

XL2596 DEMO 板手册说明书

XL2596 DEMO 板手册说明书

页数:第1 页,共3 页描述221016A02是为产品XL2596制作的演示板,用于DC8V~40V输入,输出电压5V,输出电流3A的降压恒压应用演示,最高转换效率可以达到85%。





DEMO原理图引脚介绍页 数:第 2 页, 共 3 页物料清单序号 数量 参考位号 说明生产商型号 生产商 1 2 C1,C2 1uF,50V,Ceramic,X7R,0805 C2012X7R1H105K TDK 2 1 CFF 33nF,50V,Ceramic,X7R,0603 C1608X7R1H333K TDK 3 2 CIN, COUT220uF,50V,Electrolytic,(10*16) YXJ-50V-220uFRubycon 4 1 D1 60V,5A,SMC,Schottky Barrier RectifierB560CDIODES5 1 L1 100uH,4A,(18*9)6 1 R1 14K Ω,1%,1/16W,Thick Film,0603 RC0603FR-0714KL Yageo7 1 R2 43K Ω,1%,1/16W,Thick Film,0603RC0603FR-0743KLYageo 81U140V,3A,BUCK,DC-DC Converter,TO263-5LXL2596XLSEMIDEMO 实物图PCB 布局40mm顶层 底层30mm页数:第3 页,共3 页应用信息输入电容选择在连续模式中,转换器的输入电流是一组占空比约为VOUT/VIN的方波。



PCB 的另一面覆盖有面积约为 16 平方英寸铜箔。 注14: LM2596T-3.3, LM2596T-5.0, LM2596T-12, LM2596T-ADJ为TO-220封装(DIP);
LM2596S-3.3, LM2596S-5.0,LM2596S-12, LM2596S-ADJ为TO-263封装(SMT)。
LM2596□—5.0 (见注 14)
5.0 7V≤VIN≤40V, 0.2A≤ILOAD≤3A
3.168/3.135 3.432/3.465
V V(min) V(max) %
4.800/4.750 5.200/5.250
2 30
A A(min) A(max) μA(max) mA mA(max)
见注 9
5 10
mA mA(max)
ON/OFF 脚=5V(OFF)(9)
μA(max) 3
LM2596 开关电压调节器 SEPTEMBER, 2004
ILOAD=500mA。 (见注 14)
361 符号
cu 器件参数
.m Ib
典型值(2) 极限值(3)



我司强势推出大电流电源IC\电源管理IC及大小功率的充电器IC,广泛应用在DVD, DVB(机顶盒),便携式DVD,车载DVD/VCD,液晶电视,液晶显示器,路由器,车载充电器,电瓶车控制电路板,车载冰箱,汽车音响,恒流串联LED灯驱动, VOIP,Audio,LCDM及各种小家电产品.XLSEMI产品应用领域1.DVB(机顶盒):XL1513,XL1580,XL1410(12V-1.8V/3.3V/5V/1A)2.Portable DVD:XL1410(12V-5V/3.3V/1.8V/1A),XL1580/XL1583(12 V-5V/1A)3.Video:XL1509-5.0S(12V-5V/1A)4.收音机电源:XL1509-ADJ,XL2576,XL2596组合DVD带音响/台式大收音机(带机芯):XL2576,XL2596,XL1509-ADJ5. LCD TV:XL1509-5.0/3.3、XL2596-5.0、6. LCDM:XL2596-5.0(12V-5V/3A),XL2596-3.3(15寸、17寸),XL15 07-5.0(12V-5V/1.5A)7. Audio:XL2596-5.0(12V-5V/3A)8. VOIP:XL1509-3.3(12V-3.3V/2A、12V-5V/1A),XL2596-3.39. 路由器:XL1509,XL1509-3.3,XL1410,XL151310. 液晶显示器:XL1501-3.3(12V-3.3V/3A)11.32寸以上液晶电视:XL4015(24V-12V/3A、24V-5V/5A)12.电梯控制板电源:XL2576,XL259613.锂电池包(多节锂电串联),移动电源,电池组,需恒压恒流充电:XL4001,XL4101,XL4015+358大功率锂电池包供电:XL6019,,XL6008,XL6007替代FP5138+MOS14.笔记本串联锂电池升压:XL6019,XL6008(12V~16V转19V/3A)15.车载MP3,MP4:XL1509,XL4001,XL1513(12V-5V/1 A)车载GPS:XL2596,XL150916.车载DVD:XL1507(12V-5V/1.5A,24V-5V/1.5A),XL1583(12V-5V/1.5A)17.公交车,出租车LED点阵显示屏:XL2576(24~36V转5V/1A)18.车载冰箱,汽车音响:XL4016(24V-12V/8A)19.车载充电器;XL1583,XL1410(12V~24V转5V/2A)XL4001,XL2001(12V~36V转5V/1.8A)XL4201,XL4101,XL2011,XL2012(12V~36V转5V/2.1A)XL4501,XL2013,(12V~36V转5V/3.1A~4.4A)XL1509(12V~36V转5V/1.5A),XL2576P(12V~36V转5V/1.5A),XL2576(12V~36V转5V/2A),XL2596(12V~36V转5V/2A),XL4013(12~24V转5V/3A),XL4015(12~24V转5V/4A),XL2001(12~24V转5V/1.8A),XL2011(12~24V转5V/2.1A),XL2012(12~24V转5V/2.4A),XL2013(12~24V转5V/3.2A),车充产品可以替代GL2576,GL2596,AX3007,AX3111,ACT4515,ACT4070,49 4+MOS,7500+MOS等方案20.上网本,笔记本车载充电器:60W以下的应用XL6009,XL6010,XL6011替代FP5138+MOS的方案,优点:线路简单,可靠性高升压方案(输入:10V~14V,输出:16V/19V,输出电流:2A,3A)升降压方案(输入:10V~30V,输出:12V/19V,输出电流:2A,3A)21.MR16射灯:XL30023*1W,4*1W ,5*1WLED模组驱动AC12V(DC10~16V)电子变压器升压供电:XL6003 5~7*1W,XL6005 10*1W车顶灯恒压输出,降压结构:XL1509车顶灯恒压输出,升压结构:XL6007,XL6008车顶灯恒压输出,升降压结构:XL6007,XL6008舞台灯XL2576,XL150922.电瓶车控制电路板:XL7001(60V转12V/5V/0.5A)23.安防产品:车载摄像头(小摄像头)供电:XL1509,XL1513小区,马路,建筑用的大摄像头,高速球供电:XL2596,XL1501摄像头里面用红外的LED灯驱动:XL1513,XL1530,XL1410市电和蓄电池混合供电:需要升降压应用XL6007,XL6008小区,大厦可视门铃对讲4寸,7寸屏供电:XL1509-ADJ,XL1410,XL1513,XL15 83(12V转5V/500mA)指示灯板:XL1513,XL141024.液晶电视数字屏,解码板电源驱动板:XL1513,XL153025.太阳能路灯,路标灯,庭院灯和5V~32V低压供电LED驱动,升降压应用领域:XL6003,XL6004,XL600526.大功率车载电源,降压,限流:XL4003+358,XL4005+358,XL4012+35827.降压型应用:XL4003,XL4005,XL4012可以替代PWM IC+MOS管等类似方案升压型应用:XL6007,XL6009,XL6010可以替代PWM IC+MOS管等类似方案升降压型应用:SEPIC BUCK-BOOST结构XL6007,XL6009,XL6010可以替代P WM IC+MOS管类似方案28.DVB:XL6007,XL6008马达天线供电(12V BOOST 19V/800mA)可以替代PWM IC+MOS管类似方案 CCD/CATVPMP/DSC/DSV/STB/VGA CardDPF(数码相框)PDALE D Panel背光LCD Panel背光移动电源应急充电器,可以替代FP5210+MOS,FP6210升压应用领域29.升压,恒压LED模组驱动:XL6007,XL6008,可以替代FP5210+MOS,FP621 0升压应用领域30.17寸以下LED背光驱动:XL6007,可以替代AMC3202的应用领域[1]XL14102APWM降压DC/DC,SOP8,输入3.6-18V,输出1.22V-16V转换效率高达90%,可替代BM1410A,TD1410,AP1512,AP1513,RM1410,GT1510,EC94 10,EC9410C,SD46520,ACT4060功能兼容AOZ1010AI,AOZ1015AI,EC9406[2]XL15833APWM降压DC/DC,SOP8,输入3.6-20V,输出1.23V-18V转换效率高达90%,可替代MP2355,ACT4060,MP1583,ZA3020,AOZ1014,MP1593[3]XL15132APWM降压DC/DC,SOP8,输入3.6-18V,输出0.8V-16V转换效率高达90%,可替代AP1513,OCP2020,BM1513/A,AX3101,RM2060,CX1513,EC9 413,AP1510,AP1520,AP1533,AP1534,AP5002功能兼容AOZ1010AI,AOZ1015AI,EC9406[4]XL15303APWM降压DC/DC,SOP8,输入3.6-18V,输出0.8V-16V转换效率高达90%,可替代AP1530,AP1538,AP1539,[5]XL25763APWM降压DC/DC,TO263/TO220,输入电压范围3.6-45V,可完全替换AE2576,BM2576,TD2576,AP1512/A,LM2576,LM2576,MIK2575,MIK2576A MC2576,OCP2006,HWD2575,EC942576[6]XL25963APWM降压DC/DC,TO263/TO220,输入电压范围3.6-45V,可完全替换AE2596,BM2596,TD2596,AP1501/A,AP1506,LM2596,AMC2596,MIK2596,OCP2011,OCP2016,GT1500,GT1504,AX2596,EC9401,CM2596S[7]XL15092APWM降压DC/DC,SOP8,输入3.6-36V,转换效率高达90%,功能替换LM2594,AE1509,TD1509,AP1509,OCP2019,HWD61410,EC9409,CM25 93.[8]XL4001,XL4101,XL4201,XL4501车载充电器,点烟器,恒流LED驱动,专用芯片150K2A/3A外部可调限流PWM降压DC/DC输入4.6V-40V可替代2576+431+324方案,34063+MOS+431+324方案[9]XL15073APWM降压DC/DC,TO252,输入3.6-36V,转换效率高达85%可完全替换AE1507,TD1507,AP1507,OCP2017,EC9407[10]XL4015大电流5APWM降压DC/DC,输入8-36V,输出0.8V-33V转换效率高达95%(功能兼容)---AOZ1014,LM2677,LM2678,LM2679[11]XL4012大电流12APWM降压DC/DC,TO220输入8-40V,输出0.8V-33V转换效率高达95%(功能兼容)---LM2677,LM2678,LM2679。



LM2596 开关电压调节器LM2596开关电压调节器是降压型电源管理单片集成电路,能够输出3A的驱动电流,同时具有很好的线性和负载调节特性。





该器件还有其他一些特点:在特定的输入电压和输出负载的条件下,输出电压的误差可以保证在±4%的范围内,振荡频率误差在±15%的范围内;可以用仅80μA的待机电流,实现外部断电;具有自我保护电路(一个两级降频限流保护和一个在异常情况下断电的过温完全保护电路)特点※ 3.3V、5V、12V的固定电压输出和可调电压输出※可调输出电压范围1.2V~37V±4%※输出线性好且负载可调节※输出电流可高达3A※输入电压可高达40V※采用150KHz的内部振荡频率,属于第二代开关电压调节器,功耗小、效率高※低功耗待机模式,I Q的典型值为80μA※TTL断电能力※具有过热保护和限流保护功能※封装形式:TO-220(T)和TO-263(S)※外围电路简单,仅需4个外接元件,且使用容易购买的标准电感应用领域※高效率降压调节器※单片开关电压调节器※正、负电压转换器典型应用(固定输出)LM2596□-5.0管脚图极限参数名称范围单位最大电源电压 45 V脚输入电压-0.3~25 V“反馈”脚电压 -0.3~25 V到地的输出电压(静态) -1 V功耗由内部限定 --储存温度 -65~150℃静电释放(人体放电1) 2000 V气流焊(60秒) 215 ℃ TO-263红外线焊接(10秒) 245 ℃ 焊接时的管脚温度TO-220 波峰焊/电烙铁焊接(10秒)260℃最高结温 150 ℃温度范围 -40~125℃工 作条 件电源电压 4.5~40 V注1:人体放电模式相当于一个100PF 的电容通过一个1.5K 的电阻向每个管脚放电。



典型值(2) 极限值(3)
88 1.230
73 90
11.52/11.40 12.48/12.60
V V(min) V(max) %
1.193/1.180 1.267/1.280
气流焊(60 秒)

红外线焊接(10 秒)

波峰焊/电烙铁焊接(10 秒)


工 作条 件
温度范围 电源电压

注 1:人体放电模式相当于一个 100PF 的电容通过一个 1.5K 的电阻向每个管脚放电。
说明:标准字体对应的项目适合于 TJ=25℃时,带下划线的粗斜体字对应的项目适合于整个温度范围; 系统参量(4) 测试电路见图 1
LM2596□—3.3 (见注 14)
3.3 4.75V≤VIN≤40V,
2 30
mA mA(max)
5 10
mA mA(max)
μA(max) ˏ

