阿美特克 JOFRA ATC 系列干体式校准仪





阿美特克传感器板80485SE美国AMETEK阿美特克分析仪欢迎咨询详细内容AMETEK阿美特克发生器305010901SAMETEK氧化锆传感器71785SEAMETEK过滤器71849SEAMETEK镜头CH13-0007-tAMETEK电路板13-0307AMETEK铂电阻13-0236氧化锆锆管AMETEK71785SE阿美特克传感器板80485SEAMETEK比值分析仪测量池880324901AMETEK比值分析仪检测电路板880020901AMETEK阿美特克比值分析仪配件200880001AMETEK269323011AMETEK阿美特克温度控制器269323011AMETEK烟尘仪4200AMETEK阿美特克74422SEAMETEK射频导纳液位计UP010620B1AMETEK镉灯300-2070AMETEK 氧化锆头71063SE阿美特克传感器板80485SEAMETEK阿美特克过滤组件100-1848AMETEK阿美特克滤芯300-6217AMETEK 阿美特克氧化锆WDG1210/Insitu 72"AMETEK阿美特克露点仪3050AMETEK阿美特克气体分析仪Thermox-CMFA-P2000AMETEK阿美特克500124901AMETEK阿美特克硫磺比值仪光源电源880107902S阿美特克硫磺比值仪光源触发器880118901AMETEK阿美特克线性传感器P-10A-10KA238阿美特克传感器板80485SE阿美特克传感器板80485SEAMETEK阿美特克压力模块APM002CAMETEK阿美特克过滤器74422seAMETEK阿美特克储存箱880060901SAMETEK H2S分析仪H2S分析仪933-光源镉灯-300-2070H2S分析仪933-空心阴极铜线灯-300-8707AMETEK阿美特克马达119153-54阿美特克传感器板80485SE。



参考传感器 被校传感器
ATC干体炉操作 干体炉操作6 干体炉操作 JOFRA CALIBRATION 被校传感器
(Input—Sensor u. test)
电压 电流 热电阻 热电偶 无 还有其它一些设置: 还有其它一些设置: 热电阻2-3-4线 热电阻2 分度号 量程
ATC干体炉操作 干体炉操作7 干体炉操作 JOFRA CALIBRATION 温度设置
第二屏) (Setup 第二屏)
温度单位 温度分辨率 最高温度 转换温度
还有其它一些设置: 还有其它一些设置: 电压上下限对应的温度 电流上下限对应的温度 冷端补偿
使用前请仔细 阅读操作手册
充分利用仪器提供的培训模式! 充分利用仪器提供的培训模式!
ATC干体炉输入输出面板 干体炉输入输出面板 JOFRA CALIBRATION
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 电源插座, 电源插座,保险 稳定输出 RSRS-232 电阻, 电阻,热电阻输入 接地 参考铂电阻输入 电压输入 电流输入 24V供电变送器电流 带24V供电变送器电流 开关输入 热电偶输入
ATC干体炉操作 干体炉操作3 干体炉操作 JOFRA CALIBRATION 设置第二屏
输入 稳定判据 显示对比度 保护密码
屏幕切换 按F1,F5键 , 键
ATC干体炉操作 干体炉操作4 干体炉操作 JOFRA CALIBRATION 设置第三屏
恢复出厂值 关于ATC 关于ATC
屏幕切换 按F1,F5键 , 键
AMETEK ATC干体炉 ATC干体炉 快速操作指南
…because calibration is a matter of confidence

美国阿美特克公司 AMETEK ASC300 手持式多功能校准仪 说明书

美国阿美特克公司 AMETEK ASC300 手持式多功能校准仪 说明书

AMETEKASC300手持式多功能校准仪使用手册美国阿美特克公司图1 输入输出端子1.仪表布局表1 输入输出端子NO. 名称功能1,2 测量V, mA端子测量电流电压并提供回路电源3 TC测量和输出测量或模拟输出热电偶信号4,5 测量/输出V,RTD 2W,Hz测量或输出电压,频率,脉冲,2线热电阻6,7 测量/输出mA,3w,4wRTD 测量或输出电流,3线,4线热电阻8 压力模块接口连接外接压力模块测量压力9 串行通讯接口连接计算机实现远方控制图2显示了键盘的布局NO 名称功能1 F1,F2,F3功能键用来操作屏幕底部显示的菜单.2 BACK LIGHT背景光打开或关闭背景光3 HOME主菜单回到屏幕上的主菜单4 POWER电源校准仪电源开关5 0% 将键盘输入的一个值作为量程的0%.从内存中调出0%量程的值并作为输出值输出信号.6 25%以满量程25%增量的比例循环输出7 100% 将键盘输入的一个值作为量程的100%.从内存中调出100%量程的值并作为输出值输出信号.8 数字键允许用户直接输入数字图2 键盘2.屏幕和菜单2.1.屏幕显示图3 屏幕显示整个屏幕被划分为三个部分,上面的显示用来测量电压,电流和压力,下面的显示用来测量和输出各种参数,底部的菜单用来设置上面和下面屏幕的各种功能.表3 屏幕显示NO 名称功能1 主参数将要被输出或测量的参数.上面的屏幕主参数包括:VOLTS IN(电压输入),PRESSURE(压力),mA IN(测量电流),mA LOOP(测量电流内置回路电源)中间的屏幕的主参数包括:VOLT(电压),TC(热电偶),RTD(热电阻),FREQ(频率),PULSE(脉冲),PRESSURE(压力),MA(电流),MA 2W SIM(2线电流模拟)2 测量/输出控制切换中间的屏幕到测量(输入)或输出状态3 附加设置仅对TC和RTD有效.在TC状态下可以打开或关闭CJC(冷端补偿). 在RTD IN状态下指示2,3,4线制.4 量程百分比指示仅在mA和mA LOOP状态下有效.4mA对应0%,20mA对应100%.5 单位表示测量或输出值的单位,例如℃,℉,Hz,KHz,CPM6 温度探头类型表示热电阻和热电偶的分度号.也表示输出脉冲和频率的幅值以及压力单位7 数字显示显示信号的数字值.”OL”表示超出量程2.2 操作菜单屏幕上的各种参数需要通过菜单来控制调整.功能键F1,F2,F3用来设置菜单,这三个键分别对应菜单条的左,中,右三个菜单栏.任何时候按下HOME键可进入如下菜单,即总菜单.在总菜单中按F1可进入下一层菜单.总菜单中又包括三种总菜单:输入总菜单,输出总菜单和脉冲总菜单.在输入总菜单中只有MENU 一个键有效.输出总菜单下有三个有效的选项.除了MENU以外还有上下箭头用来调整输出值.频率总菜单下也有三个有效键,参见4.2-6总菜单下就是主菜单,主菜单中UPPER用来选择上面的屏幕,LOWER选择中间的屏幕.按下MORE可以进入设置状态,可以设置CONTRAST(屏幕对比度)按下NEXT可进入自动关机设置(AUTO OFF),调整自动关机时间.当校准仪处于频率状态时,从主菜单按MORE可进入频率幅值设置(FREQ LEVEL),用来调整输出频率的幅值.当校准仪处于RTD CUSTOM(自定义热电阻)状态时,通过主菜单按MORE可进入热电阻自定义菜单(SET CUSTOM),这项功能可以自定义热电阻参数.从主菜单按MORE 可进入压力清零菜单,可以对外接压力模块清零.在主菜单中选择了LOWER或UPPER后就进入了参数选择菜单.在这个菜单中SELECT用来用来改变参数内容,NEXT可以切换到下一个变量,DONE用来确认所选择参数和状态并回到主菜单.图4 菜单树3.使用测量模式(下屏幕)3.1测量电压和频率1.从主菜单中按LOWER进入中间的屏幕设置2.选择需要测试的参数3.如图5接线.图5 使用输入/输出端子测量电压或频率3.2测量mA电流1.切换到中间屏幕选择mA IN.2.如图6接线图6 测量mA3.3测量温度3.3.1使用热电偶校准仪支持B,C,E,J,K,L,N,R,S,T,U,BP,XK分度号的热电偶.CJC(冷端补偿)应该打开,这样测试的温度就是真实温度,只有在外部使用了冰点器时才可以关闭冷端补偿.1.如图7接线,将小插头插入校准仪接口.补偿导线必须和分度号对应.(最好等2到5分钟后进行测试,这样可以使小插头和校准仪的温度稳定.2.从主菜单按LOWER切换到中间屏幕.3.选择TC IN测试功能,并选择适当的分度号和温度单位.(校准仪也可以测试mV值,这样可以测试校准仪不支持的分度号.在探头种类参数中可以找到mV测量).图7使用热电偶测试温度3.3.2使用热电阻(RTD)可以使用2,3,4线制.如下图所示.(电阻测量功能可以通过选择探头种类而实现)图8使用热电阻测试温度3.4测试压力注意:高的压力系统存在危险,注意缓慢泄压.给压力模块加压不能超过最高限压.1.如图接线.压力可以在上屏幕和中间屏幕测量,这就可以同时使用两种单位测压.2.选择屏幕和压力测量,以及压力单位,测试之前对压力模块清零.(绝压模块清零参见模块说明)图9压力测试连接4.使用输出模式(下屏幕)ASC300校准仪可以输出标准信号用来测试和校准过程仪表.它可以输出电压,电流,电阻,频率,脉冲,和RTD,TC的电信号.4.1设置0%和100%输出参数1.从主菜单选择LOWER进入中间屏幕,选择合适参数.2.选择输出模式并给出具体值,例如选择VOLT OUT电压输出.3.用键盘输入5V,之后不按ENTER确认键,而是按0%键,这样就设置5V作为0%点4.输入20V并按100%,这就定义20V就是100%的值.5.使用25%键就可以在5V到20V之间以25%的增量循环.4.1.1电流输出步进使用mA输出25%步进功能如下操作1.选择中间的屏幕并选择mA.2.使用25%键就可以在4-20mA之间循环步进.4.2输出mA1.从主菜单选择中间屏幕并选mA作为主参数.2.选择OUT输出模式3.如下图连接电路4.用键盘直接输入电流值.图10输出电流4.3模拟变送器ASC300可以在电路中代替变送器并控制回路中的电流.1.从主菜单选择中间屏幕2.选择mA 2W SIM电流模拟功能并输入电流值3.如图接线图11模拟变送器4.4输出电压在中间屏幕选择电压输出VOLT OUT功能并如图接线.图12输出电压和频率4.5输出频率如上图接线,选择中间屏幕频率输出功能并选择单位,如果需要可改变频率幅值.4.6输出脉冲串1.选择下屏幕设置主参数为PULSE脉冲2.选择合适的单位并用键盘输入频率值3.从主菜单选择COUNTS功能并输入脉冲串数.使用TRIG功能开始或停止信号输出.4.脉冲的幅值可以调整,和频率幅值的调整方法一样.4.7输出热电偶如图接线并设置校准仪到TC OUT状态,选择合适的分度号和单位.图13 输出热电偶的连接图14输出热电阻接线4.8输出电阻/热电阻如图14接线,选择下屏幕,并设置状态到RTD OUT,选择合适的分度号和单位.图15 使用3线制和4线制测试热电阻接线4.8.1自定义RTD用户可以输入自定义分度表,步骤如下:1.切换到下屏幕,选择RTD并将探头种类选择为CUSTOM2.进入RTD自定义设置菜单,选择SET CUSTOM3.使用键盘输入各种参数:最小温度,最大温度,R0,以及每一个温度系数.5.使用测量功能(上屏幕)5.1测量电压和mA电流如下图接线并设置上屏幕到相应参数.图16隔离输入连接5.2内部回路电源供电测量电流测试2线制变送器可以用ASC300校准仪给变送器供电同时测量电流,如下图连接电路并设置上屏幕到mA LOOP状态.图17使用电流回路5.3测量压力如下图连接线路,在上屏幕选择PRESSURE参数进行压力测试.图18测试压力6.同时使用上下屏幕进行校准和测试图19输出信号给其它仪器6.1测试一个测量或指示设备利用ASC300输出功能可以测试和校准执行器,记录仪或其它指示设备.1.选择下屏幕并设定相应输出参数2.选择OUT输出信号3.连接线路如图19进行测试和校准6.2校准一个温度变送器1.以热电偶变送器为例,选择上屏幕测量电流mA LOOP.2.选择下屏幕,设置TC OUT进行热电偶输出并选择合适的分度号和温度单位3.根据温度量程设置0%和100%范围4.如图接线5.用25%键步进测试变送器0-25-50-75-100各点.6.如果需要调整变送器,并纪录校准数据图20校准温度变送器6.4校准压力变送器1.选择上屏幕,设置mA LOOP进行电流测量2.选择下屏幕选择PRESSURE测试压力3.如图22接线4.对压力模块清零5.测试压力变送器0%和100%,如果需要进行调整.图21校准压力变送器7.计算机控制ASC300可以和计算机连接进行通讯,通过WINDOWS操作系统的超级终端软件可以控制ASC300校准仪实现各种输入输出功能.图22与计算机连接8.指标如无特殊说明,指标是在环境温度23°C ±5°C进行测试得到的结果. 超过此温度范围的补偿系数为± 0.005%读数/°C.一般指标操作温度-10°C to 50°储存温度-20°C to 70°C电源 4 X AA 电池低电压报警Yes串行通讯接口Yes, A SCIICE – EMC认证EN50082-1: 1992 and EN55022: 1994 Clas s B 安全CSA C22.2 No. 1010.1: 1992DC 电压测量/输出量程准确度(% 读数±基数)0.000V– 30.000V0.015% ± 2mV测量:隔离(上屏幕)0.000V – 20.000V0.015% ± 2mV测量:非隔离(下屏幕)输出0.000V – 20.000V0.015% ± 2mV 在电压量程内最大输出电流 1mA,输出内阻 <= 1Ω.DC mA测量/输出量程准确度(% 读数±基数)0.000mA – 24.000mA0.015% ± 2µA测量:隔离(上屏幕)0.000mA – 24.000mA0.015% ± 2µA测量:非隔离(下屏幕)输出0.000mA – 24.000mA0.015% ± 2µA 最大负载 1000Ω.在电流模拟状态下电压输入范围5V – 30V.频率测量/输出量程准确度(% 读数±基数) 测量 2.0CPM – 600.0CPM 0.05% ± 0.1CPM1.0Hz – 1000.0Hz 0.05% ± 0.1Hz1.00KHz – 10.00KHz 0.05% ± 0.01KHz输出 2.0CPM – 600.0CPM 0.05%1.0Hz – 1000.0Hz 0.05%1.00KHz – 10.00KHz 0.125%测量频率电压幅值1V to 20V.输出幅值 1V to 20V可调电阻测量量程准确度(% 读数±基数) Ohms low 0.00Ω - 400.0Ω0.025% ± 0.05ΩOhms high 401.0Ω - 4000.0Ω0.025% ± 0.5Ω电阻输出量程激励电流准确度(% 读数±基数) Ohms low 5.0Ω - 400.0Ω0.1mA – 0.5mA 0.025% ± 0.1Ω5.0Ω - 400.0Ω0.5mA – 3mA0.025% ± 0.05ΩOhms high 400Ω - 1500Ω0.05mA – 0.8mA 0.025% ± 0.5Ω1500Ω - 4000Ω0.05mA – 0.4mA 0.025% ± 0.5ΩNote:兼容智能变送器和plcs. 频响 <= 5ms.热电偶测量/输出量程准确度(% 读数±基数) 测量(mV) -10.000mV – 75.000mV 0.02% ± 10µV输出 (mV) -10.000mV – 75.000mV 0.02% ± 10µV最大输出电流1mA,内阻 <= 1Ω热电偶测量/输出( °C)TC 类型量程(°C) 准确度J -210.0 – 0.0 0.60.0 – 800.0 0.4800.0 – 1200.0 0.5K -200.0 – 0.0 0.80.0 – 1000.0 0.51000.0 – 1372.0 0.7T -250.0 – 0.0 0.8E -250.0 – -100.0 0.8-100.0 – 1000.0 0.4 R 0.0 – 1767.0 1.4S 0.0 – 1767.0 1.4B 600.0 – 800.0 1.4800.0 – 1000.0 1.51000.0 – 1820.0 1.7C 0.0 – 1000.0 0.81000.0 – 2316.0 2.5 XK -200.0 – 800.0 0.4BP 0.0 – 800.0 1.1800.0 – 2500.0 2.5 L -200.0 – 0.0 0.450.0 – 900.0 0.4TC 类型量程(°C) 准确度U -200.0 – 0.0 0.70.0 – 600.0 0.45N -200.0 – 0.0 1.00.0 – 1300.0 0.6 包括冷端补偿冷端补偿误差在 23 ± 5°C 之外 0.05°C/°C热电阻测量/输出RTD 类型量程(°C) 准确度Ni120 (672) -80.0 – 260.0 0.2 Cu10 -100.0 – 260.0 1.4Cu50 -180.0 – 200.0 0.4Cu100 -180.0 – 200.0 0.3YSI400 15.00 – 50.00 0.1 Pt100 (385) -200.0 – 100.0 0.2100.0 – 300.0 0.3300.0 – 600.0 0.4600.0 – 800.0 0.5 Pt200 (385) -200.0 – 100.0 0.8100.0 – 300.0 0.9300.0 – 630.0 1.0 Pt500 (385) -200.0 – 100.0 0.4100.0 – 300.0 0.5300.0 – 630.0 0.6 Pt1000 (385)-200.0 – 100.0 0.2100.0 – 300.0 0.3300.0 – 630.0 0.4 Pt385-10 -200.0 – 100.0 1.4300.0 – 600.0 1.8600.0 – 800.0 2.0 Pt385-50 -200.0 – 100.0 0.4100.0 – 300.0 0.5300.0 – 600.0 0.6600.0 – 800.0 0.7 Pt100 (3926)-200.0 – 100.0 0.2100.0 – 300.0 0.3300.0 – 630.0 0.4 Pt100 (3916) -200.0 – 100.0 0.2100.0 – 300.0 0.3300.0 – 630.0 0.4 4线制接线. 3线制误差加± 0.05Ω .阿美特克北京代表处地址:北京建国门外大街19号国际大厦2305室邮编:100004电话:************传真:************网址:。

