

SGR-W500-I 用户手册

SGR-W500-I 用户手册

第五章 高级功能配置 ........................................................................................... 16
RADIUS 服务器 ............................................................................................................16 VAP(虚拟多 AP)设定 ...............................................................................................18 Bridge 模式下的安全设定 .............................................................................................23 启用 802.1Q VLAN.......................................................................................................24 无线端访问控制.............................................................................................................25 配置为路由器.................................................................................................................26 高级设置.........................................................................................................................26 速率加速功能.................................................................................................................28 管理代理.........................................................................................................................29 Smart WDS 功能 ............................................................................................................30

HS9008-104-009 操作手册 (A) 2012.11.28

HS9008-104-009 操作手册 (A) 2012.11.28

HS9008-104-009 操作手册 (A) 2012.11.28REV DESCRIPTION 版本说明DATE 日期REV.版本DESCRIPTION简述EDIT编制CHKD.校对RVE.审核DESIGNER 设计单位SHANGHAI HANSAIL MARINE & OFFSHORE DESIGN CO.,LTD 上海航盛船舶设计有限公司BUILDER 承造单位南通润邦海洋工程装备有限公司SHIP’S No.盛邦1001DETAILDESIGN详细设计操作手册HS9008-104-009SUB. 专业SIG.签字UNI.会签SIG.签字DATE日期EDIT 编制胡辽军REV.版本WEIGHT(kg)重量(公斤)SCALE比例CHKD.校对周锋 A目录1前言 (8)1.1编写目的和用途 (8)1.2执行/参考规范 (8)2总则 (9)2.1平台基本信息 (9)2.2主要性能指标 (9)2.3平台坐标系 (12)2.4设计环境条件及设计载荷 (13)2.5水密区域的划分及水密要求 (17)2.6倾斜试验结果 (24)2.7起重机重量 (25)2.8桩腿 (26)2.9升降能力 (27)3拖航状态 (28)3.1拖航状态 (28)3.2拖航环境条件 (28)3.3许用重心高度 (28)3.4可变载荷 (29)3.5拖航前准备工作 (31)3.6拖曳设备 (31)3.7拖带操作基本原则 (31)3.8拖航应急措施 (32)4升船作业状态 (33)4.1升船准备 (33)4.2升船作业程序 (36)5降船及拔桩作业 (37)5.1降船作业 (37)5.2桩靴喷冲 (37)5.3拔桩作业 (37)6吊装作业状态 (38)6.1吊装作业状态 (38)7打桩作业状态 (41)7.1打桩作业状态 (41)8.1待命作业状态环境条件 (44)8.2待命前应采取的措施 (45)8.3人员撤离 (46)9风暴自存状态 (47)9.1风暴自存状态环境条件 (47)9.2风暴状态来临前应采取的措施 (48)10升降装置 (49)10.1概述 (49)10.2升降系统 (49)10.3液压系统 (52)10.4电气控制、监视系统 (53)10.5平台升降操作方法 (55)11锚系泊和拖曳设备 (70)11.1锚设备 (70)11.2系泊设备 (70)11.3拖曳设备 (71)11.4拖力眼板及导缆孔 (71)12消防和救生设备 (72)12.1救生艇及艇架 (72)12.2救生筏 (72)12.3其它救生及消防杂件 (72)13管系和通风系统 (73)13.1概述 (73)13.2柴油管系 (74)13.3滑油管系 (75)13.4冷却水管系 (75)13.5压缩空气管系 (76)13.6排气管系 (76)13.7船舶管系 (76)14通讯和报警系统 (81)14.1VHF无线电话 (81)14.2航行气象告警接收机 (81)14.3中/高频无线电装置 (81)14.4卫星紧急无线电示位标 (81)14.5广播 (81)14.7通用报警系统 (81)14.8火灾探测及报警系统 (82)14.9CO2施放报警系统 (82)14.10自动电话系统 (82)14.11机舱组合报警系统 (82)14.12卫星电视系统 (82)14.13轮机员呼叫系统 (82)15电源和配电系统 (83)15.1电源设备 (83)15.2配电设备 (86)16演习和训练 (88)16.1救生演习 (88)16.2训练须知 (88)16.3记录 (88)17应急状态的处理 (89)17.1应急状态 (89)17.2漂浮状态破舱进水时,应立即采取的措施 (89)17.3火灾警报发出时,应立即采取的措施 (89)17.4关于平台可能产生不均匀沉陷的问题 (90)17.5值班及应急信号 (90)17.6紧急疏散程序 (90)18附录1:拖航阻力计算 (91)18.1平台主要要素 (91)18.2拖船主要要素 (91)18.3拖航阻力计算 (91)18.4系柱拖力计算 (94)18.5结论 (95)19附录2:风、浪、流载荷结果汇总表 (97)19.1作业和自存工况下环境载荷产生的滑移力汇总表 (97)19.2作业和自存工况下环境载荷产生的倾覆力矩汇总表 (97)20附录3:调载计算 (98)20.1纵倾计算 (98)20.2稳性计算 (98)20.3纵倾和稳性计算示例 (99)21附录4:静水力曲线表 (103)23附录6:主要附图 (105)23.1舱容图 (105)23.2甲板载荷图 (105)23.3液压系统原理图 (105)1前言1.1编写目的和用途本手册是为海上风电作业平台编写的操作手册,其目的是使平台工作人员了解本平台的设计工作条件,熟悉平台在拖航、预压、举升、下降、拔桩、作业及风暴自存等状态下的各种操作要领,及对可能出现的意外情况所采取的应急措施,确保平台及人员的安全。



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Sperry Marine NAVIPILOT 4500N使用手册说明书

Sperry Marine NAVIPILOT 4500N使用手册说明书

NAVIPILOT 4500NNetworked, adaptive and self-tuning Heading Control SystemNAVIPILOT 4500N is Sperry Marine’s new networked, self-adaptive heading control system that combines industry-leading performance with easier deployment and operation. It keeps your vessel more efficiently on course, reduces fuel consumption,emissions and workload on the bridge.With a colour touchscreen, it’s intuitiveto use and heading control functionalityis safely operated with a dial wheel andbuttons to avoid unintended changes.NAVIPILOT 4500N still delivers theheading control performance thatSperry Marine is renowned for, to keepyour vessel more efficiently on course.Keep your vessel more efficiently on course, reduce fuelconsumption, emissions and workload on the bridgeStay compliant• T ype approved to applicableMED standardImprove ease of use• I ntuitive 7” colour touch screenfor improved readability• Swipe between screens forimproved accessibility of settings• H armonized alarm managementto reduce frequency and operatorworkload, with guidance onrequired actionIncrease reliability• S elf-monitors for faults andsystem configuration via integrateddiagnostics for efficient supportOptimise operationalschedule• A daptive and self-tuning system thatcontinuously monitors and optimisesheading control performance to keepthe vessel more efficiently on courseReduce through-life costs• E asy to install with reducedcomponents, standard networkcabling and connectionsImprove flexibility• H eading control available as astandalone system or additional toNAVIGUIDE 4000 manual steeringsystem, for new builds or retrofitsReduce emissions• I ndustry-leading heading controlperformance with minimisedrudder movement required duringmanoeuvres, less force back,reduced need for propulsionenergy and less fuel consumption The NAVIPILOT 4500N has a continuous self-tuning adaptation for accurate steering and efficient fuelconsumption which enables the system to monitor performance and to automatically adjust rudder gainand counter rudder settings as needed, to keep the tuning optimized even if the vessel behavior is affectedby changes in loading and trim or by changing weather conditions.• A ll vessels have unique behaviour eventhose of the same design• T rim changes during voyage due to fuelusage changing weight of the vesselSelf-tuning fully adaptive feature adjusting to the vessel conditionReal-time self-tuning adaption for most accurate steering and efficientconsumption despite external and internal factors:• D ifferent cargo loading parameters fromone voyage to the next• L onger term changes in behaviour asthe vessel agesIntroduction to the NAVIPILOT 4500N new features on the touch displayKeep an eye on the main display indicating the actual heading from GYRO, the selected heading, as well as Autopilot active status.Easy access to the Autopilot control parameters without losing sight of the essential heading control information thanks to the split screen approach. Change your parameters in the Home and Dimming menus. If alerts are present in the system they will bedisplayed here automatically, including comprehensive operator guidance.Safety relevant functionality (eg.: changing headings) accessible by buttons and wheel. For easy Sperry Marine was one of the first companies to design and develop an autopilot with the aim of increasing profits by reducing the running costs of the ship using a fully self-tuning adaptive headingcontrol system. The ultimate version with new modern design provides additional ease of use to the crew whilst permanently indicate all information required by contemporary navigation demands:General integration optionsCombined with our Fiber Optic Gyro Compasses, the autopilot will be provided with the most stable and accurate heading data available on the market, meaning the autopilot does not need to over-correct. With the result of an overall reduction in rudder movements.VisionMaster / ECDISNAVIPILOT 4500N can be integrated with our VisionMaster ECDIS for advanced Track Control functionality, according to applicable MED standards:- Enhance safety and reduce operator workload with pre-programmed routes for repetitive courses- Simplify operations on more complex voyages with multiple waypoints or lots of manoeuvres- Reduce fuel consumption further with enhanced voyage planning that incorporates weather and sea conditionsNAVIGUIDE 4000 steering control systemNAVIPILOT 4500N can be integrated with our versatile manual steering control system NAVIGUIDE 4000 that provides all required manual steering modes. NAVIGUIDE 4000 can be interfaced with a wide range of steering gears and can thus be adapted to customer needs.The complete system can be easily used in any new build as an integral part of our Integrated Bridge System offering or in in retrofits to enhance our existing system or any third party’s systems.Our NAVIPILOT 4500N can be used on any kind of vessels, of all size and for all type of operations.Suitable for every operating scenarioNAVIGAT 2500Integrate with our NAVIGAT 2500fiber optic gyro compasses foreven higher system performanceand efficiency.NAVIGAT 200Providing more redundancywith our Network HeadingManagement System.VisionMaster IntegratedBridge SystemThe intelligent bridge forthe connected ship.NAVIGAT 3500Adding highest heading accuracyand motion reference data toyour bridge, especially whensailing in high lattitude. VisionMaster ECDISC reate a Track Control System throughintegration of NAVIPILOT 4500N withVisionMaster ECDIS to automatetrack keeping.NAVIGAT 100Single gyro headinginput compliance.You may also be interested in:Global Service and SupportSperry Marine provides service and support on a 24/365 basis at every major port worldwide, at anchor, offshore and at sea.All Marine Service Engineers are all certified to ensure they install, maintain and repair our products to the industry’s highest standards on a consistent global basis. Please see /services for full details of all our service locations.Find out morePlease visit for more information on Sperry Marine’s complete range of products and services.If you would like a quotation, please email sales@.BR-78/EXP-SD-2023-680。





