
按字母顺序排列:Aa , able , about , account , acid , across , act , addition , adjustment , advertisement , after , again , against , agreement , air , all , almost , among , amount , amusement , and , angle , angry , animal , answer , ant , any , apparatus , apple , approval , arch , argument , arm , army, art , as , at , attack , attempt , attention , attraction , authority , automatic , awake .Bbaby , back , bad , bag , balance , ball , band , base , basin , basket , bath , be , beautiful , because , bed , bee , before , behavior , belief , bell , bent , berry , between , bird , birth , bit , bite , bitter , black , blade , blood , blow , blue , board , boat , body , boiling , bone , book , boot , bottle , box , boy , brain , brake , branch , brass , bread , breath , brick , bridge , bright , broken , brother , brown , brush , bucket , building , bulb , burn , burst , business , but , butter , button , by .Ccake , camera , canvas , card , care , carriage , cart , cat , cause , certain , chain , chalk , chance , change , cheap , cheese , chemical , chest , chief , chin , church , circle , clean , clear , clock , cloth , cloud , coal , coat , cold , collar , color , comb , come , comfort , committee , common , company , comparison , complete , competition , complex , condition , connection , conscious , control , cook , copper , copy , cord , cork , cotton , cough , country , cover , cow , crack , credit , crime , cruel , crush , cry , cup , current , curtain , curve , cushion , cutDdamage , danger , dark , daughter , day , dead , dear , death , debt , decision , deep , degree , delicate , dependent , design , desire , destruction , detail , development , different , digestion , direction , dirty , discovery , discussion , disease , disgust , distance , distribution , division , do , dog , door , doubt , down , drain , drawer , dress , drink , driving , drop , dry , dustEear , early , earth , east , edge , education , effect , egg , elastic , electric , end , engine , enough , equal , error , even , event , ever , every , example , exchange , existence , expansion , experience , expert , eyeFface , fact , fall , false , family , far , farm , fat , father , fear , feather , feeble , feeling , female , fertile , fiction , field , fight , finger , fire , first , fish , fixed , flag , flame , flat , flight , floor , flower , fly , fold , food , foolish , foot , for , force , fork , form , forward , fowl , frame , free , frequent , friend , from , front , fruit , full , futureGgarden , general , get , girl , give , glass , glove , go , goat , gold , good , government , grain , grass , great , green , grey/gray , grip , group , growth , guide , gunHhair , hammer , hand , hanging , happy , harbor , hard , harmony , hat , hate , have , he , head , healthy , hearing , heart , heat , help , here , high , history , hole , hollow , hook , hope , horn , horse , hospital , hour , house , how , humorII , ice , idea , if , ill , important , impulse , in , increase , industry , ink , insect , instrument , insurance , interest , invention , iron , islandJjelly , jewel , join , journey , judge , jumpKkeep , kettle , key , kick , kind , kiss , knee , knife , knot , knowledgeLland , language , last , late , laugh , law , lead , leaf , learning , leather, left , leg , let , letter , level , library , lift , light , like , limit , line , linen , lip , liquid , list , little (less ,least) , living , lock , long , loose , loss , loud , love , lowMmachine , make , male , man , manager , map , mark , market , married , match , material , mass , may , meal , measure , meat , medical , meeting , memory , metal , middle , military , milk , mind , mine , minute , mist , mixed , money , monkey , month , moon , morning , mother , motion , mountain , mouth , move , much (more, most) , muscle , musicNnail , name , narrow , nation , natural , near , necessary , neck , need , needle , nerve , net , new , news , night , no , noise , normal , north , nose , not , note , now , number , nutOobservation , of , off , offer , office , oil , old , on , only , open , operation , opinion , opposite , or , orange , order , organization , ornament , other , out , oven , over , ownerPpage , pain , paint , paper , parallel , parcel , part , past , paste , payment , peace , pen , pencil , person , physical , picture , pig , pin , pipe , place , plane , plant , plate , play , please , pleasure , plough/plow , pocket , point , poison , polish , political , poor , porter , position , possible , pot , potato , powder , power , present , price , print , prison , private , probable , process , produce , profit , property , prose , protest , public , pull , pump , punishment , purpose , push , putQquality , question , quick , quiet , quiteRrail , rain , range , rat , rate , ray , reaction , red , reading , ready , reason , receipt , record , regret , regular , relation , religion , representative , request , respect , responsible , rest , reward , rhythm , rice , right , ring , river , road , rod , roll , roof , room , root , rough , round , rub , rule , runSsad , safe , sail , salt , same , sand , say , scale , school , science , scissors , screw , sea , seat , second , secret , secretary , see , seed , selection , self , send , seem , sense , separate , serious , servant , sex , shade , shake , shame , sharp , sheep , shelf , ship , shirt , shock , shoe , short , shut , side , sign , silk , silver , simple , sister , size , skin , skirt , sky , sleep , slip , slope , slow , small , smash , smell , smile , smoke , smooth , snake , sneeze , snow , so , soap , society , sock , soft , solid , some , son , song , sort , sound , south , soup , space , spade , special , sponge , spoon , spring , square , stamp , stage , star , start , statement , station , steam , stem , steel , step , stick , sticky , still , stitch , stocking , stomach , stone , stop , store , story , strange , street , stretch , stiff , straight , strong , structure , substance , sugar , suggestion , summer , support , surprise , such , sudden , sun , sweet , swim , systemTtable , tail , take , talk , tall , taste , tax , teaching , tendency , test , than , that , the , then , theory , there , thick , thin , thing , this , though , thought , thread , throat , through , thumb , thunder , ticket , tight , till , time , tin , tired , to , toe , together , tomorrow , tongue , tooth , top , touch , town , trade , train , transport , tray , tree , trick , trouble , trousers , true , turn , twistUumbrella , under , unit , up , useVvalue , verse , very , vessel , view , violent , voiceWwaiting , walk , wall , war , warm , wash , waste , watch , water , wave , wax , way , weather , week , weight , well , west , wet , wheel , when , where , while , whip , whistle , white , who , why , wide , will , wind , window , wine , wing , winter , wire , wise , with , woman , wood , wool , word , work , worm , wound , writing , wrongX , Y , Zyear , yellow , yes , yesterday , you , young。

