



1.25Gb/s 多模 PECL 电平光收发一体模块1.25Gb/s MULTI­MODE PECL TRANSCEIVER特点: Features● 采用标准 1x9封装双 SC 插拔式或 FC 尾纤式,与Multisource协议兼容● 单+3.3V供电;低功耗● 符合 IEEE802.3z 千兆以太网标准● 发射器件可选用工作波长为 850nm激光器● 接收采用平面结构 InGaAsP PIN 探测器● 信号检测逻辑 TTL电平● Industry Standard Mezzanine Height 1x9 Package Style with integral Duplex SC Receptacle/FC Pigtail Connector are available● Single+3.3V Power Supply* low power dissipation● Compliant with Specification for IEEE802.3z Gigabit Ethernet● High quality 850nm VCSEL­LD● Receiver has a planner InGaAsP PIN● SD interface with TTL应用:Applications● 适用于 1.25G及以下速率的千兆以太网收发器,高速光纤通道,高速交换背板等应用Fiber optical Ethernet Acess for signal rates up to 1.25Gbps ;Fiber Channel;Switch Backbone Application技术指标:Specifications参数 Parameter条件Condition最小Min典型Typ最大Max工作波长(nm)Wavelength850 830 850 860 电源电压(V)Power SupplyVcc 3.1 3.3 3.5 信号电平Signal LevelLVPECL 1.5~2.3输出谱宽(nm)Output Spectral WidthVCSEL­LD 0.85 输出平均光功率(dBm)Average Output Optical PowerShort Reach ­8消光比(dB)Extinction Ratio EX 10灵敏度(dBm)Sensitivity 1.25Gb/s ­18最小过载点(dBm)Overload BER=1×10 -10 0收无光告警点(dBm) LOS(dBm)光减小/光增加Optical Deassert/assert­5/­1发送电流(mA)Current of transmitter sectionVcc=3.3V 80 接收电流(mA)Current of receiver sectionVcc=3.3V 100极限值 Absolute Maximum Ratings 工作温度(℃)Operating temperature(℃) -20~+70引线焊接温度(℃)Lead soldering temperature(℃) <260 储存温度(℃)Storage temperature(℃) -40~+85引线焊接时间(Sec)Soldering duration(Sec)<10管脚定义 Pin Connections 管脚 管脚名称 电 平说 明1 GNDR 接收部分接地脚 Receiver section grounded2 RD LVPECL 接收部分数据输出Date output of receiver section3 NRD LVPECL 接收部分反向数据输出Reverse date output of receiver section 4 SD LVTTL 接收部分无光告警。



内部灰尘清洁 地基内部清洁 逄发器迕气窗清洁 逄发器外表面清洁 门锁、铰链检查 密封条检查 喷涂防护漆
清洁逄发单元迕气窗 更换电子电气元器件
逄发器系统参数 辒入数据(直流侧) 辒出数据(电网侧) 机械部分 系统数据 扭矩对照表 质量保证 关亍阳先
尊敬癿客户,感谢您使用阳先电源股份有限公叵研収生产癿箱式逄发器产品,我仧由衷地希 望本产品能满足您癿雹求,同时期望您能对产品癿性能和功能提出更多癿意见。我仧将持续 改迕,丌断提升产品癿质量。
“注意”表示有潜在风险,如果未能避免可能导致设备无法正常运行或造成财产损失的情 况。
“诪明”是手册中癿附加信息,对内容癿强调和补充,也可能提供了产品优化使 用癿技巧戒窍门,能帮劣您解决某个问题戒节省您癿时间。
逆变器所在的光伏电站通常都位亍偏离市区的野外环境,应根据雹要,准备相应的野外 救护设施,以便在雹要时实施。
触摸电网或设备内部不之相连接的触点、端子等,存在电击危险! 丌要触摸不电网回路相连接的端子或导体。 注意所有关亍和电网连接的指示或安全说明文件。
产品内部存在致命高电压! 注意并遵守产品上的警告标识。 遵守本手册及本设备其他相关文件中列出的安全注意事项。
损坏的设备或系统故障可能造成电击或起火! 操作前初步目视检查设备有无损坏或是否存在其他危险。 检查其他外部设备或电路连接是否安全。 确认此设备处亍安全状态才可以操作。
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逄发器设计 逄发器各规图 机械参数 内部设备极成 通风设计 线缆迕出设计 限位板设计 逄发器通讯时序介绍



9070T150D1Industrial Control TransformersProduct Description PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONControl power transformers from Schneider Electric set the industry standard for design innovation and performance. They are designed with low impedance windings for excellent voltage regulation, and can accomodate the high inrush current associated with contactors, starters, solenoids, and relays.A variety of designs are available to meet the diverse needs of panel builders and machinery OEMs. The versatility of our control transformer line offers unparalleled options for design engineers. We also have one of the most extensive offering of custom products with no minimum order requirements.We have a national network of distributors to ensure prompt delivery, including industry leading delivery on custom products. In most cases, we can design, manufacture, and ship a custom unit in two weeks or less.The Global Product Offering—Type TType T is our most popular and complete line of control transformers. It comes with unmatched design innovations for top performance and is manufactured using the most advanced insulating materials. The Type T control transformer is the best choice if size and cost are of concern.The Exceptional Regulation Offering —Type EOConstructed with traditional materials and manufacturing processes, Type EO transformers are UL and CSA Component Recognized. Units are designed for 55°C rise. All units are 60HZ rated, withde-rated VA levels for 50HZ.Transformers with Fuse Block Protection—Types TF and EOFWe offer both product lines with factory installed overcurrent protection fuse blocks.Type TF and EOF transformers consist of two primary fuse blocks and one secondary fuse block, a configuration that meets the majority of overcurrent needs by panel builders and machinery OEMs. Since the fuse blocks are pre-wired and mounted on top of the transformer, the Type TF and EOF transformers have the same footprint as the Type T and Type EO units, respectively. This design frees up space normally used for separate fuse blocksWe also have an extensive fuse block offering for custom applications. See the overcurrent section of this catalog for full details.Leaded Control Transformer LineSchneider Electric offers transformers with internally pre-wired 24-inch primary and secondary leads, instead of terminal boards, to make installation easier and faster for many applications. These are only available for single voltage primary and single voltage secondary applications.MultiTapSchneider Electric offers Type T and Type EO transformers in the MultiTap version. The MultiTap control transformer was designed to respond to the increased need for voltage and stock flexibility. It combines multiple primary voltages with one or more secondary voltages, all in a single transfomer. The most flexible MultiTap voltage is the Universal, available on the Type T product line only. It allows for standard primary voltages of 208 to 600V and 110, 115, or 120V secondary voltages.Industrial Control TransformersType T TransformersTYPE T TRANSFORMERSThe Type T units are designed for the global market and are the best choice when size and cost are of concern. This is our most popular and complete offering of industrial control transformers. The following features are included:•50/60 Hz rated•Customer installed accessories (Finger-Safe covers, fuse blocks, fuse clips)•Type T transformers are designed with various temperature classes:—25–150 VA with a 55° C temperature rise, 105° C insulation —200–350 VA with a 80° C temperature rise, 130° C insulation —500–5000 VA with a 115° C temperature rise, 180° C insulationSchneider Electric manufactures a wide variety of voltage combinations for control transformers. The voltage combinations are expressed as “Voltage Codes”, and are embedded within the catalog number of the transformer. Standard codes are listed. If the voltage combination you need is not listed, please call your Schneider Electric distributor for assistance.CE MarkingIndustrial control transformers (ICTs) entering the European Union (EU) after January 1, 1997 are required by EU standards to have CE marking or Declaration of Conformity to CE. EU documentation requires compliance with specification EN 61 558 of the Low Voltage Directive. Type T ICTs from Schneider Electric comply with this specification and are third party tested to T ÜV standards, which adhere to, and are accepted by, EU standards. A Declaration of Conformity for all Type T units is available upon request.Because of different overload criteria in the CE specification,Schneider Elecric dual rates these transformers for UL VA, cUL VA, CSA VA, NOM VA and CE VA ratings (see “Type T VA Ratings” table). Because they are widely used with control circuit panels, ICTs are also required to comply with EN 60 204 and EN 61 558 in these applications. The Type T transformer line complies with EN 60 204 when Fingersafe ® covers are installed.For more information regarding CE marking, please contact your local Schneider Electric field sales office.Type T VA RatingsUL, cUL, CSA and NOM VA RatingCEVA Rating252550507575100100150150200200250160300200350250500300750500100063015001000200015003000200050003000Type T ListingsListingFileVA RangeUL E61239, Guide XPTQ225–5000cUL E612391500–5000CSALR37055, Guide 184-N-9025–1000EN947923, EN 61 558/01.89 (TUV ref: 00941-RAG/sg E9371495E01)25–2009579078, EN 61 558/01.89 (TUV ref: 00941-RAG/sg E9471921E01)250–10009579078, EN 61 558/01.89 (TUV ref: 00941-RAG/sg E9471921.02E01)1500–3000Industrial Control TransformersType T Transformers120 Volt Control SecondaryVoltage and Connection OptionsVoltage CodeVoltagesConnectionsPrimary SecondaryPrimarySecondaryD1220 x 440230 x 460240 x 480110115120220/230/240 V:Connect to H1 and H4Jumper H1 with H3Jumper H2 with H4440/460/480 V:Connect to H1 and H4Jumper H2 with H3Connect to X1 and X2DimensionsVA CatalogNumberFigureAcc. KeyA BCEFSlotsULCEINmmINmmINmmINmmINmmINmm25259070T25D11I 3.0979 3.0076 2.5866 2.0051 2.50640.20 x 0.38 5 x 1050509070T50D11I 3.0979 3.0076 2.5866 2.0051 2.50640.20 x 0.38 5 x 1075759070T75D11I 3.3485 3.3886 2.8973 2.3861 2.81710.20 x 0.48 5 x 121001009070T100D11I 3.3485 3.3886 2.8973 2.3861 2.81710.20 x 0.48 5 x 121501509070T150D11I 3.5991 3.7595 3.2081 2.8873 3.13800.20 x 0.38 5 x 102002009070T200D11I 3.5991 3.7595 3.2081 2.8873 3.13800.20 x 0.38 5 x 102501609070T250D12I 5.30135 3.7595 3.2182 2.8873 3.13800.20 x 0.38 5 x 103002009070T300D12I 4.74120 4.50114 3.8498 2.5665 3.75950.20 x 0.38 5 x 103502509070T350D12I 5.11130 4.50114 3.8498 3.0076 3.75950.20 x 0.38 5 x 105003009070T500D12I 5.49139 4.50114 3.8498 3.5690 3.75950.20 x 0.38 5 x 107505009070T750D12I 5.61143 5.25133 4.51115 3.4387 4.381110.28 x 0.567 x 1410006309070T1000D12I 6.30160 5.25133 4.51115 4.31109 4.381110.28 x 0.567 x 14150010009070T1500D12I 5.921507.06179 6.17157 4.13105 5.811480.28 x 0.567 x 14200015009070T2000D12I 7.171827.06179 6.17157 4.56116 5.811480.28 x 0.567 x 14300020009070T3000D13I 7.241849.002298.75222 4.631187.631940.44 x 1.1311 x 29500030009070T5000D13I9.152329.002298.752226.561677.631940.44 x 1.1311 x 2914T R A N S F O R M E R SIndustrial ControlClass 9070 / Refer to Catalogs 9070CT9901, 7400CT9601Square D ® Type T and MultiTap™ TransformersType T transformers are designed with low impedance windings forexcellent voltage regulation and can accommodate the high inrush current associated with contactors, starters, solenoids, and relays. As the most popular and complete line of control transformers with unmatched design innovations for top performance, Type Ts are manufactured using the most advanced insulating materials and are the best choice if size and cost are of concern. It is available in the MultiTap version, designed to respond to the increased need for voltage and stock flexibility. It combines multiple primary voltages with one or more secondary voltages, all in a single transformer.VAVA Catalog No.$ PriceH W D W e i g h t (l b s )U L /C S A /N O MCEin (mm)in (mm)in (mm)Primary 240 x 480 Secondary 120; Primary 230 x 460 Secondary 115; or Primary 220 x 440Secondary 11025259070T25D174.00 2.58 (65.5) 3.00 (76.2) 3.09 (78.5) 2.550509070T50D177.00 2.58 (65.5) 3.00 (76.2) 3.09 (78.5) 2.575759070T75D192.00 2.89 (73.4) 3.38 (85.8) 3.34 (84.8) 3.81001009070T100D1103.00 2.89 (73.4) 3.38 (85.8) 3.34 (84.8) 3.81501509070T150D1110.00 3.20 (81.3) 3.75 (95.3) 3.59 (91.2) 5.52002009070T200D1136.00 3.20 (81.3) 3.75 (95.3) 3.59 (91.2) 5.52501609070T250D1159.00 3.25 (82.6) 3.75 (95.3) 5.25 (133.4)7.130********T300D1176.00 3.80 (96.5) 4.50 (114.3) 4.70 (119.4)8.53502509070T350D1187.00 3.80 (96.5) 4.50 (114.3) 5.09 (129.3)10.55003009070T500D1233.00 3.80 (96.5) 4.50 (114.3) 5.46 (138.7)11.97505009070T750D1322.00 4.43 (112.5) 5.25 (133.4) 5.66 (143.8)11.010*********T1000D1390.00 4.43 (112.5) 5.25 (133.4) 6.04 (153.4)20.6150010009070T1500D1558.00 6.16 (156.5)7.06 (179.3) 5.81 (147.6)34.0200015009070T2000D1678.00 6.16 (156.5)7.06 (179.3)7.04 (178.8)47.0300020009070T3000D1941.008.46 (214.9)9.00 (228.6) 6.86 (174.2)60.0500030009070T5000D11582.008.46 (214.9)9.00 (228.6)8.73 (221.7)89.0Primary 208 Secondary 12050509070T50D390.00 2.58 (65.5) 3.00 (76.2) 3.09 (78.5) 2.575759070T75D3108.00 2.89 (73.4) 3.38 (85.8) 3.34 (84.8) 3.81001009070T100D3121.00 2.89 (73.4) 3.38 (85.8) 3.34 (84.8) 3.81501509070T150D3153.00 3.20 (81.3) 3.75 (95.3) 3.59 (91.2) 5.52002009070T200D3195.00 3.20 (81.3) 3.75 (95.3) 3.59 (91.2) 5.52501609070T250D3242.00 3.25 (82.6) 3.75 (95.3) 5.25 (133.4)7.130********T300D3248.00 3.80 (96.5) 4.50 (114.3) 4.70 (119.4)8.53502509070T350D3288.00 3.80 (96.5) 4.50 (114.3) 5.09 (129.3)10.55003009070T500D3314.00 3.80 (96.5) 4.50 (114.3) 5.46 (138.7)11.97505009070T750D3443.00 4.43 (112.5) 5.25 (133.4) 5.66 (143.8)11.010*********T1000D3558.00 4.43 (112.5) 5.25 (133.4) 6.04 (153.4)20.6150010009070T1500D3780.00 6.16 (156.5)7.06 (179.3) 5.81 (147.6)34.0200015009070T2000D3905.00 6.16 (156.5)7.06 (179.3)7.04 (178.8)47.0300020009070T3000D31276.008.46 (214.9)9.00 (228.6) 6.86 (174.2)60.0500030009070T5000D32010.008.46 (214.9)9.00 (228.6)8.73 (221.7)89.0Primary 600 Secondary 120; Primary 575 Secondary 115; or Primary 550 Secondary 11050509070T50D590.00 2.58 (65.5) 3 (76.2) 3.09 (78.5) 2.575759070T75D5108.00 2.89 (73.4) 3.38 (85.8) 3.34 (84.8) 3.81001009070T100D5121.00 2.89 (73.4) 3.38 (85.8) 3.34 (84.8) 3.81501509070T150D5153.00 3.20 (81.3) 3.75 (95.3) 3.59 (91.2) 5.52002009070T200D5195.00 3.20 (81.3) 3.75 (95.3) 3.59 (91.2) 5.52501609070T250D5242.00 3.25 (82.6) 3.75 (95.3) 5.25 (133.4)7.130********T300D5248.00 3.80 (96.5) 4.50 (114.3) 4.70 (119.4)8.53502509070T350D5288.00 3.80 (96.5) 4.50 (114.3) 5.09 (129.3)10.55003009070T500D5314.00 3.80 (96.5) 4.50 (114.3) 5.46 (138.7)11.97505009070T750D5443.00 4.43 (112.5) 5.25 (133.4) 5.66 (143.8)11.010*********T1000D5558.00 4.43 (112.5) 5.25 (133.4) 6.04 (153.4)20.6150010009070T1500D5780.00 6.16 (156.5)7.06 (179.3) 5.81 (147.6)34.0200015009070T2000D5905.00 6.16 (156.5)7.06 (179.3)7.04 (178.8)47.0300020009070T3000D51276.008.46 (214.9)9.00 (228.6) 6.86 (174.2)60.0500030009070T5000D52010.008.46 (214.9)9.00 (228.6)8.73 (221.7)89.0Primary 120 Secondary 120; Primary 115 Secondary 115; or Primary 110 Secondary 11050509070T50D24312.00 2.58 (65.5) 3.00 (76.2) 3.09 (78.5) 2.575759070T75D24324.00 2.89 (73.4) 3.38 (85.8) 3.34 (84.8) 3.81001009070T100D24326.00 2.89 (73.4) 3.38 (85.8) 3.34 (84.8) 3.81501509070T150D24348.00 3.20 (81.3) 3.75 (95.3) 3.59 (91.2) 5.52002009070T200D24475.00 3.20 (81.3) 3.75 (95.3) 3.59 (91.2) 5.52501609070T250D24477.00 3.25 (82.6) 3.75 (95.3) 5.25 (133.4)7.130********T300D24481.00 3.8 (96.5) 4.50 (114.3) 4.70 (119.4)8.53502509070T350D24483.00 3.80 (96.5) 4.50 (114.3) 5.09 (129.3)10.55003009070T500D24498.00 3.80 (96.5) 4.50 (114.3) 5.46 (138.7)11.97505009070T750D24560.00 4.43 (112.5) 5.25 (133.4) 5.66 (143.8)11.010*********T1000D24594.00 4.43 (112.5) 5.25 (133.4) 6.04 (153.4)20.6150010009070T1500D24717.00 6.16 (156.5)7.06 (179.3) 5.81 (147.6)34.0200015009070T2000D24929.00 6.16 (156.5)7.06 (179.3)7.04 (178.8)47.0300020009070T3000D241463.008.46 (214.9)9.00 (228.6) 6.86 (174.2)60.0500030009070T5000D242010.008.46 (214.9)9.00 (228.6)8.73 (221.7)89.0Primary 277 Secondary 120Primary 277 Secondary 120 (continued)2002009070T200D4195.00 3.20 (81.3) 3.75 (95.3) 3.59 (91.2) 5.52501609070T250D4242.00 3.25 (82.6) 3.75 (95.3) 5.25 (133.4)7.130********T300D4248.00 3.80 (96.5) 4.50 (114.3) 4.70 (119.4)8.53502509070T350D4288.00 3.80 (96.5) 4.50 (114.3) 5.09 (129.3)10.55003009070T500D4314.00 3.80 (96.5) 4.50 (114.3) 5.46 (138.7)11.97505009070T750D4443.00 4.43 (112.5) 5.25 (133.4) 5.66 (143.8)11.010*********T1000D4558.00 4.43 (112.5) 5.25 (133.4) 6.04 (153.4)20.6150010009070T1500D4780.00 6.16 (156.5)7.06 (179.3) 5.81 (147.6)34.0200015009070T2000D4905.00 6.16 (156.5)7.06 (179.3)7.04 (178.8)47.0300020009070T3000D41276.008.46 (214.9)9.00 (228.6) 6.86 (174.2)60.0500030009070T5000D42010.008.46 (214.9)9.00 (228.6)8.73 (221.7)89.0VA VA Catalog No.$ PriceHW D W e i g h t (l b s )U L /C S A /N O MCEin (mm)in (mmin (mm)Primary 240 x 480 Secondary 120/240; Primary 230 x 460 Secondary 115/230; orPrimary 220 x 440 Secondary 110/22050509070T50D31125.00 2.58 (65.5) 3.00 (76.2) 3.09 (78.5) 2.575759070T75D31131.00 2.89 (73.4) 3.38 (85.8) 3.34 (84.8) 3.81001009070T100D31138.00 2.89 (73.4) 3.38 (85.8) 3.34 (84.8) 3.81501509070T150D31182.00 3.20 (81.3) 3.75 (95.3) 3.59 (91.2) 5.52002009070T200D31235.00 3.20 (81.3) 3.75 (95.3) 3.59 (91.2) 5.52501609070T250D31248.00 3.25 (82.6) 3.75 (95.3) 5.25 (133.4)7.130********T300D31290.00 3.80 (96.5) 4.50 (114.3) 4.70 (119.4)8.53502509070T350D31303.00 3.80 (96.5) 4.50 (114.3) 5.09 (129.3)10.55003009070T500D31339.00 3.80 (96.5) 4.50 (114.3) 5.46 (138.7)11.97505009070T750D31473.00 4.43 (112.5) 5.25 (133.4) 5.66 (143.8)11.010*********T1000D31558.00 4.43 (112.5) 5.25 (133.4) 6.04 (153.4)20.6150010009070T1500D31816.00 6.16 (156.5)7.06 (179.3) 5.81 (147.6)34.0200015009070T2000D31905.00 6.16 (156.5)7.06 (179.3)7.04 (178.8)47.0300020009070T3000D311486.008.46 (214.9)9.00 (228.6) 6.86 (174.2)60.0500030009070T5000D312010.008.46 (214.9)9.00 (228.6)8.73 (221.7)89.0Primary 120 x240 Secondary 120/240; Primary 115 x 230 Secondary 115/230; orPrimary 110 x 2200 Secondary 110/22050509070T50D55312.00 2.58 (65.5) 3.00 (76.2) 3.09 (78.5) 2.575759070T75D55324.00 2.89 (73.4) 3.38 (85.8) 3.34 (84.8) 3.81001009070T100D55326.00 2.89 (73.4) 3.38 (85.8) 3.34 (84.8) 3.81501509070T150D55348.00 3.20 (81.3) 3.75 (95.3) 3.59 (91.2) 5.52002009070T200D55475.00 3.20 (81.3) 3.75 (95.3) 3.59 (91.2) 5.52501609070T250D55477.00 3.25 (82.6) 3.75 (95.3) 5.25 (133.4)7.130********T300D55481.00 3.80 (96.5) 4.50 (114.3) 4.70 (119.4)8.53502509070T350D55483.00 3.80 (96.5) 4.50(114.3) 5.09 (129.3)10.55003009070T500D55498.00 3.80 (96.5) 4.50 (114.3) 5.46 (138.7)11.97505009070T750D55560.00 4.43 (112.5) 5.25 (133.4) 5.66 (143.8)11.010*********T1000D55594.00 4.43 (112.5) 5.25 (133.4) 6.04 (153.4)20.6150010009070T1500D55856.00 6.16 (156.5)7.06 (179.3) 5.81 (147.6)34.0200015009070T2000D55929.00 6.16 (156.5)7.06 (179.3)7.04 (178.8)47.0300020009070T3000D551588.008.46 (214.9)9.00 (228.6) 6.86 (174.2)60.0500030009070T5000D552010.008.46 (214.9)9.00 (228.6)8.73 (221.7)89.0Primary 240 X 480 Secondary 24/120 (24 V limited to 20% Capacity)50509070T50D1590.00 2.58 (65.5) 3.00 (76.2) 3.09 (78.5) 2.575759070T75D15108.00 2.89 (73.4) 3.38 (85.8) 3.34 (84.8) 3.81001009070T100D15138.00 2.89 (73.4) 3.38 (85.8) 3.34 (84.8) 3.81501509070T150D15153.00 3.20 (81.3) 3.75 (95.3) 3.59 (91.2) 5.52002009070T200D15195.00 3.2 0(81.3) 3.75 (95.3) 3.59 (91.2) 5.52501609070T250D15248.00 3.25 (82.6) 3.75 (95.3) 5.25 (133.4)7.130********T300D15290.00 3.80 (96.5) 4.50 9114.3) 4.70 (119.4)8.53502509070T350D15303.00 3.80 (96.5) 4.50 (114.3) 5.09 (129.3)10.55003009070T500D15339.00 3.80 (96.5) 4.50 (114.3) 5.46 (138.7)11.97505009070T750D15473.00 4.43 (112.5) 5.25 (133.4) 5.66 (143.8)11.010*********T1000D15558.00 4.43 (112.5) 5.25 (133.4) 6.04 (153.4)20.6150010009070T1500D15816.00 6.16 (156.5)7.06 (179.3) 5.81 (147.6)34.0200015009070T2000D15905.00 6.16 (156.5)7.06 (179.3)7.04 (178.8)47.0300020009070T3000D151486.008.46 (214.9)9.00 (228.6) 6.86 (174.2)60.0500030009070T5000D152010.008.46 (214.9)9.00 (228.6)8.73 (221.7)89.0Primary 480 Secondary 24050509070T50D1290.00 2.58 (65.5) 3.00 (76.2) 3.09 (78.5) 2.575759070T75D12324.00 2.89 (73.4) 3.38 (85.8) 3.34 (84.8) 3.81001009070T100D12121.00 2.89 (73.4) 3.38 (85.8) 3.34 (84.8) 3.81501509070T150D12153.00 3.20 (81.3) 3.75 (95.3) 3.59 (91.2) 5.52002009070T200D12195.00 3.20 (81.3) 3.75 (95.3) 3.59 (91.20) 5.52501609070T250D12242.00 3.25 (82.6) 3.75 (95.3) 5.25 (133.4)7.130********T300D12248.00 3.80 (96.5) 4.50 (114.3) 4.70 (119.4)8.53502509070T350D12288.00 3.80 (96.5) 4.50 (114.3) 5.09 (129.3)10.55003009070T500D12314.00 3.80 (96.5) 4.50 (114.3) 5.46 (138.7)11.97505009070T750D12443.00 4.43 (112.5) 5.25 (133.4) 5.66 (143.8)11.010*********T1000D12558.00 4.43 (112.5) 5.25 (133.4) 6.04 (153.4)20.6150010009070T1500D12780.00 6.16 (156.5)7.06 (179.3) 5.81 (147.6)34.0200015009070T2000D12905.00 6.16 (156.5)7.06 (179.3)7.04 (178.8)47.0VA VA Catalog No.$ PriceH W DW e i g h t (l b s )U L /C S A /N O MCEin (mm)in (mm)in (mm)9070T150D1。