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zanussi zwfm25w804a 洗衣機 使用手冊说明书

zanussi zwfm25w804a 洗衣機 使用手冊说明书

Washing Machine ZWFM25W804AUser Manual 2EN 洗衣機使用手冊40HK2 CONTENTS1.1 Conditions Of Use 1.2 Child Safety 1.3 General Safety 1.4 Installation 1.5 Use 1. SAFETY INFORMATION........................................................................................................ 4.................................................................................................................. 5............................................................................................................. 6.................................................................................................................... 6.............................................................................................................................. 72.1 Parts 2.2 Accessories 2. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................................ 8................................................................................................................. 93.1 Control Panel Description 3.2 Program Chart 3.3 Program Options Compatibility 3.4 Options 3.5 Settings 3.6 Start/Pause ( ) and Add Clothes ( ) Touchpad 3. CONTROL PANEL........................................................................................... 10............................................................................................................. 11..................................................................................... 12........................................................................................................................ 13........................................................................................................................ 15. (16)Adherence to the directions for use in this manual is extremely important for health and safety. Failure to strictly adhere to the requirements in this manual may result in personal injury, property damage and affect your ability to make a claim under the Zanussimanufacturer’s warranty provided with your product. Products must be used, installed and operated in accordance with this manual. You may not be able to claim on the Zanussi manufacturer’s warranty in the event that your product fault is due to failure to adhere to this manual.IMPORTANT INFORMATION THAT MAY IMPACT YOUR MANUFACTURER’S WARRANTYWe recommend the use of original spare parts.When contacting Service, ensure that you have the following data available. The information can be found on the rating plate. Model, PNC, Serial Number.Subject to change without notice.Warning / Caution-Safety information.General information and tips.Environmental information.CUSTOMER CARE AND SERVICEThank you for purchasing an Electrolux appliance. You’ve chosen a product that brings with it decades of professional experience and innovation. Ingenious and stylish, it has been designed with you in mind. So whenever you use it, you can be safe in the knowledge that you’ll get great results every time. Welcome to Zanussi.Get usage advice, brochures, trouble shooting, service information, buy accessories & spare parts, online product registration : WE’RE THINKING OF YOUVisit our website to:ENGLISH 33ENGLISH5.1 Loading The Laundry 5.2 Using Detergent And Additives 5.3 Options Setting 5.4 Starting A Cycle ( )5.5 Interruption Of A Program 5.6 Changing A Program 5.7 Changing The Options 5.8 Opening The Door 5.9 At The End Of The Program 5.10 When The Washing Program Is Completed, But There Is Water In The Drum 5.11 AUTO Off Mode 5. DAILY USE.................................................................................................... 17.................................................................................... 17............................................................................................................ 18................................................................................................... 19............................................................................................ 19................................................................................................... 19................................................................................................ 19........................................................................................................ 19........................................................................................ 19......... 20......................................................................................................... 206.1 Sorting The Laundry 6.2 Temperatures 6.3 Before Loading The Laundry 6.4 Maximum Loads 6.5 Removing Stains 6.6 Detergents Type And Quantity Of Detergent 6. WASHING HINTS.................................................................................................... 21............................................................................................................... 21........................................................................................ 21........................................................................................................... 21.......................................................................................................... 21............................................................... 228.1 External Cleaning 8.2 Descaling 8.3 After Each Wash 8.4 Maintenance Wash With “Tub Clean” Program 8.5 Cleaning The Dispenser Drawer 8.6 Cleaning The Drawer Recess 8.7 Cleaning The Pump 8.8 Cleaning The Water Inlet Filter 8.9 Frost Precautions 8. CARE AND CLEANING........................................................................................................ 24..................................................................................................................... 24.......................................................................................................... 24........................................................... 24.................................................................................. 24...................................................................................... 25...................................................................................................... 25.................................................................................... 27......................................................................................................... 289.1 Possible Failures 9.2 Emergency Door Opening 9. TROUBLESHOOTING........................................................................................................ 29........................................................................................... 324. BEFORE FIRST USE ....................................................................................................... 167. INTERNATIONAL WASH CODE SYMBOLS ................................................................ 2310. TECHNICAL DATA .......................................................................................................... 3311.1 Unpacking 11.2 Positioning 11.3 Water Inlet 11.4 Water Drainage 11.5 Electrical Connection ................................................................................................................... 33.................................................................................................................. 35.................................................................................................................. 36......................................................................................................... 36................................................................................................. 3811. INSTALLATION12.1 Packaging Materials 12.2 Old Machine 12.3 Ecological Hints .................................................................................................. 39............................................................................................................... 39 (39)12. ENVIRONMENT CONCERNS4 4 www.electrolux.co.th SAFETY INFORMATION In the interest of your safety and to ensure the correct use, before installing and first using the appliance, read this user manual carefully, including its hints and warnings.This appliance is intended to be used in household andsimilar applications such as:farm houses;by clients in hotels, motels, and other residential type environments;1.1 Conditions Of UseTo avoid unnecessary mistakes and accidents, it is important to ensure that all people using the appliance are thoroughly familiar with its operation and safety features.Save these instructions and make sure that they remain with the appliance if it is moved or sold, so that everyone using it through its life will be properly informed on appliance use and safety.1.●bed and breakfast type environtments;●areas for communal use in blocks of flats or in launderettes.●staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other working environtment;●●WARNING! The appliance must not be supplied through an external switching device, such as timer, or connected to a circuit that is regularly switched on and off by utility.ENGLISH 55ENGLISH ●●●●This washing machine is not intended for use byyoung children or infirm persons without supervision. Young children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.The packaging components (e.g. plastic film,polystyrene) can be dangerous to children - danger of suffocation! Keep them out of children’s reach.Keep all detergents in a safe place out of children’s reach.1.2 Child SafetyMake sure that children or pets do not climb into the drum.This machine is provided with child safety lock option ( ) to prevent children playing with the control panel. (see page 15)●●6 6 www.electrolux.co.th 1.3 General SafetyIt is dangerous to alter the specifica-tions or attempt to modify this productin any way.During high temperature washprogram the door glass may get hot. Do not touch it!Make sure that small pets do not climb into the drum. To avoid this, please check inside the drum before using the appliance.Any objects such as coins, safetypins, nails, screws, stones or any other hard, sharp material can cause extensive damage and must not be placed into the machine.Only use manufacturer’srecommended quantities of fabric softener and detergent. Damage to the fabric or appliance can occur if you exceed the recommended amount.Wash small items such as socks,laces, washable belts etc in awashing bag or pillow case as it is possible for such items to slip down between the tub and the inner drum.Do not use your washing machine towash articles with whalebones, material without hems or torn material.●●●●●●●This appliance is not intended for useby persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instructionconcerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. This appliance is heavy. Care shouldbe taken when moving it.When unpacking the appliance, checkthat it is not damaged. If in doubt, do not use it and contact the Service Centre.All packing and transit bolts must beremoved before use. Serious damage can occur to the product and toproperty if this is not adhered to. See relevant section in the user manual.Under no circumstances should youattempt to repair the machine yourself. Repairs carried out by inexperienced persons may cause injury or serious malfunctioning. Contact your local Service Centre. Always insist on genuine spare parts.1.4 InstallationAfter having installed the appliance,check that it is not standing on the inlet and drain hose and the worktop is not pressing the electrical supply cable.If the appliance is installed on acarpeted floor, please adjust the feet in order to allow air to circulate freely.Always be sure, that there is no water leakage from hoses and their connections after the installation.Any plumbing work required to installthis appliance should be carried out by a qualified plumber.Any electrical work required to installthis appliance should be carried out by a qualified electrician.Always unplug the appliance and turnoff the water supply after use, clean and maintenance.