英语单词大全按字母排序以下是按字母顺序排列的英语单词大全:A: able, about, above, absence, absolute, abstract, abundance, academic, accelerate, accent, accept, access, accident, accompany, accomplish, according, account, accurate, achieve, acknowledge, acquire, across, act, active, actual, adapt, add, address, adhere, adjust, administer, admire, admit, adopt, advance, adventure, advertise, advise, advocate, affirm, age, agency, agenda, agent, ago, agree, aid, aim, air, aircraft, airport, album, alcohol, alert, alien, align, alike, alive, all, allocate, allow, ally, almost, alone, along, alphabet, already, also, alter, alternative, although, always, amend, among, amount, amplify, amusement, analyze, ancestor, anchor, ancient, anger, angle, animal, ankle, announce, annual, another, answer, anticipate, antique, anxiety, any, apart, apologize, apparent, appeal, appear, apple, application, appoint, appreciate, approach, appropriate, approve, approximate, aquarium, arbitrate, architect, area, argue, arise, arm,army, around, arrange, arrest, arrive, arrow, art, article, artist, artistic, as, ascend, ash, aside, ask, asleep, aspect, assemble, assert, assess, assign, assist, associate, assume, assure, astonish, attach, attack, attain, attempt, attend, attitude, attract, attribute, auction, audit, author, authority, automatic, autumn, available, average, avoid, awake, award, aware, away, awesome, awful, axis.B: baby, back, background, backward, bacteria, bad, badge, bag, bake, balance, balcony, ball, balloon, ballot, bamboo, banana, band, bang, bank, banquet, bar, bargain, bark, barn, barrel, base, basement, basic, basket, bat, batch, bath, bathroom, batter, battle, bay, be, beach, beam, bean, bear, beard, beast, beat, beautiful, beauty, because, become, bed, bedroom, bee, beef, beer, before, begin, behave, behind, believe, bell, belong, below, belt, bench, bend, beneath, benefit, beside, best, bet, better, between, beyond, bicycle, bid, big, bike, bill, billion, bin, bind, biology, bird, birth, biscuit, bit, bite, bitter, black, blade, blame, blanket, blast, blend, bless, blind, block, blond, blood, blossom, blow, blue, board, boast, boat, body, boil, bold, bolt, bomb, bond, bone, bonus, book, boost,boot, border, bore, born, borrow, boss, both, bottle, bottom, bounce, boundary, bowl, box, boy, bracket, brain, brake, branch, brand, brave, bread, break, breast, breath, breeze, brick, bridge, brief, bright, bring, brisk, broad, brother, brown, brush, bubble, bucket, build, bulb, bulk, bull, bullet, bunch, bundle, burden, bureau, burn, burst, bury, bus, bush, business, busy, but, butter, butterfly, button, buy, buzz, by, byte.C: cabin, cabinet, cable, cafe, cage, cake, calculate, calendar, call, calm, camel, camera, camp, campaign, campus, can, canal, cancel, cancer, candle, candy, cannon, canoe, canvas, canyon, capable, capital, captain, capture, car, carbon, card, care, career, careful, cargo, carpet, carriage, carry, cart, cartoon, case, cash, casino, cast, castle, cat, catalog, catch, category, cattle, cause, caution, cave, ceiling, celebrate, cell, cellar, cement, censor, census, center, certain, chain, chair, chalk, challenge, chamber, champion, chance, change, channel, chaos, chapter, charge, charity, charm, chart, chase, chat, cheap, cheat, check, cheer, cheese, chef, chemical, chest, chew, chicken, chief, child, chimney, choice, choose, chop,chorus, chosen, church, cinema, circle, circus, cite, citizen, city, civil, claim, clap, clarify, clash, class, classic, classify, classroom, clause, claw, clay, clean, clear, clerk, clever, click, client, cliff, climate, climb, clinic, clip, clock, close, cloth, cloud, clown, club, clump, cluster, clutch, coach, coal, coast, coat, code, coffee, coil, coin, cold, collapse, collar, collect, college, collide, colony, color, column, combat, combine, come, comfort, comic, command, comment, commerce, commit, common, communicate, community