
签证面试英语口语基本300句, Introduction 自我介绍1. I am a student. 我是一个学生。
2. He is my father. 他是我父亲。
3. This is my father. 这是我的父亲。
4. May I introduce Mr.Tang? 我可以介绍一下唐先生吗,5. Allow me to introduce Mr. Smith to you. 请允许我把史密斯先生介绍给您。
6. How do you do, 你好啊,7. I hope we shall get to know each other better. 我希望我们能更好地了解对方。
8. I shall go to the US. 我将去美国上大学9. I’m sure we will (get to know each other better). 我肯定我们会的10. How long are you going to stay here? 您准备在这儿待多久, 11. Can I introduce Mr. Tang? 我能介绍一下唐先生吗,, Greeting 问候12. How are you? 你怎么样呀,I’m fine. 我很好。
13. Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴~14. I haven’t seen you for a while. 我有一段时间没看见你了。
15. Where are you going? 您要去哪儿,16. I guess you are hungry. 我猜你饿了。
17. I’d better let you go to get some supper. 我最好让你去吃点晚餐。
18. Enjoy the day. 我最好让你去吃点晚餐。
, Addressing 称谓19. I’d like to introduce Mr. Lee. 我想介绍一下李先生。

第一部分申请人背景/Petitioners Biography背景类信息/Biographical Information1.你的申请人是谁?Who is the petitioner?2.谁为你提出申请?Who is petitioning you?3.你丈夫全名是什么?What is your husband`s full name?4.你能否写出来或拼出来?Can you write it or spell it for me?5.他曾用过什么名字么?Has he used any other names?6.你的丈夫住在哪里?Where does your husband live?7.你的丈夫的家庭住址是?What is your husband’s address?8.你的丈夫的电话号码是?What is husband phone number?9.你的丈夫年龄?How old is your husband?10.你的丈夫的生日是?What is your husband`s birth date?11.你的丈夫在哪里出生?Where was your husband born?家庭类信息/Family Information12.你的丈夫父母是否健在?Are your husband`s parents alive?13.你的丈夫父母住在哪里?Where do your husband `s parents live?14.你的丈夫父母的家庭住址是?What are is your husband `s parents address?15.你的丈夫父母或养父母的名字是?What are your husband 's parents (step parents) names?16.你的丈夫父亲从事何种职业?What does your husband`s father do?17.你是否见过你的丈夫父母?Have you met your husband`s parents?18.你是否与你的丈夫父母在电话上交谈?Have you talked with your husband`s parents on thephone?19.你与你的丈夫父母关系是否融洽?How do you get along with your husband`s parents?20.你的丈夫父母是否同意你们的关系?Doyourhusband`sparentsapproveofyourrelationship?21.你的丈夫是否有兄弟或姐妹?Does your husband have any brothers or sisters?22.你的丈夫的兄弟或姐妹的名字是?What are your husband`s brothersand/or sisters names?23.你的丈夫的兄弟或姐妹住在哪里?Where do your husband`s brothers and/or sisters live?24.你是否见过你的丈夫的兄弟或姐妹?Have you met your husband`s brothers/sisters?25.你是否与你的丈夫的兄弟或姐妹在电话上交谈?Haveyoutalkedwithyourhusband`sbrothers/sisters on the phone?26.你是否与你的丈夫的兄弟或姐妹关系是否融洽?Howdoyougetalongwithyourhusband`s brothers/sisters?27.你的丈夫有过婚史么?Was your husband married before?28.你的丈夫婚龄为多久?How long was your husband married before?29.你的丈夫结过几次婚?How many times was your husband married before?30.你的丈夫什么时候离婚?When were your husband`s divorces?31.你的丈夫上一次离婚是什么时候?When was your husband`s last divorce?32.你是否知道你的丈夫曾在**年离婚?Didyouknowthatyourhusbandwasdivorcedin199-?33.你的丈夫的前妻名字是?What are the names of your husband`s exes?34.你的丈夫前妻现住哪里?Where do your husband`s exes live?35.你的丈夫是否有孩子?Does your husband have any children? no36.你介意你的丈夫有孩子么?Does this matter to you?37.对你来说,你的丈夫的孩子会造成任何麻烦么?Will there be a problem with your husband’s children from another relationship?38.你的丈夫有几个孩子?How many children does your husband have?39.你的丈夫的孩子名字是?What are your husband`s children`s names?40.你是否见过你的丈夫的孩子们?Have you met your husband`s children?41.你是否与你的丈夫的孩子们通过电话?Haveyoutalkedwithyourhusband`schildrenonthe phone?42.你与你的丈夫的孩子们关系是否融洽?Howdoyougetalongwithyourhusband'schildren?43.你的丈夫的孩子们由谁来抚养?Who has custody(保管) of your husband`s children?44.你是否会对你的丈夫的孩子们尽职尽责?Willyoubeagoodparenttoyourhusband'schildren?工作类信息/Employment Information45.你的丈夫从事何种职业?What does your husband do for a living?46.你的丈夫在那一家公司任职?Whatisthenameofthecompanythatyourhusbandworksfor?47.你的丈夫在公司的职位是?Whatisyourhusband’sjobtitle(职位)atthecompanythathe/she works for?48.你的丈夫在公司任职多久?Howlonghasyourhusbandworkedforthecompanythatheworks for?49.你的丈夫曾经的职业和工龄?Where did your husband work in the past and for how long?财产类信息/Financial Information50.你的丈夫是在供房还是在租房?Does your husband own or rent their home?51.你的丈夫收入是多少?How much money does your husband earn?教育类信息/Educational Information52.你的丈夫的最高学历是?How much education(教育) does your husband have?53.你的丈夫毕业于那所大学?Which university (大学)did your husband graduate from?54.你的丈夫的学位是?What kind of degree does your husband have?55.你的丈夫的专业是?Which subjects has your husband studied?信仰宗教及其他类信息/Religious and Additional Information56.你的丈夫的眼睛是什么颜色的?What color are your husband 's eyes?57.你的丈夫的头发是什么颜色的?What color is your husband 's hair?58.你的丈夫的身高为?How tall is your husband?59.你的丈夫的体重为?How much does your husband weigh?60.你的丈夫喜欢的食品/菜肴?What is your husband 's favorite food?61.你的丈夫的喜好是?What are your husban d’s hobbies and interests?62.你的丈夫的宗教信仰是?What is your husband 's religious background?63.你的丈夫是否能够表达和理解你的语种?Doesyourhusbandspeakandunderstandyourlanguage?64.你的丈夫是否有任何疾病?Does your husband have any medical issues?65.你的丈夫是否有宠物?Does you husband have any pets?66.你的丈夫的宠物是?What kind of pets does your husband have?67.你的丈夫的宠物名字是?What are your husband 's pets names?68.他开什么车?.What car does he drive?69.喜欢什么音乐:What kind of music does he like?70.请详细介绍你的丈夫Please tell me more about your husband.第二部分受益人信息/Beneficiaries Biography71.你的丈夫见过你的父母么?Has your husband met your parents?72.你的丈夫与你的父母关系是否融洽?How do your parents get along with your husband?73.你的父母是否同意你们的关系?Do your parents approve of your relationship?74.你的丈夫是否见过你的姐妹或兄弟?Has your husband met yoursisters/brothers?75.你的丈夫与你的姐妹或兄弟关系是否融洽?How do your sisters/brothers get along withyour SO?76.你的姐妹或兄弟是否同意你们的关系?Do your sisters/brothers approve of yourrelationship?77.你是否结过婚?Have you been married before?78.孩子么?Do you have children?79.你的丈夫是否见过你的孩子们?Has your husband met your children?80.你的丈夫与你的孩子间关系是否融洽?How do your children get along with your husband?81.你的宗教信仰是?What is your religious background?82.你从事何种职业?What do you do for a living?83.你在哪家公司/单位任职?Where do you work?84.你的业余兴趣和爱好是?What are your hobbies and interests?85.你是否能够表达和理解你的丈夫的语种?Do you speak and understand your husband’slanguage?86.你曾否出国?Have you ever traveled overseas(国外,海外) before?87.你是否亲自准备签证所需的申请表格?Did you prepare the forms for your petition/visayourself?第三部分两人关系/Relationship相识/Meeting88.你们是如何相识的?How did you first meet your husband?89.你们是何时相识的?When did you first meet your husband?90.你们在何地相识?Where did you first meet your husband?91.你们认识有多久?How long have you known your husband?92.你们相互通信有多长时间?How long have you been corresponding with your husband?93.通信往来/Correspondence94.你们以何种方式沟通?How do you communicate with your husband?95.