LM2596DSADJR4G,LM2596DSADJG,LM2596TVADJG,LM2596TADJG,LM2596TADJG, 规格书,Datasheet 资料

LM2596DSADJR4G,LM2596DSADJG,LM2596TVADJG,LM2596TADJG,LM2596TADJG, 规格书,Datasheet 资料

LM25963.0 A, Step-Down Switching RegulatorThe LM2596 regulator is monolithic integrated circuit ideally suited for easy and convenient design of a step−down switching regulator (buck converter). It is capable of driving a 3.0 A load with excellent line and load regulation. This device is available in adjustable output version and it is internally compensated to minimize the number of external components to simplify the power supply design.Since LM2596 converter is a switch−mode power supply, its efficiency is significantly higher in comparison with popular three−terminal linear regulators, especially with higher input voltages. The LM2596 operates at a switching frequency of 150 kHz thus allowing smaller sized filter components than what would be needed with lower frequency switching regulators. Available in a standard 5−lead TO−220 package with several different lead bend options, and D2PAK surface mount package.The other features include a guaranteed $4% tolerance on output voltage within specified input voltages and output load conditions, and $15% on the oscillator frequency. External shutdown is included, featuring 80 m A (typical) standby current. Self protection features include switch cycle−by−cycle current limit for the output switch, as well as thermal shutdown for complete protection under fault conditions.Features•Adjustable Output V oltage Range 1.23 V − 37 V •Guaranteed 3.0 A Output Load Current•Wide Input V oltage Range up to 40 V•150 kHz Fixed Frequency Internal Oscillator•TTL Shutdown Capability•Low Power Standby Mode, typ 80 m A•Thermal Shutdown and Current Limit Protection •Internal Loop Compensation•Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) Equals 1•Pb−Free Packages are AvailableApplications•Simple High−Efficiency Step−Down (Buck) Regulator •Efficient Pre−Regulator for Linear Regulators •On−Card Switching Regulators•Positive to Negative Converter (Buck−Boost)•Negative Step−Up Converters•Power Supply for Battery Chargers See detailed ordering and shipping information in the package dimensions section on page 23 of this data sheet.ORDERING INFORMATIONTO−220TV SUFFIXCASE 314BHeatsink surface connected to Pin 3TO−220T SUFFIXCASE 314DPin 1.V in2.Output3.Ground4.Feedback5.ON/OFFD2PAKD2T SUFFIXCASE 936A Heatsink surface (shown as terminal 6 incase outline drawing) is connected to Pin 315See general marking information in the device marking section on page 23 of this data sheet.DEVICE MARKING INFORMATIONFigure 1. Typical Application and Internal Block Diagram12 V Unregulated DC InputTypical Application (Adjustable Output Voltage Version)Block DiagramMAXIMUM RATINGSRatingSymbol Value Unit Maximum Supply Voltage V in 45V ON/OFF Pin Input Voltage−−0.3 V ≤ V ≤ +V inV Output Voltage to Ground (Steady −State)−−1.0VPower DissipationCase 314B and 314D (TO −220, 5−Lead)P D Internally LimitedW Thermal Resistance, Junction −to −Ambient R q JA 65°C/W Thermal Resistance, Junction −to −Case R q JC 5.0°C/W Case 936A (D 2PAK)P D Internally LimitedW Thermal Resistance, Junction −to −Ambient R q JA 70°C/W Thermal Resistance, Junction −to −Case R q JC 5.0°C/W Storage Temperature RangeT stg −65 to +150°C Minimum ESD Rating (Human Body Model: C = 100 pF, R = 1.5 k W )− 2.0kV Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 seconds)−260°C Maximum Junction TemperatureT J150°CStresses exceeding Maximum Ratings may damage the device. Maximum Ratings are stress ratings only. Functional operation above the Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. Extended exposure to stresses above the Recommended Operating Conditions may affect device reliability.PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONPin Symbol Description (Refer to Figure 1)1V in This pin is the positive input supply for the LM2596 step−down switching regulator. In order to minimize voltage transi-ents and to supply the switching currents needed by the regulator, a suitable input bypass capacitor must be present(C in in Figure 1).2Output This is the emitter of the internal switch. The saturation voltage V sat of this output switch is typically 1.5 V. It should be kept in mind that the PCB area connected to this pin should be kept to a minimum in order to minimize coupling tosensitive circuitry.3GND Circuit ground pin. See the information about the printed circuit board layout.4Feedback This pin is the direct input of the error amplifier and the resistor network R2, R1 is connected externally to allow pro-gramming of the output voltage.5ON/OFF It allows the switching regulator circuit to be shut down using logic level signals, thus dropping the total input supply current to approximately 80 m A. The threshold voltage is typically 1.6 V. Applying a voltage above this value (up to+V in) shuts the regulator off. If the voltage applied to this pin is lower than 1.6 V or if this pin is left open, the regulatorwill be in the “on” condition.OPERATING RATINGS (Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is intended to be functional, but do not guarantee specific performance limits. For guaranteed specifications and test conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics.)Rating Symbol Value Unit Operating Junction Temperature Range T J−40 to +125°C Supply Voltage V in 4.5 to 40VSYSTEM PARAMETERSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Specifications with standard type face are for T J = 25°C, and those with boldface type apply over full Operating Temperature Range −40°C to +125°CCharacteristics Symbol Min Typ Max Unit LM2596 (Note 1, Test Circuit Figure 15)Feedback Voltage (V in= 12 V, I Load = 0.5 A, V out = 5.0 V, )V FB_nom 1.23VFeedback Voltage (8.5 V ≤ V in≤ 40 V, 0.5 A ≤ I Load≤ 3.0 A, V out = 5.0 V)V FB 1.1931.181.2671.28VEfficiency (V in= 12 V, I Load = 3.0 A, V out = 5.0 V)η−73−% Characteristics Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Feedback Bias Current (V out = 5.0 V)I b25100200nAOscillator Frequency (Note 2)f osc135120150165180kHzSaturation Voltage (I out = 3.0 A, Notes 3 and 4)V sat 1.5 1.82.0V Max Duty Cycle “ON” (Note 4)DC95%Current Limit (Peak Current, Notes 2 and 3)I CL 6.97.5AOutput Leakage Current (Notes 5 and 6) Output = 0 VOutput = −1.0 V I L0.56.02.020mAQuiescent Current (Note 5)I Q 5.010mAStandby Quiescent Current (ON/OFF Pin = 5.0 V (“OFF”)) (Note 6)I stby80200250m AON/OFF PIN LOGIC INPUTThreshold Voltage 1.6VV out = 0 V (Regulator OFF)V IH 2.22.4VV out = Nominal Output Voltage (Regulator ON)V IL 1.00.8VON/OFF Pin Input CurrentON/OFF Pin = 5.0 V (Regulator OFF)I IH−1530m A ON/OFF Pin = 0 V (regulator ON)I IL−0.01 5.0m A 1.External components such as the catch diode, inductor, input and output capacitors can affect switching regulator system performance.When the LM2596 is used as shown in the Figure 15test circuit, system performance will be as shown in system parameters section. 2.The oscillator frequency reduces to approximately 30 kHz in the event of an output short or an overload which causes the regulated outputvoltage to drop approximately 40% from the nominal output voltage. This self protection feature lowers the average dissipation of the IC by lowering the minimum duty cycle from 5% down to approximately 2%.3.No diode, inductor or capacitor connected to output (Pin 2) sourcing the current.4.Feedback (Pin 4) removed from output and connected to 0 V.5.Feedback (Pin 4) removed from output and connected to +12 V to force the output transistor “off”.6.V in = 40 V.I Q , Q U I E S C E N T C U R R E N T (m A )40V o u t , O U T P U T V O L T A G E C H A N G E (%)V o u t , O U T P U T V O L T A G E C H A N G E (%), S T A N D B Y Q U I E S C E N T C U R R E N T (T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)I O , O U T P U T C U R R E N T (A )T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)V in , INPUT VOLTAGE (V)V in , INPUT VOLTAGE (V)I N P U T - O U T P U T D I F F E R E N T I A L (V )T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 2. Normalized Output Voltage T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 3. Line RegulationFigure 4. Dropout Voltage Figure 5. Current LimitFigure 6. Quiescent Current Figure 7. Standby Quiescent CurrentμA ) s t b yV s a t , S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E (V ) b , F E E D B A C K P I N C U R R E N T (n A ), S T A N D B Y Q U I E S C E N T C U R R E N T (μA )I s t b y , I N P U T V O L T A G E (V )T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)SWITCH CURRENT (A)N O R M A L I Z E D F R E Q U E N C Y (%)T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 8. Standby Quiescent Current V in , INPUT VOLTAGE (V)Figure 9. Switch Saturation VoltageFigure 10. Switching FrequencyFigure 11. Minimum Supply Operating VoltageFigure 12. Feedback Pin Current2001801401201008060402001. J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)100806040200-20-40-60-80-100125100755025-25-50160V i n −9.0−8.0−7.0−6.0−5.0−4.0−3.0−2.0−−2.0 A 00ABC 100 m s/div2 m s/divFigure 13. Switching WaveformsFigure 14. Load Transient ResponseVout = 5 VA: Output Pin Voltage, 10 V/div B: Switch Current, 2.0 A/divC: Inductor Current, 2.0 A/div , AC −CoupledD: Output Ripple Voltage, 50 mV/div , AC −Coupled Horizontal Time Base: 5.0 m s/div10 V 04.0 A 2.0 A 100 mV OutputVoltageChange03.0 A2.0 A 1.0 A4.0 A - 100 mVLoad CurrentDFigure 15. Typical Test CircuitAdjustable Output Voltage Versionsout ref R2R1ǓR2+R1ǒV out V ref 1.0ǓWhere V ref = 1.23 V, R1 between 1.0 k and 5.0 kPCB LAYOUT GUIDELINESAs in any switching regulator, the layout of the printedcircuit board is very important. Rapidly switching currentsassociated with wiring inductance, stray capacitance andparasitic inductance of the printed circuit board traces cangenerate voltage transients which can generateelectromagnetic interferences (EMI) and affect the desiredoperation. As indicated in the Figure 15, to minimizeinductance and ground loops, the length of the leadsindicated by heavy lines should be kept as short as possible.For best results, single −point grounding (as indicated) or ground plane construction should be used.On the other hand, the PCB area connected to the Pin 2(emitter of the internal switch) of the LM2596 should be kept to a minimum in order to minimize coupling to sensitive circuitry.Another sensitive part of the circuit is the feedback. It is important to keep the sensitive feedback wiring short. To assure this, physically locate the programming resistors near to the regulator, when using the adjustable version of the LM2596 regulator.DESIGN PROCEDUREBuck Converter BasicsThe LM2596 is a “Buck” or Step −Down Converter which is the most elementary forward −mode converter. Its basic schematic can be seen in Figure 16.The operation of this regulator topology has two distinct time periods. The first one occurs when the series switch is on, the input voltage is connected to the input of the inductor.The output of the inductor is the output voltage, and the rectifier (or catch diode) is reverse biased. During this period, since there is a constant voltage source connected across the inductor, the inductor current begins to linearly ramp upwards, as described by the following equation:I L(on)+ǒV IN *V OUT Ǔt onLDuring this “on” period, energy is stored within the core material in the form of magnetic flux. If the inductor is properly designed, there is sufficient energy stored to carry the requirements of the load during the “off” period.Figure 16. Basic Buck ConverterLoadPower The next period is the “off” period of the power switch.When the power switch turns off, the voltage across the inductor reverses its polarity and is clamped at one diode voltage drop below ground by the catch diode. The current now flows through the catch diode thus maintaining the load current loop. This removes the stored energy from the inductor. The inductor current during this time is:I L(off)+ǒV OUT *V D Ǔt offLThis period ends when the power switch is once again turned on. Regulation of the converter is accomplished by varying the duty cycle of the power switch. It is possible to describe the duty cycle as follows:d +ton T, where T is the period of switching.For the buck converter with ideal components, the duty cycle can also be described as:d +V outV inFigure 17 shows the buck converter, idealized waveforms of the catch diode voltage and the inductor current.Figure 17. Buck Converter Idealized WaveformsPROCEDURE (ADJUSTABLE OUTPUT VERSION:LM2596)PROCEDURE (ADJUSTABLE OUTPUT VERSION:LM2596) (CONTINUED)LM2596 Series Buck Regulator Design Procedures (continued)Table 1. RECOMMENDED VALUES OF THE OUTPUT CAPACITOR AND FEEDFORWARD CAPACITOR(I load = 3 A)Nichicon PM CapacitorsV in (V)Capacity/Voltage Range/ESR (m F/V/m W )401500/35/241000/35/291000/35/29680/35/36560/25/55560/25/55470/35/46470/35/46261200/35/26820/35680/35/36560/35/41470/25/65470/25/65330/35/60221000/35/29680/35/36560/35/41330/25/85330/25/85220/35/85 20820/35/32470/35/46470/25/65330/25/85330/25/85220/35/85 18820/35/32470/35/46470/25/65330/25/85330/25/85220/35/8512820/35/32470/35/46220/35/85220/25/11110820/35/32470/35/46220/35/85V out (V)246912152428C FF (nF]4015521.510.60.615uH22uH33uH47uH68uH100uH150uH 220uHL35L27L36L27L42L43L44L37L38L30L29L21L22L31L39L40L32L23L15L24L40L40L25L340.60.8 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0456789101520253040506070E *T (V *u s )Maximum load current (A)Figure 18. Inductor Value Selection Guides (For Continuous Mode Operation)Table 2. DIODE SELECTIONV RSchottky Fast Recovery3.0 A4.0 − 6.0 A 3.0 A 4.0 − 6.0 A ThroughHoleSurfaceMountThroughHoleSurfaceMountThroughHoleSurfaceMountThroughHoleSurfaceMount20 V1N5820MBR320PSR302SK321N5823SR502SB520MUR32031DF1HER302(all diodesratedto at least100 V)MURS320T3MURD32030WF10(all diodesratedto at least100 V)MUR420HER602(all diodesratedto at least100 V)MURD620CT50WF10(all diodesratedto at least100 V)30 V1N5821MBR330SR30331DQ03SK3330WQ031N5824SR503SB53050WQ0340 V1N5822MBR340SR30431DQ04SK3430WQ04MBRS340T3MBRD3401N5825SR504SB540MBRD640CT50WQ0450 V MBR35031DQ05SR305SK3530WQ05SB55050WQ0560 V MBR360DQ06SR306MBRS360T3MBRD36050SQ080MBRD660CTNOTE:Diodes listed in bold are available from ON Semiconductor.Table 3. INDUCTOR MANUFACTURERS PART NUMBERSInductance(m H)Current(A)Schott Renco Pulse Engineering Coilcraft ThroughHoleSurfaceMountThroughHoleSurfaceMountThroughHoleSurfaceMount Surface MountL15220.996714835067148460RL−1284−22−43RL1500−22PE−53815PE−53815−S DO3308−223L21680.996714407067144450RL−5471−5RL1500−68PE−53821PE−53821−S DO3316−683 L2247 1.176714408067144460RL−5471−6−PE−53822PE−53822−S DO3316−473 L2333 1.406714409067144470RL−5471−7−PE−53823PE−53823−S DO3316−333 L2422 1.706714837067148480RL−1283−22−43−PE−53824PE−53825−S DO3316−223 L2515 