



高中2004届期末统一考试数 学(理工农医类) 2002. 。

6第Ⅰ卷(选择题共60分)一 选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60 分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的1 600sin 的值是() A )23 B )21 C ) -21 D )-23 2 已知54cos -=α,并且α是第二象限的角,那么=αsin ( ) A )43- B )34- C )43 D )34 3 如图平行四边形ABCD 中,a =,b =,用b a ,正确表示向量的是( )A) -aB) b a +C) b a - D) a b - 4 函数)4sin(π+=x y 的一个单调递增区间是( ) A )),0(π B ))2,2(ππ- C ))4,43(ππ- D ))0,(π- 5 函数)32sin(3π+=x y 的图象是函数x y 2sin 3=的图象( ) A )向右平移3π个单位得到的 B )向左平移3π个单位得到的 C )向右平移6π个单位得到的 D )向左平移6π个单位得到的 6 已知|a |=12,|b |=9,a 与b 的夹角 135=θ,则b a ⋅=( )A )142B )-542C )1082D )-54 7 函数x x y ππ22sin cos -=的最小正周期是( )A ) 21B )1C )π2D )π8 若点P 分的比为43,则A 分的比为( )A )37-B )37C )43- D )43 9 如图是某正弦型曲线的一段图象,则此函数的表达式为( )A ))343sin(2π+=x yB ))322sin(2π-=x y C ))322sin(2π+=x y D ))43sin(2π-=x y 10 下列命题中的真命题是( ) A )若,0=++CA BC AB 则A ,B ,C 三点共线 B )平面内任意三个向量c b a ,,中的每一个向量都可以用另外两个向量的线性组合表示如(c b a 21λλ+=等)C )若b a ,为非零向量,则a 与b 同向的一个充要条件是存在实数k ,使得kb a =。

2004年上学期 期末试卷及试题分析 浙江版

2004年上学期 期末试卷及试题分析 浙江版

2004年上学期 期末试卷及试题分析一. 本周教学内容:期末试卷及试题分析 【模拟试题】一. 选择题(每题3分,共30分)1. 二次根式a +1,字母a 的取值范围是( ) A. a >0B. a ≥0C. a >-1D. a ≥-12. 抛物线y x =-+212的对称轴是( ) A. 直线x =12 B. 直线x =-12C. 直线x =0D. 直线x =2 3. 下列根式:2823512xy ab xy x y ,,,,,+中,最简二次根式的个数为( ) A. 2个B. 3个C. 4个D. 5个4. 二次函数y kx x =--277的图像与x 轴有交点,则k 的取值范围是( ) A. k >-74 B. k ≥-74且k ≠0 C. k ≥-74 D. k >-74且k ≠0 5. 已知x y z 234==,则x y z y++的值等于( ) A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 56. 如图,DE BC AD DB ABC ∥,,=12∆的面积是∆ADE 面积的( ) A. 3倍B. 4倍C. 8倍D. 9倍AD EB C7. 正三角形内切圆半径与外接圆半径及高线之比为( )A. 1:2:3B. 2:3:4C. 123::D. 132::8. 二次函数y ax bx c a =++≠20()的图像,如图所示,下列结论:①c <0,②b >0,③420a b c ++>,④()a c b +<22,其中正确的有( ) A. 1个B. 2个C. 3个D. 4个9. 如图,AB 是⊙O 的直径,CD 是弦,AE CD ⊥,垂足为E ,BF CD ⊥,垂足为F ,BF 交⊙O 于G ,下面的结论:①EC DF =;②AE BF AB +=;③AE GF =;④GF FB EC ED ⋅=⋅,其中正确的结论是( ) A. ①②③ B. ①③④ C. ②③④ D. ①②④B OA GE C D F10. 如图,已知:⊙O 1和⊙O 2内切于点P ,过点P 的直线交⊙O 2于点E ,DA 与⊙2相切,切点为C ,若PE PA ==36,,求PC 的长( )A. 4.5B. 23C. 5D. 32PO 2E O 1DAC二. 填空题(每题3分,共30分)11. 已知线段a 是9与4的比例中项,则a =__________。

离散数学期末试卷及部分答案 (2)

离散数学期末试卷及部分答案 (2)

离散数学试题(A 卷及答案)一、证明题(10分)1)(⌝P ∧(⌝Q ∧R))∨(Q ∧R)∨(P ∧R)⇔R证明: 左端⇔(⌝P ∧⌝Q ∧R)∨((Q ∨P)∧R)⇔((⌝P ∧⌝Q)∧R))∨((Q ∨P)∧R)⇔(⌝(P ∨Q)∧R)∨((Q ∨P)∧R)⇔(⌝(P ∨Q)∨(Q ∨P))∧R ⇔(⌝(P ∨Q)∨(P ∨Q))∧R ⇔T ∧R(置换)⇔R2)∃x(A(x)→B(x))⇔ ∀xA(x)→∃xB(x)证明 :∃x(A(x)→B(x))⇔∃x(⌝A(x)∨B(x))⇔∃x ⌝A(x)∨∃xB(x)⇔⌝∀xA(x)∨∃xB(x)⇔∀xA(x)→∃xB(x) 二、求命题公式(P ∨(Q ∧R))→(P ∧Q ∧R)的主析取范式和主合取范式(10分)证明:(P ∨(Q ∧R))→(P ∧Q ∧R)⇔⌝(P ∨(Q ∧R))∨(P ∧Q ∧R))⇔(⌝P ∧(⌝Q ∨⌝R))∨(P ∧Q ∧R) ⇔(⌝P ∧⌝Q)∨(⌝P ∧⌝R))∨(P ∧Q ∧R)⇔(⌝P ∧⌝Q ∧R)∨(⌝P ∧⌝Q ∧⌝R)∨(⌝P ∧Q ∧⌝R))∨(⌝P ∧⌝Q ∧⌝R))∨(P ∧Q ∧R) ⇔m0∨m1∨m2∨m7 ⇔M3∨M4∨M5∨M6三、推理证明题(10分)1) C ∨D, (C ∨D)→ ⌝E, ⌝E →(A ∧⌝B), (A ∧⌝B)→(R ∨S)⇒R ∨S证明:(1) (C ∨D)→⌝E(2) ⌝E →(A ∧⌝B)(3) (C ∨D)→(A ∧⌝B) (4) (A ∧⌝B)→(R ∨S) (5) (C ∨D)→(R ∨S)(6) C ∨D(7) R ∨S2) ∀x(P(x)→Q(y)∧R(x)),∃xP(x)⇒Q(y)∧∃x(P(x)∧R(x))证明(1)∃xP(x) (2)P(a)(3)∀x(P(x)→Q(y)∧R(x)) (4)P(a)→Q(y)∧R(a) (5)Q(y)∧R(a) (6)Q(y) (7)R(a) (8)P(a) (9)P(a)∧R(a) (10)∃x(P(x)∧R(x)) (11)Q(y)∧∃x(P(x)∧R(x))四、设m 是一个取定的正整数,证明:在任取m +1个整数中,至少有两个整数,它们的差是m 的整数倍证明 设1a ,2a ,…,1+m a 为任取的m +1个整数,用m 去除它们所得余数只能是0,1,…,m -1,由抽屉原理可知,1a ,2a ,…,1+m a 这m +1个整数中至少存在两个数s a 和t a ,它们被m 除所得余数相同,因此s a 和t a 的差是m 的整数倍。



