



四年级学生销售员和顾客的英语对话范文Salesperson: Hello, how can I help you today?销售员:你好,今天我能为你效劳吗?Customer: I'm looking for a new pair of sneakers for my son. Do you have any in his size?顾客:我在为我儿子找一双新的运动鞋。

你们有他尺码的吗?Salesperson: Yes, we have a wide selection of sneakers for kids. What size does he wear?销售员:是的,我们有很多儿童运动鞋可供选择。

他穿多大的鞋子?Customer: He wears a size 4. Do you have any in a blue or black color? 顾客:他穿4号鞋。

你们有蓝色或者黑色的吗?Salesperson: We have a black pair with blue accents that I think he would like. Let me show you.销售员:我们有一双黑色的,上面有蓝色的装饰,我觉得他会喜欢的。


Customer: Great, thank you. How much are they?顾客:太好了,谢谢。

这双鞋多少钱?Salesperson: They are on sale for $30 right now.销售员:现在促销价是30美元。

Customer: That's a great price. I'll take them. Do you accept credit cards?顾客:价格很不错,我要买。

你们接受信用卡吗?Salesperson: Yes, we accept all major credit cards. I can ring you up right here.销售员:是的,我们接受所有主流信用卡。














英语培训机构销售技巧和话术一、开场白:热情洋溢,拉近距离1.1 "您好,我是您英语学习路上的小助手,咱们今儿聊聊怎么让英语成为您的得力助手,行不?"1.2 "想象一下,开口就是流利的英语,那感觉多棒!我这有好多小妙招,帮您轻松搞定英语,想不想听听?"二、了解需求:贴心询问,精准定位2.1 "您学英语是为了啥?是出差交流、孩子教育,还是就想环游世界无障碍?咱们得对症下药,才能事半功倍。

"2.2 "您之前学过没?基础咋样?别怕,不管是零基础还是进阶高手,我这儿都有适合您的课程,就像私人定制一样贴心。

"2.3 "时间方面呢?咱们课程灵活多样,早上晨读、晚上夜校,还有周末班,总有一款适合您的节奏。

"三、展示优势:自信满满,打动人心3.1 "咱这儿的老师,个个都是英语界的‘金嗓子’,发音纯正,教学经验丰富,保证让您听得懂、学得会、用得溜。

"3.2 "而且啊,咱们的课程设计超有趣,游戏、歌曲、角色扮演,应有尽有,让您在玩乐中就把英语给拿下了。

"3.3 "还有哦,咱们的学习社群特别热闹,来自五湖四海的朋友,一起打卡学习,互相鼓励,您绝不会孤单!"四、消除顾虑:真诚解答,增强信任4.1 "您担心学不会?别担心,咱们有完善的售后服务,老师随时在线答疑,保证您的问题不过夜。

"4.2 "学费方面嘛,咱们性价比超高,一分钱一分货,您看看这课程质量,绝对值回票价!"4.3 "最重要的是,学习是一辈子的事,投资自己永远不会错。

今天迈出这一步,未来您将收获无限可能!"五、促成成交:温柔引导,水到渠成5.1 "您看,咱们聊了这么多,是不是觉得学英语也没那么难了?不如现在就加入我们,开启您的英语之旅吧!"5.2 "想象一下,几个月后,您用流利的英语和外国朋友谈笑风生,那成就感,简直了!别犹豫了,咱们一起加油!"5.3 "对了,现在报名还有特别优惠哦,机不可失,失不再来。


















少儿新概念英语培训,销售达人必备的十大金句1. Your T-shirts can easily find a market in the eastern part of our country.贵国的T恤在我国东部市场很畅销。

2. We all know that Chinese slippers are very popular in your market since they have superior quality and competitive prices.我们都知道中国拖鞋因价廉物美而畅销于你方市场。

