Chapter2 - final
Chapter 11.Which of the following best defines international business?∙Commercial transaction between two parties in two or more countries∙The goal of private businesses is to make profit∙Government organizations may or may not be motivated by profit2.The ongoing social, economic and political process that deepens relationships and naturesbusiness dependencies among nations is called:∙Globalization3.The first assessment to make in an international environment for a business investment is:∙Legal advice∙WTO4.The process of shifting production from a domestic to a foreign location is known as _____.∙Off-shoring/FDI5.Which of the following is not a force behind globalization:Forces behind globalization are:∙Increased expansion and technological improvements in transportation and communications networks∙Liberalization of cross-border trade and resource movement∙Growing consumer demand for foreign products∙Increased global competition∙Changing political and economic environment∙Expanding cross-national treaties and agreements6.The best definition of a company that takes a global approach to foreign markets andproduction is called a ______.∙Multinational Enterprise (MNE)Chapter 27.Culture may be defined as _____.∙The specific learned norms of a society that reflect attitudes, values and beliefs.8.Among the ascribed group memberships is ________.∙Gender∙Family∙Age∙Caste∙And ethnic, racial or national origin9.The term silent language refers to _______.∙Color associations∙Sense of appropriate distance∙Time and status cues∙And body language10.A major problem when cultures collide in international business occurs when ______.∙They follow excessive polycentrism and excessive ethnocentrism∙If the cultures are really different11.Because people belong to different groups based, for example, on nationality ethnicity,religion, gender, work, organization, profession, age, political party and income level, ____.∙ A culture shock is possibleChapter 412.Know economic systems: free enterprise, command economy mixed economy … etc13.Gross national income (GNI), often regarded as a yardstick for the economic activity of acountry, is defined as _____.∙The market value of all final goods and services produced by a country’s domestically owned firms in a given year.14.Per capita GNI is determined by _____ the size of GNI of a nation by its total population.∙Dividing15.Factors to consider in the economic environment include all of the following, except:Factors to consider in the economic environment:∙Unemployment∙Nation’s debt (internal and external)∙Productivity – output divided by input – $ GDP/people working∙Balance of payments – money into country, money out of country – determines export/import deficit∙Inflation – demand rises greater than supply16.The statement that summarizes all economic transactions between countries during a givenperiod of time is the ____.∙Balance of Payments17.A ______ is one in which the state plays a role in directing the investment activities of privateenterprise to reach national goals.∙Mixed economy18.In general, transition toward a free market economy implies all of the following except ____.Transition includes:∙Liberalizing economic activity∙Reforming business activity∙And establishing legal and institutional frameworks19.In general, _____ refers to minimal government involvement in a free market society, wheremarket forces for the most part direct free enterprise.∙The invisible handChapter 620.Under mercantilism, governments sought to influence trade by _____.∙Export more than they import – Colonialism21.A country who can maximize its own economic well being by specializing in the production ofthose goods and services it can produce more efficiently than other countries is known as: ∙Theory of Absolute Advantage22.Free movement of labor, land and capital is known as:∙Factor mobilityChapter 723.Why should managers have an understanding of trade protectionism?∙It can be government restrictions and incentives that are specially designed to help the country’s domestic firms to compete w ith foreign competitors.∙Can impede the flow of imports and encourage the flow of exports∙The policy may have political ramifications24.The infant industry argument for protection holds that _______.∙Government should temporary shield emerging industries from international competition until its firms are able to compete in the world markets.25.An ad valorem tariff assess values when their customs agents levy tariffs. Which of thefollowing best expresses this agreement?∙It is assessed on the percentage of the value of the item26.Which of the following is not considered a non tariff barrier:Non tariff barriers (direct price influences):∙Represent administrative regulations that (in)directly impede int. trade∙Subsidies to help them become more competitive∙Aid and Loans to create or initiate trade of products∙Customs Valuation – how shipped goods are valued at port∙Other direct price influences (proper tariff assessment, special fees through customs) Non tariff barriers (quantity controls)∙Quotas∙“Buy Local” Legislation∙Standard and Labels∙Trade Licensing Requirements∙Foreign Exchange Control∙Specific Permission Requirements∙Administrative Delays∙Reciprocal Requirements∙Restrictions on Services (Essentiality, Standards, Immigration)Chapter 827.Which of the following statements explains why neighboring countries tend to create regionaltrading groups?Why do countries create regional trading groups?∙To reduce and ultimately remove tariff on non tariff barriers∙To create a free flow of products∙To create a free flow of capital∙To create a free flow of labor∙To be more competitive towards other countries28.A(n) ______ results when free mobility of capital and labor are added to a customs union.∙ A common market29.The WTO replaced the most-favored-nation clause of GATT with the concept of ______.∙“Trade without discrimination”30.Know the difference between Common Market and Customs Market!Common Market:An economic bloc which also permits the free trade flow of capital and labor (EU)Free Trade AgreementAn area or economic bloc in which all barriers to trade (tariffs) are abolished amongmembers.Customs Union(Market):Same as free trade area; however common external barriers are levied against non membersChapter 931.Know Indirect/Direct currency conversions!a)Foreign currency*indirect rate(in US Dollars) = US Dollarsb)US Dollars / indirect rate (in US Dollars) = Foreign currency32.Know spot rate, OTC, forward rate, discount rate, offer, etc.!Spot rateThe rate at which the transaction is settledOTC – Over the counterTo trade financial instruments such as stocks directly between two partiesForward rateThe rate quoted for transactions that call for delivery after two business daysDiscount rate (forward discount)When the forward rate is lower than the spot ratePremium rateWhen the forward rate is greater than the spot rateOfferThe rate at which traders sell foreign exchangeBidThe rate at which traders buy foreign exchangeOptionThe right to bur not the obligation to trade a foreign currency at a specific exchange rateFutures contractSpecifies an agreed exchange rate in advance of the exchange of currencyHard currencyA currency that is fully convertible, strong and stable in comparison to othersTransactionsConversion of currency usually takes place at large Interbank or Commercial banking centers in Chicago and San Francisco33.Outright forward transactions involve the exchange of currency beyond three days at a fixedexchange rate, known as the ______.∙forward rate34.When a currency is fully convertible, strong and stable in comparison to other countries’currencies; it is said to be:∙Hard currency35.Know two popular exchanges∙Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)∙Philadelphia Stock Exchange (PHLX)∙London∙Singapore∙Hong KongChapter 1336.Know all exporting definitions and various documents used in exporting.a)Request for goodsb)Receipt of order (Letter of credit)c)Export intermediaries (Acquire customs broker and freight forwarders)d)Inland shipping to porte)Overseas – intra – country shippingThe most important partner in exporting are the export management companiesPro forma invoiceinvoice from exporter to importer, outlines selling terms, price and delivery of the goods.Commercial invoiceA bill for the goods from the buyer to the sellerBill of LadingA receipt for goods delivered to the common carrier for transportationConsular InvoiceSometimes required by countries as a means of monitoring invoicesCertificate of OriginIndicates where the product is originated fromShippe r’s export declarationUsed by the exporter’s government to monitor export activitiesExport packing listItemizes the material in each individual package – attached to the outside of it37.A (n) _____ operates on a contractual basis and provides exclusive representation for anexporter’s complete process of goods and services in a well-defined foreign territory.∙Export Management Company38.A critical document used to identify that goods have been delivered to the common carrier isknown as:∙Bill of LadingChapter 1439.The mode in international business known as FDI is more common when the following is notpresent:40.All of the following are important when establishing and managing a collaborativeagreement except ______.Collaborative Arrangement – Advantages∙Gain market share/ enter the market – company wholly owns the operations∙Spread and reduce costs – contracting work out∙Specialization in competencies∙Counter competition – companies band together to rival other competitors∙Securing vertical and horizontal positions∙Gaining knowledge∙Overcome government constraints∙Access to location-specific assets – distribution centers, established sales force∙Minimizing risk – through diversificationArticles/Trade blocs41.Be familiar with the article: “China & India general issues on economic growth”42.Be familiar with the article: “Devaluation of the dollar”43.Know the countries in the following trade blocs: NAFTA, EU, MECURSAR, ASEANNAFTA – North American Free Trade AgreementCanada, Mexico, United StatesEU – European UnionAustria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United KingdomMERCOSUR – South America Southern Common MarketArgentina, Brazil, Paraguay, UruguayASEAN – The Association of Southeast Asian NationsIndonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Burma(Myanmar),Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.。
(0057)《词汇学》复习大纲Chapter One Introduction1. Definitions (In the final exam, all definitions should be completed with at least examples.) exicology (p. 1)V ocabulary (p. 1)Morphology (p.1)Etymology (p. 2)Semantics (p. 2)Stylistics (p. 2)Phonetics (p.2)2. Some fundamental ideas (the five points in section 1.3.2)1) The vocabulary of any language never remains stable, but is constantly changing, growing and decaying, together with the development of human society.2) The word is the principal and basic unit of the language. The word is a structural and semantic entity within the language system. 3) The word is a two-facet unit possessing both form and content. 4) Structurally words are inseparable lexical units taking shape in a definite system of grammatical forms and syntactic characteristics, which distinguishes them both from morphemes and words groups.5) Two approaches of investigations lexicology. The synchronic approach is concerned with the vocabulary of a language as it exists are given time, for instance, at the present time. The Diachronic approach deals with the changes and the development of vocabulary in the course of time. The two approaches should be interconnected and interdependent.3. The Division of the History of English 1) The Old English (Anglo-Saxon) periodDuration: roughly from 450-1150The three characteristics of Old English (page 7-8)(1) pronunciation difference; (2) Teutonic vocabulary; (3) full of inflectional 2) The Middle English period Duration: 1150-1500 The three Characteristics of Middle English (page 8) (1) resemblance to Old English; (2) borrowing and loss in vocabulary; (3) less inflectional 3) The Modern English period (page 8) Early Modern English (1500-1700) Late Modern English (Since 1700)Chapter Two Sources of English V ocabulary1. The naive elements of English V ocabulary 1) The nine characteristics of the native element (pp. 10-11) a. all-national character b. great stability c. mono-syllabic words d. Great word-forming ability e. wide collocability f. plurality of meanings g. high frequency value h. stylistically neutral2. The foreign elements of English V ocabulary (pp. 11-26) 1) The three ways of the foreign elements entering into the English vocabulary (p. 12) a. through oral speech b. through written speech c. through invaders2) Classification of the foreign borrowings (or, the four types of foreign elements in English vocabulary) (pp. 12-13) a. aliens ; b. denizens; c. translation loan; d. semantic loan3) Some useful Latin phrases and abbreviations vice versa, per cent, per cap., persona non grata; a.m., p.m., i.e., e.g., c.f., viz.4) doublets, hybrids and international words in English (pp. 26-30)5) The three types of assimilated words: completely assimilated words, partly assimilated words and non-assimilated words. (pp. 32-33)Chapter Three Word-Building1. Definitions (In the final exam, all definitions should be completed with examples.): morpheme, free morpheme, bound morpheme, root, stem2. Ways of word-building (attentions should also be paid to the examples appearing the ways of word-building) 1) affixation (pp. 39-51) 2) conversion (pp.51-55) 3) compounding (pp.55-59) 4) backformation (pp. 59-60) 5) shortening (pp. 60-63) 6) blending (pp. 63-64) 7) imitation (p. 64)3. All the exercises of this chapter are possible sources for the final exam!Chapter Four Semantics1. definitions (In the final exam, all definitions should be completed with examples.):polysemy (p. 72), homonymy (p. 77), perfect homonym (p. 77), homograph (p. 78), homophone p. 78), synonym (p. 80), antonym (p. 86),2. important points1) the relation between a word and its meaning (p. 70)2) the relation between words and concepts (p. 70-71)3) the meaning of “nice” (p. 72)4) types of synonyms (pp. 83-84)5) the origin of synonyms (p. 84)6) the example words of antonym (pp. 86-88)7) ways of coining neologism (p. 91)8) the exercises of Chapter Four (pp. 94-100)Chapter Five Change of Meaning1. Definitions (In the final exam, all definitions should be completed with examples.):extension of meaning (p. 101), narrowing of meaning (p. 102), degradation of meaning (p. 104), metonymy (p. 114), synecdoche (p. 116), oxymoron (p. 119)2.All the exercises of this chapter are possible sources for the final exam!Chapter Six English Idioms1. Characteristics of English idioms (four points) (pp. 124-128) 2. Characteristics of phrasal verbs (three points) (pp. 133-134) 3. All the exercises of this chapter are possible sources for the final exam!Chapter Seven Varieties of English1. Definitions (In the final exam, all definitions should be completed with examples.): slang (p. 149), jargon (p. 149), 2. All the exercises of this chapter are possible sources for the final exam! Chapter Eight American English 1. Characteristics of American English (pp. 158-162) 2. Differences between British English and American English (pp. 162-164)3. All the exercises of this chapter are possible sources for the final exam!Chapter Nine Application and Comprehension 1. Attention should be paid to the example words given in this chapter2. All the exercises of this chapter are possible sources for the final exam!Chapter Ten English Lexicography1. Definitions (In the final exam, all definitions should be completed with examples.):monolingual dictionary (p. 185), bilingual dictionary (p. 185), encyclopedia (p. 186), encyclopedic dictionary (p. 186).。