你们沟通的次数?How often do you communicate with your husband?96.你们用什么语种沟通?What language do you use to communicate with your husband?97.你们一天会有几通电话?How many times a day do you talk to your husband on the phone?98.你们一个月会有多少次电话?How many times do you and your husband talk on the phoneeach month?99.你是否赠送过礼物给你的丈夫?Have you sent gifts to your husband?100.你赠送的礼物是?What did you send to your husband?101.你的丈夫是否赠送过礼物给你?Has your husband sent gifts to you?102.他赠送的礼物是?What did your husband send to you?103.你们在电话上会谈些什么?What do you and your husband talk about on the phone?见面/Meeting in Person104.你们见过几次面?How many times have you and your husband met?105.你们上一次见面是在什么时候?When was the last time you and your husband weretogether?106.上一次见面时你们相处了多久?How long were you and your husband together the lasttime?107.过去见面你们又相处了多久?How long were you and your husband together any othertime(s)?108.你的丈夫具体探亲的日期是?What are the exact dates of your husband’s visit(s)?109.你的丈夫每次探亲有多长时间?How long did your husband stay each visit?110.在你的丈夫探亲期间,你们做了什么?What did you do when your husband came?111.在你的丈夫探亲期间,你们去了哪里?Where did you go when your husband came??112.有你们共同的照片么?Do you have pictures of you and your husband together.113.这些照片摄于什么时候?When were the pictures of you and your husband taken together?个人信息/Personal Information114.你为什么要与他结婚?Why did you want to marry your husband?115.你爱你的丈夫么?Do you love your husband?116.爱你的丈夫什么呢?What do you love about your husband?117.你们的相同之处是什么?What do you have in common with your husband?118.什么促使你决定通过互联网寻找你的丈夫?What made you decide to use the internet tofind a husband?119.认识你的丈夫前,你是否在互联网上与很多其他男性有过交往?Were you talking to alot of men on the internet before you met your husband?120.你仍旧与那些男性有交往么?Do you still talk to men on the internet?婚姻/孩子Marriage / Children121.你们于何时结婚?When were you and your husband married?122.你们是否举办婚礼?Did you have a wedding ceremony?123.你们的婚礼在何处举办?Where was your wedding held at?124.请描述你们的婚礼过程。

以下是一些可能的英国签证面试问题:1. What is the purpose of your visit to the UK?- 您来英国的目的是什么?2. How long do you intend to stay in the UK?- 您计划在英国停留多长时间?3. What is your occupation and how long have you held this position?- 您的职业是什么,您从事这个职位多长时间了?4. How do you intend to fund your stay in the UK?- 您打算如何资助您在英国的逗留?5. Do you have any family or friends in the UK?- 您在英国有亲友吗?6. Have you ever been to the UK before? If so, how long did you stay and what did you do during your previous visit?- 您之前曾来过英国吗?如果是的话,您停留了多长时间,在之前的访问期间您做了些什么?7. Have you traveled to any other countries in the past? If so, where and for how long?- 过去您去过其他国家吗?如果是的话,去了哪些国家,停留多久?8. Do you have any criminal convictions or visa refusals in any country?- 您有过任何国家的犯罪记录或被拒签的经历吗?9. How do you plan to return to your home country after your visit to the UK?- 您计划在访问英国后如何返回您的家乡?10. Have you made any arrangements for accommodation in the UK?- 您在英国是否已经安排了住宿?11. Can you provide any documentation to support your application, such as bank statements or a letter of invitation?- 您能提供任何文件来支持您的申请,例如银行对账单或邀请函吗?12. Can you provide proof of your ties to your home country, such as a property ownership, employment contract, or family obligations?- 您能提供您与家乡的纽带证据吗,例如房产所有权、就业合同或家庭义务?13. How do you plan to spend your time in the UK? What activities or attractions do you intend to visit?- 您计划如何在英国度过您的时间?您打算参观哪些活动或景点?14. Have you taken any English language courses or exams? If so, can you provide any certificates or test results?- 您参加过任何英语语言课程或考试吗?如果是的话,您能提供任何证书或考试成绩吗?15. How do you plan to financially support yourself during your stay in the UK?- 您打算如何在英国期间财务支持自己?以上只是一些可能的英国签证面试问题的示例。

美国签证面试问题及答案1. Why do you want to study in USA? Why do you choose USA?(Have you applied for Chinese University? Why?)1) As you see, American education is famous in the world, especially the course of economy management. United States is the mother country of business. So USA Universities’ courses are of course in line with the modern financial trends and practices. 2) Moreover, the RMB appreciate day by day so studying in USA is cheaper than ever before. 3) It’s said that the USA authority welcom#e the Chinese students. That releases the local economic crisis.Why do you choose US but not Europe?Although banks were founded in Europe first, the US economic development is more mature and dynamic. Also, the United States is China's largest trading nation and US have com#pletely economic system. I believe I have made a very wise choice.(I have considered but finally choose the USA with an in-depth consideration.)2. To how many institutions have you applied, and who are they?Any other school admits you?I applied two universities, *** University and University of North Alabama. Both of them admitted me. But I found the *** University MBA***** program aligns most closely with my academic background and career goals. I carry University of *** admission letter. Here it is.3. Why do you choose *** University?1)Well, at the first, *** University is a public institution that was founded in 1887 with long his***.2)Secondly, my special option IED is rare but excellent in *** and ***’s MBA program is accredited by (ACBSP) (the Association of collegiate business schools and programs).3)Also, *** offers me conditional admission, so it is advisable for me to choose *** to improve myself and English proficiency.4)Moreover, Sorrell College of Business focuses on training students with practical skills and business problems solving ability.4. Do you know where this school is? Do you know where you will study in the US?It is located in 601 University Avenue, ***, Alabama.5. What is your major? What is it all about? What is it for?In what aspect of your major will you study?Can you briefly explain what you will learn?Can you talk something about the course?Why do you like your major?My major in USA will be MBA with International economic development.The courses include accounting, finance and market and practical skills.I can seek very in-depth study of Trade and Economics and an understanding of the market’s role between developing countries and developed countries. I’ve been working in imp/exp department of ****** com#pany for 2 years. This program teaches me knowledge from management view with the expertise in analyzing specific financial markets and in investment strategies and layout of investors. These courses will lead solid foundation for my career path. So this option fits me. That’s why I like this major.