jofra hpc600 便携式自动压力校准仪 使用手册说明书

jofra hpc600 便携式自动压力校准仪 使用手册说明书

用户手册便携式自动压力校准仪JOFRA HPC600©Copyright2009AMETEK Denmark A/S...because calibration i sa matter of c o n f i d e n c eJOFRA HPC600 用户手册1.介绍 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.1 如何联系 AMETEK/JOFRA . …. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1.2 标准配置 . . . . . . . . ……………. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1.3 安全须知2.校准界面2.1 校准仪显示界面 . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 2.2 背光功能 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………….. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 2.3 清零功能 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………………... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 2.4 菜单功能 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………………………….. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93.初始化设置及基本加压功能的操作 . . . . . . . . . …………. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .193.1 电动压力泵注意事项 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .204.测量压力 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………….. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .214.1 介质兼容性. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 4.2 使用外部压力模块进行测量. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 5.电流测量 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……………………………….. . . . . . . . . .226.电压测量... . . . . . ………. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .247.温度测量 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……………………………….... . . . .248.压力开关测试………………………………. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .259.变送器校准 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .289.1 使用电流测量功能 …………… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .289.2 校准压力-电流变送器. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 9.3 百分比误差计算功能 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 10.最大/最小值存储记录 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………………………….. . . . . . . .3211.压力泄漏测试 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3212.出厂设置. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3413.流量校准 . . . . . . . . . . ……………………………….. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3614.远程操作 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………… . . . . . . . . . .3615.技术指标 . . . . . . . . . . . . ……… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3716.维护保养 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ……. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3816.1 更换电池 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3816.2 清洁保养. . . ................................... . . . . . . . .38 16.4 重新校准或维修 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .391.简述JOFRA HPC600便携式自动压力校准仪整合了5种不同的仪器,包括:压力表、压力泵、毫安回路校准仪、电压测试表和高精度温度测试仪。



Jemstar关口电能表一、产品概述阿美特克-Scientific Coiumbus仪表在过去的数十年以来引导着工业在多功能固态计量方面的发展,我们很自豪的再次这样做粉着。


JEMSTAR 具有高精度、双向、四象限电能计量,固定或滑差式需量测量,变压器/线路损耗补偿计算,并对流互/压互的误差增益进行修正。

具有多种通讯方式及通信规约,兼容国际流行的MV 一90 能量管理系统.也可接入任何厂家的电能计量系统。

JEMSTAR 强大的组网能力及通讯兼容性使其特别适合“厂网分家”和“竞价上网”的中国电力布场。

可同时向发电厂和电力系统的SCADA 、EMS 及电能计量系统发送和共享相同测量点的电能计量数据,只有极高的性价比。



超高精度JEMSTAR可确保有功电度的稳态测量精度高0.07 % ,通常情况下甚至可以实现无无可比拟的0.03 %精度。



电能质量JEMSTAR 可以基于用户设定的限值记录电压骤升/骤降事件,从而可以确定电力扰动的数量、严重程度及位置等信息。




高级通讯通讯方式多样.有RS 一232 , RS 一485,内置调制解调器及光电口。

使用工业标准协议( IEC 870 一5 一102 , DNP3.0 , Modbus RTU 和ASCII, ANSITables 及JEM Binary)可同时以多种方式通信,并兼容MV90 能量管理系统。