2.106714838067148490RL−1283−15−43−PE−53825PE−53824−S DO3316−153 L263300.806714410067144480RL−5471−1−PE−53826PE−53826−S DO5022P−334 L27220 1.006714411067144490RL−5471−2−PE−53827PE−53827−S DO5022P−224 L28150 1.206714412067144500RL−5471−3−PE−53828PE−53828−S DO5022P−154 L29100 1.476714413067144510RL−5471−4−PE−53829PE−53829−S DO5022P−104 L3068 1.786714414067144520RL−5471−5−PE−53830PE−53830−S DO5022P−683 L3147 2.206714415067144530RL−5471−6−PE−53831PE−53831−S DO5022P−473 L3233 2.506714416067144540RL−5471−7−PE−53932PE−53932−S DO5022P−333 L3322 3.106714839067148500RL−1283−22−43−PE−53933PE−53933−S DO5022P−223 L3415 3.406714840067148790RL−1283−15−43−PE−53934PE−53934−S DO5022P−153 L35220 1.7067144170−RL−5473−1−PE−53935PE−53935−S−L36150 2.1067144180−RL−5473−4−PE−54036PE−54036−S−L37100 2.5067144190−RL−5472−1−PE−54037PE−54037−S−L3868 3.1067144200−RL−5472−2−PE−54038PE−54038−S DO5040H−683ML L3947 3.5067144210−RL−5472−3−PE−54039PE−54039−S DO5040H−473ML L4033 3.506714422067148290RL−5472−4−PE−54040PE−54040−S DO5040H−333ML L4122 3.506714423067148300RL−5472−5−PE−54041PE−54041−S DO5040H−223ML L42150 2.7067148410−RL−5473−4−PE−54042PE−54042−S−L43100 3.4067144240−RL−5473−2−PE−54043-L4468 3.4067144250−RL−5473−3−PE−54044DO5040H−683MLAPPLICATION INFORMATION EXTERNAL COMPONENTSInput Capacitor (C in)The Input Capacitor Should Have a Low ESRFor stable operation of the switch mode converter a lowESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) aluminium or solidtantalum bypass capacitor is needed between the input pinand the ground pin, to prevent large voltage transients fromappearing at the input. It must be located near the regulatorand use short leads. With most electrolytic capacitors, thecapacitance value decreases and the ESR increases withlower temperatures. For reliable operation in temperaturesbelow −25°C larger values of the input capacitor may beneeded. Also paralleling a ceramic or solid tantalumcapacitor will increase the regulator stability at cold temperatures.RMS Current Rating of C inThe important parameter of the input capacitor is the RMScurrent rating. Capacitors that are physically large and havelarge surface area will typically have higher RMS currentratings. For a given capacitor value, a higher voltageelectrolytic capacitor will be physically larger than a lowervoltage capacitor, and thus be able to dissipate more heat tothe surrounding air, and therefore will have a higher RMScurrent rating. The consequence of operating an electrolyticcapacitor beyond the RMS current rating is a shortenedoperating life. In order to assure maximum capacitoroperating lifetime, the capacitor’s RMS ripple current ratingshould be:I rms > 1.2 x d x I Loadwhere d is the duty cycle, for a buck regulatord+t onT+V outV inand d+t onT+|V out||V out|)V infor a buck*boost regulator.Output Capacitor (C out)For low output ripple voltage and good stability, low ESR output capacitors are recommended. An output capacitor has two main functions: it filters the output and provides regulator loop stability. The ESR of the output capacitor and the peak−to−peak value of the inductor ripple current are the main factors contributing to the output ripple voltage value. Standard aluminium electrolytics could be adequate for some applications but for quality design, low ESR types are recommended.An aluminium electrolytic capacitor’s ESR value is related to many factors such as the capacitance value, the voltage rating, the physical size and the type of construction. In most cases, the higher voltage electrolytic capacitors have lower ESR value. Often capacitors with much higher voltage ratings may be needed to provide low ESR values that, are required for low output ripple voltage. Feedfoward Capacitor(Adjustable Output Voltage Version)This capacitor adds lead compensation to the feedback loop and increases the phase margin for better loop stability. For C FF selection, see the design procedure section.The Output Capacitor Requires an ESR ValueThat Has an Upper and Lower LimitAs mentioned above, a low ESR value is needed for low output ripple voltage, typically 1% to 2% of the output voltage. But if the selected capacitor’s ESR is extremely low (below 0.05 W), there is a possibility of an unstable feedback loop, resulting in oscillation at the output. This situation can occur when a tantalum capacitor, that can have a very low ESR, is used as the only output capacitor.At Low Temperatures, Put in Parallel Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors with Tantalum Capacitors Electrolytic capacitors are not recommended for temperatures below −25°C. The ESR rises dramatically at cold temperatures and typically rises 3 times at −25°C and as much as 10 times at −40°C. Solid tantalum capacitors have much better ESR spec at cold temperatures and are recommended for temperatures below −25°C. They can be also used in parallel with aluminium electrolytics. The value of the tantalum capacitor should be about 10% or 20% of the total capacitance. The output capacitor should have at least 50% higher RMS ripple current rating at 150 kHz than the peak−to−peak inductor ripple current.Catch DiodeLocate the Catch Diode Close to the LM2596The LM2596 is a step−down buck converter; it requires a fast diode to provide a return path for the inductor current when the switch turns off. This diode must be located close to the LM2596 using short leads and short printed circuit traces to avoid EMI problems.Use a Schottky or a Soft SwitchingUltra−Fast Recovery DiodeSince the rectifier diodes are very significant sources of losses within switching power supplies, choosing the rectifier that best fits into the converter design is an important process. Schottky diodes provide the best performance because of their fast switching speed and low forward voltage drop.They provide the best efficiency especially in low output voltage applications (5.0 V and lower). Another choice could be Fast−Recovery, or Ultra−Fast Recovery diodes. It has to be noted, that some types of these diodes with an abrupt turnoff characteristic may cause instability or EMI troubles.A fast−recovery diode with soft recovery characteristics can better fulfill some quality, low noise design requirements. Table 2 provides a list of suitable diodes for the LM2596 regulator. Standard 50/60 Hz rectifier diodes, such as the 1N4001 series or 1N5400 series are NOT suitable. InductorThe magnetic components are the cornerstone of all switching power supply designs. The style of the core and the winding technique used in the magnetic component’s design has a great influence on the reliability of the overall power supply.Using an improper or poorly designed inductor can cause high voltage spikes generated by the rate of transitions in current within the switching power supply, and the possibility of core saturation can arise during an abnormal operational mode. V oltage spikes can cause the semiconductors to enter avalanche breakdown and the part can instantly fail if enough energy is applied. It can also cause significant RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) and EMI (Electro−Magnetic Interference) problems. Continuous and Discontinuous Mode of Operation The LM2596 step−down converter can operate in both the continuous and the discontinuous modes of operation. The regulator works in the continuous mode when loads are relatively heavy, the current flows through the inductor continuously and never falls to zero. Under light load conditions, the circuit will be forced to the discontinuous mode when inductor current falls to zero for certain period of time (see Figure 19 and Figure 20). Each mode has distinctively different operating characteristics, which can affect the regulator performance and requirements. In many cases the preferred mode of operation is the continuous mode. It offers greater output power, lower peak currents in the switch, inductor and diode, and can have a lower output ripple voltage. On the other hand it does require larger inductor values to keep the inductor current flowing continuously, especially at low output load currents and/or high input voltages.To simplify the inductor selection process, an inductor selection guide for the LM2596 regulator was added to this data sheet (Figure18). This guide assumes that the regulator is operating in the continuous mode, and selects an inductor that will allow a peak−to−peak inductor ripple current to be a certain percentage of the maximum design load current. This percentage is allowed to change as different design load currents are selected. For light loads (less than approximately 300 mA) it may be desirable to operate the regulator in the discontinuous mode, because the inductor value and size can be kept relatively low. Consequently, the percentage of inductor peak−to−peak current increases. This discontinuous mode of operation is perfectly acceptable for this type of switching converter. Any buck regulator will be forced to enter discontinuous mode if the load current is lightenough.HORIZONTAL TIME BASE: 2.0 m s/DIVFigure 19. Continuous Mode Switching CurrentWaveformsVERTRICALRESOLUTION1.A/DIV2.0 A0 A2.0 A0 AInductorCurrentWaveformPowerSwitchCurrentWaveformSelecting the Right Inductor StyleSome important considerations when selecting a core type are core material, cost, the output power of the power supply, the physical volume the inductor must fit within, and the amount of EMI (Electro−Magnetic Interference) shielding that the core must provide. The inductor selection guide covers different styles of inductors, such as pot core, E−core, toroid and bobbin core, as well as different core materials such as ferrites and powdered iron from different manufacturers.For high quality design regulators the toroid core seems to be the best choice. Since the magnetic flux is contained within the core, it generates less EMI, reducing noise problems in sensitive circuits. The least expensive is the bobbin core type, which consists of wire wound on a ferrite rod core. This type of inductor generates more EMI due to the fact that its core is open, and the magnetic flux is not contained within the core.When multiple switching regulators are located on the same printed circuit board, open core magnetics can causeinterference between two or more of the regulator circuits,especially at high currents due to mutual coupling. A toroid,pot core or E −core (closed magnetic structure) should be used in such applications.Do Not Operate an Inductor Beyond its Maximum Rated CurrentExceeding an inductor’s maximum current rating may cause the inductor to overheat because of the copper wire losses, or the core may saturate. Core saturation occurs when the flux density is too high and consequently the cross sectional area of the core can no longer support additional lines of magnetic flux.This causes the permeability of the core to drop, the inductance value decreases rapidly and the inductor begins to look mainly resistive. It has only the DC resistance of the winding. This can cause the switch current to rise very rapidly and force the LM2596 internal switch into cycle −by −cycle current limit, thus reducing the DC output load current. This can also result in overheating of theinductor and/or the LM2596. Different inductor types have different saturation characteristics, and this should be kept in mind when selecting an inductor.0.4 A 0 A0.4 A 0 AInductor Current WaveformPower Switch Current WaveformFigure 20. Discontinuous Mode Switching CurrentWaveformsV E R T I C A L R E S O L U T I O N 200 m A /D I VHORIZONTAL TIME BASE: 2.0 ms/DIVGENERAL RECOMMENDATIONSOutput Voltage Ripple and Transients Source of the Output RippleSince the LM2596 is a switch mode power supply regulator, its output voltage, if left unfiltered, will contain a sawtooth ripple voltage at the switching frequency. The output ripple voltage value ranges from 0.5% to 3% of the output voltage. It is caused mainly by the inductor sawtooth ripple current multiplied by the ESR of the output capacitor.Short Voltage Spikes and How to Reduce ThemThe regulator output voltage may also contain short voltage spikes at the peaks of the sawtooth waveform (see Figure 21). These voltage spikes are present because of the fast switching action of the output switch, and the parasitic inductance of the output filter capacitor. There are some other important factors such as wiring inductance, stray capacitance, as well as the scope probe used to evaluate these transients, all these contribute to the amplitude of these spikes. To minimize these voltage spikes, low inductance capacitors should be used, and their lead lengths must be kept short. The importance of quality printed circuit board layout design should also be highlighted.Unfiltered Output VoltageFiltered Output VoltageHORIZONTAL TIME BASE: 5.0 m s/DIVFigure 21. Output Ripple Voltage WaveformsV E R T R I C A L Voltage spikes caused byswitching action of the output switch and the parasiticinductance of the output capacitorR E S O L U T I O N 20 m V /D IVMinimizing the Output RippleIn order to minimize the output ripple voltage it is possible to enlarge the inductance value of the inductor L1 and/or to use a larger value output capacitor. There is also another way to smooth the output by means of an additional LC filter (20m H, 100 m F), that can be added to the output (see Figure 30)to further reduce the amount of output ripple and transients.With such a filter it is possible to reduce the output ripple voltage transients 10 times or more. Figure 21 shows the difference between filtered and unfiltered output waveforms of the regulator shown in Figure 30.The lower waveform is from the normal unfiltered output of the converter, while the upper waveform shows the output ripple voltage filtered by an additional LC filter.Heatsinking and Thermal Considerations The Through −Hole Package TO −220The LM2596 is available in two packages, a 5−pin TO −220(T , TV) and a 5−pin surface mount D 2PAK(D2T).Although the TO −220(T) package needs a heatsink under most conditions, there are some applications that require no heatsink to keep the LM2596 junction temperature within the allowed operating range. Higher ambient temperatures require some heat sinking, either to the printed circuit (PC)board or an external heatsink.The Surface Mount Package D 2PAK and its HeatsinkingThe other type of package, the surface mount D 2PAK, is designed to be soldered to the copper on the PC board. The copper and the board are the heatsink for this package and the other heat producing components, such as the catch diode and inductor. The PC board copper area that the package is soldered to should be at least 0.4 in 2 (or 260 mm 2)and ideally should have 2 or more square inches (1300 mm 2)of 0.0028 inch copper. Additional increases of copper area beyond approximately 6.0 in 2 (4000 mm 2) will not improve。