●●●●●●●●●●●May cause electric shock! if the machine is not connected to an earthed/ground system. DO NOT touch the wet clothes and metal parts.For safety reasons do not use double adaptors, extension cords and multi-plug adapters.ENGLISH 77ENGLISH Never use the washing machine if the power supply cable, the control panel, the working surface or the base are damaged so that the inside of the washing machine is accessi-ble.Only wash fabrics which aredesigned to be machine washed. Follow the instructions on each garment label.Do not overload the appliance. See the relevant section in the user manual.Before washing, ensure that all pockets are empty and buttons and zips are fastened. Avoid washing frayed or torn articles and treat stains such as paint, ink, rust, and grass before washing.Garments which have been in contact with volatile petroleum products should not be machinewashed. If volatile cleaning fluids are used, care should be taken to ensure that the fluid is removed from the garment before placing in the machine.Never pull the power supply cable to remove the plug from the socket; always take hold of the plug itself.1.5 Use●●●●●●8 8 www.electrolux.co.th PRODUCT DESCRIPTION2.2.1 PartsENGLISH 99 ENGLISH10 A Program knob H DisplayB Temp touchpad I Delay End touchpadC On/Off button J Flexi Time touchpadD Spin touchpad K Start/Pause touchpadE Plus Steam touchpad(Pause to add Clothes option)F Prewash touchpad L Favourite program save optionG Extra Rinse touchpad M Child safety lock optionDisplayA Delay End IconB Door Lock IconC Program Duration / Delay End Time/ Alarm CodeD Time Manager levelE Program Phase Indication Icon:Wash Phase, Rinse Phase,Spin PhaseF Add Clothes IconG Anticrease Phase Icon (this programphase is only active in the WasherDryer model)H Vapour phase IconI Ultramix phase Icon3. CONTROL PANEL3.1 Control Panel DescriptionENGLISH 11 3.2 Program Chart12 1)Maximum capacity depended on the model of the Washing Machine (see defined onthe control panel)2)Eco Cotton Program with 40degC option selected is recommended for a full load ofnormally soiled cotton and is the Energy and Water rating label program.1) “Plus Steam” option can be combined with temperature 40 to 90 °C only.ENGLISH13The door stays locked with the water in the drum. To continue the cycle, you must press (Start/Pause).Temperature TouchpadPress this touchpad repeatedly to increase or decrease the washtemperature if you want your laundry to be washed at a temperature differentfrom the one proposed by the washing machine. (Symbol “ ” corresponds to cold wash)Spin Selection Touchpad●●Press this touchpad repeatedly toincrease or decrease the spin speed or select Rinse Hold, if you want your laundry to be spun at a speed different from the one proposed by the washing machine.No spin option eliminates all the spin phases and increase the number of rinses.No Spin ( )By selecting this option the water of the last rinse is not emptied out and the drum turns regularly to prevent the laundry creases.The door is still locked to indicate that the water must be emptied out.Rinse Hold ( )3.4 OptionsDelay End ( ) TouchpadFlexi TimeThis option allows you to adjust the wash time. Press this touchpad repeatedly to decrease or increase the wash time according to the soil level of your wash. Use the table below as a guide.Before you start the program, this option makes it possible to define the end of the washing program from minimum of 1 hour to maximum of 20 hours.If program duration is longer than 3 hours, minimum Delay End option starts from 4 hours.After selecting Delay End time, press Start/Pause touchpad to start theprogram. Machine will then countdown and update time on the display every hours until it reaches the starting point of the wash cycle.Press the Delay End touchpad to choose the end time as you wish. The display shows the number of hours and the indicator beside the touchpad is on.For example, if the program duration of your selected program is 3.20 hours and you define the “Delay End” time to 6 hours. This means your wash program will finish in 6 hours. (See diagram)Start/PauseCycleProgramThis option must be selected after choosing the wash program, and before pressing the “Start/Pause” touchpad.If you wish to modify or cancel Delay End option after starting the program, follow the steps below:set the washing machine to PAUSE by pressing “Start/Pause” touchpad;-deselect this option by pressing “Delay End” touchpad repeatedly till the display shows delay time “ ”;-press the “Start/Pause” to start the program.-14 Plus Steam ( ) TouchpadPrewash ( ) TouchpadSelect this option if you wish your laundry to be pre-washed before the main wash. Use this option for heavy soil. The indicator of this option will be on.Select this option to add approximately 30 minutes of tumbling in vapour after the rinse cycle. The indicator of this option will be on.Vapour may not necessarily be visible inside the drum during a vapour cycle. Vapour is created below the drum and allowed to naturally rise into the clothes.At the end of the Vapour cycle, the clothes will be warmer, softer and detached from the drum.If Vapour option is selected, rinse temperatures will be elevated.During a vapour cycle, you may notice vapour exiting from the drain hose of the washing machine, this is normal and there is no cause for alarm.Vapour may not be present during the entire vapour cycle.Vapour function is more effective with half load.NOTEWhen you set this function, put the detergent into the “ ” compartment. This function increases the program duration.●●●●Easy Iron TouchpadWhen selecting this option the laundry is gently washed and spun to avoidcreasing. In this way ironing is easier. The indicator of this option comes on.ENGLISH 15Save Favourite ( ) Program3.5 SettingsProgram settings that are frequently used can be saved (e.g. Cotton, 60°C, 1200 rpm, with Prewash and Hygienic Care). To recall the favourite wash program, turn selector knob to “Favourite ”program. You will get acknowledgement on the display when the Favourite program is loaded.To program/re-program Favourite with your own selections and save them, proceed as follows:1.Put machine in Stand-By mode.2.Select your desired wash settings.3.2 seconds and you will hear “Bip, Bip” sound and “ ” is flashing on the display.This setting permits you to either enable or disable the buzzer at the end of the program. As an example, you might wish to disable this buzzer when you start a wash when going to bed, so that when the wash finished approximately 1 hour later, it will not disturb you through the night.Error warning beeps such as critical faults are not disabled.Enabling/Disabling End-Of-Wash BuzzerTo disable the buzzer sound, press “Spin and Plus Steam ( )” touch-pads at the same time about3 seconds, the icon “ ” will show on display along with buzzer sound.To return to default configuration press these 2 touchpads at the same time about 3 seconds, the icon “ ” will show on display along with buzzer sound.●●Child Safety Lock ( ) OptionYour appliance is provided with CHILD SAFETY LOCK which permits you to leave the appliance unsupervised with the door closed without having to worry that children might be injured by or cause damage to the appliance.Set this option after pressing the Start/Pause touchpad.To activate the function, press and hold “Prewash” touchpad about2 seconds until the display shows the icon “ ”.To set “Child Lock” option:To deactivate the function, press and hold “Prewash” touchpad about2 seconds until the display shows the icon “ ”.This function remains enabled even after the appliance is switched off.The touchpads are locked (except for the On/Off button).●●If you press any touchpad while Child Lock is activated, the icon “ ” will flash on display3 times along with buzzer sound.16 BEFORE FIRST USE4.3.Select a Cottons cycle at 90 °C,without any laundry in the machine, to remove any manufacturing residue NOTE3.6 Start/Pause ( ) and Add Clothes ( ) TouchpadThis touchpad has 2 functions:Start/Pause ( )1.To interrupt a program which isrunning, press this touchpad to pause the machine, the Start/Pause pilot light flashes.After you have selected the desired program and options, press this touchpad to start the machine. The Start/Pause pilot light will stop flashing and remain lit until the water level is above the bottom edge of the door then pilot light goes OFF. If you have selected a “Delay End” option, the countdown will begin and will be shown on the display.To restart the program from the point at which it was interrupted, press this touchpad again, the Start/Pause pilot light will stop flashing.Add Clothes ( )2.To add clothes:Pressing the “Start/Pause”touchpad to pause the program.You can only add clothes when the icon “ ” shown on the display.1.Wait for the machine to come to a complete stop before opening the door (wait for door lock “ ” icon to turn off).2.Resume the program by pressing “Start/Pause” touchpad again.4.Add clothing and close the door.3.ENGLISH1717ENGLISH●DAILY USE5.Press the On/Off button to turn on the washing machine. Turn the knob to set a program. The washing machine will propose a temperature and automatically select the spin value provided for the program you have chosen. Loading The LaundryConnect the main plug to the mainsocket.Turn the water tap on.3.much as possible. (Refer to page 21 “WASHING HINTS”) 1. Please read “Detergents Type and Quantity of Detergent”on page 22 before use.5.2 Using Detergent And AdditivesCompartment “SOFTENER”This compartment is used for fabric conditioner and starching agent.This compartment is used for detergent on all programs.Detergent flapPosition down : for liquid detergent.Position up : for powder detergent.The selector knob can be turned either clockwise or counter-clockwise.18 18 www.electrolux.co.thDo not use gelatinous or thick liquid detergents.Do not put more liquid than the maximum level.Do not set the “Delay End”.Do not set the “Prewash” phase.NOTE: When you use theliquid detergentPull out the dispenser drawer until ------Measure out the detergent and thefabric softener;2. -Close the drawer gently.--Residues of detergent, softener and water may remain in the dispenser. It is recommended to clean the dispenser regularly to remove any residue.The softener amount used must not exceed the “MAX” mark in the drawer.If you use thick softeners it isrecommended to dilute with water.If you want your laundry to be spun or use temperature different from the one proposed by the washing machine, pess “Spin” and “Temp” touchpads repeatedly to change the spin speed and temperature.Press the option touchpads, if youwant your laundry to be washed with special functions.Different functions can becombined which is dependent on the program selected.If an option is not compatible with the wash program selected, the symbol “ ” will flash on display along with buzzer sound.If you want to adjust washing time, press the “Time Manager” touchpad repeatedly to increase or decrease washing time. (See Time Manager guide on page 13)If you want to define the end of the washing program, press the “Delay End” touchpad repeatedly to choose your washing machine working time.5.3 Options Setting--1.2.NOTENOTENOTEENGLISH 1919ENGLISHThe appliance will automatically adjust the selected program durationaccording to the type and size of the load.-The display will show adjusted program duration.-To start a program, press the Start/Pausetouchpad. The corresponding pilot light will stop flashing and a default program duration will be displayed on the screen.5.4 Starting A Cycle ( )After approx. 15 minutes from the start of a program:If you press any touchpad while aprogram is operating, the symbol “ ” will flash on display along with buzzer sound. (except Start/Pause touchpad and On/Off button)To pause, press Start/ Pause. The indicator will start flashing.-Press the Start/Pause again. The program will continue.-Changing a running program is possible only by switching off the appliance.Press the “On/Off” button to cancel the program and to turn off the appliance.-5.5 Interruption Of A Program5.6 Changing A ProgramIt may be possible to change some of the options after a wash program has started.Press the “On/Off” button again to start the appliance. - 5.7 Changing The OptionsPress the touchpad Start/Pause. The indicator will start flashing.1.If available change the options that you wish.2.Press Start/Pause again. The program will continue.3.While a program or the Delay End is operating, the appliance door is locked and the display shows the indicator “ ”. First, set the machine to PAUSE bypressing the “Start/Pause” touchpad. Wait until the door lock indicator goes off, then the door can be opened.If the door lock indicator “ ” does not disappear, this means that the machine is already heating and the water level is above the bottom edge of the door or the drum is turning. In this case the door CAN NOT be opened. If you need to open it, you must drain the water to open the door.In case of emergency please refer to “Emergency door opening” on page 32.5.8 Opening The DoorNOTENOTENow you can set a new wash program and change any available options. Press Start/Pause to start the new program.The appliance will not drain the water (except programs; Vapour Refresh, Spin, Rinse + Spin, Tub Clean).The appliance stops automatically.The acoustic signal will operate.The display will show “ ”.The indicator of the touchpad Start/Pause goes off.--------The door lock indicator “ ” goes off.Remove the laundry from theappliance. Make sure that the drum is empty.Keep the door partly open, to prevent the mildew and odours.Turn off the water tap.5.9 At The End Of The Program20 20 www.electrolux.co.thWhen the program is completed and the door lock indicator “ ” goes off, you can open the door.5.10 When The Washing Program Is Completed, But There Is Water In The DrumThe drum turns regularly to prevent the creases in the laundry.(Option “Rinse Hold ” is used)You must drain the water to open the door.The indicator “Start/Pause” flashes to remind you to drain the water.---At the end of the program, the timeremaining can suddenly decrease from 7 minutes or less to 0 due to theoverestimated total program time during the load sensing phase. In some cases (with perfectly balanced load) the program time can be shorter than the time estimated after the load sensing phase is completed. This is a normal behavior of the machine and not a cause for concern as it does not compromise its performance.5.11 AUTO Off ModeThe AUTO Off mode automatically deactivates the appliance to decrease the energy consumption when:You do not press any buttons for 5minutes before you press “Start/Pause”. Press the “On/Off” button to activate the appliance again.After 5 minutes from the end of the washing program.Press the “On/Off” button toreactivate the appliance. Display will show the end of the last wash.--Press any touchpad again to show the last wash program.-NOTEThe door lock indicator “ ” is on. The door stays locked.1.To drain the water:Press the “Start/Pause ” touchpad. The appliance drains the water and spins with the maximum spin speed for selected program.Alternatively , before pressing the “Start/Pause” touchpad, you can press the “Spin ” touchpad to change the spin speed. You can select “No Spin ( )”, if you want the machine to only drain the water.2.Press the “On/Off” button to deactivate the appliance.3.After approximately 18 hours, if you do not press Start/Pause touchpad, theappliance will drain and spin automatically (except for “Wool” program) .NOTE。