Omega CL-355A 干燥温度源块校准器说明书

Omega CL-355A 干燥温度源块校准器说明书

e-mail:**************For latest product manuals:User’s GuideCL-355ADry-Block CalibratorShop online at®MADE IN UK-1-SpecificationFigures quoted are at the base of the well at the time of calibration.Temperature range: 5°C/9°F above ambient to 400°C/752°FOver-temperature limit: 450°C/842°F (approximately)Display resolution: 0.1°Accuracy: +/-0.6°C (1.1°F)Stability: +/-0.15°C (0.27°F)Heat up time 20° C to 400°C: 12 minutesCool down 400°C to 100°C: 21 minutesImmersion Depth: 4.5" (114.3mm)Fan Cooling: AutomaticWeight: 9 lbs (4 Kg)Dimensions* (H x W x D): 8.75 x 8 x 8 inches/222.25 x 203.2 x 203.2 mm*excluding the carrying strapElectrical supplyVoltage Cycles Power230V 50/60Hz 900W120V 50/60Hz 900WNote: The above specifications are quoted for an ambient temperature range of 10°C/50°F to 30°C/86°F.Outside this range, the quoted figures may deteriorate but the unit will still work safely.-2-Working environmentThe calibrator units are designed to work safely under the following conditions:Ambient temperature range: 5°C/9°F to 40°C/104°FHumidity: Up to 95% relative humidity, non-condensingWarningWarning: HIGH TEMPERATURES ARE DANGEROUSAvertissement: DANGER DE TEMPERATURES ELEVEESWarnung: HOHE TEMPERATUREN SIND GEFÄHRLICHAviso: LAS TEMPERATURAS ELEVADAS SON PELIHIGH TEMPERATURES ARE DANGEROUS: They can cause serious burns to operators and ignite combustible material. Omega has taken great care in the design of these units to protect operators from hazards, but operators should pay attention to the following points:• USE CARE AND WEAR PROTECTIVE GLOVES TO PROTECT HANDS• DO NOT put hot objects on or near combustible objects• DO NOT operate the unit close to inflammable liquids or gases• DO NOT place any liquid directly in your unit• At all times USE COMMON SENSEOperator SafetyAll operators of Omega Engineering equipment must have available the relevant literature needed to ensure their safety. It is important that only suitably trained personnel operate this equipment in accordance with the instructions contained in this manual and with general safety standards and procedures. If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by Omega, the protection provided by the equipment to the operator may be impaired. All Omega Engineering units have been designed to conform to international safety requirements and are fitted with a preset over-temperature cutout. If a safety problem is encountered, switch off at the mains socket and remove the plug from the supply.-3-Installation1. All Omega units are supplied with a power cable.2. Before connecting the mains supply, check the voltage against the rating plate. Connect the mainscable to a suitable plug according to the table below. Note that the unit must be earth groundedto ensure proper electrical safety.Electrical connections:220V-240V 110V-120VLive Brown BlackNeutral Blue WhiteEarth ground Green/yellow GreenThe fused plug supplied with the mains lead for use in the UK is fitted with the following value fuse to protect the cable: 230V UK 4 AMPThe fuse in the unit protects the unit and the operatorNote that units marked 230V on the rating plate work at 220V; units marked 120V work at 110V. Inboth cases, however, the heating rate will degrade by approximately 8%. The rating plate is on therear of the unit.3. Plug the mains cable into the socket on the rear of the unit.4. Place the unit on a suitable bench or flat workspace, or in a fume cupboard if required, ensuring thatthe air inlet vents on the underside are free from obstruction.After use, when you have finished heating samples, remember that parts of the unit may be very hot.Take the precautions listed earlier.-4-OPERATIONPreparation1.The heater design, temperature sensor and control circuit give good temperature control anduniformity, but make sure that there is a close fit of the probes in the block to allow efficient heattransfer.2. Plug the power cable into the socket in the back of the unit. Connect the mains cable to theelectricity supply.-5-Setting the operating temperature1. To set the temperature required, press and hold the star button and either the up or down buttondepending on the direction you need to take the set point.2. When you have the correct set temperature displayed, release the up or down button and the unitwill start to heat or cool to the set point.3. Once the process value/actual temperature reaches the set point, allow the block to stabilize for 15minutes before performing a calibration.4. The controller is factory pre-set and only the set-temperature should be changed.THE CONTROLLER MUST NOT BE SET TO CONTROL ABOVE 400°C/752°F OR DAMAGE TO THE UNIT MAY RESULT.After use1. When you have finished calibrating, remember that parts of the unit and the probe may be very hot,so precautions should be taken to prevent injury.2.For safety, set the set temperature and allow the unit to cool to below 50°C/122°F before placingthe unit in a carrying case or shipping carton.Changing from °C to °FThe controller is preset to display/operate in degrees C; however it may be changed to read in Degrees F. Refer to the CN9400 User’s guide for instructions on changing from C to °F.Be careful not to change any of the other settings in the configuration menu as performance will be affected and/or damage to the unit will occur!-6-Operator maintenanceNOTE THAT THIS EQUIPMENT SHOULD ONLY BE DISMANTLED BY PROPERLY TRAINED PERSONNEL. REMOVING THE FRONT OR REAR PANELS EXPOSES POTENTIALLY LETHAL MAINS VOLTAGES. THERE ARE NO OPERATOR MAINTAINABLE PARTS WITHIN THE EQUIPMENT.In the unlikely event that you experience any problems with your unit which cannot easily be remedied, you should contact your supplier and return the unit if necessary. Please include any details of the fault observed and remember to return the unit in its original packing. Omega will accept no responsibility for any damage to units that are improperly packed for shipment. If in doubt, contact your supplier. See the Decontamination Certificate supplied with your unit.1.Cleaning: Before cleaning your unit, ALWAYS disconnect it from the power supply and allow it tocool below 50° C. Your unit can be cleaned by wiping with a damp soapy cloth. Care should beexercised to prevent water from running inside the unit. Do not use abrasive cleaners.2.Fuses: Your unit is protected by two fuses. They should only be changed by suitably qualifiedpersonnel. If the fuses blow persistently, a serious fault is indicated and you may need to return theunit to your supplier for repair.ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONThe controller is factory preset. See the Controller book for further details.For safety reasons, the configuration settings of the controller are password protected.Please contact your dealer for further information.Listed below are important control parameters for the unit.Level 1> band=11, int.t =1.5, dEr.t=12, DAC=1.0, Cyc.t=0.3, Bnd.2=15, Cyc.2=20,Level 2 > SP2.A=cool, diSP=0.1, Hi.Sc=400.0, inpt=rtd,Level 3 > SP1.d=SSR, SP3.d=rly-7-Replacement PartsThe following parts may be obtained from Omega Engineering if replacements or alternatives are required: Part Number DescriptionFCABLEUK UK 240 volt Mains cable with 13amp UK plug (5 amp fuse)FCABLEEU Euro style 240 volt Mains cable with R/A Schuko plug7002705 US 120 volt Mains cable7032722 insert extractor7032718 Carrying casePart Number Available inserts Insert well SizesCL701B insert 5 x 1/4”CL702B insert 1 each 1/8”, 3/16”, 1/4”, 5/16”, 3/8”CL703B insert 2 x 1/4” & 2 x 3/8”CL704B insert 2 x 1/4” & 2 x 1/2”CL705B insert 1 x 1/4”CL706B insert blankCL707B insert 1 x 9/16” & 1 x 1/4”CL708B insert 1 x 5/8” & 1 x 1/4”CL709B insert 1 x 11/16” & 1 x 1/4”CL710B insert 1 x 3/4” & 1 x 1/4”Part Number Spare Parts Description7002695 225 watt, 120 volt heater7002697 PRT7002698 Solid state relay7007201 8 amp fuse (120 volt units)6500131 4 amp fuse (240 volt units)-8-FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1.Purchase Order number under which the product was PURCHASED,2.Model and serial number of the product under warranty,and 3.Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. Purchase Order number to cover the COST of the repair,2.Model and serial number of the product, and 3.Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering.OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 2010 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated,or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.WARRANTY/DISCLAIMER OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 37 monthsfrom date of purchase. OMEGA’s WARRANTY adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal three (3) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA’s customers receive maximum coverage on each product.If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANTY does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits,improper repair, or unauthorized modification. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having been damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration;improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA’s control. Components in which wear is not warranted, include but are not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs.OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by the company will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way,OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY/DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner.RETURN REQUESTS /INQUIRIES Direct all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RETU RNING ANY PRODUCT(S) TO OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBTAIN AN AUTHORIZED RETURN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA’S CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT (IN ORDER TO AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit. It is the policy of OMEGA Engineering, Inc. to comply with all worldwide safety and EMC/EMIregulations that apply. OMEGA is constantly pursuing certification of its products to the EuropeanNew Approach Directives. OMEGA will add the CE mark to every appropriate device uponcertification.The information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA Engineering,Inc. accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specificationswithout notice. WARNING: These products are not designed for use in, and should not be usedfor, human applications.M4961/0511。










双手按下启动按钮,调节检测仪表显示值为,待检测时间到后, 记下设备检测值,观察检测值与的差值是否在士范围内,若不在,则需将设备内容积数值调小,然后再启动设备检测,继续比较,若仍然不接近,需要继续减小内容积的设定值,直至检测值与的差值在士以内。








atc 温度校准仪

atc 温度校准仪

阿美特克JOFRA温度校准仪 ATC-155/ATC-155B ATC-320/ATC-320B ATC-650/ATC-650B操作方法AMETEK Denmark A/S目录一、 设置温度 (2)二、 设置内置标准/外接标准 (2)三、 设置RTD接线方法 (3)四、 设置T/C接线方法 (6)五、 温度与“Ω” 、“mV”转换键……………………….六、自动温度步进测试 (7)七、温度开关测试 (8)八、校准 (10)九、功能键介绍 (12)十、附注 (24)一、 设置温度(SET)1.1 开机按面板上 F1 温度设置键如下图所示。

REFERENCE SENSORREAD: 2 5 . 0 0 ℃SENSOR: ---.---- ------℃SET:NO activateSET temp Calibration SwitchtestAutostepSetup1.2 然后按数字键所设定温度例如:设定50℃按面板上数字键50.00。

1.3 最后按回车键确认即可。

二、(一)设置内置标准2.1 按面板上 F5 键(setup)显示后再按 F5 键(more)显示后按 F2 键(Input)显示后按F1键 Reference 显示后按F1键显示以下图示:REFERENCE SENSOR (标准传感器)Source:Internal reference (内置标准)(READ)ESC .cancel AcceptInternal Reference External Reference按二次回车键确认即可。

显示以下图示:REFERENCE SENSOR READ: 2 5 . 0 0 ℃SENSOR: ---.---- ------℃SET:NO activateSET temp Calibration SwitchtestAutostepSetup(二)设置外接标准2.2 按面板上 F5 键(setup)显示后再按 F5键(more→)显示后按 F2 键(Input)显示后按F1键 Reference 显示后按F2键显示以下图示:Source:External reference sensor(TRUE)Convert to temp : YESSET . follows TRUE:ofESC .cancel AcceptInternal Reference ExternalReferenceConvertto tempSet followTRUE按二次回车键确认即可。



当RTC干式炉达到了预设的温度并且保持稳定以后液晶屏幕上 会出现一个稳定指示符号。用户可以方便快速的改变稳定的条 件:外部参考探头和被检探头。稳定条件设置保证了用户可以 正确校准。一个倒计时时间会显示在温度读数旁边用来指示达 到稳定所需时间。
被检表的读数 (仅B 型)
B型内置了被检信号测试口,可以直接测试热电阻RTC、热 电偶TC、温度变送器、电流mA、电压V和温度开关的反馈 信号。
菜单导航功能非常逻辑化,并且屏幕会将当前操作需要的信息 都显示出来。Windows式的对话框会在必要的时候弹出,并且 有声音提示。 显示屏的亮度非常好,因此主要的信息和参数都可以非常容易 地读取,即便是在较远的距离范围内。
•稳定状态 •负载补偿状态 •时钟 •参考探头序列号 •被检表的反馈信号
极佳的稳定性:0.005˚C 超宽的温度范围
RTC156: -30 至 155°C RTC157: -45 至 155°C
独一无二的双区加热井确保了极佳的温度一致 性
超级标准干体炉 RTC-156 RTC-157
专利 申请中
为了配合双区加热技术实现更好的温场一致性,我 们研发了DLC(动态负载补偿)技术,目前该专利正 在申请中。
在此新技术下,校准系统的精度将不会受到传感器负载的影响, 特别是在校准多支或者大型传感器时。
为实现此功能,我们研发了一种新的DLC探头来动态补偿负载 的影响。
RTC干体炉配备的动态双区加 热技术可使套管顶部和底部的 温度保持一致,使二者之间的 温差最小化。