VOUT 调为 3V, 电路图见图 1
典型值(2) 极限值(3)
88 1.230
73 90
11.52/11.40 12.48/12.60
※ 3.3V、5V、12V 的固定电压输出和可调电压输出 ※ 可调输出电压范围 1.2V~37V±4% ※ 输出线性好且负载可调节 ※ 输出电流可高达 3A ※ 输入电压可高达 40V ※ 采用 150KHz 的内部振荡频率,属于第二代开关电压调节器,功耗小、效率高 ※ 低功耗待机模式,IQ 的典型值为 80μA ※ TTL 断电能力 ※ 具有过热保护和限流保护功能 ※ 封装形式:TO-220(T)和 TO-263(S) ※ 外围电路简单,仅需 4 个外接元件, 且使用容易购买的标准电感

TO-263 封装(S)尺寸图
TO-220 封装(T)尺寸图

条件:VOUT=3.3(或 5 、或 12)V , VIN(max)为最大直流输入电压, ILOAD(max)为最大负载电流 步骤: 1. 电感的选择(L1) A. 要根据图 4、图 5 和图 6 所示的数据选择电感的适当值(分别对应输出电压为 3.3V、5V 和 12V),对于所有的
























·Regulatorsfrequency卡片上的切换。包括外部关闭,·正到负Convertertypically 80μa 待机电流。自我保护特性包括输出开关的两级频率减少电流限制和完全保护故障状 态下的过热关闭。(1)(1)__专利号5382918。典型应用(固定输出电压版本)请注意,关 于lm2596德州仪器半导体产品和免责lm2596声明的可用性、标准保证和关键应用的 一个重要通知出现在本数据表的末尾。简单切换器是德州仪器的注册商标。所有其 他商标都是其各自所有者的财产。生产数据信息是当前出版日期。版权©1999 - 2013 年,德州仪器IncorporatedProducts符合规格/ TexasInstruments标准保修条款。生产加工 不连接DiagramsFigure 1。5根引线弯曲交错,如图2所示。5-Lead DDPAK/TO-263 (S) PackageThrough Hole TO-220 (T) PackageSee Package Number KTT0005BSee Package Number NDH0005DThese devices have limited内置ESD protection。在储存或处理过程 中,应将引线短接在一起,或将设备置于导电泡沫中,以防止对MOS门的静电损 坏。绝对最大额定参数(1)(2)最大供应Voltage45VON /关销输入电压 0.3 V≤≤+ 25 vfeedback销电压0.3 V≤≤25 + voutput对地电压(稳态) 1 vpower DissipationInternally limitedStorage温度范围 65°C + 150°CESD SusceptibilityHuman身体模型(3)2 kVLead TemperatureDDPAK / - 263 PackageVapor阶段(60秒。)+ 215°CInfrared(10秒)+ 245° 首席技术官- 220包(焊接,10秒)+ 260°CMaximum结温+ 150°C(1)绝对最大额定参数 表明超过这个限制可能发生损坏设备。操作额定值指示设备功能的条件,但不保证 特定的性能限制。(2)如果需lm2596要军用/航空航天专用设备,请与德州仪器销售 办公室/分销商联系,了解其可用性和规格。操作ConditionsTemperature范围 40° C≤TJ≤+ 125°CSupply Voltage4.5V 40 v2submit文档FeedbackCopyright©1999 - 2013年, 德州仪器IncorporatedProduct文件夹链接:LM259图2显示了计时器2自动计数 whenDCEN = 0。在此模式下,bitEXEN2在T2CON中选择两个选项。如果EXEN2 = 0,计时器2计数到0ffh,然后在溢出时设置TF2位。溢出还会导致计时器寄存器被重 新加载,其中包含RCAP2H和RCAP2L中的16位值。捕获ModeRCAP2H和RCAP2L中 的inTimer的值是由软件预先设lm2596定的。如果EXEN2 = 1,那么16位的重载可以 通过溢出或在externalinput T2EX中通过1到0的转换触发。这个转换还设置了EXF2 位。tf2和EXF2位都可以在启用时生成中断。设置DCEN位使定时器2可以向上或向下 计数,如图3所示。在这种模式下,T2EX pin控制了计数的方向。T2EX的逻辑1使计 时器2计数。计时器将在0ffh溢出并设置tf2位。这种溢出还会导致16位值inRCAP2H 和RCAP2L分别被重新加载lm2596到计时器寄存器TH2和TL2中。T2EX的逻辑0使定 时器2倒数。当TH2和TL2等于存储在inRCAP2H和RCAP2L中的值 时,timerunderflows。下流设置TF2位并将0ffh重新加载到计时器寄存器中。EXF2位 可在计时器2溢出或溢出时切换,可lm2596以用作第17位的分辨率。在此操作模式 中,EXF2不标记中断