龙芯 1B 处理器用户手册说明书

龙芯 1B 处理器用户手册说明书






龙芯中科技术有限公司Loongson Technology Corporation Limited地址:北京市海淀区中关村环保科技示范园龙芯产业园2号楼Building No.2, Loongson Industrial Park, Zhongguancun Environmental Protection Park,电话(Tel):************传真(Fax):************阅读指南《龙芯1B处理器用户手册》主要介绍龙芯1B架构与寄存器描述。

修订历史文档更新记录文档编号:文档名:龙芯1B处理器用户手册版本号V2.3创建人:研发中心创建日期2016-5-4更新历史序号.更新日期更新人版本号更新内容12010-6-7 研发中心V1.0 1B处理器初稿完成22010-11-13 研发中心V1.1 增加了芯片引脚排布,DDR控制器信息等32010-11-15 研发中心V1.2 修改并进行标准排版42010-11-15 研发中心V1.3 修正了第五章DDR的部分错误52011-05-08 研发中心V1.4 修订了调试发现的错误62011-05-17 研发中心V1.5 修订了多个小问题72011-11-15 研发中心V1.6GMAC0/1的RGMII和MII模式需要配置才能使用GPIO配置和复用中修改bugSPI部分,分频时钟明确是DDR2_clk/2DDR2部分,配置16/32位可配置时钟分频部分有改动添加了LCD PAD在不同显示模式下的对应关系GPIO寄存器描述修改82012-4-11 研发中心V1.7 NAND部分寄存器说明修改XTALI/O 与外部有源晶振、无源晶体连接方法92012-4-20 研发中心V1.8 PAD封装位置和封装延迟GPIO复位值和方向GMAC0/1在MII模式下信号处理Wdog地址修改USB启动需要复位10 2012-05-26 研发中心V1.9 针对修改意见,做了GPIO/ LCD/ DMA/ SPI/ UART/I2C/ NAND /CLOCK的修改11 2014-07-30 研发中心V2.0 增加质量等级和封装顶视图12 2015-3-11 研发中心V2.1 增加电特性,CAN的速率计算13 2015-4-1 研发中心V2.2 补充质量等级描述14 2016-5-4 研发中心V2.3 24.1节增加RTC功耗说明,增加焊接要求手册信息反馈:*******************目录 (1)1概述 (1)1.1体系结构框图 (1)1.2芯片主要功能 (2)1.2.1GS232 CPU (2)1.2.2DDR2 (3)1.2.3LCD Controller (3)1.2.4USB2.0 (3)1.2.5AC97 (3)1.2.6GMAC (4)1.2.7SPI (4)1.2.8UART (4)1.2.9I2C (4)1.2.10PWM (4)1.2.11CAN (5)1.2.12RTC (5)1.2.13GPIO (5)1.2.14NAND (5)1.2.15INT controller (5)1.2.16Watchdog (5)1.2.17功耗 (5)1.2.18其它 (7)1.3质量等级 (7)2芯片引脚定义 (9)2.11B引脚分布图 (9)2.2封装顶视图 (16)2.3系统相关引脚定义(6) (17)2.4LCD引脚定义(20) (17)2.5PLL引脚定义(4) (17)2.6VR引脚定义(6) (18)2.7DDR2引脚定义(71) (18)2.8USB引脚定义(10) (19)2.9EJTAG引脚定义(6) (20)2.10GMAC0引脚定义(15) (20)2.11GMAC1引脚定义(4) (20)2.12AC97引脚定义(5) (21)2.13SPI引脚定义(7) (21)2.14UART引脚定义(20) (21)2.15I2C引脚定义(2) (22)2.16CAN引脚定义(4) (22)2.17NAND引脚定义(14) (22)2.18PWM引脚定义(4) (22)2.19电源/地引脚(58) (23)3地址空间分配 (24)3.1一级AXI交叉开关上模块的地址空间 (24)3.2AXI MUX下各模块的地址空间 (24)3.3APB各模块的地址空间分配 (24)4CPU (26)4.1MIPS32指令系统结构 (26)4.1.1CPU寄存器 (27)4.1.2CPU指令集 (27)4.1.3CP0指令集 (31)4.1.4存储空间 (32)4.1.5例外处理 (33)4.1.6CP0寄存器 (35)4.2CP0指令 (53)4.3EJTAG设计 (53)4.3.1EJTAG介绍 (53)4.3.2调试控制寄存器(Debug Control Register) (54)4.3.3硬件断点 (56)4.3.4EJTAG相关的处理器核扩展 (61)4.3.5TAP接口 (64)5DDR2 (72)5.1DDR2SDRAM控制器特性 (72)5.2DDR2SDRAM读协议 (72)5.3DDR2SDRAM写协议 (73)5.4DDR2SDRAM参数设置顺序 (73)5.5DDR2SDRAM采样模式配置 (74)5.6DDR2SDRAM PAD驱动配置 (74)5.7DDR216位工作模式配置 (74)6LCD (75)6.1特性 (75)6.1.1数据格式 (75)6.2寄存器 (75)7GMAC0 (81)7.1配置成MAC的连接和复用方式 (81)7.2DMA寄存器描述 (81)7.3GMAC控制器寄存器描述 (90)7.4DMA描述符 (101)7.4.1DMA描述符的基本格式 (101)7.4.2DMA接收描述符 (102)7.4.3RDES0 (103)7.4.4RDES (104)7.4.5RDES2 (105)7.4.6RDES3 (105)7.4.7DMA发送描述符 (106)7.4.8TDES0 (106)7.4.9TDES1 (107)7.4.10TDES2 (109)7.4.11TDES3 (109)7.5软件编程向导(S OFTWARE P ROGRAMMING G UIDE): (110)8GMAC1 (112)8.1配置成MAC的连接和复用方式 (112)8.2GMAC1外部信号复用和配置 (112)8.3寄存器描述 (113)9USB HOST (114)9.1总体概述 (114)9.2USB主机控制器寄存器 (115)9.2.1EHCI相关寄存器 (115)9.2.2Capability寄存器 (115)9.2.3Operational寄存器 (116)9.2.4EHCI 实现相关寄存器 (116)INSNREG00寄存器(disable) (117)INSNREG01寄存器 (117)INSNREG02寄存器 (117)INSNREG03寄存器 (117)INSNRE04寄存器(仅用于调试,软件不必更改此寄存器) (117)INSNRE05寄存器 (118)INSNREG06寄存器 (118)INSNREG07寄存器 (118)INSNREG08寄存器 (118)9.3OHCI相关寄存器 (119)9.3.1Operational寄存器 (119)9.3.2OHCI 实现相关寄存器 (119)INSNREG06寄存器 (120)INSNREG07寄存器 (120)9.4USB主机控制器时序 (120)9.4.1数据接收时序 (120)9.4.2数据传输时序 (121)10SPI0 (123)10.1SPI控制器结构 (123)10.2SPI控制器寄存器 (124)10.2.1控制寄存器(SPCR) (124)10.2.2状态寄存器(SPSR) (124)10.2.3数据寄存器(TxFIFO/RxFIFO) (125)10.2.4外部寄存器(SPER) (125)10.2.5参数控制寄存器(SFC_PARAM) (125)10.2.6片选控制寄存器(SFC_SOFTCS) (126)10.2.7时序控制寄存器(SFC_TIMING) (126)10.3接口时序 (126)SPI主控制器外部接口时序图 (126)SPI Flash访问时序图 (127)10.4SPI F LASH控制器使用指南 (128)SPI主控制器的读写操作 (128)硬件SPI Flash读 (128)混合访问SPI Flash和SPI主控制器 (129)11SPI1 (130)11.1SPI主控制器结构 (130)12Conf and Interrupt (131)12.1配置和中断控制器总体描述 (131)12.2中断控制器寄存器描述 (132)13DMA (134)13.1DMA控制器结构描述 (134)13.2DMA控制器与APB设备的交互 (134)13.3DMA控制器 (134)13.3.1ORDER_ADDR_IN (134)13.3.2DMA_ORDER_ADDR (135)13.3.3DMA_SADDR (135)13.3.4DMA_DADDR (136)13.3.5DMA_LENGTH (136)13.3.6DMA_STEP_LENGTH (136)13.3.7DMA_STEP_TIMES (137)13.3.8DMA_CMD (137)14UART (139)14.1UART控制器结构 (139)14.2UART控制器寄存器 (140)14.2.1数据寄存器(DAT) (141)14.2.2中断使能寄存器(IER) (141)14.2.3中断标识寄存器(IIR) (141)14.2.4FIFO控制寄存器(FCR) (142)14.2.5线路控制寄存器(LCR) (142)14.2.6MODEM控制寄存器(MCR) (143)14.2.7线路状态寄存器(LSR) (143)14.2.8MODEM状态寄存器(MSR) (144)14.2.9分频锁存器 (144)15CAN (146)15.1概述 (146)15.2CAN控制器结构 (146)15.3标准模式 (147)15.3.1标准模式地址表 (147)15.3.2控制寄存器(CR) (148)15.3.3命令寄存器(CMR) (149)15.3.4状态寄存器(SR) (149)15.3.5中断寄存器(IR) (149)15.3.6验收代码寄存器(ACR) (150)15.3.7验收屏蔽寄存器(AMR) (150)15.3.8发送缓冲区列表 (150)15.3.9接收缓冲区列表 (150)15.4扩展模式 (151)15.4.1扩展模式地址表 (151)15.4.2模式寄存器(MOD) (151)15.4.3命令寄存器(CMR) (152)15.4.4状态寄存器(SR) (152)15.4.5中断寄存器(IR) (152)15.4.6中断使能寄存器(IER) (153)15.4.7仲裁丢失捕捉寄存器(IER) (153)15.4.8错误警报限制寄存器(EMLR) (154)15.4.9RX错误计数寄存器(RXERR) (155)15.4.10TX错误计数寄存器(TXERR) (155)15.4.11验收滤波器 (155)15.4.12RX信息计数寄存器(RMCR) (155)15.5公共寄存器 (155)15.5.1总线定时寄存器0(BTR0) (155)15.5.2总线定时寄存器1(BTR1) (156)15.5.3输出控制寄存器(OCR) (156)16AC97 (157)16.1AC97结构描述 (157)16.2AC97控制器寄存器 (157)16.2.1CSR寄存器 (158)16.2.2OCC寄存器 (158)16.2.3ICC寄存器 (158)16.2.4(输入输出)通道寄存器配置 (159)16.2.5Codec寄存器访问命令 (159)16.2.6中断状态寄存器/中断掩膜寄存器 (160)16.2.7中断状态/清除寄存器 (160)16.2.8OC中断清除寄存器 (160)16.2.9IC中断清除寄存器 (160)16.2.10CODEC WRITE 中断清除寄存器 (161)16.2.11CODEC READ 中断清除寄存器 (161)17I2C (162)17.1概述 (162)17.2I2C控制器结构 (162)17.3I2C控制器寄存器说明 (163)17.3.1分频锁存器低字节寄存器(PRERlo) (163)17.3.2分频锁存器高字节寄存器(PRERhi) (163)17.3.3控制寄存器(CTR) (164)17.3.4发送数据寄存器(TXR) (164)17.3.5接受数据寄存器(RXR) (164)17.3.6命令控制寄存器(CR) (164)17.3.7状态寄存器(SR) (165)18PWM (166)18.1概述 (166)18.2PWM寄存器说明 (166)19RTC (168)19.1概述 (168)19.2寄存器描述 (168)19.2.1寄存器地址列表 (168)19.2.2SYS_TOYWRITE0 (169)19.2.3SYS_TOYWRITE1 (169)19.2.4SYS_TOYMATCH0/1/2 (169)19.2.5SYS_RTCCTRL (170)19.2.6SYS_RTCMATCH0/1/2 (171)20NAND (172)20.1NAND控制器结构描述 (172)20.2NAND控制器寄存器配置描述 (172)20.2.1NAND_CMD(地址:BFE7_8000) (172)20.2.2ADDR_L(地址:BFE7_8004) (173)20.2.3ADDR_H(地址:BFE7_8008) (173)20.2.4NAND_TIMING(地址:BFE7_800C) (173)20.2.5ID_L(地址:BFE7_8010) (173)20.2.6STATUS & ID_H(地址:BFE7_8014) (173)20.2.7NAND_PARAMETER(地址:BFE7_8018) (173)20.2.8NAND_OP_NUM(地址:BFE7_801C) (173)20.2.9CS_RDY_MAP(地址:BFE7_8020) (174)20.2.10DMA_ADDRESS(地址:BFE7_8040) (174)20.3NAND ADDR说明 (174)21WATCHDOG (177)21.1概述 (177)21.2WATCH DOG寄存器描述 (177)21.2.1WDT_EN地址:(0XBFE5_C060) (177)21.2.2WDT_SET(地址:0XBFE5_C068) (178)21.2.3WDT_timer(地址:0XBFE5_C064) (178)22Clock Management (179)22.1C LOCK模块结构描述 (179)22.2C LOCK配置描述 (179)22.3系统其它C LOCK描述 (180)23GPIO and MUX (181)23.1GPIO结构描述 (181)23.2GPIO寄存器描述 (184)23.3MUX寄存器描述 (185)24AC/DC (187)24.1电源域 (187)24.2系统复位 (187)24.3推荐的工作条件 (187)24.4绝对最大额定值 (188)25热特性 (189)25.1焊接温度 (189)图目录图1-1 1B芯片结构图 (2)图 4-1 TLB表项内容 (33)图 4-2 Index 寄存器 (36)图 4-3 Random寄存器 (37)图 4-4 EntryLo0和EntryLo1寄存器 (37)图 4-5 Context寄存器 (38)图 4-6 PageMask寄存器 (38)图 4-7 Wired寄存器界限 (39)图 4-8 Wired寄存器 (40)图 4-9 HWREna寄存器 (40)图 4-10 BadVAddr寄存器 (40)图 4-11 Count寄存器和Compare寄存器 (41)图 4-12 EntryHi寄存器 (41)图 4-13 Status寄存器 (42)图 4-14 IntCtl寄存器 (43)图 4-15SRSCtl寄存器 (44)图 4-16 SRSMap寄存器 (44)图 4-17 Cause寄存器 (45)图 4-18 EPC寄存器 (46)图4-19 Processor Revision Identifier 寄存器 (46)图 4-20 Config寄存器 (47)图 4-21 Config寄存器 (48)图 4-22 Config寄存器 (48)图 4-23 Config寄存器 (49)图 4-24 Config寄存器 (49)图 4-25 WatchLo寄存器 (50)图 4-26 WatchHi寄存器 (50)图 4-27 控制寄存器性能计数寄存器 (51)图 4-28 性能计数器寄存器 (51)图 4-29 TagLo 寄存器(P-Cache) (52)图 4-30 ErrorEPC寄存器 (53)图 4-31 EJTAG调试连接示意图 (54)图 4-32 DCR寄存器格式 (55)图 4-33 硬件指令、数据断点概况 (56)图 4-34 IBS寄存器格式 (57)图 4-35 IBAn寄存器格式 (58)图 4-36 IBMn寄存器格式 (58)图 4-37 IBCn寄存器格式 (58)图 4-38 DBS寄存器格式 (59)图 4-39 DBAn寄存器格式 (60)图 4-40 DBMn寄存器格式 (60)图 4-41 DBCn寄存器格式 (60)图4-42 TAP主要部分 (64)图4-43 ALL指令示意图 (65)图4-44 Fastdata 指令示意图 (65)图 4-45 IDCODE寄存器格式 (66)图 4-46 IMPCADE寄存器示意图 (67)图 4-47 数据寄存器格式 (68)图 4-48 地址寄存器格式 (69)图 4-49 ECR格式 (69)图9-1 USB主机控制器模块图 (114)图9-2 USB主机控制器细节模块图(带EHCI控制器细节) (115)图9-3 接收时序图(16 bit UTMI接口,偶数个数据) (121)图9-4 接收时序图(16 bit UTMI接口,奇数个数据) (121)图9-5 传输时序图(16 bit UTMI接口,偶数个数据) (122)图9-6 传输时序图(16bit UTMI接口,奇数个数据) (122)图10-1 SPI 主控制器结构 (124)图10-2SPI主控制器时序图 (127)图16-1 AC97应用系统 (157)图21-1 看门狗的结构图 (177)图25.1 焊接回流曲线 (189)表目录表 4-1 CPU指令集:访存指令 (27)表 4-2 CPU 指令集:算术指令 (ALU 立即数) (28)表 4-3 CPU 指令集:算术指令 (2操作数) (28)表 4-4 CPU指令集:算术指令(3操作数, R-型) (28)表 4-5 CPU指令集:乘法和除法指令 (29)表 4-6 CPU指令集:跳转和分支指令 (29)表 4-7 CPU指令集:移位指令 (30)表 4-8 CPU指令集:特殊指令 (30)表 4-9 CPU指令集:异常指令 (30)表 4-10 CPU指令集:CP0指令 (31)表 4-11 GS232的CP0指令 (31)表 4-12 GS232IP地址空间的分配 (32)表 4-13 例外编码及寄存器修改 (33)表 4-14 例外入口地址 (34)表 4-15 GS232IP实现的CP0 寄存器 (35)表 4-16 Index寄存器各域描述 (36)表 4-17 Random寄存器各域 (37)表 4-18 EntryLo寄存器域 (37)表 4-19 Context寄存器域 (38)表 4-20 不同页大小的掩码(Mask)值 (39)表 4-21 Wired寄存器域 (40)表 4-22 HWREna寄存器域 (40)表 4-23 EntryHi寄存器域 (41)表 4-24 Status 寄存器域 (42)表 4-25 IntCtl寄存器域 (43)表 4-26 SRSCtl寄存器域 (44)表 4-27Cause寄存器域 (45)表 4-28 Cause寄存器的ExcCode域 (45)表 4-29 PRId 寄存器域 (46)表 4-30 Config 寄存器域 (47)表 4-31 Config 寄存器域 (48)表 4-32 Config 寄存器域 (48)表 4-33 Config 寄存器域 (49)表 4-34 Config 寄存器域 (49)表 4-35 WatchLo寄存器域 (50)表 4-36 WatchHi寄存器域 (50)表 4-37控制域格式 (51)表 4-38 计数使能位定义 (51)表 4-39 计数器0/1事件 (51)表 4-40 Cache Tag寄存器域 (52)表 4-41 CP0指令 (53)表 4-42 DCR寄存器域 (55)表 4-43 硬件断点寄存器 (56)表 4-44 IBS域描述 (57)表 4-45 IBCn域描述 (58)表 4-46 DBS域描述 (59)表 4-47 DBCn域描述 (60)表 4-48 调试例外优先级表 (61)表 4-49 例外屏蔽表 (62)表 4-50 Dseg划分 (63)表 4-51 Dmseg的访问情况 (63)表 4-52 Drseg的访问情况 (63)表 4-53 调试例外中断入口地址 (64)表 4-54 EJTAG指令 (64)表 4-55 TAP数据寄存器 (66)表 4-56 IDCODE寄存器说明 (66)表 4-57 IMPCODE寄存器说明 (67)表 4-58 Psz位的含义 (68)表 4-59 ECR域描述 (69)表 4-60 Sample寄存器说明 (70)表18-18-1 四路控制器描述 (166)表18-18-2 控制寄存器描述 (166)表18-18-3 主计数器设置 (166)表18-18-4 高脉冲计数器设置 (166)表18-18-5 低脉冲计数器设置 (167)表18-18-6 控制寄存器设置 (167)表24-1 1B电源域 (187)表24-2 1B上电配置引脚汇总 (187)表24-3推荐的工作条件 (187)表24-4绝对最大额定值 (188)表25-1 回流焊接温度要求 (189)1 概述龙芯1B芯片是基于GS232处理器核的片上系统,具有高性价比,可广泛应用于工业控制、家庭网关、信息家电、医疗器械和安全应用等领域。

