW (prototype) BL1 BL2
(–1 ns, –500 ps)
Nonlinear single-shot cross-correlator
(–600 ps, –30 ps) • Demonstrated on front-end prototype • Permanent setup being deployed in OMEGA EP (May 2010)
The nanosecond temporal contrast has been measured and is consistent shot-to-shot
Relative power (dB)
BL1 shots on 2/24/2010
BL2 shots on 3/3/2010
Temporal contrast diagnostics are deployed on OMEGA EP
• The temporal contrast of OMEGA EP is an important parameter for users • A suite of three diagnostics is being deployed to fully characterize the temporal contrast over a large temporal range • Current and future contrast-improvement campaigns are described
To oscilloscope PD Diffuser Optical density filters PD Energy probe
m/2 Partial reflector Polarizer
• Consistent contrast measurements obtained using precalibration and knowledge of on-shot filtration and reference energy • Final deployment: 2 simultaneous measurements per beamline • Diagnostic performance – temporal resolution: ~200 ps – dynamic range: 109 – temporal range: >1 ns – contrast measured in near field
The nanosecond contrast diagnostic has been used for a first contrast-improvement campaign
BL2 500 J shots on 11/20/2009 –60
Relative power (dB)
Pump Chirped signal Generated parametric fluorescence
The high-contrast-diagnostics (HCD) project is a suite of three complementary diagnostics for OMEGA EP
Diagnostic Nonlinear scanning crosscorrelator Photodiode + oscilloscope Range (–720 ps, 130 ps) Status Operated on BL1/2 (front end only, not on shot) • Temporary setup operated on BL1/2 (~200 high-energy shots) • Permanent setup being deplo2 Time (ns)
–80 –3
–2 –1 Time (ns)
BL1 (February 2010) Intensity contrast (10-ps pulse) Energy contrast for nanosecond pedestal 1.6 × 105±9% 1.6 × 103±11%
Time Time Time
–80 –3
0 ps –200 ps –400 ps –600 ps
–2 –1 Time (ns)
• Temporal contrast has been increased by adjusting the pump-signal relative delay in the OPCPA front end – improvement of energy contrast by a factor of 4 was demonstrated – energy contrast as high as 105 was obtained • Daily variation in pump-pulse timing and configuration explains the observed variation in contrast