



㊃指南解读㊃通信作者:张晓岚,E m a i l :x i a o l a n z h @126.c o m2019版‘中国消化内镜诊疗相关肠道准备指南“解读韩 旭,郭亚慧,时晓冬,张晓岚(河北医科大学第二医院消化内科,河北石家庄050035) 摘 要:随着内镜技术的发展和普及,肠镜检查的重要性进一步突显,肠道准备作为肠镜检查的前提条件显得尤为重要㊂为进一步改进我国内镜检查前肠道准备的方法,提高内镜检查的质量,结合我国实际情况,中国医师协会内镜医师分会消化内镜专业委员会联合中国抗癌协会肿瘤内镜学专业委员会对旧版指南进行了更新㊂本文对2019版‘中国消化内镜诊疗相关肠道准备指南“的更新内容进行解读,以期更好地加深内镜医护人员对‘新指南“的认知和理解,指导患者进行肠道准备,从而最大程度提高肠镜诊疗效果,更大程度的使患者获益㊂关键词:结肠镜检查;指南;肠道准备中图分类号:R 656.9 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1004-583X (2020)01-0072-04d o i :10.3969/j.i s s n .1004-583X.2020.01.013I n t e r pr e t a t i o no f C h i n e s e G u i d e l i n e f o rB o w e l P r e p a r a t i o n f o rC o l o n o s c o p y (2019)H a nX u ,G u oY a h u i ,S h iX i a o d o n g ,Z h a n g Xi a o l a n D e p a r t m e n t o f G a s t r o e n t o l o g y ,t h eS e c o n d H o s p i t a l o f H e b e iM e d i c a lU n i v e r s i t y ,S h i j i a z h u a n g 050035,C h i n a C o r r e s p o n d i n g a u t h o r :Z h a n g Xi a o l a n ,E m a i l :x i a o l a n z h @126.c o m A B S T R A C T :W i t h t h e d e v e l o p m e n t a n d p o p u l a r i z a t i o no f e n d o s c o p i c t e c h n i q u e s ,t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f c o l o n o s c o p yi s f u r t h e rh i g h l i g h t e d .A n d b o w e l p r e p a r a t i o n ,a p r e r e q u i s i t ef o rc o l o n o s c o p y ,i s p a r t i c u l a r l y s i gn i f i c a n t .I no r d e rt o i m p r o v e t h em e t h o da n d q u a l i t y o fb o w e l p r e p a r a t i o nb e f o r e t h e t h e r a p e u t i ce n d o s c o p y ,D i g e s t i v eE n d o s c o p y S p e c i a l C o mm i t t e e o f E n d o s c o p i cP h y s i c i a n sB r a n c h o f C h i n e s eM e d i c a lA s s o c i a t i o n a n dC a n c e rE n d o s c o p y Co mm i t t e e o f C h i n a A n t i C a n c e rA s s o c i a t i o nu p d a t e dt h e2013g u i d e .T h i sa r t i c l e i n t e r p r e t s t h eu pd a te dc o n t e n tof C h i n e s eG u i d e l i n e f o r B o w e lP r e p a r a t i o n f o rC o l o n o s c o p y (2019)i no r d e r t od e e p e nt h ec l i n i c i a n 'su n d e r s t a n d i ng ,a n d g u i d e p a t i e n t s t od o b o w e l p r e pa r a t i o n ,a l s o t om a x i m i z e t h eb e n e f i t s o f p a t i e n t s .K E Y W O R D S :c o l o n o s c o p y ;g u ide l i n e ;b o w e l p r e pa r a t i o n 自2013年第1版‘中国消化内镜诊疗相关肠道准备指南(草案)“[1](以下简称‘旧指南“)发布以来,此后国内外对肠道准备的研究日益增多,为更好的指导肠道准备,我国在借鉴国外研究成果,结合我国实际情况,在‘旧指南“基础上进行了更新㊂2019版‘中国消化内镜诊疗相关肠道准备指南“[2](以下简称‘新指南“)主要从肠道准备的八大方面进行了更新,供临床医师参考,以期患者最大程度获益㊂1 肠道准备的目的和要求结肠镜是筛查㊁诊疗结肠病变的重要手段,充分的肠道准备可提高结肠镜检查的有效性和安全性㊂为了提高肠道准备质量,‘新指南“强烈推荐内镜医师在结肠镜检查时对患者的肠道准备情况进行评估,医疗机构应定期监测肠道准备合格情况㊂目前国际上采用的肠道准备评估表有2种,波士顿量表和渥太华量表[3-4]㊂与‘旧指南“一致,‘新指南“依然采用波士顿量表或渥太华量表对肠道准备质量进行评估,评分标准较前一致,波士顿量表ȡ6分㊁渥太华量表ɤ7分均提示肠道准备合格㊂2 患者告知及宣教有效宣教对实现充分肠道准备具有重要意义,可显著提高腺瘤检出率,降低患者不适感㊂与‘旧指南“相比,‘新指南“将患者告知及宣教内容置于前列,突出强调依从性的重要性㊂为了赢得患者配合,‘新指南“建议由专业人员向患者提供口头联合书面的详细指导,内容应全面标准,语言应通俗易懂,方式应便捷有效㊂有研究显示传统指导联合微信平台可显著改善肠道质量评分㊁提高腺瘤检出率[5]㊂‘新指南“建议有条件的单位可联合基于电话㊁短信以及微信等辅助方式指导患者进行肠道准备,让患者主动参与其中,从而提高依从性和肠道准备质量㊂3 饮食限制饮食限制是提高肠道准备质量不可忽略的内容,是通过减少肠道中食物残渣提高肠道准备的清洁度,从而达到增加结肠病变检出率的目的㊂与‘旧指南“一致,‘新指南“建议术前1天低渣饮食/低纤27 2020120351 C l i n i c a l F o c u s J a n