R0 →0 吸引力,趋于消失
a→R0,吸引力起主要作用(数值大于第一项)。即使 Q 和 Q0 同号,只有 Q 距球面足够
第 3 页(共 4 页)
------------------------------------------------- 密 ---------------------------------- 封 ----------------------------- 线 ---------------------------------------------------------
= −H0R cosθ ϕ1 和 ϕ2 可用勒让德多项式展开(因为:参考点球心磁标势为 0,因而零次幂项为 0,高次幂 在远处又不存在。)
−H0R cosθ
b R2
a 和 b 为待求系数
ϕ2 = aR cosθ
在球面边界 R=R0 上
H1t = H 2t , B1n = B2n = 0 ,即
得分 评阅人
二、论述题:(20 分)
举例论述课程《电磁学》和《电动力学》的共同与不同之处,举例说明经典电动力学的局限性。 要求观点清晰明确。 解: (1)课程《电磁学》和《电动力学》的共同之处在于都是研究电磁现象与电磁相互作用。不 同之处在于:《电磁学》侧重应用积分公式描述基本电磁现象,而《电动力学》侧重应用微分 公式分析电磁现象规律。前者是基础,后者是深化。 (2)经典电动力学的局限性
原子处于基态时是稳定的不会产生辐射,这点是和经典理论有深刻矛盾的 . 按照经典理 论,电子在原子核电场作用下运动,由于有加速度,必然向外辐射电磁波,因而电子运动的能 量亦逐渐衰减,最后电子会掉到原子核内,因而根本不存在稳定的原子.这结论是和客观事实 完全矛盾的.只有用量子理论才能解释基态的稳定性.

2004年上学期 期末考试 人教四年制版

2004年上学期 期末考试 人教四年制版

2004年上学期期末考试一. 本周教学内容:期末考试【模拟试题】第I卷(选择题共32分)一. 单选题(每小题2分,共20分。

每小题的选项中只有一个是正确的,请将正确选项的序号选出填在下面表格中)1. 关于机械能的论述,下列说法正确的是A. 在空中飞行的飞机只具有动能B. 炮弹具有的机械能一定比子弹具有的机械能大C. 质量和速度都相同的汽车具有的动能一样大D. 质量大的热气球具有的重力势能一定大2. 状态一定的某种物质的比热容A. 跟它吸收的热量成正比B. 跟它的质量成反比C. 跟它的温度变化成反比D. 是物质的一种特性,其大小与上述因素均无关3. 下列能说明分子在永不停息地做无规则运动的现象是A. 汽车开过,卷起一股尘烟B. 水从高处流向低处C. 湿衣服在太阳照射下被晒干D. 教室里大扫除时,灰尘满屋飞扬4. 在下列常见的生活事例中,用做功的方式改变物体内能的是A. 给自行车打气时,气筒壁会发热B. 冬天写作业时手冷,用嘴向手上呵呵气C. 喝很热的茶时,先向水面上吹吹气D. 阳光下,太阳能热水器中的水温升高5. 汽油机甲的热机效率比乙的热机效率高,下列说法正确的是A. 甲汽油机的功率比乙汽油机的功率大B. 甲汽油机的速度比乙汽油机的速度大C.6.7.L1设计的图18. 通过9. 如图2那么电阻R 1A. 2:1 10. 的关系;③ 串联电路的总电阻跟各串联导体的电阻关系。

根据上述器材,可以完成的研究课题是(电源电压保持不变)A. 只有①B. ①和②C. ②和③D. ①和③二. 多选题(每小题3分,共12分。

每小题提供的四个选项中有一个或几个是正确的,请将正确选项的序号选)11.A. 物体温度升高,分子运动速度加快,内能一定增加B. 物体温度不变,内能有可能增加C. 物体内能增加,温度一定升高D. 当物体温度为0℃时,分子的热运动将停止 12. 一电阻丝接入某电路中,每分钟产生的热量为Q ,若要使它每分钟产生的热量为4Q,不计温度对电阻的影响,则可行的办法是A. 只将电阻丝两端电压降为原来的21B. 只将电阻丝截成等长两段,并联后接在原电源上C.113. 如图3A. 电路中总电阻不变C. 电压表V2 示数变大 14.都不被烧坏,下列说法正确的是(不计温度对电阻的影响)A. 加在它们两端电压的最大值为25VB. 加在它们两端电压的最大值为20VC. 它们的总电阻为Ω40D. 通过电路中的电流不能超过0.5A第II 卷(非选择题 共68分)三. 填空题(每小题2分,共24分)15. 燃料的燃烧是一种化学变化。



