云南大学经济学院经济学(含政治经济学、西方经济学)2006——2009经济学(含政治经济学和西方经济学)2005(A),2005(B)(试卷内容不全)经济学二2007经济学三(国际贸易学专业)2005西方经济学2005西方经济学(含宏观经济学、微观经济学)2006——2009西方经济学二2008经济学(含产业经济学和西方经济学)2004(A卷),2004(B卷),2005(A卷),2005(B卷)经济学(含西方经济学和世界经济学)2004(A卷),2004(B卷),2005(A卷),2005(B卷)经济学(含西方经济学和人口、资源与环境经济学)2004(A卷),2004(B卷),2005(A卷),2005(B卷)经济学(资本主义部分)2004(A卷),2004(B卷)管理学原理(管理科学与工程专业)2006——2009管理学(企业管理专业)2004——2009(2004、2005年名称为“管理学原理”)会计学原理2005——2006统计学原理2005公共管理学院政治学原理2006——2009当代中国政府与政治2006——2009政治学概论2007——2009(2007、2008年试题名称为“国际政治学概论”)社会学人类学理论与方法2007——2009社会学基础2007——2009民族学基础2004——2006(注:2006年试卷为回忆版)社会文化人类学2005文化人类学理论与方法2004文化人类学2004行政管理2008——2009行政学概论2006——2009经济学(含政治经济学、西方经济学)2006——2009经济学(含政治经济学和西方经济学)2005(A),2005(B)(试卷内容不全)西方经济学二2008——2009西方经济学2005西方经济学(含宏观经济学、微观经济学)2006——2007西方经济学(含微观经济学和宏观经济学)(产业经济学专业)2008图书馆、情报与档案管理实务2006——2009图书馆学、情报学与档案学基础2006——2009法学院经济法学、民法学、刑法学2006——2009法理学、宪法学2006——2009马克思主义研究院马克思主义哲学原理2006——2009马克思主义基本原理概论2009毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论2009民族学理论与方法2009发展研究院经济学(含政治经济学、西方经济学)2006——2009经济学(含政治经济学和西方经济学)2005(A),2005(B)(试卷内容不全)经济学二2007经济学三(国际贸易学专业)2005西方经济学2005西方经济学(含宏观经济学、微观经济学)2006——2009西方经济学二2008经济学(含产业经济学和西方经济学)2004(A卷),2004(B卷),2005(A卷),2005(B卷)经济学(含西方经济学和世界经济学)2004(A卷),2004(B卷),2005(A卷),2005(B卷)经济学(含西方经济学和人口、资源与环境经济学)2004(A卷),2004(B卷),2005(A卷),2005(B卷)经济学(资本主义部分)2004(A卷),2004(B卷)管理学原理(管理科学与工程专业)2006——2009管理学(企业管理专业)2004——2009(2004、2005年名称为“管理学原理”)会计学原理2005——2006统计学原理2005社会学人类学理论与方法2007——2008社会学基础2007——2008民族学基础2004——2006(注:2006年试卷为回忆版)社会文化人类学2005文化人类学理论与方法2004文化人类学2004人文学院马克思主义哲学原理2006——2009专业综合理论2007——2009中国语言文学基础2007——2009理论批评2007——2009传播理论2002——2005,2007——2009新闻传播实务2002——2005,2007——2009世界近现代史2005——2006中国通史2005——2006西方哲学史2006马克思主义政治经济学原理2006外国语学院二外日语2002,2004——2009二外德语2002,2004——2009二外法语2002,2004——2009二外英语2004,2006——2007,2009基础英语(含写作、翻译、阅读)2004——2009综合考试(英语语言文学专业)1999——2000,2004——2009综合考试(法语语言文学专业)2004,2006——2007,2009基础法语2004,2006——2007,2009翻译(法汉互译)2002法国文学2002英美文化与文学2002英美文学1999——2000英语写作1999——2000英汉互译1999——2000写作与翻译(英语专业)2002民族研究院马克思主义哲学原理2006——2009综合专业理论2007——2009社会学人类学理论与方法2007——2009社会学基础2007——2009人类学基础2009民族学基础2004——2006(注:2006年试卷为回忆版)民族学理论与方法2009社会文化人类学2005文化人类学理论与方法2004文化人类学2004马克思主义政治经济学原理2006工商管理与旅游学院经济学(含政治经济学、西方经济学)2006——2009经济学(含政治经济学和西方经济学)2005(A),2005(B)(试卷内容不全)经济学二2007经济学三(国际贸易学专业)2005西方经济学2005西方经济学(含宏观经济学、微观经济学)2006——2009西方经济学二2008经济学(含产业经济学和西方经济学)2004(A卷),2004(B卷),2005(A卷),2005(B卷)经济学(含西方经济学和世界经济学)2004(A卷),2004(B卷),2005(A卷),2005(B卷)经济学(含西方经济学和人口、资源与环境经济学)2004(A卷),2004(B卷),2005(A卷),2005(B卷)经济学(资本主义部分)2004(A卷),2004(B卷)管理学原理(管理科学与工程专业)2006——2009管理学(企业管理专业)2004——2009(2004、2005年名称为“管理学原理”)会计学原理2005——2006统计学原理2005旅游综合考试2005国际关系研究院政治学概论2006——2009近现代国际关系史2007——2009世界民族与民族问题2007——2009民族学概论2007——2009经济学(含政治经济学、西方经济学)2006——2009经济学(含政治经济学和西方经济学)2005(A),2005(B)(试卷内容不全)经济学二2007经济学三(国际贸易学专业)2005西方经济学2005西方经济学(含宏观经济学、微观经济学)2006——2009西方经济学二2008经济学(含产业经济学和西方经济学)2004(A卷),2004(B卷),2005(A卷),2005(B卷)经济学(含西方经济学和世界经济学)2004(A卷),2004(B卷),2005(A卷),2005(B卷)经济学(含西方经济学和人口、资源与环境经济学)2004(A卷),2004(B卷),2005(A卷),2005(B卷)经济学(资本主义部分)2004(A卷),2004(B卷)艺术与设计学院中外艺术史2004,2005,2009(其中2005年的试卷内容不全)艺术理论2009文化人类学2009艺术概论2004(A卷),2005(A卷)(其中2005年的试卷内容不全)高等教育研究院院教育学专业基础综合(全国统考试卷)2007——2009(2007——2009有答案)教育学综合(含教育学原理、中外教育史)2006马列主义教学研究部马克思主义哲学原理2006——2009马克思主义基本原理概论2009毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论2009 马克思主义哲学基本原理2007马克思主义政治经济学原理2006邓小平理论和三个代表重要思想概论2006——2007民族学理论与方法2007数学与统计学院数学分析2004,2007——2009高等代数2004,2007——2009数学分析与高等代数2003,2005——2006概率论数数理统计2005——2009(2006年试题有两份)西方经济学(含宏观经济学、微观经济学)2006——2009生命科学学院普通生物学2006——2009遗传学2005——2009生物化学2000——2003微生物学2002信息学院离散数学2002——2009信号与系统2003,2005——2006,2008——2009自动控制原理2007——2009数据结构与操作系统2003,2005——2008数据结构与数据库技术2003数据结构与算法2003数据结构2003计算机程序设计2007——2008数据结构与程序设计2003,2005,2007——2008数字电路2005——2006化学科学与工程学院化学(一)2005——2009化学(二)2005——2009化学(三)2005——2009分析化学2004有机化学2004综合化学2004物理科学技术学院量子力学2003,2007——2009大学物理(物理科学技术学院使用)2007——2009高等数学2005——2009程序设计与数值算法基础2007电路理论2008——2009电磁场原理2008电路与电磁场理论2007普通化学2006——2008普通化学(一)2007——2009普通物理2006——2009量子物理基础2008——2009固体物理基础2008固体物理2003,2007——2008材料科学基础2007,2009资源环境与地球科学学院城市与区域规划(人文地理专业)2005土地利用规划与管理2009高等数学2005——2009高等数学(二)2009综合地理学2009天气学2009地震学与地质学基础2009结构力学2009软件学院计算机程序设计2007——2009高等数学一(自命题)2009数据结构与程序设计2003,2005,2007——2008 数据结构与操作系统2003,2005——2006,2008 数据结构与数据库技术2003数据结构与算法2003数据结构2003离散数学2002——2009古生物重点实验室地质学基础2006普通生物学2006——2009古生物地史学2006城市建设与管理学院城市与区域规划(人文地理专业)2005土地利用规划与管理2009高等数学2005——2009高等数学(二)2009综合地理学2009天气学2009地震学与地质学基础2009结构力学2009文化产业研究院经济人类学2009民族文化与经济2009文化产业概论2009中外艺术史2004(A卷),2005(A卷)(其中2005年的试卷内容不全)社会文化人类学2005文化人类学理论与方法2004文化人类学2004工程技术研究院大学物理(工程技术研究院使用)2007——2009普通化学2006——2008普通化学(一)2007——2008普通化学(二)2009教育技术学基础2006——2009多媒体技术基础2006——2008计算机网络基础2009。
(一)选择题1、2004年的夏季奥运会在( B )举行。
A、悉尼B、雅典C、巴黎D、北京2、2004年的欧洲杯在( C )进行A、德国B、比利时C、葡萄牙D、荷兰3、第一届现代奥林匹克运动会是( B )年在希腊举行的A、1894B、1896C、1900、D、18904、脊柱一般至(C)才巩固,在整个发育时期均易受外界影响而变形。
A、18-19B、19-20C、20-21D、21-225、某个人进行100米比赛时,假设平均步长2米平均步频4步/秒则他用体育教师业务考试题了(C )。
A、12″40B、12″45C、12″50D、12″606、在NBA篮球比赛的总决赛中采用的是( C )制。
A、五局四胜B、五局三胜C、七局四胜D、六局四胜7、现代的足球运动起源于( C )A、法国B、美国C、英国D、德国8、奥运会的会旗为白色的底色,中央有五个套联的环,自左至右的颜色为( A )A、蓝、黄、黑、绿、红B、蓝、黑、黄、绿、红C、蓝、黑、黄、绿、白D、红、绿、黑、黄、蓝9、1984年(B )获得的奥运金牌,实现了我过在奥运史上金牌的“零”的突破A、郎平B、许海峰C、李宁D、黄志红10、在双杠的支撑摆动动作中,应以(B )为轴摆动A、手B、肩C、宽D、腰11、行进间单手肩上投篮又称“三步上篮”,是在行进间接球或运球后做近距离投篮时所采用的一种方法。
“三步”的动作特点是(A )A、一大、二小、三高B、一大、二大、三高C、一小、二大、三快D、一小、二小、三快12、在有13个足球队参加的比赛中。
若采用淘汰共需( C )场就可决出冠军。
A、10B、11C、12D、1313、《体育与保健》课开始上课整队时,老师(或体育委员)一般按( A )顺序发出队列口令。
A、立正—向右看齐—向前看—报数—稍息B、稍息—立正—报数—向右看齐—向前看C、立正—报数—向右看齐—向前看—稍息D、立正—向前看—报数—稍息—立正14、走和跑的区别在于( D )A、跑的速度快,走的速度慢B、跑时身体重心起伏大、走时身体重心起伏小C、跑的步副大,走的步幅小D、跑时身体有腾空,走时身体没有腾空15、个性心理特征包括( D )A.气质、性格、动机B.气质、性格、需要C.兴趣、动机、需要D.能力、气质、性格16、《中华人民共和国教师法》颁布于( D )A、1993.10.31B、1992.10.31C、1994.1.1D、1986.4.1217、《中华人民共和国教育法》颁布于( D )A、1992年3月B、1993年3月C、1994年3月D、1995年3月18、有一位体育教师品行不良,在自己情绪不好时常侮辱学生,影响恶劣,一次课中将学生踢伤。
2004年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试数学(一)试卷一、填空题(本题共6小题,每小题4分,满分24分.把答案填在题中横线上) (1)曲线ln y x =上与直线1=+y x 垂直的切线方程为__________ . (2)已知(e )e x x f x -'=,且(1)0f =,则()f x =__________ .(3)设L 为正向圆周222=+y x 在第一象限中的部分,则曲线积分⎰-L ydx xdy 2的值为__________.(4)欧拉方程)0(024222>=++x y dx dyx dxy d x 的通解为__________ . (5)设矩阵210120001⎡⎤⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦A ,矩阵B 满足**2=+ABA BA E ,其中*A 为A 的伴随矩阵,E 是单位矩阵,则B =__________ .(6)设随机变量X 服从参数为λ的指数分布,则}{DX X P >= __________ .二、选择题(本题共8小题,每小题4分,满分32分.每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个符合题目要求,把所选项前的字母填在题后的括号内)(7)把+→0x 时的无穷小量dt t dt t dt t xx x⎰⎰⎰===03002sin ,tan ,cos 2γβα,使排在后面的是前一个的高阶无穷小,则正确的排列次序是(A)γβα,, (B)βγα,, (C)γαβ,, (D)αγβ,, (8)设函数()f x 连续,且,0)0(>'f 则存在0>δ,使得(A)()f x 在(0,)δ内单调增加 (B)()f x 在)0,(δ-内单调减少 (C)对任意的),0(δ∈x 有()(0)f x f > (D)对任意的)0,(δ-∈x 有()(0)f x f >(9)设∑∞=1n n a 为正项级数,下列结论中正确的是(A)若n n na ∞→lim =0,则级数∑∞=1n n a 收敛(B)若存在非零常数λ,使得λ=∞→n n na lim ,则级数∑∞=1n n a 发散(C)若级数∑∞=1n n a 收敛,则0lim 2=∞→n n a n (D)若级数∑∞=1n n a 发散, 则存在非零常数λ,使得λ=∞→n n na lim(10)设()f x 为连续函数,⎰⎰=t ty dx x f dy t F 1)()(,则)2(F '等于 (A)2(2)f (B)(2)f (C)(2)f - (D) 0(11)设A 是3阶方阵,将A 的第1列与第2列交换得B ,再把B 的第2列加到第3列得C ,则满足=AQ C 的可逆矩阵Q 为(A)⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡101001010(B)⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡100101010 (C)⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡110001010(D)⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡100001110 (12)设,A B 为满足=AB O 的任意两个非零矩阵,则必有 (A)A 的列向量组线性相关,B 的行向量组线性相关 (B)A 的列向量组线性相关,B 的列向量组线性相关 (C)A 的行向量组线性相关,B 的行向量组线性相关 (D)A 的行向量组线性相关,B 的列向量组线性相关(13)设随机变量X 服从正态分布(0,1),N 对给定的)10(<<αα,数αu 满足αα=>}{u X P ,若α=<}{x X P ,则x 等于(A)2αu (B)21α-u(C)21α-u (D) α-1u(14)设随机变量)1(,,,21>n X X X n 独立同分布,且其方差为.02>σ 令∑==ni i X n Y 11,则(A)21Cov(,)X Y nσ= (B)21Cov(,)X Y σ=(C)212)(σnn Y X D +=+ (D)211)(σnn Y X D +=-三、解答题(本题共9小题,满分94分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤)(15)(本题满分12分) 设2e e a b <<<,证明2224ln ln ()e b a b a ->-.(16)(本题满分11分)某种飞机在机场降落时,为了减少滑行距离,在触地的瞬间,飞机尾部张开减速伞,以增大阻力,使飞机迅速减速并停下.现有一质量为9000kg的飞机,着陆时的水平速度为700km/h 经测试,减速伞打开后,飞机所受的总阻力与飞机的速度成正比(比例系数为).k问从着陆点=10⨯0.66算起,飞机滑行的最长距离是多少?(注:kg表示千克,km/h表示千米/小时)(17)(本题满分12分)计算曲面积分,)1(322233dxdy z dzdx y dydz x I ⎰⎰∑-++=其中∑是曲面)0(122≥--=z y x z 的上侧.(18)(本题满分11分)设有方程10nx nx+-=,其中n为正整数.证明此方程存在惟一正实根n x,并证明当1α>时,级数1nn xα∞=∑收敛.(19)(本题满分12分)设(,)z z x y =是由2226102180x xy y yz z -+--+=确定的函数,求(,)z z x y =的极值点和极值.(20)(本题满分9分)设有齐次线性方程组121212(1)0,2(2)20,(2),()0,nnna x x xx a x xnnx nx n a x++++=⎧⎪++++=⎪≥⎨⎪⎪++++=⎩试问a取何值时,该方程组有非零解,并求出其通解.(21)(本题满分9分)设矩阵12314315a-⎡⎤⎢⎥=--⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦A的特征方程有一个二重根,求a的值,并讨论A是否可相似对角化.(22)(本题满分9分)设,A B 为随机事件,且111(),(|),(|)432P A P B A P A B ===,令;,,0,1不发生发生A A X ⎩⎨⎧= .,,0,1不发生发生B B Y ⎩⎨⎧= 求:(1)二维随机变量(,)X Y 的概率分布. (2)X 和Y 的相关系数.XY ρ(23)(本题满分9分) 设总体X 的分布函数为,1,1,0,11),(≤>⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧-=x x x x F ββ其中未知参数n X X X ,,,,121 >β为来自总体X 的简单随机样本,求:(1)β的矩估计量. (2)β的最大似然估计量2004年数学一试题分析、详解和评注一、填空题(本题共6小题,每小题4分,满分24分. 把答案填在题中横线上)(1)曲线y=lnx 上与直线1=+y x 垂直的切线方程为 1-=x y .【分析】 本题为基础题型,相当于已知切线的斜率为1,由曲线y=lnx 的导数为1可确定切点的坐标。
Time Limit: 3 hoursPart I: Structure and VocabularyDirections: In this section there are 40 sentences. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to each one.1. It was no ________ that his car was seen near the bank at the time of the robbery.[A] coincidence [B] convention[C] certainty [D] complication2. One of the responsibilities of the Coast Guard is to make sure that all ships ________ followtraffic rules in busy harbors.[A] cautiously [B] dutifully[C] faithfully [D] skillfully3. The Eskimo is perhaps one of the most trusting and considerate of all Indians but seems to be________ the welfare of his animals.[A] critical about [B] indignant at[C] indifferent to [D] subject to4. It is naive to expect that any society can resolve all the social problems it is faced with _____.[A] for long [B] in and out[C] once for all [D] by nature5. The Timber rattlesnake is now on the endangered species list, and is extinct in two eastern statesin which it once ________.[A] thrived [B] swelled [C] prospered [D] flourished6. When any non-human organ is transplanted into a person, the body immediately recognizes it as________.[A] novel [B] remote [C] distant [D] foreign7. He ______ with Smith at least four times in the past three years.[A] has been seen to meet [B] was seen to meet[C] has been seen meeting [D] is seen meeting8. No one can understand ______ a decision until it is too late to do so.[A] him to postpone to make[B] him to postpone making[C] his postponing to make[D] his postponing making9. Such ______ the case, there are no grounds to justify your complaints.[A] is [B] being [C] was [D] would be10. Nowhere else in China ______ more beautiful scenery than in Kunming.[A] you can find [B] you have found[C] can you find [D] have you found11. He is an hour late. He ______ by fog. Of course, that' s only a possibility.[A] may have been delayed [B] should have been delayed[C] can have been delayed [D] must have been delayed12. She is pleased with what you have given him and ______you have told him.[A] that [B] which [C] all what [D] all that13. It is because she is too inexperienced ______ she does not know how to deal with the situation.[A] so [B] that [C] so that [D] which14. Their profits have grown rapidly in recent years, and this upward ______ is expected to continue.[A] action [B] increase [C] tendency [D] movement15. My brother likes eating very much but he isn' t very ______ about the food he eats.[A] special [B]peculiar [C] unusual [D] particular16. Dinner will be ready ______, but we still have time for a drink.[A] presently [B] currently [C] lately [D] finally17. Let's not ______ over such a trifle![A] fall out [B] fall through[C] fall to [D] fall behind18. He was a brilliant musician as a boy, but he never ______ his early promise.