u a r y 202020V o l 35N o .1维饮食,亦可在术前1天清流质饮食㊂但多项研究显示,进食低渣/低纤维的患者对肠道准备的耐受能力和再次进行类似肠道准备的意愿均比进食流质饮食高,且肠道准备质量和不良反应率均无明显差异[6-7]㊂与患者自行准备低渣饮食相比,我国使用标准化的预包装低渣饮食可显著提高肠道准备的质量及患者对肠道准备的依从性和满意度㊂‘新指南“首次推荐术前1天采用标准化的预包装低渣/低纤维饮食㊂4常用肠道清洁剂的选择和用法目前临床上肠道清洁剂有多种,选择肠道清洁剂时应充分考虑患者的整体健康状况㊁病史㊁服药史㊁既往肠道准备情况㊁安全性等因素㊂与‘旧指南“相比,‘新指南“更加强调选择肠道清洁方案个体化㊂①3L聚乙二醇(p o l y e t h y l e n e g l y c o l,P E G)电解质散分次剂量方案仍是中国人群首选肠道清洁方案㊂在此基础上,‘新指南“增加对肠道准备不充分低风险人群的方案,可采用2LP E G的单次剂量方案㊂由于P E G不影响肠黏膜的组织学表现,不会改变炎症性肠病患者内镜及组织学特征,‘新指南“明确指出可以用于炎症性肠病患者的肠道准备㊂P E G常见不良反应是腹胀㊁恶心和呕吐,罕见过敏性反应如荨麻疹㊂对存在电解质紊乱的患者㊁孕妇和婴幼儿等特殊患者,P E G电解质散可作为肠道准备的首选用药,具有较高的安全性㊂针对用法,‘新指南“做了重点解释,且指出有严重腹胀或不适,可放慢服用速度或暂停服用,如排便性状达不到要求,可加服P E G溶液或者清水,但总量一般不超过4L㊂②硫酸镁因有引起肾功能损伤及肠黏膜炎症㊁溃疡㊁造成黏膜形态改变的可能性,‘新指南“强调肾功能异常以及炎症性肠病患者应避免使用㊂③磷酸钠为高渗性溶液,易导致电解质紊乱,‘新指南“推荐仅用于有特定需求无法被其他制剂替代者,口服前应先评估肾功能㊂④复方匹可硫酸钠(包含匹可硫酸钠㊁氧化镁和枸橼酸)作为国内新上市的肠道清洁剂,研究较多㊂在‘旧指南“的基础上,‘新指南“详细介绍了复方匹可硫酸钠的优势㊁不良反应及具体用法㊂研究显示与应用P E G患者相比,复方匹可硫酸钠组的肠道清洁评分及耐受性显著提高,‘新指南“推荐复方匹可硫酸钠可作为结肠镜检查前的肠道清洁方案,且耐受性好,其最常见不良反应包括腹痛㊁恶心㊁头痛和呕吐,还可以诱发肠道黏膜炎症性改变㊂在血容量偏低㊁正在使用大剂量利尿剂㊁充血性心力衰竭㊁晚期肝硬化及慢性肾脏疾病患者中应慎用㊂⑤甘露醇在肠内被细菌酵解可产生爆炸性气体(如甲烷和氢气),不建议治疗性结肠镜使用甘露醇进行肠道准备㊂⑥中草药制剂用于肠道准备是我国的临床特色,有很多证据表明番泻叶联合其他泻剂用于肠道准备满意度高,且不良反应少㊂因此,‘新指南“明确推荐中草药制剂应与其他肠道清洁剂联合使用以减少不良反应㊂5祛泡剂在内镜检查过程中,内镜医师有32%~57%机率会遇到泡沫,影响对消化道黏膜及病灶的观察㊂国内多项研究显示,在口服复方聚乙二醇的基础上,联合应用西甲硅油可以显著提高祛泡效果㊁肠道准备的效率和腺瘤检出率,且患者的耐受程度不受影响[8-9]㊂与‘旧指南“一致,‘新指南“仍推荐在肠道准备过程中常规应用祛泡剂㊂目前常用于肠道准备的祛泡剂推荐西甲硅油(二甲基硅油㊁二氧化硅组成),安全性高㊂6口服肠道清洁剂的禁忌证明确肠道清洁剂选择及用法的同时,了解口服肠道清洁剂的禁忌证对保障医疗安全是十分必要的㊂与‘旧指南“相比,‘新指南“内容更加具体㊁描述更加全面㊂6.1绝对禁忌证‘新指南“在 消化道梗阻或穿孔㊁中毒性巨结肠;意识障碍;对其中的药物成分过敏;无法自主吞咽(这种情况下鼻饲胃管可能有用);回肠造口术后 基础上增加了肠梗阻或胃潴留㊁重度活动期炎症性肠病㊂6.2相对禁忌证 ①慢性肾脏疾病:‘旧指南“认为对于肾衰竭的患者建议使用P E G,在此基础上,‘新指南“强调P E G是 唯一 推荐,且更加细化不同分期患者可使用肠道清洁剂的方案㊂早期慢性肾脏疾病(1~3期)患者,可以应用P E G㊁镁盐制剂㊁匹可硫酸钠进行肠道准备㊂4期慢性肾脏疾病㊁不接受透析治疗的5期慢性肾脏疾病的患者,建议只使用P E G 制剂㊂②血液透析:‘旧指南“认为血液透析患者使用P E G或镁盐进行肠道准备,在此基础上,‘新指南“强调 先评估后选择 ,即患者先入院与肾内科专家共同评估后再选择口服肠道清洁剂的种类(P E G 或镁盐),配合进行血液透析的时机㊂③腹膜透析:与‘旧指南“一致,建议选择P E G制剂,但在口服肠道清洁剂之前,‘新指南“强调应排出腹腔内的透析液㊂④肾移植受者:新㊁旧指南无差异,均强调不应选择磷酸钠制剂,除非其他所有的药物均有禁忌㊂⑤充血性心力衰竭:新㊁旧指南均强调P E G制剂是首选,严禁使用磷酸钠盐制剂㊂⑥‘新指南“新增了对于肝硬化合并或者不合并腹水患者首选P E G㊂⑦372020120351 C l i n i c a l F o c u s J a n u a r y202020V o l35N o.1服用某些特定药物:‘新指南“在 血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂㊁利尿剂㊁N S A I D s 的基础上增加了诱导抗利尿激素分泌异常的药物,主要包括三环类抗抑郁药㊁选择性5羟色胺再摄取抑制剂㊁抗精神病药物和卡马西平,这些药物有水潴留和(或)电解质紊乱的风险,虽然这些药物可以继续使用,但是在口服肠道清洁剂之前应当检查血清肌酐㊁尿素及电解质水平㊂对于降糖药,‘新指南“强调结肠镜检查前1天应根据饮食情况调整胰岛素㊁口服降糖药的使用,以避免发生低血糖;检查当天,应在检查完毕且恢复饮食后再使用胰岛素㊁口服降血糖药㊂⑧其他特殊疾病:新㊁旧指南一致,严重溃疡性结肠炎患者㊁有肠道狭窄或便秘等肠内容物潴留的患者㊁冠心病㊁陈旧性心肌梗死或肾功能障碍的患者慎用肠道清洁剂㊂7特殊患者的肠道准备为了保证肠镜检查的安全性,同时提高肠道准备的质量,‘新指南“增加了对各类特殊患者的肠道准备方法和具体注意事项㊂(1)具有肠道准备不充分危险因素的患者,‘新指南“推荐应用标准肠道准备方案的同时采取额外肠道准备措施㊂结合我国多项研究总结肠道准备不充分的危险因素包括慢性便秘㊁未严格按照要求进行肠道准备(如术前高纤维饮食㊁P E G服用量不足)㊁体重指数>25k g/m2㊁年龄>70岁㊁结肠外科手术史㊁伴有其他疾病(如糖尿病㊁帕金森病㊁卒中或脊髓损伤病史等)㊁应用三环类抗抑郁药物或麻醉剂等㊂具备这些危险因素的患者,适当采用4LP E G方案㊁内镜诊疗前3天进食低渣饮食㊁使用促胃肠动力药物等措施,对优化肠道准备效果具有重要意义㊂(2)若内镜检查过程中发现患者肠道准备不充分,应积极评估,并采取补救措施或改期行内镜检查㊂①直肠乙状结肠准备不充分患者,可采用口服2LP E G方案㊁P E G补救性灌肠或灌洗泵行内镜下灌洗;②回盲部肠道准备不充分,应在1年内重复检查,再次行肠镜检查时可采用更为积极的肠道准备方案;③若肠镜检查发现进展期肿物但肠道准备不充分时,再次行内镜进行复查的间隔应短于1年;④患者在内镜检查的当天按照规定方案进行肠道准备后仍排出棕色粪水,该类患者可尝试采取进一步的措施以提高肠道清洁度㊂(3)对于患有或疑似炎症性肠病的患者,磷酸盐类的肠道清洁剂可能导致患者的肠黏膜出现类似炎症性肠病早期的病变,而P E G不会损伤肠道粘膜,且研究发现小剂量的P E G方案与高剂量P E G方案清洁效果一致㊂‘新指南“建议应避免使用磷酸盐类清洁剂,尽量使用小剂量P E