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Robert Browning
罗伯特·勃朗宁 罗伯特 勃朗宁
Personal Information Some of his works masterpiece Style
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Robert Browning (7 May 1812 – 12 December 1889) was an English poet and playwright whose mastery of dramatic verse, especially dramatic monologues(“戏剧独白 戏剧独白 诗”),made him one of the foremost Victorian poets. In his early years,Robert was raised in a household of significant literary resources. His mother, to whom he was very close, was a devout nonconformist as well as a talented musician. His younger sister, Sarianna, also gifted, became her brother's companion in his later years. His father encouraged his interest in literature and the arts.
• Browning’s fame today rests mainly on his dramatic monologues, in which the words not only convey setting and action but also reveal the speaker’s character. Unlike a soliloquy, the meaning in a Browning dramatic monologue is not what the speaker directly reveals but what he inadvertently "gives away" about himself in the process of rationalizing past actions, or "special-pleading" his case to a silent auditor in the poem. Rather than thinking out loud, the character composes a self-defence which the reader, as "juror," is challenged to see through. Browning chooses some of the most debased, extreme and even criminally psychotic characters, no doubt for the challenge of building a sympathetic case for a character who doesn't deserve one and to cause the reader to squirm at the temptation to acquit a character who may be a homicidal psychopath.
勃朗宁对英国诗歌的最大贡献, 勃朗宁对英国诗歌的最大贡献,是发展和完善了戏剧 独白诗( 独白诗(Dramaticmonologue)这样一种独特的诗歌形式 ) ,并且用它鲜明而生动地塑造了各种不同类型的人物性格 深刻而复杂地展示了人的内在心理。在他之前, ,深刻而复杂地展示了人的内在心理。在他之前,不少别 的诗人也写过戏剧独白诗,如丁尼生的《梯托诺斯》 的诗人也写过戏剧独白诗,如丁尼生的《梯托诺斯》就是 同名主人公在一定剧情背景上的独白。 同名主人公在一定剧情背景上的独白。但两者具有明显的 差虽。在以前诗人(包括丁尼生)的戏剧独白诗中, 差虽。在以前诗人(包括丁尼生)的戏剧独白诗中,独白 者不是在“自言自语” 就是在向读者坦露心迹, 者不是在“自言自语”,就是在向读者坦露心迹,因此实 质上仍是一种抒情独白, 质上仍是一种抒情独白,只不过抒情主人公是剧中人而已 况且剧中的抒情主人公还有与作者认同的明显倾向。 ;况且剧中的抒情主人公还有与作者认同的明显倾向。 勃朗宁的独白者所面对的不是读者,而是剧中人, 而勃朗宁的独白者所面对的不是读者,而是剧中人,他的 独白是剧中人对剧中人所说的一段话,称之为“独白” 独白是剧中人对剧中人所说的一段话,称之为“独白”只 是由于诗未把独白对象的话写出来。 是由于诗未把独白对象的话写出来。但从独白中我们能感 受到对话者的存在。这样, 受到对话者的存在。这样,独白者就成了真正意义上的戏 剧人物,成了独立于作者的典型形象。因此, 剧人物,成了独立于作者的典型形象。因此,勃朗宁的戏 剧独白诗是一种客观的、戏剧性的形式,其目的不在抒情 剧独白诗是一种客观的、戏剧性的形式, 而在为人物造像(勃朗宁曾把诗人称为“ 而在为人物造像(勃朗宁曾把诗人称为“造像者 ”makersee)。
• Ironically, Browning’s style, which seemed modern and experimental to Victorian readers, owes much to his love of the seventeenth century poems of John Donne with their abrupt openings, colloquial phrasing and irregular rhythms. But he remains too much the prophet-poet and descendant of Percy Shelley to settle for the conceits, puns, and verbal play of the Metaphysical poets of the seventeenth century. His is a modern sensibility, all too aware of the arguments against the vulnerable position of one of his simple characters, who recites: "God's in His Heaven; All's right with the world." Browning endorses such a position because he sees an immanent deity that, far from remaining in a transcendent heaven, is indivisible from temporal process, assuring that in the fullness of theological time there is ample cause for celebrating life
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• In Florence he worked on the poems that eventually comprised his two-volume Men and Women, in 1855, however, they made little impact. It was only after his wife's death, in 1861, when he returned to England and became part of the London literary scene, that his reputation started to take off. In 1868, after five years work, he completed and published the long blank-verse poem The Ring and the Book, and finally achieved a really significant hit.
Some of his works
• Bells and Pomegranates Series( No. I:~No.VIII) • Men and Women(1855) 《男男女女》 • Dramatis Personae(1864) 《剧中人物》 • The Ring and the Book(1868-9) 《指环与书》 • Dramatic Idylls: Second Series(1880) • Jocoseria(1883) • Ferishtah's Fancies(1884) • Parleyings with Certain People of Importance In Their Day(1887) • Asolando(1889)
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• In 1845, Browning met Elizabeth Barrett.Gradually a significant romance developed between them, leading to their elopement on 12 September 1846. The marriage was initially secret because Elizabeth's father disapproved of marriage for any of his children. Browning's poetry was known to the cognoscenti from fairly early on in his life, but he remained relatively obscure as a poet till his middle age.
Men and WomenLeabharlann Baidu
Men and Women is a collection of fifty-one English poems in two volumes published by Robert Browning in 1855. While now generally considered to be the best example of Browning's poetry, at the time it was not received well and sold poorly. Browning's Men and Women consists of fifty-one poems, all of which are monologues spoken by different narrators, some identified and some not; the first fifty take in a very diverse range of historical, religious or European situations, with the fifty-first - One Word More featuring Browning himself as narrator and dedicated to his wife. The title of the collection came from a line in her Sonnets from the Portuguese《葡萄牙人十四行诗集》 . Browning himself was very 《 》 fond of the collection, referring to the poems as "My fifty men and women" (from the opening line in One Word More), and today, Men and Women has been described as one of Victorian England's most significant books.