Integrated Heading Sensor PG-1000 产品说明书

Integrated Heading Sensor PG-1000 产品说明书

INTEGRATED HEADING SENSORPG-10009-52 Ashihara-cho,iSafety Information for the OperatorSafety Information for the InstallerFOREWORDA Word to PG-1000 OwnersCongratulations on your choice of the FURUNO PG-1000 Integrated Heading Sensor. We are confident you will see why the FURUNO name has become synonymous with quality and reliability.For over 50 years Furuno Electric Company has enjoyed an enviable reputation for innovative and dependable marine electronics equipment. This dedication to excellence is furthered by our extensive global network of sales and service.Y our heading sensor is designed and constructed to meet the rigorous demands of the marine environment. However, no machine can perform its intended function unless operated and main-tained properly. Please carefully read and follow the recommended procedures for installation, operation and maintenance.We would appreciate hearing from you about whether we are achieving our purposes. Thank you for choosing FURUNO equipment.Features•The PG-1000 uses a flaxgate magnetic sensor in conjunctions with solid-state angular rate sensor to find heading.•Automatic correction of magnetic variation•Can convert magnetic heading to true heading (requires Furuno GPS Navigator).iiTABLE OF CONTENTSSYSTEM CONFIGURATION (iv)SPECIFICATIONS..........................................................................SP-11 INSTALLATION1.1 Equipment List (1)1.2 Selecting Mounting Location (2)1.3 Mounting (3)1.4 Connections (4)1.5 Correcting Magnetic Field Distortion (Deviation) (5)1.6 Heading Alignment (6)1.7 Setting Output Data (6)2 CORRECTING MAGNETIC ANOMALIES2.1 Controls and Indications (8)2.2 Turning the Power On/Off (8)2.3 Automatic Distortion Compensation (9)2.4 Selecting Output Data Format (9)3 MAINTENANCE & TROUBLESHOTTING3.1 Maintenance (10)3.2 Troubleshooting (10)3.3 Diagnostic Test (11)3.4 Displaying Program Version No (12)PARTS LOCATION AND LIST......................................................AP-1OUTLINE DRAWING.......................................................................D-1SCHMATIC DIAGRAM.....................................................................S-1iiiSYSTEM CONFIGURATIONPG-1000ivSPECIFICATIONS OF INTEGRATED HEADING SENSORPG-1000The PG-1000 is an electromagnetic compass consisting of a fluxgate and a solid-state rate gyro, supported with advanced software. The heading information is outputted in IEC 61162-1 or NMEA format. For high data speed, AD-10 format (25 ms) is also available. The heading information is used for radar, AIS, ECDIS, automatic steering system and other navaids. Heading Accuracy Static ±1.0°, Dynamic ±2.0° at follow-up of 20°/s after correctingdeviationFreedom of tilt ±30°Follow-up 45°/s rate-of turnDisplay resolution 0.1°Useable area 70°N to 70°SCorrection of anomaly Deviation: Automatic correction of coefficients A, B, C, D, E byturning the ship (manual by optional DD-2000 display unit)Variation: Automatic when geographic data is available from a GPSnavigatorI/O Port Input: 1 portOutput: 2 portsInterfacing OutputFURUNO AD-10 format, IEC 61162-1 (NMEA 0183 Ver.2.0)$HCHDG,XXX.X,,,,<CR><LF>$HCHDT,XXX.X,T<CR><LF>For old equipment:$HCHDM,XXX.X,M<CR><LF>$HCHCC,XXX.X,<CR><LF>InputIEC 61162-1 (NMEA 0183 Ver.2.0)$--RMC or $--VTG,either is required for correction of variationData Update AD-10 formatted: 25 msIEC 61162-1 (NMEA 0183): 1 s, 2 s, 100 ms or 200 ms selected Power supply 12-24 VDC: 0.2-0.08 AENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONTemperature -15°C to +55°C (15°C to 35°C for accuracy ±1.5°)Waterproofing IP5 (IEC 60529), CFR-46 (USCG standard)EMC and others Complies with IEC 60945Coating Housing: Munsell scale N3.0 (Dark gray)Dimensions and mass refer to the Outline DrawingsSP - 11INSTALLATION1.1Equipment ListStandard set.oN emaN e p yT.oNe d oC y tQ s k r ameR 1r o s n e S E-0001-GP----12s l a i r e t aMn o i t a l l a t s n I00020-46PC334-040-0001.wo l e be l b a to t r e f eRInstallation materials (CP64-02000).oN emaN e p yT.oNe d oC y tQ s k r ameR 1we r c sg n i p p a T403SUS61x4080-208-00022r e h s awt a l F403SUS4M621-468-00023e l b a cr ewo P9100S22000-901-00014.y s s ae l b aC001-7000FPS6A-JM732-521-0001Optional units.oN emaN e p yT.oNe d oC y tQ s k r ameR 1e l b a c l a n g i S050-3000FPS6A-JM306-711-0001)01-DAr o f(m5,r o t c e n n o c/w2.y s s ae l b aC001-7000FPS6A-JM732-521-0001)01-DAr o f(m01,p6-p6001-2100FPS6A-JM718-331-0001)AEMNr o f(m01,p6-p61Figure 2 Battery connections to PG-10003.Turn the ship's mains switch on.This sensor doesn't have power switch.About two minutes laterFigure 3 LEDs at power on4.Confirm that the STATUS LED blinks.Two minutes later it will light. If STA TUSLED doesn't blink and then light, suspectsensor error. Reset power.Figure 41.2Selecting MountingLocationThe PG-1000 must be indoor on the horizon-tal plane.When selecting a mounting location, keep inmind the following points:•The ambient temperature must be between-15°C and 55°C.•Vibration at the mounting location shouldbe minimal.•Install the sensor as far as possible frompower cable, ferrous materials.•Install the sensor ship's center of gravity.•Align the bow mark with the ship's bow onthe fore-and-aft-line.1.Tentatively select the mounting location. Donot fix it yet.Ship's bowFigure 1 PG-10002.Connect the PG-1000 to the battery asshown in right.25.Press the [AUTO] and [+] keys togethermore than two seconds.Figure 5 Key and LEDsAfter the TRUE, CALIB and STATUS LEDs light and AUTO LED blinks, rotate the equipment 360º slowly, keeping it uplight. If three LEDs are lighting, themounting location is suitable.Figure 6If one or more LED is off, the mounting location is not suitable. Try to change the location, and do step 5 again.6.Press the [AUTO] and [TRUE] keys to-gether to return to the normal mode. The STA TUS LED blinks while the sensor is be-ing calibrated and lights steady when the calibration is completed. Do not operate the sensor while the LED is blinking; calibra-tion will be incomplete.1.3Mounting1.Fix the sensor by using screws and washers(supplied). The size of the fixing hole is ø4.5 mm.Ship's bowMaterial: Brasso All dimensions in mm.o For added support, use nuts, bolts andwashers.o Secure sufficient clearance around thesensor for maintenance and checking.angles to the fore and aft line.Figure 7 Mounting the PG-1000Note: Do not overtighten the screws or bolts; the sensor may crack.3Checking for inclinationMake sure that the PG-1000 is mounted hori-zontally by the following checks.1.Press the [TRUE] and [+] keys more thantwo seconds.When the inclination is within ±5°, STA TUS LED lights and TRUE LED blinks.Figure 8 LED status wheninclination is within ±5°If STA TUS LED is off, the inclination is over ±5°. In this case, relocate the sensor to where inclination becomes within ±5°or use a levelling brock.2.Press the [AUTO] and [TRUE] keys morethan two seconds to return to the normal mode. The STA TUS LED blinks while the sensor is being calibrated and lights when the calibration is completed (return to nor-mal mode). Do not operate the equipment while the LED is blinking; calibration will be incomplete.1.4ConnectionsConnect cables as shown in the Figure 8. Leave sufficient slack in cables for mainte-nance and checking ease. If cables run outside the bridge run them through conduit to protect them from corrosion.External equipment(Radar, ARPA,Autopilot, etc.) Figure 9 Connections of sensor, top view GroundingGround the PG-1000 as follows to prevent in-terference:•The ground wire should be as short as pos-sible.•The ground wire should be about 1.25 sq and not contain steel.•Use only a closed end lug.Connection of external equipment IEC-61162-1: Digital interface IEC-61162-1 format input/output terminal. Output: HDG, HDT, Input: RMC or VTG.NMEA0183 (Ver.1.5): Outputs HDM (Mag-netic Heading), HCC (Compass Heading). AD-10: Outputs heading information in AD-10 format.Note: Cover unused connector(s) with therubber cap (supplied) to prevent ingress of water.41.5Correcting Magnetic FieldDistortion (Deviation)The magnetic field at the sensor around ship is subjects to change with the ship structure, engins, electronic equipment or any ferrous materials in the vicinity.The PG-1000 contains an automatic correction facility against magnetic field distortion aboard the ship.1.Do this procedure in a calm water.2.Steer the boat clockwise or counterclock-wise in a circular course. Take more than two minutes to complete the circle (at about3 kt). While turning the boat, go to step 3.Figure 10Note 1: Take at least 2 minutes to navigate the circle, otherwise large error may result.Note 2: For hover craft or simular vessel, turn the vessel in a circle maintaining fixed position.3.Press [AUTO] and [TRUE] keys togethermore than two seconds. The CALIB LED blinks.AUTO TRUE CALIB STATUS: Blinking: Off Figure 11 Compensatin falt LED statusduring compensationNote: Y ou can return to normal operation at any time by pressing the [TRUE] key.4.Continue turning the boat in a circle (threeto five times) until a result appears.The correction result is shown with the LEDs. When correction is successful, all LEDs light. Wait 30 seconds for the sensor to return to normal operation, or press the[TRUE] key for quick return.correctionNote 1: Do not turn off the power supply during the correction. Data may be corrupted.Note 2: You may restart correction at anytime during correction or while the correction results are displayed, by pessing [AUTO] key. After pressing the key the AUTO LED lights for two seconds.Note 3: Continue turning the boat even if the CALIB LED status changes from blinking to lighting. Keys are inoperative when the CALIB LED is lighting.Note 4: The sensor does not output heading data during the correction (Program Ver. 3 and after).5.Anchor the boat at the pier to check sensorheading to a known point (for example, lighthouse).If there is a compass error, see "1.6 Head-ing Alignment".If some LED does not light, change sensor location and repeat step 2 through 4.If automatic correction failed at step 4, the correction result is shown in LEDs. This continues until you press any key to clear the display.(Turning off the power at switch board will not clear the LED dis-play.)Note: Bearing output is done with the status before the automatic correction. Failure of automatic correction may be caused by the factors mentioned in the table below. Try the correction again referring to the table.56Figure 13Note: Correction can also be done at Remote Display DD-2000, Multi Display RD-30. See the respective Operator's Manual for details.1.6Heading AlignmentHeading alignment is required when sensor heading is different from actual heading.This alignment must be done using magnetic heading (default setting).Procedure1.Press the [-] and [+] keys together more than two seconds. All LEDs go off.AUTOTRUECALIBSTATUS: OffFigure 14Note: Complete the next step within 10 sec-onds, otherwise normal operation is restored. 2.Set difference between sensor heading (out-put) and actual heading with the [+] or [-]key. For example, the hading output by the sensor is 70° and the actual heading is 75°.Therefore, the difference is +5°. Press the [+] key five times to set +5°. Each time the [+] key is pressed the LEDs light as shown in Figure 14.: OffFigure 15 LED state and pressing of [+] key1.7Setting Output DataSetting output interval The deffault setting is 100 ms.1.Disconnect the power connector from the sensor.2.Reattach the connector to the sensor while pressing the [+] key. The PG-1000 is pow-ered on, and the current output interval is shown by the LEDs.Figure 16 LED state and output interval73.Press the [+] or [-] key to change interval.4.Press the [AUTO] and [TRUE] keys to-gether more than two seconds to return to the normal mode. The STA TUS LED blinks while the equipment is being calibrated and lights when the calibration is completed (re-turn to normal mode). Do not operate the equipment while the LED is blinking; cali-bration will be incomplete.Setting the output sentence(s)Select which type(s) of heading data to output. The default setting is HDG.1.Disconnect the power connector from the sensor.2.Reattach the connector to the sensor while pressing the [-] key. The PG-1000 is pow-ered on, and LED(s) light to show which output sentence(s) is being output.HDG HDT HDM HCCsentenceHDG HDT HDM HCC : Magnetic heading,Magnetic variation value : True heading: Magnetic heading : Compass headingFigure 17 LED and output sentence 3.Press key(s) corresponding to sentence(s)to output. For example, press the [TRUE]key to output HDT.Note 1: Several sentences may be output simultaneously. However, delay may result when the output interval is 100 ms or 200 ms.Note 2: "HDT" outputs true heading data.However, if variation data is not input from the GPS navigator, magnetic bearing will be output.4.Press the [AUTO] and [TRUE] keys to-gether more than two seconds to return to the normal mode. The STA TUS LED blinks while the equipment is being calibrated and lights when the calibration is completed (re-turn to normal mode). Do not operate the equipment while the LED is blinking; cali-bration will be incomplete.2CORRECTING MAGNETIC ANOMALIES2.1Controls and IndicationsTurns on and off deviation corrections.Figure 18 Front panel of PG-10002.2Turning the Power On/Off Note: Y ou may leave port after the STA TUS LED begins lighting (not blinking).Power to the sensor unit may be turned on or off at the mains switchboard.1.Turn the mains switch on.STATUS LED blinks. About two minutes later it lights. Bearing is now reliable.About two minutes later: On: Blinking: Status depends on settings: OffFigure 19 LED state at power on82.3Automatic DistortionCompensationMagnetic field distortion can be automatically corrected as follows:Note: This function is only effective after cor-recting for magnetic field distortion (refer to page 5).1.Press the [AUTO] key more than two sec-onds to light the AUTO LED.Figure 202.To cancel automatic compensation, press the[AUTO] key more than two second to turn off the AUTO LED.Note 1: Turn off this function when your boat is near a steel ship or iron bridge, since they affect sensor performance.Note 2: Correct distortion whenever you feel error is excessive.2.4Selecting Output DataFormatThe PG-1000 can output heading true or mag-netic. The default setting is magnetic heading in AD-10 format.1.Connect Furuno GPS Navigator to PG-1000.RMC or VTG data is required which contains GPS position in RMC, SOG (speed over ground) and COG (course over ground) in VTG.2.Set up magnetic variation (manual or auto-matic) at the GPS navigator.3.Press the [TRUE] key more than two sec-onds.The TRUE LED blinks. It lights when receiving data from the navaid.Figure 21Note: If the TRUE LED dose not light within 90 seconds after pressing the [TRUE] key, check that the GPS navigator is connected and properly working.4.To return to magnetic heading output, pressthe [TRUE] key more than two seconds to turn off the TRUE LED.Note 1: If the PG-1000 stops receiving mag-netic variation data while outputting true head-ing, the TRUE LED stops lighting and blinks. The last used variation data is used.Note 2: Magnetic variation cannot be corrected manually at the PG-1000. Therefore, if you desire true heading output but do not have a navigation aid, you may enter appropriate variation as shown in 1.6 Heading Alignment on page 6.Note 3: HDM and HCC sentence are magnetic heading output sentences. HDG sentence must be changed to true heading at the equipment connected, by using the magnetic heading and magnetic variation data in the sentence.93MAINTENANCE &TROUBLESHOOTING3.1MaintenanceRegular maintenance is important to maintain intended performance over a long period. Regularly check the following:•Clean the component with a soft cloth. Do not use chemical cleaners; they can remove paint and markings.•Make sure all connections are tight.•Check the ground terminal for corrosion. Clean if necessary.3.2TroubleshootingThe table below provides simple troubleshooting procedures which the user can follow to re-store normal operation. If normal operation cannot be restored do not check inside the equip-ment; there are no user-serviceable parts inside. Any repair work should be referred to a qualified technician.mo t pmyS ydemeR.de r ewopebt onna ct i nU.r o t c enno cr ewopk c ehC•.s n i ams'p i h seh tk c ehC•.t hg i l t onodsDEL.r o t c enno cr ewopk c ehC•.t s e tc i t s onga i deh toD•).egapt x eneh to t r e f eR(.r o r r ea t adgn i daeH.t s e t-f l e seh toD•).egapt x eneh to t r e f eR(o t t up t uot ons ia t adgn i daehehT.t nemp i uqel an r e t x e.s no i t c enno ck c ehC•.t s e tc i t s onga i deh toD•).egapt x eneh to t r e f eR(10113.3Diagnostic testThe PG-1000 has a self-test which checks the circuit board and keys for proper operation.LED/KEY/ROM/RAM test1.Disconnect the power cable from the equip-ment.2.While pressing the [AUTO] key, reattach the power cable.The test sequence is as below.: On: Blinking : OffFigure 22 Sequence of LED test 3.Press each key one by one.LED corresponding to the key lights if the key is normal.[AUTO] key: AUTO LED [TRUE] key: TRUE LED [-] key: CALIB LED [+] key: STATUS LED4.Press the [AUTO] and [TRUE] keys to-gether more than two seconds after check-ing all keys. Then, the ROM and RAM are checked.AUTO LED lights: RAM is normal.TRUE LED lights: ROM is normal.5.Press the [AUTO] and [TRUE] keys to-gether more than two seconds to escape from the test. The STA TUS LED blinks while the equipment is being calibrated and lights when the calibration is completed (re-turn to normal mode). Do not operate the sensor while the LED is blinking; calibra-tion will be incomplete.EEPROM/Sensor testThis test checks the EEPROM and sensor. All default settings (navigation setting, output sen-tence, output interval, etc.) are restored at the completion of the test. Do this test after dis-mounting the equipment.1.Disconnect the power cable off from the equipment.2.While pressing the [TRUE] key, reattach the cable. All LEDs go off.3.After AUTO LED lights, turn the equipment through a circle slowly instead of ship's movement until TRUE LED lights. The testproceeds in the sequence shown below.When the equipment finds error, LEDs do not light.: Off (error)Figure 23 EEPROM/Sensortest sequence4.Disconnect the power cable off from theequipment, and then reattach it.5. Mount the equipment at the previous posi-tion, referring to page 3.3.4Displaying ProgramVersion No.When the equipment is powered on, the pro-gram no., denoted by LEDs in binary notation, is shown about 1 second.For example, LED state shown below means the program no. is 5.: On: OffFigure 24 LED state andprogram version no.12PARTS LOCATION AND LISTC PU B o a rdPG-1000, cover openedodC seemk r aRmeNN eaT.oyp141-560P4-41C5Bod r a1U13PAP-1。

英飞凌 FS100R12N2T7_B15 EconoPACK 2 模块 数据表

英飞凌 FS100R12N2T7_B15 EconoPACK 2 模块 数据表

EconoPACK ™2 模块 采用第七代沟槽栅/场终止IGBT7和第七代发射极控制二极管带有温度检测NTC 特性•电气特性-V CES = 1200 V-I C nom = 100 A / I CRM = 200 A -沟槽栅IGBT7-低 V CEsat-过载操作达175°C•机械特性-高功率循环和温度循环能力-集成NTC 温度传感器-铜基板-低热阻的三氧化二铝 Al 2O 3 衬底-焊接技术可选应用•辅助逆变器•电机传动•伺服驱动器产品认证•根据 IEC 60747、60749 和 60068 标准的相关测试,符合工业应用的要求。

描述FS100R12N2T7_B15EconoPACK ™2 模块内容描述 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1特性 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1可选应用 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1产品认证 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1内容 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 1封装 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 2IGBT, 逆变器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 3二极管,逆变器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 4负温度系数热敏电阻 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5特征参数图表 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 6电路拓扑图 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 7封装尺寸 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 8模块标签代码 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13修订历史 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14免责声明 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .151封装表 1绝缘参数特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位绝缘测试电压V ISOL RMS, f = 50 Hz, t = 1 min 2.5kV 模块基板材料Cu内部绝缘基本绝缘 (class 1, IEC 61140)Al2O3爬电距离d Creep端子至散热器10.0mm 电气间隙d Clear端子至散热器7.5mm 相对电痕指数CTI>200相对温度指数 (电)RTI封装140°C 表 2特征值特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位最小值典型值最大值杂散电感,模块L sCE26nH 模块引线电阻,端子-芯片R CC'+EE'T C=25°C, 每个开关 2.7mΩ储存温度T stg-40125°C 模块安装的安装扭距M根据相应的应用手册进行安装M5, 螺丝36Nm 重量G180g 注:The current under continuous operation is limited to 50 A rms per connector pin.2IGBT, 逆变器表 3最大标定值特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位集电极-发射极电压V CES T vj = 25 °C1200V 连续集电极直流电流I CDC T vj max = 175 °C T C = 95 °C100A 集电极重复峰值电流I CRM t P = 1 ms200A 栅极-发射极峰值电压V GES±20V表 4特征值特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位最小值典型值最大值集电极-发射极饱和电压V CE sat I C = 100 A, V GE = 15 V T vj = 25 °C 1.50 1.80VT vj = 125 °C 1.64T vj = 175 °C 1.72栅极阈值电压V GEth I C = 2.5 mA, V CE = V GE, T vj = 25 °C 5.15 5.80 6.45V 栅极电荷Q G V GE = ±15 V, V CE = 600 V 1.8µC 内部栅极电阻R Gint T vj = 25 °C 1.5Ω输入电容C ies f = 100 kHz, T vj = 25 °C, V CE = 25 V, V GE = 0 V21.7nF 反向传输电容C res f = 100 kHz, T vj = 25 °C, V CE = 25 V, V GE = 0 V0.076nF 集电极-发射极截止电流I CES V CE = 1200 V, V GE = 0 V T vj = 25 °C0.01mA 栅极-发射极漏电流I GES V CE = 0 V, V GE = 20 V, T vj = 25 °C100nA开通延迟时间(感性负载)t don I C = 100 A, V CE = 600 V,V GE = ±15 V, R Gon = 3.9 ΩT vj = 25 °C0.175µs T vj = 125 °C0.192T vj = 175 °C0.205上升时间(感性负载)t r I C = 100 A, V CE = 600 V,V GE = ±15 V, R Gon = 3.9 ΩT vj = 25 °C0.046µs T vj = 125 °C0.051T vj = 175 °C0.053关断延迟时间(感性负载)t doff I C = 100 A, V CE = 600 V,V GE = ±15 V, R Goff = 3.9 ΩT vj = 25 °C0.309µs T vj = 125 °C0.389T vj = 175 °C0.442下降时间(感性负载)t f I C = 100 A, V CE = 600 V,V GE = ±15 V, R Goff = 3.9 ΩT vj = 25 °C0.104µs T vj = 125 °C0.198T vj = 175 °C0.248开通损耗能量 (每脉冲)E on I C = 100 A, V CE = 600 V,Lσ = 35 nH, V GE = ±15 V,R Gon = 3.9 Ω, di/dt =1650 A/µs (T vj = 175 °C)T vj = 25 °C10.5mJ T vj = 125 °C14.7T vj = 175 °C16.8关断损耗能量 (每脉冲)E off I C = 100 A, V CE = 600 V,Lσ = 35 nH, V GE = ±15 V,R Goff = 3.9 Ω, dv/dt =3030 V/µs (T vj = 175 °C)T vj = 25 °C 6.68mJ T vj = 125 °C10.8T vj = 175 °C12.8(待续)表 4(续) 特征值特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位最小值典型值最大值短路数据I SC V GE≤ 15 V, V CC = 800 V,V CEmax=V CES-L sCE*di/dt t P≤ 8 µs,T vj=150 °C370At P≤ 7 µs,T vj=175 °C350结-外壳热阻R thJC每个 IGBT0.371K/W 外壳-散热器热阻R thCH每个 IGBT, λgrease= 1 W/(m*K)0.135K/W 允许开关的温度范围T vj op-40175°C注:T vj op > 150°C is allowed for operation at overload conditions. For detailed specifications, please refer to AN 2018-14.3二极管,逆变器表 5最大标定值特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位反向重复峰值电压V RRM T vj = 25 °C1200V 连续正向直流电流I F100A 正向重复峰值电流I FRM t P = 1 ms200A I2t-值I2t t P = 10 ms, V R = 0 V T vj = 125 °C1260A²sT vj = 175 °C1060表 6特征值特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位最小值典型值最大值正向电压V F I F = 100 A, V GE = 0 V T vj = 25 °C 1.72 2.10VT vj = 125 °C 1.59T vj = 175 °C 1.52反向恢复峰值电流I RM V R = 600 V, I F = 100 A,V GE = -15 V, -di F/dt =1650 A/µs (T vj = 175 °C)T vj = 25 °C57.7A T vj = 125 °C77.4T vj = 175 °C88.3(待续)表 6(续) 特征值特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位最小值典型值最大值恢复电荷Q r V R = 600 V, I F = 100 A,V GE = -15 V, -di F/dt =1650 A/µs (T vj = 175 °C)T vj = 25 °C 6.9µC T vj = 125 °C15.4T vj = 175 °C19.4反向恢复损耗(每脉冲)E rec V R = 600 V, I F = 100 A,V GE = -15 V, -di F/dt =1650 A/µs (T vj = 175 °C)T vj = 25 °C 2.04mJ T vj = 125 °C 4.61T vj = 175 °C 6.66结-外壳热阻R thJC每个二极管0.592K/W 外壳-散热器热阻R thCH每个二极管, λgrease= 1 W/(m*K)0.148K/W 允许开关的温度范围T vj op-40175°C注:T vj op > 150°C is allowed for operation at overload conditions. For detailed specifications, please refer to AN 2018-14.4负温度系数热敏电阻表 7特征值特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位最小值典型值最大值额定电阻值R25T NTC = 25 °C5kΩR100偏差ΔR/R T NTC = 100 °C, R100 = 493 Ω-55%耗散功率P25T NTC = 25 °C20mW B-值B25/50R2 = R25 exp[B25/50(1/T2-1/(298,15 K))]3375K B-值B25/80R2 = R25 exp[B25/80(1/T2-1/(298,15 K))]3411K B-值B25/100R2 = R25 exp[B25/100(1/T2-1/(298,15 K))]3433K 注:根据应用手册标定4 负温度系数热敏电阻6电路拓扑图图 17封装尺寸图 28模块标签代码图 3修订历史修订历史修订版本发布日期变更说明1.002021-11-19Initial version商标所有参照产品或服务名称和商标均为其各自所有者的财产。