[A] completed [B] performed[C] concluded [D] fulfilled19. The gloves were really too small, and it was only by ___ them that managed to get them on.[A] stretching [B] spreading[C] extending [D] squeezing20. She is a musician than her brother.[A] much of [B] much as[C] more of [D] more as21. Liquids are like solids they have a definite volume.[A] in that [B] for that[C] with that [D] at that22. I suppose you are not going today, ?[A] are you [B] aren’t you[C] do you [D] don’t you23.There is no doubt he will come soon.[A] that [B] what[C] if [D] whether24. The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely on best in its climate and soil.[A]. it grows [B] what grows[C] does it grows [D] what does it grows25.We are to your commercial office in Beijing, from whom we learned that you are aleading importer of electric goods in your area.[A]. indebted [B] engaged[C] indeed [D] debted26. The medicine is on sale everywhere. You can get it at chemist’s.[A] each [B] certain[C] some [D] any27. You cannot be careful when you drive a car.[A] very [B] so[C] too [D] enough28. Every man in this country has the right to live where he wants to, of the color of his skin.[A] with the exception of [B] in the light of[C] by virtue of [D] regardless of29. Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as __________ sickness.[A] normal [B] regular[C] average [D] ordinary30. Custom are paid on goods entering the country.[A] duties [B] fares[C] fees [D] charges31. Elephants would if men were allowed to shoot as many as they wished.[A] die down [B] die out[C] die away [D] die off32. Your hair wants . You’d better have it done tomorrow.[A] cut [B] to cut[C] cutting [D] being cut33. Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I your advice.[A]follow [B] had followed[C] would follow [D] have followed34. Almost everyone fails on the first try.[A ]in passing his driver’s test[B] t o pass his driver’s test[C] to have passed his driver’s test[D]passing his driver’s test35. I have included a few specific examples as of the difficulty of our work.[A] conservation [B] expectations[C] illustrations [D] imaginations36. When his car was damaged he got $500 .[A] pension [B] deposit[C] allowance [D] insurance37. The results were ___ in comparison with the effort required to achieve them.[A] significant [B] tiny[C] minor [D] indispensable38. When we finally _________to get home after the tiring long journey, we could hardly move a step further.[A] tired [B] succeeded[C] managed [D] endeavored39. The question of salary increase will ______ at the next general meeting.[A] come to [B] come up[C] come off [D] come through40. ______, his theories created a lot of controversy in scientific circles, but now theyare widely accepted.[A] Originally [B] Initially[C] Primarily [D] PrimitivelyPart II Reading ComprehensionDirections: In this part, you’ll read five passages. After each passage, there are four questions for you to answer, please mark your answers on your answer sheet.Passage OneA great deal of attention is being paid today to the so-called digital divide—the division of the world into the info (information) rich and the info poor. And that divide does exist today. My wife and I lectured about this looming danger twenty years ago. What was less visible then, however, were the new, positive forces that work against the digital divide. There are reasons to be optimistic.There are technological reasons to hope the digital divide will narrow. As the Internet becomes more and more commercialized, it is in the interest of business to universalize access—after all, the more people online, the more potential customers there are. More and more governments, afraid their countries will be left behind, want to spread Internet access. Within the next decade or two, one to two billion people on the planet will be netted together. As a result, I now believe the digital divide will narrow rather than widen in the years ahead. And that is very good news because the Internet may well be the most powerful tool for combating world poverty that we’ve ever had.Of course, the use of the Internet isn’t the only way to defeat poverty. And the Internet is not the only tool we have. But it has enormous potential.To take advantage of this tool, some impoverished countries will have to get over their outdated anti-colonial prejudices with respect to foreign investment. Countries that still think foreign investment is an invasion of their sovereignty might well study the history of infrastructure (the basic structural foundations of a society) in the United States. When the United States built its industrial infrastructure, it didn’t have the capital to do so. And that is why America’s Second Wave infrastructure—including roads, harbors, highways, ports and so on—were built with foreign investment. The English, the Germans, the Dutch and the French were investing in Britain’s former colony. They financed them. Immigrant Americans built them. Guess who owns them now? The Americans. I believe the same thing would be true in places like Brazil or anywhere else for that matter. The more foreign capital you have helping you build your Third Wave infrastructure, which today is an electronic infrastructure, the better off you’re going to be. That doesn’t mean lying down and becoming fooled, or letting foreign corporations run uncontrolled. But it does mean recognizing how important they can be in building the energy and telecom infrastructures needed to take full advantage of the Internet.41. Digital divide is something ________.[A] getting worse because of the Internet[B] the rich countries are responsible for[C] the world must guard against[D] considered positive today42. Governments attach importance to the Internet because it ________.[A] offers economic potentials[B] can bring foreign funds[C] can soon wipe out world poverty[D] connects people all over the world43. The writer mentioned the case of the United States to justify the policy of ___________.[A] providing financial support overseas[B] preventing foreign capital’s control[C] building industrial infrastructure[D] accepting foreign investment44. It seems that now a country’s economy depends much on ________.[A] how well-developed it is electronically[B] whether it is prejudiced against immigrants[C] whether it adopts America’s industrial pattern[D] how much control it has over foreign corporationsPassage TwoWhen we accept the evidence of our unaided eyes and describe the Sun as a yellow star, we have summed up the most important single fact about it at this moment in time.It appears probable, however, that sunlight will be the color we know for only a negligible small part of the Sun’s history.Stars, like individuals, age and change. As we look out into space, we see around us stars of all stages of evolution. There are faint bloodred dwarfs so cool that their surface temperature is a mere 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit; there are searing ghosts blazing at 100,000 degrees Fahrenheit and almost too hot to be seen, for the great part of their radiation is in the invisible ultraviolet range. Obviously, the “daylight” produced by any star depends on its temperature; today (and for ages to come) our Sun is at about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, and this means that most of the Sun’s lig ht is concentrated in the yellow band of the spectrum, falling slowly in intensity toward both the longer and shorter light waves.That yellow “hump” will shift as the Sun evolves, and the light of day will change accordingly. It is natural to assume that as the Sun grows older, and uses up its hydrogen fuel---which it is now doing at the spanking rate of half a billion tons a second---it will become steadily colder and redder.45. What is the passage mainly about?[A] Faint dwarf stars[B] The evolutionary cycle of the Sun[C] The Sun’s fuel problem[D]The dangers of invisible radiation46. What does the author say is especially important about the Sun at the present time?[A] It appears yellow.[B] It always remains the same.[C] It has a short history.[D]It is too cold.47. Why are very hot stars referred to as “ghosts”?[A] They are short-lived.[B] They are mysterious.[C] They are frightening[D]They are nearly invisible.48. According to the passage, as the Sun continues to age, it is likely to become what color?[A] Yellow. [B] Violet. [C] Red. [D]White.Passage ThreeOne of the most important social developments that helped to make possible a shift in thinking about the role of public education was the effect of the baby boom of the 1950’s and the 1960’s on the schools. In the 1920’s, but especially in the Depression conditions of 1930’s, the United States experienced a declining birth rate---every thousand women aged fifteen to forty-four gave birth to about 118 live children in 1920, 89.2 in 1930, 75.8 in 1936, and 80 in 1940. With the growing prosperity brought about by the Second World War and the economic boom that followed it, young people married and established households earlier and began to raise larger families than had their predecessors during the Depression. Birth rates rose to 102 per thousand in 1946, 106.2 in 1950 and 118 in 1955. Although economics was probably the most important determinant, it is not the only explanation for the baby boom. The increased value placed on the idea of the family also helps to explain this rise in birth rates. The baby boomers began streaming into the first grade by the mid-1940’s and became a flood by 1950. The public school system suddenly found itself overtaxed. While the number of school children rose because of wartime and postwar conditions, these same conditions made the schools even less prepared to cope with the flood. The wartime economy meant that few new schools were built between 1940 and 1945. Moreover, during the war and in the boom times that followed, large number of teachers left their profession for better-paying jobs elsewhere in the economy.Therefore, in the 1950’s and 1960’s, the baby boom hit an antiquated and inadequate school system. Consequently, the “Custodial rhetoric” of the 1930’s and early 1940’s no longer make sense; that is, keeping youths aged sixteen and older out of the labor market by keeping them in school could no longer be a high priority for an institution unable to find space and staff to teach younger children aged five to sixteen. With the baby boom, the focus of educators and of laymen interested in education inevitably turned toward the lower grades and back to basic academic skills and discipline. The system no longer had much interest in offering non-traditional, new, and extra services to older youths.49.What does the passage mainly discuss?[A] the teaching profession during the baby boom[B] birth rates in the United States in the 1930’s and 1940’s[C] the impact of the baby boom on public education[D] the role of the family in the 1950’s and 1960’s50.The word “it” in line 15 refers to _____.[A] 1995 [B] economics[C] the baby boom [D] value51.The word “overtaxed” in line 18 is closest in meaning to _____.[A] well prepared [B] plentifully supplied[C] heavily burdened [D] charged too much52.The public schools of the 1950’s and 1960’s faced all of the following problemsEXCEPT________.