G方案㊂(4)对于活动性下消化道出血的患者,口服P E G 进行肠道准备较口服甘露醇或水灌肠等措施,诊断明确率㊁盲肠到达率㊁接受肠镜下治疗率等均要高,因此,‘新指南“推荐活动性下消化道出血的患者,应采用P E G进行肠道准备㊂(5)老年患者基础疾病多,耐受力差,国外研究发现分次剂量方案更有优势[10]㊂‘新指南“推荐高龄患者肠道准备应采取分次剂量方案,并可适当采取辅助措施如静脉输液维持水㊁电解质平衡㊂(6)对于儿童患者,由于耐受力和依从性差,尚无标准肠道准备方案,‘新指南“推荐儿童患者行肠道准备时需根据其个体情况选择个体化的方案㊂(7)对于妊娠期妇女肠道准备过程中的安全性和有效性的研究较少,‘新指南“推荐妊娠期妇女应尽量避免内镜检查,若有内镜检查的强适应证,可采用P E G方案进行肠道准备㊂8小肠镜及胶囊内镜的肠道准备小肠镜与胶囊内镜肠道准备要求与结肠镜相似,但因其特殊性而有不同要求,由于关于小肠镜和胶囊内镜的肠道准备研究尚少,‘旧指南“未提出肠道准备标准㊂‘新指南“结合近年来的研究成果,对小肠镜和胶囊内镜肠道准备要求更加细化㊂‘新指南“建议经口小肠镜检查前,禁食8~12小时,同时禁水4~6小时,经肛小肠镜的肠道准备要求与结肠镜相同㊂小肠胶囊内镜检查前,应采取饮食限制,可采用2LP E G方案,并常规应用祛泡剂(西甲硅油);小肠胶囊内镜检查前,亦可采用4L清流质方案㊂总之,‘新指南“在国内最新研究成果的基础上,结合国内实际情况,详细介绍了内镜检查前肠道准备的事项及注意要点,但最佳的肠道准备方案仍需要根据医疗单位的实际条件㊁使用习惯和患者的个性化原则来共同制定㊂参考文献:[1]中国医师协会内镜医师分会消化内镜专业委员会,中国抗癌协会肿瘤内镜学专业委员会.中国消化内镜诊疗相关肠道准备指南(2019,上海)[J].中华内科杂志,2019,58(7):485-495.[2]中国医师协会内镜医师分会消化内镜专业委员会,中国抗癌协会肿瘤内镜学专业委员会.中国消化内镜诊疗相关肠道准备指南(2019,上海)[J].中华医学杂志,2019,99(26):2024-2035.[3] C a l d e r w o o d A H,J a c o b s o n B C.C o m p r e h e n s i v ev a l i d a t i o no ft h eB o s t o nb o w e l p r e p a r a t i o ns c a l e[J].G a s t r o i n t e s tE n d o s c,2010,72(4):686692.[4] R o s t o m A,J o l i c o e u r E.V a l i d a t i o n o fa n e w s c a l ef o rt h ea s s e s s m e n to fb o w e l p r e p a r a t i o n q u a l i t y[J].G a s t r o i n t e s tE n d o s c,2004,59(4):482486.[5] W a n g S L,W a n g Q,Y a o J,e t a l.E f f e c t o fW e C h a t a n ds h o r t472020120351 C l i n i c a l F o c u s J a n u a r y202020V o l35N o.1m e s s a g e s e r v i c e o nb o w e l p r e p a r a t i o n:a ne n d o s c o p i s t b l i n d e d, r a n d o m i z e d c o n t r o l l e d t r i a l[J].E u r JG a s t r o e n t e r o lH e p a t o l, 2019,31(2):170-177.[6] N a mS J,K i m Y J,K e u m B,e t a l.I m p a c to fd i e t r e s t r i c t i o no n b o w e l p r e p a r a t i o n f o r c o l o n o s c o p y[J].M e d i c i n e(B a l t i m o r e),2018,97(41):e12645.[7] N g u y e n D L,J a m a l MM,N g u y e n E T,e ta l.L o w r e s i d u ev e r s u s c l e a r l i q u i dd i e tb e f o r ec o l o n o s c o p y:a m e t a a n a l y s i so f r a n d o m i z e d,c o n t r o l l e d t r i a l s[J].G a s t r o i n t e s tE n d o s c,2016, 83(3):499507.[8] Z h a n g S,Z h e n g D,W a n g J,e ta l.S i m e t h i c o n ei m p r o v e sb o w e lc l e a n s i n g w i t h l o w v o l u m e p o l y e t h y l e n e g l y c o l:am u l t i c e n t e r r a n d o m i z e dt r i a l[J].E n d o s c o p y,2018,50(4): 412422.[9] B a iY,F a n g J,Z h a o S B,e ta l.I m p a c t o f p r e p r o c e d u r es i m e t h i c o n eo n a d e n o m a d e t e c t i o nr a t ed u r i n g c o l o n o s c o p y:a m u l t i c e n t e r,e n d o s c o p i s tb l i n d e dr a n d o m i z e dc o n t r o l l e dt r i a l[J].E n d o s c o p y,2018,50(2):128136.[10] K w a k M S,C h aJ M,Y a n g H J,e ta l.S a f e t y a n de f f i c a c y o fl o wv o l u m e p r e p a r a t i o n i n t h e e l d e r l y:o r a l s u l f a t e s o l u t i o no n t h e d a y b e f o r e a n d s p l i t d o s e r e g i m e n s(S E ES A F E)s t u d y[J].G u tL i v e r,2019,13(2):176182.收稿日期:2019-12-19编辑:张卫国572020120351 C l i n i c a l F o c u s J a n u a r y202020V o l35N o.1。