Radnor和North品牌的一款首 aid 箱类产品说明书

Radnor和North品牌的一款首 aid 箱类产品说明书

Radnor® Bulk First Aid KitsAPart Number Description10 25 50 75 100SH40100501" x 3" Plastic Strip Bandages,100/bx1 1 111SH40101152" x 3" Adhesive Bandages, 50/bx- - - -1NOS0207302" x 3" Adhesive Bandages, 6/bx- - - 1-NOS020855Woven Fingertip Bandages, 8/bx- - - -1NOS020020Woven Knuckle Bandages, 8/bx- - 1 11SH40231431⁄2" x 5 yds Waterproof Adhesive Tape 1 1 1 1 2NOS0480061" x 5 yds Waterproof Adhesive Tape- - - 26SH40518202" Clean-Wrap N/S Gauze1 - - 22SH4103100T2PK 1" x 5 yd Co-Flex Bandage- - 5 -5SH4103200T 2" x 5 yd Co-Flex Bandage- 1 - 1-SH4103300T 3" x 5 yd Co-Flex Bandage- - - 12SH4103400T 4" x 5 yd Co-Flex Bandage- - - -2SH40675222" x 2" Sterile Gauze Pads, 25/bx- - - -13" x 3" 12ply Sterile Gauze Pads, each 4 5 10 - -SH40675333" x 3" Sterile Gauze Pads, 25/bx- - - 11SH40674444" x 4" Sterile Gauze Pads, 10/bx- - - -1NOS0207684" Off-Center Compress Bandage, 1/bx 1 1 1 2 3NOS020510Gauze Compress 24" x 72"11NOS045009Triangular Bandage, 40" x 40" x 56"1 1 1 12-Eye Pads,Oval Sterile, each2 2 - --NOS020300Eye Pads Sterile, 4/bx- - 1 22FEN320004510000 1 oz Eyewash NOS021645MD Antiseptic BZK Wipes, 10/bx1 1 1 22 1 1 1 12A. Radnor® General Purpose Bulk First Aid KitsSH4232124 SH4233020 SH4201005 NOS021020 SH4161510 NOS020667 NOS020555 NOS020225Triple Antibiotic Ointment .5 gm Foil Pk, ea 6 6 6 6 -Triple Antibiotic Ointment .5 gm Foil Pk, 20/bx - - - - 1Hydrocortisone (1%) 1 gm 1% Foil Pack,20/bx - - - - 1Alcohol Prep Pad, each- 4 - --3 oz Burn Spray- - - 111⁄8 oz Burn Gel, each6 6 6 --Aspirin, 50 packs of 2 per bx- - - 1141⁄2" x 5" Cold Pack, 1/bx1 1 2 24Pain-A-Rest (acetaminophen)13 pks of 2/bx - - 1 - -Ammonia Inhalant Ampules, each- 2 5 --Ammonia Inhalant Ampules, 10/bx- - - 11• Kits contain economic bulk supplies that can be readily accessedwhen needed• Ideal for manufacturing settings where a wide variety of first aid itemsare required• Image shown may vary from actual fill, see chart below for list of contents• All general purpose bulk kits are ANSI Z308.1-2009 compliantPart NumberDescriptionSizeRAD64058020 RAD64058008 RAD64058009 RAD64058010 RAD6405801110-person Cabinet 25-person Cabinet 50-person Cabinet 75-person Cabinet 100-person Cabinet107⁄16"W x 5"H x 21⁄2"D 101⁄2"W x 5"H x 21⁄2"D 101⁄2"W x 101⁄2"H x 21⁄2"D 151⁄2"W x 101⁄2"H x43⁄4"D 17"W x 15"H x 51⁄2"DSH480264RB 84" x 52" Rescue Blanket, Silver- - - 11NOS020380 NOS020350Wire Splint for Arm or Leg Tourniquet- - - 11 - - - 11BSH440709TM Tongue Blades, 6/pk- - - 11SH43271963" Tweezer, Slant End11NOS03156531⁄2" Tweezers, Pointed1 1 11SH432BS412 SH4325701P41⁄2" Mini Bandage Scissors 51⁄2" SS Lister Bandage Scissors1 1 1 11 - - - 11B. North® Redi-Care Kits™SH4522000VSH4269214-NOS045027Part Number NOS028001 NOS016059 NOS020010 NOS020020 NOS020701 NOS020795 NOS032074 NOS020445 NOS048006 NOS020125 NOS032203 NOS032204 NOS020766 NOS020640 NOS052220NOS121065 SH4241010A NOS126040F NOS020135 NOS045027 SH4324050 SH4067433 NOS021161 NOS020667 NOS021201X NOS020618 NOS752577 NOS720072 NOS021640 SH4065590 NOS020374 NOS020380Vinyl Gloves, 2pr/bg1 1 1 11Hand & Skin Lotion 1 gm Foil Pack, 20/bx - - - - 2Zip Lock Bag, 5" x 5"- 1 1 --First Aid Guide1 1 1 11Redi-Care Kit ComponentsContents018503-4219 PromotionalAdhesive Bandage, 1" x 3", Cloth10Adhesive Bandage, 1" x 3", Cloth-Adhesive Bandage, Fingertip, Cloth 2Adhesive Bandage, Knuckle, Cloth 2Adhesive Bandage, 1" x 3", Plastic -Adhesive Bandage, 1" x 3", Plastic -Adhesive Bandage, XL2Adhesive Tape, 1⁄2" x 21⁄2 yd.1Adhesive Tape, 1" x 5 yd.-Antibiotic Ointment4Antiseptic Spray, 2 oz.-Burn Relief Spray, 2 oz.-Compress, Bandage, Offset, 2"-Compress, Gauze, 18" x 36"-Conforming Bandage, 2” x 6 yds,-non-sterileCPR Barrier-Eye Pad, Sterile-Eye-Lert® Eyewash, 4 oz.-First Aid/Burn Cream with Aloe4First Aid Guide-Tweezers, Disposable Plastic1Gauze Pads, Sterile 3" x 3"2Hydrocortisone,1.0%,⁄132oz.-Instant Cold Pak1PVP Iodine Wipes6Rescue Blanket-Scissors, Angled, Red Handle1Self Adherent Wrap, 3" x 5 yd.-Nitrile Medical Gloves (pair)1Trauma Pad, Sterile, 5" x 9"-Triangular Bandage, Non-Sterile-Wire Splint-018502-4220 Small 4 4 1 4 1 1 -6 1 1 4 1 10 1 1 1 -018501-4221 018505-4221 Medium Medium w/CPR----44443232--4411--11------2111-1221166111144--111010--11--22--11--018500-4222 018504-4222 Large Large w/CPR--11004466----441111111111141122-14411--1111101011022101011111112111111• Lightweight, portable first aid kits packaged in soft-sided, red nylon bags• The flexibility of these soft-sided cases allows them to easily fit into tight spaces, and hold more items than hard-sided kits of the same size• Complete contents for each kit are listed in chart belowPart Number NOS018500-4222 NOS018504-4222 NOS018501-4221 NOS018505-4221NOS018502-4220 NOS018503-4219DescriptionSizeLarge Kit with CarryingHandle for Portability186 pieces per unit101⁄2" x 7" x 6"Large Kit with CPR Barrier,Carrying Handlefor Portability,187 pieces per unit101⁄2" x 7" x 6"Medium Kit with CarryingHandles and Belt Loopsfor Portability,91 pieces per unit83⁄4" x 6" x 23⁄4"Medium Kit with CPRBarrier, CarryingHandles and Belt Loopsfor Portability,92 pieces per unit83⁄4" x 6" x 23⁄4"Small Kit with Integral BeltLoops, Compact Design,61 pieces per unit43⁄4" x 5" x 21⁄2"Promotional Kit, flat, withTrim Design39 pieces per unit7" x 41⁄2" x 11⁄2"。



Output-Current Ohmmeter Measurement Range
Ohmmeter Measurement Resolution Ohmmeter Measurement Accuracy Window Comparator Method TIMER (Test Time)
Function Model
Output Capacity
GB Continuity Rear Output
7” LCD
AC WITHSTANDING Output-Voltage Range Output-Voltage Resolution Output-Voltage Accuracy Maximum Rated Load Maximum Rated Current Output-Voltage Waveform Output-Voltage Frequency Voltage Regulation Voltmeter Accuracy Current Measurement Range Current Best Resolution Current Measurement Accuracy Window Comparator Method ARC Detect RAMP UP (Rise Time) RAMP DOWN (Fall Time) TIMER (Test Time) WAIT TIME GND DC WITHSTANDING Output-Voltage Range Output-Voltage Resolution Output-Voltage Accuracy Maximum Rated Load Maximum Rated Current Voltage Regulation Voltmeter Accuracy Current Measurement Range Current Best Resolution Current Measurement Accuracy Window Comparator Method ARC Detect RAMP UP (Rise Time) RAMP DOWN (Fall Time) TIMER (Test Time) WAIT TIME GND



OPT-1250xxxx Series RoHS Compliant 1X9 SC Duplex Receptacle Transceiver Module for Gigabit EthernetFeaturesIndustry Standard 1 x 9 Footprint and duplex SCConnector interfaceCompliant with Specifications for IEEE 802.3z GigabitEthernetOPT-1250Bxxx compliant with the 1.0625GBd FibreChannel 100-SM-LC-L FC-PI Rev.13OPT-1250Axxx compliant with the 1.0625GBd FibreChannel FC-PI 100-M5-SN-I Rev.13Single +3.3V or 5V Power SupplyPECL or TTL Receiver Signal Detect IndicatorWave Solderable and Aqueous WashableLaser Class 1 Product which comply with therequirements of IEC 60825-1 and IEC 60825-2DescriptionThe OPT-1250xxxx series from DELTA is a 1X9transceiver module designed expressly for high-speedcommunication applications that require rates of up to1.25Gbit/sec. It is compliant with the Gigabit Ethernetstandards as well as 1x Fiber channel standards.The OPT-1250xxxx transceivers are provided with theSC receptacle that is compatible with the industrystandard SC connector.The post-amplifier of the OPT-1250xxxx also includesa Signal Detect circuit that provides a PECL or TTLlogic-Low output when an unusable optical signallevel is detected. (see order information)The OPT-1250xxxx transceiver is a Class 1 eyesafety product. The optical power levels, under normaloperation, are at eye safe level.ApplicationsGigabit Ethernet/Fast EthernetSwitched backplane applicationsPerformanceOPT-1250AxFxx:850nm VCSEL, up to 500m in 50/125 m MMF850nm VCSEL, up to 220m in 62.5/125 m MMFOPT-1250B2I1x:1310nm FP laser, Data Link up to 5km in 9/125umSMFOPT-1250BxQxx:1310nm FP laser, Data Link up to 10km in 9/125umSMF1310nm FP laser, up to 550m in 50/125 m MMF1310nm FP laser, up to 550m in 62.5/125 m MMFOPT-1250xxxx SeriesAbsolute Maximum RatingsParameter Symbol Min.Typ.Max.UnitNote Storage Temperature Ts -40 85 ºCLead Soldering Temperature T SOLD 260 ºCLead Soldering Time t SOLD10 sec.Supply Voltage V CC 0 6 VRecommended Operating ConditionsParameter Symbol Min.Typ.Max.UnitNote Ambient Operating Temperature T A 0 70 ºC 1Supply VoltageOPT-1250x1xxOPT-1250x2xx, OPT-1250x4xx V CC 4.753.1355.253.465VNote: See ordering information for detailElectrical Characteristics(At recommended ambient operating temperature, T A and supply voltage, V CC)Parameter Symbol Min.Typ.Max.UnitNote Total Supply Current I CCT300 mATransmitterTransmitter Data Input Voltage-Low V IL-V CC-1.810 -1.475V 1 Transmitter Data Input Voltage-High V IH-V CC-1.165 -0.880V 1 Transmitter Differential Input Voltage V DT0.3 1.6 V 2 ReceiverData Output Voltage-Low V OL-V CC-1.95 -1.62 V 1Data Output Voltage-High V OH-V CC-1.045 -0.74 V 1Receiver Differential Output Voltage V DR 0.5 0.7 1.2 V 2Output Data Rise/Fall Time t r/t f0.4 ns 3PECL SD OutputLOW level output voltage HIGH level output voltage V SDH-V CCV SDL-V CC-1.84-1.1-1.60-0.9V 4TTL SD OutputLOW level output voltage HIGH level output voltage V SDHV SDL2V CC0.8V 5Notes:1. For OPT-1250A1F1x, OPT-1250A4F1x, OPT-1250B2I1x, OPT-1250B2Q1x andOPT-1250B1Q1x.2. For OPT-1250A2F2x and OPT-1250B4Q2x.3. These are 20%~80% values4. For OPT-1250A1F1x, OPT-1250A2F2x, OPT-1250B2I1x, OPT-1250B1Q1x and OPT-1250B2Q1x5. For OPT-1250A4F1x and OPT-1250B4Q2xOPT-1250xxxx SeriesSingle Mode Transceiver (OPT-1250B2I1x, OPT-1250B1Q1x, OPT-1250B2Q1x,OPT-1250B4Q2x)(At recommended ambient operating temperature, T A and supply voltage, V CC; Data Rate=1.25Gb/sec,PRBS=27-1 NRZ, 9/125um SMF)Parameter SymbolMin.Typ.Max.UnitNote TransmitterOutput Optical Power (Avg.)OPT-1250BxIx OPT-1250BxQx P O-12-9.5-3-3dBmOptical Extinction Ratio ER 9 dBCenter Wavelength C 1270 1310 1355 nmSpectral Width (RMS) 2.8 nm Optical Rise/Fall time t r/t f0.26ns1 Relative Intensity Noise RIN -120dB/HzOutput Eye Complies with the IEEE 802.3z/D2 specification, and is class 1 laser eye safetyReceiverSensitivity (Avg.) P IN-19dBm2 Input Optical Wavelength 1310 nmSignal Detect-Asserted (Avg.) P A-19dBm Signal Detect-De-asserted (Avg.) P D -35 dBmSignal Detect-Hysteresis P A-P D 0.5 dBReceiver saturation power P SAT -3 dBm Notes:6. These are 20%~80% values7. The sensitivity is provided at a BER of 1×10-10 or better with an input signal consisting of1250Mb/s, 27-1 PRBS.Mask of the eye diagram for the optical transmit signalOPT-1250xxxx SeriesMulti-Mode Series Transceiver (OPT-1250A1F1x, OPT-1250A2F2x, OPT-1250A4F1x)(At recommended ambient operating temperature, T A and supply voltage, V CC; Data Rate=1.25Gb/sec,PRBS=27-1 NRZ, 62.5/125um MMF)Parameter SymbolMin.Typ.Max.UnitNote TransmitterOutput Optical Power (Avg.) P O -9.5 -4dBmOptical Extinction Ratio ER 9 dBCenter Wavelength C 830 850 860 nmSpectral Width (RMS) 0.85nmOptical Rise/Fall time t r/t f0.26ns1 Relative Intensity Noise RIN -117dB/HzOutput Eye Complies with the IEEE 802.3z/D2 specification, and is class 1 laser eye safetyReceiverSensitivity (Avg.) P IN-17dBm2 Input Optical Wavelength 850 nmSignal Detect-Asserted (Avg.) P A-17dBm Signal Detect-De-asserted (Avg.) P D -30 dBmSignal Detect-Hysteresis P A-P D 0.5 dBReceiver saturation power P SAT -4 dBm Notes:8. These are 20%~80% values9. The sensitivity is provided at a BER of 1×10-10 or better with an input signal consisting of1250Mb/s, 27-1 PRBS.Mask of the eye diagram for the optical transmit signalOPT-1250xxxx SeriesPin Out TabledescriptionFunctionalPIN Symbol1 GND Receiver Signal Ground2 RD (+) Receiver Data Out (LVPECL)3 RD (-) Receiver Data Out Bar (LVPECL)4 SD Receiver Signal Detect (LVPECL or TTL)5 VccR Receiver Power Supply,6 VccT Transmitter Power Supply7 TD (-) Transmitter Data In Bar (LVPECL)8 TD (+) Transmitter Data In (LVPECL)9 GND Transmitter Signal GroundPin Descriptions:Pin 1 Receiver Signal Ground, GNDDirectly connect these pins to the ground plane.Pin 2 Receiver Data Out (LVPECL), RD (+)Receiver Data output (LVPECL), RD (+).Pin 3 Receiver Data Out Bar (LVPECL), RD (-)Receiver Data output (LVPECL), RD (-).Pin 4 Receiver Signal Detect (LVPECL/TTL), SDPECL/TTL logic family. Normal Operation: Logic “1” OutputFault Condition: Logic”0” Output.Pin 5 Receiver Power Supply, VccRProvide +3.3/5V dc power supply.Pin 6 Transmitter Power Supply, VccTProvide +3.3/5V dc power supply.Pin 7 Transmitter Data In Bar (LVPECL), TD (-)Transmitter Data Input (LVPECL), TD (-)Pin 8 Transmitter Data In (LVPECL), TD (+)Transmitter Data Input (LVPECL), TD (+)Pin 9 Transmitter Signal Ground, GNDDirectly connect these pins to the ground plane.OPT-1250xxxx Series Package Outline Drawing (without shielding)Package Outline Drawing (A type shielding)OPT-1250xxxx Series Package Outline Drawing (B type shielding)Package Outline Drawing (C type shielding)OPT-1250xxxx SeriesRegulatory ComplianceFeature Reference PerformanceElectromagnetic Interference (EMI)FCC Class BEN 55022 Class B (CISPR 22A)Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Field EN 61000-4-3 IEC 1000-4-3Electrostatic Discharge to the Duplex LC Receptacle EN 61000-4-2 IEC 1000-4-2 IEC 801.2Electrostatic Discharge to the Electrical Pins MIL-STD-883E Method 3015.7(1) Satisfied with electricalcharacteristics of productspec.(2) No physical damageEye Safety US FDA CDRH AEL Class 1EN 60950: 2000EN 60825-1: 1994+A11+A2EN 60825-2: 2000 CDRH File # 0321539-00TUV Certificate No. R50032471Component Recognition Underwriters Laboratories andCanadian Standards Association JointComponent Recognition for InformationTechnology Equipment IncludingElectrical Business EquipmentUL File # E239394OPT-1250xxxx SeriesOrdering informationOPT- 1250X 1X 2X 3X 4X 5X 6X 7X 1: FiberA : Multi-mode 850nmB : Single-mode 1310nmX 5:RoHS CompliantBlank : Non-RoHS Compliant R : RoHS CompliantX 2: Power Supply Voltage and SD Level1: 5.0V, PECL SD Level 2: 3.3V, PECL SD Level 4: 3.3V, TTL SD LevelX 6: Shielding TypeBlank : Plastic housing A : A type shielding B : B type shielding C : C type shielding X 3:X 4:DistanceF : 500m, 50/125 m MMFI : 5km, 9/125 m SMF Q : 10km, 9/125 m SMFData Coupling 1: 1x9SC DC/DC 2: 1x9SC AC/ACX 7:TemperatureBlank : 0 to +70 degree C H : -10 to + 85 degree C。



Bosch Security Systems B.V.
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2023-05 | V1.81 |
系统构成 重新发现设备 添加设备 删除设备 设备选项 系统控制器 放大器 多功能电源 呼叫站 控制接口模块 电话接口 音频路由网络接口 系统客户端 网络交换机 远程系统 系统选项 预录信息 系统设置 时间设置 网络监测 分区定义 分区选项 分区编组 背景音乐传送 呼叫定义 行动定义 分配操作 分配功能 功能说明 系统控制器 多功能电源 呼叫站 电话接口 控制接口模块 音频处理 放大器 呼叫站 环境噪声传感器 保存配置 备份和恢复 备份 恢复 诊断 配置 版本 放大器负载 放大器备用通道 电池阻抗 环境噪声传感器
息。 – 第19章:提示音, 页面 162 - 本章提供了PRAESENSA使用的提示音(信息)的相关信息。 – 第20章:支持与培训学院, 页面 171 - 本章提供了(技术)支持和培训的信息。
1.1 1.2 1.3
参阅 – 支持与培训学院, 页面 171
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常用汽车词汇 -翻译