(This is curriculum I will learn in ***)6. What’s the difference between your major now and the major in US?(You already obtained bachelors in law in china, why you close to study MBA?) (Why do you change your major?)Well, my bachelor major here is law in **** University. The major MBA I chosen in US will cross the two fields. According to my current situation, law is one part to help me fulfill my dream. (But it is very different from the law in China and US. I will com#e back to China, so I couldn’t study US law. ) In the meantime I think Chinese law is enough to deal with the work problems. I only need some professional managerial knowledge that is also vital to help me becom#e a good senior manager. I think if I can com#bine these two major in practice, I’m sure I'll have a bright future.7. How do you know this University?Well, I know *** University in China International Educational Exhibition, and the importance is I am very lucky to meet the recruitment director in Tianjin. I find the *** university suits me for my academic background, personal philosophy, and career goals.8. Have you any work experiences? (give VO resume)Well, I worked for a clothes manufacture com#pany from 20** to 20**. The main business is closing trade. I was a manager assistance of Imp/Exp department before I resigned.I am responsible for assisting manager to contact the customs and supervise the order.9. What did you do after graduation?( Why you com#e back to China instead of findinga job in America?1)I will go back my former com#pany. My former boss will welcom#e me go back to work and give a position as a senior manager after graduation, because I had been working there for two years. (Also, she extremely encourages me to further study in USA and realize my dream)2) Secondly, of course I will com#e back to join my parents.3)Thirdly, I think I have a good future in my hometown Tianjin, which is one of the biggest and most important ports.4)Also, China is developing fast now and America is Chinese biggest trading nation, International economy Management is quiet useful in China.5)Lastly, I know the local cannot find a work in US, even a Chinese.So I will com#e back to China ASAP.How much will you earn when you com#e back? Salary in the U.S.?Well, Chinese com#panies will pay more attention to how well and how diligent I will study in USA. The report in China trade industry, a senior manager can earn more than one hundred thousand RMB one year. The salary in the U.S, I do not know in details, may be $40,000, but it’s said the employment rate is very lower. The American cannot find a job, so I think it’s very difficult to a Chinese student.I believe I will study hard and diligent (so I can shorten the time) and com#e back ASAP. I just want to minimize the cost while make the highest return on my investment in education.10. Why not you won’t go to industry? Why do you think it is time to pursue a degree now?Well, 4- year study and 2 –year work, that’s a short period time, I have just learned the basic law that is only a method of thinking but not the advanced knowledge. I want to study more professional knowledge to analyze the problems. The courses include accounting, finance, economy and business. They are let me know how to succeed in trade by decreasing effectively the cost and management burdens. I can learn risk and chances in business and the global picture. So, I think it is the right time for me to continue study and broaden my horizon before moving on to the next stage of my life.11. What if I don’t give you the Visa? (If the VO wants to refuse you.)Ha. Of course I will apply again because it’s really necessary for me at this time. In addition I want to learn about American culture and thinking.What is the exchange rate? 1$ equals to 6.50 RMBWhich economist do you like? Harvey S. Rosen 哈维•罗森He is a number of economic advisers for White House. And he writes many famous schoolbook of university.【2】108问题锦集:1) what will you study in the united states?2) what is your major? in what aspect of your major will you study? what is your favorite subject? can it be used to military utilities ?3) what will you do in usa?4) are you going to study in usa?5) when/where did you get your bs/ms?6) what/where are you working now?7) how long will you study in usa?8) have you any scholarship?9) what do you want to study in usa?10) what do you do with your work for ms/phd?11) what is your purpose for the visa?12) what is your academic background?13) how do you know this univ.?14) what is your plan? what will you do after graduation? why? what kind of job can you find in the future?15) give me three reasons that you will com#e back to china?16) can you explain why 90 chinese students didnt com#e back?17) why do you choose this univ.?18) why do you like your major?19) why do you want to study in usa?20) why do you want to pursue a masters/doctoral degree?21) why do you receive financial aid from this univ.?22) what is the difficult class do you have?23) do you want your wife to go with you?24) whats your name?25) what institution did you attend and what was your major?26) what have you done after you graduated from university?27) why do you want go to the united states for further study?28) why do you think it is time for you to pursue masters/doctoral degree now?xxx in the us?30) many universities in the china offer first--rate graduate programs in xx x. why do you want to go to the usa for graduate study?31) what is your ultimate academic goal?32) to how many institutions have you applied, and who are they? any other school admits you?33)why did you choose xxxxxx university? how much do you know about the university?34)do you have any relatives in the united states?35)what do your parents do?36)how much do you expect you will have to spend each year in the united states?37)how do you support yourself during your studies in the united states?38)do you plan to seek financial support in the us?39)who will be your sponsor? how much is his annal incom#e and what will be the amount you will receive annually? do you have a bank deposit certification?40)do you plan to seek employment in the us after you have com#pleted your studies?41) how long does it take to com#mute to your work