[A] a declining number of students[B] old-fashioned facilities[C] a shortage of teachers[D] an inadequate number of buildingsPassage FourAfter e-mail, people spend the most time on-line searching for stuff. Whether they are seeking for information, entertainment, people, or products to buy, their first click after landing at a web site is usually the search button. An easily searchable on-line catalog is what started Amazon Com Inc. on the road to stardom. Ebay Inc. would still be an amazing on-line garage sale if its front-and-center search engine could not zero in on that one rare Disney movie story. But too many web sites ignored those lessons, relegating their search button to tiny boxes on the bottom of the pages and not keeping up with the latest research technology.That is huge mistake---and many e-commerce companies are paying the price. Even as they struggle to attract the keep customers, sites that ignore the importance of search are losing sales without realizing it. Market researcher Jupiter found that 80% of on-line users will abandon a site if the search function does not work well. Another researcher says: “You could make a case that the main reason e-commerce is unprofitable is that the power of search had been overlooked. ”At the same time, a good search capacity can help turn that situation around. Another market watcher, Forrest Research Inc., notes that more than half of on-line buyers use search to find products---and the better the search tools, the more they buy. That’s what Ebay, where buyers and sellers make an average of 30 million searches a day, has found whenever it has improved its search feature.The thing is, any e-commerce site can get the same results if it makes an effort. Search technology is continuing to improve at a fairly rapid clip, offering more accurate results. Google Inc., for instance, has become the web surfer’s search engine of choice. That’s thanks to software that tallies the number of links to pages containing the chosen keywords, returning remarkably useful results. This is not the end of search innovation. Ebay chose Fast Search & Transfer for its new search technology because it delivers ultra-fast updates of the latest auction postings and bids.Much of the improvement can come from simpler means: playing up the search function and designing the site to take advantage of it. One thing that should be dead obvious but clearly isn’t: the search box shouldn’t require a search engine to find it. It is equally important to avoid designing search capabilities that take things too literally. All too often, misspellings bring up zero results. Web sites can program their search engines to respond to common misspellings.Most challenging, e-commerce sites must open up their private product databases to public search engines. That way, shoppers can find their products without having to know the web site address. But t he company’s techies (技术人员) must be more open than they are used to be. “There are a lot of concerns about what they consider proprietary data,” says Google Executive Eric E Schmidt.Not all of these improvements are easy to achieve. They often require rebuilding the site and rewrite entire database to keep search in mind. That cost is tough to justify when it is so difficult topeg (确定) increased customer purchases on a site to search improvements. But unless e-commerce companies wise up and make the extra effort, even more of their employees will need to search for something else: new jobs.53.What’s the key factor influencing people’s behaviors on the Net?[A] The cost of surfing.[B] The content of the web site.[C] The convenience of surfing.[D]The speed of searching54. Which of the following is TRUE when Ebay strengthens its search function?[A] There is no obvious difference.[B] The transactions increase rapidly.[C] The prices of goods go down gradually.[D]The bids become less competitive55.Which one is NOT the reaso n for people’s failure in search?[A] They don’t know the web site address.[B] They make misspellings often..[C] They cannot find search button easily.[D]They have no patience when searching56.What’s people main concern when using a public engine?[A] It will increase the operation cost.[B] It will have a high demand in dealing with data[C] It will leak confidential information.[D]It will lose potential customersPassage FiveThe term “virus” is derived from the Latin word for poison, or slime. It w as originally applied to the noxious stench emanating from swamps that was thought to causes a variety of diseases in the centuries before microbes were discovered and specifically linked to illness. But it was not until almost the end of the nineteenth century that a true virus was proven to be the cause of a disease.The nature of virus made them impossible to detect for many years even after bacteria had been discovered and studied. Not only are viruses too small to be seen with a light microscope, they also cannot be detected through their biological activity, except as it occurs in conjunction with other organisms. In fact, viruses show no traces of biological activity by themselves. Unlike bacteria, they are not living agents in the strictest sense. Viruses are very simple pieces of organic material composed only of nuclei acid, either DNA or RNA, enclosed in a coat of protein made up of simple structural units. (Some viruses also contain carbohydrates and lipids.) They are parasites, requiring human, animal, or plant cells to live. The virus replicates by attaching to a cell and injecting its nuclei acid. Once inside the cell, the DNA or RNA that contains the virus’ genetic information takes over the cell’s biological machinery, and the cell begins to m anufacture viral proteins rather than its own.57.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?[A] Developments in Viral Research[B] Exploring the Causes of Disease[C] DNA: Nature’s Building Block[D]Understanding Viruses58.Before microbes were discovered it was believed that some diseases were caused by ________.[A] germ-carrying insects[B] certain strains of bacteria[C] foul odors released from swaps[D]slimy creatures living near swamps59.The word “nature” in line 6 is closest in meaning to which of the following?[A] self-sufficiency [B] Shapes[C] Characteristics [D]Speed60.The author implies that bacteria were investigated earlier than viruses because[A] Bacteria are easier to detect[B] bacteria are harder to eradicate[C] viruses are extremely poisonous[D] viruses are only found in hot climatesPart III: ClozeDirections: Choose the best answer for each blank in the following passage from the choices given afterwards.1 day, 12 years ago, Joe Royds took a pony (矮马) called Jupiter along to __2 center for mentally handicapped children and, with his wife, Felicity, started to give the children rides. He thought that severely handicapped children might __3 riding horses.Today, more than 130 special schools 4 country have “put their children up”, 5 a retired businessman, terms it. Seventeen more schools __6 adopt horse-riding therapy 7 next summer. Joe has even introduced horse therapy to South Africa, 8 he delivered a paper on the subject to the psychology faculty of Witwatersrand University a few months ago. The 9 development is that the National Society for Mentally Handicapped Children’s Riding Fund, of __10 he is manager, is now having discussions with Plessey, the radio communications company, about the 11 measuring and identifying the mechanism of horse therapy.Joe believes that there may be an inexplicable rapport (融洽的关系) between horses and severely mentally handicapped children that 12 the child, a well-attested increase 13 confidence and sociability。
A 最高人民法院B 最高人民检察院C 全国人民代表大会D 中共中央纪律检查委员会2、下列国家中,尚未加入欧元区的是()。
A 西班牙B 比利时C 卢森堡D 英国3、人类最早使用的金属是()。
A 铜B 铁C 银D 铅4、下列不属于哺乳类的动物是()。
A 蝙蝠B 鲸C 蜂鸟D 海豹5、18世纪末资产阶级反封建革命斗争的著名纲领性文件,并且以后成为法国宪法序言的是()。
A 《自由大宪章》B 《权利法案》C 《人权宣言》D 《独立宣言》6、电话的发明者是()。
A 摩尔B 爱迪生C 贝尔D 法拉第7、理性经济人假设是西方经济学理论的逻辑基础,这一理论假设的核心是认为人()。
A 追求经济利益的最大化B 追求自我利益的最大化C 没有利他心D 追求经济利益和社会利益的最大化8、不是德国古典哲学主要代表人物的是()。
A 康德B 黑格尔C 谢林D 尼采9、作为一般性公文的结构层次序数,正确的是()。
A 一、1、①B 一、(一)、1、(1)C (一)、(1)、①D 一、(一)、1、①10、我国水资源总量居世界第六,但人均水资源占有量为世界平均数的()。
A 41641B 41643C 41645D 4164711、人们常说的“知天命”的年龄是指()。
A 40岁B 50岁C 60岁D 80岁12、中华人民共和国成立后,第一个与我国建立外交关系的西方国家是()。
A 英国B 德国C 法国D 瑞士13、“一丝不苟”中的“丝”的含义是()。
A 计量单位B 丝线C 丝绸D 发丝14、全球气候变暖是世界各国所关注的问题,大气中能产生温室效应的气体已经发现近30种,造成温室效应最重要的气体是()。
A 二氧化碳B 氟利昂C 一氧化二氮D 臭氧15、提出“知识就是力量”这句世界名言的是()。
苏州大学政治与公共管理学院哲学概论2007公共管理基础理论2007(A卷),2007(B卷)公共部门管理(行政管理)2007(A卷)公共部门管理(社会医学与卫生事业理论)2007管理学(行政管理专业)2000,2001,2002,2003(A卷),2003(B卷),管理学原理(行政管理专业)2004(A卷)行政法学与管理学原理2006管理学与行政法学2005行政管理学1998,2000,2001,2002,2003(A卷),2003(B卷),2004(B卷),2005,2006管理学原理(行政管理学专业)2000——2004行政管理学2003年复试试卷(含行政法学、政治学原理)教育学专业基础综合(全国统考试卷)2007教育学2000——2005马克思主义基本原理2007马克思主义哲学原著2005——2006马克思主义哲学经典著作2002马克思主义哲学原理2002马克思主义哲学1999——2000西方哲学史1999——2000,2002,2004——2006现代西方哲学2006西方现代美学与哲学2005中国哲学原著解读2006伦理学原理1999——2000辩证唯物主义原理1999——2000历史唯物主义原理1999——2000政治学原理1998,2000,2004——2007西方政治思想史1998,2000,2004,2006中西政治思想史2007思想政治教育学2004,2006——2007邓小平理论2000法学院专业基础课(法学各专业)2007(A卷),2007(B卷)基础课(法学)2000——2001基础课(国际法专业)2002基础课(国际法专业)(含法理学、民法学、经济法)2004——2005基础课(诉讼法学专业)(含法理学、民法学、刑法学)2003——2006基础课二(法理学、民法学、经济法)2006(A卷)专业课(国际法学专业)2007(A卷),2007(B卷)专业课B(法律史专业)2007(A卷),2007(B卷)专业课C(宪法学与行政法学专业)2007(A卷),2007(B卷)专业课D(刑法学专业)2007(A卷)专业课E(民商法学专业)2007(A卷)中国法律史2006(A卷)西方法律思想史2006(B卷)行政法学(含行政诉讼法学)2006(A卷)经济法学专业(经济法学)2007(A卷),2007(B卷)中国刑法学2002国际法学与国际私法学2005(B卷),2006(B卷)国际公法和国际私法2000——2002法理学1999——2002,2004——2006国际经济法学2000——2002民法学2000——2002,2004——2006民商法学2002民事诉讼法学2002刑事诉讼法学与民事诉讼法学2003——2006法理学与经济犯罪学2004——2006(A卷)刑法总论与刑法分则2004——2006(A卷)行政法学与行政诉讼法学2005行政法学(含行政诉讼法学)2006(A卷)法理学与宪法学2006(A卷)中国刑事诉讼法2002宪法学2000——2002行政法学2000,2002综合卷(法学、法学理论专业)1999——2001综合卷(理论法学)2002综合卷(行政法专业)2002综合课(民事诉讼法专业)2002法学综合(国经方向)2002综合法学2000,2002体育学院体育学专业基础综合2007(A卷),2007(B卷)运动生理学2002——2005人体生理学2005运动训练学2002,2004——2005运动解剖学2005体育概论2003——2005体育社会学2005教育学院教育学专业基础综合(全国统考试卷)2007——2008教育学2000——2005教学论2000——2001中外教育史2000——2005高等教育2000——2001教育心理学2000——2002,2004教育心理学(课程与教学论专业)2005教育心理学(含发展心理学)(发展与教育心理学专业)2005——2006心理学研究方法2007(A卷),2008(A卷)普通心理学(含实验心理学)2000——2007心理统计与测量2003——2004心理统计2002管理心理学2000——2002公共管理基础理论2007(A卷),2007(B卷)教育经济学2005教育管理学2000——2002,2005文学院文学基础综合2007(A卷),2007(B卷),2008(A卷)评论写作(1)(美学、文艺学、中国古代文学、中国现当代文学、比较文学与世界文学、戏剧戏曲学专业)2007(A卷),2008(A卷)评论写作(戏剧戏曲专业)2004评论写作(中国古代文学专业)2003评论写作(2)(中国现当代文学专业)2000,2002评论写作(2)(新闻学、传播学专业)2007(A卷),2007(B卷)评论写作(3)(文艺学专业)2002评论写作(5)(新闻学、传播学专业)1999——2002新闻传播基础2007(B卷)新闻传播理论2004——2006新闻学基础1999——2006大众传播理论1999——2006古代汉语2001——2008现代汉语2002——2008语言学概论2002,2005(复试)中外文学与比较文学综合考试2005中外文学综合知识2002中国现当代文学史2000,2003——2004,2006中国现代文学史2002文学理论2003——2006文学概论2002中国古代文学2001——2006中国文论2003——2006中国文学史2002外国文学史2002——2006文艺理论2000,2002,2003比较文学原理2002——2006美学原理2004——2005中西美学史2004——2005,2007戏剧理论基础2005,2007中国戏剧2005中国戏剧(古典戏曲或现代戏剧)2006中国现代戏剧史2004语文教学论2004——2005教学论2000——2001教育学专业基础综合(全国统考试卷)2007——2008教育学2000——2005社会学院社会学原理2002——2005,2006(A卷),2007(A卷),2007(B卷)社会研究方法2002——2005,2006(A卷),2007(A卷),2007(B卷)社会调查方法2002中国历史文选2004——2005中国通史2004历史学专业基础(全国统考试卷)2007公共管理基础理论2007(A卷),2007(B卷)公共部门管理(社会保障学)2007(A卷),2007(B卷)管理学原理(旅游管理)2007管理学原理A(社会保障专业)2004(A卷),2004(B卷),2005(A卷),2006(B卷)西方经济学(社会保障专业)2004(A卷),2004(B卷),2005(A卷),2006(A卷)信息检索2007(A卷),2007(B卷)信息资源管理2007(A卷),2007(B卷)档案管理学2004——2005档案学原理2004——2005外国语学院二外法语2001——2002,2004——2008二外日语2000,2002——2008二外俄语2005——2006基础英语1997,1999——2008(1997有答案)翻译与写作1997,2003——2008(1997有答案)英汉双语翻译1999——2002英文写作1999——2002英美文学1997(1997有答案)英语语言学1997(1997有答案)二外英语2005——2007基础俄语2004——2007现代俄语2004——2005综合俄语2006——2007日语写作与翻译2008日语翻译与写作2007综合日语2007——2008教育学专业基础综合(全国统考试卷)2007——2008教育学2000——2005数学科学学院高等代数2000——2002,2004——2007数学分析2000——2002,2004——2007(2004——2005有答案)数学分析与高等代数2003(A卷),2003(B卷)教育学专业基础综合(全国统考试卷)2007教育学2000——2005物理科学与技术学院信号系统与数字逻辑2003——2007数字电子技术基础1999——2002信号与线性系统1997——2002自动控制原理2004——2007(其中2005试卷共3页,缺P3)高等数学2003——2007普通物理2004——2007教育学专业基础综合(全国统考试卷)2007教育学2000——2005信息光学工程、现代光学技术研究所信号系统与数字逻辑2003——2007数字电子技术基础1999——2002信号与线性系统1997——2002自动控制原理2004——2007(其中2005试卷共3页,缺P3)普通物理2004——2007化学化工学院有机化学和仪器分析2007(A卷)有机化学1999,2001,2003,2004,2005(第1种,代码为456),2005(第2种,代码为360),2006有机化学(1)2001——2002化学原理2007(A卷)化学(2)2004——2005化学(3)2003——2006化学四(含无机、分析)2005分析化学2003分析化学(含定量分析、仪器分析)2005无机化学(1)2001——2002无机化学2003——2005物理化学2000——2002,2004——2005高分子化学1999,2003——2007教育学专业基础综合(全国统考试卷)2007教育学2000——2005计算机科学与技术学院数据结构与操作系统2003——2007数据结构与编译原理2005操作系统原理1998——2002数据结构及程序设计1998——2002数据库2003年复试电子信息学院半导体物理与集成电路设计原理2006——2007半导体物理2004信号系统与数字逻辑2003——2007数字电子技术基础1999——2002信号与线性系统1997——2002自动控制原理2004——2007(其中2005试卷共3页,缺P3)机电工程学院理论力学2000——2001,2004——2007自动控制原理2004——2007(其中2005试卷共3页,缺P3)电子技术基础2007材料工程学院材料结构与性能(含高分子物理、无机非金属材料概论,两者任选一门考)2007 