, company, compare, compete, compile, complain, complete, complex, comply, compose, compound, compute, concentrate, concept, concern, concert, conclude, concrete, condition, conduct, conference, confess, confidence, confirm, conflict, confuse, congress, connect, conquer, conscience, conscious, consensus, consent, consequence, consider, consist, console, constant, construct, consult, consume, contact, contain, content, contest, context, continue, contract, contradict, contrary, contrast, contribute, control, convert, convince, cook, cool, cooperate, coordinate, cope, copy, core, corn, corner, correct, cost, cotton, couch, could, council, count, country, county, couple, courage, course, court, cousin,cover, cow, crack, craft, crash, crawl, crazy, cream, create, credit, creek, crew, cricket, crime, criminal, crisis, crisp, critic, criticize, crop, cross, crowd, crown, crucial, cruel, cruise, crush, cry, crystal, cube, culture, cup, cupboard, cure, curious, curl, currency, current, curtain, curve, cushion, custom, customer, cut, cute, cycle, cylinder.D: dad, daily, damage, dance, danger, dare, dark, darling, dash, data, date, daughter, dawn, day, dead, deal, dear, death, debate, debt, decade, decay, deceive, December, decide, deck, declare, decline, decorate, decrease, dedicate, deep, deer, defeat, defend, define, definite, degree, delay, delete, deliberate, deliver, demand, democracy, demonstrate, dense, dental, deny, department, depend, deposit, depression, depth, derive, describe, desert, deserve, design, desire, desk, despair, destroy, detail, detect, develop, device, devote, diagram, dial, diamond, diary, dice, dictate, die, diet, differ, different, difficult, dig, digital, dignity, dilemma, dimension, diminish, dinner, dinosaur, direct, dirt, dirty, disaster, discard, discipline, discover, discuss, disease, dish,dismiss, disorder, display, distance, distinct, distinguish, distract, distress, distribute, district, disturb, ditch, dive, divide, divine, division, divorce, dizzy, do, doctor, document, dog, doll, dollar, dolphin, domain, donate, donkey, door, dot, double, doubt, down, dozen, draft, drag, dragon, drain, drama, drastic, draw, dream, dress, drift, drill, drink, drip, drive, drop, drown, drug, drum, dry, duck, due, dull, dumb, dump, during, dust, duty.E: each, eager, eagle, ear, early, earn, earth, ease, east, easy, eat, echo, ecology, economic, edge, edit, educate, effect, efficient, effort, egg, eight, either, elbow, elder, elect, elegant, element, elephant, elevate, eleven, elite, else, embark, embrace, emerge, emotion, employ, empower, empty, enable, enact, enclose, encounter, end, endorse, enemy, energy, enforce, engage, engine, enhance, enjoy, enormous, enough, enrich, enroll, ensure, enter, entertain, entire, entrance, envelope, envy, episode, equal, equip, era, erase, erode, erosion, error, escape, essay, essence, establish, estate, estimate, eternal, ethics, ethnic, evaluate, even, evening, event, ever, every, evidence, evil, evoke, evolve, exact, example, excess,exchange, excite, exclude, excuse, execute, exercise, exhaust, exhibit, exile, exist, exit, exotic, expand, expect, expense, expert, expire, explain, explode, explore, export, expose, express, extend, extra, eye.F: fabric, face, facility, fact, fade, fail, faint,fair, fairy, faith, fall, false, fame, familiar, family, famous, fan, fancy, fantastic, far, farm, fashion, fast, fat, fatal, father, fatigue, fault, favor, favorite, fear, feast, feather, feature, federal, fee, feed, feel, female, fence, festival, fetch, fever, few, fiber, fiction, field, fierce, fifteen, fifth, fifty, fight, figure, file, fill, film, filter, final, finance, find, fine, finger, finish, fire, firm, first, fiscal, fish, fist, fit, five, fix, flag, flame, flap, flash, flat, flavor, flee, fleet, flesh,flight, flip, float, flock, flood, floor, flourish, flow, flower, flu, fluctuate, fluffy, fluid, flush, fly, foam, focus, fog, foil, fold, follow, food, fool, foot, football, for, force, forecast, foreign, forest, forget, forgive, fork, formal, fortune, forward, fossil, foster, foul, found, four, fourth, fox, fraction, fragile, frame, frantic, fraud, free, freedom, freeze, French, fresh, friend, frighten,fringe, frog, from, front, frost, frown, fruit, fuel,fulfill, full, fun, funny, furious, furnish, further, future.G: gadget, gain, galaxy, gallery, gamble, game, gang, gap, garage, garbage, garden, garlic, garment, gas, gate, gather, gauge, gaze, general, generate, generous, genius, gentle, genuine, gesture, ghost, giant, gift, giggle, ginger, giraffe, girl, give, glad, glance, glare, glass, glide, glimpse, globe, glory, glove, glow, glue, go, goal, goat, goddess, gold, golf, good, goose, gorgeous, gospel, gossip, govern, gown, grab, grace, grade, gradual, grain, grand, grant, grape, grass, grateful, grave, gravity, gray, great, green, greet, grid, grief, grill, grip, grit, grocery, group, grow, guarantee, guard, guess, guest, guide, guilt, guitar, gun, gym.H: habit, habitat, hair, half, hammer, hand, handle, handy, hang, happen, happy, harbor, hard, harm, harvest, hat, have, hawk, hazard, head, heal, health, heap, hear, heart, heat, heaven, heavy, hedgehog, height, helicopter, hell, hello, helmet, help, hen, hero, hidden, hide, high,highlight, highway, hill, hint, hip, hire, history, hobby, hockey, hold, hole, holiday, hollow, holy, home, honey, honor, hope, horizon, horn, horror, horse, hospital, host, hot, hotel, hour, house, hover, how, huge, human, humble, humor, hundred, hungry, hunt, hurdle, hurry, hurt, husband, hybrid, hydrate, hydro, hypothesis.I: ice, icon, idea, identify, idle, ignore, ill, illegal, illness, image, imagine, immediate, immense, immune, impact, imprison, improve, impulse, inch, include, income, increase, incredible, index, indicate, individual, indoor, induce, indulge, industry, infant, infect, infer, infinite, inform, inhale, inherit, initial, inject, injure, inmate, inner, innocent, input, inquiry, insane, insect, inside, insist, inspire, install, intact, intense, intention, interact, interest, interfere, interior, internal, interpret, interval, intervene, interview, into, introduce, invade, invent, invest, invite, involve, iron, island, isolate, issue, item, ivory, jacket, jaguar, jail, jam, jar, jazz, jealous, jeans, jelly, jewel, job, join, joke, journey, joy, judge, juice, jump, jungle, junior, junk, just, justice, justify.K: kangaroo, keep, kettle, key, kick, kid, kidney, kill, kind, king, kiss, kit, kitchen, kite, kitten, kiwi, knee, knife, knock, know, lab, label, labor, ladder, lady, lake, lamp, land, language, large, last, late, later, laugh, launch, laundry, lava, law, lawn, lawsuit, layer, lazy, leader, leaf, learn, lease, leave, lecture, left, leg, legal, legend, leisure, lemon, lend, length, lens, leopard, lesson, let, letter, level, liar, liberty, library, license, life, lift, light, like, limb, limit, link, lion, liquid, list, listen, litter, little, live, lizard, load, loan, lobster, local, locate, lock, logic, lonely, long, loop, loose, lord, lose, loud, love, loyal, lucky, luggage, lumber, lunar, lunch, luxury, lyrics.M: machine, mad, magic, magnet, maid, mail, main, major, make, mammal, man, manage, mandate, mango, mansion, manual, maple, marble, march, margin, marine, market, marry, mask, mass, master, match, material, math, matrix, matter, maximum, maze.。