LM2596SIMPLE SWITCHER ®Power Converter 150kHz 3A Step-Down Voltage RegulatorGeneral DescriptionThe LM2596series of regulators are monolithic integrated circuits that provide all the active functions for a step-down (buck)switching regulator,capable of driving a 3A load with excellent line and load regulation.These devices are avail-able in fixed output voltages of 3.3V,5V,12V,and an adjust-able output version.Requiring a minimum number of external components,these regulators are simple to use and include internal frequency compensation †,and a fixed-frequency oscillator.The LM2596series operates at a switching frequency of 150kHz thus allowing smaller sized filter components than what would be needed with lower frequency switching regu-lators.Available in a standard 5-lead TO-220package with several different lead bend options,and a 5-lead TO-263surface mount package.A standard series of inductors are available from several dif-ferent manufacturers optimized for use with the LM2596se-ries.This feature greatly simplifies the design of switch-mode power supplies.Other features include a guaranteed ±4%tolerance on out-put voltage under specified input voltage and output load conditions,and ±15%on the oscillator frequency.External shutdown is included,featuring typically 80µA standby cur-rent.Self protection features include a two stage frequency reducing current limit for the output switch and an over tem-perature shutdown for complete protection under fault condi-tions.Featuresn 3.3V,5V,12V,and adjustable output versionsn Adjustable version output voltage range,1.2V to 37V ±4%max over line and load conditions n Available in TO-220and TO-263packages n Guaranteed 3A output load current n Input voltage range up to 40Vn Requires only 4external componentsn Excellent line and load regulation specifications n 150kHz fixed frequency internal oscillator n TTL shutdown capabilityn Low power standby mode,I Q typically 80µA n High efficiencyn Uses readily available standard inductorsn Thermal shutdown and current limit protectionApplicationsn Simple high-efficiency step-down (buck)regulator n On-card switching regulators n Positive to negative converterNote:†Patent Number 5,382,918.Typical Application(Fixed Output Voltage Versions)SIMPLE SWITCHER ®and Switchers Made Simple ®are registered trademarks of National Semiconductor Corporation.DS012583-1December 1997LM2596SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter 150kHz 3A Step-Down Voltage Regulator©1999National Semiconductor Corporation 查询LM2596供应商Connection Diagrams and Ordering InformationBent and Staggered Leads,Through HolePackage5-Lead TO-220(T)DS012583-2Order Number LM2596T-3.3,LM2596T-5.0,LM2596T-12or LM2596T-ADJ See NS Package Number T05DSurface Mount Package 5-Lead TO-263(S)DS012583-3Order Number LM2596S-3.3,LM2596S-5.0,LM2596S-12or LM2596S-ADJ See NS Package Number TS5B 2Absolute Maximum Ratings(Note1)If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications. Maximum Supply Voltage45V ON/OFF Pin Input Voltage−0.3≤V≤+25V Feedback Pin Voltage−0.3≤V≤+25V Output Voltage to Ground(Steady State)−1V Power Dissipation Internally limited Storage Temperature Range−65˚C to+150˚C ESD SusceptibilityHuman Body Model(Note2)2kV Lead TemperatureS PackageVapor Phase(60sec.)+215˚C Infrared(10sec.)+245˚C T Package(Soldering,10sec.)+260˚C Maximum Junction Temperature+150˚COperating ConditionsTemperature Range−40˚C≤T J≤+125˚C Supply Voltage 4.5V to40VLM2596-3.3Electrical CharacteristicsSpecifications with standard type face are for T J=25˚C,and those with boldface type apply over full Operating Tempera-ture RangeSymbol Parameter ConditionsLM2596-3.3Units(Limits) Typ(Note3)Limit(Note4)SYSTEM PARAMETERS(Note5)Test Circuit Figure1V OUT Output Voltage 4.75V≤V IN≤40V,0.2A≤I LOAD≤3A 3.3V3.168/3.135V(min)3.432/3.465V(max)ηEfficiency V IN=12V,I LOAD=3A73%LM2596-5.0Electrical CharacteristicsSpecifications with standard type face are for T J=25˚C,and those with boldface type apply over full Operating Tempera-ture RangeSymbol Parameter ConditionsLM2596-5.0Units(Limits) Typ(Note3)Limit(Note4)SYSTEM PARAMETERS(Note5)Test Circuit Figure1V OUT Output Voltage7V≤V IN≤40V,0.2A≤I LOAD≤3A 5.0V4.800/4.750V(min)5.200/5.250V(max)ηEfficiency V IN=12V,I LOAD=3A80%LM2596-12Electrical CharacteristicsSpecifications with standard type face are for T J=25˚C,and those with boldface type apply over full Operating Tempera-ture RangeSymbol Parameter ConditionsLM2596-12Units(Limits) Typ(Note3)Limit(Note4)SYSTEM PARAMETERS(Note5)Test Circuit Figure1V OUT Output Voltage15V≤V IN≤40V,0.2A≤I LOAD≤3A12.0V11.52/11.40V(min)12.48/12.60V(max)ηEfficiency V IN=12V,I LOAD=3A90%3LM2596-ADJElectrical CharacteristicsSpecifications with standard type face are for T J=25˚C,and those with boldface type apply over full Operating Tempera-ture RangeSymbol Parameter ConditionsLM2596-ADJUnits(Limits) Typ(Note3)Limit(Note4)SYSTEM PARAMETERS(Note5)Test Circuit Figure1V FB Feedback Voltage 4.5V≤V IN≤40V,0.2A≤I LOAD≤3A 1.230VV OUT programmed for3V.Circuit of Figure1 1.193/1.180V(min)1.267/1.280V(max)ηEfficiency V IN=12V,V OUT=3V,I LOAD=3A73%All Output Voltage VersionsElectrical CharacteristicsSpecifications with standard type face are for T J=25˚C,and those with boldface type apply over full Operating Tempera-ture Range.Unless otherwise specified,V IN=12V for the3.3V,5V,and Adjustable version and V IN=24V for the12V ver-sion.I LOAD=500mASymbol Parameter ConditionsLM2596-XXUnits(Limits) Typ(Note3)Limit(Note4)DEVICE PARAMETERSI b Feedback Bias Current Adjustable Version Only,V FB=1.3V10nA50/100nA(max) f O Oscillator Frequency(Note6)150kHz127/110kHz(min)173/173kHz(max) V SAT Saturation Voltage I OUT=3A(Notes7,8) 1.16V1.4/1.5V(max) DC Max Duty Cycle(ON)(Note8)100% Min Duty Cycle(OFF)(Note9)0I CL Current Limit Peak Current(Notes7,8) 4.5A3.6/3.4A(min)6.9/7.5A(max)I L Output Leakage Current Output=0V(Notes7,9)50µA(max)Output=−1V(Note10)2mA30mA(max) I Q Quiescent Current(Note9)5mA10mA(max)I STBY Standby QuiescentCurrent ON/OFF pin=5V(OFF)(Note10)80µA200/250µA(max)θJC Thermal Resistance TO-220or TO-263Package,Junction to Case2˚C/W θJA TO-220Package,Junction to Ambient(Note11)50˚C/W θJA TO-263Package,Junction to Ambient(Note12)50˚C/W θJA TO-263Package,Junction to Ambient(Note13)30˚C/W θJA TO-263Package,Junction to Ambient(Note14)20˚C/W ON/OFF CONTROL Test Circuit Figure1ON/OFF Pin Logic Input 1.3VV IH Threshold Voltage Low(Regulator ON)0.6V(max) V IL High(Regulator OFF) 2.0V(min)4All Output Voltage VersionsElectrical Characteristics(Continued)Specifications with standard type face are for T J=25˚C,and those with boldface type apply over full Operating Tempera-ture Range.Unless otherwise specified,V IN=12V for the3.3V,5V,and Adjustable version and V IN=24V for the12V ver-sion.I LOAD=500mASymbol Parameter ConditionsLM2596-XXUnits(Limits) Typ(Note3)Limit(Note4)ON/OFF CONTROL Test Circuit Figure1I H ON/OFF Pin Input Current V LOGIC=2.5V(Regulator OFF)5µA15µA(max) I L V LOGIC=0.5V(Regulator ON)0.02µA5µA(max) Note1:Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur.Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is in-tended to be functional,but do not guarantee specific performance limits.For guaranteed specifications and test conditions,see the Electrical Characteristics. Note2:The human body model is a100pF capacitor discharged through a1.5k resistor into each pin.Note3:Typical numbers are at25˚C and represent the most likely norm.Note4:All limits guaranteed at room temperature(standard type face)and at temperature extremes(bold type face).All room temperature limits are100%produc-tion tested.All limits at temperature extremes are guaranteed via correlation using standard Statistical Quality Control(SQC)methods.All limits are used to calculate Average Outgoing Quality Level(AOQL).Note5:External components such as the catch diode,inductor,input and output capacitors,and voltage programming resistors can affect switching regulator sys-tem performance.When the LM2596is used as shown in the Figure1test circuit,system performance will be as shown in system parameters section of Electrical Characteristics.Note6:The switching frequency is reduced when the second stage current limit is activated.The amount of reduction is determined by the severity of current over-load.Note7:No diode,inductor or capacitor connected to output pin.Note8:Feedback pin removed from output and connected to0V to force the output transistor switch ON.Note9:Feedback pin removed from output and connected to12V for the3.3V,5V,and the ADJ.version,and15V for the12V version,to force the output transistor switch OFF.Note10:V IN=40V.Note11:Junction to ambient thermal resistance(no external heat sink)for the TO-220package mounted vertically,with the leads soldered to a printed circuit board with(1oz.)copper area of approximately1in2.Note12:Junction to ambient thermal resistance with the TO-263package tab soldered to a single printed circuit board with0.5in2of(1oz.)copper area.Note13:Junction to ambient thermal resistance with the TO-263package tab soldered to a single sided printed circuit board with2.5in2of(1oz.)copper area. Note14:Junction to ambient thermal resistance with the TO-263package tab soldered to a double sided printed circuit board with3in2of(1oz.)copper area on the LM2596S side of the board,and approximately16in2of copper on the other side of the p-c board.See Application Information in this data sheet and the thermal model in Switchers Made Simple™version4.3software.Typical Performance Characteristics(Circuit of Figure1)NormalizedOutput VoltageDS012583-4Line RegulationDS012583-5EfficiencyDS012583-6 5Typical Performance Characteristics(Circuit of Figure 1)(Continued)Switch Saturation VoltageDS012583-7Switch Current Limit DS012583-8Dropout VoltageDS012583-9OperatingQuiescent CurrentDS012583-10ShutdownQuiescent CurrentDS012583-11Minimum Operating Supply VoltageDS012583-12ON /OFF Threshold VoltageDS012583-13ON /OFF PinCurrent (Sinking)DS012583-14Switching FrequencyDS012583-15 6Typical Performance Characteristics(Circuit of Figure 1)(Continued)Typical Performance CharacteristicsFeedback Pin Bias CurrentDS012583-16Continuous Mode Switching Waveforms V IN =20V,V OUT =5V,I LOAD =2AL =32µH,C OUT =220µF,C OUT ESR =50m ΩDS012583-17A:Output Pin Voltage,10V/div.B:Inductor Current 1A/div.C:Output Ripple Voltage,50mV/div.Horizontal Time Base:2µs/div.Discontinuous Mode Switching Waveforms V IN =20V,V OUT =5V,I LOAD =500mAL =10µH,C OUT =330µF,C OUT ESR =45m ΩDS012583-18A:Output Pin Voltage,10V/div.B:Inductor Current 0.5A/div.C:Output Ripple Voltage,100mV/div.Horizontal Time Base:2µs/div.Load Transient Response for Continuous Mode V IN =20V,V OUT =5V,I LOAD =500mA to 2A L =32µH,C OUT =220µF,C OUT ESR =50m ΩDS012583-19A:Output Voltage,100mV/div.(AC)B:500mA to 2A Load PulseHorizontal Time Base:100µs/div.Load Transient Response for Discontinuous Mode V IN =20V,V OUT =5V,I LOAD =500mA to 2A L =10µH,C OUT =330µF,C OUT ESR =45m ΩDS012583-20A:Output Voltage,100mV/div.(AC)B:500mA to 2A Load PulseHorizontal Time Base:200µs/div.7Test Circuit and Layout GuidelinesAs in any switching regulator,layout is very important.Rap-idly switching currents associated with wiring inductance can generate voltage transients which can cause problems.For minimal inductance and ground loops,the wires indicated by heavy lines should be wide printed circuit traces and should be kept as short as possible.For best results,ex-ternal components should be located as close to the switcher lC as possible using ground plane construction or single point grounding.If open core inductors are used,special care must be taken as to the location and positioning of this type of induc-tor.Allowing the inductor flux to intersect sensitive feedback,lC groundpath and C OUT wiring can cause problems.When using the adjustable version,special care must be taken as to the location of the feedback resistors and the as-sociated wiring.Physically locate both resistors near the IC,and route the wiring away from the inductor,especially an open core type of inductor.(See application section for more information.)Fixed Output Voltage VersionsDS012583-22C IN —470µF,50V,Aluminum Electrolytic Nichicon “PL Series”C OUT —220µF,25V Aluminum Electrolytic,Nichicon “PL Series”D1—5A,40V Schottky Rectifier,1N5825L1—68µH,L38Adjustable Output Voltage VersionsDS012583-23where V REF =1.23VSelect R 1to be approximately 1k Ω,use a 1%resistor for best stability.C IN —470µF,50V,Aluminum Electrolytic Nichicon “PL Series”C OUT —220µF,35V Aluminum Electrolytic,Nichicon “PL Series”D1—5A,40V Schottky Rectifier,1N5825L1—68µH,L38R1—1k Ω,1%C FF —See Application Information SectionFIGURE 1.Standard Test Circuits and Layout Guides 8LM2596Series Buck Regulator Design Procedure(Fixed Output) PROCEDURE(Fixed Output Voltage Version)EXAMPLE(Fixed Output Voltage Version)Given:V OUT=Regulated Output Voltage(3.3V,5V or12V) V IN(max)=Maximum DC Input VoltageI LOAD(max)=Maximum Load Current Given:V OUT=5VV IN(max)=12V I LOAD(max)=3A1.Inductor Selection(L1)A.Select the correct inductor value selection guide from Fig-ures Figure4,Figure5,or Figure6.(Output voltages of3.3V, 5V,or12V respectively.)For all other voltages,see the de-sign procedure for the adjustable version.B.From the inductor value selection guide,identify the induc-tance region intersected by the Maximum Input Voltage line and the Maximum Load Current line.Each region is identified by an inductance value and an inductor code(LXX).C.Select an appropriate inductor from the four manufactur-er’s part numbers listed in Figure8.1.Inductor Selection(L1)e the inductor selection guide for the5V version shown in Figure5.B.From the inductor value selection guide shown in Figure5, the inductance region intersected by the12V horizontal line and the3A vertical line is33µH,and the inductor code is L40.C.The inductance value required is33µH.From the table in Figure8,go to the L40line and choose an inductor part num-ber from any of the four manufacturers shown.(In most in-stance,both through hole and surface mount inductors are available.)2.Output Capacitor Selection(C OUT)A.In the majority of applications,low ESR(Equivalent Series Resistance)electrolytic capacitors between82µF and 820µF and low ESR solid tantalum capacitors between 10µF and470µF provide the best results.This capacitor should be located close to the IC using short capacitor leads and short copper traces.Do not use capacitors larger than 820µF.For additional information,see section on output capaci-tors in application information section.B.To simplify the capacitor selection procedure,refer to the quick design component selection table shown in Figure2. This table contains different input voltages,output voltages, and load currents,and lists various inductors and output ca-pacitors that will provide the best design solutions.C.The capacitor voltage rating for electrolytic capacitors should be at least1.5times greater than the output voltage, and often much higher voltage ratings are needed to satisfy the low ESR requirements for low output ripple voltage.D.For computer aided design software,see Switchers Made Simple™version4.3or later.2.Output Capacitor Selection(C OUT)A.See section on output capacitors in application infor-mation section.B.From the quick design component selection table shownin Figure2,locate the5V output voltage section.In the loadcurrent column,choose the load current line that is closest tothe current needed in your application,for this example,usethe3A line.In the maximum input voltage column,select theline that covers the input voltage needed in your application,in this example,use the15V line.Continuing on this line arerecommended inductors and capacitors that will provide thebest overall performance.The capacitor list contains both through hole electrolytic andsurface mount tantalum capacitors from four different capaci-tor manufacturers.It is recommended that both the manufac-turers and the manufacturer’s series that are listed in thetable be used.In this example aluminum electrolytic capacitors from severaldifferent manufacturers are available with the range of ESRnumbers needed.330µF35V Panasonic HFQ Series330µF35V Nichicon PL SeriesC.For a5V output,a capacitor voltage rating at least7.5V ormore is needed.But even a low ESR,switching grade,220µF10V aluminum electrolytic capacitor would exhibit ap-proximately225mΩof ESR(see the curve in Figure14forthe ESR vs voltage rating).This amount of ESR would resultin relatively high output ripple voltage.To reduce the ripple to1%of the output voltage,or less,a capacitor with a highervalue or with a higher voltage rating(lower ESR)should beselected.A16V or25V capacitor will reduce the ripple volt-age by approximately half. 9LM2596Series Buck Regulator Design Procedure(Fixed Output)(Continued) PROCEDURE(Fixed Output Voltage Version)EXAMPLE(Fixed Output Voltage Version)3.Catch Diode Selection(D1)A.The catch diode current rating must be at least1.3times greater than the maximum load current.Also,if the power supply design must withstand a continuous output short,the diode should have a current rating equal to the maximum current limit of the LM2596.The most stressful condition for this diode is an overload or shorted output condition.B.The reverse voltage rating of the diode should be at least1.25times the maximum input voltage.C.This diode must be fast(short reverse recovery time)and must be located close to the LM2596using short leads and short printed circuit traces.Because of their fast switching speed and low forward voltage drop,Schottky diodes provide the best performance and efficiency,and should be the first choice,especially in low output voltage applications. Ultra-fast recovery,or High-Efficiency rectifiers also provide good results.Ultra-fast recovery diodes typically have re-verse recovery times of50ns or less.Rectifiers such as the 1N5400series are much too slow and should not be used.3.Catch Diode Selection(D1)A.Refer to the table shown in Figure11.In this example,a 5A,20V,1N5823Schottky diode will provide the best perfor-mance,and will not be overstressed even for a shorted out-put.4.Input Capacitor(C IN)A low ESR aluminum or tantalum bypass capacitor is needed between the input pin and ground pin to prevent large volt-age transients from appearing at the input.This capacitor should be located close to the IC using short leads.In addi-tion,the RMS current rating of the input capacitor should be selected to be at least1⁄2the DC load current.The capacitor manufacturers data sheet must be checked to assure that this current rating is not exceeded.The curve shown in Fig-ure13shows typical RMS current ratings for several different aluminum electrolytic capacitor values.For an aluminum electrolytic,the capacitor voltage rating should be approximately1.5times the maximum input volt-age.Caution must be exercised if solid tantalum capacitors are used(see Application Information on input capacitor). The tantalum capacitor voltage rating should be2times the maximum input voltage and it is recommended that they be surge current tested by the manufacturer.Use caution when using ceramic capacitors for input bypass-ing,because it may cause severe ringing at the V IN pin. For additional information,see section on input capaci-tors in Application Information section.4.Input Capacitor(C IN)The important parameters for the Input capacitor are the in-put voltage rating and the RMS current rating.With a nominal input voltage of12V,an aluminum electrolytic capacitor with a voltage rating greater than18V(1.5x V IN)would be needed.The next higher capacitor voltage rating is25V. The RMS current rating requirement for the input capacitor in a buck regulator is approximately1⁄2the DC load current.In this example,with a3A load,a capacitor with a RMS current rating of at least1.5A is needed.The curves shown in Figure 13can be used to select an appropriate input capacitor. From the curves,locate the35V line and note which capaci-tor values have RMS current ratings greater than1.5A.A 680µF/35V capacitor could be used.For a through hole design,a680µF/35V electrolytic capaci-tor(Panasonic HFQ series or Nichicon PL series or equiva-lent)would be adequate.other types or other manufacturers capacitors can be used provided the RMS ripple current rat-ings are adequate.For surface mount designs,solid tantalum capacitors can be used,but caution must be exercised with regard to the ca-pacitor surge current rating(see Application Information on input capacitors in this data sheet).The TPS series available from AVX,and the593D series from Sprague are both surge current tested.10LM2596Series Buck Regulator Design Procedure(Fixed Output)(Continued)Conditions Inductor Output CapacitorThrough Hole Electrolytic Surface Mount Tantalum Output Load Max Input Inductance Inductor Panasonic Nichicon AVX TPS Sprague Voltage Current Voltage(µH)(#)HFQ Series PL Series Series595D Series (V)(A)(V)(µF/V)(µF/V)(µF/V)(µF/V)3.33522L41470/25560/16330/6.3390/6.3722L41560/35560/35330/6.3390/6.31022L41680/35680/35330/6.3390/6.34033L40560/35470/35330/6.3390/6.3622L33470/25470/35330/6.3390/6.3 21033L32330/35330/35330/6.3390/6.34047L39330/35270/50220/10330/10 53822L41470/25560/16220/10330/101022L41560/25560/25220/10330/101533L40330/35330/35220/10330/104047L39330/35270/35220/10330/10922L33470/25560/16220/10330/10 22068L38180/35180/35100/10270/104068L38180/35180/35100/10270/10 1231522L41470/25470/25100/16180/161833L40330/25330/25100/16180/163068L44180/25180/25100/16120/204068L44180/35180/35100/16120/201533L32330/25330/25100/16180/16 22068L38180/25180/25100/16120/2040150L4282/2582/2568/2068/25 FIGURE2.LM2596Fixed Voltage Quick Design Component Selection Table11LM2596Series Buck Regulator Design Procedure(Adjustable Output) PROCEDURE(Adjustable Output Voltage Version)EXAMPLE(Adjustable Output Voltage Version)Given:V OUT=Regulated Output VoltageV IN(max)=Maximum Input VoltageI LOAD(max)=Maximum Load CurrentF=Switching Frequency(Fixed at a nominal150kHz).Given:V OUT=20VV IN(max)=28VI LOAD(max)=3AF=Switching Frequency(Fixed at a nominal150kHz).1.Programming Output Voltage(Selecting R1and R2,asshown in Figure1)Use the following formula to select the appropriate resistorvalues.Select a value for R1between240Ωand1.5kΩ.The lowerresistor values minimize noise pickup in the sensitive feed-back pin.(For the lowest temperature coefficient and the beststability with time,use1%metal film resistors.)1.Programming Output Voltage(Selecting R1and R2,asshown in Figure1)Select R1to be1kΩ,1%.Solve for R2.R2=1k(16.26−1)=15.26k,closest1%value is15.4kΩ.R2=15.4kΩ.2.Inductor Selection(L1)A.Calculate the inductor Volt•microsecond constant E•T(V•µs),from the following formula:where V SAT=internal switch saturation voltage=1.16Vand V D=diode forward voltage drop=0.5Ve the E•T value from the previous formula and matchit with the E•T number on the vertical axis of the InductorValue Selection Guide shown in Figure7.C.on the horizontal axis,select the maximum load current.D.Identify the inductance region intersected by the E•Tvalue and the Maximum Load Current value.Each region isidentified by an inductance value and an inductor code(LXX).E.Select an appropriate inductor from the four manufactur-er’s part numbers listed in Figure8.2.Inductor Selection(L1)A.Calculate the inductor Volt•microsecond constant(E•T),B.E•T=34.2(V•µs)C.I LOAD(max)=3AD.From the inductor value selection guide shown in Figure7,the inductance region intersected by the34(V•µs)horizon-tal line and the3A vertical line is47µH,and the inductorcode is L39.E.From the table in Figure8,locate line L39,and select aninductor part number from the list of manufacturers part num-bers.12LM2596Series Buck Regulator Design Procedure (Adjustable Output)(Continued)PROCEDURE (Adjustable Output Voltage Version)EXAMPLE (Adjustable Output Voltage Version)3.Output Capacitor Selection (C OUT )A.In the majority of applications,low ESR electrolytic or solid tantalum capacitors between 82µF and 820µF provide the best results.This capacitor should be located close to the IC using short capacitor leads and short copper traces.Do not use capacitors larger than 820µF.For additional informa-tion,see section on output capacitors in application in-formation section.B.To simplify the capacitor selection procedure,refer to the quick design table shown in Figure 3.This table contains dif-ferent output voltages,and lists various output capacitors that will provide the best design solutions.C.The capacitor voltage rating should be at least 1.5times greater than the output voltage,and often much higher volt-age ratings are needed to satisfy the low ESR requirements needed for low output ripple voltage.3.Output Capacitor SeIection (C OUT )A.See section on C OUT in Application Information section.B.From the quick design table shown in Figure 3,locate the output voltage column.From that column,locate the output voltage closest to the output voltage in your application.In this example,select the 24V line.Under the output capacitor section,select a capacitor from the list of through hole elec-trolytic or surface mount tantalum types from four different capacitor manufacturers.It is recommended that both the manufacturers and the manufacturers series that are listed in the table be used.In this example,through hole aluminum electrolytic capaci-tors from several different manufacturers are available.220µF/35V Panasonic HFQ Series 150µF/35V Nichicon PL SeriesC.For a 20V output,a capacitor rating of at least 30V or more is needed.In this example,either a 35V or 50V capaci-tor would work.A 35V rating was chosen,although a 50V rat-ing could also be used if a lower output ripple voltage is needed.Other manufacturers or other types of capacitors may also be used,provided the capacitor specifications (especially the 100kHz ESR)closely match the types listed in the table.Re-fer to the capacitor manufacturers data sheet for this informa-tion.4.Feedforward Capacitor (C FF )(See Figure 1)For output voltages greater than approximately 10V,an addi-tional capacitor is required.The compensation capacitor is typically between 100pF and 33nF,and is wired in parallel with the output voltage setting resistor,R 2.It provides addi-tional stability for high output voltages,low input-output volt-ages,and/or very low ESR output capacitors,such as solid tantalum capacitors.This capacitor type can be ceramic,plastic,silver mica,etc.(Because of the unstable characteristics of ceramic capaci-tors made with Z5U material,they are not recommended.)4.Feedforward Capacitor (C FF )The table shown in Figure 3contains feed forward capacitor values for various output voltages.In this example,a 560pF capacitor is needed.13。



TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSAPPLICATION INFORMATIONExternal component selectorInput Capacitors (Cin)It is required that VIN must be bypassed with at least a 100uF electrolytic capacitor for stability. Also, it is strongly recommended the capacitor’s leads must be short, wide and located near the regulator as possible. The important parameters for the capacitor are the voltage rating and the RMS current rating. For a maximum ambient temperature of 40℃, a general guideline would be to select a capacitor with a ripple current rating of approximately 50% of the DC load current. The capacitor voltage rating must be at least 1.25 times greater than the maximum input voltage.For low operating temperature range, for example, below -25℃, the input capacitor value may need to be larger. This is due to the reason that the capacitance value of electrolytic capacitors decreases and the ESR increases with lower temperatures and age. Paralleling a ceramic or solid tantalum capacitor will increase the regulator stability at cold temperatures.Output Capacitors (C OUT)An output capacitor is also required to filter the output voltage and is needed for loop stability. The capacitor should be located near the CM2596 using short PC board traces. Low ESR types capacitors are recommended for low output ripple voltage and good stability. Generally, low value or low voltage (less than 12V) electrolytic capacitors usually have higher ESR numbers. For example, the lower capacitor values (220uF – 1000uF) will yield typically 50mV to 150mV of output ripple voltage, whilelarger-value capacitors will reduce the ripple to approximately 20mV to 50mV.The amount of output ripple voltage is primarily a function of the ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) of the output capacitor and the amplitude of the inductor ripple current (△I IND).Output Ripple Voltage = (△I IND) x (ESR of C OUT)Some capacitors called “high-frequency”, “low-inductance”, or “low-ESR” are recommended to use to further reduce the output ripple voltage to 10mV or 20mV. However, very low ESR capacitors, such as Tantalum capacitors, should be carefully evaluated.Catch DiodeThis diode is required to provide a return path for the inductor current when the switch is off. It should be located close to theCM2596 using short leads and short printed circuit traces as possible.To satisfy the need of fast switching speed and low forward voltage drop, Schottky diodes are widely used to provide the best efficiency, especially in low output voltage switching regulators (less than 5V). Besides, fast-Recovery, high-efficiency, orultra-fast recovery diodes are also suitable. But some types with an abrupt turn-off characteristic may cause instability and EMI problems. A fast-recovery diode with soft recovery characteristics is better choice.3uF470uFCin L1 68uH220uFCoutFeedback ConnectionFor fixed output voltage version, the FB (feedback) pin must be connected to V OUT. For the adjustable version, it is important to place the output voltage ratio resistors near CM2596 as possible in order to minimize the noise introduction.EnableIt is required that the ENABLE must not be left open. For normal operation, connect this pin to a “LOW” voltage (typically, below 1.6V). On the other hand, for standby mode, connect this pin with a “HIGH” voltage. This pin can be safely pulled up to +V IN without a resistor in series with it.GroundingTo maintain output voltage stability, the power ground connections must be low-impedance. For the 5-lead TO-220 and TO-263 style package, both the tab and pin 3 are ground and either connection may be used.Heatsink and Thermal ConsiderationAlthough the CM2596 requires only a small heatsink for most cases, the following thermal consideration is important for all operation. With the package thermal resistances θJA and θJC, total power dissipation can be estimated as follows:P D = (V IN x I Q) + (V OUT / V IN)(I LOAD x V SAT);When no heatsink is used, the junction temperature rise can be determined by the following:∆T J = P D x θJA;With the ambient temerpature, the actual junction temperature will be:T J = ∆T J + T A;If the actual operating junction temperature is out of the safe operating junction temperature (typically 125℃), then a heatsink is required. When using a heatsink, the junction temperature rise will be reduced by the following:∆T J = P D x (θJC + θinterface + θHeatsink);Also one can see from the above, it is important to choose an heatsink with adequate size and thermal resistance, such that to maintain the regulator’s junction temperature below the maximum operating temperature.Layout guidelineAs in any switching regulator, layout is very important. Rapidly switching currents associated with wiring inductance can generate voltage transients which can cause problems. For minimal inductance and ground loops, the wires indicated by heavy lines should be wide printed circuit traces and should be kept as short as possible. For best results, external components should be located as close to the switcher lC as possible using ground plane construction or single point grounding.If open core inductors are used, special care must be taken as to the location and positioning of this type of inductor. Allowing the inductor flux to intersect sensitive feedback, lC ground path and COUT wiring can cause problems.When using the adjustable version, special care must be taken as to the location of the feedback resistors and the associated wiring. Physically locate both resistors near the IC, and route the wiring away from the inductor, especially an open core type of inductor. (See application section for more information.)。



lm2596中文资料1. 概述lm2596是一款高效率开关电源稳压器芯片,广泛应用于电子设备中对直流电压进行稳定调整的场合。


2. 特性•宽输入电压范围:4V-40V•可调输出电压范围:1.23V-37V•高效率:可达到92%•最大输出电流:3A•过热保护功能3. 工作原理lm2596采用了开关稳压器的工作原理,通过周期性地开关和断开电流流通路径,将输入电压转换为稳定的输出电压。





4. 应用场景lm2596广泛应用于各种需要稳定直流电压的场合,以下是lm2596常见的应用场景:4.1 电子设备稳压电源lm2596可以根据需要调整输出电压,可以在电子设备中作为稳压电源芯片使用。