Jofra RTC-700高温参考温度校准器商品说明书

Jofra RTC-700高温参考温度校准器商品说明书

RTC SeriesReference Temperature CalibratorRTC-700Product DescriptionA METEK continues to develop new techniques to improve the performance, accuracy, convenience,and functionality of the popular Jofra calibration products. By doing so, we maintain our position as the leading worldwide manufacturers of temperature dry-block calibrators.We are proud to introduce our new high temperature model RTC (Reference Temperature Calibrator), which is no exception to the above and even more sophisticated than any existing calibrators. Features & ModelsThe RTC offers many new fantastic features such as:⏹ Patented DLC (Dynamic Load Compensation) system for perfect temperature uniformity in the insert.⏹ Unique, intelligent sensors for plug n’ play connection.⏹ USB connector for communication.⏹ Easy-to-read color VGA display with a perfect overview of the actual status.⏹ Intuitive, fast, and user-friendly navigation.⏹ Lightweight and easy to carry around.⏹ New functional carrying case design.⏹ New multi-hole insert kits covering all of the most used sensor sizes.⏹ High profile design and well-known, long lasting Jofra quality.The new RTC calibrator comes in three different models—A, B, and C.⏹ RTC-A reference temperature calibrator.⏹ RTC-B reference temperature calibrator with input for reference sensor, DLC sensor, and sensors-under-test.⏹ RTC-C reference temperature calibrator with input for reference sensor and DLC sensor.Key Features◆High AccuracyDown to ± 0.11°C using the external reference sensor. 4-wire True-Ohm Measurement technology is used.◆Excellent Stability, 0.008°C◆Wide Temperature RangeFrom 33 to 700°C (91 to 1292°F).◆Improved Temperature HomogeneityUnique, active triple-zone block ensures good temperature homogeneity in thecalibration zone.◆DLC (Dynamic Load Compensation)Perfect temperature uniformity in the insert, even when calibrating large sensors or many sensors at a time. (B and C models only.)◆Display Indicator for Temperature UniformityShows the degree of temperature uniformity in the insert when using the new DLCtechnology. (B and C models only.)◆Intelligent Reference SensorsJofra reference sensors are supplied with intelligent plugs, holding the calibration data (coefficients) of the reference sensor. This is a truly plug n’play calibration system.◆USB CommunicationAll RTC calibrators communicate via an easy-to-use USB port.◆Time SavingSuper high-speed cooling.◆EURAMETBest performing dry-block with regard to the EURAMET/cg-13v.01 guideline for thetesting of dry-blocks.DLC –Dynamic Load CompensationTo bring our well documented active dual-zone technology to an even higher level, we have developed the patented DLC system, making it possible to perform top calibration specifications without being affected by the actual load, e.g. many sensors or very big sensors.The RTC-700 adds active triple-zone temperature control.The DLC sensor improves the homogeneity even more, by controlling it not only the well, but inside the insert where the sensors-under-test are placed during calibration. The DLC sensor measures the temperature homogeneity in the insert and provides feedback to the active triple-zone sys-tem, which compensates the temperature difference to a minimum inside the insert. In this way, the DLC function makes the homogeneity indepen-dent of the different loads of the insert, making the RTC the best performing dry-block calibrator on the market when calibrated and tested according to the globally accepted EURAMET/cg-13v.01 guideline for calibration and testing of dryblocks.The DLC system is comprised of a special differential temperature sensor designed especially for the RTC. The sensor is placed in the insert and con-nected to the calibrator. When the DLC function is enabled, the calibrator will automatically equalize the temperature homogeneity inside the insert, along with the normal temperature control and stabilization.SlaveDLCMaster1000.050.100.15Axial Temperature Homogeneity in °CD i s t a n c e t o B o t t o m o f I n s e r t i n m m0.200.25DLC Function On DLC Function O Thermo Sensitive LengthDLC SensorDLC –User AdvantagesCalibrating with the DLC sensor offers the following advantages:1 Calibration of several sensors simultaneously.2 Calibration of thick sensors.3 Gives TSL (Thermo Sensitive Length) independency. It is no longer necessary to know the TLS of the sensor.4 Compensates for sensor production tolerances like the PT100 element being mounted in vari-ous positions in the sensor.5 Trouble free calibration of sensors with PT100 elements up to 60 mm length.6 The DLC indicator proves that the dual-zone is active and functioning well.7 Proves that the calibrator is working perfectly. The DLC value should be very close to 0.00 when the calibrator is loaded with DLC sensor and an external reference sensor.8 Together with the stability indication, the DLC indicates when the calibration values can be read.Axial temperature curves for an RTC calibrator with and without the DLC functionality activated.Unique Triple Zone Temperature PerformanceThe RTC series of calibrators provide precision temperature calibration of sensors, what-ever the type or format. This is accomplished through an innovative active triple-zone heat-ing technology.With the RTC-700’s active triple-zone heating technology, each heating zone is indepen-dently controlled for precision temperature calibration. The homogeneity in the lower part is close to that of a laboratory liquid bath. The lower zone ensures optimum heat dissipa-tion throughout the entire calibration zone. The upper zone compensates for heat loss from the sensor-under-test, and from the open top. This design also eliminates the need for extra insulation of sensors-under-test and makes it possible to calibrate liquid-filled and other mechanical sensors.USB and LAN/Ethernet ConnectionA USB connection facilitates easy communication with JofraCal. The USB connection also sup-ports easy download of future firmware upgrades. The USB connection provides fast and easy access to all laptops without the need of RS-232 to USB converters.Future-proof through e.g. a flash capability for easy firmware upgrades as well as already integrat-ed LAN communication, SD-card slot, and USB host connectors for future use.Intelligent Reference SensorsThe JOFRA STS-200 intelligent reference sen-sors and the DLC sensor contain individual cali-bration data regarding the sensor. Firstly, this means that the time-consuming coefficientdownloading sequence with risk of errors is no longer necessary. Secondly, the user can change the reference sensor and be up and running immediately.With the intelligent sensors, AMETEK has eliminated a source of error, and the system is now giv-ing a fail-safe plug’n’play calibration system.Unique Reference SensorsThe STS-200 reference sensors and the DLC sensors have been specially designed. They are both angled 90˚ and have been customized to fit the calibrator so that they are only slightly higher than the top of the RTC calibrator.The unique design makes it possible to calibrate threaded sensors and sensors with connection heads without any problems.Easy to Carry Only 24.9 lbs/11.3 kgA calibrator is carried from one job to another. Therefore, it is essential that the weight of the calibrator is as low as possible.We have thoroughly included the weight issue in our design and have developed design tech-niques that have made the RTC calibrator lightweight and easy to carry around without compro-mising its quality, durability, and functionality. The purpose of minimizing the weight of the RTC calibrator is to protect, especially frequent users from overload.Long Inserts for Accurate CalibrationThe new extended insert length increases the maximum possible diameter of the sensor under test to 16 mm. Switch tests of long bulb sensors can be carried out with very high accuracy.SetTemperatureInternal ReferenceTemperature Di erenceSensor-Under-TestU p p e r Z o n eM a i n Z o n eWide Temperature Range 700°CThe RTC-700 can perform calibration over a very wide temperature range starting from 33°C and up to 700°C (91 to 1292°F). This makes it possible to perform calibration jobs over a range of 667° C (1232° F) with only one calibrator.Easy to Read Color Display and User-Friendly NavigationThe 5.7" full color VGA display is very easy to read. The main temperatures, like SET, READ, TRUE and SUT (Sensor under test), are always displayed at all stages of the programming or calibration procedure.The navigation is menu-driven and very logical to use, and the display shows any important information needed for the current function in use. The communication windows pop up andare followed by discrete sound messages. The display is very bright, and the main information can easily be read from a distance. The advanced simplicity RTC user interface is available in English, German, Chinese, and Japanese.The large display contains more detailed information at a glance, such as:Up to five temperature readings simultaneously. Stability status.Load compensation status. Real time clock.Serial number of reference sensor. Sensor-under-test status.Fast Temperature CalibrationTime is money! This is why all the RTC calibrators have an increased heating and cooling speed compared to all other calibrators. With its newly developed heating block, the RTC-700 is able to perform a unique combination of high speed and high accuracy, resulting in savings in both production downtime and general calibration costs.Multi-Hole Insert KitsTwo special multi-hole insert kits have been developed to comply with the calibration of almost any sensor diameter without having to buy numerous inserts.The first kit is a metric insert kit consisting of only four inserts covering all diameters from 3 to 13mm. The other is an imperial insert kit consisting of only three inserts covering six different sizes from 1/8" to ½".All inserts have holes for both STS reference sensors and DLC sensors.With this insert kit in the carrying case, the user is now able to calibrate all commonly known sensor sizes. These insert kits are part of the JOFRA lightweight strategy.Special Designed Carrying CaseAMETEK has designed an all-in-one-handle carrying case that makes it possible to store both the STS reference sensors and DLC sensors in the carrying case with optimum physical protection. There is room for inserts and insulation plugs to cover all dimensions and compartments for the integrated support rod set, wires, manuals, certificates, plugs, insert tools etc.All compartments are specially designed to hold one of the above mentioned items. This makes it very easy to keep track of any accessories.For optimum protection of the calibrator and the accessories, the compartments are designed to hold the accessories fixed during transportation.Integrated Support RodThe integrated support rod is part of the reduced weightphilosophy. It is lightweight and very easy to mount onthe RTC. Two fixing holes are integrated in the calibratorwhere the support rods can be mounted. And even thoughits weight has been reduced by 50%, the support rod willremain very firmly positioned.MVI–Secure Temperature StabilityMVI stands for ’’Mains power Variance Im-munity’’. Unstable mains power is a majorcontributor to on-site calibration inaccura-cies. Traditional temperature calibrators oftenbecome unstable in production environ-ments where large electrical motors, heatingelements, and other devices are periodicallycycled on or off. The cycling of supply powercan cause the temperature regulator to per-form inconsistently, leading to both inaccurate readings and unstable temperatures.The JOFRA RTC calibrators all employ the MVI functionality, thus avoiding such stability problems. The MVI functionality is obtained by running the calibrator on stabilized DC voltage.Highest Accuracy (models B & C only)The RTC series calibrators may be supplied with a built-in reference thermometer to be used with an external reference sensor. This feature allows the instrument to perform calibrations on-site, while maintaining high accuracy.A special 90° angled external reference sensor has been designed to accommodate the calibration of sensors with a transmitter head, top connector, or similar arrangement. The user can decide whether to read the built-in reference sensor or the more accurate angled reference sensor from the large, easy-to-read LCD display of the calibrator. The external sensor and the internal sensor readings are independent of one another.SET-Follows-TRUE (models B & C only)Available on B and C models only, the “SET-Follows-TRUE” makes the instrument tune in until the temperature reading of the external reference “TRUE” meets the desired “SET” temperature. This feature is important when it is critical that the temperature of the calibration zone matches the desired temperature when measured with accurate external reference sensors.Reading of Sensor-Under-Test (model B only)Model B of the RTC is equipped with a built-inaccurate measuring circuit for sensor-under-test(input), which enables measurement of virtu-ally any type of temperature sensors including:Resistance thermometers (RTD), thermocouples(TC), transmitters, milliamps (mA), voltage (V) andthermostats.The RTC calibrators can be user-programmed fromthe keyboard for fully automatic sensor calibra-tions. Once the unit is programmed, the instrument is self-operating and performs the configured calibration routine. All calibration data is stored and can be read on the display.Switch Test (model B only)Users may perform a thermoswitch test and find “Open”, “Closed” and the hysteresis (deadband) automatically. The instrument retains the last twenty test results.MVI NORMAL MAINSAuto-SteppingUp to 20 different temperature steps may be pro-grammed including the hold time for each step.Upon completion of an auto-step routine, the usercan easily read the results for the sensor-under-test on the RTC display. Results from twenty auto-step calibrations are stored.The “Set temperature” feature allows the user toset the exact desired temperature with a resolu-tion of 0.001°.Enhanced StabilityA stability indicator shows when the RTC calibrator has reached the desired temperature and is stable. The user may change the stability criteria for the external reference and the sensor-under-test quickly and simply. The stability criterion is the user’s security of a correct calibration. A count-down timer is displayed next to the temperature read-out.Instrument SetupsThe RTC series allows the user to store up to ten (10) complete instrument setups. You may store all sorts of information including temperature units, stability criteria, use of external reference sensors, resolutions, sensors-under-test (SUT), conversions to temperature, display contrasts, etc. The setup may be recalled at any time.Maximum and Minimum TemperatureFrom the setup menu, the user can select the maximum and minimum temperature limit for the calibrator. This function prevents damage to the sensor-under-test caused by excessive tempera-tures, and it helps reducing sensor drift from exposures of too high temperatures. This feature can be locked with an access code.Silent OperationThe RTC calibrator can be programmed to run in silent operation. This function is an advantage if calibrating in a laboratory or in an office. If used in silent operation, the calibrator is not using its full speed potential.As Found/As Left (model B only)When running a calibration initiated from a work order, the user can select the calibration as an As Found or an As Left calibration.Sync OutputA synchronization output signals when the instrument is stable and may be used with ancillary devices such as video recorders, digital cameras or as an input to a data logging device. The SYNC output may be useful for automating and documenting your calibrations when calibrating exter-nal reading devices.Calibration of Indication DevicesWhen calibrating an indicating device in the work order mode, users may key in the results during or after the test. Using the “Calibration info” function, the user may view the complete calibration task, including the “Scenario” before the calibration takes place.JofraCal Hardware RequirementsINTEL™ PENTIUM™ 1.4 GHz processor. 128 MB RAM (256 MB recommended).80 MB free disk space on hard disk (120 MB recommended) prior to installation. USB input device for installation of program. 1 free USB and 1 free RS-232 serial port.Microsoft Windows® XP or Microsoft Windows® Vista. MS San Serif and Arial system fonts.Calibration of Up To 24 Sensors with the Jofra ASM ScannerUsing the JOFRA RTC series together with the ASM, Advanced Signal Multi-scanner, offers a great time-saving automatic solution to calibrate multiple temperature sen-sors at the same time. The ASM series is an eight channel scanner controlled by the JOFRACAL software on a PC. Up to 3 ASM units can be stacked to calibrate up to 24 sen-sors at a time. It can handle signals from 2-, 3- and 4 wire RTD’s, thermocouples, transmitters, temperature switches, and voltage.JofraCal Calibration SoftwareJofraCal is a highly versatile calibration soft-ware that is supplied together with the RTC calibrators. The software ensures easy calibra-tion of all kinds of temperature sensors, such as RTD´s, thermocouples, transmitters, and thermoswithes. Furthermore, it can be used for pressure calibration i.e. pressure gauges and pressure switches. JofraCal integrates with Jofra calibration instruments. As for temperature calibrators, it is the whole rangeof temperature calibrators. Regarding pressure calibrators, it integrates with the Crystal XP2i and nVision. JofraCal also has full integration with the series of signal calibrators.JofraCal may also be used for manual calibrations, as it can be set up to accept manual entry of calibration data together with other liquid baths, ice points, or dry-block heat sources.The calibration data collected can be stored on a PC for later recall or analysis. The RTC calibra-tor stores the calibration procedure and may be taken out to the process site without bringing a personal computer.This allows the RTC calibrator to:Operate as a stand-alone instrument, using advanced calibration routines without the assis-tance of a personal computer on site. The work order functionalityPrevent unauthorized changes to a calibration routine. Personnel who are not authorized toalter a calibration routine cannot do soOnce all calibrations are completed, the data may be uploaded to JOFRACAL for the printing of certificates. The data collected may be stored on the personal computer for later recall or analysis.JOFRACAL offers extended output formats of the captured calibration data such as PDF file format and ASCII/ semicolon separated text format for further processing and calculation of data in spreadsheets and word processors.Multi-Hole Inserts—Metric (mm)All inserts are supplied with an insulation plug drilled with the necessary holes.InstrumentInsert Type Insert Code*RTC-700 (A/B/C)Multi-hole Type 1M01127200Multi-hole Type 2M02127201Multi-hole Type 3M03127202Multi-hole Type 4M04127203Multi-hole Type 7M07127244Multi-hole Type 8M08127245Multi-hole Type 9M09127246Set of 4 Metric Multi Inserts, 3 to 13 mm. (Includes 127203, 127244, 127245, and 127246)SM127252* Use the insert code, when ordering a JOFRA standard multi-hole insert together with the RTC calibrator.1/4"4 mm4 mm 7 mm13 mm1/4" 4 mm4 mm5 mm6 mm3 mm4 mm9 mmInsert Code SMFunctional ComparisonNo part of this document may be reproduced or modified in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without express written permission from Crystal Engineering Corporation.©2021 AMETEK IncorporatedUSA , FloridaTel +1 (800) 527 9999*******************USA , California *Tel +1 (800) 444 1850******************IndiaTel +91 22 2836 4750****************SingaporeTel +65 6484 2388****************China , Shanghai Tel +86 21 5868 5111**********************.cn China , BeijingTel +86 10 8526 2111**********************.cn United KingdomTel +44 (0) 1243 833 302**********************FranceTel +33 (0) 30 68 89 40***********************************GermanyTel +49 (0) 2159 9136 510*********************Denmark *Tel +45 4816 8000*****************ISO 17025 accredited calibration lab.。



