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The process of coating latex gloves involves several steps. Here is an overview of the typical process:

1. Preparation of the gloves: The gloves are first inspected for any defects or imperfections. Any gloves that do not meet the quality standards are removed from the production line.

2. Cleaning: The gloves are thoroughly cleaned to remove any dirt, dust, or impurities. This is done to ensure that the coating adheres properly to the glove surface.

3. Dipping: The gloves are dipped into a latex solution or compound. This is usually done by immersing the gloves into a tank filled with the latex mixture. The gloves are then slowly withdrawn from the tank, allowing the excess

latex to drain off.

4. Drying: After the dipping process, the gloves are dried to remove the excess moisture. This can be done using hot air ovens or by hanging the gloves in a controlled environment. The drying process helps to solidify the latex coating.

5. Curing: The dried gloves are then subjected to a curing process. This involves heating the gloves at a specific temperature for a certain period of time. Curing helps to further solidify the latex coating and improve its durability.

6. Quality control: Once the gloves are cured, they undergo a quality control inspection. This involves checking for any defects, such as pinholes or uneven coating. Any defective gloves are rejected and not included in the final product.

7. Packaging: The gloves that pass the quality control inspection are then packaged and prepared for distribution.

They are usually packed in boxes or bags, depending on the intended use.



1. 手套的准备,首先对手套进行检查,以排除任何缺陷或瑕疵。不符合质量标准的手套将被从生产线上移除。

2. 清洁,手套经过彻底清洁,以去除任何污垢、灰尘或杂质。


3. 浸涂,手套被浸入乳胶溶液或混合物中。通常是将手套浸入



4. 干燥,在浸涂过程之后,手套需要进行干燥,以去除多余的



5. 固化,干燥的手套随后需要进行固化处理。这涉及将手套在特定温度下加热一段时间。固化有助于进一步固化乳胶涂层,提高其耐用性。

6. 质量控制,一旦手套固化,它们将进行质量控制检查。这包括检查是否有任何缺陷,如针孔或涂层不均匀。任何有缺陷的手套将被拒绝,不包括在最终产品中。

7. 包装,通过质量控制检查的手套随后被包装和准备分发。它们通常被装在盒子或袋子中,具体取决于预期的使用方式。