4.2 LED照明由于lm2596具有高效率和可调输出电压的特性,非常适合用于LED照明应用。


4.3 高频电源lm2596的高效率和宽输入电压范围,使其非常适合用于高频电源应用。


5. 使用注意事项在使用lm2596时,请注意以下事项:1.输入电压不要超过40V,否则可能导致芯片过载损坏。













为了产生不同的输出电压通常将比较器的负端接基准电压(1.23V ),正端接分压电阻网络。

其中R1=1KΩ ,R2分别为1.7KΩ (3.3v),3.1KΩ(5V),8.8KΩ (12V)、0(-ADJ)。



要获得+1.8V 输出电压时请选用A图,要获得+3.3V、+5V输出电压时请选用B图。


降压型开关稳压电源控制器 MXT2596 技术说明书

降压型开关稳压电源控制器 MXT2596 技术说明书

MXT2596 技术说明书
◆ 测试电路和PCB版图指导
测试电路 固定输出电压型
MXT2596 技术说明书
CIN —470μF 50V
4、输入电容的选择(CIN) A、为了防止在输入端出现大的瞬态电压,在输入端和地之间要加一个低等效串联电阻的铝或钽 电容作为旁路电容,这个电容要靠近IC。另外,输入电容的电流均方根值至少为直流负载电流 的1/2。要确保所选的电容的这个参数不能低于直流负载电流的一半。几个不同的铝电解电容 的典型均方根电流值所对应的曲线如图7所示 B、对铝电解电容,其耐压值要为最大输入电压的1.5倍。必须注意的是,如果使用了钽电容,则 它的耐压要为输入电压的2倍,推荐使用生产厂家测试过浪涌电流的电容。使用瓷片电容为输 入旁路电容时要特别小心,因为这可能会在输入脚处引起非常严重的噪声。
※ 3.3V、5V、12V固定输出版和输出可调版 ※ 负载电流达到3A ※ 输入电压达到40V ※ 外围只需四个元件 ※ 电压调整率和电流调整率非常小 ※ 内置固定频率振荡器 ※ TTL电平关断功能 ※ 待机电流仅为75μA ※ 转换效率高 ※ 内置过热保护电路和限流保护电路
MXT2596 技术说明书
符号 参数说明
控制 测试电路见图1



元器件交易网3.0A, 150Khz, Step-Down Switching RegulatorFEATURES3.3V, 5.0V, 12V, 15V, and Adjustable Output Versions Adjustable Version Output Voltage Range, 1.23 to 37V +/- 4%. Maximum Over Line and Load Conditions Guaranteed 3.0A Output Current Wide Input Voltage Range Requires Only 4 External Components 150Khz Fixed Frequency Internal Oscillator TTL Shutdown Capability, Low Power Standby Mode High Efficiency Uses Readily Available Standard Inductors Thermal Shutdown and Current Limit Protection Moisture Sensitivity Level(MSL) Equals1 TO-263(D2) TO-220V TO-220LM2596ApplicationsSimple High-Efficiency Step-Down(Buck) Regulator Efficient Pre-Regulator for Linear Regulators On-Card Switching Regulators Positive to Negative Converter(Buck-Boost) Negative Step-Up Converters Power Supply for Battery Chargers1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Vin Output Ground Feedback On/OffDESCRIPTIONThe LM2596 series of regulators are monolithic integrated circuits ideally suited for easy and convenient design of a step-down switching regualtor(buck converter). All circuits of this series are capable of driving a 3.0A load with excellent line and load regulation. These devices are available in fixed output voltages of 3.3V, 5.0V,12V, 15V, and an adjustable output version.ORDERING INFORMATIONDevice LM2596T-X.X LM2596TV-X.X LM2596R Marking LM2596T-X.X LM2596T-X.X LM2596R-X.X Package TO-220 TO-220V TO-263These regulatiors were designed to minimize the number of externalcomponents to simplify the power supply design. Standard series of inductors optimized for use with the LM2576 are offered by several different inductor manufacturers. Since the LM2596 converter is a switch-mode power supply, its efficiency is significantly higher in comparison with popular three-terminal limear reguators, especially with higher input voltages. In many cases, the power dissipated is so low that no heatsink is required or its size could be reduced dramatically. A standard series of inductors optimized for use with the LM2596 are available from several different manufacturers. This feature greatly simplifies the design of switch-mode power supplies. The LM2596 features include a guaranteed +/- 4% tolerance on output voltage within specified input voltages and output load conditions, and +/-15% on the oscillator frequency (+/- 2% over 0oC to 125 oC). External shutdown is included, featuring 80 uA(typical) standby current. The output switch includes cycle-bycycle current limiting, as well as thermal shutdown for full protection under fault conditions.HTC1Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorTypical Application (Fixed Output Voltage Versions)LM2596LM2596-5.033 uH680 uF1N5824220 uFFigure 1. Block Diagram and Typical ApplicationABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur.)Power DissipationTO-220, 5-LeadThermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-caseTO-263Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-caseHTC2Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorLM2596OPERATING RATINGS (Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is intended to befunctional, but do not guarantee specific performance limits. For guaranteed specifications and test conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics.)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS / SYSTEM PARAMETERS ([Note 1] Test Circuit Figure 2) (Unless otherwise specified, Vin = 12 V for the 3.3 V, 5.0 V, and Adjustable version, Vin = 25 V for the 12 V version, and Vin = 30 V for the 15 V version. ILoad = 500 mA. For typical values TJ = 25°C, for min/max values TJ is the operating junction temperature range that applies [Note 2], unless otherwise noted.)LM2596-3.3 ([ Note 1]. Test Circuit Figure 2 )73 LM2596-5.0 ([ Note 1]. Test Circuit Figure 2 ) 180 LM2596-12 ([ Note 1]. Test Circuit Figure 2 )90 LM2596-15 ([ Note 1]. Test Circuit Figure 2 )98 LM2596-ADJ ([ Note 1]. Test Circuit Figure 2 )73HTC3Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS / Device ParametersLM2596(Unless otherwise specified, Vin = 12 V for the 3.3 V, 5.0 V, and Adjustable version, Vin = 25 V for the 12 V version, and Vin = 30 V for the 15 V version. ILoad = 500 mA. For typical values Tj = 25°C, for min/max values Tj is the operating junction temperature range that applies [Note 2], unless otherwise noted.)10 0 127 110 15050 100 173 1731.16 01.4 1.53.6 3.4100 4.5 6.9 7.5 50 30 1002 5 00 2 0 2.0 2.0 2 V LOGIC = 2.5V (Regulator OFF) V LOGIC = 0.5V (Regulator ON) 5 0.02 1.3 1.32500.6 0.6 15 5.001. External components such as the catch diode, inductor, input and output capacitors can affect switching regulator system performance. When the LM2596 is used as shown in the Figure 1 test circuit, system performance will be as shown in system parameters section . 2. Tested junction temperature range for the LM2596 : TLOW = –0°C THIGH = +125°C 3. The oscillator frequency reduces to approximately 18 kHz in the event of an output short or an overload which causes the regulated output voltage to drop approximately 40% from the nominal output voltage. This self protection feature lowers the average dissipation of the IC by lowering the minimum duty cycle from 5% down to approximately 2%. 4. Output (Pin 2) sourcing current. No diode, inductor or capacitor connected to output pin. 5. Feedback (Pin 4) removed from output and connected to 0 V. 6. Feedback (Pin 4) removed from output and connected to +12 V for the Adjustable, 3.3 V, and 5.0V ersions, and +25 V for the 12 V and15 V versions, to force the output transistor “off”. 7. Vin = 40 V.HTC4Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorTYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Circuit of Figure 2)LM2596HTC5Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorTYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Circuit of Figure 2)Feedback Pin Bias CurrentLM2596HTC6Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorTest Circuit and Layout GuidelinesLM2596Figure 2. Typical Test Circuits and Layout GuideAs in any switching regulator, layout is very important. Rapidly switching currents associated with wiring inductance can generate voltage transients which can cause problems. For minimal inductance and ground loops, the wires indicated by heavy lines should be wide printed circuit traces and should be kept as short as possible. For best results, external components should be located as close to the switcher lC as possible using ground plane construction or single point grounding. If open core inductors are used, special care must be taken as to the location and positioning of this type of inductor. Allowing the inductor flux to intersect sensitive feedback, lC groundpath and COUT wiring can cause problems. When using the adjustable version, special care must be taken as to the location of the feedback resistors and the associated wiring. Physically locate both resistors near the IC, and route the wiring away from the inductor, especially an open core type of inductor.HTC7Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorLM2596PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTION Symbol 1VinDescription This pin is the positive input supply for the LM2596 step–down switching23 45regulator.In order to minimize voltage transients and to supply the switching currents needed by the regulator, a suitable input bypass capacitor must be present .(Cin in Figure 1). Output This is the emitter of the internal switch. The saturation voltage Vsat of this output switch is typically 1.5 V. It should be kept in mind that the PCB area connected to this pin should be kept to a minimum in order to minimize coupling to sensitive circuitry. Circuit ground pin. See the information about the printed circuit board layout. Gnd Feedback This pin senses regulated output voltage to complete the feedback loop. The signal is divided by the internal resistor divider network R2, R1 and applied to the non–inverting input of the internal error amplifier. In the Adjustable version of the LM2596 switching regulator this pin is the direct input of the error amplifier and the resistor network R2, R1 is connected externally to allow programming of the output voltage. ON/OFF It allows the switching regulator circuit to be shut down using logic level signals, thus dropping the total input supply current to approximately 80 mA. The threshold voltage is typically 1.4 V. Applying a voltage above this value (up to +Vin) shuts the regulator off. If the voltage applied to this pin is lower than 1.4V or if this pin is left open, the regulator will be in the "on" conditionHTC8Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorLM2596PACKAGES DIMENSION : TO220-5LHTC9Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorPACKAGES DIMENSION : TO220V-5LLM2596HTC10Oct 2004 - Rev 0元器件交易网3.0A, 15V, Step-Down Switching RegulatorLM2596PACKAGES DIMENSION : TO263-5LHTC11Oct 2004 - Rev 0。

中文资料 LM2596电源降压调整器

中文资料  LM2596电源降压调整器

LM2596电源降压调整器(150KHz,3A)英文文章名:LM2596 SIMPLE SWITCHER® Power Converter 150 kHz3A Step-Down Voltage Regulator文章出处:版本号:DS012583 日期:2002年5月摘录人:黄明强摘录日期:2007年5月3日是否好买估计:生产中心正在使用价格:概述:LM2596系列开关电压调节器是降压型电源管理单片集成电路,能够输出3A的驱动电流,同时具有很好的线性和负载调节特性。








特征:※ 3.3V、5V、12V的固定电压输出和可调电压输出※可调输出电压范围1.2V~37V,±4%※封装形式:TO-220(T)和TO-263(S)※保证输出负载电流3A※输入电压可高达40V※仅需4个外接元件※很好的线性和负载调节特性※150KHz固定频率的内部振荡器※TTL关断能力※低功耗待机模式,I Q的典型值为80μA※高转换效率※使用容易购买的标准电感※具有过热保护和限流保护功能应用:※简易高效率降压调节器※在卡上的开关电压调节器※正到负电压转换器专利号:5382918典型电路(固定输出电压版本):封装和型号:※弯曲交叉的引脚,通孔封装,5脚TO-220 (T)订货型号:LM2596T-3.3, LM2596T-5.0,LM2596T-12 or LM2596T-ADJ ※表面贴封装,5脚TO-263 (S)订货型号:LM2596S-3.3, LM2596S-5.0, LM2596S-12 or LM2596S-ADJ 极限条件:最大供电电压45VON /OFF 管脚输入电压-0.3≤V≤+25V反馈脚电压-0.3≤V≤+25V输出电压到地(稳态)-1V功率消耗内部限定储存温度-65°C 到+150°CESD易感性(人体模式)2KV焊接温度T封装(锡焊, 10秒) +260°C最大结温+150°C运行条件:温度范围-40°C≤T J≤+125°C供电电压 4.5V 到40VLM2596-3.3电参数说明:标准字体对应的项目适合于TJ=25℃时,粗体字对应的项目适合于全温度范围LM2596-5.0电参数说明:标准字体对应的项目适合于TJ=25℃时,粗体字对应的项目适合于全温度范围LM2596-12电参数所有输出电压版本电参数说明:标准字体对应的项目适合于TJ=25℃时,带下划线的粗斜体字对应的项目适合于整个温度范围。