1200SE(温度校验器)用户手册阿美特克-技术服务中心2003/81.0概述此操作手册适用于下列型号温度校准仪1200SE/ 带R S232接口制造商:AMETEK DENMARK A/SGAMMELGARDSVEJ 87DK-3520 FARUMDENMARKTEL:+45 42 95 88 00FAX;+45 42 95 80 832.0 简介1200SE校准仪用于对热电阻,热电偶,温度开关和热敏电阻进行快速,可溯源的准确的温度校准。





3.0功能3.1 功能介绍1200SE用于300°C—1200°C温度范围对温度传感器的校准工作。




同时,分别指示:°C/°F,mA,Set(设定)/ Read(读出);Heat (加热)/ Cool(致冷);Slope(斜率);Hold (保持);Switch(开关测试),以及开关通断等状态。




2024年第1期品牌与标准化Measurement Uncertainty Assessment of the Temperature Block CalibratorZHU Junjie ,CHENG Lei ,ZHAO Wentao ,NIE Hongqing ,ZHU Donghuan(Shanghai Institute of Precision Metrology and testing,Shanghai 201109,China)Abstract :The temperature block calibrator is widely used in on-site measurement because of its small portability and fast temperature ramp-up speed.When it is used as a temperature source there is measurement uncertainty because it is affected by the type of temperature sensor to be calibrated,instruments and equipment,measurement methods and means and the temperature characteristics of the temperature block calibrator itself.This paper evaluates the measurement uncertainty of the temperature block calibrator,reasonably characterizes the reliability of the measurement results,and provides a reference for the practical application of metrologists.Keywords :the temperature block calibrator;measurement uncertainty;metrology and measurement干体式温度校准器测量不确定度评定朱俊捷,承磊,赵文韬,聂红庆,朱东欢(上海精密计量测试研究所,上海201109)【摘要】干体式温度校准器因小巧便携、升降温速度快等特点在现场计量中被广泛使用,但其作为温度源时,受被校温度传感器类型、仪器设备、测量方法和手段,以及温度校准器自身温度特性等因素的影响,会产生测量不确定度。



AMETEK阿美特克PS触发组件880118901 AMETEK阿美特克储存器880060901SAMETEK阿美特克880107901(询~**~价:15 8 0 5 0 6 12 13 李-*-*工)AMETEK阿美特克回样阀200896001AMETEK阿美特克压力计251744000AMETEK阿美特克200892001AMETEK阿美特克进料阀200884001AMETEK阿美特克校验镜片200095002SAMETEK阿美特克电缆72391SEAMETEK阿美特克933硫化氢分析仪镉灯300-2070AMETEK阿美特克933硫化氢分析仪铜灯300-8707AMETEK阿美特克冷静式水露点分析仪13-1200-C-N-2AMETEK阿美特克碤玻漓窗2008887001AMETEK阿美特克密封垫880042001AMETEK阿美特克o型圈202813026阿美特克氧化锆头71785SEAMETEK阿美特克零点干燥器305617901SAMETEK阿美特克干燥器305400901S\AMETEK阿美特克湿气发生器305010901SAMETEK阿美特克电机电板pn100-1662AMETEK阿美特克氧化头78715SEAMETEK阿美特克在线分析仪表配件3050水分析仪校验管305431901S AMETEK阿美特克保险丝(H2S在线分析仪)1A,300-9244AMETEK阿美特克保险丝(H2S在线分析仪)6.3A,300-6291 AMETEK阿美特克保险丝(H2S在线分析仪)0.5A,300-6291 AMETEK阿美特克O型圈(H2S在线分析仪)300-2375AMETEK阿美特克过滤器芯(H2S在线分析仪)300-6217AMETEK阿美特克色谱柱(H2S在线分析仪)100-1857AMETEK阿美特克第一级过滤膜300-5862AMETEK阿美特克第二级过滤膜300-8594AMETEK阿美特克色谱柱加热器300-9039AMETEK阿美特克1 13-1200-C-N-2水露点仪镜头CH13-0007-t AMETEK阿美特克水露点仪电路板(PCB COATED)13-0307 AMETEK阿美特克水露点仪铂电阻(RTD Assembly) 13-0236AMETEK阿美特克过滤膜及附件305529901AMETEK阿美特克滤污器过滤芯305527901AMETEK阿美特克固体过滤器305448901SAMETEK阿美特克过滤器滤芯300-6217AMETEK阿美特克880020901检测电路板AMETEK阿美特克石英窗200 887 001AMETEK阿美特克石英窗垫圈880042001AMETEK阿美特克P/S触发组件 880 118 901AMETEK阿美特克除雾器金属垫 880063001 更新型号880063901 AMETEK阿美特克继电器PC组件 80436SEAMETEK阿美特克石英窗垫880042001AMETEK阿美特克除雾器垫880063001AMETEK阿美特克除雾器衬芯880136901AMETEK阿美特克固态继电器265972001AMETEK阿美特克保险丝269439024AMETEK阿美特克保险丝269439019AMETEK阿美特克保险丝205223019AMETEK阿美特克保险丝205223011AMETEK阿美特克除雾器880019902AMETEK阿美特克温度传感器880041001AMETEK阿美特克880041002AMETEK阿美特克电磁阀880108914SAMETEK阿美特克电磁阀880108915SAMETEK阿美特克880061001AMETEK阿美特克72392SEAMETEK阿美特克气体比重计388-11032AMETEK阿美特克电磁阀880108914SAMETEK阿美特克电磁阀880108915SAMETEK阿美特克石英窗垫880042001AMETEK阿美特克露点仪13-1200-C-N-2三脚架CHP-0535气缸CHP-0536过滤器CH13-0054滤芯替换CHC0843520立方英尺虹吸管瓶CH13-2277AMETEK阿美特克氧化锆加热丝TEMPCO G12 01HDC16281 72931KE 75 120V 型号73052TEAMETEK阿美特克流量计组件305449901SAMETEK阿美特克比例电磁阀305648901AMETEK阿美特克氧化锆74422SEAMETEK阿美特克干燥器560040901AMETEK阿美特克干燥器560040904AMETEK陶瓷过滤器74422SEAMETEK阿美特克氧化锆锆头71785SEAMETEK键盘模块90253VEAMETEK阿美特克氧化锆71063SEAMETEK阿美特克热电偶71697KEAMETEK氧化锆头71063SEAMETEK阿美特克过滤膜及附件305529901AMETEK阿美特克滤污器过滤芯305527901AMETEK阿美特克固体过滤器305448901SAMETEK阿美特克过滤膜300-5862AMETEK阿美特克过滤膜300-8594AMETEK阿美特克过滤器300-6217Ametek 产品询价:BACKPLANE ASSEMBLY;PN:80439SEAMETEK阿美特克氧化锆过滤器74422SEAMETEK阿美特克处理器电路板80485SEAMETEK阿美特克温度传感器880041002AMETEK阿美特克控制器后基板880112901SAMETEK阿美特克储存器880060901SAMETEK阿美特克280465001 停产替代280465003AMETEK阿美特克传感器板80467SE TM2000AMETEK阿美特克手摇仪表校验泵JOFRA 65-P016AMETEK阿美特克HPC41-10KPSI-NAMETEK阿美特克65-R975过滤器组件 AMETEK 880033901AMETEK阿美特克氙气闪光灯200880001AMETEK阿美特克NSL灯 880118901AMETEK阿美特克扩展PC组件 80449SEAMETEK阿美特克CPU显示模块 880115901SAMETEK阿美特克光源灯前过滤镜片 880103001AMETEK阿美特克过滤镜片O型圏880271001AMETEK阿美特克CAL3200温度控制器269323011AMETEK阿美特克石英玻璃窗200887001AMETEK阿美特克氧含量分析仪显示模块90219VEAMETEK阿美特克电源板 880114901SAMETEK阿美特克锆管导线95385WEAMETEK阿美特克电磁阀300-9242AMETEK阿美特克K型热电偶71697KEAMETEK阿美特克传感器电路板80471SEAMETEK阿美特克流量开关72684SEAMETEK阿美特克阻火器v70487SEMU150-400L;SERIAL NO.: 33740/33741/33742 数量11PUMP SHAFT;POS NO.: 2110;GARBARINO;PUMP TYPE: MU150-400L;SERIAL NO.: 33740/33741/33742 数量1MPELLER;POS NO.: 2200;GARBARINO;PUMP TYPE: MU150-400L;SERIAL NO.:33740/33741/33742 数量2轴承箱\GARBARINO\3130\离心水泵\MU150-400L\33740/33741/33742 数量2键\GARBARINO\6700.2\离心水泵\MU150-400L\33740/33741/33742 数量2键\GARBARINO\6700.1\离心水泵\MU150-400L\33740/33741/33742 数量2靠背轮\GARBARINO\7410\离心水泵\MU150-400L\33740/33741/33742 数量1意大利MECAIR 马佳尔电磁阀 PXA42X-24/DC美国泰勒低温安全阀产品型号:Taylor 82D9341315-MCDELTADC线扫描型热检2030/230V/50HZAVITEQ振动器 MVFS50-2P,380-500V/50HzEVAC5435015数量45775500 数量45774000数量45900200数量2SABB Y753-14750Tyco泰科:FV311SCDIGITAL TELEPHONE\4225\NAVIGATION LIGHTS\CXH8\AASTRA TECHNOLOGIES MECAIR Sequencer MT2 24dvcCARRIER \50BW400034\空调/90MA-412-621KNORR LK3904MMCTHAB2317-35MC35m GTP Tape & Header Assembly.kenz BOOM BEARING\14015\吊机/EHC20/2400 OSRL 数量1MSATB200-290-130-004Pos. 14006 : boom bearing (2 off installed )for Kenz crane 996.032 (type EHC 20/2400)GARDNER DENVERPP1078354PP1083757BARKSDALE P/N:B1X-S32SS 2 pcsBARKSDALE P/N:B2S-C32SSA.O,SMITH 电机型号 F48H83B81KLINGER克林格球阀型号25-PN63火焰监测器 RJ95DSS2-1CE 综合式 2台品牌Fireye 型号60-2721-6DET-TRONICS对射式可燃气体探头校准镜,OPECL A,Part NO.: 009104-00Ex-Tech ProductsTYPE: CP135SYNNFABRDSPM振动传感器42011EXCoalescer Filter Element,436RCS-PM-SS-CE;PARTNUMBER:10500-418;BURGESS-MANNING,INCTIDELAND ML-300UL参数描述Colour: tbaRange: tbaVertical Divergence: 2.7° at 50%Voltage of System: 12VPower Consumption: tbaFlash Character: tbaDuty Cycle: tbaVisibility: 360º omnidirectionalMaterial: PlasticWeight: 9.1kgSynchronisation: GPS (Hardwire option available)Sun switch Threshold: AdjustableIP Rating: IP-66充电器 firetrol LL-1580(CNY14200)5个控制器 firetrol #KAS-2000-003 2个Rototherm thermal resistanceTYPE:RTDASSY-000096,IDECOIdeco К-750 ( winch 2042) brake pad AM-1165 12 X 1-1/8 X 12 20PC Ideco К-750 ( winch 2042) brake pad AM-1175 12 X 1-1/8 X 6 2PCK-100 (K-400)brake bad for winch L75-10250 10 X 1 X 12 2PCK-100 (K-400) brake bad for winch L55-10250 10 X1 X12 18PCDNFT-PRG,DIGITAL NO-FLOW TIMER;厂家:HS COMPRESSION;厂家部件号:620-233-002FIREYE火焰探测器85IRF1-2高温锁紧扣G 3/4" 11-012-0-WR526-AAAG 42589 数量10高温锁紧扣G 3/4" 11-012-2-WR526-AAAA 55954 数量10厂家:Carl Kurt Walther GmbH &Co.KGStearns:emoji: Challenger:trademark: Anti-Exposure Work Suit,20套 I580 Mustang Survival Deluxe Anti-Exposure Worksuit 20套 MS2075A.O,SMITH motorTYPE: F48H83B81TRANSOMIK 1200BC2-14/690Controlair电气比例阀550-ACDNORTHSTAR 编码器HSD35-1024-AA-716MM BORE,DIF,ABZ,5--26VCORE, CARRIER CORP, KH29EZ050, FILTER DRIERkoomey1/4IN3WAY AIR CONTROL VALVE 250PSI VALVE AIR. 1/4'' 49650 OLD P/N13-01150 PART NO:1222-01001/4IN THREE POSITION 4 WAY CONTROL VALVE 1/4''3 POSITION 4 WAY AIR CONT VALVE PART NO: 1240-01001/4IN ROTOR TYPE 4 WAY AIR CONT VALVE 250PSI VALVE 1/4'' ROTOR TYPE。