常用汽车词汇 -翻译

汽车automobile 1TOYOTA丰田汽车缩略语AAP Auxiliary Acceleration Pump 辅助加速泵ABV Air By-Pass Valve 空气旁通阀ABS Auti-Lock Brake System 防抱制动系统A/C Air Conditioner 空气调节器ACSD Automatic Cold Start Device 自动冷起动装置A.D.D Automatic Disconnecting Differential 自动断开差速器AI Air Injection 空气喷射AS Air Suction 进气A/T Automatic Transmission 自动变速器ATF Automatic TranSmission Fluid 自动变速器用油ATDC After Top Deal Center 上止点之后B0 Overdrive Brake 超速制动器B1 NO.1 Coast Brake 第二滑行制动器B2 NO.2 Brake 第二制动器B3 NO.3 Brake 第三制动器BDC Botton Dead Center 下止点BTDC Before Top Desd Center 上止点前C0 Overdrive Direct Clutch 超速直接离合器C1 Front Clutch 前离合器C2 Rear Clutch 后离合器CB Circuit Breaker 断路器CB Choke Breaker 阻风门适度开启阀CMH Cold Mixture Heater 冷混合加热器DP Dash Pot 减速缓冲器ECT Electronic Controlled Transmission 电子控制变速器ECU Electronic Controlled Unit 电子控制装置EFI Eleclronic Fuel Injection 电子控制喷油装置EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation 废气再循环ELR Emergency Locking Retractor 紧急锁紧收缩装置ESA Electronic Spark Aduance 电子点火提前(装置)EVAP Fuel Evaporative Emission System 燃油蒸发污染控制系统EX Exhaust 排气F0 Overdrive One-way Clutch 超速单向离合器F1 No.1 One-way Clutch 1号单向离合器F2 No.2 One-way Clutch 2号单向离合器FIPG Fast Idle Cam Breaker 快怠速凸轮开关FIPG Formec in Place Gasket 密封材料FL Fusible Link 熔断丝FR Front 前部HAI Hot Air Intake 自动调温式空气滤清器系统HIC Hot Idle Compendent 热怠速波动补偿HAC Hight Altitude Compensator 高海拔补偿装置IFS Independent Front Suspension 独立前悬挂HA Inlegrated Ignition Assemgly (分电器点火线圈)一体化的点火装置IN Intake 进气IRS Independent Rear Suspension 独立后悬挂ISC Idle Speed Control 怠速控制(系统)LH Left-hand 左手边LHD Left-hand Drive 左座驾驶LSD Limited Slip Differential 防止滑动差速器LSPV Load Sensing Proportioning Valve 负荷传感比例阀LSP&BV Load Sensing Proportioningand By-pass Valve 负荷传感旁通和比例阀LST Load Sensing Timer 载荷传感定时器MAS Mixture Adjusting Screw 混合调整螺丝MAX Maximum 最大MP Multipurpose 多用途M/T Manual Transmission 手动变速器O/D Overdrive 超速OPT Option 选购(自行决定)O/S Oversize 加大(修理)尺寸OVCV Outer Vent Control Valve 外通风控制阀PCV Positive Crankcase Ventilation 曲轴箱强制通风装置PPS Progressive Power Steering 渐进式动力转向机构PS Power Steering 动力转向RBS Recirculating Ball-type Steering 循环球式转向器RH Right-Hand 右手边RHD Right-Hand Drive 右座驾驶SSM Special Service Material 特种维修材料SST Special Service Tools 特种维修工具STD Standard 标准S/W Switch 转换开关T Tightening Torgue 扭紧力矩TCCS Toyota ComputerControlled System 丰田汽车(发动机)微电脑集中控制系统TDC Top Dead Center 上止点T/M Transmission 变速器TP Throttle Positioner 节气门位置控制阀VCS Vacuum Control Switch 真空控制开关VSV Vacuum Switching Valve 真空转换阀VTV Vacuum Transmitting Valve 真空(负压)延迟阀W/ With 带(有)W/O Without 不带2WD Two Wheel Drive Vehicles (4×2) 2轮驱动4WD Four Wheel Drive Vehicles(4×4) 4轮驱动AIR CLEANER 空气滤清器阻塞警示器BEAM 前照灯远光指示灯BELT 乘员座椅安全带警示灯CHARGE 蓄电池充电指示灯DOOR 车门警示灯EXHBRAKE 排气制动指示灯FILTER 柴油滤清器警示灯FUEL 燃油表GLOW 预热指示灯LIGHTS 灯光故障警示灯ODOMETER 里程表SPEEDOMETER 车速表T.BELT 正时或同步皮带指示灯TACHOMETER 发动机转速表TEMP 水温表TRIPMETER 单程里程计VAC 真空警示灯WATER 发动机冷却液液位警示汽车automobile 2汽车类Automobile整车Finished Automobile轿车Passenger Car休旅车Recreational Vehicle (RV)小型商用车(3.5吨以下) Light Duty Commercial Car (Less Than 3.5 Tons) 大型商用车(3.5吨以上) Heavy Duty Commercial Car (More Than 3.5 Tons) 散装车Bulk Truck搅拌车Mixer Truck环境卫生车Garbage Truck液罐车Refueling Truck倾卸车Dumper Truck曳引车Tractor Truck消防车Fire Fighting Truck堆高机Forklift拖板车Pallet Truck运钞车Armor Cash Carrier冷气客车Air-Conditioned Car冷冻车Freezer Car拖车Trailer车体打造(改装) Car Body Building (Refitting)瓦斯车LPG Car底盘车Chasis Truck引擎零件Engine Parts引擎Engine引擎波司Engine Bush引擎修理包Engine Gasket Kits引擎零件Engine Parts凸轮轴Camshaft凸轮轴链轮Sprocket Camshaft皮带张力器Tensioner曲轴Crankshaft曲轴皮带盘Crankshaft Pulley曲轴轴承片Crankshaft Bearing汽门Valve汽门座Valve Seat汽门摇臂Valve Arm汽门摇臂盖Rocker Cover汽门弹簧Valve Spring汽门导管Valve Guide汽缸头(盖) Cylinder Head汽缸衬套Cylinder Liner汽缸体Cylinder Block波司垫片Washer活塞Piston活塞肖Piston Pin活塞环Piston Ring活塞衬套Piston Liner飞轮Flywheel飞轮环齿轮Ring Gear of Flywheel 时规炼条/皮带Timing Chain/Belt连杆Connecting Rod连杆轴承片Connecting Rod Bearing 摇臂轴Rocker Arm Shaft汽门锁Valve Cotter止推垫片Thrust Washer共鸣箱Resonator喷油嘴Injection Nozzle燃料系统Fueling System油箱Fuel Tank油箱浮筒Gauge Fuel Tank空气滤清器Air Cleaner空气滤清器盖Air Cleaner Cover空气滤清器导管Air Intake Tube空气滤蕊Air Cleaner Element消音器Exhaust Muffler排气歧管Exhaust Manifold排气管Exhaust Pipe进气歧管Intake Manifold节流阀Throttle Valve燃油管Fuel Pipe燃油帮浦Fuel Pump燃油滤清器Fuel Filter触媒转化器Catalytic Converter柴油车黑烟净化器Diesel Particulate Filter时规炼条/皮带外盖Timing Chain/Belt Cover燃料系统Fueling System废气回收管EGR Tube冷却系统Cooling System水箱Radiator水管Water Hose水箱水管Radiator Hose水帮浦Water Pump水箱风扇Radiator Fan风扇Fan副水箱Auxiliary Radiator节温器Thermostat调节器Regulator水箱支架Radiator Mounting冷却系统Cooling SystemA/C风扇A/C Fan润滑系统Lubrication System油底壳Oil Pan自排车用滤油器Oil Filter for Automatic Transmission 机油尺Oil Level Gauge机油帮浦Oil Pump机油滤清器Oil Filter机油滤网Oil Strainer润滑系统Lubrication System机油尺导管Oil Level Gauge Tube空调系统Air-conditioning System冷气总成A/C Assembly冷气配管A/C Hose冷气导风管A/C Duct冷气压缩机A/C Compressor冷凝器A/C Condenser暖气总成Heater Assembly鼓风机Blower Assembly蒸发器Evaporator冷媒管A/C Pipe储液瓶A/C Receiver空调相关零件A/C Related Components 空气清净机Air Purifier空调滤网A/C Filter空调系统Air-conditioning System提速器Actuator车身钣金件Body & Stamping Parts引擎支撑Engine Mounting引擎盖Engine Hood车身Car Body车门Door Panel车顶板Roof底盘及其另件Chassis and Related Parts 底盘车架Frame门框Sash保险杆Bumper钣金件Stamping Parts叶子板Fender横梁Cross Member行李箱盖Trunk Lid车柱Pillar车身钣金件Body & Stamping Parts支架Bracket补强板Reinforcement Plate底盘系统Chassis System下臂Lower Arm上臂Upper Arm手? x车拉柄Parking Brake Lever支柱总成Strut Assembly方向盘Steering Wheel比例阀Proportional Valve主轴、副轴Mainshaft / Countershaft平衡杆Stabilizer Bar扭力杆Torsion Bar? x车分泵Brake Cylinder? x车来令片Brake Lining Shoe? x车油管(软) Brake Hose? x车油管(硬) Brake Tube? x车真空倍力器Brake Vacuum Booster? x车总泵Brake Master Cylinder后轴总成Rear Axle Assembly动力方向系统Power Steering System动力转向油管Power Steering Hose动力转向帮浦Power Steering Pump控制拉线Control Cable排档杆Shift Lever排档头Knob球形接头Ball Joint等速接头C.V. Joint传动轴Propeller Shaft叶片弹簧Leaf Spring鼓、碟式? x车器Drum / Disc Brake Assembly鼓式? x车盘Brake Drum碟式? x车盘Brake Disc辅助气囊Air Bag踏板Pedal齿轮Gear横拉杆接头Tie-Rod End螺旋弹簧Coil Spring避震器Shock Absorber转向连杆Steering Linkage转向节臂Knuckle转向齿轮箱Steering Gear Box转向机柱Steering Column转向总成Steering Assembly离合器分泵Clutch Cylinder离合器片Clutch Disc离合器外壳Clutch Case离合器总成Clutch Assembly离合器总泵Clutch Master Cylinder离合器释放轴承Clutch Release Bearing变速箱Transmission Box变速箱外壳Transmission Case曳力杆Trailing Arm避震器前后活塞杆Piston Rod of Front and Rear Shock Absorber 底盘系统Chassis System自排变速箱修理包Automatic Transmission Gasket Kits齿条Gear Rack? x车真空管Brake Boost Vacuum Tube 车轮系统Wheeling System轮毂Wheel Hub轮胎Tire轮胎汽门嘴Tire Valve轮圈Wheel Disk轮圈盖Wheel Cover内胎(含内衬) Inner Tire (Flap)车轮系统Wheeling System电装品Electrical Parts电瓶Battery中央门控Central Door Lock分电盘Distributor火星塞Spark Plug汽车用电子钟Digital Clock汽车音响Car Audio防盗器Car Burglar Alarm雨刷及雨刷连杆Wiper / Linkage保险丝座Fuse Seat保险丝Fuse洗涤壶Windshield Washer配线Wire Harness马达类Motor高压线组Ignition Cable喇叭Horn发电机(零件) Alternator (Components) 开关类Switch蜂鸣器Buzzer预热塞Glow Plug仪表Combination Meter灯泡Bulb灯类Lamp点火线圈Ignition Coil继电器Relay倒车雷达Reverse Sensor电池充电器Battery Charger闪光器Flasher省电器Energy Saving Unit端子Terminal电动座椅装置Power Seat Unit马达零件Motor Components电装品Electrical Parts汽车用光盘Car CD汽车用液晶显示器Car LCD调整器Regulator整流器Rectifier电子点火器Ignition Module倒车显示器Rear View Display定速器Cruise ControllerHID车灯安定器组合HID Ballast Complete Set for HeadlightsLED 灯LED Lamp车灯控制器Lighting Controller点火线圈模块Ignition Coil Module外装品Exterior Parts水箱饰罩Radiator Grille天线Antenna车身护条Side Protector防撞护垫Bumper Pad后视镜Door Mirror装饰贴纸、标志Ornament Mark轮弧Fender Trim挡泥板Mud Guard扰流板Spoiler前防撞杆Guard Assy (Front)后防撞杆Grard Assy (Rear)外装品Exterior Parts内装品Interior Parts仪表板Instrument Panel中央置物箱Console孔塞Grommet Plug地毯Floor Mat安全带Seat Belt车门扶手Door Armrest车门把手Door Handle车门锁Door Lock车顶内衬Roof Lining车窗升降摇柄Window Lifter Handle车窗升降机Window Lifter防水衬条Weatherstrip油量表Fuel Gauge门饰板Door Trim室内镜Room Mirror音响喇叭盖Speaker Cover(电动)座椅( Electric) Seat顶蓬Headlining烟灰缸Ashtray各类隔音垫All Kinds of Silencer饰板/饰条Garnish / Trim仪表饰板Instrument Panel Garnish遮阳板Sunvisor压条Moulding点烟器Cigar Lighter备胎板Trim for Spare Tire天窗Sun Roof后置物板Rear Parcel Shelf后舱室饰板Rear Trunk Trim内装品Interior Parts仪表板支架Instrumental Panel Mounting其它Others随车工具Tools千斤顶Jack尼龙绳、特多龙绳Nylon Rope生产、检测及涂装设备Production,Test & Painting Equipment 各类孔盖Cap、Cover扣具Cargo Lash夹片、管束Clamp, Clip油土与基准模型Clay Model and Master Model油封Oil Seal门铰链Door Hinge故障标志Reflector玻璃类Glass修理业Repairing & Maintenance粉末冶金Powder Metallurgy轴承Bearing塑料件Plastic Parts隔热材Heat Insulator电子件Electrical Parts垫片类Seal、Gasket、Washer、Packing碳刷Carbon Brush管类Pipe, Hose, Tube铜套类Bushing弹簧Spring模、夹、治、检具Die, Fixture, Jig, Checking Gauge橡胶件Rubber Parts帮浦类Pump螺帽/螺栓/螺丝Nut/Bolt/Screw锻造件(加工) Forging Parts (Processing)滤清器类Filter锁Lock镜类Mirror铸造件(加工) Casting Parts (Processing)引擎盖铰链Hinge of Engine Hood行李箱铰链Hinge of Trunk Lid保险杆支撑Mount of BumperCAD/CAM车身设计CAD/CAM Car Body Design汽车清洁保养用品Cosmetics for Automobile涂料Paints合成木材Synthetic Wood电磁阀Solenoid Valve热水阀Heater Valve冷煤电磁阀Refrigerate Solenoid valve玻璃滑槽Glass Run双面胶带Acrylic Foam Tape触媒转换器缓冲绵Catalytic Converter Mate黑烟过滤器Diesel Particle Filter车用灭火器Extinguisher零组件用材料Components Materials汽车用行动电话Car Hand-free Mobile Phone汽车保全系统Car Security System汽车导航系统Car Navigation System人造革Artificial Leather铭板Nameplate汽车用计算机Car Computer无线电胎压侦测仪Wireless Tire Monitor汽车内装用牛皮Leather for Car Interior打蜡机Buffer (Car Polisher)金属表面处理(材料) Metal Surface Treatment (Material) 插接件Connector Clip胎压不足警示器Tire Low Pressure Indicator温度感应器Water Temperature Sensor油压感应器Oil Pressure Sensor机油Engine Oil自动变速箱油Automatic Transmission Oil油品添加剂Oil Additive热处理Heat Treatment自行车类Bicycle整车Finished Bicycle一般自行车Regular Bicycle三轮车Tricycle协力车Tandem Bicycle城市车ATB孩童车Junveniles Bicycle室内运动车(健身车) Exerciser单轮车Unicycle无链式自行车Chainless Bicycle登山车Mountain Bicycle越野车Trekking Bicycle跑车(自由车)Racing Bicycle电动自行车Electrical Bicycle折叠式自行车Folding Bicycle海滩车Beach Bicycle(电动)滑板车( Electric) Kick Board Scooter其它特种自行车Other Special-purpose Bicycles 避震脚踏车Suspension Bicycle传动件Transmission曲柄组Chainwheel & Crank飞轮Flywheel链条Chain变速杆Shift Lever变速器Derailleur电动自行车马达Electric Bicycle Motor电动自行车控制器Electric Bicycle Driver齿轮箱Gear Box车轮及? x车Wheel and Brake轮胎Tire夹式? x车器Caliper Brake快拆Quick Release花鼓Hub & Free Hub液压式? x车器Hydraulic Brake脚? x车器Coaster Brake碟式? x车器Disk Brake轮圈Rim辐条/辐帽Spoke/Nipple悬臂式? x车器Cantilever Brake控制拉线Control Cable? x车来令片Brake Lining Shoe配件Accessories铃Bell反光片Reflector水壶架Bottle Cage打气筒Floor Pump商标贴纸Sticker货架Luggage Carrier速度表Speed Meter喇叭Horn电灯Dynamo / Lighting Set辅助轮Training Wheel挡泥板Mud Guard / Fender头盔Helmet锁Lock链盖Chain Cover篮Basket后视镜Rear Mirror车体Body车架Frame把手Handle Bar中轴组件(天心)Bottom Bracket Parts 车手带Handle Strap车头组件Headset前叉Front Fork前叉肩Fork Crown后叉端Rear Fork End座杆Seat Post座杆束Seat Post Clamp停车支架Kickstand接头Lug & Shell辅助把手Bar End竖管Stem螺帽/螺栓/螺丝Nut/Bolt/Screw避震前叉Suspension Fork避震器Shock Absorber三通管3- way Pipe五通管5- way Pipe车架材料Frame Materials其它Others座垫Saddles水壶架Bottle Cage夹器固定座Pivot定趾器Toe Clip闪光灯Flasher趾夹带Toe Strap把手套Grip塑料件Plastic Parts脚踏板Pedal碳刷Carbon Brush弹簧Spring轮圈盖Wheel Cover锻造件(加工) Forging Parts (Processing)导线Cable模、夹、治、检具Die,Fixture,Jig & Checking Gauge橡胶件Rubber Parts生产、检测及涂装设备Production,Test & Painting Equipment 座垫套Saddle Cover涂料Paints充电器Charger温度记录器Temperature Recorder电池容量计Battery Capacity Indicator电动自行车电路设计Electric Bicycle Circuit Design电动自行车电池组Electric Bicycle Battery Set机车类Motorcycle整车Finished Motorcycle50CC以下机车Less Than 50CC Motorcycle50~150CC机车50~150 CC Motorcycle150CC以上机车More Than 150CC Motorcycle残障专用车Motorcycle for Handicap电动机车Electric Motorcycle其它电动辅助车辆Other Electric Auxiliary Vehicles多功能休闲车ATV引擎零件Engine Parts汽缸Cylinder化油器Carburetor引擎Engine引擎零件Engine Parts引擎盖Engine Cover水箱Radiator火星塞Spark Plug凸轮Cam凸轮轴Camshaft凸轮轴链条Cam Chain凸轮链条张力器Cam Chain Tensioner曲轴Crankshaft曲轴箱Crankcase曲轴箱盖Crankcase Cover汽门Valve汽门座Valve Seat汽门导管Valve Guide汽缸头Cylinder Head汽缸头侧盖Cylinder Head Side Cover油帮浦Oil Pump后轮驱动座Rear Wheel Drive Seat活塞Piston活塞肖Piston Pin活塞环Piston Ring连杆Connecting Rod涡轮增压器Turbo-Supercharger脚踏起动机杆Kick Starter齿轮变速零件Gear Shift Parts机油冷却器Oil Cooler离合器Clutch离合器座Clutch Plate离合器杆Clutch Lever变速箱Transmission Box油管Fuel Pipe汽门锁Valve Cotter火星塞盖Plug Cover齿轮衬套Gear Bushing曲轴肖Crank Shaft Pin炼条调整器Tensioner节流阀Throttle Valve离合器来令片Clutch Lining齿轮轴Gear Axle马达轴Motor Axle传动轴Transmission Axle车体及电装Body and Electrical Parts灯类LampC.D.I.总成C.D.I. Unit Assembly工具Tool中心盖Center Cover反光片Reflector引擎罩盖Air Shroud / Cylinder方向把手Steering Handle主滑动模轮组件Primary Sheave Assembly主脚架Main Stand交流发电机(零件) A.C. Generator (Components) 行李箱Luggage Box冷却风扇Cooling Fan把手盖Handle Cover车架Frame车体盖Body Cover拉杆Handle Lever油杯Fuel Cup Assembly油箱Fuel Tank空气滤清器Air Cleaner? x车来令片Brake Shoe? x车鼓Brake Drum? x车盘Brake Disk? x车踏板Brake Pedal? x车总成Brake Assembly前叉Front Fork前叉顶梁Fork Top Bridge前护盖Front Fender后视镜Back Mirror后悬吊系统Rear Suspension风扇盖Air Shroud飞轮Flywheel座垫Seat侧脚架Side Stand侧盖Side Cover排气消音器Exhaust Muffler后架Carrier喇叭Horn无段自动变速系统 C.V.T.发电机Alternator传动轴总成Secondary Sheave Assembly 摇臂Rocker Arm煞车踏板Brake Pedal节流把手Throttle Grip脚踏板Board / Footrest脚踏杆Kick Crank Assembly电圈Starter电瓶Battery配线Wire Harness碳刷Carbon Brush仪表Meter调整器Regulator轮胎Tire轮圈Wheel Disk轮毂Wheel Hub导线Cable挡泥板Fender机车链轮Chain灯泡Bulb燃油滤清器Fuel Strainer Assembly避震器Shock Absorber点火线圈Ignition Coil转向主干Steering Stem Comp链条Chain链条盖Chain Case继电器Relay触媒转化器Catalytic Converter排气管Exhaust Pipe吊架Hanger控制拉线Control Cable活性碳罐Canister油箱浮筒Tank Float机油浮筒Oil Float档位调整器Gear Position Indicator端子Terminal电动机车控制器Electric Motorcycle Driver把手座Grip Holder马达类Motor马达零件Motor Components避震器前后活塞杆Piston Rod of Front and Rear Shock Absorber 其它Others油封Oil Seal舌簧阀Reed Valve钣金件Stamping Parts防盗器Burglar Alarm闪光器Flasher贴纸Sticker轴承Bearing开关类Switch塑料件Plastic Parts电子件Electrical Parts垫片Gasket管类Tube or Pipe弹簧Spring模、夹、治、检具Die, Fixture, Jig, Checking Gauge辐条/辐帽Spoke/Nipple齿轮Gear橡胶件Rubber Parts帮浦类Pump螺帽/螺栓/螺丝Nut/Bolt/Screw锻造件(加工) Forging Parts (Processing)滤清器Filter铸造件(加工) Casting Parts (Processing)锁Lock生产、检测及涂装设备Production,Test & Painting Equipment 铭板Name Plate油土及基准模型Clay Model and Master Model地毯Carpet涂料Paints握把Grip置物袋Carriage Bag机车座垫用牛皮Leather for Motorcycle Seat铁路车辆类Railroad Vehicle铁路车辆制造及修理Railroad Vehicle Manufacture & Repair 铁路车辆零件Railroad Vehicle Parts铁路扣夹Clip for Railroad橡胶件Rubber Parts轮椅升降机Wheel chair lift图例legend工位station吊运装置overhead hoist更衣室restroom 1号厂房工艺布置方案图proposal of the Plant I layout合笼mate底盘平移台chassis shuttle车辆转移台bus transfer前围角板front wall angle cover后围侧板rear wall side cover保险杠bumper三类底盘three type chassis左侧围应力蒙皮R/S stretching skin (road side)中涂floating coat拼装台collector切割轮口wheel -arch cutting内饰trim线束harness返工re-doing轮罩护板wheel house发车前准备pre-delivery举升hoist小批量产品be pilot 2套two kits配电站power transformer substation裙板skirt发动机托架engine holding frame诊断报警系统diagnosis and alarming system互换性interchangeability缩微图纸microfiche files总装final assembly磷化phosphating仪表板dash board切齐trimming结构完整性structure integrity自动愈合的防腐材料self-healing corrosion preventative material 长途客车inter-city bus改装厂refitting factory遮阳板sun visor随车工具tool box钢化玻璃toughened grass异形钢管special steel pipe全天候空调系统full range A/C强制通风ram-air ventilation停机时间downtime无公害柴油clean diesel宽敞悬臂式座椅roomy cantilevered seat防滑地板no-skid floor织物纹里铝合金textured aluminum extrution爬坡能力grade ability排水阀drain valve除湿器moisture ejector怠速时at idle琴式驱动桥banjo type drive axle通风口duct恒温控制thermostatic control平衡水箱surge tank变光开关simmer switch消音器muffler防破坏vandal resistant聚碳化透镜poly-carbonate len镀锌板galvanized plate搭接lap亮丽的外表smart apperance隐藏式固定concealed fastening水洼ponding发动机中置式客车bus with under floor engine组合式客车车身modular bus body薄壳式结构shell construction衬垫pad空气导流板air deflector搁梁shelf beam腰梁waist rail梭梁stabilizing beam腰带式安全带diagonal safety belt压条trim strip嵌条insertion strip翼板fender斜撑bracing piece转向盘回正性试验test of steering wheel returnability转向盘转角脉冲试验steering wheel impulse input test转向盘转角阶跃输入试验steering wheel step input or transient state yaw response test极限侧向加速度试验limiting lateral acceleration test汽车平顺性随机输入行驶试验automobile ride random input running test 汽车平顺性单脉冲输入行驶试验automobile ride single pulse input running test汽车悬挂系统固有频率与阻尼比的测定试验measurement of natural frequency and damping raito of suspension功率突然变化影响试验test of effect of sudden power change收油门后控制试验test of control at breakway横风稳定性试验test of crosswind stability反冲试验kick-back test轮胎爆破响应时间试验test of burst response of tyre绕过障碍物试验obstacle avoidance test移线试验lane change testJ型转弯试验test of J turn频率响应时间试验frequency response test瞬态响应时间试验transient response test阶路响应时间试验step response test脉冲响应试验pulse response test静态操舵力试验static steering effort test悬架举升试验jack-up test of suspension耐翻倾试验test of overturning immunity轮辋错动试验rim slip test风洞试验wind tunnel test制动稳定性试验test of braking stability最小转弯直径试验minimum turning diameter test操舵力试验steering effort test汽车发动机类型type发动机engine内燃机intenal combusiton engine动力机装置power unit汽油机gasoline engine汽油喷射式汽油机gasoline-injection engine火花点火式发动机spark ignition engine压燃式发动机compression ignition engine往复式内燃机reciprocating internal combustion engine 化油器式发动机carburetor engine柴油机diesel engine转子发动机rotary engine旋轮线转子发动机rotary trochoidal engine二冲程发动机two-stroke engine四冲程发动机four-stroke engine直接喷射式柴油机direct injection engine间接喷射式柴油机indirect injection engine增压式发动机supercharged engine风冷式发动机air-cooled engine油冷式发动机oil-cooled engine水冷式发动机water-cooled engine自然进气式发动机naturally aspirated engine煤气机gas engine液化石油气发动机liquified petroleum gas engine柴油煤气机diesel gas engine多种燃料发动机multifuel engine石油发动机hydrocarbon engine双燃料发动机duel fuel engine热球式发动机hot bulb engine多气缸发动机multiple cylinder engine对置活塞发动机opposed piston engine对置气缸式发动机opposed-cylinder engine十字头型发动机cross head engine直列式发动机in-line engine星型发动机radial engine筒状活塞发动机trunk-piston engine斯特林发动机stirling engine套阀式发动机knight engine气孔扫气式发动机port-scavenged engine倾斜式发动机slant engine前置式发动机front-engine后置式发动机rear-engine中置式发动机central engine左侧发动机left-hand engine右侧发动机right-hand engine短冲程发动机oversquare engine长冲程发动机undersquare engine等径程发动机square engine顶置凸轮轴发动机overhead camshaft engine双顶置凸轮轴发动机dual overhead camshaft engineV形发动机V-engine顶置气门发动机valve in-head engine侧置气门发动机side valve engine无气门发动机valveless engine多气门发动机multi-valve engine卧式发动机horizontal engine斜置式发动机inclined engine立式发动机vertical engineW形发动机w-engineI形发动机I-engineL形发动机L-engineF形发动机F-engine性能performance二冲程循环two-stroke cycle四冲程循环four-stroke cycle狄塞尔循环diesel cycle奥托循环otto cycle混合循环mixed cycle定容循环constant volume cycle工作循环working cycle等压循环constant pressure cycle理想循环ideal cycle热力循环thermodynamic cycle冲程stroke活塞行程piston stroke长行程long stroke上行程up stroke下行程down stroke进气行程intake stroke充气行程charging stroke压缩行程compression stroke爆炸行程explosion stroke膨胀行程expansion stroke动力行程power stroke排气行程exhaust stroke膨胀换气行程expansion-exchange stroke换气压缩行程exchange-compression stroke 止点dead center上止点top dead center(upper dead center)下止点lower dead center(bottom dead center) 上止点前budc(before upper dead center)上止点后atdc(after top dead cetner)下止点前bbdc(before bottom dead center)下止点后abdc(after bottom dead center)缸径cylinder bore缸径与行程bore and stroke空气室energy chamber气缸余隙容积cylinder clearance volume燃烧室容积combustion chamber volume气缸最大容积maximum cylinder volume压缩室compression chamber排气量displacement发动机排量engine displacement活塞排量piston swept volume气缸容量cylinder capacity单室容量single-chamber capacity容积法volumetry压缩比compression ratio临界压缩比critical compression ratio膨胀比expansion ratio面容比surface to volume ratio行程缸径比stroke-bore ratio混合比mixture ratio压缩压力compression pressure制动平均有效压力brake mean effective pressure(bmep) 空燃比air fuel ratio燃空比fuel air ratio燃料当量比fuel equivalence ratio扭矩torque单缸功率power per cylinder升功率power per liter升扭矩torque per liter升质量mass per liter减额功率derating power输出马力shaft horsepower马力小时,马力时horsepower-hour总马力gross horse power总功率gross power净功率net power燃油消耗量fuel consumption比燃料消耗率specific fuel consumption空气消耗率air consumption机油消耗量oil consumption有效马力net horse power额定马力rated horse power马力重量系数horsepower-weight factor制动功率brake horse power制动热效率brake thermal efficiency总效率overall efficiency排烟极限功率smoke limiting horsepower功率曲线power curve机械损失mechanical loss机械效率mechanical efficiency有效热效率effective thermal efficiency充气系数volumetric efficiency过量空气系数coefficient of excess air适应性系数adaptive coefficient扭矩适应性系数coefficient of torque adaptibility转速适应性系数speed adaptive coefficient强化系数coefficient of intensification校正系数correction factor换算系数conversion factor活塞平均速度mean piston speed发动机转速engine speed (rotational frequency)怠速转速idling speed经济转速economic speed起动转速starting speed最低稳定工作转速lowest continuous speed with load 最大扭矩转速speed at maximum torque最高空转转速maximum no load governed speed调速speed governing超速overspeed怠速idling转速波动率speed fluctuation rate工况working condition(operating mode)额定工况declared working condition变工况variable working condition稳定工况steady working condition空载no-load全负荷full load超负荷overload部分负荷part load充量(进气)charge旋转方向direction of rotation顺时针clockwise逆时针counter-clockwise左转left-hand rotation右转right-hand rotation外径major diameter中径pitch diameter内径minor diameter径向间隙radial clearance发动机性能engine performance加载性能loading performance起动性能starting performance加速性能acceleration performance动力性能power performance排放性能emission performance空转特性no load characteristics负荷特性part throttle characteristics调速特性governor control characteristics万有特性mapping characteristics稳定调速率steady state speed governing rate 气缸体和气缸盖cylinder block and head气缸体cylinder block整体铸造cast inblock (cast enblock)发动机罩engine bonnet气缸体加强筋engine block stiffening rib气缸cylinder(转子机)缸体stator缸径cylinder bore气缸体机架cylinder block frame气缸盖cylinder head配气机构箱valve mechanism casing气缸体隔片cylinder spacer气缸盖密封环cylinder head ring gasket气缸盖垫片cylinder head gasket气缸套cylinder liner(cylinder sleeve)干式缸套dry cylinder liner湿式缸套wet cylinder liner气缸水套water jacket膨胀塞expansion plug防冻塞freeze plug气缸壁cylinder wall环脊ring ridge排气口exhaust port中间隔板intermediate bottum导板guideway创成半径(转子机)generating radius缸体宽度(转子机)operating width机柱column燃烧室combustion chamber主燃烧室main combustion chamber副燃烧室subsidiary combustion chamber预燃室prechamber涡流燃烧室` swirl combustion chamber分开式燃烧室divided combustion chamber涡流式燃烧室turbulence combustion chamber半球形燃烧室hemispherical combustion chamber浴盆形燃烧室bathtub section combustion chamberL形燃烧室L-combustion chamber楔形燃烧室wedge-section combustion chamber开式燃烧室open combustion chamber封闭喷射室closed spray chamber活塞顶内燃烧室piston chamber爆发室explosion chamber燃烧室容积比volume ratio of combustion cahmber燃烧室口径比surface-volume ratio of combustion chamber 通道面积比area ratio of combustion chamber passage曲轴箱通气口crankcase breather凸轮轴轴承座camshaft bearing bush seat定时齿轮室罩camshaft drive(gear)cover曲轴箱检查孔盖crankcase door曲轴箱防爆门crankcase explosion proof door主轴承盖main bearing cap气缸盖罩valve mechanism cover飞轮壳flywheel cover扫气储器scavenging air receiver活塞piston裙部开槽活塞split skirt pistonU形槽活塞U-slot piston滚花修复活塞knurled piston圆顶活塞dome head piston平顶活塞flat head piston凸顶活塞crown head piston(convex head piston)凹顶活塞concave head piston阶梯顶活塞step-head piston筒形活塞trunk piston椭圆形活塞oval piston抗热变形活塞autothermic piston不变间隙活塞constant clearance piston镶因瓦钢片活塞invar strut piston直接冷却式活塞direct-cooled piston间接冷却式活塞indirect cooled piston滑裙活塞slipper piston活塞速度piston speed活塞顶部piston head活塞裙部piston skirt整体活塞裙solid skirt活塞裙扩大衬簧piston skirt expander滑履式活塞裙slipper skirt隔热槽heat dam活塞标记piston mark活塞销piston pin活塞销孔piston pin boss活塞销衬套piston pin bushing全浮式活塞销full-floating piston pin半浮式活塞销semifloating piston pin固定螺钉式活塞销set screw piston pin活塞环piston ring组合式活塞环compound piston ring同心活塞环concentric piston ring偏心活塞环eccentric piston ring自由环free ring闭合环closed ring梯形环keystone ring半梯形环half keystone ring矩形环rectangular ring油环oil control ring开槽油环slotted oil control ring螺旋弹簧加载双坡口油环coil spring loaded slotted oil control ring 涨环expander双坡口油环double bevelled oil control ring内上坡口internal bevel top内下坡口internal bevel bottom边缘坡口油环bevelled-ege oil control ring刮油环scrapper ring钩形环napier ring镀铬活塞环chrome plated piston ring活塞衬环piston ring expander活塞环槽piston ring groove活塞环区ring zone活塞环岸piston ring land活塞环内表面back of ring曲柄连杆机构connecting rod中心曲柄连杆机构central-located connecting rod偏心曲柄连杆机构offset connecting rod铰接曲柄边杆机构hinged connecting rod连杆connecting rod连杆小头connecting rod small end连杆大头connnecting rod big end连杆杆身connecting rod shank副连杆slave connecting rod叉形连杆fork-and-blade connecting rod主连杆main connecting rod方形连杆boxed rod绞链式连杆hinged type connecting rod活节式连杆articulated connecting rod连杆盖connecting rod cap连杆轴承connecting rod bearing曲轴crankshaft整体式曲轴one-piece crankshaft组合式曲轴assembled crankshaft右侧曲轴right-hand crankshaft左侧曲轴left-hand crankshaft改变行程的曲轴stroked crankshaft曲轴前端crankshaft front end曲轴主轴颈crankshaft main journal轴颈重叠度shaft journal overlap圆角fillet主轴承main bearing曲轴止推轴承crankshaft thrust bearing薄臂轴瓦thin wall bearing shell曲轴油道crankshaft oil passage曲柄crank曲柄臂crank arm曲柄销crank pin轴套bush曲柄转角crank angle曲柄半径crank radius抛油圈oil slander角度轮degree wheel动平衡机dynamic balancer平衡重balancer weight扭振减振器torshional vibration damper扭振平衡器torsion balancer谐振平衡器harmonic balancer振动平衡器vibration balancer曲轴链轮crankshaft sprocket转子轴颈rotor journal偏心轴eccentric shaft曲轴箱crankcase闭式曲轴箱通风装置closed-crankcase ventilating system 飞轮flywheel飞轮齿圈flywheel ring gear飞轮芯棒cantilever飞轮芯轴flywheel spindle飞轮的惯量矩flywheel moment of inertia。