2011 海洋之星 2.5升四冲程汽油内河船外机安装手册说明书

2011 海洋之星 2.5升四冲程汽油内河船外机安装手册说明书

50368a aebcaShift Assist AssemblyRemote Control Shift Cable - In FORWARD Gear Position Edge Of Cable End GuideRemote Control Shift Cable - In REVERSE Gear PositionMeasurement Taken From Mark To Edge Of Cable End Guide: 2-7/8 in. (73 mm) to 3-1/8 in. (80 mm)dabcClevis PinWasherSpacerCotter PinDo not discard shift assist assembly until after it is used in step 3., following. IMPORTANT: Shift cable must be connected at the remote control for the appropriate rotation (LH or RH) drive unit, as explained following:RIGHT HAND ROTATION - Control cable will have to be installed in remote control so that cable end will move in direction “A” when shift handle is placed in the FORWARD position. LEFT HAND ROTATION - Control cable will have to be installed in remote control so that cable end will move in direction “B” when shift handle is placed in the FORWARD position.ABacClevis Pin And Cotter PinWasher And LocknutPlace remote control shift lever in NEUTRAL position.Temporarily install clevis pin through remote control shift cable end guide, shift assist assembly end and into hole in shift lever. Then adjust brass barrel so that hole in barrel aligns with anchor stud.dabceShift Cable End Guide Shift Assist Assembly End Brass Barrel (On Stud)ba Without Shift Assist AssemblyLocknut And WashersebadWith Shift Assist AssemblyRemote Control Shift Cable Shift Assist Assembly Clevis Pin And Cotter Pin Large I.D. WasherSmall I.D. Washer And Locknutedfih g bcaWithout Shift Assist AssemblyRemote Control Shift Cable PinCotter Pin (Existing)Spring (Existing)Washer (Existing)Washer SpacerWasher (Existing)Locknut (Existing)ba75414With Shift Assist Assembly Without Shift Assist Assembly a-Shift Assist Assemblyb-Remote Control Shift Cable2.Ensure shift lever adjustable stud is at bottom of slot.aa-Adjustable StudNR RPlace drive unit into gear by pushing in on drive unit shift cable while simultaneously rotating propeller shaft COUNTERCLOCKWISE until shaft stops. This will ensure full clutch engagement. Maintain a light pressure on the drive unit shift cable to hold it at the end of its travel (this removes all slack from the cable).IMPORTANT: Do not use excessive force when holding pressure on the drive unit shift cable. Excessive force would be indicated by movement of the shift cutoutaPropeller Shaft - Rotate COUNTERCLOCKWISEa bShift Lever Clevis Pin HoleTemporarily install remote control shift cable on stud and install clevis pin.baRemote Control Shift CableClevis PinShift remote control as stated in a. or b. following:Right Hand (RH) Rotation Drive Unit - REVERSE gear, past detent, into WOT Left Hand (LH) Rotation Drive Unit - FORWARD gear, past detent, into WOTFNR (LH)RaPropeller Shaft - Rotate CLOCKWISECheck shift cutout switch plunger position. Pin must be centered.aShift Cutout Switch Plunger PinIf plunger pin is not centered:Ensure adjustable stud is at bottom of slot in shift lever.Check remote control for proper shift cable output [3 in. (76 mm)If a. and b. are correct, ensure drive unit shift cable is not crushed or kinked. (If drive unit shift cable is binding, the shift cutout switch plunger pin will move off center when shifting into and out of FORWARD and REVERSE.)If shift cable was damaged during installation, install new shift cable assembly in accordance with instructions contained in sterndrive service manual, then repeat shift cable adjustment procedure.5030850310cbdafgecdahij i giWith Shift Assist Assembly Without Shift Assist Assemblya -Remote Control Shift Cableb -Shift Assist Assemblyc -Clevis Pind -Cotter Pin (Spread Both Prongs)e -Large I.D. Washerf -Small I.D. Washerg -Locknut (Tighten Until Contacts, Then Loosen 1/2 Turn)h -Spring (Existing)i -Washer (Existing)j -Spacer75435a ba -Adjustable Studb -Shift Cutout Switch Plunger PinProper Cable BendImproper Cable BendMake sure that when the shift cable from the control box is led through the side gunnel of the hull, it does not have any extremely sharp bends in it as this will cause stiff shifting.Where Used2-4-C Marine Lubricant With Shift Cable EndDo not strap or clamp the control cables to any other cables or rigid structure within 3 ft. (914 mm) of the control box.Be sure the cable is not permanently kinked.Make sure there is proper clearance for cable movement when the control box is installed in the side panel. The cables must have room to move up and down when the control handle is shifted into either FORWARD or REVERSE.Ensure that the engine was not set down on the intermediate shift cable during installation, as this will crush the inner cable tubing and cause improper and / or stiff DO NOT fasten the shift cable with straps or clamps to any other cable within (1.5 m) of the shift plate.DO NOT fasten the shift cable to the transom with any type of plastic clips or fasteners5 ft. (1.5 m) of the shift plate.DO NOT overtighten the throttle or shift cable attaching nuts at the engine end. Barrel and cable end must be free to rotate on the mounting stud.Lubricate attaching points with engine oil.Where Used11.Check the intermediate shift cable routing from the transom assembly to the shift plateas follows:a.The cable should come through the transom, above the exhaust pipe and make aturn toward the starboard side of the boat between the exhaust pipe and the engine flywheel housing.b.The cable should then be routed under the starboard rear engine mount and turntoward the transom.c.The cable should then go up behind the power steering valve and loop over to theshift plate on the engine, where it is connected to the anchor points on the shift plate. Following this routing will prevent the engine coupler from damaging the cable.74903749013.0L Model V6 and V8 Models NOTE: A final check of the adjustments should be made with the boat in the water and engine running. If this cannot be done or is not done at your manufacturing facility, arrangement should be made with the dealer to do this as part of the pre-delivery inspection.b71672Where Used Part Number92-90100A12Power Steering PumpObtain Locally。



