2004级《高等数学》(I )期末考试试卷(A)答案及评分标准一、填空题(本题共8小题,每小题3分,满分24分):1.=-+--→45215lim 22x x x x 81.2. =--⎰+→xdt e x t x cos 1)1(lim 001. 3. 设⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≤+>+=0,0,sin )1ln()(222x b x x x x x f 在0=x 处连续,则=b 1. 4. 曲线16213123+++=x x x y 在点)1,0(处的切线方程是16+=x y . 5. 设x cos 为)(x f 的一个原函数,则=⎰dx x xf )(C x x x +-sin cos .6. ⎰-=+2223sin )sin (cos ππtdt t t 32. 7. =⎰∞+-022dx xe x 1.8. 若向量b 与向量)2,1,2(-=a 平行,且满足18-=⋅b a ,则=b )4,2,4(--.二、求解下列各题(本题共4小题,每小题6分,满分24分):1. 求极限()x x x cos ln 1203sin 1lim +→.解 ()()x x x x x e x 3s i n 1ln cos ln 1lim cos ln 120203sin 1lim +→→=+ (2分)()x x x x x x x x x cos ln )3(lim cos ln 3sin lim 3sin 1ln cos ln 1lim 202020→→→==+ (4分) ,18cos sin 18lim 0-=-=→xxx x (5分) ()18cos ln 1203sin 1lim -→=+∴e x x x (6分)2. 求由参数方程⎩⎨⎧==tb y t a x sin cos 所确定的函数的二阶导数22dx y d . ,cot sin cos t ab t a t b dx dy -=-= (3分) ta b t a t a b dx y d 32222sin sin csc -=-= (6分) 3. 设x x y cos =,求dy .解 ,ln cos x x e y = (2分))cos ln sin (ln cos xx x x e y x x +-=' (5分) )cos ln sin (cos xx x x x x +-= (6分) 4. 求由方程0=-+e xy e y 所确定的隐函数y 的导数dx dy . 解 方程两边对x 求导得0='++'y x y y e y (4分))0(≠++-=∴y ye x e x y dx dy (6分) 三、求解下列各题(本题共4小题,每小题6分,满分24分): 1. 求⎰++3011dx x x . (或令t x =+1)解 ⎰⎰-+-=++3030)11(11dx x x x dx x x ⎰+--=30)11(dx x (3分) 35)1(3233023=++-=x (6分) 2. 求⎰-+102)2()1ln(dx x x . 解 dx x x x x x dx x dx x x ⎰⎰⎰-⋅+--+=-+=-+1001010221112)1ln(2)1ln()2()1ln( (3分) dx x x ⎰⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-++-=102111312ln (4分) 2ln 3121ln 312ln 10=-+-=x x (6分)3. 设⎩⎨⎧≤<-≤≤=21,210,)(2x x x x x f ,求⎰20)(dt t f . 解 ⎰⎰⎰-+=2110220)2()(dt t dt t dt t f (3分) 65)2(2131212=--=t (6分) 4. 证明方程0111304=+--⎰xdt t x 在区间)1,0(内有唯一实根.解 ⎰+--=x dt t x x f 041113)(设, (1分) 则)(x f 在]1,0[上连续,且-=<-=2)1(,01)0(f f 011104>+⎰dt t ,由零点定理, 至少)1,0(∈∃ξ使0)(=ξf . (3分)又0113)(4>+-='x x f ,故)(x f 至多有一个零点, (5分) 综上所述,方程0111304=+--⎰x dt t x 在区间)1,0(内有唯一实根. (6分)四、求解下列各题(本题共4小题,每小题6分,满分24分):1.试确定a 的值,使函数x x a x f 3sin 31sin )(+=在3π处取得极值,指出它是极大值还是极小值,并求出此极值. 解 x x a x f 3c o s c o s)(+=' (1分) 201233cos 3cos )3(=⇒=-=+='a a a f 令πππ, (3分) 又x x a x f 3sin 3sin )(--='',0)3(<''πf , (5分) 3)3(=∴πf 为极大值. (6分)2.求抛物线22x y =与21x y +=所围图形的面积,及该图形绕y 轴旋转一周所成的旋转体的体积.解 由⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧+==2212x y x y 得交点)2,1(-,)2,1( (2分) 34)1(2)21(21022102=-=-+=⎰⎰dx x dx x x A , (4分) 2)1(2)21(21022102πππ=-=-+=⎰⎰dx x x dx x x x V . (6分)3.求过点)1,2,1(0-M 且与直线11122-=-=-+z y x 垂直相交的直线方程. 解 过点)1,2,1(0-M 且与直线11122-=-=-+z y x 垂直的平面方程为 0)1()2()1(2=++---z y x ,即 012=++-z y x , (2分)令t z y x =-=-=-+11122,得t z t y t x -=+=--=,1,22, 代入平面方程得32-=t ,求得平面与直线的交点为)32,31,32(-M , (4分) )35,35,35(0--=MM , 取)1,1,1(--=, 所求直线方程为 111211+=--=--z y x (6分) 4.已知 ,2,1,tan 40==⎰n dx x u n n π,证明:(1) 1+≥n n u u ;(2) 当2>n 时,112-=+-n u u n n ; (3) {}n u 收敛,并求其极限. 证明 (1))4,0(tantan 1π∈≥+x x x n n , (1分) 140140,tan tan +即n n n n u u dx x dx x ≥≥∴⎰⎰+ππ (2分)(2)=+-2n n u u ⎰⎰-+40240tan tan ππdx x dx x n n dx x x dx x x n n n )tan 1(tan )tan (tan 2402240+=+=⎰⎰--ππ (3分) x d x x d x x n n t a n t a n s e c t a n 4022402⎰⎰--==ππ 402tan 11πx n n --=11-=n (4分) (3)1,0+≥≥n n n u u u 且 ,即{}n u 单调减少有下界,故{}n u 收敛, (5分)设a u n n =∞→lim ,则由112-=+-n u u n n 两边取极限得 0,02=∴=a a ,即0lim =∞→n n u (6分)五、(本题满分4分)设)(x f 在区间],[b a 上连续,在区间),(b a 内0)(<''x f ,证明对一切),(b a x ∈,都有ab a f b f a x a f x f -->--)()()()(. 证明 设a b a f b f a x a f x f x F -----=)()()()()(, 2)())()(())(()(a x a f x f a x x f x F ----'=', (2分) 又设))()(())(()(a f x f a x x f x g ---'=,则0))(()(<-''='a x x f x g ,于是)(x g 单调减少,则),(b a x ∈时,0)()(=<a g x g ,从而0)(<'x F ,则)(x F 单调减少,故),(b a x ∈时,0)()(=>b g x F ,即有a b a f b f a x a f x f -->--)()()()( (4分)。



2004 年上学期期末考试一. 本周教课内容:期末测试【试卷剖析】一、整体特色:不论是知识仍是能力的考察都是比较全面的,特别是全面的考察学生运用物理知识解决实质问题的能力。



如:1 题各样剪子、 2. 安全用电、 4. 核桃钳、 7. 判断能否做功、 9. 电炉、 11. 水利发电站、 13. 裁纸刀、 15. 家庭电路、 16. 滑轮组、19. 电能表、 27. 焦耳定律、 28. 垂钓杆、 29. 小夜灯。



以出现的人名为例:17题的小宇 18 题的老师和小芳 27 的小丽 28 的小明2.增强了实验能力的考察:①考察实验过程:18 题考察剖析实验过程19考察设计实验过程②考察实验方法:27 题控制变量法共 19 分(实验题) +6 分(简答题) =25 分占总分的 1/4 。

3.说理能力(文字表述能力)6 分( 18 题第一问) +7 分( 19 题) +6 分(简答题)=19 分占总分1/54.剖析审题能力:①在实质问题中,剖析物理过程,找出已知条件(隐含条件)如题号为: 3、 8、 9、 10、 12、 17、 24、 26、 29、 31,共 26 分,占总分1/4 。

②打破思想定势的:12 题、 18 题。

5.计算能力:总合 46 分①基础计算:题号为10、 16、17、 20、21、 22、23、 25、28、 29,共 31 分。


③综合剖析计算:19 题“第二问” , 31 题,共 9 分二、联合详细问题进行剖析:1.选择题:3题:装满水的洒水车,隐含条件:质量在减小。



2004年职称英语考试卫生类(A级)真题及答案解析第1部分:词汇选项 (第1~15题,每题1分,共15分)下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与画线部分意义最相近的词或短语。


1 The dentist has decided to extract her bad tooth.A take outB break offC push inD dig up2 The economy continued to.exhibit signs of decline in SeptemberA playB showC sendD tell3 This table is strong and.durab1e.A long-lastingB extensiveC far-reachingD eternal4 He endured great pain before he finally expired.A firedB resignedC diedD retreated5 The girl is gazing at herself in the mirror.A smilingB laughingC shoutingD staring6 The index is the government’s chief gauge of future economic activityA measureB opinionC methodD decision7 It’s sensible to start any exercise program gradually at firstA workableB reasonableC possibleD available8 A lot of people could fall ill after drinking contaminated water.A boiledB pollutedC mixedD sweetened ‘9 You have to be patient if you want to sustain your position.A maintainB betterC acquireD support10 She stood there,trembling with fear.A jumpingB cryingC movingD shaking11 Medical facilities are being upgraded.A expandedB repairedC improvedD transferred12 Rock climbing is hazardous.A interestingB dangerousC attractiveD useful13 John is eligible for this job.A acceptedB qualifiedC rejectedD recommended14 In order to improve our standard of living,we have to accelerate production:A involveB decreaseC speed upD give up15 Mary look pale and weary.A worriedB uglyC sillyD exhausted#p#副标题#e#第2部分:阅读理解(第16~22题,每题1分,共7分)阅读下面这篇短文,短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内答对每个句子做出判断。



2004年下学期高一年级物理学科期末考试试卷 (时量90分钟 满分100分)一单选题(每小题3分,共45分。

每小题只有一个答案是正确的,把正确的答案选出来,填入答卷相应的位置)1、在国际单位制中,力的单位是:A 千克B 牛顿C 千克力D 米2、下列关于力的认识正确的是:A 重力是物体受到地球的引力,因此重心一定在物体上B 滑动摩擦力的方向,一定跟物体的运动方向相反C 物体受到摩擦力作用的同时,也一定受到弹力的作用D 合力一定大于分力,分力一定小于合力3、已知物体甲、乙之间有弹力作用,那么:A 甲、乙必定直接接触,且都发生形变B 甲、乙不一定直接接触,但必定都发生形变C 甲、乙必定直接接触,但不一定都发生形变D 甲、乙不一定直接接触,也不一定都发生形变4、如图1所示,物体A 静止在斜面体B 上,斜面体放在水平面上静止。