格列佛游记英文每章提问Chapter 1: In this chapter, Gulliver finds himself shipwrecked on the island of Lilliput, where the inhabitants are only about 6 inches tall. What is Gulliver's first impression of the Lilliputians? How do they capture and imprison him?Chapter 2: Gulliver learns about the political system of Lilliput, where there are two parties, the High Heels and the Low Heels, who are engaged in a power struggle. What does Gulliver think about their political system? How does he try to help the emperor and what are the consequences?Chapter 3: Gulliver is asked to help the Lilliputians in their war against their neighboring island, Blefuscu. How do the Lilliputians and the Blefuscudians differ in terms of appearance and religious beliefs? How does Gulliver contribute to the war effort?Chapter 4: Gulliver encounters the giants of Brobdingnag, who are immensely larger than him. How does he feel about his own size in comparison to the giants? How does his conversation with the king of Brobdingnag challenge his perceptions of human civilization?Chapter 5: In Brobdingnag, Gulliver encounters various aspects of society, including entertainment, education, and law. How do these aspects differ from what he is accustomed to in England? What are Gulliver's thoughts on the flaws and virtues of Brobdingnagian society?Chapter 6: Gulliver's adventure continues as he takes part in a journey to the flying island of Laputa. What are the intellectual pursuits of the people of Laputa and how do they affect their daily lives? How does Gulliver feel about their obsession with abstract thinking and neglect of practical matters?Chapter 7: Gulliver explores the land of the Houyhnhnms, where he encounters the rational and noble horse-like creatures. What are the Houyhnhnms' views on humanity? How do they perceive the Yahoos, the human-like creatures that coexist with them?Chapter 8: Gulliver spends time among the Houyhnhnms and learns their language. How does his interaction with the Houyhnhnms and observation of their society change his perspective on humans and their behaviors? How does Gulliver's encounter with the Yahoos affect his perception of himself? Chapter 9: Gulliver returns to England but finds it difficult to reintegrate into society. What are the reasons for his alienation? How does his experiences in the various lands he visited affect his relationship with his family and fellow humans?Chapter 10: In the final chapter, Gulliver reflects on his adventures and the lessons he has learned. What are the main themes and messages that can be derived from his journey? How does Gulliver's character development throughout the story contribute to the overall meaning of the novel?。
Decree of the State Council of the People's Republic of ChinaNo. 485Regulations on Administration of Commercial Franchise has been passed by the 167th regular meeting of the State Council held on January 31, 2007, and is hereby promulgated, which shall come into effect as of May 1, 2007.Premier Wen JiabaoFebruary 6, 2007Regulations on Administration of Commercial FranchiseChapter I General ProvisionsArticle 1. These Regulations are formulated with the aims to regulate commercialfranchising activities, to promote the healthy and orderly development ofcommercial franchise, and to safeguard market order.Article 2. Those who engage in commercial franchising activities within the territory of the People's Republic of China shall comply with these Regulations.Article 3 Commercial franchise (hereinafter referred to as “franchise”) referred to in these Regulations means the business activities whereby the franchisor (hereinafterreferred to as "franchisor"), through executing contracts, allows the franchisee(hereinafter referred to as "franchisee") the use of the operational resources suchas registered trademark, enterprise logo, patent, know-how, etc. that the franchisorowns, and the franchisee undertakes business under the unified business format inaccordance with the provisions of such contracts, and pays franchise fees to thefranchisor.Neither entities other than enterprises nor individuals may engage in franchisingactivities as franchisors.Article 4 Franchising activities shall be conducted in compliance with the principles of free will, fair dealing, honesty and good faith.Article 5 The competent commercial authority of the State Council is in charge of the supervision and administration of nationwide franchising activities in accordancewith these Regulations. The competent commercial authority of the people'sgovernment of each province, autonomous region and municipality directly underthe Central Government, and the competent commercial authority of the people'sgovernment of each city with districts are in charge of supervision andadministration of franchising activities within their respective administrativedivisions in accordance with these Regulations.Article 6 Any entity or individual shall have the right to report to the competentcommercial authority acts in violation of these Regulations. Upon receiving thereport, the competent commercial authority shall deal with such acts in a timelymanner in accordance with law.Chapter II Franchising ActivitiesArticle 7 A franchisor engaged in franchising activities shall own a well-developed business format and has the capabilities of to continuously provide operationalguidance, technical support, business training and other services to the franchisee.A franchisor engaged in franchising activities shall own at least two directly-operated outlets, and shall be in operation for more than one year.Article 8 Within fifteen days after the execution of the initial franchise contract, afranchisor shall file with the competent commercial authority for record inaccordance with the provisions of these Regulations. Where the franchisorengages in franchising activities within the territorial scope of a province,autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, itshall file with the competent commercial authority of the people's government ofthe concerned province, autonomous region or municipality directly under theCentral Government where it is located; and where the franchisor engages infranchising activities across the territorial scope of a province, autonomous regionor municipality directly under the Central Government, it shall file with thecompetent commercial authority of the State Council for record.When filing with the competent commercial authority for record, a franchisorshall submit the following documents and materials:(1) A duplicate copy of its Business License or of its enterprise registration(filing) certificate;(2) A sample franchise contract;(3) Franchise operation manuals;(4) A marketing plan;(5) A written undertaking and relevant substantiating materials showing thatthe franchisor meets the requirements set forth in Article 7 hereof;(6) Other documents and materials as stipulated by the competent commercialauthority of the State Council.Where the products or services offered by the franchised business are subject toapproval as required by law, the franchisor shall also submit the relevant approvaldocuments.Article 9 Within ten days after the competent commercial authority has received the documents and materials submitted by the franchisor which comply with theprovisions in Article 8 of these Regulations, it shall make such filing for recordand notify the franchisor of such record. Where the documents and materialssubmitted by the franchisor are incomplete, the competent commercial authoritymay request the franchisor to submit supplementary documents and materialswithin seven days.Article 10 The competent commercial authority shall publish the name list of the franchisors already filed for record on the government website and keep it updated in a timelymanner.Article 11 A written franchise contract shall be entered into by the franchisor and the franchisee for engaging in franchising activities.A franchise contract shall include the following main contents:1) basic information of the franchisor and the franchisee;2) contents and duration of the franchise;3) types, amounts and payment methods of the franchise fees;4)specific contents and provision methods of the operational guidance,technical support, business training and other services;5) quality and standards requirements, as well as guarantee measures, for theproducts or services offered by the franchised business;6)promotion and advertisement of the products or services offered by thefranchised business;7) arrangements for protection of consumer rights/interests and undertakingof liability for compensation in the franchising activities;8) amendments, rescission and termination of the franchise contract;9) liability for breach of contract;10)methods of dispute resolution; and11)other matters as agreed upon by the franchisor and the franchisee.W ASH1\.3Article 12 The franchisor and the franchisee shall set forth in the franchise contract that the franchisee is entitled to unilaterally rescind the franchise contract within a certainperiod after the contract is signed.Article 13 The term of the franchise as stipulated in the franchise contract shall not be less than 3 years, unless otherwise agreed to by the franchisee.The provision in the preceding paragraph shall not apply when franchisor and franchisee extend the term of the franchise contract.Article 14 The franchisor shall provide the franchise operation manual to the franchisee, and continuously provide operational guidance, technical support, business trainingand other services to the franchisee according to the contents and methods asagreed upon.Article 15 The quality and standards of the products or services offered by the franchised business shall comply with the laws, administrative regulations and the provisionsof the relevant requirements of the State.Article 16 Where the franchisor requires the franchisee to pay fees before the franchise contract is signed, it shall explain in writing to the franchisee the purpose of suchfees and the conditions and manner for refund of the same.Article 17 The promotion and advertisement fees collected by the franchisor from the franchisee shall be used for the purposes as agreed upon in the contract. Thestatus pertaining to the use of the promotion and advertisement fees shall bedisclosed to the franchisee in a timely manner.The franchisor shall not conduct the advertisement and promotions in a fraudulentor misleading manner, and the advertisement published by it shall not containinformation publicizing the profits of the franchisees from their franchisingactivities.Article 18 Without the consent of the franchisor, the franchisee may not transfer its franchise to others.The franchisee may not divulge or permit others to use the trade secrets of thefranchisor of which it becomes aware.Article 19 In the first quarter of each year, the franchisor shall report to the competent commercial authority the situation of its franchise contract(s) signed during thepreceding year.Chapter III Information DisclosureArticle 20 The franchisor shall establish and implement a complete information disclosure system pursuant to the stipulations of the competent commercial authority of theState Council.Article 21 The franchisor shall provide the franchisee with the information as required in Article 22 hereof in writing, and the text of the franchise contract, at least 30 daysbefore the franchise contract is signed.Article 22 The franchisor shall disclose to the franchisee the following information:1)Franchisor's name, domicile, legal representative, registered capital,business scope, and the basic situations of its franchising activities;2)The basic situations of the franchisor's registered trademark, enterpriselogo, patent, know-how and business format;3)Types, amounts and payment methods of the franchise fees (includingwhether a deposit is required and the conditions and methods for itsrefund);4)Prices and conditions for the provision of products, services, or equipmentto the franchisee;5) Specific contents, provision methods and implementation plan in respectof the continuous provision of operational guidance, technical support,business training and other services to the franchisee;6) Specific measures in respect of the guidance and supervision over theoperational activities of the franchisee;7) Investment budget for the franchised business;8)The number, geographic distribution and evaluation of the operationalstatus of the existing franchisees in China;9) Summary of the financial accounting reports audited by an accountingfirm and summary of the audit reports both pertaining to the preceding twoyears;10) Situations of the litigations and arbitrations in connection with thefranchising activities in the latest five years;11) Existence or non-existence of material illegal operation track record of thefranchisor and its legal representative;W ASH1\.312) Other information as required by the competent commercial authority ofthe State Council.Article 23 The information provided by the franchisor to the franchisee shall be true, accurate and complete; and the franchisor shall not conceal the relevantinformation or provide any false information.Where any material changes occur with respect to information provided by thefranchisor to the franchisee, the franchisor shall inform the franchisee of the samein a timely manner.Where the franchisor concealed the relevant information or provided falseinformation, the franchisee may rescind the franchise contract.Chapter IV Legal LiabilitiesArticle 24 Where an franchisor does not satisfy the conditions set forth in the second paragraph of Article 7 of these Regulations but nonetheless engages in thefranchising activities, the competent commercial authority shall order a correctionto the violation, confiscate the illegal income and impose a fine of more thanRMB 100,000 yuan and less than RMB 500,000 yuan, and publicly announce thesame.Where an entity other than an enterprise, or an individual, engages in franchisingactivities in the capacity of a franchisor, the