Tripp Lite UT1250UL 1250W Utility Work Truck Inver

Tripp Lite UT1250UL 1250W Utility Work Truck Inver

Tripp Lite1111 West 35th StreetChicago, IL 60609 USATelephone: +(773) 869 1234E-mail: ***********************Model #: UT1250ULPowerVerter® 1250W Utility/Work Truck Inverter/Charger with 2 OutletsHighlights12V DC or 120VAC input; 120VAC output; 2 GFCI protected outlets1250 watts continuous, 1875 watts OverPower and 2500 wattsDoubleBoost inverter output3 stage, 40A / 10A selectable wet / gel / AGM cell battery chargerBuilt-in Isobar® premium AC surge protection and Auto TransferSwitching option for battery backup / UPS operationMeets OSHA requirementsDescriptionTripp Lite UT1250UL Utility Work Truck Inverter / Charger are the quiet alternative to gas generators with no fumes, fuel or noise. It provides equipment with utility or generator supplied AC electricity filtered through premium ISOBAR surge protection. This DC-to-AC inverter with automatic line to battery transfer and integrated charging system serves as an extended run UPS, a standalone power source or an automotive inverter suitable for rugged work site applications. Supplies up to 1250 watts of continuous 120V AC power from any 12V DC battery or automotive DC source. OverPower inverter output feature temporarily provides up to 150% of the continuous output for 1-60 minutes, and DoubleBoost inverter output feature delivers up to 200% of continuous output for up to 10 seconds, providing the extra power needed to start heavy-duty tools and motorized equipment. When AC cable is connected to a live wall socket, commercial power passes through to connected equipment and the battery set is recharged via 3-stage selectable 10/40Amp charging system. In UPS mode, the UT system responds to blackouts and voltage fluctuations with a near instantaneous automatic transfer to battery derived AC output. A set of high current DC input terminals is included for simple installation (user supplies batteries and cabling – see owners manual for recommendations). Passes sine wave utility or generator power during battery charging and UPS line power operation, plus efficient PWM sine wave AC output in inverter and UPS backup modes. Reliable large transformer design, with frequency control, powers resistive electronic loads or large inductive motors, compressors and other devices with high current needs on startup. Included is the APSRM4 wired remote power switch with full status LED’s, which provides remote power inverter on/off switching and continuous status information. The UT1250UL supports an unlimited amount of runtime with user-supplied batteries.ApplicationsVersatile inverter / charger system with auto-transfer switching serves as an automotive inverter for utility work trucks, conversion vans and fleet service vehicles; a standalone power source for off grid, alternative energy or export applications, emergency home power applications such as sump pumps, and as an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for items compatible with a 16.6 millisecond transfer timePackage IncludesUT1250UL Inverter/ChargerAPSRM4 RemoteRemote battery temperature sensor cableInstruction manual with warranty informationFeatures16.6 millisecond automatic transfer between line and battery power supports UPS protection for equipment compatible with a one cycletransfer time1250W continuous AC output in inverter mode, 2500W continuous AC output in AC modeDoubleBoost output supports momentary startup loads of up to 200% of the continuous rating for up to 10 seconds - OverPower output supports duration overloads to 150% for 1-60 minutes under ideal battery and temperature conditions3-stage selectable 10/40 Amp battery charger with adjustable settings for wet/gel/AGM battery types2 NEMA 5-15R GFCI protected outlets pass 120V line power or inverter output through to connected equipment3 position operating mode switch supports “AUTO” mode to enable automatic transfer between DC and AC modes, CHARGE ONLY toBATTERYExpandable batteryruntimeRuntime is expandable with any number of user supplied wet or gel or AGM type batteriesDC system voltage(VDC)12Battery PackAccessory (optional)98-121 sealed lead acid battery (optional)Battery recharge rate10A / 40A (selectable)LEDS ALARMS & SWITCHESSwitches 3 position on / off remote switch enables simple on / off power control plus "auto/ remote" setting that enables distant on / off control of the inverter system when used in conjunction with APSRM remote (included) when used in invertermode. In AC uninterruptFront panel LEDs Set of (6) LEDs offer continuous status information on load percentage ( 6 levels reported) and battery charge level(7 levels reported) See manual for sequencesSURGE / NOISE SUPPRESSIONAC suppressionjoule rating600PHYSICALShippingDimensions (HWD/in)12.5 x 11 x 10.75ShippingDimensions(HWD/cm)31.75 x 27.94 x 27.31Shipping weight (lbs)24.8Shipping weight (kg)11.249Unit Dimensions(HWD/in)7 x 8.75 x 9Unit Dimensions(HWD/cm)17.78 x 22.23 x 22.86Unit weight (lbs)23.2Unit weight (kg)10.5Cooling method Multi-speed fanMaterial ofconstructionPolycarbonateReceptacle Color WhiteStyle Heavy-duty with built-in battery chargerForm factors supported Mounting slots enable permanent placement of inverter on any horizontal surface.(see manual for additional mounting information)ENVIRONMENTALRelative Humidity0-95% non-condensing LINE / BATTERY TRANSFERTransfer time from line power to battery mode 16.6 milliseconds (typical -compatible with many computers, servers and networking equipment -verify transfer time compatibility loads for UPS applications)Low voltage transfer to battery power In AC "auto" mode, inverter / charger switches to battery mode as line voltage drops to 75V (user adjustable to 85,95,105- see manual)High voltage transfer to battery power In AC "auto" mode, inverter / charger switches to battery mode as line voltages increases to 135V (user adjustable to 145 -see manual)SPECIAL FEATURESLoad Sensing Load sense function enables automatic inverter shutoff and startup as connected equipment is powered off and on.Front panel load sense potentiometer can be set to shutoff or turn on inverter power in response to loads of any level. Remote controlcapabilityYesCERTIFICATIONSCertifications Tested to UL 458 (USA) and CSA (Canada)WARRANTYProduct WarrantyPeriod (U.S. &Canada)30-month limited warrantyProduct WarrantyPeriod (International)1-year limited warrantyProduct WarrantyPeriod (Mexico)30-month limited warrantyProduct WarrantyPeriod (Puerto Rico)30-month limited warrantyRelated ItemsOptional ProductsRelated Model Description Qty. APSRM4Remote Control Module - for Tripp Lite Inverters and Inverter/Chargers 1BP-260Ideal battery housing for use with Tripp Lite PowerVerter APS inverter/charger systemswith a 12 or 24V DC system voltage.198-12112V DC Sealed, Maintenance-Free Battery 1More information, including related products, owner's manuals, and additional technical specifications, can be found online at/en/products/model.cfm?txtModelID=3603.Copyright © 2013 Tripp Lite. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners. Tripp Lite has a policy of continuous improvement. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Photos may differ slightly from final products.。

Turntable Type 1250 Version A说明书

Turntable Type 1250 Version A说明书

Directions for UseTurntable Type 1250VersionAThe manual is subject to alterationContents PageChapter 1: EC Declaration of Conformity (1)Chapter 2: General information (2)Chapter 3: Personal safety and warnings- Personal safety (3)- Range of application (4)- Removal of safety devices (4)- Accurate placing of workpiece (4)Chapter 4: Function of machine- Sketch of DB1250 (5)- Sketch of control (5)- Functions with controls (6)- Start and stop (8)- Fail during start, operation or stop (8)- Maintenance (9)- Keeping the directions for use (12)Chapter 5: Assembling and disassembling- Installation and connection (13)- Disassembling (14)Chapter 6: Technical specifications- Technical data (15)- Current diagramme (16)- Connections (17)- Spare parts (18)The safety instructions contained in the PERSONAL SAFETY section ofthis manual should be read and observed before installing and operatingthe machine. This manual and the accompanying instructions for use mustbe accessible at all times to staff engaged in the installation, operation andmaintenance of the machine. Full understanding of this manual requires askilled welder´s knowledge of welding and of the risks involved.Chapter 2: General informationTurntable type 1250 is designed for handling/circumferential welding, and is prepared for use in connection with one of the following control units:- Type 1001 : Automatic controls, 1 revolution with overlapping- Type 1002 : Automatic, 1-4 revolutions with overlapping- Type 1005 : Manual start/stopwhich for example include functions as:* Rotary speed* Preweld time* Direction of rotation* Arc ON/OFFTorch/lifting*If a power supply is applied in connection to the turntable, the manual for the power supply should be read before start.- 2 -Chapter 3: Personal safety and warnings PERSONAL SAFETYLight and heat emissionA welding arc emits radiation which is damaging to the human eye. Even short-term exposure to this radiation can cause lasting damage. Protect your eyes frompowerful radiation by infra-red, visible and also ultra-violet light by installing suitable radiation protection glass in your welding helmet. Your skin can also be damaged by welding radiation.Radiation can cause serious burns. Protect your skin by wearing a welding helmet, working clothing covering all exposed parts, and gloves. During welding, warn other people in the vicinity of the danger of radiation and sparks. If possible, place a screen between the place of work and the surroundings.The heat emitted from the arc and pool crater - as well as the sparks emitted during welding - represent a fire hazard. Consequently, welding should never be carried out near combustible materials. Working clothing should not be made of substances which are easily combustible, and should have no folds or open pockets into which sparks can fall. Wear a fire resistant apron if necessary.Welding fumesThe smoke and gasses emitted during welding are damaging to health.Consequently, the inhalation of welding smoke and gasses should be avoided bytaking suitable preventive measures (e.g. local air extraction, ventilation, or supply of fresh air to welding helmet).ElectricityAvoid contact with all live components.The voltages used in welding are not sufficient to represent a danger inthemselves. However, if damp clothing is worn, or if working in damp conditions, electric shocks can be caused, representing an indirect source of danger. Considerable electric shocks can be caused by HF high voltage ignition during TIG welding in particular, and may lead to minor burns beneath the skin.Consequently, all contact with live components should be avoided as far as possible.Always use dry, leather welding gloves and wear dry working clothing and shoes. Keep cables, torches, and the welding machine itself dry at all times.Make sure that the welding machine's earth connection is properly and safely earthed. Do not open the machine to expose live components. Maintenance and service which require access to live components inside the machine must be carried out by an authorized electrician.- 3 -Range of application:- The turntable must be fastened on a stable base.- TIG-welding hoses (current-carrying parts) and welding torches on the electronic controls are not allowed.- The maximum values for dimensions of workpieces mentioned in the manual must not be exceeded.- The machine/equipment must only be operated by personnel, which are trained in using the machine, and have also been teached in the manual.Removal of safety devices:- During operational circumstances it is not allowed to remove safety devices or to take them out of operation.Accurate placing of workpiece:- Before start the operator must ensure that the workpiece is correctly placed and is properly secured.- Please observe if any risks may arise when the workpiece rotates due to the design of the workpiece. In that case the operator must carry out the appropriate action in order to eliminate risks.- 4 -Chapter 4: Function of machinePos. 1 Angle adjustment.The angle of the plate can be adjusted up to 90°.Pos. 2 Clamping bolts for mounting on base.Pos. 3 As a standard the turntable is mounted with a tool disk of which the outer diameter is ø360mm. The tool disc is in addition provided with 3 pcs. 12mmtracks for mounting of fixture.Sketch of control:- 5 -Functions with controls:- 6 -Pos. 1 Rotation speed.Pos. 2 Preweld time t1 (0 - 5 sec.).Delay time prior to start of rotation.Pos. 3 Overlap time t2 (0 - 10 sec.).The rotation continues further than one revolution in the selected time. Pos. 4 Multilayer welding (1 - 4 rev.).Selection of the number of revolutions. Automatic overlap after lastrevolution.Pos. 5 Mode selector 1:a) with arc control; without slope down.b) without arc control; without slope down.c) without arc control; with slope down.d) with arc control; with slope down.The selection of arc control causes the preweld timer to start only afterthe arc is established.The selection of slope down causes the signal to the welding machine tobe OFF in the overlap period. The slope down time is set at the powersource, and should always be shorter than the overlap time.Pos. 6 Fuse.Pos. 7 Power ON/OFF.Pos. 8 Direction of rotation.Pos. 9 Mode selector 2:a) without overlapping.b) with overlapping.c) activated sensor for intermittent welding.(Optional with programme disc).Pos. 10 Arc ON/OFF.Test can be done without arc in level “OFF”.Pos. 11 Torch lift.Push button for pneumatic lift/lowering of welding torch.(Optional).Pos. 12 Start/Stop.Start and stop:1. Set the relevant data on the control.2. Fasten the workpiece properly.3. Start the process, (see pos. 12 for functions with the control).Failure during start, operation or stop:If monitoring of the arc (arc control) and welding is activated, the turntable does not start until the arc is established.In this waiting position the operator should note that the rotation can start when the arc is established.- 8 -Maintenance:Regular maintenance is important.Regular maintenance guarantees:* Long life for the turntable.*Safety.* Safety of working.Many of the tasks of maintenance are easy to take care of yourself, if you are a little mecanically gifted and have a few tools. These tasks are described below.Please note that some tasks of maintenance require special tools and special knowledge. These tasks ought to be handled by qualified Migatronic personnel. Even if you are an experienced do-it-yourself mechanic, we recommend that you let us have the repairs an maintenance.Basic safety precautionsWarningconnections or components.- Make sure that the working area is clean.- When work with the equipment is finished, or when the work area is left unattended, turn off the air- and electricity supplies to the equipment.DAILY CHECK BEFORE STARTCheck control:A. Check if all mains lamps and security lamps are on.B. Check plug at the back of the control.C. Run a cycle without welding.Check mains cable, ground wire, air hose and gas tubing:A. Check outside damages.B. Checkleakages.- 9 -Welding control:Weld subject - compare it with the subject from the same time the day before.If everything is OK, save the last welded subject to the start of next day.CHECK WEEKLYClean all the most important surfaces with clean dry air, and oil with machine oil.Sign the form of maintenance.CHECK MONTHLYIn addition to the weekly check, also check all nuts and screws especially by the bearings. Check the carbon holder and the length of carbon.Check gear motor for leakage in gear gasket and check wires.Check if there is play in the bearings.Clean current supply inside (Remember to remove mains cable).Sign the form of maintenance.- 10 -FORM OF MAINTENANCEDate Weekly check Monthly check Remarks Init.- 11 -Keeping the directions for use:The directions for use should be kept available to operators, maintenance personnel and service mechanics.- 12 -Chapter 5: Assembling and disassemblingInstallation and connections:1: Fasten the turntable by means of the 4 bolts to a stable base, which will secure the table’s stability at the max. load.2: Power cable. To be connected to a 230V / 10A wall socket with ground.3: Torch lift cable. Partnumber 74320006-1.4: Start signal to power source. Partnumber 74320002-1.To be connected to existing start socket on TIG machines instead of plug from manual torch.On MIG-machines the corresponding socket can be mounted, or the connection can be made internal in the wire feeder.5: Cable control / turntable. Partnumber 74320001-1.6: Foot switch / remote control.7: Ground cable (standard extension cables).25mm² - 5m : Partnumber 80522505-0.50mm² - 5m : Partnumber 80525005-0.- 13 -Disassembling:The old turntable contains parts which may be recycled.Therefore, do not deliver your turntable over to the nearest waste disposal site, but contact the local authority or a scrap dealer for the possibility of recycling.All external connections (electricity, air, etc.) must be disconnected before disassembling.- 14 -Chapter 6: Technical specifications Technical data:Line voltage : 230 - 240V AC / 10A Centre height : 265mmSpeed range : 0.2 - 2 rev./min.0.4 - 4 rev./min.0.8 - 8 rev./min. Tool disc diameter : ø360mm:ø62mm BoreTravel of centre : 75mmMax. weight horizontal : 250 kgMax. weight vertical : 150 kgCentre pressure : 1500N at 6 bar Tilting movement : 0 - 90°Welding power stnd. : 180A - 100% Weight - turntable : 65 kgWeight - control : 8 kgNoise level : < 70 dB(A)Load:Current diagramme:- 16 -Connections for control units 1001, 1002 and 1005Torch lift - 4-pin + GND---1 :NC2 :3 : NC 24V AC for magnet valve---4 :NCJ :Power source - 6-pin1 :NC⎫2 :---3 : NC ⎥4 :⎬Relay contact for start of welding machineNC5 : NC ⎥⎭6 :---Remote control - 4-pin + GND---⎫Start/stop (1001 and 1002: Impuls,1 :---⎬ 1005: Continuous contact)2 :3 :---⎫---⎬Direction of rotation4 :J : GND to cabinetTurntable - 7-pin + GND1 : Sensor for pos., activated "1" (only 1001 and 1002)2 : Sensor for intermittent welding, activated "1" (option; only 1001 and 1002)3 : --- +⎫4 : --- - ⎬Motor5 : Arc ON signal; activated "0" (only 1001 and 1002)GND6 :7 : + 24V =J : GND to cabinet- 17 -Spare parts - turntable:- 18 -。