则物体A 受力的情况为 :A 重力 弹力 摩擦力B 下滑力 弹力 摩擦力C 重力 弹力 摩擦力 下滑力D 重力 对斜面的压力 摩擦力5、在以2m/s 的速度匀速上升的气球中脱落一个小物体,在物体刚离开气球的瞬间,下列说法中正确的是:A 小物体的速度立即为零B 小物体的速度大于2m/s ,方向向上C 小物体的速度等于2m/s ,方向向上D 小物体的速度等于2m/s ,方向向下6、如图2所示,质量为m 的物体用水平细绳拉住,静止在光滑的斜面上,斜面倾角为α,则物体对斜面的压力大小为:图1A B 图4A mg cos αB mg/cos αC mg/sin αD mgsin α7、如图3所示,一木块放在水平桌面上,在水平方向共受三个力,即F 1、F 2和摩擦力的作用,木块处于静止状态,其中F 1=10N ,F 2=2N ,若撤去外力F 1,则木块在水平方向受到的合力为A 10N ,方向向左B 6N ,方向向右C 2N ,方向向右D 零8、 同一平面内的三个共点力作用在一个物体上,使这个物体处于平衡状态,已知其中两个力大小分别为5N 和8N ,则第三个力的数值肯定不是A 5NB 8NC 12N D15N9、物体沿两个半径为R 的半圆由A 运动到B ,如图4所示,则此过程中它的位移和路程分别为:A 0;0B 4R ,向右;2лR 向右C 4Лr ,向右;4RD 4R ,向右;2лR10、 如图5所示,P 、Q 叠放在一起,静止在水平面上,在下列各对力中,属于作用力和反作用力的有A P 所受的重力和Q 对P 的支持力B P 所受的重力和P 对Q 的压力C P 对Q 的压力和Q 对P 的支持力D Q 所受的重力和地面对Q 的支持力11、一质点做加速直线运动,V 0>0,a >0,当a 值逐渐变小且不等于零的过程中,其速度和位移值将A 速度增大,位移增大B 速度减小,位移增大C 速度减小,位移减小D 速度增大,位移减小12、 如图6所示,物体放在粗糙斜面上,当斜面倾角θ由0º逐渐增大到90A 逐渐增大B 逐渐减小C 先增大后减小D 先减小后增大13、 电梯内有一物体质量为m ,用细线挂在电梯的天花板上,当电梯以g/3的加速度竖直上升时,细线对物体的拉力为A 2mg/3B mg/3C 4mg/3D mg14、下面叙述错误的是:A 做匀变速直线运动的物体它所受合外力是恒定不变的B 物体受到的合外力为零时,一定处于静止状态C 物体的加速度一定和物体受到的合外力同时产生,同时消失D 物体具有加速度,可以使物体运动速度变大,也可以使物体运动速度变小15、如图7所示,光滑斜面的倾角为α,一个质量为m 物体放在斜面上,如果斜面以加速度a 水平向左做匀加速直线运动,物体与斜面相对静止,则斜面对物体的支持力的大小为:A 、αcos mgB 、αcos /mgC 、αsin ⋅maD 、22a gm -图7二、填空题(每空4分,共32分)16、 重500N 的物体静止在水平地面上,物体与地面间的滑动摩擦因数为0.3,当用100N 的水平力推物体时,物体所受的摩擦力大小为 N 。



高中2004届期末统一考试数 学(理工农医类) 2002. 。

6第Ⅰ卷(选择题共60分)一 选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60 分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的1 600sin 的值是() A )23 B )21 C ) -21 D )-23 2 已知54cos -=α,并且α是第二象限的角,那么=αsin ( ) A )43- B )34- C )43 D )34 3 如图平行四边形ABCD 中,a =,b =,用b a ,正确表示向量的是( )A) -aB) b a +C) b a - D) a b - 4 函数)4sin(π+=x y 的一个单调递增区间是( ) A )),0(π B ))2,2(ππ- C ))4,43(ππ- D ))0,(π- 5 函数)32sin(3π+=x y 的图象是函数x y 2sin 3=的图象( ) A )向右平移3π个单位得到的 B )向左平移3π个单位得到的 C )向右平移6π个单位得到的 D )向左平移6π个单位得到的 6 已知|a |=12,|b |=9,a 与b 的夹角 135=θ,则b a ⋅=( )A )142B )-542C )1082D )-54 7 函数x x y ππ22sin cos -=的最小正周期是( )A ) 21B )1C )π2D )π8 若点P 分的比为43,则A 分的比为( )A )37-B )37C )43- D )43 9 如图是某正弦型曲线的一段图象,则此函数的表达式为( )A ))343sin(2π+=x yB ))322sin(2π-=x y C ))322sin(2π+=x y D ))43sin(2π-=x y 10 下列命题中的真命题是( ) A )若,0=++CA BC AB 则A ,B ,C 三点共线 B )平面内任意三个向量c b a ,,中的每一个向量都可以用另外两个向量的线性组合表示如(c b a 21λλ+=等)C )若b a ,为非零向量,则a 与b 同向的一个充要条件是存在实数k ,使得kb a =。



2004年江苏省录用公务员和机关工作人员考试《行政职业能力倾向测试》(A 类)第一部分数量关系(共20题,参考时限15分钟)一、数字推理(1~10题)给你一个数列,但其中缺少一项,仔细观察数列的排列规律,选择你认为最合适的一个答案。

请开始答题: 1.1-25,1+25,1-2,1+2,( ),3+213 A . 1/(13–3) B. 2/(3+13)C. -2/(3+13)D. 1/(3+13)2、3, 3, 9, 15, 33, ( )A .75B .63C .48D .343.8, 12, 18, 27, ( )A .39B .37C .40.5D .42.54. 4, 6, 10, 14, 22, ( )A .30B .28C .26D .245. 6, 15, 35, 77, ( )A . 106B .117C .136D . 1636.2,8, 24, 64, ( )A .160B .512C .124D .1647.2, 5, 11, 56, ( )A .126B .617C .112D 。

928.15/2,24/5, 35/10 ,48/17( )A .63/26B .53/24C .53/22D .63/289. 1, 3, 3, 6, 7, 12, 15, ( )A .17B .27C .30D .2410.2,-1, -1/2, -1/4,1/8 ( )A .-1/10B .-1/12C .-1/16D .-1/14二、数学运算(11~20题)通过运算,选择你认为最合适的一个答案。


请开始答题:11. 6/1*7 - 6/7*13 - 6/13*19 – 6/19*25-…-6/97*103A .433/567B .532/653C .522/721D . 436/67312.比较大小:a=315 ,b=-6A .a<bB .a>bC .a=bD .无法确定13.如果某一年的7月份有5个星期四,它们的日期之和为80,那么这个月的3日是星期几?A .一B .三C .五D . 日14.某企业去年的销售收入为1000万元,成本分生产成本500万元和广告费200万元两个部分。



2004级⼤学英语四级期末考试试卷2004 级⼤学英语四级期末考试试卷(客观题的答案全部写在答题卡上,主观题的答案写在答题纸上)Part I Listening Comprehension (20 %)Section A (10%)Directions:In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. You will hear the conversation and the question only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. A. Get up at 9 o’clock. C. Read the newspaper before lunch.B. Have lunch at noon for an hour. D. Clean the room after lunch.2. A. At a bus stop. C. On a bus.B. At a travel agency. D. In an airport.3. A. Four. C. Six.B. Five. D. Seven.4. A. $5.00. C. $2.50.B. $0.75. D. $0.50.5. A. Husband/wife. C. Boss/secretary.B. Guest/hostess. D. Customer/salesclerk.6. A. Everyone wants to buy a house like that.B. Someone will be interested in buying a house like that.C. No one desires to have a house like that.D. He is keen to have a house like that.7. A. Water the plants every day.B. Sleep near the plants every day.C. Sing for the plants every day.D. Talk to the plants every day.8. A. He received promotion. C. He was given a raise.B. He got a job. D. He passed a test.9. A. She has won the lottery.B. The man should have informed her earlier.C. They only eat out when something important happens.D. They have to finish something important first today.C. He was selling something on the net.D. He was looking for some information about a watch.Section B (10%)Directions: In this section you will hear three talks. The talks will be read only once. After each of them, you will hear some questions. The questions will beread only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the bestanswer from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage OneQuestions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.11. A. People should drink eight glasses of water a day.B. Women should get about 2.7 liters of water daily.C. Men should drink about 3.7 liters of water per day.D. Healthy people meet their daily needs for liquid by letting thirst be their guide.12. A. Because people do not get water only by drinking a certain number of glasses.B. Because people living in hot climates need more water.C. Because people who are physically active need more water.D. Because men need more water than women do.13. A. Office workers. B. Sportsmen. C. Scientists. D. Patients.Passage TwoQuestions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.14. A. People who are very romantic.B. People who have no time to find the other half.C. People who are very talkative.D. People who master several languages.15. A. Write to him/her directly.B. Take him/her out for a further conversation.C. Contact the person through the organizer.D. Exchange with the person a gift.16. A. Thirty seconds.B. Three minutes.C. Twenty minutes.D. Thirty minutes.17. A. When we are eight days old. B. When we are eight weeks old.C. When we are eight months old.D. When we are six weeks old.18. A. He saw many foods.B. His mother is with him.C. He thinks he can deal with some trouble.D. He feels afraid.19. A. His father laughs.B. He enjoys flying.C. He feels afraid.D. He doesn’t know anything.20. A. Because we are older.B. Because we are never thrown into the air.C. Because we feel excited.D. Because we can overcome some trouble.Part II Reading Comprehension (30%)Directions: There are three passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are fourchoices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice andmark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:The struggle against malnutrition (营养不良) and hunger is as old as man himself, and never across the face of our planet has the outcome been more in doubt. Malnutrition afflicts (折磨) an estimated 400 million to 1.5 billion of the world’s poor. Even in the affluent U.S., poverty means undernourishment for an estimated ten to twenty million. Hardest hit are children, whose growing bodies demand two and a half times more protein, than those of adults. Nutrition experts estimate that 70 percent of the children in low-income countries are affected.Misshapen bodies tell the tragic story of malnutrition. Medical science identifies two major types of malnutrition which usually occur in combination. The first, kwashiorkor, is typified by the bloated(肿胀的)look, the opposite of what we associate with starvation. Accumulated fluids pushing against wasted muscles account for the plumpness of hands, feet, belly and face. Caused by an acute lack of protein, kwashiorkor can bring brain damage, irritability, loss of appetite and so on.On the other hand, stick limbs, a bloated belly, wide eyes, and the stretched-skin face of an old person mark victims of marasmus, a word taken from the Greek “to waste away”. Lacking calories as well as protein, sufferers may weigh only half as much as normal. With fat gone, the skin hangs in wrinkles or draws tight over bones. Children, those growing bodies require large amounts of protein, are afflicted in greatest numbers, but perhaps only three percent of all child victims suffer the extreme stages described.Scientists are working hard to develop new weapons against malnutrition and starvation. But two thirds of the human population of 3.9 billion live in the poorest countries which also have the highest birth rates. Thus, of the 74 million people added to the population each year, four out of five will be born in a have-not country---a country unable to supply its people’s nutritional needs.21. Malnutrition is ___________.C. more serious than beforeD. inclined to be less serious22. The phrase “waste away” (Line 2, Para.3) means____________.A. become thinnerB. loseC. misshapeD. under-nourish23. Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. The majority of children suffer the most serious stages of marasmus.B. Malnutrition has afflicted millions of people all over the world.C. Both types of malnutrition are caused by lack of protein.D. The struggle against malnutrition has a long history.24. It can be inferred from the passage that the struggle against malnutrition is_____.A. certain to succeedB. likely to succeedC. certain to failD. hard to succeed25. All the conclusions the writer makes are correct EXCEPT ________.A. Malnutrition is a serious global problem.B. The high rate of population growth is irresponsible for malnutrition.C. Scientists are working hard to cope with the food problem.D. Children suffer most because they need more protein than adults.Questions 26 to 27 are based on the following passage:One of the most exciting attempts to find the source of the Mississippi was made by the Italian Constantino Beltrami. Aged 41, in Italy he had been a magistrate (地⽅法官) and student of the classic. In the New World, however, he was interested in exploration—not so much for reasons of scientific curiosity but in response to romantic dreams nourished by literary and mythological study. Setting out from St. Louis in 1823, he traveled as far as Fort Snelling by boat and then proceeded up river by canoe, accompanied by three Indians. The journey was an adventurous one. On August 23, 1823, Beltrami came to a small lake in what is now northern Minnesota, which he called Lake Julia in memory of a woman he had loved, and which he proclaimed to be the source of the Mississippi. His romantic self-comparison to Icarus, the Phoenicians, Marco Polo and Columbus, however, was not calculated to satisfy geographers, for he had no compass with which to determine his location. When he returned to New Orleans, he related his travels and as a result, he was welcomed in Europe and became a member of several academies, while Lafayette and Chateaubriand honored him with their friendship. In America, on the other hand, many regarded him as an imposter(冒名顶替的⼈).Nine years after Beltrami, Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, the United States Superintendent(负责⼈) of Indian Affairs proclaimed “Itasca”--- a lake in Minnesota—the true source of the Mississippi.His claim that Lake Itasca was the source of the Mississippi was accepted for many years, but many geologists now disagree. Accurate recent surveys show that a spring flows into it from Elk Lake, and that this in turn is linked with yet other lakes, which may be collectively regarded as the source of the great river.B.he was very curious about the worldC.he wanted to make his dreams come trueD.he was fascinated by scientific discoveries27.T he word “relate” (Line 11, Para. 1) means___________.A. connectB. compareC. tellD. contrast28. Which of the following statements is true?A. He received warm welcome in America.B. Lake Itasca was undoubtedly the source of the Mississippi.C. Beltrami wasn’t a profe ssional explorer.D. Beltrami wanted to find the source of the Mississippi single-handed.29. Which of the following persons has been mentioned as explorers in the passage?A. LafayetteB. Henry Rowe SchoolcraftC. ChateaubriandD. the Phoenicians30. What’s the best title of the passage?A. The Source of the Mississippi.B. The History of the Mississippi.C. The Mystery of the Mississippi.D. The Description of the Mississippi.Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:Every second, one hectare of the world’s rainforest is destroyed. That’s equivalent to two football fields. An area the size of New York City is lost every day. In a year, that adds up to 31 million hectares—more than the land area of Poland. This alarming rate of destruction has serious consequences for the environment; scientists estimate, for example, that 137 species of plant, insect or animal become extinct every day due to logging (砍伐). In British Columbia, where, since 1990, 13 rainforest valleys have been clear cut, 142 species of salmon have already become extinct, and the habitats of grizzly(灰的) bears, wolves and many other creatures are threatened. Logging, however, provides jobs, profits, taxes for the government and cheap products of all kinds for consumers, so the government is reluctant to restrict or control it.Much of Canadian forestry production goes towards making pulp(纸浆) and paper. According to the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Canada supplies 34% of the world’s wood pulp and 49% of its newsprint paper. If these paper products could be produced in some other way, Canadian forests could be preserved. Recently, a possible alternative way of producing paper has been suggested by agriculturalists and environmentalists: a plant called hemp(⼤⿇).Hemp has been cultivated by many cultures for thousands of years. It produces fibre which can be made into paper, fuel, oils, textiles, food, and rope. For many centuries, it was essential to the economies of many countries because it was used to make the ropes and cables used on sailing ships; colonial expansion and the establishment of a world-wide trading network would not have been possible without hemp. Nowadays, ships’ cables are usually made from wire or synthetic fibers, but31. How long does it take for 300 hectares of rainforest to be destroyed?A. One minute.B. Two minutes.C. Three minutes.D. Five minutes.32. The following are the reasons why logging is hard to control EXCEPT that ______.A. it provides taxes for the countryB. it offers extra jobsC. it supplies people with cheap productsD. it leads to the erosion of the land33. Why is pulp and paper production important in Canada?A. Because it plays a vital role in Canada’s economy.B. Because it provides many jobs for Canadians.C. Because it enjoys a long history in Canada.D. Because it helps produce newspapers and magazines.34. Hemp was essential to many countries in the past because ________.A. sailors needed it for foodB. ropes on ships were made from itC. ships used it as fuelD. it was exported to many other countries35. The advantage of hemp in paper production over trees is ________.A. higher qualityB. more outputC. cleaner environmentD. cheaper laborPart III Vocabulary (20%)Directions:There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 36.We have to _______ that if it is wrong to injure humans it must also be wrong to do theidentical or very similar injury to non-humans.A.concedeB. confuseC. consentD. concealD. determinant38.Some studies confirmed that this kind of disease was ______ in tropical countries.A. flourishingB. prevalentC. frustratingD. irresistible39.It is a wise _________ to lock your doors when you leave your house.A. precautionB. predictionC. approachD. dilemma40.Their demand has not the slightest ________ of being met.A. prospectB. perspectiveC. perceptionD. predominance41.Just as a book is often judged _____ by the quality and appearance of its cover, a person is judged immediately by his appearance.A. initiallyB. presumablyC. incrediblyD. drastically42.A man with confidence will state his opinions in an/a ________ tone of voice.A. criticalB. assertiveC. aspiringD. arrogant43.It is a/an ________ trick to hide a boy’s book so that he gets into trouble for losing it.A. ingeniousB. meanC. justifiedC. liabilityD. sincerity45.I’m sure she’ll be able to ______ the role though it is demanding.A. cut down onB. get a handle onC. carry offD. put a guilt trip on46.Nuclear weapons should be used only as a last ______.A. resortB. appealC. solutionD. approach47.The man, once penniless, never dreamed that he would _______ owing such a lot of property.A. wind upB. build upC. back upD. pile up48.The less you rely on painkillers now, the better it will be for your health ______ .A. on that accountB. on the groundsC. in the long runD. on the spot49.A well-written composition ________ good choice of words and clear organization among other things.A. abides byB. caters toC. points toD. calls for50.A specialized journal may have a small _______ compared with a newspaper, but it is of particular importance to those who use it.A. coverageD. implementation51.Although the original idea was good, its _______ has produced a disappointing result.A. reproductionB. penetrationC. reservationD. execution52.You can’t rely on his promise. It sounds _______ even in his own ears.A. unbearableB. na?veC. hollowD. believable53.It seemed that he was not in the least disturbed, and _______ reading.A. carried onB. wound upC. turned downD. took on54.It was a terrible time financially but she _______ it and then things improved.A. got through C. paid offC. tried outD. directed at55.The teacher cut an apple into pieces as an _______ of what 1/4 means.A. indicationB. explanationC. illustrationD. evidence56.It is extremely _______ that they should be rescued from the mountain before dark.A. pervasiveB. irrelevantC. fabulousD. urgent57.They all think Oxford dictionaries ______ accuracy throughout the world.A. stand up toB. stand for58. Wages and working hours are _______ by a series of laws passed last year.A. widenedB. modifiedC. harassedD. regulated59.We must encourage the planting of new trees and ________ our existing woodlands.A. maintainB. preserveC. holdD. keep60.The benefits of the scheme ________ the disadvantages.A. outweighB. proceedC. mushroomD. explode61.I didn’t want him to think I was just ________ sympathy; I want to get some needed help as well.A. angling forB. getting forC. paying forD. making for62.The price of beer ________ from 50 cents to $ 4 per liter during the summer season.A. alteredB. rangedC. separatedD. differed63.I was very ________ to approve of their decision, but I did not mean to be opposed to it openly.A. tolerantB. unwillingC. optimisticD. sensitive64.Reports of torture and mass execution in the concentration camps have _______ theC. motivatedD. reminded65.People’s living standard has been greatly improved in recent years, which result in more and more _______ buyers of private houses especially in large cities in China.A. proficientB. predominantC. prospectiveD. professional66.She enjoys a firm reputation in this country but wider international success has been_________.A. appropriateB. blazingC. changeableD. elusive67.A company should be ________ the personal needs of its employees to maintain a stable and motivated workforce.A. mindful ofB. worthy ofC. independent ofD. typical of68.A season ticket ________ the holder to make as many journeys as he wishes within the stated period of time.A. grantsB. promisesC. entitlesD. presents69.It’s ________ for Chinese government to tackle the serious problem of official corruption.A. dispensableB. collaborativeC. imperativeD. ignorant70.He soon received promotion, for his superiors realized that he was a man of considerable_________.A. potentialC. futureD. possibility71.The improvement of staff quality and teaching method will determine whether a school________ through time or is lost along the way.A. producesB. generatesC. evolvesD. contributes72.If payment is not received within five days, legal action will be our only _________.A. chanceB. conclusionC. alternativeD. assessment73.Protesters _______ that the man arrested was innocent.A. announcedB. ensuredC. promisedD. proclaimed74.A large crowd ________ in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary.A. participatedB. assembledC. piledD. accumulated75.A man of great moral _________ is one who is respectable.A. valueB. integrityC. competenceD. impressionPart IV Vocabulary (10%)Directions:There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. Fill in each blank with an appropriate word below. Change the form where necessary.1.The committee soon offered a comprehensive plan for redevelopment and __________ in allareas of the ancient city.2.The technological _________ of CDs over records lies in the fact that they store music in thesame way as computers store information.3. A secretary was hired to ________ her of some of the administrative work.4.The blow to his head was strong enough to ________ him unconscious.5.I would always _________ buying a good quality bicycle rather than a cheap one.6.It's one of many excellent ________ organizations that work with the poor in the city.7._______ market research has shown that most Americans prefer environmentally-friendlyproducts.8.Share prices on the New York Stock Exchange often ________ wildly.9.There are still doctors who are ________ of patients' rights, or who try to deny them.10.It's raining, which ________ means that your football match will be cancelled.Part V Cloze (5%)Directions:There are 10 blanks in the following passage. 15 words and expressions have been provided for these blanks. You should choose one that best fits into each blank. Then write the word or expression on the Answer Sheet.My boyfriend Stuard is very outspoken, and even __1__ . Although he was a bit rude to my parents, I didn’t feel angry w ith him, because I like to be ___2__ in that way, and also because, for some perverse reason, I like it if my parents don’t like the people I ___3___. I’m not quite sure why I feel like this, perhaps I unconsciously try to __4__ the gap between my parents and me. I do things which I know they __5__ because it makes me feel more free from them. My parents __6__ everything that is ordinary about life, and I want to be ___7___ them. I’m not intended to __8__ them. But it’s a way of showing my parents that I ca n look after myself. I like the feeling that I have a __9__ of my own, and that hundreds of people share my opinions. That’s really __10__, a lovely feeling of power.Part VI Writing (30 minutes)Directions:For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the to pic: The Difference between My Parents and I toward Life, Work and Family.You shou ld write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the out line (given in Chinese) below.1. 你和⽗母之间在⾯对⽣活、⼯作和家庭时的差异2. 产⽣这些差异的原因3. 应该向⽗母学习什么Answer SheetMajor / School _________ Teacher’s Name _______ Student’s Name __________ Part IV Vocabulary (10%)1.__________2. __________3. __________4. __________5. ________6. __________7. __________8. __________9. __________ 10. ________ Part V. Cloze (5%)1.__________2. __________3. __________4. __________5. ________6. __________7. __________8. __________9. __________ 10. ________ Part VI Writing (15%)。