一到十英文字母怎么写从一到十的英语字母写法如下:1 one,2 two,3 three,4 four,5 five,6 six,7 seven,8 eight,9 nine,10 ten。
序数词的读法lst读作:(the)first2nd读作:(the)second3nd读作:(the)third4th读作:(the)fourth20th读作:(the)twentieth21st读作:(the)twenty-first22nd读作:(the)twenty-second23rd读作:(the)twenty-third扩展资料:基数词英语表达方法(1)从 11——19 eleven,twelve, thirteen,fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen,eighteen,nineteen。
这里除 eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen, eighteen 为特殊形式外,fourteen,sixteen,seventeen,nineteen 都是由其个位数形式后添加后缀-teen构成。
(2)从 20——99 整数几十中除twenty,thirty, forty,fifty,eighty为特殊形式外,sixty,seventy,ninety都是其个位数形式后添加后缀-ty构成。
表示几十几时,在几十和个位基数词形式之间添加连字符“-” 21 twenty-one 76 seventy-six(3)百位数个数基数词形式加“hundred”,表示几百,在几十几与百位间加上and。
从右开始,第一个“,”前的数字后添加thousand,第二个“,”前面的数字后添加 million,第三个“,”前的数字后添加 billion。

26个英文字母大小写带音标26个英文字母及发音音标如下:Aa [ei] Bb [bi:] Cc [si:] Dd [di:] Ee [i:] Ff [ef] Gg [d3i:] Hh [eit∫] Ii [ai] Jj [d3ei] Kk [kei] Ll [el] Mm [em] Nn [en] Oo [əu] Pp [pi:] Qq [kju:] Rr [ɑ:] Ss [es] Tt [ti:] Uu [ju:] Vv [vi:] Ww[′d∧blju:] Xx [eks] Yy [wai] Zz [zi:]英语字母中有一些含有共同的元音音素。
如:1) 含元音音素 [ei]:字母:Aa Hh Jj Kk 音标:[ei] [eit∫] [d3ei] [kei]2) 含元音音素 [i:]:字母:Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp 音标:[bi:] [si:] [di:] [i:] [d3i:] [pi:] [ti:] [vi:]3) 含元音音素 [e]:字母:Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx 音标:[ef] [el] [em] [en] [es] [eks] [zed]4) 含元音音素 [XXX:]:字母:Uu Qq Ww 音标:[XXX:] [kju:] [`d∧blju:]5) 含元音音素 [ai]:字母:Ii Yy 音标:[ai] [wai]字母组合发音归类:1./i:/XXX ice-cream XXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XXX XXX XXXXXXneed week XXX beef feet2./au/XXXXXXXXXXXX3./əu/The sound /əu/ is XXX: ow。

26个英文字母分类26个英文字母按发音分类是为了打好语音基础;按笔顺分类是为了规范书写分类方法如下:1.按发音A: H J KE: B C D G P T V ZI: YO:U: Q W/e/: F L M N S XR按笔顺 ?大写字母:1笔:C G J L O S V W Z2笔:B D K M P Q R T U X Y3笔:A E F H I N小写字母:1笔:a b c d e g h k l m n o q r s u v w y z2笔:f i j p t x26个英文字母及发音音标如下:a a [ei]b b [bi:]c c [si:]d d [di:]e e [i:]f f [ef]g g [d3i:]h h [eit?]i i [ai]j j [d3ei]k k [kei]l l [el]m m [em]n n [en]o o [ou]p p [pi:]q q [kju:]r r [ɑ:]s s [es]t t [ti:]u u [ju:] v v [v i:] w w [′d?blju:] x x [eks] y y [wai] z z [zi:]或[zed]4、字母发音归类以上我们可以看出,英语字母中有一些含有共同的元音音素.如:1)含元音音素[ei] 4个字母: aa hh jj kk音标: [ei] [eit?] [d3ei] [kei]2) 含元音音素[i:] 9个字母: bb cc dd ee gg pp tt vv zz音标: [bi:] [si:] [di:] [i:] [d3i:] [pi:] [ti:] [vi:] [zi:]3) 含元音音素[e] 6个字母: ff ll mm nn ss xx音标: [ef] [el] [em] [en] [es] [eks]4) 含元音音素[ju:] 3个字母: uu qq ww音标: [ju:] [kju:] [`d?blju:]5) 含元音音素[ai] 2个字母: ii yy音标: [ai] [wai]6)[ou]: o;7)[a:]: r。

一、26个英文字母及发音音标如下:A a [ei]B b [bi:]C c [si:]D d [di:]E e [i:]F f [ef]G g [d3i:]H h [eit∫]I i [ai]J j [d3ei]K k [kei]L l [el]M m [em]N n [en]O o [?u]P p [pi:]Q q [kju:]R r [ɑ:]S s [es]T t [ti:]U u [ju:]V v [vi:]W w [′d∧blju:]X x [eks] Y y [wai] Z z [zi:]二、英语字母中有一些含有共同的元音音素.如:1)含元音音素[ei]: 字母: Aa Hh Jj Kk音标: [ei] [eit∫] [d3ei] [kei]2) 含元音音素[i:]: 字母: Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv音标: [bi:] [si:] [di:] [i:] [d3i:] [pi:] [ti:] [vi:]3) 含元音音素[e]: 字母: Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz音标: [ef] [el] [em] [en] [es] [eks] [zed]4) 含元音音素[ju:]: 字母: Uu Qq Ww音标: [ju:] [kju:] [`d∧blju:]5) 含元音音素[ai]: 字母: Ii Yy 音标: [ai] [wai]字母组合发音归类1./i:/ea t ea ea t t ea ch er pl ea se ice-cr ea m p ea ch j ea ns sn ea k er s r ea d m ea l s ea l s ea t b ea tee m ee t s ee gr ee n coff ee th r ee th irt ee n f our t ee n fift ee n sixt ee n sevent ee n ei gh t ee n ninet ee n j ee p qu ee n f ee d t ee n sh ee p sw ee t b ee f w ee kend Hall ow ee n tr ee sl ee p n ee d w ee