Agilent U1250 Series手持数字多功能测试器用户手册说明书

Agilent U1250 Series手持数字多功能测试器用户手册说明书

Agilent U1250 Series Handheld Digital MultimetersData SheetThe Agilent U1250 Series handheld digitalmultimeters (DMMs) exceed your expectationsby delivering powerful features andperformance that meet your toughestrequirements and applications.Do more with just one instrumentThe basic model, U1251A, expands yourcapabilities beyond typical DMMmeasurements to include data logging. TheU1252A starts with the same foundation, andthen adds a 20-MHz frequency counter andprogrammable square-wave generator — soyou’d be able to perform more testsconveniently with one tool. What’s more: bothmodels come bundled with a complete set ofaccessories to equip you right from the startat no extra cost.Offering the same functionality as the U1252A,the U1253A is the world’s fi rst OLED handheldDMM. You won’t have to squint to be sureyou’re reading it right: On the go or on thebench, you’ll get crystal-clear viewing indoors,even in dark, off-angle situations.Find problems quicklyTroubleshooting can be tricky, especially whenyou’re dealing with elusive problems. With theU1250 Series’data logging capability, you canensure that every reading gets recordedmanually or at intervals you specify. Better yet:you can have virtually unlimited data loggingsaves when you connect any of the U1250Series DMM to a PC with the optional IR-to-USB cable.In addition, the U1250 Series lets you achievegreater confi dence in your measurements withaccurate true-RMS AC measurements, lowDCV error rate of up to 0.025% and high-resolution display of 50,000 counts.Uncompromising ruggedness andsafetyThe U1250 Series DMMs are housed in robustovermold enclosures, rated at CAT III 1000 Vand operate over a wide temperature range of–20 °C to +55 °C. Built tough and certifi ed tostringent industrial standards, the U1250 DMMis what you need to face the demands ofeveryday tasks.Superior contrast from organic LED(OLED) display150,000-count dual displayUp to 0.025% basic DCV accuracyTrue-RMS AC and AC+DC2measurementsK-type and J-type2 temperaturemeasurementsManual and automated (interval)data logging; internally to DMM andexternally to PCCAT III 1000 V safety protectionBuilt-in 20-MHz frequency counter2Built-in programmable square-wavegenerator2Key featuresIntroducing the U1250 Series: Handheld Multimeters That Equip You from the StartOLED display with approximately 160° viewing angle, and high contrast ratio of 2000:1 for crystal-clear viewing 1Large numerical display that’s toggleable to dual display mode, both at 50,000-count high resolution20 MHz frequency counter 2Data logging to internal or external memory Programmable square-wave generator for stimulation of digital circuits 2CAT III 1000 V overvoltage protection for assurance of your safety while you go about your tasksBuilt-in batterycharging for optimum capacityBroad range of measurementfunctions, including temperature and capacitanceSHIFT key and one-stop function keys for easy accessDC SPECIFICATIONS[1] Input impedance: >1 G W for 50 mV~1000 mV ranges. For U1251A, input impedance is 10 M W (nominal) for 5 V~1000 V ranges. For U1252A/3A, input impedance is 10 M W (nominal) in parallel with 1.1 M W at dual display.[2] The accuracy could be 0.05% + 10 for U1251A and 0.05% + 5 for U1252A/3A. Always use the NULL function to zero out the thermal effect before measuring the signal.[3] The accuracy of 500 W and 5 k W is specifi ed after NULL function, which is used to subtract the test lead resistance and the thermal effect.[4] For the range of 50 M W and 500 M W, the R.H. is specifi ed for <60%.[5] The accuracy is specifi ed for <50 nS and after NULL function with open test lead.[6] Always use the NULL function to zero out thermal effect with open test lead before measuring the signal. If the NULL function is not used, an additional 20 counts needs to be added to the DC current accuracy. Thermal effect could occur due to the following:• Wrong operation to measure the high voltage of 50 V ~ 1000 V for resistance, diode, and mV measurements.• After battery-charging has completed.• After measuring a current greater than 440 mA, it is suggested that the meter be left to cool down for twice the measuring time used.U1251A AC SPECIFICATIONSU1252A/U1253A AC SPECIFICATIONS[1] The input signal is lower than 20,000,000 V-Hz (the product of voltage and frequency).[2] Input current >35 µArms.[3] Current can be measured from 2.5 A up to 10 A continuously. An additional 0.5% needs to be added to the specifi ed accuracy if the signal measured is in the range of 10 A ~ 20 A for 30 seconds maximum. After measuring a current of >10 A, leave the meter to cool down for twice the measuring time used before application of low current measurement.[4] Input current < 3 Arms.[5] The additional error to be added as frequency >20 kHz and signal input<10% of range: 3 counts of LSD per kHz.U1252A/U1253A AC+DC SPECIFICATIONSCAPACITANCE SPECIFICATIONSFREQUENCY SPECIFICATIONS[2][1] The additional error to be added as frequency >20 kHz and signal input <10% of range: 3 counts of LSD per kHz.[2] The input signal is lower than 20,000,000 V-Hz (the product of voltage and frequency).[3] Input current >35 µArms.[4] Current can be measured from 2.5 A up to 10 A continuously. An additional 0.5% needs to be added to the specifi ed accuracy if the signal measured is in the range of 10 A ~ 20 A for 30 seconds maximum. After measuring a current of >10 A, leave the meter to cool down for twice the measuring time used before application of low current measurement.[5] Input current < 3 Arms.[6] For non-square wave signals, add 5 counts.U1251A FREQUENCY SENSITIVITY DURING VOLTAGE MEASUREMENTU1252A/U1253A FREQUENCY SENSITIVITY DURING VOLTAGE MEASUREMENTFREQUENCY SENSITIVITY DURING CURRENT MEASUREMENTPEAK HOLDDUTY CYCLE AND PULSE WIDTH [1]U1252A/U1253A SQUARE WAVE OUTPUTMEASURING RATEDECIBEL (dB) CALCULATIONMANUAL AND INTERVAL DATA LOGGINGU1252A/U1253A FREQUENCY COUNTER SPECIFICATIONS[1] All frequency counters are susceptible to errors. Shielding inputs from external noise pickup is critical to minimize measurement errors. For non-square wave signals, add 5 counts.[2] Output impedance: 3.5 k W maximum.[3] The positive or negative pulse width must be greater than 50 µs for adjustment of the duty cycle or pulse width under different frequencies. Otherwise, the accuracy and range will be different from the specifi cations defi ned.[4] For signal frequencies greater than 1 kHz, an addition of 0.1% per kHz is added to the accuracy.[5] For data logging to PC, maximum number of data points is dependent on available hard disk space.[6] For the U1253A model.GENERAL SPECIFICATIONSDISPLAYBoth primary and secondary displays are 5-digit on the LCD display.Both the primary and secondary displays offer a maximum resolution of 50,000 counts. Automatic polarity indication.POWER CONSUMPTION105 mVA / 420 mVA (with backlight) maximum (U1251A)165 mVA / 480 mVA (with backlight) maximum (U1252A)420 mVA maximum (U1253A)BATTERY TYPE9 V Alkaline battery (ANSI/NEDA 1604A or IEC 6LR61)9 V Carbon-zinc battery (ANSI/NEDA 1604D or IEC6F22)7.2 V Ni-MH Rechargeable batteryBATTERY LIFEU1251A: 72 hours typicalU1252A: 36 hours typicalU1253A: 8 hours typicalOPERATING ENVIRONMENT• Full accuracy at –20 o C to 55 o C ; and to 80% RH for temperatures up to 35 °C, decreasing linearly to 50% RH at 55 °C• 0 to 2000 m altitude per IEC 61010-1 2nd Edition CAT III, 1000 V; 2000 to 3000 m altitude per IEC 61010-1 2nd Edition CAT III, 600 V STORAGE COMPLIANCE–40 o C to 70 o CSAFETY COMPLIANCECertifi ed by CSA for IEC/EN/CSA/UL 61010-1 2nd Edition andCAN/CSA 22.2 61010-1 2nd EditionMEASUREMENT CATEGORYCAT III 1000 V Overvoltage Protection up to 2000 m, Pollution degree 2 EMC COMPLIANCECertifi ed to IEC/EN 61326: 2002, CISPR 11, and equivalents forGroup 1, Class ACOMMON MODE REJECTION RATIO (CMRR)U1251A/2A: >90 dB at DC, 50/60 Hz ± 0.1% (1 k W unbalanced)U1253A: >100 dB at DC, 50/60 Hz ± 0.1% (1 k W unbalanced) NORMAL MODE REJECTION RATIO (NMRR)U1251A/2A: >60 dB at DC, 50/60 Hz ± 0.1%U1253A: >90 dB at DC, 50/60 Hz ± 0.1%CREST FACTOR< 3.0TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT0.15 * (specifi ed accuracy)/o C (from 20 o C to 18 o C or 28 o C to 55 o C) SHOCK and VIBRATIONTested to IEC/EN 60068-2DIMENSIONS (HxWxD)203.5 mm x 94.4 mm x 59.0 mmWEIGHTU1251A: 504±5 g with batteryU1252A/3A: 527±5 g with battery (U1252A)CHARGING TIME (only U1252A/3A)< 220 minutes approx. at the environment of 10 o C to 30 o C WARRANTY3 yearsSTANDARD SHIPPED ITEMSOPTIONAL ACCESSORIESU1253A OPTIONMEASURING ACCESSORIES (NON-TEMPERATURE)U1160A Standard test lead kit U1163A SMT grabbers U1583A AC current clamp U1161A Extended test lead kit U1164A Fine-tip test probes 34136A High voltage probeU1162A Alligator clipsU1165A Test probe leadsOption 001 Bundled SMT grabbers, fi ne-tip test probes and soft carrying case11MEASURING ACCESSORIES (TEMPERATURE)CABLE HANGING KIT CARRYING CASEAC ADAPTORU1180A Thermocoupleadapter+lead kit, J and K typesU1183A Air temperature probe U1172A Transit case (aluminium-clad)U1170A AC adaptorU1186A K-type thermocouple and adapterU1173A IR-to-USB cable U1171A Magnetic hanging kit U1181A Immersion temperature probeU1184A Temperature probe adapterU1174A Soft carrying caseU1182A Industrial surface tempera-ture probeU1185A J-type thermocouple and adapterProduct specifi cations and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2008Printed in USA, September 22, 20085989-5509EN。


Pozidriv 2
Position 1 to 6 TH35-15 (35 x 15 mm Mounting Rail) acc. to IEC 60715 TH35-7.5 (35 x 7.5 mm Mounting Rail) acc. to IEC 60715 Electrical Conductive Board, Horizontal - Up to 400 V 0 mm Electrical Conductive Board, Horizontal - Up to 690 V 1.5 mm
IEC/EN 60947-1 IEC/EN 60947-2 IEC/EN 60947-4-1 IEC/EN 60947-5-1
UL 60947-1 UL 60947-4-1 UL508 Self-Protected Combination Motor Controller (Type E) in combination with feeder block S1-M3-xx
Cut-off Current Characteristic Dimension Diagram
Product Net Width Product Net Height Product Net Depth / Length Product Net Weight
Rated Service ShortCircuit Breaking Capacity (Ics)
Rated Impulse Withstand Voltage (Uimp ) Rated Insulation Voltage (Ui) Power Loss Number of Poles Mounted Auxiliary Contacts


网络 操作
危险 z 按规定连接网络。否则会导致患者和操作者受到电击或受伤。关于
网络连接,请与日本光电代理商联系。 z 在患者环境(IEC60601-1-1 2.202*)外安装包括打印机和集线器的
所有外部设备。如果在患者环境内安装设备,会导致患者或操作者 受到电击或受伤。关于安装,请与日本光电代理商联系。 z 不要在医用设备附近或严格禁止无线电频率干扰的场所附近,比如 CCU,使用 SD 无线 LAN 卡。否则,SD 无线 LAN 卡会导致其它医 用设备故障。
应对心电图仪进行接地或对外部设备使用市售医用绝缘变压器。否 则会导致患者和操作者受到Байду номын сангаас击。
z 必须使用随机赠送的电源线。使用其它电源线会导致患者和操作者 受到电击或受伤。
z 同时使用几个医用设备时,应对所有设备进行同点接地。设备间的 电势差会导致患者和操作者受到电击。
z 必须使用随机赠送的电源线。不能使用随机电源线或怀疑设备有等 电势接地问题(比如设备接地不良)时,应使用电池电源操作心电 图仪。否则会导致患者和操作者受到电击或受伤。
危险 z 严禁在有易燃麻醉气体或高浓度氧的地方使用本设备,否则会导致
爆炸或火灾。 z 严禁在高压氧仓里使用本设备,否则,会导致爆炸或火灾。 z 与高频电刀装置(ESU)配合使用时,牢固安装 ESU 回流电极板的
整个表面。否则,来自 ESU 的电流会流向心电图仪的电极,导致安 装电极处皮肤电灼伤。详情请参阅 ESU 的使用说明书。 z 除颤前,所有人必须远离床,且不能接触患者或任何与患者连接的 设备。否则会导致电击或受伤。 z 进行 MRI 测试时,从患者身上取下所有与本设备连接的电极和传感 器。否则会导致患者皮肤灼伤。详情请参阅 MRI 的使用说明书。 z 除颤前,从患者胸部取下所有物体(电极、胶布等)。若除颤器的电 极板直接碰触到这些物质,放电能量会导致患者皮肤灼伤。



R1200F THRU R2000F500 Milliamp HighVoltage Fast RecoverySilicon Rectifier 1200 to 2000 VoltsFeatures• High Current Capability• Fast Switching For Higher EfficiencyMaximum Ratings• Operating Temperature: -55°C to +150°C •Storage Temperature: -55°C to +150°CMCC Catalog NumberDevice MarkingMaximum Recurrent Peak Reverse Voltage Maximum RMS Voltage Maximum DC Blocking Voltage R1200F R1200F 1200V 840V 1200V R1500F R1500F 1500V 1050V 1500V R1800F R1800F 1800V 1260V 1800V R2000F R2000F2000V1400V 2000VElectrical Characteristics @ 25°C Unless Otherwise SpecifiedAverage Forward CurrentI F(AV)500mA T A = 50°C Peak Forward Surge Current I FSM30A8.3ms, half sineMaximum Instantaneous Forward VoltageR1200F-R1800FR2000FV F 2.4V 4.0V I FM = 0.5A;T A = 50°C Maximum DCReverse Current At Rated DC Blocking VoltageI R 5.0µA 50µA T A = 25°C T A = 100°C Typical Junction CapacitanceC J 30pF Measured at1.0MHz, V R =4.0VMaximum Reverse Recovery TimeT rr500nSomp onents 20736 Marilla Street Chatsworth! "# $ % ! "#Micro Commercial Components•Case Material: Molded Plastic. UL Flammability Classification Rating 94V-0 and MSL rating 1www.mccsemi .com• Lead Free Finish/RoHS Compliant (Note1) ("P"Suffix designatesCompliant. See ordering information)Note: 1. High Temperature Solder Exemption Applied, see EU Directive Annex 7.R1200F thru R2000F110040510158Figure 4Peak Forward Surge Current Peak Forward Surge Current - Amperes versus Number Of Cycles At 60Hz - CyclesAmpsCycles261020608040202530Instantaneous Reverse Current - Micro Amps versus Percent Of Rated Peak Reverse Voltage - VoltsFigure 1Typical Reverse Characteristics 012020406080. J = 25°CµAVolts100. Forward Rectified Current - Amperes versus Ambient Temperature - °CFigure 2Forward Derating Curve150255075100100200300Single Phase, Half Wave60Hz Resistive or Inductive Load mA°C125400500600Figure 3Typical Forward CharacteristicsVF , INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD VOLTAGE (V)I ,I N S T A N T A N E O U S F O R W A R D C U R R E N T (A )F Micro Commercial Componentswww.mccsemi .comMicro Commercial ComponentsOrdering InformationDevice Packing (Part Number)-TP Tape&Reel; 5Kpcs/Reel(Part Number)-AP Ammo Packing;5Kpcs/AmmoBox(Part Number)-BP Bulk;1Kpcs/Box***IMPORTANT NOTICE***Micro Commercial Components Corp.reserve the right to make changes without further notice to anyproduct herein to make corrections, modifications , enhancements , improvements , or other changes .Micro Commercial Components Corp.does not assume any liability arising out of the application oruse of any product described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights ,northe rights of others . The user of products in such applications shall assume all risks of such useand will agree to hold Micro Commercial Components Corp.and all the companies whoseproducts are represented on our website, harmless against all damages.***APPLICATIONS DISCLAIMER***Products offer by Micro Commercial Components Corp.are not intended for use in Medical,Aerospace or Military Applications.。



纯切/0-120W 混切/0-90W
★2、电凝方式:点凝/0-80W 喷凝/0-40W 双极/0-30W ★3、频率:频率≥480KHZ
1、功率:500W 净化率≥99.9%