competent commercial authority shallorder cease and desist of the illegal business activities, confiscate the illegalincome, and impose a fine of more than RMB 100,000 yuan and less than RMB500,000 yuan.Article 25 Where a franchisor fails to file with the competent commercial authority for record in violation of the provisions in Article 8 of these Regulations but engagesin franchising activities, the competent commercial authority shall order a timelimit for rectification in terms of filing for record and may impose a fine of morethan RMB 10,000 yuan and less than RMB 50,000 yuan; and where the franchisorfails to file for record within such time limit, a fine of more than RMB 50,000yuan and less than RMB 100,000 yuan may be imposed and it shall be publiclyannounced.Article 26 Where a franchisor is in violation of the provisions in Articles 16 or 19 of these Regulations, the competent commercial authority shall order a correction to theviolation and may impose a fine of less than RMB 10,000 yuan; and where thefacts and circumstances of the concerned violation are serious, a fine of more thanRMB 10,000 yuan and less than RMB 50,000 yuan may be imposed and it may bepublicly announced.Article 27 Where a franchisor is in violation of the provisions in the second paragraph of Article 17 of these Regulations, the authority in charge of administration forindustry and commerce shall order a correction to the violation and may impose afine of more than RMB 30,000 yuan and less than RMB 100,000 yuan; where thefacts and circumstances of the concerned violation are serious, a fine of more thanRMB 100,000 yuan and less than RMB 300,000 yuan may be imposed and it maybe publicly announced, and it may be ordered to suspend the franchising activities;and where a criminal offense is constituted, the criminal liabilities shall beinvestigated according to law.The franchisor's fraudulent or misleading activities in advertising shall be handledand penalized pursuant to the relevant provisions of the advertisement laws. Article 28 Where a franchisor is in violation of the provisions in Articles 21 or 23 of these Regulations, and where the franchisee reports the violation to the competentcommercial authority and such report has been verified, the competentcommercial authority shall order a correction to the violation and may impose afine of more than RMB 10,000 yuan and less than RMB 50,000 yuan; and wherethe facts and circumstances of the concerned violation are serious, a fine of morethan RMB 50,000 yuan and less than RMB 100,000 yuan may be imposed and itmay be publicly announced.Article 29 Where money or property is defrauded in the name of franchising, if it constitutesa criminal offense, the criminal liabilities shall be investigated according to law;and where it does not constitute criminal offense, it shall be subject to thepunishment by the authority in charge of public security in accordance with theprovisions of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Public SecurityAdministration Punishments.Where pyramid sales are engaged in the name of franchising, it shall be subject tothe punishment in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulations onProhibition of Pyramid Sales.Article 30 Where the personnel of the competent commercial authority abuse their power, neglect their duties, play favoritism and commit irregularities, if such constitutes acriminal offense, they shall be penalized according to the criminal law; wheresuch does not constitute a criminal offense, they shall be punished pursuant to therelevant law.Chapter V Supplementary ProvisionsArticle 31 Where franchising activities involve trademark license or patent license, they shall be administered in accordance with the relevant provisions of the laws andadministrative regulations in respect of trademark or patent.W ASH1\.3Article 32 The relevant associations and institutions shall formulate the code of conduct for franchising activities, strengthen the industrial self-discipline and provide therelated services to the parties involved in franchising activities under the guidanceof the competent commercial authority of the State Council in accordance withthe provisions of these Regulations.Article 33 The franchisors that have been engaging in franchising activities before these Regulations take effect shall file with the competent commercial authority forrecord in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations within one yearafter these Regulations take effect; and if they do not make such filing within suchtime limit, they shall be subject to penalization in accordance with the provisionsin Article 25 of these Regulations.The provisions in the second paragraph of Article 7 of these Regulations shall not apply to the franchisors mentioned in the preceding paragraph of this Article 33. Article 34 These Regulations shall take effect as of May 1, 2007.。
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ABike Rental & Guided ToursWelcome to Amsterdam, welcome to MacBike. You see much more from the seat of a bike! Cycling is the most economical, sustainable and fun way to explore the city, with its beautiful canals, parks, squares and countless lights. You can also bike along lovely landscapes outside of Amsterdam.Why MacBikeMacBike has been around for almost 30 years and is the biggest bicycle rental company in Amsterdam. With over 2,500 bikes stored in our five rental shops at strategic locations, we make sure there is always a bike available for you. We offer the newest bicycles in a wide variety, including basic bikes with foot brake (刹车), bikes with hand brake and gears (排挡), bikes with child seats, and children’s bikes.PricesGuided City ToursThe 2.5-hour tour covers the Gooyer Windmill, the Skinny Bridge, the Rijksmuseum, Heineken Brewery and much more. The tour departs from Dam Square every hour on the hour, starting at 1:00 pm every day. You can buy your ticket in a MacBike shop or book online.1. What is an advantage of MacBike?A. It gives children a discount.B. It of offers many types of bikes.C. It organizes free cycle tours.D. It has over 2,500 rental shops.2. How much do you pay for renting a bike with hand brake and three gears for two days?A. €15.75.B. €19.50.C. €22.75.D. €29.50.3. Where does the guided city tour start?A. The Gooyer, Windmill.B. The Skinny Bridge.C. Heineken Brewery.D. Dam Square.BWhen John Todd was a child, he loved to explore the woods around his house, observing how nature solved problems. A dirty stream, for example, often became clear after flowing through plants and along rocks where tiny creatures lived. When he got older, John started to wonder if this process could be used to clean up the messes people were making.After studying agriculture, medicine, and fisheries in college, John went back to observing nature and asking questions. Why can certain plants trap harmful bacteria (细菌)? Which kinds of fish can eat cancer-causing chemicals? With the right combination of animals and plants, he figured, maybe he could clean up waste the way nature did. He decided to build what he would later call an eco-machine.The task John set for himself was to remove harmful substances from some sludge (污泥). First, he constructed a series of clear fiberglass tanks connected to each other. Then he went around to local ponds and streams and brought back some plants and animals. He placed them in the tanks and waited. Little by little, these different kinds of life got used to one another and formed their own ecosystem. After a few weeks, John added the sludge.He was amazed at the results. The plants and animals in the eco-machine took the sludge as food and began to eat it! Within weeks it had all been digested, and all that was left was pure water.Over the years, John has taken on many big jobs. He developed a greenhouse — like facility that treated sewage (污水) from 1,600 homes in South Burlington. He also designed an eco-machine to clean canal water in Fuzhou, a city in southeast China.“Ecological design” is the name John gives to what he does. “Life on Earth is kind of a box of spare parts for the inventor,” he says. “You put organisms in new relationships and observe what’s happening. Then you let these new systems develop their own ways to self-repair.”4. What can we learn about John from the first two paragraphs?A. He was fond of traveling.B. He enjoyed being alone.C. He had an inquiring mind.D. He longed to be a doctor.5. Why did John put the sludge into the tanks?A. To feed the animals.B. To build an ecosystem.C. To protect the plants.D. To test the eco-machine.6. What is the author’s purpose in mentioning Fuzhou?A. To review John’s research plans.B. T o show an application of John’s idea.C. To compare John’s different jobs.D. To erase doubts about John’s invention.7. What is the basis for John’s work?A. Nature can repair itself.B. Organisms need water to survive.C. Life on Earth is diverse.D. Most tiny creatures live in groups.CThe goal of this book is to make the case for digital minimalism, including a detailed exploration of what it asks and why it works, and then to teach you how to adopt this philosophy if you decide it’s right for you.To do so, I divided the book into two parts. In part one, I describe the philosophical foundations of digital minimalism, starting with an examination of the forces that are making so many people’s digital lives increasingly intolerable, before moving on to a detailed discussion of the digital minimalism philosophy.Part one concludes by introducing my suggested method for adopting this philosophy: the digital declutter. This process requires you to step away from optional online activities for thirty days. At the end of the thirty days, you will then add back a small number of carefully chosen online activities that you believe will provide massive benefits to the things you value.In the final chapter of part one, I’ll guide you through carrying out your own digital declutter. In doing so, I’ll draw on an experiment I ran in 2018 in which over 1,600 people agreed to perform a digital declutter. You’ll hear these participants’ stories and learn what strategies worked well for them, and what traps they encountered that you should avoid.The second part of this book takes a closer look at some ideas that will help you cultivate (培养) a sustainable digital minimalism lifestyle. In these chapters, I examine issues such as the importance of solitude (独处) and the necessity of cultivating high-quality leisure to replace the time most now spend on mindless device use. Each chapter concludes with a collection of practices, which are designed to help you act on the big ideas of the chapter. You can view these practices as a toolbox meant to aid your efforts to build a minimalist lifestyle that words for your particular circumstances.8. What is the book aimed at?A. Teaching critical thinking skills.B. Advocating a simple digital lifestyle.C. Solving philosophical problems.D. Promoting the use of a digital device.9. What does the underlined word “declutter” in paragraph 3 mean?A. Clear-up.B. Add-on.C. Check-in.D.Take-over.10. What is presented in the final chapter of part one?A. Theoretical models.B. Statistical methods.C. Practical examples.D. Historical analyses.11. What does the author suggest readers do with the practices offered in part two?A. Use them as needed.B. Recommend them to friends.C. Evaluate their effects.D. Identify the ideas behind them.DOn March 7, 1907, the English statistician Francis Galton published a paper which illustrated what has come to be known as the “wisdom of crowds” effect. The experiment of estimation he conducted showed that in some cases, the average of a large number of independent estimates could be quite accurate.This effect capitalizes on the fact that when people make errors, those errors aren’t always the same. Some people will tend to overestimate, and some to underestimate. When enough of these errors are averaged together, they cancel each other out, resulting in a more accurate estimate. If people are similar and tend to make the same errors, then their errors won’t cancel each other out. In more technical terms, the wisdom of crowds requires that people’s estima tes be independent. If for whatever reasons, people’s errors become correlated or dependent, the accuracy of the estimate will go down.But a new study led by Joaquin Navajas offered an interesting twist (转折) on this classic phenomenon. The key finding of the study was that when crowds were further divided into smaller groups that were allowed to have a discussion, the averages from these groups were more accurate than those from an equal number of independent individuals. For instance, the average obtained from the estimates of four discussion groups of five was significantly more accurate than the average obtained from 20 independent individuals.In a follow-up study with 100 university students, the researchers tried to get a better sense of what the group members actually did in their discussion. Did they tend to go with those most confident about their estimates? Did they follow those least willing to change their minds? This happened some of the time, but it wasn’t the dominant response. Most frequently, the groups reported that they “shared arguments and reasoned together.” Somehow, these arguments and reasoning resulted in a global reduction in error. Although the studies led by Navajas have limitations and many questions remain the potential implications for group discussion and decision-making are enormous.12. What is paragraph 2 of the text mainly about?A. The methods of estimation.B. The underlying logic of the effect.C. The causes of people’s errors.D. The design of Galton’s experiment.13. Na vajas’ study found that the average accuracy could increase even if ________.A. the crowds were relatively smallB. there were occasional underestimatesC. individuals did not communicateD. estimates were not fully independent14. What did the follow-up study focus on?A. The size of the groups.B. The dominant members.C. The discussion process.D. The individual estimates.15. What is the author’s attitude toward Navajas’ studies?A. Unclear.B. Dismissive.C. Doubtful.D. Approving.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
• Chapter 1 International Trade and Practice • Chapter 2 Introduction to International Settlement • Chapter 3 Instruments • Chapter 4 Remittance • Chapter 5 Collection • Chapter 6 Letter of Credit • Chapter 7 Documents
• Exchange of goods and services from one country to another. • two issues----goods and services.
Is it different from domestic trade?
• International trade is in principle not different from domestic trade as the motivation and the behavior of parties involved in a trade do not change fundamentally regardless of whether trade is across a border or not. • The main difference is that international trade is typically more costly than domestic trade.