k f ee l s ee d d ee p betw ee n b ee f ee t2. /au/ow br ow n h ow w ow c ow fl ow er d ow n n ow t ow n cr ow nou m ou th m ou se ou t h ou se ou r pl ay gr ou nd cl ou dy s ou nd s ou r h ou sew or k cl ou d ab ou t c ou nt b ou nce m ou ntains ou th acc ou ntant spr ou t l ou d3./?u/ow yell ow rainb ow wind ow sn ow y sn ow sn ow man kn ow tom or r ow r ow sh ow gr owoa b oa t c oa t rainc oa t g oa t r oa d g oa l l oa d c oa ch fl oa t th r oa t4./ /or m or ning or ange sh or t m or e f or f or k sh or ts New Y or kh or se p or k sp or ts b oo kst or e st or e n or th rep or t rep or tersh or ter s or e b or ed st or m tom or r owaw dr aw l aw str aw b er ry oor fl oor d oorall / l/ b all sm all t all w all basketb all baseb all f all t all er sm all er c all5./ ?: /ir b ir d squ ir rel b ir th day sh ir t sk ir t T-sh ir t th ir t ee n th ir tyf ir st th ir d girlur p ur ple hamb ur g er n ur se Th ur sd ay Sat ur d ay f ur t ur n ret ur n c ur tain6./ ? /er rul er eras er sh ar pn er fing er aft er n oo n wat er t ea ch er fa th er mo th er grandmo th er grandfa th er bro th er sist erwat er melon c er tainly comput er f ar m er driv er pl ay er dinn er sw ea t er w ea th er matt er sn ea k er s slipp er s rememb er sing er writ er rep or t er cl ea n er yest er d ay tall er sh or t er strong erold er young er centimet er funni er bigg er small er h ea vi erlong er thinn er lobst er kill er fev er matt er bett er und erov er cucumb er exc er cises summ er wint er Septemb erOctob er Novemb er Decemb er air-condition er cent erstr aw b er ry sup er answ er answ er ing climb er howev er ev er forev er tig er riv er fl ow eror doct or act or w or k homew or k h ou sew or k fact or y vist or au th or mirr or our col our fav our ite col our ful7.th/e/th e th is th at th at’s fa th er grandfa th er mo th er grandmo th er bro th er th ey th ey’re th em th ere ei th erth en o th er toge th er ano th er wi th th ose th ese w ea th er clo th es/?/th ank th anks m ou th b ir th d ay th r ee th ir t ee n th ir ty four th fif th six th seven th eigh th nin th ten th eleven th twelf th ninet ee n th twentie th th in Th ur sd ay h ea l th yth ir d nor th sou th mon th th ink th eme th inn er th ingsome th ing ba th room pa th8./ei/ai r ai n r ai nb ow w ai t r ai ny e-m ai l str ai ght ag ai n p ai nt tr ai n p ai nay b ir th d ay pl ay m ay M ay d ay w ay st ay aw ay holid ay alway s s ay tod ay subw ay9./ /air air ch air st air h air p air air-condition er f airear b ear w ear sw ear p ear ere th ere wh ere10./i☯ /ear ear h ear d ear n ear cl eareer d eer ch eer b eerere h ere11./u:/oo sch oo l aft er n oo n t oo ball oo n z oo c oo l r oo m classr oo m wa sh r oo m be dr oo m ba th r oo m g oo se b oo ts n oo n s oo nou s ou p gr ou p c ou p12./a:/a a ft er n oo n a ft er ban a na d a nce l a st cl a ss gl a ss gr a ssgrandm a grandp a m a m a pl a nt a skar sh ar pn er f ar mer f ar m g ar den ar t ar tist w ar m p ar k sh ar k ar e c ar d c ar h ar d m ar ket sup er m ar ket13./ai/y sk y wh y sp y sl y fl y cr y tr y bu y b y eigh l igh t r igh t h igh n igh t m igh t f igh t14./♦☞/ch mu ch Fren ch ch icken tea ch tea ch er wat ch pea ch ch air ch ildren Ch ina Ch inese whi ch ea ch mat ch cat chch opsticks15./☞/sh fi sh sh e sh or t sh or ts Engli sh sh ir t sh oes sh ip sh op sh opping wa sh wa sh r oo m di sh es sh elf16./ts/ ts shor ts rabbi ts ki t e s17./tr/ tr tr ee18./dr/ dr dr ess hun dr ed 18./kw/qu qu estion qu een qu iet19./tw/ tw tw enty tw elve tw elfth tw entie th20/ i/oy b oy t oyoi ch oi ce p oi nt21/u☯/ s ure p oor22./dz/ ds b ir ds w oo ds23./?/ ng th i ng a nsweri ng24./w/ wh wh y wh ere wh o wh at wh en25./i/i th i n th i nky happ y worr y ever y countr y reall y sorr y funn y str aw b er r y lovel y librar y read y rain y wind y snow y sunn y cloud yprett y sevent y twent y thirt y fort y man y an y h ea l th ysalt y happ y angr y stud yay Mond ay Tuesd ay Wednesd ay Thursd ay Frid ay Saturd ay Sund ay/j/ y y ell ow y o-y o y eah y es。