150kHz, 3A PWM Buck DC/DC ConverterLM2596-XXE5/F5DescriptionThe LM2596-XXE5/F5 series of regulators are monolithic ICs that provide all active functions for a step-down (buck switching regulator, capable of driving 3A load with excellent line and load regulation. These devices are available in fixed output voltage of 3.3V, 5V, 12V and an adjustable output version. Requiring a minimum number of external components, these regulators are simple to use and include internal frequency compensation and a fixed- frequency oscillator.The LM2596-XXE5/F5 series operates at a switching frequency of 150kHz, thus allowing smaller sized filter components than what would be needed with lower frequency switching regulators. Available in standard 5-lead TO-220 and TO-263 packages with several different lead bend options. A standard series of inductors are available from several different manufacturers optimized for use with the LM2596-XXE5/F5 series. This feature greatly simplifies the design of switch-mode power supplies. Other features include a guaranteed ±4% tolerance on output voltage under specified input voltage and output load conditions, and ±15% on the oscillator frequency. External shutdown is included, featuring 80μA standby current. Self protection features include a two stage frequency reducing current limit for the output switch and an over temperature shutdown for complete protection under fault conditions.Features●3.3V, 5V, 12V, and adjustable output versions● Adjustable version output voltage range, 1.3V to 37V±4% max over line and load conditions● 150kHz±15% fixed switching frequency● TTL shutdown capability● Operating voltage can be up to 40V● Output load current:3A● TO220-5L and TO263-5L packages● Low power standby mode.● Thermal shutdown and current limit protection.● High efficiency● Built-in switching transistor on chip● Requires only 4 external components● Use readily available standard inductorsApplications● Simple high-efficiency step-down (buck regulator.● Positive to negative co nverter (Buck-Boost.● On-card switching regulators.Pin AssignmentBlock DiagramOrdering InformationAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1Parameter Symbol Value UnitSupply V oltage V CC 45 V On/Off Pin Input V oltage V SD -0.3 ~ +25 V Feedback Pin V oltage V FB -0.3 ~ +25 V Output V oltage to Ground V OUT -1 V Power Dissipation P D Internally Limited W Operating Temperature Topr -40 ~ +125 ℃Storage Temperature Tstg -65 ~ +150 ℃ Operating V oltage V OP +4.5 ~ +40 VESD Susceptibility (Note 2 2000 VElectrical Characteristics (All Output Voltage VersionsSpecifications with boldface type are for full operating temperature range, the other type are for T J =25°C.(Unless otherwise specified, V IN =12V for the 3.3V , 5V , and adjustable version and V IN =24V for the 12V version, I LOAD =500mAParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitDevice parameters50Feedback Bias CurrentIbAdjustable Version Only, V FB = 1.3V- 10 100nA127 173Oscillator Frequency f O (Note 6110 150 173KHz 1.4Saturation V oltage V SAT I OUT =3A (Note 7, 8 - 1.16 1.5 V Max Duty Cycle (ON100 Min Duty Cycle(OFF DC (Note 8(Note 9 - 0- % 3.6 6.9Current LimitI CL Peak Current ( Note 7, 83.44.5 7.5A Output=0V (Note 7, 9 - - 50 μA Output Leakage Current I LOutput=-1V (Note 10 - 2 30 mA Quiescent Current I Q (Note 9 - 5 10 mA200Standby Quiescent CurrentI STBY ON/OFF pin=5V (Note 10 - 80 250μATO-220-5L - 2 - θJC TO-263-5L Junction to Case- 3.5 - /W℃TO-220-5L- 50 - Thermal Resistance θJA (Note11 TO-263-5L Junction to Ambient - 23 -/W ℃ON/OFF ControlV IH Low (Regulator ON - 0.6 ON/OFF Pin Logic Input Threshold Voltage V IL High (Regulator OFF2.0 1.3 - V I IH V LOGIC =2.5V (Regulator OFF - 5 15 ON/OFF Pin Input CurrentI ILV LOGIC =0.5V (Regulator ON-0.025μAElectrical Characteristics (ContinuedSpecifications with boldface type are for full operating temperature range, the other type are for T J=25°C.Part No. Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ(Note 3Max (Note 4UnitsOutput V oltage V OUT 4.75V≤V IN≤40V, 0.2A≤I LOAD≤3A 3.1683.1353.33.4323.465VLM2596-3.3Efficiency ηV IN=12V, I LOAD=3A - 73 - %Output V oltage V OUT7V≤V IN≤40V, 0.2A≤I LOAD≤3A 4.8004.7505.05.2005.250VLM2596-5.0Efficiency ηV IN=12V, I LOAD=3A - 80 - %Output V oltage V OUT15V≤V IN≤40V, 0.2A≤I LOAD≤3A 11.5211.4012.012.4812.60VLM2596-12Efficiency ηV IN=25V, I LOAD=3A - 90 - %Output Feedback V FB4.5V≤V IN≤40V, 0.2A≤I LOAD≤3AV OUT programmed for 3V1.1801.1681.2301.2801.292VLM2596-ADJEfficiency ηV IN=12V, V OUT=3V, I LOAD=3A - 77 - % Note 1 :Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is intended to be functional, but do not guarantee specific performance limits. Forguaranteed specifications and test conditions, see the Electrical Characteristics.Note 2 : The human body model is a 100pF capacitor discharged through a 1.5K resistor into each pin.Note 3 : Typical numbers are at 25℃ and represent the most likely norm.Note 4 : All limits guaranteed at room temperature (standard face type and at temperature extremes(bold face type. All room temperature limits are 100% production tested. All limits at temperature extremes are guaranteed via correlation usingstandard Statistical Quality Control (SQC methods. All limits are used to calculate Average Outgoing Quality Level(AOQL.Note 5 : External components such as the catch diode, inductor, input and output capacitors, and voltage programming resistors can affect switching regulator system performance.Note 6 : The switching frequency is reduced when the second stage current limit is activated.Note 7 : No diode, inductor or capacitor connected to output pin.Note 8 : Feedback pin removed from output and connected to 0V to force the output transistor switch ON.Note 9 : Feedback pin removed from output and connected to +12V for the 3.3V, 5V and adjustable version, and +15V for the 12V version, to force the output transistor switch OFF.Note 10 : V IN=40V.Note 11 : Junction to Ambient thermal resistance. (With copper area of approximately 3 in²Typical Performance Characteristics (circuit of Figure 2Typical Performance Characteristics(Cont.Typical Performance Characteristics(Cont.Typical Performance Characteristics(Cont.Typical Application CircuitTO-263-5L DimensionInches Millimeters Inches Millimeters LM2596□□□ □□□□Date CodeDIMMin. Max. Min. Max. DIMMin. Max. Min. Max.A 0.173 0.189 4.40 4.80 L5 0.244 0.260 6.20 6.60 b 0.030 0.039 0.76 1.00 c1 0.0490.057 1.25 1.45 c 0.014 0.020 0.36 0.50 L 0.522 0.561 13.25 14.25 D 0.339 0.354 8.60 9.00 e 0.067 REF 1.70 REF E 0.386 0.409 9.80 10.4 L1 0.102 0.114 2.60 2.89 L4 0.579 0.602 14.7 15.3 φ 0.146 0.156 3.71 3.96Notes: 1.Controlling dimension: millimeter2.Maximum lead thickness includes lead finish thickness, and minimum lead thickness is the minimum thickness of base material.3.If there is any question with packing specification or packing method, please contact your local CYStek sales office.Material:• Mold Compound: Epoxy resin family, flammability solid burning class: UL94V-0CYStech Electronics Corp. TO-263-5L Dimension Spec. No. : C548F5 Issued Date : 2007.12.11 Revised Date : Page No. : 11/12 Marking: LM2596□□□ Date Code □□□□ Vout: 3.3V→-33 5.0V→-50 12V→-12 ADJ→ blank Style: Pin 1.Vin 2.Vout 3.GND4.Feedback5.ON/OFF 5-Lead TO-263-5L Plastic Package CYStek Package Code: F5 DIM A b L4 c L1 E Inches Min. Max. 0.173 0.189 0.026 0.036 0.000 0.012 0.014 0.020 0.090 0.110 0.386 0.409 Millimeters Min. Max. 4.40 4.80 0.66 0.91 0.00 0.30 0.36 0.50 2.29 2.79 9.80 10.4 DIM c2 L2 D e L θ Inches Min. Max. 0.049 0.057 0.050 REF 0.3390.354 0.067 REF 0.575 0.622 0° 8° Millimeters Min. Max. 1.25 1.45 1.27 REF 8.60 9.001.70 REF 14.6 15.8 0° 8° Notes: 1.Controlling dimension :millimeter2.Maximum lead thickness includes lead finish thickness, and minimum lead thickness is the minimum thickness of base material.3.If there is any question with packing specification or packing method, please contact your loca l CYStek sales office. Material: • Mold Compound: Epoxy resin family, flammability solid burning class: UL94V-0 Recommended wave soldering condition Product Pb-free devices LM2596-XXE5/F5Peak Temperature 260 +0/-5 °C Soldering Time 5 +1/-1 seconds CYStek Product SpecificationCYStech Electronics Corp. Recommended temperature profile for IR reflow Spec. No. : C548F5 Issued Date : 2007.12.11 Revised Date : Page No. : 12/12 Profile feature Average ramp-up rate (Tsmax to Tp Preheat −Temperature Min(TS min −Te mperature Max(TS max −Time(ts min to ts max Time maintained above: −Temperature (TL − Time (tL Peak Temperature(TP Time within 5°C of actual peak temperature(tp Ramp down rate Time 25 °C to peak temperature Sn-Pb eutectic Assembly 3°C/second max. 100°C 150°C 60-120 seconds 183°C 60-150 seconds 240 +0/-5 °C 10-30 seconds 6°C/second max. 6 minutes max. Pb-free Assembly 3°C/second max. 150°C 200°C 60-180 seconds 217°C 60-150 seconds 260 +0/-5 °C 20-40 seconds 6°C/second max. 8 minutes max. Note : All temperatures refer to topside of the package, measured on the package body surface. Important Notice: • All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written approval of CYStek. • CYStek reserves the right to make changes to its products without notice. • CYStek semiconductor products are not warranted to be suitable for use in Life-Support Applications, or systems. • CYStek assumes no liability for any consequence of customer product design, infringement of patents, or application assistance. LM2596-XXE5/F5 CYStek Product Specification。












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TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSAPPLICATION INFORMATIONExternal component selectorInput Capacitors (Cin)It is required that VIN must be bypassed with at least a 100uF electrolytic capacitor for stability. Also, it is strongly recommended the capacitor’s leads must be short, wide and located near the regulator as possible. The important parameters for the capacitor are the voltage rating and the RMS current rating. For a maximum ambient temperature of 40℃, a general guideline would be to select a capacitor with a ripple current rating of approximately 50% of the DC load current. The capacitor voltage rating must be at least 1.25 times greater than the maximum input voltage.For low operating temperature range, for example, below -25℃, the input capacitor value may need to be larger. This is due to the reason that the capacitance value of electrolytic capacitors decreases and the ESR increases with lower temperatures and age. Paralleling a ceramic or solid tantalum capacitor will increase the regulator stability at cold temperatures.Output Capacitors (C OUT)An output capacitor is also required to filter the output voltage and is needed for loop stability. The capacitor should be located near the CM2596 using short PC board traces. Low ESR types capacitors are recommended for low output ripple voltage and good stability. Generally, low value or low voltage (less than 12V) electrolytic capacitors usually have higher ESR numbers. For example, the lower capacitor values (220uF – 1000uF) will yield typically 50mV to 150mV of output ripple voltage, whilelarger-value capacitors will reduce the ripple to approximately 20mV to 50mV.The amount of output ripple voltage is primarily a function of the ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) of the output capacitor and the amplitude of the inductor ripple current (△I IND).Output Ripple Voltage = (△I IND) x (ESR of C OUT)Some capacitors called “high-frequency”, “low-inductance”, or “low-ESR” are recommended to use to further reduce the output ripple voltage to 10mV or 20mV. However, very low ESR capacitors, such as Tantalum capacitors, should be carefully evaluated.Catch DiodeThis diode is required to provide a return path for the inductor current when the switch is off. It should be located close to theCM2596 using short leads and short printed circuit traces as possible.To satisfy the need of fast switching speed and low forward voltage drop, Schottky diodes are widely used to provide the best efficiency, especially in low output voltage switching regulators (less than 5V). Besides, fast-Recovery, high-efficiency, orultra-fast recovery diodes are also suitable. But some types with an abrupt turn-off characteristic may cause instability and EMI problems. A fast-recovery diode with soft recovery characteristics is better choice.3uF470uFCin L1 68uH220uFCoutFeedback ConnectionFor fixed output voltage version, the FB (feedback) pin must be connected to V OUT. For the adjustable version, it is important to place the output voltage ratio resistors near CM2596 as possible in order to minimize the noise introduction.EnableIt is required that the ENABLE must not be left open. For normal operation, connect this pin to a “LOW” voltage (typically, below 1.6V). On the other hand, for standby mode, connect this pin with a “HIGH” voltage. This pin can be safely pulled up to +V IN without a resistor in series with it.GroundingTo maintain output voltage stability, the power ground connections must be low-impedance. For the 5-lead TO-220 and TO-263 style package, both the tab and pin 3 are ground and either connection may be used.Heatsink and Thermal ConsiderationAlthough the CM2596 requires only a small heatsink for most cases, the following thermal consideration is important for all operation. With the package thermal resistances θJA and θJC, total power dissipation can be estimated as follows:P D = (V IN x I Q) + (V OUT / V IN)(I LOAD x V SAT);When no heatsink is used, the junction temperature rise can be determined by the following:∆T J = P D x θJA;With the ambient temerpature, the actual junction temperature will be:T J = ∆T J + T A;If the actual operating junction temperature is out of the safe operating junction temperature (typically 125℃), then a heatsink is required. When using a heatsink, the junction temperature rise will be reduced by the following:∆T J = P D x (θJC + θinterface + θHeatsink);Also one can see from the above, it is important to choose an heatsink with adequate size and thermal resistance, such that to maintain the regulator’s junction temperature below the maximum operating temperature.Layout guidelineAs in any switching regulator, layout is very important. Rapidly switching currents associated with wiring inductance can generate voltage transients which can cause problems. For minimal inductance and ground loops, the wires indicated by heavy lines should be wide printed circuit traces and should be kept as short as possible. For best results, external components should be located as close to the switcher lC as possible using ground plane construction or single point grounding.If open core inductors are used, special care must be taken as to the location and positioning of this type of inductor. Allowing the inductor flux to intersect sensitive feedback, lC ground path and COUT wiring can cause problems.When using the adjustable version, special care must be taken as to the location of the feedback resistors and the associated wiring. Physically locate both resistors near the IC, and route the wiring away from the inductor, especially an open core type of inductor. (See application section for more information.)。