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美国阿美特克北京代表处 工业干体式温度校准仪 CTC 系列说明说明书

美国阿美特克北京代表处 工业干体式温度校准仪 CTC 系列说明说明书

Ø温度范围CTC-140A –17 to 140℃ CTC-320A 33 to 320℃ CTC-320B 33 to 320℃ CTC-650A 33 to 650℃ CTC-650B 33 to 650℃ CTC-1200A 300 to 1205℃ Ø快速校准节省时间特殊设计的加热体加热到320℃只需4分钟,加热到650℃只需要10分钟Ø应用灵活套管可以更换,可根据传感器尺寸选择合适孔径的套管Ø增强的稳定性MVI电路保证了在电源电压波动时温度的稳定.Ø节省时间的自动功能快速进行自动开关测试和自动步进功能Ø数据处理功能RS232通讯接口和AMEC A L-LIGHT软件都是标准配置.阿美特克JOFRACTC系列工业干体式校准仪CTC-1200A高达1205℃温度!Jofra CTC 系列工业干体式温度校准仪适合在现场使用,校准过程快速,可靠,并具有MVI功能以及配套软件。











插入深度更深CTC-320B和CTC650B插入深度高达190mm ,这样就可以校准充液式的温度计以及其他更长的温度计.皮泰尔效应(CTC-140A) 1834年法国物理学家JEAN PELTIER发现把电路连接到热电偶上可以观察到”反热电偶”效应:热电偶一端吸收热量而另一端则释放热量.这就是皮泰尔效应.实际的皮泰尔元件(电子加热泵)包括很多连接在电路中的并行排列的半导体材料.这些热电元件和他们的电器连接被固定在两个陶瓷板之间.陶瓷板用来固定整个的结构并使各元件之间绝缘. MVI改善温度稳定性 MVI代表”Mains power Variance Immunity”即电源波动消除. 不稳定的电源供应是影响现场校准仪准确度的主要原因. 一般的校准仪在现场使用时很不稳定,因为现场不时有大型电机,或其他设备起停导致电源不稳定.电源的波动会导致温度控制器工作不稳定,这就会导致读数误差和温度波动. CTC系列(CTC-140A除外)使用了MVI技术,避免了不稳定的问题.MVI电路始终监测供电电压并保证加热元件得到稳定的能量.CTC-140A电路设计中已包括了电压稳定功能。


Corus PTZ气体 Nhomakorabea积校正仪
1. 概述••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 1.1 产品简介······································································································ 1 1.2 工作原理······································································································ 1 1.3 主要特性······································································································ 2 1.4 产品尺寸······································································································ 3 1.5 主要部件······································································································ 3 2. 产品结构••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 2

阿美特克 JOFRA ATC系列干体式校准仪 说明书

阿美特克 JOFRA ATC系列干体式校准仪 说明书

ATC 系列干体式校准仪可以对各种型号和类型的温度 探头进行精密校准.这得益于它所采用的创新的双区加 热技术.所有的 JOFRA ATC 系列校准仪(ATC-155 除外) 都具有双区加热功能. 每个加热区都可以单独控制进行 精确的温度测量. 在加热块底部的温度一致性非常接近 于实验室液体槽的指标.下面的加热区域保证整个加热 块合适的热量消耗,上面的加热区域补偿加热体上部和 被测传感器的热量损失 .这种设计无需隔热被测探头 ,可 以校准充液式或其他机械式的探头.
调整前测试/调整后测试(只有 B 型)
JOFRA ATC 系列校准仪可以自动进行调整前测试和调整 后测试, 并可以将所有结果存储起来.第一次进行的校 准就是调整前测试,最后一次进行的校准就是调整后测 试,在这两次测试之间可能有多次校准或调整的过程.
ATC 加热和制冷模块
ATC-155,156,157 的加热和制冷模块皮泰尔元件采用多 段技术.这种技术大大提高了效率,并延长了元件寿命 . JOFRA ATC-157 最低可以达到环境温度下 71℃.
1834 年法国物理学家 JEAN PELTIER 发现把电路连接到 热电偶上可以观察到”反热电偶 ”效应:热电偶一端吸收 热量而另一端则释放热量.这就是皮泰尔效应 .实际的 皮泰尔元件( 电子加热泵) 包括很多连接在电路中的并 行排列的半导体材料.这些热电元件和他们的电器连接 被固定在两个陶瓷板之间.陶瓷板用来固定整个的结构 并使各元件之间绝缘.
Ø 改进的温度一致性 独特的双区设计确保了加热或制冷的校准区域的