3. This product has been a best seller for nearly one year.该产品成为畅销货已经将近1年了。

4. There is a good market for these articles.这些商品畅销。

5. There is a poor market for these articles.这些商品滞销。

6. There is no market for these articles.这些商品没有销路。

7. Your bicycles find a ready market here.你们的自行车在此地销路很好。

8. They talked at great length of how to increase product sales.他们详细地讨论了怎样增加你方产品的销售。

9. They are doing as much as possible to open up an outlet.他们正在尽最大努力以打开销路。

10. Our demand for this product is steadily increasing.我们对该产品的需求正在稳步地增长。




精选文档一线销售技巧及问题分析一.课程:全外教口语课程的卖点 ::1.全外教 ,创建英文环境 .规范语音语调 .2.小班讲课 .让每个孩子轻松自由的与外教对话交流,让孩子英勇张口说英文 .3.供给轻松快乐的学习方式,培育兴趣 .4 分享全面的语言文化 .地道的口语表达方式 .5师资 .丰富的幼儿教课经验的外教领衔讲课,中教协助教课.五大教课法 :1.母语沉醉式教课法 .(The whole Language approch). 培育英文思想模式 .不必翻译变换,应急对答2. TPR 肢体反响教课法( Total physical reaction). 形象记忆 ,快乐汲取 .口语命令 +肢体语言 .手脑并用,达到左右脑均衡开发 .3.听闻教课法.配以英文歌曲儿歌,培育语言涵养及文化,提高学习兴趣4.社交教课法.用来训练怎样把英语说得更优雅. 实战操练。

稳固教课5.情形教课法.设计场景对话,角色饰演,学以致用,让孩子英勇张口说英文.自然母语学习法: 0---1 岁(看—实物,听—发音) 1-3(牙牙学语,发音,纠正语序 ) 3-7(小学渐渐正常朗诵课文) 7-11 岁(开始写作文)有学了 11 年外语可是开不了口的例子,可是没有一个正常的孩子 11 岁还不可以张口的。

正常教课听-说-读-写传统教课 :读-写-听-说。



二.销售技巧问题分析 :(在做问题分析前先判断问题的真假)Q:孩子小,中文还说不勤学英文会混杂.A:孩子学语言不是由年纪决定的,而是由环境决定的.语言学家研究证明,孩子从出生开始同时起码能够学好4种语言.语言在大脑中间是平行记忆的不交差因此不会混.Q:孩子调皮,坐不住.A:(幼教知识)孩子的个性不一样.学习的汲取管道也不一样,分为:视觉型(乖宝宝),听觉型(东张西望,注意力不集中)和体觉型(好动,坐不住).好动的孩子是经过肢体运动来讨取刺激知足大脑的需要,这样的孩子相对视觉型的孩子更聪慧,开辟性和空间想象力更丰富,学习的汲取能力更强.Q:价钱 .A:我全外教小班授孩子造英文的境 ,孩子松英勇地张口英文⋯⋯ ,价钱均匀算下每 100 多元 ,(建不要特别廉价的,我能够我在少儿培上已是特别成功的一个典范,我的外教都是有的老,我也是北京市,当前的价钱属于特惠期,比正常的价钱要廉价的,未来我会不停的价。



课程话术经典少儿英语课程 xx 话术一、的礼仪1.礼貌拨打“您好,请问某某在吗 ?〞/ “是某某吗?〞〔打完后切记要向客户致谢〕感谢您用这么长时间听我介绍,希望您能满意,xx,再见!〔另外一定要等客户先挂断,才能轻轻挂下,以示对别人的尊重。


3.掌握好时间,在正确的实践作有效的沟通,防止吃饭、xx 时间,如真打了也要礼貌地说:“您好,我是 xx 国际英语某某某,这个时候给您打没有打搅您吧?〞〔如不方便通话应与其抱歉并说清楚再次通话的时间〕如果打家庭,要找的人不在的话,那么可说:“请问某先生的号是多少,他上次给我留了这个, xx 的帮助。










3.我们课程xx常用与客户进行初步交涉,目的是为取得客户xx 的时机,就算心里在想其 xx 也要注意强调“只是想您介绍一下我们课程的先进和效果,绝对不是强迫您。





















































少儿英语培训经典电话销售话术少儿英语培训经典电话销售话术少儿英语培训面对的群体是家长和孩子,而凡是有关少儿的培训价格都是很贵的,尤其国际类型的培训学校,它的特点就是教学方法先进,教学理念国际化,所以这就要求家长首先必须有经济能力,其次也要有教育理念,所以在电话咨询的过程中这些信息也是很重要的,在电话咨询的过程中,一定要尽可能的了解到这些信息,那么这就要求我们有一套非常好的电销话术,邀约更多的家长过来参加demo 课,而有质量的客户才是开单的关键。






比如,表明了自己的来意之后,一定要询问孩子的基本信息,那么话术是:为了保证老师在课堂上更好地关注到孩子,我们需要简单的了解一下孩子的基本信息,孩子上幼儿园了吗,在哪个学校,小班还是中班,有英语课吗,有外教吗,学习的效果怎么样,对英语感兴趣吗,孩子有学习其他的兴趣班吗,家长过来我们学校方便吗,开车需要多久的时间,孩子的性格是活泼还是慢热,爸爸平时对孩子的学习生活关注的多吗,爸爸妈妈平时工作忙吗,一般接送是爸妈还是爷爷奶奶, 这些问题能够多问就尽量多问,一定要很有技巧的问下去,打着为孩子课堂的效果着想为幌子,以关心客户为出发点,最终目的就是要得到我们想要的信息。



四年级学生销售员与顾客的英语对话范文 **Salesgirl:** Hello, welcome to our toy store! I'm Lily, how can I help you today?**Customer:** Hi Lily, I'm looking for a birthday gift for my little nephew. He's turning 7 this weekend.**Salesgirl:** That's great! We have a variety of toys suitable for 7-year-olds. What kind of toys does he like? Action figures, puzzles, or maybe some educational toys? **Customer:** He's quite active and loves superheroes.I think he'd enjoy some action figures.**Salesgirl:** Absolutely! We have a whole section dedicated to superhero action figures. Let me show you. Here are some popular ones like Spider-Man, Batman, and Captain America.**Customer:** These look cool! But I'm not sure which one he'd prefer.**Salesgirl:** Well, you could always ask him or his parents for their opinion. Alternatively, we have a setthat includes several superheroes. It's a great way to introduce him to different characters.**Customer:** That sounds like a good idea. Can I havea look at the set?**Salesgirl:** Sure, here it is. This set comes with Spider-Man, Iron Man, and the Hulk. It also includes some accessories like their weapons and bases.**Customer:** This is perfect! I'm sure he'll love it. How much does it cost?**Salesgirl:** It's priced at $30. We also have a promotion going on where you can get a 10% discount if you buy two or more sets.**Customer:** That's a great deal! I'll take this one and maybe another set for my nephew's friend. What do you recommend?**Salesgirl:** How about this Avengers set? It has Thor, Black Widow, and Hawkeye. It would be a great addition to the first set.**Customer:** Perfect! I'll take both sets then.**Salesgirl:** Great choice! Let me get these for you. Would you like to pay by cash or card?**Customer:** I'll pay by card, please.**Salesgirl:** Alright, please swipe your card here. Would you like a receipt?**Customer:** Yes, please.**Salesgirl:** Here's your receipt and your toys, packed securely in a bag.**Customer:** Thank you, Lily! You've been very helpful. **Salesgirl:** You're welcome! I hope your nephewenjoys his birthday gift. Have a great day!**Customer:** Thank you, you too! Goodbye.**Salesgirl:** Goodbye and thank you for shopping with us!**四年级学生销售员与顾客的英语对话范文****销售员:** 您好,欢迎来到我们的玩具店!我是莉莉,今天有什么可以帮您的吗?**顾客:** 你好莉莉,我正在给我小侄子找生日礼物。



四年级学生销售员和顾客的英语对话范文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Customer:walks into the student's lemonade standWell hello there! What do we have here?Student Salesperson: Hi! Welcome to Lucy's Lemonade Stand! We've got ice cold lemonade for sale on this hot summer day.Customer: Lucy's Lemonade Stand, eh? I like the sound of that. So Lucy, are you running this little business all on your own?Student Salesperson: Well, kind of. My mom helped me set it up and make the lemonade, but I'm in charge of selling it and taking the money. It's my first time having a lemonade stand!Customer: Is that so? Well isn't that entrepreneurial of you! I admire your spirit. So what are you selling this lemonade for?Student Salesperson: It's just 50 cents for a small cup and 1 for a large cup. But if you buy four cups, I'll give you the fourth one free! That's my special deal for today.Customer: My my, what a savvy saleswoman you are. Throwing in a freebie to entice more purchases - I'm impressed! Okay, I'll take one large lemonade for now and test out your wares.Student Salesperson: Excellent choice! One large lemonade coming right up.pours lemonade into cup and adds ice and a strawThere you go, sir. One ice cold large lemonade, made fresh this morning.Customer:takes a sipHmm, not bad! Quite refreshing on a scorcher like today. You've got a good tang to it without being too sour or too sweet.Student Salesperson: I'm glad you like it, sir! My mom and I worked really hard juicing all those lemons and getting the sugar level just right.Customer: I can tell! This lemonade has a nice homemade taste to it. So Lucy, what are you planning to do with all your lemonade stand profits? Saving up for something special?Student Salesperson: Well, part of it I'm going to donate to the animal shelter. They need supplies for all the dogs and cats there. And the rest I'm saving up to go to coding camp this summer!Customer: What a noble cause, donating to help those sweet pets. And coding camp - that's awesome! Getting tech-savvy at such a young age.Student Salesperson: Yes, I really want to learn more about computer programming. I think it's super cool to be able to create games, apps, and websites. Coding is the future!Customer: You've got that right, kiddo. Speaking of the future, with that entrepreneurial spirit and tech mind of yours, I can see you becoming an incredibly successful business leader one day. Pursuing your passions and giving back - you're on the right track.Student Salesperson:beamingAw, thank you so much! Yes, I really want to start my own tech company someday that can make really cool products to make people's lives better. But for now, I'm just happy running my little lemonade stand business.Customer: There's nothing little about working hard, being resourceful, and pursuing your dreams - no matter how old you are. I'll tell you what, Lucy - your big ambitions and even bigger heart have convinced me. I'll take three more large lemonades! Maybe I'll surprise some neighbors with one.Student Salesperson: Wow, three more?? You're the best, sir! Let me pour those for you...busily fills three large cups with lemonadeOkay, so with your deal, that's three at 1 each and one free. So 3 total! Thank you!Customer:hands over 3 and takes the four lemonadesThank you, young lady. Worth every penny to support a smart, hardworking girl like yourself. You're already making this world a better place.Student Salesperson:shakes customer's hand vigorouslyThank you so much! I really appreciate your business and encouragement, sir. With customers like you, I'll be able to reach my goals in no time!Customer: I have no doubt, Lucy. No doubt at all. Keep crushing it! I'll be back for more thirst-quenching lemonade soon.Student Salesperson: Awesome, I'll be here all week! Have a great rest of your day!Customer: You too, future tech mogul!waves and exits with lemonades篇2Customer: Good morning!Student Clerk: Hello! Welcome to Danny's Delightful Lemonade Stand. How can I help you today?Customer: Well, I'm feeling quite thirsty on this hot summer day. What refreshing drinks do you have available?Student Clerk: We have our classic lemonade that's made with freshly squeezed lemons, sugar, and cool water. It's really delicious and perfect for beating the heat!Customer: That does sound nice and refreshing. What other lemonade flavors do you offer?Student Clerk: Today we also have strawberry lemonade and blueberry lemonade. The fruit is blended right into the lemonade!Customer: My, those unique flavors sound divine. I think I'll have one strawberry lemonade and one classic lemonade.Student Clerk: Excellent choices! For the strawberry lemonade, would you like that in a small, medium, or large size?Customer: I'll take a medium strawberry lemonade, please.Student Clerk: Okay, and what size would you like for the classic lemonade?Customer: I'll go with a large classic lemonade.Student Clerk: Wonderful. Anything else I can get for you today? We have freshly baked cookies and muffins too.Customer: Oooh cookies sound perfect to go with the lemonades! What cookie varieties do you have?Student Clerk: Today's cookie selection includes chocolate chip, peanut butter, snickerdoodle, and oatmeal raisin.Customer: I'll take two chocolate chip cookies, please.Student Clerk: You got it! So that's one medium strawberry lemonade, one large classic lemonade, and two chocolate chip cookies. Your total comes to 5.Customer: Alright, here's a 10 bill.Student Clerk: Thank you! Let me grab your lemonades and cookies. One moment please...(Short pause while student prepares order)Student Clerk: Okay, here are your drinks with straws and napkins. And your two chocolate chip cookies are in this little bag. Your change is 5. Thanks for supporting my lemonade stand!Customer: You're very welcome! Thank you for the great service. I appreciate you listing out all the flavors and options so clearly.Student Clerk: You're so welcome! I'm happy I could explain everything well. Please enjoy your lemonades and cookies.Customer: Oh, I'm sure I will! They look and smell delicious. You did a wonderful job with this little business.Student Clerk: Thanks so much! My family helps me make the lemonades and baked goods fresh every morning. I've learned a lot about customer service and money handling.Customer: That's fantastic you're getting that kind of experience at such a young age. You're doing a great job so far.Student Clerk: Thank you, I really appreciate your kind words!I hope you'll come back again soon.Customer: You can count on it! Have a wonderful rest of your day.Student Clerk: You too, thanks again! Bye!篇3Customer: Hi there! I'm looking for some new toys for my nephew's birthday next week.Student Salesperson: Welcome to Jackie's Toy Chest! My name is Jamie and I'd be happy to help you find the perfect present. What sort of toys is your nephew interested in?Customer: Well, he's a big superhero fan. And he loves building things too. Maybe some kind of construction set?Student Salesperson: Awesome, we have lots of great superhero building sets! Let me show you some options over inour Marvel section. (walks over) Here we have the Iron Man Armor Building set where you can construct Iron Man's iconic suit piece by piece. It's pretty challenging with 589 pieces, but the final model looks incredible.Customer: Wow, that does look cool. Though it might be a little too advanced for an 8-year-old. Do you have anything a bit simpler?Student Salesperson: You're probably right, that one may be frustrating for a younger kid. How about this Spider-Man Web Builder set instead? It's only 192 pieces and lets you build Spidey shooting his webs to swing from buildings. The pieces are bigger too so they're easier for little hands.Customer: Now that looks perfect! My nephew loves Spider-Man. And I like that it's not too complicated.Student Salesperson: Great choice! The Web Builder is a lot of fun to put together and really captures the character well. It also comes with a couple of minifigures - Spider-Man himself and the Green Goblin as the bad guy.Customer: Even better, he'll get a kick out of having a villain to battle against too. Okay, I'll take that one please.Student Salesperson: You got it! One Spider-Man Web Builder set. Would you like me to gift wrap it for your nephew's birthday?Customer: Yes, that would be great if you don't mind.Student Salesperson: Not a problem at all! We have some awesome Spider-Man themed wrapping paper that will make it even more exciting. Let me ring you up over at the register.(they walk to the cash register)Student Salesperson: Okay, your total comes to 24.99 for the Web Builder set. How would you like to pay?Customer: I'll pay with my credit card please. (hands over card)Student Salesperson: Got it, let me just run that through here. (processes payment) And there we go, all set! Let me get this wrapped up beautifully for you.(student carefully wraps the present)Student Salesperson: Aaaand done! One Spider-Man present, ready to thwart any bad guys at your nephew's party.Customer: This looks amazing, he's going to love it. Thank you so much for your help finding the perfect gift Jamie!Student Salesperson: You're very welcome! I'm just glad I could help make your nephew's birthday extra special. Make sure to let him know Jackie's Toy Chest is the place for all his superhero needs.Customer: Will do, I'll be sure to send any other toy-seeking relatives your way too. You were a huge help!Student Salesperson: Thanks, I really appreciate that! Have an awesome rest of your day.Customer: You too, take care!。