一、操作前准备:1. 熟悉舷外机的结构、性能和使用方法。


2. 检查舷外机的各项部件是否完好。


3. 确保油箱中油位充足,并使用适合的燃油。

4. 检查电缆、线路等是否安装正确并无损坏。

二、安全操作:1. 在操作舷外机前,确保船只的停泊位置和环境条件安全,并确保周围没有人员或障碍物。

2. 在启动舷外机前,确保所有的操作部件处于初始位置。

3. 启动舷外机时,保持稳定的姿势,并牢固握住操纵杆。

4. 操作舷外机时,先将油门部分逐渐推至最低档,再逐渐调整至合适的档位。


5. 在行驶过程中,注意观察周围环境,避免与其他船只或障碍物碰撞。

6. 在停泊、靠岸或进行其他操作时,及时将舷外机停止运转,并关闭油门。

7. 停止舷外机后,确保操纵杆和油门处于初始位置,并断开点火开关。

8. 在锚地停泊时,使用安全锚或船舶系泊设备固定船只。


9. 使用舷外机时,禁止饮酒或服用药物。


三、日常维护:1. 遵守舷外机的维护规定,定期检查舷外机的各项部件、连接管道等是否正常,并进行必要的维修和更换。

2. 经常清洁舷外机的外壳,保持其清洁干净。

3. 定期更换舷外机的机油和机滤。

4. 在存放舷外机时,选择干燥通风的环境,避免受潮、腐蚀。

四、紧急情况处理:1. 在发生紧急情况时,立即关闭舷外机,并采取适当的应急措施。

2. 在紧急情况解决后,检查舷外机是否存在损坏,并进行必要的维修。



美船Mercury Marine SCC-1 智能船用控制器安装手册说明书

美船Mercury Marine SCC-1 智能船用控制器安装手册说明书

SCC-1 SMARTCRAFT CONNECT GATEWAY INSTALLATION MANUALIMPORTANT: This document guides our dealers, boatbuilders, and company service personnel in the proper installation or service of our products. If you have not been trained in the recommended servicing or installation procedures for these or similar Mercury Marine products, have the work performed by an authorized Mercury Marine dealer technician. Improper installation or servicing of the Mercury product could result in damage to the product or personal injury to those installing or operating the product.Components in KitNOTE: The termination band on the 10‑pin connector cable only applies to engine mounted modules.a -SmartCraft CONNECT moduleb -SmartCraft CONNECT module ‑ side viewc -Cable ties ‑ 4d -#10 x .88" stainless steel wood screwFeaturesThe CAN P, CAN H, and NMEA lights will turn on when data is being transmitted through the Gateway.NOTE: This manual covers the installation of CAN P only ‑ engine mounted module (single). The helm mount module will default out of the box with CAN P and CAN H. CAN H is applicable to Dual, Triple, and Quad DTS engine applications. CANH must be turned off if issues with the analog tachometers are encountered on mechanical/non‑DTS products.NOTE: At the time of this publication, VesselView Link and SmartCraft CONNECT cannot be used together on the same network.SmartCraft CONNECT Module—Single through Quad‑EngineNOTE: The SmartCraft Connect module does not provide power for any device on the NMEA 2000 network. The NMEA 2000 network will require its own power source. The NMEA 2000 network power input must have appropriate circuit protection for the devices on the NMEA 2000 network.NOTE: The termination band on the 10‑pin connector cable only applies to engine mounted modules.a -CAN P connection lightb -NMEA connection lightc -CAN H connection lightd -Wi‑Fi connection lighte -Bluetooth® connection lightf -NMEA 2000® connectorg -10‑pin connectorModule Harness Connections1.Connect the SmartCraft CONNECT module in one of the two following ways:a.Connect the CAN 10‑pin harness connector to the SmartCraft junction box. Refer to the following diagram.b.Connect the CAN 10‑pin harness connector to the helm harness SmartCraft 10‑pin connection using a male‑maleadapter harness.2.Connect the module NMEA 2000 harness connector to the NMEA 2000 network. A NMEA 2000 extension may berequired to reach the NMEA 2000 backbone.a -120‑ohm termination resistorb -Chartplotterc -SmartCraft CONNECT moduled -NMEA 2000 fused power sourcee -SmartCraft junction boxOn‑Engine Mounting GuidelinesMounting RequirementsNOTE: The 10‑pin on‑engine terminator must be removed from the engine harness before installation of this module.•The SmartCraft CONNECT module must be mounted in a location that allows for connection to the 10‑pin connector on the engine harness. No additional 10‑pin harnessing may be used in the installation of this product.•All routing must adhere to harness installation bend parameter specifications. The minimum bend radius of any portion of the harness must be no less than 13 mm (0.5 in.).•Two cable ties to secure the SmartCraft CONNECT module must be used to prevent unwanted movement during normal operation of the propulsion package.•The following locations must be avoided when installing the SmartCraft CONNECT module.•Any location which can be exposed to water•Any location that is subject to high heat during operation of the power package•Near ignition coils•Near spark plug wires•Near shift/throttle cables•Where harnessing could contact belts•Secured to fuel linesModule ConfigurationIMPORTANT: Module configuration must be completed by a Mercury authorized dealer or boatbuilder. The SmartCraft Manager app is licensed to the dealer or boatbuilder.IMPORTANT: For configuration of the SmartCraft CONNECT Module, a mobile device and a Wi‑Fi connection with access to the internet is required.IMPORTANT: If using a Garmin® or Raymarine® display, visit their website to make sure the display is running the latest software available.1.Download the SmartCraft Manager app from your iOS App Store or Google Play Store.735782.After the app has been downloaded to your device, open the app to begin the configuration process.3.Begin by entering the dealer number and license number.XXXXXXXXXXXX-OOOOOO-XXXXXX-OOOOOO-XXXXXX726044.Sign in to the appropriate existing account with the email and password credentials. If this is the first time setting up aSmartCraft CONNECT, an account must be created. Save the new account credentials for future use.NOTE: Brunswick Corporation is moving all accounts to a single login. If you already have an account for 1st Mate, Mercury University, MDA, Harris® boats, Boston Whaler®, Sea Ray®, etc., your user name and password may work here.IMPORTANT: Android™ users need to grant the app permission to use location services when requested. This is a requirement to allow a full Bluetooth® connection to the module.726055.Continue entering additional data on the next screen.6.Power up the system with the key in the ON position.7.Check that the SmartCraft CONNECT module and all other items on the boat are powered up. When these conditionsare met, select Find My Device.726068.The SmartCraft CONNECT module will appear on‑screen along with a list of available Wi‑Fi networks. Select a trustednetwork and connect.NOTE: Networks that do not require a password are acceptable to use. Captive portal Wi‑Fi networks, which require a user to interact with a web page, cannot be used to configure this module.NOTE: The device name uses the last 3 digits of the module serial number for identification.NOTE: Wi‑Fi signal strength needs to be 3 bars to function properly.XXXXXXXXXX726079.Enter the network password and select Connect.7260810.The SmartCraft CONNECT device will connect. Depending on the network strength, this may take a minute.7260911.The menu screen will appear. The module will automatically query the Mercury site for any updates to the firmware. Ifany updates are needed, there will be an exclamation point in the upper right corner of the Update Firmware tile. In this event, click on that tile and any updates will begin.NOTE: The app will say update complete when the module reflash is downloaded to the module. It will then restart, and may take a few minutes to perform the update. Do not remove battery power during this time.NOTE: Complete any firmware updates before beginning the configuration process.NOTE: Wait until the Wi‑Fi LED on the device is solid, or a No Updates ‑ 'Device is not ready to receive a firmware update'. message will appear.726107411012.Select the Configuration tile on the screen.7358013.Select Configure Engines.7457914.Enter the correct information for the Engine Type, and Engine Model. Review your selections, and if everything iscorrect, select Save.15.Continue by entering the engine serial number for the engine(s) supported by the module.7261316.Next, configure the CAN H connection by following the prompts on the screen.NOTE: CAN H configuration only applies to boats with steer‑by‑wire systems; Joystick Piloting, outboard, sterndrive, or Zeus. CAN H may be active on DTS or non‑DTS applications depending on boat setup.17.Verify that the Wi‑Fi LED is solid, indicating that the device has completed a cloud sync. If this is not verified, there is nocertainty that the configuration was delivered to the module.18.For tank configuration, return to the CONFIGURATION screen, and select the Configure Tanks option and selectSTART.7405319.Select the Pencil Icon within each tank field to edit and enter tank information.7458020.Enter tank data and descriptions by selecting each option on the screen. Select SAVE after all