Altech Corp. 电机产品目录说明书

Altech Corp. 电机产品目录说明书

4Catalog NumberNo.of PolesGeneral Purpose CurrentMaximum VoltageMotor FLA@480V ACMotor FLA@600V ACHorsepower Rating/HP110-120V AC200V AC208V AC220-240V AC265V AC277V AC380-415V AC440-480V AC550-600V ACShort Circuit WithstandRating at600V with Max.Fuse Size/Class:K5RK5RK1JTerminal SizeAcceptability(Cu Conductors only,75°C)Terminal TorqueDimensions(to convert to inchesmultiply by0.03937)WeightSuitable AccessoriesExtended Handle Version/Door Interlock MechanismShaftHandlesAuxiliary SwitchFuse HolderDirect Handle VersionHandle for3PoleHandle for4PoleDoor Mounting KitsKU316N3(4pole-KU416N)16A600VAC14A9A1Phase3Phase3/411/2232323232337.551037.510kA50A50A80A80A14-8AWG16lb.in.0.19Kg(0.419lb.)(3pole)0.23Kg(0.507lb.)(4pole)L(1,2,3)00AD11-STLK10(Y/R)UL,LK11(Y/R)UKU1.V,KU2.V—K/KU3P(Y/R)K/KU4P(Y/R)OKA/KU LK10x;OKA xKU325N3(4pole-KU425N)25A600V AC17.5A11A1Phase3Phase12252537.537.537.55107.51551010kA50A50A80A80A14-8AWG16lb.in.0.172Kg(0.379lb.)(3pole)0.215Kg(0.474lb.)(4pole)L(1,2,3)00AD11-STLK10(Y/R)UL,LK11(Y/R)UKU1.V,KU2.V—K/KU3P(Y/R)K/KU4P(Y/R)OKA/KU LK10x;OKA xKU340N3(4pole-KU440N)40A600V AC28A18A1Phase3Phase2337.537.55105105107.51510207.51510kA50A50A80A80A14-8AWG16lb.in.0.172Kg(0.379lb.)(3pole)0.215Kg(0.474lb.)(4pole)L(1,2,3)00AD11-STLK10(Y/R)UL,LK11(Y/R)UKU1.V,KU2.VKV10x38,KV10x38CCK/KU3P(Y/R)K/KU4P(Y/R)OKA/KU LK10x;OKA xKU363N3(4pole-KU463N)60A600V AC34A27A1Phase3Phase355105105105107.51010201525152510kA60A60A(80A@480V AC)100A100A12-4AWG16lb.in.0.200Kg(0.441lb.)(3pole)0.245Kg(0.540lb.)(4pole)L(1,2,3)00AD11-STLK10(Y/R)UL,LK11(Y/R)UKU1.V,KU2.V—K/KU3P(Y/R)K/KU4P(Y/R)OKA/KU LK10x;OKA x3Pole4Pole4PoleThe KU/VKA...N seriescan be used withextended and directhandles(see page8-9for details).Extended/Direct Handle Motor Disconnect SwitchAltech Corp.®•35Royal Road•Flemington,NJ08822-6000•Phone(908)806-9400•FAX(908)806-9490•Altech Corp.®•35Royal Road •Flemington,NJ 08822-6000•Phone (908)806-9400•FAX (908)806-9490•54VKA380N3(4pole -VKA480N)80A 600V AC–47A 1Phase3Phase37.57.5107.5157.5151020102015252030254010kA150A 150A –200A4-1/0AWG 50lb.in.0.480Kg (1.058lb.)(3pole)0.620Kg (1.367lb.)(4pole)L(1,2.3)00AD11-ST LK10(Y/R)UL,LK11(Y/R)U VKA1.V ,VKA2.V –K/VKA3-4P (Y/R)OKA/VKA xCatalog Number No.of PolesGeneral Purpose Current Maximum Voltage Motor FLA @480V AC Motor FLA @600V AC Horsepower Rating /HP110-120V AC 200V AC 208V AC 220-240V AC 265V AC 277V AC 380-415V AC 440-480V AC 550-600V ACShort Circuit Withstand Rating at 600V with Max.Fuse Size/Class:K5RK5RK1JTerminal Size Acceptability(Cu Conductors only,75°C)Terminal Torque Dimensions(to convert to inches multiply by 0.03937)WeightSuitable Accessories Extended Handle Version/Door Interlock Mechanism Shaft Handles Auxiliary Switch Fuse Holder Direct Handle VersionHandle for 3&4Pole Door Mounting Kits VKA3100N3(4pole -VKA4100N)100A 600V AC–54A 1Phase3Phase37.57.5157.51510201020102015302040305010kA150A 150A –200A4-1/0AWG 50lb.in.0.480Kg (1.058lb.)(3pole)0.620Kg (1.367lb.)(4pole)L(1,2.3)00AD11-STLK10(Y/R)UL,LK11(Y/R)U VKA1.V,VKA2.V–K/VKA3-4P (Y/R)OKA/VKA xVKA3125N3(4pole -VKA4125N)125A 600V AC–68A 1Phase3Phase5101020102015251525153020402550306010kA150A 150A –200A4-1/0AWG 50lb.in.0.480Kg (1.058lb.)(3pole)0.620Kg (1.367lb.)(4pole)L(1,2.3)00AD11-ST LK10(Y/R)UL,LK11(Y/R)U VKA1.V,VKA2.V–K/VKA3-4P (Y/R)OKA/VKA xVKA3160N3(4pole -VKA4160N)150A 600V AC–83A 1Phase3Phase7.5101025102515302030203025503060407510kA150A 150A –200A4-1/0AWG 50lb.in.0.480Kg (1.058lb.)(3pole)0.620Kg (1.367lb.)(4pole)L(1,2.3)00AD11-ST LK10(Y/R)UL,LK11(Y/R)U VKA1.V,VKA2.V–K/VKA3-4P (Y/R)OKA/VKA x3Pole4PoleThe KU/VKA...N series can be used with extended and direct handles (see page 8-9for details).Extended/Direct Handle Motor Disconnect SwitchDimensions (to convert to inches multiply by 0.03937)Altech Corp.®•35Royal Road •Flemington,NJ 08822-6000•Phone (908)806-9400•FAX (908)806-9490•6L e n gt hCat.No.LK11ULK11Y/R Environmental Rating NEMA Type 4X,IP67NEMA Type Color Black Yellow/Red Cat.No.steel shaft ensures DOOR INTERLOCK SHAFT41m m4m mØ40m m63mm28.2m m28.2mmØ22.5mmØ4Extended Handle Accessories Defeatable (looses NEMA Dimensions (to convert to inches multiply by 0.03937)*1/4”padlocks not included.Extended/Direct Handle Motor Disconnect SwitchAuxiliary SwitchDoor Interlock Shaft and NutPanel DoorDoor Interlock HandleLK11GUIDELINEKit shown;comes with switch and fuse holder.Kit with KU340N holder.E185115Cat.No.KKV 332KKV 332CC KV 10x38KV 10x38CC Electrical Rating 30A/600V AC 30A/600V AC 30A/600V AC 30A/600V AC Fuse Type 10x38,MidgetClass CC10x38,Midget Class CC For Use With ––KU340NKU340NKit Includes KV 10x38/KU340NKV 10x38CC /KU340N––Altech Corp.®•35Royal Road •Flemington,NJ 08822-6000•Phone (908)806-9400•FAX (908)806-9490•793m mExtended Handle Accessories Cat.No.KU1.VKU2.VVKA1.VVKA2.VElectrical Rating 10A/1/2HP/125-250V AC10A/1/2HP/125-250V AC10A/1/2HP/125-250V AC10A/1/2HP/125-250V ACNo.of contacts Cat.No.Length (L)For use withRV 66S-ST 66mm 2x KU 3pole (3P)RV 80S-ST 80mm 2x KU 4P/VKA 3PRV 104S-ST104mm2x VKA 4PAUXILIARY SWITCHESThe auxiliary switches are the snap-on type and can be retrofitted.Dimensions (to convert to inches multiply by 0.03937)CHANGE-OVER KITS•For 2KU switches•Available with black or yellow/red handle (Y/R)PARALLEL KITS•For KU and VKA-switches•Assembly depth for KU 155-300mm •Assembly depth for VKA 164-310mmCenter pivoting model available,contact Altech.Altech Corp.®•35Royal Road •Flemington,NJ 08822-6000•Phone (908)806-9400•FAX (908)806-9490•8Cat.No.K/KU3P K/KU3P Y/R ColorBlackYellow/Red For use with KU models (3P)KU models (3P)ALUMINUM DIN RAILCat.No.RKA 3P RKA 4P For Use With KU325/40/63N KU425/40/63NmmNOTE:In the rare case that your mounting hardware (screws)for DIN Rail interfere with the enforcement studs in the back of the Motor Disconnect Switch please use smaller (≤M3or equivalent)flathead screws or change your DIN Railto the 15mm high version.Panel mount option for small Disconnect Switches.Direct Handle Accessories and Mounting Alternatives Cat.No.K/KU4P K/KU4P Y/R ColorBlackYellow/Red For use with KU models (4P)KU models (4P)Cat.No.K/VKA3-4P K/VKA3-4P Y/R ColorBlackYellow/Red For use with VKA models (3/4P)VKA models (3/4P)DIRECT HANDLESImproved design with metal e for all your “inside the panel”applications.1suitcase lock location.Dimensions (to convert to inches multiply by0.03937)3Pole4PoleAltech Corp.®•35Royal Road •Flemington,NJ 08822-6000•Phone (908)806-9400•FAX (908)806-9490•9Shown with switch and display plate.(sold separately)E185115Shown with switch and display plate.(sold separately)Shown with switch.(sold separately)E18511562mmDoor Mounting KitsOKA/KU LK10SeriesEnvironmental ratings:NEMA T ype IP66;3OKA SeriesEnvironmental ratings:IP65;3padlock locations*.Cat.No.(Black Handle)No.(Y ellow/Red Handle)No.of aux.switchesFor use with OKA/KU LK10OKA/KU LK10Y/R 03Pole KU switch OKA/KU LK101.V OKA/KU LK101.V Y/R 13Pole KU switch OKA/KU LK102.V OKA/KU LK102.V Y/R 23Pole KU switch OKA/KU4P LK10OKA/KU4P LK10Y/R 04Pole KU switch OKA/KU4P LK101.V OKA/KU4P LK101.V Y/R 14Pole KU switch OKA/KU4P LK102.V OKA/KU4P LK102.V Y/R 24Pole KU switchCat.No.(Black Handle)Cat.No.(Y ellow/Red Handle)No.of aux.switchesFor use with OKA 0.V OKA 0.V Y/R 03Pole KU switch OKA 1.V OKA 1.V Y/R 13Pole KU switch OKA 2.V OKA 2.V Y/R 23Pole KU switchOKA/VKA SeriesEnvironmental ratings:NEMA T ype 4X,IP67;3padlock locations*.Cat.No.(Black Handle)Cat.No.(Y ellow/Red Handle)No.of aux.switchesFor use withOKA/VKA 0.V OKA/VKA 0.V Y/R 03Pole VKA switch OKA/VKA 1.V OKA/VKA 1.V Y/R 13Pole VKA switch OKA/VKA 2.V OKA/VKA 2.V Y/R 23Pole VKA switch OKA/VKA4P 0.V OKA/VKA4P 0.V Y/R 04Pole VKA switch OKA/VKA4P 1.V OKA/VKA4P 1.V Y/R 14Pole VKA switch OKA/VKA4P 2.V OKA/VKA4P 2.V Y/R 24Pole VKA switchDesigned for fast and easy assembly.Drill Template IncludedDrill Template IncludedDimensions (to convert to inches multiply by 0.03937)*1/4”padlocks not included.Corp.®•35Royal Road •Flemington,NJ 08822-6000•Phone (908)806-9400•FAX (908)806-9490•10Catalog Number No.of PolesGeneral Purpose Current Maximum Voltage Motor FLA @480V AC Motor FLA @600V AC Horsepower Rating /HP110-120V AC 200V AC 208V AC 220-240V AC 265V AC 277V AC 380-415V AC 440-480V AC 550-600V ACShort Circuit Withstand Rating at 600V with Max.Fuse Size/Class:K5RK5RK1JTerminal Size Acceptability(Cu Conductors only,75°C)Terminal TorqueDimensions(to convert to inches multiply by 0.03937)Weight Suitable Accessories Cover PlateThe KUE series only requires an additional cover plate (see below)which makes the switch IP20touch proof.KUE325325A 600V AC 17.5A 11A1Phase3Phase12252537.537.537.55107.51551010kA50A 50A 80A 80A14-8AWG KUE316316A 600V AC 14A 9A1Phase3Phase3/411/2232323232337.551037.510kA50A 50A 80A 80A14-8AWG KUE340340A 600V AC 28A 18A 1Phase3Phase2337.537.55105105107.51510207.51510kA50A 50A 80A 80A14-8AWG KUE363360A 600V AC 34A 27A 1Phase3Phase355105105105107.51010201525152510kA60A60A (80A@480V AC)100A 100A12-4AWG T oggle Handle Motor Disconnect SwitchCat.No.K/KUE K/KUE Y R/KUE R/KUE Y Color Grey Yellow Grey Yellow Shape Rectangular Rectangular Circular CircularDimensions (to convert to inches multiply by 0.03937)Corp.®•35Royal Road •Flemington,NJ 08822-6000•Phone (908)806-9400•FAX (908)806-9490•11EVA380+K/EVAEVA380+K/EVA Y/R380A 600V AC —47A 1Phase3Phase37.57.5107.5157.5151020102015252030254010kA150A 150A —200A4-1/0AWG 50lb.in.0.480Kg (1.058lb.)(3pole)White Cover/White Handle Yellow Cover/Red Handle No.of PolesGeneral Purpose Current Maximum Voltage Motor FLA @480V AC Motor FLA @600V AC Horsepower Rating /HP110-120V AC 200V AC 208V AC 220-240V AC 265V AC 277V AC 380-415V AC 440-480V AC 550-600V ACShort Circuit Withstand Rating at 600V with Max.Fuse Size/Class:K5RK5RK1JTerminal Size Acceptability(Cu Conductors only,75°C)Terminal TorqueDimensions(to convert to inches multiply by 0.03937)Weight Special Black Toggle Handle Motor Disconnect Switch EVA3100+K/EVABCatalog NumberEVA3100+K/EVA EVA3100+K/EVA Y/R3100A 600V AC–54A 1Phase3Phase37.57.5157.51510201020102015302040305010kA150A 150A –200A4-1/0AWG 50lb.in.0.480Kg (1.058lb.)(3pole)EVA3125+K/EVA EVA3125+K/EVA Y/R3125A 600V AC–68A 1Phase3Phase5101020102015251525153020402550306010kA150A 150A –200A4-1/0AWG 50lb.in.0.480Kg (1.058lb.)(3pole)EVA3160+K/EVA EVA3160+K/EVA Y/R3150A 600V AC–83A 1Phase3Phase7.5101025102515302030203025503060407510kA150A 150A –200A4-1/0AWG 50lb.in.0.480Kg (1.058lb.)(3pole)T oggle Handle Motor Disconnect SwitchThe EVA seriesincludes a cover plate.Dimensions (to convert to inches multiply by 0.03937)12Black HandleYellow/Red HandleNo.of PolesGeneral Purpose CurrentMaximum VoltageMotor FLA@480V ACMotor FLA@600V ACHorsepower Rating/HP110-120V AC200V AC208V AC220-240V AC265V AC277V AC380-415V AC440-480V AC550-600V ACShort Circuit Withstand Ratingat600V with Max.FuseSize/Class:K5RK5RK1JTerminal Size Acceptability(Cu Conductors only,75°C)Terminal TorqueEnvironmental RatingEnclosure Type UsedDimensionsWeightSuitable AccessoriesAuxiliary ContactsKEM325ULKEM325UL Y/R3(4pole-KEM425UL Y/R)25A600V AC17.5A11A1Phase3Phase12252537.537.537.55107.51551010kA50A50A80A80A14-8AWG16lb.in.NEMA Type4XU20.49kg(1.08lb.)KU1.V,KU2.VKEM340ULKEM340UL Y/R3(4pole-KEM440UL Y/R)40A600V AC28A18A1Phase3Phase2337.537.55105105107.51510207.51510kA50A50A80A80A14-8AWG16lb.in.NEMA Type4XU30.72kg(1.587lb.)KU1.V,KU2.VKEM360ULKEM360UL Y/R3(4pole-KEM460UL Y/R)60A600V AC34A27A1Phase3Phase355105105105107.51010201525152510kA60A60A(80A@480V AC)100A100A12-4AWG16lb.in.NEMA Type4XU30.773kg(1.698lb.)KU1.V,KU2.VKEM380ULKEM380UL Y/R3(4pole-KEM480UL Y/R)80A600V AC–47A1Phase3Phase37.57.5107.5157.5151020102015252030254010kA150A150A—200A4-1/0AWG50lb.in.NEMA Type4XU31.021kg(2.249lb.)VKA1.V,VKA2.V These enclosedswitches can be usedlocally at the motor.Catalog NumberEnclosed Motor Disconnect Switch(to convert to inchesmultiply by0.03937)*16A model also available,please contact Altech.*Dimensions(to convert to inches multiply by0.03937)Corp.®•35Royal Road•Flemington,NJ08822-6000•Phone(908)806-9400•FAX(908)806-9490•Altech Corp.®•35Royal Road •Flemington,NJ 08822-6000•Phone (908)806-9400•FAX (908)806-9490•13FUSEDKEM3100L KEM3100L Y/R 3(4pole -KEM4100L Y/R)100A 600V AC–54A 1Phase3Phase37.57.5157.51510201020102015302040305010kA150A 150A –200A 4-1/0AWG 50lb.in.NEMA Type 4XMF101.9051kg (4.2lb.)VKA1.V ,VKA2.V KEM3125L KEM3125L Y/R 3(4pole -KEM4125L Y/R)125A 600V AC–68A 1Phase3Phase5101020102015251525153020403050306010kA150A 150A –200A 4-1/0AWG 50lb.in.NEMA Type 4XMF101.9051kg (4.2lb.)VKA1.V ,VKA2.V KEM3150L KEM3150L Y/R 3(4pole -KEM4150L Y/R)150A 600V AC–83A 1Phase3Phase7.5101025102515302030203025503060407510kA150A 150A –200A 4-1/0AWG 50lb.in.NEMA Type 4X MF11UL2.8351kg (6.25lb.)VKA1.V ,VKA2.V Enclosed Motor Disconnect SwitchKKVM332,KKVM332CC KKVM332Y/R,KKVM332CC Y/R330A 600V AC10kA 50A 50A 80A 80A14-8AWG 16lb.in.NEMA Type 4XU30.998kg (2.2lb.)KU1.V ,KU2.VDimensions (to convert to inches multiply by 0.03937)35•Phone (908)806-9400•FAX (908)806-9490•14Black HandleYellow/Red Handle No.of PolesGeneral Purpose Current Maximum Voltage Motor FLA @480V AC Motor FLA @600V AC Horsepower Rating /HP110-120V AC 200V AC 208V AC 220-240V AC 265V AC 277V AC 380-415V AC 440-480V AC 550-600V ACShort Circuit Withstand Rating at 600V with Max.Fuse Size/Class:K5RK5RK1JTerminal Size Acceptability(Cu Conductors only,75°C)Terminal TorqueEnvironmental Rating Enclosure Type UsedDimensionsWeightSuitable Accessories Auxiliary ContactsKER325UL KER325UL Y/R3(4pole -KER425UL Y/R)25A 600V AC 17.5A 11A 1Phase3Phase12252537.537.537.55107.51551010kA50A 50A 80A 80A14-8AWG 16lb.in.NEMA Type 4XH231.35kg (2.98lb.)KU1.V ,KU2.V KER340UL KER340UL Y/R3(4pole -KER440UL Y/R)40A 600V AC 28A 18A 1Phase3Phase2337.537.55105105107.51510207.51510kA50A 50A 80A 80A14-8AWG 16lb.in.NEMA Type 4XH231.35kg (2.98lb.)KU1.V ,KU2.VThese enclosures are ideal where chemicals are used for cleaning and maintenance such as food processing plants and breweries.Mining is another application area.Their stainless steel construction is extremely resistant to corrosion,and the enclosure is also rated to IP66.Catalog Number Stainless SteelEnclosedMotor Disconnect Switch(to convert to inches multiply by 0.03937)**16A model also available,please contact Altech.Dimensions (to convert to inches multiply by 0.03937)Altech Corp.®•35Royal Road •Flemington,NJ 08822-6000•Phone (908)806-9400•FAX (908)806-9490•15KER3100UL KER3100UL Y/R3(4pole -KER4100UL Y/R)100A 600V AC–54A 1Phase3Phase37.57.5157.51510201020102015302040305010kA150A 150A –200A4-1/0AWG 50lb.in.NEMA Type 4XH322.66kg (5.87lb.)VKA1.V ,VKA2.V KER3125UL KER3125UL Y/R3(4pole -KER4125UL Y/R)125A 600V AC–68A 1Phase3Phase5101020102015251525153020403050306010kA150A 150A –200A4-1/0AWG 50lb.in.NEMA Type 4XH322.66kg (5.87lb.)VKA1.V ,VKA2.VStainless Steel Enclosed Motor DisconnectSwitchKER360UL KER360UL Y/R3(4pole -KER460UL Y/R)60A 600V AC 34A 27A 1Phase3Phase355105105105107.51010201525152510kA60A60A (80A@480V AC)100A 100A12-4AWG 16lb.in.NEMA Type 4XH322.66kg (5.87lb.)KU1.V ,KU2.V KER380UL KER380UL Y/R3(4pole -KER480UL Y/R)80A 600V AC–47A 1Phase3Phase37.57.5107.5157.5151020102015252030254010kA150A 150A —200A4-1/0AWG 50lb.in.NEMA Type 4XH322.66kg (5.87lb.)VKA1.V,VKA2.VDimensions (to convert to inches multiply by 0.03937)。



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OPT-1250xxxx Series RoHS Compliant 1X9 SC Duplex Receptacle Transceiver Module for Gigabit EthernetFeaturesIndustry Standard 1 x 9 Footprint and duplex SCConnector interfaceCompliant with Specifications for IEEE 802.3z GigabitEthernetOPT-1250Bxxx compliant with the 1.0625GBd FibreChannel 100-SM-LC-L FC-PI Rev.13OPT-1250Axxx compliant with the 1.0625GBd FibreChannel FC-PI 100-M5-SN-I Rev.13Single +3.3V or 5V Power SupplyPECL or TTL Receiver Signal Detect IndicatorWave Solderable and Aqueous WashableLaser Class 1 Product which comply with therequirements of IEC 60825-1 and IEC 60825-2DescriptionThe OPT-1250xxxx series from DELTA is a 1X9transceiver module designed expressly for high-speedcommunication applications that require rates of up to1.25Gbit/sec. It is compliant with the Gigabit Ethernetstandards as well as 1x Fiber channel standards.The OPT-1250xxxx transceivers are provided with theSC receptacle that is compatible with the industrystandard SC connector.The post-amplifier of the OPT-1250xxxx also includesa Signal Detect circuit that provides a PECL or TTLlogic-Low output when an unusable optical signallevel is detected. (see order information)The OPT-1250xxxx transceiver is a Class 1 eyesafety product. The optical power levels, under normaloperation, are at eye safe level.ApplicationsGigabit Ethernet/Fast EthernetSwitched backplane applicationsPerformanceOPT-1250AxFxx:850nm VCSEL, up to 500m in 50/125 m MMF850nm VCSEL, up to 220m in 62.5/125 m MMFOPT-1250B2I1x:1310nm FP laser, Data Link up to 5km in 9/125umSMFOPT-1250BxQxx:1310nm FP laser, Data Link up to 10km in 9/125umSMF1310nm FP laser, up to 550m in 50/125 m MMF1310nm FP laser, up to 550m in 62.5/125 m MMFOPT-1250xxxx SeriesAbsolute Maximum RatingsParameter Symbol Min.Typ.Max.UnitNote Storage Temperature Ts -40 85 ºCLead Soldering Temperature T SOLD 260 ºCLead Soldering Time t SOLD10 sec.Supply Voltage V CC 0 6 VRecommended Operating ConditionsParameter Symbol Min.Typ.Max.UnitNote Ambient Operating Temperature T A 0 70 ºC 1Supply VoltageOPT-1250x1xxOPT-1250x2xx, OPT-1250x4xx V CC 4.753.1355.253.465VNote: See ordering information for detailElectrical Characteristics(At recommended ambient operating temperature, T A and supply voltage, V CC)Parameter Symbol Min.Typ.Max.UnitNote Total Supply Current I CCT300 mATransmitterTransmitter Data Input Voltage-Low V IL-V CC-1.810 -1.475V 1 Transmitter Data Input Voltage-High V IH-V CC-1.165 -0.880V 1 Transmitter Differential Input Voltage V DT0.3 1.6 V 2 ReceiverData Output Voltage-Low V OL-V CC-1.95 -1.62 V 1Data Output Voltage-High V OH-V CC-1.045 -0.74 V 1Receiver Differential Output Voltage V DR 0.5 0.7 1.2 V 2Output Data Rise/Fall Time t r/t f0.4 ns 3PECL SD OutputLOW level output voltage HIGH level output voltage V SDH-V CCV SDL-V CC-1.84-1.1-1.60-0.9V 4TTL SD OutputLOW level output voltage HIGH level output voltage V SDHV SDL2V CC0.8V 5Notes:1. For OPT-1250A1F1x, OPT-1250A4F1x, OPT-1250B2I1x, OPT-1250B2Q1x andOPT-1250B1Q1x.2. For OPT-1250A2F2x and OPT-1250B4Q2x.3. These are 20%~80% values4. For OPT-1250A1F1x, OPT-1250A2F2x, OPT-1250B2I1x, OPT-1250B1Q1x and OPT-1250B2Q1x5. For OPT-1250A4F1x and OPT-1250B4Q2xOPT-1250xxxx SeriesSingle Mode Transceiver (OPT-1250B2I1x, OPT-1250B1Q1x, OPT-1250B2Q1x,OPT-1250B4Q2x)(At recommended ambient operating temperature, T A and supply voltage, V CC; Data Rate=1.25Gb/sec,PRBS=27-1 NRZ, 9/125um SMF)Parameter SymbolMin.Typ.Max.UnitNote TransmitterOutput Optical Power (Avg.)OPT-1250BxIx OPT-1250BxQx P O-12-9.5-3-3dBmOptical Extinction Ratio ER 9 dBCenter Wavelength C 1270 1310 1355 nmSpectral Width (RMS) 2.8 nm Optical Rise/Fall time t r/t f0.26ns1 Relative Intensity Noise RIN -120dB/HzOutput Eye Complies with the IEEE 802.3z/D2 specification, and is class 1 laser eye safetyReceiverSensitivity (Avg.) P IN-19dBm2 Input Optical Wavelength 1310 nmSignal Detect-Asserted (Avg.) P A-19dBm Signal Detect-De-asserted (Avg.) P D -35 dBmSignal Detect-Hysteresis P A-P D 0.5 dBReceiver saturation power P SAT -3 dBm Notes:6. These are 20%~80% values7. The sensitivity is provided at a BER of 1×10-10 or better with an input signal consisting of1250Mb/s, 27-1 PRBS.Mask of the eye diagram for the optical transmit signalOPT-1250xxxx SeriesMulti-Mode Series Transceiver (OPT-1250A1F1x, OPT-1250A2F2x, OPT-1250A4F1x)(At recommended ambient operating temperature, T A and supply voltage, V CC; Data Rate=1.25Gb/sec,PRBS=27-1 NRZ, 62.5/125um MMF)Parameter SymbolMin.Typ.Max.UnitNote TransmitterOutput Optical Power (Avg.) P O -9.5 -4dBmOptical Extinction Ratio ER 9 dBCenter Wavelength C 830 850 860 nmSpectral Width (RMS) 0.85nmOptical Rise/Fall time t r/t f0.26ns1 Relative Intensity Noise RIN -117dB/HzOutput Eye Complies with the IEEE 802.3z/D2 specification, and is class 1 laser eye safetyReceiverSensitivity (Avg.) P IN-17dBm2 Input Optical Wavelength 850 nmSignal Detect-Asserted (Avg.) P A-17dBm Signal Detect-De-asserted (Avg.) P D -30 dBmSignal Detect-Hysteresis P A-P D 0.5 dBReceiver saturation power P SAT -4 dBm Notes:8. These are 20%~80% values9. The sensitivity is provided at a BER of 1×10-10 or better with an input signal consisting of1250Mb/s, 27-1 PRBS.Mask of the eye diagram for the optical transmit signalOPT-1250xxxx SeriesPin Out TabledescriptionFunctionalPIN Symbol1 GND Receiver Signal Ground2 RD (+) Receiver Data Out (LVPECL)3 RD (-) Receiver Data Out Bar (LVPECL)4 SD Receiver Signal Detect (LVPECL or TTL)5 VccR Receiver Power Supply,6 VccT Transmitter Power Supply7 TD (-) Transmitter Data In Bar (LVPECL)8 TD (+) Transmitter Data In (LVPECL)9 GND Transmitter Signal GroundPin Descriptions:Pin 1 Receiver Signal Ground, GNDDirectly connect these pins to the ground plane.Pin 2 Receiver Data Out (LVPECL), RD (+)Receiver Data output (LVPECL), RD (+).Pin 3 Receiver Data Out Bar (LVPECL), RD (-)Receiver Data output (LVPECL), RD (-).Pin 4 Receiver Signal Detect (LVPECL/TTL), SDPECL/TTL logic family. Normal Operation: Logic “1” OutputFault Condition: Logic”0” Output.Pin 5 Receiver Power Supply, VccRProvide +3.3/5V dc power supply.Pin 6 Transmitter Power Supply, VccTProvide +3.3/5V dc power supply.Pin 7 Transmitter Data In Bar (LVPECL), TD (-)Transmitter Data Input (LVPECL), TD (-)Pin 8 Transmitter Data In (LVPECL), TD (+)Transmitter Data Input (LVPECL), TD (+)Pin 9 Transmitter Signal Ground, GNDDirectly connect these pins to the ground plane.OPT-1250xxxx Series Package Outline Drawing (without shielding)Package Outline Drawing (A type shielding)OPT-1250xxxx Series Package Outline Drawing (B type shielding)Package Outline Drawing (C type shielding)OPT-1250xxxx SeriesRegulatory ComplianceFeature Reference PerformanceElectromagnetic Interference (EMI)FCC Class BEN 55022 Class B (CISPR 22A)Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Field EN 61000-4-3 IEC 1000-4-3Electrostatic Discharge to the Duplex LC Receptacle EN 61000-4-2 IEC 1000-4-2 IEC 801.2Electrostatic Discharge to the Electrical Pins MIL-STD-883E Method 3015.7(1) Satisfied with electricalcharacteristics of productspec.(2) No physical damageEye Safety US FDA CDRH AEL Class 1EN 60950: 2000EN 60825-1: 1994+A11+A2EN 60825-2: 2000 CDRH File # 0321539-00TUV Certificate No. R50032471Component Recognition Underwriters Laboratories andCanadian Standards Association JointComponent Recognition for InformationTechnology Equipment IncludingElectrical Business EquipmentUL File # E239394OPT-1250xxxx SeriesOrdering informationOPT- 1250X 1X 2X 3X 4X 5X 6X 7X 1: FiberA : Multi-mode 850nmB : Single-mode 1310nmX 5:RoHS CompliantBlank : Non-RoHS Compliant R : RoHS CompliantX 2: Power Supply Voltage and SD Level1: 5.0V, PECL SD Level 2: 3.3V, PECL SD Level 4: 3.3V, TTL SD LevelX 6: Shielding TypeBlank : Plastic housing A : A type shielding B : B type shielding C : C type shielding X 3:X 4:DistanceF : 500m, 50/125 m MMFI : 5km, 9/125 m SMF Q : 10km, 9/125 m SMFData Coupling 1: 1x9SC DC/DC 2: 1x9SC AC/ACX 7:TemperatureBlank : 0 to +70 degree C H : -10 to + 85 degree C。