More risks
◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆
信用风险(credit 信用风险(credit risk) 商业风险( 商业风险(business risk) 价格风险(price 价格风险(price risk) 汇兑风险(exchange 汇兑风险(exchange risk) 运输风险(transportation 运输风险(transportation risk) 政治风险(political 政治风险(political risk)
Final Review GuideIntroduction to Microeconomics 103General notes:This review guide is not complete (I can ask questions not mentioned on this sheet).Any homework question or any permutation of homework question is fair game.Any practice question or permutation of practice question is fair game.You should also look over the questions at the end of the chapters.The exam format will be multiple choice questions and short answer problems (it will look a lot like old exams).For sample exam questions, I would look over the homework, the study guide and the practice questions (the in-class work).Chapter 1:• You should know the principles and their meanings.1) Resources are scarce2) The real cost of something is what you must give up to get it.3) People make decisions at the margin→Marginal Analysis4) People usually exploit opportunities to make themselves better off→People respond toincentives5) There are gains from trade6) Market move toward equilibrium7) Resources should be used as efficiently as possible.8) Market usually leads to efficiency→Not the same at equity.9) Market failure can be helped by government intervention.Recommended text questions: 1, 4, 9, 11, 12Chapter 2:Given tables of inputs required or goods produced, you shou ld be able to construct PPF’s, calculate opportunity cost, comparative advantage, and absolute advantage.Tell whether people gain or do not gain from trade in our models.Comparative Advantage = when someone can produce more of the good than the other person. Absolute advantage = when someone can produce more output with a given amount of time. Gain from trade can be maximized when specialization is based on comparative advantage.↘ Refer to the example in your lecture notes.Recommended textbook questions: 1, 3, 8, 12Chapter 3:•Know the assumptions about perfect competition that we use in this chapter.A market in which there are many buyers and sellers of the same good – not just one supplier. •Describe what changes (shifts) demand and supply.With the exception of price, changes in everything else will shift the supply and demand curve. •Know what moves along each curve.Changes in prices will lead to a movement along the supply and demand curve.•How to find equilibrium in market diagrams.The intersection between the supply and the demand curves determines the market equilibrium. •Why is that the equilibrium (what happens at a price above or below equilibrium price?) Because at that points (at P*) the quantity supplied = quantity demanded.At a price above the equilibrium price, surplus occurs.At a price below the equilibrium price, shortage occurs.•You should be able to translate a word problem into the graphical effects on a supply and demand diagram.↘Refer to chapter 3 practice question number 1, 2 and 3.•You should know when quantity/price move up, down, or are ambiguous.↘Refer to chapter 3 practice question number 4.Recommended textbook questions 2, 5, 8 and 16Chapter 4:•Graphically represent the effects of price ceilings and price floors, including quantities supplied and demanded.•Know who is helped and who is hurt by:1) Rent controlsWinner: Those who can get rental apartments at the rent control price.Loser: Those who cannot find rental apartments especially poor people.2)Minimum wage lawsWinner: Those who are still employed.Loser: Those who got laid off. (Most probably teenagers)3)Farm price supports (subsidies or price floors)Winner: farmers because they get a guaranteed priceLoser: consumers and tax payers•Graphically show the effects of taxing sellers. Can the government determine who bears the tax burden? Why or why not?The government can determine who bears the tax burden based on the supply and demand elasticity.•How does elasticity help determine who bears the tax burden?The key here is that whoever is more inelastic pays more.Example: Consider the market for gasoline. Suppose the market equilibrium price of gasoline is $1.25/gallon and the equilibrium quantity is 100,000 gallons. Now suppose the government levies a tax of $.35 on each gallon of gasoline sold. Assume that supply is more elastic than demand in the market for gasoline. Graphically illustrate the effects of this tax. Who bears more of the tax burden?Chapter 5:•You should be able to calculate the various elasticities that we did in class.E D = % ∆Q D/%∆PCross E D= % ∆Q A/%∆P BE S= % ∆Q S/%∆PIncome E = % ∆Q D/%∆M•You should be able to interpret the various elasticities.Demand elasticity (it is always negative)→ E D > 1→ elastic demandE D < 1→ inelastic demandE D = 1→ unitary elastic demandCross demand elasticity→Cross E D >0 → substitutesCross E D <0 → complementsSupply elasticity is always positiveIncome elasticity → Income E > 0 → normal goodIncome E < 0 → inferior good•You should know what shapes of demand curves correspond to different values of Price Elasticity of Demand.Generally, steeper curves represent more inelastic demand/supply and flatter curves represent more elastic demand/supply.•You should know the relationship between Price Elasticity of Demand and total revenues.For elastic demand, if ↓P ↑TRFor inelastic demand, if ↓P ↓TRFor unit elastic demand, a ↓P has no effect on TR.•You should know how to apply the above information to problems.Recommended text questions 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 11, 15Chapter 6:•Derive the Demand curve from a willingness to pay (or value to buyer) table.The willingness to pay is given by the demand curve. People with high willingness to pay are located on the upper portion of the demand curve and people with low willingness to pay are located on the lower portion of the demand curve. (Refer to the example in the lecture notes)•Derive the Supply curve from a cost of production table.Costs, or minimum suppliers are willing to accept is given by the supply curve. Producers with high cost are located on the upper portion of the supply curve and producers with low cost are located on the lower portion of the supply curve. (Refer to the example in the lecture notes) •Graphically represent consumer, producer, and total surplus given an allocation and price.•Determine whether the free market quantity is efficient (maximizes total surplus).When there is no DWL, namely the total surplus is maximized and the free market is efficient. •Explain why the free market quantity is/isn’t efficient (maximizes total surplus).The free market quantity is efficient because there is no DWL. We produce to the point where MB=MC, namely there is no missed opportunities.•Prove that without externalities, the market equilibrium is efficient.MB= MC•Graphically illustrate deadweight loss due to taxation.•Know the relationship between the size of the deadweight loss and elasticities of supply and demand.The bigger the elasticity of supply or demand is, the bigger the DWL. Whichever curve is more inelastic that side will incur more of the DWL.•Graphically illustrate the effects of a tax on welfare (consumer/producer surplus)Example: Consider the market for socks. Graphically illustrate the initial equilibrium. Suppose the government places a per-unit tax on socks. Graphically illustrate the effects of this tax. Who pays more of the tax (this answer depends on your picture)? What determines this (be more precise than just ‘depends on my picture’)?Recommended Questions 4, 6, 8 and 10Chapter 7:•What is the optimal output rule?MB=MR=MC•Know the difference between accounting profit and economic profit (explicit vs. implicit costs). Accounting profits = revenues – explicit costs – depreciationEconomics profits = accounting profit – implicit costs•What are sunk costs and why are they important to determine when making decisions? Give an example.Sunk cost = costs that can’t be recovered an d therefore should be ignored when making current decisions. (Refer to the example in chapter 7 lecture notes)•What are the future value and present value formulas?FV = PV (1+ i)tPV = FV / (1+ i)t•Why is it important to know the future and present value of costs and benefits?We make decisions based on when we receive the benefits/pay the costs.Recommended text questions 1, 11, 12, and 13Chapter 8:•What is the relationship between marginal product and marginal costs?Inversely related.•Why is marginal product important in firm production decisions?Firms make decisions at the margin. They compare workers’ MP with their MC which is the market wage rate.•Know the shapes of the total product and marginal product curves and why•What are diminishing returns to an input? Give an example.It is because of the fixed input in the short run. Refer to the example in the lecture notes. ( if my dad increases workers but not land, the average worker has less land to work with, so will be less productive.)•Know all the different costs.TC = FC + VCATC = TC/Q = AFC + AVCMC = ∆TC / ∆Q•Know how to fill in a table of costs (similar to table in your notes)Refer to your lecture notes.•Know the difference between the long run and the short run ATC curves.The LRATC curve shows the relationship between output level and ATC when FCs have been chosen to minimize ATC. The LRATC traces out the lowest possible ATC at all levels of output. Refer to your lecture notes.Recommended text questions 1, 4, 5, 9, 13Chapter 9:•Know what assumptions we make for perfect competition.1.) A large number of buyers and sellers.2.) A homogeneous product.3.) Free entry and exit, no major barriers to entry exit.4.) Sellers and buyers are well informed about prices.•Know the conditions for profit maximization and why.MR = MC•Graphically represent a firm earning a profit or loss.•Know the short run & long run shutdown & entry/exit rules.In the SR, firms will shut down as long as P < min AVC.In the LR, firms will enter the market if P > min ATC and exit the market when P < min ATC. •Know what long-run profits are.LR economic profit = 0 or normal profit.•Explain why a firm might stay in business with zero profit.It earns normal profit. The firm breaks even in the LR, it is able to cover all of its opportunity costs.•Explain why firms earn zero profits in the long run in perfect competition.If firms earn positive profits in the SR, it will attract new firms to enter the market (no barriers to entry) which draws down the market price until P = min ATC.Recommended text questions 1, 3, 5, 7Chapter 10:•Given prices, you should be able to draw budget lines.P x Q x + P y Q y = M•Find the consumer’s optimal bundle.TU is maximized.•Show the effects of income changes.•Why would we use MU/$ to determine the additional utility one gets from consuming a good? MU per dollar spent must be equal otherwise consumers will have incentives to reallocate their $. •How do we find the optimal consumption bundle?MU x/P x = MU y/P y also consumers have to spend all of their incomes.Recommended text questions 4, 5, 6, and 12Chapter 14:•Know why monopolies arise.Barriers to entry.•Know what a natural monopoly is (decreasing ATC for relevant range of demand).It is determined by its own cost structure costs less for one firm to supply the entire market than for more than one firm.•Graphically represent a monopolists profit or loss (how to get Q and P)Note: monopolist does not have a supply curve.•Know the deadweight loss created by a monopolist.Refer to the above graph.•Graphically represent perfect price discrimination.Note: in perfect price discrimination, monopolist charges consumers their exact WTP and the market outcome is efficient. CS in this case equals to zero.•Explain why monopolists might want to price discriminate.It allows monopolists to take advantage of different WTP of consumers and capture more CS as their profit, namely higher profits. The more prices a monopolist could charge the more CS it can capture as profit.•Explain who is hurt and who is helped by price discrimination.Monopolists are helped by price discrimination and consumers are hurt.Recommended text questions 3, 4, 5, 6。
南京市初中总复习指南英语2024版全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Nanjing Middle School Final Exam Review Guide - English 2024 EditionIntroductionAs students in Nanjing prepare for the final exams in middle school, it is crucial to have a comprehensive review guide to help them succeed. This guide is designed to cover all the key topics and concepts that will be tested on the English exam in 2024. By following this guide and dedicating time to study and practice, students can enhance their understanding of the English language and improve their chances of achieving excellent results.Section 1: Reading ComprehensionThe reading comprehension section of the exam will test students' ability to understand and analyze written texts. To excel in this section, students should focus on improving their reading skills, such as identifying the main idea, making inferences, and understanding vocabulary in context.Additionally, students should practice reading a variety of texts, including fiction, non-fiction, and informational articles, to develop their comprehension skills.Section 2: Vocabulary and GrammarIn the vocabulary and grammar section, students will be tested on their knowledge of English vocabulary and grammar rules. To prepare for this section, students should review common vocabulary words and phrases, as well as study essential grammar concepts such as verb tenses, sentence structure, and parts of speech. Practice exercises and quizzes can help students reinforce their understanding of these topics and identify areas for improvement.Section 3: Writing SkillsThe writing skills section of the exam will assess students' ability to communicate effectively in written English. To succeed in this section, students should practice writing essays, reports, and other types of written assignments. It is essential to focus on organizing ideas logically, using appropriate language and tone, and editing for grammar and spelling errors. By practicing writing regularly, students can improve their writing skills and boost their confidence in this area.Section 4: Listening ComprehensionIn the listening comprehension section, students will be required to listen to spoken passages and answer questions based on the information they hear. To prepare for this section, students should practice listening to a variety of audio recordings, such as dialogues, lectures, and interviews. It is essential to focus on listening for key information, understanding the main ideas, and identifying important details. By practicing listening regularly, students can improve their listening skills and perform well on this section of the exam.ConclusionIn conclusion, the Nanjing Middle School Final Exam Review Guide - English 2024 Edition is a valuable resource for students preparing for the final exams in middle school. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this guide, students can enhance their understanding of English language and improve their chances of success on the exam. With dedication, hard work, and practice, students can achieve excellent results and excel in their studies. Good luck!篇2Nanjing City Junior High School Comprehensive Review Guide English 2024 EditionIntroductionThe Nanjing City Junior High School Comprehensive Review Guide English 2024 Edition is designed to help students prepare for their final exams in Junior High School. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of all the key topics and concepts that students need to know in order to succeed in their exams.Chapter 1: Grammar ReviewThis chapter provides a detailed review of all the key grammar rules that students need to know in order to excel in their English exams. Topics covered include verb tenses, modals, conditionals, phrasal verbs, and more. Each topic is accompanied by clear explanations and examples to help students understand and apply the rules effectively.Chapter 2: Vocabulary ReviewIn this chapter, students will find a comprehensive list of essential vocabulary words and phrases that they need to know for their exams. Topics covered include synonyms, antonyms, idioms, collocations, and more. Students are encouraged topractice using these words in context to improve their understanding and retention.Chapter 3: Reading ComprehensionThis chapter focuses on improving students' reading comprehension skills by providing a variety of reading passages on different topics. Each passage is followed by a series of comprehension questions that test students' understanding of the text. Students are encouraged to read widely and practice regularly in order to improve their comprehension skills.Chapter 4: Writing PracticeIn this chapter, students will find a series of writing prompts and exercises designed to help them improve their writing skills. Topics covered include writing essays, letters, reports, and more. Students are encouraged to practice writing regularly and seek feedback from their teachers in order to improve their writing skills.Chapter 5: Listening PracticeThis chapter provides a series of listening exercises and activities to help students improve their listening skills. Topics covered include listening to conversations, lectures, interviews, and more. Students are encouraged to listen to a variety ofEnglish language materials and practice listening regularly in order to improve their listening skills.ConclusionThe Nanjing City Junior High School Comprehensive Review Guide English 2024 Edition is a valuable resource for students preparing for their final exams in Junior High School. By using this guide, students can improve their grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, writing, and listening skills in order to achieve success in their exams. Students are encouraged to study regularly, practice actively, and seek help from their teachers in order to maximize their learning potential.Overall, this guide is an essential tool for students who are serious about achieving academic success in English. By following the advice and guidance provided in this guide, students can become confident and proficient in English, and ultimately achieve their academic goals.篇3Nanjing Junior High School Comprehensive Review Guide - English 2024 EditionIntroductionWelcome to the Nanjing Junior High School Comprehensive Review Guide for English in the 2024 edition. This guide is designed to help students prepare for their junior high school final exams by providing a comprehensive overview of the key topics and concepts covered in the English curriculum. By using this guide, students will be able to review and reinforce their understanding of important English concepts, improve their exam-taking skills, and ultimately achieve success in their exams.Section 1: Reading ComprehensionThe reading comprehension section of the English exam is designed to test students' ability to read and understand a variety of texts, including fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. To excel in this section, students should practice reading a wide range of texts and work on improving their reading speed and comprehension. It is also important to pay attention to the main ideas, supporting details, and author's purpose when reading a text in order to answer the accompanying questions accurately.Section 2: Grammar and VocabularyThe grammar and vocabulary section of the English exam focuses on testing students' knowledge of English grammar rules and their ability to use a wide range of vocabulary effectively. Students should review common grammar rules such as verbtenses, subject-verb agreement, and sentence structure, as well as practice using a variety of vocabulary words in context. It is important to pay attention to the correct usage of prepositions, conjunctions, and pronouns, as well as to avoid common grammatical errors such as run-on sentences and fragments.Section 3: Writing SkillsThe writing skills section of the English exam tests students' ability to write cohesively and effectively in English. Students should practice writing a variety of essays, narratives, and reports, paying attention to the organization of their ideas, the clarity of their arguments, and the use of appropriate language and tone. It is important to plan and outline your writing before you begin, to ensure that your ideas are well-structured and coherent. Additionally, students should pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors to ensure that their writing is error-free.ConclusionBy using the Nanjing Junior High School Comprehensive Review Guide for English 2024 Edition, students can improve their understanding of key English concepts, strengthen their exam-taking skills, and ultimately achieve success in their junior high school final exams. By practicing reading comprehension,grammar and vocabulary, and writing skills, students can confidently approach their exams and demonstrate their English proficiency. Good luck with your studies!。