place?42) what do you think of the west development in china?43) how long have you prepared your visa interview? have u prepared the interview in new oriental?44) how long have you prepared for gre? did you cheat?45) are you a worker or a student now?46) where are you from? where is your hometown?47)how much do you earn now? how much will you earn when you com#e back?48) do you know which school is the best in your major? what else? 49) what does your major mean?50) what will you study in this major? what courses?51) if you say you will be a teacher in the future, what will you teach?52) whats the difference between your major now and the major in usa?53)when are you going to enter us?54)what is your dream?55)what is the thing you like best in america ,or the thing you like best in china?56)then what is the thing you dont like most in china?57)can you give an example of your topic that is applied in our living?58)why do you change your major ?59)what is your favorite pet? why?60)whats your best/worst quality。


1. 教育资源优势这个国家在教育方面有着世界领先的优势,拥有一流的大学和研究机构。
2. 就业和职业发展机会这个国家在我的专业领域有着广阔的就业和职业发展机会。
3. 文化和历史吸引力这个国家拥有丰富的文化和悠久的历史,我选择这个国家是因为我对其文化和历史非常感兴趣。
4. 语言学习和提升这个国家的语言在国际上有着广泛的应用和影响力。
5. 个人发展和成长选择这个国家是因为我相信在这里我能够得到更好的个人发展和成长机会。

美国签证面试问题及答案美国签证,常见的问题有哪些呢,YJBYS小编为大家精心搜集了一篇美国签证问题及答案,欢迎大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到大家!1. Why do you want to study in USA? Why do you choose USA?(Have you applied for Chinese University? Why?)1) As you see, American education is famous in the world, especially the course of economy management. United States is the mother country of business. So USA Universities coursesare of course in line with the modern financial trends and practices. 2) Moreover, the RMB appreciate day by day so studying in USA is cheaper than ever before. 3) It s said that the USA authority welcome the Chinese students. That releases the local economic crisis.Why do you choose US but not Europe?Although banks were founded in Europe first, the US economic development is more mature and dynamic. Also, the United States is China s largest trading nation and US have completely economic system. I believe I have made a very wise choice.(I have considered but finally choose the USA with an in-depth consideration.)2. To how many institutions have you applied, and whoare they?Any other school admits you?I applied two universities, *** University and University of North Alabama. Both of them admitted me. But I found the *** University MBA***** program aligns most closely with my academic background and career goals. I carry University of *** admission letter. Here it is.3. Why do you choose *** University?1)Well, at the first, *** University is a public institution that was founded in 1887 with long his***.2)Secondly, my special option IED is rare but excellent in *** and *** s MBA program is accredited by (ACBSP) (theAssociation of collegiate business schools and programs).3)Also, *** offers me conditional admission, so it is advisable for me to choose *** to improve myself and English proficiency.4)Moreover, Sorrell College of Business focuses on training students with practical skills and business problems solving ability.4. Do you know where this school is? Do you know where you will study in the US?It is located in 601 University Avenue, ***, Alabama.5. What is your major? What is it all about? What is it for?In what aspect of your major will you study?Can you briefly explain what you will learn?Can you talk something about the course?Why do you like your major?My major in USA will be MBA with International economic development.The courses include accounting, finance and market and practical skills.I can seek very in-depth study of Trade and Economicsand an understanding of the market s role between developing countries and developed countries. I ve been working in imp/exp department of ****** Company for 2 years. This program teaches me knowledge from management view with the expertise in analyzing specific financial markets and in investment strategies and layout of investors. These courses will lead solid foundation for my career path. So this option fits me. That s why I like this major.(This is curriculum I will learn in ***)6. What s the difference between your major now and the major in US?(You already obtained bachelors in law in china, why you close to study MBA?) (Why do you change your major?)Well, my bachelor major here is law in **** University. Themajor MBA I chosen in US will cross the two fields. According to my current situation, law is one part to help me fulfill my dream. (But it is very different from the law in China and US. I will come back to China, so I couldn t study US law. ) In the meantime I think Chinese law is enough to deal with the work problems. I only need some professional managerial knowledge that is also vital to help me become a good senior manager. I think if I can combine these two major in practice, I m sure I ll have a bright future.7. How do you know this University?Well, I know *** University in China International Educational Exhibition, and the importance is I am very lucky to meet the recruitment director in Tianjin. I find the *** university suits me for my academic background, personal philosophy, and career goals.8. Have you any work experiences? (give VO resume)Well, I worked for a clothes manufacture company from 2009 to 2011. The main business is closing trade. I was a manager assistance of Imp/Exp department before I resigned.I am responsible for assisting manager to contact the customs and supervise the order.9. What did you do after graduation?