Solitude 英文诗歌《孤独》简介

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• 埃拉在很小的时候就开始写诗,高中毕业 的时候,便已经成为本州的知名诗人了。 《孤独》最初发表于1883年2月25日的《纽 约太阳报》。她是在去参加一位官员就职 舞会的路上萌发了这首诗的灵感。当时, 同车的一位黑衣女子哭了。埃拉就坐在她 旁边,一路上都在试着安慰她。
• 下车后,诗人心里非常压抑,在照镜子的 时候,她想起了那位黑衣女子。于是,《 孤独》的开头两行便诞生了:“你笑,这 世界与你一同笑;/你哭,却只能一个人哭 。”她把这首诗投给了《纽约太阳报》, 得到了5美元的稿费。1883年5月,这首诗 被收进她的诗集《热爱之诗》。
For a long and lordly train,
But one by one we must all file on
Through the narrow aisles of pain.
饕餮盛宴,厅堂人声鼎沸 斋戒禁食,世人绕道而行 功成惠施,即能助你延寿 衰亡之路,则无人能助 只因欢愉的殿堂宽敞有余 容得下堂皇的长车厢 只是,我们必须鱼贯而行 穿过那逼仄而又痛苦的车厢过道
• Laugh, and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you weep alone. For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth, But has trouble enough of its own.
Sing, and the hills will answer;
Be sad, and you lose them nectared wine,
But alone you must drink life's gall.
你欢喜,人们会与你相随 你忧伤,人们则转身离去 人人都愿意分享你所有喜悦 而非你的悲伤哀叹 你快乐,则众友成群 你哀愁,却旧友难寻 没有人会拒绝与你共饮琼浆 而生活的苦酿却须你独自品尝
Sigh, it is lost on the air.
The echoes bound to a joyful sound,
But shrink from voicing care.
你欢笑,这世界会随你一同欢笑 你哭泣,却只有你独自一人悲泣 因古老而忧伤的大地必须寻找快乐 但他的麻烦已经够多了 你歌唱,则群山呼应 你叹息,却散以空冥 快乐之声总能回声阵阵 忧虑之音却销声匿迹
• Rejoice, and men will seek you;
Grieve, and they turn and go. They want full measure of all your pleasure, But they do not need your woe. Be glad, and your friends are many;
By Ella Wheeler Wilcox
• Ella Wheeler Wilcox,18501919 . She is a famous American writer and poet in the 19th century . Her poems, level plain, pure and fresh and natural. There are 13 her poem was elected to the most beloved American poetry anthology, while “solitude" by readers voted one of the most memorable poems .
• Feast, and your halls are crowded;
Fast, and the world goes by.
Succeed and give, and it helps you live,
But no man can help you die.
There is room in the halls of pleasure
• 人生磨难和快乐总是相随相伴,然而时光 匆匆,真情永驻,只要保持一颗快乐的心 ,便是拥有了整个世界。读诗,是一种感 悟,不同的人生阅历,读诗的心情和体会 也都有不同。但好的诗篇,总能发人深省 、动人心弦,《孤独》便是这样一首令人 口齿噙香的佳作。