专业课程考试(高分子物理或无机非金属材料概论)2005纺织材料学1999,2004——2007纺织工艺学1999服装材料学2004——2005高分子材料成形工艺学1999有机化学和仪器分析2007(A卷)化学原理2007(A卷)有机化学1999,2001,2003,2004,2005(第1种,代码为456),2005(第2种,代码为360),2006有机化学(1)2001——2002高分子化学1999,2003——2005化学(2)2004——2005化学(3)2003——2006化学四(含无机、分析)2005自动控制原理2004——2007(其中2005试卷共3页,缺P3)商学院管理学(企业管理专业)2004——2006管理学(会计学、企业管理、农业经济管理专业)2007(A卷),2007(B卷)管理学原理(企业管理专业)2002——2003微观与宏观经济学2007(A卷),2007(B卷)经济学原理2004——2005经济学(含西方经济学)2002经济学A2002世界经济1998(B卷),1999(A卷),1999(B卷),2000 世界经济理论2003——2005国际经济合作1999——2000财政学2002——2005金融学联考2002——2007(2002——2005有答案)会计学(含财务管理)2002——2005区域经济学2005企业管理专业复试试题2003艺术学院绘画基础(色彩画)2007绘画基础(美术学专业)2003——2006(设计系)色彩2003——2005艺术史2007设计艺术史2005美术史2003——2005医学院基础医学系病理学1994——2005流行病学2005儿科学2002妇产科学2001内科学2002生理B2002生理学2003——2008生物化学2008生物化学(生)2003——2007生物化学B 2001——2002,2004——2005药理学2002药学综合2002,2007肿瘤学2002生命科学学院生物化学2008生物化学(生)2003——2007生物化学B 2001——2002,2004——2005细胞生物学2004——2007遗传学2005动物生理学2007教育学专业基础综合(全国统考试卷)2007——2008 教育学2000——2005放射医学与公共卫生病理学1994——2005预防综合2007流行病学2005儿科学2002妇产科学2001内科学2002生理B2002生理学2003——2008生物化学2008生物化学(生)2003——2007生物化学B 2001——2002,2004——2005药理学2002药学综合2002,2007肿瘤学2002普通物理2004——2007医学院临床医学儿科系病理学1994——2005流行病学2005儿科学2002妇产科学2001内科学2002生理B2002生理学2003——2008生物化学2008生物化学(生)2003——2007生物化学B 2001——2002,2004——2005药理学2002药学综合2002,2007肿瘤学2002医学院临床医学系病理学1994——2005流行病学2005儿科学2002妇产科学2001内科学2002生理B2002生理学2003——2008生物化学(生)2003——2007生物化学B 2001——2002,2004——2005药理学2002药学综合2002,2007肿瘤学2002药学院药学综合2002,2007药理学2002生物化学2008生物化学(生)2003——2007生物化学B 2001——2002,2004——2005化学(2)2004——2005化学(3)2003——2006化学四(含无机、分析)2005有机化学和仪器分析2007(A卷)化学原理2007(A卷)有机化学1999,2001,2003,2004,2005(第1种,代码为456),2005(第2种,代码为360),2006有机化学(1)2001——2002城市科学学院生物化学2008生物化学(生)2003——2007生物化学B 2001——2002,2004——2005。
2004年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(北京卷)数学(理工农医类)本试卷分第I 卷(选择题)和第II 卷(非选择题)两部分.第I 卷1至2页.第II 卷3至9页.共150分.考试时间120分钟. 第I 卷(选择题 共40分) 注意事项:1. 答第I 卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用铅笔涂写在答题卡上. 2. 每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,不能答在试题卷上. 3. 考试结束,监考人将本试卷和答题卡一并收回. 参考公式:三角函数的积化和差公式sin cos [sin()sin()]αβαβαβ=++-12cos cos [cos()cos()]αβαβαβ=++-12sin sin [cos()cos()]αβαβαβ=-+--12正棱台、圆台的侧面积公式 S c c l 台侧=+12(')其中c’,c 分别表示上、下底面周长,l 表示斜高或母线长球体的表面积公式S R 球=42π其中R 表示球的半径一、 选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.设全集是实数集R ,M x x =-≤≤{|}22,N x x =<{|}1,则M N 等于( )A .{|}x x <-2B .{|}x x -<<21C .{|}x x <1D .{|}x x -≤<21 2.满足条件||||z i i -=+34的复数z 在复平面上对应点的轨迹是( )A . 一条直线B . 两条直线C . 圆D . 椭圆 3.设m 、n 是两条不同的直线,αβγ,,是三个不同的平面,给出下列四个命题: ①若m ⊥α,n //α,则m n ⊥ ②若αβ//,βγ//,m ⊥α,则m ⊥γ ③若m //α,n //α,则m n // ④若αγ⊥,βγ⊥,则αβ// 其中正确命题的序号是( ) A .①和② B . ②和③C . ③和④D . ①和④4.如图,在正方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,P 是侧面BB C C 11内一动点,若P 到直线BC 与 直线C D 11的距离相等,则动点P 的轨迹所在的曲线是( )D C 1A CA .直线B .圆C . 双曲线D . 抛物线5.函数f x x ax ()=--223在区间[1,2]上存在反函数的充分必要条件是 ( )A .a ∈-∞(,]1B .a ∈+∞[,)2C .a ∈[,]12D . (,1][2,)a ∈-∞+∞6.已知a 、b 、c 满足c b a <<,且ac <0,那么下列选项中不一定成立的是 ( ) A .ab ac > B . c b a ()-<0C . cb ab 22<D . 0)(<-c a ac7.从长度分别为1,2,3,4,5的五条线段中,任取三条的不同取法共有n 种.在这些取 法中,以取出的三条线段为边可组成的钝角三角形的个数为m ,则mn等于 ( )A .110B . 15C . 310D . 258.函数,(),x x Pf x x x M ∈⎧=⎨-∈⎩,其中P 、M 为实数集R 的两个非空子集,又规定(){|(),}f P y y f x x P ==∈,(){|(),}f M y y f x x M ==∈,给出下列四个判断:①若P M =∅,则()()f P f M =∅ ②若P M ≠∅,则()()f P f M ≠∅ ③若PM R =,则()()f P f M R =④若PM R ≠,则()()f P f M R ≠其中正确判断有 ( )A . 1个B . 2个C . 3个D . 4个 第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共110分)二、 填空题:本大题共6小题,每小题5分,共30分.把答案填在题中横线上. 9.函数f x x x x ()cos sin cos =-223的最小正周期是___________. 10.方程lg()lg lg 4223xx+=+的解是___________________ .11.某地球仪上北纬30纬线的长度为12πcm ,该地球仪的半径是__________cm ,表面积是______________cm 2. 12.曲线C :x y ==-+⎧⎨⎩cos sin θθ1(θ为参数)的普通方程是__________,如果曲线C 与直线x y a ++=0有公共点,那么实数a 的取值范围是_______________.13.在函数f x ax bx c ()=++2中,若a ,b ,c 成等比数列且f ()04=-,则f x ()有最______________值(填“大”或“小”),且该值为______________.14.定义“等和数列”:在一个数列中,如果每一项与它的后一项的和都为同一个常数,那么这个数列叫做等和数列,这个常数叫做该数列的公和.已知数列{}a n 是等和数列,且a 12=,公和为5,那么a 18的值为______________,这个数列的前n 项和S n 的计算公式为________________ .三、解答题:本大题共6小题,共80分.解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤. 15.(本小题满分13分)在∆ABC 中,sin cos A A +=22,AC =2,AB =3,求tgA 的值和∆ABC 的面积. 16.(本小题满分14分)如图,在正三棱柱ABC A B C -111中,AB =3,AA 14=,M 为AA 1的中点,P 是BC 上一点,且由P 沿棱柱侧面经过棱CC 1到M 的最短路线长为29,设这条最短路线与CC 1的交点为N ,求:(I )该三棱柱的侧面展开图的对角线长; (II )PC 和NC 的长;(III )平面NMP 与平面ABC 所成二面角(锐角)的大小(用反三角函数表示)1N C B17.(本小题满分14分)如图,过抛物线y px p 220=>()上一定点00(,)P x y (y 00>),作两条直线分别交抛物线于11(,)A x y ,22(,)B x y (I )求该抛物线上纵坐标为p2的点到其焦点F 的距离 (II )当P A 与PB 的斜率存在且倾斜角互补时,求y y y 12+的值,并证明直线AB 的斜率是非零常数x18.(本小题满分14分)函数f x ()是定义在[0,1]上的增函数,满足f x f x()()=22且f ()11=,在每个区间(,]12121i i -(i =1,2……)上,y f x =()的图象都是斜率为同一常数k 的直线的一部分. (I )求f ()0及f ()12,f ()14的值,并归纳出f i i ()(,,)1212= 的表达式;(II )设直线x i =12,x i =-121,x 轴及y f x =()的图象围成的矩形的面积为a i (i =1,2……),记S k a a a n n ()lim()=+++→∞12 ,求S k ()的表达式,并写出其定义域和最小值19.(本小题满分12分)某段城铁线路上依次有A 、B 、C 三站,AB =5km ,BC =3km ,在列车运行时刻表上,规定列车8时整从A 站发车,8时07分到达B 站并停车1分钟,8时12分到达C 站.在实际运行中,假设列车从A 站正点发车,在B 站停留1分钟,并在行驶时以同一速度vkm h /匀速行驶,列车从A 站到达某站的时间与时刻表上相应时间之差的绝对值称为列车在该站的运行误差.(I )分别写出列车在B 、C 两站的运行误差;(II )若要求列车在B ,C 两站的运行误差之和不超过2分钟,求v 的取值范围. 20.(本小题满分13分)给定有限个正数满足条件T :每个数都不大于50且总和L =1275.现将这些数按下列要求进行分组,每组数之和不大于150且分组的步骤是:首先,从这些数中选择这样一些数构成第一组,使得150与这组数之和的差r 1与所有可能的其他选择相比是最小的,r 1称为第一组余差;然后,在去掉已选入第一组的数后,对余下的数按第一组的选择方式构成第二组,这时的余差为r 2;如此继续构成第三组(余差为r 3)、第四组(余差为r 4)、……,直至第N 组(余差为r N )把这些数全部分完为止.(I )判断r r r N 12,,, 的大小关系,并指出除第N 组外的每组至少含有几个数; (II )当构成第n (n <N )组后,指出余下的每个数与r n 的大小关系,并证明r n Ln n ->--11501;(III )对任何满足条件T 的有限个正数,证明:N ≤11.2004年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 数学(理工农医类)(北京卷)参考答案一、选择题:本大题主要考查基本知识和基本运算.每小题5分,满分40分.1.A 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.D 6.C7.B 8.B二、填空题:本大题主要考查基本知识和基本运算.每小题5分,满分30分. 9.π10.x x 1201==, 11.43 192π12.x y 2211++=() 1212-≤≤+a13.大 -314.3 当n 为偶数时,S n n =52;当n 为奇数时,S n n =-5212三、解答题:本大题共6小题,共80分.解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤.15.满分13分. 解法一:.21)45cos(,22)45cos(2cos sin =-∴=-=+ A A A A又0180A <<,.323131)6045(.105,6045--=-+=+=∴==-∴tg tgA A Asin sin sin()sin cos cos sin A ==+=+=+105456045604560264.S AC AB A ABC ∆=⨯=⨯⨯⨯+=+1212232643426sin () 解法二: sin cos A A +=22, (1) .0c o s ,0s i n ,1800,21c o s s i n 2,21)c o s (s i n 2<>∴<<-=∴=+∴A A A A A A A(sin cos )sin cos A A A A -=-=21232, ∴-=sin cos A A 62, (2) (1)+(2)得:sin A =+264, (1)-(2)得:cos A =-264, ∴==+⨯-=--tgA AAsin cos 26442623. (以下同解法一)16.满分14分.解:(I )正三棱柱ABC A B C -111的侧面展开图是一个长为9,宽为4的矩形,其对角线长为949722+=.(II )如图1,将侧面BB C C 11绕棱CC 1旋转120使其与侧成AA C C 11在同一平面上,点P 运动到点P 1的位置,连接MP 1,则MP 1就是由点P 沿棱柱侧面经过棱CC 1到点M 的最短路线.B设PC x =,则P C x 1=,在Rt MAP ∆1中,由勾股定理得()322922++=x 求得x =2..54,52.2111=∴====∴NC A P C P MA NC C P PC(III )如图2,连结PP 1,则PP 1就是平面NMP 与平面ABC 的交线,作NH PP ⊥1于H ,又CC 1⊥平面ABC ,连结CH ,由三垂线定理得,CH PP ⊥1.A∴∠NHC 就是平面NMP 与平面ABC 所成二面角的平面角(锐角) 在Rt PHC ∆中, ∠=∠=PCH PCP 12601, 12PCCH ∴==. 在Rt NCH ∆中,tg NHC NC CH ∠===45145, 故平面NMP 与平面ABC 所成二面角(锐角)的大小为arctg 45. 17.满分14分. 解:(1)当y p =2时,x p =8, 又抛物线y px 22=的准线方程为x p=-2.由抛物线定义得,所求距离为p p p8258--=().(2)设直线P A 的斜率为k PA ,直线PB 的斜率为k PB 由y px 1212=,y px 0202=,相减得()()()y y y y p x x 1010102-+=-. 故k y y x x py y x x PA =--=+≠101010102().同理可得k py y x x PB =+≠22020().由P A ,PB 倾斜角互补知k k PA PB =-, 即221020p y y py y +=-+, 所以y y y 1202+=-, 故y y y 1202+=-. 设直线AB 的斜率为k AB由y px 2222=,y px 1212= 相减得()()()y y y y p x x 2121212-+=-, 所以k y y x x py y x x AB =--=+≠212112122(). 将y y y y 120020+=->()代入得k p y y py AB =+=-2120,所以k AB 是非零常数.18.满分14分.解:(I )由f f ()()020=,得f ()00=由f f ()()1212=及f ()11=,得f f ()()1212112==. 同理,f f ()()1412124==1.归纳得f i i i()(,,)121212== . (II )当时, f x k x i i ()()=+---121211a k i i i i i i i =++------121212121212121111[()]()=-1=-()(,,)1421221k i i .所以{}a n 是首项为1214()-k ,公比为14的等比数列,所以S k a a a k k n n ()lim()()()=+++=--=-→∞1212141142314. S k ()的定义域为0<≤k 1,当k =1时取得最小值12.19.满分12分. 解:(I )列车在B ,C 两站的运行误差(单位:分钟)分别是 ||3007v -和||48011v-. (II )由于列车在B ,C 两站的运行误差之和不超过2分钟,所以||||3007480112v v-+-≤. (*) 当03007<≤v 时,(*)式变形为3007480112v v -+-≤,解得393007≤≤v ; 当300748011<≤v 时,(*)式变形为7300480112-+-≤v v,解得300748011<≤v ; 当v >48011时,(*)式变形为700114802-3+-≤v v ,解得480111954<≤v . 综上所述,v 的取值范围是[39,1954]20.满分13分.解:(I )r r r N 12≤≤≤ .除第N 组外的每组至少含有150503=个数 (II )当第n 组形成后,因为n N <,所以还有数没分完,这时余下的每个数必大于余差r n ,余下数之和也大于第n 组的余差r n ,即L r r r r n n --+-++->[()()()]150******** , 由此可得r r r n L n 121150+++>-- .第11页 共11页 因为()n r r r r n n -≥+++--11121 ,所以r n L n n ->--11501. (III )用反证法证明结论,假设N >11,即第11组形成后,还有数没分完,由(I )和(II )可知,余下的每个数都大于第11组的余差r 11,且r r 1110≥,故余下的每个数>≥>⨯-=r r 111015*********375. . (*) 因为第11组数中至少含有3个数,所以第11组数之和大于37531125..⨯=. 此时第11组的余差11150r =-第11组数之和150112.537.5<-=这与(*)式中r 11375>.矛盾,所以N ≤11.。
Grammar & Vocabulary(历年真题)I. 时态和语态1. She _____ fifty or so when I first met her at a conference. (2009)DA. had beenB. must beC. has beenD. must have been2. In his plays Shakespeare _____ his characters live through their language. (2008)DA. would makeB. had madeC. madeD. makes3. All the President’s Men______one of the important books for historians who study theWatergate Scandal. (2007)BA. remainB. remainsC. remainedD. is remaining4. The student said there were a few points in the essay he _______impossible to comprehend.(2007, 2006)AA. had foundB. findsC. has foundD. would find5. It’s high time we ____ cutting down the rainforests. (2006)AA stoppedB had to stopC shall stopD stop6. The statistics _____ that living standards in the area have improved drastically in recent times.(2006) DA provesB is provingC are provingD prove7. If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he ________ able to advise you much better thanI can. (2005) AA. would beB. will have beenC. wasD. were8. James has just arrived, but I didn’t know he _________ until yesterday. (2005) BA. will comeB. was comingC. had been comingD. came9. _________ conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen. (2005) DA. I was and always will beB. I have to be and always will beC. I had been and always will beD. I have been and always will be10. That was not the first time he ________ us. I think it’s high time we ________ strong act ionsagainst him. (2005) BA. betrayed…takeB. had betrayed…tookC. has betrayed…tookD. has betrayed…take11. If not ____ with the respect he feels due to him, Jack gets very ill-tempered and grumbles allthe time. (2004) BA. being treatedB. treatedC. be treatedD. having been treated12. It is imperative that students ____ their term papers on time.(2004) AA. hand inB. would hand inC. have to hand inD. handed in13. Mr Wells, together with all the members of his family, ____ for Europe this afternoon. (2004)A. are to leaveB. are leavingC. is leavingD. leave C14. Jack ____from home for two days now, and I am beginning to worry about his safety. (2003)A. has been missingB. has been missedC. had been missingD. was missed A15. For some time now, world leaders _______ out the necessity for agreement on armsreduction. (2002) BA. had been pointingB. have been pointingC. were pointingD. pointed16. The committee has anticipated the problems that ________in the road construction project.(2007)BA. ariseB. will ariseC. aroseD. have arisenII. 虚拟语气和情态动词1. If there were no subjunctive mood, English _____ much easier to learn. (2009)BA. could have beenB. would beC. will beD. would have been2. Had Judy been more careful on the maths exam, she ____ much better results now. (2008) BA. would be gettingB. could have gotC. must getD. would get3. If only the patient ______a different treatment instead of using the antibiotics, he might still bealive now. (2007) AA. had receivedB. receivedC. should receiveD. were receiving4. He would have finished his college education, but he _______to quit and find a job to supporthis family. (2007) CA. had hadB. hasC. hadD. would have5. If only I _____ play the guitar as well as you! (2006) BA wouldB couldC shouldD might6. ________ you _______ further problems with your printer, contact your dealerfor advice. (2005) CA. If, hadB. Have, hadC. Should, haveD. In case, had7.____ if I had arrived yesterday without letting you know beforehand? (2004) A (现场提问)A. Would you be surprisedB. Were you surprisedC. Had you been surprisedD. Would you have been surprised8.____ both sides accept the agreement ____ a lasting peace be established in this region. (2004)A. Only if, willB. If only, wouldC. Should, willD. Unless, would A9. _______ for the fact that she broke her leg, she might have passed the exam. (2002) AA. Had it not beenB. Hadn’t it beenC. Was it notD. Were it not10. ― What courses are you going to do next semester?‖ (2002)― I don’t know. But it’s about time _______ on something.‖ BA. I’d decideB. I decidedC. I decideD. I’m deciding11. It is absolutely essential that William ________ his study in spite of some learning difficulties.(2007) CA. will continueB. continuedC. continueD. continues12. Aren't you tired? I ____ you had done enough for today. (2009) AA. should have thoughtB. must have thoughtC. might have thoughtD. could have thought13. It is imperative that the government ____ more investment into the shipbuilding industry. (2006)CA attractsB shall attractC attractD has to14. You ______ borrow my notes provided you take care of them,’ I told my friend. (2007)DA.couldB.shouldC.mustD.can15. She _____fifty or so when I first met her at the conference. (2007)DA. must beB.had beenC.could beD.must have been16 Loudspeakers were fixed in the hall so that everyone_D_ an opportunity to hear the speech.A ought to haveB must haveC may haveD should have (2006)17. I went there in 1984, and that was the only occasion when I ________ thejourney in exactly two days. (2005)CA. must takeB. must have madeC. was able to makeD. could makeIII. 非谓语动词(Non-Finite Verb)、独立结构和主谓一致(Agreement)1. What a nice day! How about the three of us _____ a walk in the park nearby? (2009)CA. to takeB. takeC. takingD. to be taking2. Linda was _____te experiment a month ago, but she changed her mind at the last minute.(2007)BA. to startB.to have startedC.to be startingD.to have been starting3. The research requires more money than ________. (2007) BA.have been put inB.has been put inC.being put inD.to be put in4. It is not uncommon for there _______problems of communication between the old and theyoung. (2007) DA.beingB.would beC.beD.to be5. ________at in his way,the situation does not seem so desperate. (2007) BA.LookingB.lookedC.Being lookedD.to look6. There are only ten apples left in the baskets, _A_ the spoilt ones. (2006)A not countingB not to countC don’t countD having not counted7. What’s the chance of ________ a general election this year? (2005) AA. there beingB. there to beC. there beD. there going to be8. The meeting was put off because we __________ a meeting without John. (2005) DA. objected havingB. were objected to havingC. objected to haveD. objected to having9. The Minister of Finance is believed ___ of imposing new taxes to raise extra revenue. (2004) BA. that he is thinkingB. to be thinkingC. that he is to thinkD. to think10. Agriculture is the country’s chief source of wealth, wheat ____ by far the bigges t cereal crop.A.isB.beenC.beD.being (2003) D11. The opening ceremony is a great occasion. It is essential ____for that. (2003) AA.for us to be preparedB.that we are preparedC.of us to be preparedD.our being prepared12. Time ____, the celebration will be held as scheduled. (2003) BA.permitB.permittingC.permittedD.permits13. AID is said _________ the number-one killer of both men and women over the past few yearsin that region. CA. being b. to be C. to have been D. having been14. _______ of the twins was arrested, because I saw both at a party last night. (2002) CA. NoneB. BothC. NeitherD. All15. Mr Wells, together with all the members of his family, ____ for Europe this afternoon. (2004)A. are to leaveB. are leavingC. is leavingD. leave C16. It is futile to discuss the matter further, because ____going to agree upon anything today.(2003) CA.neither you nor I areB.neither you nor me isC.neither you nor I amD.neither me nor you areIV. 形容词和副词的比较等级1. A new laptop costs about _____ of a second-hand one. (2009) BA. the price of three timesB. three times the priceC. as much as the three times priceD. three times more than the price2. They stood chatting together as easily and naturally as ____. (2008) BA. it could beB. could beC. it wasD. was3. The square itself is five hundred yards wide, five times ____ the size of St. Peter's in Rome.A. /B. that ofC. which isD. of (2008) A4. Overpopulation poses a terrible threat to the human race.Yet it is probably ________a threat tothe human race than environmental destruction. (2007)BA.no moreB.not moreC.even moreD.much more5. Susan is very hardworking, but her pay is not_B_ for her work. (2006)A enough goodB good enoughC as good enoughD good as enough6. Land belongs to the city; there is _____ thing as private ownership of land. (2006) DA no such aB not suchC not such aD no such7. It was ______ we had hoped. (2006)A more a success thanB a success more thanC as much of a success asD a success as much as8. His remarks were ________ annoy everybody at the meeting. (2005)BA. so as toB. such as toC. such toD. as much as to9. Because fuel supplies are finite and many people are wasteful, we will haveto install _________ solar heating device in our home. (2005)AA. some type ofB. some types of aC. some type of aD. some types of10. D o you know Tim’s brother? He is _________ than Tim.(2005)BA. much more sportsmanB. more of a sportsmanC. more of sportsmanD. more a sportsman11. –Why are you staring? B–I’ve never seen ______tree before.A. kind ofB. that kind ofC. such kindD. such12. That trumpet player was certainly loud. But I wasn’t bothered by his loudness ____ by his lackof talent. (2004) AA. so much asB. rather thanC. asD. than13. The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of a fully-loaded truck, ____ to thetruck.(2004)DA. the greater stress isB. greater is the stressC. the stress is greaterD. the greater the stress14. Issues of price, place, promotion, and product are ____ conventional concerns in planningmarketing strategies. (2004)CA. these of the mostB. most of thoseC. among the mostD. among the many of15. Your ideas, ____, seem unusual to me. (2003)BA. like herB. like hersC. similar to herD. similar to herself16. She managed to save ______ she could out of her wages to help her brother. (2002)DA. how little moneyB. so little moneyC. such little moneyD. what little money五、名词性从句、定语从句和状语从句1. _____ the boss says, it is unreasonable to ask me to work overtime without pay. (2009) AA. WhateverB. WheneverC. WhicheverD. However2. I was very interested in _____ she told me. (2009) AA. all thatB. all whichC. all whatD. that3. We consider ______ he should have left without telling anyone beforehand. (2009) CA. strange whyB. it strange whatC. it strange thaD. that strange4. The couple had no sooner got to the station _____ the coach left. (2009) DA. whenB. asC. untilD. than5. Our association, which has consistently pressed for greater employment opportunities for the disabled, will publish _______ proposals in the near future. (2008) DA. theirB. ourC. hisD. its6. Nine is to three _____ three is to one. (2008) DA. whenB. thatC. whichD. what7. Men differ from animals ____ they can think and speak. (2008) CA. for whichB. for thatC. in thatD. in which8. ____ he wanted to go out with his friends at the weekend, he had to stay behind to finish his assignment. (2008) BA. Much thoughB. Much asC. As muchD. Though much9. I enjoyed myself so much ____ I visited my friends in Paris last year. (2008) AA. whenB. whichC. thatD. where10. Quality is ____ counts most. (2008) CA. whichB. thatC. whatD. where11. There are as good fish in the sea _____ever came out of it . (2007) CA. thanB. likeC. asD. so12. It is not ______much the language as the background that makes the book difficult to understand. (2007) CA. thatB. asC. soD. very13. _____ dull he may be, he is certainly a very successful top executive. (2006) DA AlthoughB whateverC AsD However14. The party, ______ I was the guest of honour, was extremely enjoyable. (2006)A by whichB for whichC to whichD at which15. I am surprised ______ this city is a dull place to live in. (2006) AA that you should thinkB by what you are thinkingC that you would thinkD with what you were thinking16. My daughter has walked eight miles today. We never guessed that she could walk ______ far.A /B suchC thatD as (2006)C17. _________, Mr. Wells is scarcely in sympathy with the working class. (2005) AA. Although he is a socialistB. Even if he is a socialistC. Being a socialistD. Since he is a socialist18. I know he failed his last test, but really he’s _________ stupid. (2005) BA. something butB. anything butC. nothing butD. not but19. He asked me to lend him some money, which I agreed to do, ________ that hepaid me back the following week. (2005) CA. on occasionB. on purposeC. on conditionD. only if20. Children who stay away from school do ________ for different reasons. (2005) CA. themB. /C. itD. theirs21. The government has promised to do ____ lies in its power to ease the hardships of the victimsin the flood-stricken area. (2004) CA. howeverB. whicheverC. whateverD. wherever22. Above the trees are the hills, ____ magnificence the river faithfully reflects on the surface.A.whereB.of whoseC.whoseD.which (2003) C23. Who____ was coming to see me in my office this afternoon? (2003) BA. you saidB. did you sayC. did you say thatD. you did say24. —Does Alan like hamburgers? (2003) D—Yes. So much ____ that he eats them almost every day.A. forB. asC. toD. so25. They overcame all the difficulties and completed the project two months ahead of time, ____is something we had not expected. (2003) AA. whichB. itC. thatD. what26. He is quite worn out from years of hard work. He is not the man ____ he was twenty yearsago.