information has beenselected or input for each tank.1 -Tank type drop‑down menu2 -NMEA instance numberNOTE: The default will be "Auto". This option will only need to be changed on boats where there are multiple sources for tank levels on the N2K network.3 -Tank volume capacity numberNOTE: A tank capacity of 0.0 will not show on the NMEA data stream. The capacity must be set greater than zero to show the tank level on NMEA.4 -Tank volume unit drop‑down menu 5 -Customizable tank name 6 -SAVE all current entries21.Repeat this process for additional tanks on the vessel before navigating out of the configuration screens.7414322.For steering angle source selection, return to the CONFIGURATION screen, and select the Steering Angle Sourceoption and select START.7458223.Select the desired steering angle source from the drop‑down menu and select SAVE .740371356NOTE: This will only display steering angle on the MFD for vessels equipped with electric steering, joystick piloting, and certain MerCruiser/diesel applications.7458324.To enable or disable Stationkeeping features, return to the CONFIGURATION screen, and select the StationkeepingFeatures option and select START.74586ing the radial slider buttons, enable or disable the desired features, and select SAVE.NOTE: This will only enable control of these features through the MFD. These controls will not add the feature to a vessel if it was not equipped. Stationkeeping features should be turned off on all applications except joystick piloting.74587Features enabled in imageTroubleshootingMobile FunctionalityIMPORTANT: When using the app on Android devices, fine location detail must be shared with the app for proper function. LED LightingNOTE: The Wi‑Fi LED status troubleshooting chart is also available in the app.74028The device contains 5 LEDs for indicating the status of CAN P, NMEA, CAN H, Wi‑Fi, and Bluetooth®.1.CAN P•Flashing: The LED will flash continuously once power is applied.•Solid: Once the bus communication is established, the LED will remain on.2.NMEA•Flashing: The LED will flash continuously once power is applied.•Solid: Once the bus communication is established, the LED will remain on.3.CAN HNOTE: The CAN H LED will flash on any module connected to a mechanical engine, even if the CAN H BUS is disabled in the SmartCraft Manager.•Flashing: The LED will flash continuously once power is applied.•Solid: Once the bus communication is established, the LED will remain on.4.Wi‑Fi•Off: No connection.•Flashing: Connected to a Wi‑Fi access point. Attempting to sync with the Mercury cloud server.•On: Connected to a Wi‑Fi access point and synced with the Mercury cloud server.5.Bluetooth•Flashing: The Bluetooth LED will flash while in pairing mode, indicating it is not currently connected.•Solid: The Bluetooth LED will remain on continuously while connected.Firewall InformationThe following web domains and ports need to be open to the SmartCraft Connect app and module for proper operation.Web domains:••azure‑devices‑Port numbers:Protocol PortMQTT8883MQTT over WebSockets443AMQP5671AMQP over WebSockets443HTTPS443Licensing Errors•LicensesExceeded: You have exceeded the number of licenses issued to your dealer•InactiveDealer: This account number is no longer active with Mercury Marine•InvalidDealer: The account number entered was not found in Mercury Marine's records•InvalidLicenseKey: The license key that was entered is not a valid key—typed it in wrong•LicenseKeyToAccountInvalid: Either the account number or the license key does not match the purchase records •MachineBlackListed: Your device was black listed by Mercury•LicenseKeyBlackListed: Your license key was black listed by Mercury•SubscriptionExpired: The subscription for this license key has expired•InactiveSubscription: The subscription for this license key has been canceled by the subscriber•VersionMismatch: License Key is not compatible with this version of software. Example, you tried to use a G3 license key for SC Manager•LicenseRegistrationFailed: Contact Mercury ServiceSmartCraft CONNECT Module NMEA 2000 InformationThe software is capable of transmitting (TX) information to, and receiving (RX) information from various parameter group number (PGN) products.NMEA 2000 Network Power Information Value NMEA 2000 Load Equivalency Number (LEN)1SmartCraft CONNECT Module ModesTransmit (TX)Receive (RX) Transmits Mercury data to NMEA 2000 display devices.Receives data from NMEA 2000 to display on Mercury devices.Mercury Engine Data to NMEA 2000 Capable ProductsSignal Special Information NMEA 2000 PGN Mode Rated RPM–127498/0x1F20A TX Coolant pressure–127489/0x1F201TX Speed over water (paddle and pitot)–128259/0x1F503TXMercury Engine Data to NMEA 2000 Capable ProductsSignal Special Information NMEA 2000 PGN Mode RPM (rapid update)–127488/0x1F200TX Voltage–127489/0x1F201TX Coolant temperature–127489/0x1F201TX Fuel pressure–127489/0x1F201TX Fuel level (percent, type)–127505/0x1F211TX Fuel flow–127489/0x1F201TX Oil pressure–127489/0x1F201TX Oil temperature–127489/0x1F201TX Gear temp–127493/0x1F205TX Gear pressure–127493/0x1F205TX Boost pressure–127488/0x1F200TX Trim position–127488/0x1F200TX Rudder angle–127245/0x1F10D TX Depth–128267/0x1F50B TX Depth offset–128267/0x1F50B TX Seawater temp–130310/0x1FD06TX Engine hours–127489/0x1F201TXAlarm data NMEA 2000 alarm data is limited and will only display"Check Engine" when an alarm is activated. Refer to theMercury SmartCraft Gauges for descriptive fault text.127489/0x1F201TXTabs–130576/0x1FE10TX Course over ground–129026/0x9F802RX/TX Speed over ground–129026/0x9F802RX/TX GPS position–129025/0x1F801RX Gear position–127493/0x1F205TX Engine load (diesel)–127489/0x1F201TXSmartCraft CONNECT Module to NMEA 2000 Capable ProductsSignal Special Information NMEA 2000 PGN Mode Heading–127250/0x1F112RX/TX Waypoint ID–129284/0x1F904RX Waypoint position (latitude/longitude)–129284/0x1F904RX Cross track error–129283/0x1F903RX Manufacturer ID Address claim (0 x 90 = Mercury)060928/0xEE00TX Product info–126996/0x1F014TXFCC and ISED Regulatory InformationThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and Innovation, Science and Economic Development CanadaLicense‑exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and 2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Cet appareil est conforme aux normes RSS exemptes de licence d'Innovation, Science et Développement économique Canada. Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes: 1) cet appareil ne doit pas provoquer d'interférences, et 2) cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence, y compris les interférences susceptibles de provoquer un fonctionnement indésirable de l'appareil.Warning: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Products of Mercury Marine© MERCURY MARINE. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Alpha,Axius, Bravo One, Bravo Two, Bravo Three, Bravo Four S™, Circle M with Waves Logo, GO BOLDLY, K-planes,Mariner, MerCathode, MerCruiser, Mercury, Mercury with Waves Logo, Mercury Marine, Mercury Precision Parts,Mercury Propellers, Mercury Racing, MotorGuide, OptiMax, Pro XS, Quicksilver, SeaCore, Skyhook, SmartCraft,Sport-Jet, Verado, VesselView, Zero Effort, Zeus, #1 On the Water and We're Driven to Win are registered trademarks of Brunswick Corporation. Mercury Product Protection is a registered service mark of Brunswick Corporation. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.W6250 Pioneer RoadFond du Lac, WI 54936-1939This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used inaccordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.RF Exposure ConsiderationsTo comply with FCC and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada RF exposure limits for general population /uncontrolled exposure, the antenna must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20cm from all persons and operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter, except in accordance with FCC multi‑transmitter product procedures.Pour se conformer aux limites d'exposition aux RF de la FCC et d'Industrie Canada pour la population générale / exposition non contrôlée, l'antenne(s) utilisée pour ce transmetteur doit être installé pour fournir une distance de séparation d'au moins 20cm de toutes les personnes et fonctionnant conjointement avec une autre antenne ou émetteur, sauf en conformité avec les procédures de produits multi‑ émetteur FCC.。