内镜清洗消毒规范操作与感染控制 内镜中心 杨春莲


内镜相关的感染传播 内镜相关的感染传播

近年来有关幽门螺杆菌、肝炎病毒 (HBV和 HCV) 、 人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)等可能经内镜传播,已成 为医学界、患者和社会媒体关注的问题。 1993年美国消化内镜学会统计:内镜相关感染的 发生率是1/180万。但是这一数字也许只是冰山一 角,实际的内镜相关感染率远远高于这个数字, 特别是在内镜清洗消毒不严格的国家和地区。理 论上各种病原微生物均有可能通过内镜诊疗操作 进行传播。
清洗消毒水平参差不齐,差距较大。 1.内镜清洗消毒人员更换频繁,相关知识和技术培训不足。 2.内镜诊疗室房间数量和面积不足,或布局不合理,导致清 洗消毒与诊疗区不能分开,易造成交叉污染。 3.内镜数量不足,大部分科室内镜清洗消毒设备及物品不足, 尤其是没有配备专用清洗消毒机(或槽),达不到规范要 求。

1、内窥镜的清洗、消毒的标准(第二版)(2004)--日本消化内镜 技师委员会 2、消化内镜的清洗、消毒的标准(第一版)(2008)--日本消化内 镜学会、日本消化内镜技师委员会、日本环境感染学会

影响最大、应用最广泛的是2003年有10 个专业


该市部分医疗机构无独立的内镜清洗消毒室,内镜室环境 卫生质量合格率为57.14%。内镜清洗消毒存在不用流动 水、刷洗步骤不合格的现象,操作方法合格率为70%;清 洗消毒时间符合率为65.71%;内镜消毒效果平均合格率 为68.09%。



鼻饲胃残留的标准指南Enteral feeding is a common method of providing nutrition to patients who are unable to eat or swallow on their own. 鼻饲是一种常见的方法,用于为无法自行进食或吞咽的患者提供营养。

This can occur in a variety of clinical settings, including hospitals, nursing homes, and home care. 这可以发生在各种临床环境中,包括医院、养老院和家庭护理。

When a patient is receiving enteral feeding through a nasogastric tube, it is important to monitor for gastric residual volume to ensure optimal nutrition delivery. 当患者通过鼻胃管进行鼻饲时,监测胃残留量非常重要,以确保营养的最佳输送。

The assessment and managementof gastric residual volume is an essential part of enteral feeding care. 胃残留量的评估和管理是鼻饲护理的重要组成部分。

It is important to have a standard guideline for the assessment and management of gastric residual volume to ensure consistency and best practices across healthcare settings. 有一个标准指南对于胃残留量的评估和管理是非常重要的,以确保跨越医疗环境的一致性和最佳实践。



ASGE:胃癌变前和恶性病变内镜检查推荐发布日期:2015-6-10 13:26:46 文章来源:医脉通消化科作者次数:88 近期,美国胃肠内镜学会(ASGE)更新了其在已经发生或可能发生胃恶性肿瘤的具体情况下进行胃镜检查的指南。























抗凝药包括以下四类:(1)维生素K拮抗剂,如华法林;(2)肝素衍生物,如普通肝素、低分子肝素、磺达肝素;(3)Xa 因子直接抑制剂,如利伐沙班、阿哌沙班、依度沙班;(4)凝血酶直接抑制剂,如达比加群、水蛭素类、阿加曲班。













分类 轻度 中度 Mecormack ①淡红色细斑点 状或猩红热样 ②粘膜皱襞表面 条索状发红 ③Mosaic病变 中央淡红色 平坦的红斑点 Mosaic病变 Mosaic病变 轻微发红 细红斑点 Mosaic病变 重度 ①散在的樱 桃红斑点 ②弥漫性出 血性病变 弥漫性发红 Mosaic病变 出血点 Mosaic病变

为发展我国的医学事业,规范食管胃静脉曲张 内镜治疗,建议:修订补充2000昆明规范试行 方案,组织专业小组制订类似日本的专业规约。
2000昆明食管胃底静脉曲张内镜 下诊断治疗规范实行方案评估
影响广泛 全国专业人士认可及应用 试行三年,听取部分意见
曲张程度轻中重、形态(F)、部位分类易掌握使用 EV呈F1,红色征(+) 红色征(—) 为 GⅡ 为 GⅠ
Hosking分类 1型 食管静脉曲张跨越鳞柱上皮连接部向胃内扩展 延伸。 2型 胃静脉曲张位于胃底,朝贲门口聚集(总伴有食管静脉曲 张) 3型 无食管静脉曲张,胃静脉曲张位于胃底或胃体,曲张静脉 无贲门部聚集现象。 Saring分类 胃食管静脉曲张(GOV) 1型(GOV1) 食管静脉曲张延伸至胃食管连接部下2-5cm的 胃小弯侧,大致直形。 2型(GOV2) 食管静脉曲张超越胃食管连接部至胃底,长形和 迂曲。 孤立性胃静脉曲张(IGV) 1型(IGV1) 静脉曲张位于胃底,达不到贲门部。 2型(IGV2) 存有包括胃或十二指肠的异位静脉曲张。



The CE marking assures that this product complies with the requirements of the EC directive for safety. Das CE Zeichen garantiert, daß dieses Produkt die in der EU erforderlichen Sicherheitsbestimmungen erfüllt. Le logo CE certifie que ce produit est conforme aux normes de sécurité prévues par la Communauté Européenne. II marchio CE assicura che questo prodotto è conforme alle direttive CE relative alla sicurezza. La marca CE asegura que este producto cumple todas las directivas de seguridad de la CE.
本手册中的内容适用于多款PENTAX内窥镜,使用者必须仔细阅读,并严格遵守与封面上所印刷的特定型号相关的各项指示和说 明。




近年来这些病变发生率逐渐增加,内镜在其诊断与治疗中起着重要的作用,本指南主要针对浅表性非壶腹部十二指肠肿瘤的内镜管理提供指导意见,现就其推荐意见部分翻译如下:浅表非壶腹部十二指肠肿瘤的诊断1. 流行病学,组织学,表现和预测因素⑴由于极有可能进展为浸润性癌,ESGE推荐所有十二指肠腺瘤均应考虑内镜切除,(强推荐,低质量证据)。


2. 内镜评估,活检和分期⑴前视内镜检查不能明确小和/或大乳头的位置以及它们与十二指肠腺瘤之间的关系时,ESGE推荐使用帽辅助方法(强推荐,中等质量证据)。





内镜治疗大的十二指肠腺瘤1. EMR治疗大的十二指肠腺瘤ESGE推荐EMR作为非恶性大的非壶腹部十二指肠腺瘤的首选内镜切除方法(强推荐,中等质量证据)。

2. ESD治疗大的十二指肠腺瘤⑴仅有经验丰富的内镜专家才能用ESD技术有效切除十二指肠腺瘤(强推荐,低质量证据)。


胃肠内窥镜操作与抗生素预防用药(英文PPT)Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Procedures and Antibiotic Proph

胃肠内窥镜操作与抗生素预防用药(英文PPT)Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Procedures and Antibiotic Proph
– Groups with intermediate risk for endocarditis should be given antibiotics on a case-by-case basis
Endocarditis prophylaxis – what do we give ?
• Ampicillin 2 G IV 30 minutes prior to the procedure
Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Procedures and Antibiotic
Patrick Pfau, M.D. Director of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Section of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Endocarditis prophylaxis – Does it work ?
• Who Knows ?
– Vandermeer JT Lancet 1992 case control series suggests that antibiotic prophylaxis has little affect on endocarditis rates post medical procedures
• For high risk procedures (esophageal dilation or sclerotherapy)
– Antibiotic prophylaxis recommended for high risk groups
– Antibiotic prophylaxis not recommended for groups with no risk


