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感谢杨小林老师、梁为民老师、褚怀宝老师、王金星老师在本论文的可行性 分析和试验方案制定过程中的指导,在此向几位老师表示诚挚的谢意。
感谢王鸿毅老师在试验过程中的指导和大力支持,为本文试验方面提出了宝 贵的意见,也为试验的顺利完成提供了多方面的便利条件,在此表示衷心感谢。
感谢同学祁亚静、唐国强、陈天恩、郭炳剑、余海洋,师弟建磊、赵红鹤在 试验阶段的帮助,在此向他们表示感谢。
第三,运用岩土力学方法,对渗水溶液侵蚀试验结果进行分析,建立渗水溶 液侵蚀下龙门石窟灰岩的侵蚀损伤方程,揭示渗水作用下龙门石窟灰岩的侵蚀损 伤机理及规律。对冻融试验结果进行分析,建立渗水溶液和冻融耦合作用下龙门 石窟灰岩的侵蚀损伤方程,揭示龙门石窟灰岩的冻融破坏机理及规律。
关键词:渗水溶液 侵蚀 冻融 灰岩 龙门石窟
in the different water solutions after different freezing-thawing cycles(0,15,40,65, 90 cycles), and the relevant stress - strain curves and mechanical parameters are obtained. Simultaneously, measure the mass, the elastic wave velocity of the specimens and the pH values of the water solutions, and the strength, deformation characteristics and laws of Longmen Grottoes limestone after different freezing-thawing cycles are obtained,the freeze-thaw damage mechanism of the Longmen Grottoes limestone in different kinds of solutions are analyzed.
河南理工大学 学位论文原创性声明
本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文:水溶液及冻融侵蚀下龙门石窟灰岩的损 伤试验及机理研究,是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。 论文中除了特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含任何其他个人或集体已经公开 发表或撰写过的研究成果。其他同志对本研究的启发和所做的贡献均已在论文中 作了明确的声明并表示了谢意。
Secondly, the freezing-thawing tests of the Longmen Grottoes limestone in the different solutions (distilled water, Longmen water, 0.01mol/L and pH=4 NaCl solution) are performed, which includes 12h freeze and 12h thaw in each cycle, 24h in total, and set a natural freezing-thawing cycle temperature range is from -10℃ to 10 ℃.Have the uniaxial compression tests on the Longmen Grottoes limestone specimens
学位论文作者签名: 年月日
河南理工大学 学位论文版权使用授权书
本学位论文作者及导师完全了解河南理工大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规 定,即:学校有权保留和向有关部门、机构或单位送交论文的复印件和电子版, 允许论文被查阅和借阅,允许将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进 行检索和传播,允许采用任何方式公布论文内容,并可以采用影印、缩印、扫描 或其他手段保存、汇编、出版本学位论文。
第一,从龙门石窟区域取回灰岩岩样,制作成 l =100mm, =50mm 的标准试 件。根据龙门石窟的渗水溶液特征,配置不同性质的水溶液,将试件浸泡在配置 的水溶液中。对不同水溶液作用不同时间(自然状态、90d,150d,210d)的灰岩 试件进行单轴压缩试验,获得相应的应力-应变曲线及力学参数;同时对不同浸泡 时间条件下试件的质量、弹性波速、矿物成分和溶液的 pH 值、化学成分进行测 试,得出了龙门石窟灰岩在不同水溶液水侵蚀作用不同时间下的强度及变形特征 和规律,分析了不同水溶液对龙门石窟灰岩的腐蚀机理。
Firstly,get the large limestone blocks from the area of Longmen Grottoes, and make them into standard specimens with the size of l =100mm, =50mm. According to the characteristics of seepage solutions of Longmen Grottoes, configure the different nature of water solutions and soak the standard specimens into the solutions. Do the uniaxial compression tests on the Longmen Grottoes limestone specimens being socked in the different water solutions with different time(0, 90d, 150d, 210d ), and the relevant stress - strain curves and mechanical parameters are obtained. Simultaneously, measure the mass, the elastic wave velocity, mineral composition of the specimens and the pH values and the chemical composition of the water solutions, and the strength and deformation characteristics and laws of Longmen Grottoes limestone under the actions of the seepage water are obtained, the corrosion mechanism of the solutions acted on the limestone of the Longmen Grottoes is analyzed.