2004 年上学期期末考试一.本周教课内容:期末考试【模拟试题】(考试时间:120 分钟;满分:120 分)友谊提示:Hi,展现自己的时候到啦,你可要沉着思虑、沉稳答卷啊!祝你成功!1、请务必在指定地点填写座号,并将密封线内的项目填写清楚。

2 、本试题共有22 道题。

此中 1— 6 题为选择题,请将所选答案的标号填写在第 1 题前方给出的表格的相应地点上; 7— 12 题为填空题,请将做出的答案填写在第7 题前方给出的表格的相应地点上;13— 22 题,请在试卷上给出的此题地点上做答。

一 .选择题(此题满分18 分,共有 6 道小题,每题 3 分)以下每题都给出标号为 A、B、C、 D的四个结论,此中只有一个是正确的,每题选对得分;不选、选错或选出的标号超出一个的不得分。


题号12345 6答案1. 凯凯和乐乐捉迷藏,乐乐站在图中P 处时,凯凯藏在图中哪些地点,才不易被乐乐发现()A. M、R、S、FB. N 、S、 E、FC. M 、F、 S、RD. E 、S、F、M2. 用配方法解方程2x2-x= 4,配方后方程可化为()21A . x4 33 1 2 33B. x16 16 21 C. x2 215D. x1 2 174 4 43. 把两个同样大的含30°角的直角三角板,按如图方式拼在一同,此中等腰三角形有()个。

A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 44. 一个密闭不透明的盒子里有若干白球,在不准将球倒出来数的状况下,为预计白球数,小刚向此中放入8 个黑球。

摇匀后,从中随机摸出一球记下颜色,再把它放回盒中,不停重复这一过程,共摸球200 次,此中 44 次摸到黑球,你预计盒中大概有()个白球。

A. 30B. 28C. 36D. 没法预计5. 对于 x 的函数 y k x 1 和 yk 0 ,它们在同向来角坐标系内的图象kx大概是以下图形中的()6 以下对于二次函数 y 4 x 3 2 1的表达中,正确的选项是().A. 极点: , 1 ;对称轴:直线 x;y最小值 13 3 B. 极点:, ;对称轴:直线 x ; y 最大值1 3 1 1 C. 极点: , 1 ;对称轴:直线 x; y 最大值13 1D. 极点:,1 ;对称轴:直线 x; y最小值133二 . 填空题(此题满分18 分,共有 6 道小题,每题 3 分)请把 7— 12 各小题的答案填写在下边的表格内。



2004 年上学期 期末试卷一 . 本周教课内容:期末试卷【模拟试题】(相关元素的相对原子质量: Mg : 24 O :16 H :1C : 12 Na : 23 S : 32 Cl :35.5)一 . 选择题:(每题 2 分,共 25×2)1. 以下物质属于电解质的是()A. 铜丝B. 食盐C. 酒精D. 石灰水2. 以下各组属于酸电离产物的是()A. K 、 ClB. Na 、 OHC.NH 4、H 、 SO 42D. H 、NO 33. 能和硫酸溶液发生中和反响,并生成积淀的是()A. 氯化钡溶液B. 氢氧化铜C. 氢氧化钡D. 碳酸钠溶液4. 以下离子,在 pH 13 的溶液中能大批共存的是()A. H、 Na 、 SO 42、 NO 3 B. Cl 、 SO 42、 Ag 、 NaC. Cu 2 、 SO 42 、 Cl 、 NaD. Ba 2、 Cl 、 NO 3 、 Na5. 除掉 NaCl 溶液中混有的少许硫酸铜杂质,应采用()A.BaCl 2 溶液B. NaOH 溶液C. Ba(OH ) 2 溶液D.AgNO 3 溶液6. 将一瓶稀盐酸平分红四份,分别与以下物质恰巧完整反响,所得溶液质量分数最大的是()A. MgB. MgOC. Mg (OH ) 2D.MgCO 37. 在 Fe(NO 3 )3 和 Fe 2 (SO 4 )3 混淆溶液中, 已知 Fe 3 和 NO 3 的个数比为 7 : 3 ,若溶液中 Fe 3 为 7n 个,则SO 42 的个数为()A. 10nB. 9nC. 5nD. 3n8. 有三个电阻,其阻值之比为1 :2 : 3,并联在电路中,经过的电流比是()A. 1:1:1B. 1:2:3C. 3: 2:1D. 6:3:2 9. 经过电路的电流是0.5 安,通电 1 分钟电流做功 900 焦,则() A. 此电路两头电压是 45 伏 B. 此电路两头电压是30 伏C. 此电路两头电压是 3 伏D. 此电路两头电压是 1.5 伏10. 当教室里点亮的电灯增加,电流增至本来的2 倍时,电路耗费功率将增至本来的( )A. 1 倍B.2倍C.1倍D.4 倍2411. 将以下 4 盏灯,都接入到36V 的电源上,最亮的是()A. 36V 、 15WB. 110V 、 15WC. 36V 、 40WD. 220V 、 40W12. 以下哪个选项,可构成生态系统的是()A. 池塘中的某条鱼B. 池塘中的全部鲤鱼C. 池塘中全部生物D. 池塘的全部生物及四周的空气、阳光、水等13. 现代医学以为死亡的标准为()A. 心跳呼吸停止B. 不可以进食C. 脑死亡D. 得不治之症14. 以下表达正确的选项是()A. 癌症患者是传染源B. 蛋白质是遗传物质的一种C. 抽烟引发心脏病D. 亲兄弟是直系血系15. 属于细菌性食品中毒的是因为食用了以下()A. 已经发馊,但高温加热过的食品B. 长久寄存而酸败的脂肪C. 新鲜动物甲状腺D. 许多的高度白酒16. 水污染可给人类造成很大的灾祸,为了防备水污染,下边哪项举措可行()① 严禁使用农药,化肥,② 不随意排下班业废水,③ 抑制水生动植物的生长,④ 生活污水办理后排放,⑤ 减少含磷,含氮的氧化物排放。



2004 年上学期期末考试一.本周教课内容:期末考试【模拟试题】(考试时间:90 分钟;满分80 分)第 I 卷(选择题)[友谊提示]Hi ,展现自己的时候到啦,你可要沉着思虑,沉稳答卷啊!祝你成功!1.请务必在第 II 卷第 1 页指定地点填写座号,并将密封线内的项目填写清楚。