4.操作 流程 (cāozuò)
❖ 4.4 术中监护 麻醉医师在内镜检查过程中须密切观察患者 有无呛咳、屏气、呃逆、自主拔管行为、喉痉挛、局部疼痛、 诱导早期兴奋多语、短暂性呼吸暂停、下颌松弛呼吸不畅、肌 阵挛、过敏反应、恶心呕吐、头痛、头昏等情况,并根据患者 反应调整麻醉深度,及时处理各种麻醉相关的并发症。还应监 测(jiān cè)心电监护、血压、血氧饱和度和二氧化碳等生理参数。 深度镇静和全麻患者应在操作过程中给予持续吸氧。
2.实施(shíshī) 条件
❖ 2.1 无痛苦消化内镜诊疗室设置要求 除满足消化内镜室的基本要 求以外(yǐwài),还应具备以下条件:
❖ (1) 无痛苦消化内镜诊疗室单个诊疗单元面积不小于15m2。 ❖ (2)诊疗室内除应配置消化内镜基本诊疗设备外,应配置心电监护仪、麻
❖ 无痛苦胃镜下治疗如息肉、间质瘤的摘除、上消化道异物的取出、静脉曲张内镜下 治疗、Barrett食管的内镜治疗、ESD、EMR、POEM等。这些治疗操作 技术要求高、难度大及操作时间长,对于患者配合要求也较高,常需要在充分
❖ 4.3 麻醉实施 患者采取左侧卧位,嘱患者咬好口垫,首先由护士
开放患者静脉通道,持续吸氧,连接监护设备,并监测患者生命体征。 根据(gēnjù)消化内镜的诊疗目的和镇静深度的需求,可采用下列不同的麻



第十八条 需要消毒的内镜采用2%碱性戊二醛灭菌 时,浸泡时间为:
(一)胃镜、肠镜、十二指肠镜浸泡不少于10分钟 (二)支气管镜浸泡不少于20分钟; (三)结核杆菌、其他分枝杆菌等特殊感染患者使 用后的内镜浸泡不少于45分钟。
世界胃肠病学组织WGO-OMGE/OMED 5分钟
日本消化内镜技师委员会内窥镜的清洗、消毒的标准(第二版)5分钟 英国胃肠道内窥镜设备去污染BSG指南(2008版)5分钟(详见下表) Microbicidal Activity 微生物活性 Bacteria 细菌 Good <5 mins 良好 <5分
内容 常规 流程 美国 英国 欧盟 澳大利亚 日本 中国
所有内镜再次使用前,必需至少达到高水平消毒(HLD) 预清洗 -> 测漏 -> 刷洗-> 洗-> 干燥 -> 清洗 -> 酶洗-> 清洗 ->消毒 -> 清
过氧乙酸 0.2 -0.35%

Superoxidised water 酸化水

消毒剂 规范说明 规范来源 毒性评估:为了避免接触戊二醛,尽可能的使用内窥镜 日本消化内镜技师委员会内窥镜的清洗、 自动冲洗机,并且设置专用的排气装置 消毒的标准(第二版) 对皮肤和粘膜具有相似的毒性反应,不良反应包括严重 英国胃肠道内窥镜设备去污染BSG指南 的皮炎、结膜炎、窦炎、哮喘、甚至是化学结肠炎 (2008版) •能导致过敏反应(皮肤、眼、耳、鼻、喉部位),并 能引发皮炎、结膜炎、鼻腔发炎及职业性哮喘 •对培养的人类细胞表现出毒性作用;对工作人员危害 巨大,据估计35%的内窥镜装置具有疑似毒性,其不利 •欧洲ESGE-ESGENA消化道内窥镜检查中 影响高达80%。建议在通风良好的环境使用,或将其装 的清洁和消毒指南(2008版) 在带有密封盖的密闭容器中使用 戊二醛 •因冲洗不充分而残留的戊二醛可引起肠炎、腹部绞痛 和出血性腹泻 •根据澳大利亚国家职业安全与健康委员会(NOHSC) •内窥镜检查的感染控制-澳大利亚胃 标准,戊二醛被划分为对健康有危害的危险品一类 肠协会和澳大利亚胃肠护士学院 •对医疗工作人员和病人。具有刺激性和致敏性。它可 以导致过敏性疾病(皮肤、眼睛、ENT),并引起皮炎、 结膜炎、鼻刺激和哮喘。目前在人类细胞培养物中发现, •世界胃肠病学组织内镜消毒操作指南 可能具有细胞毒性和遗传毒性。对工作人员的危害相当 -世界胃肠病学组织WGO-OMGE/OMED 大,在35%的内窥镜手术单位怀疑发生毒性作用,63% 确定为有害反应。对于病人,不充分冲洗后的残留物, 可引起结肠炎、腹部痉挛和出血性腹泻





David A.Johnson教授(Eastern Virginia医学院消化科主任),和同事们开展了一项系统性医学文献的综述,这些文献发表在1980年1月到2013年8月之间,也包括在国内会议上发表和提交的文章和摘要。

他们选择1980年作为第一年是因为那时正值美国FDA 批准聚乙二醇电解质液为基础准备。

















ESGE 指南:胶囊内镜和装置辅助内镜对小肠疾病的诊治

ESGE 指南:胶囊内镜和装置辅助内镜对小肠疾病的诊治




该指南同时得到了英国消化协会(BSG)的认可,发表在Endoscopy 杂志上。

不明原因消化道出血(1)ESGE 推荐小肠胶囊内镜作为不明原因消化道出血的一线检查。


(2)在明确的不明原因消化道出血病人中,出血暂停的14 天内立即进行小肠胶囊内镜检查将有助于得到出血原因的最佳诊断率。


(3)由于推进式肠镜相较于胶囊内镜的较低诊断率,ESGE 不推荐它作为不明原因消化道出血的一线检查。

(强推荐,中等证据质量)(4)当不明原因消化道出血有必要行小肠胶囊内镜时,鉴于它较出色的安全性、耐受性、全肠道检查的潜力,ESGE 把小肠胶囊内镜推荐为考虑使用装置辅助肠镜之前的一线检查。

(强推荐,中等证据质量)(5)对于不明原因消化道出血有必要行小肠评估时,在考虑小肠影像检查或肠系膜血管成像之前,ESGE 推荐胶囊内镜作为一线检查。

(强推荐,高证据质量)(6)小肠CT 成像可作为部分特定患者胶囊内镜检查之外的一个互补检查。

(弱推荐,低证据质量)(7)考虑到不明原因消化道出血患者经常被识别的病变部位,当小肠胶囊内镜不可行或禁忌时,ESGE 推荐装置辅助肠镜作为这部分患者的首选诊断实验。

(弱推荐,低证据质量)(8)ESGE 同时推荐在出血暂停的这部分患者尽快接受以诊断为目的的装置辅助肠镜检查。

(弱推荐,低证据质量)(9)ESGE 推荐持续显性不明原因消化道出血患者应考虑急诊小肠胶囊内镜检查。



2021年欧洲胃肠内镜学会(ESGE):非静脉曲张性上消化道出血的内镜诊断与处理更新(完整版)2021年2月,欧洲胃肠内镜学会(ESGE)发布了非静脉曲张性上消化道出血(NVUGIH)的内镜诊断与处理指南,该指南是在2015年版的基础上进行更新,内容主要侧重于急性NVUGIH患者内镜前、内镜下和内镜后的治疗,尤其是消化性溃疡出血患者的内镜诊断与处理,本文就其部分推荐意见,翻译如下:内镜检查前处理对患者进行初步评估和血流动力学复苏1. ESGE推荐即刻评估急性上消化道出血(UGIH)患者的血流动力学状态,如血流动力学不稳定,应立即应用晶体液扩充血容量(强推荐,低质量证据)。

