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流转税turnover taxes

1.增值税Value-added tax

2.营业税bus in ess tax

3.消费税consumption tax

所得税in come tax

4 企业所得税en terprise in come taxes

with 5.外国投资企业和外国企业所得税in come taxes for en terprise

foreig n in vestme nt and foreig n en terprise

6.个人所得税pers onal in come tax ( in dividual in come tax )

7.资源税recourse taxes

8.城镇士地使用税urban land use tax

特定目的税specific purpose taxes

9.城市维护建设税urban infrastructure tax

10.固定资产投资方向调节税fixed asset investment redirection tax

11.士地增值税urban land use tax

财产税property tax

12.房产税(non-residential )building tax

13.车船使用税motor-vehicle & ship use tax

14.遗产税inheritanee tax

15.行为税action tax

16.屠宰税livestock slaughter tax

17.筵席税ban quest tax

18.证券交易税securities transfer tax

19.关税customs duty

20.农牧业税agriculture tax

21.耕地占用税farmland conversion tax

22.契税con tract tax