(2003) BA.whichB.thatC.whoD.whom27. She did her work _________her manager had instructed. (2002) AA. asB. untilC. whenD. though28. Have you ever been in a situation ______ you know the other person is right yet you cannotagree with him? (2002) DA. by whichB. thatC. in whereD. where29. We’ve just installed two air-conditions in out apartment, _______should make greatdifferences in our life next summer. (2002) AA. whichB. whatC. thatD. they30. Fool ____ Jane is, she could not have done such a thing. (2002) BA. whoB. asC. thatD. like六、倒装、省略、代词及其它1. It is going to be fine tomorrow. _______. (2009) BA. So is it.B. So it is.C. So it does.D. So does it.2. Little _____ about her own safety, though she herself was in great danger. (2009) DA. she caredB. she may careC. may she careD. did she care3. Which of the following is INCORRECT? (2008) DA. All his lectures were boring. C. Her few friends are all fond of dancing.B. Half his money was gone. D. He invited many his friends to the party.4. When you have finished with that book, don't forget to put it back on my desk, _____? (2008)A. do youB. don't youC. will youD. won't you C5. The following are all correct responses to "Who told the news to the teacher?" EXCEPT (2008)A. Jim did this.B. Jim did so.C. Jim did that.D. Jim did. A6 There used to be a petrol station near the park, _D_? (2006)A didn’t itB doesn’t thereC usedn’t it?D didn’t there7. ____, I’ll marry him all the same. (2004) DA. Was he rich or poorB. Whether rich or poorC. Were he rich or poorD. Be he rich or poor8. ____ I like economics, I like sociology much better. (2003) DA. As mush asB. So muchC. How muchD. Much as9. "It seems that she was there at the conference." The sentence means that (2009) CA. she seems to be there at the conference.B. she seemed to be there at the conference.C. she seems to have been there at the conference.D. she seemed to being there at the conference.10. Which of the following adverbs can NOT be used to complete " _____ everybody came"?A. NearlyB. QuiteC. PracticallyD. Almost (2009) B11. In "How much do you think he earns?" how much is ______ of the sentence. (2009) CA. the subjectB. the adverbialC. the objectD. the complement12. "The man preparing the documents is the firm's lawyer" has all the following possiblemeanings EXCEPT (2009) DA. the man who has prepared the documents...B. the man who has been preparing the documents...C. the man who is preparing the documents...D. the man who will prepare the documents...13. What does "He wisely refused to spend his money" mean? (2008) AA. It was wise of him to refuse to spend his money.B. He refused to spend his money in a wise manner.C. He was short of money and didn't want to buy anything.D. He refused, in a wise manner, to spend his money.14. Which of the following sentences expresses "probability"? (2008) BA. You must leave immediately.B. You must be feeling rather tired.C. You must be here by eight o'clock.D. You must complete the reading assignment on time.Vocabulary (词汇)历年真题2009年66. During the TV interview, the singer announced that he was going to _____ his new albumsoon. AA. releaseB. renewC. relieveD. rehearse67. After working for the firm for ten years, he finally _____ the rank of deputy director. CA. achievedB. approachedC. attainedD. acquired68. Winter is the _____ season at most hotels in this seaside town, because very few tourists cometo stay. CA. slowB. slackC. lowD. quiet69. Come on, Jack, tell me the story. Don't keep me in ______. AA. suspenseB. suspendingC. suspensionD. suspender70. The football match was _____ because of the heavy rain. DA. called overB. called upC. called outD. called off71. We had a good time there, and the food was plentiful and _____. BA. conduciveB. wholesomeC. helpfulD. appreciative72. It was strange that she would _____ such an absurd idea. DA. allowB. stickC. takeD. entertain73. The scientists have made an _____ study of the viruses that cause the disease. CA. exhaustedB. exhaustingC. exhaustiveD. exhaustion74. Do you own your apartment or are you a ______? AA. tenantB. customerC. clientD. proprietor75. Representatives from the companies indicated that they should go on working together in ___.A. unityB. entityC. partnersD. partnership D76. We all know that Mary has had a strict _____. BA. growthB. upbringingC. developmentD. cultivation77. The drink was packaged in champagne bottles and was being _____ as the real stuff. DA. passed outB. passed byC. passed overD. passed off78. Last Sunday she came to visit us out of the blue. The italicized phrase means AA. unexpectedlyB. unhappilyC. untidilyD. unofficially79. The person he interviewed was _____ his former schoolmate. CA. no other thanB. no more thanC. none other thanD. none the less80. The young employee has a(n)______ quality - he is totally honest. CA. respectableB. admirableC. decentD. approachable2008年66. When he first started in university, he really felt at _____ with his major --- economics. DA. shoreB. bankC. oceanD. sea67. On the road motorists should be aware of cyclists and be ____ towards them. CA. considerableB. consideringC. considerateD. considered68. Sally was a bit shy, but the teacher found her quite ___ discussing a recent film with others.A. at homeB. at mostC. at houseD. at bean A69. The company has capitalized _____ the error of judgment made by its business competitor.A. inB. overC. withD. on D70. Tim has failed three courses this semester, so he will have to _____ them next semester. BA. remakeB. repeatC. reapplyD. revise71. Keep this reference book; it may come in _____ one day. AA. handyB. usefulC. convenientD. helpful72. The questions that the speaker raised were well ____ the average adult. CA. pastB. onC. beyondD. through73. Teachers in this school were encouraged to use drama as a(n) _____ of learning. BA. designB. instrumentC. agencyD. tool74. First, we need to find out what his scheme is, and then act _____. DA. sensitivelyB. imaginativelyC. efficientlyD. accordingly75. At first Jim was not quite clear what he was going to do after university, but now he seems_____ on becoming a computer programmer. BA. fitB. setC. disposedD. decided76. When invited to talk about his achievements+ he refused to blow his own _____ anddeclined to speak at the meeting. AA. trumpetB. whistleC. bugleD. flute77. In spite of the treatment, the pain in his leg grew in CA. gravityB. extentC. intensityD. amount78. Bus services between Town Centre and Newton Housing Estate will be _____ until themotorway is repaired. BA. discontinuedB. suspendedC. haltedD. ceased79. The moon, being much nearer to the Earth than the Sun, is the ____ cause of the tides. AA. principalB. basicC. initialD. elementary80. Teddy came to my ____ with a cheque of $200 to pay my room rate, after I phoned himthat my wallet had been stolen. CA. attendanceB. assistanceC. rescueD. safety2007年66.The painting he bought at the street market the other day was a_______forgery. CA.man-madeB.naturalC.crudeD.real67.She’s always been kind to me –I can’t just turn ______on her now that she needs my help. AA.my backB.my headC.my eyeD.shoulder68.The bar in the club is for the ______use of its members. BA.extensiveB.exclusiveC.inclusiveprehensive69.The tutition fees are ______to students coming from low-income families. DA.approachableB.payableC.reachableD.affordable70.The medical experts warned the authorities of the danger of diseases in the _______of theearthquake. BA.consequenceB.aftermathC.resultsD.effect71.This sort of rude behaviour in public hardly ______a person in your position. AA.becomesB.fitsC. supportsD.improves72.I must leave now._______,if you want that book I’ll bring it next time. BA.AccidentallyB.IncidentallyC.EventuallyD.Naturally73.After a long delay,she ______replying to my e-mail. DA.got away withB.got back atC.got backD.got round to74.Personal computers are no longer something beyond the ordinary people;they are________available these days. CA.promptlyB.instantlyC.readilyD.quickly75.In my first year at the university I learnt the _______of journalism. AA.basicsB.basicC.elementaryD.elements76.According to the new tax law,any money earned over that level is taxed at the ______of59 percent DA.ratioB.percentageC.proportionD.rate77.Thousands of _______at the stadium came to their feet to pay tribute to an outstandingperformance. CA.audienceB.participantsC.spectatorsD.observers78.We stood still ,gazing out over the limitless ______of the dessert. BA.spaceB.expanseC.stretchnd79.Doctor often ______uneasiness in the people they deal with. CA.smellB.hearC.senseD.tough80.Mary sat at the table, looked at the plate and ______her lips. AA.smackedB.openedC.partedD.seperated2006年66 It is an offence to show _____ against people of different races. DA distinctionB differenceC separationD discrimination67 A great amount of work has gone into ______ the Cathedral to its previous splendour. BA refreshingB restoringC renovatingD renewing68 The thieves fled with the local police close on their _______. DA backsB necksC toesD heels69 The economic recession has meant that job_______ is a rare thing. AA securityB safetyC protectionD secureness70 Many people nowadays save money to _______ for their old age. CA caterB supplyC provideD equip71 The tone of the article ______ the writer’s mood at the time. BA reproducedB reflectedC imaginedD imitated72 This is not the right _______ to ask for my help; I am far too busy even to listen AA momentB situationC imaginedD imitated73 The job of a student accommodation officer _______ a great many visits to landladies. DA concernsB offersC asksD involves74 Our family doctor’s clinic ______at the junction of two busy roads. BA restsB standsC staysD seats75 She was so fat that she could only just _______ through the door. CA assembleB appearC squeezeD gather76 After the heavy rain, a builder was called to repair the roof, which was ______. AA leakingB tricklingC prominentD noticeable77 The reception was attended by ______ members of the local community. CA excellentB conspicuousC prominentD noticeable78 Share prices on the Stock Exchange plunged sharply in the morning but ___slightly in the afternoon.A regainedB recoveredC restoredD revived B79 His _______ brain has worked away on the idea of a universal cure. CA richB quickC productiveD fertile80 The couple has donated a not ________ amount of money to the foundation. AA inconsiderableB inconsiderateC inaccurateD incomparable2005年67. There are still many problem ahead of us, but by his time next year we can see light at the end of the _________. DA. battleB. dayC. roadD. tunnel68. We realized that he was under great _________, so we took no notice of hisbad temper. BA. excitementB. stressC. crisisD. nervousness69. The director tried to get the actors to _________ to the next scene by handsignals. AA. move onB. move offC. move outD. move along70. His ideas are invariably condemned as ________ by his colleagues. CA. imaginativeB. ingeniousC. impracticalD. theoretical71. Thousands of people turned out into the streets to _________ against thelocal authorities’ decision to build a highway across the field. DA. contradictB. reformC. counterD. protest72. The majority of nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medicalprofession women are in a _________. AA. minorityB. scarcityC. rarityD. minimum73. Professor Johnson’s retirement ________ from next January. BA. carries into effectB. takes effectC. has effectD. puts into effect74. The president explained that the purpose of taxation was to ________government spending. AA. financeB. expandC. enlargeD. budget75. The heat in summer is no less _________ here in this mountain region. CA. concentratedB. extensiveC. intenseD. intensive76. Taking photographs is strictly ________ here, as it may damage the preciouscave paintings. AA. forbiddenB. rejectedC. excludedD. denied77. Mr. Brown’s condition looks very serious and it is doubtful if he will_________. CA. pull backB. pull upC. pull throughD. pull out78. Since the early nineties, the trend in most businesses has been towardon-demand, always-available products and services that suit the customer’s_________ rather than the company’s. DA. benefitB. availabilityC. suitabilityD. convenience79. The priest made the ________ of the cross when he entered the church. CA. markB. signalC. signD. gesture80. This spacious room is ________ furnished with just a few articles in it. BA. lightlyB. sparselyC. hardlyD. rarely。
2004年下学期 金融市场学 B卷(100points)
2004年下学期金融市场学B卷(100points)Caution:全部答案请务必写在答卷上,否则会影响分数计算一单项选择(30*1=30)1.下列有关封闭式基金的()说法最有可能是正确的?A.基金券的价格通常高于基金的单位净值B.基金券的价格等于基金的单位净值C.基金券的份数会因投资者购买或赎回而改变D.基金券的份数在发行后是不变的2.下列()基金最可能购买支付高红利率的股票A.资本增值型基金B.收入型基金C.平衡性基金D.增长型基金3.下列()基金最有可能给投资者带来最大的风险?A. 大公司指数基金B.投了保的市政债券基金C.货币市场基金D.小公司增长基金4.你的朋友告诉你他刚收到他所持有的10000面值的10年期国债每半年支付一次的息票,该国债的年息票率为6% 。
请问他共收到()钱?A.300元B.600元C.3000元D. 6000元5.债券的到期收益率()。
A. 当债券市价低于面值是低于息票率,当债券市价高于面值时高于息票率B. 等于使债券现金流等于债券市价的贴现率C. 息票率加上每年平均资本利的率D. 基于如下假定:所有现金流都按息票率再投资6.下列有关利率期限结构的说法()是对的。