红细胞(RBC)输注策略2. ESGE推荐血流动力学稳定的急性UGIH患者,如无心血管疾病史,采用限制性RBC输注策略,血红蛋白水平≤7 g/dL时输注RBC,输血后理想目标的血红蛋白浓度为7~9 g/dL(强推荐,中等质量证据)。

3. ESGE推荐血流动力学稳定的急性UGIH患者,如有急性或慢性心血管疾病史,可放宽RBC输注策略,血红蛋白水平≤8g/dL时输注RBC,输血后理想目标的血红蛋白浓度为≥10 g/dL(强推荐,低质量证据)。

患者风险分层4. ESGE推荐采用Glasgow–Blatchford评分(GBS)在内镜检查前对急性UGIH患者进行风险分层,GBS≤1的患者其再出血、30天内死亡率或需住院干预的风险非常低,门诊内镜即可安全处理(强推荐,中等质量证据)。

抗血栓药(抗血小板药和抗凝药)的管理5. ESGE建议以低剂量阿司匹林单药作为心血管疾病一级预防的急性UGIH患者,应暂时停用阿司匹林。


6. ESGE建议以低剂量阿司匹林单药作为心血管疾病二级预防的急性UGIH患者,不可停用阿司匹林。














消化内科护理专业需要参考的法规及指南In the field of gastroenterology nursing, there are several important regulations and guidelines that practitioners should be aware of. These resources provide valuable information about best practices, safety protocols, and standards of care for patients with gastrointestinal disorders. By understanding and following these regulations and guidelines, healthcare professionals can ensure that they are providing high-quality care to their patients.一个重要的法规是根据国家相关部门的规定,医务人员需要遵循《医疗机构护理工作规范》。


Secondly, the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) has developed guidelines specifically for endoscopy units. These guidelines cover a wide range of topics including infection control practices, sedation management, and quality assurance measures. The ASGE provides recommendations based on evidence-based researchto support safe and effective endoscopic procedures.美国胃肠病学会(AGA)也制定了一系列的临床指南,包括对常见胃肠疾病如消化性溃疡、胃食管反流病和炎症性肠病等的诊断和治疗建议。



内镜下逆行胆胰管造影术endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancrea tography,ERCP内镜下逆行胆管造影术endoscopic retrograde cholangiography,E RC内镜下逆行胰管造影术endoscopic retrograde pancreatography,ERP内镜下括约肌切开术endoscopic sphincterotomy,EST内镜下乳头切开术endoscopic papillotomy,EPT内镜下乳头括约肌切开术endoscopic papillo-sphincterotomy,EPST内镜下乳头预切开术endoscopic Pre-cut sphincterotomy内镜下乳头括约肌柱状气囊扩张术endoscopic papillo-sphincter balloon dila tation,EPBD内镜下鼻胆管引流术endoscopic naso-biliary drainage,ENBD 内镜下逆行胆管引流术endoscopic retrograde biliary drainage,E RBD内镜下胆管金属支架置入术endoscopic metal biliary endoprothesis,E MBE内镜下胰管括约肌切开术endoscopic pancreatic sphincterotomy,EPS内镜下逆行胰管引流术endoscopic retrograde pancreatic drainag e,ERPD内镜下鼻胰管引流术endoscopic naso-pancreatic drainage,EN PD(学习的目的是增长知识,提高能力,相信一分耕耘一分收获,努力就一定可以获得应有的回报)。