( Why you come back to China instead of finding a job in America?1)I will go back my former company. My former boss will welcome me go back to work and give a position as a senior manager after graduation, because I had been working there for two years. (Also, she extremely encourages me to further study in USA and realize my dream)2) Secondly, of course I will come back to join my parents.3)Thirdly, I think I have a good future in my hometown Tianjin, which is one of the biggest and most important ports.4)Also, China is developing fast now and America is Chinese biggest trading nation, International economy Management is quiet useful in China.5)Lastly, I know the local cannot find a work in US, even a Chinese.So I will come back to China ASAP.How much will you earn when you come back? Salary in the U.S.?Well, Chinese companies will pay more attention to howwell and how diligent I will study in USA. The report in China trade industry, a senior manager can earn more than one hundred thousand RMB one year. The salary in the U.S, I do not know in details, may be $40,000, but it s said the employment rate is very lower. The American cannot find a job, so I think it s very difficult to a Chinese student.I believe I will study hard and diligent (so I can shorten the time) and come back ASAP. I just want to minimize the cost while make the highest return on my investment in education.10. Why not you won t go to industry? Why do you think it is time to pursue a degree now?Well, 4- year study and 2 year work, that s a short period time, I have just learned the basic law that is only a method of thinking but not the advanced knowledge. I want to study more professional knowledge to analyze the problems. The courses include accounting, finance, economy and business.They are let me know how to succeed in trade by decreasing effectively the cost and management burdens. I can learn risk and chances in business and the global picture. So, I think it is the right time for me to continue study and broaden my horizon before moving on to the next stage of my life.11. What if I don t give you the Visa? (If the VO wants to refuse you.)Ha. Of course I will apply again because it s really necessary for me at this time. In addition I want to learn about American culture and thinking.What is the exchange rate? 1$ equals to 6.50 RMBWhich economist do you like? Harvey S. Rosen 哈维罗森He is a number of economic advisers for White House. And he writes many famous schoolbook of university.【2】108问题锦集:1) what will you study in the united states?2) what is your major? in what aspect of your major will you study? what is your favorite subject? can it be used to military utilities ?3) what will you do in usa?4) are you going to study in usa?5) when/where did you get your bs/ms?6) what/where are you working now?7) how long will you study in usa?8) have you any scholarship?9) what do you want to study in usa?10) what do you do with your work for ms/phd?11) what is your purpose for the visa?12) what is your academic background?13) how do you know this univ.?14) what is your plan? what will you do after graduation? why? what kind of job can you find in the future?15) give me three reasons that you will come back to china?16) can you explain why 90 chinese students didnt come back?17) why do you choose this univ.?18) why do you like your major?19) why do you want to study in usa?20) why do you want to pursue a masters/doctoral degree?21) why do you receive financial aid from this univ.?22) what is the difficult class do you have?23) do you want your wife to go with you?24) whats your name?25) what institution did you attend and what was your major?26) what have you done after you graduated from university?27) why do you want go to the united states for further study?28) why do you think it is time for you to pursue masters/doctoral degree now?xxx in the us?30) many universities in the china offer first--rate graduate programs in xx x. why do you want to go to the usa for graduate study?31) what is your ultimate academic goal?32) to how many institutions have you applied, and who are they? any other school admits you?33)why did you choose xxxxxx university? how much do you know about the university?34)do you have any relatives in the united states?35)what do your parents do?36)how much do you expect you will have to spend each year in the united states?37)how do you support yourself during your studies in the united states?38)do you plan to seek financial support in the us?39)who will be your sponsor? how much is his annal income and what will be the amount you will receive annually? do you have a bank deposit certification?40)do you plan to seek employment in the us after you have completed your studies?41) how long does it take to commute to your work place?42) what do you think of the west development in china?43) how long have you prepared your visa interview?have u prepared the interview in new oriental?44) how long have you prepared for gre? did you cheat?45) are you a worker or a student now?46) where are you from? where is your hometown?47)how much do you earn now? how much will you earn when you come back?48) do you know which school is the best in your major? what else? 49) what does your major mean?50) what will you study in this major? what courses?51) if you say you will be a teacher in the future, what will you teach?52) whats the difference between your major now and the major in usa?53)when are you going to enter us?54)what is your dream?55)what is the thing you like best in america ,or the thing you like best in china?56)then what is the thing you dont like most in china?57)can you give an example of your topic that is applied in our living?58)why do you change your major ?59)what is your favorite pet? why?60)whats your best/worst quality21。

美国签证面试时常问的问题Document number:PBGCG-0857-BTDO-0089-PTT1998美国签证面试时常问的问题:1楼(1)询问学习目的What'syourpurposeorwhatwillyoudointheUSWhatdoyouintendtodointheUnitedStatesWhydoyouwanttogototheUS(2)选择这所学校的原因WhichuniversitydoyouplantoattendWhydidyouchoosetheschoolWhatdoyouthinkof…university(3)学习的期限HowlongdoyouplantostayinAmericaHowlongwillyoustayinUS(4)申请几所学校Howmanyschoolsdidyouapplyfor(5)专业及主攻方向WhydoyouchoosethismajorWhichmajorWhichdegreewillyoupursueinAmericaWhatwillyoustudyintheUnitedStatesWhatisyourmajorInwhataspectofyourmajorwillyoustudyWhatwillyoudoinUSWhydidyouchoose…asyourmajorPleaseexplainindetailwhyyouchose…universityinacademicstandards.Canyougiveareal-lifeexampleofyourtopic(6)怎么知道的这所学校HowdoyouknowaboutthisschoolWhydoyoureceivefinancialaidfrom…university(7)现在的工作WhatdoyoudoinChinanow(8)经济状况和奖学金HowcanyouaffordtopaythatsumofmoneyHowmuchisyourmonthlysalaryWhatkindsofscholarshipwilltheschoolofferyouHowmuchisyourparents'salaryWhatdoyouparentsdo(9)毕业后经济状况Howmuchwillyouearnaftergraduation(10)托福和GRE以及GMAT成绩WhatisyourTOEFLandGREorGMATscore(11)家庭的纽带WhatdoesyourspousedoAreyoumarriedWhatdoyourparentsdo(12)毕业后的工作打算WhatwillyoudoafteryougetyourdegreeWhatareyougoingtodoafteryourgraduationWhatareyougoingtodoafteryougetyourdegree(13)政治观点WhatisyouropinionaboutSino-USrelationsAreyouagainsttheUS(14)出国经历HavebeenabroadWhatcountrieshavebeento(15)拒签原因Doyouknowwhyyouweredeniedlasttime(16)是否要求更换面试签证官Doyouagreetoletotherofficerdealwithyourapplication签证官问的主要问题基本上就是这些,但回答差别却很大。