一、设备介绍1. 主控台:船舶导航设备的控制中枢,包括主要的按钮和触摸屏,用于操作和调控设备。

2. 电子地图显示屏:显示船舶所处的地理位置、航线和航行信息。

3. 航位仪:用于测量船舶的经纬度位置。

4. 距离测定仪:用于测算船舶与目标物之间的距离。

5. 罗经:用于指示船舶的朝向和航向。

6. 自动驾驶仪:可自动控制船舶的航向,减轻操作人员的负担。

二、设备操作1. 启动与关闭a. 按下主控台上的电源按钮,船舶导航设备将开始启动。

b. 若要关闭设备,长按电源按钮,直到显示屏关闭。

2. 航向设置a. 在操作界面中选择“航向设置”选项。

b. 输入预定航向角度,点击确认。

c. 船舶将根据设定的航向角度进行航行。

3. 航线规划a. 打开船舶导航设备应用,在操作界面选择“航线规划”。

b. 在地图上标示航行起点和终点,设定途经点(如有需要)。

c. 确认航线后,点击保存。

4. 目标追踪a. 在地图上选择目标物,如其他船只或浮标。

b. 点击目标物并选择“目标追踪”功能。

c. 船舶将自动朝向目标物行驶,保持一定的航向、速度和距离。

5. 紧急情况下的操作a. 若遇到紧急情况,首先应保持冷静,然后更换手动操作模式。

b. 手动控制船舶的航向和速度,避免与其他船只或障碍物相撞。

c. 寻找最近的安全水域或港口,采取适当的措施,保障船舶和人员的安全。

三、操作注意事项1. 在操作设备前,确保操作人员已经接受过相关的培训,并了解设备的工作原理和各项功能。

2. 定期检查导航设备的工作状态,确保其正常运行。

3. 使用合适的航海图和电子地图,确保地图信息的准确性。

4. 遵循航行规则和法律法规,确保船舶安全航行。

5. 如发现设备故障或异常,请及时报修处理,确保船舶导航设备的正常运行。


































Cruise系列电动舷外机操作指南Cruise 2.0 R/TCruise 4.0 R/T请阅读完整版操作手册以获得完整信息目录安全及注意事项 3 –4铭牌及技术参数 5 –8安装9 –14连接Torqeedo锂电池15 –19连接其他电池20 –25操作26 –34维护及保养35 –37故障代码38 –40特别注意41 -43安全事项•每次使用前检查舷外机、电池、及连接线状态。












•Power 26-104锂电池长期不用,请按住电源键5秒以上,使电池处于关闭状态。


Power 26-104存放前请确认电池处于关闭状态(按住电源键5秒以上至出现“OFF”符号)。




•经常检查阳极牺牲锌块,如有需要请立即更换(仅针对2015年5月份以后生产机型)铭牌舷外机铭牌电池铭牌序列号检测日期识别号技术参数–舷外机型号 2.0 TS/TL 4.0 TS/TL 2.0 RS/RL 4.0 RS/RL输入功率watts2000400020004000推进功率watts1120224011202240等效汽油舷外机功率 5 HP8 HP 5 HP8 HP等效汽油舷外机推力 6 HP9.9 HP 6 HP9.9 HP舷外机功率%56565656静态推力ibs115189115189名义电压V24482448总重kg17.5(S)/ 18.4(L)18.3(S)/ 19.2(L)16.0(S)/ 16.9(L)16.8(S)/ 17.7(L)轴长cm62.5(S)/ 75.5(L)62.5(S)/ 75.5(L)62.5(S)/ 75.5(L)62.5(S)/75.5(L)标配螺旋桨(v=速度km/hp=功率watts)v19/p4000v19/p4000v19/p4000v19/p4000可选螺旋桨v8/p350v30/p4000v8/p350v30/p4000v8/p350v30/p4000v8/p350v30/p4000最高螺旋桨转速rpm1300130013001300油门控制手柄手柄遥控油门遥控油门方向系统360°控制,可锁定360°控制,可锁定可连接标准方向系统;可锁定可连接标准方向系统;可锁定起翘手动,带碰撞保护手动,带碰撞保护手动,带碰撞保护手动,带碰撞保护技术参数–锂电池电池Power 26-104锂电池容量2685Wh名义电压25.9V完全充电后电压29V完全放电后电压21V最大放电电流180A重量24.3KG循环寿命800次后容量损失25%(25度室温下100%完全充放电)包装箱内容项目备注 2.0 TS/TL 4.0 TS/TL 2.0 RS/RL 4.0 RS/RL 舷外机总成,包括螺旋桨√√√√遥控油门油门线4.5米√√后操手柄√√方向系统安装套件√√安全钥匙√√√√电池线(3米)含有主开关、保险丝√√√√电池串/并联线1313M8螺栓用来锁住方向√√√√操作手册√√√√保修卡√√√√Cruise R/T 外观手柄遥控油门安装夹板推进器螺旋桨保护挡板Cruise 安装在艉板上1.安装前,请确保如右图起翘开关置于“Lock ”锁住位置;2.将Cruise 舷外机放置于艉板上,将安装夹板锁紧;3.也可以在艉板支架的四个螺栓孔位置用四颗8mm螺栓锁紧;123Cruise 升降角度调整1.将起翘开关置于“Tilt/Auto Kick-up ”位置;2.拉动顶部手柄,将舷外机翘起;3.取出升降调整杆的固定环,取出升降调整杆,并插入合适高度的孔内,并将固定环装回;1234连接方向系统(仅适用于Cruise R)•Cruise R可以连接标准方向系统•Cruise R供货范围不包含方向系统•Cruise R供货范围包含连接方向系统所必须的附件。
