剑桥国际英语教程第二级全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Cambridge International English Course Level 2As an enthusiastic language learner, I recently completed the Cambridge International English Course Level 2. This comprehensive program has been an invaluable resource in my journey to enhance my English proficiency, and I am thrilled to share my experiences and insights with fellow students embarking on a similar path.When I first embarked on this course, I must admit that I harbored a mix of excitement and trepidation. Having already achieved a decent grasp of the English language, I wondered if the Level 2 curriculum would pose a significant challenge. However, my apprehensions were quickly dispelled as I delved into the meticulously designed lessons.One of the standout features of this course is itswell-structured and engaging content. The lessons seamlessly integrated reading, writing, listening, and speaking exercises, ensuring a holistic approach to language acquisition. Thereading passages, ranging from captivating narratives to informative articles, not only expanded my vocabulary but also exposed me to various writing styles and perspectives.The writing component was particularly beneficial, as it provided ample opportunities to hone my composition skills. The course emphasized the importance of coherence, organization, and effective use of language, guiding me through the process of crafting compelling essays, reports, and other written pieces. The feedback from instructors and peers proved invaluable, allowing me to identify areas for improvement and refine my writing abilities.Furthermore, the listening exercises were a true test of my comprehension skills. The course material featured a diverse array of accents and contexts, simulating real-life scenarios that prepared me for authentic English conversations. Initially, I found it challenging to keep pace with the rapid speech patterns, but with consistent practice and the helpful tips provided, I gradually developed a keen ear for nuances and idiomatic expressions.The speaking component was equally engaging, as it encouraged me to express my thoughts and opinions confidently. Through group discussions, presentations, androle-playing activities, I gained invaluable experience inarticulating ideas clearly and effectively. The supportive learning environment fostered by instructors and classmates alike helped me overcome any residual shyness or hesitation, enabling me to communicate with greater fluency and poise.One aspect that truly set this course apart was its emphasis on cultural understanding. The materials incorporated diverse cultural perspectives, shedding light on the rich tapestry of customs, traditions, and attitudes that shape theEnglish-speaking world. By exploring these nuances, I not only broadened my linguistic horizons but also developed a deeper appreciation for the complexities of cross-cultural communication.As I progressed through the course, I witnessed a remarkable transformation in my English language abilities. My vocabulary expanded significantly, and I became more adept at employing idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms with ease. Additionally, my comprehension skills improved markedly, allowing me to engage with complex texts and conversations without feeling overwhelmed.However, the true value of this course extended far beyond the realm of language acquisition. It instilled in me a sense of confidence and self-assurance that transcended the classroomsetting. The interactive nature of the lessons and the supportive learning environment fostered a growth mindset, encouraging me to embrace challenges and view setbacks as opportunities for growth.Moreover, the course taught me invaluable life skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication. These transferable skills have proven invaluable in both academic and professional contexts, enabling me to navigate various situations with poise and clarity.As I reflect on my journey through the Cambridge International English Course Level 2, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude and accomplishment. The course not only enriched my language proficiency but also shaped me into a more well-rounded individual, better equipped to navigate the complexities of an increasingly interconnected world.To fellow students contemplating embarking on this course, I wholeheartedly encourage you to embrace the challenge. The path may seem daunting at times, but the rewards are immeasurable. Approach each lesson with an open mind and a willingness to learn, and you will undoubtedly emerge as a more confident and articulate communicator.In conclusion, the Cambridge International English Course Level 2 has been a transformative experience, one that has empowered me with the linguistic tools and cultural awareness necessary to thrive in an increasingly globalized society. The knowledge and skills acquired through this course have become invaluable assets, equipping me with the confidence to navigate diverse contexts and forge meaningful connections across linguistic and cultural boundaries.篇2My Experience with the Cambridge International English Course Second EditionAs an English learner, finding the right course materials can make a significant difference in your language acquisition journey. After trying out various textbooks and online resources, I stumbled upon the Cambridge International English Course Second Edition, and let me tell you, it has been a game-changer for me.Initially, I was a bit skeptical about investing in yet another language course, but the positive reviews and the reputation of the Cambridge brand piqued my curiosity. Little did I know thatthis decision would be one of the best investments I've made in my English language learning endeavors.The Structure and ContentOne of the first things that caught my attention was the well-structured and comprehensive nature of the course. Each level is meticulously designed to cater to different proficiency levels, ensuring that learners can progress at their own pace without feeling overwhelmed or underwhelmed.The course covers all four language skills – reading, writing, listening, and speaking – in a balanced and engaging manner. The reading passages are not only interesting and varied but also provide valuable insights into different cultures and perspectives. The writing exercises are particularly helpful, as they guide learners through the process of organizing their thoughts and expressing themselves clearly and effectively.The listening component is equally impressive, featuring a diverse range of accents and real-life situations. This exposure to authentic language usage has significantly improved my ability to comprehend and engage in conversations with native speakers.But what truly sets this course apart is its emphasis on speaking skills. The speaking activities are designed to encourage learners to actively participate in discussions,role-plays, and presentations. This practical application of the language has boosted my confidence and fluency tremendously.User-Friendly and Engaging MaterialsAnother aspect that I appreciate about the Cambridge International English Course Second Edition is the user-friendly and engaging nature of the materials. The textbooks are visually appealing, with clear layouts, vibrant illustrations, andwell-organized sections that make studying a pleasant experience.The accompanying audio materials are of high quality, ensuring that learners can clearly understand the pronunciations and intonations. The online resources, including interactive exercises and supplementary materials, provide an additional layer of support and reinforce the concepts learned in the textbooks.Flexibility and AdaptabilityOne of the standout features of this course is its flexibility and adaptability. Whether you are a self-directed learner orprefer a more structured classroom setting, the Cambridge International English Course Second Edition can accommodate your needs.As a self-learner, I found the comprehensive nature of the course materials and the presence of answer keys extremely helpful. I could work through the exercises at my own pace and assess my progress without relying on a teacher.However, for those who prefer a more traditional classroom setting, the course offers detailed teacher's guides and lesson plans, making it an excellent choice for language institutions and private tutors.Personal Growth and AchievementBeyond the academic aspects, studying with the Cambridge International English Course Second Edition has been a profoundly rewarding experience on a personal level. The diverse cultural perspectives and engaging topics have broadened my horizons and challenged me to think critically about various issues.Moreover, the sense of accomplishment and progress I've experienced after completing each level has been incredibly motivating. It has instilled in me a newfound confidence in myEnglish language abilities and inspired me to continue pushing forward.ConclusionIn conclusion, the Cambridge International English Course Second Edition has been an invaluable resource in my English language learning journey. Its comprehensive andwell-structured content, engaging materials, flexibility, and emphasis on practical application have contributed significantly to my overall language development.Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, this course has something to offer for everyone. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone seeking a reliable and effective English language learning resource. Embrace the journey, and let the Cambridge International English Course Second Edition be your trusted companion in mastering the English language.篇3Cambridge International English Course Level 2 - A Student's ExperienceAs an intermediate-level learner of English, I found the Cambridge International English Course Level 2 to be an invaluable resource in my language learning journey. Thiscomprehensive course provided me with the tools and guidance needed to navigate the complexities of the English language and advance my skills to the next level.The course material is meticulously designed, catering to the needs of students like myself who have already grasped the basics of English but require further instruction to refine their proficiency. The textbook is well-organized, with each unit introducing new grammar concepts, vocabulary, and idiomatic expressions in a logical and progressive manner.One of the standout features of this course is its emphasis on practical application. The exercises are crafted to mirrorreal-life scenarios, allowing students to practice their newly acquired knowledge in contexts that mimic everyday conversations, workplace interactions, and academic settings. This hands-on approach not only reinforces the theoretical concepts but also prepares learners to communicate effectively in various situations.The course's vocabulary section is particularly impressive. It introduces new words and phrases systematically, ensuring that students can build a robust and diverse lexical repertoire. Additionally, the vocabulary exercises encourage learners to explore the nuances of word usage, idioms, and collocations,enabling them to express themselves with greater precision and fluency.Grammar, the backbone of any language, is a strong focus in Level 2. The course presents complex grammatical structures in a clear and concise manner, offering ample examples and practice opportunities. The explanations are straightforward, making even the most intricate grammar rules accessible to learners. Furthermore, the exercises are designed to test comprehension and reinforce the practical application of these rules.One aspect that sets this course apart is its emphasis on developing listening and speaking skills. The audio materials, featuring native speakers in various accents and contexts, provide invaluable exposure to authentic English speech. The accompanying exercises challenge learners to comprehend and respond appropriately, honing their ability to communicate effectively in real-time situations.The writing component of the course is equally impressive. Students are guided through the process of craftingwell-structured essays, reports, and other written pieces. The course covers various writing genres, equipping learners with the skills to express themselves clearly and coherently in both formal and informal contexts.Moreover, the course incorporates elements of cultural awareness, introducing students to the nuances ofEnglish-speaking cultures and their associated communication styles. This cross-cultural understanding is invaluable for learners aiming to navigate diverse social and professional settings with ease.Complementing the comprehensive course material is the accompanying online platform, which offers a wealth of supplementary resources and interactive exercises. This digital component allows learners to reinforce their knowledge, track their progress, and receive personalized feedback, further enhancing the overall learning experience.As a student, I found the Cambridge International English Course Level 2 to be a well-rounded and engaging program. The clear explanations, ample practice opportunities, and emphasis on practical application have significantly improved my confidence and proficiency in English. The course has equipped me with the necessary skills to communicate effectively in both academic and professional settings, opening doors to new opportunities and personal growth.Whether you are a student seeking to enhance your English language abilities for academic purposes or a professionalaiming to improve your communication skills in a global context, the Cambridge International English Course Level 2 is an excellent choice. Its comprehensive approach, practical exercises, and emphasis on real-world application make it a valuable investment in your language learning journey.。
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In this chapter, we are introduced to the main character, Lucy. She is a young woman who is struggling to find her place in the world. Lucy feels lost and unsure of what she wants to do with her life. She is constantly searching for meaning and purpose. As the chapter progresses, we see Lucy embark on a journey of self-discovery, as she tries to figure out who she truly is and what she wants from life.Chapter 2: The Unexpected Encounter。
小说每章总结英语作文Chapter Summary of "To Kill a Mockingbird""To Kill a Mockingbird" is a classic novel written by Harper Lee, which has won the Pulitzer Prize. It tells the story of a young girl named Scout Finch and her brother Jem, who grow up in a small town in Alabama during the 1930s.The novel explores themes of racism, prejudice, and theloss of innocence.Chapter 1: The novel begins with Scout introducing her family and the town of Maycomb. Scout and Jem meet a new friend, Dill, who comes to stay with his aunt for the summer. They become fascinated with their reclusive neighbor, Arthur "Boo" Radley.Chapter 2: Scout starts school and is frustrated with her teacher's insistence on teaching her how to read. Atticus, Scout's father, explains to her why education is important and teaches her to read at home.Chapter 3: Scout gets into a fight with a boy at school who insults her father. Atticus tells her to ignore the insults and not to fight back.Chapter 4: Jem and Scout find gifts in a tree outside the Radley house. They suspect that Boo Radley is leaving them.Chapter 5: Jem and Dill try to get a glimpse of Boo Radley by sneaking onto his property. Atticus catches them and tells them to leave Boo alone.Chapter 6: Jem and Scout sneak out at night to try and see Boo Radley. They are scared off when they hear a gunshot.Chapter 7: Someone tries to stab Scout and Jem on their way home from a Halloween party. They are saved by Boo Radley, who kills their attacker.Chapter 8: The town is hit by a snowstorm, and Scoutand Jem build a snowman. They discover that the gifts in the tree have been cemented over by their father.Chapter 9: Atticus is appointed to defend a black man, Tom Robinson, who has been accused of raping a white woman. The town is divided over the case, and Scout is taunted by her classmates because of her father's involvement.Chapter 10: Atticus shoots a rabid dog that is wandering through the town. Jem and Scout are impressed by their father's marksmanship.Chapter 11: Jem and Scout visit their Aunt Alexandra, who has come to stay with them. They learn about their family history and the importance of their social standing.Chapter 12: The trial of Tom Robinson begins, and Scout and Jem attend. They witness the racism and prejudice of the town.Chapter 13: Aunt Alexandra tries to make Scout more ladylike and introduces her to her cousin, Francis. Scoutdislikes Francis and gets into a fight with him.Chapter 14: Scout and Jem discover that their fatherhas been called a "nigger-lover" by some of the townspeople. They don't understand why their father is being insulted.Chapter 15: Atticus is threatened by a group of men who want to harm Tom Robinson. Jem, Scout, and Dill sneak outto watch the confrontation.Chapter 16: Tom Robinson takes the stand, and Atticus exposes the lies of the prosecution's witnesses. The townis shocked by the evidence presented.Chapter 17: The trial ends, and the jury finds Tom Robinson guilty. Atticus is devastated by the verdict.Chapter 18: Tom Robinson is sent to prison, and Atticus tries to console his family. Scout and Jem are upset by the injustice of the verdict.Chapter 19: Tom Robinson's wife visits the Finch familyand thanks them for their support. Scout and Jem learnabout the harsh realities of life.Chapter 20: Atticus is criticized by some of the townspeople for defending Tom Robinson. Scout and Jem are confused by the hatred directed towards their father.Chapter 21: Jem and Scout attend a church service with Calpurnia, their black housekeeper. They learn about the different experiences of black and white people in the town.Chapter 22: Atticus is attacked by Bob Ewell, thefather of the woman who accused Tom Robinson. Jem and Scout are saved by Boo Radley, who kills Bob Ewell.Chapter 23: Atticus learns that Tom Robinson has been killed while trying to escape from prison. He is devastated by the news.Chapter 24: Aunt Alexandra hosts a tea party for the ladies of the town. Scout is bored by the conversation and misses her father.Chapter 25: Scout and Jem are attacked by Bob Ewell on their way home from a Halloween party. They are saved by Boo Radley, who carries Jem back to their house.Chapter 26: Scout meets Boo Radley for the first time and realizes that he is not the scary monster she thought he was.Chapter 27: The town sheriff covers up the killing of Bob Ewell to protect Boo Radley. Scout realizes the importance of empathy and understanding.Chapter 28: Scout walks Boo Radley home and sees the world from his perspective. She realizes the importance of compassion and kindness.Chapter 29: Scout says goodbye to Boo Radley and reflects on the lessons she has learned about the human experience.Chapter 30: The novel ends with Scout looking back onher childhood and the lessons she has learned about prejudice, empathy, and the importance of standing up for what is right.。
150 3000 400 50×8,两层一间 1200 300 200 100×2 150 50×3 100 20×5
50 50
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50 500
任务书解读 | Interpretation
会议室 配套商业 演播厅门厅
功能分析 | Function Organization
全媒体演播厅 辅助功能 艺术LOFT
功能分析 | Function Organization
舞台 舞台仓库 舞台机械控制室 设备库房 道具库房 男女服装间 贵宾接待 演员候播区 观众候播区 化妆间 技术用房
办公 照明调控室 导播控制室 音响调控室
乐队排练室 录音室 公共门厅
观众用厕所 化妆用厕所+淋浴 LOFT用厕所+淋浴
最大1800座(三层楼座),镜 1400 框式舞台,小侧台
600 200 确保天花高度9m~10m
60 100 100 160 80×2 50 100 100 150 小15×4、中20×2、大25×2 80 40×2
2-商业 餐饮
Reading aloud
Follow the record to read, and find out the differences between Fiona and Bertha.