少儿英语销售话术1. Direct requirement methodAfter the salesperson gets the purchase signal from the customer, he directly proposes the transaction. When using the direct request method, avoid rushing as much as possible. The key is to get a clear signal from the customer to buy.For example, "Mr. Wang, since you don't have any other opinions, let's sign the order now." When you put forward the requirements of the transaction, it is necessary to remain silent, waiting for the customer's reaction, avoid saying any words, because your words are likely to immediately draw the attention of customers, make the transaction failure.2. Choose one methodSalespeople provide customers with two solutions to the problem, no matter which one the customer chooses, it is the result we want to achieve. With this approach, the customer should avoid the "yes or no" question and instead answer the "A or B" question.For example: "Do you prefer white or red?" "Would you like tosign the bill today or tomorrow?" "Will you be paying by card or cash?" Note that when guiding customers to clinch a deal, do not put forward more than two choices, because too many choices will make customers confused.3. Summarize the interest transaction methodAll the practical benefits brought by the transaction between customers and themselves are displayed in front of customers, the customer's concerns are sorted, and then the characteristics of products and customers' concerns are closely combined to summarize all the most concerned interests of customers, prompting customers to finally reach an agreement.4, preferential transaction methodAlso known as concession transaction method, refers to the sales staff by providing preferential terms to prompt customers to buy a method. When using these preferential policies, sales staff should pay attention to three points:(1) Let the customer feel that he is special, your offer is only for him, let the customer feel that they are very noble and special.(2) Do not give concessions casually, otherwise the customerwill put forward further requirements, until you can not accept the bottom line.(3) Show that you have limited authority and need to ask above: "I'm sorry, I can only give you this price under my authority." But since you are my regular customer, I can ask my manager for some extra concessions. But our offers are hard to come by and I can only do my best." In this way, the customer's expectations will not be too high, even if you do not get a discount, he will feel that you have done your best and will not blame you.5, in advance frame methodBefore the requirements of the customer, the sales staff will determine the results for the customer, and at the same time, the customer recognition and appreciation, so that the customer according to their own words, such as: "Our course is for those who are determined to break through their own, improve their sales performance. I believe that you are certainly not the kind of person who does not like learning and does not make progress."6. InspireProvocation is to use the competitive spirit and self-esteem ofcustomers to urge them to buy products. A respectable Hong Kong couple went shopping for jewelry in a major department store. They were interested in a $90,000 emerald ring, but balked at the price.At this time, in the side of the salespeople came over, she said to the two guests, Southeast Asia a country president's wife to the store had also seen this ring, and very like, love, but because the price is too high did not buy. The Hong Kong couple immediately bought the jade ring after the salesperson publicly challenged them, as they wanted to show that they were more powerful than the president's wife.When the salesman is prodding the other side, he should appear calm and natural, so as not to be seen as "prodding" him.7. Herd transaction methodCustomers are reluctant to take risks when buying products. Customers are generally skeptical of new products that have not been tried by others and dare not choose them easily. They tend to trust and like products that everyone agrees with.A customer had his eye on a microwave oven, but had not decided whether to buy it or not. The salesman said, "You really havea good eye. This is the most popular microwave oven at present. On average, more than 50 sets are sold every day. The customer looked at the microwave, still hesitating. The salesman said, "All the employees in our store are using this microwave oven, too. They all say it's convenient and affordable." It's easy for the customer to make a purchase decision.8, cherish the loss of transaction methodUse your fear of not being able to buy. The more people can not get, can not buy things, the more want to get it, buy it, this is the weakness of human nature. Once the customers realize that buying this kind of product is a rare opportunity, they will take action immediately.Precious little lost transaction method is to seize the customer "with joy, lose with pain" psychology, by putting certain pressure on customers to urge each other to make a timely purchase decision. Generally, we can do this from the following aspects:(1) Limited quantity, mainly similar to "purchase quantity is limited, want to buy as soon as possible".(2) Limited time, mainly in the designated time to enjoypreferential treatment.(3) Limited service, mainly because better service will be enjoyed within a specified quantity.(4) The price limit is mainly aimed at the goods to be increased.Anyhow, want to consider consumPTIVE object, consumPTIVE psychology carefully, set again most effective precious LITTLE loss clinCHS a DEAL METHOD. Of course, this method can not be casually abused, out of thin air, otherwise you will eventually lose customers.9, penny wise and pound foolishPenny wise, POUND foolish is to emphasize that not making a purchase decision is a big mistake, and sometimes even a small mistake can lead to the worst results. Through this pressure to reinforce the "bad result", the customer is stimulated and forced to make a deal.If you sell health care products, you can say: "If you save this investment in health, if the future health is not good and ill, you spend money to treat the disease but now dozens of times, hundreds of times ah!" This saying is actually the use of the pennywise and pound foolish method in daily life. In such cases, the customer is faced with a choice between a potential benefit and an implied risk (if he does not make a purchase decision).10. Close the deal step by stepMany customers tend to procrastinate before making a purchase. They say, "I'll think about it." "I'll think about it." "Let's talk about it." "In a few days."When customers push back, good salespeople agree with them: "You should be as careful as you are when you buy something. You are very interested in this product, otherwise you wouldn't take the time to think about it, would you?" They have to accept your point of view.At this point, you pressed: "Just out of curiosity, I want to know what you want to consider, is my company's reputation?" They'll say, "Oh, you have a great company." You ask him, "Is that my character?" He said, "Oh no, how?"You use the technique of approaching, asking questions, and finally getting the other person to say what he is worried about. As long as you can solve the customer's questions, a deal will becomea natural thing.11. Assist customers in closing transactionsMany customers, even if they want to buy, do not like to sign orders quickly, he is always picking and choosing, the product color, size, style, delivery date is constantly spinning. At this point, the salesman has to change his strategy, not to talk about the order for a while, but to help the customer pick a product, once the customer has selected a product, you have the order.12, contrast transaction methodWrite down the pros and cons. This is a way of comparing the pros and cons in writing and encouraging customers to make a purchase decision. The salesperson gets a pen and paper and draws a "T" form on the paper. The left side of the positive is the reason to buy, the right side of the negative should not buy the reason, under the design of the sales staff, must be positive to buy the reason more than the reason not to buy, so that you can take the opportunity to persuade customers to make a decision to buy.13, small transaction methodBuy some to try first. If a customer wants to buy your product,but can't make up his mind, suggest that the customer buy less to try. As long as you have confidence in the product, although the initial order quantity is small, but after the other party is satisfied with the trial, it may give you a large order.。













































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