签证面试必答的英语问题【世贸人才网:国际贸易人才门户更新时间: 2008-12-17 】【来源:世贸人才网】参与学校和社区的活动,深入了解美国文化,增进与美国人民的友谊。
4) Are you going to study in USA5) When/where did you get your BS/MS(Bachelor/Master Degree)1998 河南师范大学2007 华东师范大学6) What/where are you studying now密执安州,密歇根大学7) How long will you study in USAHalf a year8) Have you any scholarshipYes, China scholarship c will sponsor me 1thousand dollar every month.9) What do you want to study in USA运动、营养、激素对2型糖尿病性骨质疏松的影响Different sports and nourishmentMechanical, dietary, and hormonal parameters to prevent diabetic osteoporosis in type 2 diabetic women10) What do you do with your work for BS/MS/PhD艺术体操运动人体科学,不同运动方式对大鼠骨生化指标的影响运动人体科学,机械、饮食和激素等变量在预防2型糖尿病女性骨质疏松中的作用Mechanical, dietary, and hormonal parameters to prevent diabetic osteoporosis in type 2 diabetic women11) What is your purpose for the visaStudy,通过联合培养项目完成博士论文,12) What is your academic background运动员经历,对运动对身心的影响有直接的体会,从而提出有实践意义的研究课题;在运动对骨代谢指标的影响方面,有一定的研究积累,发表了相关论文。

签证面试的问题整理签证面试的问题整理因为很多宝宝害怕办签证的时候,会被抽到面试,所以帮大家整理了一些问题,希望对大家有帮助~1、你的个人情况如何?1) 你的姓名、性别、出生日期、住址、家庭情况?Tell me about your basic information: name, gender, date of birth, address and family members. Or please confirm your name, date of birth, etc.2) 你目前在哪所学校念书、你现在的最高学历是什么?Where are you studying now? And what is your highest degree?3) 你感兴趣的科目是什么、你的兴趣爱好是什么?What is/are your interested course(s)? What are your hobbies?2、你对自己去英国干什么清楚吗?1) 去英国干什么?之前来过英国吗?有去过其他国家吗?What will you do in the UK? Have you been to the UK before? Have you ever been to any other country before?2) 为什么选择英国作为你的留学国家?Why do you want to study in the UK?3) 去英国学习相比于留在本国或者去美国、加拿大、澳洲,有什么优势?What are the benefits of studying in the UK compared to your home country or USA/Canada/Australia etc.?4) 你选择哪所学校?Which school will you study?5) 为什么选择这个学校?(这个学校情况怎样?)你从何种渠道了解到这所学校的.?Why did you choose this University/College? How about this university/college? How did you find about it?6) 你的学习计划是什么?你的学习计划能使你拿到怎样的学历资格?你认为自己的学习计划可行吗?What is your study plan? What qualification will you receive after this study? Do you think it is feasible?7) 这门课程结构如何?(具体学什么课程?)为什么选择这门课程?课程何时开始、何时结束、为期多长?这门课程的考核方式是怎样的?学习这门课程对你今后的发展有何帮助?What is the structure of this course? (What are the specific modules?) Why did you choose this course? When will the course start and end, and how long will it last? How is this course assessed? What kind of help can it provide for your future development?a) 你每周的学习方式怎样?要学多少时间?What is your study method every week? How long do you study?b) 你知道该课程是什么水平的课程吗?Do you know what level your course is at?c) 该课程有专业的认证吗?Does this course offer any professional recognition?8) 学校有什么设施令你印象深刻?What facilities are you impressed on deeply at thecollege/university?9) 完成该课程后,你还继续深造吗?Are you planning to stay in the UK on completion to study for a higher award?10) 完成该课程后,你会转校吗?Are you thinking of transferring to another institution on completion?11) 你有亲戚也在海外学习相同的课程吗?Do you have relatives who have studied at similar level overseas?12)你如何解释你的学习经历中一些中断的情况?How do you explain the gaps in your study/professional history?3、你对在英国留学期间的经济状况熟悉吗?1) 请问你在英国期间的学费需要多少?(按每个阶段来说)How much are your course fees? (Please explain every period.)2) 请问你在英国留学期间的生活费大概要多少?800 month each yearHow much are your living fees in the UK?3) 总共费用是多少?How much are your total fees during the period of your study?4) 你有没有预付过学费?Have you made payment as part of tuition fees up front?5) 谁来负担这笔费用?(或者谁是你的资助人?你们的关系是什么?)Who will pay for the money? (Or who is financing your studies? And what relationship they have to you?)6) 请问你父母的职业?公司/单位名称?他们的年收入有多少?What do your parents do for a living? (Or what are yourparents’ occupations?) What ar e the names of their companies? What is your parent’s annual income?7) 现在有多少钱可以供你去读书?How much money is available for your study?8) 你提供了哪些资金材料?银行存单、股票还是理财产品?What is your evidence of financial status? Bank statements, bonds or investment?9) 你可以证明这些材料的真实性吗?Are you able to verify the genuineness of the documents?4、你对英国生活情况熟悉吗?1) 你对英国了解吗?(人口、组成、领袖、气候、文化、科学技术)Do you know about the UK? (For example population, composition, leader, weather, culture or science technology)2) 你会预计到你初抵英国时将遇到的困难吗?(饮食、气候、习俗、语言、环境、想家等)What kind of difficulties can you image when you arrive in the UK? (For example food, weather, custom, language, environment and homesickness)3) 你将住在什么地方?住宿费用是多少?Where will you live? How much will your accommodation cost?4) 你需要接机服务吗?Do you need a meet and greet service for air pick-up?5) 你打算何时去英国?何时离开英国?When will you go to the UK? And when will you leave?6) 你知道自己是否可以在英国做兼职吗?Do you know whether you are entitled to work part-time in the UK?7) 你知道可以工作多少小时吗?Do you know how many hours are you allowed to work?8) 你知道一小时的薪酬大概是多少吗?Do you know the likely hourly rate of pay?5、你对自己将来的发展清楚吗?a) 你现在做什么?What do you do now?b) 是什么促使你放弃现在的事情、决定赴英国留学的呢?Why did you give up your work/study and decide to study in the UK?c) 你在英国有亲戚吗?Do you have any relatives in the UK?d) 你会留在英国工作吗?Will you stay to work in the UK on completion?e) 你回国的理由是什么?你的职业发展目标如何?Why will you come back to China? And what are your career development goals?。


➢Introduction 自我介绍1.I am a student. 我是一个学生。
2.He is my father. 他是我父亲。
3.This is my father. 这是我的父亲。
4.May I introduce Mr.Tang? 我可以介绍一下唐先生吗?5.Allow me to introduce Mr. Smith to you. 请允许我把史密斯先生介绍给您。
6.How do you do?你好啊?7.I hope we shall get to know each other better. 我希望我们能更好地了解对方。
8.I shall go to the US. 我将去美国上大学9.I’m sure we will (get to know each other better).我肯定我们会的10.H ow long are you going to stay here? 您准备在这儿待多久?11.C an I introduce Mr. Tang? 我能介绍一下唐先生吗?➢Greeting问候12.How are you? 你怎么样呀?I’m fine.我很好。
13.Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴!14.I haven’t seen you for a while. 我有一段时间没看见你了。
15.Where are you going? 您要去哪儿?16.I guess you are hungry. 我猜你饿了。
17.I’d better let you go to get some supper.我最好让你去吃点晚餐。
18.Enjoy the day. 我最好让你去吃点晚餐。
➢Addressing 称谓19.I’d like to introduce Mr. Lee.我想介绍一下李先生。
20.Are you the dean? 您是院长吗?21.What do you do? 您的工作是什么?22.My father has a company. 我爸爸有一家公司。

但是对于第⼀次⾛出国门的⼩伙伴,那些话该说,哪些问题有陷阱?到底应该如何应对,摸不到头脑……⾯签不能打⽆准备之仗,精⼼整理了签证⾯试的注意事项和108个问题,赶快操练起来,把留美的最后⼀步签证关卡顺利通过! 美国留学签证⾯试的注意事项 1、签证照⽚⼀定要照好。