7.假如你将持有一支普通股1年,你期望获得1.50美元/股的股息并能在期末以26美元/股的价格卖出,如果你的预期收益率是15%,那么在期初你愿意支付的最高价为()A.22.61美元 B.23.91美元 C.24.50美元 D.27.50美元8.下列( )因素不影响贴现率?A. 无风险资产收益率B. 股票的风险溢价C. 资产收益率D. 预期通货膨胀率9.不变增长的股息贴现模型最适用于分析下列( )公司的股票价值。
每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意)1、简支梁在集中力P的作用下,P的作用位置及大小见下图,支座反力Y A的大小为( C )。
A. 3KNB. 1KNC. 2KND. 1.5KN2、提高受弯构件正截面承载力最有效的方法是( C )。
A.提高混凝土强度等级B.提高钢筋强度等级C.增加截面高度 C.增加截面面宽度3、砖墙上有1.2m宽门洞庭湖,门洞上设钢筋砼梁,若过梁上墙高为1.5m,则计算过梁上墙重时,应取墙高为多少?( A )A. 0.4mB. 1.8mC. 1.5mD. 1.0m4、挑梁埋入砌体内长度与挑梁长度之比,下列哪一项正确(挑梁上无砌体)?(C )A、宜大于1;B、宜大于1.5C、宜大于2D、宜大于2.55、下图中,梁的跨中弯矩哪个最大?( B )6、当筏形基础混凝土强度达到设计强度的( B )时,可进行基坑回填。
A.10% B.20% C.30% D.50%7、跨度大于( A )的板,现浇混凝土达到立方抗压强度标准值的100%时方可拆除底模板。
A. 8mB. 6mC. 2mD. 7.5m8、在施工时,为了保证按配合比投料,要在施工现场按砂、石实际含水率进行修正配合比,调整以后的配合比称为( D )。
A.现场配合比 B.实验室配合比 C.实际配合比 D.施工配合比9、混凝土自然养护初期,水泥水化作用进行较快,需水量( A )。
A.较多 B. 较少 C. 不变 D. 不确定10、冬期施工中配制混凝土用的水泥宜优先选用( A )的硅酸盐水泥。
A. 活性低、水化热量大B. 活性高、水化热量低C. 活性低、水化热量小D. 活性高、水化热量大11、砖墙的转角处和交接处应( B )。
A. 分段砌筑B. 同时砌筑C. 分层砌筑D. 分别砌筑12、钢结构的主要焊接方法有( C )。
A.电弧焊 B.电渣压力焊 C.熔焊 D.气压焊13、高聚物改性沥青防水卷材的施工可采用( D )方法。
A.高热多汗 B.肥胖 C.昏迷 D.营养不良9、有义齿的病人进行口腔护理时,取下的义齿应放在( A )A.冷开水中 B.热水中 C.酒精中 D.朵贝尔漱口液中10、在鼻饲插管过程中,若发现病人呛咳,呼吸困难等情况,应采取下列哪些措施( D )A.嘱病人深呼吸 B.嘱病人做吞咽动作 C.托起病人头部再插D.立即拔出胃管,休息片刻后再重新插管11、下列哪种维生素具有维持正常的夜视功能( A )A.维生素A B.维生素D C.维生素E D.维生素B612、无菌包灭菌后有效期为()A.1天 B.3天 C.7天 D.14天13、护理呕吐病人下列哪项不妥( D )A.给予心理安慰 B.患者仰卧位时,将头偏向一侧C.胸腹部有伤口者应按压伤口,减轻疼痛 D.清理呕吐物后,进行空气消毒14、盆腔器官手术前导尿的目的是( B )A.保持会阴部清洁干燥 B.避免手术中误伤膀胱 C.测定膀胱容量和压力D.放出尿液减轻病人痛苦15、当咳嗽、大笑时,腹肌收缩、腹压升高、出现不自觉排尿现象称为( D )A.急性尿失禁 B.真性尿失禁 C.假性尿失禁 D.压力性尿失禁16、指导病人服药,不正确的的方法是( C )A.含铁剂的药液用饮水管吸取 B.服磺胺类药后多饮水 C.助消化药宜在饭前服 D.服酸类药液后漱口17、超声雾化吸入器产生超声波声能的部位是( A )A.晶体换能器 B.超声波发生器 C.雾化罐透声膜 D.胶体换能器18、中分子右旋糖酐的主要作用是( C )A.维持酸碱平衡 B.补充营养和水分C.提高血浆胶体渗透压,扩充血容量D.补充蛋白质19、在输液过程中,儿童的输液速度应控制在( A )A.20~40滴/分 B.30~40滴/分 C.20~50滴/分D.15~40滴/分20、输血前准备工作中错误的一项是( C )A.需做血型鉴定和交叉配血试验B.需由两人进行三查八对C.血液取出后应加温后输入,以防止病人不适D.血液从血库取出后勿剧烈震荡21、做真菌培养时,采取分泌物的部位应在口腔的( A )A.溃疡面 B.软腭 C.两侧腭弓 D.扁桃体22、有关瞳孔观察的叙述,正确的是( B )A.瞳孔散大常见于有机磷中毒 B.脑外伤的病人常见于两侧瞳孔不等大,C.瞳孔缩小常见于颅压增高 D.吗啡中毒常表现为瞳孔对光反射消失.23、洗胃时每次灌入溶液量约为( C )A.100~200m1 B.200~300ml C.300~500 mlD.500~ 700m124、病室报告的填写顺序为( D )A.重点病人——新进入病人——当日离去病人B.当日离去病人——重点病人——新进入病人C.新进入病人——当日离去病人——重点病人D.当日离去病人——新进入病人——重点病人25、口头医嘱正确的执行方法是( D )A.医生签名后执行 B.护士长签名后执行C .两名护士核对后执行D .护士向医生复述,双方确认无误后执行二、多项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)在每小题列出的五个选项中有二至五个选项是符合题目要求的,请将选项的字母填在题后的括号内.多选,少选,错选均无分. 1、导致病人不舒适的心理方面的原因有( B C D )A .环境陌生B .不受关心与尊重C .焦虑与恐惧D .角色适应不良E .活动受限2、测量血压时,下列哪些因素可能引起测得的血压值偏高( B D E ) A .手臂位置低于心脏水平 B .膀胱充盈 C .袖带过宽 D .吸烟 E .进食3、下列哪些病人可采用肛测温( A C E )A.昏迷病人B.心肌梗塞C.婴幼儿D.下肢损伤的病人E.精神异常者 4、关于特殊口腔护理的叙述正确的是( A B C E )A .病人侧卧位或仰卧位头偏向一侧B .昏迷病人用开口器时,应从臼齿处放入C .每次只能夹取一个棉球D .擦洗完毕后,病人均应漱口E .棉球不应过湿5、每日记录病人的排出量应包括的是( A B C D E )A .粪便量和尿量B .胆汁引流量C .胃肠减压量D .胸腔、腹腔穿刺引流量E .呕吐物量6、下列各种药物皮试液每毫升含量正确的是( A B D )A.青霉素200μ B .TAT 150U C .头炮菌素类200μg D .链霉素2500μ E .普鲁卡因2500mg7、静脉输液的目的包括( A .B .C .D ) A .补充营养,供给热能 B .纠正水和电解质失调,维持酸碱平衡 C .输入药物,治疗疾病 D .利尿、脱水 E .增加血浆蛋白,纠正贫血 8、溶血反应的护理措施包括( A .B .C .E )A .立即停止输血B .维持静脉通路以备给药 c .热水袋敷双侧肾区 D .酸化尿液 E .密切观察生命体征及尿量9、采集血培养标本时,正确的做法是( A .B .D .E ) A .容器应完整无裂缝 B .应检查培养基是否足够C .血液注入标本瓶后应避免摇动D .一般培养标本取5ml 血即可E .注入血液至容器时应防止被污染10、对否认期病人的护理中,下列哪项正确( A .B .D .E ) A .根据病人对病情的认识程度进行沟通 B .与其他医务人员及家属保持一致 C .应引导病人正视现实 D .维持病人适当的希望 E .经常陪伴病人第二部分 非选择题三、名词解释(本大题共5小题,每题2分,共10分)1、呼吸:由生命活动的机体因进行新陈代谢,需要不断地从外界环境中摄取氧气,并把自身产生的二氧化碳排出体外,这种机体与环境之间进行气体交换的过程,称为呼吸。
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FA2004B Electronics Balance Operation InstructionsContentsI. Outline (2)II. Main Technical Parameters (3)III. Drawings for Balance Installation (4)IV. Operating (6)§1 Preparation (6)§2 Operation (6)§3 Start (8)§4 Balance Calibration (10)§5 COU Count Function (11)§6 RNG Weighing Range Conversion (12)§7 UNT Unit Conversion (12)§8 INT Integrating Time Adjustment (13)§9 ASD Sensitivity Adjustment (13)§10 PRT Output Mode Setting (14)§11 Operation of Weighing, Taring, Add Objects, Read Deviations (15)V. Maintenance and Troubleshooting of the Balance (17)Ⅵ. Data Interface (19)Ⅶ. Balance Serial Single (RS232C) (19)Ⅷ. Random Accessories (20)I. OutlineThe balance is a multifunction electronic balance adopting MCS-51 series single chip microprocessor. The weighing can be automatically calibrated, the integrating time can be adjusted and the sensitivity can be selected like common intelligent electronic balances. Besides, it has three weighing systems for users’ choice: gram, metric carat and troy ounce (the metric carat and the gold and medicine ounce are for the exported balance). The data interface is provided with RS232C universal two-way serial inter face, which can be connected to the microprocessor and serial printer (e. g., TPμP-T16S, etc.). The data output has also five modes for users’ choice, including timing in three steps, continuous, and manual output.II. Main Technical ParametersModel FA2004B Weighing range 0 to 200g Actual Scale Division Value 0.1mg Taring Range 0 to 200g Repeatability Deviation 0.0002g Accuracy DegreeStable Time (typical) ≤8s Integrating Time (adjustable) 2.5/5/10s Pan Diameter (mm) Φ80 Overall Dimensions (mm) 350×210×346 Net Weight 8.5kgPower Supply 220±2233V、50Hz Power Consumption 12V.A Auto Calibration Weight Range 200g Warm-up Time 180minIII. Drawings for Balance Installation3 4 5 61. pan2. pan connector3. fuse4. data interface5. level bubble6. power socket7 87. adjustable level leg 8. small round cover (hook inside)IV . Operating §1 Preparationz Unpack the box and remove all the packing. Take out buffer sponge in the wind-proofcover and install pans. z Put the balance on a stable working table free from vibration, sunshine and air flow. z Ambient temperature: Balance of grade: 20℃ ±5℃, with a fluctuation oftemperature not greater than 1℃/h ;: 20℃±7.5℃,with a fluctuation oftemperature not greater than 5℃/h.z Relative humidity: Balance of grade : <50%~75%;: <50%~80%.z Working voltage: 220V±2233V , 50Hz.§2 Operationz Check the level meter before operation. If the bubble is not in the center, adjust the levellegs to make the bubble in the center. z The balance adopts soft touch buttons, so it can be controlled with multi-keyboards. It iseasy to operate. Function change and selection can be realized simply by depressing the corresponding buttons. z Introduction of the keyboard on the panel:“ON” – key to switch on the display screen “OFF” – key to switch off the display screen “TAR” – key to set zero (taring)“INT” – key to adjust the integrating time“ASD” – key to adjust the sensitivity“CAL”– key to calibrate the balance, confirm the count function (for detail see §5), and confirm the percent load (for detail see §7)“COU” – key of count function (not count function for balance with dual range, this key is “RNG”. For detail see §6)“UNT” – key for system conversion in balance with dual range (For detail see operation in §6)“PRT” – key of output mode settingz Introduction of LCD panel (see the sketch):1. Integrating time icon ---- when the integrating time is adjusted as “—INT—1”,only a wave is displayed on the button in the icon frame.2. Sensitivity adjustment icon ---- when the sensitivity is adjusted as “—ASD—1”,only a drop is displayed on the left in the icon frame.3. Display flickers when the user sets and selects the menu.4. Display flickers when the user is asked to wait (pressing key “CAL” in the countfunction excluded. For detail see operation in §5).5. Printing output mode icon ---- when the mode of “—PRT—1” is selected only apen is displayed on the left in the icon frame.6 – 10. Weighing system -------- e. g., “ct” is carat in the metric system and “oz” isounce for gold and medicine. 11. Weighing icon -------- with the weighing increases the value indicated by theweights increases pro rata. When the weighing is full, all the display of the weights equals the dotted line below. 12. Stability mark ------- reading of the balance is accurate only when “○” goes out,otherwise, not.Sketch of LCD panel§3 Startz Select an appropriate line voltage an set the voltage switch to the corresponding position.zTurn on the power on and the balance is ready to run (but the display doesn’t work), normally warm-up is needed before the display panel can be operated. For accurate measurement, balance of grade needs to be powered three hours for warm-up,while gratedneeds one hour.For emergency, weighing can be done through calibrating the balance before use for accurate measurement, if the warm-up time is not enough.z Function of the keyboard“ON” displays onDepress slightly the button “ON”, the display will be lighted.Check the function of the display, about 2 seconds later, the model of the balance will be displayed:For example:—2004—Then the weighing mode:0.0000g o r0.000g“OFF” displays offDepress slightly the button “OFF”, the display will go out (now the balance is still powered). If the balance will not be used for a long time, the power plug should be taken off.“TAR” sets zeroPut the container on the pan, the weight of the container should be displayed:+18.9001gDepress “TAR” button, the display will go out and the display will be all zero, the display will show that the container weight has been removed:0.0000gWhen the container is removed, a negative value of the container weight will be displayed:-18.9001gDepress “TAR” again, the display will be all zero, i. e. the balance clears:0.0000g§4 Balance CalibrationAfter a long period of storage, movement, change of environment, the weighing unit may notbe displayed on the panel, one weight may be displayed on the left button of the displaypanel when there is no any weighting carried out. Normally, the balance should be calibrated before use in order to obtain precise measurement.z Preparation for the balance calibration:Take away all the objects to be weighed on the pan. For balance FA2004B, as anexample, set modes Cou-0, INT-3, ASD-2, and UNT-0 (default when balance is on).Depress slightly “TAR” for clearing the balance.z CalibrationDepress slightly “TAR” will be on the flash-display of “CAL-200”. Release thebutton, indicating a calibration is needed with a standard weight of 200g. Therefore,put the prepared 200g standard weight on the pan, waiting status of “Please wait”appears on the display panel, the flash-display of “CAL-200” will stop. Afterseveral seconds, “200.0000g” will displayed, while “Please wait” goes out.Remove the calibration weight, the display should indicate 0.0000g. Thecalibration is finished. If not, clear once again and repeat the above procedures.(Twice of calibration are recommended in order to get accurate result). The displaysequence of the calibration is shown in the figure below:0.0000g CAL-200 ------- 200.0000g0.0000g§5 COU Count FunctionThere is no such function in the dual range balance.The single range balance has a function of counting. The average numbers are in four steps of 5, 10, 25, and 50.The setting of range of average numbers:Only depress “COU” and hold, “Please choose” will appears on the display panel, while the menu display will be circulating continuously as the following:It means the average value of 5, 10, 25, and 50 objects respectively.If a normal weighing function is required, release when Cou-00 displays, and waiting status “Please wait” will be indicated, at last 0.0000g weighting status will be indicated.If the average value of five is required, release when “Cou-05” displays, “Please wait” appears, then put 5 objects on the pan when “Please wait” goes off. Now “Please wait” appears again. Depress “CAL” once immediately before “Please wait” goes off again. Then, waiting status of “-------” and “Please wait” appear again. After several seconds, 5 will be displayed. Take away the objects to be weighed, “0” will be displayed on the panel. At that time the counting of the same objects to be weighed can be done. (Attention: the weight of the objects to be weighed must not be greater than the maximum weighing range of the balance).If you average over 10, 25, or even 50 objects, then the accuracy of counting will be higher.