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Class_________ Number _________ Name ________ Mark ______一、Read and draw.看词组画画并涂颜色。(16分)

three green rulers two red pencils one blue schoolbag four pink erasers

six yellow pens a black mouse an orange budgie a purple pencil-case 二、Count and write the numbers .看图,数数。(10分)

1. How many schoolbag are there ? _______________________________

2. How many pencils are there ? _______________________________

3. What colour is the tiger ? ________________________________

4. How many erasers are there ? ________________________________

5. How many pens are there ? ________________________________

三、Picture puzzle , count and write .数动物,并写下来。(14分)

1. _______ __________

2. _________ __________

3. _______ __________

4. _________ __________

5. ________ _________ 6 . _________ __________

7. _______ __________

四、Look and judge. 看图判断,对的写“T”错的写“F”。(12分)

Pet Colour Number Day Mike budgie blue 12 Monday Sue frog pink 5 Sunday Ray rabbit red 8 Tuesday ( ) 1. Mike 's favourite number is five .

( ) 2. Ray 's favourite pet is a rabbit .

( ) 3. Sue 's favourite day is Tuesday .

( ) 4. Mike 's favourite colour is red .

( ) 5. Ray 's favourite number is twelve .

( ) 6. Sue 's favourite per is a hamster .

五、Write about yourself .仿照上文写写你喜欢的东西。(12分)

My favourite number is ______________.

My favourite day is _________________.

My favourite pet is a _______________.

My favourite colour is _____________.

六、Find out the children 's favourite day and finish the sentences.找出小朋友们喜欢的星期并写下来。(14分)

Merry( My favourite day is Monday) Mark


Kate Amy


Jeff Ben


1.Toby 's favourite day is _________________ .

2.Jeff 's favourite day is _________________ .

3.Ben 's favourite day is _________________ .

4.Kate 's favourite day is _________________ .

5.Amy 's favourite day is _________________ .

6.Mark 's favourite day is _________________ .

7.Merry 's favourite day is _________________ .

七、Put the words in the right order . 阅读短文根据单词在文中出现的顺序用阿拉伯数字排列出来。(10分)

Hello, I am Rick . I am in Grade three this year . My English teacher is Miss Lu . My favourite number is zero. My favourite colour is brown . My favourite pet is a hamster . My favourite day is Saturday .My phone number is eight five two eight one four three nine .

1)favourite colour ________

2)phone number _________

3)favourite pet __________

4)favoutie day __________

5)favorite number ________

6)English teacher ____1____

八、Read and finish the form. 读一读,并完成表格。(12分)

I 'm Alison . I has got a room .It 's very nice .There is a green pencil-case .There are two blue schoolbags . There are four pink pencils. There are six red erasers .There are three white rulers and five black pens .There are nine books , too .

Number one

Colour green
