外研版七上U2 Is your food and drink healthy23课件

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_J_u_ic_e_ and _w_a_t_e_r are my _fa_v_o_u_r_i_t_e drinks. They are _h_e_a_lt_h_y_ drinks.
Look and Say
What’s your favourite food and drink? Are they healthy or unhealthy?
• 2. Meat is healthy bauntd too much meat is not good for children.
• 3. Cola and candy are sweet, baundt too maunchy sugar is bad for you.
Paragraph 2: Choose the best answer. • 1. __________ are good for your eyes.
2.Write a passage about your favourite photo.
He Zhong
Tony Smith
the singer, Becky Wang, and the band playing at the concert
how this great new band moves and sounds, and the good time which their fans are having
Candy and cola are (4)_s_w_e_e_t food and drink and they’re bad for your (5)t_e_e_t_h. At home my grandma’s dinners are (6)_d_e_li_c_io_u_sand we aren’t (7)f_a_t. (8)_R_e_m__e_m_b__er_! Eat well, and (9)_st_a_yhealthy.
Unhealthy food and drink
ice cream, cola,
hamburgers, candy
Paragraph 1: Correct the wrong statement.
• 1. A lot of ice cream, hamburgers and cola is nhoetahltehaylt.hy/unhealthy.
3. Read the passage and complete the table.
Healthy food and drink
meat, milk, carrots, water, eggs, tea, sweet potatoes, juice, cheese, fish, chicken soup, noodles, rice, fruit, vegetables
1. Read the passage again and review the new words and expressions.
2. Write your family’s favourite food and drinks (30-50字).
favourite, noodle, candy, cola, but, hamburger, ice cream, healthy food, healthy drinks.
4 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expression from the box.
delicious fat important lots of meal
remember stay sweet tooth (pl teeth)
6 Join these sentences with but.
1. JJuuiiccee iiss aa hheeaalltthhyy ddrriinnkksb. ut cola isn’t. Cola isn’t a healthy drink.
2. NNooooddlleess aarree hheeaalltthhyy ffoooodd.but hamburgers aHraemn’bt.urgers aren’t healthy food.
What the photo shows
Li Wei
the trees in Xiangshan Park the different colours on the hill
Zhao City and a person rushing across a street on Min People a windy evening
2. What did they think of the competition this year? Why?
3. Will they give prizes to everyone?
Read the passage silently and complete the table.
Winner Subject
Design(设计) a healthy meal.
A healthy breakfast/lunch/dinner _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
ice cream fish
candies rice
drink eat bread
cola sugar
_N_o_o_d_l_e_s and _w_a_t_e_r_m_e_l_o_n_s are my f_a_v_o_u_r_i_te_ food. They are _h_e_a_lt_h_y_ food.
A. Milk, eggs and fish B. Carrots, eggs and sweet potatoes C. Cheese, milk and fish 2. If you want to have strong teeth, you should eat __________. A. carrots, eggs and sweet potatoes B. milk, cheese and fish C. ice cream, noodles and chicken
_H_a_m__b_u_r_g_e_r_s and _ic_e__c_re_a_m__ are my f_a_v_o_u_r_i_te_ food. But they are _u_n_h_e_a_lt_h_y_ food.
_R_i_ce_ and c_a_r_r_o_t_s are my _fa_v_o_u_r_i_t_e food. They are _h_e_a_lt_h_y_ food.
A healthy breakfast is (1)_i_m_p_o_r_t_a_n_t in the morning and it’s my favourite (2)m__e_a.lThere
are (3)l_o_t_s_o_f fruit and vegetables for lunch
at school, but there isn’t any cola or candy.
Module 4
Healthy food
Unit 2
Is your food and drink healthy?
Show me your object… ① drink ② food ③ countable noun(可数名词) ④uncountable noun(不可数名词) ⑤delicious ⑥healthy ⑦both delicious and healthy
3. MMeeaatt,, vveeggeettaabblleess aanndd ffrruuiitt aarree hheeaalltthhyy food. fCoolda,biucte ccorleaa,miceancrdehamamabnudrghearms baurerng’etrs haeraelnth’tyhfeoaoldthaynfdooddriannkd. drink.
Home and Away
Beijing and Cambridge in England some of the experiences of a young visitor,
and some memories of his home
1.Retell the passage in groups. Talk about the photos.

Paragraph 3: Answer the questions. 1. What is important to remember?
Eat well, stay healthy, and don’t get fat.
2. What can children do to keep healthy? Eat noodles or rice, not hamburgers. Have a good breakfast every morning. Drink juice, water, tea and milk, not cola. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables.
4. Chocolate is delicious.bTuototomoumchuchocolate
icshno’tcogloaotde ifsonr’yt oguo.od for you.
Paragraph 1
1. Who may speak in such way? The presenter.