P4-6 播音时间:0:49—2:18
Tonight’s Star Fight
The darling of the ring:
• What would you do If you were Bertha? Can you think of a different way to solve Bertha’s problem?
• Why did people prefer Fiona to win every time even when it was actually Bertha?
• Write a poster for the wrestling match supporting one of the twin sisters (Bertha or Fiona).
Tips: Include in your writing what the person looks like, what her stage name is, what her character is like, etc.. Then give the reasons why she should be supported.
• Fiona: Hey, he said those flowers were for me.
• Bertha: Oh no. he gave them to me. • Fiona: Really. This is absolutely ridiculous. • Bertha: I’ve been thinking. I have an idea
Macroeconomics http://ccp.soChapter 2:Macroeconomic Data and VariablesGross Domestic Product (GDP)Defintion: GDP is the total market value of all final goods and services produced by a country.Final versus Intermediate: By "final", we mean the goods and service that are purchased for final use by purchaser and not for resale or further processing. The meaning intermediate is opposite to final.Value Added: GDP not only reflects the market value of final goods and service, but also reflect the income generated from producing these final goods and service.This income feature of GDP can be revealed by the process of value addedExpenditure Approach to Calculate GDPOne way to calculate the GDP is to look at how the final goods and services are used. This approach is called expenditure approach. The following is the composition of GDP in terms of the expenditure (or demand)Private ConsumptionGross Private InvestmentNet investment = Gross Investment - DepreciationGovernment ExpenditureNet Export (Export - Import)Change in InventoriesRemark: The consumption, investment and government expenditure defined above includes the purchases on the imported goods. This is the reason why import must be deducted from the export.Income Approach to Calculate GDPAnother way is to look at the composition of value added (or income). The following is the composition of GDP in terms of incomeWageRentsInterest RateProprietor's incomeCorporate Profittaxdividendsretained profitSome Statistic AdjustmentIndirect Tax (Sales tax)DepreciationNet foreign factor income earned in U. S.Remark: Similarly, the wage, profit, etc. include the income of domestic people or company earned in other country. This is the reason why we use net foreign income.Other Related Variables in National Income Account Net Domestic ProductNet Domestic Product = GDP – DepreciationNational IncomeNational Income = Net Domestic Product -Net Foreign Factor Income - Indirect Tax Personal IncomePersonal Income = National Income -Social Security Contribution -Corporate Income Tax -Retained Profit - Transfer Payment Disposable IncomeDisposable Income = Personal Income - Personal TaxNominal GDP, Real GDP and Inflation IndexNominal GDP is the value of final goods and services calculated at current market price.The real GDP is the value of final goods and services calculated at fixed price.GDP deflator (GDP price index): an index that reflects the general price level. The relationship among real and nominal GDP and GDP deflator can be expressed asReal GDP = (Nominal GDP/GDP deflator) 100Consumer Price Index: another index that reflects the general price level. Its calculation is based on selected consumer goods.Employment and Unemployment RateEmployment rate and unemployment rate are the indices that measure joplessness of an economy. In particular,Force Labor Employed of Number Rate Employment= Force Labor d Unemploye of Number Rate t Unmploymen =The Natural Rate of Unemployment is the unemployment rate at equilibrium or at the steady state. A Simple Model of Natural Rate of Unemployment (presented in class):。
英语语法总复习 表示现在的时态
Preview1-1 The simple present and the present progressive 1-2 Forms of the simple present and the present…1-3Frequency adverbs 1-4 Final -s1-5 Spelling of final -s/-es 1-6 Non-action verbs1-7 Present verbs: short answers to yes/no…CONTENTSMy name is Alex.Nice to meet you, Alex. My name is Jonas.I’m glad to meet you, too. Where are you from?I’m fromthe Czech Republic.Where do you live now?I live in Mexico City.Where do youlive?I live in a housenear school.I live in an apartmentabout ten minutesaway by bicycle.Where do you live?We shop every Monday.p a s tf u t u r eTHE SIMPLE PRESENTx x x x x x x x xx x n o wMonday TuesdayWednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday(a) Jill eats lunch every day .(b) I usually study English on Wednesday.THE SIMPLE PRESENTevents or situationsSIMPLE PRESENT(always, usually, habitually)in the past, present, future(a) Jill eats lunch every day .(b) I usually study English on Wednesday.(c) Dogs bark .Lions roar .THE SIMPLE PRESENTdaily habits,usual activities generalstatements of factTHE SIMPLE PRESENT(d) NEGATIVE:He doesn’t watch TV on weekends.(e) QUESTION:Does that dog bark loudly?events or situations SIMPLE PRESENT (always, usually, habitually)in the past, present, futureTHE PRESENT PROGRESSIVE(f) Magda is feeding her horse right now.(g) I can’t talk now.I am playing the guitar.(h) They are eating dinner right now.THE PRESENT PROGRESSIVE(f) Magda is feeding her horse right now.(g) I can’t talk now. I am playing the guitar.(h) They are eating dinner right now. PRESENT an activity in progress PROGRESSIVE(is happening right now)THE PRESENT PROGRESSIVE(i)NEGATIVE:It isn’t snowing right now.(j) QUESTION:Is it snowing right now?PRESENTPROGRESSIVE am, is, are+ -ing FORM:s t a rt n o w fi nish ?THE PRESENT PROGRESSIVEx x xIt swims.It is swimming.SIMPLE PRESENT STATEMENT PRESENT PROGRESSIVE They are running .They run .people inrunning clothes –but not running.SIMPLE PRESENTQUESTION PRESENT PROGRESSIVEAre you running ?Do you run ?You’re She’s you she + is CONTRACTIONS+I am =I’m running.+are =running.Pronoun + be=running.don’tdoCONTRACTIONS+does not=doesn’t+not=She doesn’t run.They don’t run.aren’t are CONTRACTIONS+is not =isn’t +not =He isn’t running.I am not running.They aren’t running.(am + not = am not )daily / usual habit happening right nowIt’s Monday, and my mom is teaching math.or?She doesn’t usually teach on Monday.?daily / usual habitorhappening right nowMT W Th F Sat S 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031daily / usual habithappening right nowShe usually teaches on Tuesday and Thursday.or?Today is unusual. She is teaching a class for new students.?daily / usual habitorhappening right now1. Are you _______?sing2. The birds __________ right now. sing3. They _____every morning.listening are singing sing listen1. Are you ________ TV?check email2. No, I am ____________.3. I always ___________before I go to sleep.watching checking email check emailwatch check emailalwaysAyako frequently talks on the phone.frequently usually almost always generally occasionally alwaysp o s i t i v ehardly ever rarelyseldom almost never not ever, nevern e g a t i v e 100%0%sometimes often(b)Hannah is always happy.(a)Hannah always eats lunch at school.SUBJECT +FREQ ADV +SIMPLE PRESENTVERB (except be )++BE SUBJECT FREQ ADVQUESTION(c)Does he usually walk to school?FREQ ADVSUBJECT+NEGATIVE VERB(d)Alex usually doesn’t eat meat.FREQ ADV +(except always &ever )(e)Alex doesn’t always eat meat.Negative helping verb Negative be verb always+(f)CORRECT:Marcy never drinks milk.(g)INCORRECT: Marcy doesn’t never drink milk.Negative adverb + negative verbhardly everrarelyseldomalmost nevernot ever, neverNegative adverbs Negative adverb + negative verbquestions about frequencyDo you everride horses?Yes, Isometimesride horses.(h)“at any time”EverDo you ridehorses? (i)No, I don’t everride horses.Ever with notDo you ridehorses? (j)I everride horses.Ever NOT used in statementsoften playsoftenJacob plays his guitar.Jacob his guitar.usually The baby is happy.The baby is usually happy.alwaysKatie is at her violin lesson on Thursday.Katie is always at her violin lesson on Thursday.1-4 FINAL -SShe eats.She eats.They eat together.(a)SINGULAR: one dog(b)PLURAL: two dog s,three dog s,many dog s,all dog s, etc.SINGULAR = one, not two or more PLURAL = two, three, or more(c)Dog s bark.(d)A dog bark s.A plural noun ends in -s.A singular verb ends in -s.(e)A cat play swith the ball.a singular subject +a singular verbIt play s in the basement.Zoe play swith her toys.She play shappily.Tyler play swith his toy trucks.He play s every day.nounorverb Justin has two children.singular or plural ?verbsingularnoun or verb Peaches are usually delicious.singular plural noun?pluralnoun or verb Peaches are usually delicious.singular or plural verb?pluralnounorverb My mom teaches at the university.singular or plural verb?singularMy mom grows tomatoes in her garden.(a)visit speak add -s , not -es , for most verbs visits speaks (b)ride write rides writesadd -s , for verbs ending in -evisites speakesmisses fixes (c) catch wash add -es to -ch , -sh , -s , -x , -zcatcheswashes miss fixbuzz buzzes。
● Identify the five competitive forces and explain how they determine an industry’s profit potential.
● Define strategic groups and describe their influence on the firm.
A firm’s external environment creates: ● OPPORTUNITIES
e.g., the opportunity for BP to enter other global markets, and
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Chapter9_Image Stitching and blending
• Different approaches for them
Parallax Removal
• Based on bundle adjustment, compute 3D point location, then reproject it to images
Deghosting a mosaic with motion parallax (Shum and Szeliski 2000) c 2000 IEEE: (a) composite with parallax; (b) after a single deghosting step (patch size 32); (c) after multiple steps (sizes 32, 16 and 8)
Observed location of feature I in image k
• Xik depends on xij, error-in-variable • Overweighted for feature observed many times
Bundle Adjustment
• True bundle adjustment to estimate camera pose and 3d points
Parallax Removal
• Blurry or ghosting
– Unmodeled radial distortion – 3D parallax: failure to rotate the camera around its optical center – Small scene motion, large scale scene motion
2JT J 2J T e0 0 J J J e0
国际商务谈判:理论、案例分析与实践(第五版)英文版课件Chapter 2
Step three: determining reservation point
Alternative 1: Value of distribution through home-based company where commission is 7% of sales: 7% × 0.5 = 3.5%
Counter offer
Case Study One
•Do you think the case shows the principle of mutual giving and taking during negotiation? •How important is the exploration of alternative option in this case?