后,在更高的引擎转速上艉机升起。 您获得完美的视觉感受和舒适驾驶 性。当然你也可以设定自己的个人设 置,优化您的驾驭经验。
EVC附件 智能的附件能使航行变得更简单和更 环保.仪表的插入式安装,主动监控,发 现并修理故障,在海图标绘船只位置的 发动机数据,并可在后续的日子升级船 只的功能.在一条装置EVC系统的船上 可快捷安装EVC附件. 在沃尔沃遍达 的电子平台EVC上,有很多的选项。
• 垂钓模式下,驱动器将会指向最大限度 • 单杆模式包括在内. 单杆控制双引擎
想要享受垂钓旅行最大的喜悦么?请将 垂钓模式与动态定位系统结合起来。
动态定位系统软件 见单独宣传单
EVC(电子船只控制系统)是沃尔沃遍达的 通用电子平台。基于相同CAN总线的技术被 应用在了船舶、飞机和汽车上。EVC对此进 行了整合。所有信息都分布在一个CAN总线 的主干网络上。这从根本上降低了布线和连接 器的需求数量,从而导致了更高的可靠性和更 容易安装。
世界级的性能 沃尔沃遍达一直致力于EVC附件的开 发,设计和服务。这意味着附件功能 将与沃尔沃遍达发动机完美搭配。。
使用EVC控制面板能够简单启动艉机 升降助手功能
• 在指定的发动机转速下,艉机自动升降。 • 提高驾驶安全性 • 自动提高舒适性 • 自动使船只加快达至起飞 • 5个设置点 • 个性设置转速和艉机升降角度 • 随时全手动驾驭 • 更高的燃油经济型 • 更低的整体废气排放
根据捕鱼需要 沃尔沃遍达IPS以独立驱动、电子操 控的艉机为特色。在游钓模式下,艉 机向外朝向最大处,以此提供出色的 机动性。当驾驶员操纵一台发动机向 前,另一台向后时,扭矩是传统发动 机推进器向后时的数倍。
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。



自 1939 年以来,水星公司就已在造艇技术和舷外机生产方面占据世界领先地位。








美国环保局排放控制规范美国水星公司生产的舷外机,均由美国环保局(EPA )认定,符合新舷外机空气污染控制规范的要求。





©2005 M e r c u r y M a r i n e 4/5/6 四冲程舷外机 90-10211060 205您所购买的产品享有水星公司提供的有限保修,保修条款载于本手册的“保修说明”部分。






美国威斯康星州方迪拉克市,水星公司美国威斯康星州方迪拉克市© 2005,Mercury MarineMercury,Mercury Marine,MerCruiser,Mercury MerCruiser,Mercury Racing,Mercury Precision Parts,Mercury Propellers,Mariner,Quicksilver,#1 On The Water,Alpha,Bravo,Pro Max,OptiMax,Sport‑Jet,K‑Planes,MerCathode,RideGuide,SmartCraft,Zero Effort,带波浪纹的M、带波浪纹的Mercury 和SmartCraft 均为Brunswick 公司的注册商标。

Mercury Product Protection 为Brunswick 公司的注册服务标志。









目录保修说明保修期的转让 (1)水星产品保护方案(延长保修期)的转让 (1)保修登记:美国和加拿大地区 (2)四冲程舷外机有限保修条款 (2)腐蚀损坏三年有限保修 (4)保修范围和不保修的项目.............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

加利福尼亚州对排放控制系统零部件的有限保修 .......................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

排放等级标帖.. (9)综述驾驶员的责任 (10)起动舷外机前的准备工作.............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

艇的额定功率 (11)拉绳熄火停机开关 (11)保护水中人员 (12)废气排放 (13)选配舷外机附件 (14)安全驾艇的建议 ............................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

记录序列号 (16)4/5/6 技术规格 (17)安装安装舷外机 (18)运输从游艇上拆下您的舷外机时的携带、存放和运输 (19)拖曳船艇 (20)燃油与机油建议使用的燃油 (21)向燃油箱加油 (22)建议使用的发动机机油 (22)检查发动机机油 (23)控制装置和器件控制装置和器件 (24)舷外机翘起 (26)在浅水水域中航行 (27)设置舷外机的操舵角度 (28)发动机超速保护系统 (28)操作起动前应检查的项目 (29)气温在冰点以下航行时 (29)在咸水或污水中航行时 (29)发动机的磨合程序 (30)起动发动机 (30)换档 (34)停止发动机 (34)应急起动....................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

维护保养舷外机维护 (38)美国环保局排放控制规范 (38)检查和维护保养项目 (39)冲洗冷却系统 (40)顶部机罩的拆卸和安装 (41)防蚀阳极 (42)外表面的维护保养 (42)燃油系统 (42)螺旋桨的更换 (43)火花塞检查和更换 (45)润滑点 (46)更换发动机机油 (48)齿轮箱润滑 (49)舷外机落水后的处理 (51)存放存放前的准备工作 (52)保护外部发动机部件 (52)保护内部发动机部件 (53)齿轮箱 (53)存放时舷外机的放置状态 (53)服务支持本地维修服务 (55)外地维修服务 (55)零件和附件查询 (55)服务支持 (55)水星公司的维修服务办事处 (56)维护保养记录维护保养记录 (58)保修期的转让有限保修期是可以转让给下一个买家的,但仅限于该有限保修期剩余的尚未使用的部分。


将保修期转让给下一个买主时,应将销售帐单或购买协议书,新买主的姓名和地址,以及发动机序列号寄送或传真给水星(Mercury Marine)公司保修登记部。

在美国和加拿大地区,邮寄地址为:Mercury MarineW6250 W. Pioneer RoadP.O. Box 1939Fond du Lac, WI 54936-1939920-929-5054Fax 920-929-5893水星(Mercury Marine)公司在处理保修期转让时,将通过邮件给产品的新买主寄送一份登记证书。


对于在美国和加拿大以外的地区购买的产品,请与所在国家的批发商或与您距离最近的Marine Power Service Center(水星船舶动力维修服务中心)联系咨询。







若需帮助,请在每周一至周五,美国中部时间上午7:30 至下午4:30,拨打电话1-888-427-5373 或通过电子邮件*****************************.与水星产品保护部联系。


1. 您可在任何时刻(提出申请保修时),更改您的地址。



水星公司Pioneer 西路W6250 号1939 号信箱威斯康星州方迪拉克市,邮编:54936-1939920-929-5054传真:920-929-5893注:按照《联邦船艇安全法规》的要求,在美国出售船舶产品的水星公司和代理商,均应保存好登记表,以供在必要时回收。

2. 产品必须在水星公司登记,才有资格享受保修服务。

在出售时,代理商应填写保修登记表的全部项目,并立即将其通过MercNET、E-mail 或邮寄至水星公司。


3. 在处理保修登记表后,水星公司将通过邮寄方式给产品购买者发送登记证书。

若在30 天内还未收到这份登记证书,所购买的产品只有在水星公司登记之后,保修范围才生效。