108个美国⾯签问题集锦: ⼀ 你是谁? 1.简单个⼈历史 24)What'syourname? 43)Howlonghaveyoupreparedyourvisainterview?HaveupreparedtheinterviewinNewOriental? 46)Whereareyoufrom?Whereisyourhometown? 62)HaveyoueverbeentonationsasideofChina?Haveyouevergoneabroad? 63)What'syourfavoritefood? 67)Howoldareyou? 73)HowlonghaveyoubeeninShanghai? 75)What'syourhobby?Whatdoyoudoinyoursparetime? 82)WhereisyourHUKOU(户⼝)? 87)Whichisyourfavoriterestaurant(cafe)? 89)Wheredoyoulive?Wherewillyoulive? 104)Douhaveacupofcoffeeeverymorning? 105)whatkindofcomputerdoyouhave? 106)whatisyourfavoritecolor? 2.复杂个⼈问题 42)Whatdoyouthinkofthe***(aquestionVOisinterestedtoknowconcerningyourmajor)inChina? 59)Whatisyourfavoritepet?Why? 60)What'syourbest/worstquality. 74)WhydidyouliveinShanghai? 81)WhodoyouthinkisthebestpresidentoftheUS? 84)Doyouthinkwhoisthegreatestleaderintheworld?Why? 3.亲属问题 23)Doyouwantyourwifetogowithyou? 34)DoyouhaveanyrelativesintheUnitedStates? 35)Whatdoyourparentsdo? 68)HaveyouanyrelativesinUS? 72)Doyouhavesistersorbrothers? 80)WhatisyourfavoriteAmericanmovie? 83)Doyouhaveagirlfriend?Whereisshe?Areyousureyourgfwillkeeprelationwithyouduringyourgraduatestudy? ⼆ 你去做什么? 1.笼统问法 3)WhatwillyoudoinUSA? 11)Whatisyourpurposeforthevisa? 2.关于国家 4)AreyougoingtostudyinUSA? 7)HowlongwillyoustudyinUSA? 19)WhydoyouwanttostudyinUSA? 27)WhydoyouwantgototheUnitedStatesforfurtherstudy?(iftheaccentison"UnitedStates") 30)ManyuniversitiesintheChinaofferfirst--rategraduateprogramsin***.WhydoyouwanttogototheUSAforgraduatestudy? 53)WhenareyougoingtoenterUS? 3.关于学校 13)HowdoyouknowthisUniv.? 17)WhydoyouchoosethisUniv.? 32)Tohowmanyinstitutionshaveyouapplied,andwhoarethey?Anyotherschooladmitsyou? 33)Whydidyouchoose******University?Howmuchdoyouknowabouttheuniversity? 48)Doyouknowwhichschoolisthebestinyourmajor?Whatelse? 100)Is******xthefirstuniversitytogiveyoutheoffer? 4.关于专业 1)WhatwillyoustudyintheUnitedStates? 9)WhatdoyouwanttostudyinUSA? 29)Whydoyouwanttostudy***intheUS? 31)Whatisyourultimateacademicgoal? 50)Whatwillyoustudyinthismajor?Whatcourses? 52,88)What'sthedifferencebetweenyourmajornowandthemajorinUSA? 58)Whydoyouchangeyourmajor? 5.关于学位 20)Whydoyouwanttopursueamaster's/doctoraldegree? 28)Whydoyouthinkitistimeforyoutopursuemaster's/doctoraldegreenow? 6.关于TA/RA 51)Ifyousayyouwillbeateacherinthefuture,whatwillyouteach? 65)Whatkindofworksyouwilldoforthisassistantship?What'syourdutyasaTA/RA? 79)Whatwillyouteach? 85)Whoisyouradvisor? 91)Whatwillyoudoifyoucannotfindapositioninthebigcompanies/***university? 三 你有能⼒去做吗? 1.专业背景 2)Whatisyourmajor?Inwhataspectofyourmajorwillyoustudy?Whatisyourfavoritesubject?Canitbeusedtomilitaryutilities? 5)When/wheredidyougetyourBS/MS? 12)Whatisyouracademicbackground? 18)Whydoyoulikeyourmajor? 22)Whatisthedifficultclassdoyouhave? 25)Whatinstitutiondidyouattendandwhatwasyourmajor? 49)Whatdoesyourmajormean? 57)Canyougiveanexampleofyourtopicthatisappliedinourliving? 66)Isyourtrans-criptoriginal? 71)CanyoutalksomethingaboutthecourseXX? 93)Whatisyourdissertationabout?whatisyourspecificresearchofyourundergraduatepaper? 102)Whathaveyoudoneinyourresearch? 103)Areyouatopstudentinyourschool?Whataboutyourrankinginyourclass? 2.⼯作背景 6)What/whereareyouworkingnow? 10)WhatdoyoudowithyourworkforMS/phd? 26)Whathaveyoudoneafteryougraduatedfromuniversity? 41)Howlongdoesittaketocommutetoyourworkplace? 45)Areyouaworkerorastudentnow? 47)Howmuchdoyouearnnow?Howmuchwillyouearnwhenyoucomeback? 76)Whatisyourcurrentprojectinyourcompany?Whatareyouresponsibleforinyourpresentpost? 77)Howmanyyearshaveyourworked? 90)Whydidyouchooseyourpresentjob? 95)Whereisyourcompanylocatedin? 96)Sowhatdevelopment/programmingtoolsdoyouuse?(CS) 97)Haveyoubusinesscard?Doyouhaveanamecard? 98)Whyhaveyouquityourjob? 107)(Setupmyowncompanyabout****)Isitdifficult? 3.英语能⼒ 44)HowlonghaveyoupreparedforGRE?Didyoucheat? 69)WhendidyoujointheT/Gtest? 70)WhatscoredidyougetinT/Gtest? 99)HowdidyoutakeGRE? 4.财务能⼒ 86)Haveyouanyscholarship? 21)WhydoyoureceivefinancialaidfromthisUniv.? 36)HowmuchdoyouexpectyouwillhavetospendeachyearintheUnitedStates? 37)HowdoyousupportyourselfduringyourstudiesintheUnitedStates? 38)DoyouplantoseekFinancialsupportintheUS? 39)Whowillbeyoursponsor?Howmuchishisannualincomeandwhatwillbetheamountyouwillreceiveannually? Doyouhaveabankdepositcertification? 64)Haveyouanybankdeposit? 78)Canyoutellmewhichassistantshiptheygiveyou?TAorRA. 92)Yourassistantshipisforoneyear,thenhowaboutthefollowingyears? 四 你会回来吗? 1.归国计划 14)Whatisyourplan?Whatwillyoudoaftergraduation?Why?whatkindofjobcanyoufindinthefuture? 15)GivemethreereasonsthatyouwillcomebacktoChina? 16)Canyouexplainwhy90%Chinesestudentsdidn'tcomeback? 40)DoyouplantoseekemploymentintheUSafteryouhavecompletedyourstudies? 54)Whatisyourdream? 94)YoucanalsomakemoreofthiskindofmoneyinUS,whydon'tyouwanttoearnmore? whyyoucomebacktoChinainsteadoffindingajobinAmerica? 101)Willyoucomebacktothiscompanyaftergraduation? 2.中美⽐较 55)WhatisthethingyoulikebestinAmerica,orthethingyoulikebestinChina? 56)Thenwhatisthethingyoudon'tlikemostinChina? 61)Whatdoyouthinkisthebest/worstthingoftheU.S? 五 最最希望被问到的问题! 108)Wouldyouliketoacceptthebluecardandgotowindow10(window11ifyouareinSH?)。

美国留学签证面试官常问的问题第一类:为什么选择美国留学而不在国内读书或工作的考察1、why do you want to study in America?2、What is your purpose for the Visa?3、Why do you want to go to America for further study?4、When will you enter USA?第二类:为什么选择这所学校1、why did you choose this school?2、How do you know about this school?3、Why is it the best school for you?4、What is your plan major?第三类:考察学生的学术背景,工作背景及英语语言成绩等1、what are your test scores (GRE,GMAT,SAT,TOEFL,IELTS)?2、What is your academic background?3、What is your GPA and your overall performance as a student in the past?4、Do you have any work experience?第四类:询问学生怎么支付在国外的花销1、how are you funding the entire duration of your expenses in America?2、Who will be your sponsor?3、Do you have received any scholarship from this school?4、Do you have a bank statement?第五类:主要询问你的归国计划1、After your graduate, will you return home or will you stay in the United States?2、What is your dream job?3、Do you have any relative in the United States?4、What is the plan after graduation.看过“美国留学签证面试官常问的问题”。