【总页数】3页(P780-782)【关键词】妊娠期;腹腔镜;急腹症;指南;解读【作者】谭令梅;欧阳振波【作者单位】南方医科大学南方医院妇产科;广东省第二人民医院妇科【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R719【相关文献】1.胸外科《内镜与微创专业技术全国考评委员会、中国医师协会内镜医师分会、世界内镜医师协会中国协会“胸外科内镜与微创”专业委员会》第一届常务理事会会议纪要2010年12月11日于北京国际饭店会议中心 [J],2.胸外科《内镜与微创专业技术全国考评委员会、中国医师协会内镜医师分会、世界内镜医师协会中国协会“胸外科内镜与微创”专业委员会》第一届常务理事会会议纪要 [J],3.胸外科《内镜与微创专业技术全国考评委员会、中国医师协会内镜医师分会、世界内镜医师协会中国协会“胸外科内镜与微创”专业委员会》第一届常务理事会会议纪要2010年12月11日于北京国际饭店会议中心 [J],4.胸外科《内镜与微创专业技术全国考评委员会、中国医师协会内镜医师分会、世界内镜医师协会中国协会“胸外科内镜与微创"专业委员会》第一届常务理事会会议纪要2010年12月11日于北京国际饭店会议中心 [J],5.胸外科《内镜与微创专业技术全国考评委员会、中国医师协会内镜医师分会、世界内镜医师协会中国协会“胸外科内镜与微创”专业委员会》第一届常务理事会会议纪要2010年12月11日于北京国际饭店会议中心 [J],因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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GUIDELINEASGE Guideline:guidelines for endoscopy in pregnant and lactating womenThis is one of a series of statements discussing the utilization of GI endoscopy in common clinical situa-tions.The Standards of Practice Committee of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy pre-pared this text.In preparing this guideline,a MEDLINE literature search was performed and additional refer-ences were obtained from the bibliographies of the identified articles and from recommendations of expert consultants.When little or no data exist from well-designed prospective trials,emphasis is given to results from large series and reports from recognized experts.Guidelines for appropriate utilization of endoscopy are based on a critical review of the available data and expert consensus.Further controlled clinical studies are needed to clarify aspects of this statement,and revision may be necessary as new data appear.Clinical consideration may justify a course of action at variance to these recommendations.INTRODUCTIONThe safety and the efficacy of GI endoscopy in pregnant patients is not well studied.Studies involving humans tend to be small and retrospective.Much of the drug safety data is based on animal studies.Invasive procedures are justified when it is clear that by not doing so could expose the fetus and/or the mother to rmed consent should include risks to the fetus as well as the mother.The fetus is particularly sensitive to maternal hypoxia and hypotension,either of which may cause fetal hypoxia that can lead to fetal demise.1Maternal oversedation,with resulting hypoventilation or hypotension,or maternal positioning that might lead to inferior vena caval com-pression by the gravid uterus can lead to decreased uterine bloodflow and fetal hypoxia.Other potential risks to the fetus include teratogenesis(both from medication given to the mother and radiation exposure fromfluoroscopy)and premature birth.In situations where therapeutic intervention is neces-sary,endoscopy offers a relatively safe alternative to radiologic or surgical intervention.1-4The main indications for endoscopy in pregnancy are outlined in T able1. General principles that apply to endoscopy in pregnancy are shown in T able2.SAFETY OF COMMONLY USED MEDICATIONS FOR ENDOSCOPY DURING PREGNANCY The U.S.Food and Drug Administration lists5 categories of drugs with regard to safety during pregnancy (T able3).There are no category A drugs used for endoscopy.For use during endoscopic procedures, category B and,when necessary,category C drugs are recommended.Category D drugs may be used when the benefits clearly outweigh the risks.These categories are of limited value for determining the safety of one-time use; therefore,consultation with an obstetrician regarding medication should be considered.For most procedures, the level of sedation should be anxiolysis or moderate sedation.If deep sedation is necessary,it should be administered by an anesthesiologist.Meperidine(category B)Meperidine does not appear to be teratogenic as reported in two large studies.5,6It is preferred over morphine(category C),which crosses the fetal blood–brain barrier more rapidly,and fentanyl(category C). Fentanyl(category C)This narcotic has a rapid onset of action and a shorter patient recovery time than meperidine.Fentanyl is not teratogenic but was embryocidal in rats.7It appears safe in humans when given in low doses typical for endoscopy. Naloxone(category B)This rapidly acting opiate antagonist crosses the placenta within2minutes of intravenous administration. It does not appear to be teratogenic.Its use is contra-indicated in mothers dependent on opiates,because it can precipitate opiate-withdrawal symptoms.It should only be used in respiratory depression,hypotension,or unresponsiveness in a closely monitored setting.TheCopyrightª2005by the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 0016-5107/2005/$30.00+0PII:S0016-5107(04)02780-4potential for re-sedation as naloxone is metabolized should be recognized.Benzodiazepines(category D)Sustained use of diazepam during early pregnancy(first trimester)has been associated with cleft palate and,when used later in the pregnancy,neurobehavioral disorders,8-10 although this association is challenged by some inves-tigators.Diazepam should not be used for sedation in pregnant women.Midazolam,although also category D,has not been reported to be associated with congenital abnormalities. Midazolam is the preferred benzodiazepine when sedation with meperidine is inadequate.Avoid the use of mid-azolam in thefirst trimester if possible.Flumazenil(category C)Little is known of the safety profile of this benzodiaz-epine antagonist.Although it is not teratogenic in rats and mice,it does produce subtle neurobehavioral changes in male offspring of rats exposed to the drug in utero.11 Propofol(category B)In the pregnant patient,it is recommended that propofol be administrated by an anesthesiologist,because of its narrow therapeutic index and the importance of close monitoring.Safety in thefirst trimester has not been well studied.12,13Simethicone(category C)This is a category C drug because of a lack of studies, but,it commonly is given to pregnant women and prob-ably is safe.Glucagon(category B)Glucagon is an antispasmodic,commonly used during ERCP,that is not contraindicated during pregnancy. Topical anestheticsT opical anesthetics,e.g.,lidocaine(category B),often are used to decrease the gag reflex and to make intubationTABLE1.Indications for endoscopy in pregnancy1.Significant or continued GI bleeding2.Severe or refractory nausea and vomiting or abdominal pain3.Dysphagia or odynophagia4.Strong suspicion of colon mass5.Severe diarrhea with negative evaluation6.Biliary pancreatitis,choledocholithiasis,or cholangitis7.Biliary or pancreatic ductal injuryTABLE2.General principles guiding endoscopy in pregnancy1.Always have a strong indication,particularly inhigh-risk pregnancies2.Defer endoscopy to second trimester whenever possiblee lowest effective dose of sedative medications4.Wherever possible,use category A or B drugs5.Minimize procedure time6.Position pregnant patients in left pelvic tilt or left lateral position to avoid vena caval or aortic compression7.Presence of fetal heart sounds should be confirmed before sedation is begun and after the endoscopic procedure8.Obstetric support should be available in the event ofa pregnancy-related complication9.Endoscopy is contraindicated in obstetric complications such as placental abruption,imminent delivery,ruptured membranes,or eclampsia TABLE3.FDA categories for drugs used in pregnancy Category DescriptionA Adequate,well-controlled studies in pregnantwomen have not shown an increased risk offetal abnormalitiesB Animal studies have revealed no evidence ofharm to the fetus;however,there are noadequate and well-controlled studies inpregnant womenorAnimal studies have shown an adverse effect,but adequate and well-controlled studies inpregnant women have failed to demonstratea risk to the fetusC Animal studies have shown an adverse effectand there are no adequate and well-controlledstudies in pregnant womenorNo animal studies have been conducted andthere are no adequate and well-controlledstudies in pregnant womenD Studies,adequate well-controlled orobservational,in pregnant women havedemonstrated a risk to the fetus;however,the benefits of therapy may outweighthe potential riskX Studies,adequate well-controlled orobservational,in animals or pregnant womenhave demonstrated positive evidence of fetalabnormalities;use of the product iscontraindicated in women who are or maybecome pregnantASGE guideline:guidelines for endoscopy in pregnant and lactating womeneasier.One study showed no fetal malformations in293 infants withfirst trimester exposure.14It may be prudent to ask the patient to gargle and to spit out the drug instead of swallowing it when its use is deemed necessary. AntibioticsMost antibiotics can be safely used in pregnancy,and the indications for their prophylactic use are similar to those in nonpregnant patients.However,some antibiotics are contraindicated because of adverse fetal effects,and others are safe in only certain trimesters.T able4sum-marizes the recommendations at present.Further details can be obtained from sources,e.g.,Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation.7Colon-cleansing agentsThe safety of polyethylene glycol(PEG)electrolyte isotonic cathartic solutions has not been studied in pregnancy.PEG solutions are category C.Sodium phos-phate preparations(category C)may causefluid and electrolyte abnormalities and should be used with cau-tion.15T ap water enemas may be sufficient forflexible sigmoidoscopy.PROCEDURESFor all endoscopy procedures,it is suggested that the patient who is in the second or third trimester not lie on her back while waiting for the procedure or afterward in recovery.This is because the pregnant uterus can compress the aorta and/or the inferior vena cava(IVC), causing maternal hypotension and decreased placental perfusion.By placing a wedge or pillow under the right hip,a‘‘pelvic tilt’’is created to prevent this.The patient also may sit up if she so prefers,because this will prevent IVC compression.Most procedures are done in the left lateral position where this is not an issue.Pregnant pa-tients also are more likely to aspirate gastric contents or secretions than nonpregnant ones.In addition to the usual patient monitoring,maternal–fetal monitoring should be performed as in T able2.Consultation with an obstetrician should be considered before endoscopy.Procedural considerations in pregnancy Upper endoscopy is performed as in nonpregnant patients.Case series and case-control studies suggest it is safe and effective.5,16In a case-control study of83upper endoscopies(EGD)performed during pregnancy,the diagnostic yield for upper-GI bleeding was95%.In this study,EGD did not induce premature labor and no congenital malformations were reported.17Studies assess-ing the safety of colonoscopy in pregnancy involve ex-tremely small numbers,limiting the ability to detect uncommon adverse outcomes.18,19In late pregnancy,pa-tients should not be placed supine or prone during colonoscopy.If external abdominal pressure is required, great care should be taken to apply mild force and to direct it away from the uterus.ERCPERCP should only be used when therapeutic interven-tion is intended.Biliary pancreatitis,choledocholithiasis, or cholangitis are the usual indications,and can lead to fetal loss if not treated properly.Several studies have confirmed the safety of ERCP in pregnancy.20-22The fetus should be shielded from the ionizing radiation.23Lead shields are placed under the pelvis and lower abdomen, remembering that the x-ray beam originates from beneath the patient.Measuring radiation exposure to the area of the uterus also should be considered.Radiation exposure is reduced by collimating the beam to the area of interest. Use brief‘‘snapshots’’offluoroscopy to confirm cannula position and common bile-duct stones.Avoid taking hard-copy x-rayfilms,because these involve additional radia-tion.Consultation with a radiologist or a hospital radiation safety officer may be useful in minimizing the radiation exposure to the fetus.With thoughtful precaution,the fetal exposure is well below the5-to10-rad level considered to be of concern for radiation-induced teratogenesis.23,24Only experienced endoscopists should attempt the procedure.Electrocautery and hemostasisAmnioticfluid can conduct electrical current to the fetus.25The grounding pad should be placed in such a position that the uterus is not between the electricalTABLE4.Antibiotic safety in pregnancySafe in pregnancyAvoid inpregnancyAvoid in firsttrimesterAvoid in thirdtrimesterPenicillins Quinolones Metronidazole SulfonamidesCephalosporins Streptomycin NitrofurantoinErythromycin(except estolate)TetracyclinesClindamycinASGE guideline:guidelines for endoscopy in pregnant and lactating womencatheter and the grounding pad.Bipolar electrocautery should be used to minimize this risk of‘‘stray’’currents going through the fetus.Although electrocautery is rela-tively safe when used for sphincterotomy and hemostasis, polyp removal should be postponed until after pregnancy.Epinephrine is pregnancy category C and causes a decrease in uterine bloodflow.26Its safety,when used as an endoscopic injectant,has not been studied, although,when given in low-dose combinations for analgesia,it is safe.Its use for hemostasis should balance the benefits with the potential risks.27BREAST-FEEDINGIndications and contraindicationsDiagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy in lactating women do not vary in terms of indication,preprocedural preparation,procedural monitoring,radiation exposure, and endoscopic equipment.Caution needs to be exer-cised in the use of certain medications,because these drugs may be transferred to the infant through breast milk.In these instances,where there is a concern regarding the transfer to the infant,the woman should be advised to pump her breast milk and discard it,with the timing dependent upon the agent of concern. Sedation and analgesiaThe sensitivity to and risks of sedation in a lactating woman is similar to any adult.7Midazolam.Midazolam is excreted in breast milk. However,a study of12women receiving15mg midazolam orally found no measurable concentrations(!10nmol/L) in milk samples obtained7hours after ingestion.28 Additional investigations on two women showed that midazolam and its metabolite,hydroxymidazolam,were undetectable after4hours.27The American Academy of Pediatrics considers the effects of midazolam unknown on the nursing infant,but the drug may be of concern.29 Based on these data,it would be advisable to recommend withholding nursing of the infant for at least4hours after administration of midazolam.Fentanyl.Fentanyl is excreted in breast milk,but the concentrations are too low to be pharmacologically significant and fall to undetectable levels by10hours after administration.30The American Academy of Pediatrics considers fentanyl to be compatible with breast-feeding.28 Meperidine.Meperidine is concentrated in breast milk and may be detectable up to24hours after administration.31Studies have suggested that meperidine can be transferred to the breast-fed infant and may have neurobehavioral effects.32-34Whereas,the American Acad-emy of Pediatrics classified meperidine as compatible with breast-feeding in their1983statement,it may be reason-able to use an alternative,e.g.,fentanyl,where possible.Propofol.Propofol is excreted in breast milk,with maximum concentrations at4to5hours after adminis-tration.35The effects of small oral doses of propofol on the infant is unknown.Continued breast-feeding after propofol exposure is not recommended,although the period of prohibition has yet to be determined.Naloxone andflumazenil.The safety of naloxone andflumazenil in this setting is unknown.AntibioticsPenicillins and cephalosporins.Penicillins and ceph-alosporins are excreted in breast milk in trace amounts and are considered compatible with breast-feeding.Ofloxacin and ciprofloxacin.Ofloxacin and cipro-floxacin are excreted in breast milk,and their toxicity has not been well studied.Quinolones.As there is a potential for arthropathy in the infant,quinolones should be avoided.Sulfonamides.Sulfonamides are contraindicated when nursing infants younger than2months because of the risk of kernicterus.It is recommended that sulfona-mides be avoided in infants that are ill,premature,and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficient.36The safety of commonly used antibiotics are summarized in T able5.SUMMARYFor the following points:(A),Prospective controlled trials.(B),observational studies.(C),Expert opinion.d Endoscopy during pregnancy should only be done when there is a strong indication and should be post-poned to the second trimester whenever possible.(C)d The close involvement of obstetrical staff is recom-mended.(C)TABLE5.Antibiotic safety in breast-feedingSafe AvoidPenicillins SulfonamidesCephalosporins QuinolonesErythromycin Metronidazole(effect on infantunknown,may beof concern)TetracyclineNitrofurantoin(except in infantswith glucose-6-phosphatedehydrogenase deficiency)ASGE guideline:guidelines for endoscopy in pregnant and lactating womend The degree of maternal and fetal monitoring needs to be individualized.(C)d For procedural sedation during pregnancy,meperi-dine alone is preferred,followed by small doses of midazolam as needed.(C)d If deep sedation is needed,it should be administered by an anesthesiologist.(C)d EGD and colonoscopy generally are safe during pregnancy.(C)d ERCP generally is safe,provided care is taken to minimize radiation exposure to the fetus(B)and risks to the mother.(C)d Bipolar electrocautery is preferred over monopolar. The monopolar grounding pad should be placed to minimizeflow of electrical current through the amniotic fluid.(C)d In late pregnancy,women should be placed in the lateral decubitus position during and after the procedure.(C)d Although many antibiotics can be safely used in pregnancy,some are contraindicated(quinolones,strep-tomycin,tetracyclines),whereas others are safe only in certain stages of fetal development.(B)d Breast-feeding may be continued after maternal fentanyl administration(B),which is preferred over meperidine.(C)d Infants should not be breast-fed for at least4hours after maternal midazolam administration.(B)d Continued breast-feeding after maternal propofol exposure is not recommended,although the period of prohibition is unknown.(C)d Penicillins,cephalosporins,tetracyclines,and eryth-romycin are compatible with breast-feeding.Quinolones and sulfonamides should be avoided.(C)ACKNOWLEDGMENTThe American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy thanks the American College of 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Prepared by:STANDARDS OF PRACTICE COMMITTEEWaqar A.Qureshi,MDElizabeth Rajan,MDDouglas G.Adler,MDRaquel E.Davila,MDWilliam K.Hirota,MDBrian C.Jacobson,MD,MPHJonathan A.Leighton,MDMarc J.Zuckerman,MDR.David Hambrick,RN,CGRN,SGNA representativeRobert D.Fanelli,MD,FACS,SAGES representativeTodd Baron,MD,Vice ChairDouglas O.Faigel,MD,ChairASGE guideline:guidelines for endoscopy in pregnant and lactating women。