JOFRA ITC系列干燥块校准器产品说明书

JOFRA ITC系列干燥块校准器产品说明书

Specification Sheet SS-CP-2286-USPRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe JOFRA ITC series is the mid-range dry-block calibrator model offered by AMETEK. The design basis for the ITC series is portabil-ity and ease-of-use supplied at a reasonable cost without sacrificing accuracy, perfor-mance, and fea-tures.The ITC series incorporates the features of the high-end ATC series with the functionality of the standard CTC series dry-block calibrators.FeaturesThe ITC series employs the slim and rugged design of the CTC series. This series also features the intuitive user interface, the clear LCD dis-play, and the functionality that is used in the successful CTC series. However, the ITC is designed with the state-of-the-art dual-zone heating block and MVI circuitry that has been adopted from the ATC series. The MVI circuitry ensures stable temperatures even when the mains supply is unstable.The ITC series is designed for both on-site and maintenance shop use. The applications are generally critical process control but can vary based on calibration and testing requirements.The ITC series dry-block calibrators are available in 3 different tempera-ture ranges and all models are equipped with RS232 serial communica-tion capabilities. The standard delivery also includes the JOFRACAL calibration PC software.Model ITC-155/320 and 650Industrial Temperature CalibratorITC-320 & ITC-650 dual-zone heating blockThe specialized block design increases the tempera-ture homogeneity in the critical calibration zone. It also minimizes the need to insulate the sensors-under-test and makes it possible to calibrate liquid-filled and other mechanical sensors.The main, or lower, zone ensures optimum heat dissipa-tion throughout the entire block. The secondary, or upper, zone compensates for the heat loss from the top of the block and from the sensor-under-test.ITC-155 heating/cooling blockThe model ITC-155 features improved Peltier elements that employ a ’’Multi-Stage Technology’’. This both improves efficiency and extends the useful life of the heat-ing/cooling block.Peltier effect (ITC-155)In 1834, Jean Peltier, a French physicist found that an ’’opposite thermocouple effect’’ could be observed when an electric current was connected to a thermocouple. Heat would be absorbed at one of the junctions and discharged at the other junction. This effect is called the ’’PELTIER EFFECT’’.The practical Peltier element (electronic heating pump) consists of many elements of semiconductor material con-nected electrically in series and thermally in parallel. These thermoelectric elements and their electrical interconnec-tions are mounted between two ceramic plates. The plates serve to mechanically hold the overall structure together and to electrically insulate the individual elements from one another.Maximum temperatureFrom the setup menu, the user can select the maximum temperature limit for the calibrator. This function prevents damage to the sensor-under-test caused by the applica-tion of excessive temperatures. The feature also aids in reducing drift resulting from extended periods of expo-sures to high temperatures. This feature can be locked with an access code.MVI - Improved temperature stabilityMVI stands for ’’Mains power Variance Immunity’’. Unstable mains power supplies are a major contributor to on-site calibration inaccuracies. Traditional temperature calibrators often become unstable in production environ-ments where large electrical motors, heating elements, and other devices are periodically cycled on or off. The cycling of supply power can cause the temperature regu-lator to perform inconsistently leading to both inaccurate readings and unstable temperatures.The ITC series employ the MVI, thus avoiding such stabil-ity problems. The MVI circuitry continuously monitors the supply voltage and ensures a constant energy flow to the heating elements.Easy-to-use, intuitive operationAll instrument controls may be performed from the front panel. The heat source is positioned away from the panel. This design helps to protect the operator.The main functions on the ITC series are designed with one-key-one-function logic. This means that there are no sub-menus or difficult to remember multiple keystrokes necessary to access primary functions.The easy-to-read, backlit display features dedicated icons, which help in identifying instrument conditions and opera-tional steps.Set temperatureThe ’’Up’’ and ’’Down’’ arrow keys allow the user to set the exact temperature desired with a resolution of 0.1°.Instrument setupsThe ITC series stores the complete instrument setup, including: engineering units, stability criteria, resolution, display contrast, slope (ramp) rate, auto-step settings, and maximum temperature.Stability indicatorA bold checkmark on the display indicates that the cali-brator has reached the desired set temperature and is stable. The operator may change the stability criteria and establish a greater sense of security in the calibration results. A convenient countdown timer is activated five minutes before the unit reaches stability.Automatic switch testOperators can save a lot of time using the automatic ther-moswitch test function to find values for the ’’Open’’ and ’’Close’’ temperatures. Additionally, this feature displays the hysteresis (deadband) between the two points. The feature ensures a very high repeatability when testingthermoswitches. Simply press the ’’SWITCH TEST’’ key to activate the function.Auto-steppingThis feature saves manpower. The operator may stay in the control room, or another remote location, monitor-ing the output from the sensor-under-test while the ITC series calibrator is placed in the process and automatically changes the temperature using a programmed step value and rate. Up to 9 different temperature steps may be pro-grammed, including the hold time for each step.Re-calibration/adjustmentsThe ITC series has a very easy and straightforward proce-dure for re-calibration/adjustment. There is no need for a screwdriver or PC software. The only thing you need is a reliable reference thermometer.Place the probe in the calibrator and follow the instruc-tions on the display. Third-party labs and calibration facili-ties will be able to perform this function if a certificate from an independent source is necessary. Of course, AMETEK can provide you with a traceable calibration cer-tificate from our labs when you require a higher level of confidence.Calibration of up to 24 sensors with JOFRA ASMUsing the JOFRA ITC series together with the ASMAdvanced Signal Multi-scanner offers a great time-saving automatic solution to calibrate multiple temperature sen-sors at the same time.The ASM series is an eight channel scanner controlled by JOFRACAL software on a PC. Up to 3 ASM units can be stacked to calibrate up to 24 sensors at the same time. It can handle signals from 2-, 3- and 4 wire RTD’s, TC’s, transmitters, thermisters, temperature switches and volt-age.Please also see more in specification sheet SS-CP-2360, which can be found at Carrying case (Optional) - 123396The optional protective carrying case ensures safe transportation and storage of the instrument and all associated equipment.Heat shield (Optional) - 104216An external heat shield is avail-able and may be placed on top of the calibrator to reduce the hot air stream around the sensor-under-test. This is especially important for testing thermocouples having head-mounted transmitters with cold-junction compensation.STANDARD DELIVERYACCESSORIESITC dry-block calibrator (user specified)Mains power cable (user specified)Traceable certificate - temperature performance Insert (user specified)3 pcs. insulation plugs for 5, 8, 11 mm sensors (ITC-155 only)Tool for insertion tubes RS232 cableJOFRACAL calibration software User manualReference manual (English)Test cables (1 x red, 1 x black)•••••••••••JOFRACAL CALIBRATION SOFTWAREJOFRACAL calibration software ensures easy calibration of RTD´s, thermocouples, transmitters, thermoswithes, pressure gauges and pressure switches. JOFRACAL can be used with JOFRA DPC-500, APC, CPC and IPI pres-sure calibrators, all JOFRA temperature calibrators, as well as JOFRA AMC900, ASC300 multi signal calibrator and ASM-800 signal multi scanner.JOFRACAL calibration software may also be used for manual calibrations, as it can be set up to accept manual entry of calibration data together with other liquid baths, ice points or dry-block heat sources.The calibration data collected may be stored on a PC for later recall or analysis. The ITC calibrator stores the cali-bration procedure and may be taken out to the process site without using a personal computer.Once all calibrations are completed, the data may be uploaded to the JOFRACAL calibration software for post-processing and printing of certificates. The calibration data collected may be stored on the personal computer for later recall or analysis.The JOFRACAL temperature calibration software may bedonwloaded from our web-page .Please also see more about JOFRACAL calibration software in specification sheet SS-CP-2510, which can be found atJOFRACAL softwareMinimum hardware requirements for JOFRACAL calibra-tion software.INTEL TM 486 processor(PENTIUM TM 800 MHz recommended)32 MB RAM (64 MB recommended)80 MB free disk space on hard disk prior to installation Standard VGA (800 x 600, 16 colors) compatible screen (1024 x 786, 256 colors recommended)CD-ROM drive for installation of the program 1 free RS232 serial port••••••••122832 Cleaning Brushes - 4 mm - Package of 3 pcs 60F174 Cleaning Brushes - 6 mm - Package of 3 pcs 122822 Cleaning Brushes - 8 mm - Package of 3 pcs 123374 Set of 3 pcs of insulation plugs / 4 mm ref. hole * 5, 8 and 11 mm / 0.2, 0.31 and 0.43 in. (ITC-155 A only)125510 Set of 3 pcs of insulation plugs / 1/4 in ref. hole * 5, 8 and 11 mm / 0.2, 0.31 and 0.43 in. (ITC-155 A only)125068 Support rod set for sensors, 2 gribs, 2 fixtures * Support rod set can be mounted on all JOFRA dry-blocks125066 Extra fixture for sensor grib 125067 Extra sensor grib125002 Edge port Converter with 4 pcs of RS232 ports 123396Carrying Case for ITC SeriesSupport rod set (Optional) - 125068Support rod for sensors to be mounted on all JOFRA dry-block calibrators. Holds the sensor under test in their position, while calibrat-ing. Includes 2 sensors grips and 2fixtures for sensor gribs.FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONSPHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONSMains specificationsVoltage ITC-155/320 A .........115V(90-127) / 230V(180-254)Voltage ITC-650 A ..............115V(100-127) / 230V(200-254)Frequency, non US deliveries ...............50 Hz ±5, 60 Hz ±5Frequency, US deliveries .......................................60 Hz ±5Power consumption (max) ITC-155 A .......................150 VA Power consumption (max) ITC-320/650 A ..............1150 VA Temperature rangeITC-155 A Maximum .......................................................155°C / 311°F *********************°C/32°F .........-39°C / -38°F **********************°C/73°F...........-23°C/-9°F **********************°C/104°F........-10°C / 14°F ITC-320 A ....................................33 to 320°C / 91 to 608°F ITC-650 A ..................................33 to 650°C / 91 to 1202°F Resolution (user-selectable)All temperatures ....................................................1° or 0.1°Stability - NEW 1)ITC-155 A ................................................±0.01°C / ±0.02°F ITC-320 A ................................................±0.02°C / ±0.04°F ITC-650 A ................................................±0.04°C / ±0.07°FMeasured after the stability indicator has been on for 10 minutes. Measuring time is 30 minutes.Time to stability (approximate)All models ...........................................................10 minutes Accuracy - NEW 1)ITC-155 A ................................................±0.18°C / ±0.32°F ITC-320 A ................................................±0.25°C / ±0.45°F ITC-650 A ................................................±0.45°C / ±0.81°F12 month period. Specification by use of the internal reference.Radial homogeneity (difference between holes) - NEW 1)ITC-155 A ....................................................0.02°C / 0.04°F ITC-320 A ....................................................0.04°C / 0.07°F ITC-650 A ......................................................0.1°C / 0.18°F Immersion depthITC-155 A ..................................................160 mm / 6.30 in ITC-320 A / ITC-650 A ............................. 150 mm / 5.91 in Well diameterITC-155 A ................................................... 20 mm / 0.79 in ITC-320/ITC-650 A ......................................30 mm / 1.18 in Heating timeITC-155 A -20 to 23°C / -4 to 73°F ....................4 minutes 23 to 155°C / 73 to 311°F ...............14 minutes -20 to 155°C / -4 to 311°F ..............18 minutes ITC-320 A 50 to 320°C / 122 to 608°F ...............7 minutes ITC-650 A 50 to 650°C / 122 to 1202°F ...........25 minutesInstrument dimensionsL x W x H ............241 x 139 x 375 mm / 9.5 x 5.5 x 14.8 in Instrument weightITC-155 A .....................................................7.6 kg / 16.8 lb ITC-320 A .....................................................6.5 kg / 14.3 lb ITC-650 A .....................................................8.5 kg / 18.7 lb Insert dimensions ITC-155 A Outer diameter ................19,9 mm / 0.78 in Inner diameter .................16,9 mm / 0.67 inLength ..............................150 mm / 5.91 inITC-320/650 A Outer diameter ................29,7 mm / 1.17 inInner diameter (multi hole) .25,9 mm / 1.02 in Inner diameter (single hole) 22,0 mm / 0.87 in Length ..............................160 mm / 6.30 in Weight of non-drilled insert (approximate)ITC-155 A .......................................................130 g / 4.6 oz ITC-320/650 A ..............................................940 g / 33.2 oz Shipping (including optional carrying case)Weight: ITC-155 A ..................................... 14.0 kg / 30.9 lb Weight: ITC-320 A ......................................13.7 kg / 30.2 lb Weight: ITC-650 A ......................................15.7 kg / 34.6 lb Size: L x W x H ..490 x 220 x 405 mm / 19.3 x 8.7 x 15.9 in Shipping (without carrying case)Weight: ITC-155 A ......................................11.0 kg / 24.3 lb Weight: ITC-320 A .....................................10.7 kg / 23.6 lb Weight: ITC-650 A ......................................12.7 kg / 28.0 lb Size: L x W x H ..460 x 216 x 405 mm / 18.1 x 8.5 x 15.9 in Shipping (carrying case only)Weight: ...........................................................5.0 kg / 11 lb Size: L x W x H ..490 x 220 x 405 mm / 19.3 x 8.7 x 15.9 in MiscellaneousSerial data interface .............................RS232 (9-pin Male)Operating temperature ....................0 to 40°C / 32 to 104°F Storage temperature ....................-20 to 60o C / -4 to 140o F Humidity .........................................................0 to 90% RH Protection class ..........................................................IP-10Cooling time ITC-155 A 155 to 100°C / 311 to 212°F .............4 minutes 155 to 23°C / 311 to 73°F ...............14 minutes 23 to -20°C / 73 to -4°F ..................23 minutes155 to -20°C / 311 to -4°F ...............37 minutesITC-320 A 320 to 100°C / 608 to 212°F ...........30 minutes 320 to 50°C / 608 to 122°F ............60 minutes ITC-650 A 650 to 100°C / 1202 to 212°F .........56 minutes 650 to 50°C / 1202 to 122°F ...........95 minutes Switch input (dry contact)Test voltage .............................................Maximum 5 VDC Test current .............................................Maximum 2.5 mA1) Improved specifications from January 1, 2008Note: All inserts (metric and inches) are supplied with a hole for the4 mm OD reference probe.Note: All inserts (metric and inches) for ITC-155 are supplied with amatching insulation plug.Note 1: Use the insert code, when ordered as the standard inserttogether with a new calibrator.Note 2: ITC-155 : 12 mm, 13 mm, 7/16 in and 1/2 in inserts are deliveredwithout the 4 mm reference hole, but supplied with a matchinginsulation plug.Note: All inserts (metric and inches) are supplied with a hole forthe 1/4 in OD reference probe.Note: All inserts (metric and inches) for ITC-155 are supplied witha matching insulation plug.Note 1: Use the insert code, when ordered as the standard inserttogether with a new calibrator.Note 2: ITC-155: 12 mm, 13 mm, 7/16 in and 1/2 in inserts are deliveredwithout the 1/4 in reference hole, but supplied with a matchinginsulation plug.PREDRILLED INSERTS FOR ITC SERIES - 4 MM REFERENCE HOLEJOFRA dry-block insert compatibility and materials:ATC-320 = ATC-650 = ITC-320 = ITC-650 (made of brass)ATC-155 = ATC-156 (made of aluminum)ATC-157 = ITC-155 (made of aluminum)ATC-140 = ATC-250 (made of aluminum)UNDRILLED INSERTS FOR ITC SERIESAll specifications on hole sizes are referring to the outerdiameter of the sensor-under-test.The correct clearance size is applied in all predrilledinserts.4 mm Reference1/4 in ReferenceMulti-hole M05(ITC-155 A)Multi-hole M05(ITC-320/650 A)Note: All multi-hole inserts (metric and inches) for ITC-155 are supplied with a matching insulation plug. Note:Remember to use matching insulation plugs.Note 1: Use the insert code, when ordered as the standardinsert together with a new calibrator.Multi-hole M06(ITC-320/650 A)Multi-hole M01(ITC-155 A) 4 mmMulti-hole M03(ITC-155 A)Note: All multi-hole inserts (metric and inches) for ITC-155are supplied with a matching insulation plug. Note: Remember to use matching insulation plugs.Note 1: Use the insert code, when ordered as the standard insert together with a new calibrator.MULTI-HOLE INSERTS FOR ITC SERIES - METRIC (MM)MULTI-HOLE INSERTS FOR ITC SERIES - IMPERIAL (INCH)Multi-hole M08(ITC-155 A)Multi-hole M06(ITC-155 A)Multi-hole M07(ITC-155 A)Multi-hole M02(ITC-155 A)(ITC-320/650 A)Multi-hole M03(ITC-320/650 A)Multi-hole M04(ITC-320/650 A)(ITC-320/650 A)Multi-hole M04(ITC-155 A)Multi-hole M09(ITC-155 A)sensorOrder number DescriptionBase model numberITC155A ITC-155 series, -23 to 155°C (-9 to 311°F)ITC320A ITC-320 series, 50 to 320°C (122 to 608°F)ITC650A ITC-650 series, 50 to 650°C (122 to 1202°F) Power supply (US deliveries 60 Hz only) 115 115VAC 230 230VACMains power cable type A European, 230VB USA/CANADA, 115VC UK, 240VD South Africa, 220VE Italy, 220VF Australia, 240VG Denmark, 230VH Switzerland, 220V IIsrael, 230VInsert type and sizeXXX1 x Insert for dry-block configuration(please see the previous insert pages for the right insert codes)Calibration certificateF Traceable calibration certificate(standard for Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa) G NIST traceable calibration certificate (standard for Western Hemisphere) HAccredited calibration certificate OptionsC Carrying caseXNo option usedITC320A115BM06CGXXSample order numberJOFRA ITC-320 A dry-block calibrator, 115VAC power with US power cord andpredrilled multi-hole insert type 6 includingcarrying case and NIST traceable certificate.ORDERING INFORMATIONAMETEK Calibration Instrumentsis one of the world’s leading manufacturers anddevelopers of calibration instruments for temperature, pressure and process signals as well as for temperature sensors both from a commercial and a technological point of view. JOFRA Temperature InstrumentsPortable precision thermometers. Dry-block and liquid bath calibrators: 4 series, with more than25 models and temperature ranges from-90° to 1205°C / -130° to 2200°F. All featuring speed,portability, accuracy and advanced documenting functions with JOFRACAL calibration software.JOFRA Pressure InstrumentsConvenient electronic systems ranging from-1 to 1000 bar (25 inHg to 14,500 psi) -multiple choices of pressure ranges, pumps andaccuracies, fully temperature-compensatedfor problem-free and accurate field use. JOFRA Signal InstrumentsProcess signal measurement and simulation for easy control loop calibration and measurementtasks - from handheld field instruments tolaboratory reference level bench top instruments.JOFRA / JF Marine InstrumentsA complete range of calibration equipmentfor temperature, pressure and signal,approved for marine use.FP Temperature SensorsA complete range of temperature sensorsfor industrial and marine use.M&G Pressure TestersPneumatic floating-ball or hydraulic piston dead weight testers with accuracies to 0.015% of reading.M&G PumpsPressure generators from small pneumatic “bicycle” style pumps to hydraulic pumps generating up to 1,000 bar (15,000 psi)....because calibration is a matter of confidence。

阿美特克 JOFRA 温度校准仪 操作方法

阿美特克 JOFRA 温度校准仪 操作方法

阿美特克JOFRA温度校准仪 ATC-155/ATC-155B ATC-320/ATC-320B ATC-650/ATC-650B操作方法AMETEK Denmark A/S目录一、 设置温度 (2)二、 设置内置标准/外接标准 (2)三、 设置RTD接线方法 (3)四、 设置T/C接线方法 (6)五、 温度与“Ω” 、“mV”转换键……………………….六、自动温度步进测试 (7)七、温度开关测试 (8)八、校准 (10)九、功能键介绍 (12)十、附注 (24)一、 设置温度(SET)1.1 开机按面板上 F1 温度设置键如下图所示。