26个英文字母按发音分类是为了打好语音基础;按笔顺分类是为了规范书写分类方法如下:1.按发音①A: H J K②E: B C D G P T V Z③I: Y④O:⑤U: Q W⑥/e/: F L M N S X⑦R按笔顺①大写字母:1笔:C G J L O S V W Z2笔:B D K M P Q R T U X Y3笔:A E F H I N①小写字母:1笔:a b c d e g h k l m n o q r s u v w y z2笔:f i j p t x26个英文字母及发音音标如下:a a [ei]b b [bi:]c c [si:]d d [di:]e e [i:]f f [ef]g g [d3i:]h h [eit∫]i i [ai]j j [d3ei]k k [kei]l l [el]m m [em]n n [en]o o [ou] p p [pi:] q q [kju:] r r [ɑ:] s s [es] t t [ti:]u u [ju:] v v [vi:] w w [′d∧blju:] x x [eks] y y [wai] z z [zi:]或[zed]4、字母发音归类以上我们可以看出,英语字母中有一些含有共同的元音音素.如:1)含元音音素[ei] 4个字母: aa hh jj kk音标: [ei] [eit∫][d3ei] [kei]2) 含元音音素[i:] 9个字母: bb cc dd ee gg pp tt vv zz音标: [bi:] [si:] [di:] [i:] [d3i:] [pi:] [ti:] [vi:] [zi:]3) 含元音音素[e] 6个字母: ff ll mm nn ss xx音标: [ef] [el] [em] [en] [es] [eks]4) 含元音音素[ju:] 3个字母: uu qq ww音标: [ju:] [kju:] [`d∧blju:]5) 含元音音素[ai] 2个字母: ii yy音标: [ai] [wai] 6)[ou]: o;7)[a:]: r。

音标是记录音 素的符号,是 音素的标写符
音标分为国际 音标和英美音
音标采用方括 弧[]表示,分 为元音和辅音
学习音标有助 于提高英语发 音的准确性和 语音的优美性
TH: 发音为/θ/或/ð/,常出现在英语单词中,如“think”、“other”。 CH: 发音为/tʃ/,常出现在英语单词中,如“change”、“channel”。 ER: 发音为/ər/,常出现在英语单词中,如“fern”、“parent”。 RE: 发音为/rɪ/,常出现在英语单词中,如“real”、“ready”。
大写字母:A、 B、C、D、E
小写字母:a、 b、c、d、e等
手写体:印刷 体与手写体的 结合,更加自
花体:艺术性 强,常用于标
Aa /eɪ/
Ee /iː/
Ii /aɪ/
Oo /oʊ/
Uu /ʌ/
Bb发音:/bɪ/, 发音时双唇紧闭, 软腭下垂,气流 从口腔爆破而出
大写字母和小 写字母的顺序
有些字母的形 音相同或相近, 需要注意区分
有些字母的发 音有特殊的规 则,需要特别
26个英文字母按照顺序排列,A在B之前,C在D之后。 每个字母都有一个固定的位置,例如Q在U之后,Y在Z之前。 字母表的顺序是学习英语的基础,对于拼写和发音非常重要。 掌握字母表的顺序可以帮助学生更好地记忆单词和拼写单词。

B是很多单词的首字母,如book(书)、boy (男孩)等。
G是很多单词的首字母,如girl(女孩)、good (好)等。

例如,friend(朋友)、fly(飞)、fall (落下)等等。
例如,girl(女孩)、go(去)、give (给)等等。

例如,一个常用的记忆法是使用句子“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”(快速的棕色狐狸跳过懒狗)。

下面是一份示例字母表:大写字母:A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z小写字母:a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z字母表的顺序可以帮助我们在很多方面,比如排序和组织信息。

1. 字母的基本排序规则是按照字母表的顺序进行排序,即从A到Z的顺序,不区分大小写。
2. 如果需要区分大小写,可以先将所有的小写字母转换为大写字母,然后进行排序。
3. 对于字符串或单词的排序,可以使用字符串的compareT o()函数进行比较。
4. 如果需要按照一定的规则进行排序,可以使用自定义的比较器(Comparator)。
5. 如果需要对一组字符串进行排序,可以使用Arrays类中的sort()方法进行排序。
6. 如果需要对一组对象进行排序,可以使这些对象实现Comparable接口,然后在compareT o()方法中定义排序规则。
总的来说,英语字母排序的方法主要包括按照字母表顺序、使用字符串的compareT o()函数、使用自定义的比较器、使用Arrays类和Collections类的排序方法。

26个英文字母按发音分类是为了打好语音基础;按笔顺分类是为了规范书写分类方法如下:1.按发音①A: H J K②E: B C D G P T V Z③I: Y④O:⑤U: Q W⑥/e/: F L M N S X⑦R按笔顺①大写字母:1笔:C G J L O S V W Z2笔:B D K M P Q R T U X Y3笔:A E F H I N①小写字母:1笔:a b c d e g h k l m n o q r s u v w y z2笔:f i j p t x26个英文字母及发音音标如下:a a [ei]b b [bi:]c c [si:]d d [di:]e e [i:]f f [ef]g g [d3i:]h h [eit∫]i i [ai] j j [d3ei] k k [kei]l l [el] m m [em] n n [en]o o [ou] p p [pi:] q q [kju:] r r [ɑ:] s s [es] t t [ti:]u u [ju:] v v [vi:] w w [′d∧blju:] x x [eks] y y [wai] z z [zi:]或[zed]4、字母发音归类以上我们可以看出,英语字母中有一些含有共同的元音音素.如:1)含元音音素[ei] 4个字母: aa hh jj kk音标: [ei] [eit∫] [d3ei] [kei]2) 含元音音素[i:] 9个字母: bb cc dd ee gg pp tt vv zz音标: [bi:] [si:] [di:] [i:] [d3i:] [pi:] [ti:] [vi:] [zi:]3) 含元音音素[e] 6个字母: ff ll mm nn ss xx 音标: [ef] [el] [em] [en] [es] [eks]4) 含元音音素[ju:] 3个字母: uu qq ww音标: [ju:] [kju:] [`d∧blju:]5) 含元音音素[ai] 2个字母: ii yy音标: [ai] [wai]6)[ou]: o;7)[a:]: r本文档部分内容来源于网络,如有内容侵权请告知删除,感谢您的配合!。
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1. 字典序排序法
结果为a < b < c。
2. ASCII码排序法
的ASCII码为65,因此a > A。
1. 单词排序
2. 姓名排序
3. 电话簿排序