2. 本试题共有36 道题:此中1—24 题为选择题,请将所选答案的标号填写在第II卷第1 页的指定地点上;25— 36 题在第 II卷上做答,答案写在第I 卷上的无效、不得分。

3.可能用到的相对原子质量: H— 1, C—12, N—14, O— 16, Cl — 35.5一 . 选择题:每题各有一个正确答案。

(此题共16 小题,每题 1 分,共 16 分)1. 果汁的成分有蔗糖、柠檬酸、苯甲酸钠、橙汁等物质,则果汁属于()A. 化合物B. 单质C. 混淆物D. 纯净物2. 决定元素种类的是原子的()A. 质子数B. 中子数C. 电子数D. 相对原子质量3. 以下是平时生活中常发生的一些变化,此中都属于化学变化的一组是()A. 水受热沸腾、酒精焚烧B. 剩饭变馊、铁锅生锈C. 汽油挥发、动物的呼吸作用D. 玻璃破裂、西瓜榨成汁4. 加油站一定粘贴的标记是()5.以下实验基本操作中,正确的是()6. 以下相关物质焚烧现象的描绘,与事实不符的是()A. 白磷焚烧产生黑烟B. 铁丝在氧气中焚烧火星四射C. 硫在氧气中焚烧发出蓝紫色火焰D.一氧化碳焚烧发出蓝色火焰7. 当你走进鲜花绽放的花园时,常能闻到怡人的花香,这一现象说了然()A. 分子很大B. 分子分裂成原子C. 分子在不停地运动D. 分子之间有间隔8. 以下现象中,没有直接利用化学反响所产生能量的是()A. 人用食品保持体能B. 家庭用煤气做饭C. 办公室用空调取暖D. 工人用炸药拆掉危旧建筑9.对以下四种粒子的构造表示图的理解,错误的是()A. 它们都带电荷B. 它们都拥有相对稳固构造C. 它们的核外电子排布不完整同样D. 它们属于不一样种元素10. 化学方程式不可以供给的信息是()A. 在什么条件下发生反响B. 哪些物质参加反响C. 生成的各粒子的相对数目D. 化学反响速率的快慢11. 酸雨、臭氧层被损坏、温室效应和土地沙漠化是现在人类面对的严重环境问题。



河南省2004年教师职业素质和技能考试试卷(A)(使用范围:高级中学教师资格)题号一二三四五六总分题分20 20 20 36 16 38得分总分合计人(签名)总分复核人(签名)复查总分复查人(签名)得分评卷人一单项选择题(本题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题的四个选项中选出一个正确答案,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内,选对得1分,选错或不选得0分1:教育活动的出发点和归宿是()A:教育内容B:教育质量C:教育目的D:教育方针2:“产婆术”这一启发性教学方法的创造者是()A:亚里士多德B:苏格拉底C:柏拉图D:昆体良3:主张教学的任务在于训练学生的官能,训练学生思维形式的教育理论,被称为()A:传统教育论B:现代教育论C:失职教育论D:形式教育论4:教育心理学的研究对象是()A:学生和教师的基本心理规律B:学习过程和教学过程的基本心理规律C:学校情境中学与教的基本心理规律D:学校情境中学生学习过程和教师教学过程的基本心理规律5:个体在知觉、思维、记忆和解决问题等认知活动中加工和组织信息时所显示出来的独特而稳定的方格称为()A:人格B:学习方式C:学习策略D:认知方式6:在教师指导下,学习者接受事物意义的学习称为()A:意义学习B:接受学C:发现学习D:有意义的接受学习7:一般认为,行为具有盲目性、被动性、不稳定,随情境的变化而变化,这是态度和品德的形成过程中哪一阶段的表现()P162心理学A:认识阶段B:认同阶段C:依从阶段D:同化阶段8:反映教师职业与其他职业不同的本质特征是()A:为人师表B:献身教育C:育人D:公而忘私9:“为人师表,行为世范”的主要内容是()A:教书育人B:献身教育C:廉洁从教D:为人师表10:教育行政部门为实施教育法律而规定和采取的具体行政措施是()A:教育行政立法活动B:教育行政执法活动C:教育行政督导活动D:教育政策制定活动11:因校舍使用不当或失修造成房屋倒塌,造成学生伤亡事故的;主要责任人应追究()A:行政法律责任B:民事法律责任C:刑事法律责任D:违宪法律责任12:在下列选项中,属于教学信息输出技能的一项是()A:研究学生的技能B:教学反馈的技能C:钻研教材的技能D:操纵教学技术手段的技能13:微格教学有许多特点,但最能体现微格教学含义的是()A:训练单元小B:反馈及时准确C:训练程序合理D:利于综合创新14:“教育者应先受教育”说明转化后进生的()A:扬长原则B:对事不对人原则C:潜移默化原则D:可接受性原则15:优秀班主任首要应立足于增强()A:教学意识B:育人意识C:成就意识D:创新意识16:注入式教学最本质的特征是()A:教师从头讲到尾B:以讲授法为主C:强调教师的主导作用D:把学生看做是知识的容器17:中学阶段为培养学生独立地研究问题、获得知识、发展各种能力,教学中应多选用()A:探究的方法B:活动的方法C:直观的方法D:讲授的方法18:教学设计中最先要考虑的问题是()A:教学内容B:教学目标C:教学环境D:教学策略19:采用频繁的反馈和根据每个学生的需要因人而异地进行评价,这属于()A:诊断性评价B:总结性评价C:形成性评价D:绝对性评价20:根据教学大纲的要求在校内外组织学生进行实际操作,将书本知识运用于实践的教学方法叫()A:实习法B:参观法C:演示法D:读书指导法得分评卷人二多项选择题(本题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)在每小题的五个选项中选出二个或者二个以上的正确答案,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内,选对得2分,多选、少选或不选得0分。

2004年上学期 期末试卷 人教版(朗文)

2004年上学期 期末试卷 人教版(朗文)

2004年上学期期末试卷一. 本周教学内容:期末试卷【模拟试题】I. 听力测试(共20小题,每题1分,满分为20分)听对话,选图画下面有5段对话,每段对话听两遍,听完以后,从A、B、C三个图画中选出符合对话内容的图画。听对话,选答案,请听对话,每个小题听两遍。


生词:advise建议6.A. Go and see the doctor.B. Have something cold.C. Take some medicine.7. A. $29 B. $28 C. $278. A. Dad doesn’t know how to fix it.B. It was broken by Tom.C. The girl dropped it on the floor.9. A. They didn’t sleep well because of the noise from the street.B. They couldn’t go to sleep because of the uncomfortable room.C. They couldn’t f ind a better hotel.10. A. See a film. B. Travel by plane C. Take an exam.听句子,选答语从A、B、C三个选项中选出最适当的答语。

11. A. I am busy.B. I’m afraid not.C. You’d better see a doctor.12. A. It was all right.B. It was dark.C. It was cloudy.13. A. I’m sorry I won’t.B. It doesn’t matter.C. Don’t be so serious.14. A. Help yourself.B. Have a good time.C. Good luck.15. A. She is my sister.B. She is a teacher.C. She is English.听短文,选答案根据短文的意思,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的答案。

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1、如何配制100ml 0.2mg/LNAA溶液。




2、按照所给配方1/2MS+KT0.5+IBA0.1,如何量取6L培养基的营养液?母液如下:大量元素10倍,铁盐100倍,肌醇100倍,维生素500倍,微量元素1000倍,KT 0.25mg/ml ,IBA 0.2mg/ml。

答:大量元素300ml,铁盐60ml,肌醇60ml,维生素12ml,微量元素6ml,KT12ml ,IBA 3ml。
















