REFERENCE SENSORREAD: 2 5 . 0 0 ℃SENSOR: ---.---- ------℃SET:NO activateSET temp Calibration SwitchtestAutostepSetup1.2 然后按数字键所设定温度例如:设定50℃按面板上数字键50.00。

1.3 最后按回车键确认即可。

二、(一)设置内置标准2.1 按面板上 F5 键(setup)显示后再按 F5 键(more)显示后按 F2 键(Input)显示后按F1键 Reference 显示后按F1键显示以下图示:REFERENCE SENSOR (标准传感器)Source:Internal reference (内置标准)(READ)ESC .cancel AcceptInternal Reference External Reference按二次回车键确认即可。

显示以下图示:REFERENCE SENSOR READ: 2 5 . 0 0 ℃SENSOR: ---.---- ------℃SET:NO activateSET temp Calibration SwitchtestAutostepSetup(二)设置外接标准2.2 按面板上 F5 键(setup)显示后再按 F5键(more→)显示后按 F2 键(Input)显示后按F1键 Reference 显示后按F2键显示以下图示:Source:External reference sensor(TRUE)Convert to temp : YESSET . follows TRUE:ofESC .cancel AcceptInternal Reference ExternalReferenceConvertto tempSet followTRUE按二次回车键确认即可。

AMETEK 多功能校验仪 ASC300 用户手册

AMETEK 多功能校验仪 ASC300 用户手册

为避免可能的电气事故和人员伤害 z 不要对校准仪加超过量程的电压 z 在电流测试端子插入测试线时,探头不要接触电压源 z 如果校准仪已经损坏,请不要再使用。检查端子之间的绝缘。 z 测试之前选择正确的功能和连接方法 z 在打开电池盒之前,将测试线拔下 z 不要再危险易爆或有蒸汽,粉尘的环境中使用仪表 z 在变换测量或输出功能之前,拔下测试线 z 电池指示出先后请及时更换电池,以免引起电器故障或人员伤害 z 测试电阻前请对高电压电容放电并断开电源 z 使用正确的插头和测试线并选择适当的量程进行测量或输出。 z 使用压力模块进行压力校准时,屏幕信息出现-OL-表示已经超量程,请尽快使
ASC300 具有自动高电压保护功能,保护电路替代保险管;双屏幕显示;双通道隔 离端子可以同时输出测量;自动步进;热电偶自动冷端补偿;提供 RS232 通讯接口, 可以自校准自调整。
ASC300 随机带一个便携式软包和表笔,无需将 ASC300 取出软包也可以进行按键, 连接测试线以及连接压力模块等操作,表笔等附件可以直接装入软包,携带和使用 都非常方便。
z 请勿将该仪器用于任何超过其规范用途的目的或场合。仪器的使用者必须是接 受过培训取得资质,并熟悉该仪器的使用方法的人。
z 使用时,应当遵守精密测量仪器的操作规范。 z 保护仪器免受潮湿、撞击、强磁场、静电和极端温度的侵害。
z 请勿插入任何部件或者拆解仪器。
ASC300 手持式综合校准仪
1. 仪表布局................................................................................................... 4 2. 屏幕和菜单............................................................................................... 5
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

用户可以直接在校准仪上进行操作和读数.在校准一个 指示仪表时, 用户可以在校准过程中或校准结束以后手 动输入校准数据. 使用校准信息功能,用户可以看到完 整的校准任务,包括在校准之前利用 ”场景 ”功能察看校 准示意图.
功能 A 型 B 型
ATC 加热和制冷模块
ATC-155,156,157 的加热和制冷模块皮泰尔元件采用多 段技术.这种技术大大提高了效率,并延长了元件寿命 . JOFRA ATC-157 最低可以达到环境温度下 71℃.
1834 年法国物理学家 JEAN PELTIER 发现把电路连接到 热电偶上可以观察到”反热电偶 ”效应:热电偶一端吸收 热量而另一端则释放热量.这就是皮泰尔效应 .实际的 皮泰尔元件( 电子加热泵) 包括很多连接在电路中的并 行排列的半导体材料.这些热电元件和他们的电器连接 被固定在两个陶瓷板之间.陶瓷板用来固定整个的结构 并使各元件之间绝缘.
所有的仪器控制都可以从前面板操作.加热区域的设计 位置和操作面板分离,从而保护操作人员.ATC 键盘有五 个功能键,这些键的功能随着对应屏幕上的说明改变而 改变.此外还有很多固定功能的按键.带背景光的大液 晶屏幕具有很高的对比度 ,即使在光线很亮的环境中也 可以轻松阅读 .液晶屏可以从各个角 度远距离阅读而没 有视差问题. 屏幕上的一些指示图标可以指示仪表状态 和操作步骤.
双区加热/制冷(ATC-155 除外) ? ?
? ?
? ?
? ?
? ?
SYNC 输出(使用外部记录装置) ? ?
显示分辨率 0.010
? ?
套管储存箱 图形液晶显示屏
? ? ? ?
ATC 系列允许用户存储最多 9 个完整的仪器设置.用户
AMECAL-TEMPERATURE 软件支持所有带 RS-232 接口的 JOFRA 干体式温度校准仪,JOFRA DTI-1000 参考温度计, 此外还可以应用在使用液体槽, 冰点器, 或其他干体式 加热装置的校准过程中. 使用软件的”场景”功能,仪器
所 有 ATC 系 列 的 校 准 仪 标 准 配 置 都 包 括 AMECAL-TEMPERATURE 软件.这个软件基于 WINDOWS 平台, 可以对校准的过程进行设置 .软件非常容易使用,不需 要专业编程人员就可以轻松设定校准步骤.软件在设置 的过程中可以使用提示,菜单或帮助功能. 需要进行的校准工作可以储存在 ”工作单”文件中并且 利用 RS232 接口从计算机下载到校准仪里.ATC 系列校 准仪存储校准步骤并可以带到现场使用,无需计算机. 这使得 ATC 校准仪可以: Ø 单独操作,无需计算机帮助即可以在现场进行高级
开关测试(只有 B 型)
校准仪可以进行温度开关测试,自动记录开,关点和死 区,并可以保留五次测试数 据. 但是这些数据不能上传 到计算机,而只能存在校准仪中.
最多可以设定 20 步自动步进,包括每一步的保持时间. 完成一个自动步进过程以后,用户可以方便的读出被测 探头的测试数据.最多可以存储 5 组自动步进测试数据.
ATC 系列干体式校准仪可以对各种型号和类型的温度 探头进行精密校准.这得益于它所采用的创新的双区加 热技术.所有的 JOFRA ATC 系列校准仪(ATC-155 除外) 都具有双区加热功能. 每个加热区都可以单独控制进行 精确的温度测量. 在加热块底部的温度一致性非常接近 于实验室液体槽的指标.下面的加热区域保证整个加热 块合适的热量消耗,上面的加热区域补偿加热体上部和 被测传感器的热量损失 .这种设计无需隔热被测探头 ,可 以校准充液式或其他机械式的探头.
调整前测试/调整后测试(只有 B 型)
JOFRA ATC 系列校准仪可以自动进行调整前测试和调整 后测试, 并可以将所有结果存储起来.第一次进行的校 准就是调整前测试,最后一次进行的校准就是调整后测 试,在这两次测试之间可能有多次校准或调整的过程.
双区加热/制冷技术 从-45 到 650℃
新型 Jofra ATC 系列干体式温度校准仪提供了实 验室精度的温度源 ,同时又具有现场干体式校准仪 的 快 速 ,方便携带的优点 .独特的 ”双区 ”设计使温度 性能达到了新的高度 .
ATC 系列校准仪有四种不同的温度范围,每种版本都有 2 种型号,A 型和 B 型. 所有 ATC 系列的校准仪(ATC-155 除外)都有双区加热设 计,通过这种双区设计可以大大提高加热体的温度一致 性,可以达到近似液体校准槽的性能. 最新的 ATC-157(超冷型 )是目前市场上制冷型干体式温度校准 仪中温度范围最宽的. 每台 ATC 干体式温度校准仪都可以进行全自动的校准 过程而无须使用计算机. 而使用计算机可以进行上传或 下载数据. B 型校准仪还带有输入接口可以测量各种外 部参考探头或者被测温度探头.所有 ATC 系列的校准仪 都 有 RS-232 接 口 并 随 机 带 有 AMECAL-REMPERATURE 软件.
在 ATC 校准仪的前面可以输出 SYNC 信号.这个输出信号 在仪器稳定时可以用来触发辅助设备例如摄像机,数码 相机或者输入一个数据记录装置.SYNC 输出可以用来帮 助自动设置并记录带读数的仪表 .
信息输入(只有 B 型)
导则 EA-10/13
EA 就是欧洲认证.这个组织的宗旨是保持并发展认证体 成员或非成员之间多边的协议,以保证国家之间的认证 证书和报告以及技术知识的交换被广泛的接受. EA 制订了新的”干体式温度校准仪导则”,包括一个完整 的不确定度估算.这个导则的编号是 EA-10/13. 除了测量设定点的绝对温度 ,还有很多方面需要考虑:轴 向温度一致性 ,插孔之间的温度差,不同被测探头对测试 区域温度的影响,由于热传导而引起的温度稳定性 . AMETEK 相信这个导则将来会成为评价干体式温度校 准仪的标准.
? ?
RTD,TC,V,mA 输入
测量变送器 4-20mA 电流并提
供 24VDC 电源
ATC-155/156/157/320 ....... 115V(90-127) 230V(180-254)
阿美特克 JOFRA ATC 系列干体式校准仪
Advanced Temprature Calibrator
Ø 温度范围 ATC-155 –24 to 155℃ ATC-156 -24 to 155℃ ATC-157 -45 to 155℃ ATC-320 33 to 320℃ ATC-650 33 to 650℃
设定温度功能可以让用户以 0.01℃的分辨率精确设定 想要得到的温度.
可以存储各种信息例如:温度单位, 稳定条件, 外部参考 探头的使用,分辨率,被测探头, 温度转换,液晶屏对比 度等.这些设置可以在任何时候进行调用.
用户可以从设置菜单选择设置校准仪的最高限制温度, 这个功能可以保护被校探头,以免探头因为超过温度限 制而被损坏,而且此功能有助于减小探头由于高温而产 生的漂移.用户可以使用密码来进行锁定.
Ø 改进的温度一致性 独特的双区设计确保了加热或制冷的校准区域的
温度一致性. Ø 高精度
可以使用内部或外部参考探头 ,使用四线制真欧姆 测量. Ø 增强的稳定性 MVI 电路保证了在电源电压波动时温度的稳定. Ø 经济高效的校准系统 stand alone operation 不需要第二台设备或计算机. 通用输入可以测量多种温度探头. Ø 节省时间的校准 上传或下载完整的校准任务.自动步进,自动开关测 试等方便校准过程. Ø 数据处理功能 RS232 通讯接口和 AMECAL-TEMPERATURE软件 都是标准配置.
只定点温度.当严格要求加热体中的温度等于设定 点温度时就可以使用外部参考探头来控温.这项功能在 校准气体修正器或其他保管变换时非常理想 .
自动校准过程(只有 B 型)
ATC 系列 B 型带有内部转换器,可以测量各种温度探头, 包括: Ø 温度调节装置 Ø 热电阻 Ø 热电偶 Ø 变送器 Ø mA Ø V ATC 系列校准仪可以由用户设定实现全自动温度校准. 通过设定 ,校准仪可以自动运行校准过程 .所有的校准 数据都可以储存起来,并且可以上传到计算机并打印校
消除. 不稳定的电源供应是影响现场校准仪准确度的主 要原因 . 一般的校准仪在现场使用时很不稳定 ,因为现 场不时有大型电机 ,或其他设备起停导致电源不稳定. 电源的波动会导致温度控制器工作不稳定,这就会导致 读数误差和温度波动. JOFRA ATC-320,650 使用了 MVI 技术,避免了不稳定的问题.MVI 电路始终监测供电电压 并保证加热元件得到稳定的能量.其他类型的 ATC 型号 工作在经稳压的直流电压下,所以不需要 MVI 电路也能 稳定工作.
MVI 改善温度稳定性
MVI 代表”Mains power Variance Immunity”即电源波动
最高的准确度(只有 B 型)
ATC 系列校准仪可以使用外部探头参与控温. 这项特性 可以在工作现场校准中仍然保持很高精度. 一个特殊的 90°外部参考探头用来和带变送器头或顶 端接线盒的探头配合使用 .用户可以选择内置参考探头 读数或精度更高的 90°探头读数,这些读数都显示在液 晶大屏幕上,并且相互独立.参考探头的线性化数据可 以通过计算机下载.