Design and offer options
Reach an agreement
Explore alternatives to
Introduce criteria to evaluate option
Estimate reservation points
Байду номын сангаас
Example of how to make an
assessment of BATNA
Step one: Brainstorm alternatives Alternative 1: Distribution through a home-based company Alternative 2: Distribution on the Net Alternative 3: Increase foreign distributor’s commission to 10% Step two: Evaluate each alternative Assume the sales potential in the market is $20 million Thus, the expected value of sales is as follows: Alternative 1: $20 million ×0.5=$10 million Alternative 2: $20 million×0.2=$4 million Alternative 3: $20 million×0.3=$6 million Sales commission under the three alternatives will be: Alternative 1: $10 million × 7% = $700,000 Alternative 2: $4 million × 4% = $160,000 Alternative 3: $6 million × 10% = $600,000
the time machine 第二章内容概要
the time machine 第二章内容概要The Time Machine Chapter 2: A Glimpse into the FutureAs the Time Traveler continues his extraordinary journey through time, he arrives at the second chapter of H.G. Wells' famous novel, "The Time Machine." In this chapter, we are transported thousands of years into the future, where the Time Traveler encounters a world vastly different from his own. Here is a summary of the key events and themes explored in Chapter 2.The Time Traveler awakens in a strange and peculiar world, where the sun appears to be a dim red disc, casting an eerie light across the desolate landscape. He finds himself surrounded by decaying ruins of what was once a great city, now inhabited by grotesque and seemingly primitive creatures called "Morlocks." These creatures are described as pale, with large, nocturnal eyes and a disturbingly bestial nature.The Morlocks become a focal point in this chapter, as the Time Traveler tries to understand their role in this future world. He observes that they live in subterranean dwellings, which they only emerge from during the night. The Time Traveler theorizes that the Morlocks have evolved from the lower working class of his own time, forced to adapt to a life underground due to the changing conditions on the surface.Curiosity fuels the Time Traveler's exploration of this dark future, and he soon discovers that the Eloi, another group of beings in this distant era, exist in stark contrast to the Morlocks. Unlike the brutish and nocturnal Morlocks, the Eloi are small, slender, and beautiful. They live a carefree and idle existence, seemingly devoid of any ambition or intellectual pursuits. TheTime Traveler is initially captivated by their graceful appearance, but as he spends more time observing them, he realizes that they lack any form of critical thinking or intelligence. They appear to be mere docile prey to the Morlocks.A key theme emerging in this chapter is the concept of degeneration. The Time Traveler witnesses the effects of thousands of years of societal and biological change, leading to these distinct groups of beings. The Eloi, descendants of the privileged elites of the Time Traveler's era, have become weak, ignorant, and entirely dependent on the Morlocks for their survival. On the other hand, the Morlocks, representing the laboring class, have evolved into a separate species, adapted to the dark underground and resembling more of a monstrous creature.Through the Time Traveler's encounters, Wells explores the consequences of extreme social divisions and the potential clash between the ruling and working classes. It is suggested that the Eloi, in their passive ignorance, ultimately allowed for the rise of the Morlocks as the dominant species. This chapter highlights Wells' concerns about the dangers of social inequality, offering a cautionary tale of what society might become if such divisions persist and intensify.Furthermore, this section of the novel delves into the persistent theme of technological progress. The ruins of the city the Time Traveler stumbles upon provide a stark contrast to the powerful civilization of his own time. The decayed buildings and crumbling structures reflect the eventual decline and abandonment of human achievements. It is implied that society'srelentless pursuit of progress and comfort, without considering the consequences, has contributed to this dystopian future.As the Time Traveler's exploration in this chapter comes to an end, he is faced with a disturbing realization - the Eloi feed the Morlocks. The Time Traveler becomes trapped in an underground well, surrounded by the Morlocks, who seem to view him as a potential meal. This gripping conclusion leaves the reader anxious to discover the Time Traveler's fate and builds anticipation for the subsequent chapters of the book.In summary, Chapter 2 of "The Time Machine" transports readers into a distant future, where they encounter two distinct and contrasting groups: the weak and ignorant Eloi and the brutish and nocturnal Morlocks. H.G. Wells uses this chapter to delve into themes of social inequality, degeneration, and the potentially disastrous consequences of unchecked technological progress. As we continue our journey through time with the Time Traveler, the mysteries of this strange world unfold, urging us to reflect on the issues raised within the narrative.。
The Chan SectCONTENTSABSTRACTKEY WORDSCHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1.1An Brief Introduction of the Chan sectZen Buddhism, also called the Chan sect, is one of Chinese Buddhism sect. It comes from Bodhidharma and is prosperously developed by Hui Neng. It becomes the main stream of Chinese Buddhism after the later age of Tang dynasty. What’s more, it is also the most important symbol of Chinese Buddhism.1.2The Origin of the Chan sectThe word Zen is derived from Sanskrit—Dhyana, which in Chinese transliteration become Chan, and in the Japanese pronunciation “Zen”. It means meditation, contemplation, pondering. (Edward, 1992, p3). In other words, Zen Buddhism focuses on the mental concentration and levels of meditation.The early pioneers of Zen Buddhism are the TianZhu monks and its inferiors—the Lanka sect in Nan dynasty. Their purpose has a close relationship with Buddha tibetology of southern India. As regards to their practice, they gave high priority to Dhuta practice and deep meditation. Bodhidharma, as one of the earliest members of Lanka sect, made it possible for the Lanka sect to spread to northern China, fell into the soil and took root to be a unique school.1.3The Historical Background of the Chan sectIn Nan dynasty, Bodhiharma arrived in GuangZhou by merchant ship. At that time, the empire Wudi admired Buddha Dharma so much that he had invested a lot of energy and finance on building temples, collecting Confucian classics, supporting monks and so on. He thought he was doing great. Bodhiharma came to meet Wudi. He told the empire the truth, that is what he had already done meant nothing. The meeting was not pleasant. It was until the age of Emperor Gaozong of Tang dynasty, did Zen Buddhism truly spread all over China (Alexandra, 1977, p16).1.4The Religious Doctrine of the Chan sectThe doctrine of Zen Buddhism is dhyana—quite thinking. That is to say, the spirit of Zen Buddhism is deep meditation.CHAPTER TWOThe Main Ideas of the Chan sect2.1 The Representative Personages of the Chan sect2.1.1 The Ideas of BodhidharmaBodhiharma, as a Zen master, he has no writings. His ideas are interpreted by his disciples and followers. He believes, everything in the world is equal, there is no difference between any holy creature (Jrmgard, 1976, p25-28).2.1.2 The Ideas of Hui NengHui Neng is the most talented masters in the development of Zen Buddhism. He wrote a poem: “Sutra shoule not be a tree, mirror nor table; there is no thing was, where make dust”. His ideas and actions were collected in Platform Sutra by Fa Hai.2.1.3 The Morden IdeasIn the modern world, the ideas of Zen Buddhism are further developed and applied in many areas of social and cultural life. It has great influence on painting, architecture, even management.2.2 The Principal Thoughts of the Chan sect2.2.1 By Drinking Water, One Knows Hot and ColdBy drinking water, one knows hot and cold. As the sentence proposes, it implies that after self experience, one knows the true taste of facts. It focuses more on the personal feeling than some objective judgement. In my understanding, as regards to some phenomenon, the inner may be very different from the surface. You have to touch it, feel it, then you can fully get it (David, 1990, p27).2.2.2 Pay Efforts but Ask for No AchievementPay efforts but ask for no achievement. Pay efforts means take actions to struggle for power or fortune or something else. Asking for no achievement means one needn’t care too much about the results. Just follow the laws and try your best.2.2.3 Not for Him, All by Heart MadeNot for him, all by heart made. This maxim tells us get rid of any purpose, just follow your heart. Listen to your own willing and do anything you want to do, have anything you want to have.2.2.3 A Flower is a World, a Leaf Can Present the BuddhismA Flower is a World, a Leaf Can Present the Buddhism. One can see the world through a flower, a leaf can be the epitome of Buddhism. Sometimes detail can present the whole. The world is infinite and limitless, we can see it through very tiny things.CHAPTER THREETHE THREE Realms of the Chan sect3.1 Purifying the HeartPurify everything which is dirty or evil. Be clean and clear.3.2 Sitting OblivionForget anything sorrow or exciting. Have peace in one’s mind.3.3 Morning ThinkingDo self-examination in the morning so you will get a clear aim through the whole day.CHAPTER FOURFrom Lao Tse and Chuang-Tzu to the Chan sect4.1 The Inheritability from Lao Zhuang to the Chan sectBoth the Chan sect and Lao Zhuang emphasizes that man should go back to nature. They are chasing a peaceful life and enjoying a satisfied life (Katsuki, 1989, p36).4.2 The Difference between Lao Zhuang and the Chan sectThe difference may lie in the fact that the Chan sect believes that one should pay efforts but ask for no achievement. But according to Lao Zhuang, it is better not to take action, let alone achievement.CHAPTER FIVEThe Influence of the Chan sect5.1The Chan sect and paintingA vast number of paintings are following the spirit of Chan sect. They are very precious and important to our culture. It is also a very flexible way to record our history. The Chan sect focuses on the heart and feeling which has a profound effect on art creation. As a result, the performance of the emotions becomes a major criterion. For instance, in Wang Wei’s works, the contents often beyond the restriction of seasons and time. In his Yuan An Lying on the Snow, the blossoms of peach and lotus together appear on the painting which leads to great controversy. To Wang Wei, he was just express his random willings.5.2 The Chan sect and MangagementThe way of thinking in Chan sect also influences modern management in many coperations. Zen is a kind of wisdom, a way of thinking and doing things. Many managers and leaders involve the spirits of the Chan sect in their management. As a very important part of Chinese ancient civilization, it follows the peace of mind. So, in dealing with inner relationship and some tough decision, first, you should calm down, ask your mind, then you decide to anger or to peace, to make or break. REFERENCE[1] Alexandra,David Neel. (1977). Buddhism--its Doctorines & Methods.[M]. GreatBritain Express.[2] David, Brazier. (1990). Zen Therapy—Training the Sorrow of the Human Will.[M]. Printed in the United States of America.[3] Edward, Conze. (1992). Buddhism--Its Essence and Development. [M]. RussellSquare London.[4] Jrmgard, Schloegl. (1976). The Wisdom of the Zen Master. [M].New DirectionsPublishing Corporation.[5] Katsuki,Sekida. (1989). Zen Training--Method and Philosophy. [M]. NinthPrinting.NOTE: Bodhiharma 菩提达摩Dhyana 禅定Hui Neng 六祖慧能Dhuta practice 头陀行Yuan An Lying on the Snow 《袁安卧雪图》。
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CHAPTER 2Multiple-Choice Questions1. Which one of the following is not one of the three General Standards? easy a. Proper planning and supervision.a b. Independence of mental attitude.c. Adequate training and proficiency.d. Due professional care.2. Which one of the following is not a Field Work Standard?easy a. Adequate planning and supervision.b b. Due professional care.c. Understand the entity and its environment including internal control.d. Sufficient appropriate audit evidence.3. The General Standards stress the importance of:easy a. evidence accumulation.b b. personal qualities the auditor should possess.c. communicating the auditor’s findings to the reader.d. all of the above.4. easy The generally acc epted auditing standard that requires “Adequate technical training and proficiency” is normally interpreted as requiring the auditor to have:d a. formal education in auditing and accounting.b. adequate practical experience for the work being performed.c. continuing professional education.d. all of the above.5. easy In any case in which the CPA or the CPA’s assistants are not qualified to perform the work, a professional obligation exists to:d a. acquire the requisite knowledge and skills.b. suggest someone else who is qualified to perform the work.c. decline the engagement.d. any of the above.6. (SOX) Members of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board are appointed and overseen by: easy a. the U.S. Congress.d b. the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.c. the Auditing Standards Board.d. the Securities and Exchange Commission.7. easy Statements on Auditing Standards provide auditors of privately held companies with ______ guidance regarding the conduct of financial statement audits.b a. fairly extensiveb. some limitedc. practically nod. specific and detailed8. easy Which of the following statements most accurately captures the intent of the standards of field work?c a. Field work standards are primarily concerned with personal attributes necessary during theconduct of the audit.b. Field work standards provide extensive guidance regarding the conduct of an audit.c. Field work standards are primarily directed at the audit or’s planning, understanding ofinternal control, and evidence accumulation.d. Field work standards are primarily concerned with the conduct of substantive testing asopposed to testing of internal controls.9. (SOX) easy Prior to the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which of the following was responsible for establishing auditing standards?c a. Securities and Exchange Commissionb. American Institute of Certified Public Accountantsc. Auditing Standards Boardd. National Association of Accounting10. (SOX) medium Standards issued by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board must be followed by CPAs who audit:b a. all companies in the United States.b. public companies only.c. private and public partnerships only.d. private companies only.11. Which of the following is the least likely form of business for a CPA firm?medium a. General partnershipb b. General corporationc. Limited liability companyd. Limited liability partnership12. The Statements on Auditing Standards issued by the Auditing Standards Board:medium a. are interpretations of generally accepted auditing standards.a b. are the equivalent of laws for audit practitioners.c. must be followed in all situations.d. are optional guidelines which an auditor may choose to follow or not follow whenconducting an audit.13. An auditor need not abide by a particular auditing standard if the auditor believes that: medium a. the issue in question is immaterial in amount.d b. the requirement of the standard is impractical to perform.c. the requirement of the standard is impossible to perform.d. any of the above three are correct.14. (SOX) The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board does not:medium a. perform inspections of the quality controls at audit firms that audit public companies.b b. establish auditing standards that must be followed by all CPAs.c. oversee auditors of public companies.d. perform any of the above functions.15. medium The form that must be completed and filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission whenever a company experiences a significant event that is of interest to public investors is the:b a. Form S-1.b. Form 8-K.c. Form 10-K.d. Form 10-Q.16. medium The form that must be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission whenever a company plans to issue new securities to the public is the:a a. Form S-1.b. Form 8-K.c. Form 10-K.d. Form 10-Q.17. medium The third general standard states that due care is to be exercised in the performance of an audit. This standard is generally interpreted to require:c a. objective review of the adequacy of the technical training of firm personnel.b. thorough review of the existing internal control structure.c. critical review of work done at every level of supervision.d. periodic review of a CPA firm’s quality control procedures.18. (SOX) medium If the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) identifies a violation during its inspection of a registered accounting firm, which of the following may occur?d a. The PCA OB could enforce some disciplinary action against the accounting firm.b. The PCA OB could report the matter to the Securities and Exchange Commission.c. The PCA OB could report the matter to the appropriate state accountancy boardd. The PCA OB could take any or all of the above steps if it identifies a violation.19. medium Which of the following statements best describes the primary purpose of Statements on Auditing Standards?d a. They are guides intended to set forth auditing procedures that are applicable to a variety ofsituations.b. They are procedural outlines that are intended to narrow the areas of inconsistency anddivergence of auditor opinion.c. They are authoritative statements, enforced through the Code of Professional Conduct, andare intended to limit the degree of auditor judgment.d. They are interpretations that are intended to clarify the meaning of “generally acceptedauditing standards.”20. Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services are issued by the:medium a. Accounting and Review Services Committee.a b. Professional Ethics Executive Committee.c. Securities and Exchange Commission.d. Financial Accounting Standards Board.21. Consulting Standards are issued by the:medium a. Accounting and Review Services Committee.c b. Securities and Exchange Commission.c. Management Consulting Services Executive Committee.d. Financial Accounting Standards Board.22. medium The auditor’s judgment concerning the overall fairness of presentation of financial position, results of operations, and changes in cash flow is applied within the framework of:d a. quality control.b. generally accepted auditing standards which include the concept of materiality.c. the auditor’s evaluation of the audited company’s internal control.d. generally accepted accounting principles.23. medium A basic objective of a CPA firm is to provide professional services to conform to professional standards. Reasonable assurance of achieving this basic objective is provided through:c a. continuing professional education.b. compliance with generally accepted reporting standards.c. a system of quality control.d. a system of peer review.24. medium Within the context of quality control, the primary purpose of continuing professional education and training activities is to enable a CPA firm to provide its personnel with:c a. technical training that assures proficiency as a valuation expert.b. professional education that is required in order to perform with due professional care.c. knowledge required to fulfill assigned responsibilities.d. knowledge required to perform a peer review.25. medium Williams & Co., a member of the Private Companies Practice Section, is to have a “peer review.” The peer review can be performed by:d a. a CPA firm selected by Williams & Co.b. a review team selected by the state society.c. a only.d. either a or b.26. medium a Hansen Corpor ation’s stock is listed on a national stock exchange and registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Hansen’s management hires a CPA to perform an independent audit of Hansen’s financial statements. The primary objective of this audit is to provide assurance to the:a. investors in Hansen Corporation’s stock.b. stock exchange.c. Securities and Exchange Commission.d. management of Hansen Corporation.27. Which of the following is not an essential component of quality control?medium a a. Policies and procedures to ensure that firm personnel are actively engaged in marketingstrategies.b. Policies and procedures to ensure that the work performed by firm personnel meetapplicable professional standards.c. Policies to ensure that personnel maintain their independence in fact and in appearance.d. Policies that ensure that monitoring activities are effectively applied.28. Which of the following is true regarding the AICPA-approved practice monitoring programs? challenging a. The Center for Public Company Audit Firms does not offer a peer review program.c b. Firms registered with the PCAOB must not enroll in an AICPA-approved practicemonitoring program.c. Public accounting firms must be enrolled in an AICPA-approved practice monitoringprogram for members in the firm to be eligible for membership in the AICPA.d. The AICPA peer review program is administered through the SEC.29. challenging c Which of the following statements is true as it relates to limited liability partnerships?a. Only senior partners are liable for the partnership’s debts.b. Partners have no liability in a limited liability partnership arrangement.c. Partners are personally liable for the acts of those under their supervision.d. None of the above statements is correct.30. (SOX) challenging If an auditor of a public company cannot find guidance issued by the PCAOB on a particular audit matter, the auditor should generally seek guidance from which of the following sources?a a. Statements on Auditing Standards.b. Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services.c. Regulations issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission.d. The AICPA Code of Professional Conduct.31. The SEC requirements of greatest interest to C PAs are set forth in the SEC’s: challenging a. Regulation S-X and Accounting Series Releases.a b. S-1 through S-16 forms.c. D irector’s newsletter.d. Forms 8-K, 10-K, and 10-Q.32. challenging The AICPA has authority to establish standards and rules in all but which of the following areas?d a. Auditing standards applicable to financial statements of private companies.b. Compilation and review standards.c. Professional conduct.d. Auditing standards applicable to financial statements of private and public companies.33. challenging Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS) and Statements on Auditing Standards (SAS) should be looked upon by practitioners as:c a. ideals to work towards, but which are not achievable.b. maximum standards that denote excellent work.c. minimum standards of performance that must be achieved on each audit engagement.d. benchmarks to be used on all audits, reviews, and compilations.34. challenging Which one of the following is not a requirement for belonging to the Private Companies Practice Section of the A merican Institute of Certified Public Accountants?c a. Adherence to quality control standards.b. Mandatory peer review.c. Partner rotation after a period of ten consecutive years.d. Continuing education.35. Statements on Auditing Standards issued by the AICPA’s Auditing Standards Board are:challenging b a. part of the generally accepted auditing standards under the AICPA Code of ProfessionalConduct.b. interpretations of generally accepted auditing standards and departures from suchstatements must be justified.c. interpretations of generally accepted auditing standards and such standards must befollowed in every engagement.d. generally accepted auditing procedures that are not covered by the AICPA Code ofProfessional Conduct.Essay Questions36. easy Distinguish between generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS) and generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). What professional organization establishes GAAS? What professional organization establishes GAAP?Answer:Generally accepted auditing standards are general guidelines to help auditors meet their professional responsibilities in the audit of historical financial statements. They are considered to be the minimum standards of performance for auditors to follow and are established by the Auditing Standards Board of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants for private companies and by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board for public companies. Generally accepted accounting principles are the guidelines which an entity’s management normally follows when preparing historical financial statements. GAAP is established by the Financial Accounting Standards Board.37.easyDiscuss the relationship between quality control and generally accepted auditing standards.Answer:For a CPA firm, quality control encompasses the methods used to make sure that the firmmeets its professional responsibilities to clients. Quality control is closely related to, butdistinct from, GAAS. A CPA firm must make sure that GAAS are followed on everyaudit. Quality controls are the procedures used by the CPA firm that help it meetrequirements demanded by GAAS on every engagement in a consistent manner.Describe the various staff levels and responsibilities of a typical public accounting firm.38.easyAnswer:∙Staff assistant- Staff assistants, or staff accountants, perform most of the detailedaudit work.∙Senior or In-charge auditor - Seniors coordinate and are responsible for the audit fieldwork, including the supervision and review of staff assistants’ work.∙Manager - Managers assist the senior plan and manage the audit, review the senior’swork, and manages relations with the client. A manager may be responsible formultiple engagements at the same time.∙Partner - Partners review the overall audit work and they are involved in allsignificant audit decisions. As owners of the firm, partners are ultimately responsiblefor conducting the audit and serving the client.39.Discuss the five elements of quality control. Who establishes the standards for quality control? mediumAnswer:∙Independence, integrity and objectivity- Personnel on engagement should maintainindependence in fact and in appearance, perform all professional responsibilities withintegrity and maintain objectivity in performing their professional responsibilities.∙Personnel management - Policies and procedures should be established to provide thefirm with reasonable assurance that all new personnel are qualified to perform theirwork, work is assigned to personnel who have adequate training, and personnelshould participate in continuing professional education.∙Acceptance and continuation of clients and engagements- Policies and proceduresshould be established for deciding whether to accept or continue a client relationship.These policies should minimize the risk of associating with a client whosemanagement lacks integrity.∙Engagement performance- Policies and procedures should exist to ensure thatengagement personnel perform work that meets applicable professional standards andthe firm’s standards of quality.∙Monitoring - Policies and procedures should exist to ensure that the other four qualitycontrol elements are being effectively applied.Quality control standards are established by the Auditing Standards Board for auditorsof private companies and by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board forauditors of public companies.Describe the six organizational structures available to CPA firms.40.mediumAnswer:CPA firms can take one of six organizational forms:∙Proprietorship. This form is limited to firms with only one owner.∙General partnership. This form is similar to a proprietorship, except that it applies tomultiple owners.∙General corporation. Unlike a general partnership, shareholders in a generalcorporation are liable only to the extent of their investment in the corporation.∙Professional corporation. Professional corporations can have one or moreshareholders. Personal liability protection for shareholders in professionalcorporations varies widely from state to state.∙Limited liability company. This form combines the most favorable attributes of ageneral corporation and a general partnership. LLCs are taxed like a generalpartnership, but its owners have limited personal liability like shareholders of a general corporation.∙Limited liability partnership. An LLP is structured and taxed like a general partnership. However, the personal liability protection of an LLP is less than that of a general corporation or an LLC, but it is greater than a general partnership. Many accounting firms now operate as LLPs.41. medium There are ten generally accepted auditing standards, divided into three categories. List, by category, each of these ten standards.Answer:General Standards∙Adequate technical training and proficiency.∙Independence in mental attitude.∙Due professional care.Standards of Fieldwork∙Adequate planning and supervision.∙Understand the entity and its environment including internal control.∙Sufficient appropriate audit evidence.Standards of Reporting∙Whether statements were prepared in accordance with GAAP.∙Circumstances when GAAP was not consistently followed.∙Adequacy of informative disclosures.∙Expression of opinion on financial statements as a whole.42. medium In the context of auditing, explain what is meant by an independent mental attitude. Discuss how internal auditors can have an independent mental attitude when they are emplo yed by the company they audit.Answer:Independent mental attitude refers to a state of mind in which the CPA is totally unbiased with respect to the client and the financial information under audit.Although internal auditors are employees of the organization for which their audits are performed, internal auditors should be independent of the function being examined and should report their findings to a level high enough in the organization to allow the auditor to be free from influence by the party, or parties, being examined.43. (SOX) medium The Sarbanes-Oxley Act established the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB). What are the PCAOB’s primary functions? Who performed these functions prior to the PCAOB?Answer:The PCAOB has responsibility for providing oversight auditors of public companies, establishing auditing and quality control standards for public company audits and performing inspections of the quality controls at audit firms performing those audits.These functions were fo rmerly the responsibility of the A merican Institute of Certified Public Accountants.44.challengingWhat are four of the major functions of the AICPA?Answer:Major functions of the AICPA include:∙Establishing standards and rules that practicing CPAs must follow. These standardsconsist of auditing standards for auditors of private companies, compilation andreview standards, other attestation standards, and the Code of Professional Conduct.∙Research and publication. AICPA publications include the Journal of Accountancy,industry audit guides, periodic updates of the Codification of Statements on AuditingStandards, and the Code of Professional Conduct.∙Promoting the accounting profession.∙Developing specialist certifications.∙Writing and grading the uniform CPA examination.∙Providing continuing education seminars for its members.45. challenging Discuss the purpose of the Securities and Exchange Commission and its influence on setting generally accepted accounting principles.Answer:The overall purpose of the SEC is to assist in providing investors with reliable information upon which to make investment decisions. As a result of its authority for specifying financial reporting requirements, the SEC has considerable influence in setting generally accepted accounting principles. Although the SEC has taken the position that accounting principles should be set by the profession (FASB), the SEC’s opinion is generally considered in any major change in GAAP proposed by the FASB.46. challenging Th e purpose of the AICPA’s CPA Vision Project is to help CPAs make sense of our changing and complex world. The Project has identified core values that CPAs must be aware of in the future. What are the top five core values?Answer:∙Continuing education and lifelong learning∙Competence∙Integrity∙Attuned to broad business issues∙ObjectivityOther Objective Answer Format Questions47. easy b Membership in the AICPA is restricted to CPAs who are currently practicing as independent auditors.a. Trueb. False48. easy b Membership in the AICPA is mandatory for all licensed practicing CPAs.a. Trueb. False49. easy a Any public accounting firm can be a member of the AICPA if the firm meets the membership requirements.a. Trueb. False50. easy b Statements on Auditing Standards (SASs) are issued by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.a. Trueb. False51. (SOX) easyb Auditors of public companies should, in the absence of guidance issued by the PCAOB, follow auditing standards issued by the SEC.a. Trueb. False52. (SOX) medium b The U.S. Congress has oversight responsibility for the PCAOB.a. Trueb. False53. medium b Form 10-K must be filed with the SEC whenever a public company experiences a significant event.a. Trueb. False54. medium b In a limited liability partnership, partners are personally liable for liabilities arising from negligent acts of other partners, but not for liabilities arising from acts of other employees.a. Trueb. False55. medium a Limited liability companies are structured and taxed like a general partnership, but their owners have limited personal liability similar to that of a general corporation.a. Trueb. False56. (SOX) medium b All CPA firms registered with the PCA OB are required to undergo a peer review at least once every two years.a. Trueb. False57. medium a Statements on Auditing Standards (SASs) are considered to be interpretations of the ten generally accepted auditing standards.a. Trueb. False58. (SOX) medium a Any CPA firm that audits more than 100 public companies is required to have an annual inspection by the PCAOB.a. Trueb. False59. medium a The overall purpose of the Securities and Exchange Commission is to assist in providing investors with reliable information upon which to make investment decisions.a. Trueb. False60. medium a International Standards on Auditing are issued by the International Auditing Practices Committee.a. Trueb. False。