§6 RNG Weighing Range ConversionThe balance with due range has two reading accuracies. For example, balance FA2104SB: 0.1mg within range 0 to 60g. If the range is above 60g, the balance converts its reading accuracy to 1mg automatically. But through the function of taring of 0 to 210g, the accuracy will be 0.1mg for reading step by step if the total weight is below 210g, (the analysis quantity is below 60g); if the weight of the container is above 60g, depress slightly “TAR”, taring the weight of the container first, then weigh the object (≤60g), the reading accuracy is still 0.1mg.z Set the weighing rangeDepress “RNG” and hold, while the display is shown as the following figure, circulating continuously:If the accuracy of the reading needs to be 0.1mg, release when the display is rng—60; and then appear waiting state “-------” and “Please wait”. After several seconds, weighing state will be shown at last. The setting is finished.§7 UNT Unit ConversionDepress “UNT” button and hold the display of “Please choose” will appear on the panel, while the following menu is circulating continuously:“0” means the value is expressed in “gram”, “1” means the value is expressed in “ metric carat/ct”,and “ 2” means the value is expressed in “gold and medicine ounce/oz”. The unit will be set same as “RNG”.§8 INT Integrating Time AdjustmentDepress “INT” button and hold, “Please choose” will appear on the panel, while the display is shown as the following menu, circulating continuously:The corresponding integrating time is as follows:-INT-0 fast, -INT-1 shorter, -INT-2 short, and -INT-3 longer.The selection of the integrating time button “INT” will be the same as “RNG”.§9 ASD Sensitivity AdjustmentDepress “ASD” button and hold, “Please choose” will appear on the panel, while the display is shown as the following menu, circulating continuously:The corresponding sensitivity will be:-ASD-0 the highest, -ASD-1 high, -ASD-2 higher, and -ASD-3 low.Where -ASD-0 is used for test run and not to be used by the users. The selection of sensitivity button “ASD” is the same as “RNG”.Here is a list of ASD and INT for user’s reference only.The fastest weighing: INT—1 ASD—3ASD—2 Normal: INT—3With undesirable environment: INT—3 ASD—3§10 PRT Output Mode SettingDepress “PRT” and hold, “Please choose” will appears on the panel, while the display is shown as the following menu, circulating continuously:PRT-0 is the mode of indefinite time output; slightly depress “PRT” once, the weighing result will be output on the output interface once. Attention: At this time you should depress the button slightly and quickly, otherwise, the next output mode will be displayed.PRT-1 output once every half a minute.PRT-2 output once every minute.PRT-3 output once every two minutes.PRT-4 output continuously.The setting of “PRT” is the same as “RNG”.§11 Operation of Weighing, Taring, Add Objects, Read Deviationsz Weighing:After selection of the above modes by the user, (the default when the balance is powered is: “INT-3, ASD-2, and PRT-4) depress “TAR”, zero displays. Put the object to be weighed on the pan. When the number is stable, i. e. “0” and “Please wait”indication on the left of the display goes out, the number displayed will be the weight of the object.z Taring:Put the container on the pan, the weight will display. Depress “TAR”, zero display. That is taring. Put the object to be weighed into the container, the value displayed is the net weight of the object to be weighed.z Accumulative weighing:Put the objects to be weighed on the pan one by one with taring method and tare and clear for each one. Take away all the objects to be weighed, the absolute value displayed is the total weight of the objects to be weighed.z Add ObjectsSet the mode of “INT-0, ASD-0” and put the container on the pan, then tare. Add the objects to be weighed (liquid or loose objects) into the container one by one. The continuous reading value can be obtained quickly. When the added objects reach the required weight, “0” and “Please wait” indication on the left on the display goes out and the number displayed is the weighing value required by the user. When adding the mixed objects, the net weight of each object can be measured by taring method.z Reading deviations:Put the reference weight (or sample) on the pan and tare. Then take off the reference weight. The negative value of weight displays. Put the object to be weighed on the pan.The corresponding plus or minus deviation will display, comparing the weighed object with the reference weight.z Unload:Loose the screws of the bottom cover, reveal the hook. Put the balance on a working table with a hole. Level and calibrate the balance. An object can be weighed with the hook.V . Maintenance and Troubleshooting of the Balancez Maintenance:The balance should be used carefully. Clean the pan and the case frequently with softcloth and toothpaste. Don’t wipe the balance with strong agent.z Troubleshooting: No. TroubleCause Remedy 1 Display not fully lit · Power in not on · Display switch is not on · Instant interference · Micro fuse broken · Check and turn it on again.· Depress “ON” button.· Switch on again and replug powercord.· Replace the fuse. If broken again,send it to the service center.2 Display theupper half only “-------” · Overload · The calibration in the internal memory may be damaged · The pan is not installed correctly · Reduce the load immediately. · Recalibrate according to the above procedures. About 8 seconds afterthe standard weight has been puton, the calibrated result may be displayed. A certain stable time is necessary.· Take out the pan and reinstall the pan.3Display the lower half only “-------”· The pan is not installed correctly · Without pan, too light · Take out the pan and reinstall the pan.· ditto. 4 The weighingresult is not stable (data changed swiftly) · Due to air flow · The working table is not stable · The integrating time is too short · Room temperature fluctuates · Close the windproof cover. · Place the balance on a stable working table. · Select longer integrating time.· Control room temperature.5The result is not correct · Not zeroing before weighing · Use the balance without calibration or the calibration weight is not accurate · The line voltage is notcorrect· Depress “TAR” button.· Recalibrate the balance.· Change to the correct voltage.6 Display remains at a certain digit or indicates nonsensesymbol· Possible instant interference · Wrong line voltage · Turn on the balance once again orreplug the power cord.· Change to normal line voltage.7 The stable mark “o” and “Please wait” do not go out · A higher balance sensitivity · Undesired environment, such as strong air flow,vibration, or severe roomtemperature fluctuation· Set to a lower sensitivity.· Improve environment.8 Remain at waiting status “Please wait” · The balance position is not correct, e.g. with strong air flow, vibration or great fluctuation of room temperature · The selected sensitivity istoo high· Improve the environment.· Set to ASD-3.9 “Err-1” or “Err-2” displays · Instant interference · Something wrong with the balance · Turn on the balance once again orreplug the power.· Sent it to the service center.10 “CAL-Err” displays · There is an object on the pan before calibration · Calibration weight is not correct · Not clear before calibration · “CAL” button is pressed before weighing modedisplayed· Take away the object, clear andrecalibrate.· Clear and recalibrate.· ditto· Change to weighing mode.11 Weighing unit is not displayed on the panel and there is a weight icon onthe left belowof the panel· Not calibrated · The calibrated number in the internal memory of the balance has been erased· Calibrate the balance.· ditto12 “Cou-Err” displays · No constant be set before operating countingfunction· Overload when settingconstant· Under load when settingconstant · Set average number.Ⅵ. Data InterfaceData interface adopts the standard 9-core RS232C socket equipped with RS232 universalserial two-way interface output (parallel interface not equipped). For the convenience of theuser to connect the system computers or multi-terminals equipment, it also can be connectwith micro-processor and printer. The pin and the corresponding signals are as follows:PIN SIGNALILLUSTATEsignal.2 SI input3 SO serial output signal. (baud rate is 1200)5 GNDⅦ. Balance Serial Single (RS232C)The connection method between the scale and computer serial port is as follows:Computer (9-core) Scale (9-core)2 33 25 5(1)The baud rate of the serial port of scale is 1200.(2)The data format is 10 digits, one start digit is (0), 8 digits are data positions(ASCLL Code, low digits in the front), 1 stop digit (1).(3)No odd-even check.A detailed output frame is as follows:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314 15 16 Type Space */ Space +/- data data data dot data data data data Unit 1 Unit 2 CR LFⅧ. Random Accessories1. 200g (or 100g) calibration weights 1 box2. Wire with both-side plug 1 piece3. 0.25A fuse 3 pieces4. Weights tweezers 1 piece5. Handkerchief 1 piece6. Operation Manual 1 copy7. Certificate 1 copy20。
33.在保险实务中,意外伤害保险费率决定的主要依据是被保险人的( )
A身体状态B. .年龄C.居住区域D.职业
34.与寿险相比,健康保险的风险具有( )
6、保险是一种商品,其价格表现为( )
8、保险合同订立之后中,投保人缴纳了保险费,但保险合同的履行结果即建立在的事件是否发生的基础上,这一特点一般称为保险合同的( )
五、以下列各音为低音构成指列定和弦。(共 16 分)
六、调式音阶。(共 24 分)
(1) 写调号、排列音阶。
B 和声大调
Q小Q四b2六e 5羽3(8雅57乐233减小七
料f 旋律小调(2来自 用临时变音记号。资 音乐
bd 商(燕乐)
33 (6)用一个合适的音符填入括号中(a)
=( )
8572 (b)
) (7) 为(
253 (8) 为(
)记号。(9)legato 的中文意思是:(
Q (10)dolce 的中文意思是:(
)(11)accelerando 的中文意思
Q 是:(
音乐系 2004 年招生考试《音乐基本理论》试卷(B)
一、音的分组。(共 3 分)
二、填空题。(每空 1 分,共 15 分)
) (2)rit.(
a. 十二平均律。 b.(
) c.(
库 括号中。(a)小六度为(
料 三、音值组合。(共 10 分)
乐资 (1)重新组合以下节奏片段。
浏 (2)划分小节。
四、音程。(共 12 分)
【例题】1. 2 8 0 9 1 4 5 7 9 0A.0B.2C.3D.4正确答案为B。
2. 了木本口天日本大子日太禾中夫A.0B.1C.2D.3正确答案为A。
请开始答题:1. 49872. 98753. 23454. 75215. 3721正确答案分别为:1.D;2.C;3.A;4.B;5.A。
色 别:是指不同颜色之间的区别。(色调:表示颜色的种类)
明 度:(亮度)是指彩色光的明亮程度,即对人眼引起亮暗 感觉的程度。
饱和度:(色纯)表示颜色的深浅程度,即颜色的浓淡或鲜 明程度。 色调和饱和度 又总称为色度
●不同色别的色彩明度大小决定于人眼感色纤维的刺激量 和三中感色纤维对应颜色光的敏感性 ●同一色别中只有明度适中时,饱和度才最大
北京到上海约为 1100公里
“要坐18小时的火车” 天文学的距离单位: 通常说牛郎与织女星的距离是 16光年
用时间表示距离的中间媒介是 光源的颜色有多种表示方法: 色 温 速度 微倒数 黑体
2 可以消除镜面的反射和光泽物体表面的光斑 的干扰。 3 可以阻止天空的明亮光线,降低天空的亮度。 入射前亮度 入射后亮度
摄像使用偏振镜对色彩质量影响不大,但 对光线亮度来说要损失一半以上的。
● 光源的发光强度
1m 2m 3m
指光源在单位面积内光通量的多少, 单位是坎德拉(cd),符号I。 烛光 坎德拉
F = I ω (ω为立体角)
物体表面的光照度;物体单位面积上 所得到的光通量。 1勒克司(Lux)=1 流明/平方米
理解:1 坎德拉 = 1 勒克司
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这段话主要支持了这样一种观点,即( )。
“空穴来风”的意思是( )。
对划横线的文字理解准确的是( )。
最适合做本段文字标题的是( )。
“国际上对此存在很多争议”的“此”指的是( )。
作者认为藏青色“考试服”的时兴有无科学道理?( )。
这段文字谈论的重点是( )。
下面说法正确的是( )。
句中的“后者”指( )。
从这段文字中可以推出的是( )。
对划线部分理解不准确的是( )。
对这段文字,理解不准确的是( )。
关于巴黎下水道,下面说法正确的是( )。
根据本文,理解准确的是( )。
下列陈述,不符合文意的是( )。
这段话直接支持这样一种观点,即( )。
A.3B.4C.5D.6 解答:正确答案为D。
36.2002×20032003-2003×20022002的值是( )。
A.-60B.0C.60D.80 37.1994×2002-1993×2003的值是( )。
试问在10和50之间有多少个整数具有这种性质?( )。
试问新立方体的表面积比原立方体的表面积增加的百分比最接近于下面哪一个数?( )。
A.10B.15 C.17D.2140.一个油漆匠漆一间房间的墙壁,需要3天时间。
如果用同等速度漆一间长、宽、高都比原来大一倍的房间的墙壁,那么需要多少天?( )。
A.3B.12C.24D.3041.对右图方格板中的两个四边形,表述正确的是( )。
A.四边形I的面积大于四边形Ⅱ的面积B.四边形I的面积小于四边形Ⅱ的面积C.两个四边形有相同的面积,但I的周长大于Ⅱ的周长D.两个四边形有相同的面积,但I的周长小于Ⅱ的周长42.养鱼塘里养了一批鱼,第一次捕上来200尾,做好标记后放回鱼塘,数日后再捕上100尾,发现有标记的鱼为5尾,问鱼塘里大约有多少尾鱼?( )。
A.2000 B.4000 C.5000 D.600043.一个小于80的自然数与3的和是5的倍数,与3的差是6的倍数,这个自然数最大是( )。
A.32B.47C.57D.7244.把4个不同的球放人4个不同的盒子中,有多少种放法?( )。
A.24B.4C.12D.10 45.设S、R、T三点为一等边三角形的三个顶点,X,Y,Z为△SRT三边的中点。
若用此六个点中的任意三个点作顶点,可有多少类面积不等的三角形?( )。
若两次考试中,都及格的有22人,那么两次考试都没有及格的人数是( )。
A.10B.4C.6D.847.商品A比商品B贵30元,商品A涨价50%后,其价格是商品B的3倍,则商品A的价格为( )。