签证面试英语自我介绍小学生Hello, my name is Emma and I am a 10-year-old primary school student. I am very excited to have the opportunity to introduce myself to you today as part of my visa interview. I hope that through my introduction, you will get to know me a little better and see that I am a responsible and mature young person who is ready to embark on this new adventure.To begin, I want to share a bit about my background I was born and raised in a small town in the countryside of the United Kingdom. My family has lived in this area for generations and I am very proud of my roots. Growing up, I had a very happy and carefree childhood filled with outdoor adventures, family gatherings, and time spent with my close-knit community. My parents instilled in me the importance of hard work, kindness, and respect for others from a young age.Academically, I have always been a diligent and curious student. I love learning new things and exploring different subjects in depth. My favorite classes are science, history, and literature as I find greatjoy in understanding how the world works, discovering the stories of the past, and analyzing thought-provoking texts. Outside of the classroom, I am also an active participant in my school's drama club and chess team, where I have developed valuable teamwork and problem-solving skills.Beyond my studies, I have a wide range of hobbies and interests. I am an avid reader and can often be found curled up with a good book, losing myself in captivating stories. I also enjoy spending time outdoors, whether it's going on hikes with my family, tending to the vegetable garden at home, or birdwatching in the local park. Additionally, I have a keen interest in art and love to express my creativity through drawing, painting, and crafting.One of my proudest achievements is my work as a volunteer at the local animal shelter. I have been volunteering there for the past two years, helping to care for the rescue animals and assisting with various tasks around the facility. This experience has taught me the importance of compassion, responsibility, and making a positive impact in my community. It has also strengthened my desire to pursue a career in animal welfare or conservation in the future.Throughout my life, I have been fortunate to have the unwavering support and guidance of my family. My parents and grandparents have always encouraged me to pursue my passions, challenge myself,and strive to be the best version of myself. They have instilled in me the values of integrity, empathy, and a strong work ethic, which I strive to embody in everything I do.Looking ahead, I am thrilled at the prospect of embarking on this new journey and exploring a different part of the world. I am confident that my academic achievements, extracurricular involvement, and strong moral character will serve me well as I navigate the visa application process and potentially have the opportunity to study or travel abroad. I am eager to immerse myself in a new culture, learn from diverse perspectives, and broaden my horizons.In conclusion, I believe that I am a well-rounded and responsible young individual who is ready to take on new challenges and opportunities. I am passionate about learning, committed to making a positive impact, and driven to continuously grow and develop as a person. I am confident that I would be a valuable and contributing member of any community I have the chance to be a part of. Thank you for taking the time to consider my application, and I look forward to the possibility of further discussing my qualifications and aspirations with you.。

英语情景对话:签证面试A:Hi. Today, I am the interviewer for your visa application.你好,英语情景对话:签证面试。
B:OK. Here is my application form and all the documents.好的,这是我的申请表和申请资料。
A:Can you tell me why do you want a visa to America?能告诉我你为什么想要申请美国的签证吗?B:Because I want to have a view of the exotic landscapes to extend my views and understanding of the world.因为我一直想要领略一下异域风光,以扩展自己的视野,增进对世界的了解。
A:OK. Do you plan to go to America all by yourself or with your family?好的,你打算自己去还是和家人一起去呢?B:Myself.我打算一个人去。
A:Have you finished all you preparation?那你对你的行程都准备好了吗?B:Yes. Everything is ready.是的,都准备好了。
It’s the most feared question during any job interview: Can you tell me about yourself? Before I share a list of 10 memorable answers, consider the two essential elements behind the answers:“你可以介绍一下自己吗?”此题乃是面试无法回避的可怕存在。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
What is your future plan? / What will do after graduation?
Would you come back after graduation?
What degree do you intend to achieve after graduation?
Will you want to immigrate (settle in) to the UK?
After graduation, will you plan to find a job in the UK?
In the UK, you will earn much more money than in China. Then why do
you say you will come back to China?
If a company wants to hire you after graduation, would you come?
What do you think your future position after your study?
And what do you think your future salary?
Are you fit and well enough to be interviewed?
Is this your application form? Do you understand it and did you sign it? And how long? What is the maximum time you wish to stay (study) there?
Are you travelling along or with someone else?
Do you know anyone at all in the United Kingdom?
Is any of your family outside China now? If so, who are they and where?
Do you know anyone else who intends to travel to the United Kingdom?
Do you know anyone you know been refused a visa to go to the United Ki
Are you one of any political parties in China?
Have you ever applied for a visa to go to any other country?
Is this your first time applying for a visa?
Is this your first time going out of China?
Why do you want to go to the UK?
What will you do in the UK?
Why do you intend to study in the UK rather than in China?
What degree will you plan to pursue in the UK?
11)打算留英否?(回答就一个字"否" 不要多说)
VO:“What is your plan after the course?”
Ans:“I think I will come back。
VO:“Is there any other options?”
Ans:“ No,no options。
just this。
VO:“But you say …I think I will come back..‟”
Ans::“Oh,I am sorry. There must be some wrongs in my expression. No t I think I will but I will come back definitely.”
VO:“Have you applied other universities?”
Ans:“No, I only applied this universit y。
Ans::“This university is my favourite,。
VO:“Have you made any comparisons?”
Ans::“Yes,I have。
VO:“Then, Why not the University of Cambridge?”
Ans::“Yes. Cambridge is more famous, but its business school is not so go
od as that of ***university。
Ans:“Yes, really.”