Longmen Grottoes currently faces serious geological environment problems like seepage corrosion. The seepage water in the rock has mechanical, physical, and chemical corrosion actions on the rock. The water-rock interaction weakens the links between the mineral particles and corrodes the mineral particles, thus the physical and mechanical properties of the rock become poor, which is a threat to the long-term stability of the rock mass of Longmen Grottoes. The paper aimed at the problem of seepage water in Longmen Grottoes, the physical mechanical experiments of Longmen Grottoes limestone under the actions of the different water solutions and freeze-thaw corrosion are performed, the damage and failure characteristics and mechanism of Longmen Grottoes limestone are analyzed, which will provide a theoretical basis for the protection of Longmen Grottoes, and the research results will have important practical engineering significance. The research results are as follows:
学位论文作者签名: 年月日
指导教师签名: 年月日
本文是在导师余永强教授和丁梧秀教授的悉心指导下完成的,从论文选题、 试验方案的制定、试验的全过程到论文撰写,无不渗透着导师的心血。研究生期 间,从两位老师身上不仅学习到了许多专业方面的知识,而且更为重要的是学到 了做人做事方面的道理,受益匪浅。导师超前的创新意识、渊博的知识、精深的 学术造诣、严谨的治学态度和求实的工作作风,将成为我终身学习的楷模,在此 向两位导师表示衷心的感谢和崇高的敬意。
Thirdly, analyze the results of seepage water corrosion tests with the analysis method of geotechnical mechanics, establish the corrosion damage equation of Longmen Grottoes limestone under the corrosion of seepage water, and reveal the corrosion mechanism and laws of Longmen Grottoes limestone under the corrosion of seepage water; Analyze the results of freezing-thawing tests, establish the corrosion damage equation of Longmen Grottoes limestone under the coupling interaction of seepage water and freeze-thaw, and reveal the freezing-thawing damage mechanism and laws of Longmen Grottoes limestone.
第二,对不同水溶液(蒸馏水,龙门水, 0.01mol/L、pH=4 的 NaCl 溶液) 中的龙门石窟灰岩冻融循环试验,设定一次冻融温度范围为-10℃~10℃,各 12h。 对不同周期(0,15,40,65,90 次)的龙门石窟灰岩进行单轴压缩试验,获得 相应的应力-应变曲线及力学参数;同时对灰岩试件的质量、弹性波速和溶液的 pH 值等进行测试,得出了龙门石窟灰岩在不同渗水溶液中冻融不同周期后的强度 及变形特征和规律,分析了不同水溶液中龙门石窟灰岩的冻融损伤机理。
感谢父亲、母亲及所有亲人对我漫长求学过程中给予的大力支持与理解,能 够顺利完成学业与他们的关心和支持是分不开的。
感谢院领导和各位老师在各方面给予的帮助和支持,感谢所重的渗水侵蚀等地质环境问题。存在于岩体中的 渗水溶液对岩石具有力学的、物理的、化学的各方面的侵蚀作用,由于水-岩作用 削弱了岩石矿物颗粒间的联结,腐蚀矿物颗粒,使岩石的物理力学性质变差,对 龙门石窟岩体的长期稳定性产生威胁。本文针对龙门石窟的渗水病害问题,进行 了龙门石窟灰岩在不同水溶液及冻融侵蚀作用下的物理力学实验,分析了龙门石 窟岩石在水溶液及冻融侵蚀作用下的损伤破坏特征和机理,为龙门石窟的保护提 供理论依据,研究成果将具有重要的实际工程意义。主要研究工作如下: